Carlotta Gall | 368 pages | 01 Jun 2015 | HOUGHTON MIFFLIN | 9780544538566 | English | Boston, MA, United States The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan, 2001 2014 PDF Book

Gall is right to confront the uneasy truths involving 's double-dealing while also identifying coalition shortfalls Notify me of new comments via email. Karzai is great at working the tribal networks, but terrible about overall leadership. A LOT of them. Gall admirably never loses sight of the human element in this tragedy. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. She, through this book, mainly tries to expose the role of ISI in the terrorism that prevailed and shattered Afghanistan. Often the militia commanders were local leaders and had great difficulty finding work for their men. Afghanistan has always been composed of many tribes, each ruling in their own way, but have through the ages been melded into one country. You may also like. Gall describes the situations in northern and southern Waziristan were foreign militants were sheltered in tribal areas and foreign journalists were banned by the Pakistani government from traveling. These conclusions are sound, well argued, and supported by abundant research and sources that only she has had access to. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. It's hard to know what to believe when reading about Afghanistan, but if Carlotta Gall's analysis is right, it is going to be very difficult to solve the problems in Afghanistan while the government of Pakistan is working against us. The US would not stay and they would be back. Her evidence that Pakistan fueled the and protected is revelatory. The digressions are frequent and to explain the reasons behind something that's happening in , the author goes to and then back to and then we recover the main thread where we left it. She described incident after incident where eager, armed, scared US soldiers caused great harm by murdering innocent civilians. English Choose a language for shopping. Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey Hardcover 5. Unlike the Obama administration, Ms. Since most of them are uneducated in everything but religion, their recourse is Shariah Law. She also had to come face to face with the powerful ISI of Pakistan, on a trail of suicide bombers, and there she writes about the state of journalists in Pakistan and how they are executed silently for their discoveries of the truth. She presents a very strong case against Pakistan from the American and Afghan perspective. Interesting, depressing book. The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan, 2001 2014 Writer

Nor is there anything on future challenges from ISIS. Name required. Granted his government was corrupt and appointments were based on tribal membership or political faction, but the United States was aware of the political culture around him from the outset. They sacrificed blood and livelihoods to fight the Russians and the Taliban for twenty-five years. I have been following the news on Afghanistan for more than a decade. In any case, the US has decided to turn a blind eye for the most part, for reasons that are hard to understand. She argues persuasively that the ISI is the real power in Pakistan and controls its press and media. You are commenting using your Google account. Initially they were just the strongmen for a particular warlord. With the Soviet invasion his brothers left and opened restaurants in the US. What will the future hold? President Musharraf was not ready to let thousand of homegrown Afghan and Pakistani trained fighters be dismantled. In leading the Taliban to take over Afghanistan from the various warring factions he received military help from the Pakistan Army even including cross border artillery. Sort order. The book chronicles the rise of Taliban and Hamid Karzai along with Pakistani misadventures and backstabbing, a consequence of its perennial paranoia of India. Recruiting will contact applicants within 45 days if their qualifications meet our needs. It probably has a better chance due to the ethnic relationships in southern Afghanistan and in Pakistan. It is self-evident now that Pakistan will not allow peace in Afghanistan so long as there is a pro-India government in Kabul. This means that there has to be a subservient, pliant government in Kabul that they can control. Unlike the Obama administration, Ms. She knows the source of power of our real enemy, Pakistan: its duplicitous military and intelligence forces and its numerous jihadist groups have been supporting the Taliban and fueling its insurgency throughout. Karzai was a skilled politician but a poor administrator. As one character says in the book, "it needed more spies and less soldiers". Gall accurately describes the voyage of young men to madrassas to receive suicide bombing indoctrination and the final committing of the act. Sep 15, Sumeetha Manikandan rated it it was amazing. View all 7 comments. Gall makes many important observations in her narrative. Brand new: Lowest price The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging where packaging is applicable. Well, this is a work of journalism. I think the author did an excellent job as she covered ten years of war with all of its intrigues, politics and subterfuge. Download as PDF Printable version. Jul 13, Roshni Sengupta rated it it was amazing. While Gall acknowledges improvements in military tactics since the surge, this whole Afghanistan experience is all about cultural misunderstandings, bureaucratic bungling, the arrogance of the western powers would Britain bomb a neighborhood or a house in N Ireland just because they thought an IRA leader was holed up there? The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan, 2001 2014 Reviews

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Gall admirably never loses sight of the human element in this tragedy. With only Canadian troops in the south the task for the Taliban to seize control of the Kandahar region was made easier. It is not completely clear if it is a personal tale or a war chronicle. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. This item doesn't belong on this page. The Wounded Animal: J. Back Cover. Though America trusted Pakistan to be one of its most trusted ally, it took a very long time for it to realize the ugly truth and the duplicate face of Pakistan. I would be naive to think that once the US withdraws the security situation will not collapse, but we will see. As one character says in the book, "it needed more spies and less soldiers". It's not "entertaining" to read, and can seem at times a bit like a textbook, but the case that Gall makes against Pakistan is rock solid. It is unlikely to be the last. I had earlier refused to admit them, but now they got the hotel staff to open the door with a key card, and then they broke through the door chain. Jan 23, Bob Schmitz rated it liked it Shelves: afghanistan-war. Carlotta chooses to end on a positive note by highlighting how some of the villages are taking back their authority and openly resisting the Taliban. Offutt, Geo W. Read more. She was there in the s after the Russians were driven out. Please check our site map , search feature, or our site navigation on the left to locate the information you seek. To ask other readers questions about The Wrong Enemy , please sign up. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Gift Guide. Skip to main content. Afghanistan Hardcover Books. But the ISI showed patience and resilience in regrouping them. Pakistan is not simply providing the Taliban with refuge bad enough when you consider we went to war with Afghanistan for succoring our terrorist enemies , but is arming, training, salarying, and inciting the Taliban. Glenn C. For example, NATO removed many of the former anti-Soviet mujahideen leaders, imprisoning some, and disarming others and separating them from their communities. May 07, Raghu rated it really liked it. Buy Paperback Now. The repercussions of the U. According to Bruce Riedel, a former CIA official who wrote a strategic review on Afghanistan for the incoming Obama administration in , the Bush administration considered the Taliban irrelevant once they were defeated. Further one must ask; what is the future outlook for Afghanistan as the United States and its NATO allies are about to withdraw by the end of the year? And this comeback was ably assisted by Pakistan. Even more unfortunate are the tools of aggression being deployed through religion and faith by a country based and created fundamentally on religion. It was a callous mistake to denigrate them as war criminals and demobilize them. When it comes to informative, credible reporting from Central Asia over the past decade, Gall ranks with journalists like Dexter Filkins and David Rohde who have written about Afghanistan with authority and context. There they made him call me and ask me to come down to talk to them. The sources are the people who tell you stuff. The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan, 2001 2014 Read Online

Watching from the sidelines, but present at these meetings were representatives from the ISI and Pakistani Special Forces who had been involved with the Afghan resistance against the Soviet Union in the s. During her account of the battle of Qala-i Jangi in , Gall writes that two US soldiers were killed during the friendly-fire incident that occurred, but there are several accounts of that battle and none of them mention any US fatalities. To anyone who decides, willingly, to read such a convoluted book by a journalist with a highly biased opinion and narrow perspective she admits it herself , take it from someone who's been there and served during much of the same time period: Ms. Gall describes the situations in northern and southern Waziristan were foreign militants were sheltered in tribal areas and foreign journalists were banned by the Pakistani government from traveling. Hemmed in by its archenemy, India, to the east, Pakistan wants an ally in the west. The author has been covering the Afghanistan- Pakistani war for over ten years. I had earlier refused to admit them, but now they got the hotel staff to open the door with a key card, and then they broke through the door chain. Email Address. Bibliografische Informationen. Being a much smaller state economically and demographically, Pakistan has always feared India as an existential threat. It was they who could have served as intermediaries between the people and NATO, who could have best rallied the villagers against the return of the Taliban. Jan 23, Bob Schmitz rated it liked it Shelves: afghanistan-war. Account Options Anmelden. According to Bruce Riedel, a former CIA official who wrote a strategic review on Afghanistan for the incoming Obama administration in , the Bush administration considered the Taliban irrelevant once they were defeated. The writing is simple and moves smoothly. Thieves' Dozen by Donald E. Traces the involvement of the Taliban resurgence to sponsorship - overtly and covertly, by our supposed Allies in Pakistan. But Gall is perhaps uniquely positioned to tackle the troubling questions she raises about Pakistan's alleged support of terrorism Pakistani officials denied the presence of foreign soldiers but also denied entry into these areas by foreign journalist who could report what was going on. It's a war we can't win if we can't admit we're in it. As part of this double game, Pakistan permitted the groups to attack inside Afghanistan but cracked down on them only if they attacked inside Pakistan. You feel bad for an enemy that has no problem sending their own women and children, with dynamite strapped to their chests, to blow up others who are trying to give them their rights and a chance at life with equality? But it could have used, to these eyes, a bit of precision and a stronger and more straight story core. It's a brilliant take on how Pakistan was the actual hidden enemy in plain sight, that America missed. When Donald Rumsfeld announce in that troops would be pulled out to fight in Iraq it was a signal to ISI that it was a time for a Taliban resurgence.