Volume 11, Issue 2, July 2018 ISSN 1791-3691 Hellenic Protection Journal

A semiannual scientifi c publication of the BENAKIBEE PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL INSTITUTE EDITORIAL POLICY The Hellenic Plant Protection Journal (HPPJ) (ISSN 1791-3691) is the scientifi c publication of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute (BPI) replacing the Annals of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute (ISSN 1790-1480) which had been published since 1935. Starting from January 2008, the Hellenic Plant Protection Journal is published semiannually, in January and July each year. HPPJ publishes scientifi c work on all aspects of plant health and plant protection referring to plant pathogens, pests, weeds, pesticides and relevant environmental and safety issues. In addition, the topics of the journal extend to aspects related to pests of public health in agricultural and urban areas. Papers submitted for publication can be either in the form of a complete research article or in the form of a suffi ciently documented short communication (including new records). Only original articles which have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere are considered for publication in the journal. Review articles in related topics, either submitted or invited by the Editorial Board, are also published, normally one article per issue. Upon publication all articles are copyrighted by the BPI. Manuscripts should be prepared according to instructions available to authors and submitted in electronic form on line at http://www.hppj.gr. All submitted manuscripts are considered and

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EDITORIAL BOARD Editor: Dr F. Karamaouna (Pesticides Control & Phytopharmacy Department, BPI) Associate Editors: Dr A.N. Michaelakis (Entomology & Agric. Zoology Department, BPI) Dr K.M. Kasiotis (Pesticides Control & Phytopharmacy Department, BPI) Dr I. Vloutoglou (Phytopathology Department, BPI) Editorial Offi ce: M. Kitsiou (Library Department, BPI) A. Karadima (Information Technology Service, BPI)

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The olive tree of Plato in Athens is the emblem of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute

Hellenic Plant Protection Journal also available at www.hppj.gr

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 11: 47-53, 2018 DOI 10.2478/hppj-2018-0006

Survival and germinability of Rhynchosporium secalis conidia exposed to solar radiation

E. Al-Shehadah, A. Al-Daoude and M. Jawhar*

Summary Rhynchosporium secalis, the causal agent of scald disease, is a com- monly found in the environment. Disease spread within a fi eld and between fi elds occurs through the aerial dispersal of the fungal spores. However, not much is known about the survival potential of fun- gal conidia exposed to solar radiation. In the present study, detached conidia of R. secalis were ex- posed simultaneously in the fi eld to direct sunlight or placed in an adjacent ventilated enclosure in the dark for periods ranging from 0.5 to 8h. In addition, conidia were either exposed or not exposed to UV-C light (254 nm) for periods ranging between 0.5 and 60 min in the laboratory. After exposure, conidia were placed on water agar Petri dishes and allowed to germinate for 24h. Germinability of conidia was reduced by up to 94% after 8h of exposure to solar irradiance (670-860 Wm-2) in the fi eld in comparison to the non-exposed control. Germinability of conidia in the laboratory was reduced up to ~100% by doses of UV-C light of 3.2±0.7 Wm-2. The results of this study will contribute to a better un- derstanding of the relationship between climatic conditions and barley scald epidemics.

Additional keywords: barley scald, climate, spore survival, UV-C light, virulence

Introduction due to the arrival of more aggressive iso- lates of the pathogen underscores the need Aerial dispersal of inoculum is considered for renewed and improved management of an important factor in the epidemiology the disease. Clearly, forecasts could be im- of many fungal plant diseases (Aylor, 2003; proved if they included knowledge of the Stanosz et al., 2016). Rhynchosporium secalis presence or absence of the pathogen in an (Oudem) J. J. Davis, the causal agent of scald area. disease, is an important pathogen of barley Not much is known whether R. seca- (Hordeum vulgare L.) worldwide (Zhan et al., lis conidia could be transported to a fi eld 2008). R. secalis is considered economically from an outside source, and, if transported, important because it can cause marked re- whether they would initiate disease. Sever- duction in crop yield and quality (Yahyaoui, al researchers have determined the poten- 2003). The appearance of scald disease in a tial of R. secalis for in vitro spore production fi eld with no previous history of barley crop- (Stedman, 1980; Avrova and Knogge, 2012). ping can be attributed either to the use of However, to our knowledge, there have infected seed or to the transportation of air- been no published studies related to the es- borne putative ascospores from sources out- cape of R. secalis conidia in the air and their side the fi eld. Once infection is established capacity to survive exposure to direct sun- in a crop, conidia and⁄or putative ascospores lightand incite disease. can then be easily dispersed throughout the The purpose of the present work was to crop by rain splashing or wind (Fountaine et investigate the survival potential of R. seca- al., 2010). Therefore, the recent resurgence lis conidia exposed to solar radiation in the of the scald in new barley cultivation areas fi eld, as measured by their ability to germi- nate after exposure to direct sunlight for various lengths of time. The eff ect of UV-C light on the germinability of R. secalis conid- Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, AECS, P.O. Box 6091 Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. ia under controlled conditions was also eval- * Corresponding author: ascientifi [email protected] uated.

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute 48 Al-Shehadah et al.

Materials and Methods each replicate coverslip, placed immediate- ly on 1.5% water agar Petri dishes, incubat- Experimental material ed at 20-22ºC in the dark for 24h, and served

Rhynchosporium secalis pathotype Rs as non-exposed controls (G0). The tempera- 22, which is one of the most virulent Syri- ture of the coverslips carrying conidia was an pathotypes to all barley genotypes avail- determined with a Multi-thermometer ap- able so far (Arabi et al., 2010), was used in paratus with copper thermocouple wires this study. At the end of the growing sea- fi xed to the bottom of two additional cover- son, symptomatic barley leaves, naturally slips without conidia (one coverslip for each infected by pathotype Rs22, were collect- treatment) placed in the same conditions as ed from the fi eld. In the laboratory, leaf sec- those that carried the conidia. tions measuring 1.5 cm x 1 cm bearing well- developed scald lesions were cut, placed at Exposure tests in the laboratory 18 °C in the dark and wetted twice a day us- Conidia produced on barley leaves, using ing a high-pressure sprayer in order to stim- the method described above, were trans- ulate the production of conidia. Sporulation ferred to coverslips and were handled as on leaf lesions was checked under a light described for the fi eld tests. The coverslips microscope. After 7 days, produced conid- with conidia were exposed in the laboratory ia were transferred from diseased leaf sec- at room temperature (22 to 25°C) to short- tions to coverslips (18 x 18 x 0.14 mm) by wavelength (254 nm) UV light (UV-C light) lightly pressing the coverslip on the sur- emitted from ultraviolet tubes (TUV-30 W/G face of a sporulating lesion. The coverslips T8-UV-C; Philips, The Netherlands) for 0.5, 5, were then placed (conidia facing up) on a 15, 30, and 60 min. The distance between plastic window screen stretched on a light- the conidia and the UV-C light tubes was weight wooden frame (20 cm2). The cover- ~15 cm. The UV irradiance at the level of the slips were fi xed on the screen with a small conidia was 3.2±0.7 Wm-2 as measured with piece of transparent, double-sided adhesive a UVX-CR radiometer with a UVX-25 sensor tape (Aylor and Sanogo, 1997). (Ultraviolet Products, Cambridge, UK). Three replicate coverslips were used for each ex- Exposure tests in the fi eld posure period and treatment (with and The experiments were performed un- without exposure to UV-light). The non-ex- der fi eld conditions during the summer of posed to UV-C light coverslips (control) were two consecutive years (2013-2014). Samples kept under room temperature. The experi- (coverslips carrying the conidia) were ex- ment was repeated three times. posed either to direct sunlight or to dark- ness for time periods ranging from 0.5 to Assessment of conidial viability 8 h. For each exposure period, two sets of At the end of each exposure time in both samples were used: one set was exposed to the fi eld and the laboratory tests, exposed direct sunlight and another one to darkness and non-exposed coverslips with conid- (control). For exposing the samples to direct ia were collected and placed (conidia fac- sunlight, the plastic window screen carrying ing down) on 1.5% water agar medium con- the coverslips with the conidia was placed in tained in 9-cm plastic Petri dishes (6 Petri the fi eld 1.1 m above the ground under full dishes per treatment) and incubated at 20- sunlight conditions. For exposing the sec- 22ºC in the dark for 24h to allow germina- ond set of samples to darkness in the fi eld, tion. Germinated conidia were counted in the window screen with the coverslips was random fi elds at x 100 magnifi cation with a placed in a darkened enclosure with ventila- light microscope. A total of 100 to 200 conid- tion. Six coverslips per treatment were used ia was examined on each coverslip. A conidi- as replicates. At the beginning of each ex- um was considered germinated if the length posure time, conidia were collected from of the germ tube was greater than or equal

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Eff ect of solar radiation on Rhynchosporium secalis conidia 49 to the length of the conidium (12.5-14.3 μm) on Lima Bean Agar (LBA) medium. Conidia (Manners, 1966). For calculating the per- were suspended in water and their concen- centage of conidial germination, the follow- tration was adjusted with a hematocytom- ing formula was used: eter to 0.5 × 106 conidia/mL. A surfactant Germination (%) = (Number of germinated (polyoxyethylene-20-sorbitan monolaurate) conidia x 100)/total number of conidia exam- was added (100 μL/L) to the conidial suspen- ined. sion to facilitate dispersion of the inoculum over the leaf surfaces. Meteorological data Inoculations were timed to correspond Solar irradiance, air temperature, relative with periods of free moisture when possi- humidity (RH) and wind speed were mea- ble. Three inoculations were performed us- sured in the fi eld during the whole exper- ing a fi ne mist hand-held sprayer. The fi rst imental period. Solar irradiance (Wm-2) was inoculation was applied when be- measured with a pyranometer (LI 200 SB, gan to tiller (GS 31) and the last when plants Li-COR. Int., Lincoln, NE 68504) located at a were at least 30 cm height (Zadoks et al., height 1.1m above the ground. Air temper- 1974). Non-inoculated plants (control) were ature and RH were measured with a plati- sprayed with distilled water. Disease severi- num resistance-thermometer sensor (Pt100) ty was assessed as a percentage of the sec- of DIN EN 60751, Class B (ES Electronic Sen- ond leaf lamina showing symptoms, 17 days sor GmBH, Germany) and wind speed with a post-inoculation, according to the method cup anemometer (model 014A, COMBILOG, used by Ceolini (1980). Theodor Friendrichs & Co. Hamburg, Germa- ny). All instruments were located at the same Statistical analysis height above the ground as the coverslips Data were analyzed using the STAT-ITCF carrying the conidia (i.e. 1.1 m). The meteoro- programme (MICROSTA, realized by ECO- logical data were recorded at 1h intervals us- SOFT, 2nd Version, Institut Technique des ing a data logger (COMBILOG 1020, Theodor Céréales et des Fourrages Paris). Analysis Friendrichs & Co. Hamburg, Germany). of variance (Newman-Keuls test) was con- ducted to test for diff erences among expo- Virulence tests sure periods in test sets. The germination for The virulence of conidia exposed for 8h conidia exposed to sunlight was calculated to solar radiation and those that were not as GS/G0, and for conidia that were not ex- exposed was tested in the fi eld using three posed to sunlight (controls) as GNS/G0 where, barley cultivars; WI 2291 from Australia, and GS: the average of absolute germination per-

Arabi Abiad and Tadmor from Syria. Those centage for exposed conidia, GNS: the aver- cultivars were selected for their diff erent lev- age of absolute germination percentage for els of resistance to scald disease (Arabi et al., non-exposed conidia, and G0: the average of 2010). The experiment was located at a site absolute germination percentage for non- with favorable environmental conditions for exposed conidia at the beginning of the ex- the development of the disease. Seeds were posure period (time 0). The germinability of sown under rainfed conditions (500 mm an- conidia exposed to sunlight was compared nual rainfall) in a completely randomized to that of conidia not exposed to sunlight block design, with three replicate plots for using the formula: GNS-GS/GNS. each treatment (50 plants per replicate and cultivar). Each replicate plot was 1 × 1 m, with 1m wide buff er zone around it. Each Results and Discussion plot consisted of fi ve rows, 25 cm apart, with 10 seeds sown per row. Inoculum of patho- The environmental conditions that prevailed type Rs22 was prepared from conidia pro- in the fi eld during the exposure of R. seca- duced on 2- to 3-week-old cultures grown lis conidia to direct sunlight are presented

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute 50 Al-Shehadah et al. in Table 1. Germinability of R. secalis conidia diff erences in the ability of conidia of diff er- was signifi cantly (P<0.001) reduced by up to ent ages to germinate the germination of 94% after 8h of exposure to direct sunlight non-exposed conidia were used as a base- in comparison to the non-exposed controls line (control) to compensate these diff erenc- (Table 2). Results showed a highly signifi cant es. Under the conditions of our study, ger- decrease in the germination of conidia with minability of R. secalis conidia was reduced increasing exposure time to direct sunlight signifi cantly by exposure to solar radiation. (Table 2). In addition, signifi cant diff erences These results agree with those of earlier (P<0.05) in the virulence between exposed studies that have demonstrated a signifi cant and non-exposed to sunlight conidia were eff ect of light on the germinability of plant observed (Table 3). pathogens in other pathosystems (Rotem Survival of conidia is of paramount im- and Aust, 1991; Ben-Yephet and Shtienberg, portance in the build-up of R. secalis inoc- 1994; Braga et al., 2015; Cordo et al., 2017). ulum, as conidia transported from infected Our fi ndings clearly indicate that solar ra- plant residues via wind or rain can germi- diation signifi cantly aff ects R. secalis conidial nate and infect healthy barley plants. Very viability, which mainly depends on the dura- little is known about the eff ect of sunlight in tion of exposure. Considering the impacts of the survival of these conidia. In the present these fi ndings on the epidemiology and the work, conidia collected on coverslips and ei- spread of R. secalis conidia with a potential ther exposed or not exposed to solar radi- of causing infection at a given location, the ation were used to represent conidia nat- later could be reasonably predicted through urally deposited on the upper surface of a detailed analyses of the available solar radi- barley leaf. Although there may have been ation data along with the travel path of the conidia (Isard et al., 2005). On the other hand, conidial pigmentation has been reported to Table 1. Environmental conditions that pre- play an essential role in solar radiation pro- vailed in the fi eld during the exposure of Rhynchosporium secalis conidia to direct tective mechanisms (Swan, 1974; Ignoff o sunlight. and Garcia, 1992; Butler and Day, 1998; Full- er et al., 2015), which might be a possible ex- Variable Range (Unit) planation of R. secalis tolerance to solar ex- posure up to 8 h. Air temperature 26-38 (ºC) UV- C exposure (3.2±0.7 Wm -2) signifi cant- Relative humidity 30-47 (%) ly (P<0.001) reduced the germinability of R. Average wind speed at sample height 0.9-4.1 (m/s) secalis conidia (Fig. 1). The reduction in ger- Irradiance of incident solar minability increased with increasing time of radiation 670-860 (Wm-2) exposure to UV irradiation. It is well known that the UV-C wavelength is highly effi cient

Table 2. Germination (%) of Rhynchosporium secalis conidia exposed (Gs) and not exposed (GNS) to direct sunlight in the fi eld for periods ranging from 0.5 to 8 h.

Time (h) Treatment 0.512345678

x GS A83.3b B74.4b C65.7b C60.3b D50.1b E37.9b E32.2b E25.6b F11.1b

GNS A94.3a A94.6a A97.5a A98.5a A98.8a A98.9a A98.9a A98.1a A98.3a

(GNS-GS/GNS) 0.12 0.21 0.32 0.39 0.49 0.62 0.67 0.74 0.89 x Means preceded by diff erent capital letters (column) and followed by diff erent lowercase letters (row) diff er signifi cantly at P<0.001 according to Newman-Keuls test.

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Eff ect of solar radiation on Rhynchosporium secalis conidia 51

Table 3. Mean scald disease severity (% of the second leaf lamina showing symptoms) 17 days after the inoculation of three barley (Hordeum vulgare) cultivars with Rhynchos- porium secalis conidia, previously exposed (Gs) or not exposed (GNS) to direct sunlight for 8 h under fi eld conditions.

Disease severity (%)x Cultivar GNS GS WI2291 A89.3ay A77.57b Arabi Abiad B76.7a B57.43b Tadmor C17.1a C11.10b x Mean of three replicates. Figure 1. Germination (%) of Rhynchosporium secalis conid- y Means preceded by diff erent capital letters (column) ia exposed to UV-C light (254 nm) for diff erent time periods at and followed by diff erent lowercase letters (raw) are room temperature (22-25°C). The UV irradiance at the level of signifi cantly diff erent at (P<0.05) by Newman-Keuls conidia was 3.2±0.7 Wm-2. test. in killing most micro-organisms. This meth- The authors thank the Director General of od has been used extensively in steriliza- AECS and the Head of the Molecular Biology tion procedures with low energy germicid- and Biotechnology Department for their con- al lamps, which emit radiation principally at tinuous support throughout this work. 254 nm. These results are consistent with re- ports on other fungi, such as Aspergillus car- bonarius, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium her- Literature Cited barum, Penicillium janthinellum, Alternaria Arabi, M.I.E., Al-Shehadah, E. and Jawhar, M. 2010. alternata and Venturia inaequalis (Aylor and Pathogenic groups identifi ed among isolates Sanogo, 1997; Valero et al., 2007). of Rhynchosporium secalis. The Plant Pathology Overall, the present study, which is part Journal, 26: 260 -263. of an on-going project on the epidemiolo- Avrova, A. and Knogge, W. 2012. Rhynchosporium commune: a persistent threat to barley cultiva- gy of scald disease on barley in Syria, pro- tion. Molecular Plant Pathology, 13: 986–997. vides new information on the eff ect of solar Aylor, D.E. and Sanogo, S. 1997. Germinability of radiation on the survival of R. secalis conidia Venturia inaequalis conidia exposed to sunlight. during their aerial dispersal. Solar radiation Phytopathology, 87: 628-633. aff ects the viability of R. secalis conidia, and Aylor D.E, 2003. Spread of plant disease on a conti- thus, it is an important factor in their survival nental scale: Role of Aerial dispersal of patho- while being airborne. This knowledge is im- gens. Ecology, 84: 1987-1997. portant because dispersal limitation of the Ben-Yephet, Y. and Shtienberg, D. 1994. Eff ects of solar radiation and temperature on Fusarium R. secalis population may drive very interest- wilt in carnation. Phytopathology, 84: 1416-1421. ing ecological dynamics. Models of airborne Braga, G.U.L., Rangel, D.E.N., Fernandes, E.K.K., Flint, dispersal of plant pathogens show that the S.D. and Roberts, D.W. 2015. Molecular and rate of long-distance dispersal depends physiological eff ects of environmental UV ra- strongly on the longevity of propagules in diation on fungal conidia. Current Genetics, 61: 405–425. the atmosphere (Aylor, 2003; Wilkinson et Butler, M.J. and Day, A.W. 1998. Fungal melanins: a al., 2012). The infl uence of environmental review. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 44: factors, such as cloud cover, wind, etc. on so- 1115–1136. lar radiation and their eff ect on conidia via- Ceoloni, C. 1980. Race diff erentiation and search for bility need to be also considered. sources of resistance to Rhynchosporium secalis

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute 52 Al-Shehadah et al.

in barley in Italy. Euphytica, 29: 547-553. Stedman, O.J. 1980. Observations on the production Cordo, C.A., Mónaco, C.I., Altamirano, R., Perelló, and dispersal of spores, and infection by Rhyn- A.E., Larrán, S., Kripelz, N.I. and Simón M.R. 2017. chosporium secalis. Annals of Applied Biology, 95: Weather Conditions Associated with the Re- 163–175. lease and Dispersal of Zymoseptoria tritici Spores Swan, G.A. 1974. Structure, chemistry, and biosyn- in the Argentine Pampas Region. Internation- thesis of the melanins. Fortschritte der Chemie al Journal of Agronomy. Article ID 1468580, 13 Organischer Naturstoff e, 31: 521–582. p.https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/1468580. Valero, A., Begum, M., Leong, S.L., Hocking, A.D., Ra- Fountaine, J.M., Shaw, M.W., Ward, E. and Fraaije, mos, A.J., Sanchis, V. and Marin, S. 2007. Eff ect B.A. 2010. The role of seeds and airborne inocu- of germicidal UVC light on fungi isolated from lum in the initiation ofl eaf blotch (Rhynchospori- grapes and raisins. Letters in Applied Microbiol- um secalis) epidemics in winter barley. Plant Pa- ogy, 45: 238–243. thology, 59: 330–337. Wilkinson, D.M., Koumoutsaris, S., Mitchell, E.A.D. Fuller, K.K., Loros, J.J. and Dunlap, J.C. 2015. Fungal and Bey, I. 2012. Modelling the eff ect of size on photobiology: visible light as a signal for stress, the aerial dispersal of microorganisms. Journal space and time. Current Genetics, 61: 275-88. of Biogeography, 39: 89–97. Ignoff o, C.M. and Garcia, C. 1992. Infl uence of conid- Yahyaoui, A.H. 2003. Occurrence of barley leaf blight ial color on inactivation of several entomoge- diseases in Central West Asia and North Africa. nous fungi by simulated sunlight. Environmen- In: Proceedings of the Second International Work- tal Entomology, 21: 913–917. shop on Barley Leaf Blights, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syr- Isard, S.A., Gage, S.H., Comtois, P. and Russo, J.M. ia, 7-11 April 2002. Yahyaoui, AH, Brader, L., Teka- 2005. Principles of the atmospheric pathway for uz, A., Wallwork, H., Steff enson, B (eds.). 463p. invasive species applied to soybean rust. Biosci- Zadoks, J. C., Chang, T. T. and Konzak, C. F. 1974. A ence, 55: 851-861. decimal code for the growth stages of cereals. Manners, J.G. 1966. Assessment of germination. In: Weed Research, 14:415-421. MADELIN (ed) The Fungus Spore. London. p. 165- Zhan, J., Fitt, B.D.L., Pinnschmidt, H.O., Oxley, S.J.P. 173. and Newton, A.C. 2008. Resistance, epidemiol- Rotem, J. and Aust, H.J. 1991. The eff ect of ultravio- ogy and sustainable management of Rhyncho- let and solar radiation and temperature on sur- sporium secalis populations on barley. Plant Pa- vival of fungal propagules. Journal of Phytopa- thology, 57: 1-14. thology, 133: 76-84. Stanosz, G.R., Smith, D.R. andJuzwik, J.2016.Season- al availability of inoculum of the Heterobasidi- on root disease pathogen in central Wisconsin. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46: 1076- 1080. Received: 18 June 2017; Accepted: 4 March 2018

Επιβίωση και βλαστικότητα κονιδίων του μύκητα Rhynchosporium secalis μετά από έκθεση στην ηλιακή ακτινοβολία

E. Al-Shehadah, A. Al-Daoude and M. Jawhar

Περίληψη Ο φυτοπαθογόνος μύκητας Rhynchosporium secalis, που προκαλεί στο κριθάρι την ασθέ- νεια ρυγχοσπορίωση, απαντάται συχνά στο περιβάλλον. Η εξάπλωση της ασθένειας εντός του αγρού ή μεταξύ των αγρών επιτυγχάνεται μέσω των αερομεταφερομένων σπορίων του μύκητα. Εντούτοις, δεν υπάρχουν επαρκείς πληροφορίες σχετικά με την επιβίωση των κονιδίων του μύκητα που εκτίθε- νται στην ηλιακή ακτινοβολία. Στην παρούσα μελέτη, κονίδια του R. secalis εκτέθηκαν ταυτοχρόνως και σε γειτνιάζουσα θέση στον αγρό είτε απευθείας στο ηλιακό φως είτε στο σκοτάδι (εντός ενός επαρκώς αεριζόμενου κλειστού θαλάμου), για περιόδους που κυμαίνονταν από 0,5 έως 8 ώρες. Επιπροσθέτως, κονίδια του μύκητα εκτέθηκαν ή δεν εκτέθηκαν (μάρτυρας) σε UV-C ακτινοβολία (254 nm) για περιό- δους που κυμαίνονταν από 0,5 έως 60 λεπτά, στο εργαστήριο. Μετά την έκθεση, τα κονίδια τοποθετή- θηκαν σε τρυβλία Petri που περιείχαν άγαρ και αφέθηκαν να βλαστήσουν για 24 ώρες. Η βλαστικότητα

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Eff ect of solar radiation on Rhynchosporium secalis conidia 53

των κονιδίων που εκτέθηκαν για 8 ώρες στην ηλιακή ακτινοβολία (670-860 Wm-2) στον αγρό μειώθηκε έως και 94% σε σχέση με εκείνη του μη εκτεθειμένου μάρτυρα. Σε συνθήκες εργαστηρίου, δόση UV-C ακτινοβολίας 3.2 ± 0.7 Wm-2 μείωσε τη βλαστικότητα των κονιδίων του μύκητα έως και ~100%. Τα απο- τελέσματα της παρούσας μελέτης θα συμβάλουν στην καλύτερη κατανόηση της σχέσης μεταξύ των κλιματικών συνθηκών και της εμφάνισης επιδημιών της ασθένειας.

Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 11: 47-53, 2018

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 11: 54-58, 2018 DOI 10.2478/hppj-2018-0007


First record of parasitoids associated with inhabiting capsules of Papaver rhoeas in Greece

F. Karamaouna1*, M. Samara1, V. Kati1 and M.-D. Mitroiu2

Summary A faunistic complex of chalcidoid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) associated with cynipids and cecidomyids (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae; Diptera: Cecydomyiidae) inhabiting capsules of the annual weed Papaver rhoeas L. (corn poppy) was recorded in Amynteo, Northern Greece (2012) and Orchomenos, Voeotia, Central Greece (2013). The parasitoids are Idiomacromerus papaveris (Forst- er, 1856), Idiomacromerus sp., Pseudotorymus papaveris (Thomson, 1876) (Torymidae), ep- icharmus Walker, 1839 (Eulophidae), and Cyrtoptyx sp. (Pteromalidae). Aprostocetus epicharmus was re- corded only in Amynteo while Idiomacromerus spp. and Cyrtoptyx sp. only in Voeotia. This is the fi rst record of these parasitoid species in corn poppy capsules in Greece. All parasitoids except the eulo- phid, which probably parasitizes Cecydomyiidae, are most likely parasitoids of Aylax papaveris (Perris, 1840) (Cynipidae).

Additional keywords: Aprostocetus epicharmus, Aylax papaveris, Cyrtoptyx sp., gall, Idiomacromerus papaveris, Pseudotorymus papaveris

A complex of chalcidoids (Hymenoptera: Andriescu, 1962 (Hym.: Torymidae) is the Chalcidoidea) was recovered from mature, only parasitoid species associated with corn dry capsules of the winter annual weed Pa- poppy capsules that has been previously re- paver rhoeas L. (corn poppy, common pop- ported in Greece (Askew et al., 2006). py) (Papaveraceae), which were collected Adult females and males of P. papaveris from Amynteo, Florina, Northern Greece were recorded upon emergence from the P. in 2012, and Orchomenos, Voeotia, South- rhoeas capsules in both regions. In the cap- ern Greece in 2013. The parasitoids are Idi- sules from Amynteo, together with the par- omacromerus papaveris (Förster, 1856), Idi- asitoid specimens, we obtained an adult omacromerus sp., Pseudotοrymus papaveris female of Aylax papaveris (Perris) (Hym.: Cyn- (Thomson, 1875) (Torymidae), Aprostocetus ipidae) and found infestation by Cecidomyi- epicharmus Walker, 1839 (Eulophidae), and idae larvae (Diptera), most likely Dasineura Cyrtoptyx sp. (Pteromalidae). Aprostocetus papaveris Winnertz. epicharmus was recorded only in Amynteo Pseudotorymus papaveris is probably a while Idiomacromerus spp. and Cyrtoptyx sp. parasitoid of A. papaveris and the cecidomy- only in Voeotia. Identifi cations of the parasi- iid while A. epicharmus is a parasitoid of the toids have been made based on Bouček and cecidomyiid (Figure 1). Pseudotοrymus pa- Rasplus (1991) and Medvedev (1978). To our paveris has a Palaearctic geographical dis- knowledge, this is the fi rst record in Greece tribution (Nikol’skaya and Zerova, 1978; of these parasitoids occuring in corn pop- Grissell, 1995; Noyes, 2017). Popescu (2002) py capsules. Chalcimerus borceai Steff an and reported the emergence of P. papaveris from A. papaveris and D. papaveris, infesting P. rhoeas and P. dubium L. capsules, and from 1 Benaki Phytopathological Institute, 8 St. Delta str., GR their predator Lestodiplosis callida Winnertz 145 61 Kifi ssia, Attica, Greece. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Aprostocetus epic- 2 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Faculty of Biol- ogy, 700505 Iasi, Romania. harmus has been reported (as Tetrastichus * Corresponding author: [email protected] epicharmus (Walker)) parasitising the bras-

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Parasitoids of insects infesting corn poppy capsules in Greece 55



Figure 1. Suggested interrelations a) between the parasitoids Pseudotorymus papaveris and Aprostocetus epicharmus, and the herbivores Aylax papaveris and a cedidomyiid (samples from Northern Greece) and b) between the parasitoids Pseudo- torymus papaveris, Idiomacromerus papaveris and Cyrtoptyx sp., and the host A. papaveris (samples from central Greece), in Papaver rhoeas capsules. Colored arrows indicate the various associations (green for herbivory, blue for parasitism, red for hyper-parasitism) (Images by M. Samara, V. Kati).

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute 56 Karamaouna et al. sica pod midge, Dasineura brassicae (Win- individual gall chambers originate from the nertz) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), in Poland transformation of the septum and seeds, (Czajkowska, 1978) and the raspberry cane usually causing deformation and enlarge- midge, Resseliella theobaldi (Barnes) (Dip- ment of the capsules (mainly in P. rhoeas and tera: Cecidomyiidae), in Hungary (Vètek et P. dubium). Internal septa and seeds disap- al., 2006). pear (Pujade-Villar, 2015). Dasineura papav- Aylax papaveris is one of the three Cyn- eris is a monophagous bivoltine gall midge ipidae species inducing capsule galls in P. of Papaver spp. capsules, which have a nor- rhoeas, P. dubium, P. argemone L. and P. som- mal appearance after infestation and only niferum L., the other two species being Bar- when opened the clearly swollen septa are botinia oraniensis (Barbotin) and Aylax mi- visible (Skuhravá and Skuhravý 1997; Pope- nor Hartig, 1840 (Pujade-Villar, 2015; Gómez scu 2002). et al., 2017). Aylax papaveris forms light yel- In the capsules from Voeotia, we en- low fused galls, irregular oval or globular countered galls by the cynipid gall wasp A. in shape, highly variable in size, including papaveris (Figure 2) and the parasitoids Idi- a few dozen larval chambers arranged per- omacromerus spp. (three male specimens, pendicularly to the vertical capsule axis. The probably I. papaveris, although it is diffi cult



(c) (d)

Figure 2. Papaver rhoeas capsules a) infested by cynipid gall wasp, b) capsule with the gall (10x), c) gall with the cynipid gall wasp (10x) and d) Aylax papaveris (Hym.: Cynipidae) before emergence (40x) (Images by M. Samara).

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Parasitoids of insects infesting corn poppy capsules in Greece 57 to be certain without any females, Idiomac- in the West Palearctic. Zootaxa, 1301: 1-60. romerus sp. (1 male) (diff erent from I. papav- Baratella, V. 2008. Biological Control and Integrat- eris in the coloration of tibiae), and Cyrtop- ed Pest Management of olive fl y Bactrocera ole- ae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae): A briefl y review. tyx sp. (1 male). Pomologia Croatica, 14: 129-142. A possible scenario is that P. papaveris, I. Bellido, D. and Pujade-Villar, J. 1999. Especies asoci- papaveris and Cyrtoptyx sp. are parasitoids adas a agallas se cinipidos de Pirineo andorrano of A. papaveris, although no Cyrtoptyx sp. (Hym.: Cynipoidea. Chalicidoidea, Ichneumo- has ever been reared from Aylax (Figure 1). noidea). Boletín de Asociación Española de Ento- mología, 23(1-2): 277-291. Cyrtoptyx sp. might as well be a hyperparasi- Bouček, Z. and Rasplus, J.-Y. 1991. Illustrated key to toid of the torymids. Idiomacromerus papav- West-Palaearctic genera of Pteromalidae (Hy- eris has been reported to parasitise A. papav- menoptera: Chalcidoidea). Institut National de eris (in Croatia, France, Hungary, Romania, la Recherche Agronomique Paris. Spain) and A. minor (in Andora, France, Ro- Czajkowska, M. 1978. Investigations on the brassica mania, Spain) in Papaver galls (Askew et al., pod midge (Dasyneura brassicae Winn.). IV. Spe- cies composition and importance of parasites. 2006). Idiomacromerus papaveris is widely Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych (Seria E, Ochrana Ros- distributed from Iran to U.K. (Noyes, 2017). lin) 8(2): 159-175. Some Cyrtoptyx species have been report- Gómez, J.F., Hernández Nieves, M., F. Gayubo, S.F., ed to parasitise cynipid gall wasps e.g. Cyr- Nieves-Aldrey, J.L. 2017. Terminal-instar larval toptyx robustus (Masi, 1907) on Cynips disti- systematics and biology of west European spe- cies of Ormyridae associated with galls cha Hartig, 1840 on Quercus (Nieves Aldrey, (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). ZooKeys, 644: 51– 1982; Bellido and Pujado-Villar, 1999) in 88 (2017) doi: 10.3897/zookeys.644.10035 http:// Spain; others are parasitoids of fruit fl ies, e.g. zookeys.pensoft.net Cyrtoptyx latipes (Rond.) on the olive fruit fl y, Grissell, E.E. 1995. Torymidae (Hymenoptera: Chalic- Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephriti- idoidea: Torymidae) a redefi nition, generic clas- ifi cation, and adnotated world catalog of spe- dae) (Baratella, 2008). cies. Memoirs of Entomology, International, vol. The sampled parasitoid species and their 2, Associated Publishers, Gainesville, Florida, hosts are associated with the natural vegeta- U.S.A., 470 p. tion in agricultural systems of diff erent inten- Medvedev, G.S. (ed.) 1978. Keys to the Insects of sity in terms of cultivation and pesticide use, the European Part of the USSR. Volume III Hy- aff ecting the abundance and species diver- menoptera, Part II. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Zoology, Leningrad. sity of spontaneous plants: P. rhoeas plants Mirumjan, L. 2011. Phytophagous gall midges (Dip- were located in uncultivated land around tera: Cecidomyiidae) of Armenia. Acta Societatis the grape-producing area of Amynteo and Zoologicae Bohemicae, 75: 87-105. in the intensively cultivated arable crop area Nieves-Aldrey, J.L., Gómez, J.F., Askew, R.R. 2007. Two of Voeotia. Our fi ndings highlight the im- New Species of Idiomacromerus (Hymenoptera: portance of natural or semi-natural areas Torymidae) from the Stem Gall Wasp on Papaver somniferum, with Notes on the Parasitoid Com- for the maintenance of these species. Fur- munity. Annals of the Entomological Society of ther studies are necessary to clarify the ex- America, 100(3): 381-389. act trophic relations among the Hymenop- Nikol’skaya, M.N. and Zerova, M.D. 1978. Familiy To- tera pararasitoids and the hosts found in the rymidae (Callimomidae) (Torymids), in Medve- P. rhoeas capsules, as well as their potential dev, G.S. Ed., Keys to the Insects of the Europe- an part of the USSR, 3(2), New Delhi, 651-685 role in ecosystem services through the bio- (transl. from Russian by Amerind Published Co., logical control of the corn poppy. 1987). Noyes, J.S. 2017. Universal Chalcidoidea Data- base, Natural History Museum London. Availa- Literature cited ble from: www.nhm.ac.uk/entomology/ chalci- doids/index.html. (Accessed: 10-04-2017). Askew, R.R., Plantard O., Gomez, J.F., Nieves, M.H., Popescu, I.E. 2002. Contributions to the Knowledge and Nieves-Aldrey, J.L. 2006. Catalogue of par- of the Torymid Wasps (Hymenoptera, Chalci- asitoids and inquilines in galls of Aylacini, doidea, Torymidae) from the “Maritime Dune Diploledidini ans Pediaspidini (hym., Cypinidae) Natural Reserve from Agigea” (Constanţa, Ro-

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute 58 Karamaouna et al.

mania). Analele Ştiinţifi ce ale Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi Skuhravá, M. and Skuhravý, V. 1999. Skuhravá M & (Serie Nouă), Supplement: 274-280. Skuhravý V, 1999a. Gall midges (Diptera: Cecid- Pujade-Villar, J. and Schiopu, I., 2015. Species of Ayla- omyiidae) of Hungary. Annales Historico-Natu- cini Ashmead, 1903 (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) rales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 91: 105-139. inducing galls on Papaver L. (Papavaceae) from Skuhravá, M. and Skuhravý, V. 1997. Gall midges Romania with description of a new species and (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) of Greece. Entomolog- notes on parasitoids (Hymenoptera). Zoosyste- ica Bari, 31: 13-75. ma, 37 (3): 505-515. http://dx.doi.org/10.5252/ Stojanova, A.M. 2014. Torymid in (Insecta: Hymenop- z2015n3a5. tera: Torymidae) Besaparski Ridove Special Pro- Sedivý J., Cihlař P., 2005. Infestation of poppy cultu- tection Area (Natura 2000), Southern Bulgaria. res with the poppy stem gall wasp (Timaspis pa- Acta Zoologica Bulgarica Supplement. 5, 2014: paveris) Cynipidae: Hymenoptera. Plant Protec- 143-146. tion Science, 41: 73–79. Vètek G., Thuróczy C., Pénzes B. 2006. Interrelation- Simova-Tošić D., Skuhravá, M. and Skuhravý, V. 2000. ship between the raspberry cane midge, Resse- Gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of Serbia. liella theobaldi (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and its Acta Entomologica Serbica 5(1/2): 47-93. parasitoid, Aprostocetus epicharmus (Hymenop- Skuhravá M., Skuhravý V., and Meyer H., 2014. Gall tera: Eulophidae). Bulletin of Entomological Re- midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Cecidomyii- search, 96(4): 367-72. nae) of Germany: faunistics, ecology and zoo- geography. – Faunistisch-ökologische Mitteilun- gen, Supplement 38: 1-201. Received: 5 January 2018; Accepted: 12 March 2018


Πρώτη καταγραφή παρασιτοειδών σε έντομα Cynipidae και Cecidomyidae σε κάψες παπαρούνας, Papaver rhoeas, στην Ελλάδα

Φ. Καραμαούνα, Μ. Σαμαρά, Β. Κατή και M.-D. Mitroiu

Περίληψη Στην εργασία παρουσιάζεται ένα σύμπλεγμα παρασιτοειδών σε έντομα Cynipidae και Cecydomyiidae που προσβάλλουν τις κάψες του ετήσιου ζιζανίου Papaver rhoeas (κν. παπαρού- να), όπως καταγράφηκε στις περιοχές του Αμύνταιου Φλώρινας (2012) και του Ορχομενού Βοιωτίας (2013). Τα παρασιτοειδή ανήκουν στα είδη Idiomacromerus papaveris (Forster, 1856), Idiomacromerus sp., Pseudotorymus papaveris (Thomson, 1876) (Torymidae), Aprostocetus epicharmus Walker, 1839 (Eulophidae), και Cyrtoptyx sp. (Pteromalidae). Το A. epicharmus καταγράφηκε μόνο στο Αμύνταιο ενώ τα Idiomacromerus spp. και Cyrtoptyx sp. στη Βοιωτία. Πρόκειται για την πρώτη καταγραφή των παρα- σιτοειδών αυτών σε κάψες παπαρούνας στην Ελλάδα. Όλα τα παρασιτοειδή, εκτός από το Eulophidae, το οποίο πιθανόν παρασιτεί δίπτερα της οικογένειας Cecydomyiidae, φαίνεται να είναι παρασιτοειδή του υμενόπτερου Aylax papaveris (Perris, 1840) (Cynipidae).

Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 11: 54-58, 2018

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 11: 59-61, 2018 DOI 10.2478/hppj-2018-0008


First record of Coptotriche angusticollella (Duponchel, 1843) (: Tischeriidae) on the oil-bearing rose in Turkey

O. Demirözer1, A. Uzun1*, S. Erbaș2 and F. Can3

Summary Coptotriche spp. are known to cause damage on plants of Rosaceae and Fagaceae. Coptot- riche angusticollella (Duponchel, 1843) (Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae) was recorded for the first time infes- ting the oil-bearing rose, Rosa damascena, at the last half of May 2017 in Isparta, Turkey. It should not be ignored that C. angusticollella can be a potential risk posed to the oil-bearing rose crop.

Additional keywords: pest, Rosa damascena, rose oil, trumpet leafminers

Cultivation of the oil-bearing rose, Rosa blotch mines, on a variety of host plants (Ko- damascena Mill. (Rosaceae), has an impor- bayashi et al., 2016). Pupation occurs in the tant economic position in agricultural pro- leaf mines and adults are diurnally active. duction of Turkey. Furthermore, approxi- Main hosts of Tischeriidae belong to the mately 90% of the world’s oil-bearing rose plant families of Rosaceae, Fagaceae and cultivation is located in Turkey and 50% of Asteraceae (Puplesis and Diškus 2003; Sto- the world’s rose oil is provided from this nis et al., 2014). Until this time, 115 Tisch- country (Baydar and Kazaz, 2013). eria species have been reported from dif- Rosa damascena is a host of several in- ferent parts of the world. Coptotriche spp. sect pests, including three Lepidoptera, have been associated with fruit and orna- Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla (Denis and mental trees: Coptotriche spp. on Carpinus Schiff ermüller) (Pterophoridae), Archips ro- (Betulaceae) and Quercus (Fagaceae) trees sana (L.) (Noctuidae) and Notocelia rosaecol- in Japan (Sato, 2011); C. citrinipennella and C. ana (Doubleday) (Tortricidae) (Demirözer et zelleriella on Quercus sp.; C. castaneaeella on al., 2011; Demirözer, 2012). In this study, Cop- Quercus imbricaria (Anonymous, 2018). Cop- totriche angusticolella (Duponchel, 1843) totriche angusticollella has been reported in (Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae) was collected for Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu), Europe (Slove- the fi rst time on leaves of oil-bearing rose in nia), Tunisia, Caucasus, Turkmenistan, South Isparta, Turkey (Figure 1a) adding a trumpet Korea, the Russian Far East. The plant hosts leafminer to the lepidopteran pests of the recorded were Rosa multifl ora, R. wichurai- oil-bearing rose. ana, R. canina, Rosa spp. and other Rosaceae Trumpet leafminers (Lepidoptera: Tisch- (Kollar and Hrubik, 2009; Lesar and Govedik, eriidae) are known as the smallest moths, 2010; Kobayashi et al., 2016). Coptotriche an- with a wingspan of only 5–11 mm. Their lar- gusticolella had been previously reported vae make usually trumpet-shaped mines or in Turkey but hosts were not fully defi ned then and Rosaceae were reported as poten- tial hosts for this species (Kobayashi et al., 2016). 1 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricul- In the present study, infestation of R. ture, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey. 2 Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, Su- damascena by C. angusticollella was record- leyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey. ed at Ardıçlı Village (37 47’51.0 N, 30 11’22.1 3 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricul- ture, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay, Turkey. E, 974 m) in the district of Keçiborlu, which * Corresponding author: [email protected] holds a considerable amount of the oil-

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute 60 Demirözer et al. bearing rose cultivation areas (11.700 acres) in EMIT (Entomological Museum of Isparta, in Turkey (Tüik, 2018). Coptotriche angusti- Turkey). collella was observed during the last half of After fl owering of the oil-bearing rose May 2017 in a three year old conventional (15 May-end of June), observations were re- oil-bearing rose plantation (8 acres), where peated during post harvest period (July- one third of the plants were infested. Lar- October) in the Ardıçlı village at other rose vae caused an opaque white gallery becom- fi elds as well as Kermes (Quercus coc- ing a blotch mine on the upper or, occasion- cifera L.) but no damage symptoms were ally, lower epidermis surface of the leaves found. Moreover, no natural enemy was ob- (Figures 1a, 1b). Infested leaf samples were tained from the infested samples. placed in paper bags and transferred to the laboratory in cold chain. The leaves were then placed into plastic boxes (long side 22-cm x 15-cm wide x 15-cm high) and kept in a climate-controlled room at 25±1°C, 60 % RH, and 16: 8 h photophase: scotophase. Larvae (Figure 2a) were easily visible with- in the translucent mines. The pupal stage was completed in the mines (Figure 2b). The emerged moths (Figure 2c) were iden- tifi ed by Dr Erik J. Van Nieukerken and kept

Figure 1. Infestation by Coptotriche angusticollella larvae on leaves of Rosa damascena: infested leaves (a); opaque white Figure 2. Larva (a), pupa (b) and adult (c) of Coptotriche an- galleries (b). gusticollella.

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Coptotriche angusticollella on oil-bearing rose in Turkey 61

We would like to draw the attention of Kobayashi, S., Sato, H., Hirano, N., Yamada, K. and Hi- researchers, growers and advisers to an in- rowatari, T. 2016. A review of the Japanese spe- cies of the family Tischeriidae (Lepidoptera). tensive monitoring for the presence of ZooKeys, 601: 127–151. symptoms from this minute leafminer in oil- Kollár, J. and Hrubík, P. 2009. The Mining Species bearing rose cultivations in Turkey during on Woody Plants of Urban Environments in the the next season in order to prevent an out- West Slovak Area. Acta entomologica serbica, break of the pest. 14(1): 83-91. Lesar, T. and Govedıč, M. 2010. Check list of Slove- nian Microlepidoptera. Natura Sloveniae, 12(1): We express our special thanks to Erik J. Van 35-125. Nieukerken (Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden - Netherland) for Puplesis, R. and Diškus, A. 2003. The Nepticuloidea and Tischerioidea (Lepidoptera)–A global review, the identifi cation of the species. with strategic regional revisions. Lututò Publish- ers, Kaunas, 512 p. Literature cited Sato, H. 2011. Tischeriidae. In KOMAI, F. et al. (eds). A guide to the Lepidoptera of Japan. Tokai Universi- Anonymous, 2018. Tischeriidae: Fagaceae-feeding ty Press, p. 128, 559. group. http://www.Microleps.org /Guide/Tisch- Stonis, J.R., Diškus, A., Rociene, A., Sruoga, V. and Da- eriidae/Fagaceae _feeding/index.html. vis, D.R. 2014. New and little known Coptotriche Baydar, H. and Kazaz, S. 2013. Yağ Gülü & Isparta and Tischeria species (Lepidoptera: Tischeri- Gülcülüğü. Gülbirlik Yayınları, No: 1, Isparta. idae) from Primorskiy Kray, Russian Far East. Demirözer, O., Karaca, İ. and Karsavuran, Y. 2011. Zootaxa, 3884 (2): 141–155. Population fl uctuations of some important Tüik, 2018. Bitkisel üretim istatistikleri ve veri tabanı. pests and natural enemies found in oil-bearing https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr /bitkiselapp /bitkisel. rose (Rosa damascena Miller) production areas zul (14.02.2018). in Isparta province (Turkey). Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 35 (4): 539-558. Demirözer, O. 2012. Isparta İli yağ gülü, Rosa dama- scena Miller, alanlarında bulunan doğal düşman türleri. Her Yönüyle Gül Sempozyumu, Isparta, Türkiye, 7-9 Haziran 2012, 63 s. Received: 6 March 2018; Accepted: 18 June 2018


Πρώτη καταγραφή του Coptotriche angusticollella (Duponchel, 1843) (Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae) στο ρόδο Rosa damascena στην Τουρκία

O. Demirözer, A. Uzun, S. Erbaș and F. Can

Είδη του γένους Coptotriche spp. είναι γνωστό ότι προσβάλλουν φυτά των Οικογενειών Rosaceae και Fagaceae. Η εργασία αυτή αποτελεί την πρώτη καταγραφή του μικρολεπιδόπτερου Coptotriche angus- ticollella (Duponchel, 1843) (Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae) στο φυτό Rosa damascena, κοινώς ρόδο της Δα- μασκού ή εκατοντάφυλλη τριανταφυλλιά, το Μάιο του 2017, στην περιοχή της πόλης Isparta της Τουρ- κίας. Το έντομο μπορεί να αποτελέσει εν δυνάμει κίνδυνο για την παραγωγή του ροδέλαιου, το οποίο παράγεται από την καλλιέργεια του φυτού.

Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 11: 59-61, 2018

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 11: 62-70, 2018 DOI 10.2478/hppj-2018-0009

Lethal and sublethal eff ects of ten insecticides, used in date palm production in Saudi Arabia, on the parasitoid Trichogramma cacoeciae

M. Jamal Hajjar* and M. Al-Masoud

Summary Lethal and sublethal eff ects of ten insecticides commonly used in date palm production in Saudi Arabia were assessed in the laboratory against adults of Trichogramma cacoeciae, an impor- tant egg parasitoid of the dried fruit moth Ephestia calidella. Bioassays were conducted according to the standard protocol of the International Organization for Biological Control IOBC/WPRS/Working Group ‘Pesticides and Benefi cial Organisms’. Our results showed that cypermethrin, deltamethrin, mal- athion, phenthoate, methomyl, and carbosulfan were moderately harmful (IOBC Class 3) to the par- asitoid. The botanical insecticides azadirachtin and matrine were moderately harmful (IOBC Class 3) and slightly harmful (IOBC Class 2), respectively. The insect growth regulator pyriproxyfen was slight- ly harmful, whereas bistrifl uron was harmless (IOBC Class 1). Regarding sublethal eff ects, the parasit- ism ratios compared to control were reduced by pyriproxyfen and azadirachtin to 49.0% and 58.0%, re- spectively; hence they are classifi ed as slightly harmful insecticides (IOBC Class 2). Bistrifl uron and ma- trine were harmless (IOBC Class 1) as parasitism ratios were reduced by 9.2% and 27.6%, respective- ly. Longevity of adults exposed to bistrifl uron and matrine (3.6 and 3.3 days, respectively) and to py- riproxyfen and azadirachtin (1.7 and 1.3 days, respectively) was signifi cantly lower than that in con- trol (4.67 days). In semi-fi eld tests, residues of most insecticides on leaves of tomato, a common host plant of lepidopteran pests parasitized by T. cacoeciae, were considered moderately harmful to harm- ful based on parasitoid mortality at 24 h post-treatment whereas they were slightly harmful at 7 and 14 days post-treatment.

Additional keywords: longevity, mortality, parasitism, sublethal eff ects, Trichogramma cacoeciae, viability

Introduction aging impacts on date palms are restrict- ed by the use of the parasitoid Trichogram- Species of Trichogramma (Hymenoptera: ma cacoeciae Marchal (Rubeai et al., 2003; Trichogrammatidae) are important parasi- El-Shafi e et al., 2017), which is commercially toids in natural and agricultural ecosystems available and the most commonly used nat- and act as eff ective biocontrol agents of ural enemy in biological control programs lepidopteran pests in important crops such (Hassan, 1993; Hassan et al., 2000). as tomato, soybean and cruciferous plants Nevertheless, application of insecticides (Godfray, 1994; Beserra and Parra 1994; for the control of date palm pests cannot be Moezipour et al., 2008; Polaszek, 2010). excluded and sustainable use is foreseen in The dried fruit moth Ephestia calidel- the frame of an Integrated Pest Management la (Guenée) (Pyralidae) is a pest of econom- plan. Therefore, there is an urgent need to ic importance on date palm in Saudi Arabia, assess and quantify the risks of pesticides attacking dates during harvest, storage and against natural enemies of date palm pests packinghouse processing (El-Shafi e et al., in order to minimize any adverse eff ects. 2017). Development of the pest and its dam- Pesticides may cause lethal eff ects to non- target organisms in addition to sub-lethal behavioral and development eff ects, such as changes in rates of parasitism, longevity, College of Agricultural and Food Sciences, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia. sex ratio, and adult emergence (Desneux et * Corresponding author: [email protected] al., 2007; Firake and Khan, 2010; Firake et al.,

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Toxicity of insecticides on Trichogramma cacoeciae 63

2012; Blibech et al., 2015). al., 2000), likely resulting in the greatest de- Toxicity of diff erent classes of insecti- gree of harm. The outcome of lethal/subleth- cides to Trichogramma spp. vary. Synthet- al eff ects together with the results on the in- ic pyrethyroid insecticides appear to be the secticide persistence will contribute to the most harmful class (Youssef et al., 2004; Ab- selection of insecticides that pose lower risk dulhay and Rathi, 2014; Sohrabi and Amini, to the parasitoid and to determine the con- 2015; Thubru et al., 2016); Furthermore, the ditions of safe use in IPM programs in date eff ect of deltamethrin on pupae of Tricho- palm plantations (Grutzmacher et al., 2004). gramma oleae (Voegele and Poitale), T. ca- coeciae, and T. bourarachae Pintureau and Babault persisted for 30 days following ex- Material and Methods posure (Blibech et al., 2015). Τhe neonicotinoid insecticide acet- Trichogramma cacoeciae cultures amiprid was harmful as regards adult emer- Trichogramma cacoeciae was selected gence and rates of parasitism of Trichogram- among Trichogramma spp. for the bioassays ma evanescens Westwood (Jiu-Sheng et al., as it is easy to rear and handle in the labo- 2010). Thiacloprid was harmful to T. cacaoe- ratory (Hassan 1998). Trichogramma cacoeci- ciae adults but harmless to larvae and pupae ae was obtained from a colony maintained at (Schuld and Schmuck, 2000). the Excellence Research Center for palms and Organophosphate insecticides have dates at the King Faisal University. The colo- been shown to be harmful to eggs of T. ev- ny originated from parasitized Lepidopter- anescens and Trichogramma platneri Nagar- an eggs on leaves of cruciferous, tomato and katti (Jiu-Sheng et al., 2010; Brunner et al., other Solanaceae plants cultivated at Al-Has- 2001) and moderately harmful to T. cacoeci- sa fi elds, Eastern province of Saudi Arabia. ae (Youssef et al., 2004). Adults of T. cacoeciae were reared on eggs of Insect growth regulators and insect Ephestia cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyra- growth inhibitors (fenoxycarb, difl uben- lidae) (Suh et al., 2000), in an insect growth zuron and lufenuron) have been reported chamber maintained at 23 ±2 ºC and 75 ±5% not to be harmful to adults, pupae or eggs relative humidity (RH) with a 16:8 L:D cycle. of T. cacoeciae (Hassan et al., 1998; Brunner et al., 2001; Abaar et al., 2010). Consoli et al. Insecticides (2001) found that lufenoron and trifl umuron Lethal and sublethal eff ects on T. ca- did not aff ect parasitism effi ciency in T. gal- coeciae were assessed for 10 common- loi Zucchi, although they were harmful when ly used and commercially available insecti- applied to larvae and caused 100% death cides in Saudi Arabia against pests of date rate in adults when applied to eggs. palms. The insecticides are presented in Ta- Abdelgader and Hassan (2012) reported ble 1 and contain active substances which that azadirachtin was harmful to T. cacoeci- belong to diff erent chemical groups (pyre- ae adults, which were exposed to residues throids, organophosphates, carbamates, In- on glass plates and slightly to moderately sect Growth Regulators and plant extracts). harmful regarding adult emergence when applied to parasitized host eggs at diff erent Lethal eff ects of insecticides time intervals. Lethal eff ects of insecticides were as- Herein, we studied lethal, sublethal and sessed on T. cacoeaciae adults after exposure persistence eff ects of ten insecticides, which to dry residues on glass plates using the high- are commonly used in date palm production est recommended application rates (Hassan in Saudi Arabia, on T. cacoeciae. Adults of the et al., 2000). Glass tubes (2.5 x 20 cm) were parasitoid were exposed to dry residues of treated by adding 5 ml of an aqueous insec- the highest recommended rates of the test ticide solution which covered the inner sur- insecticides thus at very high risk (Hassan et face; the tubes were then emptied and left to

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Table 1. List of insecticides used in the study. Recommended Insecticides Class application rate Manufacturing company (ml/L) Cypermethrin (Hi power10% EC) Pyrethroid 0.50 Sulphur mills limited- India Deltamethrin (Flotron 2.5% EC) Pyrethroid 0.35 Sulphur mills limited- India Malathion (Sulmathion 57% EC) Organic phosphorus 0.75 Sulphur mills limited- India Phenthoate (Peston 50% EC) Organic phosphorus 0.80 Astrachem - Saudi Arabia Methomyl (Metho900 SP) Carbamate 0.20 BASF Corporation – Germany Carbosulfan (Marshal 25% WP) Carbamate 0.50 Astrachem - Saudi Arabia Bistrifl uron (Hanaro 10% EC) (IGR) 1.00 Astrachem - Saudi Arabia Pyriproxyfen (Muligan 10% EC) (IGR) 0.75 Parabolan- Spain Matrine (Kingbo 0.6% EC) Plant Extract 2.00 Beijing Kingbo Biotech- China Azadirachtin (Amen 1.0% EC) Plant Extract 2.50 Ecopheosides – India dry for 3 h. Control tubes were treated with Five tubes (replicates) were used per insec- distilled water. Five replicates of glass tubes ticide treatment and the control and were per insecticide treatment were used. Twen- kept at 26 ±2°C, RH 75 ±5% RH at a 16:8 L:D ty adults of T. cacoeciae, which were 24 hours cycle. The eggs of E. cautella were removed old, were transferred to each treated tube af- from the glass tubes after 24 h exposure to ter drying, using a fi ne feather. The tubes were the parasitoids and placed in labeled Pe- then sealed using cotton previously dipped tri dishes corresponding to the replicates, in 50% honey solution and were kept in an in the incubator. After 9 days of incubation, incubator at 26 ±2°C, RH 75 ±5% RH and 16:8 the number of parasitized eggs was counted L:D cycle. After 24 h of exposure to the dry and parasitism ratios of the insecticide treat- insecticide residues, the eff ect on adult mor- ments were compared with the control. The tality was recorded. The classifi cation system IOBC classifi cation (Hassan et al., 2000) was of the International Organization for Biolog- used for the classifi cation of insecticide tox- ical Control (IOBC) was used for the classifi - icity and the data were corrected using the cation of the insecticide toxicity as: harmless Abbott’s formula (Abbott 1925). (<30% mortality, Class 1); slightly harmful (30- 79% mortality, Class 2); moderately harmful Sublethal eff ects on parasitoid (80-99% mortality, Class 3); or harmful (>99% longevity mortality) (Hassan et al., 2000). Sublethal eff ect of insecticides on para- sitoid longevity was also assessed on adult Sublethal eff ect on parasitism females which survived 24 h exposure to Sublethal eff ect on parasitism were as- the insecticide treatments. Female individ- sessed on adult females of T. cacoeciae, uals were placed individually in clean glass which had survived the 24 h exposure to tubes sealed with cotton wool, which had insecticide residues (bistrifl uron 10% EC; been dipped in 50% honey solution, and pyriproxyfen 10% EC; matrine 0.6% EC; were incubated as described before. Five azadirachtin 1.0% EC, and control). Females tubes (replicates) per insecticide treatment were placed in glass tubes (2.5 x 20 cm), 6 in- and the control were used. Longevity of the dividuals per tube, along with 100 ± 10 eggs parasitoid as number of days until death was of E. cautella, which were glued on card- recorded. board tape (1cm2). The females were provid- ed with food through a cotton wool, which Persistence eff ects on parasitoid had been dipped in 50% honey solution, mortality and served also as a closure of the tubes. The persistence eff ect of insecticides, ap-

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Toxicity of insecticides on Trichogramma cacoeciae 65 plied to tomato leaves, on T. cacoeciae adults 14 days post-treatment. Mortality ratio data was assessed. The experiment was conduct- were corrected using the Abbott’s formula ed on tomato leaves because it is a common (Abbott, 1925). host for lepidopteran insects parasitized by T. cacoeciae. For this purpose, 75 toma- Statistical analysis to seedlings of the local cultivar Alhassawi The experiment was designed as a ran- were transplanted in fi ve replicate plots, domized complete block design using fi ve each measuring 2 x 3 m. Plants were grown replicates per treatment in addition to the in a mixture of peat moss (75% by vol.), na- control. Corrected percent mortality was tive fi ne sand, perlite and vermiculite. calculated (Abbott 1925) and data were an- Each insecticide was applied to plants in alyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). four replicate plots, while the control (water) Separation of the means was conducted us- was applied to the fi fth plot. Following treat- ing the Fisher’s protected Least Signifi cant ment with insecticide or water, the plants Diff erence test (PLSD), (P < 0.05) (Steel et al., were left to dry for three hours. Five toma- 1997). The analyses were performed using to leaves, measuring 5-6 cm long, were ran- SPSS 12.0 Windows (SPSS Inc., 2003). domly collected from the upper third of the plant in each plot of each insecticide treat- ment. Each set of fi ve leaves, representing Results and Discussion one replicate per treatment, was placed in a separate bag and transferred to the labora- Lethal Eff ects tory. Leaves were cut into 1 cm2 pieces and Survival and corrected mortality of adult placed in a test tube (5 x 1.5 cm) along with females of T. cacoeciae after 24 h exposure to 20 x one day old adults of T. cacoeciae (Suh et dry insecticide residues diff ered among the al., 2000). The tubes were then sealed with insecticides (Table 2). Cypermethrin, delta- cotton wool and kept in an incubator for 24 methrin, malathion, phenthoate, methomyl h, before mortality was recorded at 1, 2, 3, 7, and carbosulfan, were moderately harmful

Table 2. Survival and corrected mortality of adult females of the egg parasitoid Trichogram- ma cacoeciae, when exposed to dry residues of insecticides on glass surfaces treated at the recommended application rates.

Treatment Corrected Adult survival mortality IOBC Classifi cation Insecticide Class (E%) Cypermethrin (Hi power) 2.00 ± 0.77 gh 98.00 3 Deltamethrin (Flotron 2.5%)Pyrethroid 4.33 ± 0.26 efg 95.67 3 Malathion (Sulmathion 57%) 1.00 ± 0.45 h 99.00 3 Phenthoate (Peston 50%)Organophosphate 3.33 ± 0.26 fgh 96.67 3 Methomyl (Metho900) 1.00 ± 0.45 h 99.00 3 Carbosulfan (Marshal 25%)Carbamate 5.00 ± 0.45 ef 95.00 3 Bistrifl uron (Hanaro 10%) 92.67 ± 0.7 b 7.33 1 Pyriproxyfen (Muligan 10%)IGR 40.33 ± 0.68 d 59.76 2 Matrine (Kingbo 0.6%) 50.00 ± 0.89 c 50.00 2 Azadirachtin (Amen 1.0%)Plant Extract 6.67 ± 1.37 e 93.33 3 Control 100.0 ± 0.00 a - LSD ( P > 0.05) = 28.639 F value = 0.041 All values are means of 5 replicates ± SE. Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not signifi cantly diff erent (Fisher’s test, P > 0.05). IOBC insecticide classifi cation, where Class 1: harmless (E < 30%); Class 2: slightly harmful (30% < E < 79%); Class 3: moderately harmful (80% < E < 99%); and Class 4: harmful (E > 99%).

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute 66 Hajjar & Al-Masoud

(IOBC class 2) to the parasitoid T. cacoeciae, dues was signifi cantly lower than that of the according to the IOBC classifi cation system control but there were variations in the ef- (Hassan et al., 2000). Similar moderate to high fect among the insecticides (Table 3). toxicities of organophosphorus and synthet- Based on parasitism ratios of T. cacoeci- ic pyrethroid compounds to adults of T. ca- ae on E. cautella, the IGRs pyriproxyfen and coeciae and other Trichogramma spp. have bistrifl uron are classifi ed as slightly harmful also been reported in other studies (Brun- (IOBC class 2) and harmless (IOBC class 1) to ner et al., 2001, Youssef et al., 2004; Jiu-Sheng T. cacoeciae, respectively. The plant extracts et al., 2010, Zhu et al., 2009; Abaar et al., 2011; azadirachtin and matrine are classifi ed as Sohrabi and Amini, 2015; Thubru et al., 2016). slightly harmful (IOBC class 2) and harmless The plant extract azadirachtin (Amen (IOBC class 1) to the parasitoid, respective- 1.0%) was moderately toxic, supporting data ly. In terms of eff ect on longevity, the most from Thubru et al. (2016) on another egg par- harmful insecticides to the parasitoid were asitoid, Trichogramma brassicae (Bezdenko). pyriproxyfen and azadirachtin (Table 3). The insect growth regulator (IGR) py- Regarding IGRs, Consoli et al. (1998) and riproxyfen (Muligan 10%) and the plant ex- Hassan et al. (1998) found that lufenuron tract matrine (Kingbo 0.6%) are slightly was slightly harmful to T. cacoeciae. Howev- harmful (IOBC class 3) to the parasitoid T. ca- er, Abaar et al. (2010) reported that fenoxy- coeciae while the IGR bistrifl uron is harmless carb, difl ubenzuron, and lufenuron were (corrected mortality did not exceed 7.3%; not harmful to pupae or toxic to T. cacoeciae IOBC class 1). eggs and the low toxicity levels of IGR in T. cacoeciae larvae have been refl ected in the Sublethal eff ects high rates of adult emergence compared to Parasitism ratio of E. cautella eggs by fe- the control. male parasitoids of T. cacoeciae, which had Azadirachtin, although a botanical in- survived 24h exposure to dry insecticide secticide, was found to be moderately harm- residues, was signifi cant lower compared to ful to T. cacoeciae regarding mortality and the control, while it diff ered among the test- slightly harmful regarding parasitism ratio. ed insecticides (Table 3). Similarly, longevity Our results are in confl ict with those report- of adult females of T. cacoeciae that survived ed by Thubru et al. (2016), who found that initial 24h exposure to the insecticide resi- surface contact toxicity of azadirachtin was Table 3. Parasitism ratio of Trichogramma cacoeciae on eggs of Ephestia cautella and longev- ity of adult females of the parasitoid, which survived 24 h exposure to dry residues of insec- ticides on glass plates treated at the recommended application rates.

Treatment Reduction % hatching after IOBC Longevity (days) in parasitism Insecticide Class nine days ± SE Classifi cation rate (E%)

Bistrifl uron (Hanaro 10%) 83.80 ± 4.40 b 9.21 1 3.60 ± 0.20 b Pyriproxyfen (Muligan 10%)IGR 47.13 ± 4.21 d 48.98 2 1.67 ± 0.12 c

Matrine (Kingbo 0.6%) Plant 66.73 ± 2.61 c 27.64 1 3.27 ± 0.12 b Azadirachtin (Amen 1.0%)Extract 40.93 ± 3.52 e 57.95 2 1.33 ± 0.12 c 4.67 ± 0.58 a Control 92.33 ± 4.04 a LSD (P > 0.05) = 25.345 LSD (P > 0.05) = 1.622 F value = 0. 046 LSD (P > 0.05) = 1.622 All values are means of 5 replicates ± SE. Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not signifi cantly diff erent (Fisher’s test, P > 0.05). IOBC insecticide classifi cation, where Class 1: harmless (E < 30%); Class 2: slightly harmful (30% < E < 79%); Class 3: moderately harmful (80% < E < 99%); and Class 4: harmful (E > 99%).

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Toxicity of insecticides on Trichogramma cacoeciae 67 slightly harmful to adults of T. brassicae mor- which was classifi ed as slightly harmful. This tality, while it was harmful to parasitism ratio diff erence in classifi cation may be due to and longevity of the parasitoid. These diff er- variability in sensitivity to pesticides among ences may be due to diff erences in sensitivi- Trichogramma spp., caused by host rearing ty to insecticides among Trichogramma spe- conditions e.g. size of host egg that aff ects cies as well as the host species upon which the growth and development of parasitoids the parasitoid species are reared (Brunner et (Suh et al., 2000; Goulart et al., 2008; Hegazi al., 2001). and Khafagi, 2001). To summarize, the two IGRs (bistrifl uron, pyriproxyfen) and the plant extract matrine Insecticide Persistence were the least harmful insecticides to adults Mortality of the parasitoid after expo- of T. cacoeciae in terms of lethal eff ect (mor- sure to aged residues of the tested insecti- tality after 24h exposure) as well as subleth- cides on tomato leaves diff ered among the al eff ects (parasitism ratio on E. cautella and insecticides and diff erent age of residues parasitoid longevity). Bistrifl uron and py- (Table 4). Cypermethrin and phenthoate re- riproxyfen have been classifi ed in the IOBC sulted in 100% mortality of adult females database as harmless to T. cacoeciae (IOBC, exposed to one day old residues and were 2005). Our results support this classifi ca- classifi ed as harmful (IOBC class 4) to T. ca- tion for bistrifl uron but not for pyriproxyfen, coeciae. One day old residues of deltame-

Table 4. Mean % survival of adult females of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma cacoeciae, when exposed to aged insecticide residues (persistence of insecticide eff ect).

Mean adult survival (%) IOBC Classifi - Insecticide Class Days after treatment cation 123 7 14 Cypermethrin (Hi power) 0.00 d 5.00 d 14.00 d 31.00 e 39.00 de 4 Deltamethrin Pyrethroid (Flotron 2.5%) 4.00 cd 6.00 d 16.00 d 29.00 ef 42.00 d 3

Malathion 2.00 cd 9.00 d 18.00 d 26.00 ef 34.00 ef 3 (Sulmathion 57%) Organophos- Phenthoate (Peston 50%) phate 0.00 d 7.00 d 15.00 d 24.00 fg 24.00 g 4

Methomyl (Metho900) 7.00 cd 8.00 d 13.00 d 25.00 efg 31.00 fg 3 Carbosulfan Carbamate (Marshal 25%) 7.00 cd 12.00 a 15.00 d 25.00 efg 36.00 def 3

Bistrifl uron (Hanaro 10%) 1.00 b 83.00 b 84.00 b 86.00 b 94.00 a 1 Pyriproxyfen IGR (Muligan 10%) 77.00 b 77.00 b 49.00 b 80.00 c 85.00 b 1

Matrine (Kingbo 0.6%) 41.00 d 45.00 c 47.00 c 49.00 d 52.00 c 2 Azadirachtin Plant Extract (Amen 1.0%) 9.00 c 10.00 d 13.00 d 19.00 g 26.00 g 3

Control 20a LSD (P > 0.05) 25.503 20.533 24.093 27.348 17.855 F value 0.007 0.249 0.041 0.044 0.041 All values are means of 5 replicates. Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not signifi cantly diff erent (Fisher’s test, P > 0.05). IOBC insecticide classifi cation where Class 1: harmless (E < 30%); Class 2: slightly harmful (30% < E < 79%); Class 3: moderately harmful (80% < E < 99%); and Class 4: harmful (E > 99%).

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute 68 Hajjar & Al-Masoud thrin, malathion, methomyl, azadirachtin, time points after -application and these re- and carbosulfan, causing 96, 98, 93, 91 and sults are consistent with those reported by 93% adult mortality, respectively, as com- Hassan et al. (1998). pared with the control, are classifi ed as mod- In conclusion, most of the tested insec- erately harmful (IOBC class 3) to T. cacoeci- ticides were moderately harmful to harm- ae. Our results corroborate those reported ful to T. cacoeciae, except for the IGR insec- by Youssef et al. (2004) for T. exgium on olive ticides, which can be considered further for leaves, and Blibech et al. (2015) who found use in a sustainable IPM programme against that deltamethrin residues on olive leaves major Lepidopteran pests of date palm. aff ected parasitism in T. oleae, T. cacoeciae, and T. bourarachae, 31 days post-treatment. Nevertheless, Suh et al. (2000) showed that We thank the Deanship of Scientifi c Research deltamethrin has short-term persistence on for fi nancial support and the Center for Date cotton leaves, and this diff erence in persis- Palm Research at King Faisal University for tence may be attributed to variation among support and technical assistance. We thank Dr Trichogramma spp. sensitivity to pesticides Hisham Mohammed for statistical advice. (Goulart et al., 2008) and pesticide interac- tions with plant leaf types or climate condi- tions (Bueno et al., 2008). Literature cited One day old residues of the IGR insecti- Abaar, F., Hajjar, M.J. and Jamal, M. 2011. The side-ef- cides, bistrifl uron and pyriproxyfen, caused fects of some insecticides on the adults of egg 19% and 23% mortality of T. cacoeciae, re- parasitoid Trichogramma cacoeciae Marchal spectively, and were classifi ed as harm- (Hym: Trichogrammatidae). Journal of Damascus University for Agricultural Sciences, 27(2): 275-263. less. One and 14 days post-treatment res- Abaar, F., Hajjar, M.J. and Jamal, M. 2010. The side- idues of the botanical insecticide matrine eff ect of some insecticides on the life stages of caused 59% and 48% mortality, respective- egg parasitoid Trichogramma cacoeciae Marchal ly, and were classifi ed as slightly harmful. (Hym: Trichogrammatidae) within host eggs. According to Brunner et al. (2001) the ben- Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 28 (1): 85-90. zoylhydrazin IGRs, tebufenozid and meth- Abbott, W.S. 1925. A method for computing the ef- fectiveness an insecticide. Journal of Economic oxyfenozide, on treated Oregon spur apple Entomology, 18: 265-267. tree leaves at leaf-disk bioassays produced Abdelgader, H. and Hassan, S. 2012. Eff ects of Bo- no sublethal eff ect on Colpoclypeus florus tanical Insecticides on the Egg Parasitoid Tricho- (Hym.: Eulophidae) and Trichogramma plat- gramma cacoeciae MARCHAL (Trichogrammati- neri, which are potential biological control dae: Hymenoptera). Third International Scientifi c Symposium “Agrosym Jahorina 2012” Pp: 445- agents of leafrollers in apple orchards. 450, (Ed: Kovacevic, D.) ISBN 978-99955-751-0-6. Overall, toxicity of insecticide residues Abdulhay, H.S. and Rathi, M.H. 2014. Eff ect of some on tomato leaves to T. cacoeciae, from one insecticides on the egg parasitoid, Tricho- to 14 days after treatment varied among gramma evanescens Westwood (Hymenoptera: the insecticides (Table 4). However, most of Trichogrammatidae). Journal of Al-Nahrain Uni- them were considered moderately harmful versity, 17: 116-123. to harmful 24 h post-treatment. Residue tox- Beserra, E.B. and Parra, J.R.P. 2004. Biologia e parasitis- mo de Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman & Plat- icity reduced with time and became moder- ner e Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenopte- ately harmful, 2 and 3 days after treatment ra: Trichogrammatidae) em ovos de Spodoptera and slightly harmful at 7 and 14 days. Zhu frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). et al. (2009) also noted that persistence of Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 48: 119-126. insecticide residues on leaf surfaces dif- Blibech I., Ksantini, M., Jardak, T. and Bouaziz, M. 2015. Eff ect of insecticides on Trichogramma fered among pesticides and that the eff ects parasitoids used in biological control against on the natural enemy T. evanescens in their Prays oleae insect. Advances in Chemical Engi- study decreased with time. Also, the under- neering and Science, 5: 362-372. study IGR aged residues were harmless at all Brunner, J.F., Dunley, J.E., Doerr, M.D. and Beers, E.H.

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2001. Eff ect of pesticides on Colpoclypeus fl orus cacoeciae as an indicator species for testing the (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Trichogramma side eff ects of pesticides on benefi cial arthro- platneri (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), pods, compared to other hymenopterous para- Parasitoids of Leafrollers in Washington. Journal sitoids. IOBC/ WPRS Bulletin, 21: 89–92. of Economic Entomology, 94: 1075-1084. Hassan, S.A., Hafes, B., Degrande, P.E. and Herai, Bueno, A.F., Bueno, R.C.O.F., Parra, J.R.P. and Vieira, K. 1998. The side eff ects of pesticides on the S.S. 2008. Eff ects of pesticides used in soybean egg parasitoid Trichogramma cacoeciae Mar- crops to the egg parasitoid Trichogramma pre- chal (Hym., Trichogrammatidae), acute dose-re- tiosum. Ciência Rural, 38:1495-1503. sponse and persistence tests. Journal of Applied Consoli, F.L., Botelho, P.S.M. and Parra, J.R.P. 2001. Entomology, 122: 569-573. 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Επίδραση δέκα εντομοκτόνων που εφαρμόζονται στην καλλιέργεια της χουρμαδιάς στη Σαουδική Αραβία, στο παρασιτοειδές Trichogramma cacoeciae

M. Jamal Hajjar and M. Al-Masoud

H επίδραση δέκα εντομοκτόνων, που εφαρμόζονται συνήθως στην καλλιέργεια της χουρμαδιάς στη Σαουδική Αραβία, αξιολογήθηκε στο εργαστήριο σε ενήλικα άτομα του Trichogramma cacoeciae, ενός σημαντικού ωοπαρασιτοειδούς του λεπιδόπτερου Ephestia calidella. Οι βιοδοκιμές διεξήχθησαν σύμ- φωνα με το πρωτόκολλο του Διεθνούς Οργανισμού IOBC/WPRS/Ομάδα Εργασίας ‘Pesticides and Benefi cial Organisms’. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι τα σκευάσματα με δραστικές ουσίες cypermethrin, deltamethrin, malathion, phenthoate, methomyl και carbosulfan ήταν μέτρια επιβλαβή (κλάση IOBC 3) στο παρασιτοειδές. Από τα βοτανικά εντομοκτόνα, το σκεύασμα με δραστική azadirachtin ήταν μέτρια επιβλαβές (κλάση IOBC 3) ενώ αυτό με τη δραστική matrine ήταν ελαφρώς επιβλαβές (κλάση IOBC 2). Ο ρυθμιστής ανάπτυξης των εντόμων pyriproxyfen ήταν ελαφρώς επιβλαβής ενώ το σκεύασμα με δρα- στική bistrifl uron ήταν αβλαβές (κλάση IOBC 1). Όσον αφορά στις έμμεσες αρνητικές επιδράσεις των εντομοκτόνων, το ποσοστό παρασιτισμού σε σύγκριση με το μάρτυρα μειώθηκε από τα σκευάσμα- τα με δραστικές pyriproxyfen και azadirachtin σε 49,0% και 58,0%, αντίστοιχα, επομένως τα εν λόγω εντομοκτόνα ταξινομούνται ως ελαφρώς επιβλαβή (κλάση IOBC 2) στο T. cacoeciae. Τα σκευάσματα με δραστικές bistrifl uron και matrine ήταν αβλαβή (κλάση IOBC 1) καθώς τα ποσοστά παρασιτισμού μειώθηκαν κατά 9,2% και 27,6% αντίστοιχα. Η μακροβιότητα των ενήλικων ατόμων του παρασιτοει- δούς που εκτέθηκαν σε bistrifl uron και matrine (3,6 και 3,3 ημέρες, αντίστοιχα) και σε pyriproxyfen και azadirachtin (1,7 και 1,3 ημέρες, αντίστοιχα) ήταν σημαντικά χαμηλότερη από αυτή του μάρτυρα (4,67 ημέρες). Σε δοκιμές σε συνθήκες ημι-υπαίθρου, τα υπολείμματα των περισσότερων εντομοκτόνων σε φύλλα τομάτας, κοινό φυτό-ξενιστή λεπιδοπτέρων που παρασιτούνται από το Τ. cacoeciae, ήταν μέ- τρια επιβλαβή έως επιβλαβή με βάση τη θνησιμότητα του παρασιτοειδούς, 24 ώρες μετά την εφαρμο- γή, ενώ ήταν ελαφρώς επιβλαβή, 7 και 14 ημέρες μετά την εφαρμογή.

Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 11: 62-70, 2018

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 11: 71-77, 2018 DOI 10.2478/hppj-2018-0010

Changes in salicylic acid content and pathogenesis - related (PR2) gene expression during barley - teres interaction

A. Al-Daoude*, M. Jawhar, E. Al-Shehadah, A. Shoaib, M. Orfi and M.I.E Arabi

Summary Net blotch (NB), caused by the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Pyrenophora teres f. teres, substantially reduces barley grain yield and quality worldwide. The role of salicylic acid (SA) signal- ing in NB resistance has been poorly documented. In this study, SA levels as well as the expression of the SA-responsive gene PR2 were monitored in infected leaves of two barley genotypes, Banteng (re- sistant) and WI2291 (susceptible), at diff erent time points of infection. SA signaling was activated in bothgenotypes 24 hours post infection (hpi) as compared with non-inoculated plants. However, with or without pathogen pretreatment, SA signifi cantly increased (P=0.001) in Banteng comparing with WI2291. RT-PCR analysis revealed that PR2 expression increases in the resistant and susceptible geno- types over the inoculation time points, with maximum expression (6.4 and 1.99-fold, respectively) ob- served 6 dpi. PR2 expression was paralleled by an increase in leaf SA content as shown by the test co- incidence (F3, 32 = 4.74, P = 0.001). Based on barley genotype resistance levels, our data strengthen the idea that SA signaling and PR2 play a role in barley NB reduction.

Additional keywords: barley, Pyrenophora teres, PR2 gene expression, RT-PCR, salicylic acid

Introduction modes of action in physiological processes could help in the dissection of the SA signal- Net blotch, caused by the fungal patho- ing network, confi rming its important role in gen Pyrenophora Drechs. teres Smedeg. (an- plant responses to fungal diseases (Vásquez amorph: Drechslera teres [Sacc.] Shoem. f. et al., 2015). After a pathogen attack SA lev- Teres Smedeg.), is a common foliar disease els often increase and lead to the induction of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), a disease re- of PR expression and the development of sponsible for heavy crop losses (Liu et al., systemic acquired resistance and hypersen- 2011; Wang et al., 2015). Various mechanisms sitive response. Furthermore, SA appears to for NB resistance and susceptibility appear regulate the delicate balance between pro- to operate in barley. Pyrenophora teres acti- and after- cell death functions during hyper- vates diff erent defense responses which are sensitive response (Dorey et al., 1997; Alvar- regulated through diff erent plant signaling ez, 2000). pathways, including plant hormones such Barley plants produce enzymes that di- as SA and pathogenesis-related (PR) pro- gest fungal cell walls to stop fungal pene- teins (Wang et al., 2011; Bogacki et al., 2008). tration. However, since all true fungi contain A number of studies have demonstrat- chitin as a primary structural component ed that SA signaling pathways play impor- of their cell walls, the chitinase family of PR tant roles in resistance against fungal patho- proteins is of particular importance (Wes- gens in plants (Trusov et al.,2009; Zwart et sels, 1994). Chitin in fungal cell walls can be al., 2017). Therefore, discovery of SA targets hydrolyzed by chitinases into smaller oli- and the understanding of their molecular gomers or monomers (Bishop et al., 2002), so PR proteins such as PR2 are known to play a major role during plant–pathogenic fun- gus interactions (Collinge et al., 1993; Dangl Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, AECS, P.O.Box 6091 Damascus, Syria and Jones, 2001). *Corresponding author: scientifi [email protected] Quantitative PCR (qPCR) is now a well-

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute 72 Al-Doude et al. established method forquantifying the rela- surfaces. Pyrenophora teres inoculum prep- tive expression level of a particular transcript aration, inoculation, and post-inoculation and determines its expression after be- were similar to those described by Abu Qa- ing exposed to a specifi c alteration, such as mar et al. (2008). Barley plants were grown in pathogen infection (Kralik and Ricchi 2017). the greenhouse and inoculated at the two- In the present work, we studied the defense to three-leaf stage with the second leaf ful- responses of two barley genotypes Banteng ly expanded. and WI 2291, which are integrated in inter- national breeding programs aimed at devel- SA quantifi cation oping NB resistant barley genotypes. Ban- Pooled samples containing the fourth teng was described as a highly resistant to P. leaf of 20 independent plants/genotype teres (Arabi et al., 2003), i.e. exhibited a lower where used for SA quantifi cation. Pooled level (compared with WI2291) of NB symp- samples were prepared from leaves tak- tom development. We thus hypothesized en 24, 48 and 72 hpi, respectively. For each that SA-triggered defenses could drive con- time case studied, six pooled sample repli- trasted levels of resistance in Banteng and cates were used for quantifi cation. SA was WI2291, inoculated by the same pathogen extracted from approximately 200 mg of isolate. Thus, the aim of the current study freshly ground leaves in 1.5 ml tubes fol- was to evaluate the changes in SA content lowing the method described by Trapp et al. and induction of PR2 gene expression in two (2014), with minor modifi cations. Briefl y, 100 barley cultivars with diff erent resistance to mg of plant material were dried overnight in P. teres. a freeze drier at −42°C. The extraction was achieved by adding 1.0 mL of ethyl acetate,

dichloromethane, isopropanol, MeOH:H2O Materials and Methods into each tube containing dry plant materi- al. Samples were shaken for 30 min and cen- Plant materials and pathogen trifuged at 16,000 g and 4°C for 5 min. The inoculation supernatant was transferred into a new 1.5 Τhe German genotype Banteng has micro-centrifuge tube and dried in a speed proved to be the most resistant genotype vac. After drying, 100 μL of MeOH was add- to all NB isolates available so far under fi eld ed to each sample, homogenized under vor- and greenhouse conditions for over fi fteen tex and centrifuged at 16,000 g and 4°C for years (Arabi et al., 2003). For this reason, it 10 min. The supernatant was analyzed by a was chosen and used in this study. A uni- high-performance liquid chromatography versal susceptible control genotype (cv. coupled mass spectrophotometer (HPLC- WI2291) from Australia was also included in MS/MS) system (Agilent Technologies, the experiments. The P. teres single conidi- Böblingen, Germany). Changes in SA con- um isolate (NB4) tested was the most Syrian tent were compared to the control for each virulent pathotype to all barley genotypes time point. Six independent repetitions available up to now (Arabi et al., 2003). The were performed for each time point. Data fungus was incubated in Petri dishes con- were analyzed using the standard deviation taining potato dextrose agar (PDA, DIFCO, and t-test methods. Detroit, MI, USA) for 8 days at 20-22°C in the dark. Conidia were collected in 10 mL ster- RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis ile distilled water and the suspension was Primary leaves from three individual bi- adjusted to 2 x 104 conidia/mL using he- ological replicates were collected at 24, 48 macytometer. A surfactant (polyoxyethyl- and 72 hpi, and homogenized with a tube ene-20-sorbitan monolaurate) was added pestle in liquid nitrogen. mRNA was extract- (100 μL/L) to the conidial suspension to fa- ed with the Nucleotrap mRNA mini kit (Ma- cilitate dispersion of the inoculum over leaf cherey-Nagel, MN, Germany) following the

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Salicylic acid expression at barley–Pyrenophora teres interaction 73 manufacturer’s instructions. RNA was used ΔCT value determined by subtracting the for cDNA synthesis with the QuantiTect Re- average CT value of genes from the CT val- verse Transcription Kit (Qiagen) following ue of EF1α gene. Finally, the equation 2-ΔΔCT the manufacturer’s instructions and the re- was used to estimate PR2 relative expression sulting cDNA was stored at −20°C. At the level (Livak and Schmittgen, 2001). Standard same time points, samples from mock inoc- deviation was calculated from the replicat- ulated plants were collected as controls. ed experimental data. The statistical analy- sis was conducted through the Tukey’s test Semi quantitative RT-PCR at the 0.05 level. The assumption of coinci- PCR primers for PR2 were designed dence was tested using the ANOVA proce- based on the cDNA sequences of barley dure implemented in the software package available at NCBI (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. Statistica 6.1. gov) database (Id:M23548.1) using Primer 3 software (5’ CAGCGAATGCTCCAATGAAGA 3’ and 5’ TACCCTGCCGTGAACATCAAG 3’). Results and Discussion PCR reactions were performed in a 50-μL fi - nal volume including 1μL of ten times dilut- In this study, we used two barley genotypes ed cDNA template, 5 μL of 10X amplifi cation with diff erent resistance to P. teres infection. buff er (Thermo Scientifi c, USA), 1 μL of 200 As shown in Figure 1, P. teres produced net- μM deoxynucleotide triphosphates (Ther- like striated lesions surrounded by chloro- mo Scientifi c, USA), 1 μL of 10 pico-molar of sis or necrosis, and these symptoms were each primer, 0.2 μL (1 U) of Taq DNA poly- more severe on the susceptible genotype merase (MBI Fermentas, York, UK) and 40.8 ‘WI2291’ after 10 days of infection. These μL of PCR grade water. PCR reactions were results are in agreement with our previous performed on a thermocycler (Biometra) observations under natural fi eld conditions with the following program: an initial de- (Arabi et al., 2003). naturing step at 94°C for 4 min, followed by Further studies of barley-P. teres inter- 30 cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 57°C for 30 s, 72°C actions by measuring changes in the leaf for 1 min with a fi nal extension at 72°C for SA content and PR2 gene expression at four 10 min. PCR products were separated using early time points after pathogen challenge, 1% agarose gels, stained with ethidium bro- showed that SA levels of infected barley mide and observed on a UV transillumina- leaves increased 24hpi in comparison with tor. PCR was performed three times for each non-inoculated plants (Fig. 2). With or with- primer using the same cDNA sample in or- out pathogen pretreatment, the tolerant der to confi rm the reproducibility of the re- genotype Banteng contained three-fold or sults. greater total SA than the susceptible geno- type WI2291 (24hpi). It was found that Ban- qRT-PCR assay teng contained signifi cantly (P=0.001) high- Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) was er levels of total SA thanWI2291 a teach time performed using the method described by point investigated (Fig. 2), which might re- Derveaux et al. (2010). Data was checked by fl ect the expected role of SA in signaling qRT-PCR dissociation curve analysis using events during P. teres infection. This result stepone software (v2.3). The fl uorescence could support the fi ndings published by readings of six replicated samples were av- Häff ner et al. (2014), stating that the endog- eraged and the blank value (without DNA enous SA level in a plant is the main cause control) was subtracted. PR2 relative expres- of susceptibility versus resistance in barley, sion levels were determined using the aver- since pathogen infection may induce plant age cycle threshold (CT). Average CT values responses regulated by SA. In addition, SA were calculated from the triplicate exper- accumulation has been widely used as a re- iment conducted for each gene, with the liable marker of elevated defense responses

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute 74 Al-Doude et al.

Figure 1. a) Frequency of disease reactions incited on barley (a) resistant cv. Banteng and (b) susceptible cv. WI2291, 10 days after Pyrenophora teres infection. b) Disease symptoms on the resistant (BAN) and susceptible (WI) barley genotypes, which were measured using the scale described by Abu Qamar et al. (2008).

Figure 2. Quantifi cation of total salycilic acid in barley leaves 1, 2, 3 and 4 days post inoculation withPyrenophora teres in (a) the resistant cv. Banteng and (b) the suscepitible cv. WI2291. Error bars represent the stantard error of the means (n = 3). and is closely associated with redox homeo- ulation i.e, it was repressed in the susceptible stasis, hypersensitive response, or system- cultivar WI2291 while being induced in the ic acquired resistance (Alvarez, 2000; Dong, tolerant genotype Banteng (Fig. 3). More- 2004). over, RT-PCR expression analysis revealed Semi quantitative RT-PCR analysis dem- that the PR2 expression increased in the re- onstrated that attack of barley by P. teres in- sistant and susceptible genotypes over the duced PR2 accumulation in infected plants inoculation time points, with the highest ex- as compared with the un-infected controls pression (6.4 and 1.99–fold for Banteng and and it was inversely regulated 24h post inoc- WI2291, respectively) observed at 6 dpi. PR2

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Salicylic acid expression at barley–Pyrenophora teres interaction 75

β-1, 3-glucanase and peroxidase enzyme activity, both locally and systemically (Bind- schedler et al., 1998). Our data show that the contribution of the SA pathway to the resistance response appears to depend on the plant genotype. The NB tolerant genotype Banteng used for this study was proved to be the most resis- tant genotype to all P. teres isolates available so far. The higher activities of the select- ed defense genes such as PR2 and higher level of SA in infected Banteng leaf tissues compared with the susceptible genotype WI 2291 may explain its high level of resis- tance. This study provides information about the role of SA in resistance of barley against the necrotrophic foliar pathogen P. teres. In addition, it highlights that SA may increase in response to P. teres infection in diff erent barley genotypes. It is also noteworthy that PR2 has a higher constitutive expression and faster induction in the tolerant genotype as Figure 3. Relative expression profi les ofPR2 gene in the re- compared with the susceptible one. Our re- sistant cv. Banteng and in the susceptible cv. WI2291, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after infection by Pyrenophora teres. sults suggested that not only SA is important for the induction of defense-like responses but, in the absence of pathogen attack, SA encodes for a 1,3-ß-glucanase (Simmons, may sustain basal expression levels of genes 1994), belonging to the glycoside hydrolas- associated with resistance responses and es family (Opassiri et al., 2010). 1, 3-ß-gluca- may keep the defense system primed. nase hydrolyses the ß-O-glycosidic bond of ß-glucan in plant cell walls, resulting in cell wall loosening and expansion (Akiyama et The authors thank the Director General of al., 2009). This phenomenon may be the AECS and the Head of Biotechnology Depart- cause of barley cell wall leakage during NB ment for their help throughout the period of infestations. this research. Our data showed that PR2 gene exhib- ited a diff erential expression (P=0.01) in the tolerant and susceptible barley genotypes Literature cited and was closely related to the increase of the SA level. The SA marker PR2 was upreg- Abu Qamar, M., Liu, Z. H., Faris, J. D., Chao, S., Ed- ulated 3-fold in infected leaves of the toler- wards, M. C., Lai, Z., Franckowiak, J.D. and Fri- esen,· T.L. 2008. A region of barley chromosome ant Banteng than in the susceptible WI2291 6H harbors multiple major genes associated (Fig. 2). PR2 expression was paralleled by an with the net type net blotch resistance. Theoret- increase in leaf salicylic acid (SA) content as ical and Applied Genetics, 117: 1261–1270. shown by the coincidence test (F3, 32 = 4.74, P Akiyama, T., Jin, S., Yoshida, M., Hoshino, T., Opas- = 0.001). This is supported by previous works siri, R. and Cairns, J.R.K. 2009. Expression of an endo-(1,3;1,4)-beta-glucanase in response to indicating that SA is involved in the regula- wounding, methyl jasmonate, abscisic acid and tion of induced immunity in barley through ethephon in rice seedlings. Journal of Plant Phys- the induction of PR proteins with chitinase, iology, 166: 1814-1825.

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute 76 Al-Doude et al.

Alvarez, M.E. 2000. Salicylic acid in the machinery Liu, Z., Ellwood, S.R., Oliver, R.P. and Friesen, T.L., of hypersensitive cell death and disease resis- 2011. Pyrenophora teres profi le of an increasing- tance. Plant Molecular Biology, 44: 429-442. ly damaging barley pathogen. Molecular Plant Arabi, M.I.E., Al-safadi, B. and Charbaji, T. 2003. Pathology, 12: 1–19. Pathogenic Variation among Isolates of Pyreno- Opassiri, R., Maneesan, J., Akiyama, T., Pomthong, phora teres the Causal Agent of Barley Net S., Jin B., Kimura, A. and Ketudat Cairns, J.R. Blotch. Journal of Phytopathology, 151: 376–382. 2010. Rice Os4BGlu12 is a wound-induced Bindschedler, V.L., Métraux, J.P. and Schweizer, P. β-glucosidase that hydrolyzes cell wall-β- 1998. Salicylic acid accumulation in barley is glucan-derived oligosaccharides and glyco- pathogen specifi c but not required for defense- sides. Plant Science, 179: 273–278. gene activation. Molecular Plant-Microbe Inter- Simmons, C.R., 1994. The physiology and molecular actions, 11: 702–705. biology of plant 1,3-P-o-glucanases and 1,3;1,4- Bishop, J.G, Dean, A.M. and Mitchell-Olds, T. 2002. P-o-glucanases. Critical Review in Plant Sciences, Rapid evolution in plant chitinases: molecular 13: 325-387 targets of selection in plant-pathogen coevolu- Trapp, M.A., De Souza, G.D., Filho, E.R., Boland, W. tion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci- and Mithöfer, A. 2014. Validated method for ences of the United States of America, 97: 5322– phytohormone quantifi cation in plants. Fron- 5327. tiers in Plant Science, 5: 417. Bogacki, P., Oldach, K. H., and Williams, K.J. 2008. Trusov, Y., Sewelam, N., Rookes, J.E., Kunkel, M., Expression profi ling and mapping of defense Nowak, E., Schenk, P.M. and Botella, J.R. 2009. response genes associated with the barley– Heterotrimeric G proteins-mediated resistance Pyrenophora teres incompatible interaction. Mo- to necrotrophic pathogens includes mecha- lecular Plant Pathology, 9: 645–660. nisms independent of salicylic acid-, jasmonic Collinge, D.B., Kragh, K.M., Mikkelsen, J.D., Nielsen, acid/ethylene- and abscisic acid-mediated de- K.K., Rasmussen, J., et al. 1993 Plant chitinases. fense signaling. The Plant Journal, 58: 69–81. The Plant Journal, 3: 31–40. Vásquez, A.H., Salinas, P. and Holuigue, L. 2015. Sali- Dangl, J.L. and Jones, J.D.G. 2001. Plant pathogens cylic acid and reactive oxygen species interplay and integrated defense responses to infection. in the transcriptional control of defense genes Nature, 411: 826–833. expression. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6: 171. Derveaux, S., Vandesompele, J. and Hellemans, J., Wang, X., Mace, E.S., Platz, G.J., Hunt, C.H., Hickey, 2010. How to do successful gene expression L.T., Franckowiak, J.D. and Jordan, D.R. 2015. analysis using real-time PCR. Methods, 50: 227– Spot form of net blotch resistance in barley is 230. under complex genetic control. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 108: 1064–1070. Dong, X.N., 2004. NPR1 all things considered. Cur- rent Opinion in Plant Biology, 7: 547–552. Wessels, J.G.H. 1994. Developmental regulation of fungal cell-wall formation. Annual Review of Häff ner, E., Karlovsky, P., Splivallo, R., Traczewska, Phytopathology, 32: 413–437. A. and Diederichsen, E. 2014. ERECTA, salicylic acid, abscisic acid, and jasmonic acid modulate Zwart, L., Berger, D.K., Moleleki, L.N., van der Merwe, quantitative disease resistance of Arabidopsis N.A., Myburg, A.A. and Naidoo, S. 2017. Evidence thaliana to Verticillium longisporum. BMC Plant for salicylic acid signalling and histological Biology, 14: 71-85. changes in the defence response of Eucalyptus grandis to Chrysoporthe austroafricana. Scientifi c Kralik, P. and Ricchi, M. 2017. A Basic Guide to Real Reports, 7:45402. doi:10.1038/srep45402. Time PCR in Microbial Diagnostics: Defi nitions, Parameters, and Everything. Frontiers in Micro- biology, 8: 108. Livak, K.J. and Schmittgen, T.D. 2001. Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2(-Delta Delta C(T)) Method. Methods, 25: 402-408. Received: 17 May 2018; Accepted: 9 July 2018

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Salicylic acid expression at barley–Pyrenophora teres interaction 77 Μεταβολές στην περιεκτικότητα του σαλικυλικού οξέος και στην έκφραση του σχετιζόμενου με την παθογένεια γονιδίου PR2, στο κριθάρι κατά την αλληλεπίδραση με το μύκητα Pyrenophora teres

A. Al-Daoude, M. Jawhar, E. Al-Shehadah, A. Shoaib, M. Orfi and M.I.E Arabi

Περίληψη Η ασθένεια του κριθαριού που είναι γνωστή διεθνώς ως «net blotch» και προκαλείται από το μύκητα Pyrenophora teres f. teres, μειώνει σημαντικά την απόδοση και την ποιότητα των σπόρων κριθαριού παγκοσμίως. Ο ρόλος της σηματοδότησης του σαλικυλικού οξέος (SA) ως προς την αντο- χή στην ασθένεια δεν έχει τεκμηριωθεί επαρκώς. Σε αυτή τη μελέτη, καταγράφηκαν τα επίπεδα του SA καθώς και η έκφραση του σχετιζόμενου με την σηματοδότηση του SA, PR2 γονιδίου σε μολυσμέ- να φύλλα δύο γονότυπων κριθαριού, του Banteng (ανθεκτικό) και WI2291 (ευαίσθητο), σε διαφορε- τικά χρονικά σημεία της μόλυνσης. Η σηματοδότηση του SA ενεργοποιήθηκε και στους δύο γονότυ- πους, 24 ώρες μετά τη μόλυνση (hpi) σε σχέση με το μάρτυρα. Ωστόσο, με ή χωρίς την εφαρμογή πα- θογόνου, το SA αυξήθηκε σημαντικά (Ρ = 0,001) στον ανθεκτικό γονότυπο Banteng συγκριτικά με τον ευαίσθητο WI2291. Η ανάλυση με RT-PCR αποκάλυψε ότι η έκφραση του PR2 αυξάνει στους ανθεκτι- κούς και ευαίσθητους γονότυπους μετά την εφαρμογή του παθογόνου, με τη μέγιστη έκφραση (6,4 και 1,99 φορές, αντίστοιχα) να παρατηρείται στις έξι ημέρες μετά την εφαρμογή του παθογόνου. Η έκφρα- ση του PR2 συνοδεύτηκε με παράλληλη αύξηση της περιεκτικότητας του SA στα φύλλα του κριθαριού (coincidence test , F3, 32 = 4.74, Ρ = 0,001). Τα αποτελέσματα ενισχύουν την άποψη ότι η σηματοδότηση του SA και το γονίδιο PR2 σχετίζονται με τη μείωση της ασθένειας «net blotch» στο κριθάρι.

Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 11: 71-77, 2018

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Hellenic Plant Protection Journal Volume 11, 2018 Contents

M.A.A. Tavera, J.C.A. Lago, V.K.D. Magalong, G.A.V. Vidamo, J.S.R. Carandang VI, D.M. Amalin and J.I.B. Janairo Eff ect of Aspidiotus rigidus infestation on the volatile chemical profi le of the host plant Garcinia mangostana 1-8

T. Ansari, M. Asif and M.A. Siddiqui Resistance screening of lentil cultivars against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita 9-18

H. Yousefi , N. Hassanzadeh, K. Behboudi and F. Beiki Firouzjahi Identifi cation and determination of characteristics of endophytes from rice plants and their role in biocontrol of bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae 19-33

M. Dadach and Z. Mehdadi Germination responses of Ballota hirsuta seeds under conditions of temperature, salinity and water stress 34-39

K.M. Kasiotis, Z.D. Tzouganaki and K. Machera Direct determination of glyphosate and aminomethyl phosphonic acid in honeybees 40-46

E. Al-Shehadah, A. Al-Daoude and M. Jawhar Survival and germinability of Rhynchosporium secalis conidia exposed to solar radiation 47-53

F. Karamaouna, M. Samara, V. Kati and M.-D. Mitroiu First record of parasitoids associated with insects inhabiting capsules of Papaver rhoeas in Greece 54-58

O. Demirözer, A. Uzun, S. Erbaș and F. Can First record of Coptotriche angusticollella (Duponchel, 1843) (Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae) on the oil-bearing rose in Turkey 59-61

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute M. Jamal Hajjar and M. Al-Masoud Lethal and sublethal eff ects of ten insecticides, used in date palm production in Saudi Arabia, on the parasitoid Trichogramma cacoeciae 62-70

A. Al-Daoude, M. Jawhar, E. Al-Shehadah, A. Shoaib, M. Orfi and M.I.E Arab Changes in salicylic acid content and pathogenesis - related (PR2) gene expression during barley - Pyrenophora teres interaction 71-77

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Hellenic Plant Protection Journal Τόμος 11, 2018 Περιεχόμενα

M.A.A. Tavera, J.C.A. Lago, V.K.D. Magalong, G.A.V. Vidamo, J.S.R. Carandang VI, D.M. Amalin και J.I.B. Janairo Επίδραση της προσβολής από το κοκκοειδές Aspidiotus rigidus στο χημικό προφίλ των πτητικών ουσιών του φυτού ξενιστή Garcinia mangostana 1-8

T. Ansari, M. Asif και M.A. Siddiqu Διερεύνηση ανθεκτικότητας ποικιλιών φακής κατά του κομβονηματώδη Meloidogyne incognita 9-18

H. Yousefi , N. Hassanzadeh, K. Behboudi και F. Beiki Firouzjahi Ταυτοποίηση και προσδιορισμός χαρακτηριστικών ενδοφύτων σε φυτά ρυζιού και ο ρόλος τους στη βιολογική αντιμετώπιση του βακτηρίου Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae 19-33

M. Dadach και Z. Mehdadi Βλαστικότητα σπόρων του Ballota hirsuta L. υπό οριακές συνθήκες θερμοκρασίας, αλατότητας και νερού 34-39

Κ.Μ. Κασιώτης, Ζ.Δ. Τζουγανάκη και Κ. Μαχαίρα Άμεση LC-ESI-MS/MS μέθοδος για τον προσδιορισμό του ζιζανιοκτόνου glyphosate και του μεταβολίτη του αμινομεθυλφωσφονικού οξέος στις μέλισσες 40-46

E. Al-Shehadah, A. Al-Daoude and M. Jawhar Επιβίωση και βλαστικότητα κονιδίων του μύκητα Rhynchosporium secalis μετά από έκθεση στην ηλιακή ακτινοβολία 47-53

Φ. Καραμαούνα, Μ. Σαμαρά, Β. Κατή και M.-D. Mitroiu Πρώτη καταγραφή παρασιτοειδών σε έντομα Cynipidae και Cecidomyidae σε κάψες παπαρούνας, Papaver rhoeas, στην Ελλάδα 54-58

O. Demirözer, A. Uzun, S. Erbaș and F. Can Πρώτη καταγραφή του Coptotriche angusticollella (Duponchel, 1843) (Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae) στο ρόδο Rosa damascena στην Τουρκία 59-61

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute M. Jamal Hajjar and M. Al-Masoud Επίδραση δέκα εντομοκτόνων που εφαρμόζονται στην καλλιέργεια της χουρμαδιάς στη Σαουδική Αραβία, στο παρασιτοειδές Trichogramma cacoeciae 62-70

A. Al-Daoude, M. Jawhar, E. Al-Shehadah, A. Shoaib, M. Orfi and M.I.E Arab Μεταβολές στην περιεκτικότητα του σαλικυλικού οξέος και στην έκφραση του σχετιζόμενου με την παθογένεια γονιδίου PR2, στο κριθάρι κατά την αλληλεπίδραση με το μύκητα Pyrenophora teres 71-77

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute Τόμος 11, Τεύχος 2, Ιούλιος 2018 ISSN 1791-3691


E. Al-Shehadah, A. Al-Daoude and M. Jawhar Επιβίωση και βλαστικότητα κονιδίων του μύκητα Rhynchosporium secalis μετά από έκθεση στην ηλιακή ακτινοβολία 47-53

Φ. Καραμαούνα, Μ. Σαμαρά, Β. Κατή και M.-D. Mitroiu Πρώτη καταγραφή παρασιτοειδών σε έντομα Cynipidae και Cecidomyidae σε κάψες παπαρούνας, Papaver rhoeas, στην Ελλάδα 54-58

O. Demirözer, A. Uzun, S. Erbaș and F. Can Πρώτη καταγραφή του Coptotriche angusticollella (Duponchel, 1843) (Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae) στο ρόδο Rosa damascena στην Τουρκία 59-61

M. Jamal Hajjar and M. Al-Masoud Επίδραση δέκα εντομοκτόνων που εφαρμόζονται στην καλλιέργεια της χουρμαδιάς στη Σαουδική Αραβία, στο παρασιτοειδές Trichogramma cacoeciae 62-70

A. Al-Daoude, M. Jawhar, E. Al-Shehadah, A. Shoaib, M. Orfi and M.I.E Arab Μεταβολές στην περιεκτικότητα του σαλικυλικού οξέος και στην έκφραση του σχετιζόμενου με την παθογένεια γονιδίου PR2, στο κριθάρι κατά την αλληλεπίδραση με το μύκητα Pyrenophora teres 71-77

Περιεχόμενα Τόμου 11 (2018)

Hellenic Plant Protection Journal www.hppj.gr © Benaki Phytopathological Institute Volume 11, Issue 2, July 2018 ISSN 1791-3691 H Hellenic Plant Protection Journal Contents e l l e

E. Al-Shehadah, A. Al-Daoude and M. Jawhar n Survival and germinability of Rhynchosporium secalis conidia i

exposed to solar radiation 47-53 c

P F. Karamaouna, M. Samara, V. Kati and M.-D. Mitroiu l

First record of parasitoids associated with insects inhabiting a capsules of Papaver rhoeas in Greece 54-58 n t

O. Demirözer, A. Uzun, S. Erbaș and F. Can First record of Coptotriche angusticollella (Duponchel, 1843) P

(Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae) on the oil-bearing rose in Turkey 59-61 r o

M. Jamal Hajjar and M. Al-Masoud t Lethal and sublethal eff ects of ten insecticides, used in e date palm production in Saudi Arabia, on the parasitoid c

Trichogramma cacoeciae 62-70 t i o A. Al-Daoude, M. Jawhar, E. Al-Shehadah, A. Shoaib, M. Orfi n and M.I.E Arab

Changes in salicylic acid content and pathogenesis - related (PR2) J

gene expression during barley - Pyrenophora teres interaction 71-77 o u Contents of Volume 11 (2018) r n a l

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute www.hppj.gr