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F Wstcons 'Ro Nanslcn, Coarser Rounnausrsllé S” — , Election f wstcons 'ro nanslcn, coarser rounnausrsllé s” — , Election Results W THE TECHNICIA of NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE Vol. XXVII, Number 28 STATE COLLEGE STATION, RALEIGH, N. 0., MAY 9, 1947 cm: 10 and 11 Tanpflrl m Blue Key Leadership Frat North Carolina ; Collegian: Gather Taps 27 Juniors, Seniors For Revival of Press Association By JIMMIE JONES At a special meeting held last night in the College Y.M.C.A., 27 students and faculty .State College Host to NCCPA; members were initiated into the Blue Key, National Honorary Leadership Fraternity. These of Blue Key men, are: Seniors, Sunday, May 11. 4:00 P. M. Pullen Hall men, chosen in accordance with the high standards 1 25 Press Delegates Expected Raymond Benbenek, Ceramic Engineer, Jamestown, N. Y. ; Robert Brickhouse, Ceramic En- SYMPHONY CONCERT“ gineer, Warrenton, N. C.; Benjamin D. Franklin, Forestry. Ashevrlle, N. C.; Guy L. Jones, By JOE SWETT Agronomy, Kinston, N. C.; Joseph E. Sanderson, Agriculture, Four Oaks, N. C.; Francis M. by After a wartime' lapse, the North 'Steele, Ceramic Engineer, Winston.s____.__——__—_0 Carolina Collegiate Press Assad.- Salem, N. C.; leadership." Its members are chos- STATE COLLEGE ORCHESTRA Room Applicalions tion will hold its reactivation elm- “Y” Will Approve New Juniors, Dan R. Arrowood, Tex- en for scholarship. leadership and Christian Kutschinski, Conductor vention beginning today at the Constitution Thursday tiles. Concord, N. C.; Thomas C. good citizenship. Blue Key has been George Bennette, Soloist "Now Being Accepted Hotel Carolina' here in Blalock, Animal Industry, Black very active at State College in pro- N. C. State College will play host Leon Mann, president of the Creek, N. C.; Thomas B. Carpen- moting and sponsoring projects to PROGRAM Applications for rooms for both to delegates from nearly twenty YMCA, has announced that there ter, Mech. Engineer, Greensboro, improve campus life and benefit the Summer and universities through- will be a meeting of all members Dalton, Textiles, Stradella, Overture ........... ...................... Flotow Term and Fall Term will colleges of theYMCA in the “Y” auditor- N. C.; Rufus M. student body. Symphony No. XV in B flat Major .................. Hayden be received at the ofiice of the Sn- out North Carolina.’ TECHNIC- ium next Thursday, May 16, at 7 Charlotte, N. C.; Roberson Free- perintendent of Dormitories (first lAN editor Jack W, a senior o’clock. man, Animal Industry, Winston- Concerto in A minor .......... ...................... Vivaldi floor, Warehouse Building) begin- in agronomy, will act as chairman The purpose of the meeting is Salem, N. C.; Joseph L. Edge, Ar- Kutschinski Receives Ballet Egyptian (Suite) ...... ...................... Luigini ning at once. Only those students of the Association at the opemng' ronomy, Fayetteville, N. C.; Rob- Honors For Music now in dormitories will be assigned sessions this mornmg' at the hotel. to adopt a new constitution for the ert C. Hinkle, Chemical Engineer, ‘(Sponsored by Mu Beta Psi. Admission free) rooms for the Fall Term at this Regls'tration for all delegat- State College YMCA. Lexington, N. C.; Charles R. Ibach, Christian Kutschinski, Director time. Until May 17, preference will will take place in the ballroom from Textiles, Charlotte, N. C.; Ernest of Music, was honored this past be given to present occupants of 8:30 until 10:00 a.m. A feature of Johnson, Textiles, Mt. Gilead, N. C.; week. when his “Overture in F rooms. After that date all rooms the mormng' gathermg‘ will be a Freshmen Donald B. Lampke, Electrical Minor for Symphonic Band” won not already assigned will be thrown display of their various publica- There will be a meeting of Engineer, Charlotte, N. C.; Pat- second place (first honorable men- New Technician Heads open for reassignment. tions by the delegates representing the Freshman Class on Thurs- rick H. McDonald, Mechanical En- tion) in a nation-wide contest. The The same procedure will be fol- the schools of the state. Each pub- day, May 22, at 12 noon in gineer, Carthage, N. C.; John D. contest, for original performed, lowed for the Summer Session, ex- lication is to bring a sample at the Pullen Hall for the purpose of Mackie, Animal Industry, Yadkin- was sponsored by the Columbia Are Fowler and Cable cept that any student now in school best issue that they have turned electing next year’s class of- ville, N. C.; Oscar Lee Miller, Ag- University Band. will be eligible for room assign- out during the past year. ficers. All students who have a ronomy, Charlotte, N. C.; Thomas Major Kutschinski’s composition By DAVE TALLY such an election deserves, and it ment. The gathering will begin with a class at this hour may fill out C. Millsap, Mechanical Engineer, recently won first place and the In yesterday’s election, two very deprives the student body of their general meeting in the ballroom at a card at the meeting and ob- Asheboro, N. C.; Donald E. More- Distinguished Merit Award in a capable members of the student right to choose among several can- Payment for Summer School which His Excellency R. Gregg tain an excused cut for this land, Forestry, Springfield, Mass.; state-wide composition contest spon- body were swept unopposed into didates to pick the best qualified rooms will be due in the Cashier’s Cherry, Governor of North Caro- class. Marshall E. Propst. Chemical En- sored by the North Carolina Fed- the ofiices which are responsible for man for the job. Fortunately, how- oiiice bemoan the dates of May 26 lina, will deliver an address of wel- gineer, Charlotte, N. C.; Franklin eration of Music Clubs. shaping the destiny of your TECH- ever, the latter disadvantage was and May 31. Any assigned rooms come to the delegates. Following H. Spain, Teacher Education, Hen- Burnett Tuthill won first prize NICIAN. They were Dick Fowler, ofl‘set in this election by the un- not paid for by May 31 will be the brief opening exercises, dis- Agromeck Notlce erson, N. C.; Joseph E. Stevens, for his “Suite for Band.” Third Junior from Burlington and Ken questionable capability of both can- open for reassignment. cussion will begin on the adoption Jim Johnson, editor of the Aero Engineer, Raleigh, N. C. place (second honorable mention) Coble, also a Junior from Burling- didates to fulfill the duties of the Fall Term room rents will be ac- of a constitution. the election of Agrolaeck, has announced that Blue Key, founded at the Uni- was given to’ Alfred Reed for his ton. Fowler was elected to succeed office to which they were elected. cepted between June 20 and July pro-tern ofllcers and the appoint- hooks are available for men versity of Florida in 1924, has a “Russian Christmas Music.” The Jack Fisler as Editor of the TECH- Dick Fowler, a junior in Civil 15. Such assignments as are not ment of various steering com- whose last names fall between four-fold purpose: “To perpetuate three winning compositions are to NICIAN, and Coble will succeed Engineering, has had extensive ex- paid for on July 15 will be made mittees. A and Q. These men may pick belief in God, to preserve the prin- be given their first public perform- Ike Tull as Business Manager. perience in the field of college available for reassignment. The convention will continue up their year books between ciples of good citizenship, to pro- ance by the Syracuse University Ordinarily, an unopposed election journalism. He entered State Col- Students are reminded that rooms with a luncheon in the Grill Room 5 and 8_ o‘clock any afternoon mote the best interests of the col- Band under direction of Dr. Har- offers two distinct disadvantages: lege in 1943 and served during his are assigned and rents only cover at the cafeteria at which the dele- at the Publications building. lege, and to recognize outstanding wood Simmons. it fails to stimulate the interest first term as Assistant Business the period of a school term. We gates will be the guests of State Manager. Then followed two terms have a large number of between- College. Three speakers have been as Sports Editor and one term as terln programs scheduled this planned for the period after the Editor-in-Chief before his entrance summer; therefore, all rooms, even luncheon. Mr. Noel Houston, auth- Graduation Exercises Will Be June 8 into the Navy at the end of the though reassigned for the succeed- or. lecturer and traveler from Spring term of 1944. ing term, must be completely va- Chapel Hill; Mr. Ed Kirk of Radio Edited Ship‘s Paper cated between terms. Station WPTF in Raleigh; and Mr. While in the Navy, Fowler serv- Warren Dufl'ee, Head of the Ra- . And 9; 405 Candidates Complete Studies ed as editor of the ship's newspaper - , Notice leigh Bureau of the United Press Beam. Jr. Chem. Engr.; Raymond Ben- on the U.S.S. Goshen and also was will each speak on various phases By HARPER THAYER benek. Ccr. Ensr. : Whit Taylor Benton. Jr.. editorial chief of the Ship’s Reg- All co-eds interested in forming of newspaper and publicity work. The commencement exercises for Bishop Wright, Gov. Cherry, Jr..Chem.Chem.Engr.;E.: MontgomeryRobert WilsonHermanBlvens,Biggs,Else. ister, a publication similar to a col- an organization please meet in the This afternoon will mark the the largest graduating Class in Engr. : William Marshall Bland. Jr.. M. E. lege yearbook. Upon his return to Faculty Club Room in the YMCA real worth of the meetings; from State College history will begin at Engr.:Aero. Op.;RobertWilliamAnthonyJosephBoot.Boney.Elec. Engr.:Arch. State Fowler re-entered the TECH- Monday, May 12 at 7 PM. 2:30 until 5:30 p.m., Panel Discus- 8:00 Sunday evening, June 8.
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