Gazetteer of Streams of Texas
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FRANKLIN K. LANE, Secretary UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, Director Water-Supply Paper 448 GAZETTEER OF STREAMS OF TEXAS PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF GLENN A. GRAY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT FEINTING OFFICE 1919 GAZETTEER OF STREAMS OF TEXAS. Prepared under the direction of GLENN A. GRAY. INTRODUCTION. The following pages contain a gazetteer of streams, lakes, and ponds as shown by the topographic maps of Texas which were pre pared by the United States Geological Survey and, in areas not covered by the topographic maps, by State of Texas county maps and the post-route map of Texas. For many streams a contour map of Texas, prepared in 1899 by Robert T. Hill, was consulted, as well as maps compiled by private surveys, engineering corporations, the State Board of Water Engineers, and the International Boundary Commission. An effort has been made to eliminate errors where practicable by personal reconnaissance. All the descriptions are based on the best available maps, and their accuracy therefore depends on that of the maps. Descriptions of streams in the central part of the State, adjacent to the Bio Grande above Brewster County, and in parts of Brewster, Terrell, Bowie, Casg, Btirleson, Brazos, Grimes, Washington, Harris, Bexar, Wichita, Wilbarger, Montague, Coke, and Graysoh counties were compiled by means of topographic maps and are of a good degree of accuracy. It should be understood, however, that all statements of elevation, length, and fall are roughly approximate. The Geological Survey topographic maps used are cited in the de scriptions of the streams and are listed below.
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