
April 2016

IN THIS ISSUE Department Events | Department Information | Alumni News | Internship & Job Notices

Chair Talk from Joan Wow, it’s April already! As always, we have an engaging and busy month ahead in the department. A highlight of April each year is the annual Spring Dinner, which comes very early this year: Monday, April 4th (5:30­6:30 p.m. in the Smail Gallery). All are welcome, even if you’ve only taken one psychology course (heck, even if you’ve never taken a psychology course but are interested in connecting with the department). I can pretty much promise that the food will be delicious and the company will be fun, and that we’ll offer prizes for trivia quiz and a surprise “matching challenge” contest. Also coming up in April: a Career Night with psychology department alum! On Tuesday evening, April 12th, a group of recent and not­so­recent alum who work in the Twin Cities will return to campus and talk about how they got their jobs, what they do for work and how it connects to their psychology majors, and answer your questions. Dinner will be served, please plan to attend if you can (be on the lookout for flyers with more information). April is also registration time, so those of you who aren’t graduating this spring can look forward to picking your classes for next semester. We will have several visitors in the department next year, including one full­time person. I don’t have a signed contract for her yet so I will tell you about her, and the other visitors who will be teaching for us in the fall, very soon. In the meantime, rest assured that we have some really exciting new advanced classes in line for the fall. Finally, I would like to extend my congratulations to the recipients of our various departmental awards. We have so many amazing students (yes, that includes you, the person who is reading this issue of right now!) and it is always a challenge to pick among you for these departmental honors. Please see below for this year’s awardees, and join me in congratulating them. They will be recognized at the Spring Dinner. Associate Dean of the Faculty and Psychology Professor Kendrick Brown to Leave Macalester The Psychology Department was both thrilled and devastated to learn of Kendrick Brown’s anticipated move to become Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Redlands in California. Although all of you current students know him primarily as an administrator, many of you were also lucky enough to have taken his Understanding and Confronting Racism course. We will miss him terribly, and wish him all the best. Below is some information from the official announcement of his departure.

Brown came to Macalester in 1998 as tenure­track member of the Psychology Department. He focused on how individuals negotiate systematic biases, in particular racism, to establish or maintain connections within and between social status groups.

Since 2009, he has been Associate Dean of the Faculty, and as such, supervised the Assessment Office and various assessment activities at Macalester, oversaw the creation of faculty personnel review files, and solicited applications from students and faculty wishing to work closely during the summer on a scholarly project supported by endowed and external funds.

“I am going to miss Macalester, my colleagues and friends, and all the students I’ve come to know over the past 18 years,” said Brown. “It was not an easy decision for me to leave Macalester, but I simply could not pass up the opportunity at The University of Redlands.”

Psych Leader Nominations We are eager for nominations for next year’s psych club leaders. Leaders play an incredibly important role in the department. They build community in the department by helping out with a variety of events, including lunches, panels, volunteer experiences, guest lecturers, game nights, and Friday Socials. Ideally, leaders generate ideas for new activities that other students would find engaging and informative, and they inspire other students to get involved in the life of the department. We expect that serving as a Psych Club leader will typically take about 1 ­ 2 hours a week, although your time commitment will vary from week to week.

Please consider nominating yourself or someone else to this important role. Please send names to Jaine Strauss by Monday, April 25th. We will contact all students who are nominated to make sure they’re interested in the commitment. The decision about next year’s psych leaders is made by faculty and staff. 2016­17 leaders will be announced in the May Psycho­Babble.

Joan Ostrove recipient of major award! Joan is the recipient of the 2016 Walter D. Mink Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award given by the Minnesota Psychological Association. Prior to joining the Macalester faculty in 1999, Joan completed a B.A. degree at Williams College and Master's and Ph.D. degrees in psychology at the University of Michigan. Her nomination letter stated that "course evaluations include lavish praise for her warmth, accessibility, , expertise, and passion." One of her students stated, "I always feel like I'm learning new ways to think about the world every time I go to class," and a second student said, "she balanced both holding high expectations for and being supportive of her students."

Rowan Hilty is the Paterson nominee! Paterson Award Nominee ­ Macalester's nominee for the award given by the Minnesota Psychological Association to the most promising senior in Minnesota planning a career in psychology. The student also receives a cash prize provided by the Walter D. Mink endowed prize fund.

Nominee: Rowan Hilty ​ Rowan is a Psychology major currently completing an honors thesis under the direction of Professor Cari Gillen­O’Neel. She will be presenting her honors research at a psychology conference this summer. She is the lab manager for Professor Steve Guglielmo’s Morality and Social Lab and worked as a research assistant at the VA Hospital Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research in Minneapolis. She has been a project coordinator for the Civic Engagement Center, a group leader for the Lives of Commitment program, a writing tutor for the MAX Center, a preceptor for RIPI, a shift manager at Dairy Queen, and a Racial Equity Team intern.

Kevin Dowling and Rachel Fogel to receive the Mink Award.

Walter D. Mink Endowed Prize ­ Established in memory of Walter D. Mink, Professor of Psychology from 1958­1996. This prize is given to a senior who has a strong academic record and has also provided outstanding service to the department, the college or the broader community.

Recipients: Kevin Dowling and Rachel Fogel ​

Kevin is a Psychology major and Biology minor who is also completing a concentration in Community and Global Health. He has been a research assistant at the NYU Department of Psychiatry, the NYU Center for Neural Studies, and Rutgers University. He was a public policy intern with the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, works in the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life on campus, and has been an active leader in the Psychology Club, the Macalester Catholic Organization, and the Lives of Commitment program.

Rachel is a Psychology major who is minoring in Religious Studies and has a concentration in Community and Global Health. She is planning a career in medicine and has worked or volunteered at the Family Tree Clinic, Indiana University Hospital, the NABO Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, and Broughton Hospital in North Carolina. She has been an active leader in the Psychology Club, the Senior Keystone Program, the Multifaith Council, and Lives of Commitment.

Glenna Gransee and Jessica Pham are the Rossmann Award recipients

Jack Rossmann Endowed Prize ­ This prize honors a graduating senior psychology major who has an excellent academic record and has also made distinguished contributions in the application of academic psychology through activities such as applied research, internships, or community service.

Recipients: Glenna Gransee and Dung (Jessica) Pham ​

Glenna majored in Psychology and minored in Russian Studies, and is planning graduate school and an eventual career in . She was a lab assistant for Professor Julia Manor and volunteered for much of her time at Macalester as a homework center tutor at the Rondo Community Outreach library.

Jessica is a Psychology major with a concentration in Community and Global Health. She has been a research assistant for a variety of projects, most recently in the department of psychiatry at the University of Minnesota Medical School where she worked on a project that will be presented at an international conference and published in a prominent journal. She has volunteered in the autism day treatment program at Fraser here in Minnesota and with the Autism Advocacy Project in Vietnam, with the Association of Minnesota, the Amherst Wilder Foundation, and the Minnesota AIDS Project.

Linda DeAnda is the 2016 Parchem Fellow

The Parchem Fellowship, established in 2010 by Drs. Allen and Georga Parchem, provides an opportunity for psychology majors to work closely and collaboratively with faculty members on faculty members’ research, typically during the summer. The Parchems hope this research opportunity will further students’ interest in and commitment to conducting research.

Linda DeAnda ‘18 has received the Parchem Fellowship to work over the summer with Professor Cari Gillen­O’Neel.

Sung Eun Hong 2016 Harp­Pollack Intern

Harp­Pollack Summer Internship in NYC ­ The fellowship supports one student who would not otherwise have the opportunity to participate in an unpaid public interest summer internship in New York City. SungEun Hong ‘17 will do a summer internship with iMCI & the Future Work Institute

Postcard from Study Away Greetings from Cape Town! I am studying abroad at the University of Cape Town with IES Abroad. IES Abroad is really great and provides a lot of support in all aspects, including navigating the bureaucracy of UCT. I am taking four classes at UCT: Poverty, Development, and Globalisation; Gender, Sexuality, and Politics: Debates in th Contemporary African Contexts; 20 C​ entury ​ Industrialisation; and . Critical Psychology is a very interesting area/framework of psychology that not only critiques society, but also critiques psychology itself and the role it has had in creating and justifying different oppressions. The classes here are challenging, and about the same amount of work as at Macalester. So I have been doing a lot of homework since school has started! But before that, I went to the beach and explored different parts of town. Now, I try to squeeze in some fun on the weekends and have gone to the Waterfront and to visit the African penguin colony on Boulders Beach. It is a very interesting time to be in South Africa and witness the social change and frustrations 21 years after apartheid ended. There is still a lot of economic and racial inequality, and is a challenging and fascinating environment to learn from!

(Picture of Table Mountain and part of the city from Bo­Kaap)

Gina Marie

Postcard from Study Away

Greetings from Australia!

Oh boy, where do I even start?!? Well first, I am doing a Direct Enroll program at James Cook University in Townsville, Queensland, Australia studying Marine Biology! You may be thinking, 'What? Marine Biology? Is Wendy studying the psychology of fish?'. Fret not! I like to say that I am taking a mini "sabbatical" from psychology to immerse myself in and study something that I have been extremely passionate about since I was young, marine biology.

I've been here for a bit over a month now and it has just been amazing. I am taking classes, such as Evolution and Biogeography of Marine Organisms as well as Functional Biology of Marine Organisms, that are taught by the world's leading marine biologists ­ crazy cool! My schedule worked out perfectly so that I only have classes Tuesday to Thursday, which means lots of time for traveling and adventures!!! I have always been a city girl but retreating back to nature has always been a part of my life. So far, I have been to a tropical beach, crystal creek, animal sanctuary, crocodile river, just to name a few ­ and its only been a month! Soon, I'll be getting my diving certification to dive at the Great Barrier Reef, but most importantly, or what I am most excited for, is diving with sharks. Future plans include going to the Whitsundays (one of the world's best beaches), tropical rainforests, and a few other cities. Obligatory picture of the cutest Australian native, the wombat!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy last half of Spring 2016, WHOOO, especially my seniors who won't get to hear me scream for them at graduation (I will be with you in spirit and streaming from Australia!). Cannot wait to share the rest of my adventures with everyone when I am back at Mac (with an Australian accent maybe)!

Love, Wendy (Wendy Chu)

Psych Dept. Annual Spring Dinner ­ Monday, April 4 5:30 ­ 6:30 Smail Gallery

Majors, minors and anyone interested in psychology: you are all invited to the 10th annual Spring Dinner in Olin Rice Smail Gallery. We will have great Italian food, a trivia quiz with prizes, class pictures, other exciting announcements, and fun gathering together. Please RSVP by Friday, April 1st! Lee [email protected]

Senior Conversations ­ Wednesday, May 4th Before our graduating seniors leave campus, the department faculty want to have an informal conversation with you about your experience in the department. The feedback from these conversations plays an important role in planning we do for the department.

Senior Conversations will be on Wednesday, May 4th. We ask all seniors to sign up for either a 25 minute individual conversation or ​ ​ for a focus group with other majors which will last about 50 minutes. All participating seniors will receive a couple of small gifts from the department and lunch and snacks will be provided throughout the day. Please see Lee to sign up. You will get assigned a faculty member who isn’t grading you this semester. Individual conversations can be scheduled every half hour from 8:00 a.m. ­ 5:00 p.m or sign up for a focus group at 10:00, 11:00 or 1:00.

Rat Challenge

Please come see the showcase of the PSYC 240 Learning & Behavior student’s semester training of rats. Come watch them perform tricks and daring feats. Smail Gallery, Sunday, May 1st, 1:00 ­ 4:00.

DR students ­ Get it on your calendar! MUPC 2016 ­ MUPC (Minnesota Undergraduate Psychology Conference) will be Saturday, April 23, at Augsburg College in St. Paul. Gary L. Wells from Iowa State University will be our keynote speaker. His work focuses on memory and eyewitness testimony. DR students: register for the conference and submit your proposal. If you still have questions about submission, be sure to check with your DR advisor. Anyone else who wants to go to MUPC at Augsburg this year is welcome. Talk to Joan Ostrove about how to attend if you’re not presenting.

Majors who are Seniors: Major Plan

Planning to graduate in May? If so, now is the time to check your major plan to make sure you’ve taken care of all of your requirements. Please meet with your advisor and/or Joan Ostrove to get this important process taken care of.

Mesmerizing Major ­ Jessica Stone

Favorite Movie: Man Up, Audrey Hepburn's Sabrina, or The Departed ​ Favorite Book: To Kill a Mockingbird Favorite place to eat in the Twin Cities: Fasika, Punch, Ngon Vietnamese Bistro, Broders' Pasta Bar ​ What do you do when you are not studying? I'm usually at golf practice, daydreaming, or watching videos ​ of puppies. I'm also always enjoying a nice cup of English Breakfast tea. Where did you grow up? Granada Hills, California ​ Interesting fact about your hometown: The first annual Granada Hills Holiday Parade was in 1984 and ​ the route is 1.8 miles long. Tell us something about your family: My family is my support system and I'm very grateful for them. ​ We're a bunch of weirdos who laugh at our own jokes. Tell us something that you are pleased with or proud of about yourself: I'm proud that I stepped out of my ​ comfort zone to attend Macalester and that I've been able to accept and love my weird quirks as part of who I am.

Friday Social Photos ­ Peep S’mores


Micah Mumper ‘13 wrote this piece that was published in the APA Science Directorate's newsletter. ​ ​ ​ ​

Welcome New Majors Psychology

Xinyu Yang ‘19 Shanghai, China Danny Baumann ‘18 Wind Lake, WI Brooke Finney ‘18 Grand Rapids, MI

Neuroscience Studies

Hannah Whittle ‘19 Walla Walla WA Malini Sharma ‘19 New York, NY

Summer Jobs and Internships

Zeus Jones is a marketing company based in Minneapolis looking to create their first Mt. Olympus Collective. They are looking for students with a variety of experiences and backgrounds in order to create a well­rounded cohort. Please share the attached position description with students and faculty as this is an interesting opportunity well suited for Macalester students as a unique summer internship opportunity here in the Twin Cities.. You can also find the position description here! ​ ​ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * We are looking for energetic, positive individuals to work as Instructors (Tutors) in a Lindamood­Bell® Learning Center. We teach students of all ages to read and comprehend to their potential, including those with a previous diagnosis such as dyslexia or an autism spectrum disorder.

Regular part­time and seasonal positions available ● Paid training ● Benefits for part­time employees include paid time off. ● Seasonal employees in some states may be eligible for sick pay. ● Part­time and seasonal employees who meet specific criteria may also be eligible for a 401(k).

Responsibilities: ​ ● Provide one­to­one instruction based upon each client’s learning needs ● Work with Center Director, Associate Center Director, and Consultant to implement client plans ● Interact positively and professionally with clients and staff to provide a safe and positive learning environment

About Us: Lindamood­Bell is an internationally recognized leader in the research and remediation of learning difficulties. Our Learning Centers ​ are located across the United States, as well as in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. We provide professional development to educators around the world. Over the years we have partnered with institutions including MIT, Wake Forest University, and Georgetown University, to allow for independent analysis of our instruction. Our work has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, and has been reviewed in scientific journals such as Neuron and NeuroImage. Reporting on our success has appeared in: Newsweek, US News and World Report, CNN, BBC and PBS, among others.

We welcome you to submit your resume and application at: ​

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dr. Brooks King­Casas, and Dr. Stephen LaConte at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute ( in ​ ​ Roanoke, Virginia are currently seeking a new full­time research assistant.

Projects in the labs combine methods from experimental and , neuroscience, and behavioral economics with functional (fMRI) to investigate decision­making in healthy and clinical populations (including with mood/anxiety/substance disorders, and at­risk youth). Training will be provided for all aspects of the job. This is an excellent opportunity for those interested in graduate school in clinical or /neuroscience.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Youth Violence Prevention VISTA Opening * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The ADAPT4U (After Deployment: Adaptive Parenting Tools) study at the University of Minnesota is now offering multiple summer opportunities for undergraduates.

We are seeking undergraduate students for a variety of positions at various skill levels. Some opportunities include data entry and others require advanced skills, such as coding of parent­child interactions, and coordinating multiple data resources. Detail oriented students, who are interested in developing their research expertise and are interested in a lab experience should contact us for more information. We provide mentoring, training and a productive lab experience. All positions are qualified to receive directed research credit.

For more information about us check our website To apply contact Amy Majerle at [email protected] ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * has summer internships all over the world at reasonable prices. Many are psych related positions. ​

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Concordia Language Villages ​

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Looking for Summer Internships around the Environment or Activism?

Sign up here to receive bi­weekly opportunities from Green Corps and our alumni! ​ ​

We have over 350 alumni working with groups like Greenpeace, Food & Water Watch, the Sierra Club, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, National Wildlife Federation, Union of Concerned Scientists and more.

Many of these alumni will be looking for spring and summer interns and are participating in the Green Corps Alumni Internship Network. We help connect you to these internship opportunities.

Click here to add your name to our mailing list about these opportunities that will be happening across the country. ​

Email Joe Heegaard at [email protected] with any questions! ​ ​

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Are you searching for research experience to strengthen your training and expertise? Would you like to learn about parent­child relationships in families experiencing military deployment? Are you interested in observing parents interact with their school­aged children?

If you answered yes to these questions and are interested in learning about observational coding on the ADAPT4U (After ​ ​ Deployment: Adaptive Parenting Tools) project in summer 2016, contact Dr. Osnat Zamir at [email protected] to learn more. Please contact and include (1) a resume including a list of references, (2) cover letter with description of how this research experience fits with your interests.

The ADAPT4U project is supported with funding from the U.S. Department of Defense. The coding lab is located in the Institute for Translational Research in Children's Mental Health (ITR) at the University of Minnesota. With an objective of testing the effectiveness of Parent Training in a sample of military families, the ADAPT4U project is seeking observational coders to assess parenting behaviors during 40­minute family interactions.

Check out our website to learn more: 10 hrs/wk minimum commitment from June 1, 2016 to September 1, ​ ​ 2016 (10­15 hours/wk preferred). After training is complete, flexible scheduling options are available. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minnesota Medical Scribe Recruiter with Elite Medical Scribes is looking to hire pre­health professional students and recent graduates to fill our Medical Scribe positions. We currently have multiple positions available in the Twin Cities! ​

Our Medical Scribes work alongside the physician during patient examinations, creating and maintaining the patient’s electronic medical record. As a Medical Scribe, students gain valuable clinical healthcare experience which helps prepare them for a future health professional program, in addition to the following: ● Gain daily exposure to their future profession! rd th ● Learn how to write medical notes like a 3 ​ or 4 ​ year Medical student! ​ ​ ● Gain close mentors with health professionals! ● Training provided at no cost to your students!

It has been shown that the experience gained as a Medical Scribe helps students achieve their goals to becoming a healthcare professionals!

Individuals can apply directly at https://scribes­ ​ ​ ​ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Employment Intern for New Americans ­ Spring/Summer 2016 (24699643) International Institute of Minnesota ­ Saint Paul, ​ POSITION TYPE: Part Time, Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: February 03 END DATE: June 01

Partnership Development (Public Relations) Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24699647) Project Footsteps ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Part Time, Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: February 03 END DATE: May 02

Studio Assistant Volunteer ­ Summer 2016 (24699790) RESOURCE ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: February 15 END DATE: June 01

Teaching Artist Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24699789) RESOURCE ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Part Time, Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: February 15 END DATE: June 01

HR Recruitment Internship ­ Spring 2016 (24699773) Children's Theatre Company ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: February 12 END DATE: April 12

Youth Advocate for Peace Camp ­ Summer 2016 (24699737) Tubman ­ Minneapolis and Maplewood ​ POSITION TYPE: Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: February 10 END DATE: April 29

Psychology Internship: Personalized Recovery Services ­ Mental Health Center ­ Fall 2016 (24699697) ​ Ramsey County ­ St. Paul POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: February 09 END DATE: May 16 Survey Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24699728) WomenVenture ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: February 09 END DATE: May 31

Psychology Internship: Mental Health Center ­ Fall 2016 (24699696) Ramsey County ­ St. Paul ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: February 08 END DATE: May 16

Psychology Internship: Rule 79 Targeted Case Management ­ Fall 2016 (24699698) Ramsey County ­ St. Paul, ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: February 08 END DATE: May 16

Research Intern ­ Spring/Summer 2016 (24699661) Fusion Hill ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Entry Level Job (< 3 yrs), Full Time POSTING DATE: February 04 END DATE: June 01

Administration Intern ­ Summer 2016 (start) (24699927) City of Eden Prairie ­ Eden Prairie ​ POSITION TYPE: Paid, Internship POSTING DATE: February 24 END DATE: June 01

Child Care Assistant Minneapolis or Maplewood ­ Spring/Summer 2016 (24694005) Tubman ­ Minneapolis or Maplewood ​ POSITION TYPE: Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: February 17 END DATE: May 10

Legal Safety Project Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24699825) Tubman ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: February 17 END DATE: May 07

Wardrobe Assistant (Minneapolis or Maplewood) ­ Summer 2016 (24691908) Tubman ­ Minneapolis or Maplewood ​ POSITION TYPE: Part Time, Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: February 17 END DATE: May 10

Healthy Local Foods Exhibit Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24699808) Renewing the Countryside ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Entry Level Job (< 3 yrs), Part Time, Paid, Internship POSTING DATE: February 16 END DATE: May 15

Psychology Internship: Personalized Recovery Services ­ Mental Health Center ­ Fall 2016 (24699697) ​ Ramsey County ­ St. Paul POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: February 09 END DATE: May 16 Psychology Internship: Mental Health Center ­ Fall 2016 (24699696) Ramsey County ­ St. Paul ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: February 08 END DATE: May 16

Psychology Internship: Rule 79 Targeted Case Management ­ Fall 2016 (24699698) Ramsey County ­ St. Paul ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: February 08 END DATE: May 16

Research Intern ­ Spring/Summer 2016 (24699661) Fusion Hill ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Entry Level Job (< 3 yrs), Full Time POSTING DATE: February 04 END DATE: June 01

Correctional Officer Internship ­ Summer 2016 (24700005) Hennepin County Department of Community Corrections ­ Plymouth, ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: March 01 END DATE: June 01

Refugee Reunification Intern ­ Spring 2016 (24699644) International Institute of Minnesota ­ St. Paul ​ POSITION TYPE: Part Time, Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: February 29 END DATE: June 01

Developmental Internship ­ Summer 2016 (24699933) MDRC ­ New York, New York ​ ​ ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: February 26 END DATE: April 02

Produce Partner Network Coordinator Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24700161) Second Harvest Heartland ­ St. Paul ​ POSITION TYPE: Paid, Internship POSTING DATE: March 09 END DATE: April 15

Social Media & Digital Marketing Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24700164) Sicora Consulting, Inc ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Part Time, Internship POSTING DATE: March 09 END DATE: April 18

Summer Internship ­ Summer 2016 (24700113) BBDO Advertising ­ Minneapolis ​ ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: March 09 END DATE: April 14 Summer Internship Program ­ Summer 2016 (24700151) KNOCK, inc. ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Paid, Internship POSTING DATE: March 09 END DATE: May 10

Program Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24700128) Alzheimer's Association ­ Edina ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: March 08 END DATE: May 27

Social Media/Marketing Intern ­ Spring 2016 (24693714) Together We Rise ­ nationwide, United States ​ POSITION TYPE: Part Time, Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: March 08 END DATE: April 08

Special Event Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24700129) Alzheimer's Association ­ Edina ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: March 08 END DATE: May 27

Autism Mental Health Practitioner ­ Spring 2016 (24699297) Integrated Development Services ­ Twin Cities ​ POSITION TYPE: Entry Level Job (< 3 yrs), Part Time, Paid, Internship POSTING DATE: March 07 END DATE: April 07

Events and Programming Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24700102) Uptown Association ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: March 07 END DATE: April 06

Youth Development Intern ­ Ft. Road Flats ­ Summer 2016 (24700063) Project for Pride in Living ­ St. Paul ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: March 03 END DATE: April 29

Youth Development Intern ­ N. Mpls. ­ Summer 2016 (24700066) Project for Pride in Living ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: March 03 END DATE: April 29

Youth Development Intern ­ New Hope ­ Summer 2016 (24700065) Project for Pride in Living ­ New Hope ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: March 03 END DATE: April 29

Youth Development Intern ­ S. Mpls. ­ Summer 2016 (24700062) Project for Pride in Living ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: March 03 END DATE: April 29

Human Resources Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24700356) Ordway Center for the Performing Arts ­ St. Paul ​ ​ POSITION TYPE: Part Time, Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: March 22 END DATE: May 30

Outreach Intern/Volunteer ­ Spring/Summer 2016 (24699332) The Arc Minnesota ­ St. Paul ​ POSITION TYPE: Part Time, Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: March 22 END DATE: April 22

Development & External Relations Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24700334) Washburn Center for Children ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Part Time, Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: March 21 END DATE: May 05

Summer Internship ­ Summer 2016 (24700327) Peterson Milla Hooks ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Paid, Internship POSTING DATE: March 21 END DATE: April 15

Client Services Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24700312) Open Arms of Minnesota ­ Twin Cities Metro ​ POSITION TYPE: Part Time, Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: March 18 END DATE: June 01

Community Outreach/Diversity & Inclusion Intern ­ Summer/Fall 2016 (24700310) League of Women Voters MN ­ Saint Paul ​ POSITION TYPE: Part Time, Internship POSTING DATE: March 18 END DATE: August 15

Summer Camp Counselors ­ Summer 2016 (24700287) Northern Star Council, Boy Scouts of America ­ Saint Paul ​ POSITION TYPE: Full Time, Part Time, Paid, Internship POSTING DATE: March 17 END DATE: April 30

Community Partners Workshop Coordinator Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24699124) Tubman ­ Maplewood ​ POSITION TYPE: Part Time, Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: March 16 END DATE: April 29

Seasonal Code Enforcement/Zoning Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24700263) City of Forest Lake ­ Forest Lake ​ POSITION TYPE: Full Time, Paid, Internship POSTING DATE: March 16 END DATE: April 12

Family Support Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24700225) Project for Pride in Living ­ Minneapolis ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: March 15 END DATE: April 30

Day Camp Counselor for Children in Shelter ­ Summer 2016 (24700197) Tubman ­ Minneapolis and Maplewood ​ POSITION TYPE: Unpaid, Internship POSTING DATE: March 11 END DATE: April 29

Health Center Advocacy Program Coordinator Internship ­ Fall 2016 (24700185)Planned Parenthood ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: March 10 END DATE: September 10

Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness Intern ­ Summer 2016 (24700184) Planned Parenthood ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: March 10 END DATE: May 31 Supporter Events Planner Intern ­ Fall 2016 (24700186) Planned Parenthood ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: March 10 END DATE: September 10 ​ ​ Prevention Intern (Cass Lake, MN) ­ Summer 2016 (24699961) Synergy Enterprises, Inc. ­ Cass Lake , Minnesota ​ POSITION TYPE: Internship POSTING DATE: February 26 END DATE: April 30 651­696­6223

Editor: Lee Olson, [email protected] ​ Psychology Department | | 651­696­6223 ​ ​ Copyright © 2016 Macalester College, All rights reserved.