Review CME

Primary cicatricial alopecia: diagnosis and treatment

Rebecca Filbrandt BS, Nicholas Rufaut PhD, Leslie Jones PhD, Rodney Sinclair MD

See also practice article by Aslam and Harries on page 1591 and at www .cmaj .ca /lookup /doi /10 .1503 /cmaj .130305

air loss is common, the most prevalent Primary cicatricial alopecia is challenging, Competing interests: None disorders being androgenetic alopecia both clinically and therapeutically, and has no declared. H (male pattern baldness) and alopecia known cause. The different forms of primary This article has been peer areata. and androgenetic alope- cicatricial alopecia all share a final pathway of reviewed. cia are characterized by rapidly cycling minia- areas of complete that make it impossi- Correspondence to: turized hair follicles that fail to produce quality ble to distinguish many of them from each other. Rebecca Filbrandt, terminal hairs. The hair follicle bulbs are not Early disease with active inflammation provides [email protected] destroyed, so the follicles are able to regenerate the best opportunity to make a definitive diagno- CMAJ 2013. DOI:10.1503 and hair regrowth is possible with effective sis; however, changing and overlapping clinical /cmaj.111570 treatment. Androgenetic alopecia affects more and histological features as the disease evolves than half of men over the age of 50 years.1 It is also produce diagnostic difficulties. The histo- genetic, tends to affect men from their late teen logical features show greater overlap than the years onward and presents as central or bitem- clinical features, and histological diagnosis is poral recession. About 13% of premenopausal less reliable than clinical diagnosis in primary women and 75% of women over the age of 65 cicatricial alopecia.8 years experience some androgenetic alopecia, In humans, hair follicle neogenesis occurs with a typical presentation of thinning over the almost exclusively in utero. In adults, no new crown.1 Alopecia ar e ata is more commonly asso- hairs form except to a very limited extent fol- ciated with acquired thyroid disease, diabetes lowing skin wounding. No currently available and collagen diseases, though it is often associ- treatment will stimulate hair follicle neogenesis. ated with stress. It affects 0.1%–0.2% of people, As a result, any follicle destroyed by primary with a lifetime risk of 1.7%.2 Smooth round or cicatricial alopecia will never regrow hair. The oval patches of normal skin devoid of hair on goal of treatment is to stop further hair loss and the scalp are characteristic of alopecia areata. to camouflage the residual bald areas with cos- In contrast, primary cicatricial alopecia, often metics. If there is sufficient undamaged donor referred to as “scarring alopecia,” encompasses a hair elsewhere on the scalp, transplantation can group of hair loss disorders in which the hair fol - be used to cover bald patches, provided the dis- licle is irreversibly destroyed and replaced by ease is inactive. fibrous tissue.3 Hair regeneration is prevented Because early diagnosis is essential to the because of destruction of epithelial stem cells in prevention of further hair loss, the purpose of the bulge of the outer root sheath at the level this paper is to review the initial assessment and where the arrector pili muscle inserts (Figure 1).4,5 management of this group of diseases. The evi- Secondary cicatricial alopecia is also irreversible, dence used in this review is described in Box 1. though destruction of the hair follicle is incidental Current treatment options to stop hair loss in pri- to a non-follicle-directed cause, such as thermal mary cicatricial alopecia are derived from small burns, metastatic cancer, trauma or radiation.4 This article will focus on primary cicatricial alopecia. Key points Primary cicatricial alopecia is not rare, repre- senting about 7% of patients seen in specialist • Inflammation that destroys the bulge of the outer root sheath destroys the hair follicle and leads to cicatricial alopecia. hair loss clinics.6 Clinically, there are 1 or more • Primary cicatricial alopecia is an inflammatory disorder of unknown patches of permanent alopecia on the scalp. cause that leads to irreversible hair loss. These may remain discrete or coalesce to pro- • The natural history is for the alopecia to extend slowly over the scalp duce a near total alopecia. Within the patches, and eventually burn out. The rate of extension and the final severity the skin is bald, smooth and shiny, and pores are are extremely variable and difficult to predict. absent because of a complete loss of follicular • A number of treatments are used empirically; however, they are not openings. Permanent hair loss can be disfiguring supported by data from clinical trials. and damage an affected individual’s self-esteem.7

© 2013 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors CMAJ, December 10, 2013, 185(18) 1579 Review

case series and consensus guidelines. There is a variant of lichen planopilaris. The next most conspicuous absence of double-blind, placebo- common cause of primary cicatricial alopecia in controlled studies.9 This is due in part to diffi- North America is central centrifugal alopecia, culty measuring the extent of disease and the which may also be a variant of lichen planopi- impact of minimally effective treatments. laris. decalvans and chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus are other common causes, How is primary cicatricial alopecia whereas Brocq pseudopelade is rare. classified? Which features on history

A diagnosis provides patients with a better under- and examination can help standing of the prognosis and natural history of in making the diagnosis? their condition. Treatments have evolved empiri- cally based on the nature of the inflammation. The Because scalp biopsy is often nondiagnostic, a North American Hair Research Society produced a careful history and examination are needed to working classification of primary cicatricial alope- diagnose primary cicatricial alopecia. Clues to cia in 2001 that is based on the nature of the pre- the primary diagnosis can be obtained from age dominant inflammatory infiltrate detected on scalp at onset, patient ethnicity, history of skin disease biopsy.10 Cases are classified as lymphocytic, neu- such as lichen planus, lupus or other autoim- trophilic or mixed (Table 1).5,6,9,11–25 In end-stage dis- mune diseases, and previous hair-care practices, ease, in which the infiltrate is no longer detectible, along with symptoms and signs such as itching the condition is said to be “burned out,” and no fur- or burning of the scalp and purulent discharge. ther classification is possible. Itching of the scalp is an early symptom of Neutrophilic cicatricial alopecia includes fol- lichen planopilaris, and patients may experience liculitis decalvans and dissecting cellulitis of the pain, patches of rough, scaly skin and blisters.5,9 scalp. is typically seen in Patients may note purulent discharge in dissect- adults, though it can affect adolescent males. ing cellulitis of the scalp and crusting in folliculi- Dissecting cellulitis of the scalp is rare and tis decalvans. occurs predominantly in black adolescent and Most forms of primary cicatricial alopecia adult males.3 Familial cases of dissecting celluli- develop in early adult life. With the exception of tis are exceptional, as is childhood onset. 2 rare familial genodermatoses (keratosis folli - Lichen planopilaris (lichen planus follicu- cularis spinulosa decalvans and Marie Unna laris), chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus, hypotrichosis), onset in childhood or adoles- frontal fibrosing alopecia, keloidalis nuchae, cence is rare.5,9 Frontal fibrosing alopecia occurs central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia and Brocq in postmenopausal women. pseudopelade are lymphocytic forms of alopecia. Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, acne Lichen planopilaris is the most common cause of keloidalis nuchae and dissecting cellulitis of the cicatricial alopecia and accounts for at least 10% scalp are found almost exclusively in people of of cases.6 Lichen planopilaris is a clinical variant African descent.11 Previous hair-care practices of lichen planus; both conditions can occur such as the use of hot combs, relaxants and simultaneously. Frontal fibrosing alopecia is a excessive traction have been linked to the patho- genesis of central centrifugal cicatricial alope cia, although many affected women have never used these practices. It has been postulated that Outer Outer root root Box 1: Evidence used in this review sheath sheath We conducted a search of PubMed for literature Bulge Bulge published from 1962 to Feb. 28, 2013, using the search terms cicatricial alopecia, lichen planopilaris, discoid lupus, pseudopelade primary, androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, Bulb Bulb pathogenesis, classification, lymphocytic, neutrophilic, diagnosis, histopathology, Permanent alopecia Reversible alopecia treatment, update and review. We were not able to identify any double-blind, placebo- Figure 1: Illustration of the hair follicle. Reversible alopecia (right) is character- controlled studies of treatment for primary ized by damage to the hair bulb from inflammation. The hair bulge remains cicatricial alopecia. We found a number of small healthy and the hair follicle is able to regenerate with effective treatment. case series. Most articles contained detailed Cicatricial alopecia (left) is characterized by inflammation that causes irre- descriptions and expert opinion. versible damage to the hair bulge of the outer root sheath.

1580 CMAJ, December 10, 2013, 185(18) Review

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CMAJ, December 10, 2013, 185(18) 1581 Review

central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia is a cica- images in Appendix 3A and 3B, available at trizing form of androgenetic alopecia in women www /lookup /suppl/doi:10.1503 /cmaj of African descent.12 .11 1570 /-/DC1).14 On examination, the first thing to establish is that the hair loss is due to cicatricial alopecia. Characteristics of lesions Magnification may be required to show the Lesions in chronic cutaneous lupus erythemato- absence of pores within the area of hair loss.26 sus show maximal activity in the centre, with peri follicular inflammation, follicular plugging, Location of lesions atrophy and dyspigmentation (see image in Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia and folli- Appendix 3C), whereas in lichen planopilaris culitis decalvans are most common on the vertex and folliculitis decalvans, disease activity is most and midfrontal scalp. In particular, central cen- pronounced at the hair-bearing periphery. trifugal alopecia may mimic female pattern bald- Perifollicular erythematous and violaceous ness (see image in Appendix 1, available at www papules, spinous follicular hyperkeratosis and .cmaj .ca /lookup /suppl /doi :10 .1503 /cmaj .111570 multifocal disease support the diagnosis of /-/DC1). Acne keloidalis nuchae affects the lichen planopilaris (Figure 2A).5,9 The pattern occipital scalp, predominantly the nape of the described as “footprints in the snow” with lack neck, whereas frontal fibrosing alopecia (see of inflammation is suggestive of Brocq pseu do - images in Appendix 2, available at www .cmaj .ca pe lade (see image in Appendix 4, available at /lookup /suppl /doi :10.1503/cmaj.111570/-/DC1) www.cmaj .ca /lookup /suppl/doi:10.1503 /cmaj characteristically affects the frontal hairline with .111570 /-/ DC1).5,9 a distinctive band-like recession pattern.5,9 In late-stage disease, an important distin- Eyebrow alopecia is characteristic in frontal guishing feature is that the scar of folliculitis fibrosing alopecia. Typical lesions of chronic decalvans is thickened, whereas that of lichen cutaneous lupus erythematosus may be seen on planopilaris, chronic cutaneous lupus erythe- the scalp, in the concha of the ear and elsewhere matosus, Brocq pseudopelade and central cen- on the face or body in up to 10% of patients (see trifugal cicatricial alopecia is atrophic.

A Associated features Skin atrophy is common in lichen planopilaris and central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia. Dyspig- mentation is a feature of chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus and central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia. Nail, oral mucosa or skin changes char- acteristic of lichen planus are visible at presenta- tion in 17%–28% of patients with lichen planopi- laris (Figure 2B).5,9


Figure 2: (A) Photograph of a patient’s scalp showing lichen planopilaris. Lichen planopilaris is characterized Figure 3: Photograph of a patient’s scalp showing by multifocal or central patches with follicular hyper- folliculitis decalvans. Folliculitis decalvans is charac- keratosis and perifollicular erythema on the scalp. terized by pustules and honey-coloured crusting at (B) Photograph of a patient’s neck showing skin the periphery of a patch of hair loss. Patches typi- changes with hair growing out of the affected area. cally present on the vertex or midfrontal scalp.

1582 CMAJ, December 10, 2013, 185(18) Review

Pustules and honey-coloured crusting at the nately, treatment response is variable and often periphery of a patch of cicatricial alopecia along incomplete. The variable natural history of these with tufting of the hair suggest folliculitis decal- disorders makes it difficult to determine the vans (Figure 3). Purulent discharge, bogginess required duration of treatment. Inability to accu- and sinus tract formation can occur in dissecting rately monitor the response to treatment further cellulitis of the scalp. Dissecting cellulitis of the compounds the difficulties experienced by clini- scalp may also be associated with acne conglo- cians managing these conditions. bata, pilonidal sinus and suppurativa, There are no placebo-controlled, double-blind as part of the follicular occlusion triad.27 Mucin- randomized trials for the treatment of primary orrhea (release of clear fluid from the pores when cicatricial alopecia. There are a number of case squeezed) occurs in . series and case reports that discuss treatment; however, treatment of these disorders is largely What investigations may be useful empirical and based on expert opinion. Current treatment recommendations are listed in Table 1. in making the diagnosis? Physicians need to take into account the nature and extent of the disease, rate of progression, A hair pull test, done by gripping about 20 hairs potential for adverse effects and patient flexibil- and gently pulling upward and away from the ity (i.e., cost, compliance) in choice of treatment. skin allows for the assessment of clinical activity De novo neogenesis of hair follicles and artificial on the scalp. It is normal for about 3 hairs to be hair implants are not yet options.30 extracted with each pull. If more than 10 hairs are removed, the test is considered positive and Lymphocytic alopecia the hairs should be examined under a micro- scope to determine hair follicle damage. If crust- Lichen planopilaris and frontal fibrosing ing, pustules, bogginess or scales are present, alopecia hairs should be extracted from the edge of the Lichen planopilaris is generally treated with a bald area for microscopy, culture and sensitivity combination of topical, intralesional and oral testing (bacterial and fungal), and any pustule therapies. Topical corticosteroid lotions will con- should be swabbed and the fluid cultured.13 trol itching and burning.9 Potent topical cortico - Autoantibodies should be obtained if chronic steroid treatment for 12 weeks may halt disease cutaneous lupus erythematosus is suspected. A progression but tends to produce substantial atro- hair pull test determines whether sites should phy.16,17 Intralesional injection of corticosteroids be selected for biopsy in the absence of overt (e.g., triamcinolone 10 mg/mL) into foci of inflammation.28 active inflammation will stop hair loss at the site Scalp biopsy from the centre of the lesion of injection. Injections may need to be repeated provides confirmation of permanent hair loss, every 6–8 weeks, and care must be taken to whereas a biopsy from the edge or an area of avoid re-injecting sites of steroid-induced dermal active inflammation may shed light on the under- atrophy.18 Calcineurin inhibitors have been tried lying pathology.29 Paired 4-mm punch biopsies for localized disease, but the results are often for horizontal and vertical sectioning are nor- disappointing.31 mally recommended by dermatologists. A third Most patients require systemic therapy. Anti- biopsy for direct immunofluorescence may be malarials such as hydroxychloroquine are usually useful to distinguish between lichen planopilaris used as first-line systemic therapy, with onset of and chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus.5 action between 3 and 6 months. The optimal dose To minimize cross-cutting of the follicles, the is below 7.5 mg/kg.19,32 Possible adverse effects biopsy instrument should be positioned parallel include abdominal pain, an orex ia, skin hyperpig- to the follicle. mentation, hematologic changes and ophthal- mologic damage.33 Regular monitoring for the development of retinopathy should be started. What treatment options Oral corticosteroids (e.g., 25–40 mg/d of are available? prednisone for 2–4 mo) are reserved for rapidly progressing and severely symptomatic disease. With the exception of recent-onset chronic cuta- In patients unable to tolerate oral cortico ster - neous lupus erythematosus, hair regrowth in pri- oids, cyclosporine (3–5 mg/kg for 3–5 d) may mary cicatricial alopecia is not common. Early be effective.33 effective treatment is key to the management of Oral retinoids are effective in some people but these disorders, with the goal of reducing symp- are poorly tolerated because of their tendency to toms and slowing disease progression. Unfortu- induce hair shedding. Other options reported in

CMAJ, December 10, 2013, 185(18) 1583 Review

small case series include doxycycline (100 mg unsatisfactory after 6 months of therapy. In twice daily) and mycophenolate (500 mg twice patients with resistance to antimalarials, oral daily for 1 mo and then 1 g twice daily for 5 mo).3,33 retinoids could be used. The response to oral The management of the frontal variant is sim- retinoids is often rapid, but the risk of teratogenic- ilar to ordinary lichen planopilaris. Chiang and ity should be considered. , colleagues19 and Cho and colleagues20 reported drug-induced hair loss that causes the hair follicle benefit with the use of hydroxychloroquine and to enter the resting phase (telogen) and fall out mycophenolate. The use of antiandrogens and prematurely, may occur within 6 months of treat- calci neurin inhibitors has also been advocated.21 ment with oral retinoids. The risk of telogen efflu- Recently, the asebia mouse, with an auto - vium has been shown to be substantially lower somal recessive trait resulting in hypoplastic with the use of isotretinoin rather than acitretin.9 sebaceous glands, has been shown to develop Azathioprine, methotrexate, mycophenolate mo - hair loss that shares many features with lichen fetil and thalidomide have also been used in treat- planopilaris.3 The mouse develops a progressive ing chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus.9 alopecia with sparse or matted hair, pruritus and scaly skin that shares many clinical and histolog- Other types of lymphocytic alopecia ical features with primary cicatricial alopecia. No treatment has been shown to influence Brocq This has led to the hypothesis that sebaceous pseudopelade or central centrifugal cicatricial gland dysfunction contributes to the develop- alopecia. Alopecia mucinosa may respond to ment of primary cicatricial alopecia, possibly topical or intralesional cortico steroids, photo - through impaired breakdown of the inner root therapy or superficial radiotherapy.5 sheath.34 The hair loss in the asebia mouse responds partially to peroxisome proliferator- Neutrophilic alopecia activated receptor γ agonist medications, such as thiazolidinedione or glitazone medications, Folliculitis decalvans which are widely used for the treatment of type 2 Folliculitis decalvans is most often treated with diabetes mellitus. Based on these findings in antibiotics and antiseptics. All patients with folli- mice, clinicians have successfully treated refrac- culitis decalvans should use an antiseptic sham- tory lichen planopilaris using pioglitazone poo. Topical benzoyl peroxide or topical clin- hydrochloride.35 Although this is a potentially damycin will control mild cases. For severe or important development, confirmatory case refractory cases, oral antibiotics will be required.6 reports and clinical trials are needed. The ability of an antibiotic to achieve adequate bactericidal concentration within hair follicles is Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus an important consideration. The most common Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus is bacteria identified is Staphylococcus aureus. If known to progress with exposure to ultraviolet pustules are seen, they should be swabbed and light, and thus protection of the scalp with a hat, the antibiotic chosen based on the culture and and face and body with broad-spectrum sun- antibiotic sensitivity test.3 screen should be used on a daily basis.15 Topical Commonly, there are no active pustules or steroids may be effective in many cases, whereas crusts to swab, and antibiotics are chosen empir- intralesional triamcinolone is effective in most ically. Minocycline is commonly used and will cases.22 For people with widespread or refractory control many cases. The combination of rif - disease, however, hydroxychloroquine should be ampicin (300 mg twice daily), clindamycin considered. Patients usually require 400 mg (300 mg twice daily) and fusidic acid together daily during the summer months, but the dose with topical corticosteroid lotion for 3 months can be reduced during the cooler seasons. The has been used with success.23,24 Rifampicin, in efficacy of hydroxychloroquine appears to be particular, achieves high concentration within reduced with smoking, and patients who smoke hair follicles; however, it should not be used as should be encouraged to stop.36 monotherapy, because this promotes emergence In patients with recent-onset, rapidly progres- of resistant organisms. Prolonged use of oral sive, severe or refractory disease, oral prednis o - clindamycin can lead to diarrhea, and so topical lone (e.g., 0.5–1 mg/kg tapered over 8 wk) may use may be preferred. Minomycin, dicloxacillin, be considered.18 Patients with recent-onset dis- ciprofloxacin and cla rith romycin have also been ease may experience a surprising degree of re - used to treat folliculitis decalvans.3,24 A few pa - growth with early aggressive treatment. tients have been known to respond well to oral For patients with chronic disease, a second isotretinoin; however, many patients experience antimalarial, mepacrine (quinacrine), can be flares with this treatment.23 It should be reserved added if the response to hydroxychloroquine is for refractory cases.

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African American women: incidence and potential risk factors. Dissecting cellulitis J Am Acad Dermatol 2011;64:245-52. In contrast to folliculitis decalvans, dissecting 13. Sinclair RD. Acquired cicatricial alopecias. In: Burns DA, Breathnach SM, Cox NH, et al., editors. Rook’s textbook of cellulitis responds well to oral isotretinoin (0.5– dermatology. 7th ed. Oxford (UK): Blackwell Publishing; 2004. 1 mg/kg daily). Treatment for 6–11 months p. 63.46-63.61. allows lesions to shrink and has resulted in pro- 14. Pramatarov KD. Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus — clinical spectrum. Clin Dermatol 2004;22:113-20. 25 longed periods of remission. 15. Werth V. Current treatment of cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Hair regrowth in areas not yet irreversibly Dermatol Online J 2001;7:2. 16. Chieregato C, Zini A, Barbara A, et al. Lichen planopilaris: damaged is possible in some cases and may be report of 30 cases and review of the literature. 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CMAJ, December 10, 2013, 185(18) 1585