EERI Newsletter, June 2004 Volume 38, Number 6 News of the Institute EERI and Australian Earthquake Engineering Society Sign Cooperative Agreement EERI President Thomas D. O’Rourke recently joined Michael Griffith, presi- dent of the Australian Earthquake Engineering Society (AEES), in signing a Scientific and Technical Collaboration Agreement between the two organiza- tions. The objective of the agreement is to promote and sponsor collaboration be- tween both organizations, with the goal of participating jointly in scientific and EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING technical activities in areas of common interest related to earthquake engi- RESEARCH INSTITUTE neering. In order to achieve this objective, EERI and AEES agreed to • develop an agenda of common problems and areas of opportunity in earth- NEWSLETTER quake engineering, • exchange selected publications and other information, Editor Thalia Anagnos • develop joint publications and information on mitigation measures, Associate Editors Sarah Nathe • carry out joint research programs, Gerald Brady • organize seminars and conferences, Editorial Assistant Eloise Gilland • engage in exchange of scholars to participate in conferences, colloquia, Earthquake Engineering symposia, and special short-term courses, Research Institute 499 14th Street, Suite 320 continued on page 3 Oakland, California 94612-1934 Phone: 510/451-0905 Fax: 510/451-5411 News of the Profession E-mail:
[email protected] Web site: Roblee Selected as the First Executive Director ISSN 0270-8337 Reproduction with attribution is permitted. of the NEES Consortium The Board of Directors of the NEES Consor- EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING tium, Inc. has named EERI member Dr. Cliff RESEARCH INSTITUTE Roblee as executive director, concluding an in-depth competitive selection process con- PRESIDENT Thomas D.