Twenty Fourth Annual Report 2018-19 Corporate Information
(ù c^y^TRt August 3L,2OLg The Secretary, Listing Department BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400 001. Scrip Code:532183 Dear Sir, Madam, Sub: Annual Reoort of Gavatri Susars Limited ('Companv'l Please find enclosed herewith the 24th Annual Report of Gayatri Sugars Limited for the Financial year 2018-19 ('Annual Report'). The Notice convening the Annual General Meeting of the Company along with the attendance slip, proxy form and route map forms part of this Annual Report. The Annual Report is also available on our website at the link: 202018-2019.pdf This information is being submitted pursuant to Regulation 34 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended. This is for your information and records. Thanking you. Yours faithfully, GayatriSugars Limited tl r )¡ r.l:,, \..:., .ì, ¡ .,,,i1. Chetan Kumar Sharma Company Secretary & Compliance Officer Encl: As Above Regd. & Corp. Office Gayatri Sugars L¡mited, 82, 2nd Ftoor, 6-3 1090. fSR Towers. T +91 4O 2341 4823 I 4826 W www.gayatf¡ Raj Bhavan Road, Sornajiguda, Hyderaba<j 500 OB2. Iêlangana F +.91 40 2341 4827 Faclor¡es : Kamareddy Unit : Adloor Yellareddy. Sadasivanagar Mandal. T r91 8468 248558 Kamareddy Dist. - 503 145. Telangana F +91 8468 248559 Nizamsagar Unit : Maagi. Nizamsagar Mandal. T +91 8465 275577 Kamareddy Dist. - 503 302. Telangana CIN : L1 5421TG1995PLC020720 0) GAYATRI SUGARS LIMITED TWENTY FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT 2018-19 0) 24th Annual General Meeting Day : Thursday th Date : 26 September, 2019 TIME : 11:30 A.M. Venue : FTCCI SURANA AUDITORIUM The Federation of Telangana Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Federation House, FAPCCI Marg, 11-6-841, Red Hills, P.B.
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