ROCHE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE ICT SUITE, TREGEAGLE BUILDING, ROCHE CP SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY, 10TH JUNE 2015 AT 7.00PM Present Cllr. P. Ames Mrs. J. Burdon Cllr. M. Edyvean (Chairman) (Parish Clerk) (Vice-Chairman) Cllr. B. Higman Cllr. P. Gale Cllr. Mrs. I. Northey Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood PCSO S. Tibbles 7 Members of Public Mr. I. Armstong Mr. N. Davies Mr. A. Walkey Minute AGENDA ITEMS Action

168/15 Presentation from Mr. Ian Armstrong & Mr. Nathan Davies – Sustainable Self Builds:- Mr. Ian Armstrong and Mr. Nathan Davies reported they went to Committee last year with proposals and unfortunately it was refused. They have gone away and have been working hard with the affordable housing team and Planning Officers. They have reached a stage where the affordable housing team are happy, as long as the Parish Council and Councillor are in agreement. They have carried out a viability scheme on the project and they can contribute £167,000 affordable housing towards the community. The Chairman suggested the Parish Council have supported this in the past. A comment was made that it is on the outskirts of Roche Parish. They believe it to be in a sustainable location and the National Policy Guide is to perceived to how the Parish Council feels fits.

Councillor B. Higman clarified the £167,000 contribution and it was confirmed this has to be used for affordable housing. The Parish Council would more than likely be consistent with comments made when the planning application is received. Cornwall Councillor J. Wood advised he is very supportive of the scheme.

Chairman queried how it may be affected with the Neighbourhood Plan, when it is further advanced it will take priority over what is expected on the site but if this is submitted very soon it should not be affected.

Councillor Mrs. I. Northey arrived at 7.09pm.

Chairman thanked Mr. Ian Armstrong & Mr. Nathan Davies for attending the meeting and reporting to the Parish Council.

Mr. Ian Armstrong & Mr. Nathan Davies left the meeting at 7.15pm. 169/15 Presentation from Mr. Aaron Walkey – Land Adjacent to The House, Higher Trerank:- Mr. Aaron Walkey reported this is an acre plot and he wants to have a vegetable plot, poultry, etc. There will be no trees being removed, no tarmac drive, it will be natural stone chippings. The building will be in compliance with surrounding properties. The only modern part will be the back and there will be no visibility of this. On the existing entrance it is very narrow and he would need to remove a small section of wall for him to receive deliveries, this would also allow more easy access for the farm also. He had a Phase 1 habitat survey carried out last week and there are no bats, no endangered species or plants. It is overgrown with brambles, nettles, etc., and is generally a poorly maintained site. 2

He has only put in a pre-application to date and the Planning Department informed him to obtain support from the Parish Council and Cornwall Councillor J. Wood and to carry out the habitat survey.

Action: It was resolved to arrange a site meeting, Mr. Aaron Walkey to be Clerk informed of a date and time when agreed.

Chairman thanked Mr. Aaron Walkey for attending the meeting and reporting to the Parish Council. 170/15 Apologies:- Councillors Ms. A. Carne, Mrs. V. Barrasin, D. Laishley-Hayward, J. Smith, Mrs. S. Tippett 171/15 Monthly Neighbourhood Beat Manager Report:- PCSO S. Tibbles reported as follows:-  Crime Figures for the period from 13th May to the 10th June – Criminal Damage = 2 (0 detected); Theft = 2 (0 detected); TWOC (Motor Vehicle) = 1 (0 detected); Assaults = 3 (0 detected); Possesion of Drugs = 1 (0 detected); Possess a weapon for the Discharge of a Noxious liquid, etc = 1 (0 detected). Total Crimes = 9 (0 detected). Chairman thanked PCSO Steve Tibbles for attending the meeting and reporting to the Parish Council. 172/15 Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report:- Cornwall Councillor J. Wood reported as follows:-  He is not Chairman of as of last week.  All absorbing at the current time is Case for Cornwall. One of the worries is that it is being written by people in London and he prefers health service to remain as National Health Service.  He also has serious concerns about Strategic Planning. You need to assist people that voted for you locally and it is concerning when you have to look at planning strategically.  Chairman reported the Government guidelines would mean having a Mayor.  In July there will be more cuts announced. Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor J. Wood for attending the meeting and reporting to the Parish Council. 173/15 Public Forum:- Mrs. Ingrid Birch raised pelican crossings at Trezaise, she lives there on the main road, across from the new Estate. She was concerned the road in through this estate was to be used by Mr. Morcom to take his machinery down through so she was unsure how Mr. Aaron Walkey discussed removing a hedge for Mr. Morcom’s machinery when he was to use this estate road as originally suggested. She has children, adults, etc., who do not seem to understand the highway code, especially as she has to reverse into her drive and she has almost had several near misses. She understands something is required for these people to cross the roads but it needs to be put somewhere so they can reverse into their drives safely. All the local neighbours are concerned about these issues. Chairman and Cornwall Councillor J. Wood advised this matter is currently being looked at with Cornwall Council/Cormac and it is still in discussion to help to solve the whole problem.

Mr. Clive Thomas thanked the Parish Council for their website. He wished Cornwall Council would look at the issues seriously in the village. He raised the suggestion of a Parish Office and when it would be open to the public as he would support it if it was open to the public. Chairman suggested the Roche Victory Hall have recently met and agreed to allocate a piece of land for the building of a Parish Office. 3

For the end of the current planning period with regards to the Neighbourhood Plan – would the Parish Council go against a large scheme? Chairman suggested the Parish Council would look at each case on its merits.

Mr. Derek Newman queried if there are any plans in place to make a footpath from Roche to Victoria? It is so dangerous for people to walk this stretch of road. Chairman reported the Parish Council have lobbied at every time they could and it is currently very high on the Cormac list. Cornwall Councillor J. Wood reported the £10m is not being put into the Temple By-pass. Is it not possible to put some temporary speed cameras in Victoria Road? PCSO S. Tibbles advised he was not able to do this and he raises concerns about this stretch of road himself also. He would look into trying to obtain some speed cameras but he is doubtful he would achieve anything. 174/15 Members Declaration of Interest on items raised on the Agenda/Requests for Dispensation:- Councillor B. Higman declared a pecuniary interested in Min. 182/15 for Harry Trethewey. Six members of the public left the meeting at 7.36pm. th 175/15 Confirmation of Annual Parish Minutes/Meeting held on the 13 May 2015:- Resolved the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 13th May 2015 as circulated be approved and signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey; Seconded: Councillor P. Gale) 176/15 Matters Arising from the Annual Parish Minutes of the Meeting held on the 13th May 2015:- None. Confirmation of Parish Minutes/Meeting held on the 13th May 2015:- 177/15 Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 13th May 2015 as circulated be approved and signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor P. Gale; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey) 178/15 Matters Arising from the Monthly Parish Minutes of the Meeting held on the 13th May 2015:- Page 1 Min.137/15 Pedestrian Crossings, By-pass, Road Schemes:- Clerk reported an email had been received from Steve Double MP as follows - Thank you for taking the time to contact me. I am incredibly honoured to have been elected to be the Member of Parliament for and . Over the next few weeks I will be recruiting my team and setting up my constituency office. While this is happening it may take us longer than usual to respond to your email. However please be assured we will get back to you as soon as we are able. However in order to assist us if you have not provided us with your full postal address please could you do so. Parliamentary protocol states that I can Clerk only assist those residents of this constituency. Thank you for your cooperation Action: Keep Pending.

Page 2 Min.140/15 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman:- Clerk reported that Cornwall Council had been notified of the new elections.

Page 2 Min.142/15 Representatives for Roche Sports Complex and Roche Village Hall Management Trustees:- Clerk reported that both organisations had been notified of the elected representatives.

Page 3 Min.260/14 Ancient Stone on Harmony Road:- Clerk reported she had not heard further on this and had followed up again Action: Keep Pending. Clerk

Page 3 Min.279/14(8) Caravan behind Trees with Bus on Old A30:- Clerk reported this is still with the Planning Enforcement Officer Action: Keep Clerk Pending. 4

Page 3 Min.12/15 Clearing of Area next to Mortuary in Cemetery: Clerk reported this area had now been cleared as reported by the Environment Warden. She would now arrange to order the relevant recycling bins for the area in conjunction with the Chairman Action: Clerk to order recycling bins. Clerk Councillor M. Edyvean would like to hold a site meeting at the Cemetery with regards to putting the waste bins in place, to be made in conjunction with meeting with Mr. Aaron Walkey Action: Clerk to arrange a site meeting. Clerk

Page 3 Min.44/15 Application for Donation – Pantomime Costume Storage:- Clerk reported a letter had been sent advising of the amount granted and we were waiting to hear back from them when they are to Clerk purchase the storage Action: Keep Pending.

Page 3 Min.57/15 War Memorial – Gravel/Membrane:- Clerk reported she had spoken to Neil Stocks again and he had some work on for the next couple Clerk of weeks or so and would be in touch Action: Keep Pending.

Page 4 Min.62/15(3) Cornwall Council – Increase in HGV Movements in Clay Country:- Clerk read a response received from David Chadwick as follows – Just a quick update on the issues at Plas Jowan. I am speaking to Rachael Tatlow, Highway Manager and Paul Steen, Highway Development Officer for the area. Paul Steen mentioned that a pre application has been received for Phase 2 and he will ask them to look at potential for pedestrian refuge. However he has said that he thinks that the carriageway is not of sufficient width to allow for one. I have responded saying that this is a local priority and I am awaiting a reply. I also mentioned the Finsbury Rise junction, pointed out to me by Cornwall Councillor J. Wood. Have the Parish Council had any more thoughts on setting up a meeting with Highways? Further copy of email received from Cornwall Councillor J. Wood as follows – For how much longer do we go round in a circle? He would start an action campaign to get things moving. If Bugle can have a crossing then why can’t we? He is fed up with being “fobbed off”. He is now in a position to take more action and has plenty of ideas.

Page 4 Min.115/15 Damaged Waste Bin:- Clerk reported the new black waste bin had been received and the Environment Warden had collected it.

Page 4 Min.115/15 Zip Wire Parts:- Clerk reported the Zip Wire spare parts had arrived yesterday and these would be passed to the Environment Warden Action: Clerk to pass to Environment Warden. Clerk

Page 5 Min.109/15 Purchase of Defribrillator:- Clerk read response from Steve Double as follows - Thank you for taking the time to contact me. I am incredibly honoured to have been elected to be the Member of Parliament for St Austell and Newquay. Over the next few weeks I will be recruiting my team and setting up my constituency office. While this is happening it may take us longer than usual to respond to your email. However please be assured we will get back to you as soon as we are able. However in order to assist us if you have not provided us with your full postal address please could you do so. Parliamentary protocol states that I can only assist those residents of this constituency. Thank you for your cooperation Action: Keep Pending. Clerk 5

Page 5 Min.148/15 New Laptop/Printer:- Clerk reported this is now available and a date has been arranged for delivery and set up at the end of next week, due to prior commitments this week with the Internal Auditor.

Page 6 Min.149/15 Roche Football Club – Grasscutting Contract – Roche Playing Field & Cemetery 2015:- Clerk reported a signed copy of the Contract had been received back from the Roche Football Club and they retained a copy for their records.

Page 6 Min.151/15 Opening of Defribrillator on 9th May at 4.00am:- Norman Trebilcock reported the cabinet is checked every morning at 4.00am, the door is opened via the internet for 1 second then re-locked. For some

reason, we don’t exactly know but it could have been wind, moved the door by 1mm that sent off the alerts. We followed this up the next day and placed an extra shim on the inside of the lock. This seems to have resolved any other events. I think this shows the reliability and quality of the smart cabinet. Cornwall Councillor J. Wood reported they are lobbying hard for the VAT to be removed from the purchase of the defribrillators.

Page 8 Min.163/15 Highways & Traffic Update – Rural Highway Inspection & Maintenance – Cornwall Council:- Email received from Bert Biscoe as follows - Thanks for your e-mail and thanks to your Parish Council for picking

up on this idea. At the moment we are seeking a number of interested Parishes with a view to exploring how a scheme might work, what would be involved and how we might provide for it in a realistic manner. So I cannot answer your question I am afraid. If your Parish Council is interested in assisting us then please let us know - its an exploratory discussion at the moment.

Page 8 Min.164/15(2) The Pensions Regulator:- Clerk reported details had been sent and confirmed.

Page 5 Min. 146/15 Meeting with Kester Salisbury:- Chairman reported

there needs to be a meeting arranged to meet Kester Salisbury as they had not met him to date Action: Clerk to arrange meeting and notify Chairman, Vice- Clerk Chairman and Councillor P. Gale. Any letters received for or against any Planning Applications:- None. 179/15 Planning Applications/Correspondence (Including Confirmation of 180/15 Minutes of Planning Meeting held on the 13th May 2015 and Any Matters Arising):- Confirmation of Planning Minutes from Meeting held on the 13th th May 2015:- Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 13 May 2015 as circulated be approved and signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor M. Edyvean; Seconded: Councillor P. Gale)

Planning Applications Received to date:- PA15/04122 – Mr. & Mrs. D. Morrow – Proposed rear Extension and Conservatory, Pentewan House, Wesley Terrace, Bugle – Next Meeting Clerk

PCSO S. Tibbles left the meeting at 7.50pm.

Email received from David Alcock as follows - Thanks to you and Cornwall Councillor J. Wood for the information in respect of crossings. I have used the link provided by Cornwall Council concerning the various types of crossing and in what situations they can be located. 6

I have been to Roche, to view the traffic, and discussed this scheme with Mike Morcom. I have also talked to the Highways Development Officer, but he wanted more exact positions of the crossings before he would comment further. I came to the conclusion that there were very strict conditions relating to such pedestrian crossing. i.e. Volume of traffic, numbers of pedestrians, road visibility, footway widths etc. Although Cornwall Councillor J. Wood obtained an estimated price for the equipment I fear the Civil Engineering works (e.g. works to footways kerb lines etc) would add to the considerably to the costs. The only thing I can think of to move this forward is that Mike Morcom offers £25,000 for every Intermediate Affordable house which Cornwall Councils says he should be providing but doesn’t, e.g. 15 No Intermediate Affordable dwellings in current proposed scheme (min 50%). Reduce this to 8 Intermediate

Affordable dwellings and make a contribution towards village road improvements and other safety measures of 7 x £25,000 = £175,000. I think the Affordable Housing Team might have something to say about this but I thought it might be a way of providing public improvements in the village coupled with new housing. This would be apart from the other payments payable for Education and Recreation contributions. Could you ask your members to make some form of formal decision on this so I can respond to Cornwall Council Planning? Thank you and thanks to the Parish Council for considering this development Action: Resolved to respond advising we would Clerk draw his attention to the Neighbourhood Plan and the feelings of people of the village advising the majority of people no longer want any major development in the Parish and we would like to draw his attention to the results of which we enclose a copy (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey; Seconded: Councillor P. Gale) Motioned Carried 181/15 Monthly Accounts for Approval:- It was proposed that the Council approve Clerk the accounts for payment as listed on the attached schedule (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor M. Edyvean) Motion Carried

Chairman reported a further sum of £25,000 was deposited into the Cornwall Council fund to obtain a higher interest return by the Responsible Financial Officer and Finance Chairman.

Chairman reported on the Council Tax Support Grant and Taxbase and advised we do get this grant in addition to the precept. Members could reduce the precept but decided not to. We set our precept each year and subsequent to this Cornwall Council agree whether this sum is sent to us and this is what the additional amount is. Councillor B. Higman declared a pecuniary interest in respect of the following item and duly left the room:- 182/15 Application for Financial Assistance from Harry Trethewey for Cornwall County Under 15’s Cricket:- It was resolved to respond advising we would like to look at this application again in three months time to make a decision Clerk (Proposed: Councillor M. Edyvean; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey) Motion Carried Councillor B. Higman returned to the meeting. 183/15 Application for Financial Assistance from Home-Start Kernow:- It was Clerk resolved to advise this was not budgeted for (Proposed: Councillor P. Gale; Seconded: Councillor B. Higman) Motion Carried 184/15 Red Dog Bins – Purchase of Bag Dispensers:- Clerk reported she was Cwll. waiting to hear back from Cornwall Councillor J. Wood, he apologised Action: Cllr. J. Cornwall Councillor J. Wood would follow up. Wood 7

185/15 Purchase of Defribrillator & Runing Costs for siting at the top of Roche:- Clerk reported she is waiting to hear back from Norman Trebilcock on whether this can be self-suffiicient as far as the connection is concerned. She was also waiting to hear back from the Roche Social Club to see if they would be willing to host this at a small fee on their electricity charges. They had been informed the Parish Council would pay the annual service costs.

Action: Clerk to establish whether the defrbrillator requires internet access from Norman Trebilcock and to contact Roche Social Club to establish whether Clerk they would be happy for this to be put on the building. st 186/15 Approval of Annual Accounts for the year ending 31 March 2015:- It was Clerk resolved to approve the accounts on acceptance by the Internal Auditor, Ken Abraham (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey) Motion Carried

Action: Clerk to add the new lawn mower on the next Asset Register and to Clerk remove the defunct mower. 187/15 Housing Development in conjunction with Community Trust Schemes:- Chairman reported he had reservations about the Parish Council getting involved with this. Cornwall Councillor J. Wood reported Cornwall Council are holding a meeting tomorrow and he would have more information Action: Next Clerk Agenda 188/15 Cemetery Matters (Including (a) Any Memorial/Inscription Applications; (b) Review of Fees & Regulations; (c) Extension to Roche Cemetery):-

Review of Fees & Regulations:- Clerk reported updated copies had been forwarded to all Funeral Directors and Stone Masons. Copies had also been circulated to Councillors.

Extension to Roche Cemetery:- There had been nothing further heard in respect of the land. 189/15 Roche Public Conveniences:- Clerk reported it had been reported there appears to be a problem with the drains again and she would be meeting with the plumber and Cleaner on site over the next few days, when a suitable meeting could be arranged Action: Clerk to liaise with Cleaner in respect of Clerk legionella testing and speak with Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett to obtain a price. To also arrange PAT Testing in the Public Conveniences and for office equipment.

Email received from Cormac Solutions for Parish Councils in respect of certain legislative testing for public toilets. A guide had been put together offering their services. 190/15 Articles for Parish Council Website/Monthly Magazine Report:- No update on magazine. Website is updated monthly and any items to be included to be forwarded to the Parish Clerk Action: Clerk to email Cornwall Councillor J. Clerk Wood for an update on this and whether he knew of someone to take on. Action: Clerk to email Editor to ask his intentions to the future of the magazine, whether he would be continuing with it or are circumstances different that we Clerk may need to look for someone to take it over. 191/15 Playing Fields (Including Matched Funding for National Lottery Application):- Councillor M. Edyvean reported the zipwire parts have now been received. The mole problem has been resolved for now. The Environment Warden has been strimming the area. 8

192/15 Renewal of Lease:- Clerk advised she had still not heard back from Tregothnan Estates and had emailed them again and received another read receipt Action: Clerk to follow up after the Sub-Committee has met to discuss. Clerk

Sub-Committee Meeting to discuss the leases, with Chairman Vice-Chairman, Councillor J. Smith and B. Higman to attend. Meeting will be held on Friday the th 19 June at 10.00am at Chairman’s house Action: Clerk to send reminder of Clerk meetings to Members attending. 193/15 Bus Shelters:- Clerk and Councillor P. Gale reported there had been some graffiti reported on the Bus Shelter at Criggan and the Environment Warden had managed to clean it off successfully, although there appears to be some scratches on it now. 194/15 Footpath Signs/Matters (Including (a) Footpath for Victoria; (b) Footpath No. 10 raised under Public Forum last month):- Councillor M. Edyvean - Footpath 10 – he went in from the other end up to the bridge but did not go any further. He needs to walk it completely with the Environment Warden and he is a bit concerned about part of it. Up to the bridge is fine but the section that is

the problem needs to be looked at.

Letter from Anthea Turner read as follows – I have recently opened a Coffee Shop called Biscuit and would relish the opportunity to walk to work as I only

live 1 mile away in the village of Roche. However, the footpath ends about half way along this route and I really fear for my safety for the rest of the way to Victoria. I am contacting you in the first instance to see if there is any way that a footpath, and/or cycle path could e installed along this stretch of road? I am

sure there are so many workers on the industrial estate that live in the village and I will endeavour to get some more names and addresses of people in support of a safer walk to work. I look forward to hearing from you, as I am sure this matter as arisen many times Action: Resolved to respond advising the Parish Council have continually raised this problem with Cornwall Council Clerk and they currently have it on their priority list. 195/15 Roche Railway Station & Noticeboards in the Parish:- No report.

196/15 Section 52/106 Agreements:- Chairman reported copies of all paperwork had been circulated for Members to read. This would be looked at by the Sub- Committee who will meet on the 19th June.

Email received from Liz Marsden in respect of Gillys Mill Solar Park to be discussed at the Sub-Committee Meeting on the 19th June Action: Clerk to go Clerk back through paperwork to establish when this application was originally submitted as they may have now gone passed the three year period, to be brought to the Sub-Committee Meeting on the 19th June. 197/15 Correspondence – Clerk listed correspondence and actions required: 1. CPRE Cornwall – Update – CPRE Cornwall Challenges Housing Numbers in the Local Plan 2. Andrew Inglefield – Play Inspector 3. Lloyds Bank – Adding Business Credit and Charge Cards to Online for Business 4. First Kernow – Summer Timetables 5. Cathedral – Financial Assistance Action: Clerk to respond this was not budgeted for by the Parish Council. Clerk 6. Rospa Playsafety Ltd – Routine Playground Inspection Courses 7. Devon & Cornwall Police – Consultation Action: Clerk to complete and Clerk return in liaison with the Chairman 9

8. Cornwall Area of Natural Outstanding Beauty – Have your say on local AONB Areas 9. Cornwall Council – News Bulletin – Our Place Funding Update 10. The Pensions Regulator – Annual DB Funding Statement published 11. Cornish Constitutional Convention – Invitation to Devolution for Cornwall 12. NHS Foundation Trust – With you in Mind Issue 13. Cornwall Council – Consultation on the new Validation List 14. Caitlin Burnett – Thank you Card for donation towards Cricket Trip to South Africa, advising it will be a successful tour and she would more than happy to come and talk to the Parish Council when she arrives back home 15. Playground Services – Local Service Provider – South West Play 16. Edward Rowe (Kernow King) – Proposals for Event in Playing Field

Action: Clerk to respond that under the bylaw rules of the Playing Fields, there is no alchohol allowed in the Park in any way, it is a no-smoking area Clerk as well, if he wishes to attend a future meeting he is permitted to come along 17. John Pollard – Case for Cornwall 18. Cornwall Council – New Bulletin – Welcome from Edwina Hannaford and Phil Mason 19. Cornwall Council – New Bulletin – Community Flood Resiliance Pathfinder Project 20. Cornwall Council – China Clay Community Network Panel Meeting to be

held on Monday 15th June at 7.00pm in the Function Room, St. Dennis Working Men’s Club 21. Dave Lanyon – Town & Parish Councils to support Cornwall for Change. It was proposed Members make their own individual views (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey) 22. Cornwall Rural Community Fund – Vital Venues Newsletter 198/15 To arrange any Sub-Committee Meetings required:- Site Meeting for Clerk Cemetery and Mr. Aaron Walkey to be held on Friday 26th June at 9.30am in the Cemetery and to meet Mr. Aaron Walkey at 10.00am. If Mr. Aaron Walkey cannot make the meeting we can have a site meeting to view the area. 199/15 Any Other Urgent Business:- None.

200/15 Date of next Meeting:- Wednesday the 22nd July 2015 at 7.00pm in the ICT Suite, Tregeagle Building, Roche CP School.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 9.11pm

Signature: ……………………………………………… Chairman

Date: 22nd July 2015