Baritone Sax Gets a W»Ki
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Chicago, July I, 1953 Rhythm And Blues DOWN BEAT ’ 15-S DOWN BEAT RECORD REVIEWS By ACE MITCHELL RHYTHM and BLUES THE READERS WRITE: Thal SUNNY BLAIR Dear Ace: (Meteor SOM) svin- My name is Bill Gibbon, D. J. on the first r&b station in CHARLES BROWN (Al addi ■ 3191) I Leu PttrrMnt WaK- Virginia, WANT in Richmond. We started here with a music ham, ALLEN BUNN and news format leaning heavily on the rhythm and blues mxay (Apollo 447) omea idiom. The station has succeeded in every way. Our mail is New exceedingly heavy—many come to ong- ULNCTT LOBB Wild Young Men. Seems like Ruthie rex.. my show, Jive at Five. (Marcili? 70171) Con- The Du Droppers look like they never misses. rork, have a big smash here, I Found Honey Jump still doing tery well LUCKY ENOIS yser. for Oscar Mi I olli«- of Modern Saul (Modem 903) Hint, Out. Bihari should be happy These rano, Maybe «ome of your reader» will THE FIVE KEYS Foolish Things by Thr Dominoes (Aladdin 3190) lyne, drop us a line. Foolish Things. 907: is really skyrocketing . Eddie iaxo- Sincerely, Meaner Dear THF FOUR PLOD THHOATS My Inspiration Pa.. is excited about his (Mercury 70143) Bill Gibbon John Letter • . Lloyd Price happy Eider, Radio Station WANT with his new one, too. REV. JOHN T. HIGHBAUGH 513 East Main St. Where is Herb Lance these days? «Kin« 4639) Vag. Richmond, Va. Ovar Thora 868; . • . Bob Shad is really swinging LYNN HOPI Tondorly indi, Dear Ace: with hits these days. One of the ing), best r&b recording directors around (Aladdin 3188) per I was delighted to see the t&b column in Down Beat. It might . That’s it for now. Let’s hear BILL MOOSE JACKSON surprise you to see a letter from from you. I Kin. 4634) rano, Black Dross On lack, an r&b fan in England, but I uni III., an avid collector of dises and in Il B KING formation in connection with (R.P.M. 386) Highway Round ss ist, iller. rhythm and blues. If you know of BUDDY* JOHNSON Tha ft Ha ?an*. any enthusiasts who would like to (Mmnry 701S3) correspond with collectors in Eng born land, plea.M* pass on my address JOHNNY MADDOX oser, Thanks. (Dai 13090) per- Sincerely, BOBBY MARCHAN Sam Benjamin (Aladdin 3189) born 4, Vinefields »nee, Eastgate Street AMOS MILBURN Erno Bury St. Edmunds (Aladdin *168) tane, 1RTHI R PRYSOCK Id Givo 55; Suffolk, England (Dr.<a 311700) FaU- Thanks for the letters and the LULA REED many others that we haven’t spat' IKlH 46301 Krk., to print, but we hope our fans, will THE TRAVELING FOI U Titer correspond. We are sending jou pictures as quickly as we can; the (Scorn Sol'll 'west requests keep coming in. But all DINAH WASHINGTON (Morrnry 70168) born our fans will receive them in time. e rep Thanks to the generous record Bill Graham 2. companies — Atlantic, Aladdin, et born al. Conspicuously absent to date; R.I.. Mercury The Dinah requests will New go out as soon as we can get the Baritone Sax Gets A w»ki. pictures for you Who Blows There? raon. tllllTFK Be« Berman. re ■ Theae are aome recent record aeMiona, with personnel and ictor. cuperating from a heart attack. tunes. Do not ask for them from your dealer, however, until _________ ____ ___ well by this Boost From Graham should be out und you uee by the Down Beat record review aectiou that they are time. Bess is largely responsible <$>■ The baritone saxophone,' available. >s, for Crazy, Crazy, Crazy . Tiny A few nights ago, after doing (XAUDK THORNHILL'S ORK (TYwd,'^ --------------------------------------------------- Bradshaw is doing well with his once as low in prestige as in a broadcast with Rill and hi? com 4/28/53). Trump eta— Dale Fearon, Sonny Jorut FawUly Affair t Rosa of tha Ria let new discing of Heavy Juice . register, has gained several bo from Snookie’s, a small and Ruth Brown’s new smash is Wild, M actin gill and Billy Verplanck j aa«ao— important new advocates in lively nightclub >n 45th street, I Gene Quill, Ralph Aldridge, Davo Figg« Red abel CLAUDE THORNHILL’S ORK (Trond, 4 ted the last couple uf years. Hard on sat down with him und learned a Norman, aad Disk Zubaehf Preaah homa- the heels of Charlie Ventura, Serge few surprising facts about his life Sandy Slocelataia aad Al Antonueeii rhy- 4/29/53). Samo personnel aa above, except the AMERICAN Tony Becker, vocal on Hoad and Al Young rms Chaloff, Leo Anthony (featured nnd times. 11 W inalou and Bill Barber, out with brother Ray’- hand), Lars Born in 1918 in Kansas City, the You Go to My Hoadt Flow Bro thaws4 >nce RECORD Foor Littlo Rich Girl 4 Sunsur Modlays town that gave us Bird on alto and i of Gullin, and Gerry Mulligan, a COLLECTORS' gentleman named William Henry Ben Webster on tenor, Bill was DIRECTORY Graham has entered the race and raised in Denver. “I went to Den ngn until it broke up, rejoining Dizzy BILI 1 MLXTED’S TRIO (Coral, 4/14/. limited Wflor is i'inking a strong bid for promi ver University and used to gig ides in the small eombo in 1951 ana S3). Billy Masted, piano । Kenny John, TAe “Bitt Booh" j! nence. with my own band around Denver, mer Amerieca CoUtetort leaving him shortly after return READY for MAILING NOW playing alto and tenor; Paul Quini- SparJUo by ing from u European tour with LleM the nn» r. addrmeti, phone num chette worked with me quite a lot ffer, Diz a few months ago. beta and collectIns Internata of the moot around that time.” BILLY MAX TED'S TRIO (Coral, 5/8/33). for In the interim between the big aetiw oolleeton throughout the Amer The House of Jazz' Another early memory is Bill’s Sama personnel aa above. field ica*. I OR REÍ ORDS TRY recollection of Charlie Parker, back and small band jobr with Gillespie, The Only Book Ever Published in the Kansas City days, “when Bill found time to conduct harmony ¡Thich Lists Collectors Of All Types Bird was still trying to get 'a and solfeggio classes at the Hart Of Recorded Music From Cylinders style.” Bill recalls that Buck Doug nett Studios in New York, and to CHARLIE PARKER wilh CIL EVAN'S ORK 1» 45?s. ’ ^«CORDBAR las, alto player with the Douglas play with several name bands, in (M.riary. 3/23531. Charlie Parker, ,lto| Thu anthentle collector1 a handbook will cluding those of Erskine Hawkins. brothers’ band, was .in important Thaler, baacoonf Hol McKuaiek, clarinet | put yon la cune eontaet with hundred* Ed Wilcox, Herbie Fields, and of other coUeetora interested in •» influence on Charlie. “That’s where •hanging, buying or Milins record* Compirti Line Of Bird got his sound,” he declares. Lucky Millinder. Pries: ft.00 POSTPAID JAZZ . DIXIELAND ■ POPULAR Bill also spent a couple of years Bill’s combo at present seems and Dave Lambert's Choir. (No C.O.D.’t) studying at Tuskegee Institute in to be in the middle ground between Order from Publishers CLASSICAL - BLUES the jazz and rhythm and blues On All Three Speeds Alabama. HOLLYWOOD PREMIUM Mustered out of the army early categories, but, as he says himself, WOODY HERMAN’S ORK, featuring LEE RECORD GUIDE in 1945, Bill resumed his educa “It’s going to have to fall into HENLEY (Mare, 5/14/53). Trumpet»—Tom one department or another. Basi my DiCarlo, Roy Caton, Stu WiUiamooa, and P.O. Box 7B29D 112 So. Midi. South Bend, Ind. tion, -pending almost a year at ........... Hollywood 28, CólWomla_________ Lincoln university in Missouri Joe cally I believe in a danceable type of music. I want to get my feet Gayles, u hometown buddy, recom Jille, and Sam Staff I rhythm - Nat Pierce, mended him for a job with Dizzy planted firmly or the around and piano । Red Kelly, base, and Art Mardigan, Gillespie, whose big band he joined play the way I like, with a real RECORDS, HI-FI CLASSIFIED late in 1946. He remained with it Kansas City beat.” Thirty Cents per Word—Minimum 10 Words AL ROMERO’S ORK (Vietor, 5/11/53). ilaailttanoe Mutt Accompany Copy ClusiIM Deadline—One Month SULTAN’S RECORD SHOP Hal MeKuaiek, alto A el. | Barry Galbraith* (Coont Name, Addrew City and State) Prior to Date of Publication 24 EAST 23rd STREET DANCE & COMBO LEADERS guitar | Matt Matthews, accordion । Dou El- NEW YORK 10. N. T. OUR CHUCK WAYNE ARRANGING SERVICE Duebeoae, conga { Johnny Rodriquas, bon* goat Willie Rodriquea, timbaleo, and Al S. S. COOL/A N.w Kind O« IS WHAT YOU NEED Romero, piano. Lev. (IB) .......... I A censtant supply of arrangements of the FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS lavabot Papar Maoni S*1Fondorful9 and BuH,rflng,rs/M«ry Ann (78) latest hits Mtectod by our monthly popu That Old Black Magic. IF IT'S REIN RECORDED, We II ve It! Tasty Budding/Wnii. My Lady larity survey. Two and/or three part har Lewin Record Paradise, 5600 Hollywood FREE CATALOG. Hard to set JAZZ Rec Sl,eps (78) ...................................... mony on easy-to-read manuscript. ords. J. Rose, 211 E. 16th, New York Blvd., Los Angeles 28, California. Thou Prospect!ng/Sid. Walks of Cuba The Current Top Tunes, available in SETS City 3. sands original collectors items. Prograssive 10" LP (Z Sims— OF 20. In: I. Moor*) ........................................ Jazz and Classics RAY AVIRY'S RARF RECORDS for Modern AL COHN Eb (alto.