Charity Facing Closure Over Bus Ad Campaign

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Charity Facing Closure Over Bus Ad Campaign THE An historicyear forthe Church of England CHURCHOF The year in review ENGLAND p5 Newspaper 01.01.16 £1.50 No: 6311 AVAILABLEON⌦NEWSSTAND AHappy New Year to all our readers, advertisersand contributors Charity facing closure over bus ad campaign By astaffreporter by ademand for asum ‘in excess of Mr Davidson said that the demand is gested that they might win an appeal at £100,000’. ‘punitive, and intended to crippleand the European CourtofHuman Rights, THE NORTHERN IRELAND charity The charity took the Mayor of London silence both the Trust and myself with but said that their objective now was to that tookTransport for Londontocourt and Transportfor London to courtafter the intention of closing down our regis- avoid further costs. over bus adverts is facing abill of over they rejected an advert they intended to tered charitable work.’ In appealing for funds,heconceded £100,000 in courtcosts over their failed post on London buses. Although thecourtcase was backed that their campaign had not been sup- case. The saga arose after an advertising by Christian Concernand the Christian ported by many churches. Just before Christmas the leader of the campaign by Stonewall that read ‘Some Legal Centre, Mr Davidson said he did “I respect their views, and ask their CoreIssue Trust, Mike Davidson, said people aregay.Get over it.’ Core Issues not intend to ask them to help with the understanding that we have different that legal action had been taken that Trust,together with theChristian Legal costs. “The financial responsibility for perspectives and understandings of meant all the resources of the charity are Centreand Christian Concern, planned a theconsequences of this action do not scriptureonthe matter.” now in possession of the Enforcement of riposte reading‘Post-gay and proud. Get belong to them and Iamthereforebegin- However,he maintained that it was Judgements Office. over it.’ ning afinancial appeal to help our cause important that “the right to hold acon- The initialamountof£8,870.87 will be Now after the courtbattles, the charity on myown initiative,” he said. traryview in the public space needs to be recouped first, but that will be followed ishaving to pay the courtcosts. He claimed that legal experts had sug- defended.” Ellie Goulding is patron of Church Army project SINGER Ellie Goulding make afresh start. Ilove fantastic support.” is picturedwith Mark howthe project empow- Ellieeven volunteered Russell, as shewas erswomento make the at Maryleboneover the appointed the first-ever changes to transform Christmasperiod to get Patron of Church their own lives. to know thewomen, Army’s project for “I saw this for myself staff and objectives of women experiencing when I visited a few theprojectbetter. homelessness in Lon- weeks ago andwas Ellieand homeless don, one ofthelargestof inspired bythestoriesof charity, Streets of Lon- its kind in the United thewomenImet.” don, recentlydonated Kingdom. Church Army Chief £15,000totheMaryle- The announcement Executive,Mark Rus- bone Project, which will followsEllie’s recent sell, said: Iam so excited be used for its Women visit totheMarylebone that Ellie hasaccepted into Work,aprogramme Project, whereshechat- myinvitation tobecome designed to train, sup- tedto thewomenand the Patron of the port and guide women staff abouttheir experi- Marylebone Project. on their journey towards ences. Sheis such anamazing employment. Around Ellie said: “I am so advocate for homeless 110womenayearbene- pleasedtobe thefirst- people andshe is pas- fit fromtheWomen into ever Patron of the sionateabouthelping Work programme. Marylebone Project. those in need. All our The MaryleboneProj- This amazing place clientsare so excited ectwas ableto offer serves hundreds of that Ellie wants to be 40,515 bednights to vul- homeless women every part ofour project. We nerable women during week and helps them areso grateful for her thepast financial year. @churchnewspaper 2 Friday January 1, 2016 THE CHURCH IN ENGLAND Bonne Année! Gelukkig THE NieuwJaar! Happy NewYear! DIARY Send your events to John Wilkinson We began Canon Pastor 2015 working towards the or Tw eet@churchnewspaper Whatever happens in the appointment of course of 2016 in the UK, the anew Canon Church of England willbeat Chancellor and the heartofEurope, in Brus- Senior Chap- Send your events to sels, whereithas been since lain. Canon 1814, along withthe other Paul Vrolijk’s or Tweet @churchnewspaper Anglican churches through- arrival, anative out Belgium,some ofwhich of the Nether- areeven older. lands who had 6January Holy Trinity,Brussels been minister- (HTB) is one of the Pro- ing in France, heralded anew phase in the life of Holy 9:15am Science and Religion in the Local Church. St Cathedrals in the Diocese in Trinity. Edmund’s College, Cambridge CB3 0BN Europe. Our bishop, Robert Innes, formerlythe sen- But things hadn’t been quiet beforehis arrival. Wide (until 8th). ior chaplain, has his office just up the road. We are consultation about futuredirections of ministryled us served, alongside many volunteers, by three clergy,a to aclearsenseofour calling to servethe city,using team of readers andSunday schoolleaders, with this ourbuildingsand outsideour buildings,which arein 16 January year aCEMES internpreparing forministerial selec- the process of renovation. The arrival of many tion. refugees in the city,has highlighted thisvocation. 10am Islam for Anglicans, aCritical Introduction Brussels is home both to the EU and NATO, with Our congregation have been involved serving Part1-led by Stephen Laird. Godmersham & the thousands who workinthemalongside people in refugees in atemporaryencampment in Brussels, Crundale Village Hall, Canterbury, Kent. business, the professions, and in the universities in some have welcomed families into their homes and we and near Brussels. continue to seek the best way that we can respond as The ecumenical work of the Chapel for Europe, the situation changes. Brussels churches work indi- 26 January hosted by the Roman Catholic church has aparticular vidually and with other churches arepartofacitywide ministryinto the European Institutions; we and espe- attempt to meet ahuge need by offering accommoda- 10am ‘Near Neighbours: Learning for our Future’. cially our outreach workerare veryinvolved. tion, food and administrative help. Carriageworks Theatre,LLeeds, with keynote Thereare also people working in NGOs and civil PaulVrolijkand HTB have just featured inamaga- speeches from Imam Qari Asim MBE and the rights activists, artists and musicians. Brussels is a zine, highlightingreligions in Brussels, published by Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds. city wherealongside the Belgian population thereare the Capital Region as partofan educational response 1pm Science, Faith and God: The BigQuestions. many expatriates; migrants and refugees; the jobless following the terroristatrocitiesthis year in Paris,in Prof Alister McGrath lectures on ‘Cosmologgy and the homeless. which the Brussels suburb of Molenbeek has been and Creation’ atBarnard’s Inn Hall, EC1N In many parts of Brussels you areaslikely to hear implicated. This educational initiativewillcontinuein 2HH. Free as much English being spoken as Nederlands and February2016, with HTB’s Canon Theologian Jack Français. HTB and the other English-speaking McDonald taking partinathree-day prayer vigil for 30 January churchesinBrusselsseekto sharethe goodnews of peace and understanding, with theleaders of the Christ in wordand action, in partnershipwith the recognised religions in Belgium hosted by Brussels 10am to 4pm: Discipleship in Action day at Corby national and other international churches. churches, synagogues and mosques. Business Academy,Gretton Road, Corby, We watch with prayerful interest and concernthe We hosted aCommunityDinner in October in part- NN17 5EB. Free admission. Organised by process initiated by theUKgovernment; by no means nership with Serve the City for residents in an emer- Peterborough Diocese. all of us will be able to vote on this matter that affects gency centrefor families and an asylum seeker centre, us directly,because we have lived outside theUK for which we hope to repeat in thenew year. longer than 15 years. Holy Trinity does not take apar- We heldalarge-scale consultation on our children 23 January ticular view on the issue though the majority of our and youth ministry in which in the year 2014/2015 members would probably be on oneside of the argu- therewereover 100 registered. 1pm Science, Faith and God: The Big Questions. ment! All this is against thebackground of regular worship Prof Alister McGrath lectures on ‘Darwin, Thechurchbuilding with its meeting rooms and andChristian teaching in services, home groups and Evollutiion andd Godd’ at Barnard’sIInn Halll, offices arehidden away through an archway in the young people’s groups. Our strong musical tradition is EC1N 2HH. Free rueCaptaine Crespel /Kapitein Crespelstraat. The acorepartofour worship, with Jazz Carols, Carol premises areused by anumber of local groups during Service and performances of Handel’s Messiah, and 5April the week. We have four Sunday services: aquiet Holy Bach’s St Matthew Passion on Good Friday. Communion,alarge mid-morning congregation with October saw the centenaryofthe death of Edith Sunday school, abilingual service for English and Cavell in Brussels. Nurse Cavell had sung briefly in 1pm Science, Faith and God: The Big Questions. French
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