Raising Open and User-friendly Transparency- Enabling Technologies for Public Administrations Project number 645860 H2020-INSO-2014 D4.1 Alpha version Of SPOD ( F i n a l , v e r s i o n 1 . 0 , 1 / 31/ 2 0 1 6 ) Document produced by Organisation: Università di Salerno Author / email: Vittorio Scarano,
[email protected] Main contributions by: Delfina Malandrino, Gennaro Cordasco, Ilaria Manno, Giuseppina Palmieri, Carmine Spagnuolo, Luca Vicidomini, Donato Pirozzi, Renato De Donato, Luigi Serra, Andrea Petta Subject: Alpha version of SPOD Due date: 31 January 2016 Dissemination level: Public (PU) Reviewed and approved by Date Name Organization 21-01-2016 Albert Meijer Utrech University (UU) 22-01-2016 Adegboyega Ojo National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) Revision History Version Date Authors Status Description of Changes 0.1 02-12-2015 G.Palmieri Draft A first organization 0.2 07-01-2016 V.Scarano Draft Reorganization 0.3 08-01-2016 G.Palmieri Draft Architecture section added, Subdivision of the work 0.4 14-01-2016 V.Scarano, Draft Added all the sections independently developed: G.Palmieri, state of the art, architectural design, system D.Pirozzi, design, testing, privacy (missing the non A.Petta, functional reqs, the spod design, the L.Serra, bibliography) C.Spagnuolo, I.Manno, D.Malandrino R.De Donato 0.5 14-01-2016 V.Scarano, Draft Non-functional reqs, bibliography, SPOD design, G.Palmieri, change in order of sections of Requirements and R.De Donato, Design Principles, SPOD-TET interactions L. Vicidomini, D.Pirozzi 0.6 15-01-2016 V.Scarano, Alpha Cleaned all the comments from the 0.5 G.Palmieri www.routetopa.eu 2 / 105 0.7 25-01-2016 G.Palmieri Draft Unisa review, Addressed all reviewers comments from UU and NUIG.