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[50131 OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Published by Authority at 3 .30 p.m .) (REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE, PERTH FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A NEWSPAPER) No, 108] PERTH : MONDAY, 6th DECEMBER [1971 FACTORIES AND SHOPS ACT, 1963-1970 . Department of Labour, Perth, 1st December, 1971 . HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to the provisions of the Factories and Shops Act, 1963-1970, has been pleased to make the regulations set out in the Schedule hereunder . H . A . JONES, Secretary for Labour . Schedule Regulations . Principal 1 . In these regulations the Factories and Shops (Rostered Extra- regulations. ordinary Trading Hours) Regulations, 1964 published in the Govern- ment Gazette on the 30th December, 1963, and amended from time to time by regulations so published are referred to as the principal regulations . Appendix 2. The Appendix to the principal regulations is amended by amended . substituting for Division 2 in each of Parts I to XIV, inclusive, the corresponding Division 2 set out in Parts I to XIV in the schedule hereunder. 2 SCHEDULE . 26th to 30th June, 1972- Boans Service Station, Corner Royal and Division 2 of Part I . Bennett Streets, Perth, Shops in Zone No . 1. 3rd to 7th July, 1972- . Ltd., Description of Shops in Zone No . 1-Inclusive Farinosi (Alliance) Tyre and Service Pty Dates during which Shop is required to be Corner James and Fitzgerald Streets, West Kept Open During Rostered Extraordinary Perth . Trading Period for Extraordinary Trading Times . Subdivision (ii) . Subdivision (i) . 18th and 19th December, 1971- 13th to 17th December, 1971- Swan Taxis Co-operative, 1008 Wellington Mounts Bay Service Station, 144 Mounts Bay Street, Perth . Road, Perth . B .P . East End Service Station, 180 Hay Street, East Perth . 20th to 24th December, 1971- B .P . Canterbury Court Service Station, 29 Scotts Motors, 366 Wellington Street, Perth . James Street, Perth, O .D. Transport Service Station, Lot 7 Suther- 25th and 26th December, 1971- land Street, Perth . Wesfarmers Service Station, Francis Street, 27th to 31st December, 1971- Perth . Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort Limited, Corner O . D . Transport Service Station, Lot 7 Suther- William Street and The Esplanade, Perth. land Street, Perth . 10th to 14th January, 1972- 1st and 2nd January, 1972- "T" Auto Engineers, 445 Murray Street, Perth . Wellington Square Service Station . Corner Wellington and Hill Streets, Perth . 17th to 21st January, 1972- Havelock Motor Service Company, Corner Ampol Beaufort Bridge, Corner Beaufort and Havelock and Hay Streets, Perth . (West) Aberdeen Streets, Perth . 8th and 9th January, 1972- 24th to 28th January, 1972- Queens Gardens Ampol Servicentre, 173 Hay Parry's Caltex Servicentre, Corner Hay and Street, East Perth . Outram Streets, West Perth . 15th and 16th January, 1972- 31st January to 4th February, 1972- Princess Service Station, Corner Wellington Max Jacobson's Caltex Service Station, Corner and Thomas Streets, Perth . Mill Street and Mounts Bay Road, Perth. Ampol Beaufort Bridge, Corner Beaufort and Aberdeen Streets, Perth . 14th to 18th February, 1972- Hattons Ampol Service Station, 197 Adelaide Tyre Wholesalers (W .A.) Pty. Ltd., 130 Terrace, Perth . Adelaide Terrace, Perth . 22nd and 23rd January, 1972- 21st to 25th February, 1972- Beans Service Station, Corner Royal and Hattons Ampol Service Station, 197 Adelaide Bennett Streets, Perth . Terrace, Perth. 29th and 30th January, 1972- 28th February to 3rd March, 1972- Beaurepaire Tyre Service Pty . Ltd., 108 Stirling Swan Taxis Co-operative, 1008 Wellington Street, Perth . Street, Perth . Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort Limited, Corner 6th to 10th March, 1972- William Street and The Esplanade, Perth . B.P. Canterbury Court Service Station, 29 5th and 6th February, 1972- James Street, Perth . Rob Waiter's Ampol Service Station, Corner 13th to 17th March, 1972- Loftus and Stone Streets, West Perth . Beaurepaire Tyre Service Pty . Ltd ., 108 Stirling Scotts Motors, 366 Wellington Street, Perth . Street, Perth . 12th and 13th February, 1972- 20th to 24th March, 1972- Farinosi (Alliance) Tyre and Service Pty . Ltd ., Golden Fleece Service Station, Corner Cleaver Corner James and Fitzgerald Streets, West and Newcastle Streets, Perth . Perth . 27th to 31st March, 1972- Max Jacobson's Caltex Service Station, Corner Havelock Motor Service Company, Corner Mill Street and Mounts Bay Road, Perth . Havelock and Hay Street, Perth . (West) 19th and 20th February, 1972- Queens Gardens Ampol Servicentre, 173 Hay Parry's Caltex Servicentre, Corner Hay and Street, East Perth . Outram Streets, West Perth . 3rd to 7th April, 1972- B .P . Centre Service Station, Corner Pier and B .P. East End Service Station, 180 Hay Street, Wellington Streets, Perth . East Perth . Tyre Wholesalers (W .A .) Pty. Ltd ., 130 Adelaide Terrace, Perth . 10th to 14th April, 1972- Princess Service Station, Corner Wellington 26th and 27th February, 1972- and Thomas Streets, Perth . Caltex Lake Street, Corner Lake and Francis . 24th to 28th April, 1972- Streets, Perth B.P . Centre Service Station, Corner Pier and "T" Auto Engineers, 445 Murray Street, Perth . Wellington Streets, Perth . 4th and 5th March, 1972- Sutherland Street Service Station, Corner 1st to 5th May, 1972- Sutherland and Cleaver Streets, West Rob Walter's Ampol Service Station, Corner Perth . Loftus and Stone Streets, West Perth . Auto House Service Station, Milligan Street, 8th to 12th May, 1972- Perth . Wellington Square Service Station, Corner 11th and 12th March, 1972- Wellington and Hill Streets, Perth . Golden Fleece Service Station, Corner Cleaver 22nd to 26th May, 1972- and Newcastle Streets, Perth . Sutherland Street Service Station, Corner Mounts Bay Service Station, 144 Mounts Bay Sutherland and Cleaver Streets, West Road, Perth . Perth . 18th and 19th March, 1972- 29th May to 2nd June, 1972- Esso Servicentre, Corner Milligan and Welling- Auto House Service Station, Milligan Street, ton Streets, Perth . Perth . 25th and 26th March, 1972- 5th to 9th June, 1972- Swan Taxis Co-operative, 1008 Wellington Caltex Lake Street, Corner Lake and Francis Street, Perth. Streets, Perth . B .P . East End Service Station, 180 Hay Street, 12th to 16th June, 1972- East Perth . Esso Servicentre, Corner Milligan and Welling- B .P . Canterbury Court Service Station, 29 ton Streets, Perth . James Street, Perth . 19th to 23rd June, 1972- 1st and 2nd April, 1972- Wesfarmers Service Station, Francis Street, Queens Gardens Ampol Servicentre, 173 Hay Perth . Street, East Perth . 3 8th and 9th April, 1972- Division 2 of Part II. Princess Service Station, Corner Wellington Shops in Zone No . 2. and Thomas Streets, Perth . Description of Shops in Zone No . 2-Inclusive Ampol Beaufort Bridge, Corner Beaufort and Dates during which Shop is required to be Aberdeen Streets, Perth . Kept Open During Rostered Extraordinary Hattons Ampol Service Station, 197 Adelaide Trading Period for Extraordinary Trading Terrace, Perth . Times. 15th and 16th April, 1972- Subdivision W . Wesfarmers Service Station, Francis Street, 13th to 17th December, 1971- Perth. Caltex Inglewood Service Centre, Corner Beau- O. D. Transport Service Station, Lot 7 Suther- fort Street and Crawford Road, Inglewood. land Street, Perth. B.P. Enterprise Service Station, 291 Guildford 22nd and 2.3rd April, 1972- Road, Maylands . Wellington Square Service Station, Corner Esso Servicentre, Corner Flinders and Hector Wellington and Hill Streets, Perth . Streets, Yokine . Havelock Motor Service Company, Corner 20th to 24th December, 1971- Havelock and Hay Streets, Perth (West) Rosemount Garage, 45 Angove Street, North Perth. 29th and 30th April, 1972- Boans Service Station, Corner Royal and Magnolia Service Station, 92 Railway Parade, Bayswater . Bennett Streets, Perth . B.P. Promenade Service Station, Lots 84-85 6th and 7th May, 1972- Grand Promenade, Bedford Park . Beaurepaire Tyre Service Pty . Ltd., 108 Stirling Mobil Service Centre, Corner Beaufort and Vin- Street, Perth. cent Streets, Mount Lawley . Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort Limited, Corner 27th to 31st December, 1971- William Street and The Esplanade, Perth . Golden Fleece Service Station, Corner Collier 13th and 14th May, 1972- and Bishop Street, Morley . Rob Walter's Ampol Service Station, Corner Mahdi Motors, 371 Guildford Road, Bayswater . Loftus and Stone Streets, West Perth . Shell Service Nollamara, Sylvia Street, Nolla- Scotts Motors, 366 Wellington Street, Perth . mara. 20th and 21st May, 1972- Ampol Inglewood, Corner Central Avenue and Farinosi (Alliance) Tyre and Service Pty . Ltd., Beaufort Street, Inglewood . Corner James and Fitzgerald Streets, West B. & M. Ricciardello Motors, Corner William Perth. and Buiwer Streets, Perth . Max Jacobson's Caltex Service Station, Corner 3rd to 7th January, 1972- Mill Street and Mounts Bay Road, Perth . Bryan Cole's Caltex Service Station, Corner Walcott and William Streets, Mount 27th and 28th May, 1972- Lawley. Parry's Caltex Servicentre, Corner Hay and Brisbane Service Station, Corner Beaufort and Outram Streets, West Perth . B.P. Centre Service Station, Corner Pier and Tiverton Streets, Perth Wellington Streets, Perth . 10th to 14th January, 1972- Tyre Wholesalers (W.A.) Pty. Ltd., 130 Adelaide Guildford Road Caltex Service Station, Corner Terrace, Perth. Caledonian Avenue and Guildford Road, Maylands . 3rd and 4th June, 1972- B .P. Scaddan Service Station, Corner Homer Caltex Lake Street, Corner Lake and Francis Street and Wordsworth Avenue, Dianella . Streets, Perth .