Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works

Why: Oversees the Clean Water Act, environmental policy, environmental research and development, and water pollution. This committee has added NPDES language as an amendment to the Sportsman's Bill in past Congresses. The stand-alone bill is S.340 - Sensible Environmental Protection Act of 2017 (Crapo-ID).

, Wyoming, Chair Sub. • , Delaware, Ranking Member • Jim Inhofe, , Former Chair • , Maryland • , West Virginia • , Vermont • , Arkansas • , Rhode Island • , Mississippi • , Oregon • , Nebraska • , New York • , Kansas • , New Jersey • , South Dakota • , Massachusetts • , Iowa • , Illinois • Dan Sullivan, Alaska • , California • , Alabama

Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry

Why: Oversees pests and pesticides, agriculture generally, definition of Waters of the US, and forestry. All of these relate to NPDES permits. NPDES riders may go through Agriculture, Environment, or Natural Resources so we must cover all three.

Highlighted = members of the Subcommittee on Conservation, Forestry, and Natural Resources which oversees pesticides

• Pat Roberts, Kansas, Chair • , Michigan, Ranking Member • , Mississippi • , Vermont • Mitch McConnell, Kentucky • , Ohio • John Boozman, Arkansas • , Minnesota • , North Dakota • , Colorado • Joni Ernst, Iowa • Kristin Gillibrand, New York • Charles Grassley, Iowa • Joe Donnelly, Indiana • , S. Dakota • Heidi Heitkamp, North Dakota • , Montana • Robert P. Casey, Jr., Pennsylvania • David Perdue, Georgia • • Luther Strange, Alabama

Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources

, Alaska, Chair • , Washington, Ranking Member • John Barrasso, Wyoming • , Oregon • , Idaho • Bernie Sanders, Vermont • Mike Lee, Utah • Debbie Stabenow, Michigan • Jeff Flake, Arizona • Al Franken, Minnesota • Steve Daines, Montana • , West Virginia • Cory Gardner, Colorado • , New Mexico • Lamar Alexander, Tennessee • , Hawaii • John Hoeven, North Dakota • , Maine • , Louisiana • Tammy Duckworth, Illinois • , Ohio • , Nevada • Luther Strange, Alabama

Senate Committee on Appropriations - Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies

Why: Manages the budget for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

(MO) Chairman • Senator , (WA) • Thad Cochran (MS) Ranking Member • Richard Shelby (AL) • (IL) • Lamar Alexander (TN) • Jack Reed (RI) • (SC) • (NH) • Jerry Moran (KS) • Jeff Merkley (OR) • Shelley Moore Capito (WV) • (HI) • (OK) • (WI) • John Kennedy (LA) • (CT) • (FL) • Joe Manchin (WV)

Senate Committee on Appropriations - Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Why: Oversees the budget for the IR-4 Public Heath Pesticide Program (PHP) for vector control.

• John Hoeven, North Dakota, • Jeff Merkley, Oregon, Ranking Chairman Member • Thad Cochran, Mississippi • , California • Mitch McConnell, Kentucky • , Montana • , Maine • Tom Udall, New Mexico • Roy Blunt, • Patrick Leahy, Vermont • Jerry Moran, Kansas • Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin • Marco Rubio, Florida


House Committee on Agriculture

Why: Covers agricultural issues as well as agricultural and industrial chemistry. This group may be interested in how NPDES permits affect the agricultural community and the effect of pesticide regulations on businesses.

• K. Michael Conaway, Texas, • Collin C. Peterson, Minnesota, Chairman Ranking Member • Glenn Thompson, Vice Chair • David Scott, Georgia • Bob Goodlatte, Virginia, • Jim Costa, California • Frank D. Lucas, Oklahoma • Timothy J. Walz, Minnesota • Steve King, Iowa • Marcia Fudge, Ohio • Mike Rogers, Alabama • Jim McGovern, Massachusetts • Bob Gibbs, Ohio • Filemon Vela, Texas • Austin Scott, Georgia • Michelle Lujan Grisham, New Mexico • Rick Crawford, Arkansas • Ann Kuster, New Hampshire • Scott Desjarlais, Tennessee • Rick Nolan, Minnesota • Vicky Hartzler, Missouri • Cheri Bustos, Illinois • Jeff Denham, California • Sean Patrick Maloney, New York • Doug LaMalfa, California • Stacey Plaskett, Virgin Islands • Rodney Davis, Illinois • Alma Adams, North Carolina • Ted Yoho, Florida • Dwight Evans, Pennsylvania • Rick Allen, Georgia • Al Lawson, Florida • Mike Bost, Illinois • Jimmy Panetta, California • David Rouzer, North Carolina • Tom O’Halleran, Arizona • Ralph Abraham, Louisana • Darren Soto, Florida • Trent Kelly, Mississippi • Lisa Rochester, Delaware • James Comer. Kentucky • Roger Marshall, Kansas • Don Bacon, Nebraska • John Faso, New York • Neal Dunn, Florida • Jodey Arrington, Texas

House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Subcommittee on Water Resource and Environment

Why: Topics of interest include the Clean Water Act, the Environmental Protection Agency, invasive aquatic species, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The Chairman, Rep. Gibbs, is the sponsor of the NDPES bill HR 953 - Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2017.

• Garret Graves, Louisiana, • Grace Napolitano, California,

Chairman Ranking Member • Rick Crawford, Arkansas • Lois Frankel, Florida • Bob Gibbs, Ohio • Frederica Wilson, Florida • Daniel Webster, Florida • Jared Huffman, California • Thomas Massie, Kentucky • Alan Lowenthal, California • Rodney L. Davis, Illinois • Eddie Bernice Johnson, Texas • Mark Sanford, South • John Garamendi, California

Carolina • Dina Titus, Nevada • • Rob Woodall, Georgia Sean Patrick Maloney, New York • Todd Rokita, Indiana • Elizabeth Esty, Connecticut • John Katko, New York • Cheri Bustos, Illinois • Brian Babin, Texas • Julia Brownley, California • David Rouzer, North • Brenda Lawrence, Michigan Carolina • Peter DeFazio, Oregon • Mike Bost, Illinois • Randy Weber, Texas

• Doug LaMalfa, California • Drew Ferguson, Georgia • Brian Mast, Florida, Vice Chair • Bill Shuster, Pennsylvania (Ex Officio)

House Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies

Why: Oversees the budget for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

, Oklahoma, Chairman • Rosa DeLauro (CT), Ranking • Mike Simpson, Idaho Member • Steve Womack, Arkansas, Vice • Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA) Chair • Barbara Lee (CA) • Chuck Fleischmann, Tennessee • Mark Pocan, Wisconsin • Andy Harris, Maryland • Katherine Clark, Massachusetts • Martha Roby, Alabama • Nita Lowey (NY), Ex officio • Jaime Herrera Beutler, Washington • John Moolenaar, Michigan

House Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies

Why: Oversees the budget for the IR-4 Public Heath Pesticide (PHP) for vector control.

• Robert Aderholt, Alabama, • Sanford Bishop, Georgia, Ranking Chairman Member • David Valadao, California, Vice • Rosa DeLauro, Connecticut Chair • Chellie Pingree, Maine • Kevin Yoder, Kansas • Mark Pocan, Wisconsin • Tom Rooney, Florida • Nita Lowey, New York Ex officio • Andy Harris, Maryland • David Young, Iowa • Steven Palazzo, Mississippi • Hal Rogers, Kentucky Ex officio

House Committee on Natural Resources

Why: Jurisdiction over fisheries and wildlife, restoration, refuges and conservation. May be interested in how mosquitoes impact wildlife and recreation. This committee handled the House version of the Sportsman's bill but did not include NPDES language. The Senate version of the Sportsman's bill (S. 659 Bipartisan Sportsman's Act of 2016.)

• Rob Bishop, Utah, Chairman • Raúl Grijalva, Arizona, Ranking • Don Young, Alaska Member • Louie Gohmert, Texas • Grace Napolitano, California • Doug Lamborn, Colorado • Madeleine Bordallo, Guam • Rob Wittman, Virginia • Jim Costa, California • Tom McClintock, California • Gregorio Sablan, Northern Mariana • Steve Pearce, New Mexico • Niki Tsongas, Massachusetts • Glenn Thompson, Pennsylvania • Jared Huffman, California • Paul Gosar, Arizona • Don Beyer, Virginia • Raúl Labrador, Idaho • Norma Torres, California • Scott Tipton, Colorado • Ruben Gallego, Arizona • Doug LaMalfa, California • Colleen Hanabusa, Hawaii • Jeff Denham, California[6] • Nanette Barragán, California • Paul Cook, California • Darren Soto, Florida • Bruce Westerman, Arkansas • Jimmy Panetta, California • Garret Graves, Louisiana • Donald McEachin, Virginia • Jody Hice, Georgia • Anthony G. Brown, Maryland • Amata Coleman Radewagen, American • Alan Lowenthal, California Samoa • Lacy Clay, Missouri • Darin LaHood, Illinois • Daniel Webster, Florida • David Rouzer, North Carolina • Jack Bergman, Michigan • Liz Cheney, Wyoming • Mike Johnson, Louisiana • Jenniffer González, Puerto Rico

House Committee on Energy and Commerce

Why: Those highlighted are members of the Subcommittee on Health which oversees the CDC. This committee has jurisdiction over food, drugs, and cosmetics - which relates to pesticides when dealing with residues on crops. Joe Conlon testified before this committee in March 2016 regarding the Zika virus. Homeland security is within their jurisdiction so they would have concerns about emerging diseases and invasive species.

• Greg Walden, Oregon, Chairman • Frank Pallone, New Jersey, Ranking • Joe Barton, Texas, Vice Chairman Member • Fred Upton, Michigan • Bobby Rush, Illinois • John Shimkus, Illinois • Anna Eshoo, California • Tim Murphy, Pennsylvania • Eliot Engel, New York • Michael C. Burgess, Texas • Gene Green, Texas • , Tennessee • Diana DeGette, Colorado • Steve Scalise, Louisiana • Mike Doyle, Pennsylvania • Bob Latta, Ohio • Jan Schakowsky, Illinois • Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Washington • G. K. Butterfield, North Carolina • Gregg Harper, Mississippi • Doris Matsui, California • Leonard Lance, New Jersey • Kathy Castor, Florida • Brett Guthrie, Kentucky • John Sarbanes, Maryland • Pete Olson, Texas • Jerry McNerney, California • David McKinley, West Virginia • Peter Welch, Vermont • Adam Kinzinger, Illinois • Ben Ray Luján, New Mexico • Morgan Griffith, Virginia • Paul Tonko, New York • Gus Bilirakis, Florida • Yvette Clarke, New York • Bill Johnson, Ohio • Dave Loebsack, Iowa • Billy Long, Missouri • Kurt Schrader, Oregon • Larry Bucshon, Indiana • Joseph P. Kennedy III, Massachusetts • Bill Flores, Texas • Tony Cárdenas, California • Susan Brooks, Indiana • Raul Ruiz, California • , Oklahoma • Scott Peters, California • Richard Hudson, North Carolina • Debbie Dingell, Michigan • Chris Collins, New York • , North Dakota • Tim Walberg, Michigan • Mimi Walters, California • Ryan Costello, Pennsylvania • Buddy Carter, Georgia

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