Chapter 5: , Here We Come!

I. Americans Move West A. Trappers Head West 1. California-25 years part of , hard place to reach because of mountains *2. for years, only way to get from US to CA was by ship *3. 1820s trappers began opening up routes---discovered new routes while looking for places to trap beavers and other animals 4. demand, or desire, for beaver fur high in 1820s 5. supply-amount of a good or service that is offered for sale 6. frontier-land beyond the settled parts of the US

B. Jedediah Strong Smith *1. Jedediah Strong Smith-trailblazer, made a new path for others to follow 2. 1826, in his twenties, led expedition of 17 men from Great Salt Lake to , across Mojave Desert, through San Bernardino Mountains to Mission San Gabriel 3. first people to travel by land from US to CA 4. Smith continued to ---asked CA governor for permission to explore CA 5. Governor Echeandia thought Smith might be a spy so he ordered him to leave *6. after trapping for several months left crossing Sierra Nevadas 7. first from US to cross

C. More Trailblazers 1. James Ohio Pattie and dad, Sylvester Pattie set out for CA in 1827 2. jailed when they arrived; James released; dad died in jail 3. Ewing Young helped develop Old Spanish Trail in 1830s 4. Joseph Reddeford Walker-first to cross Sierra Nevada from east *5. pass-opening between mountains

D. James Beckwourth 1. 1828 taken prisoner by Crow Indians 2. thought to be son of Crow chief 3. made chief 4. 1844 came to CA to trap 5. found a mountain pass that is still called Beckwourth Pass

***need to know how to distinguish fact and opinion for test pp. 196, 197