Annual Report

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Annual Report ANNUAL REPORT 1980-81 ■’i no-i -th GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE (Department of Education and Department of Culture) NEW DELHI r y / ' i S ^ 3^ 1 - '> °6 ( CONTENTS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Chapters Pages INTRODUCTORY (vii) 1. S c h o o l E d u c a t io n 1 2. H ig h e r E d u c a t io n a n d R e s e a r c h 14 3. T e c h n ic a l E d u c a t io n 3 0 4. S cholarships 36 5. Book Promotion and Copyright 39 6. Youth Services 43 7. P h y s ic a l E d u c a t io n a n d S p o r t s 4 6 8. L a n g u a g e s 53 9. I n d ia n N a t io n a l C o m m issio n f o r C o o p e r a t io n w it h U n e sc o 63 10. A d u l t E d u c a t io n 66 11. Education in the Union Territories 70 12. A c t iv it ie s in C o m m o n a n d C l e a r in g H o u se F u n c t io n s 76 DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE INTRODUCTORY (xv) 1. C u l t u r a l A f f a ir s 85 2. Archaeology 94 3. A nthropological S u r v e y o f I n d i a 97 4. A r c h iv e s 100 5. M u s e u m a n d L ib r a r ie s : T h e ir C onservation a n d D e v e l o p m e n t 102 FINANCIAL ALLOCATIONS OF ITEMS DISCUSSED ADMINISTRATIVE CHARTS 115 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION INTRODUCTORY Policy and Approach The year 1980-81 began with a new vigour and vision for educational development and a determination to carry out the approved policies and programmes in various fields. A Working Group on Education and Culture was set up by the Govern­ ment of India in July 1980 to suggest perspective of development for the decade, particularly with a view to equalising educational opportunities to all sections of the people, removing the existing socio-economic disparities, and to make recommendations for action programmes in the Sixth Five Year Plan 1980— 85 indicating goals, priorities and policies. In its report that was submitted in August 1980, this Working Group emphasised the fact that education is a crucial input in the development of human resources which is fundamental to the realisation of goals of planning for develop­ ment and that it should find its rightful place as a basic input in the deve­ lopmental efforts in the national planning. Investments in education should therefore reflect its pivotal role. As enunciated in the Report, the important goals and tasks of educa­ tional planning to which the educational systems and programmes need to be redirected are : (a) to guarantee to all, equality of opportunity in their education for improving quality of life and their participation in the tasks of promoting the general well-being of the society; (b) to afford to all voung people and adults, irrespective of aee, the means for ample self-fulfilment within the frame-work of a harmonious development which reflects the needs of the com­ munity to which they belong; (c) to provide for a continuous process of life-long education for their physical, intellectual and cultural development and for inculcating capabilities to cope with and influence social change; (d) to establish dynamic and beneficial links between education, employment and development with due regard for the economic and social aims of the community; and (e) to promote values of national integration, secularism, demo­ cracy and dignity of labour. Planning and Monitoring The Working Group has recommended an outlay of Rs. 3.500 crores for the Sixth Plan for Education. Against this, an outlay of Rs. 2,524 crores has been allocated. For the central sector, the outlay approved is Rs. 734-75 crores and Rs. 107.11 crores for the Sixth Plan and for 1981-82 respectively. The programmes of universalisation of elementary education and adult education have been accorded due priority in the Plan. An attempt has also been made to formulate special component plan for the Scheduled castes and Tribal sub-Plan for the tribal areas both for the Sixth Plan and the Annual Plan 1981-82 in the Central and State Sectors'. School Education The programme of universalisation of elementary education has been retained as an essential component of the Minimum Needs Programme. A target of 180 lakh children has been set ud for additional enrolment during the Sixth Plan period. Tins will mean 95% coverage at the primary staee and 50% at the middle staee. For the benefits of those children who could not start schooling; or who had to dropout due to rigidities of the formal system, a non-formal education programme is being operated in a decent­ ralised manner with greater flexibility. Special programmes for increasing (vii) the enrolment of girls are being undertaken. The NCERT has taken in hand a comprehensive survey to ascertain more specifically the reasons for slow progress in the enrolment of girls and has initiated action to prepare relevant curriculum for children of Scheduled Tribes. Early Childhood Education A modest programme of Ilarly Childhood Education has been proposed to broad-base the programme of universalisation. Early Childhood Educa­ tion Centres, in the form of pre-schools, are proposed to be set up in rural areas for children of disadvantaged sections' as adjuncts to primary and middle schools. Education of the Disabled In the context of the International year of the Disabled Persons 1981, Child a Working Group on the Education of Disabled Child has also recommended a programme the main plank of which is to integrate education of the handi­ capped children in normal schools. Population Education Realising the potential of education in tackling the problems of the growing rate of population the Ministry launched a population education programme from April 1980 designed to introduce population education in the formal education system during the Sixth Plan. The programme envi­ sages inter-alia the development of curriculum at national and state levels, preparation of instructional material and setting up population education cells, both at the Centre and in the States. Educational Technology Tn view of the availability of INSAT early in 1982, steps are being taken to strengthen and broad-base the Educational Technology Programme. Pro­ posals have been developed for the setting up a few Production Centres, in the States for the educational television programmes. A National Workshop on Educational Broadcasting under UNESCO’s Asian Programme of Educational Innovation for Development (APEID) wns Vicki in N?\v Delhi during December 1980. The major recommenda­ tions suggested at this meeting relate to the new priority role for educa­ tional broadcasting to move away from syllabus-oriented approaches into non-fotmal systems and lesser dependence on intermediaries. It also sug­ gested to entrust the responsibility of educational broadcasting with the educational authority and to create adequate infrastructure in the form of Institutes of Educational Technology at the National and State levels. Pattern of Education Attempts were continued to promote the adoption of the 10-f-2 pattern of education. Seven States and one Union Territory which have not so far switched over to this pattern were persuaded to do so at an early date. Vocationalisation of The States and Union Territories have been urged to lay increasing em­ Education phasis on Vocationalisation. Conduct of District level vocational surveys was recommended in order to relate the vocational courses at the +2 stage to the socio-economic needs of the area. Higher Education The decade 1971-80 witnessed a greater degree of stability in the growth of enrolments in higher education. There has also been a declining trend in the number of new universities and colleges established during the Fifth Plan period. Against this background, the University Grants Com­ mission has formulated its Sixth Plan proposals with the main focus on im­ provement of quality of university education, equalisation of educational opportunities, removal of imbalances in educational growth and facilities in different regions, linking education with development, and developing insti­ tutions to an optimum size 1o increase cost effectiveness and efficiency of educational programmes. The Plan includes specific components for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the form of scholarships fellow­ ships and development of colleges in tribal areas. (viii) During 1980-81 the Commission placed special emphasis on programmes for quality improvement like Centres of Advanced Study, special assistance to selected departments, programmes for improvement in the teaching of science and humanities in the colleges, establishment of university service and instrumentation centres, installation of computers in the universities, modernisation of university level courses in various disciplines, restructur­ ing of courses, examination reforms and faculty improvement programmes. Adult Education Non-formal education for adults, particularly those in the productive age group 15-35 years would also be part of the elementary education com­ ponent of the Minimum Needs Programme in the Sixth Plan in view of its potential for immediate impact and goal of providing minimum basic education to all citizens. The Shramik Vidyapeeths set up under the adult education programme for urban workers continued to meet the needs of the workers through its activities of education and training.
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