7+( 5(&216758&7,21 $&76 -$18$5< 67 7
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7+(5(&216758&7,21$&76 -$18$5<677 THE ACT The Reconstruction Acts of 1867 began the period of time known as Radical Reconstruction. These laws included the following measures: 7KH6RXWKZDVGLYLGHGLQWRÀYHPLOLWDU\GLVWULFWVDQGJRYHUQHGE\PLOLWDU\JRYHUQRUVXQWLODF- FHSWDEOHVWDWHFRQVWLWXWLRQVFRXOGEHZULWWHQDQGDSSURYHGE\&RQJUHVV GENERAL JOHN SCHOFIELD 1ST MILTITARY DISTRICT $OOPDOHVUHJDUGOHVVRIUDFHEXWH[FOXGLQJIRUPHU&RQIHGHUDWHOHDGHUVZHUHSHUPLWWHGWR VIRGINIA participate in the constitutional conventions that formed the new governments in each state. New state constitutions were required to provide for universal manhood suffrage (voting rights for all men) without regard to race. 6WDWHVZHUHUHTXLUHGWRUDWLI\WKH)RXUWHHQWK$PHQGPHQWLQRUGHUWREHUHDGPLWWHGWRWKH Union. HISTORY After thhe wawar enendded inn 186655,, the debebatte inntetennsifiifiedd ovever hhow ththe formmeerr Coonnffeedeeraratee statatetes woululd rer joj iinn the Unitted Statteess. Presideennt. AnAndrew Johnnssonn indndiiccata eedd thah t he wououldd puurrssuue evvenen moorre lenin enent ReRecoon- GENERAL DANIEL SICKLES 2ND MILTITARY DISTRICT ststructioi n poliiciieses than thoose ofo his predecceesssoro , Abbrar hah m LLinccolnn.. SOUTH AND NORTH CAROLINA HoHowew veer, he faaceced opppopositit onon from thhe Raadid cacal ReR publicanns,s a powere ful anntit sls avvery factioion wiw thhin Cono - grress thhat wasas comommim tttede to eennfrannchhisememene t and eqe uaual rirightss foro frer ed blacks.s ThT ese politiciiana s favoured moore ststrir ngent meeasuru es, annd theyey larargeg lyy craraftf edd thee Rece onstrur cttion Actss. Congress appproved the bill in FeFebbruary 1867, and then on Marrchh 2 it ovvere roroddee Johhnssonon’’ss vettoo.. Thhrreeee morore acts were later enacted (two in 1867 and onee in 188686 )), whichh concerneded howw theh consttiituttioonsns would be created and passed at the state level. A legal case (Ex Parte McCardle) arose over the constitutionality of military occupation in the South—thereby bringing into question the legality of the Reconstruction mea- ssureres.s ThThe suui itit waas bbrouggh htht un dder thhe HHaa bbeaas Coorpus AAcc t of f 18671867,, andn ddt ththehhRd Rada didicilcal l RRbeppub bliliicacannss ressppoondd- ede by sttriipppiinng the SuS prpreemme Coourt of its poweer to heaar appealls invvoolviv ngg thhat acact.t Conongress aaggain oovverr- roodee Joho nsnsono ’s vetto,o and in 181 669 the coouurrt disismimissed theh casee,, statatiingng thahat iit laca kek d juurisddicctiionon. GENERAL JOHN POPE 3RD MILTITARY DISTRICT IMPACT GEORGIA ,ALABAMA AND FLORIDA Thhe “RReconnsts ructtioon AAmmene dmd eentss” passsed by Coongreesss between 188665 aannd 18707 abolil shed slaveeryy, gaave blb ack AAmericcana s eqqual prrotece tit oon undn er the law, and granted susuffragge too black menn. AlA thouughg theh see connsstitutiioonal righghts were e ere odedd by rar ciistt vioi leencnce anand Jiim Crow lawws, blal ckcks sts illl began paartticcippattining inn poollititicics,s, andnd theses amem ndmeentn s estaablb isi heh d thhe lelegaal grg ounddwow rkk foro morre substanttivi e eequuaaliityy duurinng thhe cic vil rir ghhttss era of ththe 195500s and 60s.. ThThe lelegag lil zzaatitionon of AAfrriicann-AAmmere iccann marrrriiagage annd ffamiillyy andnd theh indn eppendence off blal ckk chuh rccheh s frf om whwhiite ddeenoomim nnationns wew ree a souource off strenngtgth duuriringng thehe Jimim Crow eerraa. Recoonsnstrtrucuctit onn waas nevvere forgog ttten amom ngng thehe blalackck commmum nniityy andnd hasa remmaia need a soourccee of innsppiriraatioon.n GENERAL EDWARD ORD 4TH MILTITARY DISTRICT ARKANSAS AND MISSISSIPPI GENERAL GEORGE G MEAD 5TH MILTITARY DISTRICT TEXAS AND LOUISIANA February 4th - March 6th 2020 Hosted by the Texas Institute for the The Culture Center Gallery Scan QR Code for More Information Preservation of History and Culture (TIPHC) Nathelyne Archie Kennedy Building pvamu.edu/tiphc School of Architecture - Prairie View A&M University.