Criminal Procedure
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at '! • .,~,..,-....... ~:, ',";"y -- -"~-.:,':'~: ~·~~,r~·'·; -~ .. -~.-- " "'. ..,...;;. ~"~ .' .. , : ..:.. .. ~-'" --~,. ~~"?:'« ""~: : -'.:' - . ~F~~~·:=<~_;,."r. .'~~. <t-···;<~c- .",., . ~""!." " '. ;.... ..... .-" - .~- . ": . OUTLINE Of FIRST ISSUES PAPER CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ITRODUCTION :75 IN COURTS :SSI(JNS 130l/Cj3 NEW SOUTH WALES LAW REFORM COMMISSION OUTLINE OF FIRST ISSUES PAPER CRIMINA\L PROCEDURE GENERAL INTRODUCTION AND PROCEEDINGS IN COURTS OF PETTY SESSIONS 1982 17697H-l -ii- New South Wales Law Reform Commission The Law Reform Commission is constituted by the Law Reform Commission Act, 1967. The Commissioners are: Chairman: Professor Ronald Sackville Deputy Chairman: Mr. Russell Scott Full-time Mr. Denis Gressier Commissioners: Mr. J.R T. Wood, Q.c. Part-time Mr. I.McC. Barker, Q.C. Commissioners: Mrs. B, Cass Mr. J.H.P. Disney The Hon. Mr. Justice P.E. Nygh The Hon. Mr. Justice Adrian Roden The Han. Mr. Justice Andrew Rogers Ms. P. Smith Mr. H.D. Sperling, Q.C. Research Director: Ms. Marcia Neave Members of the research staff are: Mr. Paul Garde (until 29 November 1982) Ms. Ruth Jones Ms. Philippa McDonald Ms. Helen Mills Ms. Fiona Tito The Secretary of the Commission is Mr. Bruce Buchanan and its offices are at 16th Level, Goodsell Building, 8-12 Chifley Square, Sydney, N.S.W. 2000. U.S. Department of Justice National Institute 01 Justice This document has been reproduced exaclly as received from the person or organization originating it Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice.
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