pageFOCUS 15 Technique • Friday, January 24, 2003 • 15 Aimee Mann has smooth rhythm Track teams whoop it up Opinions Editor Sara Cames reviews Aimee Mann’s The men’s and women’s track teams came away FOCUS newest CD, a collection of smooth rhythms and with big wins at the recent Kentucky thought-provoking lyrics. See what else is good about Invitational. The women are the defending ACC Technique • Friday, January 24, 2003 the album in the review. Page 24 Champions. Page 34 offers new satirical parody of Tech The ‘Nique’s Jennifer Lee’ conducts an exclusive interview with the two creators of Shaft News, “The South’s Most Awesomest College Newspaper.” The parody website pokes fun at campus events and personalities.

By Jennifer Lee email to our friends. JB cleverly dis- with student leaders, and first of all, get a day? people have a sense of humor about Staff Writer guised it as, “Hey guys, there’s this our site got quoted in with the GT- JB: 10 a day or so. We’ve had themselves. new site, you should check it out.” Sux site, which is bound to happen. 150 sign up to join our mailing list. JB: We only hope, because we Pssst… have you heard about JB: I think I fooled everyone. But we like ! We’re TQ: Can you really buy The Shaft can’t afford lawyers. CA: I think you fooled no one. happy to go here. We’re just trying News T-shirts and thongs? CA: Yeah, unless you guys buy a The site, which parodies Geor- CA: We also hung up about 15 to be funny. CA: Oh, yeah! Here you go. lot of T-shirts, we can’t afford law- gia Tech, Onion-style, is the home flyers. And by the time we got JB: Another source of confusion: (hands me a Shaft News bumper yers. of Shaft News—“The South’s back hanging up the flyers, we’d one person didn’t realize that the sticker) JB: Also, we’re really careful about Awesomest College Newspaper.” already had had about 20 hits, articles weren’t real, so he posted an TQ: Sweet! Wow, thanks. This copyright. We made our own logo Hey, we at the Technique can and someone had already joined angry message to a message board is definitely going on my car. so that we wouldn’t have to deal take a joke. our mailing list. about the calc professor article. But with any copyright issues. Having just gone online two JB: We would’ve hung up for the most part the response has CA: We really love everybody, weekends ago, Shaft News, with more flyers and tried to get the been amazing. so we’d feel bad if we hurt some- only one published issue so far, word out more, but we got tired CA: We were really surprised at “There was also this one’s feelings. has been making the email of walking around. how much it took off. See, our nem- JB: Except for the GTSux guy. rounds and generating quite a CA: We’re very lazy. If esis is the GTSux website; I’d like to one guy who emailed TQ: Are you planning on pub- bit of buzz. The site received there’s anything that will de- fight that guy in a boxing match. us saying, ‘Dear Guys lishing weekly? about 7,000 hits in its first feat us, it’ll be laziness. We looked at his log—he got about JB: We’re shooting for every two week, and is already getting TQ: What goes into put- 200 hits the first day, so our goal Who Rock, Your site weeks. It’s a fair amount of work— rave reviews: ting it all together? was to beat him and get 250 hits the rocks,’ and I thought we spend more time talking about “It is so funny,” said Bela CA: There’s actually a first day. We ended up getting over what we’re going to do than actual- Jacobsen, an Industrial En- whole Shaft News team… 800 hits the first day. that was the greatest ly writing the articles. Writing the gineering major. which is basically all the peo- TQ: Yes, the website stats are email ever. I like to articles is sort of the easy part. “It is truly a funny site ple we steal our ideas from. evidence of that. CA: We try to not write too many. that gets its point across but JB: A lot of people who JB: We’ve had hits from four read them whenever I We noticed that The Onion has doesn’t try to slam Georgia will email us with ideas and continents. The thing that over- feel bad about myself. really long articles sometimes, and Tech. I think it’s awesome,” suggestions. whelms me the most are the alumni we don’t have the attention span to said Tyler Patterson, a third- CA: I think there’s always that have been emailing us and say- It helps my ego.” read those kinds of articles. So we year Management major. plenty of material that Tech ing how much they like our site. CA go with shorter stuff; it’s easier that Wes Reynolds, a Com- provides for this kind of stuff. CA: One guy wrote, “It’s great co-editor way, too. But I think it’s good that puter Engineering major, JB: Also, we do a lot of to see that things haven’t changed.” there are two of us that decide the said, “I think it’s a good, fun brainstorming. We sat But yeah, if the initial hits die down, content, because we end up with way for students to see that around brainstorming for but we get a couple hundred devot- the best stuff. we’re all in the same boat, quite some time the other ed readers every week, we’ll be hap- JB: We’ve had a lot of people ask CA: Maybe we’ll release a direc- sharing a lot of the same frus- night and had a hell of a py to keep churning it out. us that, because of the articles being tor’s commentary of the site that’ll trations.” good time. TQ: Do you guys get satirical fake, I guess. But yes, you can buy have all the extra articles in there. And John Tolliver, a first- CA: Did it involve beer? emails in response? the stuff on the website. JB: I have a question for you: year CompE major, said sim- JB: It did, for me. JB: Well, we had an email from a CA: We’ve sold a couple of T- what was your favorite article? ply, “It’s witty, yet seductive.” JB: There’s actually a lot former Technique editor with a sub- shirts and some bumper stickers. TQ: I think the one about Pres- And word is still spread- more behind the scenes ject line that said we were going to Not enough to retire yet—we’ve ident Clough’s holiday card. ing. We spoke with the two work that goes on. Obvi- be taken to court for copyright vio- made about $2.53. We’d rather peo- CA: I actually have it on good editors of The Shaft News, ously, only a small fraction lation and libel. It was funnier after ple buy the shirts and wear them authority that President Clough was who prefer to only reveal their of what we do shows up on we read the text of the email. than make a profit. forwarded our site and his response— initials, to see what they had the site. CA: Did you see that your mom JB: At some point in time, we’d this is all purported—was, “It’s a to say for themselves. CA: It’s like being a mod- sent a fan mail to the site today? like to start up a prize patrol on shame to see creative people wast- TQ: What was your mo- el—it’s not all glamorous. JB: My mom did? campus. If we see you wearing a ing their time.” tivation for doing this? TQ: How often do you CA: Yeah, it was really sweet. Shaft T-shirt we’ll hook you up with JB: The reason I asked is that JB: I’m fulfilling a di- guys talk about stuff for She’s really proud of you. some prize. We don’t really know we’ve gotten emails about every ar- vine prophecy. The Shaft? JB: Maybe we’ll have to put it on what that’s going to be. Maybe $2.53. ticle or headline saying, “This is my CA: I’d like to say it was CA: Incessantly. the site. TQ: Are you worried about step- favorite feature.” It’s cool, because part of my parole conditions, JB: We meet to talk about CA: “Letters from the Editors’ ping on people’s toes? everyone identifies with something that I was ordered by a judge it at least three times a week. Mothers.” CA: We’re worried about get- different. to do this. No, me and JB CA: We definitely email CA: There was also this one guy ting sued. The GTSux guy—they TQ: Do you guys consider your- and some people were just each other every day. who emailed us saying, “Dear Guys sent him a cease-and-desist letter, selves funny? hanging out one day, and TQ: I forgot my Who Rock, Your site rocks,” and I and the guy who ran Buzzsearch got JB: I think it’s relative. we were just like, “Wouldn’t question. Why don’t you thought that was the greatest email sued, but we try to be pretty careful. CA: I consider myself funny if I it be great if Tech had some- guys just talk? ever. I like to read them whenever I As far as stepping on people’s toes, I can sit down and work on some- thing like The Onion?”— CA: Okay…. feel bad about myself. It helps my think it’s more fun when you make thing, but I know tons of people just to poke fun at the stuff Well, they’re having this ego. fun of people in power, or someone who, when you’re hanging out with that’s going on. negativity semi- JB: We’ll probably keep those that’s in charge, or someone that’s them, are a hell of a lot funnier than TQ: How did you let nar emails forever—when we’re having high and mighty, rather than step- anyone who’s working on this. people know about the our mid-life crises we can look at ping on little people. Hopefully those JB: I agree to some extent. But I website? them and be like, “We were so awe- really don’t think that I’ve CA: It went online some.” ever met anyone fun- around midnight TQ: How much fan mail do you nier than this guy right Sunday (January here. I would not be 12), and we just doing this if he kind of com- weren’t involved. posed a CA: I feel the mass same way about JB, and we’re going to hug. (awkward hug) I think the dynamics of it—we really play off each other well. TQ:

See Shaftnews, page 17 16 • Friday, January 24, 2003 • Technique FOCUS Campus Research Review New sterilizing technique developed by professor, area dentist

collapse. Powerful cavitation oc- hardiest microbes. curs naturally in environments with Kenneth Cunefare, a Georgia high atmospheric pressure, such as Tech a mechanical engineering pro- the deep ocean, because the enhanced fessor who also specializes in acous- surrounding pressure substantially tics, was approached by Carter to increases the energy released by the assist with the research. Cunefare bubbles. This so-called “anoma- realized that Carter was onto some- lous depth effect” has helped scien- thing, and he experimented with tists to understand how to control increases in ultrasonic energy and the energy release by the surround- changing the pressure to optimize ing atmospheric pressure. the effects of cavitation. Dr. Stephen Carter, an Atlanta Together, Carter and Cunefare dentist, has been experimenting with successfully combined energy, high the cavitation process since 1994. pressure and isopropyl alcohol to He had been intrigued by the idea make the process work. For their of using rapid decompression to kill purposes, cavitation requires the al- microbes on his instruments. De- cohol to be present and does not compression theoretically breaks the succeed with plain water or a stan- cell walls of the microorganisms and dard atmospheric pressure. Their kills them. experiment consisted of a vial con- Carter told Georgia Tech Re- taining bacteria and an alcohol so- search news: “Complex and extreme- lution, which they subjected to short Photo Courtesy Institute Communications and Public Affairs ly expensive endoscopes and related applications of cavitation over 10- This experimental set-up shows the test chamber and measurement equipment used to study a new acoustic surgical equipment are very vulner- 15 minutes. During the power bursts, technique for disinfecting medical equipment, partially developed by a Tech researcher. able to heat, and they are challeng- the vial appeared to foam, and the ing to clean. We believe that our foam subsided when the power was By Christine Rutz tient. The answer is—not very eas- viously studied for its adverse ef- methods will sterilize in shorter pe- turned off. The process created ac- Contributing Writer ily. Up until now, technicians have fects on submarine propellers oper- riods of time, which would be a tive cavitation for up to 60 seconds. used a combination of heat and harsh ating in deep waters, is the basis for substantial advantage for expensive This successful combination of forces Ever wonder how doctors clean chemicals, which can sometimes this improved infection-killing tech- medical equipment.” and liquids killed more than 90% their machinery, with all its intri- damage the equipment. nique. Throughout 1994-1997, Carter of the bacteria during testing. cate and delicate parts, without dam- An ongoing research project in- Cavitation is a procedure in which continued testing with cavitation, Although the scientists do not aging any of the components? After volving Georgia Tech professors acoustic energy applied to a liquid trying to find that perfect combina- currently understand the mechanism all, medical instruments must be stands to revolutionize the medical induces the creation of bubbles. tion of decompression and ultra- by which these forces kill the mi- cleaned regularly to avoid transfer- instrument cleaning process. These bubbles then release energy; sonic energy exposure, but the ring infections from patient to pa- Cavitation, a phenomenon pre- when the energy is taken away they technique was not able to kill the See Sterile, page 17 FOCUS Technique • Friday, January 24, 2003 • 17

Shaftnews from page 15 Sterile from page 16 You guys are both graduating this as a Tech organization. spring. What’s going to happen to TQ: Anything else? The Shaft when you graduate? CA: Our next issue comes out crobes, they are continuing to study CA: We’d like to find people to this Friday the 24th. Be sure to check and perfect the process. write and do the kind of stuff we it out. Assisting researcher Donald want to do, and hopefully turn it Ahearn, a Georgia State professor, into an institution at Tech when we You can find the latest issue of Shaft said, “We don’t exactly know how leave. We actually considered try- News, which comes out today, at the cells die, but we know the end ing to start a campus club to do this, If you have opin- phenomenon…Increased pressure but we decided that there was no ions about Shaft News, email its edi- and disinfectant molecules are some- way we could write all the stuff we tors, but also write a letter to the ‘Nique how enhanced by the cavitation pro- wanted to write if we were governed at [email protected]. cess, but the physiology of the death has yet to be determined.” Cunefare theorizes that the pro- cess is similar to ultrasound, which makes the skin cells permeable enough to accept drug compounds. He believes cavitation acts likewise, making cell walls permeable enough to admit isopropyl alcohol mole- cules contained in the solution, kill- ing the cell. In December 2002, the research- ers presented their findings to the First Pan-American/Iberian Meet- ing on Acoustics in Cancun, Mexi- co. The implications of Carter and Cunefare’s research are immense. Photo Courtesy Institute Communications and Public Affairs The cavitation technique could eas- Cunefare with his test chamber that demonstrates the ability of cavitation ily reduce the costs and time of clean- to kill bacterial spores, which will be helpful for disinfecting and sterilizing. ing expensive and sensitive medical equipment. It has a tremendous to refine the process and scale it to a ratus and Associated Method for advantage over chemical treatments practical use. Right now, all the Decontaminating Contaminated because it is fast and does not harm tests have been carried out in small Matter with Ultrasonic Transient the equipment with abrasives. Cune- beakers; they need to determine what Cavitation.” They are also trying fare believes that cavitation has po- pressures and alcohol combinations interest medical equipment com- tential to treat water and wastewater, are necessary to treat larger volumes panies in commercializing the cavi- and even pasteurize milk and or- of liquid in order to make the pro- tation technique. ange juice someday. cess practical for medical use. By Scott Meuleners / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The researchers are currently seek- Last October, Carter and Cune- Thanks to Georgia Tech Research News received over 800 hits in its first day of online publication; ing support from the National In- fare applied for and received a U.S. and Publications for their assistance many more than, as its editors are proud to point out. stitute of Health so they can continue patent for their work, titled “Appa- with this article. 18 • Friday, January 24, 2003 • Technique FOCUS

always was able to support myself from page 19 Student earns five degrees in four years Walker by teaching statistics, getting a com- By Jennifer Lee “You take a whole lot of class- night I sat down and spent three puter-based job within my depart- Staff Writer es,” he said simply, “and you try to hours reading the last month’s worth mentality encouraged her to enroll ment. I really felt like all of the things keep up with all of them.” Also, he of material. If a class doesn’t inter- in the co-op program and accept a I did as an undergrad really helped With difficult classes, co-op, and added, “I guess I concentrate pretty est me a lot, that’s what I do. If it position with Southern Bell (now me. Now that I’m out working in frequent major switches, a fifth-year well.” does interest me, I show up to lec- BellSouth) after her freshman year. our own company [Assessment Plus], student at Georgia Tech is nothing In total, Michaels has credit for ture and ask questions.” She recalled that it made sense from even more so.” out of the ordinary. over 250 hours of classes at Tech, What does he plan to do with all a logical standpoint, and she met a Ultimately, Dr. Walker remem- Alan Michaels, however, takes although many of his hours are ob- his degrees? “That’s a good ques- lot of people and gained a lot of bers Tech as being one of the most being a fifth-year student to a whole tained through credit by examina- tion,” he says, laughing. This sum- experience that helped her function positive and most important expe- new level. Currently a Ph.D stu- tion. In addition, he serves as mer he will be working at the National in graduate school and the job mar- riences in her life. “I think, overall, dent in , he Graduate Student Body President, Security Agency as a mathemati- ket. It was also a positive business Georgia Tech is a wonderful place wanted to change his major when plays JV Baseball, and is a TA for cian (although he has yet to get his experience because, she said, she never where you can really understand the he first came to Tech. “But instead several math and ECE classes. He math degrees). He is also looking at felt discriminated against. way the world works,” she said. “I of changing,” he said, “I just kept it claims that he does have spare time, going to England to finish a math or Following her graduation in 1993, really felt like all of the things I did and kept going.” and uses it to play intramural flag physics Ph.D. Dr. Walker attended Georgia State as an undergrad really helped me.” Kept going, indeed. After May football and just have fun. For ex- “What I’ll probably do is quan- University, where she earned her Most importantly, Dr. Walker’s ex- of 2003, he will have five degrees: a ample, “Last weekend I went sky- tum computing, quantum cryptog- masters and interned at Tech at the periences indicated that Tech had B.A. in Electrical Engineering, a diving,” he said. raphy,” he muses, “and beyond that, Center for Rehabilitation Technol- moved forward considerably in its masters in ECE, a B.A. and an M.S. This semester Michaels is taking I’ll probably be a college dean.” ogy. She then moved on to the Uni- acceptance of women since Shirley in Applied Math, and a masters in six classes, which, according to him, “My other option is that I’ve ap- versity of Georgia and obtained her Mewborn set foot onto campus for- Industrial Engineering. “is a light load because I’m doing plied to Harvard Business School to PhD in Counseling Psychology. Yet ty years earlier: whereas women once Oh, and a certificate in Applied [student government].” During the get an MBA. So,” Michaels is quick she attributes these later successes made a lasting impression simply Psychology. “For fun,” Michaels interview, he informed me, matter- to add, “I really don’t know what to her experiences as an undergrad- with their presence on campus, it said. of-factly, “I have a test in an hour direction I’m headed.” uate. “What was so wonderful was now took the strong efforts of women How does he do it? Michaels for a class that I’ve attended once in “I’m just here to play,” he con- that even though I went into these such as Walker to really stand apart can’t explain it, either. the last month. I’ll do fine. Last cluded, with a shrug and a smile. more humanities-oriented fields, I from the rest of the student body. sliver box

Weather outside: rain and sleet; Cyberbuzz's weather: sunshine!

A word to the wise. It is, not

Georgia Tech's new motto: Progress, please pardon our people.

U[sic]GA may win in football, but their graduates still serve us fries.

I hope Penn State loses every game for every sport because of an Economics professor who will remain nameless who didn't give me that damn half a point, shenanigans!

Parties are so much more fun when you are NOT looking for a man.

Someone please tell me why I didn't go to a libral arts school.

Yay! A new Nique for the winter semester! More drivel for the masses! Too bad I can't come back... FOCUS Technique • Friday, January 24, 2003 • 19 50 Years of Women At Tech: Walker started color gaurd

By Joshua Cuneo who they were,” she said. “But that to be either promoting women or Staff Writer being said, I thought it was a real talking about serious issues, not who’s strength. I really think it prepared got better figures.” Such features Assessment Plus’ Director of Cli- me well, to be able to confidently would later encourage Dr. Walker ent Solutions had an extraordinari- handle myself. So I thought it more to initiate the now famous North ly positive career at Georgia Tech. of an asset than not.” She had to Avenue Review with some friends. “I thought it was very support- tolerate a couple of discriminatory Nevertheless, despite these as- ive,” said Dr. Karen Steadman Walk- professors, but after the presence of pects of Tech, Dr. Walker found er, a 1993 graduate in Industrial women on campus for forty years, plenty of assistance and support from and . “Of course, the faculty had overcome most of the Institute when she sought it out. like anywhere else, you gotta seek its chauvinistic tendencies, and most She fondly remembers the encour- opportunities. You gotta seek assis- of her gender-related issues stemmed agement of Professor Kim Vicente, tance.” from the attention she received from her Human Factors Engineering Dr. Walker had settled on Tech her male classmates and various odd instructor. “I think he really was years before she submitted an appli- phenomena. “It was more obvious able to help me figure out what my cation. Her brother was a student that the men on campus were con- strengths were and to help me apply while she was still in high school, so cerned about the women on cam- them,” Dr. Walker recalled. “He she frequented the campus on visits pus more than my professors,” she seemed to really care about his indi- and familiarized herself with its strong said. “You had to really deal with vidual students and not just getting engineering background, affordabil- standing out on campus. But I don’t the class done.” The Dean of Stu- ity and other benefits. Furthermore, feel like I was discriminated against dents was another important fig- as a woman born and raised in the by my fellow students.” ure. “There were several things that city, she developed a strong fascina- Dr. Walker was also displeased happened to me on campus where I Photo Courtesy 1991 Blueprint tion with Atlanta, which attracted with student publications such as wanted to have…a female leader,” Karen Walker, in the highlighted oval, was an active member of the Flag her to the idea of attending school the Technique, citing articles such Dr. Walker said. “She’s very involved Corps. She was also key in the creation of the North Avenue Review. in the city’s midtown district. with women’s issues and sorority Dr. Walker recalls the invalu- issues.” ableness of Tech’s rigorous academic When she wasn’t studying, Dr. training made her eligible to partic- house [and] go to parties and stuff program. “I think that’s helped me “I think Georgia Tech Walker kept herself busy in an ex- ipate in the Olympic Color Guard like that,” she said. She recalled that now since I learned how to really do ceptionally wide variety of social ac- with the rest of the Flag Corps when they always made her feel welcome. a lot of different things,” she said. is a wonderful place tivities, most notably her involvement the Georgia Tech Band was helping In addition, Dr. Walker was also “To be able to study for that many where you can really in creating the Georgia Tech Flag Atlanta place a bid for the 1996 a member of the Humane Society classes and do well in that many Corps (known to some as the Color Olympics, earning her a spot on the and ORGT and a DJ for WREK classes, I had to really learn how to understand the way Guard) in 1990. “I wanted some- front page of The Atlanta Journal- her freshman year. She exercised and study. You had to be on top of it and the world works.” thing creative to do…and [the Flag Constitution. swam at the SAC, attended football plan well. You know, like one quar- Corps] wasn’t there. They didn’t She also participated in the cam- games and, indulging in her love for ter I had five finals in two days. Just Karen Walker have it, and it was something I could pus Greek life, although in an un- the city, spent a notable amount of being able to back that up and plan IE graduate, 1993 do. I’d done it in high school and conventional move, she avoided the time off-campus at Atlanta’s restau- for that is quite a challenge.” She thought it was needed.” She and a sororities and pledged the Fiji (Phi rants, movie theaters and music clubs. discovered that she worked most friend went to the band director Gamma Delta) fraternity, becom- She dated frequently, an indication effectively in study groups, which and earned enough funding and sup- ing a formal sister to this male Greek that much of Tech’s male student helped her maintain a healthy social as now-defunct “You Know You’re port to start and maintain the pro- organization. “They actually had a body was getting over the “don’t life at the same time. a Tech Girl If…” annual feature. “I gram. She recalled that it required a formal program….That was prob- date Tech women” stigma. Further- She recalled an undercurrent of wrote in one time because a woman lot of physical training, but when ably because I was at a mostly male more, she recalled that she had full pressure because, as a woman, she had been raped on campus, and that the Flag Corps began traveling with school. I don’t know if any other access to all of Tech’s facilities, in- was still in a noticeable minority. “I exact same week they ran all these the marching band and the football schools have little sisters at their fra- cluding the swimming pool, which was one of very few women, espe- ads about how Auburn girls looked team, she was treated to several ex- ternity house,” she said. Her pledge by then had been opened up to wom- cially in some of my engineering better than Georgia Tech girls and hilarating out-of-state trips, including made her eligible to participate in en for some time. and calculus classes, so it was a little all this kind of stuff. I wrote in say- New York and Orlando when the all of Fiji’s activities, such as the Dr. Walker’s business-oriented overwhelming at first that everyone ing, you know, people were getting football team won the national cham- dance formals and other social func- knew who I was but I didn’t know raped on campus. Maybe we need pionship in 1991. As a bonus, her tions. “I could eat lunch at their See Walker, page 18 20 • Friday, January 24, 2003 • Technique FOCUS What’s On GTCN This Week? THIS WEEK ON GTCN21 (Ch. 21) FRIDAY 1/24 SATURDAY 1/25 SUNDAY 1/26 12:00 Phat Videos 12:00 Burly Bear 12:00 Girl Interrupted 12:30 Flava 101 4:00 Crazy/Beautiful 2:30 Jumanji 1:00 UK Today 6:00 The Dating Bill of Rights 4:30 Dead Poets Society 1:30 French Focus 6:30 The Dating Bill of Rights 7:00 The Virgin Suicides 2:00 SGA Today 7:00 Sorority Boys 9:00 Panic Room 4:00 RHA Today 8:30 Get Over It 11:00 Crazy/Beautiful 6:00 Secrets Through Smoke 11:00 The Virgin Suicides 1:00 Get Over It video production 7:00 Panic Room 1:00 Girl Interrupted

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Cable TV Problems? Contact ResNet at 4-0044 General GTCN questions? Email [email protected] FOCUS Technique • Friday, January 24, 2003 • 21 Tech earns grant, implements rape awareness programs By Kimberly Rieck tice study found fewer than five per- sexual violence. While there is the Senior Staff Writer cent of completed and attempted Georgia Tech Policy on Sexual Ha- rapes were reported to law enforce- rassment and Sexual Misconduct and One in four women will be the ment officials. the Sexual Assault Task Force on victim of sexual assault at one point According to preliminary data campus to define unacceptable be- in her lifetime, according to the from the 2001 Georgia Tech Health haviors, this will be the first official Center for Disease Control and Pre- Risk Behavior Survey, 10.1 percent victim advocacy support network. vention. In the , a wom- of female students indicated that “One problem that we’ve had at an is raped every two minutes, the they had been forced to have sex Georgia Tech is that everybody’s highest rate of any industrialized against their will. The Georgia Wom- really interested in this issue, but we nation in the world. en’s Health Survey indicated 37 per- all have so many things that we’re In the Atlanta area, there have cent of first rapes in Georgia occur working on. We’re going to be able been two high-profile rapes in the in the age range of traditional col- to hire a full time Sexual Violence past six weeks. On Monday a fe- lege students. Prevention Coordinator. We’re also By Konrad Rykaczewski / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS male Georgia State student was kid- “Women are not feeling com- hiring a part-time Victim Advocate,” The grant Tech recently received from the Justice Department will fund napped on Meritt Street and fortable coming forward and telling said Surrency. new rape awareness programs for the next two years. Centennial Olympic Park Drive, a people what has happened. We Victims of sexual assault crimes frequent parking spot for GSU and would like Tech to be an environ- currently can go to the Dean of Men Stopping Violence organiza- Georgia Tech students. The wom- ment where men and women come Students Office to report the crime among others. tion. Several of these groups have an was subsequently sexually assault- forward when something has hap- or to the Georgia Tech Police De- The coordinator and the victim already helped Tech in the Take ed by an unidentified man. This pened to them,” said Heather Hep- partment. It is up to the victim advocate will train members of each Back the Night, Women’s Aware- attack was six weeks after the on- ler Surrency, Director of the whether or not to pursue charges. of the preceding groups in advocacy ness Month and other awareness campus attack of five women, four Women’s Health Center. Surrency said victims can see the skills, sexual assault prevention in- programs. of them GSU students, in the Spar- The Department of Justice cre- Police Department and report the formation and how to be a resource The GTVPP will be launching a ta dormitory at University Village. ated Grants to Reduce Violent crime and then decide to press charges for victims in need. media campaign, starting its advo- Two of the women were sexually Crimes Against Women to reduce at a later date if they choose to do so. For example, each of the six Pan- cacy training programs in the near assaulted. the number of sexual assault crimes Another focus of the grant will hellenic sororities will train one future and hiring its first employee, At Georgia Tech, there have been against women on college campus- be to establish separate training pro- member to be a victim advocate. Andy Peck, the Sexual Violence and seven reported cases of forcible sex es. Recently Georgia Tech received grams for college men and women, The Housing Department pledged Prevention Coordinator. Peck has offenses between 1999 and 2001. one of the Justice Department’s faculty, staff and students. In order in the grant proposal to offer addi- experience working in the field when Other Atlanta area schools have re- grants. The $200,000 grant is good to establish this, Surrency, Yvette tional training in rape prevention he worked with the Atlanta-based ported similar figures for the time for two years. The Institute was one Upton and others worked with sev- to its Residence Life Coordinators group Men Stopping Violence. He period. of twenty schools nationwide to re- eral on campus groups including and staff. Similar programs will served as the group’s Youth Coor- However, the figures are mis- ceive the award. Georgia Tech was the IFC, Panhellenic, FASET, Wom- occur in the aforementioned groups. dinator. leading. Rape is one of the most unique because of the high percent- en’s Resource Center, Health Cen- The program will also include “My hope is that once we get this underreported crimes. Most reported age of male to female ratio. ter, Dean of Students, Auxiliary Atlanta outreach programs. Among program going for sexual violence sexual assault crimes involve crimes Georgia Tech will use the mon- Services, Housing, Georgia Tech the programs in Atlanta that will that we can expand the advocacy to committed against a victim by a ey to implement the Georgia Tech Police Department, HYPE(Helping aid in the prevention efforts are the all crimes,” said Surrency. stranger. The number of reported Violence Prevention Project You Through Peer Education), Of- Georgia Network to End Sexual sexual assault crimes by someone (GTVPP). The GTVPP will estab- fice of International Education, Assault (GNESA), the Feminist For more information, check out the victim knows is significantly lish the first official campus proto- RHA, UJC, SGA, the Georgia Tech Women’s Health Center, the Grady and smaller. A U.S. Department of Jus- col for responding to survivors of Interfaith Council and the GTAA Rape Crisis Help Center and the 22 • Friday, January 24, 2003 • Technique FOCUS Tech Up Close email: [email protected] Winner of the Tech Up Close contest receives a Tech- nique T-shirt and a coupon for a free student combo at Li’l Dino’s. Last week’s Tech Up Close: Valve indicator Last week’s winner: Thomas Glover