i Computing Activities Department 94044 ctJJ World Bank Public Disclosure Authorized

Introduction to

Public Disclosure Authorized Computing in the World Bank Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

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Staff member entering data at a remote terminal. 2 Staff members picking up output at the Input/Output desk at the Joint Center in the IMF Building. 3 User representative helping a user with a computing application. 4 Staff members picking up output at satellite Input/Output desk in the "I" I Building near their offices. l 5 Computer operator monitoring a computer system's processing of jobs. \ 6 Field engineer ferreting out a computer problem at the console of the diagnostic unit. 7 CalComp plotter producing graphs. 8 Data communications technician testing the telephone line to a user's remote 1 2 3 4 5 I I I I job entry terminal to determine the source of a problem. 9 operator inspecting a user's input form. 10 The JCC's magnetic tape library where less frequently used data files of users are stored. 6 7 8 11 Staff member receiving help with a software problem from a software specialist. 12 Field engineer testing the central processor to detect potential problems before 9 10 11 they adversely affect jobs submitted by users. 13 Operator mounting a tape to print a user's job on the high speed laser page 12 13 14 printer. 14 Operator mounting a disk pack for access to a user's data file by a job running on the computer. INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING IN THE WORLD BANK

Course Material

Prepared by: Patty Hamsher March 15, 1982 Computing Activities Department



I. INTRODUCTION e ·G 0 e 9 e e 8 8 8 e e 0 8 8 e 8 e e 1

A. Intended Audience ...... 1 B. Objectives •••• ...... 1 c. How to Use this Document 0 • • • • • • • • 1

II. WHAT IS COMPUTING IN THE WORLD BANK? • • • 0 • • • • • • • • 3


A. People Q • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 B. Hardware • • • . . " . .. • • ••••• 9 c. General Purpose Software •• 12


A. Budgeting and Bank Policy • ...... • . 15 B. JCC Billing...... • . . . . • 15 c. ISC Billing...... • . . • . . . 16 D. External Billing . . . . • . . . • . 17 v. HOW DO YOU OPEN THE DOOR TO COMPUTING? ~ ...... • • . . 19 A. If You Believe You Have a Computing Application • • • • 19 B. If You Know What You Need • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 20

VI. HOW DO YOU DO IT YOURSELF? • • • 0 • • • 0 • • • • • Q • • • 23 A. How to Open an Account (Obtain a User Code) ...... 23 B. How to Borrow a Terminal ...... 24 c. How to Log On to the Joint Computer Center . 24 D. How to Log Off When Your Work is Completed . 25 E. How to Connect to External Vendors ...... 26 F. Uses of Special Keys on the Terminal . . . . 26 G. How to Run a Simple Program Interactively 27 H. How to Submit a Batch Job ...... • • • . 28 I. Files, Their Names, and Storage of Them . . • . • . . . 28 J. How to Obtain Keypunching Services • ...... 30 K. How to Enroll in a Class . . • . . • • • • • • 30 L. How to Obtain Documentation, Manuals . • . . . . . 30 VII. HOW DO YOU GET HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST? ...... 31



Page 1. Glossary of Computer Terms • • o o • o • e o u • a o • • 33

2. List of User Representatives 0•0••••••••0•• 43 3. List of Messenger Stations • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 45

4. List of Remote Job Entry (RJE) Stations • • • • • • 0 0 47

5. Terminal Keyboard Diagrams • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 49

6. Some External Computing Services • • • • • • • • • • • • 51

7. Work Flow Language Sample • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 53

8. Joint Computer Center Job Classes •••••••oe•o 55 9. Request for Computing Resources • • • • • • • • • • • • . 57

10. Request for Use of.Keypunching Services ••• . . . . . 59 ll. Modification Request/Problem and Error Report • • e • • 61 12. Instructions for the Practice Session •••••• • • • 63 l

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A. Intended Audience

The Introduction to Computing in the World Bank is intended for all levels of staff who wish to learn more about what is available and how to get things done using the computing facilities and services of the Bank.

B. Objectives

This document has been developed as course material for students in the Introduction to Computing class. The document and the course have two principal objectives:

1) to inform staff of some current computing activities in the Bank, the computing resources that are available, and how these resources are funded;

2) to enable staff to make the most of these resources by . teaching you how to get things done, demonstrating how to do some things yourself, and informing you of where help can be obtained when needed.

Further, for staff who expect to be doing it yourself, a hands-on pract~ce session is offered. The objective of this session is to teach you how to use a terminal, how to log on to the Joint Computer Center's computer, how to run a program interactively, and how to log off. . I c. How To Use This Document I The document follows the structure of the course so it can be . ' I used easily during the class. It can also be used as a reference ! document. Chapters II, III and IV are intended to orient a computer user to the Bank's particular environment. Chapter II provides examples·of computing applications in the the Bank to give a sense of what is going on. Chapter III is an overview of all computing resources available to Bank staff: people; hardware, and software~ Chapter IV looks at paying for these resources, in terms of budgeting and billing. Chapters V, VI and VII are intended to instruct users in how to get things done. Chapter V deals with examples of problems and the approaches one can take to solve them. Chapter VI contains specific instructions for doing certain tasks. These are directed at the beginning hands-on user. Chapter VII lists whom to call to get assistance and service. A glossary of computing terms is included in Annex 1.



What is being done? A brief look at some interesting applica­ tions and how they benefit the Bank provides some insight into how our computing resources are being used. While not al;I. of these systems are available for general use, they were selected to illustrate the diversity of systems in the Bank, the interdependence among some systems and data bases, contrasted with the independent analytical capabilities provided by others. The importance of the role of com­ puting is illustrated not only by the magnitude of data processed but also by its cost-effectiveness.

The Payroll System

Every Bank staff member is an ultimate user, thus a beneficiary, of the Payroll System. We each receive a paycheck twice each month, and take for granted that promotions, overt'ime pay, dining room char­ ges, and health insurance are all accounted for. This system is an example of one that relates to other computing systems, both inside and outside the Bank. For example, Riggs, American Security, and the Credit Union each receive a magnetic tape that causes the correct amounts to be automatically deposited in our accounts. To calculate each amount, the Payroll System must interface with the Personnel System to obtain sta'tus changes, such as promotions and leave without pay. To ensure integrity in the Bank's financial statements, it must interface with the Check Reconciliation System. To enable the cal­ culation of quarterly tax amourits for U.S. citizens, it must interface with the Tax System. To send deductions to New York, Life and the retirement fund, it creates an entry on the Bank's 'general ledger.

This complex network of systems is possible only through the well-integrated design of numerous computer programs and data struc­ tures. Information that would otherwise be filed redundantly by several different departments is now organized in,a central repository and kept up-to-date for access by many applications and end-users.

The Operational Accounting Systems (OAS)

A state-of-the-art system, providing interactive entry for all accounting transactions, OAS .is an even more complex example of a system with interrelated data structures and processes. As shown in Figure 1, the Payroll System is just one of the many satellite systems that share information with OAS. At present, we process an average of 120,000 accounting transactions per month using this system. It is designed to accommodate a 15-20% growth rate in this volume over the next 5-10 years. It has completely replaced the old batch-mode -4-

general ledger system for IBRD's operational accounting. The prin­ cipal beneficiaries of OAS are the Controller's Department and the Cashier's unit in the Treasurer's Department.

Figure 1. OAS for IBRD and Interdependent Systems


FUNDTRAC is the portfolio management system which monitors, accounts for, and controls Bank and IDA investments, Bank borrowings, and staff'retirement fund investments. This system illustrates our dependence on the computer's speed and reliability. The system presently handles volumes of trading that are much larger than could ever be handled manually. Without it, the daily holding reports used by our international traders could not be produced.

The Regional Management System

Each regional Vice-President's office benefits from the ability to send project reports to PAB electronically using the Regional Management System. These systems demonstrate the computer's cost-effectiveness in terms of staff time saved to compile and organize lending data, and manually prepare reports. for management. Users can interactively save, change, and recall project data and -s-

scheduling data. The system is capable of'tapping into other data bases shared by PAB, Controller's and Personnel Management.

Two Systems for Economic Analysis

The Country Program Papers System (CPP) permits country economists and EPD staff to maintain a large data base of socio-economic data and to perform some analysis using the data. It produces reports displaying historical and projected time series. This system illustrates some economic modelling capabilities, and the use of share

The Basic Economic Simulation System (BESS) is an interactive modelling system that provides an algebraic language for dynamic analysis of time series data. It also has a flexible report writer. This system is an example of a tool with which individuals can do analytical work.

International Finan~ial Statistics (IFS)

International Financial Statistics is a monthly publication prepared at the Bank-Fund Joint Computer Center (JCC) by the IMF Bureau of Statistics. It is a standard source of statistics on all aspects of international and domestic finance for most countries of the world. This system illustrates the joint use of our computing resources with the Fund, and the high quality of charts and tables that our facilities are capable of producing.

Research Analysis Language (RAL)

RAL is a programming language for interactive statistical analysis. Its Algol-like language provides simple constructs for ·data storage and retrieval, data transformations, powerful functions for statistical and mathematical computations, plotting, and generating tables. RAL users have access to a data base maintained by the IMF Bureau of Statistics which contains over 350,000 time series dealing with such ·data as direction of trade, exchange rates, and national accounts. This system is a tool for independent analysis with access to shared data.

Two Systems for Project Analysis

Both of these systems are examples of tools for independent analysis. Cost~Benefit Display (CBDISPLAY) permi.ts analysts to inter­ actively perform economic and sensitivity analysis for project work. Users specify cost and benefit streams; the system calculates rates of return, present values, switching values, and benefit/cost ratios. High-quality plots for sensitivity and risk analysis can be requested. -6-

The Computerized Project Appraisal Support System (COMPASS) is an integrated series of compatible programs to assist projects staff in the appraisal of projects. It has specific modules designed for producing cost tables (COSTAB), for agricultural modelling {FARMOD), and for financial analysis (FINAL). It provides a simple command language for specifying input data, models, and reports interactively from a terminal. -7-


Bank staff have three important computing resources: people, hardware, and software. When a computing need cannot be met via staff members of the Computing ·Activities Department and its facilities, arrangements are ·made to satisfy these·requirements through external vendors and their services.

A. People

The Computing Activities Department (CAD) is organized to provide consulting services, assistance, and support for all levels of Bank staff. ~ ·

Figure 2. CAD Organization




The User Services Division is your point of contact. User representatives in this division are there to help you find out what you can do and how to do it. Each user repre­ sentative is responsible for services. provided 'to specific departments; he becomes familiar with the work and the com­ puting needs of these· departments. A list of user repre­ sentatives and their departmental assignments is included in Annex 2 for your reference.

File Processing Services I and II design, develop, and main­ tain systems which typically handle large and interrelated sets of data. Among those discussed, the Payroll System, the Operational Accounting System, and the Regional Management -8-

System are representative of the work done in these divi­ sions.

The Analytical Services Division supports such work as time series analysis, financial modelling, mathematical program­ ming, and generalized statistical analysis. Because of the specialized expertise of staff in this division, consulting services and responses to special requests are frequently handled by this division.

The Data Processing Services Division plans and supports the operation of the Joint Computer Center and satellite comput­ ing equipment located throughout the Bank. Its staff includes communications experts, hardware experts~ computer operators, keypunch operators, tape librarians, and mes­ sengers for distribution of computer output. A list of messenger stations is included in Annex 3.

The Software Systems Division provides the expertise required to make all the hardware and software work together. T~ese are the. "systems programmers" who are intimately familiar with the software that supports the operation of the Joint Computer Center, and who provide a consulting service to answer questions related to system problems.

Some responsibilities and services are outside the ,scope of individual divisions. Users frequently have an unforeseen computing requirement or a change in needs which was not included in the work plans. Such needs are called special requests. CAD staff with exper­ tise in the particular requirements are assigned as available to handle these requests.

Training in the use of software and applications systems is an importan.t function of all our staff. Some classes, such as this course and the Introductory CANDE Course, are offered to all Bank staff on a periodic and continuing basis. Others, such as training in the use· of a new application system, are offered to specific users on a schedule that best suits their needs. Classes offered by external vendors on .how to use their packages and services can be arranged either at the vendor's location or in the Bank.

Technical information is disseminated via JCC Bulletins, Techni­ cal Instructions, the technical library, the Catalog of Computer Programs, and data dictionary services. Anyone who wishes to be placed on a mailing list to receive JCC Bulletins and Technical Instructions should contact the technical librarian. These are a I means of notifying users of changes. in schedule, new services, . I problems that have been identified, computer usage statistics, etc. . - . "' ... ·. ~ ,.. - -:· .. ' ..· ~ '.•·',. . ' .. ~~;· . •"•:.


The technical library is maintained as a distribution center for manuals on all software and to make available a number of publica­ tions, .periodicals, and journals related to the computing industry.

Our staff are frequently called upon to provide mission support for projects that contain a computing component. We have recently evaluated proposals for new computing centers in Costa Rica and China, and reviewed the procurement of in Indonesia and Zaire. Advice has been given on the validity of requirements for computing capabilities, appropriateness of hardware and software to meet the requirements, terms and conditions of contracts with vendors, the need for training and continued consultant support, realistic scheduling, recovery features, and security considerations.

B. Hardware

AT THE JCC The Joint Computer Center (JCC) provides internal computing service to both the Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund. Three large-scale computer systems, using Burroughs 7800 processors, operate 24 hours a day to provide centralized timesharing and batch computing services to Bank and Fund users. Functional uses of the three systems (A,B, and C) are depicted in the figure below.

I System___ _, ____ A System B · I I System C I ------I I ------I I Everything not IIMF data base andl !Bank's Financial! I specifically !production work; I IBusiness(OAS andl I on B or C !Research Analysis! !related systems) I I !Language (RAL) I I I RECOVERY Each system is modular, and critical modules are electrically interconnected so that components can be switched from one system to another. System A actually has two of every critical component. This working back-up hardware provides important recovery capabilities. For example, if a critical component must be reassigned from System A to System B, the power of System A may be reduced temporarily, but all systems can be kept operational.

THE MCP The Master Control Program (MCP) is Burroughs' . Its functions include determining the hardware components assigned to each system, handling I-0 operations, handling the initiation and termination of all jobs, managing memory and disk storage, providing diagnostics, and sorting data. The MCP is software, not hardware, but it is mentioned here because of its intimate relationship to the hardware. You, as a user, interact with the MCP when you use the Work Flow Language (WFL) that it provides. (See General Purpose Software for further details.)

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THE DCP You may also interact with the Data Communications Processor (DGP) when you use the timesharing facilities. It is a small computer serving the large computer, handling all the chores related to com­ munications. If the large computer cannot process your incoming message, the DCP may respond with a message that says "PLEASE WAIT".

POWER CAPACITY The capacity of the JCC facilities can be expressed in terms of relative processing power, main memory, on-line storage, and com­ munications. We can compare the relative processing power of our systems with other installations by using a unit of measure called a Processing Power Unit of Capacity (PPUC). On this scale, a B7800 dual processor, such as System A, is approximately 3.4 PPUC's as compared to an IBM 3031, which is one PPUC. The total processing power of the three systems in the JCC is estimated to be 8.7 PPUC's. Another unit of measure for comparing system performance is the Knight Performance Index. Using this index, the IBM 3031, IBM 360/158, and UNIVAC 1110 are roughly comparable in performance and the CDC 6600 is about twice as powerful as any one of these.

STORAGE CAPACITY Each of the three systems in the JCC has the maximum amount of main memory, six million characters, or . In terms of on-line storage, we have 64 fixed disk packs that hold up to 201 million characters each, and 48 removable disk packs that hold up to 174 million characters each. This gives a total of 21 billion characters of on-line storage, or enough capacity to store 60 complete copies of the Encyclopedia Britannica. In addition, our tape library contains 20,000 reels of magnetic tape, used principally to make back-up copies of the information saved on disk.

In terms of communications capacity, our facility supports 650 terminals in the Bank. The.re are now 270 telephone lines into the JCC; approximately 85 of these are dial-up lines, and the rest are dedicated (direct) lines into the computer.

OUTSIDE THE JCC In addition to the facilities of the JCC, the Bank has three PDP 11-70's on which the UNIX system is available, and one DEC2020 com­ puter dedicated to managing the Bank's investment portfolio. These four machines are large-scale minicomputers, .each with a processing power estimated at between .1 and .2 PPUC's. UNIX is a system that provides text processing capabilities and enables the transfer of information between large host computers. The UNIX systems were purchased specifically for use by staff in Computing Activities, Programming and Budgeting, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Eastern Africa Region, South Asia Region, Personnel Management, Economic Analysis and Projections,. and two Vice Presidents' offices. CAD staff support the operation of UNIX and train Bank staff in how to use it. -11-

INFORMATION An IBM 3031 was rec~ntly installed in the Information Services IERVICES CENTER Center. The data management capabilities of FOCUS have been installed on this machine, thus replacing an external resource with a more cost-effective internal one. INFOTAB was recently installed on the machine to provide financial analysis capabilities. A data base management system known as Model 204 will be available in March, 1982, to provide a c-onvenient on-line interface to large shared data ba.ses.

I/O FACILITIES Input/output facilities are located throughout the Bank. Remote Job Entry (RJE) stations provide for batch job submission and high speed printing of output. A list of RJE stations, room numbers, and telephone extensions is provided in Annex 4. Printing and video terminals are available on dial-up and direct lines. Keyboard diagrams for terminals commonly found in the Bank are provided in Annex 5. Most terminals are for the private use of the division or department who purchased them. Public terminals are located in rooms D-1253, D-1254, and I6-230. CAD also has some portable terminals that can be borrowed on a short-term basis.

XEROX OUTPUT Special output services include laser printing, plotting, photocomposition, and the use of microfiche. There are two XEROX 9700's at the JCC; these ~re offline laser printers which produce high quality computer output six to eight times as fast as the high-speed, printers. Output ii directed to these devices through the user's Work Flow Language. It is capable of making multiple copies and producing special forms under program control.

GRAPHICS Facilities for producing plots include the CalComp plotter at the JCC and Tektronix terminals .with electrostatic harcf-copy devices to copy the image on the screen. Two Tektronix terminals are available in CAD for users to experiment with new applications; others have been acquired for restricted use by staff in the departments where they are located. Additional plotting services and mapping capabilities are available through the Graphics Unit and the Cartography Division of Administrative Services.

PROTO­ A user who needs photocomposition work done should contact his COMPOS I TION user representative to discuss his requirements and arrange to have the job done. The Bank's Statement of Loans and Credits is currently produced monthly on the XEROX 9700, and quarterly using photocomposi­ tion. The high quality of photocomposition is desirable for wide distribution outside the Bank.

MICROFICHE The use of microfiche can also be arranged by contacting your 'user representative. Microfiche output is produced by a photographic process which reduces and stores up to 270 pages of computer output on a 4." x 6'; piece of film. It is used largely for production of reports in the finance area, by Personnel Management, and by Programming and -12-

Budgeting. The payroll office keeps a record of every change in pay status on microfiche. Microfiche reader/printer devices in the Payroll and Tax of fices can be used to make permanent copies of records for individuals.

MICROCOMPUTERS CAD staff are conducting a study of the appropriate use of microcomputers in the Bank. (Preliminary documentation is available through your user representative.) Between 50 and 55 microcomputers have been installed for experimental use in project work both here at headquarters and in Bank offices outside Washington. Because of their portability, some users are carrying them on mission. All microcom­ puter users have been asked to keep logs so that information about their use can be compiled in the current study.

OUTSIDE THE BANK Computing resources that are not available in-house can be obtained through contracts with external vendors. A table of external vendors and the primary use of each vendor's service is provided in Annex 6. These external computing services make available a wide variety of packages and systems implemented on IBM, CDC, UNIVAC, , and DEC computers. The Bank's own terminals and RJE facilities are generally used for input and output to the external · facilitie~. Messenger service is provided where necessary.

c. General Purpose Software

WFL We have already referred to the Work Flow Language (WFL) provided by Burroughs. This language allows a user to set up a col­ lection of related tasks and the data for those tasks as a job to be run in the batch mode. Using WFL, you give instructions as~ what tasks to run in which order and what actions to take on errors. A simple example of WFL is included for your reference in Annex 7. In CANDE an interactive mode, Burroughs provides a language called CANDE (~ommand and ~dit) to enable you to tell the computer what to do. CANDE also provides a powerful editor for making changes to data and program files. Its use will be introduced in the practice session for this course; the Introductory CANDE Course is recommended for further instruction.

PROGRAMMING Other high-level languages available for writing programs in the LANGUAGES Bank include COBOL, , BASIC, PL/I, and ALGOL. Manuals for these languages are available from the technical librarian in the User Services Division.

INTERNAL .A number of packages available on the JGC facilities are PACKAGES listed by application category. Each of these is described further in the Catalog of Computer Programs. .. ',' :~·· .,.-.,... ~: ')


• statistical packages Research Analysis Language (RAL), Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), the Cross Tabula­ tion Program (CROSTAB2), the Princeton Statistical System (P-STAT).

• mathematical programming International Mathematical and Statistical Library (IMSL) and some portable Fortran subroutines for mathematical problems (available for Fortran programmers; contact Analytical Services), TEMPO (a Burroughs mo~elling package for linear programming).

• financial analysis pro~rams Loan Amortization Program (AMORT), Agricultural Project Analysis System (APAS), Cost/Benefit Display (CBDisplay), COMPASS, Financial Projections for Public Utilities (FINPRO), Hotel Appraisal Model (CASBAH), Prototype Financial Fore­ casting Model (PFF), INFOTAB.

• data management systems DMS II (Burroughs software), FOCUS, Model 204.

• transaction processing system GEMCOS (Burroughs software)

• plotting pa~kages Basic Graphing Program (Calcomp only), DISSPLA (Calcomp and Tektronix).

EXTERNAL Most of 'the packages available through external computing serv­ PACKAGES ices are shown in Annex 3. These can be categorized as follows:

• mathematical and statistical packages SAS, TROLL, APEX

• financial modelling packages EMPIRE, IFPS, FINPRO II, CONFORM

• economic modelling packages EMS, EXPRESS

• data base management packages INQUIRE, NOMAD, . ADA base

Further information and documentation for each of ·these can be obtained from the CAD Timesharing Coordinator.


The Computing Activities Department acts as the central billing agent for all computing resources, both internal and external. CAD pays for the resource and, in turn, bills the user department for his share of 'the use. The budgeting process tells us something about where the money comes from.

A. Budgeting and Bank Policy

The Bank is in a transition period in terms of budgeting and accountability for computing resources. A study was recently com­ pleted which recommended that we no longer treat computing resources as "free goods", but instead charge real dollars for the use of these resources. Under the former method, a certain amount of money was allocated for a department based on past use to spend on computing and nothing else. This allocation can be overrun or not even spent without much repercussion. Under the new method, each department's budget will contain a computing budget which is fungible dollars, i.e. it may be spent on travel, consultants, computing, etc. The depart­ ment is completely accountable for how the money is spent. Use of the Bank's computing facilities are "charged back" to the department in much the same manner as use of external computing resources. To obtain experience with this new charge-back system, several depart­ ments were selected in FY81 as a pilot group, to·use real dollars to pay for all computing resources. All other departments remained under the former allocation plan. The transition to the new chargeback system began for all departments in November 1981 and,will cover almost all computing resources beginning in FY83.

The new policy has been recommended by the Bank's Information Management Coordinating Committee (IMCC). This committee was estab­ lished to advise the Vice President of Administration, Organization and Personnel Management on Bank-wide policy issues.and to review long range plans for computing. It brings together both computer users and suppliers, as well as budgetary interests.

B. JCC Billing

The principle underlying our billing system for the JCC is that you only pay for what you use. It is a method to recover the costs of providing you with facilities and services. Charges are calculated based on:

FY82 Rates 1. usage of the central processor (per minute) $ 4.00 2. usage of the input/output facilities (per minute) .45 3. number of lines printed (per 1000) .90 -16-

4. connect time (per hour) 2.40 5. public pack storage (per thousand segments per day) .10

There is a minimum charge of $0.15 per job or session. The class of service that determines the priority of your computing job I also has an effect on your bill. The basic charge for the first three f' resources above is multipiied by a factor reflecting the class of service. In FY82, the factors are:

Normal batch service 1.0 Standby service (deferred) 0.4 Express Service 2.0 MCS-Initiated Service (timesharing) 2.5

Services provided by CAD technical staff are charged at the standard Bank-wide rate ($50 per hour in FY82). Charges for keypunch­ ing are $0 .09 per card punched and ·$0 .09 per card verified.

C. ISC Billing

Billing for use of the IBM 3031 and other computing resources in the Information Services Center is based on the following charges for each processing session:

FY82 Rates

1. processing resource units (per unit) $ 0.12 2. connect time (per hour) 8.00 3. temporary disk (per cylinder-hour) 1.60 4. number of lines printed (per 1000) 1.00 5. tape mounting (for each mount) 8.00 6. use of tape drive (per hour) 13.60

A processing resource unit (PRU) is calculated from the usage of the central processor, disk and tape input and output, usage of the printer, card punch, and card reader, and memory paging. A surcharge factor is used as a multiplier in this calculation if you use certain packages, such as FOCUS or Model 204.

Additional surcharge and discount factors are used to calculate total processing charges, based on the time of use and the priority of your job. The time of use factors are: • -.- "'. :;· ~ .. · v·::· ~I ' 0


Prime time (10 am - 12 noon, 2 - 5 pm business days) 1.0 Business hours (8:30 - 6:00, excluding prime time) 0.7 All other times and overnight batch 0.3 Business hour batch 0.6

The priority surcharge factors are:

Regular 1.0 High Priority 2.0

In addition to charges for each processing session, your bill may include charges for the following:

Permanent disk storage $ 0.46/cylinder/day Tape storage 0.30/tape/day File restoration 30.00/request

D. External Billing

CAD acts a central billing facility for all external vendors. This allows the Bank to get bulk rate discounts that otherwise may not be available to individual departments. Bills are paid by CAD and then apportioned. to the users in accordance with itemized statements from the vendors. Different vendors provide varying amounts of detail, but all provide statements that apportion the charges by an account code or user code. ·

·Just as the detailed information differs, so do the items for which users are billed. Most vendors base their charges on computer use, connect time, and mass storage. Some include administrative charges (set-up fees), charges for mounting magnetic tapes, surcharges for certain software packages, delivery charges, varying rates for communication lines of different speeds, etc; CAD sends a copy of the itemized ~ill to each user for verification. This bill should be signed and returned to authorize payment •. ;· -19.,.,


When you come to the Computing Activities Department with a requirement to be met by our computing resources, you may find that 1) you know what your requirements are, but do not know what you need in computing terms, 2) you want to use a specific package or service, and you simply need help with the procedures. Again, your user repre­ sentative is the person to call. What can you expect to happen in either case? ·

A. If You Believe You Have a Computing Application

Two current cases are used to illustrate the development of a computing project from its inception as a set of requirements through its implementation. The Western Africa Regional Office is one of six regions who maintain information on their lending program. The infor­ mation is updated monthly through the distribution of time tables, then incorporated into the lending program and reported to management. Because the procedures were initially implemented on a computer syst~m that did not allow for direct access to the data and easy changes to reports, the Region requested.that a new automated process be imple­ mented. They wanted to be able to update their lending program more frequently and more directly, and to produce reports that could be modified relatively quickly.

To solve the problem, the user representative helped the user define the problems to be solved and the requirements for a new com­ ) puter system. With this information, several questions\ still needed to be answered: Was it worthwhile to alter an already automated system? Was the additional investment justified in terms of improved production? Was there a relationship with existing systems that l needed to be maintained? These questions were reviewed; alternative solutions were likewise reviewed, and a decision was made to use FOCUS as the development tool. A brief investigation was conducted to determine the design of input documents and output reports. This / preliminary design provided a basis for an agreement between CAD and West Africa on the estimated resources and delivery schedules for the project.

The project i.µiplementation followed. As input formats and reports were completed, these were reviewed by the user for accept­ ance. When this iterative process was completed, the system was completely implemented and users were trained to use the system. This represented a new way of developing a computerized system in that the final design was not completed before. implementation began. The entire project required four staff months of programmer/analyst time, with a high degree of user interaction. -20-

The second case is a more complex problem, ultimately requiring an estimated 60-70 staff months of effort. The Controller's Depart­ ment requested that CAD replace the existing ten-year-old commitment system with an interactive transaction processing system to provide complete and accurate information to control administrative budgets by department and division. Because Controller's staff are experienced users of computing resources, their user requirements were well defined and documented before CAD was called upon for help. CAD's role began with a review of the requirements early in 1981. Our staff met with the user to confirm our understanding of the requirements and to further elaborate some details. In March, 1981, a four-month investigation to explore alternative solutions began. The require­ ments were broken into manageable components, such as reporting, data entry, and accrual processing.

Because of the strong relationship to OAS and its data base, a recommendation to make this new system a satellite of OAS was fol­ lowed. This project will be implemented in two stages: the first to satisfy immediate needs in the Expense Division of the Accounting Department, and the second to provide direct data entry and inquiry capabilities to budgetary units all over the Bank. The first stage, replacing the functions of the old commitment system, is expected to be complete by early FY83.

Both of these cases illustrate the important phases of a comput­ ing project: 1) definition of requirements jointly by the user and CAD, 2) investigation of alternatives, including a cost/benefit analysis of each, and 3) design and implementation. The investigation does not always result in a recommendation to change the current procedure. The user can make a decision not to pursue his request at any step along the way. For example, he may realize that certain I requirements cannot be well-defined until some later event, or that I benefits do not justify the costs of the recommended solution. Fre­ quently, a user decides to pare down requirements or wait until later for certain aspects, as in the phased implementation of the new com­ II mitment system. 'i B. If You Know What You Need Frequently users come to CAD with a specific, well-defined I problem that falls into a class of problems that have been solved I before. For example, a user may want to run a regression, .send data abroad, produce a graph, or prepare a report from selected data in an existing file. Again, for problems like these, your user repre­ sentative is the person to call. He can tell you if it has been done here; that is, if there is a general purpose program, package, or procedure to solve your problem. Even if you have a specific package in mind ("I want to use INFOTAB~'), your user representative can advise .... ··'


you as to its availability, experiences of other users, and how you can become a user, too. He can tell you how to proceed, whether or not CAD staff have special expertise in this area, and whether or not formal training is available.

In general, CAD staff are available to advise you on the use of in-house programs and procedures. User guides are available to help you use existing programs to solve your problems. CAD's assis­ tance is aimed at making you self-sufficient, so that you can solve similar problems on your own in the future.

CAD staff are al.so available for consulting if you need technical advice in the areas of time series analysis, mathematical programming, statistical analysis, and the like. A list of the areas in which we have specialized expertise is included in Section VII. ..

i ( " -.23-


A. How to Open an Account (Obtain a User Code)

1. Call your user representative and tell him you would like to use the computing facilities. He will discuss with you the services and computing resources that you wish to use, and send you a form entitled "Request for Use of Computing _ Resources". A sample of this form is found in Annex 9.

2. Instructions for completing this form are found on the back of the form. Any questions should be directed to your user representative. The information on the form enables CAD staff to anticipate and to account for your use of specific resources, both internal and external to the Bank. I 3. The form can be returne.d to CAD' s front office or to your user representative. It must be signed by someone at the I division chief level or above to authorize your use of. the I computing facilities. I I 4. For JCC services, a user code, password, and charge code will be assigned to you. The user code provides an iden~ tifier that protects your.programs and data files from unauthorized access by other.users. The password identifies you as an authorized user of the Bank's facilities. The charge code enables CAD to bill you for the resources that you use; it identifies your department, division and application.

5. For !SC services, you will also have a user code, password, and charge code. You may choose your own preferred user code, and a charge code is assigned to correspond one-to-one with each user code.

6. For external services, you are typically assigned an account code for billing purposes and a password for security con­ siderations. Precise assignment of these codes and their use varies with _the external vendor.

7. The secretary of the User Services Division will notify you when your codes have been authorized and are available for you to use.

8. If you are using the JCC facilities, you are given the privilege of making your password unique; no one else can obtain it after you have set its value. In order for you to log on to the system to set it, the password assigned by -24-

CAD is "STANDARD". To set its value to your secret word, enter the word "PASSWORD", and follow the instructions. The password is the only code that you can change yourself and make unique unto yourself. If several users are working on the same computing project in the same department and divi­ sion, they may all have the same user code and charge code, but different passwords. If several users wish to share data files across departments or divisions, they may all have the same user code, but different charge codeso

B. How to Borrow a Terminal

1. Call the User Services Division secretary on extension 48281, and tell her of your need.

2. Give her your name, room number, department, division, and the length of time you expect to use the terminal.

3. She will advise you if a terminal is available, or when she expects one to be available.

4. If a terminal is available, you may come to the User Serv­ ices Division to pick it up. All terminals available for loan are light-weight and easy to carry. A building pass will be required to take it out of the M building. c. How to Log on to the Joint Computer Center

1. Turn on the power to the terminal and the coupler. The coupler is the device that holds the telephone. It may be part of the terminal or separate from it.

2. Several switches on the terminal and coupler must be set for operation. See Annex 5 for diagrams showing settings for three common types of terminal in the Bank. Information on other types may be obtained by calling the Time-Sharing Coordinator on extension 48286.

3. Dial the telephone to contact the computer. (System A: 842-1261; System B: 842-1265; System C: 842-0997.) Wait for a continuous high pitched tone. If the line is busy or continues to ring, try again. Continuous ringing may mean that the computer system is down. The status of the system for timesharing may be determined by calling 77150. Place the receiver of the telephone in the coupler. One end of the coupler should be labeled "CORD". The end of the receiver nearer the telephone cord should be placed in that socket of the coupler. Some couplers have a "carrier" indicator which will light when connection is established. ) -25-

4. Next, (for Systems A and B) the computer will ask you to press


What is printed at the terminal. Who prints it.


(RETURN) user " t ., BANK-FUND COMPUTER SYSTEM[NDL A 3.00.58) computer #B7800:137 CANDE 30.21 #3598; YOU ARE TTYA03(34) computer #ENTER USERCODE PLEASE.' computer

ABC DEF user



#SESSIQN.4677 CHARGE B99999ABCD 10:58:59 02/26/81. computer #MSG OPTION RESET computer

D. How to ·Log Off When Your Work is Completed

Once you are neither running a program nor waiting for the computer to finish a command, you may type:

BYE to log off.

The computer will respond with a message that the session has ended. After this, hang up the telephone. Turn off. the terminal and coupler. -26-


What is printed at the terminal. Who prints it.

BYE user

#END SESSION 1820 ET=38:33.2 PT=13:00.4 I0=7:31.7 computer #USER=ABCDEF CHARGE=B99999ABCD 17:48:20 02/25/81 computer

E. How to Connect to External Vendors

1. Logging on to external vendors is identical to logging on to the JCC through steps 1 and 2. Step 3 is also the same except for the phone number that you dial. When you are given an account code with an external vendor, you will also be given the phone number used to connect to their timeshar­ ing service.

2. The response that you receive after a connection is estab­ lished with the timesharing service varies with the vendor. In some cases, you may be required to enter a specific character to identify the type of terminal you are using before the computer prints anything. If this is required, the timesharing coordinator will advise you. In general, the computer will print instructions. as to how to proceed. For more commonly used vendors, fact sheets are available.

F. Uses of Special Keys on the Terminal




Pressing the underline character will cause the last character entered to be deleted.


If ABC D is typed, the line saved will be ABD If ABC~D is typed, the line saved will be AD

Note: For some terminals, the backspace key must be used, instead. -27-


. Pressing (DEL) will dele.te the line you are currently typing in. The cursor will be positioned at the beginning.of the next line so you may type.in another command.


Pressing the

Note: Extreme caution must be used with this key. The command you discontinue may be doing things .that you cannot see.

G. How to Run a Simple Program Interactively

The RUN command is used to run a program interactively. There are three forms of this command. ·.r ·The first form is used to run a program that is stored under your user code. This form of the RUN command is:

, RUN [program.name]

Example of running a program under your user code


The second form is used to run a program which is located under another user code. · This form of the RUN command is:

RUN ([user code]) [program.name]

E~ample of running a program under another user code


The third form is used to run a program that does not belong to you or to any other user code, but to the computer system. This form of the RUN command is: -28-

RUN *[program.name]

Example of running a program which belongs to the computer system


Note: When running some programs you must identify and describe data· files it should use. This is explained in a description of the program you are running.

Note: When running some programs a dollar sign ($) must follow the word RUN. The $ sign is, in effect, part of the program name.



H. How to Submit a Batch Job

Batch jobs may be submitted in one of two ways. 1) You may submit a card deck containing WFL statements to be read by a card reader at a Remote Job Entry Station or at the JCC. 2) More typi­ cally,· you may prepare a job file at a terminal, and submit the job for execution using CANDE commands.

Complete instructions for preparing a job file and submitting it for batch execution are given in the Introductory CANDE Course. You can also learn how to find out whether or not your job is waiting to be run, and if it is running, how much time the computer has spent on it.

I. Files, Their Names, and Storage of Them

Two kinds of files are job files and data files. A job file contains commands for the computer to execute at a later time. Data files contain data.

You must give names to files, so the computer can find them later, when you are retrieving them from storage. Some examples of filenames are:

.. •..:- .. ' , ' ' ., ··~ "-~. '•J·: ' .



The name of a job file should always start with "s/". The name of a data file should start with "D/".

Files can be stored on one of three storage places called families. These places, on System A, are called SAT, PACK and DISK. Job files should be stored on SAT. Data files should be stored on PACK.

On systems B and C and for special applications, there are other families.


When using the RAL package (on System B), job files are kept on RALPACK and data .files are kept on PACK. See the RAL-manuals for details.

The FAMILY _statement is used to tell the computer where to .store or to look for files. .If you want to create or change job files which are on SAT, you should first say:


If you want to make or change data files which are on PACK, you should firs~ say:


In the Introductory CANDE Course, you can learn how to create a file, save it, retrieve it, change it, print it, and remove it permanently when you are done.

To protect your files from unauthorized use, your user code is used as a prefix to the file name. In order for someone else to read the contents of your file, you must first make it available to be read by others, and then give the authorized user your user code and file name. .0 -30-

To protect your files from being destroyed by a malfunction in l the hardware or software, all files are copied to magnetic tape on a r regular periodic schedule. Copies of files that are vital to the business of the Bank are kept in fire-proof storage and at a site geographically remote from the Bank.

J. How to Obtain Keypunching Service

Keypunching service is available at a central facility in room 16-235. To obtain this service, take your work to the keypunch facility, and complete the form "Request for Keypunching Services" at the desk. A sample of this form is in Annex 10. On this form, you must identify your department, division, and project (application code) for billing purposes.

K. How to Enroll in a Class

When a class is announced in the Weekly Bulletin, a phone number is given to call for enrollment. Typically you will contact a secretary in the User Services Division, who will either accept your request for enrollment, or place your name on a waiting list for the next class. Students are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Classes offered by external vendors typically have fees per student. If you wish to have an external class arranged, contact your user representative.

L. How to Obtain Documentation, Manuals

The CAD Technical Library is the distribution center for all program documentation, user guides, and technical manuals for in-house software. The technical librarian is available to help you discover what you need if you are not certain of what to request.

Documentation and manuals for external packages should be requested through the Timesharing Coordinator. Because there is frequently a charge for this material, we do not keep a supply on hand. However, vendors are happy to accommodate your requests. . . -31- -32-

(vi) Outside Computing

• Problem with Time-sharing Time-sharing 48286 Coordinator I I (vii) To report a problem with CAD See Annex 11 I'· service - Problem and Error for sample forr Report forms are available at all Remote Job Entry Terminals and Office of the Director, l CAD. I (viii) Specialized Consulting l I~ J • Plotting Graphics Coordinator 48298

• Financial Modelling Financial Consultant 48307

• Time Series Analysis Analytical Consultant 48307

• Economic Modelling Modelling Consul.tant 48309

• Mathematical Programming Mathematics Consultant 48302

• Statistical Analysis Statistics Consultant 48288

(ix) UNIX Questions UNIX Coordinator 48288

74511 (x) IBM 3031 Hot Line, ISC I fl (xi) Microcomputer Questions Microcomputer Coordinator 48277 l ·,,·.

") ·) -33-



Acoustic Coupler - A form of modem which permits attachment of an . ordinary telephone ha.ndset so that a computer can communicate. over any telephone. See MODEM.

ALGOL (algorithmic language) - A language primarily used to express computer programs by algorithms.

Algorithm - A set of well-defined rules for the solution of a problem in a ~inite number of steps.

Alphanumeric - A character that is a letter or a numeral. See Special Character. Synonymous with alphameric.

Application program - A program written for or by a user that tells the computer how to do specific user-related jobs, e.g. payroll, inventory control~ These programs do the productive work that · serves the company, and .o~ten represents the single largest seg- ment or the processing investment. ' ' '

ASCII - Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Inter­ change. Computers use a numerical representation for letters, numerals, and special characters. This standard specifies which number will stand for each character. Consists of 96 displayable characters (64 without lower case) and 32 non-displayable control characters.

I Backup copy - A copy of a program, data file or documentation that is kept for reference in case the original is not usable.

BASIC - A common algebra-like language used primarily for numerical applications. The word "BASIC" is an acronym for "Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code."

Batch processing - A technique in which a number of similar data or transactions are collected over a period of time and aggregated· (batched) for sequential processing as a set during a machine run. For example, financial transactions may be accumulated for a week, then fed into the computer in a batch to update the general ledger files and produce accounting reports.

Baud - A measure of the speed with which information can be communi­ cated between two devices. If the information is, for example, in the form of alphabetic characters, then 300 baud usually cor­ responds to about 30 characters per second. An average typist .( -34-

types at about 100 baud, and a speed reader can read at about 20,000 baud. Technically, it is the number of bits transmitted or received per second.

Binary_- A system of numbers where each digit stands for a power of two. In the usual decimal system each digit stands for a multiple of a power of 10. For example, the decimal number 1908 means one thousand plus nine hundreds, (the zero indicates no tens) plus eight. In binary, where every digit is either a zero or a one, the number 1101 means one eight, plus one four, (the zero indi­ cates no twos) plus one.

Bit - The smallest amount of information that can be known. A single bit can specify either of two alternatives. The term "bit" usually refers to the concept behind the words from which it was invented: "Binary digit", meaning either a one or a zero. A bit can be thought of as ·representing a simple yes/no choice, or as representing the distinction between true and false, or as repre­ senting whether a circuit is on or off - 'or any other two-way choice.

· bpi - bits per inch. Measurement of data storage density on magnetic tape.

bps - bits per second. In serial data transmission, it represents the instantaneous bit speed with which a device or channel transmits a character.

Bug - An error. A hardware bug is a malfunction or design error in the computer or its peripherals. A software bug is a programming error.

Byte - Technically, eight bits (very rarely: some other number of bits). In practice, a is usually used to represent an - alpha-numeric character or an integer in the range 0 to 255.

CalComp - California Computer Products, Inc.; the manufacturer of the plotting equipment available in the Joint Computer Center.

CANDE - Command AND Edit Language; a language that provides commands to tell the computer what to do in an interactive, ter­ minal-oriented environment. It provides generalized file prepara­ tion and updating capabilities.

Central Processing Unit - Usually referred to as the "CPU." See CPU. " -35-

CANOE - Command AND Edit Language; a language that provides commands to tell the computer what to do in an interactive, ter­ minal-oriented environment. It provides generalt'zed file prepara­ tion and updating, capabilities.

Central Processing Unit - Usually referred to as the "CPU." See CPU.

Character - An individual letter, numeral, or special character. In computers, characters are made up of a number of bits. Usually synonymous with byte.

Character printer - A device that prints a single character at a time. Contrast with line printer.

Charge code - A code that identifies your department, division, and application for account.ing purposes.

CMS - Conversational Monitor System; a component o~ the IBM operat~ng system which provides general time sharing, program development, and problem solving facilities.

COBOL - COmmon Business Oriented Language. A high-level data process­ ing language that makes use of English language statements. It is especially adapted to business and coinni.ercial problems.

Compiler - A program that translates one computer language into another. Most comm.only the term refers to a program that trans­ lates a higher level language into .the computer'.s' machine lan­ guage.

Computer - Any device that can receive and then follow stored instruc­ tions (a program) to manipulate information. in a computer, both the set of instructions and the information on which the instruc­ tions operate may be varied from one moment to ·another.

Computer network - An interconnection 9f two or more computer systems, · terminals and/or communications facilities.

Conversational - Pertaining to a program or a system tha~ carries on · a dialog with a terminal user, alternately accepting- input and then responding to the input quickly enough for the user to main­ tain his train of thought. See also interactive.

cps - Characters per second.

CPU - The abbreviation of "Central Processing Unit." A unit of a computer that includes c·ircuits controlling the interpretation and execution of instructions. -36-

Data base - A nonredundant collection of interrelated data items processable by one or more applications:

Nonredundant means that individual data elements appear only once (or at least less frequently than in normal file organizations) in the data base.

Interrelated means that the files are constructed with an ordered and planned relationship that allows data elements to be tied together, even though they may not necessarily be in the same physical record.

Processable by one or more applications means sim.ply that data is shared and used by several different subsystems.

Data base management system - (DBMS) Software for establishing and employing rules about file organization and processing (e.g., a personnel re~ord file) and establishes relationships between files and between records within each file.

Debugging - Finding errors and correcting them.

Diagnostic - When a system malfunctions, diagnostic programs or routines are brought into play to facilitate maintenance by iden­ tifying the problem. Diagnostic messages are also output from the compiler or assembler indicating possible errors in the source program or data.

Digital - Information that can be represented in binary form. See Bit. Most modern computers operate on information in digital form.

Direct ac~ess - The facility to obtain data from a storage device, or to enter data into a storage device in such a way that the process depends only on the location of that data and not on a reference to data previously accessed. (Sometimes referred to as random access.) Contrast with sequential access.

Disk (Disc) - A circular piece of material which has a magnetic coat­ ing similar to that found on ordinary recording tape. Digital information can be stored magnetically on a disk, much as musical information is stored on a magnetic tape. See also Disk Drive.

Diskette - A small floppy disk in a square plastic envelope commonly either about 13 or 20 cm on a side. See Floppy Disk. -37-

Disk Drive - A peripheral which can store information on and retrieve information from a disk. Stores information by magnetic recording on continuously rotating platters. Handles huge amounts of storage "on-line." Storage is "random access," meaning the record­ ing arms hop around fast to any "address" (location) on any "track" on any disk to "read" or "write" (record) information. Much slower than core, but much less expensive for a given amount of information. A floppy disk drive can store information on a floppy disk, and can retrieve that information.

Disk pack - A removable direct access storage medium containing mag­ netic disks on which data is stored. Disk packs are mounted on a disk storage drive.

Execute - To do what a command or program specifies. To run a program or portion of a program.

File - An organized, named collection of records treated as a unit. See Record.

Floppy Disk - A small inexpensive disk,.called "floppy" since it is made from flexible materials in distinction to "hard" disks which are made from rigid materials. See Diskette. ·1

FORTRAN - FORmula TRANslation - A common language that expresses computer programs by use of arithmetic formulas. It is especially suitable for mathematical, scientific, and engineering problems.

General purpose - Applies to hardware and software that is designed to handle a wide variety of problems. For example, RAL is a general purpose language for statistical analysis. Contrast with special purpose.

Hard Copy - Information printed on paper or other durable surface. This term is used to distinguish printed information from the temporary image presented· on a CRT. screen.

Hardware - The physical parts of a computer. See Software.

High-level languages - Programming languages designed to ease program development, such as COBOL (for business applications), FORTRAN (for mathematical work), PL/I, and BASIC (a simple, easy-to-use language). High-level languages allow the programmer to express operations in a less direct form that is closer to the normal human language representation of the procedures the computer is to perform. These languages were originally intended to be "machine independent," but it has not worked out that way, and variations are common. -38-

Input - Information arriving at a device. The very same data moving around in a computing system will be output one instant (from one part of the system) and input the next instant (to some other part of the system). You must be careful when using the terms input and output to specify what they are input to or output from. The word "input" is sometimes used as a verb, even though it feels a bit strange to do so. For example: You must input the data before doing the calculations. See Output.

Instruction - The smallest portion of a program that a computer can execute. The term is used with a number of other less clearly defined meanings. Its meaning on such cases parallels its usual meaning in English: a statement directing something to perform an action. See Program.

Intelligent terminal - A terminal that has some data processing ability built it. It communicates with a host computer as neces­ sary to obtain information and get jobs done.

Interactive - Said of a computer system which responds to the user quickly--usually in seconds for a typical action.

Interface - (1.) The electronics that allow two different devices to ) communicate with one another. (2.) More generally, any situation where two different entities (e.g. a person and a computer) com~ municate.

I/O - Abbreviation for Input and/or Output. A keyboard, a printer, and a plotter are all I/O devices.

ISC - Information Services Center; the facility that provides IBM 3031 computing services to the Bank. Located in room A-137.

JCC - Joint Computer Center; the facility that provides internal computing services to the Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund. Located on the concourse level of the Fund build­ ing.

JCL - Job Control Language; a computer language on IBM computers that enables a user to identify a job to be processed and to describe that job to the computer's operating system. Using JCL, the user can tell the computer what tasks to run in which order, and what actions to take at various points in the processing.

K - Stands for "Kilo" which means one thousand. In computing, lK is usually used to mean 1024 (the power of 2 that is nearest to 1000) but sometimes stands for 1000. -39-

Language - A set of characters, _conventions and rules. that is used for conveying information; in particular a means for conveying· instructions to a computer. See also ALGOL, BASIC, COBOL, and FORTRAN.

Line printer - The computer output peripheral that prints an entire line of characters as a unit. This principle is largely respon- I sible for high-speed printing. Logoff - The procedure by which a user ends a terminal session.

Logon - The procedure by .which a user begins a terminal session.

Machine-independent - Pertaining to procedures or programs created without regard for the actual devices that will be used to process them. Often refers to high-level programming in standardized COBOL, FORTRAN, etc~

Machine Language - The native language of a particular computer.

Magnetic tape - Flexible plastic tape, often 0.5 inches wide with 7 or 9 channels or horizontal rows, that extend the length of the tape,. One side is uniformly coated with magnetic material on which data is stored. It is used for registering television images, sound or computer data. Magnetic tape is a "sequential" medium with a very low cost per bit.

Memory - The portion of a computer which stores information.

Microcomputer - A computer based on a microprocessor.

Microprocessor - An integrated circuit that performs the task of executing instructions. The presence of a microprocessor in a product does not necessarily make it into a computer.

MODEM - An abbreviation of the words "MOdulator-DEModulator." It is a device that allows a computer to communicate over the telephone lines (and other communication media). It does this by changing the digital information into musical tones (modulating) and from musical tones to digital information (demodulating).

Multiprocessing system - A computing system employing two or more interconnected processing units each having access to a common, jointly-addressable me~ory, to execute programs simultaneously.

Multiprogramming - Since th~ CPU is .usually the fastest component in the computer system, multiprogramming attempts to balance the -40-

CPU's speed with the slower peripherals by allowing several com­ puter programs to run on the computer system at the same time. The goal is to make more efficient use of the system, by keeping more parts of it busy more of the time.

On-line processing - A general data processing term concerning access I to computers, in which the input data enters the computer directly I where it is used. ! 1 I Operating system - Software that controls the execution of computer programs and that may provide scheduling, debugging, input/output i control, accounting, compilation, storage assignment, data manage­ I ment, and related services. The Burroughs operating system is I known as the Master Control Program (MCP). The operatirig system ) used on our internal IBM computer is the Virtual Machine Facility with the Conversational Monitor System (VM/CMS).

Output - Information leaving from a device or process. For example, the output from a computer can be displayed by a printer or CRT. This term is also used as a verb, even if it does sound a bit awkward, as in: Watch the computer output a graph. See Input for a more elaborate discussion.

Package - A general purpose program normally available from a vendor to be used either through his timesharing services or to be installed in-house. INFOTAB and FOCUS are examples of packages available to Bank staff.

Password - A unique string of characters that a user must supply to meet security requirements before gaining access to the computing facilities of the JCC.

Peripheral - A device that can send information to and/or receive information from a computer. Some typical peripherals are ter­ minals, printers, and disk drives.

Plotter - An output device that presents data in the form of a two-dimensional graphic representation.

Printer - An output device that produces a durable record of data on paper in the form of a sequence of discrete graphic characters belonging to a predetermined character set.

Program - A sequence of instructions that define a process, written in a language that a computer can understand.

Programmer - A person who designs, writes, tests and documents programs. ) -41-

Prompt - A symbol that appears on your computer's display to let you know that it is ready to accept· your commands·.

Record - A collection of related data or words, treated as a unit; for example, in stock control, each invoice could constitute one record.

Remote batch - A method of entering jobs into the computer from a remote terminal for processing later in a batch processing mode. In this mode, a user geographically distant from the central computer can load in a batch of transactions and transmit them to the computer. After processing, the results are directly trans­ mitted to a printer or other output device at the remote site.

Response time - The amount of time elapsed between generation of an inquiry at a data communications terminal and receipt of a response at that same terminal. Response time, thus defined includes: transmission time to the computer, processing time at the computer, including access time to obtain any file records needed to answer the inquiry, and transmission time back to the terminal.

Save - To store a program or data somewhere other than in the com­ puter's memory, for example on disk or tape.

Security -The general subject of making sure the computerized data and program files cannot be accessed, obtained or modified by unauthorized personnel, and cannot be destroyed. Security is implemented by special software, special ha.rdware and the com- ,puter' s opera ting procedure. ·

Sequential access - A term used ·to describe files such as magnetic tape which must be searched serially from the beginning to find any desired record. Contrast with direct access.

Software .- Programs.

Source program - A computer program written in symbolic language which will be converted into machine language (object program) using a compiler.

Special character - A character that can be displayed by the computer, but is not a letter or digit. Here are some special characters: ! "11$%&' <)-= l {1 } I "'@+; *: , <.>?I.

Special purpose - Applies to hardware and software that is designed to handle a specific, restricted. class of problems. For example, -42-

the Payroll System is a special purpose program whose use is restricted to the Compensation Department. Contrast with general purpose.

Storage capacity - The amount of data that can be contained in a storage device or main memory, usually expressed in megabytes (1 \ MB 1,048,576 bytes). f.1

Syntax - The rules that specify exactly how an instruction can be written in a particular language.

Teletype - A noisy and slow terminal that may include facilities to handle paper tape.

Terminal - A peripheral, consisting of a keyboard through which a person can send information to the computer and a printer or screen through which .the computer can present information to the person.

Timesharing - A method of operation in which the resources of a com­ puter facility are shared by several users via terminals for different purposes at the same time. Although the computer actually services each user in sequence, the high speed of the computer makes -it appear that the users are all handled simul­ taneously.

UNIX - An interactive system that provides advanced text processing. It is used in the Bank to transfer information between large host computers and to provide word processing capabilities.

User code - A unique string of characters that is used as a prefix to the name of any file that you save on disk to identify it as yours and to prevent access to it by unauthorized users.

User Representative - A staff member of the User ·services Division in the Computing Activities Department. He is the liaison point within CAD responsible for helping users solve computing problems, including the identification of cost effective computing applica­ tions and ensuring that appropriate computing services are provided to Bank staff. Call him first.

WFL - Work Flow Language; a computer language on Burroughs large-scale computers that enables a user to set up a collection of related tasks and data for those tasks as a job to be run in the batch mode. Using WFL, the user can tell 'the computer what tasks to run in which order, and what actions to take at various points in the processing. -43-


List of User Representatives

Department User Representative Ext. Rm. No.

Administrative Servi~es Khalifa Ikramullah 48278 M-514 Agriculture & Rural Development Eduardo Talero 48284 M-517 Compensation Mohammad Jahani 48285 M-518 Controller's Mauricio Mathov 48286 M-521 Country Policy Department Eduardo Talero 48284 M-517 Development Research Eduardo Talero 48284 M-517 East Asia & Pacific (Region & Projects) Madelyn Blair 48276 M-511 East Asia (Country Programs) Harold King 48277 M-512 Eastern Africa (Country Programs) Harold King 48277 M-512 Eastern Africa (Ke 0 ion & Projects) Madelyn Blair 48276 M-511 Economic Analysis & Projections Khalifa Ikramullah 48278 M-514 Economic Development Institute Harold King 48271 M-512 Education Mauricio Mathov 48286 M-521 EMENA (Country Programs) Harold King 48277 M-512 EMENA (Region & Projects) Madelyn Blair 48276 M-511 Ener~y Mohammad Jahani 48285 M-518 European Office Harold King 48277 j M-512 . I External Research Eduardo Talero 48284 M-517 Financial Policy and Analysis George West 48280 M-516 I Industry Mauricio Mathov 48286 M-521 I Information and Public Affairs Harold K:i,ng 48277 M-512 I Internal Auditing Khalifa Ikramullah 48278 M-514 ! International Finance Corporation Eduardo Talero 48284 · M-517 International Relations Harold King 48277 M-512 I Latin American & Caribbean (Country Programs) Harold King 48277 M-512 Latin American & Caribbean (Region & Projects) Madelyn Blair 48276 M-511 Legal Mohammad Jahani 48285 M-518 I Medical Hohammad Jahani 48285 M-518 Office of Senior V.P., Finance George West 48280 M-'516 Office of the V.P., Projects Staff Eduardo Talero 48284 M-517 Office of V.P., Development Policy George West 48280 M-516 Office of V.P., External Relations Harold King 48277 M-512 Office of V.P., Personnel and Administration George West 48280 M-516 Operations Evaluation Mohammad Jahani 48285 M-518 Organization Planning Khalifa Ikramullah 48278 M-514 Personnel Management Mohammad Jahani 48285 M-518 Population Health & Nutrition Mohammad Jahani 48285 M-518 Programming & rludgeting George West 48280 M-516 Projects Advisory Staff Harold King 48277 M-512 Publications Harold King 48277 M-512 Secretary's Mohammad Jahani 48285 M-518 South Asia (Country Programs) tlarold King 48277 M-512 South Asia (Region & Projects) Madelyn Blair 48276 M-511 Staff Retirement Eduardo Talero 48284 M-517 Transportation and Water Mauricio Mathov 48286 M-521 Treasurer's Mauricio Mathov 48286 M-521 Urban Development Madelyn Blair 48276 M-511 Western Africa (Country Pro6rams) Harold King 48277 M-512 Western Africa (Region & Projects) Madelyn Blair 48276 M-511



Joint Computer Center Bank Messenger Stations (Effective August 3, 1981)

Building Location

A 137

D 100 1313

E 422

F 142

I 4-160 5-126 5-212 6-233 6-235 . 7-109 7-150 7-217 9-257

M 438 508 535 I l 632 I 640 I N 136

The schedule of messenger visits is posted at each station.



JOINT COMPUTER CENTER REMOTE JOB ENTRY STATIONS For Bank Users r I I I I I I SYSTEM I I I I TELEPHONE I I STATION I LOCATION I EXTENSION _--1 I I I A B c I I I I I I I I I I I I I f, I SITE I IMF C-404 I 76206 x x x I I I I I I RJEl I · M-535 I 48297 x I I I I I I RJE2 I D-100 I 74514 x I I I I I I RJE5 I I-6-235 I 69203 I x I I I I ·I I I RJE6 I I-6-235 I 69203 I x I I I I I I I RJElO I I-6-235 I 69203 I x I I I I I I I I RJEll I I-6-235 I 69203 I x I I I I I I i I I I I I I I -48- JOINT COMPUTER CENTER REMOTE JOB ENTRY STATIONS


!I (





(At 300 Baud)

This section n1ay not be pr~sent on DECWRITER * your terminal LA 36

0 0 0 POWER SWITCH on Circled button• DOWN; •"no •tUl'U I ..... IDClllO UOl.lt Others.!!!'. rear of I terminal

0 OJ III mQJ m[II mrn CH[QJ CJ w CJD D 000000 @J80000@JQJ@J0li!DDEJ 00000Ci .-c..."" ....;:_,..~ 0 0 0 0 LBJ El 0 0 ['.[]CJD I ...... I 0 ~00000 ElB00@JG0GBDDCTJBDD D0DDDC


I Set switches to circled position j POWER SWITCH on top right of Some terminals r;:::;;J terminal have a button that must rn mrn rn rn rn EZJ oo E;J wCJ o ~ ~ be set D r=l n '-1 '-1 r=l n ITT ITT ff:Q rTl ~ c::l to t.:J L9J LYl.J LBJ w LYJ Lill w LQJ LEJ ~ L.::J IMEAKl UPPER CASE w --- n n n n r=l r=l n ITT ITT ITT r;;;,;-i [~·~ LJL.8JWLQJWl.QJL.t!JWL.!SJW m; ~ ~ ~0 mO ~. r=-i n n n n ~ITT~ riT>l m f'""".-~ t::\r11 ~ w w w L.Y.J LliJ lliJ LMJ w LJ w L_.J. ~ G) CARRIEH OETEC@TIN LINE INDICATOR TEXAS INSTRUMENTS * Model 745

* Use keyboard diagrams for identification; some terminals may have other names. Individual terminals may vary from these illustrations. For assistance call Time Sharing Coordinator at X48286 •. •

,.1 ,• -51-



J External Vendor Primary Use ADP Network Services • Interest Rate Forecasting Model

American Management Systems, Inc. (AMS) • Inquire (data base management)

• Empire (financial modelling)

• Wien Automated System Planning III (WASP III, for power system planning)

Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) • DFCMOD (development bank model)

Control Data Corporation (CDC) • General Mathematical Programming , (linear programming, network flow)

• IFPS (financial modelling) ) \ I l Data Resources, Inc. (DRI) • European Data Bases, U.S. Economic Information Service, financial data J bases and models ' )

DIALCOM • INFO (data base. management)

( • Education modelling

General Electric Company (GE) • TVA Fertilizer Data Base

• Capital Flows Model (CAPFLO) l -52-

External.Vendor Primary Use

Massachusetts Institute of • Economic and Social Science Technology (MIT) Research Package (TROLL)

National CSS, Inc. (NCSS) • EMS (economic modelling) (

• NOMAD (data base management)

Planning Research Corporation (PRC) • ADAbase (data base management)

• DACON (Consultants Data Ba~e)

• GATT Trade System

Service Bureau Corporation (SBC) • Financial Projection Program (FINPRO II)

• Statistical and Mathematical Programs

• CPM package (critical path method)

i Tyms hare • EXPRESS (economic modelling) !

United Computing Systems, Inc. (UGS) • CONFORM (financial projections) ~ • APEX (linear programming) } ! -53-


Work Flow Language Sample

I I I ?JOB [jobnamej/[youk.name]/[nearest messenger station]/[your.phone/ext]; CLASS (resource.cl~ss,which is the number of the queue you wish to be in]; DESTNAME [printer !location, which is SITE or the RJE station]; BEGIN I RUN [program. name]!; [file identificat~on, if necessary]; DATA I [data, if any] ?END JOB / I I If this sample is µsed to prepare a card deck to submit a batch job, the ?

symbol in column 1 of theI JOB statement and the. END JOB statement must. . be keypunched as a multiple 123 punch; that is, the numbers 1, 2, and 3 are all I punched in column 1. The printer location is automatically the same as th.e RJE station where the card 1deck is submitted if the DESTNAME statement is omitted. • ! . . . The resource class! ( jo·b class) is determined by your estimate of the processor time, I/O ti~e, lines to be printed, and cards to be punched for your job. See Annex 8 for ~ table of job classes and estimated resources required. The job class determin~s the priority of your job in the queues of batch \ processing to be. done. / . \ ,.~ l i ( )

------·- ~- ___,, ...... ,._..,.--. ______...... ------...... ---..... _·------...... _------'·




------EXTREMELY VERY FIXED SHORT SHORT SHO!i.T- ---snORT--- --KEDlliM-- --NORM}.!. ______SCHEjlULE ___ STANDBY txCEPno~s - OTHER ------

Cl.ASS 85 60 75 70 65 so 40 30 20 10


PROCESSTIME* 3 15 60 60 150 600 600 NO 1200 No_.... 1200 ND 60 ?t'C' 1200 secs secs secs secs secs secs secs lim1t secs limit sec& limit secs 11.:it secs :I UJ IOTIXi:* 30 150 600 600 600 "3600 3600 No 7200 No 7200 No 600 ?:o 72GO UJ secs sec11 secs secs· &eClll secs secs limit &ecs limit secs limit secs lu11t secs I

LI HES 200 2500 8000 8000 8000 60000 10000 No 10000 No 10000 No 8000 ~:o lOCCO limit limit limit liir.it

CARDS(output) 0 0 0 0 0 2000 0 No 0 No 0 No 0 Uo 0 limit limit limit licit ;

PRIORITY The PRIORITY of the job depends upon the job class into which it la submitted.

Other No tapes No more than two Guidelines for the use of resources as stated Jobs run in Restrictions: No removable private packs tape dr1vco may be in •A User's Cuide to Computin~ Activitiea• this queue No special forms used· aimultaneouul'y. 11a1st be observed, shculd be N;, operator intervention . - relf1ewed by JCC a:.anage- i:::ent • .. Sinco minor varlationa ln PROCESSTIME and lOTIME ar~ likely to occur from run to run, we recoi::mend that jobs expected tw be close to the upper limit(•) be put in the next lower job claaa.

April 22. 19al

------c -57- ANNEX 9

FORM NO. 1354 REQUEST FOR USE OF COMPUTING RESOURCES Log. No.: (2-82) PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE. TO: Computing Activities Department, Room M-502 FROM: Room No. Phone No. ---- Date \ SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR USE OF COMPUTING RESOURCES j 1. Department------Dept. No •. 2. Division Div. No.

3. User's Project. Name

4. Computer Program Name------\ S. User(s) and Phone No.(s) i \ 6. Check which machine for INTERNAL I I B7800 System A For ISC AND UNIX: ) ,-, B7800 System B Preferred usetcode ) Note: See instructions ,-, B7800 System c For ISC only: on the back of this form ,-, IBM. 3031 - ISC Number of cylinders for additional information ,-, UNIX Project code \ ,-, Other or if EXTERNAL 1-1 Vendor's name ~------7. Budget commitment number:

8. Name of Report Person (to approve bills) Room No.

Time-sharing users: It is the report person's responsibility to record the password which is assigned with the user code and to give it only to authorized users. It is .) intended to prevent unauthorized use of a code and should be changed periodically. On those external systems where users can change their own passwords, the time-sharing coordinator (X48286) should be notified when a change is made. Passwords on the inter­ \ nal systems will be initialized as STANDARD and should be changed as soon as possible.

9. Division Chief's Approval Name Signature Date 10. To Cancel User Code: Division Chief's Approyal Name Signature Date

The space below will be completed by the Computing Activities Department and the form returned to you when your user code has been assigned. To cancel the code(s) fill in item 10 above and return this form to the Computing Activities Department.

Charge Code: Dept. Div. Project Acronym

System(s) User Code(s) Assigned Date Initials

NOT~: Please do not remove the pink copy. It will be sent by CAD to the report person when the user code has been assigned.



Item What to Enter I I Log No.: Do not fill this in; Computing Activities enters this.

I FROM: Enter name, room nuIBber, telephone extension, and date. I 1 & 2 Department and division names and numbers according to the World Bank Group Master Organization Code list. The department and division ·listed will be ! charged for the work performed under the assigned user code. \ ) 3 Name of the project for which the work is to be done. Include the RPO number if it is an external research project. I 4 Name of the program to be used or developed. I 5 Staff member(s) expected to use the system, and their telephone extension number(s). l 6 Check whether internal or external; internal refers to Bank operated hardware; external refers to computing facilities operated by other organizations. The following brief description of the major uses of the internal systems may assist you to determine which you need:

Hardware System Software I

B7800 System A CBDISPLAY, CBPACK, AMORT, general use System B RAL System c Controller's, Personnel, and IFC only IBM 3031 ISC FOCUS, MODEL 204, INFOTAB PDP 11/70 UNIX* Word processing, programmer's workbench I *Note: There are multiple UNIX systems. Your usercode will be validated on the system your department is assigned to. ~[ If you do not know which system you need, please contact your user repre­ sentative, or call 48282. If you do not know which external vendor you need, I t please call the time-sharing coordinator on 48286 or· the Time-sharing Assistant I on 48324. i ( 7 Your budget commitment number can be obtained from your departmental budget officer or program coordinator.

8 Enter the name and the room number of the person responsible for the user code being requested. This person will be responsible for verifying the bills for your user code, a'nd for maintaining .the password and consequently controlling access to the user code.

9 Division chief o.r, in his or her absence, the acting chief or department head, and the date. I ( 10 When you no longer need to use the code, have the division chief or designated alternate sign, date, and return the form to the Computing Activities Depart­ l ment (Room M-502).

NOTE: Please do not remove the pink copy. It will be sent by CAD to the report person when the user code has been assigned. Form No. 269 -59- (3-73) DATE RECEIVED ______/ ______/ ______ANNEX 10


Department/Div. No. Est. No. of Cards Date and Time Required Scheduled Job r::J Month Day Year Hour Oother I I I \ No D Deliver To: D lkl i t Record 0JCC 0 Room No. l(ey Verify I Yes D 0 *hen ready cal I Ext. Special Instructions: ( ,.

I 0 New Job - K. p, Layout Attached I 2. TO BE COMPLETED BY KEY PUNCH .OPERATOR Operator Card Volume I " \ .. ! Date Started: Month Day Year Time Started:· Hour Minute

I Date Comp I eted: Month Day Year· Time Completed: Hour Minute ( Special Remarks: '


Date Started: Month Day Year Time Started: Hour Minute

Date tom·p 1eted: Month Day Year Time Canpleted: Hour Minute

Special Remarks: c -61- ANNEX 11 FORM NO. 539 COMPUTING ACTIVITIES DEPARTMENT (1-78) MODIFICATION REQUEST/PROBLEM AND ERROR REPORT Involving: Application System 0 System Software 0 Computer O Data Preparation 0 Other O or Program OpP.rations Submitted By ------Dept.------Div. Ext. ______Room------I Please send or deliver this form to the Office of the Director, Computing Activities Department, Room N-933. ( Name of Application or System Acronym ~lame of Program------~ 1. If Problem or Error: (Date: and Time: of Occurencel User Priorities: High 0 Med. 0 LowO Please describe below the problem or error and attach and label any output, cfia~nostic messages or other relatea material which may ! help to understand the problem. Please try .to answer the questions what, wh~n. where, how and who, aE appropriate. \ (

.. \ ( I I \ ,I Number of Attachments----- \ Has This Problem Been Encountered Before? Yes ["J No 0 Has This Problem Been Reported Before? Yes O ·NoO 2. If ModifiCition Request: User Priorities: High O Med. O . Low O Please state below (or as an attachment) t}le request and the resulting tangible benefits to the Bank from implementing the requested change.

II I \ '1

l!l!!Di'£Eii·1E;w111·1115nmm+il!IAD·"llllimm•m•.. •••nmaamm•MM- For Internal Use Onlvm•lll!!i:naamm•lill!lmm•••••••••••••• Acknowledgement Date Received ------to Submitter: Mo. ___ Da. ___ Yr. ___ By ------Maintenance Log Init. Number Division Control Number Explanation of Change or Action Taken:


I l i Other Systems Affected: IJ Maintenance Materials Affected (Mark Appropriate Items): r l Documentation Other 0 External Specs. 0 General Info. Manual 0 KP Forms 0 Reports 0 User Guide O Programs I 0 File fn'formation 0 Internal Specs. 0 Program Specs. 0 Tables O 'TeStDiita Completed Approved User Notification Effective lnit. I Date lnit. I Date lnit. I· Date Date I l. I Distribution: System File -White; Office of the Director - Yellow; user Representative - Pink; User - Goldenrod ( J. ..., -63-




Today you will practice how to initiate a terminal session, how

to execute a program interactively, and how to terminate the session.

1. Log-On

Follow instructions in Section VI.C (page Z4) of your course

material. The timesharing line for System A is 842-1261. Your

Usercode is CTRNUX. Your password is "STANDARD" and your charge-

code is B70090TRGU.

I I 2. Execute Interactive Program Execute program $(BLIBRY)OBJECT/AMOKT. Interact with this

program as requested on your terminal until the program completes

its execution. The program is stored in the DISK family.

3. Log-Off

See instructions in Section VI.D (page 25) of course material.
