Each of the Planets Is Supposed to Bestow a Particular Boon to Humans
PLANETS RULING DEITY OVER RULER STONES Surya - The Sun AGNI, God of Fire SHIVA Red Ruby Soma - The Moon APAS, Water Goddess PARVATI Moonstone and Natural Pearls Mangal - The Mars BHUMI, Earth goddess SKANDA Red Coral Budha - Te VISHNU, The Preserver VISHNU Emerald Mercury Brihaspati - The INDRA, King of Gods BRAHMA Yellow Sapphire and Yellow Jupiter Topaz Sukra - The Venus INDRANI, Queen of INDRA Diamond Gods Shani - The Saturn YAMA, God of Death PRAJAPATI Blue Sapphire and Black Stones Rahu - The DURGA, Goddess of SARPA Honey Colored Hessonite Dragon's Head Power Ketu - The CHITRAGUPTA, God of BRAHMA Cat's Eye Dragon's Tail karma Each of the planets is supposed to bestow a particular boon to humans. The Hindu science of study of these planets is called the Vedic Astrology. Classical Vedic astrology uses the seven visible planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, along with the two lunar nodes, the north and south nodes, Rahu and Ketu. The Hindu astrology is based on an elaborate calculation of the positions of these planets at the time of one's birth. For example, the zodiac is divided in to twelve zones ('houses' of 30 degrees each). The planet Sun travels in to one of these houses each month. Similarly, the other planets have their times of travel through the zodiac assigned to them. As the planets travel through these zodiac signs, their relative positions with respect to each other changes and is supposed to determine the fate of the human affairs. An astrologer can draw up a horoscope of a person based on his time of birth and calculate the relative positions of the planets relative to this horoscope.
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