Texada Tapestry: a History About the Type of Things That Have Been Heather Harbord Her Bread and Butter for a Long Time
BOOK REVIEWS Voyage to the Northwest Coast of and Vancouver were, respectively, America, 1792: Juan Francisco Spanish and British commissioners sent to implement the particulars of de la Bodega y Quadra and the the Nootka Sound Convention. It Nootka Sound Controversy is no surprise that agreement could Juan Francisco de la Bodega not be met for Bodega y Quadra’s y Quadra. Edited by Robin vaunted demands were unacceptable and Vancouver held tenaciously to his Inglis and Iris H.W. Engstrand, own authorized position. It is thus foreword by Michael rather fascinating to read Bodega y Maquinna, translated by Quadra’s narrative alongside that of Freeman M. Tovell Vancouver’s, the latter printed in W. Kaye Lamb’s Voyage of George Vancouver, Norman: University of Oklahoma published in definitive edition by the Press, 2012. 192 pp. Illus. $34.95 cloth. Hakluyt Society. Barry Gough From our own distant viewpoint, the social gathering of mariners from Victoria rival empires meeting at what must have seemed like the ends of the earth, he heart of this work, and its on the margin of a great continent of Traison d’être, is the report of Juan as yet unknown value and one still Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra, dated shrouded in geographical mystery, 2 February 1793 at San Blas, Mexico. seems but an enchantment in our time This document is not a diary or journal; and space. Maquinna and the First it was concluded six months after the Nations, observers and participants proceedings recounted and described. in the larger drama, and hosts to the The report was intended for the viceroy visitors in Maquinna’s Big House for of New Spain and for the king of Spain, hereditary dances, speeches of honour, and it is a useful summary from the and a sumptuous feast of the finest position of the Spanish commandant’s foods of ancestral lands and seas, meeting with Captain George could hardly have known that, over the Vancouver at Nootka in late August dinner parties aboard ship in which the the previous year.
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