32 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Fourteenth Biennial Report



The State Ilistorioal Society of Iowa has always maintained a library of books, pamphlets, and manuscripts for the use of those who are interested in the study of Iowa and American Ilistory, as well as for the benefit of those who either up o their own initiative Commissioners of Pharmacy or tmdrr the direction of the Society arc engaged in historical research. The library is accommodated in the rooms of the Society on the t ird floor of the Ilall of Liberal Arts. An inventory of the library, taken in July, 1908, records the following statistics: fUit Till Number ot UUes accesoloned ...... 30,000 Number of title. not acccsalooed ...... 2,000 Number of bound newspapers ...... 1,943 Number ot mlacellaneous dupltcates ...... 2,904 Number of dupllcates of Iowa documents ...... 7,104 STAT OF IOWA During the period from July 1, 1906, to July 1, 1908, the Society acquired for ita library approximately 10,000 titles, comparatively few of which were purchased. Indeed, the principal sources of ac


The Board of Curators recommends that six thousand dollars ($6,000) be added to the permanent annual support of the ociety I'Hil'Tt ll IH O!Wf.H 01 'I Ill I,F.NLHAI, AH F !IlLY so that the rcsrareh and publication work already be!(un by the Sori<'IY may finally be pnt upon a permanrnt basis.

Hl-!'I'WIJIN.8 IMORT H IUWI.IMII, ITATI l'ftiNTIR '"" Letter of Tronsmiuol

D MmN , IowA, Sept. 1, 1908. To His Excellency, ALBERT B. CuM)fiN8, Oowmor: Sm,-We herewith submit to you th• l<'ourt nth Biennial Report of the Commissioners of Pharmacy for the Rtat uf low& for the official biennial period endiull July 1, 1908. FRED Rui!IIXLL, BE~


From Jul)' 1, 1905, to .Tuh· l 1906 Rl. II'T8. Itinerant licensee .•. $2R.200.00 Chan gee location , .•... 19l 60 Delinquent ren(>

Total ...•.•. $34,219.50 Paid to At.a.lP Trefl111un•r • • , • • • • $31.219.50 From July J, 1908, to July 1 1907 Itinerant Jll"f'Dtct'11 .• t26.400.00 Changes lo1·atlon .•. 167.60 D(>

Total .•• . $31,907.60 Paid to StRtf'l TreuurPr. , $31 ,907.60 From .Juh I , !1107, to .Tul\' I, HHJ8 Itlnrrant 1kt•nru~a • t28.2hH no RPnewalR or rflrtlftt·&t('l. -t.4:H no Examtnat1on11 t.o;n on Changes lol'atlon • tl7.60 Deltnquf"nt rrllf'WAI!i. 11~ ou DttJllkatfll rf'rtlfkatea. 28.00 8.00 CNtlflc·att'S or llf'fi'Pnla~.r;r~.

Total ••. $33,99G.50 .33.996.50 Paid to ~tate Treasurer •..•...••.• BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMM!ffiiONERS OF PHARMACY.

Rm.a 5. Persons over 18 and under 21 years or age may be registered aa assistant pharmacists and will receive certitlC"ate~ accordingly and when the holder attains his majority, said certtfiC"ate may be exch~nged upon application for a certificate of full registration RrLE 6. ln all cases where registered pharma<'ists have two certlfl· catE;s or registration, the last certttlcate Issued wtll supersed(' the former and renewals wtll be required on the last one onh ' RuLE 7. Examinations shall be conducted td writing, and the aptl11- PHARMACY AND PURE DRUG LAWS. cant shall be allowed no aRststance of any kind, verbal or oral, therein. Any applicant violating this rule and ret'E.dvlng aid In his examination may be summoned by the commissioners and required to submit to a new The following rules have been adopted by the commission In a.ccordP.nce examination. Should the Jlf'rson so summonl'd refuse or neglect to obey with the authority ot Code, section 2684, as amended by the Twenty­ the order of the commission, or should he appear from such second exam­ seventh General Assembly, 1898: Ination to be Incompetent and not possessed ot the rPqulslte knowledge RULE 1. For the purpose ot facllitatlng the enforcement of the phar­ '8.Dd skill, the commissioners will C"ancel hie certificate and strike his name macy law, the state has been dlstricted, andtbe counties assigned to each from the register. ln like manner they wtll cancel the certificates of all of the commissioners are as follows: :persons who have secured rt>glstry by fraud or false representation To Oom.m1ssioner Frea Rusreu, Rockwell Oitu.-Lyons, Osceola, Dick· Rn.f: 8. "\\1lenenr appl1catton Is made to the comm lesion to revoke tnson, Emmett, Kossuth, Palo Alto, Humboldt, Winnebago, Hancock, Sioux, certlfkates of regll'ltratlon tor violation of anr of the laws governing O'Brien, Clay, Pocahontas, Buena Vista, Cherokee, Plymouth, Woodbury, registered pbarmaC"ists, the prosecution shall present and file with the S('C· Ida., Sac, Calhoun, Monona, Harrison, Shelby, Audubon, Guthrie, Dallas, Teta? of this board a duly certified transcript or the final judgment of Boone, Webster, Greene, Crawford, Carroll. OODVIC"tion, Identifying lhe guilty party by giving the number or his or To Oom.mislioner Bert F. Keltz, Webster Oit21.-Worth, Mitchell, How­ her cerUtl:cate of registration. ttJJQn the tl:ling or the application for revo­ ard, Wlnneshlek, A11amakee, Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Chickasaw, Fayette, cation, with tht> transcript aforesaid, the commission shall tl:x a time for Clayton, Wright, Franklin, Butler, Bremer, Hamtlton, Hardin, Grundy, the hearing thereof, and shall cause written notice of said complaint to be Black Hawk, Buchanan, Delaware, Dubuque, Story, Marshall, Tama., Ben­ served upon the accused at least ten days prior to the time fixed for RUCh ton, Linn, Jones, Jackson, Polk, Jasper, Poweshlek, Iowa, Johnson, Cedar~ hearing. Said notice shall In general terms Inform the accused of the Clinton, Scott. nature ot the charge against him, and of lht" time when and of the place To OommiBBioner J . B. Goss, .d.tla.ntic,-MuscaUne, Washington, Keokuk, where the samt• will be beard. The accused may, on or bf'tore the day set Mahaska, Marlon, Warren, Madison, Adair, Case, Pottawattamie, Mills, tor the hearing. show caust• why his certlfkatt> should not be revoked Montgomery, Adams, Union, Clarke, Lucas, Monroe, Wapello, Jefferson, Rmx 9. LIC('nses issued to lttnerant vendors or drug~~, nostrums, oint­ Henry, Des Moines, Lee, Van Buren, Davis, Appanoose, Wayne, Decatur, ments, "or applicances of any kind tor the treatment of disease or Injury," Ringgold, Taylor, Page, Fremont, Louisa. by this commission, under the provisions of section 2594 of the code. can All complaints In violation ot the pharmacy law should be referred to be transferred by the owner tht•reof sending the same to the secretan' ot the commissioner In whose district they occur. the commission, who shall record the transft•r and make the endorS{'ment RULE 2. All examinations to pharmacy will be held In the omce of upon the license, and thp tranRefree shall he entitled to use the sall!e for the pharmacy commission, at the Capitol building, tn the city of Des the unt•xplred portion of the term No license wlll be 188ued for less Moines, on the first Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October, and than one year. December, excepting when such day occurs on a legal holiday or a day RULE 10. All pharmacists are forbidden to 1)(•11 any bitters, rordlals, usually observed as a bo11day, when such examination will be held on the elixirs, wines, etc., put up In the form or proprietary medicines. when• Thursday following. the same can be used as an intoxicant, unless the pharma.c'lst holds a RULE 3. AU a.ppl1cattons tor examination shall be made upon blank permit authorizing him to sell lntoxtrattng liquor~:~. and sah• must be made forms which wlll be furnished by the secretary of the commissiOn on then only In tht:' same manner as any other tntoxkatlng liquor. by rt•qulr• request. tng the purchaser to apply In writing thNPfore upon the regular form. Ruu; 4. All applicants for examination must be 21 years of age, of Fru:u Rc-sRr:r.r., good moral character, able to speak, read and write the English language, BEBT F. KELTZ, and possessed of sufficient general education. Applicants are required to J_ S Gos~. correctly answer 75 per cent or the questions submitted by the commi81:!1on CommtBStonera. on es.a.mtnatiou. CHAJU.F.S W. Punurs. Secretary, Des :Moines, Iowa COM)I!SSIONERS OF PHARMACY.

Eighth.- The code, sectlon :! 593, regulating the sal or poisons, 1s appli­ BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE cable to an patent preparations and oon·&ec ret prt'parattons containing poisons enumerated to Se<:. 2593. It is unlawful for any pf'rwn ex.ctpt a reglatered pharmac-Ist to eell such -preparations for an )· purPQffe whatever 2\o.. (nth-.-The sale or homeopathic m ,lldnee, exC'('Ipt IIU<"h as the law denominates "proprlf'tarr medtctnee,'' propE'rlr com61 under the r('gula· tiona ot thE' pharmacr l aw , anfl all proprietary m1 dlclnea containing poisons can be sold only l1y rf'gl tert<1l J!ha!nl&d~Jts aa 11rovtded lJ, the pbarma('y law. The aa le. t ht" refoll, or Rnr quantity of polson or poisonous prt>paratlona enumerated In eectlon !U93 or tht' rude, or or proprietary NOTICE TO PHARMACISTS. medletnes C'ontatntng R\lrh poll'lnn, tan onl he made hy registered :pharmarlsls. In our opinion, a tedmlc·al conatrudlon 1• warrantt>d tn the sale of a single bottle ot thrse remt-clle (e;rcr11l aa J•rnvldf'fl tn aertton For the guidance and information of pharmacists throughout the state, 2593) . tor notwithstanding th ~ contents ot a.n f'n11re bottle JlfOVPd harm· tbe comm lselonertl desire to call attention to some ot the Important pro- less, the purchase and URA or ervf'ral hotth s or the amno ml&hl be tat&l visions of the etatute: Tenth.-lt Ia impossibLe to keep a rortei: t &lphRhetlcal ltst or name& Fird,-Tbat none but registered pharmacists can conduct a drug store or the pharmacists or the atatP hf'CA 11fl0 of thA ron tant (· hange ma,e In the or pharmacy; they must be the principals and managen of the store In 11st; we therefore ear neatly reqnt"St all regt t red Jlhamlad ta 'VI hen cor an Ut manaoement, neither can they allow anyone not registered to sell responding with the rommtulon to ~ 1\ (1: thP nnmlx·r or thf'tr c.rtlftc·atea medlctnee or polson, or dispense pbystclane' prescriptions, e¥cept under aa well aa tbetr name~ their direct auperviston. (See supreme court decision, State v. Norton, Far:o n us U J' 67 Iowa, page 641.) B a· F KELn, Secon4.-Sa.les ot' medtctnea and poisons can only be made by a pro- J . s. Go••· prietor, principal or clerk who Is a registered pharmacist, a.nd who Is Commlu lonera. required to keep a record ot' all poisons sold, Included In secUon 2693 ot' CnAan:e W. Pnn.r.IPP., SerrPtary, the code. 04!8 1olneR, low TMn:l.-Tbe certtftcates or all registered pharmacists must be con- spicuously posted to the place of business or pharmacy wbtch they are conducting, or In which they are employed, with the renewal certlflcate placed In the lower left band corner, and change or locality certlflcate (U they bl\.ve changed tbelr locality) tn lower right band corner or each certtflcate, to show to the public that their certlflcate of reglatra.tlon Ia to run force and etrect. Fourth.-AJI registered pharmacists when they change their locattty are required to notify tbe secretary or the commission, and have their change or locality recorded, otherwise they are liable to a ftno tor E-ach month's dE>Itnquency, and when so delinquent their certtflcatea are not to run force and effect a ree of ftfty cents ta charged for each change F'fth.-A registered pharmacist's certificate Ia regarded "In rull force and efreft'' when be holds a renewal or bta certificate from larch 22d to Mar"h 22d ot the current year, and change of locality ccrttftcate 1t he baa changed hla location, unless subsequently forfeited and revoked. St:rth,-Annual r£>newals are not required or issued tor the first part or a year pre<-edtng the 22d day of March; the pbarmactst'a certificate or rE'glstratlon 1B evidence that it is ln run force and ettect from the date or Its l~suan<'e to the following 22d or March; however, the certified state­ ment Uti to date or the secretary or the commission or pharmacy, under omctal stat or the commission, ts regarded the best legal evidence as to wbetber a person Is registered or not. Swenth.-'R(!glatercd pharmacists are exempt from jury duty. (See section 333, code o! 1897.) B IENNiAL REPORT OF THE COlllUSSJO•. ERS OF P il AR. lACY 11 10

clerk tbf•reof, before whom an) JlTOBe<'utlon Ia Instituted or l>ro~utlld by the rommlulonen of pba rmary, &ball rt>rttfr to the auditor of etatP all auch caaea, and the amount of fees lntJ)need and collected therein Tbe expenat>B thua lncurret\ by the C"ommtulno ahall be autHtPd hy the t! t-<·ut lve council, and the amount tbnoot shall be drawn from tlmt• to tlmt' u1l0n the '\\arranta of the stat('- auditor SEC. 2387. Application for ptnrul. All appllcatlona tor a t>ermll to aeU lotoxlcatlng liquors ror the purpose alluw.d •n thl• rhapltr ahall he by petition, elgned and sworn to hy tho appll ant antl ftl d In tha otftce !Code of l88'7 , aa amended y b Twe Dlf•eeve ntb Ge neral AllemblJ, 18118 .) of the c-lerk or the dl s trlc~t or 1upello1 cm1rt of th~ county vr dt) In l'hkh CHAPTER 6. t he buying and srlltng is to be rt~~rriPtl on, at least t•m dau htforo tho term at v.hlrh the mattPr Is to he for triH.I. \\hit h petlttun 11hall t4et. out TO REQULA'fE TJLE KEEPINO AND SA..LE OF I N'l'O:UOATTNO LlQUORS BY R!OIBTEBED the name of the appllrnnt, h h r lctcnre and hu~~ollu 1 antl t hat ror thP PB.A.RW::.ACI BTB. t""o prevloue years, tbe plac·e, part I ularly tl t·rlhlng It wbt re the bust· Stc. 2385. Perm1ti.-P e rsooe holding permits may &ell and dis pense nesa Ia to bo condur ted, that llfl 111 a rtttaen ot thfll t 'nlt1•tl Statf'IS auJ of tntoxtcallng liquors, not including malt liquors, for pharmaceutical and t h. la alate, that be Is a register d Jlh&t mact t Uuu now and for elx months mediC'Ina.l purposes, and to permit holders for u se and resale by them, last past be ba.s b en lawfully ronductlnr; a 11hatwa 7 In th township, only tor the purpose authorized in this chapter; they may a.lso sell and town or city whereto be JlrOl)()leA to f'n (' In the- bu•lnea u nder the dlepe n ~W alcohol tor epeclfled chemical and m echanical purposes, a.nd wine permit appll•d !or; that bo ba not b n a•llUd d r;utll of anr •·tolat lou tor aacramental usee. Registered pbarmactet.s, pbystctana holding certlft­ or tbe law relating to lntoxtratln& llquora within theo tl'iin Jea rt ne t cates trom the s tate board of medical examiner&, and manufacture rs of J)reC:E>llcatlun (It wht• h ahall be not I than daya after Ita entry, and upon receipt of such ce rtified copy said com­ ten nor more t han t\\eoty daY• !Jpfoll th n t day or th1 tNm at mlu loners may strike his name from the ltet of registered pharmacists which the hearing 11 to be hail. 'fhl3 nnth e 1haJI 1tal the lla.J.Jie ot the and cancel his certificate. The commteelonera of pharmacy are empowered applicant, with the ft nll name, It any, unclt r v. hld1 he Ia tlolng tm lneaa. to make aucb further rulee and regulatlona, not Inconsistent with law, the pu rpo~e or the &llllllcatlort th purl I ular lot t\tlon of the place whe-re with rE'epKt to the purchase, keeping and use of intoxicating liquors by the propoeecl buslneas ta to he rarrl d on, and tlt&t lh r•'Q,Uiretl lJOlitlon Ia nglatered pharmactate and manufacturers of proprlet&ry medlcluee, aa or will be on ftl e 1n t he rh rk'a om e of h cou t t naming It) pt lea»t they ahall think proper to prevent the abuse• of the privilege, and shall teo day& bdore the ft n t day ot the te m (nam.nr; ttl h£>u th &JIIJllratlon revoke the c<>rtiO.cate of regtetratlon ot any pharmacist tor repeated v1ola­ "'Ill be made. A com or I!U<-h U­ account ot vlolaUona of the provisions of thJa chapter or the chapter tlce, the court having, rrom an lnap ctlon or t he record. ascertained that regulating the practice of pharmacy, prosecuted by the commlesloners, the due and timely servlre tbe r<•of hal heen marlt!, aba ll , If uo remonstrance amount 10 dn.wn to be used eolely ln prosecutions lnat1tuted by them baa been or is otrr-rerl to he Hi ed, uniP.u fo r <'B U!lle JIORtvoned to aome other for tatlure to comply with the provtatona of such chapter. The court or COMMISSIONERS OF PHAIUlACY. 1S BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE 12 Indorsed upon the bond: "1,...... do aolemnly awear day In the term, -proceed to bear and try tbe application. Any remonstrance (or amnn) that t wlll well and trul~ l'erform all and singular the agalnet or objectton to the granting of the permit must be in wrlUng a.nd c:ondltlona of the within bond. and k t• and perform the trust confided flied In tbe clerk'a otllce by noon of the first day of the term, unless In me to purcbaae. kePp and sell Into kat Inc tlquora. 1 will not aell, give further ttme be given, and aball be so filed before the date fixed for the or furnish to any person any lntodcattn& liquors otherwise than u P~ trial. such remonstrance or objections may be made by any citizen v1ded by law, and eepeclall> I wiH not aell or rurnteh any Intoxicating of the county wherein the appllcatlon Is made, apecl6cally etatlng the llquora to any pf'raon who Ia not known to me penonall), or duly reasons therefor, and the court shall fix a day In the term or the trial, tdentlfted, nor to any minor, Into lra'M J!t\...OD, or 1»ereons '¥iihO are In and all appllcattona 1hall be tried at the 6rat term after completed service the habit or bE'<'omlng Intoxicated; and 1 will make tru , run and accurate ha.a been made of the reQuired notice. it the business of the court shall returns of all eertlt\cat anct rrqu ate made to or r rPivetl by me aa allow. No permit aball be granted unless tbe court shall find from com­ requlrrd by lav.; and eahl return• shall ahow enry aale and delivery ot petent evidence that all the averments in tbe petition are true, that the auch llquora made by me, or tor mo, during thflo month• embrared therein, reasonable convenience and necesslttes of the people, considering the a.nd lhe true signature to every rrquest rfM·tlvrd anll granttd; and IUl·h population and all of the surroundings, make the granting of the permit returns shall show all the lntoxhsttng Hquor• amid or delivered to any proper, and that the applicant ls possessed of the character and quallfica· and every person. aa rrturnetl" tiona recautred, worthy of the trust to be reposed to blm and likely to SEC. 2392. Permit C11ued ~tJJ)()D t.aklniJ .altl oath and ftllnl said bond, discharge the same with fldeJlty. The county attorney ahall appear in the clerk of the court gra.nUng the ea.me t~ball IBaue a permit to the auch caaea. and any number ot persons. not leas than 6ve, ftltng any r& appllc&nt, authorizing him to ketp and eell tntoxtcatlng liquors u In monelrance or objection, may also appear by counsel and realst the appll­ this chapter provided. The J)t'rtnlt 10 lasued ahalt 111.et:try the lJulldlnJJ, catton. 1t more tban one perm.tt ta applied for In the same locatlty, the give the street and number or )()('atlon In which lntodr.attng Jlquora may appllcatlon.& ahalJ be hea.rd at tbe same time, unless for cause Bhown It be be BOld by virtue of the aa10e. and th lt·nath of time the aame ahall be otherwlae ordered. U for any reason the a.ppUcatlon can not be tried tn in force, unleBB sooner revok I Pnlt.tMed, that upon tbe expiration or the the term ttme, the aame may be beard by tbe judge ln vacation, at a time leuc or deetructlon of the building where •ueh bul!lneu IB conductNl, or to be flxed by the court and made of record, and In all applications for for other good and sufllclent cauae aho..vn, conBtont lu "Writing of the bond• penntta the court may grant or refuse any or all applications, as will best men having been obtained tb~refor, or a n«"W bond liven, the dlatrlcl aubeerve the public good. court of the county whtch granted 11ald p rmtt. or a jutlge of eald rourt, SEC. 2390. Bona.-No permit shall Issue until the applicant shall may change the place speclftNl In ultl permit to 11ome other place In the execute to the state a bond In the penal sum of $1,000, with good and suf­ same city, town or to"'nablp upon motion thPiflfor. A copy or eatd motion, Aclent sureties to be approved by the clerk of the court, conditioned that and notice of the time when and the rota" "'here the eame will he heard, be wtll well and truly observe and obey tbe laws ot the state now and shall be given to the county attorney ur the connty of aatd plac te hereafter In force In relation to the sale ot Intoxicating lJquors, that be eltuated, at leut five da' a before said lu·orlng. will pay all fines, penalties, damages a.nd costa that ma.y be assessed or Se:c. 2393. RC('OYd.-f'VIll Tbft rlerk or I he t•ourt grant lug the IJC:rmlt recovered against blm tor a violation of such laws during the time for shall preserve, as part of the n-cord ami fth:e In hla office, all petlttone and which the permit is granted, and the principal and sureties tn said bond other papers exce-pt honda, pE-rtAining to th,. arpntlng or rrvo(·atlon or aha11 be liable thereon, jointly and severally, for all civil damages and pennlta, and keep aultable book& In which hunda and ~~·nulla shall lJe costa that may be recovered agalnat the principal In any action brought recorded. The book• 11hall l~tt rurnlehed by thfl county like other public by a wife, child, parent, guardian, employer or person under tbe pro-vision recorda. Whether said tlt"rmlt be sranted (lr refU.IIIt d the at'l•llraut flha.ll o! thia chapter. The bond, after being approved and recorded by the pay the coats incurred In the rn , an,J llf'n 8rantt•tl bt hall rnak6 var· clerk, sba11 be deposited with the county auditor, and suit may be brought ment before any permit I 'u1•, tt ' 11L tb court may tax the en t of any thereon at any time by the county attorney, or by any person tor 'Whose wltnea&M eummoned b)" JJrlvat~ 1 r10n11 r lstlng aid aoplt llun, and the beneftt the same Ia given. The clear proceeds of all other money which fee& tor Bervtng aurh BUhpoenaa. to tm h penone, "hf>n It II ehown lhat may be collected for breachee of the bond shall go to the school fund of aucb wltnesaea Wt""re l!llmmoued tnall lou ty or wltlloul prohahie cause the county. It at a.ny time the sureties on the bond shall file with the to be1teve their videnrf1 material Th r In IUch ('aBel shall be u court or clerk a written request for release, or become Insolvent, or be provided In arttona at law In the cH1trh t rourt deemed tnsumctent by the court granting the permit, or tts clerk, auch SEC. 2394. Rtoue•t• to pun;har -lh•roro rlltDI or delivering any court or clerk shall requ1re a new bond to be executed wttbln a reasonable Intoxicating llquon to any JM!r&(Jn, a requeat IDU!St he al&ned. Uy the appH· time to be fixed. It the permit holder falls or neglects to furntah a new cant. In biB true name, truly dated, etatln& the apJlllcant Ia not a minor, bond wttbln tbe time so fix ed tbe permit shall from that date become null btl reeldence, for whom and whose uae the liquor Ia required, and biB and void. true name and residence, and where numheretl. by atreet and number If SE ot applicanl.-ln addition to giving the bond required, 1n a city, the amount anc1 kind required, tbe actual purpote tor which tbe the applicant shall take and subscribe the following oatb, wblcb shall be 16 14 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY.

r('r(}utwt lfll ma.de and tor wllat use desired, a.nd that neither tbe applicant month• except as shown by the requeet.a herewith ret\lrned, and that I nor the peraon tor whose u e requested habitually uses totoxtcatlng liquors have taJthfully observed and complied with the conditione of my bond and u a llf'vPrage, an•l atteated by the permit bolder who receives and Olea tbe oath takt!D by me thereon Indorsed, and vdtb the law• relating to any request The request aball be refused unless the Permit bolder baa reason dutlM In the premi&M." to l>f'llne the ataU>m{'nl to be true, and tn no case granted unlesa the SDJ. 2398. A.ccoawt ot pt~rcluws o'l4 aal 1.-Every permit bolder shall pPrmlt holdt'"r filling It pt'"rKonaliY knows the person applying is not a keep at.rlct account or all llquora pur(·ha.sed or procured by him In a book minor. Intoxicated, nor In the habit ot using lntoxlcattng 11quora as a kept for that llUrpo • whl('h shall be aubject at all tlmee to the Inspection beverngl'; or If the applicant Ia not so personally known, before fll11ng or the commlutonens of pharmacy, the t·ount) attorney, any ~d Juror, the ordPr or dpllvertng the liquor, h e shall require ldentlflcatton, and the sheriff or justice or the peate or thf'l county, and 1U1·h book aball 1how statement in writing of a reliable and trustworthy person, ot good char­ of whom aucb IIquori "ere pUrl·ha ed or procured. the amount and kind, actPr and ha.hlts, known personally to him, that the applt<'ant is not a the date or receipt and amount Mid ; al~:~o the a.mount on ha.nd or each minor, nor In the habit or using totoxtca.tlng liQuors as a beverage, and kind ror eaA·h t~o monthl, and at the aame time he return• reQueats to the ia worthy of credit as to the truthfulness ot the statement In the applica­ county auditor he aball ftle a 1t.atem~nt of am·h account with aue:h tion and tbla statement so made shall be signed by the witness In his own auditor, e.s:cepl that the ltema of aal nN>1l not he embr&<'ed thereto, but name, stating his residence correctly. the aggregate amount or ea.('h k tnd ahall l•e verlftf>1l 11 tonne nee ary SEc. 2395. Pe1la1tfc1.-It any person shall make any false or fictitious to carry out the provlelOIHI of this <"hapt r nut ulherwl pluvtde~l ror shall algnature. or sign any name other than his own to any paper required to be u may be provided h~ the rotmuiaalon rt of pharmary be signed, or make any raise statement In any paper or application 1lgned. S£0. 2399 JUegal 1aJe1 br ,,crmu hoJdrr-t"ttlde" t .-Bvery t)('rmlt to pr()('ure ltquon, the person eo offending shall be punished by a ftne of holder or bta clerk hall he •ubj to all the peniLltlu, rorrtlturea and not leta than '20 nor more than $100 and costa of prosecution, and shall Judgmentl, aocl ma~ be pr e< ut('d 111 aU thfll JHU cf>cllnga and a~·ttona be committed unttl utd floe a.nd costs are paid, or shall be Imprisoned criminal and dvll. wbethf'r at law or In equity. 11rovlded ror or authorized not less than ten nor more than thirty days. If any permit holder or his by thla chat•ter, and tbtt JJeriUit hall not 1hle1tl aur vcnon who abus clerk shall make false oath touching any matter required to be sworn to, the trust Imposed by It or lolate• thA l&w lu tate or wnvlr·tlon In any the person &O otrendlng shall be punished as provided by law tor perjury. proceeding, rhll or nlmln 1. the llcJUUra In JlOSIIHI81ou or the 1-mrmlt It any person holding a permtt under this chapter shall purchase or pro­ bolder shall lty order or thA cou rt ht' •ht~lro~ed. aud on th~ trial or a.n cure any tntoxtcatlng liQuor otherwise than as hereto authorized, or make action or prO«·eeding agalntl any person for manu fat turing, IPIIing, glvln• any false return to tbe county auditor, or use any request ror liquors away or keeping with lntE'nt to 11ell lutoxlfatiugllctuon lu violation of the for more than one sale, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished law, or ror any rallure to eompl) v.tth the cou dltlons or duth,. hUJll,noed accordingly. by Jaw, thP reqUflllta ror llquora Antl return uuuJ to lhfl auditor, the SEC. 2396. Transportation bll permit 1,ozaer.-Every permit boldPr Is quantity anrl 'kinds or llquon sold or kPIIl, Jltlrdut.stll or dteposed or, the hereby authorized to sbtp to registered pharmacists and manufacturers of purpose ror which liquors v.ere ohtl\lnPd by o r rrum him and ror \\bleb proprlt'tary medicioel lntoxlcatlog liquors to be used by them ror the they were uaed, the charactn ancl bahlta or Mhrlflty or otherwise or the purposes authorized by law. AU railway, transportation and express purchaaera, ahall bt>t rowPitt'nt ev ldenc·e, aucl ru.-v be cou8ldercd, so rar companlee a.nd other common carriers are authorized to receive and trans­ aa appJJcable to the partlt-ular C'&efl, with any othl!r recognized, comvet(•ot port the same upon representation of a certificate rrom thr clerk or the and material facti and clrcumatancea hearing on thR IIIUOfl Jnvolved In distric-t or auperJor court of the count}• where the permit bolder resides, determining the ultimate fac·td In any 11utt, proiBel'uUon or proceedloc that suth per on le pennltted to sblp tntoxtcattng ltquors under the law or und!'r thla chapter the court shall romt.el the l'roductlou In evidPoc·e of any booke or p&Pf!f"l rrqulrt:1l to be kept, and ahall compel any pttrmlt tbla state. SEt.·. 2397. Return• b¥ permit holaer.-on or before the 15th day or bolder, hla clerk, or any pflrton who hu purrbast-d llq_uora of either of Januar;, )1arch, May, July, September and November or e&C'h year each them, to appN.r and &ive evidence, but l ll('b oral evlclt>nc·e ahall not be permit holder shall make tun returns to the county auditor under oath, or used against auth ,,creon ur wttnea on tlin trial ur any criminal prt> all requests ftled by btm and bls clerks during the two preceding months, ceedlng agalnat him whtch oath ahall be In the following form: "I, ...... ••. being SEC. 2400.-RtVQ('ahon uf s~rmft f•ennitl ahall be deemed trUJIU duly aworn, on oath state that the request• for liquors herewith returned repoeed In the reclplenta, aud mar he revok1d upon 1umctent ahowlnc by order or a court or judae. Complaint talky he 11r nted at any tlme to a~ all that were received and filled at my pharmacy (or place of buslneas) the dlatrlct or IUJ>erlor ('OUrt , or a judge thereof, wh1rh ahall be In wrlt1n1 durlnK the month& of ...... , A. D ..... ; that I have carefully preRerve1l the aame, anti that they were filled up, signed and attested at and algned and sworn to by three cltb.eo1 of lhe county In which the permit wu granted. A copy of the comJIIalnt ahall, with a notice to the date shown hereon, as provided by law; that said reQuest& were filled by deliverlnl the quantity a..nd klnds of llquors required, and that no writing of the tlme and place or heartna:, be aerved on the accuaed 1lve liquor. have been sold or dispensed under color of my permit during said da.y1 before tbe hearing, and It the c.omplalnt 11 aum.ctent, and the acc.u.aed. 17 16 B!El'•.?HAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PHAR.IACY. appear and deny tbe same, the court or judge shall proceed without delay, and a warrant of arrest lsaued: undfr l\ hlrh be eball at onC'f' be takf'n unless contlnued ror cause, to hear and determine the controversy. It before the magistrate 188ulng the aame, or, tt tor any reason bt' C'annot continued or appealed at the Instance of the permlt holder, hts permit act, to the ne:rt neareet one, where hf' ~ball be tried. and. tr round guilt)", rna,·. In the dlecretton of the cour~ be suspended pending the controversy. ab&JI be ftn~ in the sum or not less than $5 nor more than US an•l <·o~tB The complainant and accusen. or dtspenMed unla.wrully, or he bas In any proceeding, civil or criminal, where and ot whom he purchase-d or rtt('f•l e•l the liquor -which prOOUtf'd v.ltbin the last t~o years, been adjudged guilty of violating any of the the intoiicatlon, and the kind and charaett r or thla liquor, anti, In adlll· prm•tslons of tbls chapter, the court or judge shall revoke and set aside tlon, giving bail for his &!Jilt r 1nc l'l hefore any court to glvo <·vlclr>nr·e the permit; the papers and order In such <'aae shall be Immediately In any a<'llon or comt,Jnlnt to 1Je CCDlmf ncE'fl or Ill' frrred again t auch returned to and Oled by the clerk ot the court, and it heard by a judge, party for furnl hlng the aame. the ordrr shall be entered of record as It made in court; and it in this or Soo. 2403 . Btlhng or gillffiO to minora or into 1ru~ed Jlt?tiOtl or ptrton.e any other proceeding, civil or criminal, It shall be a.dludged by the (n. t1te habit ot b tomintt tntuzt utcd Nn p1 raon by him If, fl.R• ut ur court or judge that any registered pharmacist, proprietor, or clerk, has othendsf', shall In any mannr.r proeure for, or t!hall Rll or gtvft any been guilty ot violating any provision ot this chapter, such adjudication Intoxicating liquors to any minor tor nny J•urpoB , excet'l upon written may be by the commlsatonera or pharmacy regarded aa autftctent, tr re­ order of bl1 l'&rent, guardian or family JlhyeidAn or ~th to or In an)· peated, to work a. forfeiture of his certificate of registration. It ahn11 be manner Jtrocurfl or ecll tho aame 10 n.n lntoxlcahd person or one In the duty or the clerk to forward to the commissioners of pharmacy tran­ the habit of h omlnl' Into I at 1 ny JIN on vlnlatlnl' th tHovl Ions script& of such judgments or orders without charge therefor, and as soon of tbl• Bf'C'tlon 111ball rurfeit nwl JlRY th um nf 11110 fo1 f'I;B• h otren • as practicable after final judgment or order has been made anCI entered. to be <'OIIOfted by art too ago.lnet htm. ur It R permit I nh1Pr. agnln t him SF.<'. 2401. Hoto butlneu conducted--clerk.t-phJI&ict:am.-A permit and thP aurettea on his hon4 Su b actlun mn.y he hruught hy any 'ttlzPn hoiCier may employ not more than two registered pharmacists as clerks of the county On balf of the mount au will riP~Ieha.ll ~;o to tho Informer to sell Intoxicating liquors In conformity to the permit and the law; but and one-hatr to the IC'bool fund of t1 e 'ounty tn such cases the acta of clerks In conducting the buatness ahall be coo­ SEC. 2432. PGJIJ/If nt of m .. l t ta..z A or 11ermtt boldf>r &PIIIRI lntoxl~ aldered the acta of the permit holder, who shall be liable therefor aa If be ~atlog ltquora aa a heYerage 1ltllll pay th ~ tax pmvltletl for In thla aectlon had personally done them, and In making returna, the verlfl.cattoo of such requests as may bave been received, attested and filed by the <"lerk must be made by such rlerk, and the clerk who transacted any ot the bust­ ness under the permit must join In the g<:>neral oath required or the employer, u tar u relates to hls own connection therewith. If tor any cause a registered pharmacist who holds a permit shall cease to hold a valld and subsisting certificate o! registration or renewal thereof. hla permit shall be forfeited and be null and void. Nothing contained in thta chapter shaH be construed to prevent licensed physicians trom In good faith dispensing liquors as medicines to patients actually sick and under thf:"lr treat-ment. In case a permit bolder shall die, his personal or legal representative may continue the business, subject to the provta­ Jona thereof, through the agency of any reputable registered pharmacist, upon the approval of the court granting such permit, or the clerk tbereot. and the 1lvlng or a bond aa hereinbefore provided. A partner who Ia a reglstf'red pharmacist, not holding a permit, shall have the same rights and be subject to the same restrlcttona a.a clerka, and for whose acta the permit bolder shall be held responsible the same ln a11 respects as for bts clerks. SEC. 2402. Intozication punishett.-It any person shall be round In a state of Intoxication be Is gullty of a misdemeanor. and any peace offi<'er 1ball, without a warrant, take him into custody and detain him In some 1ultable pla.ce until an information can be made befor,. ., "UJU!:Istrate, 19 18 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMMJSSIO. ' ERS OF P ilAR. lACY

SEC. 2587. Rtcordt---eO"'JH'ftiOffon.-Tbe bookR, act ouot \'OUL·her& antl f unda bfolongtng to or k~pt by Aiel board or pharma(',. a.b&it at all timet be open or subject to the int~tlon of thf'll gonrnor, or an · ... ommittee appointed by blm. Ear b <'ClmmlsslnnPr of t1harman· shall ff't·f'il"l" aft full <:Om(lf"naatlon for b ls aervfrpa lht" 11um of 15 tor ;..d1 day ac-tually f'm· played In the d liK"h&rlft of lilt oftldalchtll tug th~r '\I;Uh hla &C'Iual trav· ellng ex nsea In puformlng ld dutle , all of hlth ahRII ) Ill.hl from t he fef'B or the otnre. and LlLCh cotrunlatdoner ahall flit> ""lth tht auditor of •tate, at th ~ t nd of euh quarter of hla om tnt ' r an It tulz ct atatement CHAPTER 18. \I oder oath of hla af't ua l 1hne In cl&)l mplo l In th dl harge of his OF PB.AariCE Or PHA.BMA.OY. duty and tranllng e.xpen a lncnrr d In the p rfMmnnt o( his duty tor aurh quarter Sw. 2684 . Oommilatonert - powen. - The commtsalon or: pharmacy SEC'. 2/J 8. Reui•tP-rrrl phmmodall No Jlf'l on not a rt~IKif'rl•l l pha.r· aball consist or three competen t pharmacis ts who have been for the mn.t':lat shall rondurt the bn"lnesa of s llln.,:; at retail, (nDifii.Hindlng or dta~ preceding ftve years residents of the state a n d engaged In practicing penstng dru~t~ , Dltdlr lnP.B, or pol nnB, or cht'mkal& for mP..dlcnl nse, or pharmacy, one of whom shall be a n nuall y ap pointed by the governor and rom pounding or tlh1pen lng nhysl tan • J•ree riJ•tlnnt lUI a 1>h unu\.d t nor hold omce tor three years and until his successor Is appointed and Quail· to a.llow anyone ho ta not A rt'glstf'red pha.rmlld11t to 10 lit 11, rompotlltcl fled The commlulon ahall have power to m ake all needed r egulations or dli!Pf'1ll!f'l • u~h druKB, m edlrln a, pol ont or cben1lcale or llhya ld a ne• for Ita government and for the proper discharge of Ita duties under tbta p r ftB('rlt~tton a; f" 1ept • m·h u arn asalataut to nud un1ler t ht! 1111 rvlslon chapter, the Pame to be done without ex pense to tbe slate, save the neces­ of one who It 1\. n Rl "l Prt'rl l'harmartst and phyelc-hlnt v.:ho dlap u th Plr be sary blanks and stationery, which shall u pon requisition, furnish ed own Jlrf>S<·rlptlons only; hut uo nno •hall !of' prohibited by anyt hing ('UJl­ by the sec:retn.ry ot stAte, and make s uch othe r regulat.tona not inconsistent t.&l ned tn this (' haptt"r from ke r ing an' I ael Ins 1•r 1prletarr mPdldnes and with law and a.s a uthor ized In t his code, respecting t he purchase, keeping such other dom('fflc medlr:ln n ri o nut t"'ntaln lufoJ:Ira•lng lhtnon or and use of Intoxicating liquors by registe red pbannaclsta not permit poii'Onll, nor from ~ P ilin g concent•at rl I e nr potaBh bavlnc wr ltl~">n or holders, aa may be req uired ror t he prevention or a buse or the trust prlntfd on the JHlr·kall'e o varC't I ta truP nnme aud t I e wor•l ·potao n ·• reposed In them, and s uch other matters as may be h ereinafter apecia.lly salta of whtrh nr~1l not l1n rerl t r d Whoe "" \'lohtt eltl•rr J uml t~l n n enumerated. ot thte let tlon !or the- form• r a hall 1 a U ro r @ft h tin nf. tt vloln t ton, SEC. 2685. 8ecretarv ana trea&urer.-Tbe commission of pharmacy to be re<-ovnf'd In an anton In th name of the state broutt llt hy thf! shall annua.Jly, on the ftrst Monday tn May , elect a suitable person, who co unty attornf'y un1ler the dlr-< ctlun of the cnnunl alon. nnd for tho Jal ,., shall not be a member of said board, and who shall be known as secretary ~ b c. ll he guilty nr a rnhulrmenuur, an•l 111nl ht 11 a nnlluglv In a• tlmt• and treasurer ; aald secretary and treasurer shaH enter upon the discharge or JJrOf\P('Utlona under tlda rhRJll er, II ll f'f' •l uot he fiJOVt n lhnt t ho 11 ot biB duties u soon as he shall have filed with the secretary of state a rendant hM not a Jlh&rmRf'lst's ct•rttnca.t e, hut anc h fa• MhRII lJ( a mn.tter good and aum ctent bond In the penal s um of ,3,000, signed by at leut two ot defense. ' auretlea, who ahall justtt:y in the aggregate to double the amount of said SFP. 2589. E.taminatlun.-The t omtnlfJslon at IUC'h tlmea an1l pia<· aa bond, and which ahall bear upon Its face tbe approval of the governor. It may BA led and to &U< h mann• r u It rn a} detrnnlno 11hD.II ' oudnct an The aalary or: aa.id secretary and treasurer ahall not exceed U ,SOO per examination for all perS(IIIB dealrlng to enRRI!tf'l In and rondurt bll!d nP.U annum. u r t>glatrr d phauna.rl ts wttlltn lh('! mP&nlrtJr or B£>ct•on t wenty ftv SEC. 2586. Licen•e feet.-Tbe sec retary and treasurer shall keep to his hundrerl and elghtYt-l~ht (2688l or tl1 11 ode omce a book known aa the "commissioners of pharmacy Ucenae fee book," SEC. 2690. t '011tlUlon.r- f"COIIIrotfnn No Jteraon hall l•e etlgihl tn wbtch aball be made wtth ruled columna and printed headings, ahowtng take this examination until l1e hns pu a rt hla tluuty ftrM hlrtlulav an1l the date, the name of the person paying, and the amount of each license baa prra£> nted to the rommhudon ht1 n"'n a.ffi•lnvlt nd that nf 111 11 em• and fee paid, In which he shall enter all fees for ttcenaea received by him, player or mplo}£" ra, a.mrmtng that he hu hac\ not I a than rour ·f>a ra' and on the .ftrst Monday ot each month he shan tUe with the audltor of practical expuhmce {lnclurttng the artual nutnb r of y, ka t ha 11 nt •tate a true statement thereof tor the previous month, properly sworn to In a rrputahle r1.1llege of pbarmA y a11 her•lnaft r tenn1!d, u IP.tl uwlPr by btm, and ahall quarterly pay Into the state treaaury, on the 6rst day the auf)('rvl"lon of a rr.gtsl r •I pllarrnfl~l t In a l1r•1g storf'l or JlhRrrn v of January, Atlrl1, July and October or: eacb year, the amount of license In which pb ya lrlana' Jlreacrlptfone are c mJJOUDtle.l I nvtilnd, howf•vt>r, feea vayable by law into auch treasury. tbat graduates of rAputA1lle 1•harm1u uti 1 ac.:hoola an•l r 11l1egca whose entrance and graduation rPqultPmtnta Rtf f!QIIIva!Pnf to tllose prPRl'rlhtd by the Am erican Confer1·n «'e of l'harrna utlral Fa,·uttlra for the yf'a r 1905, and whose rourse of at udy ro n ~ l 8fl or two YPA.ra of not IPJI t han 20 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSlONElRS OF PilAR~IACY. thtrty-Bl:t (36) weeks each, shall be eligible to take the examination with· SEc. 2593. ~"~ore of J»>tlont.-No lltnon shall It'll at l"t'tall any J)()l&ons out proof or experlf'nce as hereinbefore defined. Applicants who are grad· enumera.t('d In the follov.:tng acheduiP, to-\\ It: Adds, hHlro~hlork. nitric, uatea ot a junior course, consisting of not less than thirty-six (36) weeks and sulpburtr., a.rsenl<-, chloral byclrate. rhlorororm. ammoniated merrury, in J)banna.ceutlcal schools a.nd colleges whose course consists or or Ia atrophtne, arspnate or copptor. a.• onltlnl', henzaldehyde, bromine, cyanide equivalent to the regulrementa above specified, shall be allowed one year's or pot..a.ulum, c·obalt. <-orroelve suhllmatA dlonin. etber, suJJ)huriC', h:"to­ credit on store experience. If such applicant pa.saes the required exam­ sclne, morphinE", kf'rmee mlnerlll. canthartt.lea, cotton-root. rroton oil, Ination, be shall be granted a certtflcate or: registration. Pharmacists thus carbolic 8('ld, digitalis. dt>naturetl Rleobol, erg-ot, h)drm)nulc- ac·ld, nux. regiAtered shall have the sole right to keep and sell all medicines and vomica, opium and Its preJ•nratlone cexrt•ptlnl tho e contalntnp; l(':SI tban poisons, except Intoxicating liquors. two gralne to the ounce), oils or bitter alluondlf, aavln anti pt'nnyro~at, SEC. 269()-a. Auiltant.t' cerU/lcate.-lt the appltcant has pa.ssed his oxalic actd, phosphorus, 11trychnlne AIHI it" tuliPS, veratrum, and wood· eighteenth birthday and baa had at least two years' practical experience alcohol ; without a.mxlng to the hotllt, ho or other J•ackage containing the as hereinbefore deOned (Including actual number ot weeks spent In a polson, a la.bel hf'arlng the uama or !he article anti the word t,olaon reputabJe college ot pharmacy as defined herein) and has presented distinctly shown, ~ ltb th~ uam~ and place ot hu&ineu or th~ reglatere,f to the commission his own a1Jldav1t and that ot: his employer or employers, pharmacist from v. hom the artlde \\U ohtalnPd, nm 1011 or deliver sul'h affirming that he bas had such experience, he shall upon passing a satis­ polson unleaa upon due. Inquiry It be ronud t11&t the partY r~.:rtvlng It Is factory examination, be granted an assistant's certtftcate to be exchanged aware of Ita charattPr and rt•l•l't"Sf>Uta It to be uaed Cor 11roper JIUrpOtE'JI, for fu11 registration when be shall bave reached the age ot twenty-one nor sell or deliver th poisons tu~retoforf': enumerated, without ~nterlng (21) years, and upon satisfactory proof tba.t be ba.s ha.d since the taking same tn a book kept for tbRt purpORt" the do.te of aate, the name and ot the examination, two additional years of practical experience in a drug addr sot purcha. er, I he nom~ of the pobon. the liUrposo fur" hlr.h lt waa store as deOned herein. represented to be nqulred, Rnd the name of the dlet""nKer, which hook Sw. 259()-b. Examination and registration. fees.-Each person fur­ shall be opf'n for hl&Jlec-lfon by the proper authorities and JlreservPd tor nished a certificate under this act shall be cbarged a tee of ftve dollars a.t least five years. p1 ovltlPd that nothing In Ulia •~(·tlon shall apply to the ($5.00) which shall be In full !or all services, and tn case the examination ea1e of l)atent mcdltlnes, or to drugs use•l In the :filling or prescription" of said person shall prove detective or unsatisfactory and bls name be trom pb)'slclans. veterinary aurgoous or dPntlstM; provtdrd that it ehall not registered, he shall ~ permitted to present htmselt tor r&examlnatton not ne necr~aary to keep a ref•ord In ultl hook of 11alee or denatured alco­ within a.ny period not exceeding twelve (12) months next therearter, hol and wood-alcohol, when lt le BACIPrtatnf.>d that they ar to be used tor and no charge shall be made tor re-examination. The said commissioners mechanical tmrposes; provldPrl, bov.ever, tlull nothing herPin c-outalned are authorized to administer oaths pertaining to their said oftlce and shall be construed to permit or a.utborlr.e the aale ot any or the pohwne take a certtflcate ot acknowledgment ot: Instruments in writing. Att.er herein named where the sale thereof ie otbeJ wlt~e prohthltPrl or rerulated registration, an annual ree ot one dollar ($1.00) tor renewal certificates by law. eh&11 be paid on or before the twenty-second day of March by all phar· The obtaining or on~· sufh JJOilons hy any person under a falee name maclsts and assistants who continue In busl'ness, and tbe conduct of such or statement ehall be d~tt:med a violation or the provh.tons or tbla act. business without such renewal shall be a. misdemeanor. Any person violating any or the provlstona or thl11 act shall be ad· SEC. 2591. Req~strv book-certifl.cate dtsplavea.-The comm!B&Ion sba11 judged guilty or a mlsclemeanor aTUI lm JlnnlehPd by a ftne or not leas than keep a registry book In which shall be recorded the names and places of twenty-five dollars nor more than one bnurlrf'd dollars, or Uy tmprlf\on· residence or: all certificate holders, with the date of such certificate, which ment In tbe ('OUnty jail not more than tblrty flllys shall bold good tor one year, and no longer wttbout renewal. Renewals Sro. 259·1. Ithaera,at 1't'ndort IJ/ tfr~o•. ~uy ltln~rant vPndor or any shall be granted upon the payment or the annual fee fixed In t.be preced­ drug, nostrum. ointment, or RPJlllanm or any khul tor thn trcntmPnt o! Ing section. Should a certificate bolder change his residence, upon notice any dlseaKe or InJury, anfl all tho11e who hY a.ny m tho(} JIUhlldy prorr.sa thereof such change sbaJl be noted In the registry book. Each certificate to treat or cure dl11eases, Injury, or deformity, Bhall pay to fh(ll treasurer holder shall keep displayed In his place or business bls registration cer­ of the commlsMion or J•harma.cy am annual tee or $100, upon tlle reN 111t tificate. A !allure to comply with this requirement shall be a misde­ ot whlcb the eecrPtary or tile commtealou t~hall Issue a llcPnle for one l'e&r meanor. from Ita date; $2,000 annuallr or tbe money arising from the lkeURf\ rund, SEc. 2592. Sale of adulterate£! 4rugs.-Registered pharma.clsts shall or so much as may be needt>(l, shall Le devotf'll to defraying the expensee be responsible !or the quality or: all drugs, chemicals and medicines which ot the commission, a.nd any balance remaining 11haU be paid Into the eta.te they may sell or dispense, except those soJd In the original packages of treaaury. Said commission shall, on the flrst day of January uf earh )·ear, the manuraeturer, and those known as patent medicines. It any sucb make a vertfted and Itemized etatement In writing to the auditor of atate. pharmacist shall knowingly adulterate or cause to be adulterated any ot an receipts and expenditures or money coming Into tbelr banda by drugs, chemicals or medical preparations by him kept for sale or sold, virtue ot their omce. A:nY vloJatton ot thla section ehall be a misdemeanor, he shall be gutlty o~ a misdemeanor. 22 D!EI'o'NTAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 23

and any penon shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine of not Jess than drugs or medicine upon any porch, lawn, in &D)' vehicle or any other $100. nor more than UOO. Jn actfons or prosecutions under tbts chapter, place where IU h drup or medicine ml,;bt be plrkt'tl UJJ by children or It need not be proven tbat the defendant bu not a Jtcense, but such tact other per110ns. 1ba1l be a matter of defense. SEC. 2. Any Jl('ntlD, ftrm. rom pan\, oqwJTatl n or agent thereof vio­ SEc. 2695. Prnaltlet for false repretentaUon.-Jt any person shall lating the provision• of tht1 a t 1hall IM!I guilt' of a mtsdt-mt'anor prO<'ure or attempt to procure a certificate of registry for himself or Approved Aprtt 2. ll lfhl7 another by menna or false representations or deVice. or without being a AN AC'l' TO PRF.VI::NT TilE Dtfli llAT!ON IIBIIRANDINO AND regtsterrd )lhannaclst aball conduct a place for retailing, compounding IM!T.\T!ON OF DR!"OB : Nll lli!:PEA!.INO SEI l'IONB FO!'R THOU· or dl penslng drugs, medicines or cbemtcala, or for comooundtng or dis· penJing physicians' prescriptions, or shall use or cxhlblt the title of SAND NINE HUND!lf.D Nil Elllll n ·TIIIIE~l I 198~1. f'O(lR TIIOU· SAND N!NI'l HUNDRF.Il NO mOI!TYFIVE 1'9961. FOUR THOU· registered pharmB.<'Ist, and eacb several day a place sbal1 be so used shall be held na a Bli'parate and several orrense. BANn NINEl Hl'NilRF.D ANll ~JlOIIT\·81." (49R6) AND FOUR THOUSAND NINE HIINDillW \Nll EIOHTY·EIOHT (4988) OF THE SEC. 2696. Revoratton ot certittcate.-Wbeo a regtstPr<>d pharmacist has b('eo convicted of a violation of' the provisions of this chapter, to addi­ CODE, ANn VESTING TII~J NXI•JC!!TION Nil lllN~'ORCE.!ElNT OF tion to tb.e other penalties provided by law, tbe commtaalon, In Its discre­ THIS ACT IN THE PI!All !\CY COM IIIIBION:WRB tion. may re\·oke hta certtflcate of registry. 86 It JoJnaded br the Ocraeral .AIIrmbl~ of tht' State u/ Iowa. Sr:c. 2596-a. No person. ftno or corporation ahall sell, exchange, deliver SEC"TIO:"f 1. No JM!taon. fh m nr l'urporatton, hy hlm1elf. omcer, aervant or have In his possession with Intent to sell, exchange or expoHe or otter or agent, or u the omc er, 1 rvant or :flk('nt of ADY oth r person, firm or for sale or exchange any coca (Erythroxylon Coca), eoeaine, alpha, or corporation, aball mannracturfl or tntrodu~ Into tbe tat or ao11clt orderw beta eucaine or derivatives or any of them, or any preparation contain log for deliver , or aell, ex hang~. dt'llher, or have In bl1 polUI~Ion with the coca. cocaine, alpha or beta eucaine or derivatives or any of them, or any tntPnt to Rll, enban~ or upos , or offer tor sate or exchange, any dru& cotton-root, ergot, oil of tansy, ol1 of aavtn or derivatives of any of them, which t1 adulterated or ml~thranded wlthtn the meaning or thla act. except upon the original written prescription of a registered physician Provtdnd, that none of the p naltl set forth to thll act shall bft Imposed or vett'rlnarlan or licensed deottst for medical, dental or veterinary pur­ UJlOn any common <'llrrter ror tntrudu InK Into the atatA, or having In Ita pes~. IUI"h and no prescription shall be refilled. Provided that nothing post~eulon, a.oy adulterllted or m\thramtNI druga, 'lA here the 8ft me were In this act thall pr(lvent the sale thereof to a. wholesale or retail dealer rec:-elved b1 said carrier for tran11portat1on In the ordinary courae of Ita to drugs, nor to a registered physician or veterinarian or 11ct•nsed dentist. buslneae and without ac:-tUill lmowlPdge of the adultP>mtlon or mlshranrtln& SEo. 2596-b. Anyone found guilty or violating the provisions of section thereof one of this act, tor the first offense, shall pay a flne or not leSs than Sr.c. 2. The ter01 ''drug," as used In this ac-t. ahall tnclucle all medt· twenty-Ove dollara, and not more than one hundred dollars and costs of cion and IJTBJI&ratlona rf>t·ognltert In the United St&tf'l Pharmaropc:ela. 11roserutton. For the second oftense and each subsequent otrenae, be shall or National Formular)· for Internal or f'Xh•rnal us • and any eubatanl"e or pay on conviction therror a One of not less than one hundred dollars and mixture or aubatao(·es tnttnl.IPd to be used tor, the cure, mitigation or not more than tbre<- hundred dollars, or lmpTisonment in the county jail prevention of dl!!eUf'l of P:lt11t>r man or other antmal1, or for tbe deatrue­ not to exceed three months. Any clerk, employe or agent violating or aid­ tton or paraaltea. Ing In the violation or sectton one shall be charged and convicted aa sr.o. 3. For the purpoR of thle tlf"t a drufl hall he deemed to be principal. adultE"ratf"d SEO. 2596-c. Peace otncers shall see that the provisions or this act f"i,.ll . tr, when a dru Ia aold uur1Pr or by a name Tflc:•ognl:zed In the are ralthrully executed within their respective jurisdictions, and when Unit d Htatea PharmatoJ>(f'l& or National J-"ormnlary, tt dlft'Prl from the they are Informed or have reasons to believe that this act has been atandard o! atr€'ngth, qualltJ or 1•Utit1 u determined by the te t laid vlolatPd, and the proof thereof can be had, ttley ahall tue Information down In the United Btatee Pharrna('opccta nr National I•~onnulary omc1al to that etrPct against the offending party before a magistrate, who there­ at the time of lnvt>Stlp.tlon~ Provided. that no dru& dtftned In the upon !!hall prO<'eed. according to 1aw. The county attorney shall prosec"ute United stat Pba.rmacopa>la or National Formulary 1ball be dermed to thE' vlolatora or this act. be adulterated unrll'r thlJ l'rovl•l(>ta If the ta.ru1ard of atrenRtb, quality or purity be plainly atat d upon the botlle, hox or other rontalner thereof AN ACT TO PR,EVENT THE THROWING OR DEPOSITING OF DRUGS although the standard may dU!'t•r trow that dt!lenntned by tbe teet laid OR MEDICINES AS SAMPLE OR OTRERWJSE IN PRIVATE OR PUBLIC PLACES. down In the United Statea Pharmii'O(Jil'1a or NRtlonal Fonnula.ry, second. If lte atreogth or purity tall !Jelow thfl prof6Hed atanda.rd or 86 It EnClC'ted lJv the GeueraZ .AssembZu of the State of Iowa: qualitY under wh1ch It Ia 110ld SEarro~ 1. That It shall be unlawful for any person, firm. company or corporation, either In person or by agent, to deposit any sample of any BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PIIAR.!ACY. 26 sw. 4. The term "misbranded," as herein used, shall at)ply to all drugs the package or label of which sha1l bear any statement, design or ln possettRlon with Intent to etll In \·lolatlon or its provisions; l.,ro' lde-<1, device regarding such article or the ingredients or substances contained that any ma.nura.durer, wholesale-r or johhtr ma; krt 11 glHiils sp(>(·\ftcally therein, which shall be raise or misleading in any particular and to any set apart In his lltO<'k tor sate In othnr atalPB, "hit h tnlgbt otherwise be drug which Is falsely branded as to state, country or territory in which It In vtolaUon of the provletone or this ac·t Is manufactured or produced. Sr.c. 10. Sef·tlonK four thouund nlnP hunrlrPd and f'lghh' three {49R3). For the purposes of tbfs act a drug shall also be deemed to be mis­ four thoUBB.nd nlue huortrt>rl and Phtllty the (4.P 6l. ronr thousllnd nine branded: hundret! and f'lll;ht>·tlx t ~9 U) and tour t1•t'11. ntl n\nl'l huntlrcd and First. rr It be an tmttatlon of or ottered for sale under the name of eigbty-Pittht (49F18l or the ~odn ar hetehv IPJI('B)Pd another a.rtlcle. Second. If tbe contents of the package as originally put up shall have Approved April 6, A. 1). 1907 been removed In whole or ln part and other contents shall have been The following arP tl1e t•rtm·lt•at c\Prha1ives anc1 pr('t•arallons macle placed In such package, or it the paclmge shall fall to bear a statement from the artlc·lt \\ hit·h are rf'ltUired to h nA.mt'd upon the lahel: on the label showing the name and the exact quantity or proportion of any alcohol, morphine, opium, heroin, chloroform, cannabis indica, chlo-­ AU'OHOI E til\ 1 : 1C't)\ognf'l eplrlta, grain ah·nlwl, rertlt1Pcl spirlt11, B)llrits, ral hydrate, a.C'atanJilde, or o.ny derivative or preparation ot any such and Aplrlte or wine.) substances co ntained therein. The statement herein required shall be Dtrlvatlves-- plainly printed upon the outside wrapper aud also upon a label afDxed to ,\ltlPhyt1 , ether. ethyl aceta1e, ethyl nttrlt@ Rnd 11arnhlehyde the package In type "eight point caps"; provided, that in case the size of Preparation !I rontalnlna akohoi- the package will not permit the use of eight point ape, the size or the Rittf>TB, hrandl~. C'or•lla11, ellxlra. eascnr(ll, Hutd P ·trat·ta. Blllrlta, type may be reduced proportionately. There shall be such a contrast sirup , tlneturMJ, tonha. -...hlsklea anti \\II1P.8. between the color of the label and the color of the Ink used in printing MORPJII NE. l\lii\t.um: the label heretofore required, that tbe printing thereon shall be easily Derlvatl\·•.. - and plainly legible. AtJOnwrphtm. dtonlne, perunlne, mortthlne Rf'elate, h)tlro~·hloridE', SEC. 6. No person, firm or corporation shall sell, otrer, or expose tor sulphate RtHI othE-r M1ts or morphltt!' sale, or have In his possession, any preparation or product Intended Pl'f"pll.rntlnna c·ontatnlDK morphlno or derlvathes or motphlu~ for use or man or domestic animals, eltber for internal or external use, Bougles, l&tarrh enuf!', cbloru!lf"1a etJII1[HlUntl powder nf wot·phlne, or tor cosmetic purposes, or for Inhalation, or tor perfumes, whtcb con­ t'TAHJOII. elixirs, .-ranulP.s, IJIIh•. aolutlons, alr u}~ B, RtlfiJloelturlea, tains methyl (wood) alcohol, crude or refined, or denatured alcohol. tahlets, trlturptes ath.l t1ot·hes. SEC. G. The pharmacy commissioners shall, from time to ttme, with the approval oC the executive council, issue a printed bulletin, showing Orn ·~ 1 . 01 •r Preparatton11 ot Opium the results or Inspections, analyses and prosecutions undertaken under nJI:trac·te, df'D&n·otlz~d opiiiDI. gnmllll\tf li Ollillm ftllll JlOY. dere1l this act, together with such general information as may be deemed opium, bougtes, brown mt turf'. c·.armtnath·e ml tun . l'fl''·ons, suitable. Such bulletins shall be printed In such numbers as may be no,·pr's ~owcler , elh:lrs, tlulnH'nta, olntJnf'lnts Jl®orlt·, 111111'1, directed by the executive councll, and shall be Issued to the newspapers 1 plastPTH. 1tri1JJS, eut•rmllturlel, t&lllc•t s, tilwturca, trodtP:s, vine­ or this state and to all interested persons. gars an1l win . SEC. 7. It Is hereby made the duty of the pharmacy commissioners nertvattn~a-- to en!orce the provlolons of this act. Cocloine, alkalohl, hy,lrochlorlde, l1bU81Jhat• , tlli i!Jlutlt nncl uthcl" St:c. 8. Any person, flrm or corporation, or agent thereof, who refuses ealta of c O

C~~ABI8 INDICA : Preparations ot cannabis Indica- Com remedies, extracts, mixtures, pills, powders, tablets and tinct ures CHLO&t.L Hrnun (chloral, U. S. Pharmacopcel&, 1890): Derivatives- Chloral acetophenonoxlm, chloral alcoholate, chloralamlde, chloralt­ mlde, chloral orthoform, chloralose, dormtol, bpynal a.nd uraline. Preparations conta.lnlng chloral hydrate or Its derivatives- Chloral camphorate, ellxlrs, liniments, mixtures, ointments, sup­ REGISTERED PHARMACISTS. positories, sirups and tablets. · AOETANALIDE (anteftbrlne, pbenylacetamlde): Dertvattves- 121 Arts, David . e. , . . . . . Donel1son ...... Red Oak. Acetphenetldlne, cltrophen, dlacetanlllde, Jactophenln, methoxy· 232 . A. A...... • Doone. acetanillde, methylacetantllde, para-lodoacetantltde, a.nd pbenace­ 1208 Ayers, W. L ....•••.•• Sheldon. Une. 1294 Agnew, David G. • • • . • Wilton Junction. 1667 Axt, Jullus H ...... Fort Madison ...... Fort :.\1&dlson. Preparations containing acetanilide or dertvatlves-- 1981 Alexander, R. H ..•••• 0flkaloosa . .••.•. . . Kansas City, Mo. Analgestcs. antlneuralglcs, antirheumatlcs, cachets, capsules, cold 2200 Anderson, E. • . . • . . . \fanson • ...... Ruthven remedies, elixirs, granular etrervesclng salta, headache powders, 22-11 Alexander, W . A ..••.. Leon mixtures, pain remedies, pills and tablets. 2479 Arthur, Charles H ...• Webster City ...... Grand Jc., Col. 2506 Adams, Charles R.... Cedar Rapids. 2581 Alexander, T. R.,.... Marlon. 2662 Adams, John R ...... , De Soto .. .• , . . • . . . Savannah, Ga. 2726 Alexander, D. E.,.... Des ~tolnea. 2738 Arnold, R. R...... Humeston. 3036 Anders, F. W .. , •••. , Earlville . , , Manchester. 3129 Asbury, T. P...... Tingley. 3211 A born, F. J...... Shemeld. 3322 Adams, J. w...... IMon City. 3466 Allen, S. A...... Sheldon ...... Nevada, Mo. 3504 ·Allison, S. M ...... Olbson. 3645 Arthur. H. J ..•.•.. , . \Vebster City. 3794 Anderson, 0. H...... Kingsley Wesley. 3902 Allen, E- D...... Mason City Thornton 39.51 Ackley, F- E ...... Foster ...... Kansas City, Mo. 4099 Anderson, E- c...... Bancroft ...... • Custer, S. D. 4_.1(11 Andrews, W. E...... WAterloo ...... La Junta, Colo. 4131 Ady, H. c...... Humeston ...... Grundy Center. 4208 Adams, Harry B, . . . • Mason City...... ·wapeto, \Vas h. 4220 Ady, Ross W...... Davenport ...... Sheldon. 4231 Armstrong, E. L..... Seymour .. , .. , . . . . Grand River. 4533 AmRden, Wtlltam C... Aurora ...... • • . . Garner 4544 Algyer, Claud ...... Sanborn. 4569 Aldrich, Ed. A...... Creston. -4594 Atzen., Charles B. . . . . Thor • ...... Omaha, Neb. 4671 AtkinAOn, George H... Hartley ...... Creston. 4400 Avery, A. M ...... faquoketa 4710 Anderson, C. E ...... Hull ...... Movl11e. 4719 Abbott. Welcome A.. 'tanC'hester ...... Lamont. -4729 Amsberry. A. L ...... Lester ...... Sioux Falls, 8. D. 4843 Aldrich, F. S ...... Jefferson ...... Des MolnPB. 4857 Ackert, Harry J ...... 1!\taraballtown. 4866 Armour, Frank C..... Marshalltown . . . . . Oskaloosa. 4933 Armstrong, E. F..... C(>dar Rapids . . . . . Fort Dodge. 4937 Albery, William F .... Hubbard. -4938 Arrasmith. P. L .•.... Griswold. 28 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 29

4.943 Armstrong, T. B ...•• Greeley. 4958 Anderson, J. H...... Ruthven. ~~~: frl!~nEd~·c~::::::::: I ~·~~~~::e .. ... •• • .... a Audubon. t975 Armitage, A. C...... Ellston. 7235 Adams, J . E ...... •• ' Iowa F&lls •..•••.. Sac City. 4997 Andreen, Carl ...... Sioux City. 7294 Adams, J. A...... Havelock ...... • Humboldt. 5039 Alexander, J . M ...... Rhodes ...•. Marshalltown. 7366 Anda.s, E. E ...... Gray. 5137 Anderson, Wm. H .... Council Bluffs. 7366 Anderson, E. T...... Scranton ...... Cambridge. 5148 Adams, H. C...... Spencer .....•••... Algona. 7391 Anderson, A. 0 ...... Linn Gro ..·e . Peterson. 6157 Arent, Andrew Jr..... Badger Rutland. 7461 Allison, Chas. H ...... \1urray. 5209 Aborn, Fred C...... Sheftleld. 7452 Arnold, Ed. S. Jr ..•. , Davenport. 5256 Allen, R. E...... Ridgeway .• , •• , ... Hermiston, Oregon. 7554 Adams, Geo. W...... Corning . . . . • . Tabor. 6330 Alexander, Henry . . . . Conrad ...... •.... Thompson. 5366 Adams, Everett H. . . . Berea ...... Larrabee. ~~:~ !~:~~·Jto LE::: ::: :· g~~~~~nes · g~~~r""Rapids. 6390 Asbury, J. W •...... Tingley .. . Winterset. 7562 Anderson, H. W...... Des ~Ioines ...... Estherville. 6403 Armitage, Daisy D ... Ellston. 7563 Anderson, D. W...... Independence ...... Aurora. 6443 Adams, Cl yde E ...... Ottumwa. 7615 Anderson, Chris A. . . . Waterloo Chicago, Ill. . 6472 Armstrong, E. C ...... Seymour Albia . 7685 Allen, T. E .•...... Unionville. 6477 Amundson, Henry J.. Clarion Bancroft. 7701 Alban, Glen W ...... Clinton ... , Princeton. 6499 Anderson, C. E..... BanC'roft .. Rossville, Kansas. 7731 Aftlerbough, G. E. . . . . D<-s Moines Sumner. 6534 Armour, H. 0.. Slou'C City. 7746 Aimone, John . . • . . • . DE'S Moines Chlc~o. Ill. 5560 Anderson, C. V . Des Moines Llndr.ay, Nebraska. 7835 Arent, Arthur , . • . • • • Rutland. 6593 Anderson, L. R..... Richland What Cheer. 7864 Anderson, David T... Co11ins. 5648 Adam, W. C...... F:lmA. Newport, Wash. .. 7880 Asseth, Carl M. . . . • • Sioux City .. . Burke, S. D. 6649 Anderson, A. G... .. Redfteld .... . Jolly. 7946 Aroe, C. E ....• ...... Newell. 5687 Ashford, George W. 81oux City .. . Homer, Neb 7978 Arduser, George ;\1onticello . Tama City. 6748 Anderson, Henry C.. Cl<'ar Lake. 8248 Arthur, Harry G •...• Hampton ..• . . .·1 Mason City. 5796 Armstrong. Archie \V. Council Blutts Dwight, Ill. 8259 Arganbright, George •. Ottumwa. 6868 Austin, Silas E...... ol\llfson ...... Union. 8359 Armstrong, Ralph H.. 0(•8 ~Io1nes. 5881 Anderson, Swan . . . . . Boone ...... •• Ogden. 8384 Ayres, R M .. • ...... Des )lotnes. 6938 Acherman, Jacob 0 Des Moines Lansing. 2 Binford. E. • • • • • . . . . . Olxon 6952 Adams, Hicks L. . . . . Fontanelle . Washta. 72 Burnside. J. !\-1...... Waucoma 6133 Anderson. Wm. J. Dayton ...... Marengo. 315 Beardsley, Wllllam . . Beacon . Birmingham 6179 Archer, Merrtt D ..... Des Moines .....••. Hart, Michigan. 323 Burrows, J , P ••. •... . Clarinda Los Angel('B, Calif. 6197 Anderson, Samuel C . Mason City. 326 Beberger, G. F...... Carroll. 6206 Aa.gesen, Carl A. . . . St. Ansgar Coulter. 331 Blair, W. H .•••...•.. Clarence. 6222 Abbott, Fred C..... Oelwein ...... Lou1sv111e, Ky. 428 Blackinton, w. N . . . .. Denmark. 6266 Anderson, R. E.... Council Blufts. 449 Ballard, John W ..••• Dav(>nport. 6314 Aukema.. Mark \V. Cvltnder Harley, Idaho. 493 Booth, A. E ...... Prescott. 6423 Abel, W. 'V...... Emerson. 629 Baldwin, E. V ...... Hampton. 6424 Allen, Bessie M ...... ('rawfordsvtlle ..•.. Columbus City. 713 Bush, John V...... Colesburg. 6431 Aagersen, John G... St. Ansgar Bonaparte. 731 Busch, T . H ...... Davenport. 6458 AndE.'rson, Joseph . . . Shenandoah . Clarinda. 759 Brownell, E. L ...... Spirit Lake 6475 Assmus, Frank B . .... 1nr'PnPnc1ence Manrhester. 791 I Beech, Thomas C. . . . . Cedar Rapids. 6497 Ackley, Norman G •..• Ma.nchP!'Ill'r. 817 BloRser, George W.... ~Io u lton. 6521 Armour, Ceo. E ...... Cedar R&plda Spen<'er. Neb. 841 Backer, Jno. H ...... '\1ontlcello. 6622 Anderson. Oscar . . Four Corners Stanton. 872 Belding, A. L...... Malrom . . . . • . . . . . Van Wert. 6529 Apland. Thos. 0.. l(alo. 955 ' Birney, C. C...... Nora Springs. 6546 Alton, Harry E ...... 0Ar(lfn Grove ..•.•. Osceola. 1142 Birney, Catharine ... Floyd Nora Springs. 6624 Allt.>v, Arthur J Grlnnt.>ll Corydon. 1175 Brown. William K... Dubuque. r.G:n IAlbertson, E lmer W.. Tnwood Sanborn. 1181 Brimhall, S. M ...... State CE-nter. S<'haller 679~ .Adams. H . C"la\.. • Keota ...... Centerville. 1H2 Brimhall. C. W...... State CPnter 6795 Alexander. R . S IWhqt rhE'e-r 12~2 Risbop, W. . State Center. 6861 Allt.>n, Ralph J...... Sioux City .. Kam~as City, Mo 1254 Beach, Edward N..... Troy ).1ills. 6H62 Armautrout, Fred J. . rq,rroll ..•. Wall Lake. 1285 Brubaker, JoReph . • . . Vinton. Nora Springs. 6861 Anrlerson, J B . D('S Moines Pt•rry, 1524 Birney, E. E ..•...... Floyd • . . . I [)e Smet. S. D. 1535 Bruce. ·walnut. 6904 Allftlis<'h. Otto . . ... Pf'lll''011P 0- M...... 6!'11 t AIE'x&nder, J C. • • • DE'S '\fo1nee Tower City, N. D. 1557 Bixby, R J...... Edgewood. 6936 AndE'rNon, Otto ...•• TIPS Moines , Sheldahl. 1558 I Blanchard, Lewis . . . . Edgewood. 709:\ Aldr1rh, Ha.rr)' E . Creston. lfi33 Brookings, D. J ...... 'Voodward. 7101 Amhl'r. Henry L . . \Dubuque ...... Blue Island, I ll. 1691 BroadiE'. A- A...... Waverly. 7102 Auk rum, Fred L. . She-Mon • ...... Iowa City. 18241 Bab<'ock, E. M ...•.... 1\'~·o mlng. 7187 Andrews. James . . . Df's Moines .. Carl J unction, Mo. 1858 Bently, N . J ..•.••• . .• 0!-llmloo~a 1 Fairbank. 7195 1 Allen, F. C.. • .• Marengo 1896 Roth well. G. W . . . . . Fonda ..• . T


1951 Blackman, B. P...... nonaparte. 3596 Birchard, Rurus .... . Kellogg. 1990 Brotherlin, H. L..... Tipton. 3597 Blair, C. A ...... Creston Cherokee. 2081 Burroughs, S. W..... Holland Allison. 362-' Blinn, S. ,V ...... Nashua 2098 Batty, William E _.... Muscatine ..•. .... St. Joseph, Mo. 3656 Blancbatne, H. J .•.•• Elkader La Porte City. 2150 Berryhill, \VIlliam . . . Clarinda .•...... • Ft. Collins, Colo. 3693 Bender, G. B ...... Spt>ncer 2168 Burroughs, S. E...... Holland ...•...... • Allison. 3702 Butterworth, H. 0 ... . Maquoketa. 2187 Burna, E. M...... Council Bluffs ..•.• Mason City. 3703 Broad1e, H. H ...... "'averly. 2253 Brush, George W. . . . . Traer ...... , Des Moines. 3715 Burns, Warren A .... . Foster Ottumwa. 2308 Bibbins, A. L ...... Marshalltown ...•.• Bedford. 3741 Batn, John • .. •...•.. Brandon. 2330 Brown, Artemus . . . . . Leroy ...... •• , Des Moines. 3758 Beaman, James D . • .. Charlton 2335 Bennett, J. W...... Waverly ...... • Janesvllle. 3773 Bollbaugb, W. R .... . Prairie Grove ...... Osceola 2405 Brittan, S. P...... Rockford Clear Lake, Minn. 3782 Bond, L. L ...... \Vt•st Side ...... Denison 2441 Bosley, James E ..... Marengo ... Ladora.. 3783 Boehmler, H. E ...... Cedar Falls ...... Hampton 2443 Babcock, J. F...... New Hampton. 3817 Beam, Charles H. ~1aplt"ton .•...... Whittier, Callr. 2454 Berry, W. F.'...... Moulton. 3830 Brimhall, W. F ...... State Center. 2497 Bachman. E. W..... ·west Bend ..... Estherville. 3850 Brink, H. J ...... Remsen ..•.. ... Rrltt. 2511 Bauer, \Vtlliam S..... D<-s Moines ...•. Kansas City, l\lo. 3859 Briggs, George H .... . Nevada . , ...... Los Angeles, Caltt. 2531 Bielenberg, J. R ...... ·wheatland ...... Keystone. 3860 Brlnkhotr, Carl W ... . Pella. 2597 Baron, H. S ...... Orange C!ty ... , .. . Pella. 3877 Branson, L. H ...• .... West Branrh .. Iowa City 2649 Banks, E. H ...... Quorn Cherokee. 3889 Berry, A. S ....••. • .. ~toulton .... . Panama. 2654 Branson, \V. S... . 3922 Blackman, R. E. • •. Sioux City .. . Cblcago, Ill. 2703 Beppler. J. F...... Red Oak .•...•••.. ·1 Sioux City. 3938 Brown, H. F. Fonda Kanawha 2805 Bullock, Frank H.... Fayette . . • . . • • . . . . . Lake City. 3971 Bonney, A. F. . • ••.•• Rodney .. Buc-k Grove 2824 Bennett, T. W...... Lenox. 3983 Barber, Harry A ...•• . Cedar Rapids . Los Angf'les, Calif. 2881 Bosworth, L. M. . . . . Ames. 4000 Baker, Charles D . . • Toledo •.. Sioux Falls, S. D. 2919 Benge, Alfred T...... Bloomtleld ... Des Moines. 4004 Boschnagel, F ..•.•••• Rivt>rside Chicago, Ill. 2947 Ballhetm, B. H...... Cedar Rapids Elberon. 4024 Becker, Wllliam . . . Elkader. 2975 Baker, W. S ...... Pulaski ...... Farmington. 4031 Blaise, Theodore T ..• Sigourney Mason City. 3020 Burd, Edwin ...... Lisbon. 4052 . Harry A .•.• Oto. 3050 Bale, William G..... Iowa City ...... 'VInnipeg, Canada. 4064 Benson, Nils J ..•.... nurlington . Prairieburg. 3059 Baas, Leo F...... Mapleton . Los Angeles, Calif. 4094 Bosworth, A. H •..•• • Shellsburg ... Lorimor. 3074 Burrlnger, Wlll J. . . . Des Moines ... . Council Blutrs. 4112 Butterworth, W. F .. , Andrpw ,_. Maquoketa. 3080 Beck, Louis Des Moines ...... Kansas City, Mo. 4128 Berkley, Samuel L ..• Woort .•... J.. lttlt Rock ••••.•. St. Paul, Minn. 3457 I Ho~hard. Wtlltam E. Sioux City Tomah, Wis. 44-H Blair, :0.111ton M •• ..•• Cr('ston ...... , ..• Dolores, Colo. 34'1:3 I HHss. N. G...... C"'olfa'C. Wt>st Union •.•..•.• Chicago, 111. 3491 1 Brink, Wilber...... Boycten. :~r~ 1 ~~~~~~\.A~~.::·::::: DO<'orah 3M2 I Brooks. W. R ...... Oto •...... Des Motn('s. 4542 1 Burns, Charles E ..... Ottum·wa ...... ••.. Mason City. 35H 1 Harlov.. A. W...... EAfiP'lt . , Centerville. 45461 Brown, Eugene F .••• :\-Iaquoketa. 3!l19 Barft, 0. H ..••...... \\'lnt<'rsE't Plea~antville. 4558 Barrett, W. H ...... Dunlap ...... Mallard. 3546 I n('('k, \V. R ...... Moulton .. Ottumwa. 45~1 Bell. P. H...... Van Horne , ...... Jetrerson. 35R4 llartholomt>w, H. H ... '-hrf'n'fo .. Quincy, Ill. 45S9 Bigler, Louis E ... . Cle-rmont Wadena.. 35R7 I Bergt"n, 0- t ·. ShPllshurg 4623 I Buck. C'harleo W .. . Moulton Gallup. N. M. COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 33 32 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE 4631 Bigley. John P... .• Clarion ...... , CyiJnder. g~~~ ~:~~·e::e~!~olf~e. M::: I ~:~~~~r ...... 'I Clarion. 4647 Bleakney, E. L ..... ,. Grand JuncUon .... Denison. 6622 Blaess~r. Walter A ... Hawarden . ...•.... Paullina. 4659 Hrown, L. W...... Missouri Va1ley. 5528 Beer, M. H...... Cincinnati ...... Centerville. 4G96 Beam, Harry E... Anamosa. 5535 Bradish, W. C...... Des ;.\!oines ...... Jacksonvme, 111. 4699 Bohning, A. E ...... Kamrar .....•...... Buffalo Center. 5536 Bradish, Charles E ... Des )!olnes ...... Omaha, Neb. 47Rfi 1 Brown, J. W...... Morning Sun Lone Tree. 5553 Barnes, Rutherford . . State Center ...... Omaha. Neb. 4791 I Bleich, Herman F.. Des :\:Iotnes. 5557 Brown, J. C ...••.•.•• 'ranchester .....•.. Meservey. 4804 Bruckner, Ed ward. . . . Bellevue .•.. Dyersville. 5561 Bender, Ed. R .•..... Spencer ..•..•..... Dickens. 48281 Brlar, John ...... Des Moines. 5565 Bedelr, Eugenia L.... Leon ...... • . . . . . • Grand Jc. Colo. 4842 Broxam, A. J.J. . . • • . . . Maquoketa. 5613 Bowen, Charles A ...• Keokuk. 4845 Burrlchter, William C. Panora. 6620 Bitner, C. W...... Le Claire ...••. , . . . Jamestown, N. D. 4847 Barkl, Charles E..... Des Moines Carthage, S. D. 5t:i36 Brown, Thomas W. . . . Columbus Junction 4860 I Bundy, Edgar A ...... Aurelia. 5640 Bell, Charles s...... West Union . . . . • . . . Milton. 4862 Boyer, W. M...... Hamburg ...... Kansas City, Mo. 5667 Burton. John R ...... ME>rrlll Sioux City. 4876 Birney, Emma H ..... Nora Springs ••.... Mason City. 5731 Bronson, George S... \tcQrpgor Chicago, Ill. 48891 Barrager, Emory L... Ashton Sheldon. 5749 Brtnrken, Herman .•• Rockford. 4893 Bradshaw, S. M...... George ...... ••• Boyden. ;)o..ol Billingsley, B. F •.•.. Hampton L(>b\gh. 4910 Boyd, J. W...... • . . . Bayard ..•....•...• Scranton. 6759 Bruner, \V. A ..•..... Linf'villo ...... ('lio. 4916 Banks, Edward P. . . . Klngsi£>Y ... Paulllna. 5770 Basart, c. E...... :Menlo ...... ).1lnburn. 4940 Bundy, J. A ...... •. Adel Eldora. 5838 Bishop, Edmond F. . . . ME-lbourne . . . . • . • . Rhodes. 4967 \ Ballard, Harry 'V.... Davenport. 6900 Bevelhymer, Bernard. ~'Jovllle •.. •• . , , . ('hurdan 4968 Bowman, Ralph H .... Deihl .. Greenfield. 6915 Baugh, Luther A ..... Des Moines ••...... Garden City, Kan. 4984 I Bush, John A ...... ('olesburg. 5936 Brugmann, Conrad . . Ely ...... Rock Rapids. 49R5 Boyson, G. H...... Cedar Falls Cedar Rapids. 5937 Bohm, Theo ...... Saint Benedict . • . ~Iason City. 4.,..,2 Berkle, John F ...... Creston ... . Omaha, Neb. 594.0 Bowman, Chas. 0 ..... DE>s "\folnes ...... Gowrte 5002 1 Bartlett, W. S...... BurJtngton. 59-t2 Blakeslee. "\Vm. F . ... Oska\oo~a VallE-Y City, N. D. 50081 Bull, A. S...... Lenox . , .... w·ellman. 6943 Barnett, W. F ...•.•.• .\dE> I . . • . . "\Vaytand. 5045 Ballentine, W. A ...... Janesville. 6945 Broadgate, Fra.nk L .• Spt>nt·er ...... Washington. 5079 Barnes, L. M ...... Strawberry Point . , Delhi. 5970 Berner, Carl A .••.•.. Stuart . . . . . Des Moines. 5103 Burt, C. A...... Colfax ...... Delta. 5972 Bark!, Adolph . • . . . . • Sac City . . . . • . . . . Iroquois, S. D. 5106 I Benthall, Eugene . . . . Marshalltown ..... , Royal 6983 Bauer. Arthur •..... ~farshalltown . . • . . Ames. 6140 Bjornstad, Otto A.... Spencer. 6000 Baker, Melvin • . • . . . . Marshalltown Rhodes. 6Hl Brockway, S. Alclnda. Towa City . . •racoma, Wash. 6005 Benesh, Emtl . • • . . . . . Vlnin~ Toledo. 5143 1 Beard, E. L ••.•.•.... Grinnell Toledo 6022 Byrnes. V. W ...... Durant 5163 Brock, W. B...... Olin. 6031 Bestenlebner, A. G... All!;ona ...... Musrattne. fl175 Beck, J. Conrad •.. . .. B('\levue ...... Dubuque. 60471 Blstricky, E. F ...... Des Moines ... . Galt. 5177 Bartz. Edward R. . . . . Rockford Rudd 6059 Bennett, Joseph . . . . . Mount Vernon. rdSR Beard, Abner R.. De-Witt. 6060 Ball, C. F ...... •.. N~·vada .. Fairfield. Tatoma, Wash. 5210 Barrett, G. N.. Boone ...... 60921 Bondi not, J. E...... Waterloo Sioux City. 6246 Bahrock, C. J' ...... DPS Moines. 6116 Briggs, E. B...... • . . Dundee .. \Vatertoo. 5248 Breen, Joseph ·w..... TO\\ a rtty , St. Louts. Mo. 6128 Bougman, Emil ..... Everly. 5257 Biglow, Zella . . . . L(H~t Nation 'Vyomtng. 613·1 Bllllngs, Chas. S .... ·I SpenC"er . Sioux City. 5266 Brown. Lewis 0 ..... Northwood. 6136 Baln. \Vtlson W...... Brandon Farley 5304 Darry, John A ....• . . OyerRvi1le •.. 6154 Donner, S. W •..•.•. 'I Sevmour. 5305 Drlmball, C. W ...... !=11"b'ltler. 61671 Blanchard, Chns. B... Edgewood. 5306 Bro" n, Wtll E ...... \YE'b!'!IE>r City. u175 Burroughs. Cha.s. S .. Victor ...... Clear Lake. Olda. 5315 Brunk, r... 1). Jr ...... [)p~ \folnes ••... Nowata. 6182 Bouchard, Louis E. . . Sioux City. 5317 1 Bundy, 0. ~r...... Waukee ...... Pac:kwood. PocateJio. Idaho. 6221 Barker, ,V. H ...... Sanborn. 6:\~~ 1 Railey, Geo. J...... ·wE"bster City 62231 Btsslck, ,V. H. Jr.... Le Claire St. Louis, Mo. 6129 1 Butts. G. "'. . . . • • • • . Goodell. 6237 Bransom, Earle S .... lrwtn .... Bayard. 5:\:~:l 1 Bell, Ed~ar E..... T~eon. 6298 Brann, Dennis A ..... Des Moines. 6308 Brooks, A. H ..••.... Hawkeye. I \\"oodward. ~~~~ ~~;r:,- .~~'~a:t .~::::: ~~f~t~;tty. 6310 I Brolsma, .1. G .....•.. Or:t.n~e rtty ...... !i1fl'i' Rayless, )1orton M. Elkad(>r Webster City 6315 Bonwell. Oda M... Des Moines .... . Ross. 6317 BE>mls F. Clyde ...••. Lehigh ('orwlth. ~~~~ \ ~~~~~?~~o~g:v \V::: :: : ~~=~~~~r City . . . . . ~~~~e~v~?~~~- 6330 Burns, James F ...... Eddyvl11e . ldaho Springs, Colo. 5404 I Bf'Ck. c. C. • . Marion·. 6363 Bantllard, Edward . . • DE>E'rfteld . Charles City. 0405 \ Btge-low. B. E ...... Atlanttc ...... 'Thltlng 6383 I Bl<'Zf'k, C. H •.. . .•.... Perry ... Denver, Colo. 54Mi Ruck, Tenant. EarneAt M .•... '!<'Gregor ...... 6396 I Beech£>r, F. W...... Des ~fotnE"s Clarinda 5424- I Bartholow, E. L ...... n~~s 'foln(>s .....•.. Ayrshire. 6432 I Brown. Philip W..... Des ~Joines Potska, 111. 5462 f nat tv.. ·\I fred ...... •. i\far~ha11town. 6433 Btl linger. C. T ...... 1 Laurens .. Seattle, \Vashlngton . 6490 Bradshaw. L. S ...... 1 Fairfield. COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 35 34 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE 71421 Berry, J C ...... Belmond. 6464 Bateman, ,V, 0...... Seymour. 7143 Borv.·ey, G. A ...... Eagle GroYe .. . Wallace, Idaho. t.i477 Barnett, John T ••. ,.. Independence. 7154 Blandin, Ralph ...... Ottumwa Mapleton, Ill. 6482 Burne, W. J...... Fort Atkinson Minot, N.D. 7155 Bell, R. R ...... ,., Des Moines 6484 Boyd, H. C...... Coirax ...... Mason City. 7189 Burgess, C. 'V...... Panora. 6503 Brody, J. B ..••...•... Urbana .... . Bonner's Ferry, Ida. 7197 Brown, Mell ...... MonrQE> . . . • . . . • . • . . Estherville. 6504 Bartels, Geo. A...... Manson .... . Sac City. 7198 Brodie, Jas...... • . . . Earlville carroll. 6511 Benet, M. V...... Elkader ... . La Crosse Wis. 7212 Bosworth, C. D ..... _. Madrid. 6523 Bruning, F. W...... Des Moines .. Bruning, Neb. 7213 Bean, J. L ...... •.. Auduhon Laurens. 6554 Brenon, Ma.rtln J. . . . . Creston. 7266 Bates, R. E ...... , •• Grinnell. 6558 Butler, Harry H ..... Des Moines ...... Counctl Bluffs. 7295 Brown, F. H ...... •.• Des Moines ..•.... , Clifton, Ariz. 6573 Brooks, G. A...... Independence ... . Cedar Rat_pds. 7296 Bergman, W. H ....•. Oelwein ...... ·I Castleton, N. D. 6577 Brlgga, C. R...... Manchester .. . Anaconda, Mont. 729i Brant, W J...... Corning ...... • .. Glenwood. 6579 Bender, Fred L...... Spencer. 7320 Bennett, N. B...... Lorah , . . . , Gillette, Wyo 6586 Batley, Carl F...... Redfield Dubuque. 7340 Brennerk, H. H .••..• Waterloo 6587 Bryant, Frank C ..... Des Moines. 7341 Bogle, W T...... • Bonaparte. I 6598 Berry, J. F...... Clermont ... . Fostoria. 7342 Burkhart, A. C .. , •.• , Hawkey('. 6607 Blowers, Herbert R. . . Iowa City . . . Mitchell. 7367 Blum, A. C...... Oes Moines ..I Nauvoo, Ill. 6610 Barkdoll, Bert E. Vinton Toledo. 7427 Benn, Arthur R.... MuHt·atine Cambridge. 6620 Bruhn, Otto J...... Iowa City .•. Scotland. S. D. 7453 Beckman, c ...... , . . Hull .... . · · Little Rork. 6625 Barnes, Chas. G...... Des Moines. 7454 Broderick, P. H., .... Earling Council Bluffs 6641 Brueckner, Theo. G. Des Moines Earlville, Ill. 7455 Brockmeier, F. W .•. , Villl!\ra , . Des l!Iotnes. 6642 Bird, S. R ...... Parkersburg ...... Clear Lake. 7518 Buckmaster, L. M .... Dumont Des Moines 6647 Blair, A. 0 ...... Wb!tlng ...... VIllisca. 7531 Booth. G C...... Herndon 6659 Bregenzer, John Keokuk. 7532 Barn·. R A ...... • Manchester Ryan 6660 Braley, Harry J... Britt Fort Dodge. 7542 Bennett, F. W ... ,... Peterf;on. 6675 Boos, Frank H ...... Des Moines. 7547 Brown, Geo. B...... Clarion. I 6676 Bronson, Ray L...... Sanborn ..... Belle Foucba, s. D. 7553 Btddleman. H. R.,,.. Thornhurg Packwood.' 6720 Beacom, Geo. M. . . Ryan '!'lpton. 7585 Baldwin, Frank . • . . . Charlton Albia. 6728 Becker, Wm. J..... Sioux City. 75,:!7 Beery, M. H .....• 1 •• Churdan. 6743 Brock, Bessie P... Yale Plover. 7594 Bre-nniman, E. M..... Ackley. 674.4 Bush, Earl B...... Knoxvl11e Des Moines. 7649 Borje!'l-son, Axel. Audubon. 6745 Beinert, Wm. C ...... Earlvllle Marshalltown. 7654 Burrows, 0. A Of's ~fomes ~fenlo. 6746 Butler, Wm. G...... Parnell Bradgate. 7676 Ballman. F. F.... Df's ).fotues · Harmony, Minn. 6747 Busch, W. H...... Hampton. 7687 Brean. W. T .. _. Des )folnes : 1North Chicago, Ilt. 6748 Blue, Frank A... Des Moines Rockford, Ill. 7690 Burflbel. P. .J...... Saint Olaf. 6749 Brock, LeRoy H ...... Yale Plover. 7692 Bell, Ed Des :\Joines. 6813 Bohn, Gertrude St. Benedict Mason City. 7694 Burket, G T. . . . Hawardf'n 6821 Binford, 0. F ...... Des Moines Alliance, Ohio. 7702 Belanger, .J. A_ . Df's ~Iolnes Westh ropt', N. D 6827 Boyer, H. H. . Panora Webb. 7709 Brynteson. Chas. . . . . Oleboldt .. . Sac City. 6828 Benesh, Theo . . . Toledo Vlntng. 7723 Barnf'y, Fred ...... • Paullina ... . Ea~Je Grow. 6864 Bowen, C. W...... Des Moines Brunswick, Mo. 7726 Brunner. C. E ...... ·1Sloan . . . . Snanton. Allerton, Ill. 6865 Bakka, L. H...... McCallsburg. ..• ::: . 6878 Berryman, Chas. S ... Des Moines Freeport, Ill. ~~~~ g~~~:~.~· .J~~~~.~ ~::(':.Iolnes 6900 Bone, F. M.... GraTJ,d River. 7756 Rf'ck, Allan F. Fort nodge Cresc·ent 6906 Brown, L. H. . . I Lamont .. · · · · Central City. 7757 Beard. ""· E DeWitt. 6913 Beach, B. i'. . . . Shenandoah . t:herokee. 'i7fi8 Barragy, C.. T. ....••.• Ro<·kwell T.arimore. N. D 6915 Batterton, C. E. Clinton ...... Chicago, Ill. 77Fi~ Rowman. Edgar S . . . Villlsra , .. Persia. 6937 Brock, G. D...... Iowa Falls .. . Plymouth. 7780 Bruning, Frank G .... DPs )!olnes :\fllford. Neh 6938 Berkley, Chas. H... Logan .. Los Angeles, Call!. 7781 Barney, F.arl K...... Paullina .. Sioux City 6940 Benson, M. G...... Randall 7SOfi Rurflon. Thos. 0.. . Runnells ..... ~fapleton. 6941 Ba.es, Robt. W...... Rose Hill Ute. 7807 I BarC'Ia.r. John I...... ,.. Cedar. Rapids Valina. 6986 Boswortb, A. S...... Wapello 7R09 Barr. Rufus H...... Red Oal< Fontanf'llf>. ShelJsburg. Be-reRford, S D. Floris. 7830 Bruehler, Gt•orge J. . . 0(>R '\fotnes ...... 7R36 Broutllard, H. E ...... CharlPs City. ~~~~I ~:rte~.Ho~::::::::: ~~~~~~g~~~rrs Butler, Mo. Pan·nee City. Neb. 7028 I Baird, A. H ...... Malvern Delta, Colo. 784.3 Reck. John D...... Counrll Bhitts 7047 Book, J. R...... Griswold ...... •.. 78441 Be<"kle-y. W. Ralph... :Modale. Glenwood. Coll!ns. 7048 Brown, A. N...... MI~:~Rourl Valley. 7,qfi6 Rrouhard, Will C.... Colo 7078 I Boehme, 0. W.. Extra Osceola. 7R67 Bear, Eva N. . . . . • • . • DN·atur 7103 Blesn~ker, John . Melbourne •..•. 78~1 I Benn, Jobn F ..... ,.. Fort Dodge. Collins. Kesle-y 7104 I Botsford, C. W...... Farley ..•...... Britt. 7882 [ Bergf'r, Homer E ..•.• Garwin 7105 Boar, C. S...... Ashton. 7928 Beyer, A. E...... Guttenb~:rg. 7141 I Ball, John F. A ..•... Gladbrook. 36 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PHA.RMACY. 37

Millville, N. J. 7937 Branin, Ma.nllt Lew!•. Des Moines 21631 Critz, S. F ...... ·1 Rfv•r11l de . Dee totnes 7939 Bailey, Ward B...... Diagonal . . Perry. 2173 Camp, Ell R. . . . . • Krokuk. Chicago, Ill. 7947 Bleadle, c. H...... Des Moines ...... 2194 Christy, W. D .....•. l tton •...... Creston 7948 Beck, R. F...... Webster City. 2229 Carr. Q(>orge T...... Lewis .. , • Grant 7949 Brimhall, Howard. State Center. 2234: <'ofOII?.ell, S. G...... Otlumwa ..••.•• ])f>" \folot>. 7968 Boise, Lewis W ...... 'Voodblne. 2265 Cameron, C. E ...... Htorm Lake .. , • , \Ita 7969 Blattspieler, Lewis Ackley ...... Eldora. 2449 Crluinger, J, C...... Parnham\'tne 7979 Derry, Nellie M ...... Des Moines ...... Breckenridge, Mo. 2622 Cunnln~bam. A. 8 • • Coggou Ooldftelrl 8046 Bronson, Edwin . . . . Council Blutrs. 2685 Clopper, w. T ...... I.e Mar• Polo. til 8048 Barrows, Ray E . . . . . Des Moines ...... Miskawaka, Ind. !..091 Cook , V. \V ...... , I kn c lty 8049 Bullis, Otto E ...... Des Moines ...... Butte, Neb. 2740 Camp, John W • . • • Council Bluffs 8050 Burnett, Alta L...... Des Moines ...... Chicago, !II. 2872 Conley, H l ...... , , \ 1olngnnll noon e. 8051 Bookhart ...... Ulmer. 29 t9 ConllOII)o. William . . . C'r eo 8081 Beardswortb, E. C .... Des Moines. 2974 C'ole, 0f•orge T ...... Orei'Tlft 8082 Beezley, Ernest L . . .. '\Voodburn ...... Ottumwa. 2990 Crarlr. Edward FJ ••• , Chl'rokee Sioux City. 8083 Bowen, Clyde H. . . . . Des t._folnee ...... Anita. 3005 CoiP., I. O .. •• •• • •• •• Wtttla.tna . J ~'Af' tl 8122 Beardsley ...... Red Oa.k. 3071 Cuplln, PIUS<'al J• • • • • Emru 1 bnrg \\'(lit lJt'Dd 8146 Bryant, I. Corwin ... . Des Moines. 30Xl Colle W L . ••••••. , tallssa Mmwatlne. 8146 Baird, John S...... Council Bluffs .... . Hebron, Neh 3083 Colvin, A \V...... M anrht tf't \\' l n n ~l 1 ago Cy M Inn, 8147 Brown, Cbas. Parker. Des Moines ...... Denver, Colo. 3138 Core, 0f•orge \V..... n oire 8148 Benesh, Vaclav ...... Cedar Rapids ...... Omaha, Neb. 3325 Chntterllll. B. hl ••••• " ' utrre(>t 8149 Bruen, Thomas W. . . . Blencoe ...... Anthon. 3366 Chtltl8, E•l. W...... Ilea Mnln . 8197 Bremmer, James H.. . Goodell. 33 6 C'Jarlo:, F . Il ...... Ottnm a 8219 Bender, Adam F. • . . • Ames ...... •... Clarion. 33R9 Csrmkhael .T H • Ru ~we ll r·lty 8225 Binder, John L ...... Des ?tfolnes ...... Conrad. 3434 Cunulnglaun, T c c ~un t on 8234 Brink, Blanch Woods. Britt ...... Council Bluft's. 3fi09 Connon, John . • . laplt>tou N eb 8249 Barkley, S. E ...... Moulton. 3a:J3 Cutth~r . f' Jo~ fl ep HI H•r 8260 I Bloomberg, John E. . . Des Moines ...... La(ayE'tle, Colo. 36 l!l Cumu• mp, 1 P 8lo11 < tty. 8279 Belnert, F. H...... Earlville ...... 'Vaterloo. 3fifl2 C'ox • .John C • • • • Washington • , , • 8292 Barnes, L. W...... Neola ...... Atlantic. 3A:!3 Cook. C'harl~ s A N w HJ\ m l• ton , • 8293 Brown, James R ...... Des Moines ...... Sheri dan, 'Vyomtng. 3637 ~agwln , .ro~·l n. . l Bnone 8306 Brown, OUver ...... DPs Mol nes . ...•... Appleton City, Mo. 3A4i f'h .,, ('harlr..a V J!R Vf·n llO fl 83161 Bruckner, A. J. . Dyersville .....•.. . Lehigh. 3651 Cnffmlln, \\', T Sonth l·ngll f.h 8337 Brown, Vern V.. Fr~nrtge 492 ('ole, T. R...... Marysvtlle. 3R3D CnmJtllf'll ll f', rn\wtnr t vllle H n 600 C'ole, John L...... Greene. 3Sfi2 Colllna. IJ. f', 1 air! til 616 Crow, William M . . • . Grand Junction. 3R7~ C'ole, l'harh Ji' T)n.yton 707 Camp, Americus . . . . . Kellerton. 3919 C'ha•lwl I .J n Salix 708 ('a.mp, Marshall . . . . . Kellerton . De<·o.tur City 3!l71 C"o•llmn, W. 1~. . • Ilu lin on f;IAU J.'fiUII'IIf'O, Cal 960 Cburch111, Frank . • • • Burltn~ton. 3981 ('olf'l, "~ F'., Hf'n I .f1Wfll 1007 C'n~tle, Charles A. . . . Ottumwa Pea :Molm•s 89 1 C'arVPI' W. Ji' In! t Ftut ll(l,lgA 1161 Child&, H. A ...... J.J(>1lOX . 40~8 Cunningham (' T r foln I Woden 1253 Comn, R. M .. .. . •.• .. Tama Cit~~ 4114'1 Curtla, H EL MP1l Hu k f!lnnd tl) 1301 Cook. William A .. . . . 'Va.Rhlngton. 41lC l CllnKRII W \ lot 4095 ('oltraDfl M D Tha \rtnn Oskaloo~a . 609 Crow Will . . • , • . • f"Jnrmont n~g ~~ ~fE~~~:~~~~: :~:::::I ~~!!~~:rtCil~ .. . Salem, Oregon. 416a Cowan, .John J» • • • • • towfl I~RII" 1670 Carroll, J. M .. . •..... P omero~.r . .. Laurens. 4.16 Clements, I " . . ... f:tt;"f'ne-n 16S81 C'ampbt'll, Wtlllam J . . Fort Dodge. 4176 Covt>DY T. 11 . • •...•• • I(noxvi'lr'l ••• TAniR. 1R81 Crosl)~·, W. A ...... Mason City ...... Arnold's Park. 4.185 C'armlrhnd C" C .... A !.ton .. . .. Lohrvlll(l. 1889 Chamberlain. L. • . . . . Marion ...... ••.. . . Des Moines. 4186 CarpentP.r 0 0 ••..... OniPI:!lmrg • Sulh• 2126 Coakley, J. W ...... Mou nt Etna . • .... • Creston. 4200 Collins. F.. ''...... Rf'd Oak . ..•• Emf'~on 38 BIENNIAL REPORT pF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY, 39 Long Bea.cb, Calif. ~201 Cox, Jams Edward .. Des Moines 4209 COppock, William .•. . Mason City ...... Council Blu.tts. Adel. 52261 Cooper, Zada Qua.squ ton ••.•... Iowa City. 4210 COzad, C. B ...... · Prairie City ..•..•. 52 1 Crawford, c. A ... '' West Be:Od ...... Springdale, Ark. Brlatow •••.. 1\laynoka. Okla. 4243 Cupllo, H- S ...... - •. 6288 Curi'IUl, W D . • tornlng Sun Calkin•, H. G ..... · ·. Anita ...... BonduranL 4248 t'a.rtan ...... Kan u City, Mo. 42;..~3 Culveraon, F. P ...... Greenfield. 2:':~:.· go~.'.. ~ :::::. Ollbf.rt Station 4211 Carver, E. J . , .... · - · Collins ...... Colo. m: llradleJ, Okla. Fort Dodge. 6379 Coleman, Carl ••• , ••. Farragut. 4275 COrey, C. 9 ...... · · · · Leblgb ...... 6380 Cook, Roy L .. ., ... , Renwick. North t;;nallsh Clutter 4308 Cole, H. B ...... 6388 Chlldo, A A ...... JtellOX 4328 Colgan, F. L ...... Conrad ...... Titonka. DaiiiUI, S.D. 5389 cameron, J. Roaa .... , lane he fflr Hollywood, C&l. 4332 Crawford, Harry B .. . Wilton Junction . . . 0 4351 Convene, L. E ...... Fort Dodge Omaha, Neb m~ ~~ ~rnJeetRR:·::::: Slht• •••• ( 'oltu~a. Cal Campbell, L. R ...... Davenport. l.aure.ns •.•••..... Slou.t. Raplda. 4361 6.f37 Ch rlstensen, S A • • Sioux ltftptds .•• 4382 Crain, W. L ...... Lone Tree Cuahlng. Sioux lt"'alla, B D. 6459 Callen. F. W ...... hldnn SL Louie, Mo. 4388 Cowles, v . D ...... Des Moines Eagleton, Canada 5.f60 Campbell, noaton •• , • Union. Ottu1uwa HOG Corte, William N .... . 5461 Cragg, Of'Or«e W .• Mason C'lt' 4416 Cozine, Irvin V •..•••• Clinton .....•....•. Towa City. 5493 carne) , Fl H ...••• Guthrie Center. CNiar !<"'alia 4422 Crabbe, A N ...... "ttfenlo ...... 6498 'blleon, Ill. AI .• Ochf"yetlnn 4427 Campbell, R . Keokuk ...... •...•. Memphis, Mo. ttnneapolla, Mlnn w ...... 5514 Corr, Edward .• Salix .• , •• Ona a 4439 CatJI!IIe, M .•.• Muscatine ...... •. Diagonal. 6516 Cutler. C. C ...... I· 01 t l1111fhaon 44"6 Cresco. Cl<'mmer, P. A ....•.. 6655 Criswell. .1 W . VIIIIIC"& ,, Oakland 4465 Clark, G. N ...... Parkersburg. 5577 CILillpbell, Jamea 11 Brady, Neb. Ilea lolnPB • • . • Cedar HaJJ Ida 4466 Cunnlngbam, C. E .•.. Oskaloosa ...•...•. 6583 Iutter, B A N•wton 4483 Carman, C. P. , ..•... Cedar Rapids. ., What Cheer. 5691 Carvor, R. F Colo •.•••• Rtanhol'~" 4489 Cady, Franr: C ••..••. Atlantic ....•...... Chicago, Ill 6597 Cbrlalen to. John Wapello Port TJ1U!& llurna.o, Neb 4505 Cronk, Alfred P ...•.. Montour ...... •.. 6621 Carr, John J • " , • Winnipeg, Cana.da.. M l i'DIIa I ,ovilla 4557 Cooper, George E .•.. Peterson ...... •.••. 6662 CoulMon, H. C • Brooklln • . • .. Chelae& 4572 Childress, M ...... Unionville ...... Oskaloosa. 665.( Campbell I.e Roy , .. , Winfield l'oundl Blutr1 . , rcadla. Kan 4~03 Carse, G. H ...... •.. Pleasant Plain •... 5670 Cub. W . ~·rank .,.,,, Unci rY~nod Ripon, Wla. 4595 Cooke, F. W ...... , Swaledale 6672 Coy, ~!art 0. Hultun 4596 Conklin, W. 9 ...... Des Moines. 6689 (',aratE'nB, t ~ P,, .. ,, .. Davtupnrt 4610 Culver, Edgar R ••.•.. Sibley ...... Sioux City. 6717 Chamberlain. L II .. U,.,. Mntn 4627 Coa0~8 4764 ('ope, l!'raocaa C .•.•.. Wllton Junction. 5856 Coakley, John F' l'arnPil I..~oa Angeles, Cal. 4768 f'ole, Orner L .....•.• Cf'dar Raplda ....•• 6869 Clark, •roland J IInmMion Ed~yvllle 4783 Crosley, Mont Laurena ...... Randall. 5944 Colli no, M J. Graettinger. Fairbank. 4818 COllins, T. D ...... Emmetsburg •...•.. 6958 Childs, GeorJe 8 Counrll ntufl'd Conn Rapids. 4834 C'atlln. F S ...... Iowa Falls ...... Mason City. 6962 Copeland, B E .••..•. • frfi ltl Colrax. 4~64 Clarke, Anon. Z ...... What ChePr .•....•. Oskaloo1-1a 61111 Carroll, Clara t Iowa f'lh· Mediapolis. <~JvlllR Wub 4892 Cllloy, Will W ..••... Wapello ...... •. 6038 ( ·armean 0Porge \V J,eon A1hla 4918 Countumalne. R. H .. 1tfarcus ..•...•..... Sioux City. 6058 Clift • .Jesse Ilea tntn Panora. 4926 Corte. Edw. W ....•.. TTnlon. 60G7 rariRoo, I,, n llM foln t.an rord. N 0 4927 f'onnPrs, Edw. E .... Livermore ...... Algona.. 6068 Caratenst'tn, r. I~ .•• r.ogan Ban Pf'!dro, Cal 4939 Carlton, C"'haa. G •.•.• Fairview •...... •. Cairo. Ill. h.Jt12 C:blnn, Bernice 0 •• 1l foln camp uoualu, Wh,. 49fit f'lPmens. W. C .....•. Wapello .•...... •... Oskaloofla. 6098 Coora(ll, C'barle T~ Holland 4956 Cooke, S. R ..•....••. Wall Lake. 6125 Colo, '!'. Cllllon .. 'l'hUt1nan 4M~ Collins, E. E ...... ••. West Union ...... • Winthrop. 6126 Covault, B M ..... Uu loin rbknJto. Ill 6005 Ca.rp ntf'r C. M ...... Des Moines ...•...• Santa, Rosa, C&llf. 6172 Chlldo, !. B .. Penta • FartnPr, 8. U. 6018 Cnmr>ron, Mabel .... . Kes?.·lck .... ~ ...... Pasadena., Calif. 6183 Co

40 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE H38 Croeden, F D...... Dubuque • , • •.... .• Ray, N D 7439 Cooper, H G, ...... , Luverne, l\1lnn. Waterloo l hlc-RgO, 111 6328 Connell, John . . . . . Maxwell ...•. 7456 Cal! let, I~. •~ .. , • . . Mac"t•tlonja • ... , • • \\ellington, Colo 6331 Casey, D. W. . • . . • . . . RPd Oak. 7467 Carl on, 0. I' ..... , . Dee Moines ••. • .... Unrll tllnu, S. D. 6332 Cooper, T. c. S...... 0!{dcn 7458 Campbell, ~- V .•.•••• Minneapolis, Minn. Rowan .....•••. l'cntl•r J•olnt. 6344 Crew, James H...... Lime Springs .•. 7490 COD7.t mlue, \\' L ..• ·ev. JhtmJ,ton . • ... Pel( nhontAs. Crum, Ray R...... Des Moines •...... Sutherland. 6367 7619 Cutler, II "' _. . O~l'lg -. ·o•·· ... Park Raphla, Minn. Cutler, Tyna M ...... Nora Springs. 7534. ChandiPr, H. G 6371 nea Iulnea . • . 0 •• Mnhlltl \Ia. Clift, Guy E...... Zearing. ll .. 6376 7661 Coll!no, J. l'lare • •••••. . 0 Pu,ahontu 6386 Cooper, Amos V...... Des Moines ...•.... Modale. 7582 Conrad, Belle H \\eb!a r City 6421 Cook, c. P...... Otley. 7590 Cop•Iand, 1~. F. I nox 6428 Crosby, Lottie E ... .. Menlo ...... Pueblo, Colo. 7695 Core 0 c. , , Holte Schaller. 6461 Cowser, Chaa. C ...... Des .M oines ...... 7618 Clute. P. H. • • .. n~ Moines • Chamberlain, 8. D. 6466 Cowles, E. G ...... Council Dlurre. 7624 Con~&). , t W • , . IJee folnes •• '1'\HU F'nlls. Idnho. 6474 Clausen, c. N ...... Cedar Falls. 7660 Carney, A. It 0 •••• Owa.sa • • • Rtanhopfl St. Paul. 6486 Check, Cbas. W...... Mason City 7665 Coverdale, J. L ..• Dt>l foln~• • Snhtif'r 6498 Cain, Cba.s. K...... Colfax ...... •.. Deep River. 7688 Clemens, fJ E .•. • . UPI ~1nii1P8 Iowa Falls. Jamc town, N D 6555 Cowan, H. L...... Storm Lake ... . 7716 Crowe, J. w, ..• 0 Wt.l Cnlou 6683 Cramer, Ralph ...... Albia ...... Des Moines. 7728 Cherrington. C A. netatur •••. the rokf't!. 6691 Crain, Mattie ...... Farlln ... . Deep River. 7748 Carmody, w. H., Jr • Vallt•y .lunt'tinn 6692 Crain, Louis F ...... Farlln Deep Rtver. 7769 Campb•ll. J. R .. , .. Des \fotnee. 6609 Coye, Elmer L...... Ames ...... Nc>w Virginia. 7782 Coordeo, Cardia B., Al."klf' • • • nJrndlve, Mont. 6632 Clark, c. A ...... New Hampton .... . Cedar Rapids. 7810 Campbell, Ch&S. 0 .• ('nunt II Dlutts Tuhhu, Neh. 6662 Cummins, Wm. M .... Rockwell City .... . Chicago, Ill. 7837 Clark, W. N ... • ... PA.rktonhurg 6677 Crowley, S. R ...... Des Moines ...... Lennox, s. D. 7868 Carey, M. W... . . Chf'rokt'P • tan 11111 6692 Clites, A. M...... Des Moines ...... West Point. 7869 Carow, Frank A 0. ,,ltntun 6699 Carylon, Roscoe E .... Clear Lake. 7883 Carlson, Carl 0 ... Blnan 6719 Chiles, Emmet M ..... 'Voodblne ....•.... Moorhead. 7884 Callahan, H. E .. Grar Colo. Casey, John R ...... Des Moines Kansas City, Mo. 6760 79 32 Cll!ton, Henry W ... 0 6761 Cady, Clarence W... Atlantic . Chicago, Ill. 7960 Chapman, J . A .. , •• , ~f·l~~~·w niurf~.' ... • 6796 Cadwallader, J. M.. Ottumwa Creston. 7980 Cochran, Raymond C Guthrie ('enter. Salem, Oregon. 6797 Cooley, W. H...... Jesup ... 7981 Conrad. ~! D . , , n a Moines •. T.~tke Foreflt, Ill 6798 Clark, S. P...... Ogden. 8044 Carragher, P.fatye t' .. l"lu II 6866 Carrig, Blanch M... Council Blutrs. 8052 Curry, GIIIHlrt (I ]liB folnf' ••• <'lark Milia, l'a 6880 Cavanagh, Thos. J .... De-s Moines. 8053 Chowning, E. 0 l'&r Ottumwa • Shf'llhurn, Jnd 6907 Carle. Edgar E ...... Knoxville ...... Des Moines. 8084 Cohurn, Robt. Le Roy . Carroll .. Omaha. Neb. 6916 Cameron, Harry D ... Sioux City. 8085 Crawford, HomAr T . nea routes Menlo. 6942 Crumrine, Jas. W.. Sioux City. 8066 Crowe, )ff'rton P ...• Plum r. 6943 Clark, c. R...... Hampton Ruthven. 8087 Cunnin~~:ham, Cbas. C. 1\n adta ..•.••.•• . Mat-~onvllle. 6944 Corbett. Chas. M ..... Bayard. 8123 Cowan, l<"'rank • • . • Des 1olnt!tl ...•..•. KrPmm11ng, Colo. 6964 Carr, Elmer E. Newhall ...... •... M"ount Pleasant. 8124 Coler, C. 11 ...... \Vhlltr·n . o .. 0 ..... Aflllngton. 6966 Crook, Fred B...... Des 1\Iotnes. 8125 Cunningham. W N .• , i\ur1uhnn ..•••••••.• Wf'E\fHPld 6988 Crosby, Emmet H .... Dl'B Moines ....•. . . Clinton. 8160 Carr, Qt'O. ll ...... , Rlou C'lty , • BIBon, 8. D. 6989 Collins, D. F ...... Perry ...... •... Iowa City. 8151 Cahill, C'arl ~I ...... C'ltnton , , •.•• VniJIRrbo, lnd 1 7018 Cahalan, 1\11. E ...... Waukon .. . Haward~n. 8153 Carlson. Qf'orgo ( 0 • rllntnn lti\Jllcl River, M1(·h. 7029 Cochran, John F ..... La.cona ...... •.... Indianola. 8198 Carr. Stfl)lhen r •••• ,. OAIer, .T. U .. o • • o Altoona JW1 on. 7321 Clause. Grace ...... Des Moines ..•.. Seattle. \Vasb. 8340 Chltlh·k, Oeo. , l>eA Mnl n ~>R. 734~ Chenoweth. C. B ..... Newhall. 83Gl f'lnrk, :\tarMhall R., c~~,Jar H.ap1da. 7344 Chesebrougb, Samuel. Atalissa. 8~62 C.. PY. Wm. D ...... ( 'har l ~ Citt 7346 Lobble, F. A ...... Dows ...... Sptrtt Lake. 8376 Currll·r. NPA.] rn . .•• NP,.,'tQn, 7H6 Colfman, W. T ...... ·1 South English .. . Salt Lake, Utah. 205 nterkee. Charles nf'JIPVUe. H21 Corlett. C. 1\1 . . •••.••• Iowa City. 220 Diehl, Philip H LA . tara. 7429 Candler, G. A...... Dubuque ...... Cassville. Wis. 7437 Claybaugh, H. L ...... Sioux City. BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 340 Dunbar, George B .... Center Point. 868 Deut.IC'bmao, A Muscatine. 4582 De Smith, C. F ...... 917 Dunn, John W. • . • • . • Derby. Charlt'8 City ..•. Stroud, Okla. Denver, Colo. 4636 Dick, 0. K ...... oe. . fotntoS • .. •• RocklH!ll 992 oumeJd, George W. . . Centervile ...... 4648 De Witt, C. F . . : .. .. . 1023 Doty, Elmer A ...... Oxford. Wyoming ...... Stanton, Neb. 4678 Dixson, John S ... ••. Ma.oo Cit ...... M:arabaltto\\n. 1684 Dumont, T. Dumont. 4726 Dl.xon, F. A ...... 1658 DeHaven, J, C ...... Council Bluffs. LohrviLle ••• CedaT Raplda. Red Oak. 4769 Dexheimer. W. F .. •• SDirlt t...ak e. 1692 Duke, Char lea D... . . MarshaHtown ...... 4794. Donnelly, Wl11tam fly an 1903 Oavl<. r. W ...... Iowa City. 4823 Denton, Robert A .. . • Iandt trr 2243 DeKalb, Benj. D .•. •·• De Kalb. 2324 Dosh, Edward Guthrie Center. 4817 Davies, W. T . 1' . •• . .. Hl h lt~ y , Elm a 2329 Doty, C. W ...... Newell ...... Beaver Crosa'g, Neb. 4899 , James H ••• n ecorah. 2433 DeWitt, c. H ...... · Lucaa ...... Glenwood. -490-i Diamond, J. A •••.•. Prlncrtnn • nee MolnNJ. 2654 DeWitt, w. W...... Peterson '!'acoma, Wa.sh. 4929 Davis, C. R ..•. .• , ... Pnnn t> IIIO n ... lotrnt Pie ant 2665 Doolittle, W. A...... Columbus .Junction .. Sabetha, Kan. 494 5 Day, George W . • • ltuiCA , , f'ut·ahnutu. 2847 Uavts, Will A...... Ferguson ..... San Morlcal, N . M. 4998 DeLesplnaaae, A. F. I! OranK' C'lt y Canadian, 01, ln. %891 Douglass, E. F...... Dysart. 5013 Dooley, E. P .. .. • .. P+>tl )' 2900 Drlsfoll, J. E. . . • . . . . . Davenport. 5033 Dillon, I. H...... ,Jf'I'OIIlf' uhurn. Nl"h 5036 Durette. Ella B ... .. llea ~1n1Tu 2922 DPKrulf, P. J Orange City. 5047 DeFord. Perry .•• . ..• •·antrtl 296R Draper, J . S ... , . . • . . Boone Albia. Twin I.akes, Colo Spencer. 5101 Dillon, George \f North'tl.nOII IRuly. 3011 Dickey, E). L ...... Marshalltown .. . 6128 Delandtr, E. P , ladrlrt 3032 De Mal'tlha, F. E...... Radcliff. Bellevue. 5173 DeLange, Jamea lhmaeu Clinton 303• I Dennison, John C .•.. Maquoketa. ••... .. 6285 Davie, Q('Orge H now C'lty OmahA Neb 3062 Dyer, Henry W...... Pomeroy Charter Oak. 6289 Daudel, H. A. ndn" 3191 J>oan . H C...... • . . . Humboldt. 5362 Davenport, Rolwrt E . Aloux C'lty 3291 Dingman, Oeo. w. Jr. Urbana. 5373 Dale, Dorothea U FrPmont 3316 Oonaleon. W. B .•••.. Salem Plerc<', Neb. 5378 Dorgelob, H 118111088. 3318 Damman, Fred "\V •. .. ..St. Anthony Sutherland. 5387 Davia, 11"'. J ...... r-~atrltank 3321 Dingley, Frank W. . . Algona. 5470 Druet, A. L.. .. . lar avtlle fonfltomery. f)pakln. James W ..•• Des San Frauclaco, Cal 3349 Molnes 6496 Dayton. Ltzzle A 8J1rl11tc Bra\\ It 7 rat 3398 Davia, W. D . .. • ..•.. · Lewls. Llm1 Brighton. 6586 lHerkes, Fred, .lr n,.lh~\1le 34fl9 Do8h, G. ,y...... Lucas •...... 6612 Dean. ,V, E .... Jledtonl Polo 3507 DoRta I, JoRPpb L... . • CedaT Rat> Ide. 6664 Daughtrty. Harban P. f'harltnn 3588 Dlddy, Claude A . .. . . A del Redfield. Olldflen. Tipton, Ind 5878 Downs, J. A • . •. , . 001 ~rotn 3COfi Davis, G. 0. . . • ...... Den t~on 5698 Downs, Frank D. Lnwls .Nf>fl)A 3642 Dewey, Wllltam H ..•. Moville. ~7671 Doolittle, II M ... 1 ar&on • • n Moln 3643 Dodd, A. TI .. . . • . • . . . . Toledo Charles City. 5810 Dt Lay, V Slu•rwooc1 AIIB •. l>ougla • Ar\7.. 3150 Doyle, C. Fl...... Lol!'lln .. Hamburg. Atallua Rockwell City 5818 Daugbney, W. J. 3786 DPRD, AlrT{'d F .. . Dunlap ..•• 6871 Deur. John F ...... 11uourl VBlley M JvPndorr. W. A... . . Unton •. 5946 De , D H .. .. r.antrll Th·DV f'r, f 'llo 395B Dayton, D D. . . Rock Valley ..•••.. Brawley, Cal. 59U9 llowd. lra 1•-: .... . Outhr I~ r~ ntt-r nrtav.ultl 3959 OeSPul, John P...... Geor~eo. 696ft Dlrkln on, John T ll• ~foln t1 Ablngrlon, 111 A del. 3990 DouKI"""· s. A . Des Moines •..••••• 6046 Dell~. H•nry f' .Jr l'lmnr lnwa ( lty SP91 Dodson. WilHam F ..• Shenandoah Spokane, \Vash 6056 Dykatra. R H • Oran«" Cfty A tnt A 3997 Davis, Ot"'rge S. . • • . CounC"tl Dlutrs. 6057 Dev.ey, Ju•l1t E llarti('Y Camhrlrl c, I a 4012 nownt~~, Horace S ..•.• Collins .•.••..•. Baxter. 6061 Dunham. l'l 1 Oalcvl1b J:lmer, fo 41R3 Dlrtcly, ('ad ...... Perry ...... MlnneapoltR, Mlnn R072 Dort. J, E • Uuhtu1utt 4207 Oovle, William J... OavPnport. 61R5 Deltf>rlch, T P VI tnr Oenvrr C'olo 42:!-t Oorr. 0 H.. Sheldon ....•.•.•. Denver. Colo. 6225 nrybreact, J. g NPV&tl& 42fi5 Dlehnt>r, W F. • • . . . . C11nton ...... •••.. Eldora. 6260 DalA, f'harlea C' f"re co St II gaP 4276 Dorgan, John J...... Davenport. 6271 Deur. \VIlllam E. 1iaaourl Valh y l.akA Vlt•w 4357 DaiP. Jobn R...... • . WateTloo Nara VIsta, N. M 6333 nuetf>r, PPtPr .J lh maen llnlet In 4387 I DaYis, Frank R.... Des fotnes Polk City. 63fi2 Of'Frt•hm, Chfls. H~l 0Rk R1111 rlnr \\'11 4404 j nntnl"ld. o. ,J...... ("entervtlle G3!i4 1 Daubrnbf>r$tf:'l , J, V F0h1la C'huklo. ~linn 44R2 I OlxRon, GeorgE" W . ... Colfax Alamogordo. N M . 6360 I Dono,·an. Oert rutin AI klPV Avou. A I> H95 Danquard, Theo . . . . . Daven poTt. 63R6 Davlo. N. W . IJMI MolnPI C"hlaholrn, . linn 4626 j lllttn.r. Ado! ph C. H. Fort Dodge Orange. cat. 6434 I Dull, Chu \1 .• Oanlrn OruvR Blof'll. Frank W llanhur San FrRnt hlC'O. ~at. B I ENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF P H ARMACY.

8377 6486 Dorsbelmer, George V L uverne ...... Des Moines. DeWitt, C. H., Jr . ... Glenwood. DeVIl bias, J . W ...... Wes t Polnt. 8386 Dewey, F red G ..•... Moville. 6605 320 66u6 Deardorff, V . G . ..• • . • Panora ...... •... Yale. Etzel, John L .•.••... Clear Lake. Desmond, W . .J ...... Clinton ...... Davenport. 443 Emetu, Hugo A •••••• Oa.vf>nport. 6566 944 6600 D lerdortr, Maggle Des Moines ..•. . ... Whlttler, Cal. Emery, J. It' ••••.• . .• • Nortb\\ood .... Muon City. Devine, T. H ...... Danbury ... . .•.... Delmont, S. D. 1234 Eldridge, C. 0 ..•.•.. Aabula 6602 1710 6678 Delander, Z. W ...... Madrid. Ellis, Clark . . • . •. Little Sioux Douglass, M. V .. . . . • Des Moines .....• . . Norwalk. Wis. 2122 Elliott, W. D •••.••..• KnoxvillE'. 6679 2350 6680 Draper, E. E ... .. • ... Runnells ...... •.... Des Moines. Ellls, Georae F ..••.. Grun•l> Ocnter Slht~r 6718 DeVtlbtss, \V. R .....• \.Vest Point ...• . ... Conway. 2528 Ellis, G. V ...... C'alllop .• Anlt-m. Oregon Darland, F red L ...... Des Moines ...•.... Sawyer, N . D. 2908 England, L. E ••. , •.•. Orand function Ollmore t'lty. 6724 2984 6762 Davidson, James A . .. Sergeant Blutr . ... . Newcastle, Neb. Engbartaon, R ...... n orah 6753 Davis, Eugene Mystic ...... Des Moines. 3012 Ea rle, W. C ...• • .•• \\ anl

f'i!H6 Harr, Homer ...... • Klemme ...... 0 •• Center Junction. 7929 Hyatt, Laura R • •.•. , Sflatlle, Wash 6947 Hawley, H. C...... Clarinda. 7954 Holm, AUII{UMI F ., o o •• 6991 Harker, Stewart W .. o Cedar Falls .... Hawarden. 7955 HORt('lter, .Tohn J1 o o 7013 Hill, D. W. .. •. . • . Lll>ertyvll1e Princeton, Ill. 7956 Herr! ng, l~arl 0 ,. 7957 Hanson, A ltrerl J . o o o. 7014 Hatter, Orville E ... . . Mlllf'rsburg. M(lnt 1n20 Hatton. H. T ...... Montrose .. Denver, Colo. 7970 Huxsol, .Al!rerl W. o o. 7021 Hort>r, J. D. Des Moines Freeman, S. D. 7971 Harrla, A A . •• • o o 7034 Hughes, BPrt Emmetsburg. 7995 Heinrich, 0 A ...... Nf'W !lrHIII>fon 7M,:l 7997 H•rtort, L. R n11 n ~ nml llonE"ns. H. "B...... Davenport. Chicago, Ill. ('h!C',IIW 111 7'99$1 Han"E"n, George C .. o . lles 1 o 1m~ 7054 HParl. S. W..... Iowa City ... . 0 Burllngton. 7068 HanttPD, F... Fort 7"999 1 llaupt, Wm. G .•• o.. 11P 1olm~s J. Dodge .... , Eagle Grove. AllifUli'Ao Nf•h 7070 H~·dtngPr, H. E. Hamburg. 80561 Hotrman. T~arl J • . OPB Motnr.s . 7116 Heck, R. S... McGregor 8091 Hartman, Elmer H . • I>PII :Molnrs . • Wll v£> rlv. Mlnneapolts, Minn. NlotB, Til . 7147 Hanna. H. F... Oskaloosa.. 8092 Haigh, Jas H •. ... o •• , F01 t Mallison 8093 Harvey, Albert E.,, , Polk rtty 7148 Heyl, FTederlck . . . o . 1Le Mars Van Horne. 8196 Husband. Clyde . o... DPR MolneR • o . ~iou Jt F'A.Il ". s n 8206 1 Hulse. W. P . ... Rock\\1•11 r.tty • . • I J)f'K ~t O l!H tl. COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 69 58 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE 3922 Joder, A. T .•.. .. •. ,. Watt>rloo Hudson 8210 Hill, C. A ...... Ottumwa. Oakland 8211 Hurley, Harry H .... . NeweU. ~~~~ ~~~~~o;, · : ... w ·~:~~ - g~ ~ ~~otn~·· ...... I~uthE~r 8220 Hughes, W . C ...... Keokuk. 4108 JohnHon, II. B ...... Ottum "A a ...... nen' yn, 111. 8221 Hem ping, Harry .. . Colo .•... .• • • •. .. .. Decorah. 4165 Jonea, Samu~ l A... • ('umbf'rland •.•... Atlanth• 8Z27 Hansen, Harry Des Moines .. • ••. . Heyward, Wis. -4197 Jonee, Harry F • . • • • Clarinda Pes toluN. 8265 HPSB, John H ...... Albia. 4232 John~>on , Henrr A • Sioux Rnphta t•rookaton, ' Jinn 8266 Hlllman, J. F ...... Carson. 18 Volga C'lt)· 8267 Hull, John C ...... • Bloomfield . ....• . .. Ottumwa. :;~~ ~:::r t .wA ...E:::: ··· ·· ~ ;!: tolm.•s .. SliArpahut•!(, 82 81 Hodapp, Michael Merr!ll. 4364 Julius. El. n . . . Manson Jla\ls, A. ll. 8282 Hildreth, Fred R .•. • Des Motnes ....•... Avon, S. D. 4.37 Johnson, Dee \\". l'larlnda \lllla. '8298 Henry; S. J ...... LeClaire. UU JE'nse n. Hans • ,Je>weJI .run tton \ ,. Jllng Wntf'r. Neb 8299 Hlll, Fred E ...... Colfax. 4547 JohnROn , J . 1 . . • ~lgonrne flea folnea 8305 Healey, Raymond W. Mason City. 4552 June, H. T . . . ll1nlln 1on 8808 Hartman, A. B ... . . Des Moines Le nnox, S. D. -4590 Jones. J n . . . . . (' rbon ra.n 8309 Hartrord, H. H ...... Des Moines Norfolk, Neb. 4.655 Johnson, Franklin nes tnfnes 8318 Harris, W. H., Jr . . .. . Centerville. 4685 .Junkerman, Jullua Arllley 8319 Hautb, Henry F ...... Waverly. 4761 Jarkt~on t F) ••• , • f'arhnn 8320 Hill, Fred H ...... Churdan. 4754 Johnson. W illia m F •• f'allf!nd r .....•. 8342 Hess, J. Earl...... Charles City. 4835 Jonee. A . F ...... Medlftnf R\ t1le 8366 Homan, Frank P .... . Alton ... . • .....•... Hawarden. 4922 Jarkson, T. C...... K,-o a.u ua 1693 Irwin, Charles E .... . Elliott ...... Henderson. 4953 Jf'trery, }.,rank n .... f'larlndn ~J98 Ingersoll, R. B ...... Boone. 5118 .Tohnson, T. W ••• , • t'ednr RRpld 3559 lngvoldotad, C. 0 ... . Sergeant Bluff ..... Colorado Sprgs, Colo. 6144 John~on, El . n ...... 1.4'001 3989 ]Brael, Miss Mary ... . (Brighton only) . 5161 JohannaPn, Otto Tl1n •nport 3993 Irwin, William T .... . Des Moines Valley Junction. 5336 Junker. W. Fl T nJ,.,l n 4324 Jebel, Arthur ...... Cresco. 5454 Ja<"kson, T_ C' llPtl Onl 4326 Irwin, Henry Angus Fort Dodge. 5465 Johnson. 0. J • . • Stou Hn!llds 4559 Ingersoll, J . B ...• . Boone. 5582 Jones, Chas. R . . ... I•'ort :\IR! II Bo n 5996 Iverson, WJll P ...... D ee Moines Hudson, S. D. 5619 Jenkins, \V_ .T r'nlra 6329 Jekel, Leo H ...... Fort Dodge ....•... Kensal, N. D. 5622 .Jenson, F. W Hol tP in 7348 Isaacson, C. A ...... [ndependence ...... Waterloo. 5692 JungPr, W. 1<~ RPinJ,crk • 7705 Irwin, L. J ...... Logan. 6703 Jerltbo, Alht rt lnnnt Phmaant 8160 lngvalson, A trred Sioux City Flandreau, s. D . 5712 JenRf'n, J. W Mfltlnlng 8161 Isaacson. Ida C ...... Cedar Rapids ...... Eau Claire, Wis. 5713 JoneR, M- 1~.. Guthrie r• nt r 8283 lvctz, John Des Moines Lakota, N. D. 5817 Jeuts<'h, C. H . A <'1l1IIR. J\lhlo n 236 Johnson, S. M ...... carson. 5829 Johnston, Il 1 J-'sthPnllle W ter f'll f 237 Johnson, Ella S ...... Carson. 6964 JohnRon, Otto \\ Ml HBi l' l, r rv. 355 Johnson. Henry Cedar Falls. 6956 .Tn.robs, F R DP lnln a 497 Janes, Edward L ..... Des Moines. 597a Jemwn. A. )If Rolfe H allu f'l•ntf'r 746 James, Isaac La Porte Ctty ...... Colfaz. 6979 Jones. F.rnest II . . F'orPit rlt Mnl-ll folnP.s Evf'rPtl, Vash 1836 Jones, J . R ...... •... Fertile. 6099 I Jones, rove H f.ltllt'i Sioux T.ovell\nrl. Jones, J. B .... . Atlantic. 6103 JonPS, OrPI . . \fah P.rn LHvf'll\nd 1863 Denison ...... nutraln f'rntPr 2042 Joder, Josiah K ...... Waterloo. 6129 .lODE'S. Harry 0 EnglP nroVQ KelHIIAU. N 2073 Jennings, Joseph ... . \Vtlton Junction .... St. Charles. 6131 Jarkwih, N . • , • f) 1 tntn,. n f'a1rVIPW Krm Ida Grove. 620R Jarques, D11nlf'l lrf,. .. lJra fnltii>S 1 2289 Johnson, Barnett !..a Mo!lle ...... rnwond 2468 Jones, Uriah C ...... • Breda. 6210 Johm~on, W 0 • , Thor 6246 Jn.strnm, A 11 . . • • Rf'm fn 2722 John, Milo J ...... Clinton. J· fht rvlllo. 2800 Jenkins, Hugh Preston. 6247 Johnson, Jay N..-.w )Iampton 3016 Jay, Gt'orge H .. .. . Shenandoah. 6248 Jones, Frank JiJ • TI('B MolnPa Omal•t~ Nt-h. 3077 Jackson, J. W ....•... Des Moines Cogllle, Mo. 63jj9 .Tohamum ..\. T . • • • 11 foluee 3292 Jericho, John H ...... Mount Plea.sant 6374 Johm~on, Tetphy J~. Ji'plrfif'ltf 3H8 Jurgensen, P. H ..•... Clinton ...... Lowden. 6378 .Tohwon. ('nrl A J) folnPI 3358 Johnson, John A ... . . Des Moines. 6400 Jf'rlrho. Frt>1l W. ,.... ,.lrfhlll P"nlrftrlct Uoulrh•r Colo 3367 Jordan, H. M ...... Des Moines .•••.... Burlington. 6426 JoneA, .Tam f":il T 6462 .Jones, 1-J [lNJ tolnP 3551 Joselyn, E S ...... •. . Stratford ••...••... Rockwell City. n. 6469 JandPra. n. 0 • • . . (' dar Tlat•l'h 3644 Judlscb, George Muscatine ..•.••. . . A mea. NtHI\ Rprlnll;'fl. 8655 Jones, E. 8 ...... 6478 JohnFiton , ~harlPS . . F.ngl~ Orove Charlton. 6481 Jac-kson , FranK D... OPIJ "\folnea ... Hf:lcllnnllM, ~RJ. 3795 Johnson, Charles J .. . Clarinda ...... Erie, Pen n. rorn1ng. 3799 John, G. W ...... Lucas. 1 1 1 • :: :. . Alhta 3829 Jones, Paul W ...... Roland ...... •.... tnd lahoma, Okla. ~~~: ~~~e~~ · J~ e~ 'c: .:. :. .I W,~;e~~ ' 3931 Johnson, E. L ...... Stanhope Fort Smith, Ark. 60 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 61

6611 Juger, Paul H ...... Reinbeck ...... Greene. 2333 Kirk, Charles R ...... Moulton ...... , • , I Charlton. 6621 J epson, Alvin L .. 4 ••• Iowa City • . . . • • . . . Mead. 2515 Knapp, Jamee J nubuque • ...... • . . Waterloo. 6627 Johnson, F . W ...... Northwood. 2868 Kuchmann, J . T . . • • lles . tolnea . . . . • • • • Muecatlne. 8738 Johnson, W. E ...... Osage .. . •. • .... . •. Des :!I.Iolnes. 2987 Knelst, F rank V ... Carroll ('ounctl Bluffs. 6165 Jackson, J. M ...... Carbon . _ ...... •..• Prescott. 3066 Kick, }!"red • . . • • • • . . ' tarengo . . ;... armington. 6800 Jeffries, Clarence R .. . Des Moines ....•... Estherville. 30~8 Kiedalacb. J -s J r - .. Keokuk. 686 9 Jennings, Roscoe W .. . Des Moines ...... Plymouth, 'VIs. 3144 Knos, Lara PeiPr • . Jlea Joines Sioux City, 694 8 Jones, Ben G .. . ..•... Beaconfleld ...... Blackwell, Okla. 3145 Krleba, George • • • Elkport 6976 Jones, Charles H •.... Dubuque ...... Beloit, Wis. 3199 KIOPJ), J . J .,.. Et~then IliA 6992 Johnoon, William H . . Webb ...... Iowa Clty. 3323 Klllhelfer, J . F.. . .. Hull , ... 'Mount Vernon. 7035 Jaeger, A. C ...... Clear Lake . . • ..... Alden. 3380 Keesler, J otoBJih •• , , .• Cumherlaud .••• Auburo 7083 Jetfera, Christine Bellevue . . . . • . •.... Hartwick. 3381 Kiehl, H. 8.. nita 7167 Johnoon, A. W ...... Cherokee ...... Rock Rapids. 3403 Kennto(l r . A. L ...•.•• Ne"ton 7241 Jack, Clllford G ...... Sioux City ...•..... Rising ·tty, Neb. 3441 K8881D I, J J ., _..... IO\\ 1\ ('lly • .. , Oa~lnnll, ('al. 7310 Johnson, H. J ...... Ackley. 3545 , Charlee . • • • . . Pcda.r na~*l!i neo \\Itt. 7311 Jepsen, Jake Evet·ty ...... Davenport. 3628 Koecbert, P. It...... llal'f'DI)()rt 7374 J.oder, E. B ...... Waterloo. 3b:J7 Ktnyon, Leali e W., .•. Vall t 'hh·ago, Ill 7414 Jo•eph, E. D . ..•..... Hopkinton ...... Newcastle, Wyo. 3709 Koent'ma.n, J<). 0. . • • • EMorfl 7436 JOhDI:IOD, J. C ••.••... Duhuque ...... Boise, Idaho. 3763 Kramer, C. F ....• ,,,, feOrtgor 7467 Joslin, G. A ...... Keokuk Darien, Wls. 3769 Kistenm&C'h fl r , Ill J , nnvrllilOrl 7493 Johnson, B. L ...... Bf'Tmond. 3816 Kettlewell , C. FJ •••••• lol\ia f'lt\ • nrson 7623 Jelfrles, F. H . •...... De-s Moines Evanston, Wyo. 3824 Keneflrk, T . JJ • • • • , Ark ley Jh,lmu nt 7612 Jericho, Ernest Mollnr. 111. 3865 Kllse, J F •. , l ~t· ~tal& •••••• ]lurnlck 7632 Jamison, 0. P .. . Wrldon. 3995 Kirby, S. C...... flrnn~ ,Jum·!lnn 7660 Jones, Geo. C ... . Waukee. 4050 Kauffman, A. • . Waverly • , Ka-nsas l'tty, Io 7696 Jebe, W. 0 . . . . . Dave-nport. 4116 Koch, Frandll J flnHO()()rt 7749 Junkin, H. D .. . 1\fuF:ratlne. 4156 Koeberle, ThHwlure A Wanrly S umnPr. 7765 Jones, Guy W ...... Des Moines . . . • . . . . Ch1cago, Ill. 4249 Kramme. n w l.ftUI el 0. ratrlt t> ltl 7766 Johnston, J. Artbur .. Red Oak _.... . • . . . Beardstown, Ill. 4307 Kinyon. C. P Ottumwa. • • ( edar RfttJ ide. 7788 Johnson, Arnte J .... . Roland. 4405 Kullmer, John • I I\ RI t 77R9 Jacobsen, E. C ...... Story City Marshalltown. 4656 Kapla.n, Jny Ooulrt Hock Ratllrls o watonna. 7814 JanouseK, John ...... Des Moines St. Paul, Minn. 4604 Kt>nt, C W. . . • Jhuu pton H uthve n 7815 Jorgensen, Jorgen ... . D(>s Moines Kimballton. 4669 Kranz, Qporge F .... n~ll C VUfl- 7927 Johnson, Walter A ... . DPCJ '-foinf's Denison. 4712 Klenze, John E . . . . Dnvenpur t 7958 Julius. \VIII J ... Fort Dodge Pomeroy. 473ft Kiner, F. C...... Jrln GtO\' P 7972 Jaenicke, Ralph ..... ('linton Ottumwa. 475:l K1dll, Mr11. ~mma. F 1 Hl\·prfnn 8000 Johnson, Artbur Carroll ...... • .... Lime Springs. 4801 Keltz, Bert F...... WtJhSi f' r rtty 8001 Judd, Howard G .•.... Paullina. 4816 Kehm. Conracl 1 Port Jlorlgfl 8002 Johnson, Charles E .. . Des Moines Elkhart. 4844 Kalleru, JA.tnee T.oren Tam a . . . • , • Ra n Dl e~:o C'al. 8045 Junger. E C ...... Soldier 4861 Kloster, neo J • • •• ••.. 8057 Jensen, W. D ...... Storv ('ltv ·weeping Water, Neb 4870 Kingery, J . K ...... Orlt' nt 8094 Jarkson. Sherman E .. De'! Molnf"'s Searsboro. 4903 KIR8Pl, Oeorge •.. 8096 Johnson, J. r" .... . Df's Moines Hlteman. 49115 Kicld, F'rtrt Z . • Ottumwa 8130 Jones, A...... Ston· City Gilbert. 4962 Knud..on, I~. C .•.•.• 8212 Jones, James F ...... T...nmonl. 4990 Klein H. W , , [i016 KennPrtv. C 8 . ..••• • 8282 Jackao~. Charles G. What f'hrer . . . . Fort Dodge. 8282 Jackman, Charles , , , . Df'A l\fnlnrs ...... Colfax. G025 KttdiPmAn. IJ F • • RtJirAr. Mlnn 83ta JudJ•, F. El ...... On.klnncl. 60H I KendA.Il, ('harlf's • • T~"arlvllh~ 436 Kemmerer, C. T ...... Blrlrldi!P .Tunrtlon Davenl)ort. 6059 KJIR(>, \\' . .J. • • • •• Alou Cit 51 I Klrk•.·ood, J W .. 6117 KnlllllOD, n. w 0 • • ••• Otle,·. nurllngton 6R3 KPrr, navld A .....•• . Kf'ol

5562 Kahrs, E S. D ...... Radcliff ,.o ...... Buckeye. G671 Kerr, F. E ...... •.• Lett.e .. Kinross. 7468 Kellman, J. W. Jr .. Dee ~oines ... Dubuque. 5716 Krablel. W. C ...... oo Winterset. 7486 Kinney, G. H ...... Winthrop ..••.. Cbarlea ('tty. 5738 Kilgore, W. B ....•... Des Moines. 7568 Kravlck, L. A 0('8 lofnes ... . Sprln field, Ill 5792 Klto,n.man, 0. B ••.• . Bayard Dows. 7569 King, F. S ..... nes Moines .... . Valparaiso, Ind. 6874 Kelley, F. W ...... Glenwood ... Paclflc Junction 7570 Kramme, \V. L. Story City ...... Laurel. 5920 Kautenherger, Nick, Jr. Dee .Joines. 7600 Kuhn, Martin Algona ••.••• Parsons, Kan 5949 Kristiansen, Alfred . . DE's Moines ...... \Ytthee, Wis. 7601 K.leeb, H W ...... Earltng ...... •.. Battle CrE>ek. GOO! I Kane, \V. P .. . , ...... New Hampton O~ge. 7622 Kelly, A. J ••..•. Chari~;>& City Chicago, tiL 6004 Kincaid, Geo. E ...... Muscatine .•..••.•• Lyons. 7724 Kempf, L. E ... Burlington. 6007 Koitermann, G. H ... . Charlf's City ..... Chicago, Ill. 7742 Klare, C. F. W Davenport. 6039 Kledalach, Geo. A ... . Kookuk. 7743 Kay, F . J ...... Farley ..... Hazleton. u.• aJ Knoebel, Geo. a-1. •...• Des '?'.foines •..•.... Lincoln, Ill. 7760 King, 0. R ... o. Coin ....•... Gallatin, Mo. 60961 Kanealy, John F ••... Van Horne ..•...... Oelwein. 7852 Kinley, Oren w ...... Des '!\1olnes 6100 King, L. R ...... •... Bedford ...... Strang, Neb. 7853 Kerr, Chester C • •... • Des :\lolnes. 6148 Kucera, Anton ...•... Cedar Rapids Kewanee, Wis. 7872 Kirtley, Ro111n ••.•••. Des Moines Hot Springs, S. D. 6150 Keating, Ed. C ...... Sioux City •. Dubuque. 7890 Koester, Fred G. • . . . Des Moines Carroll, Neb. 6227 Ku!!ian, A. J ...... •. Arkley ...... 'Vall Lake. 7920 Krueger, Emil E ..••. Des Moines Ackley, 'Minn. 6238 Kiger, A. P ...... •... Des Moines Los Angeles, Cal. 7921 Knight, Horace Byron Des . tolnes. 62541 Kunzemann, Chas.... Des 'foinf's Fort Lupton, Colo 7940 Kline, Wm. Everett. Des Moines. C289 Koenig, Geo. 'v ....•.• Le Mars. 8004 Kad ..h, Char lea J .... Marion ...... Paxton, Neb. 6337 Kramme, G. L ...•... Btory City. 8005 Klein, Frederick W .• Waterloo . La Comb, Alta, Can 6375 Kavanagh, ~~- P •..•• • Dunlap ...... Petersburg. Neb. 8059 Kent. J. Marshall , .. Claren<"e •• Wheatland, Wyo. ~!lllette, 6402 I Kennedy, S. J ... 0 .... RA.nrrort. 8056 Kahl, Edward H ...... Des :\toines S. D. 6487 Kreader, Ray E .....• DN MeiDf'R Oakes, N. D. 8097 Kyger, R. Homer ••. . • Des ~oines Ogden, Utah 64,0 Kane, John H .. . o.. •• 8098 Knight, Eugene C .... Wauc·oma. 6500 Klonus, U. C .... . lfanrhester . •• Winthrop. 8162 Ktme, Leroy F .•. Dubuque ...... Frederick. Okla. 6508 Kehbe, C. F ...... ('m~htng .•... Fort Dodge 8199 Knever, R. A , . •••••• , Lowden . . . .. Iowa City. 6565 I Kuch, W. L ..•.••..•. '?\farf'mm . , ... Oakville. 8229 Kather. E. • ...... BurJtngton .•.... , Williston, N. D 65GG Kopp, P. F ...... Story City • RO\\aD. 8243 Klinefelter, George R. Hawarden .•..... Kenmare, N. D. 66H Kirby, S. I ...... Wf"1t.t T...therty . 8268 Kitchen, Frank H . .. . Des Moines. 6666 Kles, John L ..•..•.•• DuhnquE" 8310 IKemble, I E ...... nes "olnes . Colorado Spring&. 6693 Ko<'h, Henry A ...... Sumnf'r ...... Denver, Colo. 8344 Kohler, Albert J . •• .. Des Moines. 6701 K•llogg, F. C ...... De~ 'fofne~. 8367 KourE>~·. S. W •• ...•.•. Stratford. 6766 Koch, H. J ...... DPB ~folnf's Rock Island, Ill. 160 I Long, G. P ...... PE>rry. 6767 KE'arby, G. M ...•.. Boone Omaha, Neb. 226 I La·Nicca, M J G. Dubuouf" 6768 Kinnett, Elmer .... . Moulton .. Pierce City·, Mo. 636 I Livermore, C. ·\. .•• • . Cascade. 6817 Kirschner, C. E ...... DM Mol~~ Weston, ).fo. Hopkinton. 6839 Kinney, E. C. nf'~ MoinE"s Fort Dodge 1i~~ I t~';;~!:.to~ha~~~~hj:::: Marshalltown 6886 Katn, C. B ...... Al~ona. 1320 I Undley, B. B ...... Wlnfteld. 6949 Kupka, A. J ...... ('hE>IfiPR , 8 Dan bur''· 6993 Klein, C. J .•....•.... nef 'fofnes Grinn("ll. ~!~~ I t~~~~. ·E~~~d' H: :: : : Sioux City. 6994 Kratochvil, F. W ... .. Hamnton. 1701 I Langhelm, J ~! .. , .. Davenport .. Charlott(' 6996 Klttoe, S. H ...... nuhuoue •••.• Galena, Ill. 1706 Lundy. W. L . .••.••. Colo •• • ...•.. Clarinda. 703fi Kammeter, A. A ...... !=lhrll R&k 1713 I T~oper, John C .• . •.... Dt>s Moines. 7055 Knox. S. T ...... Crrlar Rantds . . •.•. OnPida. 19f.4 Lowry. J. J •• ••••.•.. Cr98<'o. 70~,6 Knudson, T. H ...•••• ralmar ...... Alden. 2010 I Loper, James H •• ...• Des Molnea. 7117 Kingsbury, L. J ..•.•. C'Hnton ...... Chicago, l1l 2t3n Larton. H. R ...... Leon. 7118 Kennedy, W. A ...... '\fAfiOD City ••.. . Manhalltown. 2161 I Lax :Frederick .• Colo. 7119 Klle, J. B ...... Krokuk. 2~25 Letblg, Rosa K ••.. . . :!\JarFhalltown. 'il ... O Kinter, W. . ...•.•.•• Mf'Jntvrf' ...... Riceville. 2316 L'n<'h, L J ...... Ytllis<"a 7H9 I Kennedy, Hattie E ... . BR.Df'rort 2391 Little, ~I A...... Casey ...... Webflter City, '71fi9 Knudston, A. S...... OM MolneR •... Spokane. Wuh Lake City 7170 Kurt, N. J ...... ('asr:v1f" • .• •••• •..•. Chicago, Ill. i~~~ l ~=: ~: ~::: .:: :::: 'Jal'jUOketa. 7~05 Kurharo, B. 'F .•..... ~ .Jolne!iil. 2565 I Le<'<'h, Louis J... . . WNt Branch. 7242 ' KE-nnedy, W. A ..•.... \lgona ... Armstrong. 2676 I Landen. 0. M...... l.a.wler ... • ... New Hampton. 7272 ' Koerner, G. C ...... nps :\Jnln~s Valparaiso, Ind 2757 I Louts. Henry . •••. .•. Jowa City.

7324. I Knos. Mrs. Erick ....• ~loux ('fty, 2769 1 Lowry, Geo. W .•.•.•. Cedar Falls ...... ('olton, S. D. 73~5 I Koflter, s. w. . . , ... . Df's ~folnf's Wf'Rt Liberty. 2776 1 Lamherf!on, W. B .•... Columbus Junction. Nora Springs. 7326 King, C. J, L ...... nf'~ Moines f'htcago, Ill 2821 I L•g•l, John 0...... ftha.rlE>S City. 737fi I KP.ssE>rker, F. C ... . nnhuQnP. Sheldahl ...... Slater. H36 Klinck, C. L. Brbtow WatE>rloo. ~~~~ ! t:~~ke~:n.~~ ~: ~ ·:: :: DPR Moines Oakland. 2925 Longhecl·erd. Albert . Ind("prnden<'e El Paso, Tex. 64 BJESNIAL REP ORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 65

291\9 I Lawrence E zra C.... ·waterloo •••.. Des :lloines. 4998 Leeplnaase, A. F. H. de Orange City ...... Canadian, Okla.. 3099 Lee. J. Allison ...... Lone TrPe •. •. . Lisbon. 5015 Lowder, Willl&m . . . . Lt'dyard , •..•..• .• . ~laquoket&. 31~0 Loar. D. '\\'...... lon roP ••. •• . .. . . Beave r City, Neb. 3194 Landis, Jes;;e .. .• .• . . ~fur ray Eagle Grove ~~~~ }:~d~. ~-" j:: :::::: : t:::hO..lltown ...... Kenemore, N D. ( For Yale only.) Chicago, Ill. ~ ~~ ~ I t!~~~-n~J~~d· 'E: ::::: l::!~le r·. ·· · · · · · .. ··. ;:~~ t~~~~P~·h;;i ..w · · · · · · · ~:~~~t~i1i~ ·::::::: Estherville. 3293 T..ongwell, Jesse . • . . . . ·wellma n Go\\rie ...... La Junlta, Colo. 3306 I l.4?'mmon. A. D ...•.•. . Guthrie Center. ~~~~ ~f::::is~ vT . ~.·::::: Le Claire. 3394 / Lindley, :r M...... Win Held. Park RaiJids, Minn. 34!)4 Lt('k, Chas. W ...... • Dubuque ;;~~ ~~:~· F~e~~: .:::::::: ~~~~~~ ::~ ::::: ~: ~Ion roe. 34~5 I Lewis. G. W...... GrlnDE"II. ~~~~ Lltzrodt, E. P .....•• . , Council Blutrs ..... Burlington. 3489 Lauder, Will R ...... • ~fars halltown Sioux City. ·wells, Minn. 3Fi01 J~u~hlln. l\f. R ..... ,, Boone ...... Albia. 5292 t:;~~: ~r~·. · j~::::::: ~ro~;·!uc1tY: ·· ·· · · ·· 3fi12 Lawhead. W. E .....•. Redding ... Burlington. Chicago, IlL 3531 Lawrenre. E. S...... Des Moines. ~:~~ ~:~n:V-0~ - j:.:::: ~:: ~0e~·l=v~=~~~.: : ::::: : : Des L8.C'B, N. D. 36291 Lf"ith, George E . . . Creston Snn Diego, Cal. Toledo, 0 . 3636 LeaC'h. James W . . Crrston. ~g~ t!,~~~n~- ~V _A:::::::: ~:;ne:~~ .lle ••.•... 3658 Lund vall, N A . . . Dayton ...... Sioux Rapids. a699 LAPenoUere, John A Grand Junction . . . . Minn. Lake, Minn. ;;~~ ~~:: ~: 6. :::::::: f~~:;~-ndence ... Sioux City 3716 T.Al'Forre, D A. . . OttumwR. 5556 Large, A F ...... ,. . . Brad!lyvllle. 3739 T~ove, Charles New \farket ...... ~faryville, Mo. 5610 LeGore, J. F ...... Churr!an ...... Rockwell City. 3751 1 Larson, Vlstor A..... Burllnl!'ton ...... • Chicago, Ill. 5611 Letson, G. A...... • . . Council Blutrs .... . Des 1.loines. 377R Lilli•. L. M...... ~!arion. 5675 Le Fevre, L. K...... Keokuk Spokane. Wash. 3790 I Loomis, F. W . . , ..... Shannon City. 5680 Lang, '\\""llliam Mus('atine Wilton Junction. 3793 1 Lloyd, James H...... West Branch. 5709 Lemmon, J E...... Vr.'ashtngton. 5719 Lamm, J. J...... • • • . Decorah ••••...... Lanesboro, Minn. ;:~: I ~~eo;. ~- -:_:: : :: : : : ~~~r~odge. 5728 Lomen, Gustave . . • . Decorah • •.•..... Le Roy, Minn. 3916 I Lies, Michael E ...... Dubuque Watervtlle. Wasb 5739 Liggett, B. W • . . • . . . (',onwa.v ...... 1)(-s :\lolnes. 3928 \l .. lovd, Burton W ..... Sioux City. 5820 Lauffer, G. G...... Da.venporL 3960 LaGrange. T. G...... Garrison Vinton. 5828 Lindsay, H A.... • . Jnrlel)endenre. 404ft I Leach, John A ...... Creston ...... Vlllista. 5833 Leigh, H. J... .. Sabula ...... Carroll. 40!l9 I J... ampe, T. J ...... 'Vall Lake ....•.... West Point. 5851 Lexvold. H. H...... Roland Radel Hie. 4097 l~ewta. Altred W ...... tnwood ...... •.... Fort Dodge. 5862 La.ngerak, Henry M •. Pella ...... •...... C{"da.r Raplda. 4137 I Lewis, John A ...... Manning. 6873 Lowery, John R...... Grand Junction .... Diagonal. 4291 Landgraf, F. J ...... Waterloo. 5911 Lyon, Cba.s. T...... • • Marengo. 1 4296 I Ladage, Henry W ... 'I Grundy Center . . . . . Waterloo. 6921 Landtors, Edward . . . DeR Moines. 43131 Luce., John ...... VIllisca ...... Mount Ayr. 6978 Lauvstad, Jno. P.. Avoca. Harlan 43~R Loughran, Thomas J. Ames. 6021 Lumsden, W. T... . • • . Iowa City. 4:\96 Lo\\ ery, 0. W ...... Grand Junction. 6074 Lorence, Joseph . . . . . Ely. 4410 I Latimer. Glen !\1...... lndependE"nce . . . . Boise, Jdaho. 6077 LaJte, Wtlliam Davenport. 4415 t~armon, A ...... Manson ...... Donnellson. 6215 Long, Fred W...... New VIenna Sioux Falla. s. D. 4434 I Latta, K. C...... Paton. 6287 Loucks, Grace Danbury. 4471 I Larson, Charles 0.... Burlln~on. 6397 Lindsey, H. H.... • . Avoca ...... Lake VIew. 4472 1 Lut>hrR. Otto G...... Cht>rokee ...... • . . Marathon. 6408 Lusby, E W. . . . Sioux City Westgate. 449·1 1 Lam(>r. WilHam ..... Nf'wton ...... • . Melbourne. 6442 Lindbaum, R. H .•.... F.aa:le Grove ...... Whitewater, Wta. 4579 1 T"'hman. 'lax RemSf'n . • . . . • . . . • Minden 6509 Loes, John R ..... , . . . Dubuque ...... Mtnneapolla, Minn. 4592 1 J.Utle, Charles A ..... Lamont ..•....••.•. Sexton 6516 Littlefield, H. H ...... Baldwin .... , ...... Keokuk. 6533 Lockwood. L. E ....•• Bayard 4601 I Larson. C. W...... Stanton . 1 Red Oak. 4619 LuPhn, John H ...... Shf'ldon .. ..•• ..... Cresco 6567 Longnecker, Holton. . . D~R Moines Rollfnsville, Colo 6603 4620 1 Lars~n. Edward Alta Loucks. Richard Danbury. 4fl"6 I Lamson. C. 0 ...... Anamosa .•..• Waterloo. 6618 Longwell, A. F .. _... Wellman. 4677 I T.O'\'f". John G., ...... Ltmf" Springs •..... Jamestov;n. N. D 6801 I Long, Chas. F...... Whitten. 4743 LOJZan. 0 W FondR. Shannon Ctty. f'i802 LarRen, A. W...... RPf'UC'f'r Fort Dodge. 4i4S LamlJPrt. G. H .. ...•• Hampton MaRon City 68(13 Lease, N. J ... , .••... f'ra' rordsvllle. 47flfl T.ourkR . .T. (' Danhury Ida Grove 68041 Lee. Arthur ...... Oladhrook •• , ...... Indianola. 4i82 Lf"lk, ·wmt"m c. Duhuoue. 6822 Lubbers. Henry . . . . :\faurlcP Orange City. Burt. 4S2:1 t~Phan. J. W •.. • • ••• .• nunlap. 68i0 Lyn('h, '"· A •..... , • . BA.ynrd ...• Gran1l Junction. 4S6fl Lowf"T\'. Frcti B..... Crt>tH'O f'iS821 Lllves, E. ){ ...... DE'S 'folnes 6935 LeE>. R E ..•....•• , . M\·stlr .... Kellerton. 4SR!i t.unll~r4"n, Charles W. Sioux C'lty. Kansas City, Mo. 4RfiR TJen. Alh4:'rt E .. .. _. . FAI!lf" Grove .. Whlttemorf'. 6950 Latta, Don ...... 'I f'harlton . . 69.">2 LtlJibrldge, ~- B.... ;\fanrhester Lemmon, S. D. 4!Hi2 T.(>n'.t, .T. A .. ,,...... Tllll'UOUf' So. Omaha, Neb. 49j:l3 T.ndage, Vrr' C... Grunrl} C'f'ntE"r. 6968 j Lyons, J B ..• ,..... Des Moines COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE 66 ~~: Meisner, Amtlua...... Davenport. ~~~~nja:~ C~::::::: ~ultobn ••...... Maquoketa. 6977 Lemmon, Roy A .... . Guthrie Center. 638 6982 Lee, S. L. • • . • ...... Dee Moines .... •.. VenturL 716 :Montgomery, W. H ... o!:n~~~· 6996 Lee, A. J ...•...... Des Moines ...... Kearney. iS3 :Markley, G. H ...... • Lansing 6997 Luke, C. L ...... •.. Hampton Popejoy. 915 :Mallory, Dwight • •• . . Roone. 6998 Lindstrom, J. E ...... Des Moines ...... Sioux City. 6999 Lonseth, Otto Sioux City. :~~ ~~~.rl~ A~~~-~.::: :: : Boone 7liJ7 Lewis, F. C ...... Schaller . . . . . • • . • . . Wyoming. 1036 Morgan. J. w •...... &e:a~:!~es. 7057 Lohmann, F. C ...... Wheatland. ~~~~ Mealy, D. H ...... Ple:uant Pinto 7171 Livesay, V. F ...... Des Moines Stanley. 7172 Loukata, J. A ...... Llhertyvllle Chicago, Ill. 1192 ~i:~~~t;,•· ,~info;·:::: ~~~~>gZ:al~ · · • . . . Dee Motnea. 7289 Leonhardt., E. P .•.... Fort Dodge Bippus, Ind. 1193 !\father, Charles G.... Springdale. 7327 Lunde, H. C ...... Des Moines Fargo, N. D. 12H Moore, William G ... Silver City 7349 Laban, Thos. Dunlap. 7350 Lyon, H. C ••••••.•••. Emerson ... , . . . . . Ellston. ~;~~ ~i~~~ir.YJ~t~~ .: ::::::: ~~~~o~lty 7351 Lambert, C. M ...... Hampton Mason City. 1977 Moore, G R Oxford Junction 7376 Lee. Amsbery ..•.... Des Moines .... , . . . Omaha, Neb. 19~8 ~feacham, J. E.... Clarinda ..•.... Waukomis, Okla. 7401 Linden, Gust Ruthven. 2080 Merritt, W H ...... Hartford .. •.... Pleaaantvllle. 7469 Losch, H. J ...... Burltngton ...... Chicago, Ill. 2123 :\fartin. M. T...... Wc-olllmrn 7494 Loeltz, M. A ...... Earling .... •o .••••. Perry. 25171 Mitchell, And F Keota ...... Des Moines. 7495 Lawrence, W. E ...... Alta ...... •...... Storm Lake. 2569 Montro~e. Ge~rge. D:: Sloan. 7552 Ludwig, Peter ...... Gray .....••...... Vall. 2571 ._ tactarJane, Thomu.. Mondamin 7589 Ladage, Ed Waterloo ...... Tripoli. 2611 Mayer. Peter • . . . . • . . Marshalltown. 7602 Lorenzen, C. P ...... Denison. 2751 IMorn in. George 8..... Crdar Falls. 7616 Lutterman, C. J ...... Runnells ...... Wellsburg. ).f&nnlng 7619 Lamoorn, W. A .....• Denison ...... Austin, Tex. ~io~ ~~~;;,· .t· :: :: ::: ::: : ~~~~~~~t CitV . · · Onawa. 7633 Loomis, C. A ...... • Keokuk. 2S42 • lack, Geor~e J. . . • Watt>rloo. 7635 Lewis, A. H ...... Des Moines ...... Oklahoma City, Okla 2874 Morgan. Dell G ..•• , •• C"ounrll Blufts. 2bh~ ~forgan. Bcnja.min A. Marabatltoy, n. 7652 Langerack, B. H ...... Ottumwa Pella.. 1 7706 Losby. w. D ...... Des Moines ..••••.• Benkelman, Neb. 2892 .filler, T. L ...... Routh English Arton 7790 Lagomarctno, John J. Cedar Rapids o ••••• Winnemucca, Nev. 2913 I Moore, Charles ''· 0 0 0 Janeavllle R\·eleth, • finn 7816 Light., George P ...... Des Moines Angola, Ind. 2921) I ::\fa~y. Sherman R .• _. ntoomflt>ld Des Moines. 2927 :\hrea, ,,. E .•...... ·ew Hampton 7873 Lammon, G. E ...... Des Moines Spring Valley, Minn. Leon. 7909 Larrison, Arthur ... . Adel ...... Mapleton. 29£1 Miller, Severin . . . . . • J)av~"nport San Franc:-lsco, Cal. 7922 Larson, Martin Callender. 2982 :\fulnlx, J. A •.. . o. now,, 2991 Moon•, Silas H... ~lout f'tty. 7936 Lucas, Charles B .. . Des Moines Mansfteld, 0. Stnry City. 2991 ~foorfl, i\rthur J.. .s;loux C~h· 7959 Linder, W. H ...... 3070 . for e. Charles H.. P.1g1p Grove 7973 Lux. P. E ...... Oelwein. 309-l :\!av G~rgf1 E.... C"harles City. 8006 Lynch, Robert G .... . Des Moines Hampton, Neb. Cltnton. 3101 ;\filler. C. 1<~ ..••••• 0. ('e~ar Rapids Des 1\!oines 8007 Locke, Burt T ...... Sl&:l :\Iaxwell. W .•l ..• , •• Anwa. 8008 Locke, Wayne F ...... Clinton ...... Chicago, Ill. 'Vhlttemore ...... Des ~lolnes. :":222 :\Ia.son, G W 0...... Golclfleld Kanawha. 8009 La.nnspach, Henry A., 3290 :\torgnn, FrE-rl E ...... C'ron•well Sidney. 8010 Lueders, Ernest R ... . Des Moines ...... Ashland, Wis. Des Moines . . . . . • . Seattle, Wash. Sioux City. 8060 Lee. Stenlf !...... ~i~~ I ~i~n:·:;~.T.GR .W~: · · · · i;~~o~~a ...... Kansas City, Mo. 8061 Le Fevre, Joseph ... . Des Moines • . . . . • . . Green Bay, Wis. I Sioux City . • . • . • . • Omaha. Neb. 3422 I MJtch(>li, A S tarlon ...... Spring"f\E'Id, 111. 806~ Lippold. Wm. R ...... 3443 j :\tars,; h. F A .. . , •• 0.. Mah·ern Seward. Neh. 809~ Lewis. D. P ••.••..... Des Moines . . . . • . . . Gillespie, Ill. I 2-US ~tollenhoiT, J. P .•.••• Stanton. 8100 Lawson. Arl. . .. _... . Hedrick t Sigourney. 3450 1 :\toll"'on, W. T ...... Ottum Fnrlhault, lfinn ~nt Long. R s ...... De~ :\,folnes ..•..•.• Brinsmade, N. D. Des Moines Brooklyn, N. Y. 3467 :\lulhern. J. \\'...... (;rPf'nflPlrl Keota. 8164 Linke, E. o ...... 3510 . feyPrs, Ed. G.. . Rein heck. 8213 Larson, M. C ...... Stanton Kingsley. 3526 lfatthews, W H ••••.• Tlflta ..... o •• • • o San Franrlsco. C&l. 8230 Lundvlck. A. W ...... Gowrie. Davenport. 3!)39 1\Iedowell, A. • • • . . . . . Ga.h'a ...... Palermo, N. D. 8255 Loot, Henry R ...... 3571 )forgan, .Tames Woo.. Columhuo; Junction ~tusC"aUne. 8269 Leeds, Robert H •.. , • Cherokee Lawton. 8345 Lelbson, Harry I. ... . Des 'totnes. ~~I~ I ~~:;::·~: ~. ~::: ..•... ~o~~~~~~~ty .: :.:. ~~!~a~~~- Wash. 8368 Landon, Ray L ...... Cedar Rapids . . . . Lawler. :l619 Mf"rFhon, G. A ...... o RR}'nr(l ...... 'tarshalltown 169 Mullan, ?\f. F ...... Pomeroy. 3i20 Moofl) Clarke B ..•. Plalnflf>lrl Ionia Anita. 282 Major, E. E ...... 3i43 :\fahnke. George ..• Dea 283 Montgomery G. S ... . Atlantlf' . Grant. ·J ~folnf'tl. Ottumwa. 3746 I Mogre, G A...... AtRIIssa •• West Llherty. 2R5 Utchell, John H .... . Bloom6t'ld 3801 Moetze1o E A . o...... Des Moines Davenport. 2R7 Mitchell, William S .• Bloomftf'l<\ Mount PIE'a.sant. 367 Maulsby, E11ls P .. CaAey. 483 Maur1d, R. Dyenrt ...... J Oak Park, Ill 68 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 69

3809 Miller, H. D...... Stanwood ...... • . . :Muskogee, Okla. 6211 Malloy, J. E ...... New Hampton • • . . • Austin, Minn. 3841 Mulnix, A. B ...... Dows. 6234 MOJXlmen, M. H ...... LeMars ...... • • . . . Hinton 3844 Mll1s, J. S ...... Harlan ...... • . . . . . Mason City. Waterloo. 3890 Meinert, Fred G...... Remsen. :m ~::::~: ~: i:::::::::: Ahmna .... Britt. 3920 Meisner, Ernest . . . . . Reinbeck. Burlington. 3926 Min thorn, M. F...... Moorehead ...... Castana. ~m ~~~!~~·F~n:·::::::: Arcadia. 3947 Miller, Charles I ..... Galva. 6270 ~f!!!er, J. J ...... A<'kley. 3949 Mlller, Frank F...... Iowa Ctty ...... Galva. 5318 Molltson, A. E ..•..... Ottumwa .. Burlington. 3969 Mendenhall, J. R ..... Earlham. 6333 Masters, C. L. E ... .. Maynard 4.010 Miller, Ralph H ...... ·waterloo ...... Algona.. 6334 Mann, s. M ...... AIC'xander • North Powder, Ore. 4.144 Moad, C. L ...... Ute ...... Wenatchee, Wash. 6335 M!cbae!, F. L ...... Ottumwa ....•...... Mason City. 4177 Mudge, L. H ...... Blanchard .. , •..... Denver, Colo. 5347 Marquis, F. A ...... Belle Plaine .•..... Colfax 4180 Moffet, Benjamin F... Clinton. 5415 Meyer, H. C ...... SlgournE>)' ...... Britt. 4245 Mathews, F. A...... Algona ...... • . . . . . Seattle, Wash. 5421 Morrow, C. F ...... Blanchard ...... Denver, Colo. 4255 ::\tarttn, T. D ...... Pomeroy. 5469 Mathews, J. R ...... Iowa Falls • Des Moines. 4277 Mathews, Charles W. . Pulaski. 6474 Markham, A. J ...... ~tarlon Sedgewlck, Canada.. 4340 Mewhor, J. C..... Rh·erton Harvard, Neb. 6475 Ma:rnard, W. H ...... Ottumwa. 4373 Mackril, W. A...... Onslow ...... Wall, S.D. 5489 Moment, E. F ...... CC'ntral City Walker. ~53 Marner, W. R ...... Miles. 5559 Matthie-sen, J. C ...•. Clinton. 4497 M11ler, George . Dalla.s Center Jerterson. 6S95 M!!!s. F. W ...... Ottumwa. 4.511 May, B. Wood..... Charles City. 5599 Marean, W. A ...... Guthrie Center . . . . Adair 4515 Moore, Charles W I Birmingham Beacon. 6614 Morrison, C. J ....•... Cedar Rapids . . . Rolfe 4523 Morrison, W W . . . . Iowa City. 5637 M!ller, W. C ...... :Maredonia. 4525 Morrison, Theo L. . . Seymour . Des Moines. 6631 Moster, D. C ...... A.tlantte .. ••... Chicago, Ill. 4648 Macomber, G. B . . . . Casca

6324 Morgan, T. w., ...... Edgewood ...... New York, N. Y. COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY 71 6339 Maiers. J. A ...... Luxemburg MononL 6377 Maxey, M. W ...... What Cheer ...... Arion. 7571 Moore, R H ...... Gravity, 0 Denver, Colo. 7591 Mlck. F. L...... Bussey •...... Pleaa&ntT!lle. ::g~ ~~~~~~n:." t.' A::::::: ~:t~~ ~-~~~-- · • • • • • • · 7603 6420 Mtller, W. H., Jr ..... CorrectlonYille ..... Quimby. Morpn, C. H ...... Iowa City ...... Lake City, Laurel, Mont. 7636 Miller, W. B...... Mount Ayr ...... Kanaas City. Mo. 6438 Morris, C. L ...... Carson 7661 Mendenhall, D. G •••.• Des • fotnes ...... 6449 Mundt, J. H...... Council Bluft:a . . . . • Chelan, Wash. Enterprl&e. 7662 Morris. W. G...... Des Moines V&Uey Junction. 6476 Miller, ,V. B ...... •. Ackley. 7663 Mallett. F A...... Dea \loin e.. 6510 Mucblenthaler, R. W. Elgin. 7684 lloore, H. M ...... • • Iowa City 6667 Musser, C. J ...... HanReJl ...... • • . • . • Hampton. 7707 Miller, Raymond . . Brayton. 6675 Martin, Geo. H., .. . . Des Moines . . . • . . . . Vacaville, C&l. 7714 :\.Ian ley, B. E. . . . . • . . . Sloan 6601 Mills, E. C ..•...•..•. Q!

72 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE 5892 McDonald, Andrew Ehle r ...... • . . . . . Jewell. :>9 8i ~l c<..: urnin , A A •. • ..• Dee 'loines. 1672 McE wen, C. A . . . • . .. Inde).endence. ~04 2 Ale Farland, Virgil . • • Sioux City . . • . . . . . • HoardYI11e, Neb. 1799 McCrea, H. H ...... \lhla ...... •• •• Danville, Ill. u 08 6 McKibbt_·n. R. G...... nea Moines .•••• • .. \\~eunme . '\-lo. 1878 McDonald, J. W •••• • . '\1orntng Sun ...... Ot~ kaloosa. 6115 McGuire, J. Leonard.. Goodell. 2143 McElwain, R . H ...... Clarksville ...•.•. .. Dodge City, Kan. 2236 McDermid, D ., Jr .... . Victor ...... •• ..• Muscatine. ~~~: ~~ ~~~~ ed. ~· . .~: ::: :: ~ ~~:~ar ~::::::::: : : ~';!~rn. 2409 McColm, C. B ...... H epburn ...... Logan. 6217 McDonald, D. J .. . , . • Sioux City ...• • .... JacktooD, Neb. 2516 McNab, Alex. Rock Raplda. 6261 M c~tl ck le, S. L ...... ~tel bourne .•••..... 1, \.oamosL 2661 McBride, H. E ...... Ames Manhattan, Kan. 6282 M:c::\lurray. Charles . . 'laquoketa. 2571 McFarlain, Thomas Mondamin. 6285 ~JcNtven , James Glenwood • . . • . . • . . . Cherokee. 2678 McBride, C. M ...... Rock Valley . • ...... New . Plymouth, Ida 6295 McFarland, Robert . • Dubuque. 3073 McKay, Frank P .... . DE-s Moines. 6335 McGua.n, Charles W . . Iowa City. 3170 McKinnta, C ...... Ollie. 6348 McWilliams, c. T . .. . . Postville Cheater. 3249 McWllllams, J. J .... . Charter Oak. Omaha, Neb. 3404 McBride, R. W ...... Marshalltown. :~~~ ~~~g~~~~;,b~,an~· L~:: g~:n~Ioi~e~ ·:::::::: Belmond. 3627 McKibben, C. A ...... Bloomfteld Fort Madison. 6562 McDonnell, J . E ...... Williamsburg ...... Sidney. 3738 McCulloch, George Humeston. 6666 McEnroe, Geo. A... . . Sioux Rapids ...... Des ~Joines. 8883 McColm, J. L ...... Persia ...... Jamestown, Kan. 6917 McCreery, F. F ...... Rolfe ...... Renwick. 3901 McConnell, P . G ...... Creeco_ • •• ...... Clearfteld. 6954 McArtor, W. H. B ...• Mar{'ngo ...•...... Clinton 4047 McDonald. J. E ...... Independence Ma..;on City. 7059 McLennon, J. S ...... ROC'kwell City .... . Glenwood. 4087 McClure, Mamie 0 ... . Corning Gratnfleld, Ka.n. 7121 McHame, A. T . . • . . . . • Des Moines. 4132 McMlllan, R. A ...... Iowa City ... Genoa., Neb. 7223 McCrane, P. J .....• • Alta Vista • • . • . . • . • New Hampton. 4169 McGaberan, J. C .... . La.Porte. 7328 McElhinney, J, S ..... \Vashington. 4242 McGarvey, S. B ...... Belle Plaine Schleswig. 7329 McCord, M ...... • ... DE's :'\.1olnes . ... Enid, OklL 4269 McArthur, F. H ...... Des Moines. 7355 McLaughlin, T. F ..... Wapello 4282 McDaniel, A. B ...... Swan Afton. 7472 McCaw, S. E. Wtnfteld .... Oxford, Neb. 4321 McCorkle, G. E ...... Sh"Jlsburg. 7512 McCall, M. J ...... Algona. 4409 McGuln. Geo. B ...... Grinnell. 7530 McClelland. E. E . .... Des '1otnes. 4433 McCurntn, T. P ...... • DN Moines. 7592 :McManis, R H .. • . •• • Centervi11e ..••..... 'McAlester. 4438 McKown, J. W ...... • Cedar Rapids St. Paul, Mlnn. 7604 McCarthy, J . W •••... Lewis .•... , •...... Meadow. 4443 McMartin, C. S .....•. Rock Valley Toledo. 0. 7678 'McGarr, D. L.. Grant Center Mapleton 4462 McMeel, E. C ...... T..ost Nation Delmar. 7679 McCaab, L. R...... Ottumwa De Kalb. IU. Seymour. 7751 'Mctsaae, A. \V...... Rockwell City ..... Yetter. 4469 McCoy, John R ...... 7855 McNertney, Frank D. Doone ...... , .•... 4463 McKay, Chaa. A ...... Des Moines. Denver, Colo Boone. 7856 McClelland, Wm. H ... Nodaway ...... Corning. 4531 McMeeban, James 7874 McGuire, C. M .. • . •. . \V(lbster City. 4611 McBride, W. H ...... Muscatine. 7912 McLaughlin, Harry J. Keokuk Seneca, Wis. 4637 McElroy, E. K ...... Clare ...... Lohrville. Lost Nation Bennett. 8015 McW11liams, Bert D • . Chf'rokee .....•.. .. Alton. 4660 McMeel, J. H ...... 801C McCullough, A. Clyde. Des Moines .. , ..... Belmond. 4667 McConaughy, Earl R. Des Moines. Fontanelle. ~064 McClain, Harris \V . .. Miles Trlpp, S. D. 4841 McDermid, Pierre 8106 McGovern, Arthur J. CMcade Grundy Center 4872 McCune, Chas. H .. . . . Creston .... Avery. Spirit Lake. 8107 '1cCut<'beon, May . . • • Keokuk ...... • • . .. Canton. Mo. 4934 McGrew, E. S ...... Ainsworth I Redding. 8108 McMtllln . . • . • • . . . . Des Moines •.. Lost Nation. 4941 McClanahan, W. A . .. . 8322 McMillen. Bert Sanborn. 5014 McArthur, Wallace .. T..eMars Storm Lake. Butralo Center Forest City. 60 NeRper, Fred T ...... fuscaUne. 6050 M·Kay, J. H .... o o ••• 62 Nunna1ly, L. D . . •...• Hartford. 61491 Mc.1ermott, C. L .•.•. Waterloo. Marble Rock ... Rockford. 247 Nichola. Wllllam M •• Mlantlr 6189 ~!cCray, w. R ... o ... . 295 Nichols, Edward 'RE"Ile Plaine 6191 Me. tahon, Thomas .. . VIctor Em('rson ..... , Frazer. 722 ~orton, It M...... KE>nt 6293 \ McGre"·· L. W ...... 14 72 Nash, A F...... ~ioux rtty. 5320 MC'Creary, H. B .•.... ('entE"rvllle ...• , . • . Canon City, Colo. Des ~folnes ...... Belfield, N. D. 1994 Ne"'man, "\!. M... . . Edg~•·oofl . 5381 l.-f(".·\tlams, A. El .• .... 2191 NauE'rth . .J, H Tama City ...... • Traer 6467 McColm. C. W ...... New '1arket. College Springs. 2273 Nlrol. Ira I. Larona. . . • . . . . 'faRon City. 6458 ''frClymonds. S. E ..•• 2556 Nitzsche, J. C...... Dubuque ~'[aquoketa. 54fl6 ~'I<'Ph~tE"rS, B. B ... ~. JE>fforson Harlan. 27341 Nachtwey, ThE>o. • . . . . Lflnstng. 6!105 '1rNamara, F. H .. Fort Oodge Humboldt. Adair • • ...... 1\londamm. 2761 NuJZf'nt, Ed. 0...... • OskalooRa. 5~20 MrEvoy, '\1 T ...... 3021 Nugent, H. D . . . . • . Oskaloosa. 55fl7 I MrC'rt>ad~·. A. R ...... HartlE-Y. Lnls. 6592 .\1<''1A.<'kin, F. G ..•... 3209 Nichol•. w E...... Shemeld . Newton. 5665 '\fr<'omhs. Amantus .• DMI ;\folnes . . . . . • . Chicago, 111. Sioux Rapids. I ''fonti<'E>llo . . . . . • • . . West Union. 3721 Nordstrum, S. G..... Dayton .. 56R6 MrT.augblln. c. J .• . .. 3771 Nix, John '\'f ....•.... Dyersville Waverly. 576R McFadden. Wl11tam .• D'·s Moines .... , , .. ,. Oakville. I 580:\ \ McAtr'E"e, Vesta J. A .. GraD~t"l"r • ...... Rosfoe, Ill. 5855 MrClusky John A ...• Glf"nwood BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE

3868 Naumann, E- L. J •. ,. Burlington COMMISSIONERS OF' PHARMACY. 76 3903 Nordi!trum, J. F...... Sioux Rapids ...... Dayton. 3904 Newquist, Frederick . Stanton ...... •. Essex. 3935 Namur, Charles • . . . . Des Moines. 8170 I Norton. Harry B ••. Council mutrs ..•.. Keokuk. 8172 Nordling, Albert J ••.• Dee .Moin Rockford, Ill 3960 Nadler, Frank .••...• Davenport. 8349 Nelson, N. W ••..•.•. 3998 Nauman, ""· B ...... • Waterloo. Callender Macksburg. 4003 Nalden, H. R...... Woodward. 3H Olney, Arthur R .••• Clinton .fi084 Nelson, C. H ..•••. ,.. Des Moines Guthrie Center. 420 Oeder, Fre-derick •• Dea \foln • 4ns9 Ney, Robert J...... Spencer ...•.•..... Webb. 951 Olmstead, Earl N .•••• Xew Hamrlton 4344 Nlgg, Henry A ....•.• Merrill. 1264 Otis, Clarence • ( .•.•• Tabor 4475 Nix, Mike .•.••..... , Ackley ...... · . Hubbard. 1462 Osborne, Benj&min F. Rlppf"Y Mlnneapolts, Minn. 1939 Oleson, Olaf M ..•••.• Fort Dodg(> 4521 Nichols, C. Ellis . . . • Sioux City ...... Camf'ron, Mo 4549 NelHon, William ••••. Britt ...... , .. . San Bernardino, Cal. 1980 Owen, N. Eugene .•••. o~kaloosa 2548 Osborne, G. S . • • Rlvprton ~I!BBOurl Valley 4613 Nelson, Charles N.... Bedford. V. B •••...• 4724 Ntwman, Charles T .• Marshalltown .• . Hamilton, Mont. 2856 Ochlltr<'C, Keokuk. 3027 Owen, C. N ...... -4770 Nichols, C. F .....•..• Panora .. Los Angeles. \fnrlon. 4916 NoiJlett, Roy C...... CresC'o ...... Jefferson. 3107 Olsen, Monrad J., ... . Des Moines. 4959 Norton, N. L ...... Marathon .... . Laurens. 3475 Olive, D. C ...... ~<'ranton. 3486 Odiorne, Be-n G .....• nea ~folnes Alpha, N. D 50G2 Nolan, G. R •... , . . • . . Ruthven. Minnea.polls. :\ttnn 5086 Nicolls, F. F. . . Danburr ...... Pierson. 3586 Ogg, John J ...... Lime Springs 3599 Overfield. E. F. •• , •• P::lma. 50!13 Newman, Orace ...... \Vebstrr City. I 3906 O'Rellly, William F . 5120 Nordbaus, C. A...... Stanwood • . . . . . · • Yetter. Kookuk 3955 Owen, Luther P •••.• 'farlon 5432 New<'omb, Geo. D ..... Creston. 4039 Osborne, E. A • • • . 6482 Nixon, Robert B...... Blanrharil .. . .•. • · · Clarinda. f'('IIBr Rapids ~196 O'Keefe, Matt. J . Waterloo. 5513 , Nestln~. C 0 ...... • De• ~lolnes. Oenv('T, Olio <1222 Ollnger, William •• 'rhlln~r .. 5635 Nordgren, E. E ...... Ottumv. a • . Davenport. <1342 Ostrander, A. R •.... Geary, Okla. 5642 Nordgren, E. J. Ottum\ a •.... .••• · Orlnn~ll • Lovilia. <1442 Overton, W T Hampton Geneva. 5763 Nol1en, J, H ...... Pella ...... Newton. H67 Ormsby. F E 5816 Nelson, John C ..•.... Aurelia.. 1-fa.rtelle. 4485 Olnf'}', V. L., ~hf-11 n()('k 6878 Nilson, C. E. Des ~fotnes .• Adams. S. D. 4638 OwenR, Frank ..••••• Bloomfield . Hannibal. Mo. blJ~4 Nemmers, Peter .T.... Bnncroft. 4564 O'Toole. Chas. S .•... RsthPrvllle .. Vienna.. s. n Walter, Okla :: 1 4814 1 Olive, Rlrhard W . . F::(·ranton ...••. ~~~~ ~~;:;;:~~~- F.T~~-~. ~: ~~~~~~: 4~55 Qehrin,;, Chaa. C ••••• F.lkl\df'r 6351 Namur, Geo. T...... Sigourney. 4878 O'Day, J W...... DRnhury. 6534 Noble, GIPnn W... Promise City 49131 Ocker, Lero~• :\'I.., ...• 'rolf'do Cedar Falls. 6549 Nerby, Olaf E...... J,ake ~!Ills ... Thor. 5009 Oelke. W. C ...... r.oldft~>ld ...... Corwith. 6619 Nixon, A. W...... Iowa City .. Dundee. 5054 Olinger. J. B ...... 'fnxwell ....••. :Montrm~<'. 6S19 Neufeld, Frank ...... Davenvort. 5060 Oard. A. W ...... , Fort Dod~P . Council Dlutrs. 6923 NiC'kf'l. Arthur . Des Moines Chesterton, Ind. 5184 Ordway, .J . C.. , ...• Nf'w Hartford Wasbtn~ton. n. C: r.955 Newnum. W. L...... Maraha11town State Center. 5208 Ortleb, George ..•...• nurlin£:ton St. Louts, )1o 6956 Noble. Chns. W...... Dallas. 5396 O').falley, J. E •• , ..•.• Pt'rrv. Camanche, Okla. 69741 N)-'BOE'. P. N ...•.... · Sl\lart · 5409 O'Leary, ~fike •..••. W(lollhlnf' Hansford. Cal. 7001 Na<'ke. Frank J ...... West Point •.. Burlington. 5433 O'Day, J . J ...... nan bury 70M Nixon. S. R...... Clarinda ..... Glenwood. o:;r.s O'Connor, T. E ...... f1f'org~ ....•• Jackson, Neb 7090 Nichols, E1lw. S ...... Des Moines Chicago, !II. 'fount PleaRant. 1 55761 Ott, C. A ...... 7255 Nerby, B. L...... Lake Mills. 57~7 O'Connor, T G ....• .• ~faloy ..... [mOJtf>Of'. 7415 : Newell, J. S...... W&Y('rly .•.. Ackley. 5i!19 Osborne, J. S. . ••... Of'S 1oines. 7419 ' Novak. J. H ...... Iowa rlty 5~0~ Olson, Olaua F ....•.. Badger 1 7693 Norga.ard. J. J HarlR.n. 5811 O'Niell. Oavld D .•. AC'kley ...... Waverly. 7699 Nl<'hols, J. G... • . Belle Plaine. 6010 I Opper, John C ....•.• New Albin •.....•.. Waukon 7740 Nf'llon, L. L...... Woodbine .... Omaha. Neb 6119 OranJte, M. D...... Centervme. 7791 Nlf'man, .J. A...... ShelhJ" li297 Olson, 0. E ...... • ,. Huhhard .. Le ""are. 7840 Nieman, Thfi'Odore F .• Burlington 64n1 I O')falley, w. P Perry. 7961 Nash, G. F...... Pern• 6491 Ol•n. 1'. 0 .•. Atou"lC rtty Grand Forks. N D 7962 Nordstrom, Fred G . Dayton li6ti7 Otis, B. S .••• 'nee "\foln~ W~·nrlmert-. N. D 8017 N4"lson, Ray A .....•• Dee Moines. 673R Ot•rtel. F. II •..• Oto Bronson SOlS Narum, Carl C...... Kensett ... Hanlontown. 6903 Oswf'ller, Albert . A.shton SuJlf'rlor •. ttnn Chicago Heights. R047 Nlrks, \rnold P .•..•. Duhuque .. •. ... JIT 7122 Ostrander, W. H I S:tuart Ha~tlng~. Okla. 8066 Nelson, D. Edwin .... Council Bluffs Chteago, Ill. 7245 Olson, H. 0 ...•. Of"s '1olnes .. RlOS Nlrhola. Merle S ..•.. Burlington. 7356 Osborn, E. 0...... "Knoxvtllf' 8110 j Nlrolla. Oscar C. . . • . . Lawton .•..... Pierson. 7379 I O'Harrow, H. E Of'~ !\folnf's .. Mount Auburn. 8184 1 Nutt, C. J...... • .. . Osoeola ...... Des Moines. 7473 1 Overholser. R. J... ••••• rorre<'tlonvtlle Andover, S. f) 7716 Orabood. F. IV. Sioux City Trent, S. D 7722 Orris. R. w...... Earlham. 76 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 77

7857 Otwell, Eugene ...•.. Davenport ....•.... Albuqurque, N. M. 4162 Pennington, G. S ..... Ottumwa ...•...... llrtlton. 7926 Olander, EmU . . . . . • . Sioux City ...... Primghar. 4206 Petersmeyer, Wllllam. Odebolt ...... • Ashton, Ill. 7941 O'Brien, Edward John. Des Mol nee. 4346 Pettit. Louis F ...... Des Moines • • ...... D&llas CE-nter 8019 O'Brien, Thos. V. . . . . Lenox . , ...... Des Moines. 4384 Parsons, A. H ....•.•. Akron . . . • ...... Des .lolnee. 8020 Ogle, Hiram E ..•.... Ottumwa ...... Avery. 4386 Platt, J. H ...... Montezuma. 8111 Olsen, Morton A...... Forest City ...... Dardnevllle, Nev. 4491 Pennebaker, J. w ...... Coin ...... • ...... Coffey burg, Mo 8135 O'Brien, J. F...... • . Havelock .....•.... Ware. 4608 Parman, E. J ...... Cedar Falls ...... Decorah. 8173 O'Dea, VIncent J..... Davenport ...... New York City. 4512 Parker, C. E ...... Slhley. 82U O'Keefe, Jas. L...... Manson . Fonda. 4538 Patterson, Harry 0 .. . A tlantlc . • ...... Omaha, Neb 8257 O'Leary, Agnes G.... Iowa City. 4602 Power, Jo H ...... •••• Bloomfield • . . • . . . . . Knoxville. 8312 Odlet, J. E ...... • Fonda.. 4635 Platt, Thomas B .•.... Montezuma ...... Ha\o ~·den. 8313 Optican, Sam . . . • . . . Des Moines Leaven worth, Kan. 4:643 Powers, E. A ...... l\loulton ...... Exline. 8323 Otto, Henry C...... Clinton. 4683 Page, W. P ...... Kingsley • ...... Alvord. 8389 Oliver, Martha E .... Cumming. 4:691 Parker, E. R ...... Ireton. 8390 Osborn, F. D ...... Davenport. 4:698 Polson, Gustave E •... 'V('eley . . . ..•...•. 1 Denver, Colo. 22 Perrin, Wlllard ...... Floyd ...... Oelwein. 4:742 Palen, Anton J ...... Dubuque. 122 Peters, C. W...... Fort Madison. 4:760 Phelps, Oscar W .• , .. . Hawarden ...... • . . 1 Wallace, S. D. 481 Parker, J. H...... Des Moines. 4:852 Persons, A. F ...•..•• Goldfie-ld • ...... • . . Cambridp:e. 837 Pyle, Samuel M .•••.. Mount Pleasant. 4923 Peo, Evalene ...... Hazelton . . . , .. , . . . Boone-. 838 Peterson, S. J ...... McGregor. 4976 Pond, A. M, ...... Webster City . . . • . . Dubuque. 932 Parmenter, R. F..... Newton. 4993 Perry, T. J ...... Williamsburg. 1161 Powers, George P .... Marshalltown. 5049 Preble, C. H ...... Humboldt. 1225 Penn, A. V...... Sidney. 5082 Petersmyer, E. C .... . Odebolt ...... Waltf'r, Okla. 1299 Pickering, C. E...... West Liberty Des Moines. 5097 Penney, T. A ..••••... lAgan ....••. o••··· Tulsa, Okla. 1868 Putt, H. A ...... · Wapello. 5136 P118e, F. W ...... Wall Lake ...... Dubuque. 2097 Price, L. J...... Tama ...... •. Sioux Falls, S. D. 5217 Prann, W. E .....•... Cresco , , , .•...•...• Sibley, S. D 2166 Pierce, G. R...... Blairstown ...... Salem. 5229 Pohle, E. B ...... Dexter. 2360 Parker, E. W ...... Peterson ...... Sutherland. 6240 P!ell!er, W. F ...... Cedar Falls . . . . • . . . Oelwein. 2399 Parvin, T- 0...... Fort Madison ...... Petlacotla, Mex. 6241 Pederson, G. M ...... Harlan . . . . • • . • . . . . Storm Lake. 2415 Patterson, M. F...... Pocahontas Center .. Fonda.. 6252 Phillip, A. C ...... Earlville ...... • . )fanl·heater. 2521 Powers, C. A .•••••.•• Moravia ...... Moulton. 5253 Peterson, W. J ...... Fairfield ...... Colo. Springe, Colo. 2550 Prann, AI. W...... Cresco ...... •.... Ridgeway. 5260 Peters, Blanch E .... . CaRty ...... • . "fartlnsburg. 2582 Parker, L. T...... Manson ...... Eagle Grove. 5294 PeterROn, 0. V ....•.. Dayton ...... •... Lehigh. 2675 Paxton, J. F...... Harlan. 5323 Peterson, A. 0 ...... Gowrie . . . . • • . . . . • • Cambridge. 2737 Pentzer, J. L...... Muscatine. 5416 Palmer, L. L ...... Paton • ...... VInton. 2836 Pember, H. H...... Spencer ...... •.... Rock Valley. 6417 Peet, R. W ...... Swea City. 541o Phillips, C ...... C'lartnda. 2918 Putman, T. L ...... Riverton .....•..... Snenandoah. w. 1 2940 Pike, Charles C...... Oskaloosa. 6436 Phillips, Mrs. N. W .. . Ferttl"' ...... Hanlontown. 2942 Platt, George M...... Red Oak ...... Seattle, Wash. 5488 Park, C. G ...... Wilton Junction . . . Clarence. 3167 Palen, Joseph A...... Dubuque. 5525 Pinckney, Edwin ... . Forest City. 3267 Paul, B. F...... Paullina ...... Blairstown. 5529 Peryon, E. P ....•.... 3298 Pfeltrer, H. Jacob.. . • LeMars ...... Cedar Falls. 5551 Priest, F- H .... o•.... . I 3299 PInckney, E. A...... Forest City. 5587 Petree, J. E ...... Dee~~~~:: Moines ...... Harlan. 3413 Painter, W1lltam. . . . • Peru. 5600 Parker, G. F. o ••••••• Gladbrook ...... C~ntervllle, S. D. 3423 Pfeltrer, Paul M. o..•• Parkersburg ...... St. Louts, Mo. 5666 Pote, G. J ...... Bridgewater. 3453 Potter, F. E ...... Shambaugh ...... Corning. 5i3l Pinard, P. F. W ...... Wetitfteld ...... Escanaba. Mich. 3499 Pratt, Arthur E •..... Waukon. 5776 Perkins, L. D .. •o o ••• Des Moines ...... Denver, Colo. 3694 Phllllpo, Clyde C •.... Sloan ...... Colo. Springs, Colo. 57851 Paden, C. M.-- .....•. Belle Plaine. 3626 Phillips, E. M...... w.. t Union. 5872 Powell, Pr('ston ... o •• Adair 5901 Purdy, Anthony L .•.. Oakland .•...... o. Neola. 3676 Port. Frank W ..••.. ·1 Olin ....•• o o••.. · · · (Olin only.) 3684 Paine, Fred E...... Vall ...... •...... Marcus. 6924- Paullne, J. F...... • Albia 3726 Potts, Harry W •••••• Unlonvllle ...... Garden Grove. 5933 Pinkerton, F. G ..••.. Waterloo ...... Salt Lake City. 6950 Perry, Jesse R .....•• Rhodeo ...... Oelwein. 3866 Patty, C. C...... Carroll ..•• o. o ••••• Fonda.. 3867 P!Ptfl'er. G. A ....••.. ·1 Cedar Falls. 5961 Pelton. Burton L ..... Woodbine ...... Whittier, Cal. 39H Peck, Seman Z...... Grinnell. 5963 Patterson, Roy 8 .. o o. Marshalltown Davenport. 3934 Pitkin, F. 0 ..•...... Cedar Rapids ...... Providence, R. I. 6981 Pyle, Will M ...... Marshalltown. 3967 Palllns, Charles E. . . . Cedar Rapids. fi982 Parker. Fred 0., Jr o .. Ireton. 4020 Parsons, Miss E. So o•. Adatr ...... •.... Atlantic. 6025 Potterveld, Wm. T •... Dubuque. 4061 Park, Jj. E ...... •. Tracy. 6037 Paine, G. W ...... Burt ...... Algona. 4069 Pierson, L. R ...... Dee Moines. 6041 Phllleo, Addison E •.. Des Moines. ·1 6053 Preston, P. A ...... •• Calmar. 4071 Phelps, C. W ...••.• o • Selma ..... , ...... Lynnville. 4093 P!ander, C. F .....••. Ackley. 6070 Pyle, Frank S ...... Mount Pleaa&nt. COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 79

78 BIENNIAL REPORT 011' THE ~~~~ ~otter, Wm. \Volcott. . Lone Tree . . . .•.. Kin rose. 7935 p~:~;~.J~~aWG :::::: Columbus Junction. t.t.a.ll I Parker, G. L ....•.... Des Molnea . . • • . . . . Independence. Minneapolis, Minn. G230 Peterson, A. E ...... Spencer ... ~...... Charles City. West Side. ~~~~ ~:~~: rr~~- :::. . ~~~~:t\\:~ ... Cantril. 6231 Patterson, 0. L ...... 6022 Parker, Lloyd w, •... Farmington ·' 6325 Paulson, Henry 0 ... . Dee Moines ...... Thor. . . Stockton, Ill. 6340 Patton, Harry T ...... Clear!!eld ...... ·.. Charlton. 8067 Peltrer, Wm C g: ~~~\~: :: · Wortb, Ill. 6356 Proctor, Mamie 1\farcua ....• ..•. •.. Burlington, Kan. 8068 1 Proctor, Albert A::::· J)es f · Trenton. :Mo. 6372 Palmquist, A. F ...... De. Moines ...... Hartley. 8112 Proce, Walter E Sutb;rf~~~. : · . ::': · Hot Springs, S. D 6398 Peterle, A. L ...... Gravity .• .•...... Cowgl11, Mo. 8113 Purdy, Orland K ..... ·c~>la ...... Logan. 6422 Peterle, H. M ...... Gravity ...... Cowgill, Mo. ~~~g ~~~~· Aloia C ·.::: Dut•uque. 6460 Penqulte, Elmer 1\ftngo .• .. . ~ ....•.. Mitchellville. 8231 ( Peruss~. ~r~~l~ ·:::: : Algona. Lawrence, Kan. 6466 Paschal, W. W ...... Columbus Clly •.... Wapello. 8245 Park, Clyde E Des 1\foinee ·' · · 6492 Parsons, Wm. A ...... Algona. Shenandoah. 6620 Paradise, W. E ...... Des Moinea ...... Barnes City. 8270 Parker, Edwa;d A··· ~~~n~wa. · • ·' · 6548 Parker, B. R ...... Oakland ...... Wood Lake, Neb. 8271 Perkins, Alvah w · · · O!leholt. 6564 Perry, Otis G ...... Dubuque. 8324 Plu•nger, Chas. ·::: Des ~rolnes. 6569 Powel, Richard ...... Adair. 8325 I Parsons, .\. \\'.. . .Algona 6596 Pence, W. R ...... Des Molnea. 8350 Pierce, R E. . . . . Cedar Rapids. 6628 Peppers, C. H ...... Albia ...... CentervHle. 8370 I Poole), Wilbur G . • Jefferson. 6655 Phillips, Chao. H .... . Des Moines . • • . • • . . Sioux City. 8380 Pieper, Frank A C:linton. 6686 Pratt. Frank E ...... Shellsburg . • • ...... Lytton. 8381 Potte-neld, F. C · ... : Dubuque. 6698 Prindle, Chao. W .... . Des Moines ... . , . . . Belvidere, Ill. 11521 Quire James C I~~·nnvllle. Grinnell. 6774 Peterson, R. A ...... Des Moines . . . . • . . . Swedesburg. 1153 Quire, Charles E · · r..~·nnvllle. 6807 Plitt, John Dee Moines Salem. 2314 Qumn, Edward What Cbeer Martinsburg. 6883 Pool, W. A ...... 2370 Quigley, Wfll A • Ha101;arden. 1 2831 ' Quinn, f'harles F Cherokei• )ferldf>o 6896 Pratt, Chao. E ...... ~= ~~~!:: :: : : : : : : 'iri:r~:: S. D. 1 6967 Pert ton, H. A ...... Pocahontas. I 4529 Quay, W F... Storm Lake •. Chickasaw. Okla 7002 Posakony, W. J ...... Wapello . . . . • ...... Des Moines 533i I Quist, Wllll.am F:!!S~X. .. 6121 ' Quale), )fartln Waul'oma Lake Andes, S D. 7038 Parr, H. R ...... Oskaloosa ...... Salt Lake, Utah. 7076 Pringle, Madge Sioux City .. . . • . . . . Petaluma, cat. " 7581 Quimby, ,T. .J,.. Audubon .••.... Des ltoines. 7124 Pugsley, G. W ...... Woodbine . . • ...... Klmear, Wyo. 7ii3 Quick, Nannle J f'linton ....•. .\lhanr. 111. 7176 Parker, J. H ...... Clarinda ...... Little York, Ind. 33 Rust, David Whiting 7193 Pool, H. J ...... Des Moines. 123 Rhoads, H l!.... Clark~\·llle. 7206 Pearson, Elzea K , ... . Earlham ...... Spokane, Wash. 175 Reynolds, A .T Agf'Df'Y City. 7229 Poole, H. E ...... Sioux City • ...... Waterburg. 182 Rogg, C. W...... J)ns :Molnetl. 7257 Paschke, E. R ...... Nashua. 206 Rolling, John Bt'11evue. 7368 Parkinson, Edward .. . Council Blurts .... . Cozad, Neb. 269 Roberts, A. H..... Audubon 7357 Putman, H. P ...... Mason City ...... Sloux City. 291 Richter, Adolph H nurllngton 7403 Plummer, R. M ...... Independence ...... Dee Moines. 437 Richmond, J A . Dallas f'f>nter Sigourney ....•.... Burlington. 476 Robinson. J. H... Dnvis City 7417 Porter, E. W ...... 477 RuetP, ThPo. W... Dubuquf' 7447 Peterson, J. E ...... E11swortb. Volga City ...... Booneville, Mo. 902 Reichard, D H. • • ~tlkht>11ville Des ~!olnes. 7474 Pryor, J. W ...... 1238 ReeYes. I C...... Keokuk. 7475 Pemberton, J. K .. ., .. . Burt •...•••...... • Des Moines. Sac City. 1295 Rosl!, Wm. P., Jr. . \VI! ton Junction Tipton. 7-4:76 Price, Clarence ...... Rolfe . .•...... 1331 Rol1E'rtson, F W.. \Vaterloo. 7487 Price, Arthur ...... Keokuk ....•.•...•. Elb.abetbtown, Ill. 1344 ~ Rippey, London Wlnttrset 7496 Pollock, E. v ...... Douds-Leando ...... Ottumwa Cincinnati ...... Tecumseh, Neb. 1376 Rhoads. H. B ...... Tien1son . 7794 Porter, James Arthur. Hedrick. 2337 Riler. F . M ...... Jetrer~n •...... Hartline, Wa.th 7795 Pleck, Fred, Jr ...... Elkport ...... Edgewood. 2356 I Randall, Charles T ... Dunlap Des :Moines. 7805 Paden, Cynthie M ... . Bel1t' Plaine. 2380 I Ryan, J. R ...... Colfax •• , •. , ...... Des :Moinea. 7822 Paling, Guy H ...... Webster City. 2387 Rockw(lll, R. B...... BNlford 7876 Pope, Wm. M ...•..... Indianola ..•...... Cambridge. 2533 Robbins, C. A ..•..... 1 Waukon KlemmE" 7893 Park, Argus Eugene .. f'arltsle ....•...... Albia. 7894 Pabot, G. A ...... Mount Pleasant .. . . Klemme. 7895 Phiillpa, Albert S .... . DeB Moinea ...... Hobart, Ind. 80 BIE:NNIAL RE:PORT OF THE: CO~!MISSIOXE:RS 01' PHAR~IAC'Y . 81

2!l42 Robinson, D. D ...... :Mount Pleasant . . . . Burlington. 5200 I Rodamar, Albert , ••. Waterloo "~alia Walla. \\'ash. 2707 Royce, Charles 8 .. . .. Oakland . . . Malvern. 5219 Rogatz, George, Jr. . . Dubuque. 2735 Robinson. Ed. H ..• . . . Burlington. 6220 Roberts, F. H . . Keouuqua ••. BloomfteM. 2741 Regan, Edwin W .. ... Nevlnvme. <.:anton, Ill. 5223 Rosemond, W. H . ...• Clear Lake. 2846 Randolph Frank . . . . . Des Moines. 5233 Ruegnttz, Fred ..... Elkadtr ••• Stratford. 2876 Rtce, John A ...... :\ftlton ...... Corydon. 5251 Roebuck, E. E .... .•• Central City, Neb. Waterloo. 2924 Rogan, Wm. H ...... Bayard ....•••.• ... 6269 Royer, J. D .... ~ .... Hamt•ton . . ••. _ ('oon R&J)idll. 2928 Ruff, Oscar ...... · Dubuque ...... Sioux City. 5271 Romaine, Ernest . . • Grlunell ...... lo\\a Falla. 2951 Ramsey, J. N ..••.. . .. Keota ...... Cedar Raptds. 5272 Richards, w. w , . . . Cedar Rapids 3022 Rickel, F. W ...... Casey ...... Omaha, Neb. 6301 Rhea, w. F...... O.lt>holt . _ IKenmare, N . D 3133 Reynolds, M. M. . . Panora. 6357 Roth, C. P ...... D}ersvllle 3224 Reed, C. W...... Steamboat Rock .. . Woodbine. 5364 Rust, E. 0 ...... Prlm~~thar . • Boulder, Colo. :3227 Ryan, James B ...... Dunlap . . . 'Vinthrop. 5369 Remington, c. E ....• Bedtord . . . . . ~orth Engli~h. '3242 Ratnsburg, A. P ...... Brooklyn. 5434 Robinson, C. E ...... Northwood . . l'~orest City, :8243 Rolf, H. J ...... · · · Lyons. 5444 Reed, N. F ...... Eldon . . . . Ottumwa 3256 Roberts, F. J ...... · Ute .. . Tacoma, Wash. 6463 Rogers, J G ...... , •• Montezuma 3327 Raymond, Wi11tam P · Waukon .. . Nashua. 5478 Ross, J. A ...... Marathon . Lewts. 1!343 Riddle, N. D ...... ·· At,allssa . Prairie City. 5479 Robinson, c. W ....• Davis City . . • . • . . . Leon. 3532 Rudert, Otto ..... · · · Davenport ...... Rock tsla.nd. 5480 Roche, W. H ...... Rlreville. 3G66 Rowe, E. E . .... · · · · I Early ..... · -- •. - · · Sioux City. 6506 Reed, C. T. . .. . , .. •• Portsmouth Stf'amboat Rock 3579 Ross, Charles K . . .. - · Tipton. 6658 Ruognltz, B. A ...... • Dubuque. 3593 Robinson, C. E .. -···· Sibley ...... Charles City. 5680 Ramsey, A. J ...... ••• Marble Rock Randalia. 3691 Richmond. E. C .. ···· Riceville. 6641 Rogers, R. E. . . • . . . • Wesley ...... MBJ:ion City. 3768 Ruse, A. E ...... ···· Humboldt. 6793 Reynolds, Albert E •.. Ottumwa .. . • •••.. t Swaledale. 3833 Reed, John D ...... · Woodbine ... Eldora. 6822 Ryan, Thoo. C. .. .. • ~fan·us ....• . • . • . . DauJ!:herty. 3866 Rutledge, Gen. L . · .. · Winterset. Grimes. 5836 Reimers, William F .• Banerort Whittemore. 3870 Ream, R ...... · Iowa City ...... Marysville, Mo. 6839 Rodemeyer, F. H ..... Hampton Lone Rock. 3908 Roe. Charles P ..... · · Grinnell New Sharon. 6904 Rettenmater, Frank J. C'arroll 3965 Roberts, William G.·· Panora. 5930 Rolts, Herman 0 ..... Davenport ROf'k Island, Ill. 3989 Rathburn, D. C ... ·· Fayette. 6029 Ralye., Leland D. G,. Sioux City w ·apato. Wash. 4007 Rttz. George .. · · · · · · Griswold ...... Rockwell, City. 6034 Rottler, Frant'ls C DE>R 'folnes Dubuquf't. 4.027 Robinson, A. J- · · · · · · Algona ...... Cottonwood, Idaho. 6052 Rust, R R...... • • Grinnell. 4083 Reichard, W. F ... -··· Mltrhtllville. 6073 Richman, Fred H.. • • Ellthervllle. 4092 Rogers, U. C .... - Cushing ...... Washta.. 6190 Rankin, Ror R. • .. Allerton . . Lyons, Kan, 4117 Royden, F. W · · · · · · · · Grf'eley ...... Edgewood. 6191 Ryan, Jamea H ....•.• 0('8 Moinps. HHl Reynolds. M. H.·-··· Keosauqua . . .•... . St. Paul, Mtnn. 6216 Romer, Ht•rman ..••• Dubuque Mt. Pulaski, Ill. 4225 Rogers, J. Elmer .. · · · Rockwell ...... Beaver Dam, "'Is. 6220 Rettenmaier, Jos. F .. Carroll. 4239 Roberts, Thomas .. · Scranton ...... Glidden. 62Ei8 Ryerson, Earl • • . • . • Braddyville Pawnef' ('itv. Neb. 4244 Ralston, S. A . . . - Indianola ..•. . Lacona. 6259 Richardson, Guy L .. r.. ewla ... PaliRadf>. Colo. 4259 Readout, Albert Ferguson ...... Eldora. 6279 Ridley, Nettle F ..... Orlnn.-11 . Toppf'niRh, WMb. 4270 Reynolds, A. L .. · · · · • Ottumwa. 6302 Ritten, Louts N. , . • .• Des Moines :\-rtnneanolls. Mtnn. 4323 Robbins. F ...... · · · Ntola ...... • . . .. . • . 'Vbtttler, Cal. 6358 Roberts, E. W .. . .• Sidney ..•. Stlr·lfney, S. D 4339 Roberts, Oren B.····· New Market...... Eaton, Colo. 6413 Reel, Geo. 'v ....••••• 0Hkaloolla Albia. 4367 Rab(>r, A. S.-- · ·- ·- · · Stuart. 6425 Roberta, Ralph P ..... Audubon. 4408 Rus!'>ell, Charles R. · · · Ottumwa ...... Keo~auqua. 6455 Rousbar, J. C • . • • .• C'lutler ...... 7.earln~ 4445 Rolfes. Herman Des Joines . • . • • . • . Neola. 6461 Reppert, Gus ,, .•.. , Mf!f.;ervey ..•. f'olfax 4!l50 Rt>hkoph. A. H . . . - · · · Des Moines • . . El Centro, Cal. 6493 Relllhan. J. P . . • Hampton •.•• T.. atlmer 4599 Rambo, Jobn H ... ··· Glenwood. 6536 Rice, Louts J...... , )tars halltown. 4680 Rainsburg, C. T. · · · · · Brooklyn. 6539 Reed, Carl B ..... , Colfax • . DyaRrt 6552 Ragatz, F. J. . . •• Dubuque. :~~~ t ~~~~t~~~.ASa!~~i-::: ~~~t:~u~ - 'j~~~ti~ti: ~~~~~~t~un . 6645 Rowland, ,y_J •• •• • .. D•>R Moines . "l\11nn.-otR, ).finn 4755 I Reynolds, John W • · • · CrMton. 6653 RlttE". 4773 Ron. N. K .• - • . .. · · · · Vktor 6714 Rider, Geo. H . • • RE'Htu~t 4800 Ru~ell, Fred .. -- · · · • Lake City ...... RoC'kwell City. 6i17 RO<·he. Joe. L ..•••••• f'afiWade . • . . \11Ftln , :\finn 6741 Rhoden, R H.. .. . :\lodale ...... • • . F"rPmont, Neb !~:i I ~~~~~~~. Ejo!pb·.::::: ~1~~~::ve.' Somers. 6776 Rollin~. John, Jr •.•.• RPTif'vUE' . • • . . • . . Davenport. 4917 \ Roe, Carl 0 ...... WauKon ... .. Wer.ley. 6808 Richards, W . A .•••.. RriRtow. 4928 Riddle, C. H .....••• • Prairie City. 6891 Rlnlo ... , ...... , Grf(•nftt>hl. 82 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE

6957 1 Roche, J . W...... Riceville. COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 83 7065 1Relmcke, C. A .... • . . . ~lu !S<' atlne. i072 Ra.stede, D. B...... Cllnton ••.. • .... Albany, Ill. 7125 Roberts, J. 0 ...... Plainfield • . .•. •• Lost Nation. 8272 Rhoads, l!. Claire.. . ClarksviJie. 7126 Roth, C. R...... Des Iolnes . . . •• • Chicago, Ill. 8273 Richmond, Lawrence.. Dallas Center. 7128 Roberts, Beryl V ..... Clinton • •... Lost Nation. 828~ Ragdale. Wilmot P. . . Ottumwa. 8285 719-t RusS(> II, L. N...... Des Moines. Kalona. 7207 Redmon, J . F...... RE."d Oak. 8303 ~~~=~ 0~~~~- ·m:::: ~!nM~i~(~.'...... 72:":0 Rehder. E. A.. Gladbrook. 8326 Rodgers, B. F. . • . . . . . LaconL 7258 Ruegnltz, L. H ...... Stratford . • . . Denver, Colo. 8327 Redfield, Duane H.... Shenandoah. 7217 Radclftr, H. G...... Fort Dodge. 8382 Rosa, Ralph R...... Kno.xvllle. 7313 RosE'ngren, M. W ... . . Marshalltown. 8391 Ross, R. E...... Decatur City. 73141 Rogers, A. E ...... Swan. 87 Sherman, J. M ...•.•• Paton ...... Boone. 7330 Rose, A. H...... Deg Molm•s . . . . . • . • Mf'ad, Colo. 112 Sowles, E. E ....•.. .. Nora Springs ...... Hanlonto~n 7331 Ruggles, L. R...... \Vtnflpld . . . . . Olrmingham. 127 Shatterthwatt, J W.. ~fount Pleasant. 7362 Roberts, J. H ...... Sanborn . . . . Logan. 199 Salmon, M. M ...... • , Burlington, 7404 Rtnaberger, S. fi .. .. Mtlton. 273 Smith, W. H .•...... Shell Rock. 7418 Rose, E. S.... Vinton ... . .•. Philadelphia, Pa 275 Skinner, 'Villlam B.. .\namosa. 277 7477 Redd, J :\1. . . . • • . . . . Des Moines ...... • Denver, Colo. Sklner, Ma.ry A...... Anamosa. 395 74781 Robinson, F. E .•. .. . • nes Moines . . . , ... . Gard<'n City, Kan. Smith, George E .. . . . Clarence. 7511 Ragan, E. T...... Des Moines . ...• Washington, D. c. H7 Schlegel, GuRtave • . . . Davenport. 456 7644 Ross, F. B...... Indianola .• Winterset Stanley, J. G ...... Dexter. 466 7646 Rounds, G. S ...... C'ounrtl Blurts . . .. . Oakland. Satterlee, Dwight • . • . Dunlap. 475 Satterlee, E S .... , .. Dunlap. 7555 Rathgen, H. ~.. Ida Grove. 501 7672 Roberl8, F . M... O•kalooRa . . . Ralston Snyder, 0 H ...•.. , .. Malvern Fairfield. I 526 Sproat, Wllllam S , . . . Corydon. 7fo0!i Robertson, H. A. Columbus Junction. 651 7f.21 I Reinhardt, A. J. • • :'\tanning Smale, George ...... Inaependence. 7637 Rugg, Roger . . . . Waterloo • f'hicago, Ill 680 Stlckltng, Joseph c... Keosauqua. 721 7645 I. E... . Shrader, W. E ...... , Iowa City. RuRsell, Oakland 734 761ifi Rothf•, C. D.... EmrnE'tsburg . . • . Fonda. Stephenson, A. C..... Des l1olnes. 7110 Roby. Fred Ro<'kwE'Il Clty . . • . Fort Dodge. 736 Stempel, A. H .....•.• Fort 1\tadlson. 7720 Raines. R . V ...... Des Moines ...... Silver City. 764 Snyder, Daniel B..... Lyons. 7721 Reals, F. A...... De!! Moines ...... Sheridan, Wyo. 852 Shtley, George P..... Missouri Valley. 7752 Rire, A. H.... DE'S Moines . . . • . . Cedar Rapids 869 Summers, L. F...... Milton. 919 7774 Roe, Ha111e J. f'ounrtl Blurts 1\tarklC', Ind. Smith, Henry C ...•.. Manch<'Ster. 1058 Staadt, Godfrey . . . • . • Postville. 779fi Rowe, Wm. H ...... Des Moln<'s Farson. 7823 Ri<'hardson, Samuel A. Des Moines Washington, D. C. 1119 Storie, D. Q...... Charlton. 112~ Schroeder, Frederick. Des Moines. 7R~R Rohh, R. 'V...... Blanrhard. 1129 Sandholm, John Des Moines. 7858 Hussell, John Des Moines Tow a City. A.... Chicago, Ill. 1141 Scott, Calvin B ...... Fontanelle. 7S!lfi ! Re lfcrt, J. F...... !=:loux rlty 1249 Stiger, StephE-n ....•. Toledo. 7S9R RUF>ot , Roy A,,...... DE's '\folnes Hope. N.D. Trenton, Mo. 1252 Soleman, Henry ..... Tam& City. 7899 I RU!lf;f'll, Otto ...... )lora·vla 1476 Sweet, Homer L .... •. Mount Etna. 7921 Rellthan, Nellie L .... 1\lexander. Geneseo, Tll. 1548 Salmon, Theodore ... Fort Madison. 7934 Rink, Arthur F .. n<'s MoinE'S 1635 1 7945 Rlrhmond, Ray E .... Dallas Center. 1682 ~~~~~r,s·J:~!:.· ·n:::::: ~nnod~nii·~.::::::::: ,clartnda. 7964 RORS, J. C ...... , . flE"& Moine!! 1712 Schmucker, D. R ..... Des MolneR. ~fagnolla. 7974 Riel, Charles A...... DE's Mol nett Lacona, Ill. :\fount Pulaski, Ill. 1720 Scott, E. M. B ...... • . Ottumwa. MO~l Reinders. Andrew F Des Moines 1797 Schadt, Conrad Amana. ~024 Rood, Roy P...... Rockwe-ll City. 1888 Speers, G W ...... VInton . . . . . • . . . . . Des Moine& 8112!; Rawlings, Jennie Des Moines . . . . De Beque, Colo. 1933 8069 Rl<'hard, Henry John. RO<'k Rapids . . . . Spokane, Wash. 1940 ~~:~~~r~~:,: H:::: ~~~"'~l:dl~~: · · · Cumberland. S114 Runge, Walter Des Moines . • . .. . . Sioux City. 2015 Shaffer, Lewis 0. . . . • Altoona. Rl15 RORB, C. A...... Des Moines •. , . . . Mead, Colo. 2064 Sperry, Louts B ...... HamburK • ...... Osceola. 137 RoM, Harold E .....•. Towa Falls ...... Edgeley, N.D. 2070 Swartz, John L...... towa Falls. ~~;t~ Rnwhouser, Harry C., ('arro11 ...... Perry. 2093 Sager. C. A ...... Promh!e City. 2127 Schriever, Wm ..•...• Sigourney ...... Richland. ~g~ I :~:~r~;_n~~. ~: · ~ ~. ~~~e~rnes ·:: : :: : · E~~~r:: i~~- 2129 Spaulding, S. J. • . . . . . Milo . . . . . • ...... Des Motnee. st so Rennte, Arthur . • .... I("linton ...••.••... . , C'htcago, Ill. 2HO Selby, J. Milton ...... Carbon ••.•....•. . • Odebolt. S181 I Robinson, Evel)·n C. . Des Moines ...... Silver Creek, Neb. 2HZ Stoll, L. 8 ...... Arcadia . • ...... Smithland. ~~~~ n~~!::!: 6~a FI~::: ::... f~~~<'~lt~lu.~~.: ::,: iia~~;olnt, Neb. 2144 Schlumberger, P. Griswold . . . • ...... Denison 2196 Sampson, J. W .•..... Fatrfteld . , ...... Weldon. S:!15 Robbins, C. H ... . .• .. BeaC'onafteld 2230 Schenck, G. W •••.... BurJtngton ...... Cltoton. 2286 Schoel, August Gladbrook ...... waterloo. 2302 Sweontngs, F. J...... Fort Dodge ...... Panama. 84 BIEKNIAL REPORT OF THE COMl!ISS!O. "ERS OF PHARMACY. 85

2381 Sackett, R. w. . . Sioux Rapids • . • . • Fort Dodge. 3577 Sheldon. J. D .. • .•... Beaman ...... Havel()(·k. 2385 Smith, Charl ee E . . . . . Bedford . • • . • • . . . . . Colo. Springs Colo. 3601 Smith, AIIJert C Marshalltown WatE>-rloo. 2419 SUntans, W A ...... Clarinda . . . •• . . VIllisca. 3667 Smith, l\1 . E...... lJ••s .\toines .. . Win tenet. 2•34 Stover, Noah W. . . Lucas. I 3682 Seiling, Ed. H . • •• • . • Bi)Q ne. 2604 Stoehr, Gus A ...... Elgin. 3744 Ste\\art, )irs. E A Grimes. 2638 Sproul, C. H...... Hamburg ...... • • Long Beach, cat. 3755 Shank, Harry \\~ .. • Red Oak 2590 Smith, A. W . .. . • .... Scranton • •. • .. : . . . Stuart. 3765 Smallpage, J B l<:agle Gro\·e. 2691 Smal1pag~. R. M.. Parkersburg ...... Eagle Grove. 3766 Schmidt, H E. Keokuk. 2613 Shrader, F. P ...... • Brooklyn. 3798 Spohr, A. G... ToiNio )1ason City. 2617 Sleg, Henry C...... Marshalltown. 3808 Schuster, H . J .•...• ,. Cherokee. 2687 Shrader, J. A ...... 'IMonroe. 31:,38 Seeley, Charles A.... Vinton Mart>halltov.:n 2688 Schumacher, H .....•. Durant ...... Walcott. 3S691 Skttt, William C . Chester l'E'nter Storm Lake. 2694 Shnell, T. J ...... Lytle City ...... Parnell. 3910 Shruter, 0. W.... Adel Casey. 2713 Stover, Emery E ..... Lucas ...... Bigelow. 3929 Stattord, R. II...... Sumnt•r 274.8 Stewart, W11llam J... Grimes. 3966 Shea. Mi<'hael J...... \nthon ...... Cherokee 2760 Stemets, John Emmetsburg. 3967 Shatter, W. D ...... Altoona ...... Adel Dl's Moines. 2763 Slmcoke, J. L.. Redfield ...... 3976 Simmers, George T. • Ames ~ .. . Baker City, Ore 2814 Simons. A. C.. . . . Jda Grove. 3992 Shope, Charles C . .. • . Des ~Joines . 2839 Stautrer, Geo. M ...... Gladbrook. 4U08 Smith, William C. . . . Battle Cree-k ...... Lin<·oln, Neb 4028 Stone, N E ...... ~1arathon ...... 2883 Stanton, John H... Charlton (Deep RivH only.t Swea City. 2894 Sanders, J C. . . ·1Deep River 4048 Shumway, Harry Lf>on ...... San Otego, C&l 2897 Schlegel, Carl E .. . Davenport 4075 Stroud. J. s...... Des . Iotnes. 2898 Stoddard, F S . .. JEtRBUil 40j6 Sv.:atman, B. F...... Tabor ..••... • Nev. Ph mouth, Ida. 2921 Sampson, S. V . . Ottumwa ·1Agency City. 410-1 Scott, Walter E •• . •• . Adel. 2969 Strea.m. Curtis Des Moines. 4127 Strunk, H J...... Earling ...... Burlington. 2977 Sampson, F. E .•..... Greenfield Creston. 4141 Sartori, Anton T..e. Iars. 2988 Shrader, Charles C... tow a City. 4153 Samuelson, J . .. \. • . Sioux City. Independence 2996 Sherman, Emery Alden 4161 Shakespear, Geo. Central City Centerville. Alburnett. 3002 Smltb, David F...... Wellman 4162 Stone, CharlE's F 1.. ~rarsballtown Pasadena, Cal. 3()14 Somers, John W...... Ida Grove. 4166 Schafer, R R... Fort • fadhmn. 3042 Scherllng, Gust Sioux City. 4172 Sherman, D. D...... Washington 30H Sampson, F. W...... Osage. 4173 Stgworth, 0 n ...... Anamosa...... Cedar Rapids. 3068 Stevens, W. B.. . . • .. . Sibley. 4213 Sherman, M. E...... Rockwell City Df's Moines. 3122 Selby, S. D ...... Carbon Odebolt. 4218 Swarm, C. P •...•.• Oakland Weston, Neb. 3125 Stemple, G. L ...... Macedonia. 4236 Smith. J. C.. Woolstook. 3137 Slusher, J. M...... Hudson. 4237 Salmon, G. A. . . . • . . Columbus Junction. 3143 Snelson, William Massena. 4262 Shinn, Amos F... Corning. 3151 Slater, Willis 0...... Marengo ... Chicago, Ill. 4263 Smith, R. H .•.. •• ... Des ~lolne~. 3175 Scott, James C ...... Glldden. 4267 Sands, F. G... Ainsworth. 320:S Severa., W. S ...... Cedar Rapids. 4290 Sullivan, E. F...... Des "\loines .\tton. 3217 Springer, George L ... Garwin. 4293 SoetJe. 0. II...... :\lonUcelJo. 3236 Sturges, 'Vill E...... Carroll. 4301 Scrimgeour. C. A Belle Plaine. 3240 SC'bminke, F. C. H . ... Dubuque . • • . • . . • . . . Marlon. 4304 Swenson, J. H. L. . . . . Mason City ...... Ottumwa 4309 Shambaugh, I.. D • •• . Elkport LeRoy, Kan ;~~~ ~~~~: ~~~;; J · · · · · · · ~:~wl~:aron ...... ::~~~~Pous, Mlnn 4:lla Seyfert. H L...... Arcadia ...... Valley .Tunrtlon 3304 Sedwick, W. L ...... Sioux City. 4331 St1•phenson. C. C. . . .. CentE>rville. 3315 Smith, Fred J...... Alton. 4343 Samson, C. H ...•. . .. Dubuque 3320 Starr, John W ...... • Fairfield Poca.bon tas. -1~95 Shatter, J F . . Casey 3353 Stewart, Charles W •.. Crawfordsville ..... Washington. 4397 Shannon. E. S . • • • Bayard Dawson

336~ Smith, Albert E ...... 1 Ocheyedan •...... Toledo, 0. 4398 SiewE'r&, A. C. . • • . . • Decorah Traer 3370 Sturges, N. F .....••. Carroll ...... Des Moines. 4411 Simone, .-\. B.. Sidney Hamburg. 3392 Stewart, David T..... Hartley. 4420 Shomler, C. E ...... She1lsburg Cedar Raplda. 3410 Sherbundy, Byron What Cheer ...... Council Blutrs. 4426 l Snyder. R B. . . . Keosauqua Eaton. f'olo. 3432 Stoll, w. W...... Arcadia ...... Fontanelle. 4437 I Smart F 0. Hanc'O<"k Staf'tord. Kan 3436 Sanford, H. Clay..... Rella Plaine ...... Chicago, Ill. 4457 Swan. A B . . Walk('r. 3463 Sandell, C. A ...... Moingon!\ Boone. 4476 Schultz, Otto W.. \Villtams. 3471 I Shumway, W. Arlington 4514 Shriner, Frank S ..... Fairfield. 3534 Striegel, Bernard "\Vatprloo. 4518 Shuey, .James F ..... Jetrerson. 3540 Sargent. W. L ..•..... Ottumwa 4527 SC'broeder, Frank . . . Atlantic ...... Denver, Colo. 35531 Snelson, Lulu .. , ... 'l Mas.-ena ...... •. , . . Fontanelle. 4530 I Sells, l1""rank W...... Murray ...... J(>fferson. 3554 Sellers, Frank E ..... Walnut ...... Dunlap. 4536 Sktlllcom, W. M...... Glenwood. 3563 Sturgeon, Q. A...... Madrid, 4653 Schriner, Charles A .. 1 Moravia ...... •. Ollie COMMISSIO.IERS OF PHARMACY. 87

86 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE 6194 I Shadle. F. S. · · • · · · · · Plea..... ntvllle . . . • • . . Estherville. 5197 Smith, 9· J · · · · · · · · · · Riceville. Sheldon. Swallow 0 Des ft.folnea ...... White Pine, Mont. 6199 ShipleY• L. U · ...... 4660 5205 ShieldS• W. ~~ · · · . . . . Afton. 4577 Swauum', Re:'r-N.~. ::::: J{ubbard. Shel1lon. 4628 Schaul A LeMa.rs . . . • ...... Spokane, Wa.sh. 6222 ShipleY· Henry · · · · • · 1 5245 Smith, A. M • • · · · · · · · Waukon • • • ...... Stockton, Ill. 4646 Sutter.' J~sePb · ii:: ~:: Burlington. 5254 Specht, A. R...... • ).fcOregor • ...... Algona. 4662 Stockwell, c. w ..... _ sancroft ...... Los Angeles, Cal. 5259 Seaton. S. H .•.•..•.. lola loy. 4666 Sar~~:"eant, Frank L... . 1\fa.rlon. 5261 Schulte. J. F .•.....•. VJ('tor . . Rock Valley. 4672 Spotts, s. Walter .... _ LeMars ...... Malone, Wis. 5262 Schult.Z· George .... . Cumberland \Vendte, S. D. 4673 Farragut. Des Moines. 6278 ShockleY, Ned ...... Randolph ...... 4679 ~~!efa!!·a~: ff.~;,.~· R:: ::ffese;iatne 5295 Sch•u, L. C...... Stacyville ...... 'Vesley. 4688 Smith, \V. c ...... _ Ma.rble Rock. 5338 Speers, J C · · · · ·. · .. · Vinton .. . Des Moines. 4697 Schultz W B Williams. 6360 Struble. A. J ....•.... Akron .... . Centervllle, S. D. 4717 Smith 'Edgar 'F · · · · · · Monticello ...... Iowa City. Lake Park. Minneapolis, Minn. 5363 Schultz. C. S .•...... • 4718 0 11 5364 Shellal>erger, E. P ... . Columbus Junction. 4737 ~:~~~ ·w~· A~::~::::: ~:~:1s~ ~~.:::::::: Charles City. 6399 SkelleY, P. B ...... Lost Nation. 4766 Stephenson, Geo. E ... Webster ...... Eddyville. 6419 Storey. G. W •...... • \lanchester. 4767 Shuggarr, N . K...... Elberon. 6420 Shiley, G. F •..•..... Misf!ourt Valley. 4784 Smttb, Frank N ..... _ Sioux City ...... Raymond, S. D. 6422 Shaw, F. W ...... !\Jon roe. 4789 Salmon, H. ~L...... Fort Madison ...... Burlington. 5445 Sylvester, V. 'V ....•. Battle Creek. 4792 Statrord, George A... . West Side ...... Paton. 644 6 Stiles, W. H ...... Garden Grove. 4796 Soper, George M...... Sioux City. 544 7 Scott. R. W ...... •.. Lamont •.. Columbu~. Nf>b. 4803 Sta.un:er, William F.. . Gladbrook ...... Waver!)'. 5456 Slg"ortb, M. P., Jr •.. Anamosa.. 4820 Shores, George A. . . . . Waterloo ...... Tripoli. 5467 Schroeder, R. E •..••• Garna,·IIlo Dubuque. 4827 Spaulding, Joe ...... counctt Bluffs. 5504 Storcl<. H. C .•... , • . . Sh•meld 4837 Stanley, \Vtlllam A... Dexter. 5507 Smith. H. P. . . . .•... Lime Springs ... J,.,e Grange, 111. 4838 Stempel, William c. . Fort Madison ...... Leon. i>510 Shields. J. S ..•...... nf'>(·atur City . .• •.. . Deerf\rld, Mont. 4840 Skvor, .John M...... Cedar Rapids. .5519 Strie~el, J. P ...... Waterloo Phoentx. Ariz 4874 Shuttleworth, Hubert. Des Moines ...... Cresco. 5527 Schlller, Edgar ...... Ames ...... North Platt(>, Neh. 4880 Spencer, Harry D .. . . Rolfe ...... Oakland. 5543 Sparling, E. E ....•. . . Granc\ ,Junction •.•. 1\faxwt>ll. 4883 Searight, Frank . . . . . Odebolt. 5547 Suby, J. I...... Fore~t Ctty ...... Stoughton. Wis. 4908 Smith, Roy B ...... Bradgate Sioux Rapids. 5549 Sperling, Frank .. .. . Corning ...... •. . Bu5hnell, Jll. 4911 Severin, A. L ...... Eagle Grove . Kanawha. 5574 Smith, D. L .• ....•... Madrid . .• ....••..• Schaller. 4914 Smith, Edw. E ...... Sioux Rapids. 5579 Stevenson. Archie . . • Des 'fotues ...... Allee, N.D. 4919 Strauss, Carl • ...... Sioux City. 5598 Snyder, C. J ..• ...... Aurelia ...... Cleghorn 4925 Schwartz, W. A ...... Waverly ...... Geneva, Ul. 5606 Stoakes, E. R ...... Traer • ...... •.... Armstrong. 4944 Steiner, A. J. . . Des Moines. 5607 Smith. G. F .•...•. Eldora. 4967 Sawyer, Eva. . . . • . . Calamus. 5608 ~trauser, M. F ..••.•• Bu. yard 4963 Sanders, C. W ...... Manley. 5616 Stahl, S. E .•...... Rancrort . . • ...... • Iowa Falls. 4971 Smith, W. H ...... Greenfield ....•.. Allerton. 5626 Shipman. C. V ...... • Columbus Junction.. Sully. 4972 Spohr, T . E ...... Mason City ...... Elgin, Ore. 5634 Stoehr, G. L ...... •... Elgin ...... Iowa City. 4986 Speeding, Floyd . . . . . Brl tt ...... Mitchell. 5fi39 SelJeck, E. C ...... Onawa 4987 Smith. H. M ..... Churdan ...... Okla. City, Okla. 5645 Shipley, E. P ...... Corydon. 6000 Sorensen, Hans . • . . . . Marshal1town ...... Eagle Grove. 5650 Smith. Channing ... . Des • folneA ...... , . Granger. 6001 Shipman, E. D ...... Wape llo ...... St. Paul, Minn. 5655 Stolt•. F. L ...... Nt•wton . . •. .••.. .•. Washington. 6011 Smith, L. D ...... Gladbrook. 5659 Shaumloetrel, Bernice. Iowa City Gentry, Mo. 6018 Snoke, J. F ...... Prairie City Des Moines. 5673 Simenstad, M. 0 ... ••• Des Moines ...... Etlmore, N. D . 5023 Steely, J. W...... Wate rloo. 5676 Swan, W. C ...... •. . . Morning Sun Oskaloosa. 5031 Smutz, "'· A... . Hlllsboro. 5683 Speeding, E. W...... Marhle Rock. 6046 Swallmun. H . U...... Hubbard. 5685 Severin, J. C ....• ...• Des Moines ...... "'rbster City. 6065 Shntrn<"r. \V. W.... •• . Sanborn ...... Ftler. Idaho. 5700 Sanders, ,\'". 0 ...... Manly . Osag('. 5076 Steely, J. H ...... Waterloo ...... Eldora. 5721 I So1eman, F. A •...... Tam a. 5076 Sloan, J. A ...... •.. Eldon .... . Ottumwa. 5786 I Schelldorf, W. D ..• . . Manning. 5077 Slmp~on, G. A...... Eldora ...... •..• .. Fort Mor~n. Colo. 5799 Smith. S. M ••....•. .. Pt>rry . . . Woodburn. 6078 Sornsen, A. J. . • . • . • • Df"corah. 5S07 Sell, A. R ...... •..... Dubuque . . . . • . . . . . Duncombe. 6102 Shuttleworth, E. H ... N('-vada ...... Newton. 5814 Stensrud, Albert .... . Lake Mills. 6106 Stor}', C. F Stuart •...•....•... San Dimas, Cal. 5816 Sack•tt. W. L ...... Ottumwa ...... , Newark, S. D. 6125 Starr, G. A .•..•.. ···. Eldora. 5849 Stouder, Maxon R ... . Des Moines ...... Newton. 6138 5857 Sturdevant, J. N .... . Des Moines • ...... Spencer, Neb. 6146 ~~~':: f:~ttf"d·~ ":8::::: : g~~~~r~~~~ .. ~ ~ ~: ~ ·. ~ ~~~~mSop~~~8-s. 5861 j Stubenrauc-h, F . D ... . Pella. 6166 SC'huster. G. W ... · ·. . ("herokee. 5870 Searle, Harry L .... . Dos Moines • ...... Aitken. 5169 Southwick, M. E.- .. - Movlllt!l. 1 5180 Sarset, W. F .... •· ··• Forest City Sioux Falls. 8. D. 6181 Snelson. P. B .... ···· ).fas~ena.. 88 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE 89 6876 Sherman. James E ... Fort Dodge. COMM.ISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 6877 Shepard, J. Frank..... VIIIJsca ...... • . . . . . Farragut. 6ti89 Scofleld, Clyde B ..... Des Moines ..•..... Maxb'Urg. 66161 Sullivan, P. F ...... Jaeksoo, N IJ, 6896 Schimming, J. G ..... Cresco ...... 'waukon. 6629 Stotts. 0. D.... • .. . 6909 Smith, Emory A ...... Wyoming ....•..... Early. 6638 Schuneman. B. W ..•. 5925 Smith. F. W ...... Audubon. 6654 Sutton, R. R ...... 5941 Stimson, Kent T... . . Gravity. 6670 Shf>&rk, \ • ...... 5956 Shane, Frank ...... Beacon ...... • . Eldon. 6671 Sbutte. A. B ...... 5969 Sc-bro der, Bernard H. West Point .•...•.• Fort Madison. 66 7 t, Til. 6779 Skogland. F.dward 6158 Stephan, Charles W .. Dubuque. 67 0 Soude;a 14. M.. • ••• rook, Neb. 6169 Stenmo, Martin T .... Deo .1o1m's Hatton. N. D. 6781 Smith, W C , .... , Aurora Ill 6171 Splera, Roscoe c ...... Dea Moines ...... ········ EIJtnwood, Kan 6809 Shannon. R 1•••.•• Parsons, Kan 6177 Shearer, Geo. N ...... Collins ...... Tam a. 6820 Saul , J 8. Belle l•'uurt·he, 8. 0 6192 Swarta, Frank G ..... Silver City ...... Philip, S.D. 6 25 Schulte. J m ...... Salina. Kan 6193 Shaw, H. F ...... Albia. 6847 Stopheno, 8. R., .... . ('oro)Jton, Cal \.o..L94 Sudmeler, Ben H ..... BanC'rott. 6849 Schultz. H. f,, ...... lh•lmon•l 6195 Smith, Arthur E .. Eagle Grove ...... Rockwell. 6851 Smith, Ed. P ...... CJ1ntnn Slocum, J. 6873 Schmit&, Henr)' .... . 6212 w ...... Indianola. Wftff>rlno 6214 Seabloom, John Centerville ...... Red Oak. 6R74 St&riJu< k, J N, ...... Shugart, Geo. z ...... Elberon C'helapa., 6875 Sla.mberg. J..oren1 ••• Kyle, B n 6232 Des tulnP& 6233 Stover, B. H ...... Marengo ....•...... Watertown, s. D. 6876 Strt'am, H. C.. • •. William 6886 Stickel. J C ...... Hf>nlhrllOtlt 6243 Schmidt, .... La Porte City ..... Wolbach. Anamoea, 621;3 Savre. L. s ...... Kensett . . • ...... 'I Osage. 6895 Sack, Bertrand •• Clarence F .... 6899 Seamands, A L ..• 6262 Sarset, Britt ...... Chelsea. M~on r'lty 6363 Straley, Will L ...... Marton. 6910 Seney, RO\' ..•.• 6929 Stoughton, F r~ .••• Carnhrltlf(fl, Ill (;261 Sondag, Nick Harper Utua• oa.. C"uha 6267 Schalektunp, H. J .... Orange ("tty ...... Sioux Center. 6934 Scbreu ra. II 11 , • 6979 She-llman, Vance ••.•• Tlattle Cr1•tk, Mtrh G27G Sadler, Peter M:. A ... • navf"nport. J,l&!u>O City 6278 Stayokal, .Joseph Tama .•...... • Montour 7003 Stillman, C It .. .. . • 6290 Sttbgen, Robt. H ..... Britt. 7004 Sev~rson, M B ••••••• 6300 Stf>ID, R ...... 7024 Sydnee, r L ...... J 0Akalooaa 7025 St•vPr l(l, 0 J .•••• (;303 Sloan, Nelson A ...... Pella ...... Abington. Ws h 6309 Smith, Ray J ...... Traf>r. 71HO Shoa < J .. • • .. .. Henry Naehua. 7041 Sprlll{tl io (', 6313 SC'hf"O, Stat·rvtlle ...... 7063 Small, 0 E . • ... \\yn S<"ro~gy, Q. 6326 John A ... Watf>rloo. 7074. Swan on, H 0 ••••• 6~62 s~hultz. s R ...... Cumh<>rland Sioux Falls, s. D AUanttc. 7088 Spra&u•. !'. F •• 6379 Scnra. H B ...... Jlan<'ork ...... 7097 S I hart, If !, ... , G3RR S~hatr. c H ...... :!\furray ...... Everf'tt, Wash. MlnneapoUa, Minn. 7098 Rear, Fl. 1•. 6115 Stadon, J. H ...... Des ~1olnea ········ 7127 Rh r P ll 6448 Sc:-bultz, H. N ...... n~• Moines ········ Ackley. 7129 Shnmona U T' ••• G46!l binger, A. F ...... Sioux City. Lean do. 7150 RJI&vln, (' I[ • 64()7 Sloan, R. E ...... KeoAauqua Douds 7178 Snydl'r. J 11 .... 6501 Stf>t>D, H. c ...... Sioux Rap lela ······ Lake City. 7180 StlcUort \\ W .. 0602 Srhnltz. Will F ...... DUhllQ\le Cresco. 7182 Swan, 0. 1\ • , • • lleriVPr. Colo 0ij37 Rpt>rr~·. E. n ...... DPS Moines ...... Tnma. 7183 Schlnker, II 1... .. T.Aa Angl"lf'IR, Cnl 6572 StrR.\'('r, w. G ...... Hudfl.on ...... Dike. 7208 SldmorP. J, lt ...... l"rNllClllf 411101'1 l R \'RIO, .T W ...... ForeRt City Oakland, Cal. 7209 smttb s. c. .. .•. ~o. (JrnRh". NPh 6618 I Strong, H. L ...... Vinton. 7215 SuUlmerll, T H ..... D£>nnr, C'o1n COMMISSIONERS OF PHARMACY. 91

90 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE 7741 Sullth, J , c ...... l..ohrvtlle. Den\·er, Colo. Allison. 7231 Secor. H . E ...... Des Moines ...... De Kalb, Ill. ~~~: ~ ~~~~ =·r , HL.HA::::::: Stims on, Charlotte E. Des Moines ...... Cbtcago, Ill. 7761 Scboetzl•. John ...... 7247 Chicago, Ill. 7248 Stetner, N . W ...... Des Moines ...... Rock Island, 111. S warts, Ed ...... Silver City ...... Trernor. ~m ~~~il.!~r!.·~~ ~ : : :::. Knierim 7269 7798 Solvl•. Alfred M ...... Mancb ter. 7260 Schuyler, W. E ...... Sergeant Blutr .... . Sloan. Shinn~ Edgar West Bend. 7799 Small, Fred A ...... Cedar Ra)lida. 7261 7800 Schl.. •l. C'bM. II ... .. 7286 Saxer, A. H ...... •... Des Moines Logan, Utah. Smith, G. F ...... Keokuk. 7801 Sloan, Huf;;h J . .•.•• fl l\nle, ldRho 7286 7824 Stlt • •\ha 1-: ...... Union, Neb. 7292 Snyder, C. H ...... Des Motnea Delta, 0. Scroggs, J . G ...... Cla.rlnda. 7826 Sauma.n, John V . lltgun. ltd:\. 7316 7859 Sht>JihPrd C'llffnrct H , , Omaha. Neb 7916 Scott, o. L ...... Fort Madison Loe Angeles, Cal. Strtngtellow, L. H ... . Des Moines ...... Rose HUt. 7860 Spring r, H !l C Sprlutterton Ill. 7917 E llzah•tb, Ill Schmidt, J. B .....•.. Lytton ...... Storm Laka 7~76 Shaw, Ira R., , 7332 787i Shal , H('n y S •• Burt. 7333 Shanger, L. G ...... Keokuk ...... Symco, Wis. 787R StgafoOII, fi rank F 0 7334 Sherlock, W. P ...... Emmetsburg ...... Keokuk. Sac City ...... , ... . Overly, N. D. 7900 Stagg11, C'elll II .. , • E thervllle. 7369 Smith, J. 0 ...... 7901 Sadilt'k, l,,,ula Bf'nj. 7360 Stoakes, W. H .. . Grinnell. l!mltb, F. G ...... Des Moines ...... NashviBe, Tenn. 7902 S hearer. \ T ... • • , 7380 7914 SC'l\nlan , l't' L r H .•• • • 7381 Scarf, H. H ...... Des Moines ...... St. Pa.ul, Mlll1l. Sauerwein, P. E ...... Keokuk. 791 8 Rrha.trf'r, ,1oh1t N. ,, 7382 7!l31 Strl~·kllng , llar11e A •• 7389 Boll, H. T ...... Avoca. Pra&llo, 8. D. Atlantic ...... Stanhope. 7913 Srv erude, Luther 0 •• 7406 Schroeder, John . ... . 7912 S•&ln, Durt [, .. Badgt'r. 7406 Stab!, Pearl L ...... Burt ...... lowa Falls. Nugf>nt Keokuk. 7943 Smit h, Ro oe D •• . , 0 7407 Scott, L. E ...... 7965 Shields, J M , Mllwanket' W la. 7408 Stol1cy, Peter ...... Holstein. Gutbrte 8026 Stee nl crg:Pn, John v 7423 Selby, E. S ...... Center. 8027 S<·h n.rlt. 1· rotlc; rlrk C 7448 Schroeder, J. W ...... 'Webster City . . Burt. Blwll Jlof'k Ackley. 8028 8 h·f!ater. It W , ,. 7449 Schultz, A. A .... . 81t29 Fi n.) t'f 8, Olton P • N1 w IIRmpton 7479 Schultz, A. E ....•. Schleswig. 8030 Ac·h ulz, 11Nirv I Het rolt lkh 7480 Slifer, C. D ...... Des Moines ....•... Bunker Htll, Ill. 8031 Shumw&y. Clinton N. San Dl KO, C' a l 7481 Smiley, J. A ...... Wtn.fleld. 8032 I Strunk. A lvo. 0 ( alru, Ill 7488 Speetzen, G. C ...... Davenport .....•... Reynolds, Ill. 8013 Stra Lurg, E r n eat A,. l :t on ( ' lt v 7489 Scheu, C. H ...... Stacyville. Rlun I lantl, Jll. Nora Springs. S034 Stn.rt le, Harv F f' 7499 Sheckler, C. D ...... S03U ~pBit P r . W C , •• fef>kcr, Cnl o 7600 Strom beck, 0. F ...... Maxwell. 1; ' tllh!tnn, N D Pocatello, Id&ho. 8070 StParnt . On 1 ~ • 7502 Smith, J. G ...... Des Moines ...... 8072 Swl ft. F rPderlc k J 7606 S toppen bee k, H. D ... . Des Molnes ...... Edgerton, Wls. Dough Arty Williamsburg. S073 Sl pel Plltllp •• 7610 Spratt, E. L ...... Oxt:ord ....•...... 8074 Slt>cl!l , Wllll .,r Des Cottonwood, D. 7526 Sat rang, E. T ...... Motnes ...... s. 807fi ~olvt rud~. 'l u\IPf 7629 Sperry, M. W ...... Des Moines ...... Tam a. M116 ~harnl org Arthur C' 7640 Swift, H. M ...... Jewell ...... Cour 'd AJene, Idabr- 8117 RILarp, AlhPII rJa.u,J e 7666 Sheetz, C. R ...... Algona.. 811R At ration, F N _.. .. 7657 Swayz, 0. A ...... Fatrfleld Eldora.. flllfl 8f'hrRg, Alh£>rl H •• 7673 Sullivan, Ellen V .... . Des Moines. 8183 ShRitf'nht'r lt r , J no F 7674 Slme, Hymen Toledo ...... •... Wayne, Neb. 8184 RIPlRf rt " 7676 Schenk, A. L ...... Lyons. 8181i B('fltff'D, Ot nj Miles •• 7606 Schaul, Feltx J ...... Le Mars .Jefferson 8187 Slater, I {:urr 7607 Sievers. Peter ...•... West Side. 8188 Slf'Vert, H nry V 7608 Sorg, H. H ...... Hawkeye. 8192 Snorts, ,\I\'R JM 7610 Steel, Hugh Des Moines ..... o•. Ctnctnnatt. 819:1 Rt·htwrPr, rl ~ u. hJ lincoln , Nflb. 7613 Swenson, H. L ...... Des Moines. 8204 S• ott P 7699 Simon, Frank ...... Walker. 8205 Stuhr I Jrrt an 7640 Swab, J . F ...... Cedar Rapids ...... Wllllston. N. D. 8216 Srl1arlf'l. Oeo ( Ul&l1l>rnnk 7641 Schlicht, M. F ...... • Keokuk ...... Stoutland, Mo. 823~ Smith. E I' arl 7642 Staack, Hugo F ...... Maquoketa.. 8255 StorP.y. oeo w. .. 7646 Sever son, A . J ...... Jewell Junction . . . 8274 Rrhnrfrl r Jos~ph ( 1 7667 Skinner, F . R ...... Winterset ...... Maraha.lltown. 8275 S<'hlumlJf'l'lr• r AnnR U1 nl1nn 7698 Se}·mour, Edith M ... . Iowa City. 011 Df B MoltJPI. 7708 Shaffer, J. A ...... Williams. :~~; ~~~~h.Fiior:vard 'T · ::~. I r;:~~h ~f';'' o • ' ' • • o 7711 Smith, F. B ...... Randall .....•..... Webster City. 7719 Schwab, A. J ...... Casey ...... o ••••• Wiota. 7732 S?"lth, W. D ...... Brayton ...... R u gby, N. D. 92 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONI!.RS OF PHARMACY. 98

8283 Sherman, Cbas. V. • . . Dee Molnee • , .••.• , Scranton. 6107 Trum bull, tn. t. F.. dair Sf'attle, Wash 8286 Swaim, c. P ...... Belle Plaine. 6186 'l'ernea, G W . • . . • Uui.Hlt}\lt' •••••• Chltago, Ill. 8287 _uanks, .Jas. A ...... Centerville. 5192 Tisdale, w. H. • • . . State Ct-uter • Wt'Rt \inion . 8303 Silverthorn, H. E .... Des Moines. 5201 Te uscher, navld o VIctor . , • Kf'Ota 8314 Sheets, J. E...... Des Moines ...... •. Fredonia, Kan. 5238 T rumbull E J ...... l'nlon ...... l'nnrad. 8328 Snow, L. M...... Nora Springs. 6239 Twining, El. l,f'!ROr ••• l\ee Molnea. 8329 Strlckl&nd, P. B...... Des Moines. 6296 Todd, J, Waterloo •...• Sioux C'ity 8330 Swenntng, Geo. Doon. 5297 Tbom ... J J WhltlnK 8331 Stepon, Cbas...... Marshalltown. 6298 Thom a. 8. R.. • • ~·atrftol• l 8332 Selleck, M. F...... Onawa. 6340 Thomas. D W Il tolnea ..•• HantiOIJlh 8351 Stream, Frank M ..... Des Moines. 6366 Tobin . o. 'P R. • • Osagtl nr~ne 8362 Stepbensen, J. M . .... Clearfield. 6439 Tllylor, J B.. ("~ntf>nrllle. 8363 Sutton, Mark C ...... Manllln.. 6483 Ta.gue, 'Marlon 8. Vinton ... , ... , . o •• J..oa Angelt'l, Cal. 168 Trulllnger, W. B ..... Fara.gut. 6491 Tubha, H . s... .. Glen"ood • .. • .. • . ~ R nta A na, Cal 227 Thorman, G. F...... Dubuque. 5500 Treat. J. W • C'harh ('tty 421 . W. H ...... Dubuque. 5548 Trlmhle, Ron .....JtR 498 Trueblood, John . . . . . Earlham ...... Ottumwa. 5696 Thomas, D C... . . Wyoming ...... Los Angelee, Cal 656 Tabor, B. W...... Independence. 6699 Thompson , F.. T ... llPI t ulnee. 1279 Toovey, WilHam Victor ...... Knoxville, Tenn. 6737 Talty, N A ..•...•.•• Waterloo 1361 Teed, George W ...... Webster Ctty. 6769 Tyndale. 0 . R,..... Dt•l tolnes H ohnrt 1703 Thoma, Louts Fairfield. 5779 Teeters, W J ••• .• •••. Iowa C'lt~ 1783 Treat, Joseph A...... Stuart. 6 02 ThoreBon, Edward All\Uhopa .Jewell. 1851 Thomas, Camp ...... Fort Madison. 5R11 Thompson, Oeo H ••.. Unl l ~~;~r Paullina 6852 Trent, \\Ill \\'.... • • • <'~>O J a. il ~ l ('na tout. 1867 True, C. E...... A vo<'a Marshalltown. OrakP, N. D 1936 Tldd, C. H...... • Geneva.. 5S!IO Trlmbo, JoSI)Jih H , Des lol nea \urora •••••.. Rm·kfnrd. 1942 Tlarks, Herman ~fontlc>f'llo. 5908 Thomae. \\Ill lam • , 2<174 Thompson, E . C...... MarnE" ..... \Val nut. 6926 Toma E'k , To Pph Ct dnr Rnlllde. 6019 'I'Illtgftrt. Thigh W . • . \\'att'rloo 2518 1 Thorson, Nels ...... Northwood. KnnHafl ('tty, Mo 2563 Tyler, Oscar D...... Lenox. 6060 Tank, P ~~ Hc h n ll ~r • . ••..... 6153 ·rteoman, R J . tnson City .••••.•• \1 hlcllt•ton , WI a. 2677 Tate, John C...... Malcom .•..... Des Moines. 6174 'T'hlei!Pn. n r • Ilea ~loi n 1 ..••..•. MUI C' atlnf'! 2666 Turner, L. C. S...... (}r('encastle ...... Colfax. ~fh.llan1l , S D. 2768 Tobey, E. F...... Grepn Mountain ... . 62h9 Taggart, Homer G. Story City • • • .••. Monticello. 6:!66 Toner!UII Hoht • . • IWat e rloo . .• ..•• . •. Ht'inlw<' l,, 3268 Thomas, J . C...... 'Vhat Cheer ••.•. ... White City. \mt"R. 3297 Thompson, R . K...... Nevada li301 'T'tldPn, ("hn.a. 0 ... , Atanbope •... . •... Cogan Station. Penn. 6396 TRtlStPr, J R .••• , • • llfl9 '\1olnea • .. . , •.. North Bend, Neb. 3439 Thompson, E. T...... Aurlul·on ...... •.. Sioux City. 6410 Thomat~, F 8 , ..... Nf'mton ...... PRrkpraburg. 3487 Taylor, James F ... .. Salix. Fn.lls. 'I 0413 Tolltn, .T H ...... o •• tndep~:~nden c e ...... Iowa 3490 Thomas, C. E ...... \Vtlllamsburg . . St. Joseph, ?rio. 6453 Tom1P)' Chaa. D .. Ot•s Molnea ...... Anaconda, Colo 3511 Taylor, L. M...... FrPderkkeburg. 6597 TUrn('r, W, A , • .. • ,,. Oes Mol nee ...... Tel'l'erson, Neb. 3646 Thelander, C. C...... Sioux City. Buffalo Center. Winnipeg, Canada. 61139 Tllunton, Henry • . • Northwood .. . 3698 Tainter, E. B ...... Oehclo ...... 6652 1'homuon. E 8 ..•. . . Villlaca 3714 Thormann, A. W . . . . . nnhuquP Golden, Colo. 6782 Tlct~, T ...... 0 0 . ViliiAC& 3945 Tipton, W. L.... . rollins Aurora. 6783 Thompson .1 V . . ,. ,, \Val nut Omaha, Neb. 3980 Toovey, Fred A ...... Vic-tor ...... •.... Df'dham. 6784 T)JOJlliH~on . t~ . 8 ..••.• P ea Molnea ...... • . Gordon, Neb. 4194 Taylor, Harry E...... Crrston ..• ...•. ... San Diego, Cal. 6785 To mtv.lr'k, T R ••. • . Hton C'lt r . o ••• •••• FerttUB Falls, Mlnn. -4368 Tbom48, Charles ~ .... nPs ).foineR •. ..• ... Cambridge. 678R Tl~rr , R N' •• , •• , •• , Farnhamville ...... Roawen . N. M. 4360 Talbott, A. D ...... Brooklvn Grinnell fl787 Tm~~" nn. Tbomaa .. t .nk e . fllla ...... Orflf>nhuRh, Mtnn. 4377 Taylor, C. W...... Cnrroll Jetteraon 6~31 Tonn.-r, 0 n Dee Motnea . o o • •••• T~ynch, Neb. 4381 Thoma, M ...... John Postvllle. 6ll3:t Thomta, W . Js. 7fll5 Tan I<, ,Julina Manning o ••••••••••• Ahrmr l~ . 4749 Tobey, Charles S .... . Des Moines. 7042 •rahor. Elmer (')arion 4781 Thome, Matt L ...... Dubuque Grundy Center. 70H Tin, A n.. o. . . . • . rorwtth . • Newport. Warth. 4795 Trueblood , W. A ...... Central City Ottumwa.. 7130 I Thonlpllon o T... Rolancl 4865 'Trumbull, Lucius .. . . Adair. 7131 Triplett. Dea Molnea Storm T...ake. Canton, Okla. 0 . ~ f...... 4906 Talboy. Thomas . . . . . Des Moines ...•.... 7132 Tbomp~on. W. M . . •.. Iowa Fan s Mandon N. D. 4936 TahlE'r. E. F ...... Colfax ...... •..•..• West Liberty. 72:\2 Thomas A. E...... Buxton 49881 Tapper, W. J...... ·Monona ...... Rowley. 7262 Tllhor R D ...... TnrlepPndtnce. 5010 Thurllmann, Leo . . . . Carroll. 7318 Tout. 0 B ...... Des Motors ...... York. Neb. 5061 Tloo, G . .T. . . . • • . • . . . • 1 C'orwltb .•...•..... Mason City. 94 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIO. 'ERS OF PHARMACY. 95 7361 Thornton. E. R ...... Fonda ...... 7385 Thomson, C. W...... Des Moines ...... Biackfolds, Canada. 7409 Tidball, A J ...... Clarinda . . • ...... Creston. 6097 Van Don Plaar, R •. Pella ..•. llount Vernon. 7410 Tuntlaod. J, R ...... Badger ...... Story City. 6367 , L. B .. Oes llotnea ...• OctaYi&, Neb. Towne, R. L...... Boone ...... BurilBlde. 6419 Yreeland, J. ld.. • •• Sioux City. 7446 Florence, Kan 7482 Thorson, E. R ...... Northwood Thompson. 6444 Vatertus, Michael .•• Sigourney ...... 7501 Thies, Frank ...... Ro(·k?.ell City. 6445 Vtncf>nt, J. B.. .. Llnntlle ...... Fort .. tadlson 7643 Thompson, W. H ..... Decorah .•...... Fort Dodge. 6550 Viets. H. L ...... Grinnell. 7693 Taylor, J. B ...... • Dee Moines ...... Elkhart, Ill. Atlantic •..•.•..... Hale Center, Tes:. 7736 Townsend, F. A ...... Decatur ...... Des Moines. ::g 1 ~:S.n~~ ~~~~·. o~:::: Minburn. • 7802 Tulles, Carl M...... Des Moln<"s Othello, Wash. 7133 VIncent, R. E, ..•... Musc-atine. 7826 Todd, Allee M ...... Sioux City St. Paul, Minn. 7210 I VIolet, J. C ...... 'Vlntenet. 7861 Torrence, John W... Blakesburg. 7279 Verlng, J. A •••.••. Des )1otnes ....••.• Jennings, Kan 7879 Thorson, Edwin 0 .... Forest City. 76t7 Vlbber, H. R ...... Mus<'atlne ...... Kernf'wlck, Wash 7966 Terrtll, Samuel Des Moines Rushville, Ill. 7753 Von Steenburg, Llnaa. Albia ...... Grundy Center. 8036 Theisen, John J...... Panama Humphrey, Neb. 7975 Van Wert, James E .. Oelwein. 8076 Toothman, Lorenzo D. Dunlap ..... Keswick. 7078 Veach, Oscar L . • .• Dubuque ...... :\tlnot. N. D 8120 True, Ray R...... Woodbine • ...... Clark€', s. D. 8334 Voigt, W. C ..••...... Des Moines ••...•.• Corona, S. D. 8139 Tucker, J. C ....•...• Tabor ...... Lincoln, Neb. 8371 Van Tuyle, John E .. Muscatine 8246 Thompson, Edwin W ., Des ~1otues ...... St. Louis, Mo. 40 Webb, John B ...... De Witt. 8333 Tucker, C,!larles E .••. Coon Rapids. 208 Wf'lch, George H. . . Boone 8354 Thompson, Robt. C. . . Des Moines ...... Norton, Kan. 404 Wise, C. A...... Cedar Falls. 8355 Thurston, N. 0 ...... Butralo Center. 411 Wilson, L. L .....•••. Center Point. 8356 Tronsrue, P. S...... Inwood. 415 Walker, S. B ...•...•. Calamus. 994 Udell, A. S...... • • . Ottumwa . . . . . Denver, Colo. 528 Walker, William A. Aln~worth. 3023 Underwood, Poe Defl Moines . . . . Okla.. City, Okla. 556 Wolfgang, AI. J ....•• Emmet~burg 4616 Ullum, S. A .•.•...... Vinton 565 Williams, Thos. J ••.•. Edd ·ville ... Des . foinee. 4739 Ulber, M ...... DubuQue ...•..... Chicago, Ill. Oilman 4813 Underwood, William .• Elkader ...•...... Gayville. S. D. ~~~ I ~~~~\~,1!":.P~/ ii::: . Hopkinton West r·nton 5585 Updegratt, S. L...... Des l\loines ...... D:lllas ~ ('nter. 632 \ ·worth. Fordyce ...... HPSper. 5927 Udell, Nathan . . . • . . Centervll1e ...... • Hostotepaqutllo, 675 Woodrufl'. M. W •....• Knoxvtlle Ja.btsco, Mex. 927 '{\.,.ea.v€'r. A. R ...... Chapin Martelle. 5951 Unz, 0. F .•..•..•..•. Kingsley .••...... Harris. 945 Wtlson, 0. R .•....•.. Northw00t1.. 6341 Underwood, J. J •..•.. SharpRhurg ...... Boone. 980 Ward, "llo W •••....• Oea 1\.Joines. 6494 Ulch, J. J ...... Elteron ...•.•.•.•. Of's Moines. 1047 Willis, Arthur E ..... Perr,· ...... Dana 7755 UnderkoOer, G. S .. . Belmond ...... Dancrort. 1092 Wilson. James B ..••. Randolph ..••..... Nevada. 7907 Underkolfer, J. C .. Bancroft •.••...•... Butralo CE'nter. 1241 Webster, J. C .••••••. Shenarldoah. 8037 Ulve, Lewis Oes Moines Lal•e Geneva,, Wis. 1268 ~·yman, J. H ..•...... Unionville Rose Hill. R27 Van Clse, Isaac P .. )fount Pleasant. 1339 I Wangler, R. C ...... Waterloo. 2047 Van Ness, Isaac T ... . Minden . . . • . .. . • . . Nf'ola. 1372 Witte. John H ...... Burlington. 2323 Van Werden, L ...... Leon. 1436 ~VehE"r. Henry G ...... Atlantic ..• Des :.\foines. 2357 Van Leuven, G. M ..•. Lime Sprtngs. 1503 Whetstone, J. H ...... rowa City. 2851 Varner, T. H ...... Angus ...... fndianapolls, Ind. 1595 Wilson, J H ...... Nf'w VI rginla 3391 Vincent, William A .. . Belle Plaine. 1624 We<•ks, A. J ...... Correctionville. 3574 VIncent. George I .. . Sac City .• Pu&dena, Cal. 1683 Well•. Willis C ...... Fairfleld . . . . . Des Moines. 3592 Van Ausdall, G. M: ..•• NE''' London 1777 t Wri~tht, George J ..•. Waube<'k. 3675 Vance, J E ...... Srranton . . . • . . Paton. 1857 White, w. P.. . .. Vol~a City. 1055 Vanderly, John ...•.. Le<)n ...... • . • • . . . Diagonal. 1930 Wilson. A. C ...... Oelwein. 1136 Vall, Ed. Morris .•.•. ~{Rrshalltown. 1937 Woodbridge, I. L ... . NaP-hua 4SS3 Veatch, E. S •. , .•.•... n(';s ).folnes. Keota C'orre<'tlonvtlle. 4 12 Van Sickle. Clark. Scranton • ...... Chesterfield. m~ 1 ~:~~;.,~· ~1. H ... . Arcadia nenance. Lffin. 4~39 Vi<'kers, Will OskalooRa . . . Burlington. 2222 Walght. Wlllfam F .. . l.IE"nOX 4863 Vo&burg, Paul B ...... Granville. 26061 Webb, Vernon S. ~ .••• Eldora Wyoming. :,072 Van Delden, Egbert .. . Clinton ...... Chicago, (11. 2616 Wbeaton, Charles ..•. Dave-nport .. La Harpf>, Ill. !'i073 Valerius, Matt Harf)f'r. 2647 Ward, Perry ...... Waverly .•..... f'Pntral City. 5074 VoBmek, J, H ...... • Ce1lar Rapids. 2666 Wilder, John J .... . Early •...... KlngslE'Y. ti163. Voha, G. L ...... RenwiC"k Ottosen. 2693 I WHI. F J ...... Jewell Junction n~s Molnea. 5172 Vogel. H A ...... ~torrr Lake •••.. Newell. 2746 Wri•ht, L. D ...... KnoxvtJle. 5497 Voogd, Dick .••.•.... \pltn~on. 2755 I Wolhel, Theodore .. . Mount Pleasant. 5!l:l1 Varnum, Ray ...•• , D(•B )Joines Sioux City. 2825 Waldburger, J. C .... . Lehigh .•...... Fort Dodtte. 6752 VIckers, Grant Inwood Huron, S D. 2848 \ "White, Ira ...... Jamaica ...... Lohrville. 5R43 Vogt, Carl A .....•.. Davpnport St Louis, Mo. 2Rfi2 Wallace, A. H ...... Independr-nce. 2R79 1 Wycko!!, Will C ...•.. Rock Rapids. 2932 1 Wacht•I. L•o C •.. Ne?t· Hampton Oenver, Colo. CO~UII 'SIO. 'ERS OF PHARMACY. 97 96 BlE!'INIAL REPORT OF THE Hl8 Wheel•r William B Council Ulutrs •• GuthriE", Okla ·U32 Wesner, Fred \V • ••• Council BluJrs. 2986 1 Wiley Frank B . .. . Maro balltown. U47 Wray, A M ...••• • •.• Bloomfleid . • •. Kalona. 2991 \\'agley, 0 . •: . . . ••• Xev; ton. . . Winterset. 4468 WendeD, Ed. • ••• • • Smithland. 3000 WllhPlm Thomas F.. Fort Dodge 4-470 "'eller, ·wmtam HOOrick • • . • . • . • . • . !::;lgourne.> 301 Waterberry, D. D .. . .. FaJette. 4507 Woodru!!. W. J •.•.• • • Foster . • 0 0 • • o o • W&J•ello. 301 9 "\\"!timer. J011eph W.. Dubuque. 4517 \Yatker, George L . ••• Ottumwa Cbkago, Ill. 3102 Walker, F. S • • • .. o ••• 1-"'aye ttE" 4539 Wheltban. J, Frank •.• Cedar Rapids. 3134 William•. J . I ...... • Peteroon. 4551 "·'omelclorr. John :M • • Fa.) ette • .. • • . .. o. . Da as. S. 0. 3150 Wtek, Rolin E . . : •... 'f"N Hartford. 4566 Will, Ed~·d. C ...... :.'llanballtown. 3168 Whitney, E. F ...... , D•!li :\tolnee. Storm Lake. 4667 Walrod. T. s ...... l>e Witt.. 3187 Walrod, ~I MI. c. J ..... Lnke View .... 4622 Williams, A. H ...... fount Plea::mnt South Haven, )1 ich. 3~41 \'\'Ills, D. H ...... fora via Rolre. 4640 Wllklna, J. S ...... New Hampton. 3~48 Webb, Chari lL . . . • Oe Wltt ...... 4656 West, Jest\e A .....•.• Greenfield • . • • n~ :\tolnes 32fi2 Walkf'r, John T · • · • · • Holstein. Council Blutrs. 4661 Williams, Ed. E ...... Odebolt . . • . . . . • . . . . \\'lllo" Lakes, s. D 328:') Wbalty, Samuel E . 0. What Cheer .•...•• Marshalltown. 4666 \ValRb, Count B. • • Beacon H.t.·a~uor 3326 Wheeler. F. E ..... · Conrad .... "· .. ·" van Horne. 4670 Williams, J. H •• • Larchwood. 3342 Wirth, Cyrlllus , , 0 •• , BelJevue ...... •.•• 4689 Wiltz, J . H .... ·.. ... Pomero;r. 3376 Werts, Jaoob L ...... RuBBell. 4695 Watts, J, F .. . Waterloo l'Jalnfi(>ld S3S~ Wilson. C. V·t •. • o o. o., Klngale)•, 47U Wilhelm, ElmH S ...• Conrad Grove . • o • Clarion. 4770 Wise, P. A ...... CPdar Falls. 3411 Wood. Frank F •••••.. D<•s ~tolnes. Hoxle, Kan. 4774 Worden, Harry E ..•.. ~ton roe . • • ...... Porllaucl, Ore. 34fi5 WlgglnR, D. L •...... Coin ... • • • ·. • · Santa Marla, Cal. 3488 "Wheaton. GE'Orge R ..• Grinnell ...... 4805 Williams, s. H ••. , , . , ERtherville. aa23 Warren, B. C...... nount Ayr ...... Lenox. 4850 Wismer, Alvin E .. Sheldon . 13 ucroft S.D. SeatUe, Wash. 4867 Williams, F. A .. Hopkinton Pa.sadt•na Cal. 3656 White, Fred W ...... Clermont ...... Rolfe. 3603 Wtewel. Joseph ...... ~ U. Carmel ...... 4894 Wllaon, Nellie C. JeSSUJ) 3604 Wright, Frank ....•. Con,..ay .•••...... Bedford. 4897 Waltera, C. ll. C Bancrort. 4924 Weller. A J ..• Sigourney 1 ·eutf'rville. 3649 Walker, L. M...... Arton. waterloo. 36.>0 \Way, J. W ...... Oskalooo;a ...... 493U WI!ROn, F )l,. Btoomfteld Portlat1d, Oregon. 4960 Wll~on. E. J .•. Royal. 3666 Williams, J. Cal...... What Cheer. Ruthven Farmt.>rsburg 5003 Wright, C. W ... • 'ow 3673 Wood. George N ...... McGregor . •...... Hampton AlbE-Querque, N 1\J Sioux City 6022 Wllaon, W. D • Scranton \falvern. 3728 Whltfteld, Arthur .. , . Calliope ...... · ·. Hastie. 6024 Wood, H. L ...... Eagln Grove. 3736 Winfrey, T H •..... Cambridge ...... 6032 \\<'I nan a, L. P .•..•. Wilton 3772 Woodward, H H .... Melbourne ...... Adair. Le Mara. 6110 Wlerlck, C. J ...... Colfax. 3820 Wilson, c. L...... Kingsley ...... 6119 "\\o'elzenegger, J G. Burlington. 3 321 Waugh, Walter ..... , 1 Mtlo. 5171 Walters, D. J .•.•.••.• Hudson Primghar. 3835 Way, Bavard C ...... , Britt ...... l1ason City. Sioux City. 6207 Watters, W. L...... \tnllst.a \\"e$1 Liberty. 3~43 Wilson, Lee S ...... Ireton ...... 5231 Wangler, C. J •... Wattrloo Decorah 3848 Wray, Walter L ...... Oskaloosa ...... Nevada. Hamilton, Ill. 5232 Wade, Abagatt D •.••• Clarinda Jennln~~. La. 385+1 Wilson, Frank D .... . Keokuk ...... 6250 \VInner, Max R .• • . Waverly 38631 wnson, JameA B. . • . . Marlon. 5276 \Vablstrom, J A ..• Fonda ... SpenrPr

3892 Wyland. A. 0 ...... Underwood. 5277 Wllaon, 0 )1...... Delta , 0 :\1onroP 3909 Wise, C. H .. " ...... • Cedar Falls. D M I 5341 Weise, Rudolph ltannfng Ondgc\·llle, Cal. 39-'0 Waterbury, F. C ••.•.. ~1arlon . • . • . • • . . . . . ee o nee. 5342 Woolman, H l r •• Manning •. .-\rnf':s. · 3946 '\\-'t>aver, A. J .....••.. Letts ...... ~1uiK'atlne. 53-13 ·wuwerdlng, .T. M. Grls~ old. 3963 Wagner, O!ll'ar F,.... Alden. 534G Watson, J. (' Hull Shuldou 39'6 Walrath. B. B ...•.. ,. Arlington. 6348 \Venham. F B .•• Waterloo Beaman. 4011 I We•t, William H ..... K•llogg ...... Blrmlnstham, Ala 5:160 "reeks, Carl .•... o. Des Moines. 4014 Weaver, 0. A ...... LeGrande ...... DE'S .1oinE'S. fi370 Wright, C. • f. • . •••• DeSoto nar\\ood. Tex 40331 Walker, D. J ...... Fayette ...... Lamoni. 5376 Walker, 0 G . ·ew tark~>t 4049 Williams. Jark ...... Oskaloosa ..••.•.•. Buxton. !i395 w·tlson, James A •.. 0 . ·f':w Yirglnia nrrPnflPiil . 4067 '1\'llaler. Jam.. A ..... What Cheer ...... \lontnuma. :i449 "'t>lr:h. James :'If hanlcsvtlle I>es :\lolnPB. 4ti•> WtnchE"Il. John E..... talcom. &461 I Witt. R. F ...... Waterloo 4175 Wtlrh, John ,V, .•.... Tipton •....••• .... Des MolnN. 5455 WlntPr .T P •....•• Hubbard I \\"B.$hlngton. .421-t- Walkt>r, John C .. • :-.lew :\farket. 5468 \VPldin. c n .. rrawfordsvtllr o4~7 White, L , I .•• :\fay nard •..... \\'att•rloo. 4!1fi Whitlock. C. E...... Des lolnes ...... ~reola. 5-494 Woito. W H _. . . • • 4230 Wf'lrirk. llarn· A •• o, Sen·lon •.•.•.•. .•.• Colfax LuVerne. 5li17 Wart!, W. H- ..•..... :\fan<'be&tf>r • Ryan. ... st. Idaho 659G I Ward J. J .. rowa ~lty .• ) Wellman. :;~~ ~~::~=~~.J~~~ri~·:: ~':::ra~~ ...... }.nthon~·. 5647 Waugh, H . T ...... Mount PleMant. -4!83 Wan~!Pr, Joseph P-. \\'Attrloo • • . . .. ·· IT"E't"orfth 5653 \V"olf, Wtllis W •.••••• Shannon City. 4~97 WbitA.t·rP, J C \Vf':bstpr .City , •. _. . 'futnJ\1. Okla -4341 WatPrhury . t. 0 .••.• JnweH Jnnrtlon • D~ "\1olnes. 7 4366 I \Vestbrook, Burr • . . . • "Pwton. 4:~~9 Wllll'tt, (' . . . . • . . . Reren1on BJE. ·. ·1AL HEPORT OF THE CO. IMISSlO. •t:Rs OP PHAR I \l' \ 99

6911 \\alta~ r, I. J .... . 5668 Welch, .A B ,. • • • Bloomfield. &961 Wilcox, F. 0 .• • •. • •. hmtro <' 5688 Williams, ,\ 1 Waterloo Spokant!, Waab. ( "harlton 1 -A~~>ter. 6 S:Z Wllley. Frank. , • 5f;93 WPbber. D. D. • • • . . . • . Bristol .•.. . . . • . . . . &63 ton, T , 6702 Wemark, J L Rldgf:"way . •.•... • . Kenmore, N. D. Bcnk•lma.n, • 'eh. ~G9 Walthall Claude B 57H Wray, J A. . • ...... Bloomfield • • .•. ... • H('drlc·k. Homers. .I. Hloux Ci ty. 7 U Wllllama. Lester 6765 WohJg(·mutb, G.. .. Des .Moines • . . ..•.• 70U Wal h , Mary 0 5762 W II KOD, J ~~ . . •• ... •• Burlington . . • . .• •• . Grt!tnP 7Q 1 ·•hblea f 5773 Warta, J . A . • . • • . . . . . C'ounfll Bluffs .. . ••• Sargent. Neb. Sioux Cit\' 71 tttl Wtlaon Orin D 578-4 Wernli. L. S ...... Le Mara 't tOl \\ lkort, l>on 579.( Wood, Rupe rt VIncent . Des Moi n{'B . . . . • • ChariHI Clly. 5795 Williams, N E mPry.. Keokuk ••.• • ...• . . St I.A>UI , ) 10 it t WtngeJt J P lount Plt>a. ant 7135 \\ hltt('llo ( II 5812 Walker, Charles C .. ,. Ottumwa ...... • . 7136 Waldron, Ororge A 5813 A •...... M arathon • • •• . • • .. Poc·ahontas. ·wagner, J. 71!8 Wllltaker I! \ 5853 Welch, W. Richard .. . For t Dodge.. 71 t W!okl, t"retl l 5858 \Vaud, 'l'bomaa 8 ., Jr. Germani a 5887 Will tame, William H Toronto • • ...... Valpara iso, Ind. 7~11 W t, II H 7214 Wll n. J, r.. 6928 Watson, E . L ...... Bolle. 5935 W iese, William H • . . . Cambridge • • . • • . . Chi<'a6kn, Okla. i233 Wadf' W 11 G976 Whitmore. Geo rge C .. Anita . • l..f'advlllP, Colo. i%'1 4 Whllll'''• I H 7;1:80 Walk• Jo' n n 6985 \Vendt, Charles C ...... \ voc·a.. 7281 Wray, F P 6990 White, M. P .. ,...... Dia~onal. 7337 Webb, J I 5998 Wise. Harley Louts . . • '1ilrord .. ••.... Wt>lJstt•r (•tty. PralriC'I du ('hln, Wis. il63 "\\'PIIIh, Oeo II J r 1.1t17 Wright, E lme r E.. OubuquP 73 6 Wolf Ralph II 61126 \VIIIiams, J . A . . . Dloomfte ld. 7387 Walkor. II L 6048 ·wtn rrey, F. Gra nger ...... • . • . . Adair I..... ~ Warner E A 6071 Welty, c. H ...... • , Hampton. 7U t Whet tonl'. H U 6084 Wltllamaon , 1 tarry V. Des Mo ine• . • • . • . . • Pa,·o nta, Colo. 74 t Woetlhurn, (' \\' ola fi090 Woodward, L . W .... • Des Mol nee .••..• , , Kan Ill ('tty, Mo 701 r, WtnnE>I E .11 !i106 Wbtte, Mark . . ..•. •• '1uon City _.... Cll•&r lAke. 7527 Wa lla• P H 1 6113 Woodrock, Goorgc• C .. Valley Junction. 7659 Worh'l\ \V ll .. 6173 Wilson. Nathan B . . . Des Moines Vllllflc &. 0 \'Ri h y Jnuctlon Burha.n an. Mi ch. 757R Weaver, ('11\,111 6196 Wilson E E...... Des Moines .. . ;r,~ fi \VtiiiOD H B G~02 Walllrk, C. N. . • . . . • T ipton 7G09 \\-'llhern, (', I. lr Inn. 6219 Wllla n. I.. • • Council Bluff'R . . . . . P igsab. 7611 Walkf!r, n A Mull 11 ' h 6381 Wall nre, T . J Clarion • . . • • ...... • Wo<> l s t o ~ ·k, 76 14 Whiting, N. 1J 63S9 Wekeesrr, H . P - ...... D<•s Moines Omaha, N<'h 7tl\R Woods, P. D • .• • ... • , l'hn a nlvlllt 64 29 Watters, S. 11 •.. . • . . tn~iln . i6G9 Workma n, E ll sworth 644 fi Winflrtt. C. V .. , _ . . . Waterloo Prln<':et.on . lhH· fu\ll St. ,JosE'ph, Mo. 7f'i70 Wilson, Clyde P .... ,. 647 2 Williams, L. W...... Des Moines 7671 Watts, T . McCoy. lfulstrhl f1 496 Wagner, JaR. A...... Df'll ~tolnes . • . . .. . L • ad, s. 0 OlnRha Nr.h Mr rlrllan, ldal1o 7681 Wormley, F . H . . ,. , 6fi l 8 Wilson, S . G .• . . • . .. . Mtlr h l• llvllle .. . ·I 7683 Wah, C. A ...... , f'bkngo, Ill G53 G Waite, E. E . • . o • • •••• Hawarden •. .. I rf'ton Ill flan(•e, Q. no.lla.s Cente r. 7fi97 Welsenburgf'r, V. D. 6538 Wise, Cbl\8 Paton . • •. • 7718 \Vtlaon, Raymond ~hAilRDI I Oah. fi 551 \Vrlgbt, Ed F Knoxville. 77 39 \YOldbal!, W. H .... fHlRl Whiteman, H - Ji:... . 'Vebster City .. l'ontlll.(: Ill .11hert City 7777 Walltu•P, Robt. T . . • , • t': 5R5 WPrnf'r, C. A A . •• ,. , Gowrie • .... i778 Williams, John DeWitt OmnhR Nt!h 61. ~9 Warford, 0 ~1. . • • • • . Aplington. 7803 I WarPha.m. Conrad L .. . llysarl 66:l0 Walters. C. C ...... Schleswig . • . • . . . • • Kiron 7804 Worker , Robt. H .••• . Oo11lfl e hl 6AA8 Weiland, Will . . • . . . • Ackley . . • . • . • . • . . \'nrtna. 7827 I Worth. :\ugu t , • .• • . . on lnW'. 6ti89 Wa\es, ·Fred E . . .•• .. • \ Des Molnee ••. •. ••• Gloh~. Arlt 7 !! WlnnPtt, .Jo~ph R. . . • D f B MolnP.a Wef'kll, W. H • ...... Des Moines .• Hot S n 6 7 ~fl I o.. .. . ~tulnJtB , 78~2 Wll..,n, Philip W . . I..ake I'll · ...... 6790 Wyckoff, G c...... Atlantic ...... Slnux C'lty. "I 7 62 \V~tphal . Alfre(l H . . ·1 Palmf'r - ....••• • • • 6791 Wolfe> . H . E. -• . • • . . . . Des Moines. 78~3 \Vest. .John Frank . . o Coundl Bluffs ••• •• s o. 79•t! \\·allhllnm. r..arl G .• . o ·Rioux City • , -•.• • ~~~i ~~:~~~~~~~ . J.'~~~~.:: ~~~~ 0 ~tt:. .: :~::::: ~~~~e~r:at r r . 7905 Wangler. Anton L . • -. Waterloo. 6Eifl3 Wltbf'rell, PPa.rl ...•. Df'a 1\lolnes ...... GlobP., Ariz. 7915 We-t ... r. Robert ...... KPo'kuk ...... , .. . 6854 Weber. J. S ...... · o• \ Davenport. 7944 Wilton, PPIPr M . . .• • . Clarion. 6855 w·tngPr. R- J ...... Oes Moines .....• • . Wlllla.msport, Ind. 7987 WePrl, All elbert W... . "MftJI.on City. 6856 Wt1llams. I. T. , ...... AvE'rY ...... Foster. 803~ \Vf'ttPn~t"'l. f J...... nunlo.p. 6859 \Vorlry, 0. \V ...... Adel ...... • • . . . Ke"nnee. Ill. 8040 I Wray, Daniel D ...... Pella . .. . ••. .. • .• , • San Dlei{O, Cal. 6860 Wtllrho.m, . lary M ... Davenport. 8041 Wornecke, Fred J.. ... Davenport. 6884 WlnJtRte, c. S ...... • Missouri Valley .... 1 Hanley. 'Minn. B!E.'.'IAL ttEPORT OF THE !00 Bu ·ton Watters. Wllltam J... Des Moin.:os FOURTEENTH BIEN IAL REPORT 8042 Wlf'f~Jahn. William H. Das Moines ...... • Cbh·ago. Ill 8(•79 Wertz, Ct>·de s ...... Independence .•... . Ruabville. Ind 8h80 WimLer, Fred L .. . . West Union ...... • Waterloo. 8121 Wft»>D, John D. . . • • . Des Moines ...••..• Ogden. !H G'rangf'r. W81!ton, o. C .••. , •.•. Colfax ...•..•.•...• 01 111R 8H2 Wblte, .Marvel B ...... OtR Moines .. Hannibal, Mo 8195 8217 Wet rather, Fred H.. \\'"infield Colo. S11rlnn. Colo 8223 Walton. W. A .... , ... WeUster City 8224 Wolden, John Magnus Wallingford. 8256 8278 ~~~t~b~t~it! ~: ::::~ g:e~~-lnes. 8288 wmtama, Tom . . . , • . Buxton. Workman, H . A.,, . . Henderson. STATE MINE INSPECTORS 8290 8291 8304 ~~~~~~c~~· cf.!~P~.::::: ~ ~~~~- 8355 werner, Henry J . .. ,. Wesley. 8372 \Vertz, Eddie M ...... Davenport. Wick, Dallle H .... • . New Hartrord. I 8373 lOH lilt 866 ~~~:Y.BC.FC:::::::.: ~!~~~~;...... : correctionville. 2098 Yocum, A. L .. , ...... NewbaJrn •...•...• Charlton. 2962 40<)2 ~:~ ~e:g, EE_ ;1: ::~.: : :: ~~~~~~n ...... ::: :::: ?:a~~ ~~~II. 4036 T'~o Years Ending June 30, 1908 4182 ·, Charles 0 . . ... ~faquoketa I Young, J. M . •. •..... Bayard o...... Jamaica.. 4402 Young, John ...•..•. Rioux City . . • . • . . • C'oundl Blutta. 4767 4832 Young, E. M. . • . • . . Shellsburg. Yager, Charles W ..• , Calmar . . • • . . • . . . . . Rockford 4868 6410 )'oung, L. H .. , ...... Leon ...... •.... Ottumwa Yof'm&n, J VIctor ..... Dt'"B Moines . . .. o • • • Swink, Colo. 6091 TO TUB Young, c. w...... Manson ...... • o. 1A I bert City. 623 1 Young. H . . . • • . . Oelwl'in .....• o.. .. Des Motnea. 6266 c. 6353 York, T. E .••...... Bloomfield .. o...... T hurman Young, Charles R. .. Oes Moines .... o • • \ Toledo 0793 I. 7026 Yeoman, F ...... Ol'B Moines •... . . F.l\.\OOd, Neb 7185 Yocom, w. \V ...... ISpringville . . . . . • . . C'b.nrltoo. GOVERNOR OF TilE STATE OF IOWA Yerian, Clyde E .. . . Davenport .... Fort Wayne. lnd. 7249 o.... .T. D .. ·o ••••• J(>HflUP 7319 Young, Knoxvtlle . . . • . . . . . 7733 Young, R . R • • • • • Des Moines. 4402 Young ...... • . • ...... Bayard ...... , . . Jamaica Jl1 4425 Zeigler, H. IJ...... Eagle Grove ...... PE"orla, 6464 ZIDRer, E. W .. , , , .. , . Sioux Rapldb. 6718 Zlltlg, J, A., Jra .. o Dubuque. A\30 Zimmerman, ('baR. F. Oow rle •. o • •• •••••• 6447 Zimmerman, J . J . o . Chapin. Ackley. Zimmerman, W J, •.. Gowrie ..... o • • • • • I,IA•·omb. ~r.10 7067 Zimmerman, c. J. . • • Van Horne ...... \V'nlt>rloo. 7139 Zleprecht, Carl W •.. ·1 Dubuque. I PIUNTIW BY OHDER OF Till~ C:JCNMtAL ,\BSEMBLY 7186 7.ender, M. J ...... o.. Earling. 7263 Zwanzlger, J. W...... Frederika.. 6366 Zeiger, Frank W.. ... Buffalo Center • . . Garner 7364 Zastera, Frank ..... o Ced&l' Rapids. 7460 Zimmerman. Julius .. Hampton ... 0...... Kf'lley. 7641 Zergen, G. F...... C~ar Rapids ..•... Hollywood. Ka.n. 7672 Zimmerman. Floyd V. \Yaterloo ... 0 . • • • • BrPckenrldge, Colo. 7976 ?.Immerman, W. D .... , Red Oak. 1 8189 Zlnn, Edpr .... , . . . Klemme ...... •. . ("hlfago, lll. 8218 Zimmerman, Wm . . . . Marengo . . .. o...... Cedar Raplde. 1 Ut!8 MOIN1.8 I li.MORT If. INOLUIII, IITA'fl I'RINlf.R 1108