Ike Atom-Peace Plaii Octors Report to Mendes
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tkfiW fifithfir - ; rawaaat af P. B. Wantha* 1 / dandy, ehanee e f aaei light snewt 'M i qaHn aa aa Bight. Partly elandy. saw ceM finnday. VOL. LXXIV, NO. 55 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1954 PRICE n v i CENTS ■___________ / Pontiff‘Better,’ Mentioned Confidence Vote Given Ike Atom-Peace Plaii octors Report To Mendes n C ity, D ec. 4 (/ip>r—Ting empUed the atomach of acid Paris, Dec. 4 (A*)— Premier Pope Pit^XII got a little bet excretions and eventual stagna Pierre Mendes-France’s ; gov tions and having proceeded alto to ter againxtoday hnd spe a eUsJtt alkaline washing. > ernment won a 287-240' vote cialists disraled fears that "The good condition of the of approval in the National the seriously^ling Pontiff hematosis (artertalisation of blood Assembly last night following has cancer. in the lunga) does hot render a heated debate over its in ■'Two clinical experts, who took necessary blood transfusions, but vestigation into leaks of de GIRLS* and part in s bedside confm nca last it will be opporfbns to make some infusiona of plasms and to con fense secrets. Famed Warriors Meet for First Time TEENAGE GIRLS' ihldnlght said the Pope >(as not The resolution baefeed the Prem U. S. Seeks aufferlng from a tumoral sac of tinue with the amino acids (acids ,the digestive tubas. derived from protein) of which ier’s over-all policies and expressed In naw Tottariallt *n' rosabud fN^nttl ' we have already started the treat confidence he would "take the ne The 7S-yesr-oId head of _ ment Any other therapy in the cessary measures in order that all To Free 11 Roman Catholic Church suffered guilty parties will be sought out collapse Thursday that brought >rasen,t condition la to be suspend- 4. It is Imperative tb reestabliah and brought to Justice/" -.1; Sopr 'a ' ipict... iVtrytMni nica- um cloaa to death. But his kturdy thV strength of hit hoUnesa. His The scandal over Coinmunist ac WMto atendovt ilips of nylon heart pulled him through that crista without any doubt, will cess to secrets of the National De Am ericans thit'i w M Ciitar't coNm Spinky Mrchmant Taffata ambroldand. and through the hours that allowed recover rapidly if a gradual feed fense Counsel has centered around him to strengthen. Twin alxaa C to 14. raaii an m a^ o(! They hivt a ing ia ca lled out and the therapy a. former police .inspector fired Moralag Report of vitamins and liver extract, al teat week. The officer, Jean Didee. United Nitions, N. Y., Die, merited enWi, "Hverything looks better," Dr. ready atanad, is continued." MonelgnOr Giovanni Battista earlier had been relieved of an 4 (A*) — President Eisen* $2.98 and $3.98 all^iaitic milt, m II Isiciano Casimlri, a Vatican spokes RaatlBg\IiBlrly Easily Moatlnl, Papal Pro-Secretary of anti-Communlst assignment after hover’s gtonis-for-peice plin man, said aa he returned to the The Pope whs resting fairly State aad loag-timr collabnrntor unauthorig«d secret, data was comes up for a final vote In eiian awry fill la m papal apartment ehrllcr today to easily in his widte-wslled bed of Pope Pius XII, has been men found on hie person. Issiia the morning communique. the (toneral Assembly today. ’ vanraicalarmallNr. chamber In the ” Vqtican palace. tioned a* au eventual aurceseor So far; three top civil servants The statement containing the to the ailing Pontiff. (AP Wlre- in the defense Dept.. have been Expectations were that tha <aa...Hiaymtb I report said: (Coattaued W Pag*. Five) phote). charged with endangering resolution would racaiva ' "Tw6 clinical ddetora consulted France’s security'by negligence or •dlhMrt iroeint , jroaterday. Prof. Antonio Oaabaiv unanimous approval. / COTTON SUPS letting out information. A apecisl Aa tha 60-nation body gathand ylir atendout atylaa 8 to 14. day cater.W|M rini and the Surgeon Prof. Raffaele investigator ia still taking testi Paoiucci di Valmagglore issued the for the session, the United Statea mony. sought aaoembly actloik to wia ' $1.98 and $2.98 avarandavaraaf ' following report:' A dlai, lik jb urn Split Defends Minister “ The' clinical facte . resulting freedom for 11 Americaa airmaB May’nCartar-Sd*... Deputy Jean Legendre, a right jailed by Red OUha oa spy / from the history, notwithstanding wing opponent of Mendes-France. adNaddirlnkeutaMII. charges. The move had the firm the fact wa could not make s com charged in thb debate yiat the backing of Wsshingtou’a 15 Ko / plete radiological axsroinaltion, ex- Pfemier denied the ehairges and rean Allies. ehida there being any tumoral sac O n Dem oei’ats Chief GIVE HER A stoutly defended Interior Minister The Atomic fesolutloa calls for of the digestive tubes. Francois Mittera.nd, whom Leg the establishment of aa iiiteraa* "The hiccups from which the endre specificall.v charged with tional agency, to sponsor tho Holy Pathcr has suffered at various delaying investigations and "play RAYON TRICOT < N » o aa***» tia*«. aada Ma. New Orleans, Dec. 4 (iP)— Adlai E. SteWjison and Rep. Sain peaceful use aad eharing of atosde times can be attributed to a^gaa- ing the geme of Communism.” energy. Both the United States 8lat.e)alitr)aaa«raiaM - tritical or ulcerative fact. ’ Rayburn of Texas tested their Democratic partv strength Mendes Prance pleaded for an today in a clash over the elec;tion of a new nMional chairman and Britain already have effatad "Becauae, alao. Of the high gaa- end to such attacks on his regime, to conlrituta nesionablo matmlal trie acidity controlled, it is not to to succeed Stephen A.-Mitchell. Stevenson, the 1952 presi explaining that they were weaken to atari, an international atockpUa 'jo W lfL (M a o ) tfM iT a im la Taam ia irtM. be excluded that a toxic condition dential nominee, called for Imme-v--------r ~ ^ ^ — ing his prdgram. for- peaceful purpooea. ^ adM-cmarMCCMi. Mw. hm, icm. could , have coatributed to the be diste action by the National Com- ^ New ArrMts •l4,>*aitraMiim. The propoMl alao calla for on Of flna quality rayon. Large aa* ginning of the syndrome (a group mittee to name a new leader for [V I t * i aseflawT' ^ axlaf- Two new arrests were made to iaternatiotial technical cotifereaco aortment of atylaa an8 colon. of symptoms). , the 1956 campaign In which the l l l V l o U j l J l day in connection with the scandal, on peaceful atomic energy uaoa to Slzea 32 to 42. "Prom an objective point o f view former Illinois governor has given , *' ^ bringing to seven the number of be held not later than naxt August the condition of the cardio-clrcula- Increasing signs he hopes again t o l i i o i l c persons arrested. Those picked up: at a place stUl to be decided. Or . tory apparatus are in optimum be the party’s standsid-besrer. | A- Ca 1 1 5 1 Louis Bernet, a teacher, and his ganised-under UJf. auspices, this condition, the lungs are untouched. Siaied for Speaker i w /- a a 'r-i son, Guy. Field Marekal Visteuat Bernard Moatgomery, -ight, talks with Aea. Dooglaa MacArtkar aa the maatlng would be open to all na $2.95 and $3.95 In the abdomen, there does not exist Rayburn, who is scheduled to b e -, K . The latter was charged with British, military leader called upon MacAjrthur at hie apartment la the Hotel WaMorf Aeterte, New York, tions in tha UJ4. or its spaeallaad free liquid; It te tractable in all its come Speaker of the House in the 1 AmaawF vv JeaU U giving “secret ''data to his father Dec, A It was the Srst meetiag ef tee two World DVar tl leadera. (AP UlreiriMto). agenctes. quadrants, painful only slightly in S4th Congress and represents the v.-Bite serving in the Army last Although iBtroduead teas than -v Uie superior right «me (quadrant) veteran wing of ^he party, said Washington, Dec. 4 OP)—Sen. June,. What the father did with the ■ _ . a month ago, the resolution ra- In a statement last night that "un where on the other aide the Holy Millikin (R-Colo) said today he ia Infondetion was not immediate^' ' Father for years has complained of der all the circumstances, I think clear. X. letter from Louis was Five Children such pain. \ \ , it would be better to postpone the confident Sen.'Knowland of Cali found by \pollce ,tn the offices of Vancouver Bandits S i t t d (oM "A t the present state things election . until a later date." fornia, will continue as genate Re the fello\y^raveling weekly of internaMonal cooparation h i... SUGAR PLUM FANCIES / it la believed IndiapendabM to euc- Replied Stevanaoin, here tb speak publican leader despite ' a sharp Francc-Obse^teur during a re Suffacati^ in qxpanding \the peaceful usee a< rint qHaUty nylon hoiiary In ahter and a«nl\ ihMr / cqed In feeding His HoUneu. This at a $100 a plate party dinner to party division over condemnation cent search. In\he letter, aent last •n K V B'h I " a -C o B 'S liT C? »L®mlc energy to ssatst in Uftlng i , may be accomplished either by night: wdgliU in now fall and winter colon. of Sen. McCarthy’s conduct. June. Louis ann^nced the depar f g U l O d l l l l V o S T ddteS m "*^ hunger, poverty pSranteral (L, e., hon-lntenihall "White I don’t know alt of the Among GOP Senators, 22 voted _ture ,of French units, for Indochina.