International Computer Music Conference 2007: Live Electronics

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International Computer Music Conference 2007: Live Electronics Reviews [Editor’s note: Selected reviews are logical lecture from Richard Toop, 1974) for orchestra and mimes was posted on the Web. In some cases, interpreters classes in the afternoon conducted with a tape substituting they are either unpublished in the with the faculty, an analysis lecture for the orchestra. Perhaps most Journal itself or published in an ab- from Mr. Stockhausen himself, a interesting to the electronic music breviated form in the Journal. Visit bratwurst and beer in the local biker’s community, though, were the many / loi / comj bistro, the evening concert itself, and solo tape works presented, with all and, under “Inside the Journal” at the post- concert drinks and ice cream in lights off but for a single spotlight Downloaded from by guest on 27 September 2021 left, click on “CMJ’s Web site.” Then an Italian restaurant up a hill in the high up. As Mr. Stockhausen ex- click on “Reviews” at the top.] plaza next to Kürten’s town church. plained, he had received so many Mr. Stockhausen himself was at comments from people uncomfort- the time a sprightly 78- year- old (he able with total darkness that he turned 79 on 22 August, a month provided the moon, but he preferred Events or so after the end of the summer that listeners close their eyes and courses); his 80th birthday year would occasionally move their heads to have been 2008. He was undiminished track spatial movement and scene. by age in his energies for composi- He diffused (or sound- projected, as Karlheinz Stockhausen: Cosmic tion, rehearsal, and self- promotion; he termed it) over a rig of two layers Pulses his habits of hard work and an innate of loudspeakers, adaptable to the sense of purpose seem to have kept eight- speaker cube of Oktophonie German premiere: 13 July 2007, him eternally young and even fi ery (1990–1991, 69 min) or the eight- Stockhausen Courses 2007, Kürten, (or I hesitate to think how much of a track spatial projection of Choirs Germany. dynamo he was as a younger man; I of Monday (1987, 69 min) and prefer to imagine the magnetic Mittwochs- Abschied (1996, 44 min). Reviewed by Nick Collins accumulation of years of experience). These large- scale works, extracted Brighton, Sussex, UK The course participants seemed to from acts of the Licht opera cycle, bask in the glow of a living legend, presented listeners with an exhilarat- [Editor’s Note: Karlheinz Stock- occasionally a little too uncritically. ing and draining acousmatic listening hausen passed away on December 5th, Indeed, access to Mr. Stockhausen experience. The Choirs work is 2007. What this means for the future was controlled by careful scheduling founded on recorded massed voices, of the summer school itself is uncer- of the week’s events. spatialized in the auditorium, but the tain; but this review stands as a At the concerts, instrumental other two large- scale compositions testament to undiminished critical works were interleaved with tape use stock synthesized sounds. At interest in his work and life.] pieces (run from a Tascam DA-88 various points during the week, The 10th Stockhausen Courses took digital eight- track unit), which especially with the presentation of place in the gentle setting of the town seemed to hold equal status. Mr. works for tape and performer such as of Kürten, near Cologne, Germany, Stockhausen sat at the mixing con- Komet (1994–1999) for percussion, 7–15 July 2007. Approximately 130 sole in the center of the audience for the timbral presets—uncritically instrumentalists, musicologists, and every concert, regulating the micro- selected from commercial synthesiz- composers attended to pay homage to phones he uses as a standard to ers—underlying much of Mr. Stock- the living legend Karlheinz Stock- amplify all acoustic instrumentalists hausen’s output since the 1980s were hausen, to study with his clique of and make their every whisper audible apparent. A current of the primacy of approved interpreters, to get access to to the back row. There was a bias pitch and space often overrides tim- the archives of his work, and simply toward works from the 1970s on, bral adventure, intricate processing, to listen and bask. The ten- day festi- including multiple arrangements of and even time structures, in a way val was tightly organized, held on the works for solo performer, as most that can be disappointing to those grounds of a local school, whose readily provided by the expert inter- more familiar with the fresh and acoustically impressive gymnasium preters on hand, and naturally con- invigorating sound worlds of Mr. housed each night’s concerts. A tinued at the three student concerts Stockhausen’s great works of the typical day might involve early morn- deriving from the interpretation 1950s and 1960s. This contrast was ing gesture classes, an open rehearsal classes. Lacking any larger ensem- made evident by the performances of for that evening’s concert, a musico- bles, the performance of Inori (1973– Gesang der Jünglinge (1955–1956) at 88 Computer Music Journal Production in March 2007 akustische Kunste e.V., of Cosmic Pulses at the Freiburg, behind them “White House” of the Antonio Pérez Abellán, Stockhausen Foundation; and at the right Karlheinz from left to right: Joachim Stockhausen. Photo: Haas and Gregorio Kar- Kathinka Pasveer. man, collaborators of the Experimentalstudio für Downloaded from by guest on 27 September 2021 the opening address, and Kontakte not made up his mind concerning it. from low to high frequency and (1958–1960, in the version for percus- The reaction at the world premiere in corresponding slow to fast rotation sion, piano, and tape) played by stu- Italy had seen him signing autographs on the spatial paths, entering one by dent performers on the last day. for one and a half hours after an one from the (s)lowest and leaving in Although some splendors were found enthusiastic response from a younger reverse. In the central portion of the in the long Licht pieces, they lacked crowd. The work had been commis- 32- min work, all layers are present, uniform quality; there were also sioned for the Dissonanze Electronic and the density of information pro- coarse edges in studio production, Music Festival, an event mainly vides the aforementioned challenge. from poor layering and fades to awk- focused on “electronica.” In psychological terms, it is challeng- ward transitions. Cosmic Pulses (2007) is arranged ing with anything more than four A great deal of excitement, how- for eight tracks, with “241 different layers at once, and the overall sum- ever, had grown around one particu- trajectories in space” (program notes). mation of layers can become the lar new work, Cosmic Pulses, which The work utilizes 24 layers of sound, aggregate impression, with attention received its German premiere at the each with its own associated central fl ickering between layers as they are Friday night concert on 13 July. pitch, tempo, and spatial motions, emphasized and perturbed following Originally unveiled in Rome not long each “enlivened by manual regula- complex charts of parameter enve- before, on 7 May 2007, Mr. Stock- tion of the accelerandi and ritardandi lopes. The source timbre for indi- hausen had warned the participants around the respective tempo, and by vidual lines is a rather cheap electric earlier in the week that this work quite narrow glissandi upwards and piano sound, which is quickly sub- would provide a challenge to the downwards around the original melo- sumed into the granular storm as the listener, and that he himself had still dies” (ibid). The layers are ordered layers gather and tempi increase. Reviews 89 As I listened to the work, I noted a throes? Bass keeps recurring, hear the spatialized version, and one tumult of impressions in real time, not loud enough! Fader riding, would hope that any future writing maniacally in the dark, a bigger gliss near end, modula- Stockhausen- Verlag release would be number of which I now list in the tion slowing, running cosmic in a multi- channel format; played 10 order of their original writing. They patches, Siriusly exhausting, a decibels louder, Cosmic Pulses could give, I hope, some idea of the speed few roars near the end, pitter even make a terrifi c entrant into the with which the complexity builds, patter of spatial space electron- spatial noise scene! Downloaded from by guest on 27 September 2021 and the impressions of being caught ics, drove someone away [an Discussing the work in the semi- in a maelstrom: audience member leaves at this nar session on the following day, and point], one layer becomes domi- also bringing in general comments . violent spasms of space, nant then falls back, slowing to made during the week, Mr. Stock- serial recurrences, a Copernican fewer layers, more controlled hausen admitted that the work might asylum, over- literal crashes, gurglings, selective, relaxing be viewed as “not music, just sound,” rushing more and more beyond into less layers, closing down, and that it might be best to “just take sense, like being inside Stock- suddenly gentle, cathartic, re- it as a natural phenomena and not hausen’s mind as he composes, a turning to sanity, makes sense, think of composition.” It is hard to battle of enraged keyboardists in sudden awkward end . tell how disingenuous he is concern- a tempo war, granular roars, bass ing infl uences; rumor would have it pedals and clatters, gurgling After the work fi nished, the that he listens to little or no contem- granules accelerate, pushing the longest applause of the conference porary music (especially not electroa- boundary of information, tapes was heard; Mr.
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