75¢ COLBY Thursday September 18, 2014 Volume 125, Number 146 Serving Thomas County since 1888 10 pages FFREEREE PPRESSRESS Speaker looks back to era of protesters By Sam Dieter of Denver, where students occupied a shanty town Colby Free Press on campus.
[email protected] Dr. Sheila Schroeder, an associate professor at the university’s Department of Media, Film and Jour- A Colorado professor told students at Colby Com- nalism Studies, said she has been working on a film munity College on Tuesday that she had to search about 1960s-era protests at her school for several through dusty old boxes and storage areas to find film and photos of 1970 protests at the University See “SPEAKER,” Page 2 Art show judge teaches in McCook Rick Johnson, who grew up in media. His paintings were shown the Nebraska landscape he says in the Fred Simon Gallery exhibi- has been the inspiration in most of tion in 2013 and his most recent his art work, has agreed to judge showing was at the Governor’s Colby’s High Plains Art Club Mansion Exhibition in Lincoln. show, which will be open Oct. 18 This year, his Highlands Solo and 19 in the gymnasium at Heart- Exhibition was staged in Dallas TESSA HILL/Gem 4-H historian land Christian School. and he also had a painting in the Amanda Leica picked up trash while her father, Joe Leija, trimmed tall weeds Sept. 7 when the Johnson, a lifelong resident of Museum of Nebraska Art “Spirit” Gem 4-H Club cleaned up the area behind the Gem firehouse.