St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota Northfield, College, Olaf St. June 25-28, 2017 25-28, June 12th Summer Institute Institute Summer 12th 22nd National Competition National 22nd [ American Harp Society, Inc Society, Harp American TWO HEARTS, ONE SOUL. SALVI HARPS - N.S.M. S.p.a. LYON & HEALY HARPS Piasco - ITALY • P +39 0175.270.511 Chicago - USA • P +1.312.786.1881 E
[email protected] E
[email protected] American Harp Society, Inc. 12th Summer Institute & 22nd National Competition Cheryl Dungan Cunningham AHS President Elaine Litster AHS Chairman of the Board Hosted by the Minnesota Chapter of the American Harp Society, Inc. Kathy Kienzle, Elinor Niemisto, Ann Benjamin AHS 2017 Summer Institute Coordinators June 25-28, 2017 St. Olaf College Northfield, MN Acknowledgements Thank you to the following individuals and organizations for the generous donation of their time, effort, and resources. St. Olaf College Music Department Julia Kay Jamieson, Laura Zaerr, Rachel Brandwein, Young Composers Project Mike Rothman, Governor’s Letter and Proclamation Dianne Holland-Tuve, Logo and Program Design Jonathan Reynolds, Physical Therapist Lynne Aspnes, Program Editor Philip Brunelle, Choral Conductor Randall Davidson, Psalter Jeffrey Van, Guitarist Dan Dressen, Narrator Kathy Kienzle, Elinor Niemisto, Ann Benjamin, Program and Budget Anna Vorhes, Harp Pen Coordinator Bill Van Patten, Appmaster Shari Rothman, Harp Wrangler Michele Cornelius, Jann Stein, Volunteer Coordinators Kitty Eliason, Registration Jann Stein, Hospitality Min Kim, Rachel Brandwein, Artist Liaisons Sarah Swan-McDonald, Local Publicity All Minnesota harpists who have donated their harps for our use, Lyon and Healy Harps, St.