2 disclaimer Welcome to DUNE. My name is Dorian Hawkins and I love DUNE. This piece of work is one fan’s homage to that wonderful piece of work. Let me stress right from the get-go that this tome utilises the ONE ROLL ENGINE, as devised by GREG STOLZE and popularised by SHANE IVEY and DENNIS DETWILER of ARC DREAM. I do not own any rights or even claim any ownership of their game mechanics. In fact, if you even want to use this book, you need a copy of the REIGN rules (available imminently in an inexpensive pocket book version and PDF, so you really have no excuse). This game is also based on the novel DUNE by Frank Herbert. The rights to DUNE and the CHRONICLES OF DUNE do not belong to me and if there is any challenge to this fan work, holders of the license or intellectual property of DUNE and its related products should contact me at
[email protected] immediately. This book is intended for people’s use until there is an official DUNE RPG out there. Until such time, I hope this meager work can suffice. Hya Hya Chouhada! Dorian Thomas Hawkins The One Roll Engine is the property of Arc Dream and Greg Stolze . DUNE is the property of Herbert Properties LLC . The writer makes no claim to such licenses and this role-playing game is available for no profit. Should any party object to this document, please contact the author and it shall be removed. 3 the known universe The year is 10,091, one hundred years before This delicate balance of power serves to prevent the events of DUNE.