Selected Publications: David Rudkin, Assistant Curator of Invertebrate Palaeontology

In Press Sproat, C., J. Jin, R. Zhan, and D. Rudkin. “Morphological variability in the Late Parastrophina from eastern Canada and the Tarim Basin, northwestern China, and its palaeoecological implications.” Palaeoworld.

In Press Waddington, J., D. Rudkin, and J. Dunlop. “A new mid- aquatic scorpion – one step closer to land?” Biology Letters.

2014 Burrow, C.J. and D. Rudkin. “Oldest near-complete acanthodian: the first vertebrate from the Silurian Bertie Formation Konservat- Lagerstätte, Ontario.” PLoS ONE, 9(8): e104171. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0104171

2014 Caron, J.-B. and D. Rudkin. “Box 6: Walcott’s Legacy: The .” P.122-125 In Four Billion Years and Counting – Canada’s Geological Heritage. Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences and Nimbus Publishing, 416 p.

2014 Rudkin, D. Contributor: Chapter 7 (“Southern Sojourn: Canada 750 to 444 million years ago”) and Chapter 8 (“Crossing the Equator: Canada 444 to 251 million years ago”). In Four Billion Years and Counting – Canada’s Geological Heritage. Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences and Nimbus Publishing, 416 p.

2014 Rudkin, D. “Silurian Fish. A story about the one that didn’t get away!” ROM Magazine, Fall 2014. 47(2): 6-7.

2013 Rudkin, D.M., M.B. Cuggy, G.A. Young, and D.P. Thompson. “An Ordovician pycnogonid (sea spider) with serially subdivided ‘head’ region.” Journal of , 87: 395-405.

2012 Haug, C., P. Van Roy, A. Leipner, P. Funch, D.M. Rudkin, L. Schöllmann, and J. T. Haug. “A holomorph approach to xiphosuran evolution – a case study on the ontogeny of Euproops.” Development Genes and Evolution, 222: 253-268.

2012 Rudkin, D.M., and R. MacCulloch. “Ephemeral Life”. ROM Magazine, 45(2): 16.

2012 Young, G.A., D.M. Rudkin, E.P. Dobrzanski, S.P. Robson, M.B. Cuggy, M. Demski, and D.P. Thompson. “Late Ordovician Konservat- Lagerstätten in Manitoba.” Geoscience Canada, 39:201-212.

2011 Rudkin, D. “Ask an Expert: Sunflowers of the Sea.” ROM Magazine, 44(3): 17.

Page 1 of 4 2011 Brandt, D.S. and D.M. Rudkin. "A curious ( Ichnofossil) Assemblage from the Upper Ordovician of Ontario, Canada." Ichnos, 18: 35-40.

2010 Rudkin, D.M. "Guess who's coming toward dinner?" ROM Magazine, 43(3): 13.

2010 Collette, J. and D.M. Rudkin. "Phyllocarid crustaceans from the Silurian Eramosa Lagerstätte (Ontario, Canada): and functional morphology." Journal of Paleontology, 84:118-127.

2010 Vinther, J. and D.M. Rudkin. "The first articulated specimen of Plumulites canadensis (Woodward, 1889) from the Upper Ordovician of Ontario, with a review of the anterior region in Plumulitidae (Annelida: Machaeridia)." Palaeontology, 53:327-334.

2009 Rudkin, D.M. “Head down in the Paleozoic Sea.” ROM Magazine, 42(1): 13.

2009 Rudkin, D.M. "The Mount Stephen Beds." In A Burgess Shale Primer - History, Geology, and Research Highlights, edited by J.-B. Caron and D. Rudkin. The Burgess Shale Consortium, Toronto, pp 90- 102.

2009 Rudkin, D.M. and G.A. Young. "Horseshoe Crabs - an ancient ancestry revealed." In Biology and Conservation of Horseshoe Crabs, edited by J. Tanacredi, M. Botton, and D. Smith. Springer, New York, pp 25-44.

2008 Rudkin, D.M., G.A. Young, and G.S. Nowlan. “The oldest horseshoe crab: a new xiphosurid from Late Ordovician Konservat-Lagerstatten deposits, Manitoba, Canada.” Palaeontology, 51: 1-9.

2007 Young, G.A., D.M. Rudkin, E.P. Dobrzanski, S. Robson, and G.S. Nowlan. “Exceptionally preserved Late Ordovician biotas from Manitoba, Canada.” Geology, 35: 883-886.

2007 Rudkin, D.M. “Explorations: Champlain Sea Shells by an Ancient Sea Shore.” ROM Magazine, 40(2): 21.

2007 Rudkin, D.M. “Growing Collections: From Russia with Spines.” Rotunda, 39(3): 9-11.

2007 Caron, J.-B., A. Scheltema, C. Schander, and D.M. Rudkin. “Correspondence – Reply to Butterfield on stem-group ‘worms’: lophotrochozoans in the Burgess Shale.” BioEssays, 29: 200-202.

2006/07 Caron, J.-B. and D.M. Rudkin. “On the trail of a phantom fossil.” Rotunda, 39(2): 20-29.

2006/07 Rudkin, D.M. “PaleoScene: Cracking the Case.” Rotunda, 39(2): 45-47.

Page 2 of 4 2006 Rudkin, D.M. and M.E. Johnson (guest eds.). "Signatures of Rocky Shorelines in the Geological Record." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences Special Issue, Vol. 43(8): 1119-1235.

2006 Caron, J.-B., A. Scheltema, C. Schander, and D.M. Rudkin. "A soft-bodied mollusc with radula from the Middle Burgess Shale." Nature, 442: 159-163.

2006 Rudkin, D. M. “Explorations: Bouquet of sea lilies.” Rotunda, 38(3): 6- 7.

2005 Rudkin, D. M. “PaleoScene: Whorled View + What Colour is Your Nautiloid?” Rotunda, 38(2): 11-13.

2005 Rudkin, D. M. “Growing Collections: Palaeontological Potpourri.” Rotunda, 37(3): 7-9.

2004 Rudkin, D. M. “From the Archives: ROM Recycles.” Rotunda, 37(2): 48.

2004 Rudkin, D. M. “PaleoScene: First Impressions.” Rotunda, 37(2): 41-43.

2004 Rudkin, D. M. “Growing Collections: Fossil Superstars.” Rotunda, 37(1): 7-9.

2004 Rudkin, D. M. “PaleoScene: The Case of the Headless Homoiosteles.” Rotunda, 36(3): 6-7.

2004 Caron, J. B., D. M. Rudkin, and S. Milliken. “A new Late Silurian (Pridolian) naraoiid (Euarthropoda: Nektaspida) from the Bertie Formation of Southern Ontario - Delayed Fallout from the .” Journal of Paleontology, 78: 1138-1145.

2003 Jin, J. and D.M. Rudkin. [Short Paper Contribution] “Early Silurian microbial mounds of the Severn River Formation, Hudson Bay Lowlands, Ontario.” Canadian Paleontology Conference 2003, Edmonton - Abstracts and Short Papers, Programs and Abstracts No. 13, pp. 20-22.

2003 Rudkin, D.M., G. A. Young, R. J. Elias, and E. P. Dobrzanski. "The world's biggest trilobite – rex new species from the Upper Ordovician of northern Manitoba, Canada." Journal of Paleontology, 77: 99-112.

1999 Westrop, S.M. and D.M. Rudkin. “Trilobite Taphonomy of a Silurian reef: Attawapiskat Formation, Northern Ontario.” Palaios 14(4): 389-397.

1997 Brett, K. and Rudkin, D.M. “Ordovician stratigraphy and trilobite faunas of south-central Ontario.” Guidebook for Field Trip #3, 2nd International Trilobite Conference, Brock University, St. Catharines. 34pp. + Appendix and Plates.

Page 3 of 4 1996 Rudkin, D.M. “The Trilobite Beds of Mount Stephen, Yoho National Park”. In Life in Stone: A Natural History of British Columbia's , edited by R. Ludvigsen. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, pp 59-68.

1985 Rudkin, D.M. “Exoskeletal abnormalities in four .” Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 22(3): 479-483.

1984 McNamara, K.J. and D.M. Rudkin 1984. “Techniques of trilobite exuviation.” Lethaia 17(2): 153-173.

1981 Collins, D.H. and D.M. Rudkin. “Priscansermarinus barnetti, a probable lepadomorph barnacle from the Middle Cambrian Burgess shale of British Columbia.” Journal of Paleontology, 55: 1006-1015.

1979 Rudkin, D.M. “Healed injuries in Ogygopsis klotzi (Trilobita) from the Middle Cambrian of British Columbia.” Royal Ontario Museum, Life Sciences Occasional Paper, 32: 1-8.

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