California Sportfishing Protection Alliance “An Advocate for Fisheries, Habitat and Water Quality” Chris Shutes, Water Rights Advocate 1608 Francisco St., Berkeley, CA 94703 Tel: (510) 421-2405 E-mail:
[email protected] November 14, 2019 Ms. Angela Somma Ms. Monica Gutierrez NMFS California Central Valley Office Attn: Calaveras River Habitat Conservation Plan, 650 Capitol Mall, Suite 5-100, Sacramento, CA 95814.
[email protected] Via e-mail Re: Comments of California Sportfishing Protection Alliance on Habitat Conservation Plan for the Calaveras River Dear Ms. Somma and Ms. Gutierrez: The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) respectfully submits these comments on the Habitat Conservation Plan for the Calaveras River (HCP). Notice of the HCP was published in the Federal Register on September 30, 2019 (RIN 0648–XR041). The HCP seeks protection under the federal Endangered Species Act for incidental take of threatened Central Valley steelhead and species of concern fall-run Chinook salmon that regularly inhabit the Calaveras River in Calaveras and San Joaquin counties, California. The HCP also seeks ESA protection for incidental take of endangered Central Valley winter-run Chinooks salmon, threatened Central Valley spring-run Chinooks salmon, and species of concern late-fall-run Chinook salmon, none of which frequently inhabit the Calaveras River but which may at times stray into the river. The HCP proposes a series of conservation strategies and avoidance measures to protect salmon and O. Mykiss in the Calaveras River, Mormon Slough, the Stockton Diverting Channel, Old Calaveras River, and specified other interconnected and adjoining waters. The HCP proposes to issue Stockton East Water District (SEWD or District) a 50-year Incidental Take Permit which would protect the District from claims under the ESA in connection with the District’s Calaveras River operations.