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1984 Life Cycle of Alaria Marcianae in Louisiana (, Transmammary, Milk-Borne). Wesley Lawrence Shoop Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College

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Recommended Citation Shoop, Wesley Lawrence, "Life Cycle of Alaria Marcianae in Louisiana (Trematoda, Transmammary, Milk-Borne)." (1984). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 3994. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_disstheses/3994

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Shoop, Wesley Lawrence


The Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical Col. Ph.D. 1984

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University Microfilms International fe Cycle of Alaria marcianae in Louisiana

A Dissertation

Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy


The Department of Zoology and Physiology

by Wesley L. Shoop B.S., University of Nebraska, 1977 M.S., Louisiana State University, 1980 August, 1984 TABLE OF CONTENTS


A b s tr a c t ...... iv

Chapter I

The Life Cycle of Alaria marcianae ...... 1

Introduction ...... 2

Materials and Methods ...... 4

Results ...... 6

D iscu ssio n ...... 17

Literature Cited ...... 21

Chapter II

Transmammary Infection of Paratenic and Definitive Hosts with

Alaria marcianae ...... 24

Introduction ...... 26

Materials and Methods ...... 27

R e s u l t s ...... 27

D isc u ssio n ...... 28

Literature Cited ...... 30

Chapter III

Migration of Alaria marcianae in Domestic Cats ...... 31

Introduction ...... 32

Materials and Methods ...... 32

R e s u l t s ...... 33

D isc u ssio n ...... 34

Literature C ited ...... 3/

IX Chapter IV

Tegumental Changes of A laria marcianae during migration in

the Domestic C a t ...... 38

Introduction ...... 39

M aterials and Methods ...... 41

R e s u l t s ...... 42

D isc u ssio n ...... 58

Literature Cited ...... 61

V i t a ...... 63


The life cycle of A laria marcianae (Trematoda) as found in

Louisiana involves the planorbid snail, He'lisoma trivolvis, as first

intermediate host; tadpoles of Rana catesbiana, R. clamitans, R.

utricularia, Hyla cinerea, and Gastrophryne carolinensis as second

intermediate hosts; a wide range of amphibian, reptilian, and mam­ malian paratenic hosts; and the bobcat (Lynx rufus), domestic cat

(Felis domes t ic u s , and juvenile raccoon (Procyon lo to rj as d efin i­

tive hosts. Eggs defecated by the definitive host require an incu­ bation period of approximately 20 days; a free swimming miracidium hatches from each egg and must penetrate a snail within 24 hr or die;

the miracidium transforms into a mother sporocyst within the anterior blood sinuses of the snail; mother sporocyst germ cells produce a gener ation of daughter sporocysts which migrate to the snail digestive gland daughter sporocyst germ cells give rise to free swimming cercariae as early as 61 days postexposure to m iracidia; cercariae must penetrate tadpoles within 48 hr or die and those that are successful metamorphose to the mesocercarial stage within 14 days; mesocercariae in tadpoles that are consumed by a paratenic host remain mesocercariae, but if consumed by a d efinitive host they begin a complex 15-day migration involving both direct and circulatory pathways to the lungs where they metamorphose to diplostomula and then a return trip to the small in tes­ tine via the bronchi, trachea, and esophagus where they mature to the adult. Electron microscopical studies on these stages suggest that the migration from the lungs to the small intestine is orchestrated by the h o st's defense mechanisms rather than an active migration on the part of the parasite. Transmammary infection with mesocercariae is described experimentally in mice, domestic cats, and raccoons.

Mesocercariae are diverted from their normal pathway to the mammary gland only during lactation, thereby implying a hormonal stimulus.

No prenatal infection occurs. Three distinct patterns of mesocer- carial behavior in lactating mammals are presented: (l) in eupara- tenic hosts the mesocercariae remain undifferentiated in both the parent and offspring; (2) in amphiparatenic hosts the mesocercariae remain undifferentiated in the parent, but they mature to adults when transmitted to the offspring; and (3) in definitive hosts both the parent and offspring possess the physiological requirements for development of the mesocercariae to adult worms.

v Chapter I

The Life Cycle of Alaria marcianae


To date, there exists a number of life history studies on members of the genus A laria and they are among the most complex within the

Trematoda (Bosma, 1934; Odlaug, 1940; Potekhina, 1950; Pearson, 1956;

Johnson, 1968; 1979). The life cycles reported heretofore consist of: an adult residing in the small intestine of a carnivore; a defecated egg embryonating in water; a miracidium penetrating a planorbid snail with subsequent sporocyst generation; free-swimming furcocercous cer­ cariae penetrating larval amphibians; paratenic residence in a wide spectrum of amphibian, reptilian, and mammalian hosts; and ingestion of the intermediate or paratenic host with a somatic migration and development of mesocercariae, diplostomula, and adults within the definitive hosts.

Not only do life cycle data establish the ecology of the para­ site and place in perspective its evolutionary biology, but they also are the fundamental information used by epidemiologist when reconstruc­ ting the origin of human infection. Within the last decade, members of the genus Alaria have been recognized as significant human health hazards (.Shea e_t al^., 1973; Freeman et a l ., 1976; Beaver al_., 1977).

However, the available lif e cycle data neither predicted nor were adequate for explaining the etiology of human infection. This inad­ equacy was most apparent in an autochthonous infection in Louisiana in which the source traced by epidemiologists (Beaver e_t a J ., 1977) had been reported previously to be an unsuitable host (Pearson, 1956;

Johnson, 1968). Shoop and Corkum (1981) investigated the epidemiology of that infection and identified the infectious agent as Alaria mar-

2 cianae and confirmed the source of infection suggested by Beaver et al., (1977).

Also noted in the report by Shoop and Corkum (1981) was the possibility of maternal transmission. Mesocercariae were located in the subcutaneous fat of mammalian paratenic hosts, but a marked prefer­ ence for the mammary glands was observed in lactating females. Not only had maternal transmission not been suggested in any prior studies on Alaria marcianae, but neither had it been determined experimentally for any other trematode.

In light of these new findings it was decided to reinvestigate the life cycle of Alaria marcianae as it occurs in the swamps of

Louisiana. In this chapter, the basic life cycle of A. marcianae is investigated experimentally and verified with field data. In

Chapter 2, a new mode of transmission is described that changes the way we view the A. marcianae lif e cycle and adds a significant new dimension to our understanding of trematode life cycles in general. In the third chapter, the unique somatic migration within a mammalian host is documented chronologically and anatomically. The final chapter concerns the morphological transformations that A. mar­ cianae undergoes during its migration in a mammalian host and presents new thoughts on its evolution. MATERIALS AND METHODS

Experimental life cycle studies began with the collection of mesocercariae from water moccasins, Agkistrodon piscivorus. These

larvae were fed to laboratory-reared cats and raccoons. The hosts were necropsied when eggs began to appear in th eir feces. Diplostomu- la from the lungs and adults from the small intestine were recovered.

Eggs from the feces were incubated in tap water at room temperature.

When miracidia hatched, each was placed singly with a snail in 20 ml of tap water for 24 hr and then transferred to 100 ml containers.

Snails of Helisoma trivolvis, Physa gyrina, and Viviparus intertextus, collected from localities previously determined not to have Alaria marcianae infection, were used in the experimental infections. After exposure to m iracidia, the snails were examined daily for the emergence of cercariae. When cercariae began to appear, colonies of laboratory- reared tadpoles of Rana catesbiana, R. clamitans, and R. utricularia were exposed to infected snails for a 24-hr period. Five tadpoles of each species were examined weekly u n til fully developed mesocer­ cariae were found. All stages were fixed in steaming 10% formalin.

Measurements are in micrometers unless indicated otherwise; ranges in parentheses.

The life-cycle stages occurring naturally were monitored by continuous collection at Head of Island, Louisiana, from 1978 to 1983.

The following snails were examined as potential f ir s t intermediate hosts: 126 Helisoma trivolvis; 200 Physa gyrina; 200 Pseudosuccinea columella; 87 Viviparus intertextus; 12 Promenetus exacuous; 30 Laeva- lex fuscus; 30 Ferrisia fragilis; and 30 Hebetancylus excentricus. 5

Snails were brought to the laboratory, isolated singly in 100 ml con­

tain ers, and examined daily for the emergence of cercariae. I f emer­

gent cercariae were similar to those of Alaria marcianae, they were

placed with uninfected tadpoles, reared to the next stage, and identi­

fied. I f snails exhibited no cercarial emergence afte r a two-week

period, they were crushed and examined for sporocysts.

The following amphibians were collected and examined for meso­

cercariae: 23 Rana catesbiana; 170 R. clamitans; 22 R. utricularia;

30 Hyla cinerea; 6 Gastrophryne carolinensis; and 3 Notophthalmus viridescens. Mesocercariae collected from the hosts were fed to

laboratory cats, reared to adulthood, and identified.

A list of paratenic hosts from Head of Island, Louisiana has been published by Shoop and Corkum (1981).

Through the efforts of the writer as well as others, the follow­

ing mammals were trapped and examined for diplostomula and adult worms: 85 raccoons, Procyon lotor; 43 minks, Mustela vison; 11 river

otters, Lutra canadensis; 37 opossums, Didelphis virginiana; 5 musk­

rats, Ondatra zibethica; 4 bobcats, Lynx rufus; 3 red foxes, Vulpes

fulva; 1 gray fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus; and 1 strip ed skunk,

Mephitis mephitis. RESULTS

First Intermediate Host

Miracidia placed with snails of Helisoma trivolvis became very active and were observed to penetrate the mantle region of the foot.

In all H. trivolvis, penetration took place within 30 min postexposure.

Miracidia showed no hyperactivity in the presence of Physa gyrina or

Vivaparus intertextus and no penetration was observed in either species of snail even afte r a 24 hr period.

Cercariae were first observed at day 6 1 in Helisoma trivolvis and a ll of these snails demonstrated cercarial emergence by 78 days.

No cercarial emergence was noted in eith er Physa gyrina or Viviparus in tertex tu s, and when necropsied a fte r 150 days they were negative for sporocysts.

Infected Helisoma trivolvis shed cercariae for more than one year. As snails died, they were immediately examined for sporocysts.

Daughter sporocysts with cercariae were recovered from all H. trivol­ vis , but only in two snails were mother sporocysts with daughter sporocysts observed.

Of the snails collected from Head of Island, Louisiana, only two specimens of Helisoma trivolvis shed Alaria marcianae cercariae.

These cercariae were morphologically indistinguishable from those in experimental infections. When these snails were necropsied, daugh­ ter sporocysts were recovered and they were also morphologically indistinguishable from those in experimental infections.

Second Intermediate Hosts

Tadpoles of all three species of Rana became infected with meso-

6 7

cercariae after experimental exposure to cercariae. However, of the

20 II. clamitans examined, no tadpole was found to have more than two mesocercariae even though each was exposed to several hundred cer­ cariae. In 20 II. utricularia tadpoles, no more than 10 mesocercariae were observed in a single tadpole and in 20 R. catesbiana, a mean of

110 (91-150) mesocercariae were recovered from each tadpole. Fully developed mesocercariae were recovered from R. catesbiana and R. u t r i ­ cular ia tadpoles within two weeks, whereas in R. clamitans this stage was not fully developed until the fourth week. All mesocercariae recovered from tadpoles were unencysted and located in the muscles of the mylohyoid, sternum, and tail regions.

Twenty recently metamorphosed frogs of R. catesbiana that were exposed to cercariae never became infected.

The following adult amphibians were found n atu rally infected with mesocercariae of Alaria marcianae (.mean number of mesocercariae recov­ ered is in parentheses): 20 of 23 Rana catesbiana (58) ; 33 of 170

R. clamitans (3); 7 of 22 R.. utricularia (5); 16 of 30 Hyla cinerea

(5); 1 of 6 Gastrophryne carolinensis (1); and 0 of 3 Notophthalmus viridescens. Mesocercariae recovered from these natural infections were morphologically indistinguishable from those in experimental infections. The mesocercariae were unencysted and were recovered from the muscles of the mylohyoid, sternum, and hindlegs.

Paratenic Hosts

A list of paratenic hosts both natural and experimental from Head of Island, Louisiana, has been published by Shoop and C.orkum (1981).

In experimental infections every amphibian, reptilian, and mammalian

host that was inoculated with mesocercariae became infected. Those species found naturally infected include: 82 of 85 Agkistrodon pis- civorus; 48 of 52 Nerodia cyclopion; 4 of 4 N. erythrogaster; 4 1 of 4 1

N. fasciata; 3 of 7 N. rhombifera; 12 of 17 Thamnophis proximus; 2 of 2

Coluber constrictor; 3 of 3 Lampropeltus getulus; 6 of 10 Didelphis virginiana; and 3 of 5 Procyon lotor.

It is noteworthy that, in the laboratory, bullfrogs were observed to cannibalize small frogs and could possibly serve as paratenic hosts.

Mesocercariae recovered from re p tiles were found in most organs, but large concentrations were found in the fat bodies. Mesocercariae from mammals were found in the lungs, subcutaneous fa t, and mammary glands.

Definitive Hosts

Thirteen laboratory cats, two juvenile raccoons, and two adult raccoons were fed mesocercariae. All of the laboratory cats and both juvenile raccoons became infected. Eggs appeared in their feces between 19-20 days postexposure. When the cats and juvenile raccoons were necropsied a fte r 20 days, diplostomula were found within the alveoli of the lungs and mature adults were recovered from the duodenum.

The two adult raccoons that did not shed eggs were necropsied after th irty days. It was found that the mesocercariae had migrated to the subcutaneous fat and remained undifferentiated. No diplostomula or adult worms were present.

Eggs recovered from the feces of experimentally infected hosts were incubated in tap water at room temperature. When exposed to strong light, miracidia ruptured the opercular membrane of the egg as early as 20 days post incubation. 9

In natural infections, a ll bobcats examined were infected with

Alaria marcianae diplostomula in the lungs and adult A. marcianae in the duodenum. These stages were morphologically indistinguishable from those in experimental infections. Of 81 adult and four juvenile raccoons examined, none of the adults and only two of the juveniles were found to be infected with diplostomula and adult worms. This corroborates the experimental resu lts in which worms were found to mature in juvenile, but not in adult raccoons.

Description of Stages

Miracidium (Fig. 1)

Eggs incubated for 20 days ruptured to give rise to the ephem­ e ral, free-swimming miracidium. No miracidium survived beyond a 24-hr period if it had not penetrated a suitable snail host.

Description (based on ten fixed specimens): The body is elongate, broadly rounded anteriorly, and tapered posteriorly. It measures

162 (149-183) long by 42 (35-50) wide. The body is covered with cilia and possesses two prominent eyespots. An apical papilla is located on the anterior tip of the body. Immediately posterior to the apical papilla is a saclike structure, the apical gland, which presumably aids in penetration of the snail. Paired lateral processes protrude from the body wall at the level of the posteriormost extent of the apical gland. Immediately posterior to the eyespots is a mass of cells that represent the neural ganglion. Immediately posterior to the neural ganglion is a mass of large cells representing the germi­ nal ce lls. Two pairs of flame cells are present. The flame cell ducts empty to the outside via a pore in the posterior third of the LEGEND

Figures 1-7. Stages of Alaria marcianae from Louisiana.

1. Miracidium, dorsal view. 2. Mother sporocyst with developing daughter sporocysts. 3. Daughter sporocyst with developing cercariae. 4. Cercaria, ventral view. 5. Mesocercaria, ventral view. 6. Diplostomulum, ventral view. 7. Adult, ventral view.

Scales are in micrometers.

10 body. At the posterior end, a glandular saclike structure, resembling

the apical gland, empties terminally.

Mother Sporocyst (Fig. 2)

Only two mother sporocysts were recovered from experimentally infected Helisoma tr iv o lv is . Both were recovered from the anterior blood sinuses of the snails, one on day 81 and the other on day 103 postexposure to miracidia.

Description (based on two fixed specimens): The mother sporo­ cyst is unbranched, elongate, tubular, and 3.8-4.7 mm long by 0.05-

0.2 mm wide. Daughter sporocysts and germinal cells are present inside the mother sporocyst.

Daughter Sporocyst (Fig. 3)

Hundreds of daughter sporocysts developed in the digestive gland of all experimentally infected Helisoma trivolvis.

Description (based on ten fixed specimens): The daughter sporo­ cyst is unbranched, elongate, tubular, and threadlike. It measures

1.3 (1.1-1.6) mm long by 45 (40-55) wide. The birth pore is present near the anterior end. Various stages from germinal cells to fully developed cercariae are present inside the daughter sporocysts.

Cercaria (Fig. 4)

Emergent cercariae from Helisoma triv o lv is swam to the top of the water column, turned upside down, and parachuted to the bottom of the container. Their descent was so slow that at times they appeared suspended in the water. When a tadpole was in the vicinity, they swam excitedly and attached to the tadpole via the acetabulum and oral sucker. The cercaria is short-lived; more than half of those 13

that did not attach to a tadpole died within 24 hr and all were dead

by 48 hr.

Description (based on ten fixed specimens): The cercaria is

furcocercous, longifurcous, distomate, and pharyngeate. The body

measures 140 (120-160) long by 27 (25-30) wide; the tail stem 155 (150-

160) long by 25 (20-30) wide; the furca 150 (145-160) long; the oral

sucker 26 (24-27) long by 20 (19-22) wide; the pharynx 10 (9-11) in

diameter; and the acetabulum 20 (19-22) in diameter.

The oral hood is covered with rows of small spines. The spines

are less densely distributed posteriorly, but cover the entire venter with the exception of areas anterior and posterior to the acetabulum.

Three to four rows of spines are present on the acetabulum. A pair

of unpigmented eyespots occurs laterally, midway between the oral

sucker and the acetabulum. Two pairs of penetration glands are present,

located just anterior to the acetabulum; their ducts empty into the

oral sucker. A spherical mass of cells representing the genital primordium is located between the acetabulum and the posterior end

of the body. The flame c e ll formula is 2 £(2+2+2) + (2+2) + (2)J . A pair

of sensory hairs is located on the margins of the body in the posterior

fourth of the worm. Numerous hairlike extensions of the tegument

extend laterally on the tail stem.

Mesocercaria (Fig. 5)

All mesocercariae removed from the various host species were

indistinguishable from one another.

Description (based on ten fixed specimens): The body appears

to be an enlarged cercaria and measures 432 (380-525) long by 173

(150-195) wide. The oral sucker is 79 (65-99) long by 59 (55-66) wide; the prepharynx is 8 (.7-9) long; the pharynx is 25 (23-28) long

by 22 (20-28) wide; and the genital anlage is 37 (33-44) in diameter.

The oral sucker is covered by 14 or 15 rows of simple spines.

Spines extend onto and cover the body except for areas anterior and

posterior to the acetabulum. The acetabulum has 3 or 4 rows of spines.

Eyespots are absent. The most conspicuous structures in this stage

are the four unicellular penetration glands located anterior and

la te ra l to the acetabulum. These glands empty into the oral sucker

via individual ducts. The flame ce ll formula is 2 £(2 • 6) + (2• 6) + (2-6)J +

2 [ ( 2- 6) + ( 2- 6)] .

Diplostomulum (Fig. 6)

Diplostomula were recovered from the lungs of domestic cats, bobcats, and juvenile raccoons. They formed 1-2 mm in diameter,

fluid-filled vesicles in the lungs. Upon removal from these vesicles,

the ceca of the worms appeared golden brown; this color reflected by

the p a rtia lly digested red blood cells on which the worms had been


Description (based on ten fixed specimens): The body is spathu-

late and 550 (480-600) long by 215 (205-240) wide; the forebody is

435 (410-460) long by 215 (205-240) wide; the hindbody is 435 (410—

460) long by 215 (205-240) wide; the oral sucker is 55 (50-6 1) long by 60 (55-63) wide and surrounded on eith er side by earlike lappets;

the prepharynx is 10 (6-12) long; the pharynx is 45 (41-48) long by

38 (33-40) wide; the paired ceca are 365 (330-380) long by 35 (26-

40) wide; the acetabulum is 63 (54-69) long by 61 (59-67) wide; and

the tribocytic organ is 120 (114-132) long by 71 (50-99) wide.

The entire forebody is covered with a dense array of spines; the 15 hindbody is devoid of spines. Four unicellular penetration glands are present in all stages of degeneration. The ducts to the oral sucker are the first to be absorbed, then the glands atrophy, and eventually all evidence of these structures is lost. The genital primordium remains undifferentiated in young diplostomula, but becomes a lobate structure in older forms.

Adult (Fig. 7)

Adults were recovered from the duodenum of domestic cats, bobcats, and juvenile raccoons. Each adult was individually attached to a host intestinal villus.

Description (based on ten gravid, fixed specimens): The body is elongate, d istin c tly bisegmented, and 1375 (1000-1600) long by 478

(350-600) at the widest point. The forebody is scoop-shaped and 883

(650-1050) long by 478 (350-600) wide. The entire forebody serves as an organ of attachment. Lappets are present on either side of the oral sucker; they rarely invaginate to form pseudosuckers. The hind­ body is conical, 535 (280-500) wide and contains the reproductive organs. The forebody tegument is covered with small spines; the hindbody tegument smooth. The oral sucker is 90 (60-105) long by

73 (60-81) wide; the acetabulum is 74 (60-95) long by 75 (60-95) wide and is rarely covered by the tribocytic organ; the tribocytic organ is 453 (310-550) long by 200 (155-225) wide when evaginated.

The prepharynx is 5 (4-6) long; the pharynx is 102 (75-215) long by

64 (55-85) wide; the esophagus is 6 (4-10) long; and paired ceca extend to the posterior end of the body. The testes are tandem, but not equal; the anterior testis is asymmetrical, typically wedge- shaped, laterally disposed on either side of the midline and 160 (128- 16

215) long by 225 (175-300) wide; the posterior testis is symmetrical, dumbbell-shaped, much wider than the anterior testis, 2 10 (165-276) long by 340 (275-425) wide, and has a ventro-medial groove to allow passage of the ceca and uterus; a muscular ejaculatory pouch lies posterior to the testes and empties into the genial atrium; the genital atrium is located in the posterior end of the body and opens on the dorso-subterminal side. The ovary is reniform, located anterior to the anterior testis and is 72 (60-99) long by 167 (100-180) wide; the

Mehlis' Gland lies opposite the ovary; the uterus courses briefly into the forebody, turns immediately posteriad, and opens into the genital atrium; the vitellaria are located only in the forebody, from just anterior to the acetabulum to the forebody-hindbody juncture; the vitelline reservoir is prominent, located in the hindbody at the level of the anterior testis. Eggs are few (1-6), large, operculate, and

122 (110-128) long by 65 (60-75) wide. The excretory pore is terminal. DISCUSSION

The significance of this report lies in the fact that it is the

first description of an Alaria spp. life cycle from the southern

United States and more importantly it is the only complete descrip­

tion of all stages of A. marcianae currently available. Adults of

A. marcianae have been described by Hall and Wigdor (1918), La Rue

and F allis (1936), Burrows and L illis (1965), and Shoop and Corkum

(1982). In a classic study, Pearson (1956) described in detail the

sporocyst generations, mesocercaria, and diplostomulum of A. canis

(=A. marcianae). In another excellent contribution, Johnson (1968)

described all stages except the miracidium of A. marcianae, although

it was evident from his work that he had seen it.

The first intermediate host for Alaria marcianae is Helisoma

trivolvis. This was the only species of snail accepting experimental

infection. This was corroborated by five years of field collecting

in which H. triv o lv is was the only sn ail species found naturally

infected. Experimentally, the miracidium was observed to penetrate actively the mantle region of the snail. Two sporocyst generations occur in the snail with a culmination of cercarial emergence 61 days postexposure to miracidia. H_. trivolvis survived in the laboratory

for more than one year and continuously shed cercariae.

Cercariae liberated into the water column have but a b rie f time

(24-48 hr) to find a suitable second intermediate host. Penetration only occurred among tadpoles, inasmuch as recently metamorphosed bullfrogs were refractory to infection. Tadpoles of all three Rana species became infected, but a marked predilection for the bullfrog was apparent both in terms of number and time of development. Simi-

17 lar results were obtained in the study by Pearson (1956), who also

found R. clamitans to be a less suitable host.

Massive natural infections in bullfrogs in which several thousand

mesocercariae were found in the hindlegs alone have been reported

(Freeman et^ al_., 1976). A lik ely reason the bullfrog may accumulate

large infections naturally is that it often remains a tadpole for

several seasons, thus increasing the time of exposure to cercariae.

However, it must also be noted that bullfrogs were observed to canni­ balize smaller frogs and the possibility of accumulating large numbers

of mesocercariae in this manner can not be dismissed.

Two ecological pathways are available to the mesocercariae; the

second intermediate host can be consumed by a paratenic host or either

of those can be consumed by a defin itiv e host. Present knowledge

indicates that it is the second intermediate and paratenic hosts that are epidemiologically significant. A paratenic host is a species in which the parasite gains access, but within which i t undergoes no development. Thus, paratenicity is an ecological bridge that links two stages of a life cycle that, by themselves, have a low probability of transmission. In this case, tadpoles are rarely eaten by domestic cats, bobcats, or raccoons, but they are common prey items of other predators such as amphibious water snakes. These snakes act as accumulators of mesocercariae and when they enter the food web, either as prey or carrion, they transmit massive infections. Adult raccoons and opossums also serve as paratenic hosts. Humans may serve as paratenic hosts either through mishandling a game or through direct consumption (Shea e_t ^1^., 19/3; Shoop and Corkum, 1981).

The life cycle of Alaria marcianae is completed when the second intermediate host or paratenic host is ingested by a domestic cat,

bobcat, or juvenile raccoon. Field studies indicate that it is the

bobcat and juvenile raccoon that maintain the life cycle in Louisi­

ana. The reason adult raccoons are refractory to further develop­

ment of mesocercariae, and juvenile raccoons are not, is enigmatic.

Mesocercariae apparently undergo a migration within the definitive

host and reach maturity in the duodenum. Cuckler ( 1940) reported

that the migration involves a direct somatic route to the lungs

where diplostomula are found and then a return trip via the trachea

and esophagus to the duodenum. My observations appear to confirm

this. A detailed study of this phenomenon will do much to clarify

the biology of this organism.

The basic life cycle and the morphology of the stages reported

herein for Alaria marcianae do not differ significantly from infor­

mation presented for A. canis by Pearson (1956), A. marcianae by

Johnson, (1968), or A. a lata by Potekhina (1950). Dubois (.1970), in

fact, synonymized A. canis under A. marcianae. To date, no compari­

son between A. marcianae and A. alata has been attempted. Histori­

cally, A. alata has been regarded as a Palearctic infection and A. marcianae as a Nearctic one. Based upon lif e cycle and morphology,

these two species are indistinguishable. Interestingly, several workers have reported A. alata from mammalian carnivores in North

America (Swales, 1933; Erickson, 1944). However, the observations

and species designations of Swales and Erickson were ignored and

the Palearctic-Nearctic split maintained. The only support for the

continued separation of these two populations are: (1) A. marci­

anae infects snails of the genus Helisoma, whereas A. alata infects the genus Planorbis; and (2) the migration of A. marcianae in a def nitive host takes as little as three weeks, whereas in A. alata it has been reported to require five weeks (Savinov, 1953). Of these two obections the second must be regarded as the more sig n ifican t.

Given the close relationship of the two planorbid genera it would not be surprising if A. alata and A. marcianae could infect both.

However, u n til the reported differences in migration time in the definitive hosts are understood the continued recognition of the two taxa is advisable. LITERATURE CITED

Beaver, P. C., M. D. Little, C. F. Tucker, and R. J. Reed. 1977.

Mesocercariae in the skin of man in Louisiana. Am. J. Trop.

Med. Hyg. 26: 422-426.

Bosma, N. J. 1934. The life history of the trematode Alaria mus-

telae sp. nov. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 53: 116-153.

Burrows, R. B., and W. G. Lillis. 1965. Trematodes of New Jersey

dogs and cats. J. P arasitol. 51: 570-574.

Cuckler, A. C. 1940. Studies on the migration and development of

Alaria spp. (Trematoda: Strigeata) in the definitive host.

J. Parasitol. 26(Supplement): 36.

Dubois, G. 1970. Synopsis des Strigeidae et des Diplostomatidae.

Deuxieme Partie. Mem. Soc. Neuch. Nat. 10: 259-727.

Erickson, A. B. 1944. Helminths of Minnesota in relation

to food h ab its, and a host l i s t and key to species reported

from North America. Am. Midi. Nat. 32: 358-372.

Freeman, R. S ., P. F. S tuart, J. B. Cullen, A. C. R itchie, A. Mildon,

B. J. Fernandes, and R. Bonin. 1976. Fatal human infection

with mesocercariae of the trematode . Am. J.

Trop. Med Hyg. 25: 803-807.

H all, M. C., and M. Wigdor. 1918. Two new flukes from the dog. J.

Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 53: 616-626.

Johnson, A. D. 1968. Life history of A laria marcianae (LaRue, 1917)

Walton, 1949 (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae). J. Parasitol. 54:


1979. Morphology and lif e history of Alaria mustelae

Bosma, 1931 (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae,) from Minnesota mustelids.

21 J. P arasitol. 65: 154-160.

La Rue, G. R., and A. M. Fallis. 1936. Morphological study of Alaria

canis n. sp. (Trematoda: Alariidae), a trematode parasite of

the dog. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 55: 340-351.

Odlaug, T. 0. 1940. Morphology and lif e histo ry of the trematode,

Alaria intermedia. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 59: 490-510.

Pearson, J. C. 1956. Studies on the life cycles and morphology of

the larval stages of Alaria arisaemoides Augustine and Uribe,

1927 and Alaria canis La Rue and Fallis, 1936 (Trematoda:

Diplostomatidae!. Can J. Zool. 34: 295-387.

Potekhina, L. F. 1950. The lif e cycle of Alaria alata and ala ria sis

in foxes and dogs. Trudy Vsesoiuzynyi In st. Gelmintol. Akad.

K. I. Skryabin 4: 7-17.

Savinov, V. A. 1953. Developmental peculiarities of Alaria alata

(Goeze, 1782) in d efin itiv e and reservoir hosts. Akad. Nauk,

Moscow. (Israel Program for Scientific Translations), Jeru­

salem, 1966). pp. 612-616.

Shea, M., A. L. Maberley, J. W alters, R. S. Freeman, and A. M. F a llis.

1973. Intraretinal larval trematode. Trans. Am. Ophthalmol.

Otolaryngol. 77: 784-791.

Shoop, W. L., and K. C. Corkum. 1981. Epidemiology of A laria mar­

cianae mesocercariae in Louisiana. J. Parasitol. 67: 928-931.

, and ______. 1982. Additional trematodes of mam­

mals in Louisiana with a compilation of all trematodes reported

from wild and domestic mammals in the state. Tulane Studies

Zool. & Bot. 23: 109-122. 23

Swales, W. E. 1933. A review of Canacian helminthology. Can. J.

Res. 8: 468-482. Chapter II

Transmammary Infection of Paratenic and Definitive Hosts with

Alaria marcianae

24 THE JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY Founded by Henry Baldwin Ward Official organ of the American Society of Parasitologists Editor DAVID F. METTRICK F.R.S.(C).

June 21, 1984.

Mr. Wesley L. Shoop Department of Zoology and Physiology Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803

Dear Mr. Shoop,

As Editor of The Journal of Parasitology, I hereby authorize your use of the following papers by Wesley L. Shoop and Kenneth C. Corkum:

"Transmammary Infection of Paratenic and Definitive Hosts with Alaria marcianae (Trematoda) Mesocercariae". J. Parasit. 69: 731-735.

"Migration of Alaria marcianae (Trematoda) in Domestic Cats" J. Parasit. 69: 912-917.

"Tegumental Changes of A laria marcianae (Trematoda) during Migration in the Domestic Cat" J. Parasit. (in press).

to be re-microfilmed after use in your doctoral dissertation, with a proper credit line as to the original publication in The Journal of Parasitology, including Volume number.

Yours sincerely,

David F. M ettrick, Editor.

DFM/mp 25

Department of Zoology. University of Toronto. Toronto. Canada M5S IA1. (416)978-3500 J. rarautol., 69(4). 1983. pp. 711-7.15 < A m erican Society o l'P arasito lo g isis 198.3


Wesley L. Shoop and Kenneth C. Corkum Department ot Zoology and Physiology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 a b s t r a c t : Transmammary infection withAlaria marcianae mesocercariae was demonstrated using mice as model, paratenic hosts. Prenatal transmission was ruled out because neonates removed immediately postpartum from infected dams were never infected. Mcsocercarial distribution in virgin females and in females examined immediately postpartum showed no marked preference for the mammary glands. In contrast, infection of neonates that were allowed to suckle on infected dams was absolute, and the number o f mesocercariae in the m ammary glands o f postparturient dams that suckled their young was increased significantly. These experimental observations were coupled with other observations on paratenic hosts to outline the pathways open to meso­ cercariae in gravid hosts. The termamphiparatcnic host is coined for those host species that are paratenic hosts as adults, but as juveniles can serve as definitive hosts.

We have noted the predilection ofAlaria mar­ reviewed by Stone and Smith (1973) and M iller cian ae mesocercariae for the body fat and m am­ (1981). Though not uncommon in helminths such mary glands of gravid, paratenic hosts (Shoop as nematodes, reports of it among trematodes and Corkum, 1981). This led us to believe that are rare. M iller’s own studies on the genusPha- maternal transmission of these highly migratory ryngostomoides have provided the only evidence stages may be possible. This supposition was fur­for maternal transmission in trematodes (Harris ther complicated when we fed mesocercariae to et al., 1967; Miller, 1981). Pharyngostomoides neonatal raccoons, adults of which act only asand A laria are closely-related, diplostomid trem ­ paratenic hosts, and recovered adultA. m a r­ atodes that have similar life-cycles. The stage cianae from the small intestine. This behavior involved in the Pharyngostomoides cycle is also of the mesocercariae in neonatal raccoons was a mesocercaria and transmission is thought to unexplainable at that time. occur during lactation between a female raccoon Additional evidence of maternal transmission and her pups (M iller, 1981). became apparent during maintenance ofA. m ar­ To date, there exist many excellent studies on cianae in our laboratory. We fed mesocercariae A laria life histories and they have proven to be to a pregnant cat, but fecal smears failed to show among the most complex (Bosma, 1934; Pear­ patency at the time normally presumed for ma­ son, 1956; Johnson, 1968, 1979). The life-cycle turity (19 days) ofA. marcianae. Fecal smears components reported heretofore are as follow: from the other cats in the vivarium one month adults reside in the small intestine o f a carnivore; later show ed, h o w ev er, th at large, o perculate eggs defecated eggs embryonate in water; miracidia were being passed by several young cats. Our penetrate a helisomatid snail with subsequent records revealed that these cats were the offspring sporocyst generations; free-swimming, furcocer- of the female that had failed to reach patency. cous cercariae penetrate larval amphibians; para­ At necropsy, these offspring were found to have tenic residence occurs in a wide spectrum of am ­ ad u lt A. marcianae in the small intestine. phibian, reptilian, and mammalian hosts; and Though maternal transmission was indicated ingestion of the intermediate or paratenic host in the infections of cats, it was not possible to is followed by an intricate somatic migration and determine whether it resulted from prenatal or maturation of mesocercariae, diplostomula, and postnatal pathways. Extraneous sources o f infec­adults within the definitive host. This general­ tion were precluded as these cats were kept in a ized schem a o f theA laria cycle failed, however, sixth-floor vivarium, fed only commercial cat to account for our observations on the gravid cat chow, and there was no access to any interme­ and the subsequent infection of her young. Thus diate host of A. marcianae. we examined the pathways ofAlaria marcianae Maternal transmission of helminths has been mesocercariae in gravid, paratenic hosts in an effort to better understand the ability of this stage Received 19 July 1982; revised 13 September 1982; to infect a subsequent generation. Those obser­ accepted 29 October 1982. vations form the basis of the following report.


T a h i .i ; I. Distribution of A. marcianae mesocercariae in dams examined immediately postpartum.

Location o f larvae*

Meson- M am m ars icric Subsoap. ( i t . Am. I’ost Dam no. glatuls fat /in Iran Liver Near! Lung t fforus trunk trunk f otal

I 3 <«) 0 Ift (42) 0 2(5) 0 0 0 16(42) 1 (3) .38 2 5 {11) 0 IS (34) 0 0 1 (2) 1 (2) 0 15 (34) 7 (1ft) 44 3 7 < I 7) 0 14 (33) {) 0 0 I (2) 0 17(40) 3 (7) 42 4 ft (I 2) 0 20 (41) 0 1 (2) 1 (2) 1 (2) 0 15 (31) 5 (10) 44 5 4(1 2 ) 0 14 (42) 0 0 0 0 0 13 (34) 2 (ft) 33

• Numbers of mcsoeereariae recovered from the locations are followed by the percentage {in parentheses) of the total number recovered from that dam.

MATERIALS AND METHODS cages as tracers to determine if infection would occur General from excretions or secretions o f the females.

Wistar outbrcd mice were used in all experiments. Mesocercariae in dams examined They were maintained in stainless steel cages that were 21 days postpartum changed daily. W ater and Purina Rodent Chow were The five infected dams from the previous experiment supplied ad lib. Alaria marcianae mesocercariae were were examined 2 1 days postpartum to determine the collected from the fat bodies o f cottonmouth snakes, distribution of remaining mesocercariae in their so­ Agkistrodon piscivorus. The fat bodies were ground for matic tissues. 1 to 2 sec in a Waring Blender and strained through a single layer o f cheesecloth. After several washings with Onset of maternal passage 0.7% NaCI the mesocercariae were segregated into lots of 150 worms and given p.o. to mice. Adult mice to Three dams were infected immediately postpartum and a single offspring from each dam was examined be examined for distribution of mesocercariae were daily to determine when mesocercariae could first be first skinned and the following parts were isolated: detected in the nurslings. mammary glands, subscapular fat, mesenteric fat, liv­ er, heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, uterus, anterior RESULTS trunk musculature, and posterior trunk musculature. Young mice also were examined for mesocercariae af­ Exclusion of prenatal infections ter grinding for I to 2 sec in a blender. Fifty-three young were born to the five infected Exclusion of prenatal infections dams and were examined immediately at par­ Five virgin females were infected with mesocercar­ turition. None of the 53 young was infected with iae, mated, and isolated with that mate on the same mesocercariae. day. At parturition, neonates were removed before The five sires that were used as tracers to de­ suckling and examined for mesocercariae. Sires were kept in the cages as tracers to determine if infection termine if extraneous infection could occur from would occur from an extraneous source such as excre­excretions or secretions from the females were tions or secretions from the females. negative for mesocercariae. Mesocercariae in dams immediately postpartum Mesocercariae in dams immediately postpartum The five dams from the previous experiment were examined within 3 hr postpartum to determine the The five dams were successfully infected with distribution of mesocercariae in their somatic tissues.mesocercariae prior to conception and all carried Mesocercariae in virgin female mice their young full term. Distribution of mesoccr- Five virgin female mice were infected with meso­ cariae in the somatic tissues o f the dams is sum­ cercariae and examined 21 days later for distribution marized in Table I. o f larvae in their somatic tissues. Mesocercariae in virgin female mice Mesocercariae in young during lactation Five virgin female mice were successfully in­ Five virgin females were mated and isolated with their males until parturition. At parturition, the dams fected and the distribution of mesocercariae in were infected with mesocercariae and quarantined from their somatic tissue after 2 1 days is summarized their young for I hr. A t the same time, three neonates in Table II. from each litter were removed and examined as con­ trols. Three neonates o f approximately the same age Mesocercariae in young during lactation were substituted into each litter from our breeding col­ ony. The young were allowed to suckle for 2 1 days at Thirty-eight young were nursed by dams in­ which time they were examined. Sires were kept in the fected with mesocercariae postpartum. All 38


T a b l e II. Distribution of A. marcianae mesocercariae in virgin female mice.

Location of larvae"

M e s e n ­ M a m m a r y te ric S u b s c a p . G .l . A n t. P o st. D a m n o . g la n d s fat fat tract Liver Heart L u n g U te ru s tru n k tru n k T o ta l

1 7 (1 8 ) 0 3 ( 8 ) 0 0 0 1 (3 ) 0 2 4 (6 3 ) 3 ( 8 ) 38 2 16 (1 4 ) 0 20 (18) 0 7(6) 0 3 (3 ) 0 4 3 (3 9 ) 2 1 ( 1 9 ) 1 10 3 2 0 (2 1 ) 0 1 4 ( 1 5 ) 0 3 ( 3 ) 1 (1) 0 0 4 6 (4 9 ) 1 0 ( 1 1 ) 9 4 4 1 8 ( 2 3 ) 0 2 0 (2 5 ) 0 1 (1 ) 0 1 (1 ) 0 2 9 (3 7 ) 1 0 ( 1 3 ) 79 5 2 3 (2 7 ) 0 1 7 ( 2 0 ) 0 1 (1) 0 0 0 3 7 (4 4 ) 7 ( 8 ) 8 5

* Numbers of mesocercariae recovered from the locations arc followed by the percentage (in parentheses) of the total num ber recovered from that d a m .

young examined at 21 days were infected with of mesocercariae was noted. Results are sum­ mesocercariae and the results are summarized in marized in Table V. T a b le I I I . DISCUSSION The three neonates removed from each litter immediately postpartum without suckling were This study revealed thatAlaria marcianae m e ­ all negative for mesocercariae. The three neo­ socercariae did not infect prenatal mice. N ot only nates substituted into each litter and allowed to were 53 uninfected neonates bom to infected suckle all became infected. dams, but no mesocercariae were found in the The five sires that were used as tracers to de­ uteri of virgin, parturient, or postparturient fe­ termine if extraneous infection could occur from males. This is contrasted by the absolute post­ excretions or secretions from the females were natal infection in offspring that were allowed to negative for mesocercariae. nurse from infected dams. Distribution of mesocercariae in virgin and Mesocercariae in dams examined parturient females was found to be concentrated 21 days postpartum in the anterior trunk musculature and body fat. Five dams were successfully infected postpar­A significant increase of mesocercariae in the tum. The distribution of mesocercariae in their m amm ary glands was seen in the dams examined somatic tissue after 21 days of nursing is sum­ 21 days postpartum. Migration of mesocercariae, marized in Table IV. then, appears to be directed to the mammary glands by design rather than by random move­ Onset of maternal passage m ent. At parturition, three dams were successfully All of the young mice used in this study had infected with mesocercariae. The first mesocer­ terminated their nursing by 21 days. This indi­ cariae detected in young from each group was at cates that mesocercariae remaining in the m am ­ postpartum days 4, 5, and 5. After the initial mary glands of the dams may be capable of in­ passage at these days no correlation between fecting subsequent litters. Miller (1981) has length of nursing time and additional acquisition indicated that this is true for mesocercariae of the genus Pharyngostomoides. Our data show that mesocercariae introduced to dams may reach the sucklings as early as 4 T a b l e III. Number o f A. marcianae mesocercariae re­days PI. The significance as to why there appears covered from 21-day postparturient mice that suckled to be no correlation between suckling time and from infected dams. additional acquisition of mesocercariae is un­ known. However, these observations demon­ Neonate no. strate that transmission can be m ilkbom e as co- n o . 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 lostral secretion terminates by day 1 in mice. _ _ 1 7 4 2 2 3 The concept of paratenicity was introduced by 2 1 2 i 2 2 3 1 3 3 2 I 1 -_ Baer (1951) to connote extension of a parasite 4 1 4 2 1 2 - in space and time. The ability of the mesocer- 5 2 3 2 2 2 - carial stage to bridge ecological gaps from an

28 29


Taiii.i. IV . Distribution of A. marcianae mesocercariae in dams examined 21 days postpartum.

Location of larvae*

M e s e n ­ M a m m a r y te ric S u b s c a p . G .l . A n t. P o st. D a m n o . g la n d s fat fat tra c t L iv e r H e a rt L u n g U te r u s tru n k tru n k T o ta l

1 37(73) 0 2 (4) 0 0 0 3 (6) 0 7(14) 2 (4) 51 2 41 (7 1 ) 0 2 ( 3 ) 0 1 (2 ) 0 I (2) 0 10(17) 3(5) 58 3 2 3 (4 9 ) 0 0 0 0 0 1 (2) 0 22 (4 7 ) 1 (2) 47 4 31 (5 3 ) 0 5 ( 9 ) 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 ( 2 6 ) 7 (1 2 ) 58 5 43 (56) 0 7 (9) 0 1 (1) 0 1 (1 ) 0 21 (27) 4 (5) 77

* Numbers of mesocercariae recovered from the locations are followed by the percentage (in parentheses) of the total num ber recovered from that d a m .

aquatic intermediate host to a terrestrial defini­ mals result in three responses: (1) if introduced tive host is well known. However, the extent to to a euparatenic host (sensu Odening, 1976), such which they persist in time is just becoming ap­ as a mouse, some of the larvae are retained by parent. Rau and Gordon (1978) found thatA lar­ the female and others are transmitted to the off­ ia sp. mesocercariae overwinter in poikilother- spring where they also remain mesocercariae; (2) mous hosts even in the harsh winters of Canada, if introduced to an amphiparatenic host (our ter­ and M iller (1981) presented evidence that me­ minology), such as a raccoon, some of the larvae socercariae ofPharyngostomoides may live for remain undifferentiated in the female, but others as long as 11 years. On the basis o f these studies, are transmitted to the offspring where they ma­ the potential longevity o f the mesocercarial stage ture to adults (Johnson, pers. comm., has indi­ far exceeds that of its second intermediate and cated that he has also observed this phenomenon paratenic hosts, thus insuring the continued pas­ in v o lv in g A. marcianae in raccoon in his labo­ sage o f mesocercariae through a variety o f para­ ratory); and (3) if the larvae are introduced to a tenic hosts, e.g., a frog eaten by a snake, which definitive host, such as the domestic cat, some is eaten by an alligator, which dies and is scav­larvae mature to adults in the female while some enged by an opossum. undifferentiated mesocercariae are transmitted We view transmammary passage ofA laria to the offspring where they also reach adulthood. m arcian ae mesocercariae as a further modifi­ The mesocercarial stage is found only in the cation of this paratenicity. The predilection of diplostomid genera Alaria, Pharyngostomoides, these larvae for the fat bodies of all paratenic and Procyotrema, as well as the strigeid genus, hosts preadapt them for the additional step into Strigca. Because the only documented cases of the mammary glands of a gravid, mammalian transmammary transmission among trematodes host. This newly recorded behavior of the me­ involve mesocercariae it may be that this mode socercariae obfuscates the classical delim itations of transmission in trematodes is peculiar to this of paratenic and definitive hosts. For in fact, the stage. O f the four genera listed, onlyA laria ex­ roles o f these hosts may change when gravid fe­ hibits a wide range of paratenic hosts, humans males are involved. Our observations indicate included. The role a pregnant human would play that mesocercariae introduced to gravid m am ­ if infected is, as yet, unassessed.

T aiili: V. Onset o f transmammary passage o f A. marcianae.

Postpartum days at which young were removed and examined

D a m n o . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12

-> 1 1 I •> I I 1 1 I 2 _-_- I 1 1 1 2 I 1 2 2 2 3 - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 SHOOP AND CORKUM—TRANSMAMMARY INFECTION WITH A. MARCIANAE

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS mustelae Bosma, 1931 (Trematoda: Diplosto­ matidae) from Minnesota mustelids. J. Parasitol. W e express our gratitude to D r. Allen D. John­ 65: 154-160. son, University o f South Dakota, for reading this M iller, G. C. 1981. Helminths and the transmam­ manuscript and allowing us to cite his unpub­ mary route of infection. Parasitology 82:335-342. O d e n i n g , K. 1976. Conception and terminology of lished observations. hosts in parasitology. Adv. Parasitol. 14: 1-93. P e a r s o n , J. C. 1956. Studies on the life cycles and LITERATURE CITED morphology of the larval stages ofAlaria arisae- Baer, J. G. 1951. Ecology o f animal parasites. U niv. moides Augustine and Uribe, 1927 andAlaria canis Illinois Press, Urbana, 224 p. La Rue and Fallis, 1936 (Trematoda: Diplosto­ Bosma, N. J. 1934. The life history of the trematode matidae). Can. J. Zool. 34: 295-387. Alaria muslelaesp. nov. Trans. A m . Microsc. Soc. R a u , M . E., a n d D. M . G o r d o n . 1978. Overwin­ 53: 1 1 6 -1 5 3 . tering o f helminths in the garter snake(Tham- H a r r i s , A . H ., R. Harkem a, and G . C. M i l l e r . 1967. nophis sirtalis sirtalis). Can. J. Zool. 56: 1765— Maternal transmission ofPharyngostomoides pro- 1767. cyonis Harkema 1942 (Trematoda: Diplostoma­ S h o o p , W . L., a n d K. C. C o r k u m . 1981. Epide­ tidae). J. Parasitol. 53: 1114-1115. miology of Alaria marcianae mesocercariae in J o h n s o n , A. D. 1968. Life history ofAlaria mar­ Louisiana. J. Parasitol. 67: 929-931. cianae {La Rue, 1917) Walton, 1949 (Trematoda: S t o n e , W . M ., a n d F. W . S m i t h . 1973. Infection of Diplostomatidae). J. Parasitol. 54: 324-332. mammalian hosts my milk-borne nematode lar­ . 1979. Morphology and life history ofAlaria vae: A review. Exp. Parasitol. 34: 306-312.

30 Chapter III

Migration of Alaria marcianae in Domestic Cats

31 J. I'lirasttol.. 69(5). 1983. pp. 912-917 American Society of Parasitologists 1983


Wesley L. Shoop and Kenneth C. Corkum Department of Zoology and Physiology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803

a h s t r a c t : The migration of Alaria marcianae was studied in domestic cats. Mesocercariae penetrated the stomach wall, entered the abdominal cavity, and penetrated the diaphragm within 3 hr. Direct penetration of the lungs via the thoracic cavity occurred within 6 hr. Also observed was a circulatory route to the lungs when mesocercariae were recovered from both the liver and the chambers o f the heart. Upon entrance into the lungs, mesocercariae began to enlarge with sequential lappet formation, holdfast development, and penetration gland atrophy. By day 7, they were recognized as fully formed diplostomula. The diplostomula resided a minimum o f 4 days in the lungs as they first appeared in the duodenum by day 11. Diplostomula were found in both the trachea and stomach, indicating that they reach the duodenum after being coughed up from the lungs and swallowed. Diplostomula recovered from the duodenum were indistinguishable morphologically from the most advanced lung forms. M aturation o f the reproductive organs occurred in as little as 4 days as the first ovigerous specimens were seen on day 15. The bidirectional route to the lungs may be significant when viewed in light of the recent discovery o f transmammarian transmission. I f a hormonal stimulus is involved, it is conceivable that those mesocercariae in the circulatory system may be more readily influenced than those undergoing a somatic migration. This may account for why some larvae arc diverted to the mammary glands in a pregnant mammal instead of the normal, maturative migration to the duodenum.

Cuckler (1940) was the first to report an ob­ In recent yearsA laria spp. have been found to ligate, three-host life-cycle for members of the infect humans (Beaver et al., 1977). Shoop and genus Alaria, and that a complex, somatic m i­ Corkum (1981) examined the epidemiology of gration occurs in the definitive host. He stated A. marcianae and presented reasons for believing that ingested mesocercariae pass through the in­ that this species was responsible for an autoch­ testinal wall, and, via the peritoneal cavity, pen­ thonous human infection in Louisiana. Also not­ etrate the diaphragm and develop to diplo­ ed was the preference ofA. marcianae m esocer­ stomula in the lungs within 13 days. The cariae for the fat bodies and mammary glands diplostomula then migrate up the trachea and of some pregnant mammalian hosts. In a sub­ are reswallowed, finally establishing as adults in sequent study, Shoop and Corkum (1983) dem­ the duodenum by 21 days. This basic migrational onstrated experimentally that the normal migra­ pattern has been supported by studies from tio n o f A. marcianae in a mammalian host is, in Pearson (1956) onA. arisaemoides and A. canis fact, disrupted if that host becomes pregnant. ( = A. marcianae)', Savinov (1953) onA. alata\ The mesocercariae are diverted to the mammary and Johnson (1968) onA. marcianae. glands by an as yet undetermined mechanism Though a somatic route is generally believed and ultim ately are passed to the young sucklings. to represent the pattern of migration, a few re­ As a prelude to further studies on transmammary ports indicate that it may occur via the circula­transmission it became desirable to reinvestigate tion. This possibility was suggested by Pearson the migration within a nonpregnant definitive (1956) for A. canis ( = A. marcianae) as a likely host with the hope of establishing the baseline alternative to the somatic route when he found sequence of events. In this paper we present the mesocercariae in the blood of the liver from an chronological sequence, anatomical locations, and experimentally infected fox. In their discussion gross morphological changes that occur during o f A. arisaemoides infection in dogs, Allen and migration of Alaria marcianae in the domestic Mills (1971) stated that migration of mesocer­ cat. cariae from gut to lungs docs occur through the circulatory system. It was their interpretation that MATERIALS AND METHODS larvae reached the lungs via the posterior vena Alaria marcianae mesocercariae were isolated from cava and the right side of the heart. the fat bodies o f cotlonmouth snakes,Agkistrodon piscirorus. They were segregated into lots o f 200 in 0.8% saline and given p.o. to 6- to 9-wk-old weanling kittens. The kittens were necropsied 3, 6, 12, and 24 Received 2 November 1982; revised 20 January 1983; hr later, and then daily for 19 days. accepted 2 February 1983. At each examination, a midventral incision was made


T a b u : 1. Stages o f Alaria marcianae and locations from which they were recovered from kittens at various times PI. Stages recovered: M = mesocercaria: D = diplostomulum: A = adult.

Location of stageG at necropcy

£ S’ a* J? O' > .4 ^ J? V* / * S & & c ? J* Time M M M M MM M D M DDDDDA 3 hr 12 - 5 - - 5 ------6 hr 9 - 2 -- 6 -- 3 ------12 hr 17 - 2 ---- 16 ---- _ - 24 hr -- 2 2 2 2 - 25 ------2 days -- b 2 - 3 2 - 55 ------3 -- - - 1 --- 128 ------b ------_ 130 ------5 ------109 ------6 ------124 ------7 ------101 - -- -- 8 ------150 - - - - - 9 ------2 118 - -- - - 10 ------122 - ---- 11 ------1 - 196 --- 5 - 12 ------3 - 138 --- 23 - 13 ------3 - 172 1 - - 5 - 14 - - - - 2 - 66 - -- 6 - 15 ------1 - 48 - - 2 - 80 16 ------1 - 32 -- _ - 83 17 ------_ 3 - 60 - - 1 - 122 18 ------6 - 98 1 --- 50 19 ------b - 58 2 - - - 76

in the abdominal wall o f a kitten (killed with C O ;) and RESULTS the abdominal cavity was flushed with saline and the Migration washings collected. An incision was then made in the thoracic wall and the thoracic cavity was also flushed Results are summarized in Table I. W ithin 3 with saline and collected. The stomach was clamped hr, mesocercariae presented p.o. to kittens pen­ at the pyloric sphincter and removed along with the etrated the stomach wall, entered the abdominal small intestine. Each was isolated, scraped, com m i­ cavity, and penetrated the diaphragm. W ithin 6 nuted in a Waring Blender for 2 to 3 sec, and washings examined. The liver was examined macroscopically forhr, the mesocercariae were first detected in the hemorrhages and then removed along with the pos­ lungs. Some mesocercariae were still found in terior vena cava which had been clamped from the the stomach wall after 12 hr and others were free heart. The liver was then comminuted for 2 to 3 sec. in the abdominal cavity until day 4. Active pen­ The posterior vena cava was perfused with saline and etration of the diaphragm was observed until day the washings added to those from the liver. The heart was removed and minced. The lungs were examined 2 and mesocercariae were also free in the thoracic macroscopically for hemorrhages, removed, and com­cavity at that time. The number of mesocercariae minuted for 2 to 3 sec. The esophagus and trachea were in the lungs increased until day 3, then remained then removed, separated, slit along their lengths, and constant. Mesocercariae were observed in the washed in saline. Finally, the diaphragm was removed, rinsed in saline, and then comminuted for 2 to 3 sec. lungs u n til day 9. Parasites recovered from the kittens were fixed im ­ On days 1 and 2, mesocercariae were also found mediately in glutaraldchydc. Some were stained in in the liver, but no pctecchiae nor any compro­ Semichon’s accto-carmine and mounted to determine mises of the capsule were observed. That this by light microscopy the sequence o f morphological was an alternative route to the lungs was further transformations. Others were examined with scanning electron microscopy and those data will be presented corroborated by observing mesocercariae in the later. chambers of the heart on days 1 and 3.


Immediately upon entering the lungs, the me­ lostomula (Fig. 3). The forebody was foliaceous socercariae began a transformation to the dip­ with the margins folded ventrally to form a scoop. lostomula. They were recognized as fully-formed The lappets on either side o f the oral sucker were diplostomula by day 7. W ithin the lungs, dip­ capable of everting, and the holdfast organ was lostomula were found in clear, fluid-filled vesi­ elongated and fully formed. The hind body was cles, 2 mm in diameter. There was a four day lag rudimentary, but the spherical germinal mass of between the first appearance of a fully-formed the mesocercariae now varied in development diplostomulum in the lungs and those appearing from a four-lobed structure to that in which the in the duodenum. Although numbers of diplo­ ovary, two testes, and ejaculatory pouch were stomula in the lungs began decreasing at ap­ discernible. By days 7 to 9, the penetration glands proximately the same time as they began increas­ atrophied further and many lost their connection ing in the duodenum, substantial numbers were to the ducts in the oral sucker. still present in the lungs at the term ination o f the On day 11, the first duodenal forms were ob­ study. served and they were indistinguishable morpho­ During the increase in numbers o f diplostom­ logically from the most advanced lung forms. ula in the small intestine we observed similar The most apparent developmental change in the juveniles in the trachea on days 13, 18, and 19 duodenum was the rapid growth of the hindbody and in the contents of the stomach on days 15 with concomitant maturation of the reproduc­ and 17. Washings from the thoracic cavity from tive organs (Fig. 4). The first ovigerous speci­ day 11 onward also revealed viable diplostom­ mens were observed on day 15 (Fig. 5). At that ula, however, none was observed in the dia­ tim e the foliaceous margins o f the forebody were phragm or abdominal cavity and no further de­ observed to meet each other at the ventral m id­ velopment occurred in the thoracic cavity. line allowing the entire forebody to wrap around The first gravid adults were observed in the a host intestinal villus. duodenum by day 15, but eggs were not seen in the feces by formalin-ether sedimentation until DISCUSSION day 19. It is evident that a migration of mesocercariae Development out o f the gut and to the lungs must occur before There were no morphological changes in the development to the diplostomula stage. Like­ mesocercariae after penetration o f the stomach wise, the lungs do not possess the requirements wall or diaphragm (Fig. 1). However, upon en­ to cause maturation to the adult and the diplo­ trance into the lungs the mesocercariae im me­ stomula must migrate to the duodenum. Less diately began to enlarge in length and width. By clear are the routes that are taken to get to the day 4, the anterior end showed increased lateral lungs and duodenum. growth on either side o f the oral sucker, presum­ Mesocercariae migrating through the stomach ably indicative of the rudimentary lappets. No wall entered the abdominal cavity and actively indication o f a holdfast organ was present. Day penetrated the diaphragm. Subsequently, these 5 showed contents o f the four unicellular pene­ stages entered the thoracic cavity and directly tration glands, that were so readily apparent in penetrated the lungs. However, we also found young mesocercariae, to be exhausted and the mesocercariae in both the liver and the blood of large nuclei were often lost (Fig. 2). A depression the heart, suggesting that an avenue via the cir­ on the ventral surface behind the acetabulum culation is possible. The circulatory route would suggested the rudimentary holdfast organ. By day seem, a priori, to be a quick and direct means to 7, the forms were recognized as fully-formed dip­ the lungs. The mesocercariae could enter the liv-

Fichjres 1-5. Stages o f Alaria marcianae during migration in a cat. 1. Two-day-old, undifferentiated me- soccrcaria from the thoracic cavity. Note the four, large, unicellular penetration glands. 2. Intermediate form taken from the lungs at day5 . Note the lateral growth on either side o f the oral sucker suggesting the lappets, the exhausted penetration glands, and the developing holdfast immediately posterior to the acetabulum. 3. Fully formed diplostomulum from the lungs. The lappets are evcrsible, the holdfast is fully formed, and the reproductive organs are discernible. 4. Im mature worm from the duodenum on day 12. S. Adult worm from the duodenum on day 15. All figures are to the same scale which is in micrometers.

34 35

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cr, pass through the hepatic vein and posterior as reaching a dead end. I f they migrate out o f the vena cava to the right side o f the heart, allowing lungs without the aid of penetration glands, pre­ direct access to the lungs. However, we never sumably they have the ability o f rc-cnlcring the observed any pctecchial hemorrhage in the liver lungs by the same means. nor any compromises of the liver capsule which Our results indicated that the fundamental might suggest a mass migration through this or­ pattern of migration in the cat reported by Cuck- gan. It would seem reasonable to expect demon­ ler (1940) to be correct. Because we examined strable hemorrhage o f the liver if several hundred more hosts at more frequent intervals we were larvae were migrating through it. Moreover, if able to refine the tim e diplostomula develop from the circulatory system is the route of preference 13 days reported by Cuckler to 7 days and the we should be able to recover the larvae in large time that sexual m aturity is reached in the small quantity from the soft tissues of the liver and intestine from 21 days to 15. We believe that lung. We had good success in recovering larval migration may also occur through the circulatory stages from the lungs, but not from the liver nor system as suggested by Pearson (1956) and Allen from the chambers o f the heart. and Mills (1971). This alternative route to the Migration through the circulation may ac­ lungs may be the link to resolving our previous count for the very quick arrival in the lungs ofobservation on pregnant cats. We (Shoop and some of the larvae during the first 2 days. How ­ Corkum, 1983) reported that some mesocercar­ ever, the large increase in number of mesocer­ iae in a pregnant cat undergo a migration and cariae in the lungs by day 3 indicated a somatic become adults in the intestine while others are migration. If the circulatory route was preferred, diverted to the mammary glands and subse­ the mesocercariae could conceivably reach thequently enter the young sucklings. If Miller’s lungs in almost negligible time. The large in­ (1981) hypothesis that a hormonal stimulus of crease of numbers o f larvae in the lungs at such mesocercarial migration to the mammary glands a late tim e as day 3 and onward indicated a route is valid, it is conceivable that mesocercariae in other than circulatory. The progressive transi­ the circulatory system would be more readily tion of larvae in the stomach wall, abdominal influenced than those undergoing somatic m i­ cavity, diaphragm, thoracic cavity, and lungs also gration . indicated a somatic migration. W e believe, there­ In the present studyA. marcianae matured in fore, that although some forms may get to the kittens within as little as 15 days. Savinov (1953) lungs via the circulation, it is not the preferred observed that A. alata from Eurasia matured in route. the canid host within 35 days. Except for the Upon reaching the lungs metamorphosis to time frame the sequence of development forA. diplostomula occurred in as little as 4 days. The alata agrees closely with that oA. f marcianae in buildup of mesocercariae in the lungs appeared cats reported here. Savinov also found mesocer­ by day 3 and all were fully-formed diplostomula cariae in the liver and heart, but made no men­ by day 7. Lappet formation appeared first, then tion o f its significance. Pearson (1956) has dem­ elaboration o f the holdfast organ, and finally loss onstrated that when A. canis ( = A. marcianae) of the penetration glands. By day 11 the diplo­ is fed to a canid host those worms mature in 34 stomula were migrating and the first forms were days. The similarities betweenA. alata and A. seen in the duodenum. We found diplostomula m arcian ae in morphology, life-cycle, and now in in the trachea and stomach, thereby indicating the sequence o f migration may suggest that the that they do migrate into the trachea, are coughed only reasons for their continued separation as up, and swallowed. This most likely is a very distinct species arc historical and not biological. quick event with the opportunity of observing The significance o f this study rests on the fact them in the esophagus quite remote. that a baseline sequence o f events in a nonpreg­ Diplostomula were consistently demonstrated nant host is outlined. It is possible to now de­ in the thoracic cavity from day 11 on. These termine at which point, chronologically and an­ apparently came out o f the lungs. Diplostomula atomically, the migration is diverted when the were never observed in the diaphragm or ab­ host becomes pregnant. The fact that we were dominal cavity and this was consistent with theable to distinguish a bidirectional route to the fact that their penetration glands atrophied by lungs may be important in explaining why, in days 7 to 9. Those diplostomula that entered the pregnant hosts, some mesocercariae divert to the thoracic cavity from the lungs need not be viewed mammary glands and others to the duodenum. SHOOP AND CORKUM—MIGRATION Of A MARCIANAE IN CATS

LITERATURE CITED Pi a r s o n . J. C. 1956. Studies on the life cycles and morphology of the larval stages ofAlaria arisae­ A i.i.e n , J. R..a n d J. M. L. M im -s. 1971. ari­ moides Augustine and Uribe. 1927 andAlaria canis saemoides in Saskatchewan dogs. Can. Vet.J . 12: La Rue and Fallis, 1936 (Trematoda: Diplostom- 24-28. idac). Can. J. Zool. 34: 295-387. B e a v e r , P. t \ , M . D. L ittle, C. F. Tucker, and R. J. S a v i n o v , V. A. 1953. Developmental peculiarities of R e e d . 1977. Mesocercariae in the skin o f man Alaria alala (Goczc, 1782) in definitive and res­ in Louisiana. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 26: 4 2 2- ervoir hosts. Akad. Nauk, Moscow. (Israel Pro­ 426. gram for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1966), C u c k l e r , A. C. 1940. Studies on the migration and pp. 612-616. development of,4/nr/aspp. (Trematoda: Slrigcata) Snoop. W. L., a n d K. C. C o r k u m . 1981. Epide­ in the definitive host. J . Parasitol. 26(SuppL): 36. miology of Alaria marcianae mesocercariae in J o h n s o n . A. D. 1968. The life history ofAlaria mar­ Louisiana. J. Parasitol. 67: 928-931. cianae (La Kuc, 1917) Walton, 1949 (Trematoda: , a n d . 1983. Transmammary infection Diplostomatidae). J. Parasitol. 54: 324-332. o f paratenic and definitive hosts withAlaria mar­ M i l l e r , G. C. 1981. Helminths and the transmam- cianae mesocercariae. J. Parasitol. 69: 731-735. mary route o f infection. Parasitology 82: 335-342.

37 Chapter IV

Tegumental Changes of Alaria marcianae During Migration

In the Domestic Cat


The intestine-lung-intestine migration in trematodes is unique to

the diplostomid genera Alaria Schrank, 1788 and Pharyngostomoides Har­

kema, 1942. The precise chronological events of this migration have

yet to be demonstrated for members of the genus Pharyngostomoides, but

they have been elucidated for Alaria alata by Savinov ( 1953) and for

A. marcianae by Shoop and Corkum (1983b). The generalized migration

begins with the ingestion of mesocercariae that penetrate the stomach

wall, pass through the diaphragm, and enter the lungs. Some mesocer­

cariae may also reach the lungs via the circulatory system. Once in

the lungs, the mesocercariae metamorphose into diplostomula. The

mobile diplostomula remain briefly in the lungs before migrating into

the trachea and then they are coughed up and swallowed. Upon reaching

the small intestine the diplostomula attach to villi and mature to


A most intriguing peculiarity has resulted from this complex mi­

gration in both genera. Miller and his associates concluded that the

infection of raccoon litters with Pharyngostomoides procyonis was the

result of a transmammary route of mesocercariae (M iller, 1981). In a

recent report, Shoop and Corkum (1983a) demonstrated experimentally

that transmammary infection also occurs in A laria marcianae. Apparent­

ly, the normal cyclic migration of the mesocercariae is diverted to the mammary glands in lactating mammalian hosts and the young become

infected as they nurse. M iller (1981) suggested that the diversion of mesocercariae to the mammary glands may be directed by hormonal cues.

As a further contribution to understanding the biology of these

organisms we aim to document the external tegumental changes of the

39 AO mesocercaria, diplostomulum, and adult of Alaria marcianae as they undergo their somatic migration in domestic cats. MATERIALS AND METHODS

Mesocercarial stages of Alaria marc ianae were recovered from the

fat bodies of the water moccasin, Agkistrodon piscivorus. Some meso- cercariae were fixed immediately for scanning electron microscopy.

Twenty-two kittens were inoculated p.o. with 200 mesocercariae each and necropsied 3, 6, 12, and 24 hr later, and then at daily intervals for 19 days. The following regions were examined at each necropsy: stomach w all, in te stin a l w all, abdominal cavity, liv e r, heart, dia­ phragm, thoracic cavity, lungs, trachea, esophagus, stomach, and small intestin e. The abdominal and thoracic cav ities were flushed with 0.8% saline and the fluids examined. The lungs, liver, and diaphragm were comminuted for 2-3 sec in a Waring Blender with salin e, decanted, and parasites recovered. The trachea and regions of the intestinal tract were s l i t along their lengths, washed in salin e, decanted, and the parasites recovered. Additionally, the stomach and intestinal walls were comminuted for 2-3 sec in a blender, decanted, and the parasites recovered. The heart was minced with scissors in saline and the parasites recovered.

All stages used in this study were fixed in 4.0% glutaraldehyde, dehydrated in an ethanol series, critically point dried, coated with

Au/Pd, and viewed with a scanning electron microscope.


Prepulmonary Phase

Mesocercaria recovered from the stomach wall, abdominal cavity, diaphragm, liver, and heart of domestic cats were indistinguishable morphologically from those fixed immediately after removal from the snake paratenic host. The mesocercarial body was flattened dorso- ventrally with a slight concavity in the posterior half (Fig. 1).

The anterior end tapered depending on the state of extension or retrac­ tion. The posterior end was broadly rounded with a small, dorsally reflected nub that represented the rudimentary hindbody. The excre­ tory pore was located on the hindbody.

The oral sucker opened subterminally and was encircled by 14 or

15 rows of simple, posteriorly directed spines (Fig. 2). Body spines were located along the margins of the venter to the posterior end.

At the level of the acetabulum these spined areas converged medially and surrounded the sucker (Figs. 1,4 ). This pattern left two areas of the venter devoid of spines: one anterior to the acetabulum and one posterior to it. The acetabulum was usually retracted within the body wall and had 3 or 4 staggered rows of spines except for the anterior fifth where they were associated with the oral sucker. Where spines were absent, the tegument had a cobblestonelike appearance (Fig.


Associated only with the spined areas were uniciliate papillae

(Fig. 3). A series of six of these papillae circumscribed the base of the oral sucker. In addition, two arcs comprised of at least three papillae each extended posteriorly along the margins of the venter

(Fig. 5).


Figures 1-6. Mesocercarial tegument during the prepulmonary phase

of migration. I. Ventral view of mesocercaria. Note the two areas anterior and posterior to the acetabulum that are devoid of spines.

Bar = 50 urn. 2. Oral sucker with simple spines. Bar = 5 um. 3. Uni- ciliate papilla on the ventral surface. Bar = 5 um. 4. Acetabulum with 3 or A rows of spines. Note the area immediately anterior which

is devoid of spines. Bar = 5 um. 5. Ventral view with the arrows indicating an arc of three uniciliate papillae on the left side. Bar =

50 um. 6. Ventral view of the typical cobblestone tegument. Bar =

5 um.



Figures 7-12. Diplostomulum tegument during tlie pulmonary phase of migration. 7. Ventral view of the diplostomulum. Bar = 50 um.

8. Oral sucker. Bar = 5 um. 9. Conical lappet of a 5 day PI stage.

Bar = 5 um. 10. Lappet of a 7 day PI diplostomulum. Note the differen­ tiation of a longitudinal patch of microvilliform processes (arrows).

Bar = 10 um. 11. Dorsal view of forebody showing the 3-pronged serrated spines. Bar = 0.5 um. 12. Acetabulum. Bar = 5 um.

45 46 Pulmonary Phase

Only in the lungs did the mesocercaria begin a transformation to

the diplostomulum. The anterior end showed increased lateral growth on either side of the oral sucker and formed short, conical projec­ tions (Fig. 9). These projections represented the rudimentary lappets.

Within several days, a longitudinal patch on the ventral side of each projection differentiated into microvilliform processes (Figs. 10,20).

Tegumentary changes included the acquisition of u n ic ilia te papillae over the ventral surface. Spines were lost from the acetabu­ lum (Fig. 12) and the oral sucker (Fig. 8), but on the remainder of the body they divided to give rise to three-pronged serrations (Fig.

11). Concommitant with these changes was the appearance of a depres­ sion in the body wall midway between the acetabulum and the posterior end of the body (Fig. 13). Within 1-2 days this depression developed into an elongate invagination of the body wall. This represented the rudimentary tribocytic organ (Fig. 14). As the tribocytic organ developed this previously spineless area became covered with simple, stout spines.

By 7 days PI, the worms within the lungs were fully developed diplostomula (Fig. 7). The nublike hindbody of the mesocercaria had grown to a cylindrical shape devoid of spination. With la te ra l growth of the forebody the worm became distinctly scoop-shaped in appearance.

Subsequently, worms indistinguishable from pulmonary phase diplo­ stomula were also found in the trachea, stomach, and duodenum.

Postpulmonary Phase

Presumably, the diplostomula were coughed up from the lungs and swallowed. They were detected as early as day II PI in the upper LEGENDS FOR FIGURES

Figures 13—1A. Diplostomulum tegument during the pulmonary phase of migration. 13. Depression in the ventral body wall of a 3 day PI stage that represents the first indication of the tribocytic organ.

Bar = 50 um. 14. Tribocytic organ at 5 days PI. Note the number of small spines. Bar = 100 um.

48 49 50

1-5 cm of the duodenum. Within 4 days they matured into adults (Fig.

15). All worms attached to a host v illu s by means of the forebody

(Fig. 16). The lappets on either side of the oral sucker continued

to grow in length (Figs. 17, 19) and embedded deeply into the duodenal mucosa. The area covered by the m icrovilliform processes expanded

to include the entire ventral side of the lappet (Fig. 17), whereas the dorsolateral sides were covered with serrated spines (Fig. 19).

These spines covering the dorsum and the lappets divided a second time to give rise to five- or six-pronged serrations (Fig. 25).

The tribocytic organ continued to elongate until it was approxi­ mately six times the length of the acetabulum (Figs. 15, 22). Within the tribocytic organ two distinct tegumental regions were recognizable.

The lateral fleshy lobes were characterized by stout, outwardly direc­ ted spines (Fig. 23) while the inner folds were comprised of a laby­ rinthine array of tegumental processes (Fig. 24).

Uniciliate papillae were abundant over the ventral part of the forebody. Those papillae that were enclosed within the forebody possessed a longer cilium than those exposed on the remainder of the body (Fig. 26). Several circles of papillae were visible on the oral sucker (Fig. 18) as well as on the acetabulum (Fig. 2 1).

The hindbody of the adult grew rapidly, reflecting the develop­ ment of the reproductive organs located there. In a freshly incised duodenum, only the hindbody of the adult can usually be observed above the v illa r mucus. The hindbody was completely devoid of spines. A sparse array of papillae was observed over most of the hindbody (Fig.

28) with the exception of a large concentration on the posterior end.

These papillae surrounded a dorsal, subterminal cleft that represented LEGENDS FOR FIGURES

Figures 15-20. Adult tegument in the postpulmonary phase of migra­ tion. 15. Ventral view of adult. Bar = 50 um. 16. Adult attached to an intestinal villus of the cat. Bar = 50 um. 17. Ventral view of a lappet with microvilliform processes. Bar = 5 um. 18. Oral sucker with uniciliate papillae. Bar = 5 um. 19. Ventrolateral view of an extended lappet. Bar = 50 um. 20. High magnification of the transi­ tion of microvilliform processes to the nonspinous tegument. Bar = 0.5 52 LEGENDS FOR FIGURES

Figures 2 1-26. Adult tegument in the postpulmonary phase of migra­ tion. 21. Acetabulum. Note the spines on the ventral surface of the body. Bar = 5 um. 22. Tribocytic organ. Bar = 50 um. 23. Higher magnification of the spines on the tribocytic organ. Bar = 5 um. 24.

Transition of the inner labyrinthine tegument to the la te ra l spinous region. Bar = 5 um. 25. Serrate spines typical of adult forebody.

Bar = 5 um. 26. Uniciliate papilla on the ventral surface of the forebody. Bar = 5 um.

53 54 55 the opening of the common genital pore (Fig. 27). Sperm were occasion­ ally observed in the genital pore. The excretory pore was located terminally (Figs. 16, 27). LEGENDS FOR FIGURES

Figures 27-28. Adult tegument in the postpulmonary phase of migra­ tion. 27. Side view of the posterior end of the hindbody showing a concentration of papillae around the genital opening. Note the sperm within the opening. The excretory pore is located terminally. Bar =

50 um. 28. U niciliate papilla and the tegument of the hindbody. Bar =

5 um.


The ontogeny of Alaria marcianae from mesocercaria to adult was described briefly by Shoop and Corkum ( 1983b) at the light microscopic level and is amplified in this report using scanning electron micros­ copy.

The mesocercarial stage is a highly active larva that exhibits a wide range of paratenicity (Shoop and Corkum, 1981). The morphology and behavior of the mesocercaria resembles those of an enlarged cercarial body. The expansion of this postcercarial stage, both in terms of time and potential hosts, appears to be a modification of the life cycle that compensates for the high host specificity observed in the definitive host. This is an alternative strategy to a life cycle in which there exists narrow specificity for the second intermediate host, but a wide range of available definitive hosts.

The retension in the mesocercaria of cercarial characters such as the four unicellular penetration glands and the rows of spines on the oral sucker give this stage remarkable ability to penetrate tissue.

Through a combination of enzymatic and mechanical mechanisms the meso­ cercaria is able to migrate through the stomach wall, diaphragm, and lungs of paratenic and d ifin itiv e hosts.

Upon entrance into the lungs, the mesocercarial stage metamorphoses into the diplostomulum. Earlike lappets appear early on either side of the oral sucker. Close inspection reveals that the ventral area on these lappets have differentiated into microvilliform processes sim ilar to those reported by Erasmus (1969; 1970b) in Diplostomum phox- ini. Histochemical studies by Johnson et al. (1971) and Bhatti and

58 59

Johnson (1972 ) on adult A. marc ianae demonstrated hydrolases in gland

cells associated with these processes. The gland cells are believed

to be the site of enzyme synthesis and the microvilliform processes are

where these enzymes are liberated. Further, they showed that the lappets

penetrated deeply into the crypts of the small intestine where destruc­

tion of the host tissue in contact with them was observed. They conclud­

ed that the lappets function in extracorporeal digestion.

From the present study, it is apparent that the microvilliform

processes on the lappets are well developed in the diplostomula, but it is

not known if they are functional at that stage or whether they must

await migration of the worm to the duodenum. It could be speculated

that these appendages are an adaptation to penetrate the crypts of the

small intestine and that early development in the diplostomulum simply

prepares them to take up residence in the gut as soon as they arrive.

The elaboration of the tribocytic organ was shown to arise from a

depression on the ventral surface with subsequent invagination of the

tegument. Simple, stout spines arose de novo on this organ. The special­

ization of the tribocytic organ into a region of spines and that of a

labyrinthine tegument has also been shown by Erasmus ( 1970a,b) in I).

phoxini. Johnson et al. (1971) and Bhatti and Johnson (1972) suggested

that the function of the tribocytic organ, as well as the lappets, is in

extracorporeal digestion. This organ may also function as a holdfast

especially in light of the small size of the adult acetabulum (Fig. 15).

However, as suggested by Ohman (1965), Johnson et al. (1971), and the

present study (Fig. 16), attachment is probably accomplished by neither

the tribocytic organ nor the acetabulum, but actually is effected by

the scoop-shaped forebody. It was observed in the present study to 60 clamp tightly to an intestinal villus with the lappets buried deeply into the mucosa.

During transformation from mesocercaria to diplostomula the simple spines of the former modified to more complex serrated spines. K^ie

(1977) recognized that simple, posteriorly directed spines occur in highly migratory forms and that serrated spines are characteristic of non-migratory stages. A case could be presented against this hypothesis because diplostomula with serrate spines migrate out of the lungs, into the bronchi, up the trachea, and down the esophagus to the duodenum.

However, the presence of serrated spines may actually indicate that migration of diplostomula of A. marcianae is a passive occurrence rather than an active one. Conceivably, diplostomula that enter a bronchus could be carried by means of cilia to the upper third of the trachea where the cough reflex would propel them into the buccal region. Once there, a simple swallow reflex would take them to the stomach and ultimately to the duodenum. In effect, the postpulmonary phase may be completely orchestrated by the reactions of the host, rather than an active migration on the part of the diplostomula.

Alaria is one of the few trematode genera that undergoes a somatic migration in mammals, including man. This study reveals some of the tegumental modifications that allow A. marcianae to adapt to the various habitats it encounters during migration in a host. Most spectacular are those of the adult that permit it to attach to a host villus. It appears that the specialized adaptations of the adult are the consequence of the high host- and habitat sp e c ific ity , whereas the sim plified morphology of the mesocercaria is a reflection of its low host specificity and para- tenic habits. LITERATURE CITED

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Wesley L. Shoop, born September 17, 195A ; graduated from Westside

High School, Omaha, Nebraska; Bachelor of Science, University of

Nebraska, 1977; Master of Science, L.S.U., 1980; presently a candidate

for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the Department of Zoology and

Physiology, L.S.U.


Candidate: Wesley Lawrence Shoop

Major Field: Zoology

Title of Thesis: Life Cycle of Alaria marcianae in Louisiana


[ajor Professor and Chairman

Dean of the Graduate School


Date of Examination: