• • • FAMILY DISCUSSION STARTERS things orpeople mightbeidolsinyour life? An idolisanythingapersonputsinthe placeofGod. What talked toGod fortheIsraelites. Who talkstoGod forus? Why didAaron makeagoldencalf? • • • • • How helpmetolive onmissionbetter? doesthisstory andlovedo theyhelpmetrust God? Are toremember? there How anypromises inthisstory How are theyforGod’s andmygood? glory Are toobey? there anycommandsinthisstory teachmeaboutmyself? What doesthisstory or thegospel? teachmeaboutGod What doesthisstory

FOLD sins are forgiven. paid foroursinonthecross andstandsforusbefore God. When we inJesus, trust our not doanythingtomakeupfor their sin,butwe have abetterMediator—Jesus. Jesus forgive them.Moses actedastheir mediator, standingforthembefore God. Moses could “Forgive oursin,andaccept usas Your people.” worshiped God. “Lord, pleasego withus,” hesaid. will notleave theguiltyunpunished.” Moses compassionate andgraciousGod ...butHe forgive theirsin.” sinned against You,” Moses said.“Please peoplehave to talkGod. “These Moses went backupthemountain the calftheymade. The nextday, stone tablets. Then hedestroyed golden calf!He threw down the people were dancingbefore the mountain. He sawthatthe destroy thepeople. Jacob.” So God decidednotto You madetoAbraham, Isaac, and “Remember thegreat promise people,” God said.Moses said, mountain. “Iwilldestroy these sin. God toldMoses togodown the made agoldencalfthattheycouldworship. know whathashappenedtoMoses.” So Aaron “Make usagodtoleadus,” theysaid.“We don’t impatient. The went toMoses’ brother, Aaron. the Israelites atthebottomofmountainwere getting Christ Connection:God’s peoplesinned againstGod, andMoses askedGod to L The Lord said,“The Moses went down the becauseoftheir God wasangry Moses wasuponMount Sinai for40daysandnights.Meanwhile, STORY POINT: GOD DISCIPLINED HISPEOPLE FOR WORSHIPING The GoldenCalf isa Exodus 32;34 A GOLDEN CALF. 23 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 Stained Glass Secret 2 2 4 1 4 4 1 1 1 2 4 4 2 Fill in the spaces using the color key to reveal a 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 3 1 secret word. 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 3 4 4 1 3 3 2 4 2 4 2 3 4 1 3 2 4 4 1 1 4 4 3 3 4 1 3 2 1 2 4 2 1 red 3 blue 1 4 3 3 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 2 3 4 1 4 4 4 3 2 2 4 2 3 2 4 4 2 3 4 1 3 4 2 4 4 yellow 4 3 3 1 2 green 4 2 3 4 1 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 2 2 2 4 3 1 1 4 4 4 2 4 1 2 1 4 3 4 4 2 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 3 4 4 3 3 1 1 4 1 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 4 2 1 2 3 2 2 You Said It! Match each statement with the name of who said it. Use your Bible to check your answers.

“The LORD is a “Please forgive them. compassionate and “Make us a god “What did these people do to Remember the great promise gracious God … but he to lead us.” you that you have led them You made to Abraham, Isaac, will not leave the guilty (Exodus 32:1) into such sin?” (Exodus 32:21) and Jacob.” (Exodus 32:11-13) unpunished.” (Exodus 34:6-7)

24 • • • FAMILY DISCUSSION STARTERS How canyour familyspend time withGod? Who bringssinnersbacktoGod? What wasthepurposeoftabernacle? • • • • • How helpmetolive onmissionbetter? doesthisstory andlovedo theyhelpmetrust God? Are toremember? there How anypromises inthisstory How are theyforGod’s andmygood? glory Are toobey? there anycommandsinthisstory teachmeaboutmyself? What doesthisstory or thegospel? teachmeaboutGod What doesthisstory

FOLD sinners, God sentJesus to“,” ordwell, withpeopleonearth. would dwell withthem.God desires ofHis tobewithHis part plantosave people.As the cloudatnight.AllIsraelites couldseeitastheytraveled. tabernacle withthem. from thetabernacle,Israelites wouldmove andtakethe would staywhere theywere. When thecloudlifted If thecloudcovered thetabernacle,people tabernacle. God madeasignforthepeople: cloud, andnow thecloudcovered the tabernacle sothatitwouldbeholy. God toldhimhow toanointthe Moses how tosetupthetabernacle. made justasGod hadsaid. had itsspecialpurposeandwas Everyas God hadinstructed. part build thetabernacleforGod. skilled craftsmencametogetherto , Oholiab, andalltheother for buildingandcreating things. Bezalel andOholiab, specialskills materials. God gave twomen, together. He askedthemtobring people. The tabernaclewouldbewhere God metwithHis really bigtentthattheIsraelites couldtakewiththem. Moses forbuildingatabernacle, specificinstructions very to makeatabernacleforMe sothatImaydwell amongthem.” God gave STORY POINT: GOD TOLD HISPEOPLE HOW TO BUILDTHETABERNACLE Christ Connection:God theIsraelites instructed where tobuildatabernacle He The cloudoftheLord wasonthetabernacleduring day, andfire wasinside God hadledtheIsraelites from a When thetimecame,God told They builtthetabernaclejust So Moses gathered alltheIsraelites When Moses wasonthemountainwithGod, God said,“Tell theIsraelites The Tabernacle Was Built WHERE HEWOULD DWELL WITHTHEM. Exodus 35–40 25 a Word List How many words can you create from the letters in ? List them below.

Tabernacle Search Find the following items in the picture. Then label each furniture made of acacia wood description with the item’s number: (1) ark of the overlaid with pure gold and with covenant; (2) table; (3) lampstand; gold rings attached to the four (4) curtains; (5) high priest. corners at its four legs

one gold piece with a base and shaft, with three branches from one side and three from the other side

priest in charge of the tabernacle or temple worship (Exodus 40:12-14)

wooden box covered in gold that contained the stone tables of the , a jar of , and Aaron’s rod that budded (Hebrews 9:3-4)

ten dividers of fine woven linen and blue, purple, and scarlet thread

26 • • • FAMILY DISCUSSION STARTERS sacrifice forsin. Write athank-you prayer toJesus forbeingtheultimate away oursin? Why don’t we offersacrificestopayforoursin? Who cantake How didpeoplein theOld Testament payforsin? • • • • • How helpmetolive onmissionbetter? doesthisstory andlovedo theyhelpmetrust God? Are toremember? there How anypromises inthisstory How are theyforGod’s andmygood? glory Are toobey? there anycommandsinthisstory teachmeaboutmyself? What doesthisstory or thegospel? teachmeaboutGod What doesthisstory

FOLD the perfect sacrificethattakesawayour sin onceandforall. the perfect We nolongerneedtooffersacrifices becausewe inJesus. trust Jesus offered Himself as people were ahintofwhatGod wasgoingtodoforgive sinners. your sinsinMy sight.” be paidfor. You willbecleanfrom allof family andforallthepeople. to offersacrificesforthesinsofhis specialroom inthetabernacle, very went intothemostholyplace,a of Atonement, thehighpriest Day ofAtonement. On theDay once ayear. It wascalledthe special daythatwouldhappen for livingholylives. they taughtthepeopleGod’s rules took care ofthetabernacle,and that God commanded. The priests priests. Priests madethesacrifices at different times. Different typesofofferingswere needed Offerings are giftspeoplegive toGod. God, andwhattodowhentheysinned. abouthowgave thepeoplerules tolive, how to worship laws perfectly. So God metwithMoses inthetabernacle.He Christ Connection: The sacrificesGod required ofHis God said,“On thatdayyour sinwill God toldMoses abouta God aboutthe alsogave rules First, God aboutofferings. gave rules God isholyandcannotbearound sin,buttheIsraelites couldnotkeepGod’s STORY POINT: GOD ISHOLY ANDREQUIRES ASACRIFICE FOR SIN. Rules for Sacrifice Leviticus 27 Bible Book Search True or False? Find and circle the names of the Old Testament books. (Hint: There are 39!) Mark if each statement is true or false. Then write the circled letters in order in the blanks to complete today’s story point. F J N Y L E I K E Z E F F X F N G P S A L M S S C A O M O D N U M B E R S P H T U R O B 2 G D N R Q P S U T I Z E C H A R I A H H R N J S E M O K K S True False 1. When Moses was on Mount Everest, R H E L R F K D N F M L L H D G O A O Q I O J Q C B S God gave him many laws. O U B C D Z K U K K A B A H O E M C K T L B E N H 2. God’s laws showed the people what it V A 1 K I N G S O M A Z Y F L U U E A E J A R K A A R looks like to live a holy life. E S 1 C H R O N C I L E S L E C W T I Q V D E S C 3. God also met with Moses in the R Q Y L Q J U D G E S O Z L R F N N E N R I M U I C D tabernacle. B J B W S G N I K 2 N W A R Z E A I H R L A I D M 4. God said the priests did not need to S H A G G A I H D G W Q D L M D S H B A O H A O I O R follow any laws. U A R E H T S E S H A I N A H P E Z F P N N H X R 5. The Day of Atonement happened L E U M A S 1 K G E C C L E S I A S T E S O O E A S I four times a year. Z S I S E I S A I A H M C N E H E M I A H Z J M X 6. On the Day of Atonement, the high Q O L X L G E N E S I S 2 C H R O N I C L E S O Y F N priest laid his hands on a goat’s head. D H I S U C I T I V E L P N A H U M A L A C H I B T I 7. The goat was led away into the jungle as a picture of sins being removed. C K 8. God told the Israelites, “Be holy because I am holy.” E D 9. We no longer need to offer sacrifices because we trust in Jesus.

God is holy and requires a


for sin.