17 December 2015, 16:50

International Criminal Court ICC-ASP/14/INF.1

Distr.: General Assembly of States Parties 26 November, 2015

English, French and Spanish only

Fourteenth session The Hague, 18 to 26 November 2015


Delegations to the fourteenth session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court The Hague, 18 to 26 November 2015

Délégations présentes à la quatorzième session de l’Assemblée des États Parties au Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale La Haye, 18 à 26 novembre 2015

Delegaciones asistentes al décimo cuarto período de sesiones de la Asamblea de los Estados Partes en el Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional La Haya, 18 al 26 de noviembre del 2015

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Content/ Table des matières/ Índice Page I. States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court/ États Parties au Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale/ Estados Partes en el Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional ...... 3 II. Observer States/ États observateurs/ Estados observadores...... 35 III. States invited to be present during the work of the Assembly/ Les États invités à se faire représenter aux travaux de l’Assemblée/ Los Estados invitados a que asistieran a los trabajos de la Asamblea...... 41 IV. Entities, intergovernmental organizations and other entities/ Entités, organisations intergouvernementales et autres entités/ Entidades, organizaciones intergubernamentales y otras entidades...... 42 V. Non-governmental organizations/ Organisations non gouvernementales/ Organizaciones no gubernamentales...... 46

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I. States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court/ États Parties au Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale/ Estados Partes en el Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional


Representative H.E. Mr. Obaidullah Obaid Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Mohammad Hanif Alirezaei First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Mrs. Adia Sakiqi Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mrs. Xhuljeta Keko Minister Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague


Représentant S.E. Mme. Maria Ubach Font Ambassadeur, Ambassade, Bruxelles Suppléants Mme. Maira Lopez Lavado Premier Secrétaire, Ambassade, Bruxelles Mme. Patricia Quillacq Albajes Conseiller Juridique, Ministère des Affaires étrangères



Representante S.E. Sr. Héctor Horacio Salvador Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Consejero Sr. Luis Pablo María Beltramino Ministro, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Raúl Eugenio Comelli Consejero, Dirección General de Consejería Legal, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Sra. Erica Lucero Secretaria, Embajada, La Haya Sra. Yanina Alejandra Berra Rocca Secretaria, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Demian Dobry Secretario

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Representative H.E. Mr. Brett Mason Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Gregory Alan French Assistant Director (Legal), International Legal Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade Ms. Carrie Fahey McDougall Assistant Director (Legal), International Law Section, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade Adviser Ms. Indrawati McCormick Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy, The Hague Mr. William Peter George Underwood Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Lewis Dunstan Casey Research and Administrative Officer, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Mr. Werner Druml Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate H.E. Mr. Konrad Bühler Director, Department for International Law, Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration & International Affairs Adviser Mr. Gerhard Eisl Embassy, The Hague Mrs. Deva Zwitter Embassy, The Hague Mrs. Astrid Reisinger-Faria Coracini Director, Salzburg Law School on International Criminal Law Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law


Representative H.E. Mr. Sheikh Mohammad Belal Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the ICC, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Kazi Russel Pervez Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Istiaque Uddin Ahmed Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague


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Représentant S.E. M. Christian G. Lepage Ambassadeur, Représentation permanente auprés des institutions internationales, La Haye Suppléant M. Gérard Dive Conseiller, Service public fédéral Justice, Coordinateur de la Belgian Task Force Mme. Valérie Delcroix Attaché, Service public fédéral Affaires étrangères, Commerce extérieur et Coopération au Développement Mme. Julie de Hults Attaché, Service public fédéral Justice M. Geoffrey Eekhout Attaché, Représentation permanente auprés des institutions internationales, La Haye




Representante S.E. Sr. Eduardo Rodríguez Veltzé Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Consejero Sr. Luis Alfredo Rojas Martínez Ministro Consejero, Embajada, La Haya


Representative H.E. Mr. Ahmet Halilović Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mrs. Mira Purković Minister Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Ms. Athaliah Lesiba Molokomme Attorney General Alternate H.E. Mr. Samuel O. Outlule Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Adviser Ms. Pricilla K. Israel Assistant Director, Public Prosecution Mr. Nkoloi Nkoloi Deputy Permanent Representative, European Union Ms. Sefalana Refilwe Matambo First Secretary, Embassy, Belgium

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Representative H.E. Mr. Piragibe Dos Santos Tarragô Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Leonardo Luís Gorgulho Nogueira Fernandes Minister Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Pablo Perez Sampedro Romero Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Mr. Nikola Kolev Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mrs. Tzvety Romanska Counsellor, International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Evelina Ananieva First Secretary, Legal Adviser, International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser Mr. Pavlin Todorov Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Georgi Minkov Junior Expert, International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Neli Dudina Intern, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Stanimira Nedkova Intern, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Teodora Stefanova Intern, Embassy, The Hague


Représentant M. Rasmané Congo Conseiller, Ministère des Affaires étrangères


Représentant S.E. M. Alain Aimé Nyamitwe Ambassadeur, Ministre des Relations Extérieures et de la Coopération Internationale Mme. Aimée Laurentine Kanyana Ministre de la Justice et Garde des Sceaux Suppléant S.E. M. Thomas Barankitse Ambassadeur, Assistant du Ministre des Relations Extérieures et de la Coopération Internationale S.E. Mme. Vestine Nahimana Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye

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Representative Mr. William R. Crosbie Legal Adviser, Global Affairs Alternate H.E. Ms. Sabine Nölke Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Carolyn Knobel Director, United Nations, Human Rights and Economic Law Adviser Ms. Jessica Dawson Legal Officer, United Nations, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Section, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Ms. Neelu Shanker Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague




Representante S.E. Sra. María Teresa Infante Caffi Embajadora, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sr. Claudio Troncoso Repetto Director de Asuntos Jurídicos del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Consejero Sr. Edgard Eckholt Ithurralde Primer Secretario, Embajada, La Haya Sra. Elena Bornand Pérez Primera Secretaria, Embajada, Canadá Sr. Javier Gorostegui Obanoz Segundo Secretario, Misión Permanente, Naciones Unidas, Nueva York Sr. Juan Enrique Loyer Greene Tercer Secretario, Embajada, La Haya Sra. Valentina Monasterio Gálvez Abogada, Direccción de Asuntos Jurídicos, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores


Representante S.E. Sra. María Ángela Holguín Cuéllar Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Suplente S.E. Sr. Juan José Quintana Embajador, Embajada, La Haya

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Sra. Andrea Jiménez Herrera Consejera, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Miguel Ángel González Ocampo Segundo Secretario, Embajada, La Haya Sra. Lucía Solano Ramírez Segunda Secretaria, Embajada, La Haya Sra. Daniela Tenorio Quintero Pasante, Embajada, La Haya





Representante S.E. Sr. Sergio Ugalde Godínez Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sr. Rafael Esteban Sáenz Rodríguez Ministro Consejero, Embajada, La Haya Sra. Georgina Guillén Grillo Ministra Consejera, Misión Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York Sr. Ricardo Otárola Pacheco Ministro Consejero, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto


Représentant S.E. M. Sallah Sem Hamza Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye Suppléant M. Bernard Kouassi N’Guessan Conseiller Technique, Ministre de la Justice, des Droits de l’Homme et des Libertés Publiques Conseiller M. Kouadio Jean Roger Bouaffo Directeur des Affaires Juridiques et Consulaires, Ministère d’Etat, Ministère des Affaires étrangères M. Etienne Kindia Premier Counseiller, Ambassade, La Haye Mme. Félicia Kouassi née Guei Sous-Directeur des Affaires Juridiques et Consulaires, Ministère d’Etat, Ministère des Affaires étrangères Mme. Karine Wetzel Counseiller, Ambassade, La Haye


Representative Mrs. Andrea Gustović-Ercegovac Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague

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Alternate Mr. Davor Ljubanović Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Sebastian Rogač First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mrs. Ana Pilipović Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Mr. Elpidoforos A. Economou Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Nicos Argyrides Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Ms. Elena Charmpi Adviser, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Mr. Martin Smolek Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate H.E. Mrs. Jana Reinišová Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Martin Brož First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Kristina Horňáčková Desk Officer, International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Représentant M. Kilufia Kamfwa Ambassadeur, Ambassade, Bruxelles M. André Kalenga-Ka-Ngoyi Directeur de Cabinet Adjoint Suppléante Mme. Mélanie Paoni Tupa Directeur de Service des Affaires Juridiques, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Conseiller M. Kakhozi Bin Mulongo Ministre-Conseiller, Ambassade, Bruxelles M. Safari Kasongo Premier Avocat Général de la République M. Samuel Mbemba Kabuya Conseiller, Ministère de la Justice, Garde des Sceaux et Droits Humains M. Valence Bolebe Ekosso’Gombe Conseiller, Ministère de la Justice, Garde des Sceaux et Droits Humains

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Mme. Ernestine Ngongo Feza Conseiller, Ministère de la Justice, Garde des Sceaux et Droits Humains M. Aimé Fele Oloy Gany Conseiller, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Mme. Pierrette Mwenze Kisonga Conseiller, Ambassade, Bruxelles M. Mukekwa Longo Mpao Chef de Division, Parquet Général de la République


Representative H.E. Mr. Ole E. Moesby Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Tobias Elling Rehfeld Under Secretary, Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. David Kendal Senior Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Rasmus Bøgh Johansen Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Asger Kroll Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Christian Nygård Nissen Adviser, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Johanna Derkiena Schaafsma Adviser, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Martin Mennecke Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Troels Brunsgaard Pedersen Trainee, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Pernille Mortensen Trainee, Embassy, The Hague




Representate S.E. Sr. Guillermo Piña Contreras Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sra. Patricia Dore Castillo Ministra Consejera, Embajada, La Haya


Representante S.E. Sra. Mireya Muñoz Mera Embajadora, Embajada, La Haya

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Consejero Sr. Fernando Echeverria Tercer Secretario, Embajada, La Haya Sra. María Belén Barberis Asuntos Multilaterales, Embajada, La Haya


Representative H.E. Mr. Peep Jahilo Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Jürgo Loo Counsellor, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Gert Auväärt First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Adviser Mr. Mati Murd Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague



Representative H.E. Ms. Päivi Kaukoranta Director General, Legal Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affaires Alternate H.E. Ms. Marja Lehto Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Satu Suikkari-Kleven Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Lasse Keisalo Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Sirpa Oksanen Minister Counsellor, Chargé d’Affairs, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Virpi Laukkanen Legal Officer, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Ms. Elisabeth Rehn Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Heikki Karhu Attaché, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Sari Uusi-Rauva First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Heidi Johansson Junior Adviser, Embassy, The Hague


Représentant S.E. M. Laurent Pic Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye

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Suppléante M. François Alabrune Directeur des Affaires juridiques, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international M. Pierre Boussaroque Directeur adjoint des Affaires juridiques, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international M. Xavier Rey Premier conseiller, Ambassade, La Haye Conseiller Mme. Céline Jurgensen Sous-directrice des Droits de l’Homme et des affaires humanitaires, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du développement international Mme. Diarra Dime-Labille Conseillère juridique, Ambassade, La Haye Mme Lara Danguy Des Deserts Chargée de mission, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du développement international Mme. Stéphanie Carpentier Rédactrice, Sous-direction des Droits de l’Homme et des affaires humanitaires, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du développement international M. Pierre Osseland Rédacteur, Sous-direrction de la gouvernance démocratique, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du développement international Mme Léa Siffert Chargé de mission «coopération technique», Ambassade, La Haye Mme Karine Gilberg Chef du bureau des questions institutionnelles internationales, Ministère de la justice Mme Francis Stoliaroff Chargé de mission pour la négociation internationale, Ministère de la justice


Représentant M. Placide Dieudonné Engandzas-Lembangou Conseiller, Chargé des Questions Douanières, Ambassade, Conseiller M. Dany Arnaud Alandji Conseiller Culturel, Ambassade, Brussels


Representative H.E. Ms. Teneng Mba Jaiteh Ambassador, Permanent Representative European Union, Embassy Brussels Adviser Mrs. Nyuma Isata Jawara First Secretary, Embassy, Brussels


Representative H.E. Mr. Konstantine Surguladze Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague

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Ms. Tamar Gvinadze Consul, Embassy, The Hague


Representative Mr. Pascal Hector Director, International Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate H.E. Mr. Franz Josef Kremp Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Christoph Henrichs Head of Unit, International Law Mrs. Verena Gräfin von Roedern Deputy Head of Mission, Ministry Foreign Affairs Mr. Michael Hasenau Head of Unid, Ministry Foreign Affairs Mr. Reinhard Hassenpflug Legal Adviser, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Jan-Philipp Sommer Embassy, The Hague Ms. Kirsten Graumann Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Claus Kress Professor of Law, Köln Ms. Anne Rübesame Legal Expert Ms. Judith Solzbach Legal Trainee, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Mr. Tony Aidoo Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Ms. Yvonne Atakora Obuobisa Ag. Director of Public Prosecutions, Ministry of Justice & Attorney General’s Department Adviser Mrs. Jane Gasu Aheto Legal and Consular Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration Ms. Doris Brese Minister, Embassy, The Hague Mrs. Rebecca Adjalo Principal State Attorney, Ministry of Justice & Attorney General Department Mrs. Audrey Naana Abayena Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York

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Representative H.E. Ms. Teresa-Paraskevi Angelatou Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Ms. Maria Telalian Legal Advisor, Head of the Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser Ms. Martha Papadopoulou Legal Counsellor, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs



Representante S.E. Sr. Carlos Raúl Morales Moscoso Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Suplente S.E. Sr. Gabriel Edgardo Aguilera Peralta Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Consejero Sra. Claudia María López David Procuradora Adjunta I, Procuraduría de los Derechos Humanos María Eugenia Solís García Asesora del Despacho Superior, Procuraduría de los Derechos Humanos Sr. Carlos Alberto García Reyes Ministro Consejero, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Gabriel Orellana Zabalza Consejero, Misión Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York Sra. Celeste Amparo Marinelli Block Consejera, Embajada, La Haya Sra. Lucía Rodriguez Fetzer Primer Secretario-Cónsul, Embajada, La Haya





Representative H.E. Ms. Orsolya Szijjártó Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Ms. Rita Silek Deputy Director of International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. András Kocsis Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Péter István Danku Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague

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Mr. Dániel Csonka Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Tessa van der Miesen Advisor, Embassy, The Hague


Representative Ms. Sesselja Sigurdardóttir Counsellor, Directorate for Legal and Executive Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representative H.E. Mr. John Neary Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Ms. Bridín O’Donoghue Legal Counsellor, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. Caroline Whelan First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Ms. Niamh Diskin Liaison Officer, International Organisations, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Mr. Francesco Azzarello Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Marco di Sabatino Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Roberto Bellelli Judge, Rome Adviser H.E. Mr. Sebastiano Cardi Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York


Representative H.E. Mr. Masaru Tsuji Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Ms. Setsuko Kawahara Minister, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Tomohiro Mikanagi Director, International Legal AffairsBureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Kikuko Kato Director, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Masayoshi Furuya First Secretary, Legal Adviser, Embassy, The Hague

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Mr. Nobuyuki Murai First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Motoyasu Yamada Official, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser Mr. Motoo Noguchi Attorney, International Legal Affairs Division, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Kaori Matsumoto Adviser, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Mr. Ahmad Mufleh Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mrs. Sahar Qatarneh Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Alaa A-Edwan Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Ms. Ambassador, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Mr. Njee Muturi Solicitor General, Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice H.E. Ms. Rose Makena Muchiri Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser H.E. Ms. Ambassador, Cabinet Secretary for Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jomo Gecaga Private Secretary, Executive Office of the President H.E. Mr. Macharia Kamau Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York H.E. Mr. Johnson Weru Ambassador, Embassy, Brussels Ms. Stella Mokaya Orina Deputy Chief, Ag. Registrar of Treaties, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Trade Mr. Emmanuel Talaam Director of Communications, Office of the Deputy President Mr. James Waweru Ndirangu First Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mr. David Kinuthia Mburu Second Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Kaitikei Rotiken Firt Secretary, Embassy, The Hague

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Ms. Caroline Wamaitha Gichuri State Counsel, Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice Mr. Kennedy Nyabuti Ogeto Lawyer, Office of the Deputy President Mr. Abraham Korir Sing’oei Legal Advisor, Office of the Deputy President Mr. Richard Barno Secretary, Office of the Deputy President Mr. Charles F.K. Kimani Legal Officer, Office of the President Mr. Gershorn Otachi Bw’Omanwa Lawyer, Office of the Deputy President Ms. Margaret Wairimu Mwangi Change Associates & Governance Analyst, Civil Society Mr. The Senate Mr. Aden Duale Leader of Majority, National Assembly Mr. Ndungu Gethenji Chair, National Assembly Mr. Samuel Chepkonga Chair, National Assembly Mrs. Edna Nyaloti Chief Legal Officer, Witness Protection Agency Mrs. Lilian Akinyi Okumu Obuo Assistant Director, Office of the Director, Public Prosecutions Mr. David Pkosing Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. Hassan Aden Osman Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. Kimani Ichungwa Member of Parliament, National Assembly Ms. Alice Ng’ang’a Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. David Otsiula Bonface Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. Kithure Kindiki Leader of Majority, Senate Mr. Moses Cheboi Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. Dan E.O. Ochieng Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Trade Mr. Abbas Ibrahim Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. Ken Obura Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. Barre Shill Member of Parliament, National Assembly

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Mr. Soipan Tuya Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. Murkomen Kipchumba Member of Parliament, National Assembly Ms. Florence Kajuju Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. Hassan Aden Osman Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. William Cheptuma Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. Richard Onyonka Member of Parliament, National Assembly Ms. Beatrice Elachi Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. David Gikaria Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. Ferdinand Waititu Member of Parliament, National Assembly Mr. Mpuri Apuri Member of Parliament, National Assembly Ms. Anne Dorothy Wanjiru National Assembly Mr. Edward Irungu Kiunjuri Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Trade Ms. Hayat Hassan Abdi Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Trade Mr. Jack Patrick Odutsa Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Trade Mr. Dann Ezekiel Mwangi Assistant Director, Political Affairs, Office of the President Mr. Micheni Mbiuki Jasper Secretary, Legislative Affairs and Regulatory Compliance, Executive Office of the President Ms. Mary Luka Lemerelle University of Nairobi, Civil Society Mr. John Kipchumba Deil Elders Council, Civil Society Mr. Koitamet Ole Kina Maasai Discovery, Civil Society Ms. Sofia Abdi Womankind, NGO Reform Taskforce, Civil Society Mr. Wilson Kipkazi Chair, NGO Council, Civil Society Ms. Jane Cheptoo French Translator, Civil Society Mr. David Ole Sankok Solicitor General, State of Law Office

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Mr. Ronald James Ochieng Osumba Deputy Party Leader, National Congress & Researcher on Victims Rights, Civil Society Mr. Martin Deric Wambugu Ngunjiri Director, Change Associates & Governance Analyst, Civil Society H.E. Mr. Joseph Magutt Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague H.E. Ms. Salma Ahmed Ambassador Mr. David Nyekorach Consultant Pan African Forum LTD Mr. David Hoile Mr. Nick Kauffman Mrs.Rose Sumbeiywo Officer, Embassy, The Hague Mr.Joan Muchoki Officer, Embassy, The Hague Mr.Dominic Mwendo Journalist Mr. Lazarus Amayo Mr. John Waiganjo Mr. Duncan Ojwang Mr. Vincent Musyoka Mr. Jimmy Angwenyi Ms. Halima Maalim Hussein Mr. Abenayo Wasike Mokokha Mr. Nyaga Wansuki Mr. Tom Kajwang Mr. Michael Kisci Mr. George Theuri Mr. Thimothy Wanyonyi Wetangula Mr. Ricky Obuya Mr. Charles Owino Mr. Naisula Lesuuda Mr. Stephen Kipyego Sang Mr. Richard Maina Mrs. Albane De Rochebrune Mr. Philip Koech Mrs. Hellen Chepkurgat


Representative H.E. Mrs. Ilze Rüse Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague

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Alternate Ms. Dace Dobrāja Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Ieva Grantiņa Legal Adviser, European Affairs Department, Ministry of Justice Mr. Andris Krastiņš Second Secretary, International Law Division of the Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser Ms. Liene Vitomska Intern, Embassy, The Hague


Representative Mr. Majakathata S. Thakhisi Alternate H.E. Mpeo Mahase-Moiloa Ambassador, Embassy, Brussels Adviser Mr. Lebohang Moqhali Ms. Malebona Takalimane


Representative Mr. George S.W. Patten Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York


Representative H.E. Mr. Christian Wenaweser Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York Alternate Mr. Stefan Barriga Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York Adviser Mr. René Holbach Senior Adviser, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mr. Jörn Oliver Eiermann Senior Adviser, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Ms. Teresa Mayr Adviser, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mr. Donald Ferencz Consultant


Representative Mr. Ridas Petkus Deputy Director, Law & International Treaties Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Alternate Mr. Ernestas Grabažis Minister Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague


Représentant S.E. M. Carlo Krieger Ambassadeur, Directeur des affaires juridiques et culturelles, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes Suppléant S.E. M. Pierre-Louis Lorenz Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye Conseiller M. David Heinen Juriste, Direction des Affaires juridiques et culturelles, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes M. Patrick Arend Premier secrétaire, Ambassade, La Haye Mme. Sanne van der Schors Conseillère juridique, Ambassade, La Haye M. Steve Hoscheit Chargé de mission, Ambassade, La Haye M. Romeo Prgin Technical assistant, Ambassade, La Haye


Représentant Mme. Lydia Randrianarivony Conseiller, Mission Permanent auprés des Nations Unies, New York




Représentant S.E. Mme. Aminata Sanogo Malle Ministre de la Justice et des Droits de l’Homme, Garde des Screux S.E. M. Mohamed Maiga Ambassadeur, Directeur des Affaires Juridiques, Ministère des Affaires étrangères Suppléant S.E. M. Sékou dit Gaoussou Cisse Ambassadeur, Ambassade, Bruxelles Conseiller M. Mamounou Toure Ministre Conseiller, Ambassade, Bruxelles M. Mama Koite Doumbia Président de la Coalition pour la Cour Pénale Internationale M. Cheick Oumar Coulibaly Deuxième Conseiller, Ambassade, Bruxelles

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M. Moumouni Guindo Chef de Cabinet, Ministre de la Justice et des Droits de l’Homme, Garde des Sceaux


Representative H.E. Mr. Joseph Cole Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Gabriel Camenzuli First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague




Representante S.E. Sr. Miguel Ruiz Cabañas Izquierdo Embajador, Subsecretario, Asuntos Multilaterales y Derechos Humanos, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores Suplente Sr. Alejandro Alday González Consultor Jurídico, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sr. Eduardo Ibarrola Nicolín Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Consejero Sra. Mariana Salazar Albornoz Directora de Derecho Internacional Humanitario, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Maria de Lourdes Suinaga Conde Primera Secretaria, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Alejandro León Vargas Segundo Secretario, Embajada, La Haya


Representative H.E. Mr. AmarsanaaTumur Director, Law & Treaty Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Economic Affairs Mr. Chagdraa Khosbayar Justice, Supreme Court H.E. Mrs. Togtokh Urantsetseg Presiding Justice, Chamber for Criminal Cases, Supreme Court H.E. Mr. Khishigdelger Davaadorj Ambassador, Embassy, Brussels Mr. Nergui Munkhjargal Third Secretary, Embassy, Brussels


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Representative Ms. Land Lidwina Shapwa Deputy Minister, Ministry of Justice Adviser Mr. Issaskar Ndjoze Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice Ms. Ritta Raundjua Hengari Senior Legal Officer, Ministry of Justice



Representative H.E. Mr. Jan-Lucas van Hoorn Permanent Representative to the International Criminal Court, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Ms. Liesbeth Lijnzaad Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Alexandra Valkenburg-Roelofs Head, United Nations Human Rights, Multilateral Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser H.E. Mr. Johan van der Werff Ambassador, International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Liselot Egmond Legal Counsel, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Marcellinus van den Bogaard Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Ms. Fiona Burger Policy Officer, Multilateral Organisations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Quirien van Straelen Adviser, Legal & Operational Affairs Department, Ministry of Security & Justice Ms. Anne-Sophie Massa Legal Counsel, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representative H.E. Ms. Janet Lowe Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Ms. Marisa Macpherson Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Natalie Pierce Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade Mr. Paul Vinkenvleugel Policy Adviser, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Vincent Delaere Policy Adviser, Embassy, The Hague

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Representative Ms. Grace Chia-Sani Chargé d’Affaires, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Pius Imoistikeme Oteh Ag. Director Internaional and Comparative Law Departmanet, Ministry of Justice Mr. Obinna Chiedu Onowu Minister, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Omotayo Francis Oni Assistant Director International and Comparative Law Department, Ministry of Justice Mrs. Omobolanle Braimoh-Tokura Assistant Director Office, Solicitor-General of the Federation Mr. Ahmed Shettima Counselor, Embassy, The Hague Mrs. Temitayo Lucia Akinmuwagun Sernior State Counsel, International and Comparative Law Department, Mnistry of Justice Mr. Emiola Akinola Ajoni Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representative Mr. Martin Sørby Director, Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate H.E. Ms. Anniken R. Krutnes Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser H.E. Ms. May-Elin Stener Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mr. Torfinn Rislaa Arntsen Minister Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Andreas Motzfeldt Kravik First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Ms. Frida Fostvedt Trainee, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Morten Bergmo Professor, Peking University Law School


Representante S.E. Sr. Willys Delvalle Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sr. Milciades Castillo Consejero Económico, Embajada, La Haya

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Sra. Armonía Chang de Belchieur Agregada, Embajada, La Haya


Representante S.E. Sr. Mario Sandoval Fernández Embajador, Embajada, Bruselas Suplente Sra. Eliana Duarte Segunda Secretaria, Embajada, Bruselas


Representante S.E. Sr. Carlos Andrés Herrera Rodriguez Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplente. Sr. Paúl Fernando Duclos Parodi Ministro, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Alfredo Fortes García Ministro Consejero, Embajada, La Haya Consejero Sra. Katia Espinoza Carrión Segunda Secretaria, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Lucas Emiliano Otero Peterka Segundo Secretario, Embajada, La Haya Ms. Evelyn Marmol Guerovich Embajada, La Haya


Representative H.E. Mr. Jaime Victor B. Ledda Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Dinno Oblena Minister, Consul General, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Igor Bailen Minister and Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Ms. Jenny Pelasol Attaché, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Zoilo Velasco Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Mr. Andrzej Misztal Director, Law and Treaty Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Mr. Michal Węckowicz First Counsellor, Department of Legal and Treaty Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Mr. Grzegorz Zyman First Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Mr. José de Bouza Serrano Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Mrs. Rita Faden Legal Adviser, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Mrs. Patrícia Galvão Teles Senior Legal Consultant, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Domingos Alvim Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Susana Lopo Technical Adviser, Embassy, The Hague Mrs. Inês Matos Legal Counsellor, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representative H.E. Mr. Choe Jong-hyun Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Park Chull-joo Deputy Director General, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yoon Yeon-jean Minister Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Han Sung-ho Director, Treaties Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kang Jong-sun Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Lee Jae-young Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Song Mi-young Second Secretary, Treaties Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Son Jun-sung Director, Criminal Department Five, Western District, Prosecutor’s Office Mr. Han Moon-hyug Prosecutor, Gangneung Branch of Chuncheon District Prosecutor’s Office Advisor Mr. Choi Tae-hyun Professor, International Law, College of Law, Hanyang University Mr. Kim Sang-kul Lecturer, College of Law, Korea University Mr. Yeonjean Yoon Ministry of Foreign Affairs York Mr. Kyeorei Lee Research Officer, International Legal Affairs

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Representative H.E. Mr. Emilian Brenici Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mrs. Victoria Şcolnic Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Mrs. Irene Comaroschi Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mrs. Elena-Mirela Pascaru First Secretary, International Law and Treaties, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Ileana Popescu Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague





Representative Ms. Pierina Katoanga Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York



Représentant M. Sidiki Kaba Garde des Sceaux, Ministre de la Justice Suppléante Mme. Maymouna Diop Sy Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye Conseiller M. Racine Ly Conseiller Technique au Cabinet, Ministre de la Justice M. Assane Seck Conseiller Technique au Cabinet, Ministre de la Justice M. Ibrahima Ndiaye Directeur de l’Administration Générale et de l’Équipement, Ministère de la Justice Mme. Fatou Gaye Diagne Premier Conseiller, Representantion Permanent auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, New York M. Mbaba Coura Ndiaye Premier Conseiller, Ambassade, La Haye

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Representative H.E. Mr. Petar Vico Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Sasa Obradovic Legal Advisor, Embassy, The Hague Mrs. Dubravka Gordanic Advisor, Embassy, The Hague



Representative H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Sorie Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Chernor Ojuku Sesay Information Attache


Representative H.E. Mr. Roman Bužek Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Metod Špaček Director, International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Ms. Zuzana Žitná First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Ms. Eva Villacis Legal Officer, Internatonal Law Department, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Ms. Dominika Belisová Intern, Embassy, The Hague


Representative Mrs. Darja Bavdaž Kuret State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate H.E. Mr. Roman Kirn Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Matej Andolšek Minister Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Barbara Kremžar Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mr. Marko Štucin Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy, The Hague

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Ms. Danijela Horvat First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Lidija Dolenc Legal Intern, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Ms. Maite Nkoana-Mashabane Minister, Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation Alternate H.E. Mr. Tshililo Michael Masutha Minister, Ministry of Justice and Correctional Services H.E. Mr. Vusi Bruce Koloane Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Dire David Tladi Special Adviser to the Minister Adviser Mr. Pieter Andreas Stemmet Senior State Law Adviser, International Law Mr. Reginald Cassius Lubisi Director General, Presidency Mr. Shaun Kevin Abrahams National Director, Public Prosecutions Mr. Harris Madoda Ntshinga Director Foreign Service, Department of International Relations and Cooperation Mrs. Maropene Lydia Ramokgopa Deputy Director Foreign Service, Department of International Relations and Cooperation Ms. Thanisa Naidu-Lewin Legal Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Enver Daniels Chief State Law Adviser, Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Mr. Ndaba John Makhubele Chief Director International Legal Relations, Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Mr. Mthunzi Columbus Mhaga Chief Director International Legal Relations, Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Mr. Vusumusi Prince Maluleke Chief Director, Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Ms. Confrence Kgaugelo Monageng Secretary, Ministry of Justice and Correctional Services Mr. Teddy Ceke Multilateral Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mrs. Janine Pedro Duminy Protocol Officer, Office of the Minister Mrs. Gloria Puso Mpólokeng Assistant Personal Adviser to the Minister Mr. Gilbert Greeff Support, Close Protector to the Minister

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Ms. Namhla Neliswa Gigaba Chargé d’Affaires, Embassy, The Hague


Representante S.E. Sr. Fernando Arias González Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sr. Fernando Curcio Ruigómez Ministro Consejero, Embajada, La Haya Consejero Sr. José Martin y Pérez de Nanclares Representante, División de Derecho Internacional, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación Sr. Juan Manuel García Labajo Jefe General, Asesoría Jurídica General de Defensa, Ministerio de Defensa Sra. María Cruz-Guzmán Flores Jefa Adjunta de la Asesoría Jurídica Internacional, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación Sr. Javier Burgos Belascoain Inspector de los Servicios, Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas Sr. Abraham Martínez Alcañiz Capitán Auditor, Asesoría Jurídica General de Defensa, Ministerio de Defensa Sr. José Fernando Fernández-Aguayo Muñoz Consejero, Embajada, La Haya Sra. Luisa Sánchez-Bravo Carretero Secretaria, Embajada, La Haya Sra. Ángela Llach Verdaguer Asesora, Embajada, La Haya Sra. Claudia Rodríguez Garza Pasante, Embajada, La Haya


Representative H.E. Mr. Riad N. A. Malki Minister of Foreign Affairs Alternate H.E. Mr. Nabil Abuznaid Ambassador, Mission, The Hague Adviser H.E. Mrs. Rawan T. Z. Sulaiman Ambassador, Assistant Minister for Multilateral Affairs Mr. Ammar M. B. Hijazi Deputy Assistant, Minister for Multilateral Affairs Mr. Omar A. H. Awadallah Director of United Nations and its Specialized Organizations Department Mr. Majed S. F. Bamya Director of International Treaties Department Mr. Ahmad Mousa First Secretary, Mission, The Hague

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Mr. Ramez Abu Safia Second Secretary, Mission, The Hague Mr. Najeh Al Dahdouh Ambassador Personal Assistant, Mission, The Hague Ms. Lina Baddour Legal Advisor


Representative Ms. Juliette Kasmin-Redman First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Ms. Peggy Denise Johanna Wong-A-Foe Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Morillo Williams Delegate


Representative H.E. Ms. Alice Bah Kuhnke Minister of Culture and Democracy, Ministry of Culture Alternate Mr. Gustav Lind Head of Department, Department for International Law, Human Rights and Treaty Law at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Per Holmström Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Petter Lycke Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Emil Johansson Desk Officer, Department of Law, Human Rights and Treaty Law, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Adviser Mr. Gerd Johnsson-Latham Deputy Director, Department of Law, Human Rights and Treaty Law, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Sandra Karlsson Desk Officer, Multilateral Affairs, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Maureen Nahwera Senior Governance Advisor, Embassy, Uganda Mr. Felix König Political Advisor, Ministry of Culture Mr. Boris Vasic Press Secretary, Ministry of Culture Ms. Viktoria Dahlrot Intern, Multilateral Affairs, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Caroline Wrangsten Intern, Press and Communications, Embassy, The Hague

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Représentant S.E. M. Jürg Lindenmann Ambassadeur, Directeur suppléant de la Direction du droit international public, Département fédéral des affaires étrangères Suppléant S.E. M. Urs Breiter Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye Conseiller Mme. Nadine Olivieri Lozano Ministre Conseiller, Ambassade, La Haye Mme. Damaris Carnal Première Secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, New York M. Matthias Lanz Chef suppléant de section, Direction du droit international public, Département fédéral des affaires étrangères Mme. Virginie Pache Attaché juridique, Ambassade, La Haye M. Axel Girardin Attaché juridique, Ambassade, La Haye M. Daniel Fasnacht Chargé de Section



Representative H.E. Mr. Igor Popov Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Ms. Viktorija Chavkoska First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague




Représentant S.E. M. Mohamed Karim Ben Becher Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye Suppléant Mme. Imen Guettiti Conseiller des affaires étrangères


Representative H.E. Mr. Fredrick Ruhindi Attorney General

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Alternate H.E. Mrs. Mirjam Blaak Sow Permanent Representative, European Union Adviser H.E. Mr. Duncun Muhumuza Laki Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Ms. Harriet Nalukwago Ssali Deputy Registar, International Crimes Division, High Court Mr. John Bosco R. Suuza Principal State Attorney


Representative Ms. Cathy Adams Legal Director, Foreign & Commonwealth Office Alternate H.E. Mr. Geoffrey Adams Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Shehzad Charania Legal Adviser, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Christopher Stephen Legal Adviser, Foreign & Commonwealth Office Mr. Matthew Puttick Second Secretary, Political and International Legal Affairs, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Arminka Helić Life Peer, House of Lords Ms. Emma Thomas Legal Team Assistant, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Timothy McAtackney Legal Trainee, Foreign & Commonwealth Office Mr. Adrian Lee Head of War Crimes Team, Foreign & Commonwealth Office Ms. Sandra Domaingue Deputy Head of War Crimes Team, Foreign & Commonwealth Office Mr. Philip Dixon Legal Adviser, Foreign & Commonwealth Office


Representative H.E. Ms. Irene F.M. Kasyanju Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Matiku J. Kimenya Minister Counselor, Embassy, The Hague Mrs. Naomi M. Zegezege First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague

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Representante S.E. Sr. Alvaro Moerzinger Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sr. Felipe Michelini Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Carlos Mata Director de Asuntos de Derecho Internacional, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Verónica Crego First Secretary, Embajada, La Haya Consejero Sr. Laureano Bentancur Segundo Secretario, Dirección de Asuntos de Derecho Internacional, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores



Representante S.E. Sra. Haifa Aissami Madah Embajadora, Representante Permanente, Embajada, La Haya Suplente S.E. Sr. José Ángel Bucarello Guzmán Embajador Alterno, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Wilhen Díaz Primer Secretario, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Luis Lugo García Tercer Secretario, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Andrés Guerra Agregado, Embajada, La Haya


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II. Observer States/ États observateurs/ Estados observadores


Représentant S.E. Mme. Nassima Baghli Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye Conseiller M. Massinissa Bektache Secrétaire des Affaires Etrangères, Ambassade, La Haye M. Mourad Amoukrane Ministre Conseiller, Ambassade, La Haye








Représentant S.E. Mme. Odette Melono Ministre Plenipotentiaire, Ambassade, La Haye


Representative Ms. Xiaomei Guo Counsellor, Department of Treaty & Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser Mr. Haibo Gou Legal Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Qinmin Shen Deputy Director, Department of Treaty & Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Lijun Yang Associate Professor, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Ms. Xiaoxue Ji Attaché, Department of Treaty & Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tianshu Zhao Attaché, Department, Embassy, The Hague


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Representative Mr. Taher Farahat Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Mostafa Nada Second Secretary Mr. Ahmed Riad Second Secretary




Representative H.E. Mr. Tedros Adhanom G/Yesus Minister of Foreign Affairs Alternate H.E. Mr. Teshome Toga Chanaka Ambassador Alternate Mr. Eshete Tilahun Minister Counsellor Mrs. Srkalem Mehari Protocol Officer Mr. Besfat Gashaw Attaché




Représentant M. René Marinus André Guldenmund Conseiller Juridique


Representative Mrs. Kajal Bhat First Secretary, Legal. Embassy, The Hague



Alternate Mr. Bahram Jamali Counsellor


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Representative H.E. Mr. Haim Divon Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Daniel Geron Director, Global Justice Office, National Security Council, Prime Minister’s Office Mr. Gil-Ad Noam Director, International Criminal Law, Ministry of Justice Mr. Meital Nir-Tal Legal Adviser, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Roy Ariav Attorney, Ministry of Justice Adviser Mr. Shahar Berger Legal Assistant, Embassy, The Hague




Representative Mr. Hafeez Al-Ajmi Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Ali Al-Thayedi Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Hayef Alhuwailah Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Afaf Boulas-Gobrial Communication Officer, Embassy, The Hague






Représentant H.E. M. Abdelouhab Bellouki Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye Suppléant M. Abdelkader Abidine Conseiller, Ambassade, La Haye

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Representative Mr. Ahmed Said Al-Shekaili Vice Public Prosecutor, Ministry of Legal Affairs Alternate Mr. Khalifa Hamid Al-Far’i Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Police


Representative Mr. Syed Faraz Hussain Zaidi Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague


Representative Mr. Khalid Al Khater Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Khalid Al Hajri Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Rashid Al-Neami Diplomatic Attache, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Ibrahim Al-Nesf Mr. Bakr Alqaysi


Alternate Mr. Konstantin Timokhin Second Secretary



Representative H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz Abdullah Abohaimed Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Ali Al Shehri Mr. Moaid Al Solami



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Representative H.E. Mr. Ittiporn Boonpracong Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Asi Mamanee Minister Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Sorayut Chasombat Director, Legal Affairs Division, Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Kanokwan Ketchaimas Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Natsupang Poshyananda First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague


TURKEY Representative H.E. Mr. Sadık Aslan Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Ms. Hande Sari Asp Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser Mr. Hakan Yavuz Judicial Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Güray Güçlü Rapporteur Judge, Ministry of Justice Mr. Harun Reşit Halisoğlu Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Mehmet Bozkaya Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Naz Tufekciyasar Legal Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representative Ms. Lali Moroz Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague


Representative Mr. Abdulrahim Yousif Al Awadi Assistant, Foreign Minister for Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Alternate H.E. Mr. Abdalla Hamdan Alnaqbi Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Salim Ibrahim Alnaqbi Director, Assistant Ministry for Legal Affairs office Ms. Mariam Saif Alshamsi Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Adil Sadiq Alamiri Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague


Representative Ms. Jane Stromseth Acting Head, Office of Global Criminal Justice, Department of State Mr. Todd Buchwald Assistant Legal Adviser, United Nations Affairs, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State Adviser Ms. Leah Bellshaw Policy Advisor, Office of Global Criminal Justice, Department of State Ms. Sharla Draemel Deputy Legal Counselor, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Anna Katherine Drake Associate General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, Department of Defense Ms. Jennifer Marcovitz Attorney-Adviser, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State Mr. Adam E. Keith Principal Policy Advisor, Office of Global Criminal Justice, Department of State Ms. Teresa McHenry Chief, Human Rights and Special Prosecutions, Criminal Division, Department of Justice Ms. Tara Jones Director, Rule of Law, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense Ms. Shay Stanford Deputy Legal Counsel to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Office of General Counsel, Department of Defense Mr. Jonathan White Political-Legal Officer, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Kathleen Wilson Legal Counselor, Embassy, The Hague





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III. States invited to be present during the work of the Assembly/ Les États invités à se faire représenter aux travaux de l’Assemblée/ Los Estados invitados a que asistieran a los trabajos de la Asamblea



















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IV. Entities, intergovernmental organizations and other entities/ Entités, organisations intergouvernementales et autres entités/ Entidades, organizaciones intergubernamentales y otras entidades

African Union

Mr. Vincent O. Nmehielle Legal Counsel, Director, Office of Legal Counsel Mr. Adewale Edoho Lyanda


Ms. Marie-Pierre Olivier

Commission International humanitaire d'établissement des faits (IHFFC)

M. Charles Henry Barre Garraway M. Justinas Zilinskas Council of Europe

European Union

Mr. Christian Behrmann European External Action Service Mr. Dimitris Iliopoulos Mr. Tsvetomir Svilenov

Genocide Network Secretariat

Mr. Matevž Pezdirc Head Mr. Lothar Johannes Lehnert Mr. Daniel Gabriel Tatomir

International Committee of the Red Cross

Mr. Charles Sabga Legal Adviser, Advisory Service on International Humanitarian Law, in the Integration and promotion of Law Division, Ms. Marina Fakhouri Detention Adviser, Geneva Ms. Julie Tenenbaum Regional Legal Adviser, Europe Mission, Paris Mr. Romain Clercq-Roques Legal Adviser, Europe Mission, Paris

International Criminal Police Organization

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

Mr. Roman Boed Ms. Rosette Muzigo-Morrison

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Mr. Hassan B. Jallow Mr. Mathias Marcussen

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Mr. Carmel Agius President, Judge Mr. Daqun Liu Vice-President, Judge Ms. Ana Cristina Rodriguez Pineda Chef de Cabinet to the President Mr. Serge Brammertz Prosecutor Mr. Kevin Hughes Mr. John Hocking Registrar ICTY & MICT Ms. Kate Mackintosh Deputy Registrar ICTY Ms. Giorgia Tortora External Relations Officer Ms. Asa Rydberg Legal Officer Ms. Tatjana Dawson Legal Officer Mr. Andrew Begg Legal Officer

International Development Law Organization

Mrs. Irene Khan Mr. Ted Hill Mrs. Mónica Martinez Rule of Law Advisor

International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission

Mr. Charles Garraway Mr. Justinas Zilinskas

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance

Mr. Sumit Bisarya

International Organization for Migration

Ms. Tanja Pacifico

International Organization of la Francophonie

M. Michel Carrié Chargé de la coopération juridique et judiciaire à la Direction de la paix

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International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

Inter-Parliamentary Union

League of Arab States

Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals

Mr.Theodor Meron Judge Ms. Gabrielle McIntyre Mr. Mathias Marcussen Mr. Hassan Bubacar

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Organization of American States

Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

Mr. Nguyen Duy Chien

Organization of Islamic Cooperation

H.E. Mr. Abdel-Aziz Seif El-Nasr

Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean Mr. Sergio Piazzi

Permanent Court of Arbitration

Regional Centre on Small Arms & Light Weapons

Mr. Theoneste Mutsindashyaka

Ms. Anne Karwitha

Southern African Development Community

Ms. Emilie A. Mushobekwa

Special Tribunal for Lebanon

Mr. Norman Farrell Mr. Daryl Mundis Ms. Amélie Zinzius Ms. Evelyn Anoya Ms. Alexa Jeremy Ms. Rachel Katzman Ms. Maja Dimitrova Mr. Peyman Pejman

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The Hague Conference on Private International Law

Ms. Marta Pertegás Mr. Philippe Lortie

United Nations

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V. Non-governmental organizations/ Organisations non gouvernementales/ Organizaciones no gubernamentales

Al-Haq American Bar Association for Human Rights American University Washington College of Law Amnesty International Coalition for the International Criminal Court CILRAP Human Rights Watch Institute for Security Studies International Association of Democratic Lawyers International Bar Association International Criminal Law Society International Federation for Human Rights International Organization for Victim Assistance International Partnership for Human Rights Justice Rapid Response Kikandwa Rural Communities Development Organisation (Kirucodo) Lawyers Without Borders Canada


No Peace Without Justice - ASP/3/18/Corr.1 Open Society Justice Initiative Parliamentarians for Global Action

Public International Law & Policy Group Page 5 REDRESS Solidarité pour un Monde Meilleur TrustAfrica Union Internationale des Avocats Women’s Bar Association


46 I1-EFS-261115