General Index to Volumes 1 and 2
General Index to Volumes 1 and 2 In this index, page numbers 1 through 934 refer to Volume 1, Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77, while page numbers 935 through 1446 refer to Volume 2, Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90. Front matter in Volume 1 is indicated by page numbers in the range 1/i through 1/xxxi, while front matter in Volume 2 is indicated 2/i through 2/xx. Abstract data types 2/xiii, 1030 Alpha AXP 2/xix Accelerated convergence of series 160ff., Alternating-direction implicit method (ADI) 1070 847, 861f., 906 Accuracy 19f. Alternating series 160f., 1070 achievable in minimization 392, 397, 404 Alternative extended Simpson's rule 128 achievable in root ®nding 346f. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) contrasted with ®delity 832, 840 2/x, 2/xiii CPU different from memory 181 Amoeba 403 vs. stability 704, 729, 830, 844 see also Simplex, method of Nelder and Accuracy parameters 1362f. Mead Acknowledgments 1/xvi, 2/ix Ampli®cation factor 828, 830, 832, 840, 845f. Ada 2/x Amplitude error 831 Adams-Bashford-Moulton method 741 Analog-to-digital converter 812, 886 Adams' stopping criterion 366 Analyticity 195 Adaptive integration 123, 135, 703, 708ff., Analyze/factorize/operate package 64, 824 720, 726, 731f., 737, 742ff., 788, 1298ff., Anderson-Darling statistic 621 1303, 1308f. Andrew's sine 697 Monte Carlo 306ff., 1161ff. Annealing, method of simulated 387f., 436ff., Addition, multiple precision 907, 1353 1219ff. Addition theorem, elliptic integrals 255 assessment 447 ADI (alternating direction implicit) method for continuous variables 437, 443ff., 1222 847, 861f., 906 schedule 438 Adjoint operator 867 thermodynamic analogy 437 Adobe Illustrator 1/xvi, 2/xx traveling salesman problem 438ff., 1219ff.
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