District Census Handbook, Belgaum, Part X-A, B, Series-14,Mysore
CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 - S E RI E 8-14 MYSORE DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK BELGAUM DISTRICT pART X-A ~ - TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY PART X-B: PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT P. PADMANABHA OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVIOE DlRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS MYBOltE ~ OFfiCE OF THE REGISTRAR , GE~~~AL, INDIA, NEW DElHI. : 2011 [LIBRARY] 0 t ~ 3SS No._ . 315.487 - ~ 1 ~ I ,okNo._ 1971 BEL DCH -...,.. x p~ 24904 :::I = = S .j Z I I cession No, « to ~h ~oooooooo·oooooooowv~ ~ ~ 'fi.. = ('4 ~ I 'lilla" ii SAUNDA.TTI .YELLAMMA TEMPLE, (Belgaum District) (Motif on the Cover) The illustration on the cover page depicts the sacred shrine of Goddess Yellamma, held in gn~at veneration throughout the districts of Belgaum, Bijapur, Dharwar, Karwar and Part of Maharashtra. Though situated on a hill within the limits of the Yellamma Saundatti Town Municipality, it is at a distance of about 5 Kms. South east of the main inhabited portion of Yel1amma Saundatti. An inscription on the base of one of its pillars, dated 1514 AD, records that the upper storey on the stone mantap 'of the west door was got built by the Vijayanagar king Krishnadeva Raya (1508-1529 AD). Though nothing authentic about the origin of the temple is known, the sanctum sanctorum is said to belong to the 13th century AD. Goddess Yellamma is identified with Renuka, the mother of Parashurama and wife of Jamadagni. On one occasion Jamadagni ordered Parashurama to behead Renuka for her unchaste desires. Parashurama instantly obeyed his father. Immensely pleased at his obedient son the sage offered him a boon.
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