Shareholders Decide Assurance Company Is to De
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WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST 1 Loyal—tieiwba. Capitol—Wild Orange*. For 36 hour| endinr 5 Saturday: Lomin Ion—Eternal City, Viet or1» and vicinity—Light to mod flayliotwe—The Iron Trail. erate northerly winds, continued tine and Columbia—Tom Mix. t— cold at night. PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. (54 NO. l!9 VICTORIA, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1924 Mennonites Come Irish Soldiers Tramwaymen and Busmen in Back to Prairies PREMIER KING GIVES SHAREHOLDERS DECIDE Killed Britishers j From Mexico In Queenstown London to Strike To-night Mart h 21 — Manitoba HINT OF A REDUCTION I Winnipeg, ASSURANCE COMPANY j Mennonites who made a trek to QueeiiHUiwn. Ireland. March I^oudon, March 21—Seventeen thousand tramway men and , Mejj/b a year ago have found con- j dit/ona unsatisfactory and are re- 21—A «Ictaçhimmt of British 20.000 busmen have determined to strike at midnight to-night. I turning to Western Canada. A num- troops landing here on leave “A strike to-night is a certainty. Nearly 40,000 men will be j b«-r of them passed through here IN SALES TAX SOON IS TO DE LIQUIDATED yesterday en mute tv Harris. Sask.. to-day was fired on from inVolved/* said Secretary Bevin of the Transport and General where they will again take up farm machine gun set in i*. motor Worker^’ Vnion this afternoon. ing under Canadian regulation* and others will follow shortly. Tells Delegation He Does Not Understand Why People Northwestern Life, With Head Office in Winnipeg, Has ear, which, it is said, was op erated by four soldiers of the Interpreted Statement in Speech From Throne as Business of About $7,600,000; Auditors Declare Im Irisjfr Free State Army. Then* Applying Only to Agricultural Implements; to pairment of Capital is $247,000 were twelve ! casualties in RAILWAY BOARD killed or wounded among the PROVINCIALS FAIL TO Develop Basic Industries British soldiers. CHANGE DISCUSSED Winnipeg. March 21.—The Northwestern Life Assurance Com Ottawa. March 21.—Premier King gave a broad hint to-day pany, carrying husipess to the extent of about $7.000.0tM). is 10 go GET WIDOW’S AFFIDAVIT NEW OIL WELL of a reduction in the sales tax. He was speaking to a delegation into voluntary liquidation. This dee .ion was reached by the representing municipalities, hoards of trade, manufacturers of shareholders after a long session last night, and II. J. Symington, agricultural implements and workmen from Brantford, Ont., and March ^21—The Vnion BEFORE P.G.E. INQUIRY K.C., and «I. I’. Folev. K.C., were appointed to act on their behalf Los Augels, the surrounding country, who had come to urge that there shottkl- in making the necessary legal arrangements. Oil Company broughtt in a 5,‘>00-bar- Application for the appointment of"a receiver will be made rel gusher In the new Domingues The Provincial Party attempted to-dav to bring before the reduction in the present customs tariff or. agricultural im- field south of here late yesterilay. .... plcments. • 1 almost at once. _________ Koval1 Commission <flft Pacific Great Eastern Kailway 'affairs the The ~Prime ' Minister declared he The company had Its head office affidavit of Sarah Bell, a widow living in Manitoba, to show Mr. could not ***** why, from statements to Winnipeg and It* present president in the Spfrech fr<»m the Throne. It -i» D, o. Macdonald. It was incorpor Justice Galliher what it described as the real faets of the con should be assumed the tariff on ag ated in 1914. and its- stock and poll - struction of the Government-owned line. EXPECT BONUS ON ricultural implement* was to be sin t les are held principally in Western BELIEVED JAPANESE IN After listening to a heated argument between counsel, the gled out. The reference in the speech Canada. was to instruments of production in Mr, Symington and Mr. FoTey were Commissioner declined to admit the affidavit and suggested in the basic industries. “I take It that instructed by the meeting to examine stead* rhat the woman who had signed it—the widow of a railway if we said we were reducing the vales closely a special audit made of the SUBMARINE ON BOTTOM tax we would have every manufactur company's books for any evidence of sdb-eontraefor—should he brought to the Coast to testify directly. er holding up his hands for us to criminal mismanagement, and if such | The Provincial Party coursel asked 12382472 do lt.’# were found to take appropriate ac j th** Government to the cost In- J There wore nods of assent from ths tion. 1 volvod in bringing the woman here, j delegates. The special audit gave the imple OF SEA ALL LOST LIVES but this 8. 8. Taylor. K.C.. senior Merchants Say ‘No’ Premier King emphasised that the ment of capital ns iZAl.000. Mortgage Government counsel, flatly refused to _ , . ...... _ • . inter* st* </f the country as a whole 1'TUin were said to bév*in a deplorable d., The provincîaiH. i.e said, had Further Vote Will be Asked had to be considered apd that what condition.” and fifty-five per cent Tokio, March 21.—Although rescue work is being continued To Daylight Saving failed to briuaanv ♦-v»4-nec to sup- ; was desired was to develop the basic of the farm mortgages were in bad vigorously the fear grew to-day that the eighteen survivors im P»»,rt any WT their twenty-seven j For, Says Ottawa Wine industries of lumbering, mining. Ash shape. Money» had been loaned, said charge# agnih#t the Government and | ing and agriculture, and anything the report, and the traneactiona ap-v prisoned in the after compartment of Submarine- 4.1 of the Opposition to daylight saving now wanted to insert an affidavit Veterans Continue Campaign th*< could be done In the way of re proved afterwards. Japanese navy, which has lain twenty-six fathoms deep on the was recorded hr the retail mer prepared by Interested parties and ducing taxation would os slit In pro chants* group of the fhamber <»f signed l»y a woman who might not duction. ocean bottom off Sasebo since Wednesday, had succumbed to in the Meantime Uqmnvercc at u meeting held this ex en know how to read or write MANUFACTURERS* POSITION suffocation. Signals from the interior of the vessel had ceased. morning and their opinion was How the Railway Department kept expressed at a meeting of the City -omplete check on the accounts vf Telegraphic informal on re The r*»al point In the matter of ag Attempts to raise the stern of the vessel having failed, it,now is Council sitting as a public works the Northern Construction Company, ricultural implements seemed to bo RIGID PROVINCIAL nàllway contractors, was explained eeivetl from Ottawa to-day indi that Canadian manufacturers could planned to tow* ft to shallower water. committee this afternoon. It was decided to approach the council to the Commissioner this morning by cates that the one-third cut in not product* at a price the farmers Twenty-six men of the crew were drowned in the forward com HON. J. E. CARON with a united front as both op I A. F. Proctor, formerly chief en- could pay and bear the sales tax as ! I’ineer of the Department. In the pensions feared by war veterans well as the tartff entered into prices. partment of the eraft after a collision with a warship and it ap Montreal. March 21.—It is fore posed to daylight saving and the El suggested alternative of opening i course of his evidence Mr. Proctor as the result of the elimination There was also the great problem of pears now that the remaining eighteen have smothered in the foul ras! by The Montreal Gazette unifying the country. Nothing would at 7 o'clock and closing at ! vigorously denied that he had dls- nf the honus, which automatic air of their cramped quarters. that Hen. J E f muter ; missed R. J, Rossiter, former ac- hurt manufacturers of agricultural of Agriculture of Quebec, will 5 o’clock instead of from 8 o'clock ! eountant of. the department, and re- ally lajises in the Fall, will not implements more than there should succeed Han-. W. 11. Nantel, to «î o'clock ] pudlated aisQ xfie cbar*f that he had lx* a feeling of hostility between dlf- TM ar*amenta asautAI l-febft, laU (V'Hïiff "'ra'vuffii t/f put iulü effet:!. lier of the Railway «'ommission- ter proposal was that it would j companies in th* purchase of railway of tho Dejqirtment of ^olilier*' tween urban and rural Canada. ctnee the store* to wortorre who Overthrow of Shah of Canada will expire In th* j materials. Mr Proctor was explain- Civil Re-Establishment, the Hon. LOWER PRICES Eastern B.C. Bodies' Appeal Autumn. did their shopping after their | ing the A!unlock Company's eele- work ended at A o'clock. If. 8. Beland. it is understood, will W. J. Miller, of ths Frokt A Wood to Government Endorsed by I hrated erthbtng contract when th* make application U> parliament at Company. Smith’s Falls, Ont., said, Demanded in Many. Inquiry adjourned for luncheon. e Ottawa, March 21.—No official this session for a vote to continue “If there is any reduction In the sales Vancouver Board Intimation a* to whether or not TO REFUTE EVIDENCE the bonus as it now stands. tsx the price of implements will drop Hop, W. H. Nantel will be re Messages to Teheran At the opening of this morning's For several weeks past soldier or Immediately.