p;q p;q Geometria Superiore Reference Cards for k > 3 we can choose Bk+1(E2 ) and Zk+1(E2 ) as the p;q p;q subobjects of Zk(E2 ) containing Bk(E2 ) and identified by Spectral Sequences means of the isomorphism of the previous step k to the sub- c 2000 M. Cailotto, Permissions on last. v0.0 objects im(dp−k;q+k−1) and ker(dp;q) of Ep;q respectively; in Send comments and corrections to
[email protected] k k k this way we have Z (Ep;q)B (Ep;q) ' Ep;q : Generalities. k+1 2 k+1 2 k+1 Definitions Let A be an abelian category. Define Af the So we have a long chain of inclusions: quasi-abelian category of filtered objects of A: objects are ob- p;q p;q p;q p;q E = Z2(E ) ⊇ ··· ⊇ Zk(E ) ⊇ Zk+1(E ) ⊇ ··· ⊇ jects A of A with a (decreasing) filtration, i.e. a family of 2 2 2 2 subobjects (F p(A)) of A s.t. F p+1(A) ⊆ F p(A) for every ··· ⊇ B (Ep;q) ⊇ B (Ep;q) ⊇ ··· ⊇ B (Ep;q) = 0 p2Z k+1 2 k 2 2 2 p 2 Z; morphisms ' : A−!B are morphisms of A respecting the filtrations, i.e. '(F p(A)) ⊆ F p(B). and the definition continues with: p;q p;q p (d) for every p;q 2 Z two subobjects B1(E2 ) and Z1(E2 ) of The filtration (F (A)) of A is: p;q p;q p;q p2Z E2 such that Z1(E2 ) ⊇ B1(E2 ) and for every k T p (i) separated if p2 F (A) = 0, p;q p;q p;q p;q Z Zk(E2 ) ⊇ Z1(E2 ) ⊇ B1(E2 ) ⊇ Bk(E2 ) (ii) coseparated (or exhaustive) if S F p(A) = A, p2 p;q p;q p;q Z and define: E = Z1(E ) B1(E ); p q 1 2 2 (iii) discrete if there exists p 2 Z s.t.