Sales Center: Selling Agent: Sponsor: • Zeckendorl Marketing, LLC Tower 770 W20017115CPW Realty, LLC 152 West 1841 4th Floor 44th Floor New York, New York 10021 Suite 1100 New York, New York 10019 New York, New York 10023 Tel: 212-246-2222

CD1042 Doc

SCIIEDULE A FIFTEENCENTRAL PARK WEST CONDOMINIUM 15 Central ParkW41111, New York, NY 10022 MITRINGPRICES AND RELATED INIORMAT1ON PROJECTEDCOMMON CHARGES AND REAL FIA TL TAXISARE FOR ME 'MSTWAR OP CONDOMINIUM OPERATION APRIL 1,2007TO MARCH II,mos Projected Total Appro Share ofPurchase Keskienti Projected Projected Ptojecial Monthly Proletted Total unit Appros Unit Terrace FilthA mend rnen I Price forResident Common Common Monthly Monthly Real Monthly Real Carrying Monthly Numb Bedrooms/ Square Feet Square Oftennglance Manager's Unit Interest intemst Comtnon Estate Taxes with UumTues Chargeswtth CarryingChimps (I) Bathrooms (21 121 Feet121 (3) 6P (41 Percentage (5) Percentage 15) Oiarges (6) 421a (7) without 421 a (7) 421a (11) without 421. (11) 5F 2 / 2.5 1,983 O $ 4,545,000 7,575.51 0,3355% 0.3015% S 1.842.56 S 701.66 5 3.404.11 2,544.22 S 5.246 68 6A 4/5.5 4,565 O s 14,300.000 17.439,33 0.7723% 0.6941% S 4.241.71 S 1.615.27 7,836 49 S 5.856.97 S 12.078,20 68 4/4i O S 9.700,000 13.282,92 0.5883% 0.5286% S 3.230,76 S 1,23029 S 5,96878 S 4,461.05 Sp 9,199.54 6C 2/2i 2,548 O $ 6,760,000 S 9,733.93 0.4311% 0-3874% S 2,367.55 S 901 58 S 4,374 02 $ 3.269.13 S 6.141.57 or 4/k5 3,333 O $ 9.680.000 S 12,732,81 0.5639% 0.5067% S 3.096.96 S 1,179.34 S 5,121 58 S 4,276.30 S $34 6E 2//5 2,135 O S 4,845.000 S 8.15618 0.3612% 0.3246% $ 1,983.80 $ 755.44 S 3,665.04 $ 2,739 24 S 5.648.R4 60 2/2 1.757 349 S 3,850.000 S 7,045,45 0.3120% 0.2804% S 171364 S 652 56 S 3.165.93 S 2,366 20 S 4,879.57 6H 1/1.5 1,0/9 III S 2,310.000 S 4,228.03 0.1872% 0.1683% S 1,028.37 S 391.61 S 1,899.90 S 1,419.98 S 2.928.27 63 2/2.5 1,482 218 S 3.190,000 S 5,869.78 0.2600% 0.2336% S 1,427.69 S 543.67 S 2.637-63 S 1,971.36 S 4,065.31 6K 1/1.5 1,026 0 S 2,115,000 S 3,919.55 01736% 0.1560% S 953.34 S 363.04 S 1,761.28 S 1,316,38 S 2,114.62 6L 2/2 1,332. 0 $ 2,675,000 $ 5,088.54 0.2254% 0.2025% S 1,237.67 S 471.31 S 2,286-57 S 1.708.98 S 3,524.24 4012.51 15h4 2/2 1.543 O S 3,720,000 $ 5.894.61 0.2610% 0.2346% S 1,433.72 S 545.97 S 2.648.'79 $ 1,979,10 5 2,755.22 S 2.059,24 S 4,246.55 6N 2/2.5 1,605 O S 3.450.000 S 6,131.46 0,2715% 0.2440% S 1.491.33 $ 56/.91 S 461.76 S 1,24011 S 1,674.34 S 3,452.80 6P 3/2 1,305 0 S 2,130,000 $ 0.2208% 0.1984% S 1,212.58 $ 1,615,27 S 7,836.49 S 5,856.91 S 12,078.20 7A 4/5,5 4,565 0 $ 16,370.000 S 17,439.33 0,7723% 0,6941% $ 4,241.71 S 0,5288% S 3.231.69 S 1,23065 S 5,970,50 S 4,462.33 S 9,201.19 7B 4/4.5 3,478 0 S 10,290,000 $ 13.286.74 0.5884 0.5251% S 3,209.39 $ 1,222,15 S 5,929.30 S 4,431.54 S 9,138.69 3/4 3,454 0 $ 10,290,000 S 13,195 06 0.5844% 7C 0,6969% S 4,259.36 S 1,621.99 S 7,869,11 S 5,881,35 S 12,128.47 4/5.5 4,584 0 S 14,850,000 S 17,511.91 0.7755% 7D 0.2671% $ 1.632.57 $ 621.69 S 3.016.15 S 2,254.26 S 4.648.72 2 / 2 1,757 O S 3,550,000 S 6,712.14 0.2973% 70 01825% 0.1641% S 1,002.59 $ 381.79 $ 1.852.26 S 1.184.38 S 2.854.85 1 / 1.5 1,079 0 S 2,170,000 S 4,122.02 71-1 02507% 0.2253% S 1,377.04 $ 524,39 S 2.544_07 S 1„901.43 S 3,921.12 2 / 2-5 1,482 O S 3,025,000 S 5.661.57 2.714.62 71 3.919.55 0.1736% a c00% $ 953.34 S 363.04 S 1.761 2S S 1.316.3S '1K 1 / 1_5 1,026 O S 2,165.000 S tralvcasgt• arta:lust, yoltalha lonicon'yc tattellimas) of sasourial sctaare 14,0tato as sh.rwa cusU14 (boor plow; awl forth in Port lit of th•r. Offerriosit Pito

SCHEUL111...E A FIFTEEN15 CENTRAL Central Park PARK West, New WEST York, CONDOMINIUM NY 10023 OFFERINGPRICES AND RELATED INFORMATION PROJECTEDCOMMON CHARGES AND REAL ESTATE TAXES ARE fOR THE FIRSTYEAR OF CONDOMINIUM OPMATION AMU L 2007 TOMARCH 31, 200 V'to woi otak 1i13 1,079 0 s 2,1 70,(Jrh ,1/ I 4,11/ / 7 J 1,Z$4,74 S 4.640 0 1(04 I ilta 11I 79 $ 1,13;e 24 I 1,144 10 I 4014 0i 2115 104•82 0 •b 1.025,W/1 S IlkI 077,04 I 124 19 1144 1:// S 1400141 I // 1 i 11 1 1326 0 S 2.165,(//) 0,1566-0, s 911 u t/4 S 1,ze,1 is a Ilto is ILfto

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tt 11$11.1.otILL A rrsarNI CENT PAL PAP it_ WESICCP1b4toe J•A I A 13 Cl/astral Palk Pito*, Piero Yow/k, MY 1tilr/1 1-PI • P IN'. PP WAS As,t1D IttLisl 114101,t.A1 IMO; ICTtO COM MON CHAPGES Alm atm. IST•11,1 1 TAXIS Pik IKeit THE IIST YEAR Of CONDOMINIUM OrliRATWY4 Mita 1. 2f1.1 TO ARCH ST, Wit'A - Malt LI ?Top; ei.„1-02/. es4entit1 PtC.ieClest rlsc--p.ttt Y.4•21,11•1 Approx. She of Common CocriTts. Meint•Iy 1140rItt./ Ras Real Carr** satz- Approx Unit Terrace RfthAmendment Pnce forResident interest Interest COrraTion Ettze -rueswith Estatela.14s 41tV. IrtICIC 42. Unit Bedrooms Square Feet Square Offertng Pr.ce Manager's licit aniarges (61 1.21a171 mraIR.Mt J.11.1 Number Bathroorrts121 121 Feet121 t31 6P141 PacemagetS1 Percen-age 151 47131 S 2.216.5-T S 3324 24 1.11 5,088.54 02254% 0.2025% S 1237,67 S 1,979_70 4,011151 2 / 2 1,332 0 S 2,725,000 S 545.97 S 2.648.79 7L 3,770,000 S 5,894.61 0.2610% 0.2346% S 1.433.72 S 2,75522 2,059_24 4.246_51 -/M 212 1,543 0 6,131.46 0.2715% 0.2440% S 1,491.33 S 567.91 S 11078.20 3,450,000 S 1,61527 $ 7,836.49 5,856 97 2 / 2.5 1,605 0 17,439.33 0.7723% 0_6941% S 4,241.71 S 9,202_19 T.s1 17,090,000 S 1,230.65 S 5,970_50 4,462.33 4/5.5 4,565 0 S 13,286.74 0.5884% 0,5288% S 3,231_69 S 4,431.54 9,138.69 SA S 11.320,000 S 1,222.15 S 5.929.30 4/45 3,478 0 S 13,195,06 0.52044% 0,5251% S 3.209.39 7,869.11 5,881.35 12,128.47 SB S 11,320,000 $ 1,621.99 S 4.701.63 3/4 3.454 0 17,511.91 0.7755% 0,6969% 5 4,259.36 1050.48 2,279.9.2 Sc 4.584 0 $ 15,100.000 S 0,300610 0.2702% S 1,651.15 $ 628.77 $ 2,854 85 SD 4/55 6,788,54 381.79 1.852.26 L38-4_38 1 :151 0 $ 3,600.000 S 0.1825% 0.1641% $ 1.002.59 1,904.00 3.92641 SO 2/2 4,122,02 525 09 $ 2,547.50 2.71462 1.079 0 S 2,220,000 0.2511% 0.2256% S 1,378.90 1,761.28 1.316 38 811 1/1.5 0 5 3.075.000 5 5.669 21 363.04 $ 3.524.24 2/2.5 1,474 0.1736% 0.1560% S 953 34 47131 $ 2;286.57 1,708 98 Si 5 2,2t 5.000 5 3.919.55 0.2254% 02025% $ 1.237.67 4,135.43 t/1.5 1,026 5,088.54 553.05 $ 2,683.12 2,005.36 8K 0 2,775,000 5 0,2644% 02376% $ 1.452.31 2.072.07 S 4.273.01 1.332. 571.45 S 2,772.38 2/2 0 s 3.820,000 S 5.97 i .0i 0.2732% 0.2455* S 1.500.63 S 5.856.97 12.078_20 2/2 1.543 6.16966 1,615.27 $ 7.816.49 9.202_19 8M o s 3,500.000 0,77230.5884* 1, 0,6941% S 4.24'11 1.230_65 S 5,970.50 $ 4.462.33 2/2.5 1.605 t 7,439.33 0.5288% S 3.231,69 9.138 69 4.565 o S 17,910.000 $ 1,222.15 $ 5,929 30 S 4.431 54 4/5.5 0 s 11.570.000 S 1328674 05251% S 1.209.39 S 5,881,35 12.128.47 4/4.5 3,478 11.195 06 0.5844% 1,621.99 S 1.86911 7.093.46 3.454 0 $ 11,570.000 S 0,7755% 0.6969% $ 4.259.16 948 64 S 4.602-33 S 3.439.77 3 /A 0 S 15,150.000 $ 17,511.91 0.464376* S 2.491.13 S 3.399-35 7,010.12 4.5E4 10.242.02 937.49 S 4.548_26 909G 4 / 5 5 1776 0s 6,830.000 S 4536% 0.4028% S 2,461.86 S 2.861 .45 5.90086 2.237 10,121.69 04483% 789.15 S 3A28-55 5736.15 3 1 3.5 522 $ 6.330.000 s 0,3771* 0.3191% S 2,072-30 167.12 S 3.721-69 S 2.78158 3/3.5 2.519 s 4.850.000 S 8.52006 0,3668% 0,32 S 2.01446 91.. 2 / 1.910 1281 s 4 .520.000 $ 8,282.25 9M 112.5 1 .840 1312 siad tad tulictit ta.cony (et lotecooi) ttaaw%al fottgatte skomit co ltre ftoot Oka set foris as Pat11 of dart Otorcrot ram ts • Woolf-es 15 Central Park West.New York„ SY 160.1 OFFERING rriICES AND P LATED INIORMA7 ION PROJECTEDCOMMON CHARGES AND REAL ESTATE TAXES AP; Fort IRSTYEAR OF CONDOMINIUM 011114110NAPRIL I,70177 TO MAPI II 31,MOS Pr orzliATeA2.1 Appro Share ofPurchase Residential Projected Projected Projected MrAtthly PI' -"rued Tout Unit Approx Unit Terrace FtfthAmendment Price for Resident Common Common Morthly Monthly Real Monthly Real Carrying Monthly Number Bedrooms Square Feet Square Offering Price Manager's Unit Interest Interest Common EsteTaxes with EstateTaxes Charges with CarriingCharges 111 Bathrooms(2) [2) Feet 21 (3) 6P (4) Percentage [51 Percentage(5) Charges [61 421a [71 without 421a (7) 42Ia on without 421 a181 10A 4/5.5 4,565 0 S 18,320.000 S 17,439.33 07723% 06941% $ 4.241.71 $ 1.615.27 S 7,836.49 S 5,856.97 S 12,078 20 108 4/4.5 3,478 0 S 11,830,000 S 13,286.74 0.5884% 0,5288% S 3,231.69 $ 1,230.65 S 5,970.50 S 4,462.33 S 9,202.19 IOC 3/4 3,454 0 S 11.830,000 $ 13,195.06 0.5844% 0,5251% $ 3,209.39 S 1,222.15 $ 5,929.30 S 4,431.54 S 9,138,69 100 4/53 4.584 0 $ 15,200,000 S 17,511.91 0.7755% 0.6969% S 4,259.36 S 1,621.99 S 7,869.11 S 5,881.35 S 12.128.47 10G 3/33 2,241 0 S 4,895,000 $ 8,561.12 0,3791% 0.3407% S 2,082.29 792.95 S 3,847.01 S 2,875.24 S 5,929.30 10K 3/33 2,519 0 S 5,467,000 S 9.623.15 0.4262% 0.3830% S 2,340.60 S 891.32 S 4,324.23 S 3,231.92 S 6,664.84 10 2/23 1.909 0 $ 3,905.000 S 7,292.81 0.3230% 0.2902% $ 1,773.80 S 675.48 $ 3277,08 S 2,449.28 S 5,050.88 10M 2/23 1,717 0 $ 3,762,000 S 6,559.33 0.2905% 0.2611% S 1.595.40 $ 607,54 S 2,947.48 S 2,202.94 S 4,542.89 11A 4/53 4,565 0 S 18.730,000 $ 17.439.33 0.7723% 0.6941% S 4,241.71 S 1,615.27 S 7,836 49 5 5,856.97 S 12,078.20 I IB 4/43 3,478 0 S 12,090.000 S 13,286.74 0,5884% 0.5288% S 3,231.69 S 1,230.65 S 5.970.50 S 4.462.33 S 9202.19 11C 3/4 3,454 0 S 12,090,000 S 13,195.06 0.5844% 0.5251% S 3,209.39 S 1,222.15 5 5,929.30 S 4,431,54 S 9,138.69 I ID 4/53 4.584 0 $ 16.200,000 S 17.511.91 0.7755% 0.6969% S 4,259.36 S 1,621,99 S 7,869.11 S 5,881.35 S 12,128.47 110 3/3.5 2,241 0 S 5,060,000 $ 8.561.12 0.3791% 0,3407% S 2,082.29 S 792.95 S 3.847.01 S 2,875.24 S 5.929 30 03841% S 2,347.11 5 893.79 S 4,336.25 S 3,240.90 S 6.683.36 IIK 3/33 2,526 0 S 5,577.000 S 9.649 89 0,4274% 0.2913% S 1,780.31 S 677.95 S 3,289,10 S 2,458.26 S 5,069.40 2/2.5 1,916 0 $ 3,960.000 S 7.319.55 0.3242% IIL 0.2621% S 1,601.91 S 610.02 S 2.959.50 2.211.92 S 4,561.41 11M 2/23 1,724 0 S 3,872,000 S 6586.07 02917% 0.7166% 0.6440% S 3,935.77 S 1,498.77 S 7.271.29 S 5.434.54 S 11,207.06 12A 4/45 4,147 355 S 19,350,000 S 16.181,52 0.5745% 0.5163% S 3,155.26 S 1.201.54 5 5.829.30 5 4.356.81 S 8,984.57 1211 3/33 3,368. 71 S 12.450.000 S 12.972.53 0.5710% 0.5131% S 3,135.75 S 1,194.11 S 5.793.25 S 4.329.86 S 8.929.00 12C 3 i 4 3.347 71 S 12,450,000 S 12,892,10 S 17.200.000 S 16.261.74 0.7202% 0.6472% S 3,955.29 S 1.506.20 S 7,307.34 S 5.461,411 5 11.262,62 120 414.5 4.168 355 0.3407% S 2,082.29 S. 792 95 S 3.847.0/ S 2.875.24 5 5.929.30 2.241 0 S 5,203,000 S 8.561.12 03791% I20 3,33 0.427496 0.3641% S 2.347.11 S 893.79 5 4,336 25 5 3,240 90 S 6.683_36 Si53 2326 S 5.632_000 S 9.649 69 , .0 0...v.v. vow Cii•MP .flavdmv va.• Irvv.a0. .6. • • .0 • • 1 Mer labri CPANW.4.00flSA

SCHEDULE A FIFTEENIS CENTRAL Central Park PARK West.New WEST York, CONDOMINIUM NY 10023 OFFERINGPRICES AND RELATED INFORMATION PROJECTEDCOMMON CHARGES AND REAL ESTATE TAXES ARE FOR THEFIRST YEAR OF CONDOMINIUM OPERATION APRIL 1.2007 TO MARCH 31,200a Projected Total Appro Snare ofPurchase Residenti Projected Projected Projected Monthly Pro)ected Total COMIT1011 Monthly Monthly MonthlyRea1 Carrying Monthly Unit Approx Unit Terrace FifthAmendment Price forResident COMM011 Charges with CarryingCharges Number Bedrooms / Square Feet Square Offering Price Manager's Unit Interest Interest Common EstateTaxes with EstateTaxes without 42Ia IS) Ilk .1 - 1,,111 FPI% AD 1,41 Pprrpnt car. fil Perrentave151 Charms161 421a [71 without 42 la (7) 421a it11 / ••••• %Wotity_stuP% NAAWK2A .plUIEV4c blAc,oin-, (rot%- • *.lcrotruml of tvoctunti to:piste tootAge OLOwn tart the floot ptant set fen tit kt Part 1.1 or WS Ofteront Mery

13111,3 FIFTEENItS CEIN Central TRAIL Par'k PARK West, New wv.s-r York, COO'NY 10023 OFFERING PRICES AND RELATItt, INFORMATION ritolECTED COMMON CHARGES AND REAL ESTATE TAXES ARE FOR -niE FIRSTYEAR OF CONDOMINIUM OPERATION APRIL I, 2007 TO MARCH 31, 2006 ProlecteAl otal Monthly 1No.3ecte4 Total Projectozi Proiecte Proiected Monthly Share ofPurchase Residcfltal Monthly Real Monthly Real Carrying CarryingCharges Appro COMrnOn Common Monthly Estate Taxes with Estate Taxes Charges with Approx Unit Terrace FifthAmendment Price forResident Interest Interest Common *ithout 421a171 421a (8) without 42.1a t81 Unit Bedrooms/ Square Feet Square Offering Price Manager's Unit percentage (5) Charges161 421a [7] Number Feet121 131 6P i41 Percentage t51 677•95 S 3.289.10 $ 2.458.26 5,069.40 111 Bathrooms 1.2) 121 0.3242% 02913% $ 1,780.31 4,561.41 2/23 1,916 0 $ 4.026,000 $ 7,319.55 610_02 S 2,959.50 S 2,211.92 12 0.'2917% 0.2621% S 1,601 91 S 1,724 0 $ 3,927.000 S 6,586.07 1,467.36 $ 7,118.93 $ 5,320.67 10,972.24 12M 2/25 0.7016% 0.6305% 3,853.31 S 8.911.15 4,147 0 S 20,070,000 $ 15,842.47 1,191.72 $ 5,781.67 $ 4,321,20 14 4/43 0.5121% $ 3,129.48 S 8,855 58 0 S 13.070,000 S 12,866,52 0.5698% 1.184.29 $ 5,745.62 $ 4.294.26 14B 3/33 3,368 0.5089% S 3,109.97 S 11,027.81 0 S 13,070,000 S 12,786.29 0.5663% 1,474.79 S 7,154.98 S 5,347.62 14C 3/4 3,141 0.7052% 0.6337% $ 3,872.82 S 5,929.30 4.168 0 S 18.100,000 $ 15,922.70 792.95 S 3,847.01 S 2.875.24 14D 4/45 8.561.12 0.3791% 0.3407% $ 2.082.29 S $ 1,721.81 3.550,70 2,241 0 S 5,313,000 $ 1,246.96 S 474.85 S 2,303.74 140 3 / 3 5 5,126.74 0,2270% 0.2040% S $ 3,550,70 1 i 2 1,342 0 S 2,576,000 S 0,2040% $ 1,246.96 S 474.85 $ 2,303.74 6.683.36 141 0 S 2,576,000 S 5,126.74 0,2270% 893.79 $ 4.336.25 S 3240.90 5 1 / 2 1,342 0.3841% 2,347.11 S 5,069.40 0 $ 5,687,000 S 9.649.89 0.4274% 677.95 S 3,289 10 S 2,458.26 1 / 16 2,526 0 2913% S 1,780.31 S 4.561.41 0 S 4,081,000 S '1,319.55 0.324'2% 6 i 0.02 S 2.959,50 S 2.21 1.92 $ 2/2.5 1,916 0,2621% S 1,601.91 S $ 5,320.67 S 10,972.24 0 S 3.982.000 S 6.586,07 0,2911% 1,467,36 S 7,118.93 1324 0.7016% 0.6105% S 3.853,31 S 4,321.20 8.911,15 212.5 o $ 20.690.000 $ 15,842.47 1.191.72 S 5.781.67 $ 4,141 0_5121% S 3,129,48 S S 4,294.26 8.855 58 15k 4145 $ 13.580.000 $ 12.866.52 0_5698% 1,184.29 $ 5,745,62 15B 313.5 3,368 0,5663% 0.5089% S 3.109,97 S 1 1,027 81 0 $ 13.580,000 $ 12.786 29 1,474.79 7,154.98 $ 5,347.62 S 1,34• 0 7052% 0.6337% S 3,872.82 S 5.929.30 15C 1/4 0 $ 18,700.000 $ 15.922.70 792,95 $ 3.847.01 S 2,875,24 S 41 4,5 4.168 0.3791% 0.3407% S 2.082.29 S S 1,721.81 $ 3,550.70 151) 2.241 0 S 5,434,000 S 8,561.12 474.85 $ 2,303.74 3/3.5 0,2270% 0.2040,31, 1.246.96 S S 1.721 81 S 3,550.70 15G 0 S 2,688,000 5 5,126.74 S 1.246.96 474.85 S 2,303.74 1511 1/2 1.142 5.126.74 0.22701 0.2040% 893 09 S 4,332.82 S 3,238.34 6.678.07 1/2 1.342 0 S 2,688,000 S 0.4270% 0.3837% S 2.345.25 2.458.26 S 5.06940 153 2,512 0 S 5,742.000 9.642.25 1,780.31 S 677,95 S 3,289,10 $ 151( 3/35 7,319.55 0.1242% 0,2913% 610.02 5 2.959.50 S 2,211,92 5 4,561.41 1.916 0 $ 4,136,000 S 0.2911% 0 2621% S 1.601.91 S 151- 2/2-5 S 4.048,000 S 6.58607 15M 212_5 1.724 0 • Irsettcsteswent litss 0,gtette bsIcooy tor balcootes) of nomnal sqvart footage asshown on the rione plaos set10111is in Piot ti of this Oaerenz Plan sCili.j)1111., A I UrIEN I I NIlt AI PA Ilk CON! mMINit )1 r •tittAI Nell West, New York, N v !mai HI 1'1411 tgAND RolA I IPINFORMA !ION 1111/11( ;Mt 1)MMo)NC11411(J% At411PrAl raft IA fill API I' I' 1110 twit VI APIOr I IINI14"fiNtlim ()es PA 111,IN Aron I, riolt tt I p.401, oft II oo, 'woo Appooll, Unit Await tinit %hair of l'utchill0 l•r ••teletitlel Number 11/Ar0410L% / Square l'ect TeITSC11 Ii f1tAmerillrforrel Prir e V.cResitirtio tnruolom ProPattad Prit)itS447•01•1 It Bath/.ohms (21 121 Stplare Oftrittig Pike &Unwell Una rstninilln Mroidily Pral telygology Pripppi toil mai Peet121 )1 Intry,1,1 hi' rifrit 04topthlyPima atrAng 04*sobi,ly 16G 3/3.5 r•P (41 Pocenlago151 Itercentsf, toristv,11 PAISPIN lases Willi 1",4tate IsoPt blue's *lib 2,241 0 5,544,000 (Ilawr • tf,) 4211117j wOk1ota14211 7 Carrying vv.% 61-1 8,561.12 03791% 4•2111141 WII/10/41 Cdis 1 / 2 1,342 0 0,3407% S 2.082,29 $ 7'12 9*, 1,0470j S 2,744,000 0.2270% 2.875,204 I 41.12110 16.1 1 / 2 1 142 0,204f)% 1.24446 474 P.,') S 2,303,74 S S 2:144,000 S 5,126 74 0.2270% 1,721 S 3.550 70 16K 3 / 3.5 2.326 0 02040% S 1,2019G 474,83 2303.74 S 161 S 5,797,000 S 9449 Rti 0,4274% 03441% 1,721 81 S 1,550,70 2 / 1,916 0 S 4,191,000 S 2,347.11 493.79 $ 4,116.25 1 3.240 6483 36 /6M 2 /2.3 S 7,31953 0.3242% 0.2913% S 1,780 31 1.724 0 S 4jo3.ono $ 6,58607 677,95 1 3.289 10 5, 2,458.26 1. 5,060 40 0.2917% 0.2621% • Pf116-17A 4 / 6.5 6,139 1098 S 1,601.91 610,02 • 2.959 10 S $ 29,250.000 S 24,501.01 1.0851% 0.9751% 2,211,92 S 4.561,41 PH16-17B 4 / 6.5 5 417 396 S 5,959.30 S 2.269,34 11.009.72 $ 8.22% 63 $ 16.969.01 $ 23.600,000 S 21,072.36 09332% 0,8386% Pt-116-17C 4 / 6.5 5,417 396 $ 5,125.36 S 1,951.77 S 9.469.02 S 7,077 12 S 14.594.38 $ 23,600.000 S 21.072,36 0.9332% 0.8386% $ 5.125.36 P1-116-171) 4 / 6.5 6,139 1098 S 31.450,000 1,951.77 9,46902 S 7.07712 S 14,594.33 $ 24,501.01 1.0851% 0.9751% S 5,959.30 S 2.269.34 PH18-19A 4/6,5 5.902 1071 S 32,500.000 11,009.72 S 8,228.63 $ 16,969.01 S 23.569.83 1.0438% 0.9380% $ 5,73283 S 2,183,09 Pf118-198 4 /6.5 5,610 392 S 25.680,000 10,591.28 S 7,915.90 S 16,32409 S 21,805.85 0.9657% 0.8678% S 5,303.76 S 2,019.70 PH18-19C 4/6,5 6,067 1071 $ 31,750,000 S 24,200.17 9,798.62 $ 7.323.46 S 15,102.38 1.0717% 0,9631% S 5,886.12 $ 2,241.47 10,874.53 S 8.127.59 S 16.760.65 PH20 4/6.5 6,74,4 1979 $ 43,310,000 $ 27.653.65 1,2247% 1.1006% S 6,726,10 $ 2.561,34 12,426.38 $ 9,287.44 $ 19.152.48 23A 3 / 3 5 2,216 0 $ 6,006,000 S 8.465.62 0,3749% 0.3369% $ 2.059.06 S 784.10 3,804.09 S 2,843.17 S 5,863.15 23B 2 / 2.5 1,736 0 $ 4,093,200 S 6,631.91 0,2937% 0.2639% S 1.613.06 $ 614.26 2,980.10 S 2,227.32 S 4,593.16 23C 2 / 2..5 1,745 0 $ 4,093,200 S 6.666.29 0,2952% 0.2653% $ 1.621.42 S 617.45 2,995.55 $ 2:238.87 $ 4.616,97 23D 3 / 3.5 2,420 0 S 5,724.000 $ 9,298.43 0.4118% 0,3701% $ 2,261.62 $ 861.24 4,178.32 5 3,122.86 5 6,439.94 23E 2 / 2,5 1.658 0 S 3.404,800 $ 6.333.93 0.2805% 0.2521% $ 1,540.58 S 586,66 23F S 2.846.20 S 2.127.24 S 4.386.78 2. / 2.5 1,422 0 $ 3,057,600 $ 5,432.36 0.2406% 0 2162% S 1,321,29 S 503.16 S 2.441.07 $ 1,824.45 $ 3.762.37 24/1/4 3/3.5 2.216 0 S 6.205,500 S 8.465.62 0.3749% 0,3369% S 2,059,06 $ 7.41Ei• 784. 10 5 3.804.09 S 2.843. i 7 5.863.15 212.3 1.'716 0 S 4.255.200 S 6.631 91 0.293796 0.263996 S 1.613,06 $ 614-26 S 298010 $ 2.227132 S 4. 1Q1 /6 %Art•al•-64- NaiLd• *•-••••• %ft.* .16 •,••• ••• ••-• ••••; ••• 1,0 • •• • • • re••••••• 11,1 #.••••• PP •64,- 41,4. • 'v.— • •


• sr i I _ _..„...K.; A IN (INTRA!,PARK WIEST CONDOMINil)M OPPIPING15 C•n•tal Pntrits PatkAm) West, nrNow 1 A TM Veil, NyPOOH tilt ?M/110)PerPti 1NPORMACOMMON OIARCP11 ANT, 111A i iS AAP 110N It oft Unit N,' V/A/ OPCONOOP4114111114 OP1RA11ONATAlliLAMM Number edroorm / Applox (Ina Appro PPII 1. 2007 TO MAP' 1111, letsi hi f Ratiuoum3 (2) Square Feet Terrace rim) A mendirbetit Shve orPurchale 121 Square (Pleting Price lance lotRetkoSent keildenriat 29A 3/3.5 Feet121 Manager's Unit cormmgo CfpfraritM Projeeten 3,103 (3) 6P/41 Imam Monthly Preqe414d Pre)att#41 PrtittlfrAlIntai 298 2 /2.3 S 10,080.000 $ 11,81416 Percentage151 Perceto,ive (1) Cominrm Mwithly PtIal MtAtithly ;1'4 Mesehly PflitstA44 2,367 0.5250% Chafes161 kettle Tam..yorth NOSE. lam. Carrying Mwitfy, 29C 3 /3.5 0 $ 6,810.000 9,412 47 0,4118% S 2,883.2 S 47Ia171 withrmr421•171 Oweswsdt Ciirrying(Assapos 29D 2,761 0 ,S 8,3 0.4003% 1,09i ,fi6 421a (III wpthopio421 a 3.173 15.000 $ 10,547,64 0,3599% $ 2,199,37 1 5.326,16 3.9t1 30A 3 / 3.3 0 S 9,73 837,53 S 11.210 3./03 0.000 S 12,121.57 0.4671% 0.4198% S 2.161,47 1 4,(A3 30 1 31116 91,/ 308 2 2.5 0 $ 10,1 0.5368% 0.4824% $ 2.948 29 S 916 94 4,139 //, $ 6.242 47 2.367 80.000 $ 11.854.16 S1.12273 3,542A1 S 7,3/4 13 30C 3/3.5 0 $ 6.92 0.5250% 0.47181x, $ 2,883.25 $ $ 5,446,92 • 2.761 0.000 S 9.04247 1,097 96 4,071_01 .4 11.31/121 30D 0 8,425,000 $ 10.547.64 0.4005% 03599% S 2,199.37 $ 5,326 76 S 3.981 20 3,158 0 $ 9,830 S 831 53 S 4463 S It.210,00 31A 3 /3.5 .000 S 12,117 75 0,4671% 0.4198% S 2,565,47 3A36 1 626247 3,103 0 S 10,290 S 976_94 $ 4,73.9 66 S 3I13 2 / 2.5 .000 $ 11,854.16 0.5366% 0.4823% $ 2.947,36 3.542 41 730513 2,367 0 S 1.030, 0.5250% 0.4718% S 2,883.25 S 1,122.37 S 5,44510 S 31C 3 / 3.5 000 S 9,042,47 S 1.097.96 4,066,73 S 11,192 56 2,761 0 0.4005% 0.3599% S 2,199.37 S 5,326.76 $ 31D S 8,525,000 S 10,547.64 S 837.53 3.981,20 S '&210.00 3, / 73 0 0.4671% 0.4198% S 2,565.47 $ 4,063.30 S 32A 3/15 $ 10.360.000 $ 12,121 57 S 976.94 3,036.90 S 6,262_67 3,103 0 0.5368% 0.4824% S 2.948.29 S 4.739,66 $ 328 2/23 S 10,390,000 S 11,854.16 $ 1.122.73 334241 S 7,305.13 2,367 0 0-5250% 0.4718% S 2.883.25 $ ,44692 S 32C S 7,140,000 S 9,042.47 5 1,097.96 4.071,01 $ 8.395.21 3/15 2,761 0 0.4005% 0.3599% $ 2,199,37 S 5326.76 S 3,981.20 32D S 8.635,000 S 10347.64 S 837.53 S 8,210.00 3/4.0 3,173 0 04671% 0,4198% $ 2,565_47 S $ 4.063.30 $ 3,036.90 33A S 10,670,000 5 12,121.57 976.94 S 6,262_67 3/33 3,103 0 0,5368% 0.4824% $ 2.948_29 $ S 4,739_66 $ 3,542.41 3313 $ 10,500.000 $ 11,854.16 1.122.73 S S 7,305.13 2/23 2,367 0 0.5250% 04718% $ 2,883.25 S 5.446.92 4,071.01 S 8,395.21 33C 3/35 S 7,300,000 S 9,042.47 1,09796 S 5,326.76 $ 2,761 0 S 8,745.000 0.4005% 0.3599% $ 2,19937 S 3,981.20 $ 8.21000 33D 3/40 $ 10.547_64 837.53 S 4,063.30 S 3.036 90 S 34 3.173 0 S 10,990.000 0.4671% 0.4198% $ 2.565.47 $ 976.94 6,262.67 3 / 3.5 3.103 S 12.121_57 0.5368% 0,4824% 5 2.948.29 5 4.739.66 3.54241 1411 s 0.600.000 S 11.854-16 1.122.73 $ 7.305,13 2 / 2.5 2,167 05250% 0_4718% $ 2.883.25 5 5,446,92 S 4 07 $ 7.460.000 S 9.042 .47 ,097•96 • 1I 0 5 8.395.21 0.4005% 0.3599% S 2./99,37 .$ 5.326.76 $ 3.981.20 $ •-, • • • ,6•0,. 1,•o, we • •• • • , • • • •.• • two .•• • ....P. • 0- JP- • • • 83 7. 53 X 8.2i0.00 4.063..10 3.036, 90 6-26.7 67 SCIIEDULE A FIFTEEN15 CENTRAL Centrat Park PARK West, New WEST York, CONDOMINIUM NY 1062) OFFERING PRICES AND RELATED INFORMATION PROJECTEDCOMMON CHARGES AND REAL ESTATE TAXES ARE FOR THE FIRSTYEAR OF CONDOMINIUM OPERAT/ON APRIL 1,2007TO MARCH 31,zoos Unit Appro Approx link Terrace FifthAmendment PriceShare for ofResident Purchase Residenti Number Bedroorru / Square Feet Square Offering Price Manager's (ink Common Commn Projected PTOjeCted Projected Projected Total II) Bathrooms (2) [2) Feet (21 131 6P r41 Interest Interest Monthly Monthly Monthly Moethly Projected Total 14r •• let 1m, Common ESLale Tay",sa, Carrying Monthly A15 L 1

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tiot- w11-1111.10. t- a rya% a1.r4115 c1_,:z%vt-nitaLL. 11Csritg roork vthemot.vy Natpo ViIi,'NI IN't 11007% 3 ILThol1111,4111,10 ir•A 011PSIKING rittCals &NE) itLATILID INI-oStMaXtON rROJECTED COMMON CH Alt.GtS AND !REAL ESTATE TAXES MILE V0111 THE FIRST 'WAR Or CONDOMINIUM OPERATION APRIL 1, 2007 TO MAII.Cti 31,200a PloICCIed 101.31 ApprOx.Shar Residential Projected Projected PtftieCted Monthly Pto)=..1thIlvotal t Conon Common Monthly Monthly Real Monthly Real Carrying NumberUnit BedroomsApptox I Square FeetUnit SquareTerraCe OfferingFifthAmendment Price Manages er° olottr uheResident Unit Interest nu Interest Common EstateTaxes with EstateTaxes Ch2irges with CarryingCharge [1) Bathrooms 12) [21 Feet121 (31 6P [4) Percentage151 Percentage151 Charges161 421a171 without 421a 17) 4211 till without42131,1111 S 7,305,13 14C 3/3.5 2,761 0 S 8,855,000 S 10,547,64 0.4671% 0A198% S 2,565.47 $ 976.94 S 4,739,66 S 3.542.41 3.173 0 S 11,300.000 S 12,121.57 0.5368% 0.4824% S 2,948 29 S 1,122.73 S 5,446.92 S 4,071.01 S 8,395.21 340 3 I 4_0 3,103 0 S 10,810,000 S 11.854.16 0.5250% 0.4718% S 2,883.25 S 1,097.96 S 5.326,76 S 3,981.20 S 8,210.00 3 / 3.5 35A 2,367 0 $ 7,570,000 S 9,042.47 04005% 0,3599% S 2,199.37 S 837.53 S 4.063.30 S 3,036.90 S 6,262,67 35B 2 / 2.5 2361 0 S 8,965,000 S 10,547.64 0,4671% 0.4198% S 2,565.47 S 976.94 S 4.739.66 S 3,542_41 S 7.305.13 35C 3/ 3.5 3,173 0 S 11,620,000 S 12,159.78 0,5385% 04839% S 2,957.58 S 1,126,26 5 5,464.09 $ 4.083.84 5 8,421.67 35D 3/ 4.0 0,4718% S 2,883.25 5 1,097.96 S 5,326-76 S 3,981.20 S 8,210.00 36A 3 / 3-5 3,103 0 S 11.020,000 S 11,854,16 0.5250% 3613 2 / 2.5 2.367 0 S 7.890,000 S 9,042.47 0.4005% 0.3599% S 2,199.37 S 837.53 S 4.063.30 S 3,036,90 S 6.262..67 16C 31 3_5 2:761 0 S 9,125,000 S 10,547-64 0.4671% 0.4198% S 2,565.47 S 976.94 S 4,739.66 5 3,542.41 S 2.305.13 36D 3 / 4.0 3.173 0 S 12,040.000 $ 12,121.57 0.5368% 04824% S 2,948.29 S 1,122.73 S 5,446.92 S 4.071.01 $ 8,395.21 3'1Pk. 3 / 3.5 3.093 0 S 1 1.340.000 S 11,854.16 05250% 0.4718% S 2,883.25 S 1,097.96837.53 S$ 4.063.30 5.326,76 $5 3.036.90 3,98 1,20 S.5 6,262.67 8,210 00 3-111 2 / 2.5 2,367 0 S 8,110.000 $ 9,042.47 0.4005% 0,3599% $ 2.199.37 $ 31C 3 / 3.5 '2,761 0 S 9,445,000 $ 10.547 0.4671%976. 0.4198% S 2,565.47 $ ,64 4,73966 94$ $ 3,542.41 $ 7.305 13 0 0.4839% S 2,957.58 S 1,126_26 $ 5.464 09 $ 4,083,84 5 8,421,67 310'AN 33 / /4.0 3.5 3,1132.1146 211$ $ 12,670.000 13,400,000 S$ 12,159_7811,112.08 0.5385%0.4921% 0.4422% S 2,702.75 S 1.029.22 5 4,993.30 $ 3,731.98 $ 7,696.05 0 0.3591% S 2,194_72 $ 835.76976.94 $$ 54.724,0 S 3,030.49 $ 6.249.44 31113•11,C 3/3.52 I 2.5 2,3622,7615.278 0$S 8,700,000 0.4679,975,000 S$ 9,023.1710.547.64 0.3996%01116 4198% $ 2.565.47 $ 4,739 66 $ 3.542,41 S 7.305.13 311•0 3 / 4.0 30'74 $ 13.750.000 $ i2.125.39 0 5370% 0,4826% $ 2.949.22 S 1.123,08 S 5,4,48.64 $S 4.072.30 $ 8.397.8614,499,79 5.365 4610 0 9272% 0_8332% •S5.092, 14 5 1.939 12 $ 9,407.65 7,031,26 s5 PH39 A 4 / 5-5 S2.16 24,100.000$ S 20.935_7920.369.44 0.9021% 0 8107% $ 4.954.39 S 1.886 66 S 9.153-16 $ 6.841.05 14, 107,55 P1-119,a S 25.150.000 1,898.34 S PI-140A 41534153 5.365 0 S 23.250.000 $ 20.495.51 0,8157960_ 8929% S 4.985.05/ 55 9.209 . /167-S5 5 9,060.46 81 5$ 6.88L.1.396, 77/.77 $ 14.194 86 1)144013 5.27415.5 0 B S 20.163.15 23.580.000 S 0_9077%0 8025% $ 4, 21 904 5 13.964,68

- tAti,, wig , otat hss imustue hArdnity or bak•ewoco oir memairtal fongaga 111 0,0wor, on ourOnew faun *or toilts tin ran li or dy14. Ofteriol Man •-pt.mew York, NY 10073•V'LJrd,UM OFF P INCP/UCE.S AND RELATED INFORMATION rnolecTin COkIMONICHARGES ANDREAE EST *ItTAXES ARE FOR Unit THE FIRSTYEAR OF CONDOMINIUM Ortit ATION APRIL, 1,3.007 TOP4 ARCH 31.1000 Approz t1011 Number Bedrooms / Square Peet TrraceencAePrw Share of hi:chase I Bathrooms (21 121 Square FilthArriendrrbtnt Price torReudent Residenu Feet121 Offerons Pnce Manager's Unit Common Projected P1141 A 3 / 4 5 131 6P (4) Interest Common Month!) Projected Prolected Totai 4.256 1698 filter= con Monthly Real Monthly P11418 3 / 4.5 S 21.900,000 $ Percentage151 Percentage [5) Estate Taxes with MonP""ltdthtyRea1 Carrtng Prolecte..4Tow 3.899 21 1 17.880.56 07919% Charges161 4211171 FAtateTaxes Monthly PH42 $ 14,250,000 S 0.7116% S 4,349 0 iti-Itur421 a 171 Charges *Ids Carrrng aurges 4/6.5 6.473 15.096.57 1.656 14 421aiaj wahow 421a (8) PH43 3/ 4 Full/ 2 1853 $ 27.250,000 S 0.6686% 0.6008% $ 3,671.89 S8.034.77 S 6.00516 Half baths 26.498.04 1398.28 S 12.383.79 4,739 1615 S 24,730,000 $ 1.1735% 1.0546% S 6,445.03 S 6,783.76 S 5.070,16 SUI 19,722 87 2.454.30 S 11,907,09 S 10,455 65 0.8735% 0.7849%s .797.12 S 8.899.33 S 18.35232 0 1 1 1.826_77 S 8,862.62 G/02 0/ 1 1232 0 1,858,000 S S 6.623.'90 S 13,659.74 1248 0 $ 2.610.000 S 0.2084% 0.1873% S 1.144.75 0103 0 / 1 435.93 0,2111% 0,1897% S 1.159.62 2,114.91 S 1,580.68 G104 0 / 1 924 0 S 1.810,000 S 441.59 S 3.259.66 0.1563% 0.1405% $ 858.56 2.142,18 S 1,601.21 G105 0 / 1 849 0 $ 1.660.000 S 326 95 S 3.301_99 0.1436% 01291% S 788.87 1.586,18 S 1,185.51 S601 I / 1 709 0 S 1,510,000 $ 300,41 $ 2,444 74 0.1200% 0.1078% $ 658.79 1.457.43 S 1.089.28 S 2,246 31 S602 0 / I 923 0 $ 1,720,000 $ 250,87 1,217.10 365 0 5 680,000 S 01562% 0.1403% S 857.63 S 909.66 S 1,875.89 S603 0 / 326.59 1,584.47 S 1,184.23 383 0 $ 680.000 S 0.0618% 0.0555% $ 339.15 S S 2,442.10 S604 on 129.15 626,58 468,30 455 0 $ 810,000 S 0.0648% 00582% S 355.88 S 135,52 S 965.73 S60.5 0 / 1 0.0770% 0,0692% $ 422 78 S 657.48 S 49140 S 1.013 35 463 0 S 830,000 S 161.00 781,07 S606 0 / 0.0783% 00704% $ 430,21 S S 583.77 S 1,203,85 412 0 $ 730,000 S 163,83 794.81 S701 0.0697% 0.062.6% $ 382.82 S S 594.04 $ 1,225.02 I / 1 936 0 S 1,760,000 S 145.78 707.26 S702 0.1584% 0.1423% 869.71 $ 5 528,60 S 1.090 08 011 365 0 S 700.000 S 331,19 1.606.78 S703 0.0618% 00555% S 339.15 $ S 1,200.90 $ 2.476 49 0 / 1 383 0 S 700.000 $ 129.15 $ 626.58 S104 0,0648% 0.0382% $ 355841 S $ 468.30 $ 965.73 455 0 S 805.000 $ /3152 S 6.1. .48 S705 0 0770% 0.069216 S 422.7S S 491.40 $ 1.013.35 463 0 S 850,000 S 161 00 5 7110707 S-/Oirs 0 0783% 430210 0704% S S 583.77 1.203.85 402 0 S 750.000 S 0 0697% 163.83 794 S $ 394 04 S 0 0i526% S 182 82 S 11871 1 1.225.02 imA,'"..•••• ••••• tte.•*.••••••••• •••• ••••••-..•••• .• .•••••...• • • • • +- , •e ob.. dim.... •-• , •••••• 70776 S 878 40 6' nv.1 tlf 411111111111111111, SCHEDULE A FIFTEENIsCENTRAL Central Park PARK West, NewWEST York, CONDOMINIUM NV 10023 OFFERINGPRICES AND RELATED INFORMATION PROJECTEDCOMMON CHARC ES AND REAL ESTATETAXES ARE FOR Tiff FIRSTYEAR OF CONDOMINILNOPERATION APRIL I, 2007 TOMARCH 31,20011 Approx. Share ofPurchase Residential Projected Ptejected Total Unit Approx Unit Terrace FifthAmendment Price forResident Projected Projected Monthly Ilmjectc%1 Toul Number Bedroorm / Square Feet Square Offering Price Manager's Unit Common Common Monthly SIon thly Real Monthly CanN,Ing Mont [11 Batht0OrTIS (21 Feet f2) I3J (4; Interest Interest COMITVL111 EstateTaxes with EstateTAUS ohazies with CarrymsCharges A% Percentage (5)Percentage 15)_Charges lb) 421171 moithOLII 4211 171 Slim1121 t••thnaminadh a I F. VS S105 0 / I 463 0 S 850,000 11 • 0,0104% 01 ill ,'S 1 5.1 (104 11 ) 1V-1 1 PI 1 1,40,(1/ S106 0 I I 412. 0 S. 750,000 Si 00)97% i)0626% S 387.81 • 14.i.7R .11 10126 g .412N MI g I,0110

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