THE WEATHER Forecast by U. S. Weather Bureau, Hartford.

Partly cloudy today and tcoaor- row.

FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHisTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1929. (Classifled Advertising on Page 12) VOL. XLIV., NO. 24. STOCK MARKET SEVEN K D IB Daughter of Countess of Cathcart to Wed SENATE PLANS TO CENSURE AGAIN THROWN A S B IG P IM BINGHAM IN A RESOLUTION FAILS IN SEA ■ <8» INTOjniRMOIL I Another Disastrous Break Towed hy Steamer to With­ Attempt On The Life s PERSONAL ATTACKS In Prices Which Carries in Ten Miles of Shore Of Premier Of Japan Scores of Issues Down $5 When Tow Line Breaks; F E A T U ^ SESSION Tokyo, Oct. 28— (AP) —An ap- The Japanese sprang upon the \ Find Two Bodies. narenUy'weak minded Japanese was j running board of ^ an to Nearly $45 a Share. Irrested today, after an attempt I leaving the premieres resident whiTh i^Uce believed was directed a drawn _ - labor market to Bulgaria, and toe Admiral Hortoy, toe present regent .bershlp in toe Asaoriatedt' Pro** a*' ■ mairittiB and t&at he had loaned his "Oh, how they have loved that of Hungary, was barred by former $4,604,752.50; expenditures, $10,- car re e w w to a fiiiend. ■,at T,eWi8toil. 651,812.38; balance, $219,068,267.07. tended toe meeting^.’' i . " • .tCbfitisaed o& Pag* 2.X Secretary Kellogg.

L-.’l. , -f 5- . MANCHESTEH, CONNh MONDAY, OCTOBEB 88, 1929, FAUB rw o toe committee would have raieed & a fS- PLANTOCENW stench that I had accepted his serv­ JOHNNY GROMAN, CUB ices free. Because I did toerefox’e ^C O N F IR M E D ABODTTOWN | there is something crooked in it.” SENATOR BINGHAH Flimsy Evidence. Mrs. Abram McCann and Mrs. HALF-BACK, INJURED ,Bingham asserted that “every bit (FarnlBhed by Putnam & Co.) AUeg <3orp...... 82H Arthur Brohkie v/iU be in charge of of evidence" this committee could 40 I AT ST. B R ID jarS the rummage sale which ladles of (Coiitlnaed From Page One) “use a^UBst me has been twisted” . C en t^ Bow, Hartford, Conn. Am Bosch Mag Taken to Hartford Hospital 1 P. M. Stocks. Am Can ...... 142% the South Methodist church wt'l to that purpose. 91 conduct on Thur.'iday all day In the When Kidney Covering Is i sentative of toe Connecticut associa­ Senator -Caraway, toe chairman, Bank Stocks. Am and For Pi,« • ‘ • 60 vacant store at 840 Main street next Hurt in Play Yesterday. William Eneman he continued, “implied that I had Bankers Trust Co .... 325 59% to the A. and P. market. salary.” some sort of a corrupt bargain” City Bank and Trust . 600 630 Am Metal ...... Bishop J. J. Nilan in Charge; William 72. of 77 Garden Pausing, Caraway then said: Am Pow and Lt .. •»■■■? • • 92 Johnny Groman, halfback on the street, retired builder and contrac­ with Eyanson. Cap Nat B & T ...... 470 490 88% *Tf there Is a Regular on this Bingham then' turned to testi­ Am Rad Stand San A meeting will be held this eve­ Cubs football team, was Injured In tor and a re^dent of Manchester for Conn R iv e r...... 425 • ••••• • e^e « • 98% . Comes on Church Anni­ ning at 8 o’clock at the Manchester floor lyho approves of what Senator mony before toe committee in which First Bond & Mtg .... 47 Am Rolling Mill . . . yesterday’s giame with the Sokol 44 years, died at his home early this Am Smelt .. .. .' • •••••» 4 Commimity club of the men from Rosebuds of Bridgeport at Mt. Nebo morning, after a lingering- illness. Bingham said. I’ll give him oppor­ toe name of J. Henry Roraback, Htfd C T C ($25 par). 170 I75 tunity now to stand up and say so.” Am Tel and Tel . .'250 the various local factories who met and last night was removed to the He was a member of toe Connec­ Republican National committeeman First Nat Htfd ...... 260 280 . 94 versary Day. No one arose. for Connecticut, was brought into Amer Water Wks at the clubhouse last season for set­ Hartford hospital where his condi­ ticut Home Guard and one of toe Land Mtg and ’Title . 40 . 48 % back games. Other men who would tion was reported this afternoon as original members of toe local Sal­ “ TTiere’s no consolation for toe toe Eyanson case. He said he had Mutual B&T ...... 260 Andes Cop Atl Refin ... . 45% be Interested will be welcome to at­ satisfactory'and not dangerous. vation Army. Senator from Connecticut in that," conferred with E. Kent Hubbard, do, vtc ...... 260 Caraway added. B and O .... .126 ^ Bishop John J. NUan yesterday tend the meeting tonight. Some bt the fibers in u e capsule He leaves bis wife, two daughters, president of the Connecticut associ­ New Brit Trust — 200 48% i confirmed the largest class of boys surrounding his kidneys were spUt Mrs. John Welden of Pittsburgh, Caraway Insisted nothing he had ation, in ^raback’s office in Hart­ Park St BaJ3k...... 1400 Bendix Aviat • •••seee’eea Beth Steel .. 99% 'and girls in the history of St, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Loveland and a slight hemorrhage tesvilted. Penn., and Mrs. Frederick McCor­ said in toe Senate on the Bingham ford but Roraback was not present rts W. 1...... 375 .Bxir Add Mch a « e e • • e 4 61% {Bridget’s church. Eighty-nine giris and Mrs. Ora Ames, went to North However, this has been stopped^and mick of School street; three step case declared untrue. "The fact that Mr. Roraback was Riverside T ru s t...... 675 W d ' seventy-nine boys were is completely under control. Dr. sons, Thomas J. Moore of Burnside “Friends of the Senator himself not present” Bingham asserted, West Htfd Trust .... 475 Can Pac Oxford, Mass., yesterday for the an­ Carinon Mills • • •• ••• 3* t received into full membership. The nual exercises at the grave of Clara Charles W. Goff, the cluVs physi­ and Samuel H. and Joseph E. Moore wrote the record before toe com­ “was used by a member of toe com- Bonds tsef^ce was at 10:15 and every seat cian, said that there was no danger of this town; and nine grandchil­ mittee,” he continued. “It was dif­ xnittee to suggest there was some­ Htfd & Conn W est___ 95 Cerro de Pasco ...... - • •• Barton. Patriotic societies were in­ Chi M St. P and P pf.... • * • • • •. 4» lin.^e auditorium was occupied and vited by Clara Barton Tent, D.U.V. and that no operation would be nec­ dren. ficult to get It, m admit The Sena­ thing corrupt almut the meeting. East Conn Pow 5s . . . 100 103 essary. He added that G rom ^ Funeral services will be held from tor says we wanted to discredit him. You’re damned if'you do and you’re Conn L P 7s ...... 116 118 Chic and Nortow ...... 89 tch^As placed in some of the aisles. of Norwich. Exercises were also Chrysler ...... 41% ■It very fitting that the con- held at the home of the “Angel of would ptobEbly be confined to the toe late home at 2 o’clock Wednes­ I want to say to him that we could 'damned if you don’t but they’re go­ Conn L P 5%s ...... 105 108 Ool' GSLS Bud Ej1©C' •*'#*•»•••• oZ*^ ifirmation should take place at this the Battlefield,’’ a name earned by hospital a week. .... day afternoon. Adjutant Joseph not discredit him. He has done con­ ing to get you anyway." Conn L P 4^^s ...... * 98 100 Miss Barton for her wonderful work Groman also had the mlsfortxme Heard of toe local Salvation Army siderable to discredit himself. Several times Caraway sought to Htfd Hyd 5s ...... 102 105 Conil Ifiv Trust ••••••*• *.«,• • • 52^ • tiifli, the sixtieth aimiversary of St. to be sent to a hospital last season Consol Gas ...... (B^m efs, which is the oldest Roman as head of the hospital department citodel wlU officiate. Burial wlU be “I wonder how New England will interrupt Bingham but he declined Insurance Stocks from an injury suffered on a foot­ in toe East cemetery. Aetna Caslty ($10 par) 220 230 Contin C a n ...... •Cm K uc church in town. in the C ivil War. MisiS Barton was react to toe Senator’s statement to ^eld. Caraway then paced the ball field whUe playing with the ■ I rfii . .1 — 720 <3om Prod ...... ' 4@tijough it was the last Sunday honored with election as first presi­ that we are trying to discredit it Senate floor, spending much of the Aetna Insurance ...... 700 dent of the American Red Cross in Cubs. At that time It was a knee Mrs. Daniel Fraher through him. I have a pretty high time walking near Bingham who Aetna Life ($10 par). 118 123 Curtiss Wright ...... 13% in'October, the day was xmusuaUy injury and he was in the Memorial ~ Mrs. Daniel Fraher, who was Miss 55 Dupont De N e m ...... 160% wskpa and sunny. R ev.' C. T. Mc- 1881. Her grand niece and only sur­ regard for New England.” stood with one hand in his pocket Automobile ($10 par) 51 viving relative made a few re­ hospital about two weeks. His pres­ Mary O’Connor, before her mar­ Senator Walsh, Democrat, Mon-' and spoke almost in a,monotone. Conn. General ...... 2300 2400 Elec Pow and Lt ...... - 45% pastor of the church for the ent injury is not expected to pre­ riage, died at her home in Hartford 78 Erie ...... ,60% past 16 years had the altar beauti­ marks and placed on the grave a tana, another member of the lobby “I sat here and listened to one do, rts ...... 75 wreath of fiowers, the tribute of vent him from playing with the Satui^ay. Mr. and Mrs. - Fraher committee, followed Caraway. He inuendo after another,” Bingham do, ($10 par) W. 1. 170 180 Gen Amer Tank ...... lOS fully decorated with v a profusion of Cubs again before toe close of toe were married in Manchester, but 990 Genl Elec ...... 2W pink and yellow roses and chrysan­ Clara Barton tent. said toe Connecticut Senator had said, “and was amazed that , a Sen­ Hartford Fire ...... 970 current season but he may be out have made their home in Hartford raised too question of the standards ator would so forget himself that he Htfd Steam Boiler . . . — 760 Genl Foods ...... 56% themums and oak tranches. '■ WiUis White of Henry street re­ of toe lineup vmtil too town series toe greater part of their married and morality of toe Senate by at­ would stand* in his place on this Lincoln Nat Life .... 120 125 Gen Gas and EHec A ...... - 83% The children, two by two, march­ ceived word this morning of the three weeks hence. life, haying moved to that city tributing too committee’s work to floor and pass innuendoes of that National ($10 par) .. 86 90 Gen M otors...... ^ ed from the basement Mound to the death of his son, Charles, in Bremer- twenty years ago. She is surviv­ political anlm'i^ity. Consequently kind for poHUcal purposes. Phoenix ...... 960 980 Graham Paige ...... ’ .Jo {front entrance, the girls like minla- haven, Germany. Young White, who ed by two sons and her husband. Walsh said it might be well to read “Every effort has been made to Travelers ...... 1675 1725 Hershey Choc r ■•.»••••• *^22 jture brides with their pretty white was 25 years of age, was the yoimg The funeral will be held Tuesday toe views of newspapers throughout twist flimsy evidence to show that Public Utility Stocks. Inter Ctombus 21% • silk dresses, tulle veils and flowers rnnn who was transferred in mid- TELLS C. E. MEETING- morning at toe St. Augustine the country on toe work of Bing­ I was crooked. It has / been toe Ctonn. Elec Sve ...... 123 128 Inter Harv ...... 8^2 land wearing white shoes and stock­ oceein to the S. S. -Roosevelt for an Church. Hartford at 9 o’clock and ham. purpose of toe committee from the Conn. Power ...... 130 135 Inter Match Ptc pf ^ ings.- As they entered the church appendicitis operation. White and OF ALASKAN TRIP toe body will be brought .to- Man­ beginning to see that I came out of do, pfd ...... 110 Inter Nick Can ...... « to the King’s March played by the his wife have gone to New York to chester for burial in St. James’ Washington, Oct. 28 — (AP) — this befouled with political slime xxHart E L (par 25) 122 Int Tel and Tel ----- organist, Mrs. Margaret Smith niake arrangements for the return cemetery. Striking back at his accusers. Sen­ and corrupt innuendoes.” do, v t c ...... 119 Johns Mansville Shea, the boys filed into seats re­ of the young man’s body to this Miss Alice Dexter gave a talk on ator Bingham, Republican, Connec­ Bingham then referred to -the Greenwich W & G pfd 94 Kan a t y Sou ...... served for them in the center of the cpvmtry. her trip to AlEska at Second ticut, contended in toe Senate today memorandum written by Joseph B. | jjtfd Gas Kennecott I,’® auditorium and the girls to the left. Cong;regational church last evening. FUNERAI^ the lobby investigating committee Wuichet a clerk of toe Connecticut do, pfd ...... Kreuger and Toll ...... 3*- I Their ages ranged from 9 to 15, and As a reward for their excellence J was “ unfair" and had used “police 190 May Debt Stores ...... 72 Attending toe national Christian f association, to Eyanson, showing S N E T Co ...... 180 ' Jat this time the privilege of adding in art studies, Betty Quimby, Robert court methods” in examining him that Wuichet apparently had Manufacturing Stocks. Miami CJop ...... Holmes and James Tolman, 8th Endeavor convention in. Kansas City 1 fTiHstinn names is granted. last Burner, with a par of others SCRANTON FUNERAL regarding his employment of an knbwledge of toe secret sessions of Acme W ir e ...... 62 65 Mo Kan and T e x -...... iw I ^ ^ o p NUan and the assisUng g^rade students of the 9th school dis­ officer of toe Connecticut Manufac­ Mont Ward ...... ®6 trict were rewarded on Friday and she took the trip to toe west c ^ t toe Senate finance committee. The do, pfd ...... 112 •I priests were seated within the and northward to Alaska. 'The turers Association to assist him in memorandum related that Wuichet Am Hardware ...... 65 68 Natl CAsh Reg A ...... ^ sanctuary. They were the Rev. Saturday by an Inspection trip to tariff matters. Natl Dairy Prod ...... New York where the Angelo Patri previous year Mis Dexter, took a HELD THIS MORNING told arms manufacturers of the Amer Hosiery...... 25 Thomas Drennan, D. D., of East trip to Europe and she said she was The Connecticut Senator asserted Senators on toe commit- American Silver...... 27 Natl Pow and L t ...... 37% school was visited. After viewing a the comnaittee was “framed against on*^JerWin“ ~tori^^^ Bingham Nev Con Cop ...... Hartford, and Rev. A. O. Hebert of splendid display of art work done even more thrilled by toe sail up Arrow H&H, pfd . the La Salette fathers, who cele­ through Puget Sound and water­ a» friend of toe administration.' .. . of the Bill had do, com ...... N Y Cent ...... -201% by students of the Angelo Patri Brothers Arrive in Time After He said one member of toe com­ N Y N H and H ...... 1 ^ brated the second mass. The visit­ school, a greater New York school ways further north in Alaska. The been made public when Wuichet Automatic Refrig . ing priests were the g^uests of Rev. grandeur of toe scenery approach­ 1,300 Mile Auto Drive* mittee had used a member of toe wrote the memorandum. Bigelow Htfd, com 88 Nor A m er...... noted for ,the excellence of its art capitol police force as a chauffeur Pac Gas and El O" C. T. McCann at Ivmcheon served courses, the party inspected the ed that of toe Alpa and the leisure­ Young Men Bearers. Was Indiscreet do, pfd ...... 160 by Osano at the parochial residence ly boat trip gave toe travelers an to drive him home while toe police­ As for Wuichet’s pretension of Billings and Spencer . — Packard Mot ...... **” ' Metropolitan Museum of Art. The man was still drawing government shortly after 12 o’clock, party was in charge of Miss Eliza­ opnortimity to drink it in. knowledge of the positions of Sen­ Bristol Brass ...... 33 Pan Amer Pet B ...... Miss Dexter urged her hearers to Aided by an hour’s postponment of pay. ators on the rate, Bingham said he Para Fam Las ...... 57% i The large class of children recetv- beth M. Bennett, principal of the Names Blmne do, p f d ...... 108 eech MASQUERADE PARTY do. p f d ...... 25 United Aircraft ’High school faculty was sponsor CZECHO EECTIONS tity of sUver church ornaments that I was in doubt whether to re­ , Standard S crew ...... 140 TTnited C o r p -----... 88% for toe girls, and John Boyle for the ftnrf articles studded with pearls and there were more than 39 floral 86% jieces, At toe opening of toe ser­ ply,” Bingham said. “I feel now ------. do, pfd ...... 100 TTnited Gas and Imp boys. The sponsors placed their other precious jewels, were discover­ that a reply is due me, due my con-' Miss Ma>T?oerite Marks was ad- gtanjey Works, com .. 56 U S Freight...... " w o hands on toe right shoulder of the Pragfue, Czechoslovakia, Oct. 28. ed today by toe secret ponce in a vice Mrs. Margaret Shea played __(28)—^Whlle .many sections re­ •Nearer My <3od to ’Thee” on toe stituents and due to the Manufac-. judged to have toe prettiest cos- -underwood ...... 129 IT S Realty and Imp 78 childreq. Three of toe altar boys pig-sty of a rich peasant named T.T S Rubber mained to be heard from, with toe church organ. A solemn requiem turers’ Association. tume worn at toe Bon Ami club s (Baylor & F en n...... 1 ^ were confirmed first within the Pantelelev, in the village mass was celebrated with Rev. C. T. “I had not supposed there was so annual masquerade Saturday eve-j ^78 sandYuary. The boys and g;irl3 pro­ province of Slovakia particular.y Masklno, near Moscow. much unfairness in a group, of Sen- TTtil Pow and Lt A ...... 89 outstanding, incomplete returns McCann officiating. The full Gregor­ ning at toe Hollister street school Underwood ...... 144 ceeded to the altar raU, the girls on The authorities said the articles ian chant was sung by Mrs. Shea ators. hsJl. Miss Marks represented a Union Mfg Co ...... — Warner Ptc ...... • i^»«*'** • ‘one side and toe boys on the other. made it certain today toe Agrarian were s?!ized during a famine when “I had not supposed that for poli­ U S Envelope, p fd -----113 Party will once more head the li^t and at toe offertory sho sang “Salve Spanlsbed Senorita in a gown of ye'- Bishop Nilan wearing his purple the government ordered confiscation Regina,” at toe end of the mass. tical purposes, in order to damage low silk with black lace mantilla, do, com ...... 225 Westing K1 and Mfg robe and white lace surpUce. ’fhe and form the government as a re­ of valuable church properties. The a New England Senator and a Wnolworih ...... sult of Parliamentary elections. One S ^ e tly Solemn Thought” Spanish comb In her hair and with bishop as he touched the forehead pastor of a local church took them, and “One Sweet Day” as the fun­ friend of the administration that toe regulation shawl and fan. The Yellow T ru ck ...... 16% and administered a light blow on the However, in view of large gains and upon dying handed toe hidden eral procession left the church. they ■! would go as far as they did. of the Social Democrats and I was asked one question several best man’s rig was worn by Rudolph left cheek of each child repeated the treasure over to the- peasant. He The bearers were Teddy Bars, Fregln, who wore a colonial cos­ BEGARIA’ S BORDER ; sentence, “I sign thee with the national Socialists botii^toese will faces a long prison term for his part Felix Bars, Vernle Northrup, John times by the same' Senator to toe hope apparently that T Would con­ tume. Mrs. Ruth French and Mr.s. VIOLENCE BREAKS OUT .sign of toe cross, and I confirm thee have to be taken' into the in the affair. Merz, Albert Olderman and Joe Henry Trautman of Talcottvllle ap­ government, thus splitting up Limerick, members of toe Young tradict myself.” .. „ TOPIC OF PARLEY (With toe chrism of salvation, in the Much of the work is of toe finest Bingham then said this Senator peared as "Maggie and'Jigga” ard name of toe Father, and of the Son the coalition hitherto in power. of toe well known Elghteeth Cen­ Men’s Commimity Club, of which The Communists were the greatest was toe same one who had used a they impersonated that pair to the IN STREET CAR ST R in land of toe Holy Ghost.” The chil- tury masters. Frederick was also a member. queen’s taste. They received $2..50 losers in the elections with the About 15 automobiles formed toe Capitol policeman as his private ((kjnflnoPd fporo I’ affe D |dren observed perfect order all chauffeur. Shortly before toe Sen­ apiece in prizes, wkDe Miss Marks through toe impressive service and Czechoslovakian Clericals next. funeral cortege which passed to S t James’s cemetery for burial in the ate convened this morning, Bing­ and Mr. Frtgin eaeSl received $5. liquidation of Bulgarian propertiM New' Orleans, Oct. 28.— (AP)— .after confirmation each returned to ham’s office announced toe Senator More than 150 Attended and Street car strike violence broke ou' Ihis or her seat with h ^ d s raised in CONGREGATIONALISTS ELECT CENSUS SUPERVISORS family plot dirided by the frontier line would New Britain, Oct, 28.— (AP)—At would reply to Caraway and that everybody seemed to enter into the have similar bad effects. todfly with th# boinblD^ of't -an attitude of devotion. Five grown­ Caraway had been requested to be spirt of the occasion- Louis Beebe street car and two homee, whlcl -up converts were -confirmed by the close of toe New England Con- Mrs. Frances K. Bidwell The Bulgarian government is not gfregational conference which has Washington, Oct. 28.—j;AP); present. called off the old-fashioned dances disposed to accept such a solution police said were occupied by noa 'Bishop Nilan after toe children, Private funeral services were held Bingham asserted toe lobby com­ and McKay’S orchestra played. The union motormen and conductors been in session here for three days, Supervisors for- toe 1930 census, for Mrs. Frances K. Bidwell, wife even if it reached hy toe negotiators jwhom he blessed emd prayed for in their districts and headquarters, an' mittee was “framed up” not in ac­ costumes worn were colorful and lu- Tiftw ftp P(rot and would in such an Both housesnouses were badlyMouijr damaged la body. this afternoon, the following officers of toe late George H. Bidwell of cord wito the ordinary Senate prac­ were elected: Chairman, Prof. noimced today by the director of Manchester, who died at toe home toresting. Mrs. Sarah De Varney ? v S . f r3«r Ahe S e c t to toe | hut the occupants .were unhurt ' The grreat class repeated in imison census included: tices but singularly constituted to ■wks chairman of the committee in as if it were a single voice, the Marion J. Bradshaw, Bangor, Maine of her daughter in Watertown on include Senators antagonistic to toe (re-elected); vice chairman, Rev, T, Frederick Harry, Newpbrt, R Thursday, 2:30 o’clock this after­ charge. ^Lord’s prayer. Hail Mary and the I., for Bristol,. Newport, Providence administration. : ■Lucius M. Thayer, Newton, Mass.; noon at toe Buckland Memorial Apostle’s Creed. They gave evidence (part of) comprised of East Provi­ While it should have been com­ hy their responses and their rever- executive committee. Rev. W. F. Chapel. Frazier, Burlington, Vt., chairman; dence town and Wards 1 and 2 Rev. F. C. Allen of the Second posed of two regular Republicans, •epce to the patient training received Providence city; and Washington Congregational church officiated two Democrats and one anti-admin- WAPPING M ystery You'll Never Forget! jkt the hands oi their leader and pas- Mrs. John W. Little, Pawtucket, R. counties with headquarters at New I.; Rev. James F. English, Putnam, and burial was in toe Buckland istratlon Republican, Bingham said , . u ifift^ather McCann. port. cemetery. it was made up of two Democrats, Mr. and/Mrs. j^ouis Dreisch Md Mhop Nilan preached a sermon Conn.; Mrs. R. B. Simmons, Chicj- James F. Woods, Pittsfield, Mass, two anti-administration Republl- family moved from Dart District, THl PlYS’TERIOKSr to toe children and especially for pee, Mass.; Rev. Earl F., for Berkshire covmty with head' cans and one “Republican.” South Windsor, to WindsorviUe. last It was couched in plain, im- Nashua, N, H.; representative on quarters at Pittsfield. In other words, he added the ir rzeff who Bibls language. He explain- the committee on missionary educa­ Joseph J. Murray, Newton, Mass PLAN BIG WELCOME ie significance of the step they tion, Rev. M. Raymond Plumb, for Middles^ (part of) Ashland com n fittM ^ s ‘T o^ S en ato?^ ^ d kve at B in bam ’s Station celebrated just taken, and held up before Providence, R. R-; executive secre­ any administration Senater _ m o ^ twenty-fifth wedding anniver- town, FraiDQlngham town, HoUiston against any administration inter­ ''Yem toe pattern that Jesus had set tary, Rev. Judson L. Cross, Boston, town, Hopkinton town, Natick FOR PRIME MINISTER sary last Friday evening at their pr toe children of all time. He (re-elected), town, Newton City, Sherbom town est.” home. N A N C H i tressed toe importance of obedi- He said toe purpose for which the Mrs. Frank C. Stoddard has as Waltham city, Weston town. Nor investlgration was ordered—to in­ SAX ROHMER’S famous char­ ice to their parents, obedience to FIRE DESTROYS HOUSE. folk (part of) Bellingham town London, Oct. 28.—(AP)—There is her guest, her mother, Mrs. Bacon, 7 te laws laid down for them in their quire into lobbying—was a worthy acter! Alive! Talking! Working East Hampton, Oct. 28,— (AP)— Brookline town, Dover town, Frank a growing demand In England for a of Randolph, Vermont. itechlsm and creeds, urged them to Fire of unknown origin today de­ one. But, he added, when toe com­ Mrs. Homer Lane entertained toe l i ^ l his fearful, mystifying plots! lin town, Medfield town, Medway Warner Oland in toe title role! 7oid evil company and to at all stroyed the home of Ralph Strong. town, MilUs town, Neeham town, great public welcome to Prime mittee got Edward Cooiey, business Pleasant Valley club at her home on |mes be true to toe teachings of the The damage is estimated at $10,- Minister Ramsay MacDonald up-jn manager of the Massachusetts Thursday afternoon. 'Ihey have Jean Arthur, toe lovely girl lurch and be ever ready to do Norfolk town, PlalrivUle town, Wal hypnotized to work his diaboli­ 000. pole town, Wellesley town and Fisheries Association, before it, “no chosen their new officers. Mrs. to others. his return from the United States questions were siskcd him in his cal will! Neil Hamilton, toe I Strong’s son who was ill in bed Wrentoam town, with headquarters and C^anada. Louise Johnson Is tbe new president, was forced out into the street in his at Newton. capacity as a lobbyist; toe interest and Mrs. Harry Walker, secretary, lover! It is felt In political circles that the committee had in him was to 1 night clothes by the flames. He James F. Arbuckle, White Plains this can surely be arranged, the only and Mrs. Robert Skinner Is Measur­ was sheltered in toe home of his N. Y., for Rockland and Westchester show whether or not he had not er. A very pleasant hour was spent J?' AD MEN GATHER doubt being over Mr, MacDonald’s been prevented from annoying me.” grandparents about 600 feet from cotmties with headquarters at own personal attitude toward the visiting and sewing. Refreshments the scene of toe fire. White Plains. Cooley In Error were served by the hostess with Mrs. proposal. Steps are being taken to Bingham said CXKJlcy was in er­ [ Bridgeport, Oct. 28.— (AP)— The When Strong attempted to reach ascertain what toe prime minister Theresa Grisel assisting. ith annual convention of toe Ad- ror when he testified under oath the firemen by telephone he found thinks about it. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elmore have ig Clubs of New England the wire had been disconnected by “that he did not see me.” He said returned to their home in Pleasant Sed here today with a noon FIND LAST MESSAGE If the tentative program Is finally CJooley called him out of the fi­ the flames and hastened to a nearby approved, it is certain to includa the Valley after an automobile trip to luncheon, at which toe Bridgeport house to send-^n the alarm. The nance committee room one day to Virginia, where they visited Wash- Chamber of Commerce, joined with conferring of the freedom of London fife is believed to have originated in talk to him about the tariff. ingfton and other places of interest. . the visiting and local delegates. Holland, Mich., Oct. 28.— (AP) upon both Mr. MacDonald and “He became very'' emphatic, not the attic. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pierce enter­ ’ President Sanford Stoddard of the A message signed and ostensibly Philip Snowden as one of its items. to say abusive,” Bingham wient an, \ \'^ / The freedom of London conferred on tained several people at their home Chamber of Commerce presided and written by R. Sadin, purser of tbe “and I told him I would not see him Buhday, among which were toe A 1ntix>duced L. H. Corblt, president of ■ TWO HURT IN CRASH Grand Trunk car ferry Milkaukee, Mr. MacDonald would be a great Northford, Oct, ' 28.— (AP.)— again. Mieses Ruth .and Nancy Harrison, ■ toe Advertising Club of Bridgeport, which foundered in last week’s boost for toe Labor Party, whicn “He later sent a friend to arrange Vincent Cooley, 22, and Walter Frank Pierce and Jason Farrington. ' as chairman. Governor John H. storm in Lake Michigan, was found was ^ much feared in the financial another Interview with me but I James (>)x and family are moving Trumbull was a guest of toe club, Hauffman, 19, both of Tarrytown, in a bottle in toe lake near here districts before toe election that N. Y., are on toe danger list at New refused.” ' from South Windsor to Dwight wflylng from Hartford in his own yesterday. large sums of money were sent out The Connecticut Senator said It Haven hospital with injuries, suffer­ Biimham’s tenement on the comer :.plane. Eighteen members of toe It was dated October 22 at 6:30 of the coiintry. had been his practice to pay no at­ of Burnham and Ellington streets. 'Hartford Advertising dub also ar- ed here today when their car plung­ p. m.. and read: “Making water fast ed down an eight-foot embankment tention to lobbyists who hang Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Parker spent . lived in planes, landing at toe in slicker. Pumps working good. around Senators’ offices and “waste toe week-end in Troy, N. Y„ with Bridgeport airport. Governor and crashed into a tree. Have turned back to .Milwaukee. STATE’S He a l t h . Cooley, the driver, has a fractur­ our time.” their daughter, Mrs. William Page. Trumbull made a brief address of Might make it, might hot. All crew Referring to a check for $1>000 ed pelvis. His companion suffered Hartford, Oct. 28.—\a P)—No greeting to toe delegates. same as last payroll.” Tbe mes­ SCOTT’S FUNERAL. Miss Amelia Earhart who flew internal injuries and a fractured el­ sage was writteh on Grand ’Trunk new paratjfphold _ fever ■ cases w ersj he sent-to^^te^^ bow. reported to toe state department of was toe official of the association ‘•'here from Roosevelt Field was a stationery. that assisted him wito toe tariff- Hartford, Oct. 28.— (AP)—The guest speaker, having as her sub­ (Joast guards here said the mes­ health for toe week ended at boon V today. ’The total number of cases In bill, Bingham said Eyanson was funeral services for Warden H. K. ject: ‘The Modem Mode of Travel.” BOATHOUSE BURNS. sage was encased in. an official tube W. Scott will be held in the prison Henry J. White, secretary-treas- New Haven, Oct. 28.— (AP)—A into which an officer of toe . ship toe state following toe eutbieak in not a lobbyist in the ordinary sense houseboat owned by Fred Reed lo­ Olastonbnry and East Hartford re­ Of toe word and his services were chapel tomorrow at 2:30 p. m. The ' urer of toe Willson Flying Corpora­ was requested to place a message in Rev. William A- Smith, prison chap­ tion, New York, spoke on "Present cated on tbe waterfront here was toe face of an im j^ding .wreck. mains at 89. There were three new worth $1,000 a month- ‘1 could not send him lain will conduct toe services. Burial Day Aviation.” ’ badly damaged by fire today. Reed The guards explained that “ idi(d(er.” typhoid fever cases reported for the “ S Y M P A tH f was treated at the New Haven hos­ week, one each for Hartford, Bristol $6,000 for his five months work” will be in Lebanon, New Hampshire. TODAY AND TUESDAY referred to in toe message, is the 'The body was brought to Hartford In Christian art, the goat is a pital for bums about tbe head and name given toe Compartment in and Bridgspprt, as compared with toe Senator added, “so I -sent him $1,000. If I had seat him nothing from New Haven yesterday. •'Symbol of Impurity. was discharged. which toe crew of the ftn v slept four cases lu t week. Aiyfi>CTisn^RR H^KALI?# MAWtJaiSSrfifl, CON^.. MOWI^AYrOpJOBER 28,

'T h e firet-rehearsal" o f '.“Square Grooks,’’ a thre^actrplay to; be pre­ CHARTER MEMBERS [M M IpiPRQQlAM sented by J.6hn Mather . Chapter,^ Grder of JDemolay. will,be.held'a,t.the ., 5-_" Masonic Temple' at 7 :*S0 o’clock to- tre; fou can aijf ord tor li itwipirm M f b t o M m , A committee of the'members of ^niofro'w'mght. — ' llCentfer Oiurch Women's.yederation, ^ . ' will h chairman, will be assisted b y Mro. the Masonic-Temple at .7:30 o’clock 40tli Birthday Party. • Vbit to Pratf-Whitoey She del—-Out of Town Soloist.. Gertrude PUmejllt Mrs. tonight. . . > . Moore, Mies Emma. Bldrldge, ■Three charter members, all that ! As indicated by the full program and Costs m Court Sev­ Jaines McCaW and Mrs. 'A. F. Cott- ’There were 400 * property .lOwfierS are left in Manchester; of toe 15 Jn East Hartford Impress- I printed belowi the Women’s Home ,rell. who appeared'before the assessors persons that formed toe lodge fLeagpie of'the Salvation Army has to file lists Saturday, the’ largest kinown as Swedish Benevolent So­ I prepared an evening’s entertainment eral DAer Cases. i; The Ladies’ Aid -adciety of the in any one day since the sitting of ciety' Segar ,back, in 1888—^forty es Local People. i-of unusual variety and merit for to- ! Concordia. Lutheran church •wdll have the board. This m ontog there were years agOrreh®wered the roll caU at I morrow evening, at 7:80 at the cita­ I a Hallowe’en, socialTuesday eve- about 1,200 remaining: lists to be does your begin- the anniversary celebration in del on Main street. ’The concert filed w d indications pointed to- Orange Hall Saturday night. Undoubtedly most everyone' in will be gdven entirely by local peo­ •wards a big day tomorrow and the •They were:,'.Mr.. and Mrs. Carl Manchester knows that the Pratt>& ple, excepting Miss Mae Mower of are heartily?-invited to be prese clearing up of a good part of the Kjellson and Qscar Anderson, ^ ct New Haven, the' soloist and a pleasant time is amticipated. WWtney Company is buil(^g a new morning. One man. Arthur D. Baker, twelve • hundred rematong. With Ridge street. Mrs. Kjellson, as toe home Miss Florence Chambers, reader. grand,lists of over 5(200 - to'. take aircraft factory in East Hartford Both have relatives in Manchester 35 years old fiurnsidfe'farmer, toared The Coffee Shop which was closed only charter woman member li'ving more than half of toe burden, for ------i c^re bf the returns to date have was prestoted with a bouquet of and have seen pictures of the plans and have, frequently •visited here. by to attachment apout _ten days been above toe average and toe re- Miss Mower la a pupil of May Brad­ peddling liquor along with his vege­ flowers. One other charter member said read o f its size but until they tables. Baker was charged Vito ago .will be reqpened w i^ o a weeK t mainjiig--three days should see most still connected wito Segar - now re­ "have seen the actual construction ley Keley and is soloist in a Water- by .the proprietor,, A settiemept to k ,; remaining lists turned in. converse bury church. actual sale and transporting liquor fUlMs . to be made'with the concern 1 ' ___ sides in the Far West. The remain­ they will be unable to appreciate by Prosecuting Attorney Charles R. der of toe original' fif teen members the immensity of the project. Locat­ The program follows: that brought the attachment. ^ Ernest. Silcox o f the Hollywood Opening Song, “Stand Up For Hathaway and toed $150 and costs are either dead or have moved from ed'as it is on the east side of the on each coimt when he pleaded tract returned '^Saturday aiter a this vicinity, severing toeir connec­ pfew London turnpike jiBt about Jesus!.’ * . On the front door of Watkins business trip to Maine, during w ith callers Scripture Reading, 98th Psalm .... guilty. Baker was arrested Satur­ Brothers store is a notice to the ef­ tions with toe society. three quarters of a inile'^south of the Mrs. William Hall day morning by Patrolman John which time he risited Aroostook Nearly 130 • membere of Seg.'ir end-of the Silver Lane road in East fect that- parking in front of the Coimty, toe section of Maine; noted Prayer ...... !Adjutant Heard McGlinn who saw him stop on Birch store is limited, and car o’wners are were present to enjoy toe chicken Hartford it is very accessiWe to Chairman...... C. P. Quimby street to make a delivery. for its potato crop. Mr. Silcox said dinner seryed '.by Gus Ulrich. Hen­ ii'( 'Manchester people and a sight well subject to arrest. The notice .invites ttot toe growers say toe potato Program At first toe Burnside farmer de­ customers to park in the rear of ning Johnson, .acted as toastmaster "iworth seeing for it is probably the Overture, “Persian Princess’’ ...... nied he had been transporting liquor crop is the, best produced in years. and called on seveiral of toe older largest plant its kind in southern their'stpre. Thomas Armstrong and peddling it to several different people at toe table for remarks, in­ New England. ; ■ iMarch, “Picket Guard’’ . .Otto Merz places,.In Manchester but later de­ An elusive, disagreeable odor in -Modem production methods have Fifteen teachers of toe Nathan cluding Nils Anderson of Hamlin Mandolin Club \ cided to admit the truth. He did not an apartment .on Main street, pres­ street, who held toe office of treas­ fdUnd that for many industries the Hale and Barnard schools retorned ent for the past week, was discov­ Vocal Solo, “Swiss Echo Song* . .. manufacture toe liquor but bought on Saturday from an inspection of urer for 20 years and S., Emil Peter­ one" floor plant is ideal and that Eckert it to take a lo n g ^ to his vegetables ered only after Officer Harold Heff- '■ Bianufacturing can be carried on at Rasbach the Ltocoln and Angelo Patrie ron of toe police department had son of Alton street who has been “Trees’ for an additioni^‘profit. schools in New York a ty . They are financial secretary for toe past 22 • maximum of speed an<’ a minimum Miss Mae Mower George' Wilson. 24 years old. of been called in and every inch of the p f cost This fact has led to the Reading, Selected...... ‘ • unatomoua in toeir prtoe of toe , searched for toe. en- years. McKee street, was fined. S125 and Following toe-' dinner a musical building of that type now being Miss Florence Chambers costs by Judge Raymond A- John­ work done by these schools, which tire SaturdaySSntordav afternoon. The search erected in East Hartford. Albert Banjo Solo, “In a Canoe’’ ' to'its character and advancement is led to a top drawer of a dresser entertainment was gpven with piano son when con'Victed .of'd^^uaken second to none in the United States. solos by Miss Magna Nelson of this Kahn, a prominent and widely "On Parade" dri'ving. He was arrested on School where a dead mouse encased in a known architect of Detroit- was one Miss Gladys Carlisle necktie was found. It had crawled town, and solos by Miss Mildred street yesterday afternoon by The, regular meeting of Nutmeg Berglund ahd Oscar Abrahamsen, of'the first to design this sort of Vocal Solo, “Open The Gates of The Patrolman Joseph Prentice whO; fol­ tiuough the fiare end of the tie so Temple” ...... Knapp Forest, No. 116, TalL Cedars of both of New Britain. The audience building. , lowed' him from Pleasant street in Lebahob.'Will he held at 7:30 to­ far that it had got caught and suf­ An idea of the immensity o f the Vocal Solo, “Were You There" .... another automobile, prentice testi­ focated. On advice of Officer Heff- enjoyed toe selections very -muca Prgtt and Whitney plant may be Burleigh night in the Masonic Temple. AU and all three "were called on for Robert Gordon fied that he saw Wilson while toe members are requested- to make ron tie and mouse were buried, f gmned from the fact that a person latter and .three companions were along with the odor in the back numerous-encores. Miss Nelson ac­ standing ha the entranceway of the Instrumental Trio, "La Coquette” . . thbir dance ticket returns tonight. companied Miss Berglund and th-j Merz a tire on Pleasant street yard. office in front and looking down latter accompanied Mr. Abraham- Miss Elizabeth , Miss Beulah. Filhig tod noticed that he was drunk. Miss Bella Silverstein, a - sopho­ through the manufacturing building Prentice said he warned 'Wilson at Being the son of a grocery store ] son. ' would be unable to recognize his oWn and Mr. Maxwell more in the local Hi&b school> was At the conclusion of the program Reading, “Biddy at the Bargain that time not to drive, the car until given a birthday party at her home owner has its advantages as a nine- brother unless he were to be dressed he sobered up but that toe mto yparrold boy on Spruce street found Henning Johnson read a short his­ in manner that was well known to Counter", .Miss Calla Greenaway in Boltop last night b y a group of tory of Society Segar covering toe Vocal Solo, “Gtood Shepherd” ...... drove awav a half hour later. He 50 boy and girl friends. Miss- Silver- out Saturday night. Hanging about the other party. One gains a real Arr. V. $. Waters added that Wilson's car was “all toe store he was suddenly possess­ fortoy year, period, which showed idea of the size of the building from •. ateln, who'is 16 years old received that 643 names have been entered “He Shall Feed His Flocks’’, . . . . . over toe road” as he gave chase. several gifts. Games and dancing ed of what to him was a brilliant the interior as they stand at one end . Arr. Handel Police Lieutenant William Barron. idea. Another minute and he pos­ on the membership books of the and look down the rows of steel. foilbwed by refreshments com­ lodge. Of this number'36 have died. Miss Mower Dr. Le Verne Hblmes and Patrolman pleted the evening. sessed some eggs, too. Walking columns that stretch away for al­ Piano Solo, “Near Thee” ...... Prentice all testified that Wilson along Spruce street he carefully The total membership now totals most a sixth of a niiile. Looking Harold Turkington was dronk while two other men Urbano J. Osanp, local chef, placed one on each side of the-front about, 175. o r h o m e s do talk, you knov/. They carry on conversations crosswise of these columns they From August 24, 1888 to Decem­ Reading, Selected ..Miss Chambers who were riding, with Wilso-n said catered on Saturday night when toe seat of several cars parked at toe with our visitors. And how important it is that they say lobk like a forest of steel poles. Vocal Solo, “In The ^ Wee Little they did hot see toe man take a curb. It being dark toe driver of ber 31, 1928 inclusive too society 'F ^ m the point of ■^d€W of con­ Burnside firemen observed toeir an­ F House I Love” , ...... O’Hara driiik and had been with him at his has received in dues $45,770.U1. ju^ the right things in the right way.' What your home says struction the work is very plain as nual ladies’ night. one of toe cars sank into toe seat, Vocal Solo, “Little Mother Of Mine” house. In his own behalf.; Wilson felt something give, and jumped Of this amount $26,889.03 has been the whole building'is made up'for Burleigh about you, depends upon what yon do about it. And now, when, said that he had drunk only a glass The manyv friends of Miss Anne over to the other side to experience paid out in sick benefits. Death the most part of a stock arrange- Mr. Gordon of beer before and immediately after claims have amounted to $3,265,20 business and social reputations are in the making—when young.; ‘ nient of colunlns, beams and roof B: Brookings will rejoice wito her toe same sensation. A detailed ex­ March, “Toast Master” .H; F. O’Dell breakfast at 11 o’clock ih to« morn­ and miscellaneous disbursements to folk need the proper background for their activities—^it is in­ trusses. A light weight steel decking relatives over her safe arrlvM in amination of the car and his trou­ Medley, “Colleglsms” . H. F. O’Dell ing. Attorney William J- Shea de­ the port of Durban, South A^r^oa sers, and toe trouble was soon dis­ $5,500.41 making a total expenditure is being used for the roofing which Mandolin Club fended Wilson. ’The, court opined that of $35,6M.64 in' two score years. creasingly important that your furnishings speak in your favor. ik damped to the steel purlins by a with others o f the missionaiy pa,rty. covered, A further investigation there was no doubt as to Wilson’s The message was cabled tp, the Con­ and toe perpetrator of toe joke was Cash on hand at toe beginning of First—furnish your home. It tells what you are. Of course, patented clamp. This steel decking is this year was $10,115.37. in! turn being mopped with tar and toilt- ' gregational Mission board in New found and toe joke was on him or we shall be happy to help. Just come in anytime and talk with- DONALDSON REFUTES Blair A. Wasiemicz. 33, of 474 York city and forwarded to Mrs. rather his father’s hand was on The committee in charge of the ’■sheets of Celotex insulation laid in Hudson street, Hartfqrd, arre-ted us about your plans and your problems. You will find here a sin­ it This in turn is moppe'? with tar Brookings here. Miss Brookings that side of his anatomy where a celebration'Of the' annivarsary was: last night at 8:30 by Patrolman left early in September and spent hand does the most good. Alfred Johnson, chairman: Algct cere and sympathetic understanding. WcTl belooking for ybu.- ai^ then a standard Barret roofing COMMISSION CHARGE Michael Fitzgerald was charged is being put- on; At the present time some time in England before leav­ Johnson, Eric Nelson, Mrs, Esther with drunken driving but granted,-a ing for toe mission field in Africa. Nicholas Farr of Cottage street Modean, Mr. ahd Mrs. Albert Swan­ the roofing work is just being gotten continuance imtil ’Thursday morn­ . under way. The roof is of the Has No Intention of Using His has again gained .possession of his son, Mr. and. Mrs. Emil Brandt and ing. Miiton A. Wolfersdorif. 18, of . Miss Syl-via-Hagedom of 88 Oak­ garage which was imceremonio'us- Mrs. Alfred Johnson. saW-tooth variety which provides Uniform.., in Other Work; East Hiartford, Fred H, Bigelow, 31. l(Mjg rows of glass set at- a ^sharp land ntreet -was plpasantiy autprised ly taken in hand by a skunk last Shows Letter of Recommen­ of 'Riverton. John' lannini. 24. of Saturday evening at. her home by a Tuesday.’ Henry “Cy” Keeney of CAPTLRIIHIO angle ai^. banked, in this case, op­ Plainville, Samuel Freeman of Hart­ posite 'to each other so that dcmble dation. largo gathering of her former Bfainard Place proved hla deliverer UONS TO SEE MAGIC “ Capturing Charm •with Horn* ford and Oscar-B.' Barrette,-24, -.of schoolmates. at the local High by placing a ligbted’lantem on toe Furnishings” is a book you will tl^e amoimt of light will be secured SaylesviUe, R. L. were dll ch arge CHARM as compared with the ordliHHy saw­ Edwin J. Donaldson, until recent­ schtxjl. 'fhe occasion was her birth­ floor "in toe center of the, garage surely want. It was written for ly a member of the Manchester po­ with speeding. 'The first three paid AT SESSION TONIGHT tooth roof. day. Singingi dancing and games and when the skunk ca-ine forth, our patrons by Helen'Townsend Bar* lice department, today refuted in­ ten dollars ahd cOsts but Bairette continued to a Idte hour. Miss *attraeted by toe light, Keeney sock­ WIfH HOME ’ The brick enclosure walls around and Freeman had .their cages con- ton. Department Director, National tke exterior are imder 'way and in sinuations that he intended to use a da'vlne Hand- in behalf of her ed bim from behfed to end'';’the Home Furnishings Ipdustry. PrsLcti*! local pcdice department uniform for ,tti^^funti;''qexL^aa3todfo?,: case friends presented to Miss, Hagedorh reige. The car ndW stands; in-.-; the the east end are nearing eomple- work he planned to do in' Florida, of Joseph J&rvis,' 40. of Hartford, Will Meet at Manchester Com­ FURMISHIMGS cal, helpful and beautifully illustrate ttn'n- A high section of building ‘ ex­ a bedutiful boudoir lamp. Miss garage. ed. Ask for your free copy. He asked The Herald to tell his charged with passing the wrong Hagedorja was graduated from the munity Club— North End­ tending the entire width of the main story to toe townspeople so that he side of traffio signal, will also come plant adjoiixs the east end. This odU local H i^ school with tbe J'™® So diligent have the. P°lic® ^®^ ecs on Committee. would not bear toe stigma that he up Saturday. , class and is at present a student at in keeping toe one-hour parking accommodate a car unloading equip­ feels has been, placed upon him. The ment. A branch line has been rnn the New Britain Normal school. law enforced that practical jokers The ins and outs of toe magician’s former patrolman also produced a' art will be the subject c f a talk by ■ ipjfo-the plant from the 'Glastonbury letter o f recommendation from a have begun toeii" work. Saturday • trbney line of the Cpimeclicut Com­ FINDS D. S. PRODUCTS The, Forty, Hours Devotional pe­ night, Paul Hillery, who conducts Paul Nofke, magician of Springfield, police oommissioner ^ven him when riod that opened in St. James's Mass., before toe Lions Club at the FURN18H I pany. The power plant is located in he proffered his resignation. a business in toe State theater TOURHOMEl the rear of the car-unloading build- church ivito' toe closing of toe building, pulled up to toe ciiro, Community Club at 6:15 o’clock to-- According to Donaldson -he did USED THROUGH SPAIN 10:30 mass yesterday comes to a night. He will enliven his talk ITTCU* ii^. ‘ The concrete for the office not ask for an order for a uniform went into his store and on his re­ tnUTVOUAOK, btfilding in front has been poured close on Tuesday morning wito a turn a few minutes later found the with a demonstration of his skill at in August. He says that he need­ sleight of hand at which he is said and •will be enclosed as rapidly as ed a new uniform and at that time Kiwani^jis Hear, Hartford Man mass that will'be celebrated at 8 car tagged. Looking up a policeman .o’clock. to be a past master. • possible before cold weather sets in. had no , intentions of going to Flori­ TfeU of Recent Tour—Miss on toe beat Hillery complainc'J Nofke was brought here through Adjoining the Pratt & Whitney da. Mbreover, he claims that uni­ about toe unjust parking. The po­ his acquaintsmee wito Ernest Roy This symbol affords protection a^d. satisfaction oR . plant jn. the sai^e ,l^rge level Iptthe forms are not standard in every city Berggren Sings. The auction of the William. H. liceman was non-plussed and inves­ Wright estate on East Center a member of toe committee in Jthe furniture you select at ne-W |-t,6od,006 phint of the ’Chaace- and it would not have been possible tigation brought t o light that toe charge of the meeting. The others Vought Corp., is beginning to take to use his local suit in another city. Jesse C. Altrock of Hartford gave street- scheduled for Saturday aft­ tag was not a police tag at all but an entertaining talk on “A Little on toe committee are Thomas Con­ :5iaape;and' .rising above the sand The uniform be secured . has been ernoon was called off when toe just toe work of some joker. ran and Arthur Holmes. Ouring the •naaras are the" steel columns of this, turned back with all his equipment, Journey,” telling of his'trip to Spaip heirs got together and purchased dinner hour toe Count’s orchestra not so small, building. This corpora­ Donaldson says, and his pay is not before 35 members of toe K iw ^ s the property. Hose Company No. 3, of the South composed of young north end tion builds planes, whereas the other being withheld because of any a ^ - Club at toe Coimtty Club this noon. Manchester fire department re­ m'uslcians will entertain wito pop­ .company, builds engines. This fact ment- with toe police authorities.^^e At a short, business session it was J. B. Carlson won first prize at sponded to a still alarm at 2:30 Sun- ular selections. means-that, this building will be of a must wait imtil toe end of the decided to continue meetings r ’ the the Masonic social club- setback ses-1 fQj. ^ grass fire near toe swim .sUgbtly different tyi>e and of heavier month for his check as do all toe Country Club for the "next two I Sion Saturday n ig h t Arthur Shorts ming pool at Globe Hollow; ^construction- as the span between other members of the force. I won second: prize and. the consola,- UNION MAN HURT column bent", is 80 feet or double Donaldson has two other positions Mr. Altrock spoke of his journey tion went to Adolph Carlson, niere The Holy Trinity Polish. Roman, Opposite H i^ School that of the Pratt & Whitney build­ in •view and because of his dissatis­ from Paris to Madrid expidlnihg. toe were 11 tables in the play. The door Catholic Union of America held a South Manchester ing. This extreme roof span is faction with the police job here he customs and toe nature of the couh- prize went to Jf^es Forde. most successful meeting yesterday Marion, Ind., Oct. 28-j- (AP) — necessary in a plant of this kind due decided last Wednesday to resign. tiy of toe various cities he passed when there was initiated forty-three Less than a month after narrowly to the space required for wing ■When he reported for dutv that through. He told in detail o f toe Principal C. P. Quimby and Vice- candidates, a little more than doub­ escaping death in an explosion that 'spr&d in assembling the large night he was told he was through. Moors and how toe products in Principal, R. W, Proctor of Man­ ling-their number. The Union was rocked toe Labor Temple here, An­ planes that are now being built. To prove his statement regarding Madrid were nearly all of Amer­ chester High school 'Will b e. in toe formed on September 1 and since drew Legos, „ 36, suffered injuries Column erection on tWs building the resignation Donaldson produced ican make, U nlt^ . States cash school office tordght from 7 until 9 then- there has been but two meet­ when a bomb exploded in his auto­ is .not yet complete and it will be a letter from Edward J. Murphy, registers, Fuller. briitops and Royal ings, numbers coming ini until Sun­ mobile this morning' as he attempt­ secretary of the commission. The o’clock for the purpose of consulta­ day it has reached fo-.'ty.. 'With toe some little tinite •yet before the size and Underwood typewriters. He no­ tion wito parents and students. The ed to start it. letter follows: initiation of toe forty-three mem- Legos, an employe of a loc^ of its proportions will begin to show ticed only one car of foreign, make usual-Wednesday mght office hours ™ " ^ t e r d a ^ ^ up. This building wiU also'be . a one “Manchester. Conn.. in toe city. The si>eaker also told of glass weftrks, was taken to a hc«pi- „ . October 23, 1929 will be omitted this#Viin week, being nineteen applications that tal where physicians said amputa­ story affair. TheSe fivo' new»plants seeing King Alfonso of' Spain. held tonight instead. The ranking “To Whom It.,May Concern: Miss Gertrude Berggren of New were acted upon and accepted sends tion of his leg might be necessary. are imquestionably the largest and “This is to .certify that Edwin J. cards for the first marking period the membershiip''toA point over 100. most impressive 'thi&^f have been York, who is home for a visit, sang Legos is recording secretary of toe Donal^on whP has been a member are just out and many students | q-ijere will be another meeting held Glass Moulders’ Union and of toe erected in this section of the coun­ several solos. Lawrence Case \ won parents may desire advice. . . ------>—.----- of toe' Manchester police depart­ toe attendance prize, a box of cigare, soon to adopt new members. local branch of the American Feder­ try in many years and in view of ment since his appointment on Nov- ation of Labor. The bombing today their proximity to Manchester^ will embw 26, 1926, and a regular given by Esther W. P. RjCidy. < James B; WUson of Garden street, Thomas Ferguson and Meilcolm led to toe belief that Legos was H E A D Q U A R m S FOR bring businesb to thif tpwj3^ and, prO". patrolman, since July 1927, has this The speaker At the'next meeting formerly employed at Colts in Hart­ Mollan of The Herald are attending meant to be toe ■victim in toe Labor vide work for many people,'^ 'i ' day of his own desire handed to toe will*be Marshal Mott, of toe Hart­ ford, will be^h work as a clerk at toe state meeting of the Associated Temple! explosion. The pfojected landing; field to the ford Better Business Bureau who undersigned his resignation. the south Manchester post office Press at the Hotel] Beach. Bridge­ HALLOWE’EN NOVELTIES -■I';''.' east'of the two plants will extend “Officer. Donaldson has been ac­ will talk on “Fraud Fighting Actiyir on November 1. He has been doing port, today. They will also visit the nearly .up to the fields in the rear of tively . emjdoyed at Police, wo to ties of Better Business'Bureaus.’’ spare time ,work at toe post office new plant of-toe Bridgeport Post- . FOUR HURT AT 'IRE ! the ^ilvier Lane Pickle Co. This since his appointment in 1926 and riighfg a ^ , Sundays. Wilson w as,the Telegram. txxJ stretch of land should make an ex­ has been at all times courteous and guest, of honor! at a party given in cellent landing field for comparative­ pimctual and at toe time of his ad­ GIVE FAREWELL PARTY his honor by thirty fellow-workmen ' The last part of toe ledge at Bol­ New York, Oct. 28.— (AP)—A ly little cut and fill work will have vancement to the regular force was at U, J. Osano’s cottage at Bolton ton Notch was blasted at midnight man______and his ■wife ^ were severely to be done'to grade it off .This field cited befiore toe Commissioners for FOR GEORGE MALLON lake Saturday afternoon. last night apid toe, work of clearing burned! and two firemen suffered I(;g 1 \/IA R L 0 W ’ will be-used for experimental p\ir- his police work. toe path for toe new highway is fractures today in a fire that swent posesi'-'-' “His acti'vities in the Department f * — Rev., W. D. Woodward preached now completed. The railroad track through a five story tenement bouse I r M f o r V A L U E S were both street patrol, auto patrol Local Man Leaves to Work in yesteirday at Maplevllle, R- I-. .®.^ was again! covered, with the blasted on Third avenue, near East 28 to and desk work which ^•ves him an toe occaribn of toe twentieth anni­ Sitreet. ’Twenty-nine other persona active. insight into all toe various Cotton MiU ' Near ( South- rock but was cleaned up tbday yrith- versary bf the dediiMition of the out much delay to train traffic.' —men, .women, and plffidren—either PDBUC RECORDS types of Police work. bridge, Mass. ketoodist church which was built escaped-' -unaldcfii -o^ were carried ‘^Officer Donaldson leaves this de­ during his pastorate-there, 1907-11. Mario! Marchisotti and Harry Laia down fire escaiies. j '' » - partment to take up other acti'vities A farewell party was , hfeld':on Mr. and | Woodward enjoyed a The Injured, taken tp Bellevue The new company is. jeijid I feM that I can honestly com- George,MaJlon, who up^!uhtU Satur­ of toisv town ..brought back ' four -Wurruttee Deeds.-?''’" - few dayb visit ■ with friends'there pheasants^ from a hmitirig trip to hospital, are, John Jordan, 55 years have capital and surplus DorglJ^ '''Stevenson- to •Samuel meiad biB; services to anyone seeking day was employed in the Priptifig RIG FOOD MERGER the latter'half o f last week, return­ Bolton'yesterday. One of toe birds old^ his wife, Ellen. 50; and Joseph than $150,000,000. .' t> Stevepfilp^ a bne-half interest in abilities, as outlined here'wito. DepartmMt of Cheney Brothers, On ing home after last m^etting’s service -EDWARD J. MURPHY, mbasur^d 39 inches. A. Kelly, 38, and Edward Crawford, Formation of this orgqnifofi^ hr 1-48 klterest in property located Frank MohUA^aci^-as tbwtmasmr, of .Mooseheart Legipn.will be held at gan sponsorship. ’The Moi^aa tor',; Kev. George Smith Brown, pre- hall'way after toe fire was under partly on Oak street. Cottage street. presented Mr. Mallon’ Wito a Moose s^^ted Mr. Woodward with a sum of the home , .clubhouise on Brainard .New York, Oct 28.—The third cern has acquired control pf '-?..'tZM MERCHANTS EXECUTED watch charm., A chipkto^dihl|er’'v^s money‘ donated -fby friends in toe place ,tomorrb\7,evening at 7 d'cloc'k. control. large merger of food and household Fleiscbmann Co., Royal Bakiftg Maple street and adjoisiing , property .The Jordans, both unconscious of Thomas GomOan and Etm Spub- served by OSano. double parish of JIaplevUIe and ipoducts companies to be put to­ Powder Co., E. W. GiUette Co.. ler, h h '^ g for its west, boimdary- Mr. Malloh ban removed , to Sania- Glendale. It was a complete sur­ . Miss_,Etta York of Jewett City, were found --in- toeir smoke fiUed Chase and Sanborn. It has.Tpcenti^ .Moscow, Get.'< 28,—^(AP)— Two ersdale, near Sptitohri^e,. ■ Ma^,, formerly of this town, has returned room in> toe front of the fourth fiber gether within toe past year is be­ arranged to acquire toe V7idB& !the right way . of the South Man-! prominrat Jewish - diamond mer prise. Op Friday afternoon a friend (Chester Sanlts^ and Sewer Dis-- where he do c6tt c N ^ e to vMar^ret gettt^ toe. diamonds put through accused of firing at and;'- woupding ish Lutheran ■ Church will hold its 'wheif a pityjc^ crashed from a height Corp., and the Colgate-Paliriolive elude Cferto Corp., Diamond G ry«t« four Arabs at Jaffa was lacquitted first fan rehearsal a t -6:30 o’clock;^-Mre. .Minnie Balch, M rs, ^ r f Salt (tJp.,-and Noito .Atlantic ^Sulttvan north of'Cen- officials Of toe LatViah 'Legation and j^ret Wilson ahd Mrs. (Seorga ‘ Il.'.o f’ SOd leet!to!,a highway. WaUar.e Beet Cb. It is expected other units because of unreliable ■ ' Arab\ evi- tonight. ' The Beethoven Glee Club FarmAv'h’ c- ' . . i . '■ ; ; ^ter street wfto of way. to importing illicit rubles purchased Waddto. . ; Mott, owner, was injured. win bei added' from time tn time. reest^atrmir. abroad at reduced denee.' ■ ■. will rshsgrM at 7 o’clock.


jtiiies are not always ewayed by the j another of equal capacity, fact that a malefactor has a lot of 1 days when there la so much >r'. .i'r- m oney. dence that somethlngr is all wrong SnttAig iimUl, This verdict, coming on top of w ith prison management in many parts of the country it ^ becoiniqg LETTCR ~ . POSlilSHBD BY THE the conviction of Albert B. Fall for "I- ; • 'Y HERALD PRINTING COMPANY, iNC. accepting a bribe in the EUk Hills better realized that very ' sp^elal 13 Bisseil BtfMt qualities are demand^! of prison V EWTOE'ft NOTEi TMa Is vthefand probably kept-him from the > Soatb MancHeater, Conn. case, would seem to show that the ; THOtlAS FERGUSON way of the transgressor caimot be administrators. MartmeuUTartltiets fallXUl ‘ And and j,_ ©ntcher on the ®* ®^**®* * • President Grant’s name figured in General Manager ^ ■\A t v at all assured of smoothing through milksops fail and prisoM become of Washin^n lobbyists i|i Jay Qoidd’s attempt to comer the i Founded October 1. 1881 an oiling with dollars. \ bedlams'of revolt imder both ktods* ' tile past. ‘ ' ‘ gold market.' Instead of leaving It \ xN of wardens. to a lobbyist, Gould himself had! ____ Bveblng Except BY. RODNEY DtlTtSlER ’ entertained often helped the specu-1 Published Every i Warden Scott was neither sort, SundaysTtud■ Holidays. ' llda Entered at the' A GOOD JOB iniA Service WHtsY •' lators told lobbyists. When a group : Post Office at South Manchester. The position consistently taken He was a stem disciplinarian and Washington—Lobbyists to t h e of speculators was demanding that Conn., as Second Class Mail Matter. we seize. San Domingo, Grant went j SUBSCRIPTION RATES: during the last two years by this he was utterly free ^ m the urge Grant admhfistrations .wore often One Year, by m a ll...... J5-00 of inherent cruelty. He was firm­ able to-recruit the aid of . the presi­ himself to the Capitol and lobbied [ Per Month, by mall ♦ -60 newspaper, that the bull stock mar­ dent himself to furthering . their with senators for annexation. H e! Delivered, one year . . . . . f ...... J9-00 ket which produced steadily in­ ness itM lf and he was.kindness it­ schemes ^or public plunder. These accepted gifts from men who were ■Single copies ...... 3 .03 j creasing Inflation of stock values self. He combined the qualities of lobbyists ■ did not hestitate to at- here to' seek profitable favors and j tempt to bribe the spe^er of the privileges. He nearly always ap- MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED over a very long period was not command told of leadership which . PRESS; must be correlated in a succetwful House or to offer the vice president peared to be on the side of the cor- only a trap for the unwary Invest­ ' a prosperous corporation job to nipt and opposed to those who pro- The Associated Press-is exclusively prison wardenship. Therefore' he entitled to the ase for republl^catlon or bui a detriment to general busi­ coimt on after his term expired.. | tested corm ption . ‘■\h of all news ditpatcbea credited to it ness, is now supported by scores of was successful. -Connecticut will be It seemed as if nearly everyone He personally- lobbied for Nort-| ■or not otherwise credited in tiys to public Hfe were selling out to the' em Pacific subsidies to Jay Cooke, paper and ‘ also the local news pub­ the financial and industrial leaders fortunate if whoever follows him lished herein. J to this extre'mely difficult position highest bidders and those who pro- Croke. bribed some congressmen,] ' All rights of republtcatlon of of the country. tested the general practlpe were had others—including Blaine—im-1 - - V-* 1. spsclal dispatches herein are also re- shtol prove to be his equal. Almost with one accord these subject to octracism ..and political der financial obligation, maintidned served. Personally Warden Scott was a attack. Cabinet members, senators, a powerful lobby which included I * ■ I — I . »■■■ ~ people are greeting the collapse of SPECIAL ADVEKTISINO REPRE­ good ’ deal of a heto. To be able to congressmen and Innumerable-less- state go-vemors and had invited the the bull rnarket if not exactly with SENTATIVE: Hamilton - DeLlsser. carry on as he did, to retain that er offices were, the lobbyist’s will- president on" fishing trips. Grant '.Inc.. 385 Madison Ave.. New York. N. cheers at least with expressions of tog prey., Bribery was used even to had his reward in 1872, when the Y.. and 612 North Michigan Ave., flnA balance o f heart and mind and profound satisfaction. *Tt will clear obtain passage of the $7,000,000 cormpt whiskey ring, railroads and jChlcago, Ills. temperament which dlsttoguisbed Altoska Purchase bill. other favored industries poured Festival “boards” for Thanksgiving^ ,'t iiii —" ~ • *• the atmosphere and remove many •i The Herald is bn sate daily at all his work! under the handicap of The railroads - maintained the money into his-campaign chest difficulties from the path of legiti­ A. R, Corbin, Grant’s , brother-in- Schultz and Hoatling news stands in physical suffering and confronted most effective lobbies. A corres­ •:v f -.■- New York City. mate business,” is the sum of their pondent suggested that Congress law and an associate of Gould, was in the very newest designs .j:. by an inevitable doom, is a ^lendid a notofious lobbyist' for corrupt voiced opinions. adjourn permanently, leaving the II Full service client ot'^N E A Service, manifestation of fortitude and of placard on the door; ’The bii^ess bills. In a very few highly specialized > Member. Audit Bureau of Clrcula- essential nobility of character. of this establishment will be done A headquarters of lobyists was OU can partake of your Thanksgiving feast in a room which recreat^th£> '" “luxury” businesses, it is possible John Welcher's restaurant, patron­ ftlona ^ II ■■IS hereafter to the office of the Penn­ of the early Pilgrims by using pieces of mellow maple. Or ^ssibly-yotT'' ; that the bursting of the stock mar­ sylvania Railroad. ized by nearly all the statesmen and prefer the more formal, classical Colonial designs in rich mahoganys.'’;.- _ }! The Herald Printing Company, Inc., PLAYBOYB The Worst of All politicians. “There Is not a meas­ Y fiissumos no financial responsibility ket bubble may be reflected by Apparently the * Blast Hampton; Several of the road’s attorneys ure noted for importance in the the sturdy splendor of Early England... .the stately simplicity of ^uieen^^e’ for typographical errors appearing In diminished demand. Perhaps there- jSdvertlsments In the Manchester tax collector, now charged with were in Congress. Claude ' G. last ten years but can be traced .... or perhaps the very newest of moderne settings! Here at ^atki^ ,<■'"’ j^venlng Herald, wUl be fewer mahogtiny yachts Bowers, in "The Tragic Era," says to these rooms,” someone wrote, abscondii^ with town funds! was can select your festival “ board” ...... with all the other pieces^ that make ufi'r^ 'v built during the next several years “the lobby was more than ever open Many were toe meals and bottles of interesting groups ... .from the most.complete Thanksgiving display we I; M ONDAY, OCT. 2S, 1929 just a playboy. So was the Kokomo, and insolent, that of the railroads, wines which lobbyists t\ught for and the polo pony industry may Ind., student at a college to Muncie, under the vigilant eye of Tom senators. ever shown. suffer somewhat. Some stock mar­ SPEEDWAY PROBLEM whom a garage man found stealing Scott, the most brazen and defismt This was the- period in which - ket profiteers may have to buy of all.” Attorney General Willlamp^ Mark Twain set "The Gilded Age,” At ^eat cost of time and money gasoline to his establishment and Packards instead of $30,000 custom was regarded as the Pacific Rail-^ the central character of which was jihat stretch of Main street be- shot dead. So are half of the ama­ road’s own man. a beautiful girl lobb3dst w h o built imported cars. But in the ;^een the Center and Depot Square teur stickup men who get arrested ’The Credit Moblller incident, in­ vamped toe leaders of Congress into aggregate the turning of the na­ fhas been converted from a rough and nearly all of the tlU-tapptog volving the Union Pacific, was one supporting the purchase of a par­ Queen Anne fumture; tion’s capital to the needs of legiti­ of the major scandals of the time. cel of Tennessee land for a fabu­ i^ d treacherous driveway into a clerks who never get arrested. The gracefu lly reptt>du'qed''d»!^'^' mate activities is bound to far Congress had given the Union Pa­ lous sum. signs, is again in ^ vogiMb' r iimooth and safe nne.' It has scarce- country is over-ballasted with play­ cific $27,000,000 and 13,000,000 acres "The capital swarmed with ladies j more than offset any damage done been opwied for full use before it ‘ boys. of land. Credit Mobjlier was the of indifferent morality, representing ' by the stock market crash. ;is the scene of an inexcusible fatal The main question is, Is the play­ name of the stock compahy used to perfectly respectable business or­ While the explosion has impover­ milk the road of the huge subsidies ganizations in pursuit of privilege,” iiccident. This is merely one more boy to blame for being a playboy The modern ^ett ished a number of people, their mis­ granted it by toe govefnment, Con­ says. Bowers. “Attractive, fashion­ above, a Berkey Ai_ '. l^vidence that the more that is done or does the fault lie somewhere gressman Oakes Ames was given ably dressed, and dashing were fortune is a personal, not a na­ creation, costs tSSa for I to highway construction for the else? Our impression is- that par­ stock to ■ distribute among influen­ these women of the most daring , pieces. tionally economic one. Not a single {Convenience, comfort and safety of ents and schools are both responiri- tial members of Congress as . a pre­ lobby that had ever descended on dollar of actual wealth has disap­ caution against an investigation, a legislative body for purposes of other dining :'ro<»ni^ -A j^utomobilists the more a certain ble. But the parent, to many cas^s, fielf. . . . The more audacious took peared in the deflation. qiie bribery revelatlona involved $ 1 3 0 -up' 'large dass of drivers throw pre- isn’t a responsible party. The school "Vice President. Colfax, Vice I’resl- pretentious houses as for a social "r- icaution to. the. winds emd proceed is. dent-elect Wilson, a senatop and toe campaign. These, the grand duch­ esses of the tribe, were good to more than tmdo all the work of BRIAND SULL s t r o n g The school system errs doubly. chairmen of the most important Acceptance of the post of minis­ House comxnitteeSi incltiding a fu­ look upon, clever conversationalists, ^ state or the municipality in It overstresses play .to'the concrete, ture president, James A. Garfield. altogetoer pleasing, and, while ter of foreign affairs in the new !^eir behalf. which is a positive error. I t doeS; A staked committee.^ whitewashed most ' were, unmarried, their God- :■ r It has been observable from the Socialistic French cabinet by Aris­ nothing whatever^ to inculcate in all Imt Ames-in its report.- and-morality employers had conven­ Speaker James. G. Blaine, ope of iently prodded them with hus­ hour ot -the opening-of this new tide Briand, eleven times premier, youth a realization of economic WATKINS BROTHERS, In^ will go far toward reassuring the the most distinguished statesmen^ bands. road that the average rate of speed truth and a sense of its responsibil­ of his tlmei was badly tarred to Vamptag Congressnoen ^ d the avc^rage degree ^of hmd- world that the political crisis to ity to contribute to the utlpnto 18 76. Seven years previously "... They had abimdance on 55 YEARS AT SOUTH MANCHESTER France is not fraught -with essential lessness have ominously increased. life ____as much at least__ __as-U copsumea,_____ Blaine, who hind helped the- Little the board, wine and brandy, but it disaster to all plans for the liqui­ was the seductive charms of these From the quality of - the driving 1. 'error bura dation of the war and the estab­ ladies -that lured statesmen to their and from this sad tragedy of Fri­ one. mitted to sell a Ivge amount of parties. "I^y subtly conveyed the day night there is but one deduc­ lishment of world peace. His selec­ the road’s bonds and stock and to impression, that, tired of their prosy tion to be drawn—either the speed tion for this all-important position keep $126,000 to bonds which husbands, they were ready for a ro­ and the chance-taking must be by the ne!w premier, Edouard Da- should have gone to the customers mantic Interlude. . . . The cynical iN NEW YORK as a ; personal commission, plus ccrrespondto, studying her meth­ sternly repressed or the death of ladier, indicates on the part of the $32,000 brokerage commission. When ods,, noted that ‘she will flare up water night and morning, an an­ the Scranton boy will prove to be latter himself a very high order of at a mere glance of curiosity from ■ar , a rm. — 1. 1.. the road went broke and the bonds other is using two quarts of warm only.ttte first ^ .a ^ long list of political sagacity; ^ Briand’s ac­ New York, Oct. 28.--^e jj^d the customers became to- a stranger, and pardon a kiss red- who s who ar^hat s w h« to qeps^, and thq.Qply way to .avoid hot on toe lips from a mac who has water as an enema night and morn­ MtastropheA Nothing is^ more cer ceptance of the job shows-:—though hattan . . . Grorge Kaufman, top exposure for Blaine was to take a vote. . . . ’The lever of lust is ing. Is this correct? Also, is a teto tixan to t/ hr default of au­ perhaps superfluously—that the playwright, whose name is connec- ^jjg bonds and reimburse the'' used to pry up naore legislators to warm bath in a tub all right whsu thoritative discipline, the reckless veteran statesman places the wel­ ted with two successful drama col- pui^rs.. the sticl^g point when' money it­ one hasn’t a shower?” Answer:—When the term, “inter­ automobile drivers will not reform fare of his country before his own laborations at the momOTt--the i guortant figure in' this deal. The Tomorrow: Lobbying to the last the water is absorbed mostly in the inelastic speed limits, it is just as est save insofar as they are inter­ and taps out his- column as of old: facta damaged Blaine politically quarter of the century. stomach. You can arrange a very satisfactory shower by securing one "i thought true that, by co-operation between national in their reflexes. W ith'the George Gershwin, who shelved his of the shower attachments which IntemationEd phsuie very largely to the various departments of local very popular jazz, Compositions to connects with your bathtub faucet that chest cold would authority, it is alwa3rs possible to the hands of the ablest statesman grand operatize "The Dybbuk” for A shower can be taken while sittin.g be with me all winter/^ establish an imderstandtog of what in that country and one of the most the Metropolitan, started out life HEAUH, credited with being a very rich inconceivable that otherwise he "man.” Advance information Indi­ tonsllltia were the principal causes, j Answer:—Pellfigra Is a disorder man, many times a millionaire, and would or could have lived so much. cates that he’ll hit the fair ladles It Is" really . ridiculous kow. fe»v j caused by. the absence of .organic that there has been growing up to Fame to its more lustrous and of the salons as no visitor has since physicians have , ever gotten do-ZTi minerals in your-food,, and"'partly V iH IS to recognizing toe primary source because , of the acidosis produced OVEI ILUON JARS USED YEARIY this country for a long time a cyni­ shining aspects does not come +o Michael Arlen. ’They’ve revived the old wise­ of the'rheumatic diathesis. Here Is * from using an excess of over-refined cal disbelief that it topossible to the Harry I. Hortons. Largely their crack to read “Like Bow took a g re a t; secret which is simple i starch—taking for example such de- punish very rich people for viola­ work, so far as the public is con­ Rlchman.” And Harry Rosenthal, enough, but it .may be a new view-} vitalized foods as commeal from tions of the criminal laws. cerned, is anonymous. But in the who makes his first* appearance as point, to jmany of my readers,- i»i- which the hull has been entirely re­ Notice of the Tax Collector This case was one of those con­ circles of toeir craft, to that little an actor to "June Moon,” Is a weU- eluding.both' the doctors, and the moved. known orchestra l^der and com­ laymien—a gi«at ciuse of all rheu­ All persons liable by Igw to pay cerning which it is quite impossible behind-the-scenes world which is poser and has' four orchestras on matic'disorders will be found In in­ Whooping Cough. taxes in the to arrive at a fixed optoion, as to the newspaper shop, they gain a the road. . . . Phil Baker," who Is testinal poispntog. This 14-the one' Question: Mrs. D. F. asks.—“Will EIGHTH SCHOOL AND guilt or innocence! outside, toe standing which is .more precious to going to marry Uta Grey Chaplin, primary cause, and must be consid­ you kindly advise. what' to give my UTILITIES DISTRICT court room itself. Against toe re­ them than the acclaim of a nation was formerly the hubby of Vivian ered first before the secondary Irri­ children as a tonic after whooptog Vernon, a fair chorine.'. . . William tating eauses, such as infections of cough? Alsorls it a bad sign when of Manchester are hereby notified puted tendepdes of some men in of strangers. bne^briiiira Fox, who celebrated the 26th an­ the nose' and ..throat and genito­ a child’s finger and, toe nails grow th a t I shall, on October ^1, 1929, the position of-: Pantagto to' take' True to toe traditions of his pro­ niversary of his picture activities urinary organs. Also'before such very slowly?” have a rate bill for the collection advantage of aspiring stage girls fession, Mr. Horton, despite illness t’other day, no longer wears that causes as damp ■ climates and ex­ Answer:—Tdnics.are only stimu­ of 5 mlUes on the'dollar, laid on the You Can Depend ^ black mustache to be seen to his there is the ever present possibility w d failing strength, stuck to the posures to'bad wcAther. Improper lants and should not be giyen to list of 1928, due the Ctollector Octo­ p'ress picture!. . . . . Nor has he that children. In recovering from whoop­ ber 1, 1929. of the girl to such a case being a newspaper game almost to the last eating habits pf. copibe ' play thair it will be at your door when ,yoU' much hair. - , part both to the cause'^ahd dire. tog cough it is necessary to take a Taxes may be paid at,Blacksmith blackmailer. In this particular in­ gasp. After all, he probably neV^r John D. Rockefeller’s menage to .Whatever will produce IntesttoAl carefully balanced diet and to in­ Shop. Allen Place, every work day stance it appears to have taken a saw the time he would have swap­ the miQ-r«u« mid-Fifties retains 24. maids. polBohtog will develop, the toxic soU crease exercise each day to order to till Saturday noon; also every work That’ s the way we guarantee, . -A,nd J. P. Mprgim, well-toown for th« develooraent of regain lost strength. The slow grow­ day and evening at 47 Main 'street. rather fine weighing of the evidence ped jobs with any prince of state town banker, had his Murry. Hill to the body for the development o f faction—by giving vou the quality rhetimatism. Undoubtedly the prin­ ing of finger and toenails is because Take Notice:. All taxes unpaid to arrive at a, verdict of guilt of finance or of politics. ’There are bam painted one day last week. cipal causes of intestinal ^isoning of a lack of organic minerals which Novem ber 1. 1929. wUl be charged entitled to and the service yau okpo«le worse lives to Mve fully. And while Rudy Vallee cleaina against the'man. That to the face are protopsus of too toteattoes or go to make up toe composition of interest at the rate ot 9 per cent of sudi opportunity for the bring­ up most of the money in the wodd, the nails, bones, and hair and teeth. from October 1, 1929 to April 1, his brother runs a swltchboqrd .in 'virqiknesi v f the intestinal muscles ing of a contrary verdict the jury WARDEN SCOTT wlkch 'produce oonstiptiofi. The $930, «id 10 per cent for balance Rudy’s toght club.^ . La Aigen* Internal Bath. pf year,- and 12 per cent on all liens did convict this, multi-millionaire of In toe death of Warden Henry tinja, the Spanish dancer who now boyrels should move two or three W. O. Glen times dally, or a ! much as a move- Question: M rs. H. asks:— “ W ’Jl filed. a crime which might land him to K.-W. Scott the state prison at turns them away at fancy prices, JOSEPH CHARTIER. had to take small danctog - jobs nqent to every meal eaten. One full you please explain whht you mean . Coal, Lumber, Masons* prison for a very considerable term Wethersfield loses a chief executive by an totemal bath? One woman I C ollector. . . , years ago. niovemriit Is never enough unless Allen Place, Phone 4149. is encouraging to its evidence that who may or'may not be replaced by - GILBERT SWAN. dne is living on only one toeSl daily. 'know is drinking a quart of'warm Manchestre; Conn., Sept 18, 1929. ti’.; li . «■ AL^6V S^t3*FH minus of air lines t^Latin America, plane IfflEAHl HAS « .^POBTS boasts six airports mid pjaliis; an­ («3yK3^p'<'. other, a combined land and' sea­ lasti^tli^ fng hoiiM^’jghere she had lived ^' Mdaioai, na-rrC A P) ter^ while studying in Milan. “ She was the most diffident, fun* niest Uttie thing you ever saw," W:l- Overnight Uam Guard, veteran director of ■Pit TO OPEN TONIGHT publicity of the MetropoUtan, said A. P. Nejes today. ‘‘So very, very bashful, with Famous Sax Rohmer Story y n her, h»sappWje injured, in plane crash. in the all-talking mystery ' dra^, operatic stars had Uved there whife Hamilton, O.—Youth kille.d by "The Mysterious‘Dr. Fu’ Manchu^ finger nails, to mhtch-bi^'s •jewels, are now considered the‘'pr6per thing. [Years Utudying. ' 2,000-foot fall when parachute fails which will be seen at the State to­ 'I 5 __ .... f In the gorgeous costumes of tae day and Tuesday. The famous Sax ’ 'Wellesley, SlaSs., -4-^niniander 1 Igth * Century, Mme. Bori •tonight t open. Byixi is-an honotoiy;.mpm^r o f toe. • Stockton, Calif. — Two brothers Rohmer ..story has thriUed millions sfenior class o f. WeUesley, a girls' 5 • add CTeatly to the magnficence kaied, pilot seriously injured, in all over the world in boOk form, and kew York, Metroprtitan opening, which now all the tedse,' emotion-arousing college, plane crash. . ?*’"Hew.Ybrk-^The right Rev. Ffank rht in Paris,.’-If in itself probably the most color- Bronxville, Tex.—Pilot foimd with incidents have been incorporated ih- {tropoUtan Op# If^Pany America, outside tb a never-to-be-forgotten picture Theddote Woods, nord -bishop/Of broken hip near wrecked plane 12 with Warner Oland-as the cunmng, Winchester, England, , is pot sony |w York gave Mcd|d’l ‘^ a ^ h n : diidoma receptions in Wasn- hours after crash into moimtain. that toe big break in stocks caused diabolical villian. Dr. Fu Mancfiiu. ’ distresa^to ipnobent persona if; ‘‘it aut” : V .: - V ' ■ she is still “La PeUte Bori, ’ New York — Owen D. Young, Scenes at the opening of the ^ c- the tlUe role that vetoing ap- r surpassing loveUness Owen Wister and Robert Putnam has-administo.Fed .a?severe' hlow to ture, depict the drfense of the Bm- toatgambUiig''spirit whitt-ailing ffla g n jfi^ ce of After ten yfears of life as a respect- iqe-war seasons ,ted citizen , of his community, Gus- Genoa, Italy. ^ WISE L.\D * Aga-in the star London—Police arrest communist BAN FRANCI^Ca OHE5NS ' You can now do both your ironing and wash­ { MX., T>aKi'o Rori" willltave Kahl was dead today, branded demonstrators on way to prote®’^ NEW MAINliANBlROUTE ing with no hard work. You get these two jAjid again mri- bv suicidfe and the inexorable ma- Mother ;\What’s the matter ' against treatment of Gastonia, N- San Francisco-^ (AP)"^By-con­ lauridry servaiifo— Automatic Washer and C., textile workers before American Boy: WeU. Bill Snuth auto­ structing approximately, seven'miles Mm? SS SSer^K ^ si^hSeeuSse Em basy. . - graphed my bat, 'ahd now -’e says Of-paying'100 feet .vride, San Rran- Rotary Ironer at a nominal sum. Moscow—Twenty-six members of it’s ’is ’cos it’s got ’is n?ime on it. cisco "brOk^ . the botUeneck" that he escaped in 1916 from San rich peasant class shot for opposi­ —The Humorist. which ..restricted -traffic by .liaPd in Quentin prison, where he was serv­ tion to government’s farm cam- 17 y^8iago.'^*. orr\ , ' and out of the city. ' , ing a term for second degree mur- . Ports of -the.-highway- were laid LaughiiKly—and tenderly, itor ^^iSidon— Dispatch from Vienna at- ‘ o 4. Medical Examiner Hanchett on. miedTin, ocean-shorp end .licrezia Borie is greatly gloved by Kahl’s body was found yesterday says Prince Nicholas, uncle, of tributes 'death to alcoholism.,. . . . W ash yone at the Metropolitan, from other ‘ seCtidns' were cut ' through j in a deserted cabin 17 miles from Rumania, severely beat^ driver of Greenwich.—Susie Co-viello, 15, conductors and her fellow stars car that delayed Prince s automo- taU hills. The “ bottleneck’’ was pc- to-iSs'^tch boa^ operator here sffter a two.-day search. A suffers fractures of both legs apd casidned by” cemeteries.vwhlch'Coy- YOU CAN BUY revolver frozen 'in his hand and^ a j possible fracture of skuljWhen S_Bome o ir^ e C re * ^ ® ^ t^ a y the l^^Rome —Italy celebrates seventh e r ^ h .cplml^leKet*^® ar®a/pf;:toe..nar- I bullet hole through his head told the struck by auto of, Mrs. Barbara^ H. ON e a :s y t e r m s n t timd'-tfifey Seen her, when ' anniversary of the Fascist marc B. Taylor of Fairfield'who is held in ro'w peninsula. - . EitherWax appeared a t‘-,ffehearsals for story. He had been dead several Pedestrian uhder-passes .and 12- hours when officers found him. on Rome. , $2500 bonds. foot sidewalks on each, side char­ ijlhnon ^sc%ij)t,V,.in^P?Jis, 1^. years Was'Fingerprinted. New Haven.—Warden Henry K. Hartford. — Harry I. Horton, W. Scott of state prison dies. • acterize' the highway as one of 'the iSO» * t*"'!' Kahl, or August Baum, as he was editorial writer for Hartfo'rj^,-, Cou- most modern. iOv the westr It ,mak^ General Manager Giiilio Gattl- East Hampton.^—Former Tax Col- rant dies. ftitutTM. had been looking about for kngwn 'here, was arrested ten days lector'Herbert.D. Watrous, returned a new route' the. nmhfla^^’ DUO-DISC/to**97 ago after he had flourished a gju Waterbury.—Two die of automo­ ofaxeohe to sing the role of Manon. from Illinois on embezzlement war­ bile accident injuries here, Johp -Ibr a FeW Pieces Myeral , all of them in ordering two rabbit hunters off a rant is held in $5,000 bonds for : CAN. SOL'VB YOUR ranch where he was working. Keegan,, being victim of hit-and-run Wet and better known than the hearing Nov. 11. driver and Michael Griffin having m o n e y ' PtlOBLEIMSl tmg Spanish singer, had been sent Sheriff M. M. Kaighen investigated New London.—Submanne base is LOAiJS UP..TQ $306 - jmd found a cache of liquor owned been struck by auto driven by him for tryouts. None ^oul<%.da center of today’s navy day observ? Henry Nadeap of Stamford. Quick—Courtpous^Prlvate I Was Very , - i • by kahl. He was arraigned at Salt ance in Connecticut'. Norwich.—Chas. La Clear,, oo,38, of I Small paymentsVmoathly— to, ^’inally one day he heard the Lake City on a liquor chargq. and Bristol.—Mrs. C. Sorois, of tlus friend’s 1 $5,vplus-.lawfuL interestiOnly, oh; $10 l/p D u o - D i s C released on bond after he had been Hartford, hangs self in DUO-DISC [dhthful Lucrezia Bori, daughter of place severely injured when she home. - , to $100'' loans,. Larger - supis' to i ppanish' colonel. She vias very finger printed and photogrraphed. jumps from burning auto and Wil- Cornwall Bridge.—Two -hundred proportion. ' CaU-i^phoM^Tor write. for a Tubful ' ■ ig, hardly more than a child, The former convict, . apparently liam Bnmt, driver and two other mm bring seripus forest fire under ' .1 hec fQiLii®^^ chaperone, her mother {room at New Century hotel and ment with 298 foi; 72 hole?, , J a the j lftP^dy o f the were unable to locate him. j g s t — ^ ------» 'rSS'Pw'lC.* is-

m Q / ik A D J f


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■ s u C tt; y\i> m ft Mvzi» -O . :.K vAmsa MANt&^TBB ^yW N G /am i^, SOUTH MAWCCONN^ j^i^U AT* OCTOBER 28, 1929.

■' ■? 20-0 1 ♦ T r r 2 'ii *nr,:-


Weriosk; Is Star as Usual; MABSTEBS V8. BOOTH. McEyer of Tennessee Is Sec* The Dartmouth-Yale game next Saturday at'New Haven shapes up j . 4> — Majors Off Fbnn;*Mame DID YDtJ KNOW THAT— as ohe o f the outstanding footbaU games of the current seasoiir dde large­ Moske Again Big Gun Scor- ly to the great victories both teams attained Saurday, , Meikle Runs^ 50 - Yards . • ' for ' ' West Point cadets are not al­ In all probability the largest crowd ever to watch the two institufions fOJcyvHAm Have Clean Slalefc ^ I t (hito FoolliaH. lowed to smoke between tbe clash on the gridiron will pack itself into the mAmmbth. YAle BowL' They may keep changing k g Twice; SpiBane Gets halves . . . They rOach for a First S c o r e ; sweetie . . . Each .cadet is giv­ presence of A l Marsters, the B ig Green’s super-brilliant baU earner; and\^ footbaU rules but boxers' BY W ILL IA M J. CHri?MAN The you^bftd'^Slagle team csune en ? r to^ spend After the Wg Albiq Booth. Yale's mighty mite who single hmided spelled doom for the stiU hit each other Blocked Kick Pares Ufa; Other Touchdown; Har- . New York, Oct., 27.-7:(AP)— The through )aAt tolth four points games . . . With a.^ting ca­ Army Saturday, is an attraction of unusual-magnetism.' on the chin pacity at Ferry Field , o f- 86,000 football searon to th e ^ st passes in the Conran Shopp;^ league being ., Marsters Is tha leading college point scorer at present tad bids strong for Second; Skoneski and tickets at $4 .e a ^ Michigan to xnake'Wst of the All-America selections Booth, too, although ctay a tee 'ntawaytoMffk wtte four'major j|f(ror. jih B A o rt ^ 1600. ^ mons Show Strong De­ and Harvard will not be . playing eleyens undefeat^ and .untied; Dart- e rl^ ^ was'iflgh*iMtn with 127 exactly for nothing this year . . . Sophomore, will undoubtedly receive much^ralse when- the season’s^ u r- Scores on Forward; Too and 3M. The Shamrocks were not fense Bnt Are Weak Car­ Zuppke .has no alibi for-the 7-7 t-nin goes down and may be given a berth On some of new to cllppingfs . . . Meaning praise rying Ball. sponsible ^6r the Army’s totally unexpected dpwhfta.' tee fooil^ hrighte... - . , the hlajors a surprise by taking and newspaper writeup;^ . . . lUf|i&i?»ojthts.. M.’ Magnaspn harried Experts are beginning to fear I t ‘surriy should be a treat extraordinary when Marsters matches his n ^ . : ■ Fresh from Its \34* to 7 conquest BY E. W. MODEEN. for the lives of Cagle and Booth ability with that of the. diminutive Booth. The little 144 pound Yale of Harva]^ At,Cambridge.' last Sat- high single with 130. also three ,urday, tjutmouth'~teday began its strings of 309. The Hajohi ablibi . . . The soldier plays every quarterback stole all the alufels- from the gn^eat Chris Cagle in the Army Displaying a power that bodes game as though he. were a sub By T. W. STOWE. preparations to meet tee re juitaated that-Dwyer had.hls mind bn game and now. the- question is can he repeat and can Yale hold Marsters Yale, eleven t a l AJ^e Booth, as 6bhy; a. black cow gave\.white milk, evil for the Cubs in the town series, trying to make the team . . . And Booth refuses to. let up for in check like it did Cagle 7 > A linesman’s efforts^ -to footbaJl ^ttsburgh prebAred to fAce an. to- i^iartiar bad. high threa , string; J. the Majors flashed a 20 to 0 victory -vasion by Ohio State. Coriiell whMi an instant in any game in which' General, opinidn seems-to'favor Dartmouth to win but after watching usually,j;o ^th ou t recc^rultion and j^9Py,,highsini^e. ^ over the Marmon A. C. of Chicopee, had an open date dartrSaterday got he plays . . . Barry Wood, who Ganupbh’Holman still kept on the Mass., before the largest crowd to j Booth against t£e, Army it strik^ us that Dartmouth will find plenty of reward but such was not the case ready for Gplaihbla'tad ‘'iye8tenj threw that pass for Harvard to wihningr ehd by taking^McLiagan’s trouble in bottling up Booth. He is the best small player I have ever when the Cubs triumidied over the Maryland. The latter headed toward witness a game at Hickey’s Grove tie the Army,, is a shortstop and OTve for three ^in ts. The old vet- this season. seen. - , rough tad tough ' Sokol Rosebud a ^ m e agaiito%''Sti . Johns of An­ ewb, Pete MclAgan, came through a good hockey and. tennis play- > eleven of Bridgeport yesterday Not once did the Marmons The Yale staf is as quick as chato lightning bn his feet smd as slip napolis, a n »e tii^ affectifig only tee adKh..aL.S53^.\* t h ^ . string while er. V • [ afternoon before nearly a 1,0pass to Skoneski for toe poin^ after. M ajon (1) Idpked-^ meagre six yards to the a previous season. The shlmmy-hippcd Green flash is as difficult to lay Tfccfa. The Hooslefs so'far have J. Dwyer? . 99 87 79 Qulsh Blocks Punt. turnedf tee tables-’bn-two of their ^20 yard line. Cbartier, Sipllane, a'hand on,as a mouse and just as fast.on foot if hot faster than Booth. The next Cub line to step into toe r ••••••:•• 84 100 96 Benevento and Saharek made 18 BY ALAN J. pOULD 1928 conquerors^ -- -Wisconsin tad C* Srolth •••••••••» 96 101 84 Yes sir, Saturday’s Dartmtmth-Yale tussle should sure be a pippin. spotlight-was Jimmy Quish, aggres­ CJarnegie.'-'-’-r’ -''';- yards' on line plunges, then Spillane sive tackle. A brilliant 40. yard nm I **"'-*^~ - Bonny 86 96 went through center for the New Yoric, Oct. 28 .-^(A P )— Two ~ section^ CIS^Cs ^^mAke up most Pete Happenney says the Cubs through a broken field by “Coad'/ ” ^ ^ ■* e ,IQ l. - ,X01 touchdo'vjm,., Chartler Idcked the ex- of tee.week’s oteer ktaratteactlcms. kfTr^ -/im. '' 1 family quarrels^ one. in Ifew Eng­ are going to .allow, the Majors to Donnelly on a fake punt and a long ,tra point. use 22 players m the town series The leading'petot scorers to toe land and the othej^. hi California fe^^ard pass snared by this same 495 475 456 With seven points tucked tmder so that the score will be close. If various sections follow: their belts the Majors started the stand out this week on a footb^' that isn’t enough he says that,- the chap gave Manchester toe ball on G. Pts. , • Eagles (4> second half by marching down the slate. otherwise featured by a flock Ace Hiidkins To Quit Cubs will move their goal posts up Bridgepprt’s 3,9 yard line but the Marsters, Dartmouth ... . 5 102 Cubs ware, forced itq surrender on 6. ^$alon ...... 1 1 0 107 108 field to within a foot of another of intersectional struggies. to the twenty yard linA j McEver, Tennessee ...... 5 . 78 N. Tyler, , ... ,*...... ,90 84 117 downs.' 'I t ■ waa then- that- '■ Quisn McEkrSato/Bajfior .. . 6 56 touchdown but the Marmon llns held- ’The relative mpfite of two of the J. L afo ige. .116 99 114 and Lewkos kicked to his 20 yard broke torough And blocked a punt Schwtatej W a ^ ‘ State . , 5 48 96 107 East’s greatest scoring aces, Albie Over north, however, the > feeling V O’Bright...... I ll Une. Unable to make progress in is that the Cub& will wish their tad it . was - “FctacbY” Merrer King, D rak eii; . ' ...... 5 46 V. Werlosky ...... 127 97 111 Booth'of Yale and A1 Marsters of If He Loses chunky .guard, vhe' recovered tor four downs. the Majors lost the goad posts were bsck of Globe Hoi-** PhArmejy, Minnesota- .... . 2 42 Dartmouth as well ae the sectiphal Manchester on tbe nine yard fine. Pomeroy, Utah ...... 1'. ,'2 24 baU. Again Lewkos fell back to championship aspirations of each low when the Majors get through 554 483 557 kick but his line wavered and' the “Ctoucky” Minicucci ripped ai.s Page, K a n ^ ...... 4 20 team, wiU be. involved when the with them. Shamrocks (0) Majors broke, throughvto; block the way to toe four yard line and a Green and’ Blue' collide at New H a- C. Walkhf ;?:.'...... 87 75 79 /pvmt. Crockett recovered a yard ^ Sajs Nebraska wad Cat DARTMOUTH BEST moment later • “Yump” Dahlquist R. Colema^ ...... 8 6 88 S3 V«l., , Manchester High entertaips. from, file g o ^ Brunig Mo^e,;;Tfrlto, Lewis.High-.of, Southington-- here* ddve thrbugh a ’ heap' vat ctater tor 4uldA;iust.;cnt|il^<-4he;.^gta toe Cubs’ second touchdown. This ^‘^*106''“it)3 of m F ig k t p h ^ Friday afternoon-at the W®st Side . ■KA.® SCORING OUTFIT g^ridiron. ' .. was to toe third period.- 'Dahlqulst 3 0 ^ 'id passed to Siamonds for toe extea ^ d ^ * ^ . 7 0 ^ point afteir. ■ , \ - ' ■ Walker alTos^ “Dodger” Dowd rfrent up to Pitts­ point. The other lineman who step­ Dummy • is. -78-107^ • WftK Mdske"tuid;’Bplllairr'ddlng BooUi,. Yale’s vital ^park now hta. field the other night and was sorry ped up for his share of toe frosted HERALD BOWLERS most of the .baW. toting in the final dashed in to wto ^twro straight for to learn that Al D6wd was unable cake WM Billy Skoneski, wiry litt'e , ^ ^ 4 2 9 470^ quarter, sprinkl^ with gains by the E3is a g e jto st'B rb ^ 'ta d Anny.'". Clemson and Texas Lead In to go through with his bout because end noted chiefly for his sure-fire Behevanto and Chattier, the Majors He has scored five. -tnqdtdowns-ih of an inured, hand. He says the G r ille (1) tackling. carried the bhU to the eleven yard successive g;ames. ffls dazzling’’per­ crowd expressed ite disappointment: Skoneski grabbed a forward )d Sports 122.S Average; Sa- B. BranapC^Vj:^ ;.|9 106 ifine. Chifftier made it .the five formance Saturday eclipsed even, the ' 'Lo8"'Ang6es, Oct, 28 — With the Victories But Not In over’ the failure to see the Manches­ J. co p d a h d '88 95 the 34 yard line for a first own and yard Une'with a; dash through cen­ greqt Red Caglf. It .will be difficult rigofpuA training grind left behind ter boy in action. then k moment later after toe local F. Hart ...... 93 -105. 93 ter. SpUlajA 'pushed the ball . to to keep this 144 pqufi4 ar:tful dodger Mickey Walker, the champion and sila S^ond and Conran D. Shea ...... 113 lO l. 94 Points; So. California 3rd. backs had been unsuccessful to their within a foot o f six, points and off the AB-Am4ric^:)Xiate if he re- Ace Hndklns the challenger ' today There will be a public setback attempt to pierce toe stubborn-park P. McLagan ...... 120 104. 129 marked .time pending their ten let with ■ a . crarii di« a^^nist so i^tahy a riy^ as tournament at the Rec at 7:30 to­ <3ty defense, snared another from round clash here tomorrow ' night Third; Matches T m ^ L rfectsd’At cOTter :fi&irJthe touchdown. Mariten-.' ' night. The gym class for buriness toe midst of three enemy players 523 492 ’The kick .the point failed. for the middleweight-title. New York, Oct. 28 — (A P )— Al* men and faemty members will be Gammons-Holman (2) The tie against Princeton gave After the climaucing session yes­ and scooted the remaining eight ■ : Pw;;Samei-Play. the Navy little cause for cheering though the ’Tigers of Clemson tad held as-usual tomorrow and 'Thurs­ B. Caseo ...... 88 99 111 With but a Tew'minutes to play terday, the Nebraska Wild Cat had yards unmolested for a touchdown. but the Midshipmen did a,bput as the. Longhorns of Texas show;the. day aftemodn from 5 to 6- This In scoring Skoneski realized a long Due to his sensational: bowling A. Caseo ...... 87 118 90 Coach Jack Dwyer’s . charges re­ plenty to say. about the impending^ is increasing at every session. last week, Vincent Werlo^ty of toe J. Riemer ...... 89 114 140 well as their next oppoiient, Penn­ wuy With six straight •victories, the sought ambition. It was toe first sorted to their favorite triple criss battle.^ : Majors is leading the “B ig Ten" to Sherman ...... 84 113 101 cross and forward pass play, Moske sylvania, held to a 10 to 7 ylctory ' “It’s going to be a great fight until Dartmouth Indiana, are the most Pat Meskel of N ew London, may time he had figured to a score since by Lehigh liarvard apparently has toe Herald Bowling League with Dickson ...... 86 97 118 shooting a beautiful pass to Hamp- the sixt^” sair Ace. “After that powerful scoring footbafi machine referee the town football series be­ joining toe Cubs three years ag> all it can do to cope with a Florida and he was naturally elatecL Mini- toe fine average (ff 122^5- of Bon .good for 25 yirds. However I'll wglk through to the finish. to the country acchrding to figures tween the' Cubs {md MAjors. 434 541 JoWf eleven which ‘ comes to Cambridge “And if I don’t win I ’m through. cucci’s plunge through center on a* the Night Hawks .$s„?fc^4 'w ith W o inore'attempts at -the same play on undefeated and untied teams Omran o f^ t^ .^(Eajo^ were imsuccesfiful and the Majors next Saturday fresh from a victory Piit me down- as saying that if I The Cubs will'''practice Friday fake placekick was short, for the Depot Square. (2) ovCT Georgia, Yale’s .conqueror. lose I ’m through— through. compiled by the Associated Press. - : extra point This score was to the The le a ^ e •will: havetto third lost the ball on downs. 'Two for­ night , at the at 7 o’clock this, gathering q f toe: aeasem tonight. C. O’Bright-___ .-r.102, 89 .130 . iwter battles with Harvard, Army The champion bad. no comment to Dartmouth, 4h rolling through to. week, no sessloiS being held ’Tuesda-y final quarter. wards by lewkos snared by ^ a,y et The schedule is as follows; . added, two/'first downs to the Ipne^ prepared ^td , take things, easy make. .... •» ' • five consecutive victoriesi has scorn­ or Thursday night. Unnecessary Roughness. At Brooke’s 1.- Blackm^^ -1.104 ^ 86 96 one n^de in the fcird'.quarteP, giv­ against a Western iu'vader, - South ed 256 points: to seven for the op­ The Cubs’ victory yesterday was LaChapelie ...... 97 93 123 Dakote. Three eastern teams of con­ New York, Oct. 28 (A P ) — The position. Louisiana State, stands The Major JrS., of the north end a splendid achievement. The Sokol Charter'Oaks vs. Ck>nstruetita. ing the Chicopee team, three first Herald" vs. Night Havdm; H. Starkweather ....101 93 113 downs. Fiddler interpepted another siderable strength are due to enter­ thunder of championship battle rolls, second in the scoring .table. With beat Woodland A. C. yesterday by Rosebuds are toe toughest team toe A t Farr’S pass at midfield as the game ended. tain southern opponentr of lesser in from the west this week to add points; SOutiiem. California a score of 24-12. Walter Kusck, champions ha-ro faced this season British Americans vs. Pirates. ^ 490 440 571 The two fumbles in the first quar-r calibre Saturday. Boston College is life to. the boxing business. Ifickey with. 216 and fourth with quarter back for the Majors, was and to e O ib s were imahle to make Centers vs. West Sides. IJ guard. Heine Manchester: v . . 7-.0>'-a; '2—6 2 paid for BeH was not announced, but “Cunnln'^ Crockett, right end, were Tbe University o| Pittsbx^h this ' gnnlor IMvlsion Baldwin Wallace .. 4 82 6 .. 126 the principal i>erformeis for the Rohlman, a curiy-htored, laughing Bridgeport ;.. 1 . U 8 2—6 i the guessing placed it at from |36,- year was added to' the list (ff'east­ October 29: Spinning No. 2—Main Notre Dame -4 - 54 7 .. M6 Mtachester cubs: . le, ! Siamonds; ! 000 to ?50i000. . MAjors but without the splendid in- ^ d with the numerals 33 on uis ern colleges having fencing, teams. Office No. 1 M- 2-% Weaving — Utah.- . 3 92 , 0 .. I'OO It, Harrisdni Belgrade; Ig, Merrer, I He will replace Norman McMillan terfereace and the granite-like line M ia m i...... 2 38 0 ,back, was toe outetandtog player .m Pitt coaches . anticipate a etrbiig Throwing M 4*5,'Main Office No. 2 . . 140 toe visiting team both defensive y C.;>^VendPiUd; - c,' Pentore, Si> Venj ■ whose Aelding was satisfactory to of the rest of the team their efforts — ■Velvet F 3-4, Spinnlng .No* 1-— Stetson 2 . 32' 0 .. 124 team in .the intercollegiate cam­ qpd offensively, but it. was . evident dtilldr’ rg, H a b p ^ ^ , LA'C iSSb; rt, t Manager McCartlyr but whose hit* would have been nlL Of the Mar- Rlbbbil -F 5*6. Colorado College'.. 4 17 15 ..111 Iting was considex^ too spotty by man A. C.-’s Lewkos was outstand­ paign next sigtag. j he was well aware Of ;the fact. 7 ■ ‘ ' ' Oonrby,' Quisht' re, ' Skqneikf;' qb. November 5: Main Office No; 2— • • • • •;« • • • • • e < .. 124 < the Cub pilot ing with Uis long punts. ITie visit­ The Cubs made only one firdf DAW qul^ EAgieson; 'Ihh; DenafieUy, Maloiie ’Throwing M 2-3, Main Office No. 1 SCOBlNCl MARK. .. n o ing team was one of the-finest tq —Velvet M .4-5, Spinning No. 1 —i down toe first half, that -beapg Eaglesoh: rhO,'* Ctemta,'' Fart; fb, Frank Aiuann, guerd on Park Meikle's 50 jrard gallop for a touch­ Meikle, Ifinlcucci. \ •play here this year both in appear­ Weaving M 6-7, Spinning No. Z —? 1203 I county h i ^ school football team at Pitcher Pat Malone of the . Chi­ Fred Lindstrom of the New Yo;%. 1120 down. On ohe other occasion. Bridgeport Sofeol RosbUCS: le. ance! and'^sportsmansfaiU* Ribbon F, 3-4. _ ^ Giants scored 26 runs in 13 cb^ lldvin^ton, Mont, is deaf and-dtimb. Score by Periods. . cago C^bs has the reputation Meikle broke away on a punt ruu- Kidney. Chelacy; It, .WAgper/Ywiss; among bis teammatei nf being the November 12: Ribbon—Velvet M secutive games for the longest run-? |a no^ a touch of his hand br foot Majors ...... 0 7 7 6— ^20 8-9, Spiiming-No. 1 Main Office back from the 50 yard line to the :i7 Ig, M ^tone; c„ Qsriiey; i ^ jpchel- life of the pdrty. He Always has a ^ scoring streak'ln the'1929 National WOOD 88,500 RICHER {by the quarterback, gives him his Marmon ...... ,.,0 0 0 0— 0 No, 2 F 1-2, Main Office No. 1 — where he was-overhauTed by chert, Rayt^uk; rt, wisecrack o r two at hand. League, seasofi. signal. H e is ah apt scholar. First Downs. Throwing F 3-4, Spltaing. No. 2—^ Oklahoma City, Oct. 28.— (A P .) man. Three-|toe sihashes and A pass Mahon, Deers; ^,^M8toec^,^^^^cy! Majors ...... 5 6 3 7*^—21 WaavingF5-6. failed. Following a lo n g . run by Ihb, Leonard, Rom nm ; khi% Cog- eSnb Prexy VVas Pittaer. —Craig Wood, Newark pro left j. Football is almost ajfamily sport Marmon ...... ,...0 0 1 2— 3 c. Lunch; rg, Lozier. , Prila; rt, , November 19: Spinning No. 1 — here today with the Oklahoma City ^^liTiftn the Rosebuds got with'n tello, Andres; fb> l^ d y * :at the University of lowja. The Majors: le, lippincott, Mcdai^y,.. Maciolek, Salai^n, . Gpluska; re, Bbixmlng No. 2 M 2-3, Ribbon V - open championship ta d the accom-' striking distance of the Cubs’ g.^al Touchdowns: M e ^ e , Dahlquist, iHawkeye roster includes thtee seta Joe Engel, prerident of the* Chat­ W. Saherek; It, Ambrose, Cough­ Riley, Gomula, ^hiak; qb; Whyte; Thtowlng M 4:5, Malh OffIcO Nm 1 panytog prize of 53.500 in tos pock­ just before toe half closed but Skoneski. Points aJter touchdowns: brothehs, one pair bdhg twins. -rMain Office Ro. 2r6-7, Weaving — tanooga club, farm of the Washing­ lot lin; Ig, Mullins, Widfram; c, Brimke, Ihb, Magoli, Furman; .wells; rhb, ets. He won . both yesterday to a (Stoqh Tom Kelley’s green-jerseie»i (tabs 2 on forwAyd - 'pastes I pafil- * - . * ' Smith; Yost; rg, .BrownoSki, Zdan- Bfichalski; 'fb. Lewkos, Clark. - Velvet F 1-2. ton SenAtors, retired froin active qtiist to flkoneski >az{d IN9il|tort to pitchifig to becotqe, a major league driving rain turning to 298 for the warriors held, on downs. ' Ljmn Waldraf, former Syracuse ash, CSemson; rt, Kaihavek, ’Tumin-' Touchdowns, Moske, 2; SpillAne. Andres, visiting' halfback, caught diamonds).___’ ^ J. ^ . ' J f ' ' football star, is football chief at ski; re, Crockett, Angelo; fb. M. Point after touchdown, by place KAMM IS BEST scout to 1919.; -72 holes. Tommy. Armour of Detroit and .'Dick Groqt,' of OkmuTgee, a YorilirArd pass which ' tipped tM Referee,' Oklahoma A. and M. Saherek, Ldppfncott; Ihb, Brennan, kick, Cbartier 2; Time, two twelve To 'Willie Kscxnm of tbe Chioego ftogert ‘bf Mato-sro, Bridgeportqua? 'artfordi tebPlpe* ^wlfete^lHSsirato, Horse racto^ grew'rapl<^y to Mon­ ^kla.," tied for second with 800,. Benevento, Moske; rtib, Rowe, Bpil- and tiyo fifteen . minute, nuarterAT W kite^ff^ gGHm-^e hohor of rgidk* terbAck, tad dashed across the Dom Ua^J kthleiic field, Mon­ lahe. Fiddler;’ qb, Wright, Chattier. tana this year as .a result of a legis­ ^jUtttoig the $1,200 prize. Billy Referee, EAri Wright; umpfre, Jake 'ng first among the American line for what tee crqwd thought wi., 'aUey,;:Jflp^ tana university, is at the base of a Marmon A. C.: le, Gziagio; It. ’league tfilrd basemen five yea)|« in lative act permitting pari mutuel Burice o f’ Westport, N. Y., was Moske. bead linesmtar Fnmk Mc­ A^touchdown but such a catch W'l Mayers, SimonUo.; Ig, Gidta, Smith; Laughlin. Jl^rOW. .. . ' betting on, races. .. fourth with 801. 'v f «



calf. Mra. John FasaBr Haitold. Raai- returned from several days’ V ^ t In larganumberii Gf ( .som aiidtlol)ertRsrde.,,JltoKab.|l^^ [Itpay., rickv^ iVidl known vlpllnist a08o rett- f. ^ vati

L © i«2$b/ CJ] OF *R*CH GIOL-POOR QlRl.J' BTC* BEOPLE JOF BYCioNB <; ^caused ^ HAY HAD ODD NOnOI^iS were .token itor toa shfitKakJmd ^was acting so strangely. She would ABOUT t o o t h a c h e depoailted. I t is THIS HAS h a p p e n e d have understood Bob's ■ behavior ever, that the g o ^ e^ie^tollii HELEN PAGE thinks, s^ is HnA she witnesed a scene that took BY DB. MORRIS FISHBEIN. successful in cu r ^ toothaditoji^Ji place between him and I^elen while in love with her goardkiii!, LEON- Orchids have never been my fa- Editor Journal df the American Among many people changes his she was with Ehra. Medical Anoclation and of ARD b r e n t , who I vorite flowers, but they have always Ueved that toothacl^ «was-ca^w#dii|pi for her future after meeting “ Oh don’t, please don’t!” Helen tke Health a demon that ,w m i d ^ t " ‘ - a dying man named NELLIN. had cried sharply when he sought held great mystery and' interest for ’ . Magazine.' > wqfm-'' wcffl^iit: Brent presents the girl to to embrace her. When a. tooth aches the trouble IS gpf .into the;; Bob had drawn back, astonished. me. lionalre, CYRIL CUNNINGHAM, In my ignorance, I have pictured ] . CUAJ ■ usually due'to an infection around tooth. 7W>iungi as his heiress and oflert proof This, in contrast to the way she ' the'-riiipt. inflammation of the'gums, middle of the 1 had shown her need for him in them as parasites in tropical which the lonely old man accepts. swamps, .swarming with brilliant j or a ^carity w iich leaves the nerves curaedthe' 'p i ^ l ^ Among Helen’s new friends are Brent’s apartment! It staggered exjiPsed. ’These a ie the facts Inr the thesei^oAni. ' w Sct him. birds and blue-green butterflies. In­ EVA ENNIS and her brother ROB­ stead, 1 learn t^ t those exoUc j casei actually discovered only in the fbrade't of.’ . ERT. Brent finds another locket Helen dared not try to explain. blossoms that nwtl.e so cosily on{ last-centory. hb'e'k,'distJoye’rOT like the one he had taken ^ from She had s^ ed her fate in her own Because' the people of an earlier g:ernjS i^aWoi^ Neliin to prove Helen’s identtty mind. In a little while Bob would fermlne coats and blank velvet gowns, grow In New Jersey and day;, did not know the causes of scra^d fro’tn’Wetwy^ the*'!! and decides to get Cunningham know that she was a fraud—that toothaches, they developed all sorts It wajr'belieVfed she had come by crOoked paths into other quite civilized regions. out of the way quickly. He slyly of.: superstitions as to their causes. verified this fSet. " , his life. Until then she would not udministets a shock which proves Which probably explains why any It'was thoughLthat one could be-ex­ In many European''do(m1^^ i to­ fatal and the servants find the old let herself accept his love. little hdle-in-the-wall ’ florist in New day. uneducsted''peofte ttt^ His pleadings proving unavail­ posed to the Evil EJye with a result­ man dead in bed. Theq Brent wins York O ty alwayh has a- line of or­ thkt a worm ifr’Cfie cause>'irhe rea*;* ing, Bob had flung himself out of ant toothache. There were supposed Helen’s promise to marry him. chids ranging from five dollars 'T: „a y to ^ son' probdtfiy^iB-itiiat A*. tootXi^>tBhi!6& the room in desperate discourage­ to he’ social gods who presided over Later she and Bob realize they apiece upward, and why, in spite of th’e teeth and who caused them to was pdued had-home otei'the *pu^ jove each other but riie tells him ment. His mother heard him come their supposed rarity, orchids are upstairs and slam his door behind ache as a means of revenge or to hangtog-at the end-and this she is engaged after Brent refuses the one flower you can always get command respect. w6rni-*Hkfe 'apEfearanIfce.'»v*'f^ to release her. > him. in any season. He wais there still when she went It must ’ be remembered that ■ Because of'Uymb€ll*f-te'the'«wpnn Eva asks Bob why he Is neglect­ W thin a'^few. miles, of . New York Pharoah was punished according to as a cause' of “tee tlia^ei;*«Hiyf4w«rf ing Helen and fiirting with an­ down for the milk and when she City, in Bound Brook, N. J., are or- came back with it." Then she had the Biblical text by being afflicted tfae’ipopular ^Biedidhiare itpiiec^to other girl. When he tells her that child nurseries started 22 years ago, the worm to come*jeTth -iK t»So'' ^ O live I^ b erts B arhn 1 lefuses to marry him and keep down in a chair. the Bound Brook nurseries. They the money 1^ will expose her as ‘Tt gave me time to think,” Helen have specimens that' are so rare N E A S e'rvicft4 i^ an Impostor. ' He leaves her tor- smiled wanly. “What I want to say to you' is so important, Mrs. that they cost $700 apiece.. rrhe first o f grek t n ecessities for tured with worry and when Bob It seems that It takes seven yaaia Cloiids, wartt htt'-'setf’ ------ciinies she dares not see him. She Ennis, that I don’t want to muddle I the -proper g^ro'wth of cl^ dren -is ftom . sCh«bl/;'he**‘r f f i ^ ’te a W decides to demand Brent’s proof, it. And I’ve been too confused to to prdduce an orchid, even- with modem science, and that extreme f r e s h ' a i r . if''he '^tayS'but 'tSi’^tfc'b-'fe and when she arrives Eva is wait- know how to put it — until just C hildren w ho spend a large part dreary day.” . ing for him, .too. Helen persuades now.”' care Is required to bring them to their maturity. of' their tim e indoors, especially Of course,.there,isd^y.kke .a Eva to go home, but while writing 'W ell, my dear, what is It?” Mrs. suhn'y de^.' B6t^ toey^banrot a note at the desk, Eva spies the Ennis asked, thinking that, of Ask any pretty chorus girl to tell 1 th ose w h o live in close, overcrow ded yoti’how long it takes them to wilt! sunny days, and-onp thing should be locket which she had lost. Helen course, it concerned Bob. h ouses, are ap t to be pale, listless, borne firmly in mind:, Outside ^ - i s thinks it Is hers until they open “It’s about . . . a locket,” Helen PRINCESS SUGGESHON duh, irritable an d slow of gprow th. at all times better, than-housp airl it and find NeUln’s picture instead answered. , In .the Air Mode If you are old enough, you may M bre fam ilies each year are u sing After school, it woifid bb far_.bBt- of Evangeline Cunningham’s. Just Mrs. Ennis started and looked at A modified, Princess model that then Brent came ~ln and snatched her more searcWngly. remember the hideous - costumes apartments. Modem apartments are ter advice for Johnnyift i motherr to at the locket. Helen ran out wild­ “The locket Eva lost,” .Helen tiers ita skirt in clever, dipped out­ women,, wore'When, they first, took [ pretty nearly air tight. Modem say, "Stay- ou t ter ’-an^hoi*. son. ly with it and just made a de­ went on, constraining herself to line to emphayze the new fashion­ automobiling' in a serious way. heating systems more often than Walk Straight, take neepvlFeatiw. and don’t sit dowii oh t;thto.'damp scending elevator , while Brent speak c^m ly. ‘W e found it— in able curved liipline that makes one ■ T he dusters, lon g chiffon veils, not exclude fresh air. Ceilings have crashed through the half-closed Mr. Brent’s, possession.” g ogg les, an d.;-so-called tou rist coa ts a tendency to go down instead of ground'or on any dtonp?slQiie9»iA -. appear chartoihgly slender.' doer to his death. “Mr. Brent?” should be' fp i^ ten , the' gener­ -iq>/reducing the cubical content, and Or let him play on the neighbo)!-’ NOW GO ON WTPTH THE STORY “Yes. Undoubtedly he found it It is . in the chic flattering prune ation w ho ■ w ore them . W hy any consequently the air bulk, imnsidera- hbod'^teotbatf tetou-?itfh'?h*ttei5Tfpr at Bramblewood. I ■ do not know shade ' silk crepe with-' lines = so m arriage ^ licen ses w ere taken out |bly. hito to be too-vtog w'fl&BsrcWtog than CHAPTER XLVn stanifihg still, particialaijyiitf “tile Helen said nothing about the if he learned that Eva lost it.” utterly simurt that it doesn’t require du ring th at tim e, I shall never un­ Tliese things are greatly respon- locket to Eva, nor to Bob when Mrs. Ennis had grown highly ex­ any trimming-. derstand. ' I sitoe''ter the spread of nose, throat, weather is sharp^oK'danap.- he came. Before his arrival she had cited. “ Where is it?” she cried. The necklipe finished with applied • But aviation finds us more style and lung diseases, particularly as someF*y> somehoF, «jyhOFvi«t:hi*n seen clearly thafc it . was a clue to “I have it,” Eva said quietly, band is. cotopl^ted with jqbot frill conscious, with the sartorial sipe children spend most of their time get that pure air .into his the real heiress. And she was “here.” She reached for her b^, that softens line- o| i bodice which ^Of___ flying^ taken care of right at the aFay from home, to sdiools, moines,' At-night, don:t.raSs9i4h«D»^and 42 chitectural.idea of the overall—with In Village Where-Milton Wrote ningham The blessed rehef she “T don’t want to ta’k about it,” inches bust. glorification. It comes in leather, had experienced when it flashed •;he sa .^^eighty and is also more kindly to for centuries had stood to the mid- , biles. But the highWay committee-1 good with the money, as much good Mrs. Elnnis gapped In dismay. slvet in rust brown “What,secret?” sh&asked tensely. printed sheer velvet in die of the main street, directly over of the rural coimeO to wtobh the | as anyone.. • 1 a. * “The"... the Cunningham secret, tones,.. pbtuniq sbafie troiisparent j ^Sports for women can scarcely be the well from which it drew water, proposal was submitted ter approv- | But the real heiress? What al?put velvet, black'-Wobl,«repe.^afifi ' more ■ popular than the costumes began getting to the way of mo­ al'vetoed it. her’ Did she exist? Could she oe Helen answered. _ That has off^ded-the pro-pump | Mrs. Ennis relaxed, sigmng night blue canton crepe Me decided­ thfey ctoi for. Making golf and teh- torists several years ago. found? Would Mrs. Ennis kn^ ly smart. ' . . nls tegs so smart and snappy has A red lantern was. hung on it at section of the 'village population; v/here she was? But then, _why heavily. “It can’t have anything to do ivith the Cunninghams,” she Pattern infice 15 cents in . stamps fione much to increase interest in night; but still the reckless drivers the anti-pumpers, on the other I hadn’t she revealed the girl’s iden­ or Goto;" (cpin is: priefeired) wrap the court and the links—to say- knocked it down. Finally it was de­ hand, point out that-the old pump | tity? Why had she remained silent? said firrfily. ^ , Helen drew in her breath. i coin carefully. . nothing of.tb® added volunteers to cided, not without misgivings, to has been working better lately since These questions were millstones 'Wer' sugfeat that when you send swimming^ pools and beaches when move the historic pump to the vil­ it was overhauled and a ‘ mouth- that weighted Helen’s hopes to think it has,” she returned stea^ly. “It is identical with the locket that for patibm, you enclose 10 cents batWn^togs went seductive. lage green, just a few yards away. organ removed from its gullet. earth. . , additional’I for a ^ copy’ of our neF After that, however, the pump "L stay where it is. It’s- all Before her lay a golden future was found on Charles Nellin’s Tier- son sborUy before his death,,, the Fall and Winter Fashion Magazine. never seemed to be itself. During right now,” they argue. could she only destroy the one the recent prolonged drought it A n d so the controversy rages. thing that stood between it and her locket that contains a picture of __her conscience; could she only his wife, Elvangeline Cunningham. forget that somewhere there might Mfinchi^ter Herald lost About 229 men and the Ameri­ be a girl she had robbed, a girl Mrs. Ennis leaned neaprer. “But Pattern Service^ cans 140. there could be two Ipckets just living in poverty perhaps. No. 979. Howe’s attack on the main Anaeri- When Bob came she was trem­ alike,” she said quaveringly, al­ ThWefore we conclude . a man is can army f m delay and on'the bling with mental agony. He came most fearfully, it seemed to H e^. . Aa our paitertiJ'’;. are mailed justified' by faith without the 31st of October WMhtog^ri. took up hI- straight across the room to her and Yes, there could be,” the girl from .New Voirk City please deeds of the law.—Ronnaas 3:28. an xmassailkble position a t . North • took her in his arms. She r^ted agreed; “but the locket Eva lost low five days. Castle. there without offering any resist­ contains -a picture of Charles Justice is the insurance which we White Plains was incorporated as ance, sobbing brokenly. N®Uto.” , , , „ Price*CCTits have oh .our lives and property; to BATTLE OF WHITE PLAINS a town to 1788. X , He could not get the story of “ Oh, no; you’re mistaken, Mrs. which may be added,/ and obedience Tr.T,nig declared. “It’s a picture of what had happened from her. Name, is the premium which we pay for Today is the 153rd anniversary of p a s t e JEWELRY BACK Someone else in the apartment told a man named Owens.” It is Charles Nellto,” Helen in­ it.—William Penn. the Battle of White Plains, which him of Brent’s tragic death. Size. . . . IV* * * * was fought on Oct. 28, 1776, to tti Paris—(AP)-Thr^ strands of Helen clung to him while he sisted. “I found a likeness of tom among my . . • among the effete Revolutionary War. marcasite or paste; made into a listened. To lose him now! Sud­ Address marquisette r e v i v e d The battle took place on Chatter- denly she went limp in his arms. of the girl who ran away ■with mm AS CHIFFON SUBSTITUTE choker necklace resembling the became tos wife. . You l^w , ton Hill, 22 miles northeast of the dowager dog-collar; o f, Victorian He though she was tortured with center of New York City. On Oct. didn’ t you, that Evangeline Cun­ Paris—. (-AP) —-An old-fashioned ' hearing ^ e accident gone over. 12, 1776, General Howe occupied days to the new evening ornament He carried her to the. divan and ningham married a man named ^materiail buck to fashion after -a offered by a promtoeht dressmaker. ChMlcs Nellto?” Send yoar'’order fo the "I’at- Throggs Neck to Westchester couur put her gently down. She opened long absence is the square meshed ty, but was held there ter several He shows pendant, earrings to her eyes and waved away those Yes, yes, of course. Everyone tem llept., Mamliester Evening chiffon called marquisette 20 years in Yonkers knew that.” Herald, So.: Manchester, Conn.” days while Washington rapidly match measuring from two to four who gathered roimd to help her. evacuated Manhattan Island, ex­ inches to length. “ Eva needs you,’* she said to Bob. “Didn’t you ever see tom. Some dressmakers here use it In­ “No. "Very few people here knew cept Fort Washington, .and concen­ “ She te in ...” She could not say stead of chiffon for winter dance GIRL LAWYER CARRIES CANE . ,f;T ■ Brent’s name, but Bob followed her him.' He came up from New York, trated his forces on White Plains. ' dresses ■ with long skirts. Mar­ Howe sent 4,000 men against the glance'to the bedroom door and I think, to . give Miss Cuntogham quisette.-Is more durable than chif­ outpost on Chatter ton Hill, west Lawrence,- Kas. -r (AP)—Eliza­ understood. music lessons.” , fon, which Wrinkles with moisture beth Ariiold, the only woman to the SSffmStlRfiS Still he hesitated and Helen told “Then you wouldn t have known UOTATIO of the Bronx river, and compelled and looks bedraggled after an eve­ 1,400 Americans stationed there un­ senior class of the--University of him he must go to his sister. him if he came back as Mr. Owens ning’s dancing. F<^iietter Lauhdi^til^; What was the man’s first • der General McDougall to withdraw Kansas law school, carries a cane Pcetently he came back, with Eva given her by .men to the class. lear^og against him, dragging her- Do you remember? You see, Pm to Washington’s camp. The British selffelong with halting steps, sure you haven’t seen him for a ti .^S .a't'v**.'. \ long time,, have you?” ^ “There is a tendency to be rath­ T found 'Helen waiting, with Ennis her-iiat and coat on. The superln “No, I haven’t Mrs. er broadminded^ about otter peo­ ^JigXcHAfCL ten(353nt went down with them, reluctantly acknowledgeij ?>» ple’s'" security .’’-^Aristide Briand. NV- helping Helen to her car, “Whrft was his f first i r s t n a m e she got in first, and held out her Helen asked again. “Beauty is the flower of abundant POHA It was arnj|r for Eva, who was in a state “Why I . . . • I think >toltt.’’—Marto Jeritza. boiSring on complete collapse. Charles.” . , NEVER "BLUE’X -^ Ji *->i] mthing touching on the accl- Helen was breathing rapidly. f b i t m e k ; Her hBmds flew out excitedly, “Bobs are not going out of fash­ HAKMUB8 5 OOMFOiCr denl was said during the drive “have to Yonkers. For the most part Eva Did he?” she said jerkily, ion. Far froip it Older women and A GORDON _ yoqng buslh^a^ women find them lay i^uiet .against Helen. Now and a little girl with him?” ipiq then she shuddered,- or moaned ^®fi unfi®r j too cenvimi^t-’. fttOOWnwmiOMSMEAJWBUSHNeSS iw, “Whv do you ask me that? ; *.:_Rutt Francis, beautician. -I® Scientific machinery and metho^^ pitifully. gaze. •‘Wliy do you s Helen could do nothing to com­ she evaded, . _ * ■ eliminate any possibility of tooj fort her beyond drawing her closer. But Helen was not to M put on. ’iThe ■ w e?® ^ r scandal o f our -^,-1 Her own heart was breaking. •Did he? Did he?” she slmmateut atiJlstes is due to venal much “blue” in your rfetiirned-'jH Mrs. Ennis ran out when they “Why . . . why yes, he tod, .^Mrs. iromoters and a.laissez ftore asso­ stopped before the house, and Ennis admitted; “but really. Helen ciation whitoi .is- more concerned bundle of washing. .. rained questions upon them. She I’d ratter not talk about tom. It with expansion 'than the spirit of NO PRICE W AR had been wild since discovering was a long time ago, and I todn t the sport.'* ' . that Eva had slipped out of the know him very well.’ John R. Tutos. (Outlook and In- T he , METHODS HERE! > h^ever streaked house and disappeared. Helen brushed her aversion to de]^ndent.) - . ^ C tea n ert Frantically she had telephoned talk aside with a gesture. ^ "We • “blue”--yout clothes ^^i^e- must discuss him,” she That We’ve bililded the other Bramblewood — only to learn that “Prohibition- is all that p^revents snowy white—pleasing "Ixf ^ Helen was not at home, and Mrs. ply. “This Is fat more important C h an way .... quality work up Wetherlng had not known or could thftTi you realize, I think, Mrs. New Yoirk'ftoto b«tog one of_tte ; sense of smell and touch, . r _____ Ennis.” ^ „ most ■ resourceful , enemy that tt® to ‘ the .highest possible not say where she had gone. Then temperance movement has ever had she had tried to reach Bob. He, “But rm afraid I don’t see. . . TIMES SQUARE standard .... never sacri-... There is a particular G prdoft she was told, had been called away She was about to tell Helen, as to face.” ' —Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler. NEW YORK CITY yice for every need. ,a from his work by a telephone mes­ tactfully as she could, that she con­ jDiioiriiotoMwal ficing our reputation fon sage. She was in despair hut did sidered the ^rl was interfering to safe, thorough work mere­ 7155 not know what to do. something that tod not concern hotel hcro'to 'Yonkers years ago She hugged Eva toTier as though her. Helen stopped her. ly to meet the price of "What became of the child?” she He mid.» Rttle gfrl... " the girl just been rescued from V "V ^tw as ltef iwn®? cheap workmanship and ' su4dtfn death. cut in. . . . Epi^ regwrded.her blank­ ROY E. BUCKLE .I' g It was at least an hour later be­ Mrs. etitiIw drew back to alarm. methods. "How should I know?” she coun­ ly .. gh# had^racovered her com- ■p»»prUito» • fore Helen had an opportunity to ppimre, ' o u t w ^ y *’ ^ and talk with her. Then she followed tered' after a slight heidtatton. prepared to meet "Did «he take her away with her to the kitchen where she went Heloh^ .question. V, ^ ’ OU AN DY» WORItS G o r d o n to-warnMome milk for Eva. him ?” Helen pressed on. “Oh, "Waa it-r” Helen could scarcely “Wh^RTOu’ve given that to her,' won’t you tell me .what you taiow. r e s t e d her exritenTeut aa she put Hatm m Strati HuriMb Si«ef, she have sometttog to tell about him, Mrs. Emfis, please?” thO' rest of her. question-"was itv” SovAh • "Well, bis name was Owens, so she repeated, "Evangeline?" j^Mrs. nodded In an ab­ it couldn’t have been Nellto,” Mrs, stracted fashion. Her mind was on Ennis stubbornly insisted. "He h er.j^ upstairs and her boy whoXcame to ua when we had a fmall (Xq SriOMelnaedr I t!.' V ua m M A N U H ^ E R EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONNn MONDAY* OCTOBER 28,1929. # j8 f jtiioir

f tee great laternationai negotiationa in which flhe to involved to menaced. ‘The Bucceae of tee London naval conference, BY^nch approval of the Young plan ‘^ae modified a t the iDiioa*'by ' i t s a Hague conference, the rapidity with In o . which Frendi aoLdiera are with- nil I drawn from the Rhineland, and the IH n BAS HAPPENED | have my evenli]^ to wilt. to. ODd question of the Saar vaUey, are fiU tlw IslaeMe of his becauM Of this—" and he held out affected by M. Briand’s fall. • .POUOB -COMMISSIONER------| hand, whose thin, imused- Edouard Daladier, leader of the OBElEN, BONNIE DUNDEE fVtM lookI_„ flngers______seemdd to be per* Radical Socialist Party and several a Joh’ M detective under manentiy curled like the petals of With the departure of Prime Min­ times a cabinet minister, will try to UBUTBNANT JOHN STBAWN of a withered flower—“1 can’t make ister MacDonald for home and an- form a government. M. Brland will !■*'bMaMde equad of Hamilton, a much progress on the typewriter, so noimcement of tour appointments to be minister of foreign affairs in the ‘ Pielbrn . I have to keep plugging away pretty the American delegation, the work new Cabinet Ida flfst a^gnment Dundee steadily. I’ve got a new slant on on the London naval conference en­ France indicated she was willing " n room iBoofnito in MBS. that story. Cork. I’m almost glad tered Its second stage this week. to enter an agreement with Italy to EBODEB* boarding hone.* in order they sent It back. It'll be better than The scene now 'shifts, to Europe, prevent a naval construction > race, to be near a MRS. EMMA BO- ever when it goes out again.” where Parliaments are meeting but was determined not to accept BABIXB, who haa written the police “Why. Bert!” It was almost a cry again and ministers preparing for parity with her erstwhile "Latin fbr protection, aajdng her life duid of anguish from Cora, anti Dundee 4s*'! battle. sister*^ tIoMx 'are In danger, and placing was startled. "Have you forgotten Secretary of State Stlmsou, S^- There was some ill-feeling against etophaaia on EMU SEVIER, a form- that you promised to see the show .ators Reed and Robinson, and Am­ France in the Itallah press over the «r boarder. Duadee*a room is on the tonight? You won’t work too late, bassador Dawes have so far - been attempted assassination of Crown third floor near that of JEWEL will you? The second show sta’^ts at named to represent the United Prince Humbert .of Italy by an BRIGGS, stenographer; DAISY 9, you know—” « States. ' Italian anti-Fascist who came to SHEPHERD, salrawoman, and TIL- "I’m afraid I had forgotten,” Mr. MacDonald, whose visit to Brussels from Paris. Italy objects Magnus confessed, smiling feebly President Hoover sent England and I to the asylum that'France gives to PA, hoHemnaid. . ' Italian i>olitlcal refugees. i A t dlnaer Dundee nteets his fel- and mopping the oily sweat from the United Stfites so far on the way his face. “This heat—Listen, Cora! to a sympathetic and inteUlflsnt uh- The crown', prince escaped un­ Ifw, boarderat BIR. aad MRS. harmed. He .was in Brussels for SHARP, .CORA BARKER, pianist Suppose I go to the first show In­ dersta^ding in international affairs, Unnecessary stead of the second, then maybe. It ■A * will face, for the first time Blhce the official announcement of hls en­ In a local theater; WALTER gagement to Princess Marie Jose STYLES, proprietor of a men's fur- will be cooler and I can get some the Anglo-American conversations good work done on the story—” really got before the public, | Parlia­ of Belgium. . ' • Pain! aMdags store; NORMA PAIGE, his + rsS Repercussioiis .’of a heavy break -taaoee; BERT MAGNUS, "But you promised to j ^ e me ment where hls party Is ' in the out .to supper after the' theater minority., . , on thq New York Stock Exchange er niM amateur scenario were felt in European money mar­ Nowadays, people take Bayer Aspir­ DOWD, middle- closes,” Cora reminded him, There have been no signs Of a wvltorr'HENRY ______The mild, plumplsh-man seemed kets, which have long been uneasy in for many little aches and pains, •geA ■oadeaorlpt, a newcomer out Tory or Liberal offensive against over the “bullish” movement in Wall to be looking for i way of escape Labor, both opposition parties seem and as often as th ^ encounter any ^ woric. 1 ThM hrbrightVned.‘TeU you what, •a">' a little a t loss for political, am­ street. pain. .. JDuMlee U reflecting that this is gg along with you now Urban F. .Diteman, Jr., Montana munition; but it is certain that some cattleman, succumbed, to the lure ■ kamiin— fvtMidIvfriendly grouprrouD whenWhen a and_. ___ see the first, show, then come effort wlU be made by the Tories Why not? It is a proven anti­ ___ cry of "Murder!’’, rtegs back here and work on my story till of trans-Atlantic flights, setting out dote for pain. I t works! . OUST RHODES, worthlem has- to attack the government on the for London from Newfoimdland In time to meet you at 11.” question Of resuming full relatiops a small airplane. Hope for his And Bayer Aspirin tablets are d of Mrs. Rhodes, assnres the • * * with Soviet Russia. Parliament will ______tbo cry came from CAP*N, The glow of happiness on Cora’s safety was generally abandoned utterly harm l^ You have the be asked to approve exchange ' of when he was long overdue abroad Mb*. Hogarth’s parrot. Dundee is dark. Intense face was almost em- ambassadors between the two coun­ medic^ profession’s word for that; M # f Mrs.' Hogarth’s tniserUness, barrisslng to Dundee. "That v.-ill be and had not been reported any* they do not depress tiie heart. hfMT she Is roombonnd because of tries. where. fine, Bert!” she cried. “Butdon’t get So, don’t let a cold "run its t hoart 'troiridef. aad of her constant impatient if you have to wait awhile Aristide Brland, foremost states­ ohaaglag of* her will to name a new man of France, was less lucky than course." Don’t wait for a head* you can always turn to Bayer Aspir- . b for me. We have a new violinist, and Mr, MacDonald. His government, toyorlW. Norma, who la her latest ru have to go over the score of the RADIO ache to "wear off.” Or r^ard in for relu/, iHrorlte, agreea to introduce Dun- known since', its formation on July SALES AND SERVICE music for the new feature picture 29, at the "Vatican Cabinet,” was neuralgia,'neuritis, or even rheum­ Bayer A/spirin ia always avafl-’. ’ 'looto the "woman of mystery’’ that with him before it’s shown tomor­ Prompt" Attention to Phone Calls atism as Bonething you must en­ able, and it always helps. Famit- Mght. row. It may be as late as half-past “You’ll be nice to her, won’t you, Mr. Dundee? Not—^langh at her, overthrown. ^ , dure. Only aoe physiciani*iij**!*-iti• 1 can cope a—iarize e— yourself with its many uses. - • 11 when I’m through.” France; where ministries have even to yourselfY'’ ______had A rocky road to travel sinciB the DIAL 4949 with the causa of such pain, but and avoid a lot of needless suffering. ^NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY "Then TU meet you at half-past standard Accessories. 11,” Bert assured her. "What hap­ war, is thus in the nddst of another CHAPTER i n gation by archaeologists, for it con­ Cabinet crisis, and the progress of Atwater Kent, Stromberg-Carlsoii ' ' So It was decided, before dessert pened to Sevier? Fired?” tains old Arabic writings. Majestic, Bosch, Philco. . was reached, that Bonnie Dundee Cora’s .nostrils flared and a queer was to be introduced to Mrs. Ho- expression crossed her face. "Yes,” hfyFamrite WM. E. KRAH she answered briefly. BAYER ASPIRIN. partl; that evening. Satisfied that 668 Tolland Turnpike. A ^iria ia the trade mark of Bayer Manofaetare of Monoaeatieaddeatar of SaBeylleadd the prospective meeting had been “Then other people besides Mrs. arranged adroitly, the young detec­ Hogarth mxist think Emil Sevier’s tive incognito leaned hack in his a bad egg,” Mr. Sharp, who had and.studied his fellowboarders been listening unabashed, cut In. keenly.' “This fiddler, Sevier, had the room ■'If, by chance, old Mrs, Hogarth next to tee old lady,” he explained AGAIN was right and her life really in dan­ to Dundee, "and she had Mrs. \ s e ' ger; what am opportunity he now Rhodes kick him, o u t We never CANNED had to observe all of his possible knew the straight of it” he added Today’s Choice suspects brfore the, crime was at- regretfully, "but it seems that, the by temptsd. or committed I But that old lady got It into her head that Cora’s.boy friend—” DUNCAN Jf. VEGETABLE was a foolish thought, he told hlnS- self sharply. It was his job to see "He’s not my boy friend’!” Cora FLETCHER that the criim was not committed. Barker denied vehemently.- Why, that was what he was there "Well, was your boy friend then,” U. S. Senator for—not to suffer palpitation of the Mr. Sharp corrected himself amia­ From Florida GIVE SALE heart because a rexnarkably pretty bly. “Anyway, seems like the old girl, whom Le had never seen be­ lady got It into her head that Se­ fore that evening, smiled at him vier was plotting to rob her of her Tho People of Hartford and Vicinity the Greatest Money_^y- adorably. Besides, she was. already money. Guess he was behind a week Senator Fletcher Ing Offer They Have Ever Recorded From Any' Dentist In This oagagid to teat Styles chap. Though or two with his board anyway, and The Sermon on the Mount. State. what she could see in him. Mrs. Rhodes'told him bis room was —^Matthew 5, 6, 7. Your Health Comes Blrst, Luxury Last * course, Styles was good- more welcoiflie thtttt Ids condpariy. Take Care of Your Teeth enough, with that smooth. Mr. Henry Dowd, pur talkative new What doth the Lord require of 1. it possible w t y p ^^ay . • • |£^T row n hair and those candid boarder, has Sevier’s old, room, and thee, but to do Justly, and to love All physicians recognize the value of good teeth. know tyes. But wohe -they candid? Wal­ they do say he nearly talks the old mercy, and to walk humbly with Ail physicians recognize the value of good teeth. They Kuvw m jR sc thy God?—Micah 6:8. teeth are abscessed, faulty or decayed have them taken care at ter Styles didn’t look quite so happy lady to death-^” once. Now read my splendid oUer below. This Offer Is Good for A | | CANS t l 3 aid'aarMtipe as h hbvdy engaged This was ob'vloualy intended to {he * * • Table peas PJ SSkJtewai^^otod.‘-to'look. Maybe very humorous, Henry Dowd had .Of. a truth. I ..perceive that God This W e^ Onlya - ‘ ~ ^ ■ ' ' . ■ ;l " not spoken during the •phtlre meal, is no respecter of person; but in they come from the pod- fltyRs',hi^ got him s^ ongaeped to every nation he that feareth Him, ju s t oe they co ^ Nohma Paige just to make sure of except to ask for salt or bread. §25 SET OF TEETH $15.00 f O f l R , Dio old. Ihty’s money, which he had He spoke now. "As you know, Mr.. and worketh righteousness, is ac­ lost when the will had been changed Sharp, I’ve never met Mr.s. Ho­ cepted with him.—Acts 10:34-35. A great saving on a fine set of Natural Byte Gold Pin Teeth. la the girt’a favor. Suppose that garth.” (Compiled by the Bible Guild) Our work guaranteed. Take advantage of this offer. Dimdee laughed. "Then you’re not wow wdqr he,looked so—well, pre Tuesday: Porter Adams, presi­ (IflBhiijfca ttbwt Had the newly en as curious aisl am, Mr. Dowd.” SET OF TEETH— RUBBER Hart S u m -.pair quarreled already over The thin, commonplace man t^ k dent, the National Aeronautic As­ l^ ro a ’s flerwy ■upright determina- off his glasses and polished the rim­ sociation.' LOW AS $10 tfah: to break the news of the en­ less ovSl lenses very deliberately. “I We Also Make Gold, Aluminum or Hecolite of Teeth— gagement that very evening, al- mind my own business,” he,said Unbreakable, Durable and Perfect Fittings • Fancy, red ripe ^ it meant, in all probability, quietly. ? < SALVATION ARMY HEAD tnUT’*. being, cut out of the will ? If ••I’ve - never met Mrs. Hogarth TEETH EXTRACTED “ ■ ■' was- so, Dundee told Mmself either, buti^ after hearing the story DENIES LONDON RUMOR Badly decayed broken down teeth or. roots ; jahUkut hopefulness. ‘ xnayhe t o oveir i M ^ twis ■ evening* rm be- carefnlly removed. i.umuld. break the ehgagemmit. ginning^to get curfous myself,” Bkrt , _ J^you aren’t eating a-thing!” Magnus admitted. "You’re always London, Oct. 28.—(AP.)—Gen- Porcelain or $ - ‘I t was Cora Barker's -voice, full falling me put some comedy relief erad Higg^s, new head of the Sal­ FILLING TEETH Silver, low as 1.00 oL mingled uudety and tenderness, Into my scenarios, Cora. Maybe ,I’ll vation Army, returning from Can­ ^ CANS teat jerked Bmflile Dundee back look in on her this evening, if, Dun­ ada made emphatic denial that TEETH CROWNED - his day^itoamlng..though, the dee wlU give me an inttoducUpn--” " members of the family of the late Dr. King’s Dentists crown decayed or broken * .-wei^-not addressed to him, General Booth had been -victimized teeth with porcelain or gold, so that they feel like f,tee man cm his left, Mag p ^ Ta Dutoee’s - relief < ^ imder hls regime. your own teeth, last for years and add to your l o t t » ■’;- w a s,''w ^ ’t it? hls iwwUdermenh COTa •BarW^ He termed absolutely false also appearance. Low as ...... , ...... liot: to &t, Cora,” Bert i terruptod passii^tif ^hem reports that negotiations had been toimuB ai^sfrwed, yrith a deep sigh, ence: "Don’t caU on tos.;'H ogarth opened in the United States for BRIDGEWORK Low a s ...... S e e pushed aside the dessert vdilch this evening, Bert! Promise me you financial aid. It was no secret he Lost teeth replaced without plates. Bridge ■w»» “fc »» w liM just been served him. won’t.” said that self-dehlal appeal contri­ teeth made by Dr. King’s Dentists over twenty Dimdee turned to look at him Mrs. Rhodes, advancing rather butions had fallen off but weekly years ago are now being worn by many people In with more attention than he had majestically to the table to inquire contributions of Salvationists them­ Hartford. If you have any missing teetii, let -yet bestowed up> He declared he had received im- Hecolite All Pink Sets ker |M tie ^ * p (U tic ^ heart ^had - JfJ was wonderihg.,Mrs, Rliddes,’’ sought assurances from Commis­ The most beantiful unbreakable material ever Invented to take chosen. He saw a man of medium Bert Magnus said tentatively, "If sioner Catherine Bfooth on her own tee place of rubber. Ask the doctor to show you one of tiiese n « » 3 ^ . s ® " height; dark-brown, rather oily hair we couldn’t hope to have our ■win­ and her mother’s ^behalf that they ' beautiful sets of teeth. going a little thin on top; light-gray dow screens in soon. I haven’t no­ hftri made no • representations re­ a t a f l _ 0 A ® eyes, behind rimless pince nez; a ticed any flies yet, but the light garding “victimization.” Two Lon­ Plates Repaired in 8 Hours 0 < 9 R E 3 5 ® stubby, reddish mustache, many bugs are rather annoying when I’m don Sunday newspapers carried the EXAMINATION FREE shades lighter than hls hair. Neither tr:riog to write.” statements which occasioned the handsome nor homely; just anoteer "Oh, dear!' That Dusty!” Mrs. denials. nian. «ay 86 years old. iVhat did Rhodes sighed. * "Dusty! Dusty! ■ B e a t * * n E t M O N T & Cora . Barker find In him, Dundee Come here!....How many times FEND ANCIENT CITY wemdered? have I got to tell you to put those London—^An ancient city, believed DR. C. W. KING screens up? Here it Is almost tee to he Gedl, a Persian city at least HARTFORD ‘•He was soon to learn. first of duly, and not a screen—” , 600 years old, has been found only FKG "Now, Carrie!” her husband pro­ 306 Main St - Cor. Charter Oak Ave. , "Bert, tell me!”- she commanded 50 tniiiut from modem Mombasa in Dental Nurse in Attendance, Houra fl toS, ^hno 6-8160 UMKitly, leaning as far across the tested sullenly. "Ain’t I got other Kenya Colony, South Africa. Ac­ things to do besides put up screens? Closed Wednesday Aftetnoon. tame as possible. "Have you heard cording to Professor Fleure, of the having on hand! ftom your scenario?” * And on top of all my worries,.that University ^College of Wales, this ^ CAKES ; "Hasn’t wyone told you yet?” old hellion. upst'irs has to ha[ve a ancient -i^age would bear investi- Magnus asked, rather irritably. "I special screen, two layers of copper skiI»oeedJt was common gossip by wire and a padlock, and the ‘Lord, tkla time that the story was—^re- only knows what else! Hope She 6a««t ivory soap ktntied—todty. Not even a rejection can’t get nO air through it and’ll s ^ ' In fact, the envelope hadn’t smother!” n. h a ^ '’(mened, or tee studio wants to “Well, have you finished making y pjrstend it hadn’t ” her screen yet?” his wife prodded, > *.*(£&, Bert!” Cora’s voice was contempt Atrong on her face and in OINOBR ALE heavy with disappointment and the lash of*her tongue. Easy to see DHL PICKLES QUART 3 BOTTLES tympathy. "And it’s such a wonder- who wore the trousers here, Dundee JAS SSe flifl scenario, tool I bet they did thought. Plton i t And had it copied, so they "I told her it’d be up Monday, and aptdd ateal your jflot! You just wait! up Monday It’ll be,” DustyN. Rhodes fWBBT PICKLES JELLT POWDERS X ^ t I look up from my piaqo some answered with weak violence. "Old QUART AS»», 3 ra c a j |§ c day next winter and see your story fool threatenin’ to have me arrest-, ^AR * uRUrbading on the screen!” She turn­ ed for ‘toisappropriatin’ funds’! ed her bnUgnant black eyes upon Hunh! Old fool!” ASSORTMENT DBLtlXB BA iRnTS LTB » « s a « Bottnie Dundee. "Mr. Magnus writes It was a relief to Dimdee. to see scenarios, Mr. Dundee, and you can Nonna’s slender body vreavlng w . B.C. PKG 3 3 ^ tyke my word for it that tiids story through the crowded dining room of hto that came back today is better toward, him. " i ^ e out of 10 movies I have to Mrs. Hogarth doesn’t like to have FOR THE PARTY— " FRUITS a t I play tee piano in a movie visitors too soon after her meals,” over on Grand street ydu she confided with a delicious air of NAPKINS TABLECLOTHS Iceberff Lettuce Sweet Potatoes^ 10 lbs*; «s25c intimacy. “I’m sure about 8 o’clock WITCH AND PUMPKIN CUTOUTS 2 medially holds 19c 2 large heads 25c i;^YlKere was nothing but /Ssrinpathy will be all right. You’ll be nice to Yellow Onions, 10 lbs...... 25c IRpimdee’s ryes ks he turn^ to her, won’t you, Mr. Dundee? Not— HATS PLACE CARDS TALLYS laugh at her, even to yourself? ■ liagnim. "I say—Pm aw^^ly McIntosh R^8,v3 lbs. .29c ■any you . got a rotten break on She’s really a darling, even If she ANTERNS,- SEALS,' ETC. , Tokajr Grapes, 3 lbs. r* ..23c ■jroiir story,

25c 6lu£-eol<|. any yetT’t some of us.” V had a 'very encouraging letter (To Be Continued) 'tysisL ’tec scenario school whose DEWEY-RIOTMAN CO. ^ ^ s G R ^ T ATL.4NTII PACIFIC J subecrlbed to,” Magnus A good-natured mnn is one who JEWELERS, SILVERSMITHS, STATIONERS, OPTICIANS stiflity. "Well—If you’ll ex­ can start a fire'in the furnace in cuse nS, n i go up and 'do some tee morning without losing his work. Tin n hoidClMcii^, so I only seuL ■ '’ ■Af ^ V-.

CiiES'l’^R, WNN^. MONDj^Yi'd^^ ’ , -- v ' ' '• ' ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOlrfH MANCHES^l'EIL PAGE TEN •r*'; -n

T H i: CI.2VSSI ri E D ^ K O IO N ■ • V

IK B i n ' / A N D » E i l .

,WWWWWWWWWVW#VWWWWWMW#«^»WWWWW1' HOUSE3 FOR SALE 72 d l e g a l ik^Sr AND FOUND 1 H E L P w a n t e d — at a court of ;‘‘L- Want Ad InfonMtltiB f e m a l e 35 pRpSPtK:^ s t r e e t on^hifft at Mancheater, lk>8^—BAIR OF t o e ^ sHeU tlpni, negr beaUtifiM" RoB«* dUtrlo.t Df Man^wt«t,^^p.,. t^ WANTEiD — WAITRESS for our EWhey homes,' close' to Bus- ^ w ce , day of-OotoheFr M a n c h e s t e r fflasaes. SAtvirday evenMig. »onie- new Ebigllsh type home, wmi ; ^ present WILLr^'R;:Htf>B^^ wHere ot. P c ^ t -Square.- Finder girls . boarding house. Apply to 16 E vening H erald pleae® tdepbpne-7113 Mter,5. ■ Cheney Bros. Employment Office. ^rimged ipom,: pgrWf, break- '^'Stote of Fred^Rleley. . teto-pdy - ^ • • ■ f ■ _1J__I I I. ^ ■ I I I w ' font '‘ctopk, hot .Water ; hhaU fir® Manchester In saUMUto^ C L A S S i n E D I w a n t e d ^WOMAN to- do small i.p)aee„ tile hath wdtb fPRJwer, b * ^ 'IJt>on applicatioh■ of F Jor-an ce,yi. ADVERTISEMENTS IX>ST-~'SMXLL police doif,)wlth col­ Rlsley praying toat afi- lusfrtament: family' washing anJl, ironing at 85 UutHigheht, attached pTirporttng to-bet?, the last-. i t stx avera** .orda to » lar. Fiu4*f pi>6*S»« F.; W hen. You Need Count numbera and abbravlatlotia Murpby’ or cail CHbaon'^ GfaralEP, 12 lielmont, street. Telephon-' 5828. txe, Pidoe ‘loWi teitadisnt;Of‘‘stfld' d^ceaa^d be initials, 64. iPeari ted to probi^te and'that l«tter«.^f ad-, each count M a word and compound 1-2 ]i)fftiH atreat, Manchester. ;«■ mlnlstratlon-ivlth Ihe will a^b3^d>e rds. Minimum coat la 'm ' words as two wo ■ ■ . ; ' • HELP WANTED— MALE Igranted'-imTfald cstote.-as pef" apptlia- price of three lines. ’ ; - j, r.'. 'u.., i.... I— . L tldS ofifl^. It ls ORDERS;i^^rThat the foregoing Line rates per day tor transient - PERSONALS 3 i img, fir®- ‘appHoktlon be heatd and' fietennlnod ‘ etermli ads. IT, 1«IT 1 amount: at the Probate office In. Manchester to Effective Blarcli Caab Charge who ' wltnepscd njy $17600. said niatrlbt, off the‘:Znd day ^ acddaht' Ckiittage^alxeet Shtuir- dbWn. ..Terms.- iWce November. A. D.,.1929.*at' 9 o'clpck la (i Consecutive. Uays . .1 J «Wj “ .VJ* 09 SBCUfiXTY BAILSMAN Ai^W - A. ;!^ofl ^ 87.5, 4e|n s t m t . the-forenoon, aijd that notice . nb Alter eight yews of^hiMpftlJ' •»- 3 Consecutive Day. ; ;L ^ -{1 day ^nlAbb at-'T^p. xu., - to; call or given to all persona Interested-la sMd- Sind hnpie'and addreju to 332 Cen­ TsL 5440. -I- Istente 'in 'wjdding thh eniftxnu^ty ' Afi*^ orWs'foriVregulaT in ser^ An old Bstibli^ed Hartford estata of the^pendency of, oaja appll-i ter street. House dealing In Insurance, oaUM^tand"tbe•tiinVBttVplade’ ot-1le«p-^^ S m n S S si llJ be charged at term every PHONE ing thereon,-by publlshlnff^a copy.of ,the M w s^ e iW .ConwauMty Special rales tor long Bank and Public Utilities Stock L o ^ iF iM i S a l e 73 •thlpthis order . la . some uejvsnapea. having CJub ^ tt0W..faClnf Ite ^ f t e g t teat nay advertising given upon reQueBt.. at said- district.. on. or ordered tor three or sr day® Has Opening For Salesmen a circulation In —thh^bf seeking coote^ed finanpial Ads automobiles f o r s a l e 4 This Time. h o m e ; BVILDBRSi^We , hfve n before October. ... 28; 1929,---- -Ahd _ byitfoit- :.fsw-ctol^'buu(ftng. low 'pn Proa- -ing a ®dPy,lVt thl^ o r ^ r a u i^ rt .dqe frinn of 'hCs- service, sign post In saldUown o r Manchester-ihesteh ‘benefteiaries (teMpg the years.of its < GOOD USED CARS Write Giving Askdori a . W ant-A d a "least five ddys before tho^^dlydSiy o f va^u^e sei^w.vA for ;;;S »*A™*rs 5: Cash or Terms QUALIFICATIONS TO said hearlnc,' to" appear*___ __ If they,*8eo ley/seo funds will soon geft tmdarway. stopped after Madden Bros. P. O. DRAWER 2001 cause' tat-said'. time:llvrlA- andCITtl9 ,-pt|iC6t'- ptaco-' aW^beS2|d^b6 Undbr 'afile'- ~T . ordered for Nash A Pass. Advance Coupe. J ' - 1- ■ , . I..' . . ,-a V-W social lines vdtb utbae* batmen the .)f any advartlsement 1928 SALESM ^ TO SELL our high Shell taker care of* AT.A’^XDOURA-OF PROB’ATBl HELD ages '6 M 6 to '^L^ Al^ bteiie^es of more tiian one time , l926 :studeba4ter Sedan. grade garden and field seed direct Manchester. 'w ith in and fpr the The inadvertent oui.saion ot moor* " CbNKEY AU?t>;CO. to planters. A good position with District" of'. Manchester, on the, 2«th Sports have been spbiudrbd by the ,eci publication ol oJ**the big income. Experience unneces­ you and' W s ten to dsy-pf'October,"'A.- - - ‘ D., 1929.1 ^ club atel w # ^ y ' Vehterteinmente rectifled onlv by cancellation Of tn® 20 E. Center Studebakw Dealer ^resent wiLLrAM hydb. Esq., (B M A m MPlIBUCiiS qbaberts, and p^roeia' iteve' held in- oharge made tor the service r-ndered. sary. Cobb Co., Franklin, Mass. Judge. . , IMS ERSKINB dOACH. one that yoiriirgnt ' Estate of James Anderson Igte of tategt yew, es- ad-erllsemeiitH must ‘•‘''"torm 1927 ’ GLDSMOBELE SEDAN. WANTED—'TWO FIRST class car­ M&cShester.' In skid •District,"decegs- 'peci^y;^uid^ih^9^terhea8on. All copy Hud typography, with P l i N N E W ,n style. 1927 bO]C)GB'xX)UPB penters. None other need apply. th e resu lt ypu^.^ •*w' P f ^ i ^ t di- rogulailo- elil • ed by-l^he pUbltah- ‘TQh^thc.tioP' o f George ’ H. Waddell Tfctbr 'of 'the'^f^tfi, and nrs Afld they ..eerva.lh® rlght to 1927 UBBVROLET COACH. David (^ambers, 88 Hollister St. e-di* iNfvise reject any ,y C^n- 10 otiier-gpod used cars. i-.-.v-^fe^Di'i-^Tliat six months from Berlin, - Get. ’-2s4-r(Alrt) , Crawford Abto Supply Co. 2^ ^ OLD boys to kt£3^52lh«asrv' 1? ''cluck noon. Saturcays ‘ Tcl. ^ 9 6 or 8083 Office, Cheney Brothers. .tbeicJclafina affalns.t .jald es- Imt no new; projribit^on. of -the .. tf- well h teed T fS r-fi^ 'to CLASSm El?:I^OES thitj^ald admlhlktrator is dl- tiirn' of the Kaiser< to - Gi^many, if Ote'nm^ eftd■j^et'siiUn' » - success­ Iva'Phbllc notice to the r ' " ' ' t e i . e p h o n e Y O U R 1927 OAKLAND S?3D.$^ „ ' the hew Defense of ' the ^pum je ful season ls^t'V^r.-:^e'tchows. the 1927 CHB^OLBTT L ^ ^ A U ; Ll\^B i^TOCR— VEHK^I.ES 42 er^aftoks tb bring ■ In their...... claims . likes apd dislll^ of her patrons and \ W A N T a d s . , within allowed by posting a Act prepared by the-Demopratn-for Y Ari« BF« accepted over the telephone 0ETTSGAHAGB FOR SALE—BREEDINO and meat copy .'df thlS'.:okder on the nuMlo sign submission to thq Relchata^rWUi|te’^ it' Is to be- hbp^vtbat a.unified and Hud8on-8 Me? Dealer- -129 Spruce rghbits. L. H. Underhill, 48 Foley ...... parent-to" the pjase where the session is pass^. VconceiH;ed be'm ^e to T \ T i L —-— thacpntinuedtlte CPntiiMied 'fU|ictiop-'fuiictiop- fh . CASH KATES will be accepted w l 9^ WILLySrKNIGHT Great Six street. Telephone 7349. ' In Last July, when the old-Defense 6f ^"'Viduatite coi^unlty 4 paaMhger S4raer. and re­ Florists—Nurseries night and delltered tbe nest riaJlor turn rtiake to. thts.iqonrt^of ,the. potree; . ; Increasing ^bitterness during the Foner^ Directors ....• • • • • * Dial 6i4S. tag fum‘ac& ceptr^ly Ibcaled.' new sumiqeri'indnthe, however,, betwcw Bteanr^iSCr'-S^'e^^^^^ o l f ^ ^ p w Hating—Plumblnsr—Roofing .. morning vla.M.anQheatei and New 5030 at $6ipi>0 -to- QtoupjswiiftM !•••••••« York Motor Dtehatdh s»atl);Mr' schbol, availabre. garage- .Dial 6129. • ■ Sv i LLTa M S. HYDK the two great groups of Qermau Insurance , —I a , , _ FOR RENT—5 ROOM flati with aU • : ■ Judge. ${)00 te „ Millinery—Dressmaking vice and reasonable rates. Call GARDEN—J-AWN— parties, the Rightists, lekning tor Moving-—Trucking—Storage iSirSfemUts. r,»t 120, Inqulr, 4 ROOM TENEM^T. ail Improver 3«f8,-^3>80 or 8864. . ______50 ward Monarchy, and the PrPgres? Tanner^Bt;,’*n«iiir'^-rP9te Painting—papering e •.« Aff • ff DAIRY I’KOPUCrs 46 1-2 Summer street._____ ' ifiehto. At 95 Charter oak street aive and SociaUst Left,: supporting oak flPors • and:; stairs,'' '8t«tak,.heat, Professional Services ...... PEIiWBTT A OLENNEYrr-Express Apply 701 Mata street.'Tej. 5425^ ■ -jAT a c o u r t o f p r o b a t e h e l d Repairing . • •...... •.* * * f o r — GREEN Mountain TO r e n t —3 ROOM tenement at ^ ^ I. is >»«v— 1“ >at Manchester. 'within and for ^the the RepqbUc, bed led the .goYejen.- gas.' etc. ■ Price4 ,T,060.- ■ " - - Tauorlng-Byelng—Cleaning and freight service; local and pbtatoen. $2.00 buBh«l, delivered. 28 Church street. inquire on FOR KENT-rfi ROOM tenement at. District "Of Manchester., oh'nhe 26th ment parties ,to feel strongly . th»t Toilet Goods and *• long distance .Expert fumltflre day, o f October." A-.'D., 1929^____ , a new Defense of "the Republic Apt If ypu are Ihlakihgr Qf a nftetftom* Wanted—Business Service .. Thomas Burgess, Wapptog, Conn, premises or telephone 3887. ______81 Spruce street.hlVlWP.wyeinent8' ''-presertti AvlLfJ^M -S.' HYDE, Esq., Bldacatlonal xnpvihg. Service any time by call­ Phone 3341. must,:^eyerteieiew b e . pl^l^!lldi•' ' Tel. Rosedale- 60-2. FOR' KENT-^ 4, 5. AND 6 ROOM Courses and Classes ...... ing 8^ . . ■ ■ ______A'nfiff'Tlncz lete of Man- comes; ■' . : ■ . . ' ’ Private Instruction ...... -rr- rents, Apply Edward, J- Ho“ ' 865 f o r RENT—6 r o o m tenement bii Qh^ter, in-said ©Islrlct.^ceased.' Dancing Main street. Telephone 4642. Main street, near Henry street; Th^ Musical—Dramatic eeeeggffff**** R E F A lk lN G 23 » HGUI^EHOLD GOODS 51 Wanted—Instruction •eeapff**^** SO , ___ . Manchester Trust Company Kansas 'City,. W*u- - KInaiiclal FOIt r e n t —6 ROOM tenement on - f o r SALE—P^iRLOR STOVE in Mgrked .by,actSuPf vlDleitea,jncrc^ Bonds—Stockt—Mortgages Bdgerton street, all modern im- ■ORD®RH;D':T--T.hat, thW.,M day of typewriters .cleaned, repaired good-ebudition. Inquire 96 Foster tag-in severity amd. a .ginvring Iftt Business Opportunities S3 orovements! also five room flat on RENT—3 ROOM, apartment Ndremher, A. D.. ' 19:29,- ^ 9 'o'clock, of sympathizers, the strike of the Money to Loan and overhaiiledi Wal 4008. streetv Tel. 6052. Newman.' Inquire 147 East (.enter, jn-q^irB Manchester Ptihlic Market.- forenoon: at'the Probatq office. In said Help and Sitaations > Manchester, be and the same is as- milk producers of G^ter^,KW -. Help Wanted—Female . — ..... ,;v .1098*MalBBt.'’*^ VACUUM c l e a n e r , phonograph TAFESTRY DA"VENP0 RT, in fair street Tel. 7864.___ —— FOR RENT—3 FURNISHED rooms slgaed. fora hearing on the allowance sas city; entered its flourlh week to­ Help Wantedr-Male 1 o^ sal*- admlnlslralloTn account with day ,^ th np appateht plan by either FIRBv AUt' AJUk Help Wanted—Male or Female clock, gun repairing, key filling condition $20, 10 piece walnut dln- apart-1 ^vith all improyementSi: Reasonable ning room buite, sllghtl'" used $90. f o r Risi^T—f iv e ROOM said estete, and tolS-Couft directs the producers or distributors to effect \ D’raBR.^SIJBANCW.; Agents wanted...... • • • • • • • • Bralthwaiie. 62 Pearl streeu ment, all improvements adults { : Apply Mints! 'Dejlt Store; Aamfuie^rator to' glye publjb notice to ■ R l^ e '8430. Situations Wanted—Female . Crosley Show-Box $95. Wadsworth street, | Depot' square, Manchester all pVrabnk Interested:,■ — '-i.therein to ap- a truce. ' . . • Situations Wanted—Male . . . *IBWINU MACHINE repklMng ot all Watkins Furniture Exchange only. Apply 67 pear'and be heard tlith'ere'On by pub- I' . - c ■ . ■ Employment Agencies • llshlng B\ copy Df this -order in some Wve gtock—Pels—Ponltry—VsaleiM makaa. oils needlet aiid sappties Mr. Johnston. 41 r w: Garrard. 37 Edward street, Dogs—Birds—Pels ...... FOR BENT—7 ROOM COTTAQ^ FARMS AND LAND FOR Live Stock—Vehicles ...... rel 480L^______, WANTJflD—TO BUY 58 55 Summit street, all improvements Poultry and Supplies S A L E 71 order Off the pu.bllc ‘ qigbpoel b* Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 m attr e sse s. . box springs pil­ including hot water heat; also 6 Town .Where the deceased iM t dwelL For Sale—HlsreUnneous SELL YOtTR JUNK to a reliable room flat, 63 Sumnfit, all Improye- 46 lows and cushions made over FOB . SALE—50 ACRE ^<1^ farhi five days'befQre .sate day, of hearing Articles tor Sale ...... dealer for hjeh prices. Wm Ostrln- mehta iiiScluding hot water heat. ' Th Glastonbttty on . , Diamoi^ Ledce aiid, return make to thl® S o ^ . Boats anc .Accessories...... «e equa, to new I day service Phone sky. Tet. S879i 91 Cfiinton. Used • a-T •\VSIiCIAM*S. HYDE Building Materials . . . -----••>... -47 6448 M-'nchesier Upholstering Cto. funfiture;. wood, coal stoves for Tel. 6785. Road, or would exchange for prdp-^ ■■ -. Judge. Diamonds—Watches—Jewelp «• 331 Center street Established erty in town. Florta’ Fay. ' . • H^i'9r2fi;29:,; Electrical Appliances—Radio sale. (3all anytime. f o r RENT—4 ROOM UpstoirS flat, ..49-A since 1922. •■ueJ and Feed on Ridge street, steam heat. In­ FOR SALE BXJILDINO STTES'ln 6 e BR'OHATE h e l d Garden - Farm—Dairy Products REPAIRING 23 WILL PAY HIGHEST cash prices quire 79 Ridge street, upstairs, every section of- the town. Low at Mahciraatej. withtn aod ;WEtL,CBCfF^vWT'$ Household Goods fot rags paper, magazlnet and _ prices and easy terms. Now 'de-; Dlstrlot .of iManohester, on tii,e 26tb Machinery and T o o ls ...... CHIMNEYS CLBAftBL and repair­ metala Also buy all dlnds of FOR RENT—6 ROOM TBNEMEN’T, dA5^ fefiOctolpiert. a * IX; .192$. ORPFRS '? V Musical Instruments ...... ed, key fluting, sates opened, saw ' veloplng "Cleacvlew." Arthur 'A.; ■ :^ e ,e h t , 'WiiJiMAM ' 3. HYDE, Esq., Office and Store Equipment chickens. Morris H. Lessner. Dial one minute from Main street, mod­ Rnofla, 875 Main jstreet. Tel. 5440 Specials at the.Stores ..... filing and grlcding Work called 6389 or 3886. em, all Improvements, garage, rent ^ - 'n ^ t e of GharioWe.H. Ayery late of Wearing Apparel—Furs for. Hatoid Clemson. 198 North reasonable. Tel. 7014 or.5440 or call Wanted—To Buy ----- "® Roomu—Boa rd-H otvlo—Reaorta Elm street Tel 3648, Arthur A. Knofla, 875 Main street. h o u s e s f o b s a l e 72 Heataiiranta BOOMS WITHOUl BOAKD 59 C^urt f o r r e n t —5 ROOM tenement, all Rooms Wlllvout Board ...... 6 9 I FOR SALE—15 HEMLOCK ST.-^— Is ■ A t ig ’a i # HE" Boarders Wanted ...... U O IIR S B S a n d c l a s s e s 27 Improvements, with or without! Brand new, six-T(|oia s i ^ e hpfise ORDERED:—That-the 2jid day of Country Board—Resorts ...... 69 FOR BENT--2 ROOMS with gas, garage. Apply 14 Spruce street or i November.- A. ■‘ D.. 1929, .'at 9 od oc)'- Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 BARBER TRADE- taught^ in day and garage. /Large front'" h'aU' and for light housekeeping. Inquire 99 dial 4545. ______' I open porch. A ll conveniences .eind- farei«ttfh'.:to :*a5t.'r' VeQ^^t- tjte,to t h e r e i n Summer Honiea for Rent 67 a B i > W a n t e d — PRIVATE, AMERICAN family, Telephone .______7617. ______■ , _ i*-. 'tnrctlve "price, .df' soldi thls^mitmtft.- to" heard. ther.eon by Warned to Kent ...... 68 is*/'’' Ercbpy' of lieni EHtnte For Sale - -•\FEM ALE ,v . 35 wpiild-like one;or two boarders. 10 REaJT—2 FOUR room ’ t^ ^ 'Easy vternte.'. O^n;- foe lngpectite» p'qhr ^hSwspaper-'bavlug ■ a' circulation Aparimeni Ktilldlng for.Sale . . . .69 xntautes waUCiYrom Center. Phnni. Phone j aU -li^rovem ?ntev^ Sunday 3 ,to 5 pV'm.: W. M-^Hutclfin-' l■’r•>pe^ty for Sale';, - 79 WANTEO^TiQlllL^brg houae- 8597.- "■ :?• I garage at Sy'RldgeVrCc^ g o n - . r - 1 ni.< and Lund for Sale* ...... 71 ^rk.'Muh^ ii^ow someUiing about Hiius».>, for Sale...... 7S I amre 178 Parker street. Dlal *IS823.^ f o r ntiw Town»w^er,«?thVd Liiitl I'Hr Sale - .. . 73 I booking. TMephnne; 686(5. •nie first impeachment proceed- -iH flye''«day8-heforff. said > a y - at ^hearing Kfsoi'i Property for Saler 74 f o r RBNT--3, & 4,^pom:ftat,nj!i^rlittt S'uiiuriiiin for Sale 7f WANTBD--LITHUAN1AJI woman* against provements. includihg; thot watey Real E.aiate for Exchai-g'* . . . . • 7J i" fer-hpusekeeplngv Board and room, official 'was the trial _ of W ^ajn ranged, >, Judge. Wanted -Real Estate ^ Wftte>A.,Jmi«’.B24, 445, Oak-^'Bl^^^ from Missouri, in heat. 170 Oak street Inquire Auction—;i.egnl Notleea 164 Oak street or call 8241;-> street Tel: 5*40. v : 7H>"0-<2?'i29, Legal Notices 75 land strtet, MManchester. Conn. 1799. Legal Notices ...... , 71 G A S WTGGIES--Sadre Higgins Gets In Action ■is: M w a r/P a o i'" 0 4 ^ O lC H i* SB*. e" lyMm / >PIA% T0 BURST OR PROBPCRITV HAS INCRBASSO * S ^ I R B . HlQeifMS BITTBR OPPOSITION - X W s TO THB DAM... r w IN OBSPSRATION ■} J TjuiP P I \0\N\Y\R if HS SBBKS THS ■m n i.'^ AID OP 0t» iht^ w c^ w y$ BRT WIUTF, ,, ,, .ur- f ■ i-. 'ly. Vibere.are at Iteat fotte-telst^s'.U tt^ EX-B4WNBW, tiw to. grammar, history, etitewi^tei' WMrtng ,or.*“ iMHOSe .flxid them. Then took at the U

J^r' ^,2 -T^l -.iJ 'vi'i PAGE ELEVEN MANCH^riSR fiVgNING SOOTH MANCHEg MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1929. Iiy.l’ercy L. ()rtisby s m p P Y SENSE wi N0NSENSE ' if- ' -AW'^TUeiOAV 15 MY _ . . The Bx-l» .Ap*^ » BlRTHPAVs Sd PLfeASiiE ■.'.A- 1,. YOU pray»ng:50 LbuoiY^ j'eMPMe'A B icycte, % Y . . 1 * ‘HSood ^ men ot TOOC CHCSTi C A N O e, Is operated by’; th® Peoftsylviiila' Rail* ipeNKI(»lpe, iAIt.BOAX £ond Company. We operate.. on a \ oActe Joe ir A* vse road length, of U.621 miles, by N BAseBAu, so»T, s e t authority -of toe5^5*2 B U T queer little shrug. ^ girls can’t walk, sit or stand, prop- OAi Accoujd-Y oF BaVi/Ue lU f M B^HiMP $ i 2 wish I could find a nice little ’erly. It appears that all flappers are A . ^ bug,” “ . •floppers.’ . .q UA kKI'YY. Aid"' M A K E ■"&1A WILL Y o d He l p m e Said a third lltUe chick with a shrill ‘ THRQVY Iki A p a c k o f ?/ CATcH UP s o fLL BE .. , little squeal, ! If your earning capacity .is small “I wish 1 could, find some nice that’s all the greater reason for en- m a t c h e s w i t h e a c H FV/Eid WlYH THiS .1 yellow meal,’’-meai,^ ’ larging your saving capacity. Look here,” said the mother, from y ■ C K 5A "R * W e e k 2 the green garden patch? She was only the miner’s daugh­ “If you want any breakfast, get ter, but oh, what natural r'«sources! busy and scratch.” ,, All the Mutts are not created by Worth Waiting For Bud Fisher. Nature' tunis out a Before the war we did not see goodly nunjber. Bobbed hair or stockings to the Happiness Is Not In Being Able knee. And grandma’s comment is severe. To Get What You Want But In Not But grandpa says he’s glad he’s Wanting What You Are Not Able To • here. Get. Formerly, when a man fell in love A photographer never turns down he lost his appetite, while nowadays anybody, but it must be pretty hard he loses everything.. > ■ ■ Another Dumb Dora—The girl- OPBM /AlrtO VSL . who thought the Black Prince was the son of Old King Oole. CP s o Alc5TV4lfi<=» f a t . 5'TAV45 fAl \T; The best entertainment for Idlers, is provided by the stage and the steam shovels;, CHAldCE You HAV/E vdrTH George: “Does your wife do her own ironing?” u id C L E "Ta k e , Henry: “I shoiild say not! I won’t allow A flat iron in the house.” ALViU! ,ielata av ma towtet. a;& Even when you teach an old-dog KO. a a FAT. OFF, a neW' trick he’s still an old dog. (Syontalie Foa, 1929 CONSPIBACY New Hope By Crane Debt Collector: So your mother’s r WASHINGTON ’fllB B S U gone. Well, m come back tomor­ row. NOvl.TEU The BOV NOT “£> WORRY, SiR. /7 'roORWOl AU l)PS6 T. Little Lester: She won’t be here TUM’S THE POPE, r CALLOUT THE / CHCERUP.OLDPOOMeR-Wt'I’U-MrW' I C^UT ?>’UeY6 iTl ESCAPE IS im possible'. NiGHf E’^FRESS CHEER UP, old TVs'eaeit tomorrow. We’re leaving town to­ CrtVEF -t^EV t£FT EMEWieNCT SGJUAOl SURE.-VOU RUN ALONCj HOME TO OH, I LOVIET) H£R*SOl leaves IN TEN MINUTES—HAVE AN iPEiy REG.o.s.PAT.orr night—Pels Mele, Paris. ' TUBBS FWTE6H M\MUT£S vNKtCH 15EP0T AMO \ nO \'LL chase down TO THE O E ^ TH DEVELOPMENTS ' come a s GREAT BlOiV 'YOUTH ON veihje ' of marriage. V. By Blossei FRECKLES AND HIS FRIEND6 Hasn’t $500, But— BUT VNUATS NIORRViN’ ^USTEN,OSCAC-VoO AN’ X SOIJETS 1 BETOIA AAE IS-'-WciW Nl\u. X oon* FROl^ il/NE ALvNAVS BEEN 6 0 OD Tb EACH OTUER.' ALL TUIS 1 friends = in £ alvnavs been 'it O AND AAE., V SPEND ALL. OF AN’ FIVE HUMOCEO NICE TO VOO- IN FACT VoO’R^ REALL.V UAMENT IT?? dollar STUF one of AAV VJERV BEST SORE FN E HONORED DOLLARS. JOST TALKIN’ / PAL9 — ALViAVS’VE • WANE UlM IN A UREO VoO AMce VMAV /

*iPHEBE'S AMittE To TWSTUAN OSCAR. LETS ON VHEBE 60IN6 lb TUE ' 'gorrofK' ./ifwir— * ! OF rr,"ioo!!

■. v•^: By Small SALESMAN SAM We Agree, Sam (BEAD THE STOBY. THEN COLOB THE nCTUBE) i: f^ b o SAY SH e'S .m disappear, -hut w« can’t w or^ of , that > Aad ‘ we can all spread YUei^ TElfeRt- ^VUSTT right o d tfla t.^ Gomel on, y°“ n o ^ r n bet tlM^ro'hiding .‘fmong i k i _____ ■ ©ef'""" ales, foUow me." PU gladly lead the m y I the V trees. WeM, they can do Just THIS J^U, as th^’^lease. t think we Tlny- way.” “ mites w w sm art to stay upon the ’The whole bunch answ ered Carpy’s call. The hay nest was •The -Qow then went into the stall, above a stall where lay a sleeping as if to say, ‘*Weli, tots, that’s all. horse. They had to climb to'scram­ r m tired '>of- racing ’round and ble in- “Ob, this is comfy,”^ Coppy ’round and now Tm going to rest" said. “A lovely place to rest my The nnies stood around and m w head.” And, as^they fell asleep each him nestie in a pUe of straw. Tiny’s face spread in a grin.' said: csowny. ‘He’s just like •rbig^hen.inanest.’’- (Clowny gets a surprise in the ''i(But, e?en r o ,!» ’» Idhd of ain^r^ neoEtstoryi). ' ’ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ■ ■ -T'i'* V. . r • MONDAY* O C T O tom 1929. f a u e ' t w e l v b iTOanr^stfr E n fu tn j^

side of Pearl street, collided xnth a^' HALLOWE’EN Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donadio have teleplume pole and escaped without returned from their wedding trip to OBSERVE THREE EVENTS TRIES TO AVOID BHMP, injury to himself or his wife and FROLIC AND DANCE New York aty and fu:e occupying daughter,-WjiQ were riding with him. Auspices Recreation Centers, their newly furnished home at 90 IN PARH AT THOREN’S WRECKS OWN MACHINE However, the windshield of the At Ea«t Side Bee Bldg. Walnut street, which, is the lower Ford was smashed with the,impact Wednesday Eve. Oct. S0> 1929 flat of Mrs. Donadlo’s parents’ home, and the hood feU down 6h the occu­ Eight O’Oock Mr. and Mrs. Vincenzo Salvatore. pan ts. ViHien Baker extricated him­ by Bill Waddell’s Orchestra Mr. Donadio was at his shop at 136 Wedding Anniversary and Rockville Man’s Ford Ready self he found also that all the tires Admission 50c. 1-2 Center street which has been Birthdays Come Together so for Junk Heap After Hop- were fiat, Offiver John McGlhm closed during his absence. Local Family Celebrates. * > ping Sidewalk Into Pole. investigated but made no arrest. D EP A R tM E N T STORE SO. MANCHESTER^,CONN^ Baker said that he would have the Royal Matron Adele M. Bantley A trople anniversary celebration j wreckage towed’to Rockville where ABOUT TOWN and her associate officers will make^ was held at the home of Mr. and ■ Attempting to avoid hitting a car he would junk it. DUO-DOLLAR BID BOX CLOSES WEDNESDAY AT NOON. . their official visit to Eliza A. Macoy Mrs. Carl E. Thoren of West Center j at the intersection of Spruce and M

GOOD THINGS TO CAT” FARR’S CIDER MILL Open The Meat Department Suggests: Monday and Thursday Native Milk Fed Veal ----- in bereavement Boneless Veal Roasts ...... 4oc Ih. Mornings ^ and they cannot be es­ Veal Ground for Veal L oa f...... 45c lb. * caped ... .what a help­ Veals Chops, Veal Cutlet, Stewing VeaL W e make cider for $1.50 a ful, consoling knowl­ banrek edge it is that the long TfflS GIVES US OVERNIGHT SERVICE SLICED BACON Freshly Ground Beef We buy apples. established Quish Me­ Rind off for meat balls or It means a geat deal to you as a customer where we buy New England made mer­ We sell cider. ^ \ morial Service can and will adequat^y express 39c lb. meat loaf 30c lb. chandise that can be delivered to us over' night. This same service applies'to repairs ^ ’ Rear of 192 Main St. ■ < also BO if you have a Barstow stove you never need worry about long waits for replace­ your every wish. 225 MAIN ST. 1 Cape Cod Cookies, 1 Cape Cod Nut Cookies and I'Cape ments. MANCRESTER Cod Chocolate Cookies 75c value for 49c. j OAVtfqd NIGHt'V ______t .1 ■ {The Funeral Homo 1 IdBe ROLLS OF BUTTER 49c SHOE REPAIRIXQ EDW ARD IHESS Ladles’ Flexible Soles and W n i., p / 4 u i s h . Rubber HMls^a SiMctolty^' i Dial 4151. A special morning delivery 7:15 a. | HEADQUARTERS FOR ELECTRICAL SUPPUES ^ ' - SAM YULYES ' I m., regular early delivery 8:00 a. m. f* 855 MAIN STREET , SOUTH MANCHESTER 701 Main St., So. 'Manchester Ab'VERTISE IN THE HEHAI.D-IT »*a v s