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INSIDE Singleschart, 6-7;Album chart,17; New Singles, 18; NewAlbums, 13; Airplay guide, 14-15; lndpendent Labels, 8; Retailing 5. June 28, 1982 VOLUME FIVE Number 12 65p RCA sets price Industry puts brave rises on both face on plunging LPs & singles RCAis implementing itsfirst wide- ranging increase in prices since January Summer disc sales 1981. Then its new 77p dealer price for singles sparked trade controversy but ALL THE efforts of the record industryfor the £s that records appear to be old the rest of the industry followed in due to hold down prices and generate excite-hat. People who are renting a VCR are course. ment in recorded music are meeting amaking monthly payment equivalent to With the new prices coming into stubbornly flat market. purchasing one LP a week," he said. effect on July 1, RCA claims now to be Brave faces are being worn around the Among the major companies howev- merely coming into line with other major companies but itis becominger, there is steadfast resistance to gloom. companies. clear that the business is in the middle of Paul Russell, md of CBS, puts the New dealer price for singles will be an even worse early Summer depressionproblem down to weak releases and is 85p (ex VAT) with 12 -inch releases than that of 1981. happy to be having success with Joan costing £1.49, a rise of 16p. On tapes The volume of sales mentioned by theJett, The Clash, Neil Diamond andWHETHER IT likes it or not, Polydorand albums the 3000 series goes from RB chart department shows a decline ofAltered Images with the prospect of bigis now heavy metal outfit Samson's£2.76 to £2.95, the 6000 series from between 20 and 30 percent over the samereleases from Judas Priest and REOrecord company.
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