The Schoolhouse· 4 Lochend Road· Leith· Edinburgh· EH6 8BR AGe telephone 01315554425· fax 01315554426 SCOTLAND your ref Ltd our ref

Mr John Wood Council Archaeologist The Old School High Street Clachnaharry Inverness 1V36BR

Kinlochleven Forestry Survey

22th April 1996

Dear John,

I have recently returned from leave and in checking the report for F.S. which was prepared in my absence 1 noted a problem in the referencing ofthe sites on the map to the sites in the gazetteer. Corrections have now been made, and while the solution is not ideal (Cross referencing the numbers on the map into the gazetteer) it does the job.

J apologise for any inconvenience this oversight may have caused you.

Yours sincerely

Christopher Burgess Survey Manager


Company Number 120931 . Financial Director P Macgill· Managing Director] Barber MA FSA (London) FSA (Scotland) Pre-afforestation survey at Kinlochleven, Highland Region.

Chris Burgess March 1996

Client: Historic Scotland

AOC (Scotland) Ltd The Schoolhouse 4 Lochend Road Leith Edinburgh EH68BR STAFF










1.0 INTRODUC170N 3








This survey was carried out in 7 days during early March 1996 within a 20 km' area situated on the shores of Leven (ca. IS Km to the south of Fort William, Highland Region) between the Village of Glen Cae ( 8 Km to the west of Kinloehleven) on the south side and a similar point on the north shore and the Blackwater dam (3 K.1n to the cast of Kinloehleven.) and between the 0.0 m and the 350.0 m contour.

With the agreement of Historic Scotland all land already forested was excluded from the survey area. This represented an area of about 5 km2 that was found to be under a mixture ofoak and silver birch 'scrub'. The overall survey area was further reduced by as mnch as 5 km2 on an ad hoc basis on the ground when land that was too steep to walk on (in a lot of cases was to steep to form a soil) was also excluded.

Conditions for the survey were near perfect for all the days on which work was carried out except for one when rain and low cloud made conditions difficult. During the survey a total ofabout 100 new monuments, not previously recorded in the National Monuments Record or the Regional Sites and Monuments Record, were recorded. Some of these sites have been deemed to be elements of the same larger monument and have therefore been grouped together under the same monument number to give the 82 monuments listed in the Gazetteer, section 3.0.


With 3 teams operating simultaneously, the survey area was broken into 50 discrete parcels. These parcels were defined using topographic features marked on the 1: 10000 map (Figure I) and walking was carried out by two person teams walking in transects within areas not excluded. Each parcel has an individual record fonn upon which unwalked (wooded or steep slope) have been marked. Located monuments were recorded with a description and an eight-figure National Grid Reference arrived at by compass resection and accurate to a 10m diameter tolerance. While no archaeological survey ever has a 100% recovery rate, limited validation or quality control carried out in poor conditions showed an apparent 100% rate of recovery in areas that were checked.


3.1 Explanation

The following gazetteer contains the 84 discrete monuments discovered during the survey. The monuments are in order in the gazetteer to plot out on to a map starting in the northwest corner and ending in the southeast comer, each individual entry is laid out in the following fashion. (The map number links each individual entry to the locations marked on Figure I.)

Unique monument Number Map number (Parcel/monument)

National Grid Reference, height in metres a.D.

Description (Including situation and dimensions)

Rejerences (Statement oldate o/recording and other sources)


1 22/1

NN 19186418 200-205 m a.D.

Platfonu (Charcoal burning?)

Situated on southwest facing slopes this platform measures 5.5 m in diameter and stands, revetted with dry stone a its down hill edge, to a height of 1.0 m. It is excavated into the hill slope to a depth of 0.5 m on its up hill side Traces of stone revetment may also be seen lining this excavation on the north side ofthe site.

Field Walking 6/3/1996

2 21/1

NN 1915 6415 290-295 m a.D.

Enclosure This oval enclosure measures 7.5 m east - west and 4.8 m north - south and is situated on a west facing slope. The enclosure is of drystone construction standing to a height of 1.3 m at its west end (down hill) and only 0.1 m at its east end (up hill) there is an entrance towards the west end ofthe nOlth wall.

There are signs of a second similar stmcture inullediately to the northwest of this site, dlOUgh it is too minous to be sure of its form.

Field Walking 6/3/1996

3 SOil

NN 2000 6305 330 m 0.0.

Mining strike/Shell hole

This group of three pits is situated on north facing slopes. Measuring 10.0 m by 6.0 m these pits are up to 2.5 m in depth and irregular in shape.

Field Walking 10/3/1996

4 1311-17

NN 18506300 220-260 m 0.0.

Military road

Known as 'Wade's Road' after the General who supervised its constmction, this military road (MR.8) runs from Stirling via Crial1larich to Fort William. Entering the survey area at NN 1950 61lO, inullediately to the south of the Aluminium works, the road runs through Kinlochleven, up to Mamore Lodge at NN 1860 6294 before turning to the west and running between the 220 and 250 m contours until it exits the survey area at NN 16lO 6340. A stretch of the road between NN j 61 0 6340 and 1680 63lO was examined in detail. In this 800 m stretch 17 culverts were recorded at rcgular intervals The road has been heavily revetted in several places to allow it to cross stcep ground and in one place (NN 16466322) a dam has been constructed to prevent flooding from a stream that crosses the road line. This dam measures 2.0 m in width, 7.0 m in length, stands up to 0.75 min

5 height and is orientated west - east (parallel with the road on its north side) inunediately to the east ofa small stream.

Field Walking 7/3/1996, RCAHMS, NMRS, NN 16 SE 02. Ordnance Survey 1st Edition 6" Argyle Sheet XXXI

5 12/1

NN 15166194 30111 a.D.

Building footing

This oval enclosure measures 3.0 by 4.0 m and is orientated west - east. Surviving as a rough stone wall between 4 - 6 eourses high there is a possible entranee on the struetures east side. It is possible that this stmeture may be a shooting butt.

Field Walking 6/3/1996

6 43/6

NN 17306178 10ma.D.

Platform (Charcoal burniug?)

Measuring 10.0 m north south and 11.0 m west - east this platform is revetted at its front (nOlthern) edge to a height of 2.0 m with a drystone faee; at the baek it is exeavated into the hill slope to a depth of0.75 m.

Field Walking 8/3/1996

7 IOal3

NN 14686176 15 m a.D.

Building Footing

The remains of this reetilinear drystone structure measures 6.0 m west - east and 3.5 m north - south. There is no visible entranee nor any other features that indieates the purpose of this strueture. The presenee of several pieees of roughly eut slate suggests that the structure was roofed with slates. A south facing terraee runs for 5.0 111 from the southwest comer of the stmcture in a westerly direetion. Both the structure and the terrace stand to a height of less than 0.3 m. This stmcture is marked as disused on the first edition 6" map, and is probably the remains of a steading that is related to the cultivatable fields on the north side of Loch Leven centred at NN 1450 1660.

Field Wal!dng 6/3/1996, Ordnance Survey lsI Edition 6", Argyle Sheet XXXI

8 43/5

NN 17336176 20-25 m O.D.

Platform (Charcoal buming?)

This sub rectangular platform measures 8.5 m by 5.0 m and is oriented north ­ south on west facing slopes. This monument is cut into the slope to a depth of 2.0 m and is revetted on its front face to a height of 1.5 m.

Field Walking 8/3/1996

9 lOa/4

NN 1464 6174 15 m O.D.


This square cut drainage or irrigation channel mns west - east for 25 m and is 2.0 m wide. This channel is part of a wider group of dry channels found at the north edge of cultivatable fields centred at NN 1450 1660. These drains appear to have been made to aid in drainage at time of flood.

Field Walking 6/3/1996

10 43/4

NN 17296174 25 m O.D.

Platform (Charcoal buming?)

Measuring 8.0 m by 7.5 m this sub circular platform is revetted at its front edge with boulders to a height of 1.0 m and is excavated in to the hill slope to a depth of 0.5 m on its lip hill or southern edge.

7 Field Walldng 8/3/1996

11 914

NN 14466173 15 m a.D.


Measuring 2.0 m by 1.5 m this low eaim stands 0.5 m high and consists of small stones. Situated on the north side of the group of cultivated fields centrcd at NN 14501660 this clearance cairn is related to the farming activities in these fields.

Field Walldng 6/3/1996

12 4413

NN l7506173 60 m a.D.

Searchlight!AAA station

This feature comprises a stone lined pit 0.5 m dcep and 2.0 m in diameter stood within which is a concrete pillar 0.6 m high and 1.0 m in diameter. The pillar has set into its top surface a stainless steel bolt, 1" in diameter and 4" tall. With connnanding views ofLoch Leven to the 1100th west and east this feature is situated inunediately bellow the modem road and also molltl1nent NN 1757 6170.

Field Walldng 8/3/1996

13 lOal2 and 912

NN 14706171 10 m a.D.

Linear clearance

RUlUling from NN 1445 6158 to NN 1475 6170 (300.0 m) is a broken line of linear clearance situatcd inunediately above the shore on the south edge of a field at the loch side. This field is the only cultivatable land on the north side of Loch Lcvcn, within the survcy arca.

Field Walking 6/311996 14 43/3

NN 1731 6170 45 m O.D.

Platform (Charcoal buming?)

Situated on the north facing slopes above the south shore of Loch Leven this platform measures 14.0 m west - east and 9.0 mnorth - south and is excavated into the hill slope to a depth of 1.5 m, there is no visible revetment at the front of this feature. This platfonll shows signs of re-use in the form of a concrete slab measuring 3.0 m by 3.0 m.

Field Walking 8/3/1996

15 44/2

NN 17576170 SOmO.D.

Fox Hole/Bunker

Situated on a knoll above the road into Kinlochleven that mns along the south side ofthe loch is the remains ofthis foxhole. With commanding views down the loch to the west this T-shaped feature consists of a ditch 1.0 m wide and 5.0 m long running in a north - south direction. This ditch is square in section and is about 0.5 m deep. Joining the main feature from the east is a second square cut ditch 0.5 m deep and wide. This feature overlooks the search light station, monument NN 1750 6173 (site no. 12 above).

Field Walking 8/3/1996

16 48/1,2,4-7

NN 19256170 30 m O.D.

Complex ofBuilding footings

Spread over an area of about 150.0 111 by 50.0 m are a series of nine building footings constructed from concrete, stone and brick. These stmctures range in size from 2.5 m by 3.0 m up to 10.0 m by 15.0111. They are grouped together and foml an industrial or accoml11odation complex that may be related to the construction of the dam and aluminium smelter or may be military.

9 Stmcture a - 15.0 m by 10.0 m, footing, consisting of concrcte and stone. The south and west walls are not visible. (NN J925 6168)

Stmcture b - 10m to the north of structure a, this complex of two buildings is constmcted from prefabricated slabs of concrete, built on bedrock These structures measure 15.0 m by 7.0 m and 6.0 m by 2.0 m. It is likely that these footings were built to have 'Nissen type' huts built on them. (NN 1925 6168)

Structure c - Measuring 14.0 m by 7.0 m this L-shaped footing is built of concrete, stone and brick A brick and concrete chin1l1ey stands to 1.2111 in height. (NN 1925 6168)

Field Walking 9/3/1996 Present edition Ordnance Survey 1:10000 sheetNN16SE (Some structures)

17 43/1

NN 1711 6168 62 m 0.0.


Cut to a dcpth of 0.3 m this feature is circular and sits on the very top of a low knoll or natural mound. Mcasuring 2.0 111 in diameter it is possible that this feature is a military hard standing for a mobile searchlight or gun.

Field Walldng 8/3/1996

18 42/2

NN 16526167 25 m 0.0.

Platfonll (Charcoal burning?)

Measuring 9.0 m north - south aud It5 111 west - east the north facing platfonll is

excavated into the hill slope to a depth of 0.5 111 aud is built up on its down slope

side to a height of 0.5 111. Abutting the north end of this feature is an open ended enclosure consisting oftwo curved walls that run down slope (north) for 5.0 lll.

Field Walldng 8/3/1996 19 48/3

NN 19296167 30 m O.D.

Building footing

This series of five rectilinear building footings is situated on the slopes facing to the southwest inunediately below the pipe conduit for the alumininm smelter. The three larger platforms are oriented north - south and measure 4.0 m by 5.3 m, 4.0 m by 4.0 m and 3.5 m by 4.0 m. The two smaller stmctures are oriented west ­ east, are situated to the west of the main structures and both measure 0.5 m by 1.0 m. All ofthese stmctures consist ofconcrete floors with stone and concrete walls.

Field Walking 9/3/1996

20 9/1

NN 13946166 60 m O.D.

Platform (Charcoal burning?)

Tills oval platform measures 6.0 m by 5.0 m an is situated in a large clearing in woodland on thc south facing slopes above Loch Leven. The platfonn is dug in to the hill slope to a depth of 0.4 m and stands to a similar height at its front or down hill edge. This platform unlike others in the survey area is not revetted with a stone wall.

Field Walldng 5/3/1996

21 9/3

NN 1461 6166 10 m O.D.

Circular building, Corn Kiln?

Built into the slopes inunediately above the shore of Loch Leven on the north edge of the cultivatable fields centred at NN 1450 J660. This circular stmcture is constructed of large blocks of limestone and basalt and measures 4.0 m in diameter. The structure stands up to 1.0 m in height and has walls up to 1.0 m wide. There is an apparent entrance on the south side of this stmcture. This structure is marked on the first edition Ordnance Survey map and appears to be

II part of the group of monuments related to the house, or structure, monument 7 NN 14686176.

Field Walldng 6/3/1996, Ordnance Survey 1st Edition 6", Argyle Sheet XXXI

22 413

NN 1193 6164 143 m 0.0.


This small cairn is situated on a platform that measures 5.0 m by 2.5 m. The cairn measures 1.5 m in diameter and stands to a height of 0.3 m. The front of the scoop or platform is defined by a low baruc This may be a natural drainage, or mass movement feature but is the inunediate vicinity ofmonuments 28 and 33 (NN 1188 6155 and NN 11906148).

Field Walldng 6/3/1996

23 3711

NN [6436161 35 m 0.0.

Platform (Charcoal burning?)

This oval platform measures 7.0 m by 5.0 m and is situated on a steep north facing slope immediately above the south shore of Loch Leven. Excavated to a depth of 1.0 m on its up hill side and revetted to a height of 0.9 m on the down hill side this platform displays some signs of a slight lip on the down hill northern side of the feature.

Field Walking 7/3/1996

24 4211

NN 16626160 68 m 0.0.

Concrete BuildinglHard standing

Situated inmlediately to the north of the modern road on the south side of Loch

Leven this concrete and brick structure measures 11.5 m west - east and 2.0 III to 4.5 m north - south. Several drain pipes protmde from the southern end of the stmeture, which has no visible openings. It is likely that this stmcture is military, possibly related to the searchlight/gun station inunediately to the east ( Monument 12 NN 1750 6l73)

Field Walldng 8/3/1996

25 9/5

NN 14346158 0-10 m 0.0.

Mining strike

RlIlUling for 55.0 m in a southwest - northeast direction fonn the north shore of Loch Leven is this irregular ditch measuring between 10.0 m and 4.0 m wide. Within this ditch is a bank measuring 16.0 m by 3.0 m that is orientated in the same direction as the ditch or strike. The northeast end of this stmcture has been filled with elearance consisting of regularly sized small stones.

Held Walking 6/3/1996

26 43/2

NN J720 6155 90 m 0.0.


Situated on steep north facing slopes this rectilinear stmeture measures 10.0 m west - east and 3.0 m north - south. It consists of walls of turf measuring 0.5 min thickness that fonn two cells or rooms within the structure. Both cells have entrances facing to the north which look out over 2 terraces 0.5 m high and wide.

Field Walking 8/3/1996

27 48/1a

NN 19636155 60 m 0.0.

Building footing

13 Measuring 2.0 m by 2.0 m the remains of this mbble stone stmclure stand np to 2.0 m high and are situated inunediately to the east ofthe pipe conduit that supplies the aluminium smelter with water. It is possible that this structure is related to the constmction of the smelter and its subsidiary structures, or that it is part of the pre-smelting fanning landscape.

Field Walking 9I3/J996

28 4/1

NN 11886155 125mO.D.


Measuring 6.5 m southeast - northwest and 5.0 m southwest - northeast, this oval scoop is situated on south facing slopes and is lined in parts around its lip with large stones. This monument is situated inunediately to the nOlth east ofmonument 33 NN 1190 6J48.

Field Walldng 6/3/J 996

29 37/2

NN 16236155 53 m O.D.

Platform (Charcoal burning?)

Situaled on slight north facing slopes this platform measures 13.0 m north - south and 12.0 m west - east and is dug in to the slope to a depth of 0.2 m. The down hill side of the fcature is revettcd with stone 2 courses high.

Field Walldng 7/3/J996

30 52b/4-7

NN 20656155 160 In 0.0.

Platforms (Charcoal burning?)

This series of 6 platfonns is situated on the steep west facing slopes above AlIt na h-Eilde, a tributary ofthe River Leven that joins it from the north. Platfonns a - (NN 2059 6148) Two platforms immediately adjacent to each other. The southerly one measures 8.6 m by 7.8 m, the northerly, 7.0 m in diameter. Both are revetted on their front edge to a height of 1.0 m.

Platfonn b - (NN 20666153) Measures 9.0 m by 10.0 m.

Platform c - (NN 20676150) Mcasures 9.0 m by 8.0 m.

Platform d - (NN 2075 6145) Mcasurcs 11.5 m by 10.0 m.

Platform e - (NN 20486124) Measures 9.0 m by 8.0111.

Field Walking 101311996

31 614

NN 1275 6153 55 m O.D.

Platform (Charcoal burning?)

Situated immediately to the east of a small stream, this sonth facing platform measures 8.0 m in diameter and is excavated up to 0.5 m on its up hill side. There is a slight stone revetment visible at the front ofthe monument.

Field Walking lJI311996

32 6/1

NN 12796152 50 m O.D.


Situated inunediately to the north of a footpath on the south-facing slopes above Loch Leven this scoop measures 5.0 m in diameter and is excavated into the hill slope to a depth of 0.4 m. A mature Birch tree is growing within the platform and it is unclear weather the feature was cut for the planting of the tree or whether this represents the reuse of a feature such as a hut platform or a charcoal burning platfonn.

Field Walldng 61311996

15 33 4/2

NN 11906148 125 m 0.0.


This shallow scoop or platform measures 4.5 m in diameter and faces to the south east over Loch Leven. It is excavated to a depth of 0.33 m on its up hill side and has a slight 'toe' ofrocks revetting its down hill or front edge.

Field Walking 6/3/1996

34 5/1-4

NN 12596146 45 m 0.0.

Cultivation and enclosure

This broken series of drystone wall fonns a triangular enclosure in a low valley above the north shore of Loch Leven. This enclosed area is defined on its east side by a stream and has its corners at NN 1255 6140, NN 1262 6141 and NN 1257 6150. In the nOlthern half of this enclosure there is evidence of cultivation in the forllls of rigs that are 0.2 m deep and mn in a north - south direction over an area roughly 15.0 III by 23.0 111.

Field Walking 5/3/1996

35 8/1

NN 13506143 51110.0.

Circular enclosure and cultivation

Measuring 6.7 111 in diameter, this low mound stands no higher than 0.5 m and is surrounded by a faint ditch up to 0.5 111 wide. This enclosure has no visible entrance. This site is situated within a field of rig and furrow that mns in a north ­ south direction to the west ofthe enclosure and an east - west direction to the east ofthe enclosure.

Field Walking 6/3/1996 36 33/1

NN 15506132 II m 0.0.


Measuring 16.5 m in length this fragment of drystone dyke runs in a west - east direetion and stands no higher than 0.2 m.

Field Walking 7/3/1996

37 52b/1



Measuriug 2.3 m by 3.2 m this drystone built oval enclosure stands 0.4 m high and has no apparent entrance.

Field Walking 10/3/1996

38 35/1

NN 16146128 60 m 0.0.

Platform (Charcoal burning?)

This circular platfol111l1leasures 9.6 m in diameter and is situated on a north facing slope. the feature is on a slight slope and is excavated to a depth of 0.3 m at its up hill side and stands to 0.15 m at is down hill edge, being revetted with a d shaped drystone waiL

Field Walldng 7/3/1996

39 32/2

NN 15196124 20 m 0.0.

Platform (Charcoal burning?)

17 Measuring 5.0 m by 8.0 m this south facing platform is excavated into the hill slope on its north side to a depth of I.6 m and is revetted with stone on its front edge.

Field Walking 9/3/1996

40 52b/2-3

NN 2048 6124 167 m a.D.

Enclosure and platfonn (Charcoal burning?)

This circular drystone enclosure measures 2.0 m in diameter and stands 3 courses (0.5 m) high. inunediately to the west is a platfonn measuring 9.0 m by 8.0 m.

Field Walking 10/3/1996

41 2/1

NN 11446123 48ma.D.


Measuring 2.4 m by 1.4 m this caim is gathercd around an orthostat measuring 1.0 m by 0.4 m and standing 1.0 III high.

Field Walking 5/3/1996

42 35/2

NN 16246123 95111 a.D.

Platform (Charcoal buming?)

Measuring 13.5 x 10.0 III this oval platform is excavated to a depth of 1.8 m on its up hill (north) side and is revelled to a height of 1.0 111 on its down hill side.

Field Walking 7/3/1996 43 32/1

NN L521 6121 40 m 0.0.


Measuring 8.0 m by 5.0 m, orientated north - south and 2.0 m in depth this large depression has slight banks on either side of its entrance on its down hill or northern side.

Field Walking 9/3/1996

44 34/2

NN L592 6L21 65 m 0.0.

Platform (CharcoaL burning?)

This ovaL platform measures 11.0 m west - east and 9.2 m north - south and is situated on a steep north facing sLope. Dug into the slope to a depth of 1.7 m at the rear, the platform is revetted with drystone to a height of 1.5 meters at the front.

FIeld Walking 7/3/1996

45 3/1

NN j 1676120 40 m 0.0.

OvaL Depression

This ovaL depression, 0.5 m deep, measures 1.0 m in radius (2.0 m diameter.) and has sporadic rocks around its lip. It is possible that this feature is military being the remains of a fox hoLe or search Iight site similar to those seen on the north side of Loeh Levcn.

Field Walldng 5/3/1996

46 34/3

NN L596 6118 80 III 0.0.

Platform (Charcoal bnrning?)

19 The remains of this washed out platform survive as a curving dlystone dyke or revetment 10 m in length and standing to a hcight of 1 course, or 0.3 m. A flood run-off course nms into the back ofthis feature.

Field Walking 8/3/1996

47 34/1

NN 1573 6115 80 m O.D.

Platfonn (Charcoal bnrning?)

This circular platform measures 8.5 m in diameter and is situated on a north facing slope. The feature is cut into the slope to a depth of 1.5 m at its back and built up to a height of0.5 m with a drystone revetment on its down hill side.

Field Walldng 7/3/1996

48 6/2

NN 12446112 30 m O.D.

Building Footing

Orientated north - south on a south facing slope, the remains of tllis rectilinear stone structure measure 8.0 m by 6.0 m. The walls survive to a height of no more than 0.3 m and are np to 1.0 m thide There is no discemible entrance to this structure.

Inunediately to the south of this site and slightly down the slope are the possible remains ofseveral terraces.

Field Walking 11/3/1996

49 29/1-2

NN 14296112 95 m O.D.


This scoop is situated on the south facing slopes of Torr a Pllioda, on the south shore of Loch Leven. This scoop is 1.9 m in diameter and 0.5 m deep. It is slightly revetted in its interior on its west side and there is a possible entrance discernible on its north side. It is possible that this feature is military in nature, e.g. the remains ofa fox hole or search light station.

Situated 10.0 m to the west at the same altitude is a second scoop of a similar nature measuring 3.1 m in diameter and 0.5 m deep. These scoops overlook the road that runs to Kinlochlevcn on the south side ofLoch Leven.

Field Walking 7/3/1996

50 60/1

NN 19906109 100 m O.D.

Industrial buildings

The remains of these industrial buildings comprise one rectilinear stone and concrete footing oriented west - east and with a concrete and wood trough or conduit miming away from its east end. Slightly to the north the remains of a second stmcture can be seen consisting of wood and corrugated metal the remains of which have collapsed. A Large bell-shaped iron vessel is sitting on the ground immediately to the north ofthe main stone footing.

Field Walking 10/3/1996

51 3/2

NN 11776107 5 m O.D.


Measuring 1.5 m III diameter this small circular drystone feature may be a robbed-out caim or small sheep enclosure.

Field Walking 10/3/1996

52 60/2

NN 2019 6102 95 m O.D.


21 This linear feature measures 7.0 m west - east and 1.0 m wide and appears to be constnJctcd of earth and turf with only a few small stones visible.

Field Walldng 10/3/1996

53 32/3

NN 1494610 I 45 m O.D.

Grooved Bedrock

Apparently man made grooves are carved into this bedrock slab that measures I.0 m by 1.3 m. The grooves are less than o. j m wide and run in a north - south direction.

Field Walking 7/3/1996

54 6/3

NN 1223 6096 0-10 m O.D.


Measuring 6.0 m by 7.0 m this platform is of similar dimensions to other charcoal burning platforms located within the survey area but shows no sign of any stone revetment on its down hill edge. Situated on an outcrop of bedrock immediately above the north shore ofLoch Leven this site may be military or industrial.

Field Walking 11/3/1996

55 l/lb and c

NN 11 08 6094 70-100 m O.D.


This turf and stone dyke runs along side a burn from NN 1097 6096 to NN 1100 6092 in a north-easterly direction for about 38.0 m before joining the modern field boundary marked on the Ordnance Survey I: 10000.

Field Walking 5/3/96 56 5517-10

NN 2335 6090 300 m 0.0.

Platforms (Charcoal burning?)

Situated on or around the 300 m contour are four charcoal burning platforms all measuring roughly 6.0 m north - south (up slope) and 8.0 m west - east (across slope). These sites are situated at the following locations

NN 2319 6087,

NN 233 I 6086,

NN 2339 6091,

NN 2359 6098.

Field Walking 91311996

57 lila

NN 1133 6083 5 m O.D.

Enclosure and cultivation

Measuring 13.5 x 5.0 m this kidncy shaped enclosure survives as a turf bank situated inunediately abDve the nDrth shDre Df LDch Leven. Three hand dug lazybeds can be seen inunediately tD the nm1h Dfthis feature, each Dn measures 1.0 m in width.

Field Wa/ldng 10/3/96

58 52bl8

NN 2065 6070 11 0 m 0.0.

Prisoner DfWar camp.

This mDnument covers an area Df Dver 300.0 III by 100.0 m and cDnsists of numerous building fDDtings that can Dn the hDle be split intD tWD types, concrete pillars for wDoden prefabricated huts and concrete hard standings fDr 'Nissen' type huts. At least 16 separate structures may be identified in an area that may be under threat from plDughing, many more structures may alsD be seen in the areas 23 surrounding the 16 buildings mentioned above, already covered by deciduous woodland.

Field Walking 8131J 996

59 55/5

NN 2240 6070 250 m O.D.


This small clearance cairn measures 1.0 m in diameter. (Outwith the parcel)

Field Walldng 9/31J 996

60 55/11a,12

NN 2343 6069 268 m O.D.

Enclosures and cairns

The remains of 2 enclosures or structures and one cairn may be seen in this area. The cairn (NN 2245 6061) measures 1.0 m in diameter.

Enclosure a - is rectangular, upstanding and is constructed of drystone and measures ca. 3.0 m by 5.0 m.

Enclosure b - is oval and measures ca. 5.0 m by 2.0 m and is far more ruinous than

Field Walking 9/31J 996

61 55/11

NN 2337 6049 270 m O.D.

Situated on a platform measuring 17.0 m in diameter. TillS enclosure measures 10.0 m by 8.0 m and has two lines of post holes 0.3 m in diameter and 0.3 m deep arranged in regular, rectilinear fashion between it and the edge of the platform. There are a total of 17 post holes arranged in two lines roughly 1.7 m apart. It is possible that this and other structures in the inunediate area are part of the construction site for the Blackwater dam or part of the village that housed the navies that constructed the dam. Field Walldng 9/3/1996

62 56/1-2

NN 20046067 200-220 m 0.0.

Railway line

RUlll1ing parallel and on the nOith side of the pipeline that nIns from the Blackwater dam to the Aluminium smelter is the remains of this rail bed. The tracks are set into a concrete 0.5 m apart. Over this track is a pylon that appear to have carried an overhead cable, this pylon stands 6.5 m high and consist of two uprights 3.0 m apart and a cross bar carrying winch gear. This pylon is supported with a brace 5 m long that nIns into the hill side above the rail line. This feature is situated immediately to the west of the buildings that mark the change between the open conduit and the pipe line that feed water from the dam to the smelter.

Field Walldng 9/3/1996

~ 5W~U

NN 2245 6061 120 m 0.0.

Cement 'pier', Platfonn and cairn

Measuring 4.0 m by 27.0 m this stone and concrete pier appears to be part of a pipeline that was carried down a particularly steep part ofthe slope by this feature. In the same inunediate area is a platform revetted with drystone at its front edge and measuring 9.0 m by 8.0 m, and two small cairns.

Field Walking 9/3/1996

64 54/1-8

NN 2168 6058 125 m 0.0.

Platforms (Charcoal buming?)

Situated between the 120.0 III and 160.0 m contours on the south facing slopes above the river Leven are a series of 8 charcoal burning platfornls.

25 Platfonn a - (NN 2142 6064) Measures 11.5 m by 10.5 and is revetted to a height of0.5 m at its front with 5 courses ofdrystone masonry.

Platform b - (NN 2152 6062) Situated 100 m to the east of platfonn a this platform measures 12.25 x 10.5 m.

Platform c - (NN 21586060) Measuring 12.0 m west - east and 11.0 m north ­ south this platfonn is situated 80 m to the south east ofplatfonn b.

Platfonn d - (NN 2161 6064) Measuring 11.0 m by 12.0 m this platfonn IS situated 100 m to the east ofplatfonn b.

Platfonn e - (NN 2168 6058) Measures 1l.0 m north - south and 12.0 m west ­ east.

Platfrom f - (NN 21916066) Measures 7.0 m north - south and 1l.0 m west - east.

Platform g - (NN 2201 6064) Measures 7.0 m north - south and 10.0 m west ­ east.

Platfonn h - (NN 2222 6057) Measures 7.0 III north - south and 8.0 m west - east.

Field Walking 10/3/1996

65 60/6

NN 2063 6057 115 m O.D.

Building Footing

The remains of this rectilinear building measure 8.5 m by 4.4 m and is orientated north -south. Situated on a north facing slope the structure has an entrance in the centre of its south wall which is 0.8 m thick and constnlcted of drystone. Most of the remaining walls are heavily tumbled down the slope.

Field Walking 10/3/1996

66 60/3

NN 2067 6055 II O-m O.D.

Stone Dyke and building footing Running from NN 2059 6064 in the west to NN 2084 6052 in the east (for 205.0 m) this stone dyke stands 0.5 m to 1.5 m in height and is in a poor state of repair being tumbled and un-maintained. About 60.0 111 from the east end of this feature lie the footings of a building measuring 3.5 111 by 5.0 111 and stands np to 0.5 111 high. The stone walls ofthis structure are up to 0.8 m thick.

Field Walking 10/3/1996

67 60/10

NN 21 10 6055 100 m 0.0.

Road or rail bed

Running across the 100 m contour from NN 2068 6058 in the west to NN 2197

6058 in the east. The width of this route way is between 2.0 III and 7.0 m and it terminates in woodland at its west end, at the 'temporary aluminium plant' noted but not recorded due to its situation in woodland.

Field Walldng 10/3/1996

68 26/1

NN 1223 6054 70 m 0.0.


RWilling around the north sidc ofa natural knoll inunediately above the road on the north facing slope above the south shore of Loch Leven, is this bank. Standing up to 2.0 m high and measuring 2.0 111 in width it curves around the knoll for 34.0 m before being cut by the road on its west side and rWilling into the quarry activity that has rel110ved the larger part of the knoll (probably as part ofthe road building activity).

Field Walking 6/3/1996

27 69 60/4

NN 2060 6053 120 III a.D.

Building Footing

Orientated north - south the remains of this drystone structure measures 5.0 m by 3.5 m and is situatcd on a steep north facing slope. The walls stand up to 0.3 m high, are heavily tumbled and have no discernible entrance.

Field Walking 10/3/1996

70 60/9

NN 2094 6052 120 m a.D.

Platform (Charcoal bnrning?)

This platform measures 6.0 m by 5.0 m and is orientated east - west. It is cut into the hill slope on its north side to a depth of 0.3 m and is revetted at its front (north) edge to a height of0.5 m.

Field Walldng 10/3/1996

71 60/7

NN 21236052 120 m a.D.


Measuring 4.0 m, west - east, this length of revetting drystone wall stands 2 courses high and has no apparent purpose. It is possible that this structure represents the remains ofa slumped charcoal burning platform.

Field Walking 10/3/1996

72 55/1

NN 2235 6050 250 m a.D.

ChinUley This brick built chinUlcy is all that survivcs of a largcr structure. The chilUlley stands approximately 3.5 m in height, measures 1.4 m by 1.2 m and has no associated foundations suggesting that thc building attached to it was a prefabricated temporary structure.

Field Wallang 9/3/1996

73 60/5

NN 2065 6049 130 m a.D.

Platfol1n (Charcoal burning?)

This sub-circular platform is situated on a north facing slope immediately to the west ofa small stream. Measuring 9.0 m west - east and 6.5 m nOlth - south. TI,e platfol1n is cut into the hill slope behind to a depth of 0.5 m and is built up at its front to a similar height. The front of the platform was revetted with a drystone wall which has tumbled north down the slope.

Field Wallang 10/3/1996

74 60/8

NN 2167 6048 140 m a.D.

Platform (Charcoal burning?)

Measuring 9.0 m west - east and 7.0 m nOlth - south this oval platform is cut into the hill slope to a depth of 1.5 m and is revetted on its nOlth (down slope side) with drystone to a height of 2.0 m. This revetment is slumping down the hill.

Field Walking 10/3/1996

75 55/6

NN 22416045 120 m a.D.

Bridge Pier

The remains of this bridge pier may be seen in the water of the river Leven, and consists of 9 concrete piers in the water with stone and concrete revetment son

29 either side of the river that stand to a height of 2.7 m and are 9.9 m wide. This monument is related by alignment to the 'pier' elcment of monument 63 NN 2245 6061.

Field Walking 9/3/1996

76 23/3

NN 11296036 0 m a.D.


This rectangular platfonn is situated inuncdiately on the south shore of Loch Leven and measures 4.5 m by 5.0 m and is cut into the shore at its back to a depth of0.5


Field Walking 11/3/1996

77 23/6

NN 11356036 0 m a.D.


This possible 'long house' on the shore side ofLoch Leven measures 5.0 m by 2.5m and is partially obscured by heavy growth of rhododendrons. The remains stand to a height of 0.5 m.

Field Walking 11/3/1996

78 23/4

NN 11386036 0 m a.D.

Fish trap?

Consisting of a circular trench 2.0 m in diamcter with a linear 'feeder trench' 3.5 m long flIf111ing into the loch this monument is of uncertain purpose.

Field Walking 11/3/1996 79 24/1

NN 11606033 70 m O.D.

Cairn, (possibly burial?)

Situated on a spur inunediately above the road that mns along the south shore of Loch Leven. Measuring 5.0 m by 8.0 m this single cairn consists of small and medium sized stones and stands no higher than 0.5 m.

Field Walking 6/3/1996

80 23/1a

NN 11206032 15 m O.D.

Hard Standing

This area of tar macadam hand standing is situated just to the north of the modern road by a large bedrock outcrop inunediately above the shore on the south side of Loch Leven. Measuring 10.0 m by 10.0 m it is now largely overgrown with grass and so any associated features are not readily visible. Several stations for fencing may be seen on the south side of the feature, and 20.0 m to the east there is a small quarry. It is likely that this feature is either military or industrial.

Field Walking 6/3/1996

81 24/2

NN 1151 6024 50 m O.D.

Pillbox/shooting butt

TIns structure is ofdrystone constmction and is horseshoe-shaped measuring 6.0 m north - south and 5.0 m west - east. With cOllunanding views ofthe road between Kinlochleven and Glen Coe village it appears to be a pillbox, similar to monument 81, NN 11476032 and the presence of stone built gun loops in the top course of the masonry seem to confinn this.

Field Walking 6/3/1996

31 82 23/2c

NN 11476022 50 m O.D.

Pillbox/shooting butt

This drystone structure is horseshoe-shaped and measures 3.5 m north - south and 4.0 m west - east. With conunanding views to the north and the west along the road and the Loch towards Glen Coe village, this structure is, on the face of it, a shooting butt, but the presence of three gun loops in the top course of the walling suggests that it may actually have been military in its origin. This structure stands 1.0 m externally and 1.5 m internally. Inunediately to the east is monument 82 NN 1148 6031 which is ofa similar description.

Field Walking 6/3/1996

83 55/13

NN 2275 6018 300 m O.D.

Road or rail bed

This road on rail bed mns parallel within the modern conduit leading from the Blackwater Dam to the Alcan power generation plant is 2.0 m wide and revetted in places. In several locations it has been constructed on a bed of wooden sleepers held in place with iron spikes, it is likely that this feature relates to the constmction ofthe Blackwater dam.

Field Walking 9/3/1996

84 23/1

NN 11266034 0 m O.D.


The remains of this jetty on the south shore of Loch Leven survive as wooden

piers surrounded with stone revetting. This feature is 8.0 111 in length and 1.5 m wide with three wooden piers set 3.0 m apart.

Field Walking 11/3/1996 4.0 DISCUSSIONAND CONCLUSIONS

Due very much to the nature of the terrain included within the survey area the number of monument recorded during the survey was rclatively low compared to the size of the area that was examined. Five distinct monument types can be identified within the 84 monuments listed in section 3.2.


No single site was identified that could be firmly dated to the prehistoric period; that said three sites may possibly date to that period. TI,ese are the circular enclosure and cultivation at NN 1350 6143 (Monument 35), the possible burial cairn at NN 11526067 (Monument 79) and the Enclosure surrounding the knoll at NN l223 6054 (Monument 68). It should be noted that the NMRS records the discovery ofa Bronze brooch at NN 1861 (NMRS. NN 16 SE 01) but no surface feature was recorded in this area.

It is also possible, of course, that the charcoal burning platforms (4.3) may be situated on the sites of prehistoric platforms and excavation of such sites elsewhere have returned Bronze Age dates.


Sites of this period are by two main concentrations of monuments, the steading, corn kiln and cleared ficlds centred at NN 1450 1660 (Monuments 7,911 and 21) and the possible house, boat noost and fish trap on the south shore of Loch Leven at NN 1135 6036 (Monuments 76,77,78 and 84). The paucity of this kind of settlement is due largely to the lack of cultivatable land, the settlement at NN 1450 l J60 is situated on the only largc patch ofgood land on the north side of the loch (witllin the survey area) and on the south side of the loch there is no land of this type at all. There are other more fragmentary remains surviving as single enclosures or houses though distinguishing these remains from industrial sites may prove difficult. It is possible that the main focus of medieval and post-medieval settlement lies under the modern settlement at Kinlochleven. (e.g. monument 48).


A total of37 such sites were recorded, thcy are situated on slopes ranging from ISO to 60" and between 0 m and 300 m in altitude. On the whole they are wider ( across the slope) than they are long (down the slope) and measure on average 9.0 x 8.0 m. The one truly distinguishing feature of these sites are the drystone revetments that stand up to 2.0 m high and prevent them from slipping down the slope.

In most cases these monuments occur in groups of4 or 5 such as those at NN 2065 6155, NN 2334 6090 and NN 21686058 (Monuments 29, 56 and 64 respectively) though individual cases do occur and in some casc groups are so diffuse they have been listed as separate sites. It is believed that the charcoal produced here was exported to Bonawe and often iron smelting centres to the south.


The earliest identifiable military monument that is recorded in the area is M.R. 8, Wade's road (NN 16 SE 02) this crosses the east of the survey area and runs along its north boundary to NN 1610 6340 (Monument 4). While no fOltS or associated structures were noted adjacent to this feature, examination of the 800 m stretch described above displayed good preservation of original constructional and maintenance fcatures related to the road within the survey area.

Modem Military monuments can be split into two groups:

Defensive sites such as pill boxes at NN 1151 6024 and NN 1147 6022 (Monuments 81 and 82) and the Search LightfAAA station at NN 1750 6173 (Monument 12) are complemcnted by a series ofdepressions and cuttings that may represent collapsed foxholes etc. e.g. Monuments 43, 45, and 49. These monuments are present, presumably, to provide protection for the Alcan plant in Kinlochleven.

The Military camp centred at NN 2065 6070 (Monument 58) which housed over 1200 German prisoners of war and British conscientious objectors during the second world war. Features related to this site spread beyond its immediate locality and it is possible that some of the sites recorded as industrial sites (4.5) may actually be military sites related to the camp. 4.5 INDUS71UALMONUMENl'S

The industrial heritage of Loch Leven is largely centred around the Alcan aluminium smelter at Kinlochleven, and the various features that surround it and link it to the dam at Blackwater reservoir (NN 26 SW 3). The plant itself is a monument listed by the NMRS (NN 16 SE 3), as is the dam but both fall outwith the survey area. The conduits linking the two sites (NN 26 SW 3.0 I) are marked clearly on the present Ordnance Survey I:10000 maps. Monuments such as the rail line and pylon at NN 2004 6097 (Monument 62) can be linked directly to the constmction ofthe dam and plant, but the heritage of other groups ofsites such as those at NN 1925 6170 and those at NN 1990 6109 (Monuments 16 and 50 respectively) are of unclear purpose. They may relate to the constmction of tl,e Alcan plant but may be associated with other industty or with the temporary smelter noted in the record of Monument 67, though not itself recorded as it was situated in planted trees. The graveyard noted in J Woods original letter was the navvies graveyard related to the construction of the Blackwater Dam located at NN 2421 6020 (NN 26 SW 4) and lies outside the survey area. It was, therefore, not recorded.


Gazetteer Number Parcel Monument

57 la

55 Ib-lc

41 2

45 3

51 3 2

28 4 1

33 4 2

22 4 3

34 5 1-4

32 6 1

48 6 2

54 6 3

31 6 4

35 8 1

20 9 1

13 9 2

21 9 3

11 9 4

25 9 5

13 lOa 2

7 lOa 3

9 lOa 4

5 12 1

4 13 1-17 Gazetteer Number Parcel Monument

2 21 1

I 22 I

84 23 1

80 23 la

82 23 2c

76 23 3

78 23 4

77 23 7

79 24 I

81 24 2

68 26 I

49 29 1-2

43 32 I

39 32 2

53 32 3

36 33

47 34 1

44 34 2

46 34 3

38 35

42 35 2

23 37 1

29 37 2

24 42 1

18 42 2

37 Gazetteer Number Parcel Monument

17 43 I

26 43 2

14 43 3

10 43 4

8 43 5

6 43 6

15 44 2

12 44 3

27 48 la

16 48 1,2,4-7

19 48 3

3 50 I

37 52b

40 52b 2-3

30 52b 4-7

58 52b 8

64 54 1-8

72 55

63 55 la,2-4

59 55 5

75 55 6

56 55 7-10

61 55 11

60 55 lla-12

83 55 13 Gazetteer Number Parcel Mouumcllt

62 56 1-2

50 60

52 60 2

66 60 3

69 60 4

73 60 5

65 60 6

71 60 7

74 60 8

70 60 9

67 60 10