March 9–13, 2018 Hyatt Regency Denver | Denver, CO

CONFERENCE PROGRAM #ASPA2018 Welcome to Denver! We hope that you enjoy your stay in the beautiful city we call home.

Congratulations to our colleague Dr. Mary Guy, winner of the 2018 Dwight Waldo Award! We will celebrate her achievement at a reception on Sunday, March 11. Please join us!

SPA faculty publishes research and textbooks on a wide range of topics in the field. Recent book publications include:

Guy, Mary & Ely, Todd (in press): Essentials of Public Service: An Introduction to Public Administration. Melvin & Leigh.

Siddiki, Saba, Espinosa, Salvador & Heikkila, Tanya (in press): Contextualizing Compliance in the Public Sector: Individual Motivations, Social Processes, and Institutional Design. Routledge.

Scheberle, Denise (2018): Industrial Disasters and Environmental Policy: Villains, Heroes, and the Rest of Us. Avalon.

Raadschelders, Jos C.N. & Stillman, Richard (2017): Foundations of Public Administration. Melvin and Leigh.

Weible, Christopher & Sabatier, Paul (2017): Theories of the Policy Process (4th ed.). Taylor & Francis. TABLE OF CONTENTS

ee etters...... FA rh S ffiers n tin ni ...... erie...... rr hirs n nrr hirs ...... Sessins ...... nferene Snsrs...... Gener nfrtin ...... AA rh te r n ...... erie...... nferene t Gne ...... Sessins ...... hter Setin rn eetins...... S Setins...... A rh S st resients ...... erie...... Ehiit Ehiitrs...... Sessins ...... reer ir...... A rh Plnaris an cturs erie...... nre Gests...... Sessins ...... enin enr...... A rh Eit ihrsn etre ...... erie...... est . Gs etre ...... Sessins ...... n . Stne etre...... sin enr ...... S siness eetin...... nferene n st ittees...... cial nts an Actiitis ertiser iretr ...... resienti nes...... resenter iretr...... rtner rnitin Sessins...... S ife eers...... ee eetin...... hrter eers...... Stent n e rfessin Sit...... S n er eers...... ners es eetin...... ners es nes ...... tin i Serie rs ...... Siet rs...... Setin rs ...... Gri sn rin Si Eit r nhen ...... Setin fr en in i inistrtin refst...... etrin Eents......

asantorconfrnc 1730 Rhode Island Ave., NW, Suite 500 • Washington, DC 20036 Telephone: 202-393-7878 • Fax: 202-638-4952 •

ear olleages

elcoe to enver and the ontainos est! e are delighted to hold s th nnal onference in a location that perfectl solies or thee Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions s we focs this ears conference on plic sector innovation few cities are etter positioned to host these discssions than enver nnovation srronds s in this eatifl cit as do the an plic adinistration isses failiar to all of s inclsion technolog ethics ilitar service cliate plic health and ore

enver and this conference also are a ost fitting place to highlight mission and service lic adinistration contines to face nprecedented challenges as plic eploees anage larger and larger conities and progras with fewer and fewer resorces This ears session tracs will provide acadeics and practitioners alie a wide range of taeawa resorces as we definitivel ridge theor and practice essions will provide opportnities not onl for researchers and acadeicians to deonstrate their wor t also highlight was practitioners can pt that wor to se

n eeping with or thee we will salte individals who eod the ideals of those for who or lectres or naed inclding lliot ichardson onald tone and esta allas e will celerate an core valesocial eitthrogh the loria oson ordin ocial it ward and recognie careerlong plic service excellence throgh the ational lic ervice wards nd of corse we will honor the class of onders ellows the next generation of those serving the plic good e are gratefl to those individals and organiations that have generosl spported or conference throgh sponsorships contritions and other gifts o have ade this event possi

lease oin s for this ears elcoe eception where fn and networing will reign at the owntown enver ari e cannot proise swiing with the dolphins t we can proise a relaxed atosphere and plent of aatic wildlife to perse as o connect with or friends and colleages niversit and grop receptions will tae place nda and onda evenings offering occasions for o to networ with or peers and honor individals for their accoplishents e sre to ae the ost of all of these opportnities e than those organiations that have sponsored receptions or spport is significant and critical to or attendees experience

e want to recognie the leadership and gidance of the onference rogra oittee led ohairs Tona eaves and al anc e owe the or deep appreciation for developing a content rich progra that rings together scholarl and practitioner perspectives in or pls concrrent sessions plenar and presidential panels and other events Thans as well to al lae for again serving as or aster of cereonies dring the plenar sessions

e extend a war greeting to those who have ade attending the nnal onference an annal tradition or those oining s for the first tie we now o will find this conference to e a welcoing place to forge new professional and personal relationships we hope this is the first of an o will attend

Than o for attending the nnal onference ore iportant we are gratefl to each of o for activel and eaningfll engaging in the wor of or ociet e salte or dedication and coitent to the plic service in the nited tates and arond the world

anice achance ill hields 2017-2018 President Executive Director

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions WELCOME

City and County of Denver OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Michael B. Hancock CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING Mayor DENVER, CO 80202-5390 TELEPHONE: (720) 865-9090 • FAX: (720) 865-8787 TTY/ TTD: (720) 865-9010

asantorconfrnc WELCOME

onference ttendees

elcoe to enver! The chool of lic ffairs at the niversit of olorado enver is prod to serve as a latin ponsor for this ears conference e thin o will find ch to eno in enver inclding spectaclar views of the oc ontains and a teperate cliate with aot das of snshine per ear

The ileigh it is hoe to nearl people in a etropolitan area of illion inhaitants The cit has a thriving innovation econo virant arts scene doens of great otdoor festivals and distinct neighorhoods each offering a nie experience enver is clearl a cit on the ove ecent accolades inclde

ost oplar estination for illennials aflower opan idsie it for ew ollege radates erican nstitte for conoic esearch ollege estinations ndex est lace for siness and areers Forbes and est lace to ive U.S. News & World Report

enver has the highest concentration of federal agencies otside ashington a wide range of nonprofit organiations and a rost private sector r stdents eno an opportnities for fantastic internships and aaing careers

The niversit of olorado enver has ore than stdents at the schools caps in downtown enver r stdent od is ver diverse percent of ndergradates are stdents of color and international stdents coe fro different contries

The chool of lic ffairs is raned th in the nited tates and is fll accredited e offer a ner of highl raned progras inclding environental polic nonprofit anageent plic anageent and cit anageent Thans to or location in a progressive ran environent faclt and stdents are ale to wor on crcial isses that affect the entire nation sch as edcation refor fracing legalied ariana ran sstainailit and water polic

e hope that o have a prodctive and energiing conference and that o get the opportnit to explore the cit we call hoe


al Tese ean and niversit of olorado istingished rofessor

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions ASPAASPA OFFICERS OFFICERS ANDAND THETHENATIONALNATIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL WelcomeWelcome You You to to the the Society’s Society’s 79th 79th Annual Annual Conference Conference


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asantorconfrncasantorconfrnc PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS AND HONORARY C0-CHAIRS

PA A s a scholar eaves research portfolio has inclded secring contracts fro the irginia epartent of Paul ancy ergenc anageent ational ighwa afet al anc is director of Transportation dinistration ational ceanic exective edcation in acraento and tospheric dinistration Transportation for the niversit of othern ecrit dinistration and ederal ergenc alifornia ol rice chool of anageent genc To date her research fnding lic olic e is vice president totals approxiatel illion he has plished in of the Review of Policy Research Journal of Emergency Management Review of Public Personnel Management n his crrent capacit anc and the American Journal of Public Health he has designs and presents in leadership coathored oo chapters in The Future of Disaster and anageent prograsipacting national state Management in the U.S.: Rethinking Legislation, and local governental and nonprofit organiations Policy, and Finance, New Voices in the Old South: How teaches asters level classes and is an exective coach Women and Minorities Influence Southern Politics e cofonded and is lead architect of he also was an editor for the ational cade of wwweadershipnergiesco lic dinistration and erican ociet for lic dinistrations Memos to National Leaders retrned eace orps volnteer anc earned his h fro the niversit of ittsrgh fro eaves holds a h fro ississippi tate where she the niversit of othern alifornia and fro earned her he has participated in the niversit ennslvania tate niversit e ecae a certified of ichigans nterniversit onsorti for olitical exective coach throgh the nternational oaching and ocial esearch er rogra in antitative ederation and was trained at the dson nstitte for ethods of ocial esearch e niversits naic oaching e holds arvard niversits ediating anageent and eadership rogras and the isptes certification assachsetts nstitte of Technologs anageent and nnovation rogra onya as Tona eaves is the director of the n active eer eaves served as istrict enters on the lic ervice in epresentative and conference coordinator for the eorge ason niversits char ortheast onference on lic dinistration he chool of olic and overnent is treasrer for the ection on ergenc and risis n this role she aintains anageent an associate editor for the Journal of oversight of its datoda Urban Management and a oard eer for the ection adinistrative operations secres on lic erforance and anageent new research and developent contracts and aintains a series of exective edcation progras he serves as a faclt eer in the asters of lic dinistration progra and oordinator for its ergenc anageent and oeland ecrit certificate eaves also serves as director of the irginia ertified lic anager rogra rior to oining ason eaves was director of the ississippi lic afet ata aorator at the ocial cience esearch enter of ississippi tate niversit where she reains a research fellow

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS AND HONORARY C0-CHAIRS

Allan osnau A A llan osena is professor of aria P Aristiuta plic adinistration and director aria ristigeta is director of the of the nstitte for lic chool of lic olic and anageent and onit dinistration harles essic ervice and the enter for hair of lic dinistration eocrac and ood overnance and senior polic fellow in the at lorida nternational niversit nstitte of lic dinistration e cae to fro the at the niversit of elaware er niversit of arland as dean of teaching and research interests are s forer chool of lic ffairs and ervices priaril related to plicsector osena has wored in national state and local anageent and inclde perforance easreent governent and carried ot neros international strategic planning and organiational ehavior he has proects for the nited ations genc for plished neros ornal articles oo chapters and nternational evelopent orld an wedish oos inclding Managing for Results in State nternational evelopent genc and governents Government coathor of Managing Human Behavior in arond the world e is a past president of oth Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Managing and and the nternational ssociation of chools and Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit nstittes of dinistration in rssels elgi ased Organizations and Organizational Behavior he has on noination the secretar general of the nited served as coeditor of the International Handbook of ations and approval its conoic and ocial oncil Practice-Based Performance Management he is a he served as vice chair of the nited ations oittee fellow of the ational cade of lic dinistration of xperts on lic dinistration e is a fellow of the an past president and eer of the xective ational cade of lic dinistration and recipient oncil of etwor of chools of lic olic ffairs of varios awards for the ilding of local deocrac in and dinistration er doctorate is fro the niversit atin erica of othern alifornia

usan oon san Tinsle ooden is professor of plic adinistration and polic at the oglas ilder chool of overnent and lic ffairs at irginia oonwealth niversit he is iediate past president of where she is a life eer fellow of the ational cade of lic dinistration ooden is an internationall recognied social eit scholar who has plished extensivel on the topic er ost recent oo is Race and Social Equity: A Nervous Area of Government er research has een fnded several organiations inclding the ssell age ondation the ellogg ondation and the anhattan nstitte for olic esearch ooden received a lright pecialist ward to aed niversit in hai nited ra irates he received her h fro the axwell chool of itienship and lic ffairs at racse niversit


AAA P PA P outl aylor or ason nirsity car cool of Francis rou Policy an ornnt otledge lic dinistration eorge ason niversits char provides researchers professionals lectrers and chool of olic and overnent stdents with high alit oos ornals eprodcts and prepares stdents to e leaders and resorces across a wide range of sect areas inclding anagers in all sectors earning plic adinistration and anageent ran politics fro professors with realworld experience gradates plic polic and ore gain the applicale sills and practical nowledge to Sponsored Event: lead governent agencies and nonprofit organiations 2018 Annual Conference develop plic progras create innovative conslting soltions and provide expert polic analsis lni ily are doing conseential wor at leading eploers ile has partnered with for inclding the epartent of tate genc ore than ears to plish Public Administration for nternational evelopent orld an nited Review (PAR) e are prod of or strong relationship ations eloitte oo llen ailton and an others with and PAR and are delighted to spport s ecisionaers and the plic also se faclt research nnal onference r progra incldes soe of the to nderstand and develop polic in a variet of areas leading ornals and oos in plic adinistration ocated where polic happensst three iles fro anageent and plic polic a perfect resorce for the entagon for iles fro The hite ose and six eers lease visit the ile ooth for ore iles fro the apitolstdents connect to os inforation or go to wwwwileco for a coprehensive internships and networing that can onl e fond in the list of the ornals and oos that we plish ashington area Sponsored Events: Sponsored Events: 2018 Annual Conference President’s Reception Exhibit Hall Reception Honoring James Perry Saturday Exhibit Hall Coffee Break Founders’ Fellows Awards Program Two Conference Tracks A P nirsity of olorao nr cool of Pulic nirsity of Pittsur rauat cool of Affairs Pulic an ntrnational Affairs The chool of lic The radate chool of lic and ffairs at the nternational ffairs at the niversit of olorado niversit of ittsrgh now celerating enver is where visionar leaders find their point of its th anniversar is one of the worlds ost view U.S. News & World Report rans the envers coprehensive schools of plic service with ore than chool of lic ffairs as the top plic affairs school in alni ased throghot the nited tates and in olorado and aong the est in the nation r world ore than contries arond the world offers class faclt and downtown location create contless asters degrees in plic adinistration plic and opportnities for experiential learning oine this with international affairs and international developent a id or rigoros progras and flexile schedles and the career asters degree in plic polic and anageent reslt is a stdent od nited in its vision for a etter availale online or on caps and a h in plic and world and eipped with the sills to ae it happen international affairs r ission of preparing leaders The offers achelor aster and doctoral progras to go fro local to gloal is spported the ohnson in plic adinistration criinal stice and plic nstitte for esponsile eadership and the rances affairs radate certificates and degree concentrations esselein eadership or which offers special are availale in environental polic state and local progras to entor leaders for careers ranging fro cit governent eergenc anageenthoeland secrit and nonprofit anageent to gloal plic service nonprofit organiations crie analsis and genderased Sponsored Events: violence isit spacdenvered or call for Donald C. Stone Lecture additional inforation or to schedle a visit Exhibit Hall Sponsored Events: Conference Tote Bag Opening Plenary Welcome Reception Career Fair APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions CONFERENCE SPONSORS

P these progras the sh chool provides a high alit and affordale edcation to ore than stdents who irinia oonalt nirsity oulas desire careers in plic and international affairs at local ilr cool of ornnt an Pulic Affairs state national and international levels The oglas ilder Sponsored Item: chool of overnent and Hotel Key Card lic ffairs at irginia oonwealth niversit in P ichond a infors plic polic throgh scholarship alifornia tat nirsity and conit engageent and prepares stdents to e an rnarino toorrows leaders The ilder chool eodies the vales of independent thoght and plic service The aster of lic dinistration at alifornia tate chapioned oglas ilder the nations first niversitan ernardino prepares stdents elected frican erican governor and a distingished for leadership in plic service r ission is to offer a professor at the school that ears his nae e offer high alit edcation in plic adinistration fonded gradate and ndergradate degrees and certificates in on plic service vales especiall diversit inclsiveness plic polic adinistration criinal stice hoeland anddeocratic governance e provide stdents with secrit and eergenc preparedness ran and regional a generalist plic adinistration edcation inclding stdies and planning nonprofit anageent geographic tools for decisionaing an nderstanding of the inforation sstes and gender violence intervention deocratic sste of governance in the nited tates The ilder chools centers provide expertise in research and a capacit to wor ethicall and professionall in the leadership developent and polic otreach The ilder plic interest e are coitted to ethical practices in chools aster of lic dinistration progra sees plic anageent and spport s ode of thics to develop creative principled leaders who nderstand The at is offered throgh oth oncaps the deands placed pon local national and gloal plic and online classes ll classes are offered each ear in and nonprofit instittions and are eipped with sills in oth forats so stdents can choose their odalit progra anageent and polic analsis ppling Sponsored Item: theor and practice the progra addresses coplex Lanyard social proles while advancing collaorative effective eitale and ethical deocratic governance The ilder Floria ntrnational nirsity tn rn chool is locs fro the irginia apitol and a twohor cool of ntrnational an Pulic Affairs drive fro the nations capital aing it an ideal location artnt of Pulic Policy an Ainistration for handson learning in governance and plic polic The ission of the Sponsored Events: epartent of lic olic and Presidential Panel: Ally Training dinistration is to advance Founders’ Fellows excellence in teaching scholarship conit service Card Holder and professional engageent ith an ephasis on creative prolesolving leadership and anageent in coplex ran areas the epartent provides P stdents with a professional edcation in plic sector as A nirsity us cool of and nonprofit anageent offering a achelor of ornnt Pulic ric lic dinistration a accredited aster The sh chool of overnent of lic dinistration and a h in lic ffairs and lic ervice opened its as well as radate ertificate specialiations The doors on the Texas epartent hoses the nstitte for lic anageent niversit caps in The niversits service and and onit ervice and The etropolitan leadership ideals which reflect those of or naesae enter at eorge sh are a giding force in or instrction Sponsored Events: The sh chool offers residential asters degrees in International Assembly plic service and adinistration and in international Founders’ Fellows affairs and a new online exective aster of lic Sunday Exhibit Hall Coffee Break ervice and dinistration degree radate certificates in advanced international affairs nonprofit anageent and hoeland secrit also are availale online Throgh


anic acanc as an elected official in leading a nonprofit agenc or fondation in the road and deanding field of Sponsored Event: criinal stice or in the arena of polic analsis and Welcome Reception adinistration the chool of lic ffairs has ch to offer ere o will interact with scholars and ction on Prsonnl an leading practitioners in sall classes o will have an aor lations PA opportnit to contrite fro or own experiences and onded in s ection on e challenged with opportnities for new learning o ersonnel dinistration and aor also will engage in classroo dialoge and wor on real elations represents a diverse conit of world proles in conit settings han resorce professionals fro arond the world dedicated to appling eritased principles and Sponsored Event: encoraging diversit in plic and nonprofit sectors Student and New Professional Summit prooting positive laor anageent relationships advancing and expanding the nowledge of the field nirsity of laar cool of Pulic Policy throgh research and scholarship connecting theor an Ainistration research and practice in han resorces anageent The chool of lic olic and and polic to iprove the effectiveness of plic services dinistration at the niversit recogniing the contritions of plic han resorces of elaware is a gloall recognied professionals to alit plic service and prooting interdisciplinar coprehensive school the iportance of han resorces anageent as a of plic affairs hoses five gradate degree fndaental part of plic and nonprofit organiations progras in plic adinistration ran affairs and as well as plic adinistration edcation To flfill plic polic and disaster science and anageent its ission sponsors panels worshops and two ndergradate aors and three ndergradate sposia at s nnal onference to provide inors in plic polic organiational and conit opportnities for eers to networ and exchange leadership and five research and plic service centers ideas dditionall has developed several tas inclding the recentl fored iden nstitte forces to std iportant personnel and laor relations engages in sponsored and nsponsored research and polic isses These tas forces have helped forge polic analsis and provides technical assistance to a positions and infor policaers wide range of governental nonprofit and conit Sponsored Event: instittions Throgh its acadeic progras and research Founders’ Fellows and plic service centers engages faclt professional research staff and stdents fro a variet of discipline and diverse acgronds in the classroo on nirsity of olorao olorao rins plic service proects and in collaoration with otside cool of Pulic Affairs organiations translates scholarship and research The niversit of olorado olorado into sale nowledge that can infor decisionaing prings chool of lic and polic iprove leadership and anageent and ffairs provides highalit degrees address critical societal needs and certificates within a cltre of care t is an environent where stdents faclt and Sponsored Item: conit eers engage and learn fro each other Water Bottle in the classroo and throgh research and experiential learning r progras ephasie critical thining and nirsity of an Francisco analtical sills necessar for leading and anaging cool of anant effectivel in a diverse societ r gradates are The aster of lic dinistration prepared to e innovative in the coplex world in which and the with an ephasis we live r aster of lic dinistration progra in ealth ervices dinistration is accredited the etwor of chools of lic olic progras provide idcareer and aspiring ffairs and dinistration awarded onl after a rigoros professionals with an opportnit to otain advanced peer review process that ensres or progra provides anagerial edcation applicale to a road range of plic high alit edcation and prootes vales of plic sector nonprofit and health care organiations The service The world of plic affairs is rich and varied progra is accredited the etwor of chools of lic fll of challenges and rewards hether or interests olic ffairs and dinistration lie in local state or the federal governent in serving Sponsored Item: Charging Station

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions We are meeting new demands on public leadership in the context of changing models of governance, with faculty and students who are redefining ideas about public management and policy, in the classroom and in public institutions.

Leading academic programs Distinguished faculty

School of Public Affairs Global research #12 productivity in public affairs City Management (van de Walle and van Delft 2015) #4 and Urban Policy Winners of national Information 14 and international #5 Technology awards for research excellence since 2011 Environmental #7 Policy National Academy of Nonprofit 6 Public Administration Fellows Management Barry Bozeman #9 Stuart Bretschneider Michael Crow Public Finance Jonathan Koppell #11 Karen Mossberger Thom Reilly #11 Public Management #13 Overall — US News & World Report, 2017 Recruiting MPA students

Marvin Andrews Fellowships in Urban Management US News & World Report, 2017 Two-year program starts each fall (applications due March 15) Recent faculty and student awards Full tuition waivers Paid internships •1st year: Alliance for Innovation Barry Bozeman named (an ASU/ICMA partnership) ASU Regents’ Professor, the •2nd year: local city government university’s highest faculty honor Federica Fusi, Ph.D. candidate, selected as NASPAA Emerging Scholar in Public Policy, Affairs and Administration CONFERENCE SPONSORS

nirsity of outrn alifornia ol Pric ection on ersonnel dinistration and aor cool of Pulic Policy elations lic adinistrators shape or irginia oonwealth niversit conities and safegard or ile ftre The rn or cities governent agencies and nonprofits The niversit of othern alifornia ol rit rice chool of lic olic prepares stdents to lead in entro de nvestigacin ocencia conicas solving todas critical social challenges aned forth oisiana tate niversit lic dinistration aong schools of plic affairs nationwide the rice nstitte chool has defined excellence in innovation and plic Public Administration Quarterly affairs edcation for nearl ears t is dedicated to tgers niversitewar chool of lic ffairs and teaching and research that advances societ throgh dinistration etter governance ore effective social and health care an iego tate niversit chool of lic ffairs polic and sstainale ran developent The rice otheastern onference on lic dinistration chool also is hoe to renowned research centers o and instittes that condct grondreaing stdies Texas othern niversit arara ordanice that are cited elected and appointed officials at all eland chool of lic ffairs levels long with the schools signatre aster of lic niversit of altiore ollege of lic ffairs dinistration degree the rice chool offers gradate niversit of aifa chool of olitical ciences degrees in plic polic nonprofit leadership and niversit of Texas at allas chool of conoic anageent health adinistration ran planning and olitical and olic ciences real estate developent oo Sponsored Item: Badge Holder orth Texas hapter ection on oplexit and etwor tdies ection on ergenc and risis anageent PP P oth lorida hapter leveland tate niversit axine oodan evin tdent and ew dinistration rofessionals ollege of ran ffairs (Welcome Reception Drink ection Ticket) ollege of harleston hio tate niversit ohn lenn ollege of lic idwest lic ffairs onference ffairs (Hand Sanitizer) oger illias niversit hode sland hapter enn tate arrisrg (Welcome Reception) Thoas tanton otheastern onference for lic dinistration o (Welcome Reception and Founders’ Fellows ontriutor Program) old oast hapter Tarleton tate niversit (Luggage Tag) ew erse hapter irginia Tech enter for lic dinistration and ncoast hapter olic (Welcome Reception) ashi ia hordia ichita tate niversit go all chool of lic al anc ffairs (Welcome Reception) eter ederan ar andahl PP ali ang tdent and ew dinistration rofessionals rant issler ection (Trivia Night) tephen olandi endra tewart F F PA PP A FA P niversit of olorado enver chool of lic ffairs Full lorida nternational niversit teven reen chool of nternational and lic ffairs and the enter for eocrac and ood overnance nstitte for lic anageent

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions GENERAL INFORMATION

onfrnc istration ar ancllationsustitutions s registration des is located in the entennial aes ever effort to offer progras of the highest oer egistration adges and conference aterials can calier n the event of speaerathor cancellations e piced p there The registration des will e open at reserves the right to odif session aterial or the following ties sstitte speaers withot advanced notice Thrsda arch p p rida arch a p cial Assistanc is coitted to aing its entire conference atrda arch a p accessile to all individals inclding those with nda arch a p disailities or frther inforation regarding special onda arch a p needs or if o have previosl reested assistance Tesda arch a a please stop the registration des

as onnct it s ll conference registrants will receive a personalied ae the ost of or social edia channels throghot adge with their registration pacet This badge the conference hare or experience and hear the must be worn at all times and will be checked fro others! at all sessions, meal functions and events. f @ASPANationaland tweet aot the o isplace or adge please coe to the  conference sing #ASPA2018 registration des in the entennial oer for a replaceent  ASPANational curity inr ll Pons an tr nnal onference esite lctronic ics lease e corteos to presenters and fellow attendees silencing or cell phone or other electronic devices ssa ntr while attending edcational sessions and eetings essage oard is located near the registration ttendees are reinded not to leave ites of vale des ttendees a post essages for other attendees inclding laptops prses and talets nattended at an hec the oard reglarl tie Neither the hotel nor ASPA is responsible for lost or stolen items. APA s coFrinly recognies the iportance of protecting the ontinuin ucation environent and green eeting practices e have ttendees seeing contining edcation can reest a eliinated paper copies of presentation astracts and selfreport for at the registration des ors st conference addenda anel pdates and changes will e e copleted the attendee and sitted to the ade dail and posted on the nnal onference wesite individal professional association acadeic instittion wwwaspanetorgconference licensing oard or agenc for consideration does not notif organiations on ehalf of attendees nor does it eep session attendance records cannot garantee acceptance for contining edcation individal licensing oards estions regarding contining edcation can e sent to aspaconferenceaspanetorg












7 56 12.15

asantorconfrnc CONFERENCE AT A GLANCE Chapter, Section and Journal meetings are listed on p. 18.

A n MARCH 8 eistrtin .. .. entenni er

FA n MARCH 9 eistrtin .. .. entenni er ne Sessins .. .. ris tins Setin n i erfrne neent Ssi .. .. iner E nterntin i n Ethi eershi .. n iner Stent n e rfessin Sit .. .. entenni re is Ssi n G i Serie entenni n .. .. nntie Stins fr i n Gernne iner G Gernne rie Ssi .. .. entenni ei S. riht Ssi Gernent n the .. .. entenni Sttes he Shiftin nis f Stte etins ne Sessins .. .. ris tins inne ittee eetin .. .. Sit ne Sessins .. .. ris tins Enent r eetin .. .. Sit ne Sessins .. .. ris tins Setin n hinese i inistrtin itin .. .. entenni n rertin fr t sitins in si rsh ne Sessins .. .. ris tins G Gernne rie etrin eetin .. .. te ners es n entr rienttin n .. .. iner E eetin S rii iht .. .. iner

AA n MARCH 10 eistrtin .. .. entenni er enin enr .. .. entenni resienti ne .. .. entenni E Setin eershi eetin .. .. iner resienti ne .. .. entenni E ners es ne .. .. Grnite ne Sessins .. .. ris tins Ehiit en .. .. entenni er tin ni eetin .. .. entenni G ners es ne .. .. Grnite ne Sessins .. .. ris tins resienti ne .. .. entenni E ners es ne .. .. Grnite ne Sessins .. .. ris tins ee eetin .. .. ntn ener ri

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions CONFERENCE AT A GLANCE

A n MARCH 11 eistrtin .. .. entenni er hter eershi eetin .. .. entenni resienti ne .. .. entenni E ners es ne .. .. Grnite ne Sessins .. .. ris tins Ehiit en .. .. entenni er Eit ihrsn etre .. .. entenni Gri sn rin Si Eit nhen .. .. entenni E (Ticketed Event) ne Sessins .. .. ris tins resienti ne .. .. entenni nterntin sse .. .. entenni G resienti ne .. .. entenni E st resients eetin .. .. entenni ie Ehiit eetin nrin es err .. .. Ehiit niersit eetins n etrin Eents .. .. ris tins resients eetin .. .. es ne

A n MARCH 12 eistrtin .. .. entenni er Setin fr en in i inistrtin tin .. .. entenni E rs refst (Ticketed Event) es eetin .. .. iner ne Sessins .. .. ris tins Ehiit en .. .. entenni er est . Gs etre .. .. entenni resienti ne .. .. entenni E ners es ne .. .. entenni ne Sessins .. .. ris tins reer ir .. .. iner er n . Stne etre .. .. entenni resienti ne .. .. entenni E ners es ne .. .. entenni ne Sessins .. .. ris tins niersit eetin .. .. iner Setin n Effetie n Sn inistrtin in the .. .. entenni ie Est eetin n ie Sreenin Eent

A n MARCH 13 eistrtin .. .. entenni er ne Sessins .. .. ris tins ne Sessins .. .. ris tins sin enr .. .. entenni

asantorconfrnc CHAPTER,CHAPTER, SECTION, SECTION, JOURNAL JOURNALMEETINGSMEETINGS FAFAnnMARCHMARCH 9 9 rr hter hter iff iff .. .. .. .. ineriner G G SetinSetin n n Ethis Ethis n n nterit nterit in inGernne Gernne SEG SEG .. .. .. .. GrniteGrnite SetinSetin n n istri istri rtisti rtisti n n efetie efetie Eressin Eressin .. .. .. .. GrniteGrnite SESE SetinSetin n n nterernent nterernent inistrtin inistrtin n n .. .. .. .. GrniteGrnite neentneent S S SetinSetin n n i i neent neent rtie rtie S S .. .. .. .. te te SetinSetin n n frin frin i i inistrtin inistrtin S S .. .. .. .. te te INSPIRINGINSPIRING LEADERS LEADERS TO TO FACULTYFACULTY NEWS NEWS AAAAnnMARCHMARCH 10 10 ADVANCEADVANCE THE THE AmericanAmerican Review Review of ofPublic Public Administration Administration (ARPA) (ARPA)rnrn DANIELDANIEL CHENG CHENG .. .. .. .. entenni entenni G G EitrsEitrs COMMONCOMMON GOOD GOOD PhD,PhD, Indiana Indiana University University enterenter fr fr ntiit ntiit n n erfrne erfrne .. .. .. .. entenni entenni YuanYuan (Daniel) (Daniel) Cheng Cheng joins joins the the Humphrey Humphrey nterntinnterntin hter hter .. .. .. .. GrniteGrnite RankedRanked among among the the country’s country’s top top 10 10 professional professional SchoolSchool as asassistant assistant professor professor this this fall. fall. InternationalInternational Journal Journal of ofPublic Public Administration Administration (IJPA) (IJPA) .. .. .. .. GrniteGrnite HeHe researches researches questions questions surrounding surrounding EitriEitri r r publicpublic policy policy and and planning planning schools, schools, the the Humphrey Humphrey governance,governance, government-nonpro t government-nonpro t SetinSetin n n Enirnent Enirnent n n tr tr esres esres SchoolSchool of ofPublic Public Affairs Affairs at atthe the University University of ofMinnesota Minnesota .. .. .. .. entennientenni relationships,relationships, coproduction, coproduction, and and cross- cross- inistrtininistrtin SE SE is widelyis widely recognized recognized for for its its role role in inexamining examining public public SetinSetin n n eth eth n n n n Series Series inistrtin inistrtin sectoralsectoral collaboration, collaboration, often often with with a focusa focus on on urban urban .. .. .. .. GrniteGrnite SSSS issuesissues and and shaping shaping policy policy and and planning planning at atthe the local, local, sustainability.sustainability. Recent Recent work work examines examines the the processes processes and and StateState and and Local Local Government Government Review Review (SLGR) (SLGR) rn rn .. .. .. .. entennientenni state,state, national, national, and and international international levels. levels. consequencesconsequences of ofnonpro ts nonpro ts becoming becoming important important players players EitrsEitrs in indetermining determining and and nancing nancing public public service service provision. provision. SetinSetin n n i i n n inistrtin inistrtin S S .. .. .. .. S S Site Site nn AA MARCHMARCH 11 11 » »Six Six Master’s Master’s Degrees Degrees JODIJODI SANDFORT SANDFORT PublicPublic Personnel Personnel Management Management Review Review (PPMR) (PPMR) rn rn .. .. .. .. entenni entenni ProfessorProfessor EitrsEitrs » »PhD PhD in in Public Public Affairs Affairs Sandfort’sSandfort’s work work to toimprove improve the the delivery delivery of of SetinSetin n n er er n n Si Si stie stie SS SS .. .. .. .. entenni entenni humanhuman services services has has experienced experienced increased increased SetinSetin n n nterntin nterntin n n rtie rtie inistrtin inistrtin » »Six Six Certi cates Certi cates .. .. .. .. GrniteGrnite SS visibilityvisibility through through the the Future Future Services Services SetinSetin n n nrfit nrfit i i rtie rtie n n rtnershis rtnershis Institute,Institute, which which partners partners with with state state .. .. .. .. entennientenni SS agencies,agencies, counties, counties, tribal tribal nations, nations, and and SetinSetin n n ersnne ersnne inistrtin inistrtin n n r r etins etins communitycommunity organizations. organizations. The The institute institute works works to tointegrate integrate SS n n Review Review of ofPublic Public Personnel Personnel Administration Administration .. .. .. .. GrniteGrnite INNOVATIVE,INNOVATIVE, ONLINE ONLINE TOOLS TOOLS systems,systems, increase increase innovation, innovation, and and address address institutional institutional racism racism (ROPPA)(ROPPA) siness siness eetin eetin throughthrough trainings trainings and and leadership leadership development. development. SetinSetin n n i i inistrtin inistrtin eserh eserh S S .. .. .. .. GrniteGrnite SHARESHARE RESEARCH RESEARCH WITH WITH PUBLIC PUBLIC SetinSetin n n Siene Siene n n ehn ehn in inGernent Gernent TheThe Humphrey Humphrey School School has has launched launched a newa new online online .. .. .. .. entennientenni SSGSSG collectioncollection of ofmultimedia multimedia projects projects designed designed to toshare share JERRYJERRY ZHAO ZHAO GG ine ine G G .. .. .. .. tete faculty’sfaculty’s research research ndings ndings with with policymakers policymakers and and AssociateAssociate Professor Professor SetinSetin fr fr en en in ini i inistrtin inistrtin S S .. .. .. .. ineriner communitycommunity partners partners in inengaging engaging and and accessible accessible ways. ways. SESE .. .. .. .. ineriner ZhaoZhao directs directs the the Institute Institute for for Urban Urban & & SetinSetin n n hinese hinese i i inistrtin inistrtin S S .. .. .. .. entennientenni G G TheThe collection, collection, called called Civios, Civios, currently currently features features RegionalRegional Infrastructure Infrastructure Finance Finance to toadvance advance SetinSetin n n eit eit n n etr etr Sties Sties SS SS .. .. .. .. ineriner G G moremore than than 30 30 podcasts, podcasts, videos, videos, and and mixed mixed media media researchresearch and and engagement engagement on on strategic strategic SetinSetin n n rreent rreent n n ntrt ntrt neent neent issuesissues of ofinfrastructure infrastructure investment investment across across .. .. .. .. ineriner presentationspresentations on on issues issues ranging ranging from from immigration immigration to to SS sexsex traf traf cking cking and and climate climate change. change. New New products products are are urbanurban and and rural rural areas. areas. The The scope scope includes includes SetinSetin n n rfessin rfessin n n rnitin rnitin eeent eeent .. .. .. .. tete physicalphysical infrastructure infrastructure (transportation, (transportation, water, water, and and utilities) utilities) SS uploadeduploaded regularly, regularly, and and then then shared shared with with practitioners practitioners as aswell well as associal social infrastructure infrastructure (education, (education, public public housing, housing, SetinSetin n n i i erfrne erfrne neent neent S S .. .. .. .. entennientenni andand the the broader broader public public through through social social networks. networks. andand public public safety). safety). SetinSetin n n rnsrttin rnsrttin i i n n inistrtin inistrtin .. .. .. .. tete CheckCheck out out the the research research at . SS StentsStents n n e e inistrtin inistrtin rfessins rfessins Setin Setin .. .. .. .. ineriner SSSS rs rs estrnt estrnt SetinSetin n n Eeren Eeren n n risis risis neent neent SE SE .. .. .. .. enineenine ee ee AAnnMARCHMARCH 12 12 SetinSetin n n Effetie Effetie n n Sn Sn inistrtin inistrtin in inthe the .. .. .. .. entennientenni ieie Est Est SESE SESE HUMPHREYHUMPHREY SCHOOL SCHOOL OF OF PUBLIC PUBLIC AFFAIRS AFFAIRS 301301 19th 19th Avenue Avenue South South 612.624.8910612.624.8910 APAAPA Annual Annual onfrnc onfrnc nr nr APA APA UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF OFMINNESOTA MINNESOTA Minneapolis,Minneapolis, MN MN 55455 55455 PublicPublicMission AdministrationMission Administration Focused Focused and Review and Review Service Service Eitri EitriFirst: First: Creating rCreating r Innovative Innovative Solutions Solutions .. .. .. .. entennientenni


ADVANCEADVANCE THE THE DANIELDANIEL CHENG CHENG COMMONCOMMON GOOD GOOD PhD,PhD, Indiana Indiana University University YuanYuan (Daniel) (Daniel) Cheng Cheng joins joins the the Humphrey Humphrey RankedRanked among among the the country’s country’s top top 10 10 professional professional SchoolSchool as asassistant assistant professor professor this this fall. fall. publicpublic policy policy and and planning planning schools, schools, the the Humphrey Humphrey HeHe researches researches questions questions surrounding surrounding SchoolSchool of ofPublic Public Affairs Affairs at atthe the University University of ofMinnesota Minnesota governance,governance, government-nonpro t government-nonpro t relationships,relationships, coproduction, coproduction, and and cross- cross- is widelyis widely recognized recognized for for its its role role in inexamining examining public public sectoralsectoral collaboration, collaboration, often often with with a focusa focus on on urban urban issuesissues and and shaping shaping policy policy and and planning planning at atthe the local, local, sustainability.sustainability. Recent Recent work work examines examines the the processes processes and and state,state, national, national, and and international international levels. levels. consequencesconsequences of ofnonpro ts nonpro ts becoming becoming important important players players in indetermining determining and and nancing nancing public public service service provision. provision.

» »Six Six Master’s Master’s Degrees Degrees JODIJODI SANDFORT SANDFORT ProfessorProfessor » »PhD PhD in in Public Public Affairs Affairs Sandfort’sSandfort’s work work to toimprove improve the the delivery delivery of of » »Six Six Certi cates Certi cates humanhuman services services has has experienced experienced increased increased visibilityvisibility through through the the Future Future Services Services Institute,Institute, which which partners partners with with state state agencies,agencies, counties, counties, tribal tribal nations, nations, and and communitycommunity organizations. organizations. The The institute institute works works to tointegrate integrate INNOVATIVE,INNOVATIVE, ONLINE ONLINE TOOLS TOOLS systems,systems, increase increase innovation, innovation, and and address address institutional institutional racism racism SHARESHARE RESEARCH RESEARCH WITH WITH PUBLIC PUBLIC throughthrough trainings trainings and and leadership leadership development. development. TheThe Humphrey Humphrey School School has has launched launched a newa new online online collectioncollection of ofmultimedia multimedia projects projects designed designed to toshare share JERRYJERRY ZHAO ZHAO faculty’sfaculty’s research research ndings ndings with with policymakers policymakers and and AssociateAssociate Professor Professor communitycommunity partners partners in inengaging engaging and and accessible accessible ways. ways. ZhaoZhao directs directs the the Institute Institute for for Urban Urban & & TheThe collection, collection, called called Civios, Civios, currently currently features features RegionalRegional Infrastructure Infrastructure Finance Finance to toadvance advance moremore than than 30 30 podcasts, podcasts, videos, videos, and and mixed mixed media media researchresearch and and engagement engagement on on strategic strategic presentationspresentations on on issues issues ranging ranging from from immigration immigration to to issuesissues of ofinfrastructure infrastructure investment investment across across sexsex traf traf cking cking and and climate climate change. change. New New products products are are urbanurban and and rural rural areas. areas. The The scope scope includes includes uploadeduploaded regularly, regularly, and and then then shared shared with with practitioners practitioners physicalphysical infrastructure infrastructure (transportation, (transportation, water, water, and and utilities) utilities) andand the the broader broader public public through through social social networks. networks. as aswell well as associal social infrastructure infrastructure (education, (education, public public housing, housing, andand public public safety). safety). CheckCheck out out the the research research at .

HUMPHREYHUMPHREY SCHOOL SCHOOL OF OF PUBLIC PUBLIC AFFAIRS AFFAIRS 301301 19th 19th Avenue Avenue South South 612.624.8910612.624.8910 UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF OFMINNESOTA MINNESOTA Minneapolis,Minneapolis, MN MN 55455 55455

ASPAASPA Conf Conf Select.indd Select.indd 1 1 2/7/182/7/18 3:24 3:24 PM PM ASPA SECTIONS

Membership in an ASPA Section is open to every member. Sections are a meaningful way to gain indispensable knowledge and forge lasting connections in specialized areas, meet peers and network. To add a Section to your membership, please email [email protected].

ssitin fr etin n inni neent...... enter fr ntiit n erfrne...... nferene f inrit i inistrtrs...... G ine...... G Setin fr en in i inistrtin ...... S Setin n frin i inistrtin ...... S Setin n hinese i inistrtin ...... S Setin n eit n etr Sties...... SS Setin n riin stie inistrtin...... S Setin n er n Si stie...... SS Setin n Effetie n Sn inistrtin in the ie Est...... SESE Setin n Eeren n risis neent...... SE Setin n Enirnent n tr esres inistrtin ...... SE Setin n Ethis n nterit in Gernne...... SEG Setin n eth n n Series inistrtin ...... SS Setin n istri rtisti n efetie Eressin ...... SE Setin n nterernent inistrtin n neent...... S Setin n nterntin n rtie inistrtin...... S Setin n ren i inistrtin...... S Setin n nrfit i rtie n rtnershis...... S Setin n ersnne inistrtin n r etins...... S Setin n rreent n ntrt neent ...... S Setin n rfessin n rnitin eeent ...... S Setin n i inistrtin Etin...... SE Setin n i inistrtin eserh...... S Setin n i n inistrtin...... S Setin n i neent rtie ...... S Setin n i erfrne n neent...... S Setin n Siene n ehn in Gernent...... SSG Setin n rnsrttin i n inistrtin...... S Stents n e inistrtin rfessins Setin...... SS

*CAP is not an ASPA Section, but a center within ASPA that encourages the use of performance measurement and managing for results in the public sector.

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions ASPA PAST PRESIDENTS

ii sher ...... tri . nin...... r . Sith...... hester . en ...... is rn...... . ee ritsher ...... ther . Gi...... trii S. restn...... hres S. sher...... re . ttersn r...... enr . hite...... i . nn ...... hn . rsn ...... Sester rr...... se . rtin...... ert . enhrt...... n . Stne...... hrtte . Gr...... hn . Gs ...... rris . . ins r...... es . ithe ...... r . Stener ...... hn . erins...... Eni ent...... ii . rsns ...... hs . nh...... Grn . ...... hristine Gis Sriner ...... tthis E. ens ...... ert . in r...... enr einin r...... Er . ennins r...... hn . ...... n h...... G. er rh ...... r Een G ...... hn . iett ...... . r...... Eer . Stts...... nne . Sffr...... Stehen . Seene...... r er ...... r iern...... . nie hern r...... re Shern...... Gen hn e ...... . Shrt ...... ter . rn ...... es E. e ...... here . r ...... Stehen . ie...... n . ene ...... es . rtn ...... en . nes...... erre e...... re . hite ...... rn een ...... n E. inner...... ter . e...... sner...... hn . n...... ereith . en ...... rn . Sher...... Eri . err ...... hii . tee...... tsi i ...... n . itn...... Stehen E. nre ...... est . Gs ...... n sen...... . Gere reerisn ...... ri . ristiet ...... iht . n ...... Ssn . Gen ...... n enn ......

asantorconfrnc 2018 EXHIBIT HALL

iit all is locat in iit all Actiitis ntnnial Foyr atrda offee rea p p nda offee rea a a onda offee rea a a iit all cul Tae advantage of or xhiit all where o can networ eet this ears exhiiting organiations see new friends reconnect with old ones and learn aot new Saturday Coffee Break prodcts and services Sponsored By:

Saturday, March 10 12:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Sunday Coffee Break Sunday, March 11 9:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Sponsored By: Monday, March 12 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. oo inins lishers oo signings are schedled on nda arch fro a p

ction onorin as Prry nda arch p p

Sponsored By:

Centennial Ballroom Foyer

Escalators ASPA Beverage Beverage 32 Main Registration Membership Station Station 31 Entrance

1 8 9 16 17 24 25 30 Pre-Registration Fire Exit 2 7 10 15 18 23 29 Elevators

3 6 11 14 19 22 26 28 Onsite Registration

45 12 13 20 21 27 Hallway to Workshops A

Centennial Ballroom (Plenary Sessions) B


APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions 2018 EXHIBITORS

iitors y Alatical rr iitors y oot ur ire ishers ...... rr niersit...... rr niersit...... SGE ishin ...... ein eih ishers...... n ittefie...... n it...... ennsni Stte niersitr s...... inin niersit ...... eter n ishin...... ennsni Stte niersitr s...... Sriner tre ...... eter n ishin...... ie...... Public Administration Review (PAR) ...... ein eih ishers...... er iis niersit ...... irini neth niersit ...... tee r rnis ...... ters niersit...... n ittefie...... niersit f r ener...... ters niersit...... niersit f es t rintn...... SGE ishin ...... ire ishers ...... SnSn ...... Sn t Sen niersit ...... Setin n i neent rtie ...... tee r rnis ...... Sthestern nferene fr i inistrtin en niersit...... SE...... SnSn ...... Sriner tre ...... Sff niersit...... Sff niersit...... inin niersit ...... Sn t Sen niersit ...... Public Administration Review (PAR) ...... niersit f r ener...... er iis niersit ...... niersit f es t rintn...... n it...... irini neth niersit ...... Sthestern nferene fr i inistrtin en niersit...... SE...... ie...... Setin n i neent rtie ......

asantorconfrnc CAREER FAIR Sponsored By: MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mineral Hall Foyer

Many hiring public sector agencies and nonprofit organizations are expected at this year’s Career Fair, searching for the perfect candidates for their job openings or sharing information about future career opportunities. Make sure to bring an updated resume, CV and other application materials.

This year’s Fair also will include two special workshops focused on hiring processes in the public sector.

FA (as of Feb. 16, 2018) s n Girs f ener it n nt f ener it f e Etin ineers effersn nt he i nterest etr nteers f eri See the Career Fair insert in your tote bag for a full list of exhibiting organizations.

irin orsos 1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mineral Hall C 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Mineral Hall C ratin Partnrsis an tors for arr alary otiation oul Acct lont o to uil an ffcti n this session we will discss strategies for tor deonstrating or aret vale total copensation n this session we will cover the asic steps for creating a analsis and related factors for o satisfaction e will strategic and effective networ e will consider target consider o fnctions aret deands experience arets criteria for networ partnerships prioritiing location and worlife alance networing opportnities and agencies and paing it forward There will tie for discssion and of corse a chance to networ!

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions PLENARIES AND LECTURES #ASPA2018 Honored GuestsHonored ...... 25 PlenaryOpening ...... 26 Lecture...... Elliot Richardson 27 Gallas Lecture...... Nesta M. 28 Lecture...... Stone Donald C. 29 Closing Plenary...... 30 Business Meeting...... ASPA 31 PLENARIES LECTURES & lease oin us in congratulating these aell chool scholars ho are participating in this years annual conference of the erican ociety for ulic dinistration Maxwell

STONE LECTURER at ASPA Tina Nabatchi Professor Nabatchi will deliver the Stone Lecture at DOCTORAL CANDIDATES this year’s ASPA Conference. he studies pulic par- ticipation collaoratie goernance alternatie dispute Suyeon Jo resolution and challenges in pulic adinistration er Jo studies public and nonprofit manage federally funded grant proect hich used pulic deli- ment, collaboration, citizen participa eration to etter understand patient engageent and tion, and volunteering. She has published diagnostic error as naed national and international in several journals, including American research proect of the year y the nternational ssocia- Review of Public Administration. tion for ulic articipation Samanta Lee OTHER FACULTY ees research interests include public management, governance, and develop Julia Carboni ment. Her current research focuses on perceptions of public participation by aroni conducts research on collaoration to address local health department officials. social proles he is a founding eer of the ollectie iing esearch roup and is engaged in a ulti-year study on giing circles supported y the ill and elinda ates Alvaro Salas oundation and the harles tuart ott oundation Salas researches collaborative gover nance, impact investment, and informa tion communication technologies. Sabina Schnell chnells research interests include transparency corruption FOUNDERS FELLOW good goernance and pulic sector refor in deeloping countries er recent article in Governance inestigates hy officials in high-corruption countries adopt transparency Iuliia Shybalkina refors though these ight coe ac to haunt the Shybalkina has been selected as a 2018 ASPA Founders’ Fellow. She studies public participation and trans parency in public finance.

awell School of itizenship and Public Affairs

For more than twenty years , #1 in Public Affairs, U.S. News & World Report HONORED GUESTS AA A A A 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Centennial D 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Centennial D Session Sponsored By: iutnant ornor onna ynn onna nne r was sworn in as olorados th lietenant governor and chief operating officer he is widel respected as ayor ical ancoc oth a leader in the private sector ichael ancoc is envers and an expert in the health field th aor ring his tie in he has spent ears as a senior office aor ancoc and his leader of ltiilliondollar health adinistration have eliinated the care copanies and spent ears cits dget deficit fostered a efore that serving in ltiple roles in ew or it diverse econo and restored governent r nne has led efforts to address the ch needed services that were isses of health care affordailit accessiilit and lost dring the recession ith a alit he lanched ltiple initiatives to increase drive toward increasing accontailit and transparenc in governent and ae opportnit for ever resident he has prioritied governent services ore efficient and effective innovative soltions to investing in the cits children and oth increasing oilit options affordale hosing and services for the hoeless spporting econoic oilit entrepreners and sall sinesses and aing governent wor sarter for residents rior to ecoing aor he served on the enver it oncil for eight ears and was president of the etro enver ran eage OPENING PLENARY SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 2018 Session Sponsored By: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Centennial D

anic acanc alri i n accoplished exective and alerie eie oined the harles governance expert ettering ondation as director resident anice achance is of explorator research in a exective vice president for er crrent role enales her strategic and organiational to devote attention to a excellence at the erican longstanding research interest in eophsical nion dedicated political theor and practice volnteer and trsted advisor she contining wor egn in is a fellow of the ational cade when she was a scholarin of lic dinistration a fellow of the erican ociet residence at the fondation t that tie she plished of ssociation xectives and a eer of the essas and articles on governance and plic polic oard of directors of the ise iving lliance especiall regarding the iportance of plic rior to her wor in notforprofit enterprises achance adinistrators aligning professional practices with was noinated resident illia linton and citiens expectations rrentl she identifies research naniosl confired the enate as director opportnities and oversees stdies and learning of the ffice of ersonnel anageent exchanges exploring the fndaental estion of the he served as chair of the ational aoranageent fondation how to ae deocrac wor as it shold artnership oncil eer of the residents n adept leader with ore than ears of anagerial anageent oncil and eer of the residents experience in solving coplex and controversial oncil on the residential Transition rior to proles eie served as acting chief of staff and ecoing director she served as s director of district director for ongressan ie Trner hios conications and polic chief of staff and dept th istrict coissioner on the lic tilities director oission of hio and cit anager for the cities of achance is credited with neros achieveents at incinnati and aton hio and etersrg irginia inclding reforlating the agencs ission he also served as adnct professor at the niversit of and strateg and reengineering its eploee aton and oward niversit and was a fellow at the organiational strctre and cltre expanding the enter for nicipal anageent eorge ashington ail and edical eave ct to perit the se of sic niversit n addition to her wor in the nited tates leave to care for a neworn adopted child or ailing fail she has extensive experience internationall woring eer and estalishing USAJOBS.GOV with plic officials in developing contries in frica astern rope and sia or ore than ears achance was of the pecial iraries ssociation leading the gloal association of eie has oined the Public Administration Review lirarians and inforation professionals and their (PAR) editorial oard and is a eer of the oard of directors for the ational ivic eage aton istor siness partners nitiatives of hange and the elierative eocrac achance gradated fro anhattanville ollege and onsorti he is forer oard chair of the ational earned her fro Tlane niversit cade of lic dinistration eie received her fro the niversit of issori and her fro ashington niversit

Aar Prsnt H. George Frederickson PA TIMES Best Article Award

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions ELLIOT RICHARDSON LECTURE SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 2018 10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Centennial D

P Aaral garwal serves as dean and nfrastrctre dvisor oncil in e had the of ortheastern niversit nie distinction of having a national annal award ilicon alle e also serves as the naed as the garwal ward for eadership in hairan of tre a an lectronic overnent e also served as president rancisco a reaased pioneer of the ational ssociation of tate s and ational in the area of gloal sstainailit lectronic oerce oordinating oncil fellow of reviosl he was of Ti the ational cade of lic dinistration he is on loal an organiation dedicated the adnct faclt at niversit of othern alifornia to fostering entreprenership and niversit of an rancisco across cities in contries e also served as overnor rnold chwareneggers chief technolog garwal is an alns of T elhi and the niversit of officer for the state of alifornia and has held exective aliforniaerele and anageent roles with now erox nc and now This lecture is the 18th in an annual series that honors the life and legacy of Elliot Richardson and the model of garwal helped pioneer the se of nternet in governent public service he embodied. It is sponsored by ASPA and and shaped national and state polic in this area dating the National Academy of Public Administration. ac to ice resident l ores ational nforation

Aars Prsnt Public Administration Review Awards ois rownlow ward averne rchfield ward hester ewland ward illia osher and rederic osher ward asantorconfrnc NESTA M. GALLAS LECTURE Session Supported By: MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Centennial D altr au r or ore than ears alter aot patriotic dt are norall the ailiwic of three ha r forer director of lawaers on apitol ill not won governent the ffice of overnent lawers who wor ehind the scenes and co throgh thics and crrentl senior reas of paperwor ne ethics expert called the director of ethics at the apaign speech a great act of corage another called it egal enter has provided extraordinar a standard of plic service excellence and prooted the n l ha resigned as director and egan his practice of ethics in governance crrent position at the apaign egal enter stating is achieveents have garnered hi attention in the that woring on the otside of the adinistration wold national edia spotlight in the past ear as he has enale hi to refor and strengthen existing federal contined to strenosl voice the vale of ethical governent ethics progras governance rior to his experience at ha wored as an spervisor attorne at in the earl s ha attorne with the law fir haw ransford eillex led a tea of attornes financial analsts and ethics and oth where he focsed on federal eploent officials who reviewed financial disclosre reports of law representing federal eploees priaril enior presidential noinees e transfored the noinee xective ervice eers anagers and law progra and developed a page gide for drafting enforceent officials e also held a ner of staff ethics agreeents that redced processing ties and attorne positions at a variet of governent agencies prodced etter otcoes in resolving conflicts of inclding the entral ffice of the epartent of interest ecognied for his leadership he ecae s eterans ffairs the ffice of eneral onsel of the dept general consel where he advanced resident epartent of ealth and an ervices and the aas transition effort leading a cross s altioreashington egional onsels office divisional tea in effectivel resolving potential conflicts ha earned his fro aes adison niversit of interest for nearl presidential enateconfired and his fro the erican niversit ashington positions and senior hite ose positions ollege of aw resident aa appointed ha as director in The Nesta M. Gallas Award for Exemplary anar he served in that capacit ntil l Professionalism in Public Service has been established ring his tenre as director he odernied reglations to honor the lifetime achievements of a dedicated public advised agencies issed legal and progra gidance servant. Dr. Gallas was a consummate professional expanded ethics edcation conserved taxpaer resorces and path breaker. She was the first woman to serve as and ilt a strong perforance strctre e oversaw ASPA’s national president. As the personnel director an ethics progra coposed of agenc ethics in Honolulu, she fought for inclusion. She was an officials who prevented conflicts of interest on the part international expert in public administration and of illion civilian federal eploees pls officers in an academic leader who complemented theoretical niforall on a illion dget observations with experiential insights. The purpose of ollowing a widel reported speech in in which the award is to continue to advance the core values that ha called on resident Trp for fll divestitre of Nesta M. Gallas elegantly exemplified. his financial interests reported oft speeches

Aars Prsnt Nesta M. Gallas Award Paul Van Riper Award Dwight Waldo Award

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions DONALD C. STONE LECTURENESTA M. GALLAS LECTURE Session Supported By: Session Sponsored By: MONDAY, MARCHMONDAY, 12, 2018 MARCH 12, 2018 1:30 p.m.10:00 – 3:00 a.m. p.m. – 11:30 a.m. CentennialCentennial D altr au r ina aatci or ore than ears alter aot patriotic dt are norall the ailiwic of three Tina aatchi is associate Research and Theory Public Administration Review ha r forer director of lawaers on apitol ill not won governent professor of plic adinistration American Review of Public Administration National the ffice of overnent lawers who wor ehind the scenes and co throgh and international affairs and a Civic Review and Conflict Resolution Quarterly he thics and crrentl senior reas of paperwor ne ethics expert called the faclt research associate at the has several award winning articles aong the director of ethics at the apaign speech a great act of corage another called it rogra for the dvanceent of ddressing the itienship and eocratic eficits egal enter has provided extraordinar esearch on onflict and xploring the otential of elierative eocrac for a standard of plic service ollaoration at racse lic dinistration valating the rodctivit excellence and prooted the n l ha resigned as director and egan his niversits axwell chool er of ollaorative overnance egies erforance practice of ethics in governance crrent position at the apaign egal enter stating research focses on citien atrix and The ew overnance racticesis andachieveents have garnered hi attention in the that woring on the otside of the adinistration wold participation collaorative governance conflict rocesses for taeholder and itien articipationnational edia in the spotlight in the past ear as he has enale hi to refor and strengthen existing federal resoltion and challenges in plic adinistration or of overnent contined to strenosl voice the vale of ethical governent ethics progras governance rior to oining the axwell chool aatchi was n addition to neros oo chapters onographs rior to his experience at ha wored as an research coordinator for the ndiana onflict esoltion and white papers aatchi is lead editor of Democracyspervisor attorne at in the earl s ha attorne with the law fir haw ransford eillex nstitte at ndiana niversitlooington where in Motion: Evaluating the Practice and Impactled a tea of of attornes financial analsts and ethics and oth where he focsed on federal eploent she was responsile for the design ipleentation Deliberative Civic Engagement xford niversitofficials who reviewed financial disclosre reports of law representing federal eploees priaril enior analsis and plication of varios research proects ress he recentl plished two oospresidentialPublic noinees e transfored the noinee xective ervice eers anagers and law n this capacit she provided consltations aot and Participation for 21st Century Democracyprogra with att and developed a page gide for drafting enforceent officials e also held a ner of staff evalations of alternative dispte resoltion in several eighninger osseass and Collaborativeethics agreeents that redced processing ties and attorne positions at a variet of governent agencies federal agencies inclding the epartent of Governance Regimes with ir erson eorgetownprodced etter otcoes in resolving conflicts of inclding the entral ffice of the epartent of stice ostal ervice ational nstittes of ealth niversit ress interest ecognied for his leadership he ecae s eterans ffairs the ffice of eneral onsel of the epartent of gricltre and nstitte for dept general consel where he advanced resident epartent of ealth and an ervices and the nvironental onflict esoltion Established in 1995 by the ASPA Endowment,aas the Donald transition effort leading a cross s altioreashington egional onsels office C. Stone Lecture honors the memory of ASPA’sdivisional charter tea in effectivel resolving potential conflicts ha earned his fro aes adison niversit aatchis research has een plished in neros member and past president. Lecturers reflectof interest Stone’s for nearl presidential enateconfired and his fro the erican niversit ashington ornals inclding the Journal of Public Administration varied interests and contributions to publicpositions service andand senior hite ose positions public administration. ollege of aw resident aa appointed ha as director in The Nesta M. Gallas Award for Exemplary anar he served in that capacit ntil l Professionalism in Public Service has been established ring his tenre as director he odernied reglations to honor the lifetime achievements of a dedicated public advised agencies issed legal and progra gidance servant. Dr. Gallas was a consummate professional expanded ethics edcation conserved taxpaer resorces and path breaker. She was the first woman to serve as and ilt a strong perforance strctre e oversaw ASPA’s national president. As the personnel director an ethics progra coposed of agenc ethics in Honolulu, she fought for inclusion. She was an officials who prevented conflicts of interest on the part international expert in public administration and of illion civilian federal eploees pls officers in an academic leader who complemented theoretical niforall on a illion dget observations with experiential insights. The purpose of ollowing a widel reported speech in in which the award is to continue to advance the core values that ha called on resident Trp for fll divestitre of Nesta M. Gallas elegantly exemplified. his financial interests reported oft speeches

Aar Prsnt Aars Prsnt Donald C. Stone Service to ASPA Award Nesta M. Gallas Award Paul Van Riper Award Dwight Waldo Award

asantorconfrnc APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions CLOSING PLENARY TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 2018 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Centennial D

an Pisano ane isano is professor in the and grants ore than doled to illion and the niversit of othern alifornia endowent increased forfold to illion ol rice chool of lic olic he has een on the n isano was appointed vice president of external schools faclt since er relations at the niversit and was prooted to senior areas of expertise inclde nonprofit vice president in n this role she not onl wored leadership and anageent with the chief anageent tea t also was plic adinistration plic responsile for estalishing and aintaining s private partnerships and civic conit plic governent and alni relations engageent ith for other senior officers she assisted the niversit president in all significant decisions n addition she isano served as president and director of the atral developed a conit otreach progra that was istor se of os ngeles ont fro to nationall recognied when was naed Time er top priorities were to focs on the se againe ollege of the ear in he conceptalied visitors experience transforing the instittion and ipleented the ood eighors capaign to fnd into a st centr destination This inclded seisic niversitneighorhood partnerships for neighorhood strengthening and renovations to the ildings odern iproveent he developed and led s participation lightfilled exhiits new aenities five new peranent with the ail of ive chools in the niversit ar exhiitions and otdoor atre ardens n all the xposition ar neighorhood as well as with two transforation iproved ore than percent of its schools in the ealth ciences neighorhood and helped interior plic space and doled its prograing space organie the id atch progra he spported innovative prograing strengthened the scientific progra and ilt partnerships that positioned isano was president of os ngeles and The the se as a h for plic dialoge plicprivate artnership civic organiations woring to iprove the partnership she and her tea raised ore than alit of life in othern alifornia he served on the illion in plic and private fnds faclt of eorgetown niversits chool of oreign ervice and was a hite ose fellow on the ational isano oined in as dean of the chool of lic ecrit oncil staff he earned and h degrees dinistration ring her nearl sevenear tenre she in international relations fro the ohns opins led a aor effort to strengthen the school acadeicall at niversit chool of dvanced nternational tdies and oth the gradate and ndergradate levels nnal gifts a fro tanford niversit

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions ASPA BUSINESS MEETINGCLOSING PLENARY TUESDAY, MARCHTUESDAY, 13, 2018 MARCH 13, 2018 11:30 a.m.11:30 – 1:00 a.m. p.m. – 1:00 p.m. CentennialCentennial D

Following the closing plenary address, ASPA will hold its business meeting. This session includes the official transition of leadership and oath of office. an Pisano ane isano is professor in the and grants ore than doled to illion and the niversit of othern alifornia endowent increased forfold to illion PA ol rice chool of lic olic he has een on the n isano was appointed vice president of external tgoing Nationa Conci emers schools faclt since er relations at the niversit and was prooted to senior areas of expertise inclde nonprofit vice president in n this role she not onl wored Susan T. Gooden Don Kettl Alfred Ho leadership and anageent with the chief anageent tea t also was Immediate Past President District II Representative District IV Representative plic adinistration plic responsile for estalishing and aintaining s private partnerships and civic conit plic governent and alni relations Stephen Rolandi Dan Lasseter James Nordin engageent ith for other senior officers she assisted the niversit District I Representative District III Representative District V Representative president in all significant decisions n addition she isano served as president and director of the atral developed a conit otreach progra that was Marc Fudge Andrea Huston Andrea Headleyistor se of os ngeles ont fro to nationall recognied when was naed Time COMPA Representative Parliamentarian Student Representative er top priorities were to focs on the se againe ollege of the ear in he conceptalied visitors experience transforing the instittion and ipleented the ood eighors capaign to fnd into a st centr destination This inclded seisic niversitneighorhood partnerships for neighorhood strengthening and renovations to the ildings odern iproveent he developed and led s participation lightfilled exhiits new aenities five new peranent with the ail of ive chools in the niversit ar exhiitions and otdoor atre ardens n all the xposition ar neighorhood as well as with two transforation iproved ore than percent of its schools in the ealth ciences neighorhood and helped interior plic space and doled its prograing space organie the id atch progra he spported innovative prograing strengthened the scientific progra and ilt partnerships that positioned isano was president of os ngeles and The the se as a h for plic dialoge plicprivate artnership civic organiations woring to iprove the partnership she and her tea raised ore than alit of life in othern alifornia he served on the illion in plic and private fnds faclt of eorgetown niversits chool of oreign ervice and was a hite ose fellow on the ational isano oined in as dean of the chool of lic ecrit oncil staff he earned and h degrees dinistration ring her nearl sevenear tenre she in international relations fro the ohns opins led a aor effort to strengthen the school acadeicall at niversit chool of dvanced nternational tdies and oth the gradate and ndergradate levels nnal gifts a fro tanford niversit


asantorconfrnc APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions

SPECIAL EVENTS & ACTIVITIES #ASPA2018 Presidential PanelsPresidential ...... 33 Sessions Organization Partner ...... 45 Reception...... Welcome 51 New and Student SummitProfessional ...... 52 Reception...... Fellows Founders’ 55 Panels Fellows ...... Founders’ 56 Service Public National Awards ...... 59 2018Awards...... Society 62 AwardsSection ...... 64 Social Gloria Hobson Nordin AwardEquity Luncheon ...... 67 Section for in Public Women Breakfast...... Administration 68 Networking Events...... 70 SPECIAL EVENTS & ACTIVITIES EVENTS SPECIAL Commit to Greatness The University of Georgia is pleased to announce some of our new hires for Fall 2017

Matt Katherine George Sun Young Auer Willoughby Krause

Dean, School of Public Golembiewski Professor Alumni Foundation Assistant Professor and International Affairs of Public Administration Distinguished Professor

Worldwide in two recent Nationally in the studies of scholarly public budgeting and nance #1productivity in PA research #2specialization Nationally in the Among more than public management 250 public affairs #2 specialization #4graduate programs PRESIDENTIAL PANELS ssons arn for o to an nan served in the av fro oveer to l when he retired with the peranent ran of t orl diral hile on active dt he served as director of naval intelligence vice director of the efense ntelligence AA A genc director of the ational ecrit genc and 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Centennial E dept director of entral ntelligence fter retireent MODERATOR fro the av he was chairan and chief exective Jefferson Davis Howell, Jr. officer of the icroelectronics and opter Technolog ea owell is a senior orporation in stin Texas for for ears and chairan research fellow with the ndon president and of estar stes nc a privatel ohnson chool for lic ffairs owned electronics indstr holding copan for three the niversit of Texas at stin ears e also served as chairan of the ederal eserve e is teaching corses on an of allas fro leadership as well as participating in leadership training activities nans priar siness activit since has een sponsored the overnors investing in startp technolog copanies where he is a xective evelopent rogra anaging director of efinor entres and of iestone apital dvisors e serves as a trstee of the alifornia owells alification for teaching leadership is ased on nstitte of Technolog e is an elected ellow of the a lifetie of leadership challenges and responsiilities ational cade of lic dinistration This incldes ears as an fficer of arines in which he coanded at all levels inclding leading infantr William McRaven platoons of approxiatel arines a arine niversit of Texas T ste fighterattac sadron a person aircraft grop hancellor illia caven a a person aircraft wing and ltiatel a arine retired av forstar force of ore than arines and ailors adiral leads one of the nations largest and ost respected sstes fter retiring fro the arine orps in owell of higher edcation s the chief contined accepting leadership challenges while exective officer of the T ste anaging a person engineering contract for cience the hancellor oversees pplications nternational orporation followed in instittions that edcate retrning to governent service and ecoing the stdents and eplo faclt and ore than center director for s ndon ohnson pace health care professionals researchers and staff enter in oston e held that position for ore than three ears efore coing to the niversit of Texas ince he ecae chancellor in anar caven has recoitted the T ste and its instittions to owell has received neros awards and decorations iproving the lives of Texans and people all over the in recognition for his service with the arines and world throgh edcation research and health care n he was naed the tstanding radate of the niversit of Texas radate chool rior to ecoing chancellor caven was the coander of pecial perations oand dring PANELISTS which tie he led a force of en and woen Inman and was responsile for condcting conterterroris diral o nan gradated operations worldwide caven also is a recognied fro the niversit of Texas at national athorit on foreign polic and has advised stin in and fro the residents eorge sh and arac aa and other ational ar ollege in e leaders on defense isses is oo Spec Ops: Case ecae an adnct professor at the Studies in Special Operations Warfare: Theory and niversit of Texas at stin in Practice plished in several langages is considered a e was appointed as a fndaental text on special operations strateg tenred professor holding the ndon ohnson entennial cavens ilitar legac goes eond strateg and hair in ational olic in gst e served as warfare s coander of pecial perations interi dean of the chool of lic ffairs fro oand caven spearheaded the creation of the anar to eceer and again fro anar to arch asantorconfrnc PRESIDENTIAL PANELS

reservation of the orce ail initiative to ensre a ata the ental spirital and phsical welleing of those who serve as well as their failies AA A 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Centennial E caven gradated fro the niversit of Texas at PANELISTS stin in with a degree in ornalis and received Katherine Barrett and Richard Greene his asters degree fro the aval ostgradate chool atherine arrett in ontere in n the Texas xes honored and ichard reene caven with a istingished lns ward have focsed on the field of cit and Mark A. Welsh, III state governent eneral ar elsh ecae throgh research dean of the sh chool of analsis overnent and lic ervice at consltation Texas niversit on g and writing for after a ear career in the ore than ears The are principals of arrett and ir orce elsh who was reene nc orn in an ntonio Texas earned a fro the ir orce The hsandandwife tea are senior fellows at cade an in copter the els nstitte of overnent at the niversit of resorce anageent fro ester niversit and ennslvania n addition the are special proect gradated fro the r oand and eneral taff consltants to the olcer lliance senior fellows ollege the ir ar ollege and the ational ar with the oncil of tate overnents and fellows ollege e was a fellow of einar at the of the ational cade of lic dinistration assachsetts nstitte of Technolog a fellow of the reene is a longtie oard eer of s enter ational ecrit tdies rogra of racse niversit for ccontailit and erforance The also are and ohns opins niversit a fellow of rainian anageent colnists for Governing againe and ecrit tdies at the ohn enned chool of senior fellows at the Governing nstitte overnent at arvard niversit a fellow of the innacle orse of the ational efense niversit and a arrett and reene have served in an advisor capacit gradate of the eneral anager rogra at the arvard to an organiations inclding the ational eage of siness chool ring his long ilitar career he ities the ran nstitte the overnental cconting received neros awards and decorations inclding tandards oard the ssociation of overnent ltiple awards of the efense istingished ervice ccontants the ational ssociation of tate hief edal istingished ervice edal and the dinistrators ffices the enter for a etter oth and istingished ling ross others The spea widel to state and local governent related organiations and specialie in a wide range elsh ecae the th hief of taff of the ir orce in of topics inclding dataased polic perforance gst responsile for the organiation training anageent procreent civic edcation plicsector and eipping of activedt ard eserve worforces and others The have cowritten five oos and civilian forces serving in the nited tates and overseas s a eer of the oint hiefs of taff he and other service chiefs fnctioned as ilitar advisers to the ecretar of efense ational ecrit oncil and the resident ring his ir orce career he also served as coander of ir orces in rope and frica coander of Ts ir oand associate director of ilitar affairs at the entral ntelligence genc and oandant of the nited tates ir orce cade

Presented during this session: National Public Service Awards

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions PRESIDENTIAL PANELS Ally rainin for ocial uity fnded several organiations inclding the ssell age ondation the ellogg ondation and the irsity an nclusion anhattan nstitte for olic esearch ooden received AA A a lright pecialist ward to aed niversit in 2:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Centennial E hai nited ra irates he received her h fro the axwell chool of itienship and lic ffairs Sponsored By at racse niversit

Mary Guy ar is professor of plic adinistration in the chool of SPEAKERS lic ffairs at the niversit of Marc Fudge olorado enver er research and arc dge is associate professor teaching interests focs on the of plic adinistration in the han processes involved in ac rown ollege of siness plic service deliver he and lic dinistration at crrentl leads a tea of alifornia tate niversitan researchers who are investigating ernardino rrent president of the everda wor experience of plic servants arond the onference of inorit lic the gloe is a fellow of the ational cade of dinistrators he has lic dinistration past president of and past served on its exective oard since editorinchief of the Review of Public Personnel e also is the anaging editor of the Journal of Administration Public Management and Social Policy (JPMSP) n dge was appointed to serve as a senior research fellow Richard Greggory Johnson, III for the esearch nstitte for lic anageent and ichard reggor ohnson is a overnance n he was awarded the prestigios tenred professor of plic polic alifornia hancellors rant on xtended dcation and anageent and lright where he developed the ocial nnovation and iversit cholar in the epartent of anageent rogra dge condcts research in the lic and onprofit areas of plic finance perforance easreent and dinistration caren social eit his wor appears in the Journal of Public asagng chool of anageent Budgeting Accounting and Financial Management niversit of an rancisco is Public Financial Management the Journal of research centers on social eit International Finance and Economics the International within the fields of plic polic anageent higher Journal of Public Administration and others e earned edcation and han resorces anageent e has his h in plic adinistration fro tgers een teaching in higher edcation for alost ears and niversitewar his fro airleigh icinson is widel plished with several oos and ore than niversit and his fro oward niversit peerreviewed ornal articles ohnson is a eer of the hi eta appa onor ociet and past president of Susan T. Gooden the i lpha lpha onor ociet chapter e is san Tinsle ooden is professor crrentl president of i aa nternational onor of plic adinistration and polic ociet for the ocial ciences at ediate past at the oglas ilder chool of orthern alifornia istrict irector of lpha hi lpha overnent and lic ffairs at raternit he holds editorial oard appointents with irginia oonwealth Public Administration Review Public Integrity and niversit he is iediate past Journal of Public Affairs Education e holds gradate president of where she is a degrees fro olden ate niversit eal niversit life eer fellow of the and eorgetown niversit ational cade of lic dinistration ooden is an internationall recognied social eit scholar who has plished extensivel on the topic er ost recent oo is Race and Social Equity: A Nervous Area of Government er research has een


Janice Lachance ociet of onser ffairs rofessionals nternational n accoplished exective and or ore than ears she was of the pecial governance expert iraries ssociation leading the gloal association of resident anice lirarians and inforation professionals and their achance is exective vice siness partners located in contries president for strategic and organiational excellence at orn and raised in iddeford achance gradated the erican eophsical nion a fro anhattanville ollege and earned her fro conit of arth and Tlane niversit he is aditted to practice law in the space scientists located in ore tate of aine the istrict of olia and the nited than contries arond the world dedicated tates pree ort volnteer and trsted advisor she is a fellow of the ational cade of lic dinistration where she This session will loo at social eit race and ethnicit has served on its oard of irectors a fellow of the T and ore in the context of training o to erican ociet of ssociation xectives and a e an all for social eit diversit and inclsion in eer of the oard of directors of the ise iving or niversit or worplace ession leaders also will lliance loo at addressing sexal harassent and assalt in the worplace recriting and retaining a diverse and rior to her wor in notforprofit enterprises achance inclsive worforce and other related isses was noinated resident illia linton and naniosl confired the enate as the Hosted By ainetraned director of the ffice of ersonnel COMPA, LGBT Advocacy Alliance, SDSJ, SNAPS, SPALR anageent the federal governents independent and SWPA han resorces agenc responsile for all polic and progras affecting the illion eers of the nations civil service he served as chair of the ational nnoat lat at aoranageent artnership oncil eer of the residents anageent oncil and eer of the A A residents oncil on the residential Transition 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Centennial E rior to ecoing director she served as s director SPEAKER of conications and polic chief of staff and dept Brian Elms director rian ls is athor of Peak Performance and is forer achance is credited with neros seinal director of ea cade and achieveents at inclding reforlating the naltics for the it and ont agencs ission and strateg and reengineering its of enver e specialies in eploee organiational strctre and cltre innovation and process expanding the ail and edical eave ct to perit iproveent with ore than the se of sic leave to care for a neworn adopted child ears of experience providing or ailing fail eer institting affordale longter political polic and progra care insrance for federal eploees eers of anageent expertise to governent agencies elected the ared services and retirees and estalishing officials trade associations and nonprofit organiations USAJOBS.GOV the federal governents official sorce for federal o listings and eploent opportnit ls started his career in plic service after gradating inforation fro egis niversit and oining the ational chool and onit orps eriorps as a tea leader e orerl a consltant focsed on exective transitions wored for the endell adinistration in ennslvania as and organiational transforations achance previosl polic director for the epartent of ging fter woring served as interi exective director of the erican in ashington for as a legislative specialist irar ssociations ashington ffice interi for health and longter care he oved ac to his president of the etter siness rea nstitte for hoetown and served as assistant director of governent aretplace Trst and interi president and of the affairs at enver nternational irport

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions The smarter way to stay on top of public administration.

ASPA A daily e-newsletter dedicated to keeping public administration professionals on top of the news shaping our industry.


ls is ean lac elt certified ix iga reen elt PANELISTS and a hange anageent rofessional n his prior James Grossman role as director of the ea cade he developed aes rossan is exective crricl training and conslting services that director of the erican istorical focsed on eploeeled perforance anageent ssociation e previosl was vice and continos iproveent ince its inception in president for research and ea cade initiatives have saved the it and edcation at the ewerr irar ont of enver ore than illion the cade and has taght at the niversit of has provided training to ore than plic and hicago and niversit of nonprofit professionals aliforniaan iego thor of Land of Hope: Chicago, Black ls oined the hange nnovation genc to focs on Southerners, and the Great Migration and A Chance to creating eploeedriven innovation progras arond Make Good: African-Americans, 1900-1929 rossan the contr e wors with cities to lanch progras and was proect director and coeditor of The Encyclopedia of estalish eaningfl innovation progras that iprove Chicago and coeditor of the series istorical tdies of the lives of eploees and their clients ran erica is articles and short essas have focsed on frican erican histor ran histor Elms is giving away 75 copies of his book, ea ethnicit higher edcation and the place of histor in erforance, during this session. Be the first in the room plic cltre ost recentl his opinion pieces have to guarantee yourself a copy! appeared in The New York Times Los Angeles Times Time and Chronicle of Higher Education is oo reviews have appeared in the Chicago Tribune and ew nclusion in Pulic acs or Newsday in addition to varios acadeic ornals A A 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Centennial D Gregg Ivers regg vers is professor of Sponsored By: governent in the chool of lic ffairs at erican niversit in ashington e is the athor editor or coeditor of eight oos and neros articles on MODERATOR Mary Guy erican constittional law civil ar is professor of plic rights and lierties the frican adinistration in the chool of erican civil rights oveent lic ffairs at the niversit of and other topics that eet at the olorado enver er research and intersection of law politics and teaching interests focs on the societ ince vers has han processes involved in served as coeditor of the Constitutionalism and plic service deliver he Democracy Series plished the niversit of irginia crrentl leads a tea of ress e also is a reglar contritor to the American researchers who are investigating Constitution Society log on law and polic previos the everda wor experience of plic servants arond recipient of the chool of lic ffairs cholarTeacher the gloe is a fellow of the ational cade of of the ear ward he is woring on a oo Swingin’ at lic dinistration past president of and past Jim Crow: How Jazz Became a Civil Rights Movement editorinchief of the Review of Public Personnel Administration

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions PRESIDENTIAL PANELS

Carla Kimbrough anageent genc To date her research fnding arla irogh is progra totals approxiatel illion he has plished in directorracial eit with the the Review of Policy Research Journal of Emergency ational ivic eage n this role Management Review of Public Personnel Management she researches how local and the American Journal of Public Health he has governents create racial eit coathored oo chapters in The Future of Disaster address isses related to race and Management in the U.S.: Rethinking Legislation, proote diversit and inclsion Policy, and Finance, New Voices in the Old South: How he along with her colleages Women and Minorities Influence Southern Politics prootes the wor of the he also was an editor for the ational cade of ellogg ondations Trth acial ealing and lic dinistration and erican ociet for lic Transforation initiative he also has earned her dinistrations Memos to National Leaders designation as a ertified iversit rofessional rior to oining the ational ivic eage she enoed a length eaves holds a h fro ississippi tate where she career as a ornalist and ornalis professor earned her he has participated in the niversit Throghot her career she has wored to frther of ichigans nterniversit onsorti for olitical diversit and inclsion throgh writing training and ocial esearch er rogra in antitative teaching coaching entoring facilitating grops ethods of ocial esearch e niversits naic retreats recriting diverse staff and anagers assessing anageent and eadership rogras and the sstes addressing arriers and serving and leading assachsetts nstitte of Technologs anageent ltiple diversit coittees irogh earned a and nnovation rogra fro the niversit of erasaincoln and a asters degree in ornalis fro orthwestern niversit n active eer eaves served as istrict epresentative and conference coordinator for the ortheast onference on lic dinistration he a s o uc flctions on is treasrer for the ection on ergenc and risis Paul Posnr anageent an associate editor for the Journal of Urban Management and a oard eer for the ection A A on lic erforance and anageent 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Centennial E PANELISTS MODERATOR Erik Bergrud Tonya T. Neaves n ri ergrd received a Tona eaves is the director of the silver pin coeorating a enters on the lic ervice in ear orne as an eer eorge ason niversits char irst elected to the ational chool of olic and overnent oncil in he served eight n this role she aintains ears on the national staff oversight of its datoda and was later elected his peers adinistrative operations secres as the ociets vice president new research and developent ring his tenre as president contracts and aintains a series of ndertoo a aor revision of its ode of thics exective edcation progras he serves as a faclt estalished the T dvocac lliance ection and eer in the asters of lic dinistration progra lanched in collaoration with the ational cade of and oordinator for its ergenc anageent and lic dinistration a Memos to National Leaders oeland ecrit certificate eaves also serves as proect in advance of the general election e director of the irginia ertified lic anager participated activel in the nited ations lic rogra rior to oining ason eaves was director of dinistration etwor and was fonding the ississippi lic afet ata aorator at the editor of UNPAN Newsletter n he coedited the ocial cience esearch enter of ississippi tate oo Civic Engagement in a Network Society niversit where she reains a research fellow s associate vice president for external relations at ar s a scholar eaves research portfolio has inclded niversit he leads a eer tea responsile for secring contracts fro the irginia epartent of alni relations career developent conications ergenc anageent ational ighwa afet plic relations governent relations and special events Transportation dinistration ational ceanic and tospheric dinistration Transportation ecrit dinistration and ederal ergenc asantorconfrnc


ergrd earned his fro the niversit of ansas Timothy Conlan and an fro ar niversit e also copleted Ti onlan is niversit professor the oncil of ndependent olleges enior eadership of governent at eorge ason cade and the reater ansas it haer of niversit and a fellow of the oerces entrions eadership rogra ational cade of lic dinistration e previosl Dan Blair served as a senior analst with the an lair has a proven trac dvisor oission on record in changing and ntergovernental elations and transforing plic and private as dept staff director of the sector organiations and is an enate coittee on ntergovernental elations internationall recognied leader is research on federalis and plic polic has een in the fields of plic affairs plished in Public Administration Review State and anageent and organiational Local Government Review Publius Political Science leadership e has extensive Quarterly and other ornals is oos inclde experience woring with coplex Governing Under Stress: The Implementation of organiations and anaging staffs ranging fro to Obama’s Economic Stimulus Program Pathways of ore than rrentl he is senior consellor and Power: The Dynamics of National Policy Making and fellow at the iartisan olic enter a thin tan that From New Federalism to Devolution: Twenty-five Years prootes ipartisan soltions to critical polic of Intergovernmental Reform challenges facing the nation e leads a ipartisan tas force of forer eers of ongress senior onlan has een honored with several awards in political adinistration officials inspectors general and senior science and plic adinistration inclding the aniel congressional staff to exaine and recoend laar istingished ederalis cholar ward onald iproveents in the was that ongress tilies tone cholar ward for lifetie contritions to the inspectors general fields of intergovernental relations and anageent eil right ward for est aper on ederalis and ro to lair led the ational cade ntergovernental elations and artha erthic ward of lic dinistration a congressionall chartered for the est oo on federalis and intergovernental thin tan and consltanc in advising the plic and elations e received his h in governent fro private sectors on isses of governance transforation arvard niversit in change anageent and han capital e wored collaorativel with internal and external staeholders to Carl Stenberg reild the organiations reptation redced operating arl tenerg is the aes expenses half and generated positive argins the olshoser r distingished last two ears of his tenre e raised the cades professor of lic dinistration plic profile and advised the exective and legislative and overnent at the chool of ranches on ethics presidential transition collaoration overnent niversit of orth and organiational transforation is efforts led to arolinahapel ill e congressional action in aending federal ethics and has een on the faclt since disclosre laws and served as director of the aster of lic dinistration The president has twice appointed lair to lead exective rogra fro e fonded and directs the ranch agencies s ffice of ersonnel anageent lic xective eadership cade reviosl he was dept director and acting director dean of the ale ordon ollege of ieral rts at the he directed aor civil service and han capital refor niversit of altiore and director of the eldon efforts at the epartent of oeland ecrit and ooper enter for lic ervice at the niversit of the epartent of efense n the president irginia naed hi to lead the newl created ostal eglator oission charging hi with creating a new reglator tenergs practitioner experience incldes serving as strctre for the ostal ervice exective director of the oncil of tate overnents and assistant director of the dvisor oission lair received his achelors degree in ornalis and on ntergovernental elations e is an fro the niversit of issoriolia e is a past president and fellow and forer chair of the eer of the issori and ars


oard of irectors of the ational cade of lic ith ichardson ondation alton ail dinistration ondation aniels nd and ose onit ondation is research has een discssed in sch ince oining tenerg has athored or coathored edia otlets as the Denver Post New York Times New articles research papers and one oo Managing York Post Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Chicago Local Government: An Essential Guide for County Tribune Education Week and National Public Radio and Municipal Managers e has coedited two oos Intergovernmental Relations in Transition: Reflections PANELISTS and Directions and Managing Local Government Julia Richman Services: A Practical Guide e received his fro lia ichan is chief innovation lleghen ollege and his and h fro the tate and analtics officer and interi niversit of ew orlan chief inforation officer for the it of older n this role she Presented during this session: acts as a citwide partner to Elmer B. Staats Lifetime Achievement Award for iprove overall organiational Distinguished Service capacit he wors to achieve cit goals throgh progras and initiatives focsed on high art itis A oarati perforance governent datadriven decisionaing aination operational effectiveness and efficienc and disrptive technolog rior to woring for the cit she spent A A ears at eloitte onslting leading proects that 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial E advanced service and siness operations strategies for Sponsored By: plicsector clients across the nation ichan is a olorado native and conit leader he is a olorado overnors fellow and a gradate of eadership enver and the olorado nstitte for eadership Training he is a entor for oloradoased reenhose MODERATOR Paul Teske cholars and serves as part of the exective teas for al Tese is dean of niversit of oth the olfax arathon and rondwor enver olorado envers enver oards of directors he has an fro the niversit chool of lic ffairs of hicago and a fro artoth ollege he is an which is raned in erica avid endrance athlete in hot prsit of a threehor U.S. News and World Report arathon Tese was designated a niversit of olorado distingished Emily Silverman professor in one of across il ilveran is the lead on all faclt in the forcaps envers art it wor sste e received the istingished esearch reviosl she served as ward fro and the xcellence in transportation planner for the it esearch and reative ctivities ward fro enver of enver and the olorado Teses research has centered on edcation polic epartent of Transportation he reglator polic and ran polic with eight oos holds a degree fro ore than articles and oo chapters on these enver and an ndergradate topics is research has een fnded with ore than degree fro ashington illion inclding grants fro the ational cience niversit ondation ational cade of dcation rooings nstittion ill and elinda ates ondation anhattan nstitte erican nterprise nstitte

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions PRESIDENTIAL PANELS

John Tolva Practice-Based Performance Management he is a ohn Tolva is a principal at iti fellow of the ational cade of lic dinistration e forerl was the president of an past president and eer of the xective ositivnerg ractice an ran oncil of etwor of chools of lic olic ffairs sstes engineering fir ased on and dinistration er doctorate is fro the niversit datadriven planning for new of othern alifornia ilding design retrofits and ran design is career has DISCUSSANT focsed on developing and John Kamensky appling technolog to iprove the ohn aens is senior fellow ran environent ro he was chief with the enter for The technolog officer for the it of hicago leveraging siness of overnent ring technolog to strealine plic services throgh ore ears of plic service he had a efficient datasharing digital conications and next significant role in helping pioneer generation infrastrctre e led developent of The the federal governents it of hicago Technolog lan an initiative that sets perforance and reslts forth a series of plicprivate strategies to accelerate orientation e is passionate aot econoic growth ild edcated and digitall engaged creating a governent that is conities and worforces iprove governent reslts oriented perforance ased cstoer focsed services and redce costs throgh technolog n and collaorative in natre the hite ose recognied Tolva as a hapion of hange rior to oining the it he was director of aens served for eight ears as dept director citienship and technolog at orp where he wored of ice resident l ores ational artnership for on the firs arter ities initiative advising cities einventing overnent rior to that tie he wored at how to incorporate data analtics into planning and the overnent ccontailit ffice for ears where operations Tolva led the it orward proect the first he plaed a e role in the developent and passage of gloal aggregator and visalier of ran data sets the overnent erforance and eslts ct e has edited or coathored eight oos and writes and speas extensivel on perforance anageent and governent A oo at t oission on refor e is involved in the enters wor on incas Policyain envisioning the ftre of governent in which incldes evidenceased decisionaing fellow of the A A ational cade of lic dinistration he received 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Centennial E a asters in plic affairs fro the ndon ohnson MODERATOR chool of lic ffairs at the niversit of Texas at Maria P. Aristigueta stin aria ristigeta is director of the chool of lic olic and PANELISTS dinistration harles essic Nick Hart hair of lic dinistration ic art is director of the and senior polic fellow in the iartisan olic oissions nstitte of lic dinistration videnceased at the niversit of elaware er olicaing nitiative rior to teaching and research interests are oining he wored in the priaril related to plicsector federal governent for nearl a anageent and inclde perforance easreent decade ost recentl as polic and strategic planning and organiational ehavior he has research director for the plished neros ornal articles oo chapters and oission on videnceased oos inclding Managing for Results in State olicaing n that capacit he oversaw the Government coathor of Managing Human Behavior in coissions polic and research spport tea and led Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Managing and the drafting process for The roise of videnceased Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit olicaing the coissions final report and Organizations and Organizational Behavior he has recoendations presented to the ongress and the served as coeditor of the International Handbook of president in epteer


art has wored on a wide range of isses inclding rior to oining rant Thornton hea served with social secrit disailit antipovert environental the ffice of anageent and dget as energ econoic developent and criinal stice associate director for adinistration and governent policies e wored at the ffice of anageent and perforance n addition to anaging s internal dget as senior analst and special assistant where he operations he led the residents erforance contrited to writing exective ranch dget proposals proveent nitiative adinistered the rogra and encoraged increased capacit for evidenceased ssessent ating Tool advised on governent han practices across governent capital polic and led interagenc collaorations in the areas of food safet and ipleentation of the ederal art earned a doctorate fro The eorge ashington nding ccontailit and Transparenc ct niversits Trachtenerg chool of lic olic and lic dinistration specialiing in progra hea served as consel to the enate oittee on evalation e also holds an fro ndiana niversit overnental ffairs where in addition to general and a fro Tran tate niversit oversight of exective ranch anageent he advised coittee leadership on the stats of ipleentation Robert Shea of the stattor fraewor for perforanceased oert hea is a principal at rant governent inclding the overnent erforance and Thornton where he leads the eslts ct and the hief inancial fficers ct e was lic ector trateg ractice and legislative director for ongressan ete essions T strategic and perforance fro to anageent engageents for federal state and local governent agencies e was appointed to the oission on videnceased olicaing which developed recoendations to iprove access to and se of evidence in policaing

SPAA CELEBRATES 70YEARS >> ASPA OFFICES >> The School of Public Affairs and Administration Alfred Ho celebrates a 70 year history of developin leaders to • ational Council address challenes at all levels of overnment • Executive Officer, Kansas Chapter 2018 Heather Getha-Taylor ASPA ROOTS RUN DEEP >> • Advisory Board Member, Kansas Chapter 2018 rom eore redricson servin as president in 1977 to Alfred o servin on the ational Council John Nalbandian and everythin in beteen, our commitment • President, Kansas Chapter 1981 to research and practice throuh public H. George Frederickson administration has never been stroner • President 1977-78 TOP RANKED MPA PROGRAM >> CPM CELEBRATES 25YEARS >> #1 MPA Proram in City Manaement The Schools KU Public Manaement Center, celebrates Urban Policy since 1998 25 years for the nationally accredited Kansas Certified Public Manaer® Proram CPM #6 Public Manaement Administration - U.S. News & World Report 2016 National Rankings @kuspaa @kuspaa @kupuad [email protected] PARTNER ORGANIZATION SESSIONS

aturay rh 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Mineral Hall D 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mineral Hall C This panel is hosted by the Association Internationale de Recherche en Management Public This panel is hosted by the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) ission Focus an nnoation in Pulic Ainistration as of Frnc ain silinc of Pulic Ainistration an ountris ornanc ysts in urulnt ontts lrring the ines nternational and oparative lrring the ines nternational and oparative lic dinistration lic dinistration MODERATORS/PRESENTERS MODERATORS Yves Chappoz Geert Bouckaert eneral Treasrer and rofessor niversit resident and rofessor even lic ean olin on rance overnance nstitte even elgi Innovative Behavior of Public Service Managers and Public Service Values Bianor Cavalcanti resident and nternational irector etlio David Huron argas ondation io e aneiro rail ice hair and ssociate rofessor niversit te r ice rance DISCUSSANT Digitalization in French Local Government Public Edoardo Ongaro Services: Perspectives, Opportunities and Obstacles resident and rofessor pen niversit ilton enes nited ingdo Pierre-Charles Pupion hairan and rofessor niversit e oitiers PRESENTERS oitiers rance Naim Kapucu Innovative Behavior of Public Service Managers and rofessor and irector niversit of entral lorida Public Service Values rlando Disaster Policies and Network Governance for Resilience PRESENTERS Capacity Laurent Bouchard ssociate rofessor niversit e oitiers oitiers Montgomery Van Wart rance rofessor alifornia tate niversitan ernardino The Denunciation of Administrative Misoneism During an ernardino the Third Republic: The Struggle of Some French Government’s Growing Role in Providing Resilience to Liberals Against the Idea of a State Able to Drive Cyber Threats Innovation (1870-1940) Adrian M. Velazquez Vazquez Pierre Marin ssociate rofessor niversit of a erne a erne ssociate rofessor a niversit a rance Resilience and Innovative Solutions to Wicked Problems: The Influence and Complementary Nature of Subsequent Managing the Effects of Migration at the Local Level Managerial Innovations in Public Organizations Kaifeng Yang PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee Philippe Dorbaire Leadership for Resilience: The Case of China hairan onfcis nstitte niversit e oitiers oitiers rance COAUTHOR Innovative Behavior of Public Service Managers and Tony Coulson Public Service Values rofessor alifornia tate niversitan ernardino an ernardino Government’s Growing Role in Providing Resilience to Cyber Threats


Grégory Houillon Christine Leitner ssociate rofessor niversit e oitiers enior dvisor entre for conoics and lic oitiers rance dinistration ondon nited ingdo When Europe Forces French Public Administrations to Disruptive Innovation and the Public Sector: The Innovate in Their Missions: The Case of Public Agencies Dynamics of Governance

Alik Shpekbayev 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Mineral Hall A hairan genc for ivil ervice ffairs and nti This panel is hosted by the Regional Hub of Civil Service orrption stana aahstan in Astana allns ssus an ools for Pulic ric 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Mineral Hall F cllnc in t st ntury This panel is hosted by Korean Association for Policy lrring the ines nternational and oparative Studies lic dinistration oran Association for Policy tuis MODERATOR lrring the ines nternational and oparative Alikhan Baimenov lic dinistration hairan of teering oittee egional of ivil ervice in stana stana aahstan MODERATOR: Seunghwan Myeong DISCUSSANTS resident and rofessor nha niversit ncheon Demetrios Argyriades orea rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice it niversit of ew or ew or PRESENTER Don S. Lee Chester A. (Chet) Newland ectrer niversit of ottingha ondon nited ggan istingished rofessor of lic dinistration ingdo niversit of othern alifornia ol rice chool of Ministers’ Public Profiles and Agency Performance lic olic acraento PRESENTER/COAUTHOR PRESENTERS HyungGun Park Pedro Conceicao octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T irector trategic olic rea of olic and The 311 System and Direct Democracy: Do Multiple rogra pport ew or Participatory Institutions Matter? Fear and Loathing of Technological Progress? Leveraging Science and Innovation for the COAUTHORS Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Jung Wook Kim Development ssociate esearch ellow ran anageent ivision ncheon evelopent nstitte ncheon orea Max Everest-Phillips The 311 System and Direct Democracy: Do Multiple irector loal entre for lic ervice xcellence Participatory Institutions Matter? ingapore Public Administration at the Dawn of Civilization: Jie Tao Lessons from Lagash for Sustainable Development in the octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T 21st Century The 311 System and Direct Democracy: Do Multiple Participatory Institutions Matter? Saltanat Janenova ssistant rofessor aaraev niversit stana aahstan The Emergence of a New Model? Civil Service Development in Post-Soviet Countries

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions PARTNER ORGANIZATION SESSIONS

4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Centennial B 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Centennial A This panel is hosted by the National Academy of Public This panel is hosted by the Network of Institutes and Administration (NAPA) Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) ttin t on o iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent Pulic Ainistration an ocracy in ntral an astrn uro at os t Futur oo i MODERATOR Kurt Thurmaier MODERATORS residential ngageent rofessor and hair Juraj Nemec epartent of lic dinistration orthern llinois cee resident and rofessor ate el niversit niversit eal strica lovaia

PANELISTS Allan Rosenbaum Diane M. Disney rofessor epartent of lic olic and rofessor erita orer ean and hancellor enn dinistration and irector nstitte for lic tate niversit est hester niversit est anageent and enter for eocrac and ood hester overnance lorida nternational niversit iai

Terry Gerton resident and ational cade of lic unay rh dinistration ashington 8:30 a.m. –10:00 a.m. Mineral Hall C Mary Hamilton This panel is hosted by NIGP: The Institute for Public enior xective in esidence onsltant erasa Procurement ertified lic anager rogra and idlands perintendents cade chool of lic ynry (noun) nant of Pulic dinistration niversit of erasaaha Ainistration in loin an Prootin aha Pulic Procurnt itratur an ars in ollaoration it P Chester A. (Chet) Newland nstitut for Pulic Procurnt ggan istingished rofessor of lic dinistration niversit of othern alifornia ol rice chool of MODERATOR lic olic acraento Rick Grimm xective irector The nstitte for lic William P. Shields, Jr. rocreent ashington xective irector erican ociet for lic dinistration ashington PANELISTS Mohamad Alkadry rofessor niversit of onnectict artford T

Keith Ashby rchasing anager rapahoe ont

Clifford McCue ssociate rofessor lorida tlantic niversit ort ers


Molly McLoughlin overning oard and irector of ppl hain 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Mineral Hall C anageent older alle chool istrict This panel is hosted by the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Alexandru Roman (ARNOVA) ssociate rofessor and irector alifornia tate niversitan ernardino an ernardino at s t ol of Aocacy in t onrofit an oluntary ctor resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Mineral Hall C Endorsed By: This panel is hosted by the Section on African Public ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships Administration (SAPA)

srin in t t Frontir of Pulic PRESENTERS Ainistration in Africa ol of t ction Jennifer Alexander on African Pulic Ainistration ssociate rofessor niversit of Texas at an ntonio an ntonio T MODERATOR Developing the Local Advocacy Perspective: A Study of Gedeon Mudacumura South Texas Nonprofits rofessor hene niversit of ennslvania hiladelphia Mary Ann Feldheim ssociate rofessor niversit of entral lorida PRESENTERS rlando Susan T. Gooden The Third Sector’s Role in Democratic Society: ediate ast resident and rofessor irginia Advancing the Public Good oonwealth niversit ichond Roseanne Mirabella Rym Kaki rofessor eton all niversit oth range ssociate rofessor niversit of othern alifornia Going Forward in a Democratic Society os ngeles COAUTHOR Ibrahim Mayaki Kandyce Fernandez hief xective fficer ew artnership for fricas ssistant rofessor niversit of Texas at an ntonio evelopent ddis aa thiopia an ntonio T Developing the Local Advocacy Perspective: A Study of Adebayo Olukoshi South Texas Nonprofits egional irector for frica and iddle ast nstitte for eocrac and lectoral ssistance ddis aa thiopia onay rh Anastase Shyaka 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial B rofessor and hief xective fficer wandan This panel is hosted by the Network of Schools of Public overnance oard igali wanda Policy, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA)

Rediate Tekeste APAA Accritation tanars ollouiu rogra onder thiopian iaspora ellowship os erfect orld lic dinistration Theor ngeles CONVENERS Crystal Calarusse hief ccreditation fficer ashington

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions PARTNER ORGANIZATION SESSIONS

Heather Hamilton Hyung Jun Park ssessent irector and ccreditation anager rofessor ngnwan niversit eol orea ashington Exploring Dynamics of Animal Welfare Policy Change and Policy Feedback Theory: The Case Study of Korean Companion Animal Protection Law and Policy 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Centennial G This panel is hosted by the Korean Association for Public Lanhee Ryu Administration (KAPA) octoral tdent onsei niversit eol orea In-Sourcing Social Service Delivery: What Makes rn of Pulic Policy tuis oris In-Sourcing Effective in Local Governments an Practic lrring the ines nternational and oparative Jae-jin Yang lic dinistration rofessor onsei niversit eol orea In-Sourcing Social Service Delivery: What Makes MODERATOR In-Sourcing Effective in Local Governments Dongwook Kim rofessor eol ational niversit eol orea 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial G PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS This panel is hosted by the Korean Association for Public Young Jun Choi Administration (KAPA) rofessor onsei niversit eol orea In-Sourcing Social Service Delivery: What Makes Pulic anant in ora rinc an In-Sourcing Effective in Local Governments ssons lrring the ines nternational and oparative Jiye Ju lic dinistration octoral tdent ngnwan niversit eol orea MODERATOR Exploring Dynamics of Animal Welfare Policy Change Je-Sang Kang and Policy Feedback Theory: The Case Study of Korean resident and rofessor ghee niversit Companion Animal Protection Law and Policy eol orea

Seok-Woo Lee PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS aor aang it orea Jisoo Kim Administration and Welfare Closer to All Citizens! ssociate esearch ellow orea esearch nstitte for Namyangju City Hope Care System ocal dinistration onsi angwondo orea A Study on the Deliberative Poll in the Decisionmaking COAUTHORS Process of Nuclear Energy Policy Seong Eun Choi esearch rofessor nstitte for elfare tate esearch Sung Min Park onsei niversit eol orea rofessor ngnwan niversit eol orea In-Sourcing Social Service Delivery: What Makes Entrepreneurial Leadership and Ethical Values in the In-Sourcing Effective in Local Governments Public Organization: The Mediating Roles of Public Service Motivation and Confucian Values Tae Il Kang ead ope are Tea orea COAUTHORS Administration and Welfare Closer to All Citizens! Min Young Kim Namyangju City Hope Care System octoral tdent ngnwan niversit eol orea Hey Sung Kim Entrepreneurial Leadership and Ethical Values in the rofessor nstitte for elfare tate esearch onsei Public Organization: The Mediating Roles of Public niversit eol orea Service Motivation and Confucian Values In-Sourcing Social Service Delivery: What Makes In-Sourcing Effective in Local Governments


Unwoo Lee rofessor orea ational pen niversit eol orea 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Mineral Hall B A Study on the Deliberative Poll in the Decisionmaking This panel is hosted by the Korea Institute of Public Process of Nuclear Energy Policy Administration (KIPA)

Reginald Ugaddan ornnt ffctinss trou nstitutional octoral tdent ngnwan niversit eol fors in ora orea lrring the ines nternational and oparative Entrepreneurial Leadership and Ethical Values in the lic dinistration Public Organization: The Mediating Roles of Public Service Motivation and Confucian Values PRESENTERS Sunjoo Park ssociate esearch ellow orea nstitte of lic dinistration eol orea

Hyunwoo Tak ssociate esearch ellow orea nstitte of lic dinistration eol orea

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APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions WELCOME RECEPTION SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 2018 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Downtown Denver Aquarium 700 Water St • Denver, CO 80211

pened in this entertainent and dining coplex featres an aari oasting ore than one illion gallons of nderwater exhiits that highlight fascinating ecosstes arond the world owntown ari hoses ore than species of anials the interactive tingra eef toch tan ive onge and aseents for the entire fail

xhiits inclde orth erica n the esert nder the ea t the harf The ainforest nen Teple hipwrec at the each and the Theater ach one featres anials that call these haitats hoe showcasing their varios environental adaptations tdios

s event will featre or own anet space with The Downtown Denver Aquarium is approximately special hors doevres snacs drins and plent of two miles from the Hyatt Regency Denver. There is no space for networing ttendees will receive fll access direct public transportation to the venue, though cabs to the ari to explore on their ownfro shars are available. Shuttles will be available to take attendees to tropical fish to exotic wildlife! This evening event is round trip between the Hyatt and the Aquarium, sre to provide plent of fn while o connect with or beginning at 5:45 p.m. Shuttles will depart from the colleages hotel lobby. The last shuttle will depart the Aquarium to return guests to the hotel at 8:45 p.m. Guests wishing to enjoy the Aquarium until it closes at 10 p.m. will need to make arrangements to provide their own transportation back to the hotel at that time. Appropriate attire, including well-soled shoes, is required.

Prir onsor

onsors Cleveland State University, Maxine Goodman Virginia Tech, Center for Public Administration Levin College of Urban Affairs and Policy Janice Lachance Wichita State University, Hugo Wall School of Public Affairs Penn State Harrisburg Southeast Conference for Public Administration (SECoPA)

asantorconfrnc STUDENT & NEW PROFESSIONAL SUMMIT FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 2018 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Centennial F This annual event focuses on topics that are critical to students and new professionals: building a resume or CV, get- ting a job, making tenure and getting published. Whether you are planning for a practitioner career or an academic one, you will want to be at the summit to learn from experts in the field while networking with colleagues and leading public administrators. Not all sessions are meant for all attendees; please note the parentheticals that mark academia vs. practitioner audience. That said, all are welcome throughout the day.

Sponsored By:

8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. ntrouctions c rars tunt Aars nain ot lainin roin APA ats Profssional an sarc Prsntations for e will ic off the tdent and ew rofessional our Auinc it with soe tie to introdce orselves and get to olished presentations ean ore than st slic graphics now each other efore we spend the da taing a deep transitions and eedded video The ean presenting dive into or career aspirations and how to get there ce the right data for the right adience sing the right reaers will e involved! vocalar now or roo and cater to it o will e far ore sccessfl! r presenter will wal o throgh the PRESENTER finer points of crafting an excellent oweroint inclding Andrea Headley the critical rles that st e followed to ensre or octoral tdent lorida nternational niversit presentation is copelling as well as onessage ae the iai ost of this session so or first ontheo presentations wow or adience

8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. PRESENTER oic is ours Practic s Acaia Stephanie Dolamore The first step in or career is to deterine which path o esearch nalst niversit of altiore ollege ar will tae hile ost doctoral candidates are encoraged toward an acadeic career it is not right for everone 10:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. os aadschelders will set the stage for the ig decisions on or horion as well as the content o will hear uilin our sarc Portfolio cinc throghot the rest of this da in Pulisin in Acaia Acaia o a have an excellent research paper t that does PRESENTER not ean getting it plished will e eas The first step is Jos C.N. Raadschelders having excellent acadeic entors spporting or efforts rofessor hio tate niversit ols and giving o pointers along the wa et there is ore to this process earn aot the iportance of choosing the right plications nowing what editors are looing for oncing ac fro the process transforing papers into oos and ore

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions STUDENT & NEW PROFESSIONAL SUMMIT

PRESENTERS: 12:45 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. R. Paul Battaglio rofessor and irector niversit of Texas at allas unc ra an orso ffcti ritin and oditorinhief Public Administration Review e will lnch and learn as or speaer explains two tools ichardson T stdents can se to write excellent research papers The first the tep tep noteoo ethod transfors writing Kirk Emerson a paper into anaging a proect tdent scholars will learn ditor Perspectives on Public Management and how to anage their tie aterials and ideas The proect Governance and rofessor niversit of riona anageent sste also helps address an writers Tcson loc isses The second tool the conceptal fraewor is designed to ensre epirical research is coherent across the research estion scholarl literatre theor ethods 11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. and reslts These technies have led to awardwinning Aftr ou t t o ransitionin fro stdent papers cited plic polic fondations acadeic issrtation aniat to Assistant ornals and international organiations Profssor Acaia There is a world of difference etween eing a dissertation PRESENTER: Patricia Shields candidate and an assistant professor t is critical that rofessor Texas tate niversit an arcos T o get ot of the stdent indset and entall psh orself into the professor role hile an of or responsiilities a feel siilar or the sae as the were 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. efore it is iportant that o treat the differentl Two new assistant professorswho were in or shoes not long ill our su t ou t o ago!will share their lessons learned and tips for sccess Practitionr or rese is iportant t introdces o to a potential PRESENTERS eploer sells or sills and attrites and hopefll Sebawit Bishu gets o to the next step t there are a ner of ssistant rofessor niversit of olorado enver considerations to tae into accont when constrcting it enver what shold e on it what shold not how long it shold e This session will help o learn how to pt together or Angela Kline perfect rese learn the rights and wrongs and eep o ssistant rofessor owie tate niversit owie fro aing ig istaes

PRESENTER 11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. William P. Shields, Jr. raftin s Acaia xective irector and dnct rofessor erican niversit ashington earn fro or presenter as he covers the finer points of crafting an acadeic o will learn the differences etween a and a rese the tpes of plications that are iportant how long is too long the est foratting for this ind of inforation and ore Tae lots of notes o will want to reeer everthing ere has to share!

PRESENTER: Jeremy L. Hall rofessor and irector niversit of entral lorida and oditorinhief Public Administration Review rlando lorida


2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. ain a irct act tat an ocal os Francs ill tunt Policy at Practitionr This worshop is an addicated copetitive polic ow that o have or how do o get started in deate t affords ong professionals ndergradates and plic service s is the case with getting an o it is not gradate stdents an opportnit to present and defend as eas as it loos here do ost state and local servants positions on crrent plic polic isses articipants egin their careers and how do o get or foot in the enhance conication sills inclding their anner door r panelists will tal aot their career traectories of deliver and persasion t also serves to assist in how the have sed their networs for sccess and lessons eracing those attrites and alities desired of the have learned in plic service ftre plic adinistrators speaing copetentl and confidentl PRESENTERS Mark Deven PRESENTER it anager rvada L. Frances Liddell etired ssociate rofessor acson tate niversit Michael King acson ssistant irector ichland ont ergenc ervices olia

3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. aiatin t Fral irin Procss Practitionr Department of Public Management f o are planning to prse a practitioner career ae JOHN JAY COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, CUNY sre o are in the adience for this session There are illions of federal os an of which are open to ong

gradates t first o have to get throgh the interview in at te eetin n na process r presenter will tae o eond osgov a anite B to aster the art of getting or application throgh the s resenting at Degrees Offered door to the interview and eond eannearie C pleentin Sustainale eelpent als Undergraduate Degrees - Public Administration (BS) aria Dgstin and ice ias Cultural Cpetency r a re uitale inistratie ractice - Criminal Justice Management (BS) ice ias - Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics (BS) PRESENTER war uality r ll ransener eeral plyees (with eter eeran h Stuent at ni ansas aster f uic dinistratin Leigh Epsy inung u - Public Policy and Administration lan nactent in erency espnse peratins (with ushi i - Public Policy and Administration Online Program rina State ni an Sun S h anyan ni octoral tdent niversit of olorado enver - Investigation & Oversight aine i u Daid air in ef and ia aat - Investigation & Oversight Online Program nspectrs eneral ntiCrruptin an ccuntaility anel Stuy the aewood pact s n ulic Crruptin in the S Dua Degrees aine i u - JD/MPA Law and Public Accountability errance t in isaster espnse (with Chun uan an isitin Schlar at Jhn Jay Cllee Central lice ni aiwan - BS/MPA Public Admin or Criminal Justice Mgmt nteratin uetin with errance (with atherine illuhy ni eria Certificates Offered iaet iset hilanthrpic artnerships in the Just City (with Susanna Schaller City Advanced Certificate in Forensic Accounting Cllee ew r Healthcare Inspection and Oversight Advanced Certificate Forensic Accounting Certificate arin uin ener uetin (with Jhn artle ni erasa issin nnatin an esults (with atherine illuhy ni eria @jjaypublicmanagement Denise sn @jjaypublicmgmt uilin ac etter in the Cariean ater urricane aria inican Case

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions FOUNDERS’ FELLOWS RECEPTION CLASS OF 2018 MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Fellows will receive their plaques during this reception, Mineral Hall D generously hosted by Brigham Young University.

n s ...... niersit f th essi rn...... niersit f Geri S tii ...... niersit f rth es ns tes ...... niersit f tire ei rish ir ...... niersit f if i rris ...... ne Stte niersit sehine etn...... ifrni Stte niersitStniss ri eer...... niersit f r ener rn n ...... niersit f es t s i esniite...... ri nterntin niersit nnh eits ...... een Stte niersit ehit eitts...... niersit f if Srh Gire...... ient thrit fr ein rnsrttin ni e ie S. ene ...... entr e nestiin eni Enis is eh...... ississii Stte niersit n n ...... Gere sn niersit enhi Shie...... ri Stte niersit ii Shin...... Srse niersit ristin Stni...... niersit f ere thn eeri...... irini neth niersit ren rhnn...... niersit f r ener Shi isnth ...... ters niersiter ie ese...... isin Stte niersit hitn ...... niersit f es t s Ssh t...... he sn it nstitte

Thank you to the following supporters: San Diego State University, School of ASPA Student and New Administration Full Public Affairs Professionals Section Florida International University, Steven Southeastern Conference on Public College of Charleston J. Green School of International and Administration (SECoPA) Midwest Public Affairs Conference Public Affairs and the Center for Texas Southern University, Barbara Roger Williams University—ASPA Democracy and Good Governance, Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Rhode Island Chapter Institute for Public Management Public Affairs Thomas Stanton ASPA Section on Personnel University of Baltimore, College of Administration and Labor Relations Public Affairs Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Haifa, School of Political ontriutor L. Douglas Wilder School of ASPA Gold Coast Chapter Sciences Government and Public Affairs ASPA New Jersey Chapter University of Texas at Dallas, School ASPA Suncoast Chapter Wiley of Economic, Political and Policy Rashmi Vijay Chordiya Sciences Paul Danczyk rit Peter Federman Centro de Investigación y Docencia oo Mark Landahl Económicas (CIDE) ASPA North Texas Chapter Yali Pang Louisiana State University, Public ASPA Section on Complexity and Grant Rissler Administration Institute Network Studies Stephen Rolandi Public Administration Quarterly ASPA Section on Emergency and Crisis Kendra Stewart Rutgers University Newark—School of Management Public Affairs and Administration ASPA South Florida Chapter asantorconfrnc FOUNDERS’ FELLOWS PANELS

Financial anant in t Nuri Heckler octoral tdent niversit of olorado enver Pulic ctor enver AA A Masculinity and Whiteness in Public Organizations: 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Granite A Managing Institutional Race and Gender in Federal Agencies

MODERATOR/PRESENTER Maren Trochmann Trang Hoang octoral tdent niversit of olorado enver octoral tdent niversit of Texas at allas enver allas T Deliberative Democracy, Rulemaking and Social Equity: Unfunded Liabilities and Public Pension Reform An Exploration of Formal Rulemaking as Green Tape

PRESENTERS Julius Nukpezah ssistant rofessor ississippi tate niversit nant an ollaoration as a ississippi tate ool for Pulic ric liry Response and Recovery from Financial Emergencies: Lessons from Michigan AA A 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Granite A Wen-Chi Shie octoral tdent lorida tate niversit MODERATOR/PRESENTER Tallahassee Zehavit Levitats Beyond Boundaries: Collaborative Governance octoral tdent niversit of aifa aifa srael Networks and Innovative Coproduction for Sustainable Emotionally Engage Civil Servants: Toward a Multi- Community Capacity and Economic Development Level Theory and Multi-Source Analysis in Public Administration Iuliia Shybalkina octoral tdent racse niversit racse PRESENTERS Participatory Budgeting: Is It a Solution to Unequal Saud Alotaibi Political Participation and Influence? octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T The Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Public Service Motivation to Determine Public Managers’ Outcomes ocial uity A Pillar of Pulic Sarah McGuire Ainistration onit treach pecialist iedont thorit for AA A egional Transportation reensoro 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Granite A Building Collaborative Relationships: Citizen Engagement and Local Government

MODERATOR/PRESENTER Sasha Zapata Lyndsay Bates roect anager hode sland alit nstitte octoral tdent niversit of altiore altiore rovidence Developing Inequality: How Re-Development Decisions Challenges We Face as Public Administrators Contribute to Community Inequality

PRESENTERS Josephine Hazelton radate tdent alifornia tate niversit tanislas Trloc Designing Men: Gender Bias in Transportation Design and Infrastructure Standards

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions AMERICAN UNIVERSITY School of Public A airs

Congratulations to SPA Is the New SPA’s New Dean Home of JPAM American University announced SPA is honored to be the new home the selection of Vicky Wilkins for the Journal of Policy Analysis and as the next dean of the School of Management. SPA Professor Erdal Public A airs. Tekin will be editor in chief.

Proud of Our Recent PhD Placements Our doctoral students go on to become leaders in the public administration and policy arena, setting the agenda in this eld of research.

James Wright, Expected ’18 Stephen Holt, ’17 Raymond Zuniga, ’17 Rhucha Samudra, ’16 Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Starting Fall 2018 State University of New York Virginia Tech University, Center State University of New York at Florida State University, Askew (SUNY) at Albany in the for Public Administration and Brockport (SUNY Brockport) School of Public Administration Rockefeller College of Public Policy in the School of Public and Policy in the College of Social Affairs and Policy and International Affairs Sciences and Public Policy

Katie Vinopal, ’16 Chris Birdsall, ’16 Amanda Stewart, ’15 Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Ohio State University in the Boise State University in the North Carolina State University Glenn College of Public Affairs School of Public Service in the School of Public and International Affairs FOUNDERS’ FELLOWS PANELS

PRESENTERS Pulic Policy allns Jessica Alcorn A A ostoctoral ellow niversit of eorgia thens 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Granite A Keeping the Lights on after a Hurricane: The Economics of Grid Resilience Infrastructure in Georgia’s Coastal Communities MODERATOR/PRESENTER Cristina Stanica Vaiva Kalesnikaite octoral tdent niversit of elaware ewar octoral tdent lorida nternational niversit New Public Governance in Central and Eastern Europe iai Explaining Horizontal Collaborative Activity for Sea PRESENTERS Level Rise Preparedness in U.S. Cities Neomi Frisch Aviram octoral tdent niversit of aifa aifa srael Blanca Rand Policy Entrepreneurship Behavior: A Meta-Review esearch ssistant eorge ason niversit airfax Influential Variables that Impact Emergency Monica Yamel Naime S. Henkel Preparedness in the District—Cyclone Problems and octoral tdent entro de nvestigacin ocencia Hurricane Solutions conicas exico it exico When Public Administration Causes Wicked Problems: Challenges for Public Policy ustainaility as a onctual Focus Shilpa Viswanath for Pulic Ainistration octoral tdent tgers niversitewar ewar A A Toward a Theory of Local Government Employees: 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Centennial A Understanding Municipal Labor through Collective Bargaining Efforts during State Takeovers MODERATOR/PRESENTER Hannah Lebovits Nicole Wesley octoral tdent leveland tate niversit radate tdent oisiana tate niversit aton leveland oge The Suburban Struggle: Toward a Theory of Governance Skepticism of Scientific Evidence: The Implications of in Suburban Spaces Human Behavior on Policymaking PRESENTERS Yuliya Harris sarc on rncy anant radate tdent ane tate niversit etroit Social Sustainability and Public Values in the Context of an Pulic afty Urban Public Transit: The Case of QLINE Rail in Detroit A A 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial A Nathan Teklemariam octoral tdent irginia oonwealth niversit ichond MODERATOR/PRESENTER Challenges of Rapid Urbanization and Housing in Ian Adams Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of the Integrated Housing octoral tdent niversit of tah alt ae it T Development Program in Ethiopia Police Body-Worn Cameras: Transparency and Exposure Chaitanya Yadav radate tdent niversit of Texas at allas allas T Content Design and Development for Early Education: Implications for Learning Outcomes in Rural India

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions NATIONAL PUBLIC SERVICE AWARDSNESTA M. GALLAS LECTURE Session Supported By: SATURDAY, MARCHMONDAY, 10, 2018 MARCH 12, 2018 10:45 a.m. –10:00 12:15 a.m. p.m. – 11:30 a.m. CentennialCentennial E altr au r Co-sponsored by ASPA and the National Academy of Public Administration, the National Public Service Awards honor or ore than ears alter aot patriotic dt are norall the ailiwic of three individuals who make outstanding contributions and whose accomplishments are models of exemplary public service ha r forer director of lawaers on apitol ill not won governent for those dedicated to the public good—now and in the future. the ffice of overnent lawers who wor ehind the scenes and co throgh thics and crrentl senior reas of paperwor ne ethics expert called the illia can usan aufr director of ethics at the apaign speech a great act of corage another called it niversit of Texas T ste san afer is director of the egal enter has provided extraordinar hancellor illia caven a ewar sl ffice of a standard of plic service retired av forstar itienship and igration excellence and prooted the n l ha resigned as director and egan his adiral leads one of the nations ervices in the practice of ethics in governance crrent position at the apaign egal enter stating largest and ost respected sstes epartent of oelandis achieveents ecrit have garnered hi attention in the that woring on the otside of the adinistration wold of higher edcation s the chief The sl ivisionnational offers edia spotlight in the past ear as he has enale hi to refor and strengthen existing federal exective officer of the T ste protection in accordancecontined with to strenosl voice the vale of ethical governent ethics progras the hancellor oversees law and internationalgovernance oligations instittions that edcate for those who coe to the nited rior to his experience at ha wored as an stdents and eplo faclt and ore than tates ecase the have een persected or spervisor fear the attorne at in the earl s ha attorne with the law fir haw ransford eillex health care professionals researchers and staff will e persected on accont of their raceled religion a tea of attornes financial analsts and ethics and oth where he focsed on federal eploent nationalit eership in a particlar socialofficials grop who or reviewed financial disclosre reports of law representing federal eploees priaril enior ince he ecae chancellor in anar caven political opinion afers office in ewarpresidential has noinees e transfored the noinee xective ervice eers anagers and law has recoitted the T ste and its instittions to risdiction over the ortheastern nited tatesprogra fro and developed a page gide for drafting enforceent officials e also held a ner of staff iproving the lives of Texans and people all over the elaware throgh ew ngland excldingethics parts agreeentsof ew that redced processing ties and attorne positions at a variet of governent agencies world throgh edcation research and health care or that are the risdiction of a separateprodced office he etter otcoes in resolving conflicts of inclding the entral ffice of the epartent of ecae director of the officethen an officeinterest in the forerecognied for his leadership he ecae s eterans ffairs the ffice of eneral onsel of the rior to ecoing chancellor caven was the igration and atraliation ervice dept in the general consel where he advanced resident epartent of ealth and an ervices and the coander of pecial perations oand dring epartent of sticein epteer aas transition effort leading a cross s altioreashington egional onsels office which tie he led a force of en and woen divisional tea in effectivel resolving potential conflicts ha earned his fro aes adison niversit and was responsile for condcting conterterroris afer egan her career with the governentof interest in for nearl presidential enateconfired and his fro the erican niversit ashington operations worldwide caven also is a recognied as an asl officer serving in the sae officepositions which and senior hite ose positions ollege of aw national athorit on foreign polic and has advised she now leads he ecae a spervisor asl officer resident aa appointed ha as director in residents eorge sh and arac aa and other in and dept director in ring her tenre The Nesta M. Gallas Award for Exemplary anar he served in that capacit ntil l leaders on defense isses is oo Spec Ops: Case the ewar sl ffice has addicated thosands of Professionalism in Public Service has been established ring his tenre as director he odernied reglations Studies in Special Operations Warfare: Theory and asl applications and responded to international crises to honor the lifetime achievements of a dedicated public advised agencies issed legal and progra gidance Practice plished in several langages is considered a that reslted in the igration of aslseeers to the servant. Dr. Gallas was a consummate professional expanded ethics edcation conserved taxpaer resorces fndaental text on special operations strateg nited tates inclding the recent inflx of woen and and path breaker. She was the first woman to serve as and ilt a strong perforance strctre e oversaw naccopanied inors fro entral erica arriving ASPA’s national president. As the personnel director an ethics progra coposed of agenc ethics cavens ilitar legac goes eond strateg and at the othwest order he also has participated in in Honolulu, she fought for inclusion. She was an officials who prevented conflicts of interest on the part warfare s coander of pecial perations processing refgees fro the osnian risis in roatia international expert in public administration and of illion civilian federal eploees pls officers in oand caven spearheaded the creation of the roect rovide efge for osovar refgees at ort ix an academic leader who complemented theoretical niforall on a illion dget reservation of the orce ail initiative to ensre refgees fro anar refgee srvivors of the observations with experiential insights. The purpose of the ental spirital and phsical welleing of those who genocide in wanda and processing entral erican ollowing a widel reported speech in in which the award is to continue to advance the core values that serve as well as their failies inors in l alvador he has assisted in coordinating Nesta M. Gallas elegantly exemplified. and condcting national training for refgeeha asl called and on resident Trp for fll divestitre of caven gradated fro the niversit of Texas at international operations officers and servedhis as financial a interests reported oft speeches stin in with a degree in ornalis and received sl orps advisor to the overnent of srael his asters degree fro the aval ostgradate chool in ontere in n the Texas xes honored Aars Prsnt caven with a istingished lns ward Nesta M. Gallas Award Paul Van Riper Award Dwight Waldo Award

asantorconfrnc APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions NATIONAL PUBLIC SERVICE AWARDS

rior to oining the afer wored for ears for ar ls theran ocial inistries of ew erse he initiall eneral ar elsh ecae was responsile for the resettleent of refgees throgh dean of the sh chool of chrch or agenc sponsorship There she cofonded overnent and lic ervice at the iigration progra for the agenc a ew erse Texas niversit on g affiliate of theran igration and efgee ervices after a ear career in the he ecae the progras first accredited representative ir orce elsh who was prior to retrning to tgers niversit chool of aw orn in an ntonio Texas earned to otain her in he has written an article on a fro the ir orce incontr processing of refgees that appeared in the cade an in copter Georgetown Immigration Law Journal resorce anageent fro ester niversit and gradated fro the r oand and eneral taff afer egan her career as an nglish teacher for ave ollege the ir ar ollege and the ational ar the hildren ondation in a refgee cap in hanat ollege e was a fellow of einar at the iho Thailand teaching nglish to aodian assachsetts nstitte of Technolog a fellow of the aotian and ietnaese refgees ond for resettleent ational ecrit tdies rogra of racse niversit in the nited tates he has an ndergradate and ohns opins niversit a fellow of rainian degree fro the chool for nternational Training in ecrit tdies at the ohn enned chool of rattleoro T he is enrolled in a certificate progra in overnent at arvard niversit a fellow of the international igration stdies at eorgetown niversit innacle orse of the ational efense niversit and a gradate of the eneral anager rogra at the arvard siness chool ring his long ilitar career he received neros awards and decorations inclding ltiple awards of the efense istingished ervice edal istingished ervice edal and the istingished ling ross

elsh ecae the th hief of taff of the ir orce in gst responsile for the organiation training and eipping of activedt ard eserve and civilian forces serving in the nited tates and overseas s a eer of the oint hiefs of taff he and other service chiefs fnctioned as ilitar advisers to the ecretar of efense ational ecrit oncil and the resident ring his ir orce career he also served as coander of ir orces in rope and frica coander of Ts ir oand associate director of ilitar affairs at the entral ntelligence genc and oandant of the nited tates ir orce cade

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Friay arc 10:15 a.m. Centennial D 12:45 p.m. Centennial F Presented at the Elliot Richardson Lecture Presented at the Student and New Professional Summit Public Administration Review Aars Wallace O. Keene Conference Scholarship Louis Brownlow Award Award resented to the athor of the est Public Administration ward to stdents in plic adinistration and plic Review article written a practitioner polic the scholarships provide the financial assistance to attend the nnal onference and expand their Laverne Burchfield Award nowledge of the field resented to the athor of the est oo review in a vole of Public Administration Review Walter Mode Scholarship Award This scholarship is given to a gradate stdent who is Chester Newland Award an eer and deonstrates a coitent to a resented for the est coentar a practitioner in career in plic service Public Administration Review The est coentar illinates the significance of an article and adds vale for readers interpreting the article in light of the aturay arc coentators experience 9:00 a.m. Centennial D William E. Mosher and Frederick C. Mosher Presented at the Opening Plenary Award resented to the athor of the est Public Administration H. George Frederickson PA TIMES Best Article Review article written an acadeic Award This award recognies the athor of the PA TIMES article dged ost inforative provocative creative and well 11:45 a.m. Centennial E written Presented at the Gloria Hobson Nordin Social Equity Award Luncheon 10:45 a.m. Centennial E Presented during the Lessons for How to Change the Gloria Hobson Nordin Social Equity Award World Presidential Panel This annal award recognies lifetie achieveent and effort in the corse of social eit National Public Service Award These awards honor individals who ae otstanding Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action contritions and whose accoplishents are odels of Exemplary Practice Award plic service within and otside the wor environent This award honors individals and organiations that have ade otstanding contritions to a ore eal societ unay arc 8:30 a.m. Centennial F 1:30 p.m. Centennial G Presented at the Chapter Leadership Meeting Presented at the International Assembly

Patricia J. Yearwood Award International Public Administration Award The award is given annall to recognie newsletters as This award honors a distingished international scholar a vital eans of conication and service offered to or practitioner for contritions to plic adinistration hapter and ection eers in other nations

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions 2018 SOCIETY AWARDS

3:30 p.m. Centennial E Paul Van Riper Award This award honors an individal who has ade significant Presented during the Paul Posner: He Gave Us So Much contritions to oth the acadeic and practitioner Presidential Panel conities of plic adinistration t is sponsored the ndowent Elmer Staats Lifetime Achievement Award for Distinguished Public Service Dwight Waldo Award This award honors a plic adinistrators lifetie This award honors an individal who has ade accoplishents and contritions to plic service and otstanding contritions to the professional literatre of plic adinistration over an extended career

7:30 p.m. Peak’s Lounge 1:30 p.m. Centennial D Presented at the President’s Reception Presented at the Donald C. Stone Lecture

Chester Newland Presidential Citations Donald C. Stone Award of Merit This award honors an eer who has contrited resented the president to individals for otstanding service to the ociet invalale spport dring the presidenc and tireless service to the ociet usay arc onay arc 11:30 a.m. Centennial D Presented during the Closing Plenary 10:00 a.m. Centennial D Presented at the Nesta M. Gallas Lecture Outgoing National Council Awards resented to departing eers of the ational oncil Nesta M. Gallas Award whose ters end in arch This award honors the lifetie achieveents of a dedicated plic servant and pioneering innovative leader

asantorconfrnc SECTION AWARDS

The following is a list of awards presented by ASPA’s Sections in recognition of individual and organizational contributions to the public sector. Please see the awards brochure for this year’s honorees.

ntr for Accountaility an Prforanc Service Award AP The service award is given annall to a ection and or conit eer who engages in service Emerging Leaders Award spporting the ections ission oinees shold e This award recognies individals who are activel noinated a crrent ection eer ipleenting perforance anageent sstes innovating new practices and prooting the iportance Visionary Award of perforance and accontailit within their This award recognies the nie characteristics of an governents and conities individal to envision a ftre that wold e diverse inclsive and eitale Tre visionaries are not part of Harry Hatry Distinguished Performance the herd and their soltions are not alwas poplar The Measurement and Practice Award stand ot with their strong eliefs and hold steadfast to This award recognies an individal whose otstanding their giding principles even in the face of adversit teaching edcation training and consltation in The are ahead of their tie perforance easreent have ade a significant contrition to the practice of plic adinistration ction for on in Pulic Ainistration Joseph Wholey Distinguished Scholarship PA Award This award recognies otstanding scholarship on Joan Fiss Bishop Leadership Award perforance in plic and nonprofit organiations The stalished in the award recognies an honoree recipient provides a significant contrition to advancing who exaple and action has prooted increased nowledge in a scholarl ornal aot the developent participation of woen in the plic service profession ipleentation se and ipact of perforance exhiited a defined contrition to increased involveent easreent in the plic sector shown innovative leadership and accoplished professionalis in their plic service Organizational Leadership Awards career and ade a coitent to the profession This award recognies otstanding applications of a throgh crrent or past eership sstes approach to perforance easreent that has reslted in a cltre change sstained iproveents Julia J. Henderson International Award and deonstrated positive effects on governent riginall estalished in the award recognies an perforance and accontailit honoree for deonstrated coitent to international plic adinistration in particlar or to international plic service in general a lifetie of plic service Aocacy Allianc or to careers in international plic adinistration and plic service The honoree is not reired to e an ASPA Student Conference Paper Award or eer This award is presented annall for the est stdent paper presented at the nnal onference Marcia P. “Marcy” Crowley Service to athored or coathored a stdent that spports the SWPA Award ections ission riginall estalished in and rededicated in the award recognies an honoree for otstanding service Published Article Award to service to the ection for several ears and for This award is presented to the athor or coathor of the aing a deonstrated ipact on its wor The honoree est paper plished in spporting the ections st e a crrent ection eer in good standing to ission in a fieldrelated ornal receive the award

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions SECTION AWARDS

Rita Mae Kelly Distinguished Research Award ction on tics an ntrity in riginall estalished in the award recognies an ornanc honoree for research contritions to genderrelated isses perforing research on an isses significant to Ethics in Action Award woens role in plic adinistration and aing an This award recognies the achieveents of a dedicated ipact throgh research on woens lives The honoree is plic servant whose career has een characteried not reired to e an or eer exeplar efforts to phold legal and ethical standards locall nationall or internationall corage against corrption or wrongdoing officeholders and ction on ins Pulic Ainistration entorship of plic servants and ong acadeics PA seeing to frther high ethical standards in service to the plic The award is presented annall at the ections Marc Holzer Best Article Award siness eeting This award was estalished to honor arc olers longstanding and excellent contritions to the ection Lifetime Achievement Award and its ornal Chinese Public Administration Review This award recognies eers whose (CPAR) as well as the eorand of nderstanding extraordinar contritions to the frtherance of the etween and the hinese lic dinistration ections goals throghot their careers erit special ociet that deonstrates collaoration etween acnowledgent The award a recognie ore than these two organiations at an ino plic one individal annall and is presented dring the adinistration conferences The award is presented ections siness eeting annall to the est scholarl paper in CPAR inners receive a cash prie cortes of at the nnal Student Paper of the Year Award onference and are annonced in CPAR nnall invites stdents in plic affairs and plic polic gradate progras to sit or for Ph.D. Student Best Paper Award faclt to noinate research papers athored dring the This award was estalished to recognie h stdents previos ear on an plic and adinistrative ethics who perfor high alit research related to hinese topic issions are peer reviewed and dged for their plic adinistration nl and stdent alit ethodolog iportance and polic iplications eers a e noinated inners receive an award as well as clarit in writing The winning sission certificate with a cash prie cortes of at the is annonced in edia plications and its athor is annal conference awarded a onetar prie financial spport to attend the nnal onference and a certificate of recognition presented dring the nnal onference ction on rncy an risis anant ction on nntal an atural Dissertation Award sourcs A This award spports dissertation research in eergenc and crisis anageent eing perfored h Student Essay Award candidates who have sccessfll defended their proposal This annal award recognies the est paper on the topic t do not have a copleted dissertation of environent athored a gradate stdent

William Petak Award This award recognies the otstanding paper in eergenc and crisis anageent

asantorconfrnc SECTION AWARDS

ction on ntrornntal Dissertation Award Ainistration an anant A This award recognies dissertation research perfored h candidates in plicnonprofit han resorces Donald C. Stone Best Student Paper Award anageent t spports research that is in progress as This award recognies an exceptional stdent research opposed to a copleted dissertation paper on a estion related to intergovernental relations and anageent The award is accopanied Outstanding Practitioner Award a award to assist the winner with nnal This award recognies han resorces anageent onference attendance practitioners who have ade an otstanding contrition to an organiation or organiations throghot their Donald C. Stone Practitioner Award career in plic service This award recognies significant contritions to the practice of intergovernental relations and anageent Outstanding Scholar Award over a sstantial period of tie This award recognies individals who have deonstrated an exeplar record of research teaching Donald C. Stone Scholar Award and service in plic han resorces anageent This award recognies significant contritions to the std of intergovernental relations over a sstantial period of tie ction on Profssional an raniational lont P ction on ntrnational an oarati Student Scholarships Ainistration A These awards are designed to help facilitate learning to advance stdents acadeic wor arond finding Col Award for Outstanding SICA Leadership soltions to plic organiational challenges as well as to This award is offered to eers who have introdce stdents to the ections wor and encorage deonstrated strong coitent and active leadership their longter involveent in it contritions to s ission t is naed after eanne arie ol and is presented annall at the ections siness eeting ction on Pulic Ainistration sarc PA Fred Riggs Award for Outstanding Researcher This award recognies those who have ade significant Best Book Award sstantial and widel recognied contritions to the This award recognies a oo that significantl conceptal theoretical or operational developent contrites to plic adinistration research of international coparative or developent adinistration t is naed in honor of red iggs a pioneer in these fields and a fonder of the ection ction on Pulic Prforanc an anant PP Garcia-Zamor Best Paper Award This award recognies the athor of the est paper Best Article Award presented at the nternational iggs posi t is This award recognies the top article plished in Public naed after rofessor eanlade arciaaor a long Performance and Management Review in tie eer Best Paper Award This award recognies the est paper presented at the ction on Prsonnl Ainistration an ections sposi held dring the nnal aor lations PA onference Book Award This award recognies an otstanding oo in the field of plic han resorces anageent plished etween and

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions GLORIA HOBSON NORDIN SOCIAL EQUITY AWARD LUNCHEON SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 2018 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial E

ornor oulas ilr holida honoring r artin ther ing r aing oglas ilders career in irginia the first state in the nation to have a legislative plic service spans ears and holida for r ing is noted for several historic ilestones ersaded to rn for aor of ichond in ilder received percent of the vote and carried each of the ilder ecae the first frican cits nine concil districts and ever precinct in the cit erican to e elected governor in e was sworn in as ichonds first elected aor in the nited tates leading the and served ntil aing hi the first frican oonwealth of irginia fro erican aor elected poplar vote fro all of the to s the oonwealths th governor he citiens of ichond ring his ter ichond ade was coended for his sond fiscal anageent and rearale progress in its fight against crie having its alancing the state dget dring difficlt econoic lowest rate in ears owntown econoic developent ties Financial World againe raned irginia as the and neighorhood iproveents were widespread and est anaged state for two consective ears nder his financial anageent reached a new level of scrtin that adinistration rior to his tie as governor he served as served taxpaers well lietenant governor fro and as state senator fro chairing coittees on Transportation ilder gradated fro oward niversit aw chool in ehailitation and ocial ervices rivileges and and later estalished the legal fir that ecae lections the irginia dvisor egislative oncil and nown as ilder regor ssociates one of the few the enate teering oittee which appoints inoritowned sinesses in irginia at the tie rior coittee eers to earning his he gradated fro irginia nion niversit with a degree in cheistr and wored in ilders other legislative achieveents inclde providing the ffice of the hief edical xainer as a toxicolog state health care coverage for siclecell aneia patients technician toghening penalties for capital rderers and prison escapees and expanding low and oderate incoe ilder reains a highl involved and highl dedicated hosing or eight ears he persisted in sponsoring citien of the cit he has called hoe for ost of his life legislation that eventall led to estalishing a state and is one of its est and ost otspoen aassadors

Aars Prsnt Gloria Hobson Nordin Social Equity Award Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Exemplary Practice Awards


renda llen is vice chancellor for llen has received neros fors of recognition diversit and inclsion at the inclding the first nnal ward for tstanding niversit of olorado enver chieveent for oitent to iversit at niversit nscht edical aps he of olorado enver a woen in leadership and also serves as professor of anageent award naed in honor of ila e conication er scholarship forer legislator and envers first fricanerican focses on organiational first lad the first nnal ll of the ear ward fro conication and diversit the T lliance at older and the liaeth ee ward fro the niversit of olorado sste which llen was recrited fro oward niversit to the honors an otstanding faclt eer for efforts to niversit of olorado older older in advance woen in acadeia interdisciplinar scholarl as an assistant professor ince that tie she has een contritions and distingished teaching prooted to professor and served as departent chair and associate dean

llen assed her role as chief diversit officer in gst ong her plications is a grondreaing oo Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity

Aars Prsnt oan Fiss iso arsi Aar ulia nrson ntrnational Aar arcia P arcy roly ric to PA Aar ita a lly istinuis sarc Aar

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions


Join your conference friends and peers for a series of receptions spanning two evenings, hosted and generously supported by universities and organizations. These networking events are open to all attendees.

unay arc nirsity of Pittsur rauat cool of Pulic an ntrnational Affairs entennial ily ction onorin as Prry xhiit allentennial oer nirsity of outrn alifornia ol Pric cool of Pulic Policy entennial utrs nirsityar cool of Pulic Affairs an Ainistration onay arc entennial ction for on in Pulic Ainistration ria oun nirsity c ra ocial an on in Pulic ric an Acaic on Founrs Fllos conition rony in Pulic Ainistration ineral all ranite ction on ins Pulic Ainistration ction on ffcti an oun Ainistration ranite in t il ast ction an Panl Alifyin ons arsi across t il ast (includes a film preview) entennial


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FACULTY INFLUENCING THE FUTURE OF 20 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: Whitney Afonso Jonathan Q. Morgan Gregory S. Allison Ricardo S. Morse David N. Ammons C. Tyler Mulligan Maureen Berner Kimberly L. Nelson Leisha DeHart-Davis William C. Rivenbark Margaret Henderson Dale J. Roenigk Michele Hoyman Carl W. Stenberg Je rey A. Hughes John B. Stephens Willow Jacobson Charles Szypszak Kara A. Millonzi Shannon Tufts

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions FRIDAY SESSIONS #ASPA2018 AApproach: Fresh Engagement Civic and Nonprofits Guiding Philosophy: A the Law Ethics and AWorld: Perfect PublicTheory Administration All Not Equal: Are Advancing Social Equity An Eye the Future: Toward EnvironmentTechnology and (andBefore the Storm: After) Management and Disaster Emergency Blurring the Lines: Public and Comparative International Administration Diamonds in the Rough: Management Human Resource On a Shoestring: and Procurement Finance Budget, WinningWar: the in Public Military The Administration TRACKS JOIN US AT THE USC PRICE SCHOOL RECEPTION

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Ranked 4th among 272 schools of public affairs nationwide, the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy has defined excellence in innovation and public affairs education for nearly 90 years. The Price School is dedicated to teaching and research that advances society through better governance, more effective social and health care policy, and sustainable urban development.

CONGRATULATIONS TO: Terry L. Cooper, Maria B. Crutcher Incoming ASPA President Jane Professor in Citizenship and Democratic Pisano, Professor and former Values, for receiving the 2017 Harry Dean, USC Sol Price School of Scoville Award for Academic Achievement Public Policy from the Southern California chapter of ASPA

Incoming ASPA President-Elect William G. Resh, Assistant Professor, and 2018 Conference Co-Chair named co-winner of the Book of the Year Paul Danczyk, Director, award (in 2017) by the ASPA Section Executive Education, USC of Public Administration Research Price School in Sacramento for his publication, Rethinking the Administrative Presidency

We also salute the USC Price School’s rich lineage in ASPA’s presidential ranks, including: 1957-58: Henry Reining, Jr., Dean Emeritus 1977-78: H. George Frederickson, DPA ’67 1973-74: Frank P. Sherwood, Former Director, 1987-88: Robert Denhardt, Professor USC School of Public Administration 1981-82: Chester Newland, Professor Emeritus 1976-77: Nesta M. Gallas, DPA ’67, 2015-16: Maria Aristigueta, DPA ’97 Professor Emeritus (first female president of ASPA)

Along with its signature Master of Public Administration degree, the Price School also offers graduate degrees in Public Policy, Nonprofit Leadership and Management, Health Administration, Urban Planning and Real Estate Development.

Master of Public Administration Master of Public Policy MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

S eistrtin .. .. entenni er nterntin i rrtin .. .. iner G erin en renttin ntin .. .. te etie tin n rn Sstiniit th nn stne ne .. .. Grnite i Shifts n esnse in Enfreent .. .. te Srt it ehnies .. .. iner titins n ities fr Eeren ners .. .. entenni G rer etter ster Strner iin Se fr .. .. te rtin nerstnin ntirrtin sses in hin fr .. .. iner ir enses Stisftin n erseties n ersnne .. .. iner neent nntie innin n irite rtnershis .. .. Grnite S Ssi .. .. iner E nterntin i n Ethi eershi .. n iner Stent n e rfessin Sit .. .. entenni re is Ssi .. .. entenni n iner G Gernne rie Ssi .. .. entenni ei S. riht Ssi .. .. entenni nin i inistrtin fr Stents n .. .. Grnite Streetee rerts Erin irnt Eerienes in inistrtie .. .. iner G Settins ifferent rs f Gernne Strtres t Srt .. .. iner rtin erseties n Gernne n rtin .. .. te is nitin n isster esiien .. .. entenni G retin i neent nntin in n .. .. Grnite Gernne n nit Series in rss .. .. iner Strits hinese i inistrtin eie ne nntin n est rties in i rnitins .. .. iner n irite rtin nin i nin n r sts .. .. Grnite Enis n nstittins .. .. te inne ittee eetin .. .. Sit nrfit ntiit n erfrne .. .. iner E i n isretin in Enfreent .. .. te Gernent i i henes n .. .. te Stins etin Gs es n issins i .. .. Grnite henes n ehnies nin the Gernent .. .. iner G enies Effets n Si Eit ne neities n ther rriers in Gernent .. .. te nterntin erseties n Etin .. .. entenni G tin fr esiien nterntin essns .. .. iner i nents n nntins in hin .. .. iner r iies .. .. iner rreent henes n nntins .. .. Grnite Enent r eetin .. .. Sit

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

eiin er he riti e f hirSetr .. .. Grnite rnitins nrfit ntiit n erfrne rt .. .. iner E nterntin inistrtie rit n Sstei .. .. Grnite rrtin nntie rnsrttin Stins fr ret n .. .. iner errrisse henes rti ie fr Srtin n rtin .. .. iner G G Si Eit in i inistrtin Eetrni Srein the r nsertin n .. .. iner Sstiniit rises nitin etrs .. .. te Gernne .. .. iner Gernne in nterntin ntets .. .. entenni G re efrs rfre eeent n .. .. te rnitin itis henes n nntins in eene n tin .. .. Grnite r the iitr t iSetr neent .. .. te ntin f Serie itin n rertin fr t sitins in .. .. entenni si rsh S enters fr isese ntr n reentin the Strtei tin Stie n neent f .. .. iner E risis istis eentin the S e f Ethis se Sties .. .. Grnite f Ethi ehir eserh eth n Eiene .. .. te r her t rtie Einin the eenttin f eresenttie rer in .. .. iner G i n nrfit rnitins i eth henes in the st entr .. .. entenni G Stte n Stins fr Ener i n .. .. te etin nntin in ehn n erfrne .. .. Grnite neent itins in ierse ntets isster nnin n rinte esnse .. .. te nntin in rtin .. .. iner en Gernent EGernent n Srt r .. .. iner he Eerin eeent f irite .. .. iner rtnershis in hin issin eit in the iitr Serie eers .. .. Grnite n eershi r hter i ff eetin .. .. iner G SEG eetin .. .. Grnite SE eetin .. .. Grnite S eetin .. .. Grnite S eetin .. .. te S eetin .. .. te G Gernne rie etrin eetin .. .. te ners es rienttin .. . iner E S rii iht .. .. iner

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Panls COAUTHORS Elaine Lu 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Mineral Hall G ssociate rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice ntrnational Pulic orrution it niversit of ew or ew or Inspectors General (IG), Anti-Corruption and iding hilosoph thics and the aw Accountability: A Panel Study of the Impact of IGs on Public Corruption in the U.S. Endorsed By: ection on ffective and ond dinistration in Vijay Sampath the iddle ast ection on thics and ntegrit ssistant rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice in overnance and ection on nternational and it niversit of ew or ew or oparative dinistration Inspectors General (IG), Anti-Corruption and Accountability: A Panel Study of the Impact of IGs on MODERATOR/PRESENTER Public Corruption in the U.S. David Shapiro ssistant rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice it niversit of ew or ew or 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Agate B Inspectors General (IG), Anti-Corruption and rcoin Ancy Frantation Functional Accountability: A Panel Study of the Impact of IGs on ollcti Action an ran ustainaility Public Corruption in the U.S. erfect orld lic dinistration Theor PRESENTERS Anthony Molina Endorsed By: ssistant rofessor ent tate niversit ent ection on ntergovernental dinistration and Magistrates, Mafiosi and Media Moguls: The Fight anageent Against Corruption in Modern Italy MODERATOR/PRESENTER Olivier David Perrinjaquet Cruz Christopher Hawkins octoral tdent lorida tate niversit ssociate rofessor niversit of entral lorida Tallahassee rlando Debt, Depression and Disaster: An Ethical Analysis of Decentralized Approaches to Coordinating Intra-Agency Puerto Rico’s Debt Moratorium Sustainability Initiatives: Evidence from Providence, Ann Arbor and Oakland Juanita Rendon cconting ectrer aval ostgradate chool PRESENTERS ontere Richard Feiock Public Procurement Fraud: Analysis through the Lens of rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee Auditability Theory Functional Collective Action and Local Sustainability Initiatives Krishna Tummala rofessor erits and irector rogra ansas Rachel Krause tate niversit orth as ssociate rofessor niversit of ansas awrence Continuing the Fight Against Corruption in India: The Overcoming FCA Dilemmas through Lead Agency BJP Regime Coordination: The Case of Orlando and KCMO

PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Robin Kempf ssistant rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice it niversit of ew or ew or Inspectors General (IG), Anti-Corruption and Accountability: A Panel Study of the Impact of IGs on Public Corruption in the U.S.

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Panls (continued) William Wong lic dinistrator and tdent 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Granite B etropolitan ollege of ew or ew or t Annual PA aston Panl Increasing Homeless Canvassing Efficiency: An Experimental Approach erfect orld lic dinistration Theor

Endorsed By: 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Agate A ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships Policy ifts an sons in a nforcnt

MODERATOR ll re ot al dvancing ocial it Philip Nufrio rofessor etropolitan ollege of ew or Endorsed By: ew or ection for oen in lic dinistration ection on eocrac and ocial stice and ection on thics and DISCUSSANT ntegrit in overnance Pamela Ransom ssociate rofessor etropolitan ollege of ew or MODERATOR/PRESENTER rooln Daniel Bromberg ssociate rofessor niversit of ew apshire PRESENTERS over Dustin Dye Separate but Unequal: How the Use of Private Prisons tdent niversit of issoriansas it ansas Ignores the Constitutional Rights of Undocumented it Immigrants Tax Increment Financing: The Kansas City Experiment PRESENTERS Ebonny Gilchrist-Arthur Anh P. Nguyen tdent etropolitan ollege of ew or ew octoral tdent niversit of Texas at rlington or rlington T Improving Communication and Parental Involvement at Police Response to Intimate Partner Violence: A Review the Brooklyn Brownstone School on Factors Affecting Arrest Decision

Dwayne Hackett Kathryn Schwaeble ase anager eights and ills and tdent octoral tdent orth arolina tate niversit etropolitan ollege of ew or lainfield aleigh Measuring the Impact of Job Satisfaction, Motivation Deconstructing Sentencing Policy Shifts: Using the and Morale on Employee Performance Narrative Policy Framework to Examine the Intersection of Race, Gender and Punitiveness Pablo McConnie-Saad octoral tdent niversit of elaware Helen Yu hiladelphia ssistant rofessor niversit of awaiianoa Strategy Proposal for the University of Delaware School onoll of Public Policy and Administration Academic-Practitioner Collaboration on Gender Research in Federal Law Enforcement: The Value of a Kassiana Parris Coproduction Process ocational pecialist isiting rse ervice of ew or and radate tdent etropolitan ollege of ew COAUTHOR or aaica Karina Moreno Measuring the Impact of Job Satisfaction, Motivation ssistant rofessor ong sland niversitrooln and Morale on Employee Performance rooln Separate but Unequal: How the Use of Private Prisons Ignores the Constitutional Rights of Undocumented Immigrants

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial G 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Mineral Hall F otiations an aacitis for rncy anars art ity cnolois efore and fter the tor ergenc and n e Toward the tre nvironent and isaster anageent Technolog Endorsed By: Endorsed By: ection on ergenc and risis anageent and ection on nvironental and atral esorces ection on ntergovernental dinistration and dinistration and ection on cience and Technolog in anageent overnent MODERATOR/PRESENTER MODERATOR/PRESENTER Jennifer Adams David Landsbergen esearcher niversit of ron ale ssociate rofessor hio tate niversit ols Resilience and Emergency Management: Do They Go Smart and Trusted Cities Together? PRESENTERS Min-Hyu Kim PRESENTER Emily Newman ostoctoral ssociate tgers niversit ort ee radate tdent and radate ssistant niversit of How Environmental Pressures Influence the Adoption of erasaaha aha Smart City Technologies: An Innovation Framework Community Capacity on College Campuses Tian Tang ssistant rofessor lorida tate niversit PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Amy Freeman Tallahassee octoral tdent lorida tate niversit A Path-Dependence Perspective on the Adoption of the Tallahassee Internet of Things: Evidence from Early Adopters of Searching for a Model of Firefighter Stress: A Smart and Connected Sensors in the United States Qualitative Study

PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Xiangyu Li Simon Andrew ssistant rofessor est Texas niversit ssociate rofessor niversit of orth Texas anon T enton T Organizational Culture of Emergency Services: Booster The Impact of Regional Collaboration Networks on of Coping Capacity or Stressor to First Responders? Smart Growth Policy: Extending the Institutional Collective Action Framework Mikal Orr radate tdent Texas niversit ollege Vaswati Chatterjee tation T octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T Organizational Culture of Emergency Services: Booster The Impact of Regional Collaboration Networks on of Coping Capacity or Stressor to First Responders? Smart Growth Policy: Extending the Institutional Collective Action Framework COAUTHOR Ki Woong Cho COAUTHOR esearch rofessor and ostoctoral esearcher orea Alfred Ho niversit eol orea rofessor niversit of ansas awrence Searching for a Model of Firefighter Stress: A A Path-Dependence Perspective on the Adoption of the Qualitative Study Internet of Things: Evidence from Early Adopters of Smart and Connected Sensors in the United States

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Panls (continued) 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Mineral Hall D 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Agate C nrstanin Antiorrution ssus in ina arr ttr Fastr tronr uilin a fro icro nss ac for ollaoration lrring the ines nternational and oparative lrring the ines nternational and oparative lic dinistration lic dinistration Endorsed By: ection on hinese lic dinistration and ection on MODERATOR Kristen Wyatt thics and ntegrit in overnance xective irector erging ocal overnent eadership est inn MODERATOR/PRESENTER Yahong Zhang ssociate rofessor tgers niversitewar DISCUSSANT Hannah Lebovits ewar octoral tdent leveland tate niversit niversit Bureaucratic Corruptibility: Inner Evil or External eights Temptation?

PRESENTERS PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Sereniah Breland Jinyun Guo it anager it of lvin T ssociate rofessor ichan niversit hengd hina Prerequisites to Collaboration: Do We Understand City Bureaucratic Corruptibility: Inner Evil or External Administration? Temptation?

Christopher Pierce Xing Ni andidate and tdent epresentativelect rofessor n aten niversit angho hina oger illias niversit rovidence Bribery Incidence and Effectiveness of Institutional Getting Back onto the Right “Rhode”: InnovateRI Anticorruption Practices: Evidence from China

Laura Savage Xuhong Su dinistrative ler elo est istrict elo ssociate rofessor niversit of oth arolina ont olia olia When Talking Trash Saves Public Dollars Bribery Incidence and Effectiveness of Institutional Anticorruption Practices: Evidence from China Nick Smith igital ontent pecialist it of aithersrg Jingjing Zeng aithersrg ssisstant rofessor hongnan niversit of conoics The “IT” Thing and aw han hina Distrust in GONGOs and Dynamic Identification of Scandal Network under Authoritarianism in the Internet Age

COAUTHORS Ming-feng Kuo ssistant rofessor ational Taiwan niversit Taipei Taiwan Bureaucratic Corruptibility: Inner Evil or External Temptation?

Tianfeng Li octoral tdent lorida tate niversit Tallahassee Distrust in GONGOs and Dynamic Identification of Scandal Network under Authoritarianism in the Internet Age APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Brandy Kennedy Panls (continued) ssociate rofessor eorgia ollege and tate niversit Chun-yuan Wang illedgeville ssociate rofessor entral olice niversit Taoan Representative Dimensions of Organizational Behavior: it Taiwan Understanding Employee Motivation and Satisfaction in Bureaucratic Corruptibility: Inner Evil or External Human Service Organizations Temptation? Bonnie Gail Mani rofessor ast arolina niversit reenville 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Mineral Hall C Psychological Contracts Between Federal Agencies and o atisfaction an Prsctis on Prsonnl Employees: A Structural Equation Model anant COAUTHORS iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent Deborah Burgess etired nternal evene ervice ichond Endorsed By: Psychological Contracts Between Federal Agencies and ection on ealth and an ervices dinistration Employees: A Structural Equation Model ection on lic dinistration dcation and ection on ersonnel dinistration and aor elations Cynthia Cready ssociate rofessor niversit of orth Texas MODERATOR/COAUTHOR enton T Adam Butz Federal Employees’ Job Satisfaction: Does ssistant rofessor alifornia tate niversitong Transformational Leadership Matter? The Case of each ong each Veterans Affairs Agency Representative Dimensions of Organizational Behavior: Understanding Employee Motivation and Satisfaction in Human Service Organizations 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Granite A nnoati Financin an PulicPriat PRESENTERS Partnrsis Kwang Bin Bae ssistant rofessor orth arolina entral niversit n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent rha The Influence of Individual- and Group-Based Pay for MODERATOR/PRESENTER Performance on Job Satisfaction: The Role of Fairness of Joshua Steinfeld Performance Evaluation ssistant rofessor ld oinion niversit orfol Kuo-Tai Cheng Public-Private Partnerships and Asset Specificity: ssociate rofessor ational Tsing a niversit sin Exploring Transaction Costs of the DBFOM Contract for h Taiwan the Norfolk-Portsmouth Elizabeth River Tunnel Public Service Motivation and Job Satisfaction: A Multi- Mediation Analysis of Person-Organization Fit and PRESENTERS Perceived Accountability Alexis R. Kennedy octoral tdent esearch ssistant and lic inance PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS onsltant niversit of olorado enver Abdullah Alshammari ort ollins octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T The Costs and Benefits of Pay for Success Feasibility The Effects of Organizational Justice Factors on Job Studies Satisfaction Rayna Stoycheva Abdullah Alzomia ectrer niversit of iai iai octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T Local Revenue Generating Strategies for Charitable Tax Federal Employees’ Job Satisfaction: Does Exempt Property Transformational Leadership Matter? The Case of Veterans Affairs Agency

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Simon Andrew Panls (continued) niversit of orth Texas Kuan-Chiu Tseng Does A “Polycentric” System of Governance Perform ssociate rofessor ational Taiwan oral niversit Better? Evidence from U.S. Large City Park Systems Taipei Taiwan The Current Status of Development of Public-Private Yuan Cheng Partnerships (PPPs) in Taiwan ndiana niversit Does A “Polycentric” System of Governance Perform PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Better? Evidence from U.S. Large City Park Systems Ron Carlee isiting ssistant rofessor and irector enter for Stephanie Dolamore egional xcellence ld oinion niversit niversit of altiore orfol Big Data from Small Places: Impacts of Funder Public-Private Partnerships and Asset Specificity: Accountability for Grassroots and Community-Based Exploring Transaction Costs of the DBFOM Contract for Organizations the Norfolk-Portsmouth Elizabeth River Tunnel Daniel Fay Jungin Choe lorida tate niversit octoral tdent onsei niversit eol orea Evidence-Based Governance: The Needed Next Stage of The Effects of Government Funding Programs on Performance Management Organizational Innovation: Does Government Funding Encourage or Enforce Innovations in Korea’s Higher Angela Kline Education? owie tate niversit Big Data from Small Places: Impacts of Funder COAUTHOR Accountability for Grassroots and Community-Based M. Jae Moon Organizations nderwood istingished rofessor onsei niversit eol orea Dennis Linders The Effects of Government Funding Programs on ffice of the ontgoer ont xective and Organizational Innovation: Does Government Funding niversit of arland Encourage or Enforce Innovations in Korea’s Higher From Data-Driven Accountability to Data-Smart Education? Collaborative Problem-Solving: The 10-Year Evolution of “Stat” in Montgomery County, Maryland

ction on Pulic Prforanc Dale Roenigk anant yosiu niversit of orth arolina Devolved Decision Authority and Performance 8:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Mineral Hall E Management Success: Examining the Relevance of The following data was provided by the Section Differences in Actual and Perceived Authority of Public Managers in Local Government

8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Mineral Hall E Yu Shi incas cisionain an niversit of orth Texas ornanc Does A “Polycentric” System of Governance Perform Better? Evidence from U.S. Large City Park Systems

PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Thomas Tippett David Ammons ffice of the ontgoer ont xective niversit of orth arolina From Data-Driven Accountability to Data-Smart Devolved Decision Authority and Performance Collaborative Problem-Solving: The 10-Year Evolution Management Success: Examining the Relevance of of “Stat” in Montgomery County, Maryland Differences in Actual and Perceived Authority of Public Managers in Local Government

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

ction on Pulic Prforanc ntrnational ollouiu on anant yosiu (continued) tical arsi Gary Van Landingham 8:00 a.m. – Noon Mineral Hall B lorida tate niversit Sponsored By: Evidence-Based Governance: The Needed Next Stage of Section on Ethics and Integrity in Governance Performance Management The following data was provided by the Section

9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Mineral Hall E KEYNOTE Patricia Harned sin ata an inc to nfor utin thics and opliance nitiative an anant in t tats

PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS tunt an Profssional Jeff Bankowski uit ichigan ffice of erforance and Transforation Promoting Government Innovation and Efficiency in 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Centennial F Michigan’s Office of Performance and Transformation Sponsored By: University of Colorado Colorado Springs Elaine Lu it niversit of ew orohn a ollege Reflecting on a National Survey of Integrating 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Centennial F Budgeting with Performance Among State Juvenile ntrouctions c rars tunt Aars Correction Agencies: Is the Agency Perspective a New APA ats Frontier?

Henry Sobanet PRESENTER Andrea Headley olorado overnors ffice of tate lanning and octoral tdent lorida nternational niversit dgeting iai Fostering Continuous Improvement in State Government with Colorado’s Performance Management System and Training Academy 8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Centennial F

Kathryn White oic is ours Practic s Acaia ational ssociation of tate dget fficers PRESENTER Examining State-Led Efforts to Use Data and Evidence Jos C.N. Raadschelders in Decisionmaking: A National Overview rofessor hio tate niversit ols

Katherine Willoughby 9:15 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Centennial F niversit of eorgia Reflecting on a National Survey of Integrating nain ot lainin roin Budgeting with Performance Among State Juvenile Profssional an sarc Prsntations for Correction Agencies: Is the Agency Perspective a New our Auinc Frontier? PRESENTER Stephanie Dolamore esearch nalst niversit of altiore ollege ar

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

tunt an Profssional 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Centennial F uit (continued) ill our su t ou t o 10:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Centennial F Practitionr uilin our sarc Portfolio cinc PRESENTER in Pulisin in Acaia Acaia William P. Shields, Jr. xective irector and dnct rofessor PRESENTERS R. Paul Battaglio erican niversit ashington rofessor and irector niversit of Texas at allas and oditorinhief Public Administration Review 2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. Centennial F ichardson T ain a irct act tat an ocal os Kirk Emerson Practitionr ditor Perspectives on Public Management and PRESENTERS Governance and rofessor niversit of riona Mark Deven Tcson it anager rvada

Michael King 11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Centennial F ssistant irector ichland ont ergenc ervices Aftr ou t t o ransitionin fro olia issrtation aniat to Assistant Profssor Acaia 3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Centennial F PRESENTERS Sebawit Bishu aiatin t Fral irin Procss ssistant rofessor niversit of olorado enver Practitionr enver PRESENTER Leigh Espy Angela Kline octoral tdent niversit of olorado aewood ssistant rofessor owie tate niversit owie 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Centennial F 11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Centennial F Francs ill tunt Policy at raftin s Acaia PRESENTER PRESENTER L. Frances Liddell Jeremy L. Hall etired ssociate rofessor acson tate niversit rofessor and irector niversit of entral lorida acson and oditorinhief Public Administration Review rlando lorida Fr is yosiu 12:45 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Centennial F 8:15 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Centennial B unc ra an orso ffcti ritin Sponsored By: PRESENTER Section on International and Comparative Patricia Shields Administration rofessor Texas tate niversit an arcos T The following data was provided by the Section

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

loal Pulic ric nnoati Ning Kang olutions for Policy an ornanc niversit of anchester Getting Relationships Right: How Local-Level Actors 8:15 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Centennial B Collaborate to Implement Environmental Sanitation lco Policies in Ghana MODERATORS M. Shamsul Haque Kilkon Ko ational niversit of ingapore and hair s eol ational niversit ection on nternational and oparative dinistration How Does Transparent Policy Analysis Change the Behaviors of Policy Actors? Diffusion of Innovation through Institutionalized Policy Analysis in Korea Naim Kapucu rofessor niversit of entral lorida Wilson Wong hinese niversit of ong ong Janice Lachance Global Challenges of the Big Data Era for the Public resident and xective ice resident for Service: To What Extent is the Public Service Ready? trategic and rganiational xcellence erican eophsical nion ashington 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Mineral Hall A ollaorati ornanc for silinc an 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Centennial B ustainaility nnoations in Pulic anant asons MODERATOR irctions an onsuncs Kurt Thurmaier MODERATOR orthern llinois niversit Naim Kapucu rofessor niversit of entral lorida DISCUSSANT Ali Farazmand DISCUSSANT lorida tlantic niversit Peter Haruna Texas nternational niversit PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Demetrios Argyriades PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS ohn a ollege it niversit of ew or Franklin Yayra Adorsu-Djentuh Reclaiming Public Space: Rebuilding Public Service for niversit of anchester Democratic Governance and Sustainable Development Getting Relationships Right: How Local-Level Actors Collaborate to Implement Environmental Sanitation Xuesong Guo Policies in Ghana ian iaotong niversit Research on Participatory Transportation Policy Evaluation: A Case Study of Motor Vehicle Plate Number M. Shamsul Haque Traffic Restriction Policy in Xi’an City ational niversit of ingapore Innovation vs. Imitation in Public-Sector Reforms in Brittany Haupt Southeast Asia. niversit of entral lorida Comparative Analysis of Emergency Management for Farhad Hossain Rural Disaster Resilience in the United States and South niversit of anchester Korea Getting Relationships Right: How Local-Level Actors Collaborate to Implement Environmental Sanitation Helena Hermansson Policies in Ghana ppsala niversit Collaborative Strategies for Managing Natural Gao Jie Disasters: Disaster Management Policy and Governance ational niversit of ingapore in Turkey Local Innovations in Policy Implementation: China’s Resolution of Poverty in Xi Jinping’s Era

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Fr is yosiu (continued) 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Centennial B Naim Kapucu Forin Ai an lont ssons niversit of entral lorida arn Collaborative Strategies for Managing Natural MODERATOR Disasters: Disaster Management Policy and Governance Gedeon Mudacumura in Turkey hene niversit and Comparative Analysis of Emergency Management for DISCUSSANT Rural Disaster Resilience in the United States and South Rym Kaki Korea niversit of othern alifornia

Yongje Kim PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS niversit of entral lorida David Bell Comparative Analysis of Emergency Management for avannah tate niversit Rural Disaster Resilience in the United States and Sharing the Load Between Government, Business and Nonprofits: Civil Society Organizations in the Development Discourse on the China-Africa New Chang-su Lim Silk Road ral evelopent dinistration oth orea Comparative Analysis of Emergency Management for Atta Ceesay Rural Disaster Resilience in the United States and tate niversit of ew orffalo South Korea Aid and Nongovernmental Organizations: What Role Do NGOs Play in Aid Funding in Gambia? Yingying Liu ian iaotong niversit Sombo Chunda Research on Participatory Transportation Policy irginia oonwealth niversit Evaluation: A Case Study of Motor Vehicle Plate Number Rethinking Africa’s Development: Will a Post-Aid Traffic Restriction Policy in Xi’an City Agenda Be a Reality in Zambia?

Boohyun Nam Peter Haruna niversit of entral lorida Texas nternational niversit Comparative Analysis of Emergency Management for Foreign Aid and Fiscal Management in the Semi-Arid Rural Disaster Resilience in the United States and Developing Regions of Africa South Korea Kim Moloney Pooja Paswan rdoch niversit aia illia slaia niversit Aid and Development Effectiveness in the Pacific: Strategies and Lessons for Preparing Better and Donors, NGOs and Post- “Partnership” Strengthening Risk Resilience in Coastal Regions of India Aminata Sillah Towson niversit Jia Shi Aid and Nongovernmental Organizations: What Role Do ian iaotong niversit NGOs Play in Aid funding in Gambia? Research on Participatory Transportation Policy Evaluation: A Case Study of Motor Vehicle Plate Number Traffic Restriction Policy in Xi’an City 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Mineral Hall A n arc of nnoati olutions an ynaic Jungwon Yeo ornanc ransnational nol ransfr niversit of entral lorida in oarati Prscti Comparative Analysis of Emergency Management for MODERATOR Rural Disaster Resilience in the United States and Hong Liu South Korea anang Technological niversit ingapore

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Fr is yosiu (continued) 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Centennial B DISCUSSANT Ainistrati for an Pulic raniations Kurt Thurmaier anant orthern llinois niversit MODERATOR Peter Haruna PRESENTERS Texas nternational niversit Cristina Dias Alves anang Technological niversit ingapore DISCUSSANT Knowledge Transfer in China-Africa relations: The Case Atta Ceesay of Special Economic Zones tate niversit of ew orffalo and Cadre Training and G-2-G Projects: Preliminary PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Findings of Knowledge Transfer from Singapore to Mohamed Abdel-Moneim China oha nstitte for radate tdies Between Global and National Conceptions of Education Celia Lee Administration: The Sustainability of K-12 Education anang Technological niversit ingapore Reforms in Qatar The Changing Dynamics of Policy Experiment in Singapore: Does the 2011 General Election Make a Osama AbuFarraj Difference? niversit of anchester Understanding Service Delivery in the Health Sector in Hong Liu Ghana: Do Reforms Matter? anang Technological niversit ingapore Knowledge Transfer in China-Africa relations: The Case Issifu Amadu of Special Economic Zones niversit of anchester and Understanding Service Delivery in the Health Sector in Cadre Training and G-2-G Projects: Preliminary Ghana: Do Reforms Matter? Findings of Knowledge Transfer from Singapore to China Bin Chen arch ollege and radate enter it niversit of Liang Ma ew or chool of lic dinistration and olic enin Applying Qualitative Comparative Analysis to Studying niversit of hina Public Organizations and Their Management The Changing Dynamics of Policy Experiment in Singapore: Does the 2011 General Election Make a Raymond Cox Difference? niversit of ron Responsibility and Integrity: Toward a More Effective Zhao Suisheng Public Service niversit of enver China’s Belt and Road Initiative as a Development Farhad Hossain Program niversit of anchester Understanding Service Delivery in the Health Sector in Ting-Yan Wang Ghana: Do Reforms Matter? anang Technological niversit ingapore Knowledge Transfer in China-Africa relations: The Case Veronica Junjan of Special Economic Zones niversit of Twente and Reform Stability or Reform Relapse in Central and Cadre Training and G-2-G Projects: Preliminary East European Countries? An Analysis of the Reform Findings of Knowledge Transfer from Singapore to Sustainability after the Financial Crisis China

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Charlene Roach Fr is yosiu (continued) The niversit of the est ndies t gstine aps Liang Ma Public Service Motivation, Leadership and Turnover enin niversit of hina Intentions for Public Employees in Trinidad and Tobago Applying Qualitative Comparative Analysis to Studying and Barbados Public Organizations and Their Management

Aminu Mamman 3:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Centennial B niversit of anchester Prforanc utin for An Understanding Service Delivery in the Health Sector in ntrnational oarison Ghana: Do Reforms Matter? MODERATOR/COAUTHOR Alfred Ho niversit of ansas 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Mineral Hall A Performance Budgeting Experiences: An International atrin Ainistrati fors an Comparison. Practics raftin olutions for arian PA MODERATOR/COAUTHOR DISCUSSANT Meghna Sabharwal Veronica Junjan niversit of Texas at allas niversit of Twente The etherlands Organizational Performance and Culture: A Comparative Analysis of Two Islands PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Maarten DeJong DISCUSSANT The inistr of inance The etherlands Kim Moloney Performance Budgeting Experiences: An International rdoch niversit Comparison

PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Wen Fan Wayne Charles-Soverall atawa eiing The niversit of the est ndies avehill aps Third-Party Performance Evaluation and Performance Ethics and Performance in Public Organizations in the Budgeting: The Chinese Experience Caribbean. Dexu He Rashmi Chordiya ational cade of conoic trateg The niversit of Texas at allas Performance Budgeting Reform in China Organizational Performance and Culture: A Comparative Analysis of Two Islands Juan Martinez niversit of arland Wesley Cota Performance Budgeting and the Use of Performance ederal niversit of icosa Information: The Case of Chile Performance Budgeting The Quality of Public Management and Social Control in in Kenya the Promotion of Human Development in Brazil Frankline Muthomi Marco Ferreira orthern llinois niversit ederal niversit of icosa Performance Budgeting and the Use of Performance The Quality of Public Management and Social Control in Information: The Case of Chile Performance Budgeting the Promotion of Human Development in Brazil in Kenya

Kurt Thurmaier Jongsoo Park orthern llinois niversit orthern entc niversit Performance Budgeting and the Use of Performance Innovations and Practices in Caribbean Public Information: The Case of Chile Performance Budgeting Organizations in Kenya

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Fr is yosiu (continued) oo ornanc orli Zaozao Zhao yosiu hinese cade of ocial ciences 8:45 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Centennial C Performance Budgeting Reform in China Sponsored By: International Chapter, Section on Emergency and 3:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Centennial B Crisis Management and Section on Public Management Practice ol of i rinc Politics an anua in ffcti an ocratic Pulic The following data was provided by the symposium ric organizers MODERATOR/PRESENTER Michael W. Spicer leveland tate niversit 8:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Public Administration and the Democratic Will lco an ntrouctions DISCUSSANT Rashmi Chordiya 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. niversit of Texas at allas Accountaility for Aancin oo ornanc PRESENTERS aroun t orl Aciin ustainal David Carnevale lont oals niversit of lahoa MODERATOR In Praise of Facework: Public Service as a Circular Robert Shick Process tgers niversitewar

R. McGreggor Cawley niversit of oing 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Governmentality, Nanny State and Public Service fu sttlnt ntration an turn MODERATOR Hugh Miller Adam Masters lorida tlantic niversit Transnational esearch nstitte on orrption Cannabis Regulation in Colorado: Ideologies, Interests and Political Narratives PRESENTERS Shahrira Islam Camilla Stivers inghaton niversit leveland tate niversit In Praise of Facework: Public Service as a Circular Hugo Renderos Process ndependent onsltant

Nicholas C. Zingale leveland tate niversit 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. The Phenomenology of Deliberative Practices During ounity Accountaility in an s Plannin Regional Programming Transitions: A Case Study of the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund MODERATOR Frances Edwards 5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Centennial B an ose tate niversit yosiu onclusion flctions iscussions

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

PRESENTERS 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Brian Collins nnoations in isastr Prarnss niversit of orth Texas itiation an cory orli Do Local Governments with Higher Citizen Ratings MODERATOR on Service Quality Have Higher Service Performance Claire Connolly Knox Transparency? Evidence from U.S. Local Governments niversit of entral lorida Jayce L. Farmer PRESENTERS niversit of evada as egas Jeanne-Marie Col Do State Spending Priorities Constrain or Promote Local ohn a ollege of riinal stice it niversit of Government Sustainability Policies? ew or Implementing Sustainable Development Goals: The Agustin Leon-Moreta Role of GIS, Geo-Design and Related Technologies in the niversit of ew exico Millennium Earth Project Pilot in Nigeria—Kaduna State Municipal Government and Its Role in a State-Local System: Evidence from Panel Data Alessandra Jerolleman acsonville tate niversit Ashley E. Nickles Strengthening Alignment of U.S. Disaster Planning with ent tate niversit International Models and Related SDG Efforts to Reduce Power, Protest and Participation: Understanding the Disaster Vulnerability Municipal Takeover of Flint, Mich.

Jie Tao il rit yosiu niversit of orth Texas Do Local Governments with Higher Citizen Ratings 8:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Centennial A on Service Quality Have Higher Service Performance Transparency? Evidence from U.S. Local Governments ocal ornnt an t tats iftin ynaics of tatocal lations The following data was provided by the symposium 10:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. organizers Auinc iscussion tat Profils on tat ocal lations 8:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. lco an ntrouctions 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. MODERATORS Russ Hanson A oo at tat Prtion ndiana niversit MODERATOR John Kincaid Eric Zeemering afaette ollege orthern llinois niversit PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS ars on t acy of il rit Brian Collins Kimberly Nelson niversit of orth Texas niversit of orth arolina at hapel ill Municipal Policy and Fracking Discretion in the States

Daniel J. Mallinson 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. enn tate arrisrg Position of ocal ornnts in t Diffusion Quarantine: The Use of State Pre-Emption to Fral yst Prevent the Spread of Innovations MODERATOR Carl Stenberg Beverly Cigler niversit of orth arolinahapel ill enn tate niversit arrisrg State Pre-Emption and the Ghost of Judge Dillon

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Doug Linkhart il rit yosiu (continued) ational ivic eage James Svara niversit of orth arolinahapel ill Cliff Lippard State Pre-Emption and the Ghost of Judge Dillon Tennessee dvisor oission on ntergovernental elations David Swindell riona tate niversit State Pre-Emption and the Ghost of Judge Dillon 4:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. ars fro ar rit on alf of t rit Faily 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. calin ornanc for tatocal oncluin ars lations ional ntrornntal Russ Hanson raniations ndiana niversit MODERATOR Jen Nelles Eric Zeemering it niversit of ew ornter ollege orthern llinois niversit

PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Patrick Bitterman Panls niversit of eront Modeling State-Local Coordination of Water Quality 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Granite C Management at the Regional Scale for the Lake Aancin Pulic Ainistration for tunts Champlain Basin an trtl uraucrats George W. Dougherty, Jr. iding hilosoph thics and the aw niversit of ittsrgh RIGOs and Civic Engagement Endorsed By: ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance ection on Christopher Koliba ealth and an ervices dinistration and ection niversit of eront on lic dinistration esearch Modeling State-Local Coordination of Water Quality Management at the Regional Scale for the Lake MODERATOR/PRESENTER Champlain Basin Angela Kline ssistant rofessor owie tate niversit owie Jay Rickbaugh Ethics Education in Online Public Affairs Programs niversit of ittsrgh Leading Actors: The Role of Local Elected Officials on PRESENTERS Boards of Regional Intergovernmental Organizations Jose Luis Irizarry octoral tdent lorida tlantic niversit Thomas Skuzinski oca aton irginia oltechnic niversit Creating and Communicating Inclusion Pedagogy and Balancing Local and Regional Interests Using Cultural Syllabi across Public Administration and Nonprofit Heuristics Curricula: Disciplinary Differences Explored

Christina Mancini 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. ssociate rofessor and radate oordinator for Panl iscussion iftin ynaics of riinal stice irginia oonwealth niversit tatocal lations ichond Campus Sexual Assault Policy in a New Political PRESENTERS Climate: Steps Forward or Back? Irv Halter olorado epartent of ocal ffairs

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Saltanat Liebert Panls (continued) ssociate rofessor irginia oonwealth niversit Brian Pappas ichond ssistant rofessor oise tate niversit oise Exploring Religiosity Among Muslim Immigrants in the Street-Level Bureaucrats: Title IX Coordinators and United States: The Case of Kyrgyz Migrants University Sexual Misconduct Joanna Lucio Shelly Peffer ssociate rofessor riona tate niversit rofessor and hair lacrn ollege arlinville hoenix What is Legal is Not Always Right: Street Level Housing Dispersal Policies and Immigrants: Local Bureaucrats and the Tension Between Equality and Administrators’ Response Equity Adriano Udani COAUTHOR ssistant rofessor niversit of issorit ois t Michelle Evans ois ssistant rofessor niversit of Tennessee Experiences with Immigration Enforcement hattanooga hattanooga T Creating and Communicating Inclusion Pedagogy and PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Syllabi across Public Administration and Nonprofit Jennica Larrison Curricula: Disciplinary Differences Explored ssistant rofessor niversit of altiore altiore Navigating Encounters with Public Servants 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Mineral Hall G lorin irant rincs in COAUTHORS Ainistrati ttins Angel Molina ll re ot al dvancing ocial it ostoctoral tdent riona tate niversit hoenix Endorsed By: Housing Dispersal Policies and Immigrants: Local ection on eocrac and ocial stice and ection on Administrators’ Response ealth and an ervices dinistration David Webber ssistant rofessor irginia oonwealth niversit MODERATOR/PRESENTER Zhao Shurong ichond rofessor niversit of lectronic cience and Exploring Religiosity Among Muslim Immigrants in the Technolog of hina hengd ichan hina United States: The Case of Kyrgyz Migrants Study of the Mechanism of Cross-Boundary Governance of Water Pollution in the Taihu Basin: A Synergy 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Mineral Hall F Perspective iffrnt Fors of ornanc tructurs to MODERATOR/COAUTHOR uort ollaoration Mariglynn Edlins n e Toward the tre nvironent and ssistant rofessor niversit of altiore Technolog altiore Navigating Encounters with Public Servants Endorsed By: ection on ntergovernental dinistration and PRESENTERS anageent Jean-Claude Garcia-Zamor rofessor lorida nternational niversit PRESENTERS iai each Loo-See Beh United States Policy Initiatives for Addressing the rofessor niversit of alaa ala pr alasia Problem of Immigration Collaboration of Public Agencies in Innovation and Start-Up Development in Malaysia

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Agate A Seo Young Kim Prsctis on ornanc an ollaoration octoral tdent lorida tate niversit n e Toward the tre nvironent and Tallahassee Technolog Multisector Collaboration for Solar Power Projects at U.S. Airports Endorsed By: ection on lic dinistration dcation Travis Whetsell isiting ssistant rofessor lorida nternational niversit iai MODERATOR/PRESENTER Christopher Sigle Between Policy and Performance: Implementation ite anager ational ceanic and tospheric through Interorganizational Networks dinistration rora Enhancing Public Service Excellence: Leading at the PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Intersection of Social Capital and Public Value Younsung Kim ssociate rofessor eorge ason niversit char chool of olic and overnent cean PRESENTERS Stephen Hamill How Can We Promote Sustainable Innovations in rincipal hared eadership rop lao Businesses? The Role of Public-Private Partnerships Hybrid Government: Improving Public Service Effectiveness through Cross-Sector Collaboration Fan Wen Xue niversit of lectronic cience and Technolog of hina Alejandro Rodriguez hengd ichan hina ssociate rofessor niversit of Texas at rlington Study of the Mechanism of Cross-Boundary Governance rlington T of Water Pollution in the Taihu Basin: A Synergy Creative Governance Perspective

COAUTHORS 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Centennial G Wenxue Fan asters andidate niversit of lectronic cience and is ounication an isastr silincy Technolog of hina hengd ichan hina efore and fter the tor ergenc and Study of the Mechanism of Cross-Boundary Governance isaster anageent of Water Pollution in the Taihu Basin: A Synergy Perspective Endorsed By: ection on ergenc and risis anageent and Daniel Ruedy ection on lic dinistration esearch radate tdent and nvironental onsltant eorge ason niversit char chool of olic and MODERATOR/COAUTHOR overnent airfax Abraham Benavides How Can We Promote Sustainable Innovations in ssociate rofessor and hair niversit of orth Texas Businesses? The Role of Public-Private Partnerships enton T State Governments’ Emergency Management Websites: Evaluating Risk Communication Delivery to Non- English Speakers

PRESENTER Jonathan Hsieh ietenant oast ard eserve lexandria Lessons Learned and Observations from Hurricane Harvey and Irma: Perspectives from a U.S. Coast Guard Hurricane Call Center

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Panls (continued) Amnah Ibraheem radate tdent niversit of Tennesseenoxville PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS noxville T Jennifer Bealt Energy Crisis Management: What States Can Learn esearch ssociate niversit of anchester from One Another’s Emergency Response Processes anchester nited ingdo City-to-City Peer Review Processes for Disaster Risk Abby Kinch Reduction and Resilience Building: A Literature Review enior esearcher and dnct nstrctor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee Fatih Demiroz Blue Skies versus Gray Skies: Technological Examples in ssistant rofessor a oston tate niversit Experiential Learning Using Emergency Management ntsville T Case Studies Disaster Resilience: Moving from Metaphor to Measurement Manuel Lopez-Ibanez ectrer niversit of anchester anchester nited Thomas Haase ingdo ssistant rofessor a oston tate niversit City-to-City Peer Review Processes for Disaster Risk ntsville T Reduction and Resilience Building: A Literature Review Disaster Resilience: Moving from Metaphor to Measurement David Merrick, II ept irector enter for isaster is olic lorida Laura Hart tate niversit Tallahassee octoral tdent lorida tate niversit Blue Skies versus Gray Skies: Technological Examples in Tallahassee Experiential Learning Using Emergency Management Blue Skies versus Gray Skies: Technological Examples in Case Studies Experiential Learning Using Emergency Management Case Studies Duncan Shaw rofessor niversit of anchester anchester nited Erin Rowland ingdo radate tdent niversit of Tennesseenoxville City-to-City Peer Review Processes for Disaster Risk noxville T Reduction and Resilience Building: A Literature Review Energy Crisis Management: What States Can Learn from One Another’s Emergency Response Processes Christopher Smith ectrer niversit of anchester anchester nited Ismail Soujaa ingdo tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T City-to-City Peer Review Processes for Disaster Risk State Governments’ Emergency Management Websites: Reduction and Resilience Building: A Literature Review Evaluating Risk Communication Delivery to Non-English Speakers 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Granite B COAUTHORS ratin Pulic anant nnoation in Alissa Bell aan enior esearcher lorida tate niversit lrring the ines nternational and oparative Tallahassee lic dinistration Blue Skies versus Gray Skies: Technological Examples in Experiential Learning Using Emergency Management Endorsed By: Case Studies ection for oen in lic dinistration

MODERATOR Masami Nishishiba epartent hair and ssociate rofessor ortland tate niversit ortland

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Mineral Hall D DISCUSSANT ocal ornanc an ounity rics in Shugo Shinohara rosstraits ins Pulic Ainistration dnct rofessor tgers niversitewar Togane i Panl apan lrring the ines nternational and oparative lic dinistration PRESENTERS Leona Hayashi Endorsed By: esearcher nstitte of dinistrative anageent ection on hinese lic dinistration no Too apan Three Models of Personnel Administration in Japanese MODERATOR Local Governments Tsai-Tsu Su rofessor ational Taiwan niversit Taipei Taiwan Tomoko Makino ept irector ainet rea of ersonnel ffairs DISCUSSANTS Too apan Elaine Lu A Path toward Gender Equality in the Japanese Central ssociate rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice Government: A Woman Official’s Perspective it niversit of ew or ew or

PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Yahong Zhang Bolormaa Battsogt ssociate rofessor tgers niversitewar octoral tdent Toai niversit oosa anagawa ewar apan Rebuilding Social Capital in Japan: Local Governance, PRESENTERS Information and Communications Technology and Ming-feng Kuo Cultural Attributes ssistant rofessor ational Taiwan niversit Taipei Taiwan Takashi Kobayashi Behavioral Determinants of Civic Engagement: Evidence rofessor Toai niversit iratsashi anagawa from Communities in China apan Rebuilding Social Capital in Japan: Local Governance, Chun-yuan Wang Information and Communications Technology and ssociate rofessor entral olice niversit Taoan Cultural Attributes it Taiwan The Impact of Network Management Strategies on the Jun Matsumoto Outcome of Collaborative Disaster Governance: The ept irector inistr of nternal ffairs and Case of the Tainan Earthquake in Taiwan onications Too apan Creating Innovative Public-Sector Workplaces in Japan: PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Recent Movements, Future Challenges Yan-Yi Chang ssociate rofessor hng a niversit sinch it Ryosuke Yamauchi Taiwan nit hief inistr of nternal ffairs and Public-Private Partnerships in Taiwan Local onications Too apan Governance: Some Lessons from Drug Abuse Policy Creating Innovative Public-Sector Workplaces in Japan: Recent Movements, Future Challenges Jinyun Guo ssociate rofessor ichan niversit hengd hina An Analysis of the KANO Model on Requirement Classification and Supply Priority of Urban Public Service: The Case of Chengdu City in China

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Panls (continued) PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Meghna Sabharwal Hong-Cheng Liu ssociate rofessor niversit of Texas at allas rofessor ho niversit aohsing it Taiwan ichardson T Public-Private Partnerships in Taiwan Local What Triggers Innovation in Public Organizations? Do Governance: Some Lessons from Drug Abuse Policy Government Reforms Matter?

COAUTHORS COAUTHOR Taiping Ding Imane Hijal Moghrabi octoral tdent n aten niversit angho ssistant rofessor niversit of Texas of the erian hina asin dessa T An Analysis of the KANO Model on Requirement What Triggers Innovation in Public Organizations? Do Classification and Supply Priority of Urban Public Government Reforms Matter? Service: The Case of Chengdu City in China

Xiaoping Jiang 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Granite A ean ichan niversit hengd hina anain Pulic Funin an aor osts An Analysis of the KANO Model on Requirement Classification and Supply Priority of Urban Public n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent Service: The Case of Chengdu City in China PRESENTERS Jinqiao Li Odd Stalebrink tdent ichan niversit hengd hina ssociate rofessor enn tate arrisrg An Analysis of the KANO Model on Requirement iddletown Classification and Supply Priority of Urban Public Public Pension Funds and Risk Taking Behavior: An Service: The Case of Chengdu City in China Empirical Analysis

Joe Wholey 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Mineral Hall C isiting cholar niversit of elaware rlington nnoation an st Practics in Pulic Mending Our Safety Net: Building Our Labor Force raniations an PulicPriat ollaoration Jinhai Yu iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent octoral tdent niversit of entc exington Do Public Employee Unions Impact OPEB Funding? Endorsed By: ection on ersonnel dinistration and aor elations PRESENTER/COAUTHOR John McCaskill MODERATOR/PRESENTER linical rofessor lic ffairs niversit of Texas at Marv Pichla allas ichardson T reative dvisor and wner nspiring nnovations nc Pensions in Crisis: Examining the Challenges Facing ational it Texas Public Pensions in Dallas and Houston The IDEAS Project: Simplicity Matters COAUTHORS PRESENTERS Teodoro Benavides Lisa Dillard xective in esidence niversit of Texas at allas esponse ranch hief trategic ational tocpile lenn eights T enters for isease ontrol and revention tlanta Pensions in Crisis: Examining the Challenges Facing Leveraging Relationships with Professional Texas Public Pensions in Dallas and Houston Organizations to Reach Key Partners James Harrington Bryan Heartsfield ssistant rofessor niversit of Texas at allas ergenc anageent pecialist enters for isease ichardson T ontrol and revention tlanta Pensions in Crisis: Examining the Challenges Facing Leveraging Relationships with Professional Texas Public Pensions in Dallas and Houston Organizations to Reach Key Partners

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) Panls 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Agate C 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Mineral Hall E conoics an nstitutions onrofit Accountaility an Prforanc n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent

MODERATOR/PRESENTER Endorsed By: Rachel Robinson ection on ealth and an ervices dinistration sire locchain esearch nstitte rnsville ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships Distributed and Collaborative Marketplaces: Blockchain and ection on lic erforance and anageent Serving the Unbanked PRESENTER PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Ashley Hernandez-Hall Jeongwoo Kim octoral tdent niversit of evadaas egas as ssistant rofessor astern entc niversit egas ichond Beyond Evaluation: Managing Nonprofit Data The Effect of Institutional Arrangements on Local Investment Choices PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS JongMin Shon Keon Hyung Lee ssistant rofessor tgers niversitewar rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee ewar Do Countries with Stronger Economic Institutions Fundraising Efficiency, Revenue Structure and Financial Receive More Foreign Aid? Performance in Nonprofit Organizations: An Empirical Analysis of Arts, Culture and Humanities Nonprofit Tianfeng Li Organizations octoral tdent lorida tate niversit Tallahassee Kuang-Ting Tai Political Connections and Fiscal Extraction in China octoral tdent tgers niversitewar ewar COAUTHORS Fundraising Efficiency, Revenue Structure and Financial Richard Feiock Performance in Nonprofit Organizations: An Empirical rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee Analysis of Arts, Culture and Humanities Nonprofit Political Connections and Fiscal Extraction in China Organizations

Ahreum Han Yuan Tian octoral tdent lorida tate niversit octoral tdent ndiana niversitrde niversit Tallahassee ndianapolis ndianapolis Do Countries with Stronger Economic Institutions Is Overhead Ratio Aversion Changeable? A Lab Receive More Foreign Aid? Experiment

Sung Eun Lee COAUTHORS octoral tdent lorida tate niversit Peter Frumkin Tallahassee rofessor niversit of ennslvania stin T Do Countries with Stronger Economic Institutions Is Overhead Ratio Aversion Changeable? A Lab Receive More Foreign Aid? Experiment

Chia-Ko Hung radate tdent riona tate niversit esa Is Overhead Ratio Aversion Changeable? A Lab Experiment

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Panls (continued) 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Agate C 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Agate B ocal ornnt Pulic Policy allns Policy an iscrtion in a nforcnt an olutions erfect orld lic dinistration Theor iding hilosoph thics and the aw Endorsed By: Endorsed By: ection on ealth and an ervices dinistration ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance and ection on ntergovernental dinistration and anageent MODERATOR/PRESENTER Richard Hough lic dinistration rogra oordinator niversit MODERATOR/PRESENTER Bakry Elmedni of est lorida ace ssistant rofessor ong sland niversitrooln Administrative Evil and the Use of Deadly Force in Law rooln Enforcement Flint Water Crisis and the Principle of Deserving: Social Status and Prioritizing PRESENTERS Gordon Henderson rofessor idener niversit hester PRESENTER Catherine Horiuchi Law, Ethics and Sanctuary: Immigration Enforcement, ssociate rofessor niversit of an rancisco an Federalism and Ethics rancisco The Encroachment of Economics on Efficiency: Origins Anh P. Nguyen of the Flint Water Crisis octoral tdent niversit of Texas at rlington rlington T Cryshanna Jackson Leftwich Pro-Arrest Policy for Intimate Partner Violence in the ssociate rofessor ongstown tate niversit United States: A Review and Implications for Research ongstown and Policy A Primary Concern: How Voting Patterns in Primary Elections Can Impact Social Equity; The Case of PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Mahoning County David Gonzalez ssistant rofessor randan niversit rvine Peace in the Neighborhood PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Elizabeth Nisbet ssistant rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice COAUTHORS it niversit of ew or ew or Samantha Hicks Philanthropic Partnerships in the Just City: Schools tdent lorida tate niversit Tallahassee and Parks Searching for a Model of Firefighter Stress: A Qualitative Study Susanna Schaller ssistant rofessor it niversit of ew or it Patricia Shields ollege of ew or ew or rofessor Texas tate niversit an arcos T Philanthropic Partnerships in the Just City: Schools Peace in the Neighborhood and Parks

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) PRESENTERS Sebawit Bishu 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Granite B ssistant rofessor niversit of olorado enver otin oals alus an issions Policy enver allns an Aocacy cnius Uncovering the Leaky Pipeline: Missing Women in Local erfect orld lic dinistration Theor Government Leadership

MODERATOR/PRESENTER Andrea Headley Leigh Espy octoral tdent lorida nternational niversit octoral tdent niversit of olorado enver iai aewood Toward Constitutional Policing: Examining of Frontline The Myth of the American Wild West: From Theory to Public Servants Practice Melissa Gomez Hernandez PRESENTERS octoral tdent lorida nternational niversit Meghan Doughty iai octoral andidate erican niversit Environmental Factors’ Toll on Policy Performance and ashington Local Officials’ Response to the Challenge Wishy-Washy Chocolate Hearts: Prison Chaplains as Public Managers Sean McCandless nstrctor niversit of olorado enver rvada Sheldon Gen “Making the Switch”: A Black Box Exploration of How ssociate rofessor an rancisco tate niversit an Four Local Government Agencies Decided to Take Social rancisco Equity More Seriously Fighting Goliath: Policy Advocacy Strategies of Environmental Nonprofits Facing Large Corporate Anthony Starke Interests octoral tdent niversit of erasaaha aha Lewis Koski Local Governments, Policy Leadership and Social enior irector reedan osi nc and forer Equity: From Review to Recommendations tate of olorado eglator enver The Marijuana Policy Frontier 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Agate A nco nualitis an tr arrirs in 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Mineral Hall G ornnt nacin t lac o ocal ornnt ll re ot al dvancing ocial it Ancis ffcts on ocial uity ll re ot al dvancing ocial it Endorsed By: ection on eocrac and ocial stice ection on Endorsed By: thics and ntegrit in overnance and ection on ection for oen in lic dinistration and ection nternational and oparative dinistration on eocrac and ocial stice MODERATOR/PRESENTER MODERATOR Samuel Brown James Svara rofessor and irector go all chool of lic isiting cholar niversit of orth arolinahapel ffairs ichita tate niversit ichita ill rha A Tale of Redlining in Two Baltimore Neighborhoods

DISCUSSANT PRESENTERS Tia Sheree Gaynor Vanessa Littleton ssistant rofessor arist ollege ogheepsie ssistant rofessor alifornia tate niversit ontere a easide Structural Racism and Systems of Oppression in Local Government: A Case Study of Sanford, Fla.

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Panls (continued) PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS David Okereke Chung-An Chen tdent tgers niversitaden aden ssistant rofessor anang Technological niversit Is Transitional AID a Driver of Economic Revitalization? ingapore Comparing Camden to Peer Municipalities in New Preparing Public Affairs Students for Future Public Jersey Service: Focus on Students’ Public Service Perceptions, Values and Propensity in Singapore PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Shiva RaissiCharmakani Soojin Kim radate tdent niversit of ichigan nn ror ssistant rofessor anang Technological niversit Overcoming Barriers to Energy Justice: How Policy ingapore and Practice Nuances Help Community Action Agencies Preparing Public Affairs Students for Future Public Implement Low-Income Weatherization Service: Focus on Students’ Public Service Perceptions, Values and Propensity in Singapore COAUTHOR Tony Reames 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Mineral Hall F ssistant rofessor niversit of ichigan nn ror Aatin for silincy ntrnational ssons Overcoming Barriers to Energy Justice: How Policy n e Toward the tre nvironent and and Practice Nuances Help Community Action Agencies Technolog Implement Low-Income Weatherization Endorsed By: ection on ffective and ond dinistration in the 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Centennial G iddle ast ection on nvironental and atral ntrnational Prsctis on ucation esorces dinistration and ection on lic ll re ot al dvancing ocial it dinistration esearch

Endorsed By: MODERATOR/PRESENTER ection on eocrac and ocial stice ection on Enamul Choudhury ffective and ond dinistration in the iddle ast rofessor right tate niversit aton and tdents and ew dinistration rofessionals The Public Administration of International Relations: ection The Case of Transboundary Water Governance

PRESENTERS PRESENTERS Kinjal Ben Chaudhari Nittam Chandel octoral tdent andit eendaal etrole ssociate rofessor wai iveanand overnent niversit andhinagar ndia ollege harwin ilaspr iachal radesh ndia The Challenge of Education: New Education Policy Grassroots Solutions to Climate Change in India Reforms the Education Scenario in India Jill Tao David Coursey ean ffice of nternational elations ncheon ational ssociate rofessor niversit of Texas at rlington niversit ncheon orea arrollton T “Green” as a Development Amenity: Environmental Determinants of MPA Degree Completion: An Programs in Development Contexts Examination of Key Factors in Accredited Texas Programs PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Mohammed Abdullah I. Alkhurayyif octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Saudi Arabia: A Content Analysis

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) Yifu Lin ssociate rofessor arin nstitte of Technolog Issah Justice Surugu Musah arin eilongiang hina radate esearch ssistant and octoral tdent The Operational Logic of Local Governance: A Study of niversit of hana ccra hana Government Cultural Tourism Projects Empirical Analysis of Sub-Saharan African Countries’ Readiness to Mobilize International Climate Finance for Adaptation: The Ghanaian Experience COAUTHORS Krister Andersson rofessor niversit of olorado older older COAUTHORS Cooperation Among Public Officials in Local Service Saad Abdullah Alkhurayyif Delivery: Evidence from the Honduran Health Sector octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Saudi Arabia: Zhaorui Feng A Content Analysis ssociate rofessor ning niversit of cience and Technolog ning hina Samuel Anuga Modification of Multiple Streams Model: Evidence from tdent niversit of hana ccra hana the Chinese Cases Empirical Analysis of Sub-Saharan African Countries’ Readiness to Mobilize International Climate Finance for Cathy Yang Liu Adaptation: The Ghanaian Experience ssociate rofessor eorgia tate niversit tlanta The Myth and Truth of Urban Innovation: Evidence 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Mineral Hall D from GIAUI

Policy Funantals an nnoations in ina Wenzhong Ouyang lrring the ines nternational and oparative Modification of Multiple Streams Model: Evidence from lic dinistration the Chinese Cases

Endorsed By: Ming Sun ection on hinese lic dinistration tdent arin nstitte of Technolog arin eilongiang hina MODERATOR/PRESENTER The Operational Logic of Local Governance: A Study of Lin Ye Government Cultural Tourism Projects rofessor n aten niversit angho hina The Myth and Truth of Urban Innovation: Evidence Peipei Zhang from GIAUI esearcher n aten niversit angho hina How Did Budget Punctuations Happen in a DISCUSSANT/PRESENTER Departmental Budget? A Case Study of Chinese Shihong Weng Municipal Government ssociate rofessor Tongi niversit hanghai hina Innovation of Bike-Sharing Management with the Perspective of Holistic Governance 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Mineral Hall C or Policis PRESENTER iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent Yajing Zhu octoral tdent inan niversit angho hina Endorsed By: Diffusion or Dispelled? Comparative Analysis Between ection on ersonnel dinistration and aor elations the Media and Policy Agenda of PM2.5 in China MODERATOR/PRESENTER PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Hanane Cherkaoui Muhua Lin onsltant Taeen aat orocco esearch ellow n aten niversit angho Public Personnel Policies’ Adoption: Building a hina Conceptual Framework of Analysis How Did Budget Punctuations Happen in a Departmental Budget? A Case Study of Chinese Municipal Government asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Panls (continued) 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Granite A PRESENTER Procurnt allns an nnoations Douglas Cyr n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent ield onsltant ehavioral ealth ervices agellan ealth nc an rancisco Endorsed By: Managerial Ethics in the Creation of an LGBTQIA- ection on rocreent and ontract anageent Friendly Workplace MODERATOR/PRESENTER PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Ana Maria Dimand Anna Clark octoral tdent lorida nternational niversit ssistant rofessor rae niversit es oines ooper it Protected but Not Included? A Longitudinal Analysis of Green Public Procurement Practices: A Narrative LGBT Inclusion in the Federal Workforce Review

Cynthia Ferentinos PRESENTERS enior esearch nalst ffice of olic and valation Joseph Pegnato erit stes rotection oard ashington etired ederal ploee ienna Sexual Harassment in the Federal Workplace Federal Procurement Reform: A Mixed Record at Best

Ellen Rubin Rene Rendon ssociate rofessor niversit at lantate ssociate rofessor aval ostgradate chool niversit of ew or lan ontere Steering without a Rudder: Understanding Conflicting Benchmarking Public Procurement Process Maturity Court Doctrines on Discriminatory Nonsexual Harassment and Freedom of Speech Alexandru Roman ssociate rofessor and irector alifornia tate Christine Rush niversitan ernardino an ernardino ssociate rofessor ississippi tate niversit What Does It Take to Institutionalize Innovative, ississippi tate Strategic and Sustainable Procurement Practices? An Steering without a Rudder: Understanding Conflicting Empirical Analysis of Practices by American Public Court Doctrines on Discriminatory Nonsexual Agencies Harassment and Freedom of Speech Jessica Terman Jiwon Suh ssistant rofessor eorge ason niversit char octoral andidate niversit of Texas at allas chool of olic and overnent ichardson T airfax Protected but Not Included? A Longitudinal Analysis of Sustainable Procurement Policy across the States: LGBT Inclusion in the Federal Workforce Patterns and Descriptions

COAUTHOR James Tsugawa ept irector olic and valation erit stes rotection oard ashington Sexual Harassment in the Federal Workplace

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Panls Hee Soun Jang ssociate rofessor and ssistant hair niversit of 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Granite C orth Texas enton T iin ocracy ritical ol of ir Strengthening Democracy: A Comparative Analysis of ctor raniations the Roles of Neighborhood Associations in the United States, Japan and South Korea resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent

Endorsed By: 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Mineral Hall E ection on eocrac and ocial stice ection on onrofit Accountaility an Prforanc thics and ntegrit in overnance and ection on Part onprofit olic ractice and artnerships resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent MODERATOR/PRESENTER Roseanne Mirabella Endorsed By: rofessor eton all niversit oth range ection for oen in lic dinistration ection Philanthropic Morality and Critical Ethics on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships ection on eocrac and ocial stice and ection on lic erforance and anageent PRESENTERS Kimberley Garth-James ssistant rofessor otre ae e ar niversit MODERATOR/PRESENTER l rove Meeyoung Lamothe Exploring Anti-Recidivism in Modern Corrections: Work ssociate rofessor niversit of lahoa and Literacy after Incarceration oran Do “Accountable” Charitable Organizations Also Perform Dorothy Norris-Tirrell Better? enior irector cadeic ffairs and esearch onprofit eadership lliance poane PRESENTER The Impact of Sunshine Laws on Nonprofit Deborah LeBlanc Organizations rofessor ational niversit everl ills Service “First” in the “Mission” of Ensuring Accountability in Academic Access and Success for PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Lisa Dicke Learners of Color in Today’s Economy rofessor niversit of orth Texas enton T Strengthening Democracy: A Comparative Analysis of PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS the Roles of Neighborhood Associations in the United Candice Bodkin States, Japan and South Korea ssistant rofessor eorgia othern niversit tatesoro Jung Wook Kim Does Mentoring Matter? Investigating the Role of ssociate esearch ellow ran anageent ivision Mentoring in Nonprofit Leadership Development ncheon evelopent nstitte ncheon orea Strengthening Democracy: A Comparative Analysis of Lindsey Evans the Roles of Neighborhood Associations in the United enior esearch ssociate irginia oonwealth States, Japan and South Korea niversit ichond Measuring African American Youth Outcomes: The Influence of Local Nonprofits Organizations COAUTHORS Ki Joo Cho ssociate rofessor eton all niversit Susan T. Gooden ernardsville ediate ast resident and rofessor irginia Philanthropic Morality and Critical Ethics oonwealth niversit ichond Measuring African American Youth Outcomes: The Influence of Local Nonprofits Organizations

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Panls (continued) DISCUSSANT Carole Jurkiewicz Saerim Kim herr enne ndowed rofessor of eadership octoral tdent niversit of entc exington niversit of assachsettsoston oston The Effect of Grant Recipient Density on Homeless Services and Outcomes PRESENTERS Haris Alibasic Andrew Sullivan ssistant rofessor niversit of est lorida ensacola octoral tdent niversit of entc exington each The Effect of Grant Recipient Density on Homeless The Politics and Consequences of Climate Change Denial: Services and Outcomes Effects, Opportunities and Ethical Considerations of Climate Resilience for Local Government Triparna Vasavada ssociate rofessor enn tate niversit Angela Paez iddletown isiting rofessor and esearcher niversidad e a Gender Matters: Leaders, Social Networks and aana hia oloia Nonprofit Effectiveness Understanding the Challenges of Law Ambiguity in Anti- Corruption: Administrative Morality in Colombia COAUTHORS Kerry Kuenzi PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS ssistant rofessor eorgia othern niversit Kai-Hung Fang tatesoro ssistant rofessor hih sin niversit Taipei Taiwan Does Mentoring Matter? Investigating the Role of What is Corruption? An Empirical Investigation Using Q Mentoring in Nonprofit Leadership Development Methodology

Amanda Stewart Fildous Hamid ssistant rofessor orth arolina tate niversit tdent ontcrest niversit ollege anda ccra aleigh hana Does Mentoring Matter? Investigating the Role of Clan-Based Thinking: The Cultural Pivot for Systemic Mentoring in Nonprofit Leadership Development Corruption Amidst Stronger Institutions in Ghana

Michele Tantardini Chilik Yu ssistant rofessor enn tate arrisrg rofessor hih sin niversit Taipei Taiwan arrisrg What is Corruption? An Empirical Investigation Using Q Gender Matters: Leaders, Social Networks and Methodology Nonprofit Effectiveness COAUTHOR Issah Justice Surugu Musah 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Granite B radate esearch ssistant and octoral tdent ntrnational Ainistrati orality an niversit of hana ccra hana ystic orrution Clan-Based Thinking: The Cultural Pivot for Systemic iding hilosoph thics and the aw Corruption Amidst Stronger Institutions in Ghana

Endorsed By: ection on ffective and ond dinistration in the iddle ast ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance and ection on nternational and oparative dinistration

MODERATOR/PRESENTER Richard Ghere rofessor niversit of aton aton The Nixon Pardon, Letters to President Ford and Public Morality

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Mineral Hall G 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Mineral Hall F Practical Aic for uortin an Prootin A ocial uity in Pulic Ainistration nnoati ransortation olutions for art an rrorisas allns ll re ot al dvancing ocial it erfect orld lic dinistration Theor Endorsed By: T dvocac lliance ection for oen in lic Endorsed By: dinistration ection on eocrac and ocial stice ection on Transportation olic and dinistration ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance and ection on ealth and an ervices dinistration MODERATOR/PRESENTER Chad Miller ssociate rofessor and radate oordinator niversit CONVENER Staci Zavattaro of othern ississippi attiesrg ssociate rofessor niversit of entral lorida Advances in Public Policy and Administration of Inland rlando Water Ports PRESENTERS PRESENTERS Roddrick Colvin Becky Lutte ssociate rofessor an iego tate niversit an ssistant rofessor niversit of erasaaha iego ontgoer T LGBT Liaison Police Officers: An Exploration of the Role Pilot Shortage in the United States: Creating Solutions and Effectiveness in Departments and Communities through Aviation Nonprofit Outreach Programs Mitchell Sellers Bethany Stich ssistant rofessor Teple niversit an arcos T ssociate rofessor niversit of ew rleans ew Do State Stalemates Lead to Local Innovation? A Look at rleans LGBT Protections and Services from Local Governments Transportation Policy PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Brandi Blessett Russell Mills ssistant rofessor tgers niversitaden ssociate rofessor owling reen tate niversit aden owling reen The Experiences LGBTQ People of Color Have with the The Importance of Markets, Politics and Community New Orleans Police Department Support: An Analysis of the Small Community Air Service Development Program Nicole Elias ssistant rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice COAUTHOR it niversit of ew or ew or Nicole Kalaf-Hughes Toward Equality for All: Transgender Federal ssistant rofessor owling reen tate niversit Employees and the Implications of Macy for Public owling reen Administration The Importance of Markets, Politics and Community Support: An Analysis of the Small Community Air Peter Federman Service Development Program octoral tdent niversit of ansas awrence Toward Equality for All: Transgender Federal Employees and the Implications of Macy for Public Administration

COAUTHOR Tia Sheree Gaynor ssistant rofessor arist ollege ogheepsie The Experiences LGBTQ People of Color Have with the New Orleans Police Department

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Panls (continued) Meng Che Yu 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Mineral Hall C octoral tdent ational henchi niversit hiladelphia lctronically rain t or Social Media, Social Movement and Conservation: A onsration an ustainaility Case of Environmental Movement in Kinmen Island n e Toward the tre nvironent and Taiwan Technolog

Endorsed By: 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Agate C ection on cience and Technolog in overnent riss ounication tors efore and fter the tor ergenc and MODERATOR isaster anageent Lisa Mahajan-Cusack ectrer tgers niversit illsorogh Endorsed By: The Impact of Social Media on Government ection on ergenc and risis anageent ection Transparency and Citizen Engagement on lic dinistration esearch and ection on cience and Technolog in overnent PRESENTERS Stephen Kleinschmit PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS linical ssistant rofessor niversit of llinois Saad Abdullah Alkhurayyif hicago hicago octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T Breaking the Fourth Wall: An Evaluation of Public Preferences and Usage of the Internet by Hajj Pilgrims Administration’s Scholarly Journal Communication on Twitter Simon Andrew ssociate rofessor niversit of orth Texas Asif Shahan enton T ssociate rofessor niversit of haa haa Patterns of Communication and Inter-Organizational angladesh Networks During Large Scale Emergency and Disaster The Introduction of Social Media-Based Service Delivery Drills: Institutional Collective Action Framework Mechanism in Bangladesh: Explaining the Process Pamela Medina PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS enior nstrctor niversit of olorado enver Seongho An enver octoral tdent niversit of ennslvania Analyzing Local Government Social Media Messaging hiladelphia for Emergency Management: The Case of Hurricane Social Media, Social Movement and Conservation: Matthew A Case of Environmental Movement in Kinmen Island Taiwan Jeongmin Oh radate tdent niversit of ichigan nn ror Minshuai Ding Missing Links in Risk Communication Networks on octoral tdent niversit of erasaaha Social Media: The Aftermath of the 2017 Gangneung aha Wildfire in South Korea Tweet Elite in the Public Sphere: Analysis of Twitter Use of U.S. Mayors Wanzhu Shi isiting ssistant rofessor Texas nternational COAUTHORS niversit aredo T Ming Xie Analyzing Local Government Social Media Messaging octoral tdent niversit of erasaaha for Emergency Management: The Case of Hurricane aha Matthew Tweet Elite in the Public Sphere: Analysis of Twitter Use of U.S. Mayors

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions F L O R I D A I N T E R N A T I O N A L U N I V E R S I T Y �epart�ent of P��lic Policy and Ad�inistration

Prepare for Public Service in a Global Environment

Congratulations to our outstanding �H� �� �����C A��A�R� recent graduates on their placements� �A���R �� �����C A�������RA���� ��ening� �nline� and ��ecuti�e �ptions Andrea Headley Post��oc at University of �rad�ate Certificates� Affiliations� California at Berkeley, � P��lic �anage�ent The �etropolitan Center at ��U � Nonprofit � Co���nity �evelop�ent Assistant Professor at � ���an �eso�rce Policy � �anage�ent �hio State University � �o�eland Sec�rity � ��ergency �anage�ent � �nternational � Co�parative P��lic Ad�inistration � P��lic �inance, Proc�re�ent � Contract �anage�ent

Christa Remington �ACH���R �� �����C A�������RA���� Assistant Professor at University of So�th �lorida ���iliations� �etropolitan Center at ��U �nstit�te for P��lic �anage�ent and Co���nity Service

Vaiva Kalesnikaite Assistant Professor at The College at Brockport, State University of New York

isit �A������ or Call ������������ FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Panls (continued) PRESENTER Anna Uster COAUTHORS Teaching ssistant and octoral tdent niversit of Sudha Arlikatti aifa irat otin srael ssociate rofessor ntegrated ergenc anageent Local Service Delivery through Cross-Agency and siness ontinit anageent adan cade Collaboration: Examining the Relationships Between hai nited ra irates Local Leadership, Collaborative Networks, Citizen’s Patterns of Communication and Inter-Organizational Participation and Local Service Outcomes Networks During Large Scale Emergency and Disaster Drills: Institutional Collective Action Framework PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS and Shaoming Cheng Preferences and Usage of the Internet by Hajj Pilgrims ssociate rofessor lorida nternational niversit iai Kyujin Jung Inter-City Competition and Local Government Debts in ssistant rofessor orea niversit eol orea China: A Spatial Econometric Analysis Missing Links in Risk Communication Networks on Social Media: The Aftermath of the 2017 Gangneung Alan Zarychta Wildfire in South Korea ssistant rofessor niversit of hicago hicago Cooperation Among Public Officials in Local Service Kamesh Namuduri Delivery: Evidence from the Honduran Health Sector rofessor niversit of orth Texas enton T Patterns of Communication and Inter-Organizational COAUTHORS Networks During Large Scale Emergency and Disaster Richard Feiock Drills: Institutional Collective Action Framework rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee Inter-City Competition and Local Government Debts in Hassan Taibah China: A Spatial Econometric Analysis ssistant rofessor ing dli niversit enton T Tara Grillos Preferences and Usage of the Internet by Hajj Pilgrims ssistant rofessor rde niversit est afaette Julie Winkler Cooperation Among Public Officials in Local Service octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T Delivery: Evidence from the Honduran Health Sector Patterns of Communication and Inter-Organizational Networks During Large Scale Emergency and Disaster David Hai Guo Drills: Institutional Collective Action Framework ssociate rofessor lorida nternational niversit iai Inter-City Competition and Local Government Debts in 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Mineral Hall D China: A Spatial Econometric Analysis ocal ornanc lrring the ines nternational and oparative 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Centennial G lic dinistration ornanc in ntrnational ontts Endorsed By: lrring the ines nternational and oparative ection on ntergovernental dinistration and lic dinistration anageent Endorsed By: MODERATOR/PRESENTER ection on nternational and oparative dinistration Dave Miller rofessor niversit of ittsrgh ittsrgh MODERATOR/PRESENTER Governing Metropolitan Regions: Assessing the Tamara Nezhina Advisory Commission of Intergovernmental Relation’s ssociate rofessor ational esearch niversit igher (ACIR) 1962 Report in the Blinding Light of Hindsight chool of conoics oscow ssian ederation The Antecedents of Russian Government Employees’ Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Agate A

PRESENTER orlac fors orforc lont Paolo D’Anselmi an raniational Politics nstrctor and onsltant niversit of oe Tor iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent ergata oe tal Do We Need to Separate Politics from Administration? MODERATOR/PRESENTER Designing Powers in the Service of Implementation James Thompson ssociate rofessor niversit of llinoishicago PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS hicago Ralph Brower Civil Service Reform in a Systems Context rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee Leadership in International Civil Society Contexts: A PRESENTERS Continuum of Types and Characteristics Lael Keiser rofessor niversit of issori olia Louis Fucilla Improving Congressional Oversight through Mobilizing ssistant rofessor niversit of isconsin Front-Line Public Employees hitewater hitewater Bashing over Time: Has Congress Changed in How It Sungdae Lim Talks about Public Employees? esearch and Teaching ssistant lorida tate niversit Tallahassee COAUTHORS How Organizational Politics Affects Accountability and Gordon Abner What Moderates the Effects in Public Agencies: Testing a ostoctorate niversit of Texas at stin stin T Moderated Mediation Model Bashing over Time: Has Congress Changed in How It Talks about Public Employees? PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Hyungjo Hur Adela Ghadimi ostoctoral esearcher hio tate niversit octoral tdent lorida tate niversit ols Tallahassee Problems with School-to-Work Transition: A Leadership in International Civil Society Contexts: A Comparative Approach Continuum of Types and Characteristics Hyunkang Hur Francisco Magno ssistant rofessor ndiana niversitooo rofessor e a alle niversit anila hilippines ooo Leadership in International Civil Society Contexts: A Does New Public Management Reform Enhance the Continuum of Types and Characteristics Empowerment of Public-Sector Employees? Evidence from a Panel Study

COAUTHORS Kwi-Hee Bae rofessor oongsil niversit eol orea How Organizational Politics Affects Accountability and What Moderates the Effects in Public Agencies: Testing a Moderated Mediation Model

Hyesong Ha esearch ssociate ndiana niversitlooington looington Does New Public Management Reform Enhance the Empowerment of Public-Sector Employees? Evidence from a Panel Study

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Panls (continued) David Hai Guo ssociate rofessor lorida nternational niversit Joshua Hawley iai ssociate rofessor hio tate niversit ols The Effect of Property Tax Exemption on the Size of Problems with School-to-Work Transition: A Nonprofits Comparative Approach Rahul Pathak Yun-Hsiang Hsu ssistant rofessor arch ollege it niversit of ssistant rofessor ational entral niversit Taoan ew or tlanta it Taiwan State Tax Cuts and Debt Market Outcomes: Lessons from Problems with School-to-Work Transition: A the Kansas Tax Cut Experiment Comparative Approach COAUTHORS Keon-Hyung Lee Komla Dzigbede rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee ssistant rofessor tate niversit of ew or How Organizational Politics Affects Accountability and inghaton inghaton What Moderates the Effects in Public Agencies: Testing a State Tax Cuts and Debt Market Outcomes: Lessons from Moderated Mediation Model the Kansas Tax Cut Experiment

Julie Maurer Sarah Larson octoral andidate hio tate niversit ols ssistant rofessor niversit of entral lorida inter Problems with School-to-Work Transition: A ar Comparative Approach There Goes the Neighborhood: The Impacts of Common Interest Developments upon Municipality Property Kohei Suzuki Values and Tax Collections ostoctoral esearch ellow niversit of othenrg othenrg weden Gao Liu Does New Public Management Reform Enhance the ssistant rofessor lorida tlantic niversit oca Empowerment of Public-Sector Employees? Evidence aton from a Panel Study The Effect of Property Tax Exemption on the Size of Nonprofits 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Granite A allns an nnoations in nu an 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Agate B aation Fro t ilitary to Pulicctor anant n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent A ontinuu of ric inning the ar The ilitar in lic dinistration PRESENTERS Julia Beckett MODERATOR rofessor niversit of ron ron Robert Carty Is the Good Tax Theory Still Relevant? irector areer ervices nternational itont anageent ssociation ashington Xin Chen octoral tdent niversit of entc exington PRESENTERS What Makes Governments Choose Their Revenue Don Davis Portfolios? An Empirical Study of Local Governments ont anager efferson ont olorado olden Who Will Manage Tomorrow’s Cities, Counties and PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Towns? Rabina Bissessar radate tdent niversit of entral lorida Ron Fitch rlando olonel r ort arson There Goes the Neighborhood: The Impacts of Common Programs to Make a Difference Interest Developments upon Municipality Property Values and Tax Collections

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) Panls Darrin Tangeman 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Granite C istrict anager elo est elo est Programs to Make a Difference lntin t APA o of tics as tuis of tical aior Robert Wonnett iding hilosoph thics and the aw cholar in esidence niversit of olorado olorado prings ighlands anch PRESENTERS Preparing for the Shift Terry Cooper ndowed rofessor niversit of othern alifornia os ngeles Alication an Praration for Faculty Positions in Asia Patria de Lancer Julnes irector chool of lic ffairs enn tate arrisrg orso iddletown 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Centennial H George LaBonte Sponsored By: ietenant rentha olice epartent ection on hinese lic dinistration rentha

orso James Svara isiting cholar niversit of orth arolinahapel 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mineral Hall E ill rha ntrs for isas ontrol an Prntion t tratic ational tocil an anant 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Agate B of risis oistics sarc tooloy an inc lrring the ines nternational and oparative lic dinistration erfect orld lic dinistration Theor Endorsed By: PRESENTERS ection on lic dinistration esearch Steve Adams ept irector trategic ational tocpile enters for MODERATOR/PRESENTER isease ontrol and revention tlanta Bin Chen ssociate rofessor arch ollege and the radate William Gregory Burel enter it niversit of ew or ew or irector trategic ational tocpile enters for isease An Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis as ontrol and revention tlanta a Case-Oriented Research Method Sue Gorman PRESENTER ssociate irector for cience ivision of trategic Chih-kai Chang ational tocpile enters for isease ontrol and octoral tdent niversit of eorgia thens revention tlanta Proper Performance Measurement Instruments in Public Organization Research: An Integrative Review of the Tom Jackson Surveys and Recommended Framework enior Training dvisor trategic ational tocpile enters for isease ontrol and revention tlanta PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Shengyu Li octoral tdent enin niversit of hina eiing hina Measuring and Explaining Goal Ambiguity in City-Level Governments of China

asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Emma Powell Panls (continued) ssistant rofessor entral ichigan niversit dsonville COAUTHOR Fanhua Qi Expanding the “Racial Mismatch” Hypothesis: Does rofessor enin niversit eiing hina Nonprofit Leadership Diversity Benefit Constituent Measuring and Explaining Goal Ambiguity in City-Level Outcomes? Governments of China COAUTHORS Christopher Birdsall 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mineral Hall G ssistant rofessor oise tate niversit oise Fro ory to Practic ainin t Protect and Serve: Representation and Perceptions of lntation of rsntati uraucracy Interactions with Police in Pulic an onrofit raniations Ellen Rubin ll re ot al dvancing ocial it ssociate rofessor niversit at lantate niversit of ew or lan Endorsed By: Representative Bureaucracy and Identity Salience: ection on eocrac and ocial stice and ection on Insights from Social Identity Theory and Self- ealth and an ervices dinistration Categorization Theory

MODERATOR/DISCUSSANT Christine Rush Keith Baker ssociate rofessor ississippi tate niversit ssistant rofessor regon tate niversit ississippi tate orvallis Expanding the “Racial Mismatch” Hypothesis: Does Nonprofit Leadership Diversity Benefit Constituent PRESENTERS Outcomes? Ashley Alteri ssistant rofessor Tennessee tate niversit ashville T 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Centennial G Bringing Identity to Work: Examining the Media Pulic alt allns in t st ntury Coverage of Identity-Based Discretion by Public-Sector Workers ll re ot al dvancing ocial it

Amani Edwards Endorsed By: octoral tdent niversit at lantate niversit ection on eocrac and ocial stice ection on of ew or lan ealth and an ervices dinistration and ection Representative Bureaucracy and Identity Salience: on ntergovernental dinistration and anageent Insights from Social Identity Theory and Self- Categorization Theory MODERATOR/COAUTHOR William Swann ssistant rofessor niversit of olorado enver PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Keith Baker enver ssistant rofessor regon tate niversit Are Sustainable Cities Healthier? An Exploratory orvallis Analysis of the Urban Sustainability-Health Nexus Representative Bureaucracy and Identity Salience: Insights from Social Identity Theory and Self- PRESENTERS Categorization Theory Vanessa Fenley esearcher niversit of olorado enver enver Stephen Holt Competing Expectations: Exploring Human Services ssistant rofessor niversit at lantate Agencies’ Abilities to Remain Person-Centered and niversit of ew or lan Equitable in Service Delivery Protect and Serve: Representation and Perceptions of Interactions with Police

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Jennifer Rutt Panls (continued) valation roect anager niversit of erasa Anita Larson incoln incoln artTie aclt roect ead aline niversit Equal Treatment to Maintain Minority Health innesota epartent of dcation t al Disparities? Lessons from A Youth Educational Program Better Programs, Ready Children: The Growing Evaluability Together Pilot Wayne Wohler Teaching ssistant niversit of olorado enver PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS enver Emily Brixey Are Sustainable Cities Healthier? An Exploratory octoral tdent niversit of olorado enver Analysis of the Urban Sustainability-Health Nexus enver Are Sustainable Cities Healthier? An Exploratory Analysis of the Urban Sustainability-Health Nexus 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Agate A tat an ocal olutions for nry Policy an Iseul Choi ulation octoral tdent niversit at lantate niversit n e Toward the tre nvironent and of ew or lan Technolog The Impact of Visualizations on Transparency and Citizens’ Decisionmaking: Evidence from a State Open Endorsed By: Health Data Portal ection on nvironental and atral esorces dinistration and ection on ntergovernental Terri Schreiber dinistration and anageent rincipal nd pioid risis onslting enver Opioids and the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: MODERATOR/COAUTHOR From Information to Action John McCaskill linical rofessor lic ffairs niversit of Texas at Changsoo Song allas ichardson T esearch ssistant rofessor niversit of erasa Educational Outreach on Public Wetlands: Examining incoln incoln the Effectiveness of an Environmental Educational Equal Treatment to Maintain Minority Health Program Disparities? Lessons from A Youth Educational Program PRESENTERS COAUTHORS Jeffrey Cook Mindy Anderson-Knott enewale nerg olic and aret nalst ational irector valation and evelopent niversit of enewale nerg aorator enver erasaincoln incoln The Tortoise, the Hare and the Cheetah? Examining the Equal Treatment to Maintain Minority Health Influence of State Agencies on Environmental Regulation Disparities? Lessons from A Youth Educational Program Sojin Jang Mark Davis octoral tdent niversit of olorado enver ssistant rofessor est hester niversit of enver ennslvania est hester A Qualitative Approach to the Amendments of Opioids and the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: Renewable Portfolio Standards From Information to Action PRESENTER/COAUTHOR J. Ramon Gil-Garcia James Harrington ssociate rofessor niversit at lantate ssistant rofessor niversit of Texas at allas niversit of ew or lan ichardson T The Impact of Visualizations on Transparency and Educational Outreach on Public Wetlands: Examining Citizens’ Decisionmaking: Evidence from a State Open the Effectiveness of an Environmental Educational Health Data Portal Program

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Harry S Truman School of Public Affairs [email protected] University of Missouri 573-882-3304 MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) PRESENTERS Anthony Buller COAUTHOR ept egional irector ffice of ission ssrance Julie Haworth eneral ervices dinistration enver linical ssistant rofessor niversit of Texas at allas Disaster Resilience: The Five Paretos that Result ichardson T in Readiness to Perform During and Recover from Educational Outreach on Public Wetlands: Examining Incidents the Effectiveness of an Environmental Educational Program Farhod Yuldashev octoral tdent niversit of ittsrgh ittsrgh International Disaster Coordination: Evaluating Nepal’s 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Granite B Innovative Cluster Approach to Disaster Governance nnoation in cnoloy an Prforanc anant Alications in irs ontts PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS n e Toward the tre nvironent and Byoung Joon Kim Technolog ssociate rofessor ooin niversit eol orea Overcoming the Barriers to Nuclear Management in Endorsed By: South Korea: A Focus Event, Policy Recognition and ection on lic dinistration dcation and ection Government Performance on cience and Technolog in overnent Minyoung Ku ssistant rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice MODERATOR/PRESENTER Younhee Kim it niversit of ew or ew or ssociate rofessor enn tate arrisrg Plan Enactment in Emergency Response Operations iddletown Diffusion of Academic Innovations in Technology Jin Mok Transfer rofessor ooin niversit eol orea Overcoming the Barriers to Nuclear Management in South Korea: A Focus Event, Policy Recognition and PRESENTERS Justin Piccorelli Government Performance ssistant rofessor niversit of oing araie Is Video Technology the Solution? An Analysis of the Jenna Tyler Spectator’s Experience in Policing octoral tdent niversit of entral lorida rlando Will Riggs Community Flood Risk Management: A Review of the ssistant rofessor niversit of an rancisco an Literature rancisco Using Digital Tools to Increase Participation in Local COAUTHORS Government Administrations Kyujin Jung ssistant rofessor ngnwan niversit eol orea 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Agate C Overcoming the Barriers to Nuclear Management in South Korea: A Focus Event, Policy Recognition and isastr Plannin an oorinat sons Government Performance efore and fter the tor ergenc and isaster anageent Yushim Kim lan nactent in ergenc esponse perations Endorsed By: riona tate niversit hoenix ection on oplexit and etwor tdies and ection Plan Enactment in Emergency Response Operations on ergenc and risis anageent Douglas Noonan MODERATOR/PRESENTER rofessor ndiana niversitrde niversit Sean Hildebrand ndianapolis ndianapolis ssistant rofessor all tate niversit olesville Community Flood Risk Management: A Review of the Is There Coercion in Local Emergency Management Literature Policy Implementation? asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

Katrina Miller-Stevens (continued) Panls ssistant rofessor olorado ollege olorado Seong Soo Oh prings rofessor anang niversit eol orea Philanthropic Collaboration: A Framework for Giving Plan Enactment in Emergency Response Operations Circles and Abdul-Akeem Sadiq Exploring the Determinants of Collaboration Failure ssociate rofessor niversit of entral lorida rlando John Charles Morris Community Flood Risk Management: A Review of the rofessor ld oinion niversit orfol Literature Exploring the Determinants of Collaboration Failure

Jennifer Taylor 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mineral Hall F ssistant rofessor aes adison niversit nnoation in ollaoration arrisonrg Philanthropic Collaboration: A Framework for Giving lrring the ines nternational and oparative Circles lic dinistration Jesus N. Valero Endorsed By: ssistant rofessor niversit of tah idvale T ection on oplexit and etwor tdies ection on A Study of an Innovative Cross-Sector Collaboration ntergovernental dinistration and anageent and System: The Case of Continuum of Care Homeless ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships Networks MODERATOR Federickia Washington Sawsan Abutabenjeh octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T ssistant rofessor ississippi tate niversit A Study of an Innovative Cross-Sector Collaboration tarville System: The Case of Continuum of Care Homeless Networks DISCUSSANT Christopher Weible rofessor niversit of olorado enver enver COAUTHORS Jihoon Jeong octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T PRESENTER A Study of an Innovative Cross-Sector Collaboration Luisa Diaz-Kope System: The Case of Continuum of Care Homeless ssistant rofessor and rogra oordinator Networks niversit of orth eorgia ahlonega The Role of Organizational Motivations in Watershed Madeleine McNamara Collaboration dnct rofessor ld oinion niversit ew rleans PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Exploring the Determinants of Collaboration Failure Hee Soun Jang ssociate rofessor and ssistant hair niversit of orth Texas enton T A Study of an Innovative Cross-Sector Collaboration System: The Case of Continuum of Care Homeless Networks

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 9 FRIDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) COAUTHORS Daniel Berliner 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mineral Hall C ssistant rofessor ondon chool of conoics ondon nited ingdo n ornnt ornnt an The Open Government Agenda and the Quest to art or Transform Government lrring the ines nternational and oparative lic dinistration Sarah Bickerton octoral tdent and esearch ssistant ictoria Endorsed By: niversit of ellington ellington ew ealand ection on cience and Technolog in overnent and Split-Relocation of the Central Government Bureaucracy tdents and ew dinistration rofessionals ection and “Smart Work” Strategy

MODERATOR/PRESENTER Alex Ingrams Susan Young ssistant rofessor Tilrg niversit ewar irector ivil ervice ollege niversit ollege of the The Open Government Agenda and the Quest to aan slands eorge Town aan slands Transform Government The State of E-Government Development in the Cayman Islands 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mineral Hall D PRESENTERS rin lont of PulicPriat Gregg Brelsford Partnrsis in ina resident le of aw loal ssociates rooln n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent Innovation in International Training Programs: 21st Century International Virtual Training Communities Endorsed By: William Miller ection on hinese lic dinistration dnct rofessor entc tate niversit ranfort MODERATOR Communicating International Public Administration Ling Zhu Issues to the Media, Students and the World ssistant rofessor niversit of oston at T

PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS MODERATOR/PRESENTER Wonhyuk Cho Zhirong Zhao enior ectrer ictoria niversit of ellington ssociate rofessor niversit of innesota ellington ew ealand inneapolis Split-Relocation of the Central Government Bureaucracy Explaining the Rise and Fall of Public-Private and “Smart Work” Strategy Partnerships in China: The Perspective of Pecking Order in Capital Finance Joon-young Hur ssociate esearch ellow orea nstitte of lic DISCUSSANT dinistration eol orea Elaine Lu Split-Relocation of the Central Government Bureaucracy ssociate rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice and “Smart Work” Strategy it niversit of ew or ew or

Geon Lee PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS rofessor onggi niversit won eonggio Cheng Chen orea rofessor n aten niversit angho hina Split-Relocation of the Central Government Bureaucracy Toward a Governance Scheme or Still a Pragmatic and “Smart Work” Strategy Solution? A Review of the Public-Private Partnership Policy Trajectory in China Between 1980 and 2015 Suzanne Piotrowski ssociate rofessor tgers niversitewar ewar The Open Government Agenda and the Quest to Transform Government asantorconfrnc FRIDAY SESSIONS MARCH 9

PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Panls (continued) Shanshan Chen Xiulian Ma asters andidate niversit of lectronic cience and ssociate rofessor hinese cade of overnance Technolog of hina hengd ichan hina eiing hina Rethinking Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan: Some Grassroots Empowered or Corporatist Reinforced? The Lessons from Turkey Community-Based NGOs Development in China: The Case of H Jiaodao in Beijing Manfred Meine rofessor Tro niversit ort alton each Laicheng Wen Gender Equity versus Military Effectiveness: Legitimate rofessor entral niversit of inance and conoics Ethical and Leadership Challenges or Much Ado about eiing hina Nothing? A Study of the Factors Affecting the Return Rate of Social Capital Investment in China’s Public-Private Partnership Saif Ur Rahman Model asters tdent niversit of lectronic cience and Technolog of hina hengd ichan hina COAUTHOR Rethinking Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan: Some Ying Li Lessons from Turkey esearcher hinese cade of overnance eiing hina COAUTHOR Grassroots Empowered or Corporatist Reinforced? Zhao Shurong The Community-Based NGOs Development in China: rofessor niversit of lectronic cience and The Case of H Jiaodao in Beijing Technolog of hina hengd ichan hina Rethinking Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan: Some Lessons from Turkey 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Granite A ission olity in t ilitary ric rs an arsi Founrs Fllos rintation inning the ar The ilitar in lic dinistration 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Mineral Hall E

Endorsed By: ection for oen in lic dinistration APA riia it MODERATOR 7:45 p.m. – 9:15 p.m. Mineral Hall C G.L.A. Harris rofessor ortland tate niversit ortland Sponsored By: Students and New Administration Professionals Section PRESENTER Kenneth Williams enior ilitar ellow epartent of thics ational efense niversit rlington Toxic Leadership and Uncivil Workplaces: Sabotaging the Mission and Innovation

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions SATURDAY SESSIONS #ASPA2018 AApproach: Fresh Engagement Civic and Nonprofits Guiding Philosophy: A the Law Ethics and AWorld: Perfect PublicTheory Administration All Not Equal: Are Advancing Social Equity An Eye the Future: Toward EnvironmentTechnology and (andBefore the Storm: After) Management and Disaster Emergency Blurring the Lines: Public and Comparative International Administration Diamonds in the Rough: Management Human Resource On a Shoestring: and Procurement Finance Budget, WinningWar: the in Public Military The Administration TRACKS Research at Matters The Schar School of Policy and Government at George The Schar School is proud of our following accomplishments: Mason University brings together faculty who seek to push the frontiers of conventional wisdom, apply rigorous • Organizer for the NAPA/ASPA Memos to National Leaders (2016) policy and administrative analysis to complex issues, and make connections to real-world decision makers and • Partner of the Washington Post on Virginia Politics Polls (2017) thought leaders in public service. • Host of the Symposium on Prioritizing Governance Located at the doorstep of the nation’s capital, the Schar for Resilient Critical School prepares graduate and undergraduate students Infrastructure (2017)

for careers in federal, state, and local government as well • Home of the Virginia Certi ed as private consulting rms and nonpro t organizations. Public Manager® Program

Faculty members left to right: John Marvel, Tonya Neaves, Mark J. Rozell, and Jessica Terman MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

S eistrtin .. .. entenni er American Review of Public Administration (ARPA) .. .. entenni G rn Eitrs eetin eetin .. .. entenni nterntin hter eetin .. .. Grnite International Journal of Public Administration (IJPA) .. .. Grnite Eitri r eetin SE eetin .. .. entenni SS eetin .. .. Grnite State and Local Government Review (SLGR) rn .. .. entenni Eitrs eetin enin enr .. .. entenni resienti ne essns erne fr t .. .. entenni E hne the r Setin eershi eetin .. .. iner resienti ne t .. .. entenni E ners es ne inni neent in the .. .. Grnite i Setr he Eetin rnin ers f Si .. .. Grnite stie here e G fr ere retin nntie Stins fr Eni .. .. te eeent e ri fr nfrstrtre Si ei n nrfits .. .. iner E resienti Ethis Sein rth t er n the it nfit eteen i n rite es in .. .. iner the hite se etrs itins n her fr rtin .. .. te rititin n erfrne Ethi sses in the G nit stentr .. .. te eitins n tes ie res tr etene n Si .. .. entenni Eit etin fr issters .. .. entenni ts f Gitin n i inistrtin .. .. iner henes fr rn the Ge nterernent neent n nntie .. .. entenni Stins in Greter hin SS neesiiene f i inistrtin .. .. iner n Gernne Sstes in rent ntets rnitin itien Eneent .. .. entenni neessns erne fr eers n rtitiners in the ie f erfrne neent .. .. entenni n rr Etin n rs resenttin ssessin Stte n is nitins .. .. iner riti sses in Stent eterns in iher Etin ess enefits reits n Stent .. .. Grnite Eeriene Ehiit en .. .. entenni er S tin ni eetin .. .. entenni G ners es ne Si Eit ir f .. .. Grnite i inistrtin ihn nt S he rnsitin fr esnse t .. .. te eer


rriers t n rtnities fr riin the Shrrtitiner iie Eiene n Shr .. .. entenni Eettins n rtitiner eities etrs rtins n rtnershis .. .. iner ht i t e fr the rise f Eienese .. .. iner iin t e eie nin i inistrtin eserh n .. .. te her ie fr Eerin Shrs est rties in nntin .. .. entenni i tes in Si Eit .. .. te Eni eeent in r here .. .. entenni Sstiniit tters nntie Stins in nfrtin ehn t re i Serie neent rtie .. .. Grnite ersetie ei n the nite Sttes rein etins n .. .. Grnite i inistrtin in the r inistrtin etr Gernne eeent n tes in .. .. iner G ifferent sse ins rtie Gernne in hin .. .. entenni neissin se n nntin in i inistrtin he se f renh Sein .. .. iner ntries nehenes sses n s fr i .. .. iner Serie Eeene in the st entr S neren ssitin fr i Sties .. .. iner rrent rens in rnitin Ethis .. .. iner E terntie Serie eier .. .. entenni resienti ne rinin fr Si Eit .. .. entenni E iersit n nsin ners es ne Eneent n .. .. Grnite rtin s fr i Serie eier Entr ee ners s r issin se fr .. .. iner E Sess etrs rtins n rtnershis rt .. .. iner nntin in the i Setr .. .. entenni he st resent n tre f Ethis rtie n .. .. iner eserh ins i Gernne n ts eeent .. .. iner Eit Eit n Eerent .. .. Grnite Sstiniit Effrts n nntie nit .. .. te eeent rties etr Gernne n isster neent .. .. iner G Gernne efrs rss the r Einin the .. .. iner st n Erin the tre rtie Gernne s n Eerienes .. .. entenni rnsfrin i inistrtin .. .. entenni neGettin t ne .. .. entenni Eit sses in inne .. .. te i rtiitin in etin .. .. iner rerin n Srtin i Sernts ehin .. .. Grnite rinin n eeent in the iitr See nei inistrtin n er in entr n Estern Ere ht es .. .. entenni the tre ie ee eetin .. .. ntn ener ri

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

nin Plnary Prsintial Panl 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Centennial D 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Centennial E Sponsored By: a ata University of Colorado Denver, School of Public Affairs PRESENTERS Katherine Barrett SPEAKERS Mayor Michael B. Hancock rincipal arrett and reene nc ew or aor it of enver Richard Greene Janice Lachance rincipal arrett and reene nc ew or resident and xective ice resident for trategic and rganiational xcellence erican eophsical nion ashington Founrs Fllos 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Granite A Valerie Lemmie irector xplorator esearch ettering ondation Financial anant in t Pulic ctor aton MODERATOR/PRESENTER Trang Hoang MASTER OF CEREMONIES octoral tdent niversit of Texas at allas J. Paul Blake allas T istrict epresentative ational oncil Unfunded Liabilities and Public Pension Reform eattle PRESENTERS Julius Nukpezah Prsintial Panl ssistant rofessor ississippi tate niversit ississippi tate 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Centennial E Response and Recovery from Financial Emergencies: ssons arn for o to an t orl Lessons from Michigan MODERATOR Jefferson Davis Howell, Jr. Wen-Chi Shie t eneral arine orps ret and enior esearch octoral tdent lorida tate niversit ellow and dnct rofessor chool niversit of Tallahassee Texas at stin stin T Beyond Boundaries: Collaborative Governance Networks and Innovative Coproduction for Sustainable Community Capacity and Economic Development PRESENTERS Bobby Inman diral av ret and ndon ohnson Iuliia Shybalkina entennial hair in ational olic chool octoral tdent racse niversit racse niversit of Texas at stin stin T Participatory Budgeting: Is It a Solution to Unequal Political Participation and Influence? William McRaven diral av ret and hancellor niversit of Texas ste stin T

Mark Welsh, III eneral ir orce ret and ean sh chool of overnent and lic ervice Texas niversit ollege tation T


orsos Richard Swayze irector overnent olic elta irlines nc 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Granite C tlanta lction urnin ac ars of ocial ustic r o o fro r ll re ot al dvancing ocial it Panls 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mineral Hall E Endorsed By: ection on eocrac and ocial stice and ection on ocial ia an onrofits onprofit olic ractice and artnerships resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent

MODERATOR Endorsed By: Philip Nufrio ection on ealth and an ervices dinistration rofessor etropolitan ollege of ew or ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships ew or and ection on cience and Technolog in overnent The 2016 Election: Turning Back 40 Years of Social Justice; Where Do We Go from Here? MODERATOR/COAUTHOR James Harrington PRESENTERS ssistant rofessor niversit of Texas at allas David Abrahams ichardson T ssistant rofessor owie tate niversit owie Do Social Media Activities Differ Among Faith-Based The 2016 Election: Turning Back 40 Years of Social and Non-Faith-Based Nonprofits in the United States? Justice; Where Do We Go from Here? PRESENTER Roseanne Mirabella Roger Qiyuan Jin rofessor eton all niversit oth range octoral tdent niversit of eorgia thens The 2016 Election: Turning Back 40 Years of Social Silent Treatment versus Loud Voice: Climate Change Justice; Where Do We Go from Here? Denial and Sentiments Toward the EPA—Evidence from Twitter

12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Agate C PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS ratin nnoati olutions for conoic Lisa Dicke lont A Parai for rofessor niversit of orth Texas enton T nfrastructur A Study of Web-Based Accountability Measures of Texas Megachurches: Engaging the Public through Dialogue n e Toward the tre nvironent and and Disclosure Technolog Megan Hillier-Geisler MODERATOR/PRESENTER irector nnovation hildrens iracle etwor John Bartle ospitals and niversit of tah alt ae it T ean and rofessor niversit of erasaaha A Personal Narrative in Web-Based Nonprofit aha Fundraising: A Case Study of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals’ Peer-to-Peer Platforms DISCUSSANTS Wendy Haynes Kristina Lambright ssistant rovost loal ngageent and enior ssociate rofessor inghaton niversit nternational fficer ridgewater tate niversit inghaton ocasset Facebook and Twitter Use in Nonprofit Human Service Organizations Mark Pisano enior ellow niversit of othern alifornia os ngeles

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) Weiai Wu ssistant rofessor niversit of assachsetts Muhammad Zeeshan Noor herst herst octoral tdent and Teaching ssistant niversit of Disadvantaged Communities, Unchained Leadership? Texas at allas allas T Community Foundations’ Strategic Use of Social Media Do Social Media Activities Differ Among Faith-Based for Social Change and Non-Faith-Based Nonprofits in the United States?

Jesus N. Valero 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mineral Hall F ssistant rofessor niversit of tah idvale T Prsintial tics ain rut to Por A Personal Narrative in Web-Based Nonprofit an t Piotal onflict tn Pulic an Fundraising: A Case Study of Children’s Miracle Priat alus in t it ous Network Hospitals’ Peer-to-Peer Platforms iding hilosoph thics and the aw Viviana Chiu-Sik Wu octoral tdent and anaging ditor NVSQ niversit Endorsed By: of ennslvania hiladelphia ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance Disadvantaged Communities, Unchained Leadership? Community Foundations’ Strategic Use of Social Media MODERATOR/PRESENTER for Social Change Carole Jurkiewicz herr enne ndowed rofessor of eadership COAUTHORS niversit of assachsettsoston oston David Campbell The Filthy Hand Dilemma ssociate rofessor inghaton niversit ewfield DISCUSSANTS Facebook and Twitter Use in Nonprofit Human Service J. Patrick Dobel Organizations dnct rofessor niversit of ashington eattle

Ashley English Tina Nabatchi ssistant rofessor Texas hristian niversit ssociate rofessor racse niversit racse allas T A Study of Web-Based Accountability Measures of Texas PRESENTERS Megachurches: Engaging the Public through Dialogue Brian J. Cook and Disclosure rofessor irginia Tech lexandria Restraining the Energetic Executive: The Ethics of Chao Guo Administrators Checking Presidential Power ssociate rofessor niversit of ennslvania hiladelphia Terry Cooper Disadvantaged Communities, Unchained Leadership? ndowed rofessor niversit of othern alifornia Community Foundations’ Strategic Use of Social Media os ngeles for Social Change The Ethical Dimensions of International Leadership

Hee Soun Jang Ali Farazmand ssociate rofessor and ssistant hair niversit of rofessor lorida tlantic niversit oca aton orth Texas enton T Corruption at the Top: Nepotism, Favoritism and A Study of Web-Based Accountability Measures of Texas Conflict of Interest in the White House Megachurches: Engaging the Public through Dialogue and Disclosure Michael Macaulay ssociate rofessor and ssociate ean ictoria Federickia Washington niversit ellington ew ealand octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T Restraining the Energetic Executive: The Ethics of A Study of Web-Based Accountability Measures of Texas Administrators Checking Presidential Power Megachurches: Engaging the Public through Dialogue and Disclosure


Panls (continued) 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Agate A 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Agate B tical ssus in t ounity st tors Alications an ory for ntury aliations an utcos ollaoration Priatiation an Prforanc ll re ot al dvancing ocial it erfect orld lic dinistration Theor Endorsed By: Endorsed By: T dvocac lliance ection on eocrac and ection on oplexit and etwor tdies and ection ocial stice ection on thics and ntegrit in on lic dinistration dcation overnance ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships and tdents and ew dinistration rofessionals ection MODERATOR/PRESENTER Stephanie Bultema enior esearcher niversit of olorado enter on MODERATOR/PRESENTER etwor cience enver Richard Greggory Johnson, III Smarter Collaboration: Using Network Science to Build rofessor and chool of anageent rogra irector Strategic Partnerships niversit of an rancisco etala Turning Gray and Aging: Analyzing the Unique Challenges Facing LGBT Seniors PRESENTERS Naon Min octoral tdent lorida tate niversit PRESENTERS hiladelphia Lorenda Naylor What Leads to Higher Network Performance? A ssociate rofessor and irector niversit of altiore Systemic Review on Whole Networks ingdon Social Equity and Democratic Values for LGBTQ Citizens Carter Wilson epartent ead and rofessor orthern ichigan Kendra Stewart niversit arette rofessor ollege of harleston harleston Market Models, Privatization and the Intellectual Crisis Homeless LGBT College Students of Public Administration: A Meta-Analysis Wallace Swan ontriting aclt eer alden niversit PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Blue Wooldridge inneapolis rofessor irginia oonwealth niversit The Future of LGBTQIA redericsrg “There is Nothing So Practical as a Good Theory”: Important Insights from Principal Agent Theory in a Time of Increased Privatization

COAUTHOR Holly Whittenburg octoral tdent irginia oonwealth niversit ichond “There is Nothing So Practical as a Good Theory”: Important Insights from Principal Agent Theory in a Time of Increased Privatization

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) Anthony Molina ssistant rofessor ent tate niversit ent 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Centennial C Cultural Competence and Citizen-Administrator Value ic Prols ultural otnc an Congruence ocial uity ll re ot al dvancing ocial it 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Centennial B

Endorsed By: utin for isastrs ection on eocrac and ocial stice ection on efore and fter the tor ergenc and thics and ntegrit in overnance ection on ealth isaster anageent and an ervices dinistration and tdents and ew dinistration rofessionals ection Endorsed By: ection on ergenc and risis anageent and MODERATOR/PRESENTER ection on ntergovernental dinistration and Anne Williamson anageent ictor and aroline chtteissori rofessor of ran ffairs niversit of issoriansas it MODERATOR/PRESENTER ansas it Todd Ely Collective Impact and a Wicked Social Problem: ssociate rofessor niversit of olorado enver Addressing Student Homelessness in Kansas City, Kan. enver Financial Management Lessons from Natural Disaster PRESENTERS Recovery: A Study of Flood-Affected Communities in Shawn Flanigan Colorado rofessor an iego tate niversit an iego Service-Seeking Behavior and Perceptions of Providers: PRESENTER A Case Study of Organizational Identity and Image in Makenzie Docteur Housing Services radate tdent tate niversit of ew or ffalo tate ffalo David Lee Examining Variables Affecting Funding Allocation to ssistant rofessor niversit of awaii onoll City Emergency Management Departments in the 50 Equity, Effectiveness or Both? An Empirical Analysis of Largest U.S. Cities the Determinants of Intergovernmental Grants in Local Homelessness Programs PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Romeo Abraham Jack Underhill Teaching ssistant niversit of Texas at allas onsltant etired alls hrch ichardson T In Search of National Health Equity: A Strategy to The Impacts of Natural Disasters on Fiscal Resiliency Improve Health Outcomes for Low- and Moderate- and the Economies of Counties in the United States Income Americans Can Chen PRESENTER/COAUTHOR ssistant rofessor lorida nternational niversit Casey Boyd-Swan iai ssistant rofessor ent tate niversit ent The Impact of Natural Disasters on the Fiscal Health of Cultural Competence and Citizen-Administrator Value American State Governments: A Panel Data Analysis Congruence Gang Chen COAUTHORS ssistant rofessor niversit at lantate Damon Guinn niversit of ew or lan ssistant irector ooingha nstitte of ran The Effect of Natural Disasters on State and Local ffairs niversit of issoriansas it Revenues ansas it Collective Impact and a Wicked Social Problem: Addressing Student Homelessness in Kansas City, Kan.


Panls (continued) Lydia Lawhon nstrctor niversit of olorado older older Deserai Anderson Crow Financial Management Lessons from Natural Disaster ssociate rofessor niversit of olorado enver Recovery: A Study of Flood-Affected Communities in enver Colorado Financial Management Lessons from Natural Disaster Recovery: A Study of Flood-Affected Communities in Sungyoon Lee Colorado octoral tdent niversit at lantate niversit of ew or ewar Justin Theal The Effect of Natural Disasters on State and Local enior ssociate The ew haritale Trsts Revenues ashington Key Research Gaps Persist as Federal, State and Local Qing Miao Policymakers Look to Reduce Disaster Spending ssistant rofessor ochester nstitte of Technolog racse Katherine Willoughby The Impact of Natural Disasters on the Fiscal Health of oleiewsi rofessor of lic dinistration American State Governments: A Panel Data Analysis niversit of eorgia thens Public Budgets and Crises: Disasters and Subsequent Varaidzo Zvobgo Development in U.S. Local Governments Teaching ssistant niversit of Texas at allas oppell T COAUTHORS The Impacts of Natural Disasters on Fiscal Resiliency Elizabeth Albright and the Economies of Counties in the United States ssistant rofessor e niversit rha Financial Management Lessons from Natural Disaster Recovery: A Study of Flood-Affected Communities in 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mineral Hall A Colorado acts of loaliation on Pulic Ainistration allns fro aroun t Komla Dzigbede lo ssistant rofessor tate niversit of ew or inghaton inghaton lrring the ines nternational and oparative Public Budgets and Crises: Disasters and Subsequent lic dinistration Development in U.S. Local Governments Endorsed By: Colin Foard ection on ffective and ond dinistration in the enior ssociate iscal ederalis nitiative overnent iddle ast ection on nternational and oparative erforance The ew haritale Trsts ashington dinistration and ection on lic dinistration Key Research Gaps Persist as Federal, State and Local esearch Policymakers Look to Reduce Disaster Spending MODERATOR Sarah Beth Gehl J. Steven Ott Teporar ssistant rofessor gnes cott ollege rofessor niversit of tah alt ae it T ecatr Public Budgets and Crises: Disasters and Subsequent MODERATOR/PRESENTER Development in U.S. Local Governments M. Shamsul Haque rofessor ational niversit of ingapore ingapore Elizabeth Koeble Reconfiguring Governance for Globalization: ssistant rofessor niversit of evadaeno Decontextualizing Public Service in Southeast Asia eno Financial Management Lessons from Natural Disaster DISCUSSANT Recovery: A Study of Flood-Affected Communities in Deborah Trent Colorado ndependent nalst and onsltant ivil trategies ensington

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) Bo Yan ssociate rofessor ian iaotong niversit ian PRESENTERS hina Murat Daoudov Does the Local Government Follow the Strategic resident iddle ast evelopent etwor Intention of the Central Government in China? eogl stanl Tre Globalization and Its Impact on Turkish Public Zhenjie Yang Administration: Between the Rock and the Hard Place ssociate rofessor hongnan niversit of conoics and aw han hina Wei Yu Local Government Reforms in Authoritarian China: rofessor hanghai niversit of inance and External Perturbation, Institutional Contradictions and conoics hanghai hina Change Entrepreneurship Enhancement of International Perspectives on MPA Education 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mineral Hall C Aziza Zemrani AAA Panlsilinc of Pulic ssociate rofessor niversit of Texas at io rande Ainistration an ornanc ysts in alle dinrg T urulnt ontts Exploring the Effects of Globalization and Its Implication lrring the ines nternational and oparative for Public Administration: Reflections on the Moroccan lic dinistration Case MODERATORS 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Centennial A Geert Bouckaert resident and rofessor even lic ntrornntal anant an nnoati overnance nstitte even elgi olutions in ratr ina lrring the ines nternational and oparative Bianor Cavalcanti lic dinistration resident and nternational irector etlio argas ondation io e aneiro rail Endorsed By: ection on hinese lic dinistration and ection on DISCUSSANT ntergovernental dinistration and anageent Edoardo Ongaro resident and rofessor pen niversit ilton MODERATOR/PRESENTER enes nited ingdo Alfred Muluan Wu ssociate rofessor ational niversit of ingapore PRESENTERS ingapore Tony Coulson Province-Managing-County Reform and Decentralized rofessor alifornia tate niversitan ernardino Governance: Evidence From Zhejiang Province, China an ernardino Government’s Growing Role in Providing Resilience to PRESENTERS Cyber Threats Hui Li ssistant rofessor ational niversit of ingapore Naim Kapucu ingapore rofessor and irector niversit of entral lorida Chinese Counties’ Fiscal Pressure: Who is to Blame? rlando Disaster Policies and Network Governance for Resilience Jia Liu Capacity ssociate rofessor haanxi oral niversit ian hina Montgomery Van Wart Does Fiscal Decentralization Affect Urbanization in rofessor alifornia tate niversitan ernardino China? an ernardino Government’s Growing Role in Providing Resilience to Cyber Threats


Jaeyong Lee Panls (continued) octoral tdent irginia oonwealth niversit Adrian M. Velazquez Vazquez enrico ssociate rofessor niversit of a erne a erne Understanding the Organizational Learning Culture— Resilience and Innovative Solutions to Wicked Problems: Innovative Work Behavior Relationships in Local Managing the Effects of Migration at the Local Level Government: The Role of Knowledge Sharing and Job Autonomy Kaifeng Yang rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee Jordan Long Leadership for Resilience: The Case of China octoral tdent niversit of eorgia thens Building a Trust-Collaboration Imperative: An Analysis of Diversity Officers across U.S. Municipal Governments 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Centennial F raniational itin nant COAUTHORS HyeonUk Bak iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent octoral tdent irginia oonwealth niversit ichond Endorsed By: Understanding the Organizational Learning Culture— ection for oen in lic dinistration ection on Innovative Work Behavior Relationships in Local ealth and an ervices dinistration and ection Government: The Role of Knowledge Sharing and Job on ersonnel dinistration and aor elations Autonomy

MODERATOR/PRESENTER Myung Jin Dong Chul Shim ssociate rofessor irginia oonwealth niversit ssociate rofessor orea niversit eol orea ichond Street Level Bureaucrats’ Work Engagement: The Role Understanding the Organizational Learning Culture— of Servant Leadership, Job Resources and Public Service Innovative Work Behavior Relationships in Local Motivation Government: The Role of Knowledge Sharing and Job Autonomy PRESENTERS Juliana Abane Jaeduk Keum tdent ational nstitte of evelopent rofessor niversit of eol eol orea dinistration ango Thailand Street Level Bureaucrats’ Work Engagement: The Role National Culture or Organizational Sub-Cultures? of Servant Leadership, Job Resources and Public Service Exploring the Perceived Effects of Cultural Traits on Motivation Performance Management Outcomes: New Evidence from Ghana Sangmook Kim rofessor eol ational niversit of cience and Zhichao Li Technolog eol orea ssociate rofessor niversit of lectronic cience and Street Level Bureaucrats’ Work Engagement: The Role Technolog of hina hengd ichan hina of Servant Leadership, Job Resources and Public Service Can Government Innovation Lead to Official Promotion? Motivation An Analysis Based on the Panel Data of the Prefecture- Level Cities in China Lauren Mullins ssistant rofessor ong sland niversit PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS reenvale Taehee Kim Building a Trust-Collaboration Imperative: An Analysis ssistant rofessor eol ational niversit of cience of Diversity Officers across U.S. Municipal Governments and Technolog eol orea Building a Bridge Between Diversity and Performance: Hyun Hee Park The Role of Inclusive Culture ssistant rofessor ooin niversit eol orea Street Level Bureaucrats’ Work Engagement: The Role of Servant Leadership, Job Resources and Public Service Motivation

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mineral Hall B Heather Rimes Assssin tat an ocal Fiscal onitions ssistant rofessor estern arolina niversit n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent llowhee Building a Trust-Collaboration Imperative: An Analysis of Diversity Officers across U.S. Municipal Governments Endorsed By: ection on ntergovernental dinistration and anageent 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Centennial H AP Panlssons arn fro ars MODERATOR/PRESENTER Sarah Larson an Practitionrs in t Fil of Prforanc ssistant rofessor niversit of entral lorida inter anant an Prora aluation an AP ar Aars Prsntation You Get What You Pay For: The Effects of Special n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent Districts on Property Values

Endorsed By: PRESENTERS ection on lic erforance and anageent Agustin Leon-Moreta rofessor niversit of ew exico lere MODERATOR Fiscal Capacity, Fiscal Disparities and Their Impact on John Kamensky Local Government Services enior ellow The enter for the siness of overnent rlington Xiaoheng Wang octoral tdent niversit of llinoishicago PRESENTERS hicago Melissa Bridges Investigation of Determinants of Financial Condition: erforance and nnovation oordinator it of ittle An Empirical Study of American Cities oc PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Rene Diaz Marilyn Rubin niversit of elaware rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice it niversit of ew or ew or Cheriene Floyd Mission, Innovation and Results: Do Modern State trategic lanning and erforance anager it of Revenue Departments Meet the Mark? iai Katherine Willoughby George Grob oleiewsi rofessor of lic dinistration resident enter for lic rogra valation niversit of eorgia thens rcellville Mission, Innovation and Results: Do Modern State Revenue Departments Meet the Mark? Stacey Ray enior lanner onit lanning and evelopent COAUTHORS it of lpia Jekyung Lee octoral tdent niversit of eorgia thens Mike Sarasti Mission, Innovation and Results: Do Modern State hief nnovation fficer it of iai Revenue Departments Meet the Mark?

Bruce McDonald ssistant rofessor orth arolina tate niversit aleigh You Get What You Pay For: The Effects of Special Districts on Property Values


Panls (continued) Founrs Fllos 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Granite B 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Granite A ritical ssus Facin tunt trans in ir ocial uity A Pillar of Pulic Ainistration ucation Accss nfits rits an tunt MODERATOR/PRESENTER rinc Lyndsay Bates inning the ar The ilitar in lic dinistration octoral tdent niversit of altiore altiore Developing Inequality: How Redevelopment Decisions MODERATOR Contribute to Community Inequality Leonard Lira ssistant rofessor an ose tate niversit PRESENTERS an ose Josephine Hazelton radate tdent alifornia tate niversittanislas PRESENTERS Trloc Kathryn Buechel Designing Men: Gender Bias in Transportation Design octoral tdent irginia Tech lexandria and Infrastructure Standards Military Transfer Credit at Public Institutions of Higher Education Nuri Heckler octoral tdent niversit of olorado enver Lorita Daniels enver octoral tdent irginia Tech lexandria Masculinity and Whiteness in Public Organizations: A State’s Approach to Educational Benefits for Veterans’ Managing Institutional Race and Gender in Federal Dependent Children Agencies

Brandy Jenner Maren Trochmann octoral tdent niversit of aliforniarvine octoral tdent niversit of olorado enver rvine enver Veterans in Higher Education: Theory into Practice Deliberative Democracy, Rulemaking and Social Equity: An Exploration of Formal Rulemaking as Green Tape Rosa Krewson octoral tdent irginia Tech lexandria orsos Military Veterans’ Utilization of the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Agate C iclan ounty ransition fro ction arsi tin sons to cory 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mineral Hall D efore and fter the tor ergenc and isaster anageent

Endorsed By: iit all n ection on ergenc and risis anageent 12:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Centennial Foyer PRESENTERS Patrick Beekman xective ergenc anageent onsltant Tetra Tech harlotte

Michael King ssistant irector and isaster ecover oordinator ichland ont ergenc ervices olia

Rick Larkin irector ergenc anageent it of aint al

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

Susan Opp Panls ssociate rofessor olorado tate niversit ort 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Centennial C ollins Assessing Faculty Experience, Engagement and Behavior arrirs to an ortunitis for riin in Practitioner and Pracademic Environments: Insights t colarPractitionr ii inc on and Lessons from a Survey of MPA Faculty Members colarly ctations an Practitionr alitis resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent COAUTHOR Stephen Neely Endorsed By: ssistant rofessor niversit of oth lorida ection on lic dinistration esearch Tapa Rigor and Relevance in Public Administration MODERATOR/PRESENTER Scholarship Samantha Mosier ssistant rofessor issori tate niversit pringfield 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Mineral Hall C Assessing Faculty Experience, Engagement and Behavior tors ollaorations an Partnrsis in Practitioner and Pracademic Environments: Insights resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent and Lessons from a Survey of MPA Faculty Members Endorsed By: PRESENTERS ection on oplexit and etwor tdies ection on Mark Davis ntergovernental dinistration and anageent ssistant rofessor est hester niversit of ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships ennslvania est hester and ection on lic dinistration esearch

Vanessa Fenley MODERATOR/PRESENTER esearcher niversit of olorado enver enver Honey Minkowitz Packaging Research for Practitioners octoral tdent orth arolina tate niversit aleigh Sam Houghteling The Power of the Individual: Community Member rogra anager olorado tate niversit traaer Engagement in a Health and Wellness Collaborative enter ort ollins Bridging the Gap: Pracademic Approaches to PRESENTERS Partnerships, Research and Training Vivian Cueto octoral tdent lorida nternational niversit Dan Lasseter ialeah lic ervice aclt niversit of eorgia thens How Town Engages Gown: The Role of Collaborative Pracademics: Real or Imagined? Reflections from a Capacity in Municipal and University Engagement Practitioner in an Academic Environment Dana Vashdi Juliet Lee ssistant rofessor niversit of aifa aifa srael enior dinistrator xternal elations niversit of Don’t Push Too Hard: The Role of Local Governance in othern alifornia acraento Collaborative Networks with Nonprofit Organizations MPA Graduates and Reflective Practice PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS M. Apolonia Calderon Jerrell Coggburn octoral tdent Texas niversit ollege rofessor and hair lic dinistration orth tation T arolina tate niversit aleigh Revisiting the Scope and Nature of Local Government- Rigor and Relevance in Public Administration Nonprofit Partnerships Scholarship


Panls (continued) 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Mineral Hall B Krista Kenney at ill t a for t Prois of inc octoral tdent orth arolina tate niversit as Policyain to ali reensoro erfect orld lic dinistration Theor The Power of the Individual: Community Member Engagement in a Health and Wellness Collaborative Endorsed By: ection on lic erforance and anageent Pamela Mischen ssociate rofessor inghaton niversit inghaton MODERATOR/PRESENTER Rakesh Mohan Sustaining Culture to Sustain a Community: The Case of irector ffice of erforance valations daho tate Easter Island egislatre oise Evaluation: A Key Pillar of Evidence-Based COAUTHORS Policymaking Ann Bowman rofessor Texas niversit ollege tation T Revisiting the Scope and Nature of Local Government- DISCUSSANT Richard Greene Nonprofit Partnerships rincipal arrett and reene nc ew or William Brown rofessor Texas niversit ollege tation T PRESENTERS Maria P. Aristigueta Revisiting the Scope and Nature of Local Government- irector and rofessor niversit of elaware Nonprofit Partnerships ewar How to Make Evidence-Based Policymaking a Reality Carl Lipo rofessor inghaton niversit inghaton John Kamensky Sustaining Culture to Sustain a Community: The Case of enior ellow The enter for the siness of Easter Island overnent rlington What You Measure Matters: Defining Your Unit of Austin McCrea Analysis octoral tdent Texas niversit ollege tation T Priti Mody-Pan Revisiting the Scope and Nature of Local Government- enior erforance and trateg nalst ing ont Nonprofit Partnerships ffice of erforance trateg and dget eattle Using Data and Evidence to Drive Internal Performance Branda Nowell and External Accountability ssociate rofessor orth arolina tate niversit aleigh The Power of the Individual: Community Member 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Agate B Engagement in a Health and Wellness Collaborative Aancin Pulic Ainistration sarc an Laurie Paarlberg ory Aic for rin colars rofessor Texas niversit ollege tation T erfect orld lic dinistration Theor Revisiting the Scope and Nature of Local Government- Nonprofit Partnerships Endorsed By: ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships ection on lic dinistration dcation and ection on lic dinistration esearch

MODERATOR Yu-Che Chen ssociate rofessor niversit of erasaaha aha

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Centennial H PRESENTERS st Practics in nnoation Alisa Moldavanova erfect orld lic dinistration Theor ssistant rofessor ane tate niversit etroit Sustainability Research in U.S. Public Administration: Endorsed By: Pillar Tensions and Synergies ection on lic dinistration esearch

Kimberly Nelson MODERATOR/PRESENTER ssociate rofessor niversit of orth arolinahapel Richard Callahan ill hapel ill rofessor niversit of an rancisco arichael Change Happens…Or Does It? Examining Change in U.S. Innovation Case Studies Municipal Forms of Government PRESENTERS William Resh Edoardo Ongaro ssistant rofessor niversit of othern alifornia rofessor and resident pen niversit ilton os ngeles enes nited ingdo Sociology of Public Administration: Epistemological The State of the Art of the Research on Public Divide Between Political Science and Public Administration and Management in Europe Administration Obed Pasha PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS ssistant rofessor leveland tate niversit leveland Ki Woong Cho eights esearch rofessor and ostoctoral esearcher orea Does Sub-Standard Performance Encourage Innovation niversit eol orea Adoption? Co-Authorship, Accreditation and Halo Effects: An Analysis of the Rankings of Graduate Public PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Administration and Policy Programs in the United States Aaron Deslatte ssistant rofessor orthern llinois niversit Glenn McGuigan eal irar irector and octoral tdent enn tate Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place? How arrisrg iddletown Disadvantaged Local Governments Achieve Change and Investigating the Insularity and Isolation of Public Innovation Administration as a Field with Ego-Network Analyses of the Citations to and by Its Prominent Journals Michael Kern irector and ssociate rofessor illia celshas COAUTHORS enter ashington tate niversit and niversit of Goktug Morcol ashington eattle rofessor enn tate arrisrg iddletown Producing Agreements and Innovations in Collaborative Investigating the Insularity and Isolation of Public Governance Administration as a Field with Ego-Network Analyses of the Citations to and by Its Prominent Journals Stephen Page ssociate rofessor niversit of ashington William Swann eattle ssistant rofessor niversit of olorado enver Producing Agreements and Innovations in Collaborative enver Governance Co-Authorship, Accreditation and Halo Effects: An Analysis of the Rankings of Graduate Public William Swann Administration and Policy Programs in the United States ssistant rofessor niversit of olorado enver enver Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place? How Disadvantaged Local Governments Achieve Change and Innovation


Panls (continued) Isla Anne Schuchs Carr isiting ssistant rofessor niversit of entral COAUTHORS ransas onwa Amanda Murphy Examining State Factors Influencing the Equality of roect and esearch ead ashington tate niversit Federal Education Policy Outcomes in the American eattle States Producing Agreements and Innovations in Collaborative Governance Mona Siddiqui octoral tdent irginia oonwealth niversit Christopher Page idlothian roect and evelopent ead ashington tate Advancing Social Equity: The Role of Civil Rights niversit ortland Laws in the Social Integration of Muslim Students in Producing Agreements and Innovations in Collaborative Educational Institutions Governance COAUTHORS Craig Thomas Joy Clay rofessor niversit of ashington eattle rofessor erits niversit of ephis Producing Agreements and Innovations in Collaborative roofield Governance Sexual Assault Information on College and University Websites: Don’t Assume 100 Percent Compliance—Size and Setting Matter 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Agate A Policy utcos in ocial uity Beate Plesnarski ll re ot al dvancing ocial it esearch ssistant niversit of olorado olorado prings olorado prings Endorsed By: Sexual Assault Information on College and University ection on eocrac and ocial stice ection on Websites: Don’t Assume 100 Percent Compliance—Size thics and ntegrit in overnance and tdents and ew and Setting Matter dinistration rofessionals ection 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Centennial B MODERATOR/PRESENTER Catherine Simmons conoic lont in a orl r ssociate rofessor and irector niversit of ustainaility attrs olorado olorado prings olorado prings n e Toward the tre nvironent and Sexual Assault Information on College and University Technolog Websites: Don’t Assume 100 Percent Compliance—Size and Setting Matter MODERATOR Agustin Leon-Moreta PRESENTERS rofessor niversit of ew exico lere Wendy Chen octoral tdent and esearch ssistant eorge ason PRESENTERS niversit char chool of olic and overnent Juniper Katz rlington ectrer niversit of olorado enver enver Are Unequal Educational Outcomes Caused by Parsing the Political: Bureaucratic Influence on Climate Imbalanced Spending Distribution on Education? Change Policy

Grant Rissler Stephanie Pink-Harper ssistant irector ffice of lic olic treach ssociate rofessor othern llinois niversit irginia oonwealth niversit ichond arondale arondale A Shock, Wave or Whiff for Social Equity? Are Downtowns Still the Heart of the American City? Understanding the Impact of a Federal “Dear Colleague” Examining the Impact that Main Street Programs Have Letter on Local School System Implementation of English on the Promotion of Sustainable Economic Growth Language Learner Best Practices

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) Yu-Che Chen ssociate rofessor niversit of erasaaha Kathryn Wassel aha octoral tdent lorida tate niversit Artificial Intelligence and Public Service: An Tallahassee Engagement Approach Innovative Economies: Can Urban Farming be a Tool for Economic Development and Growth? Pedro Muller ssociate rofessor nstitte of xact ciences Darrin Wilson niversit of asso ndo asso ndo rail ssistant rofessor astern entc niversit Electronic Government and Access to Public Goods and ichond Services: A Case Study in Municipalities of the State of Sustainable Economic Development in Appalachia: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Diversifying the Economy Cláudia Tirelli Diane Yoder ssociate rofessor egional evelopent rogra dnct rofessor niversit of othern alifornia niversit of anta r o l anta r do l rail rrieta Electronic Government and Access to Public Goods and It Takes a Village: The Importance of Cooperative Services: A Case Study in Municipalities of the State of Governance and Indigenous Practices in Arctic Security, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Sustainability and Community Resilience COAUTHOR 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Granite C J. Ramon Gil-Garcia ssociate rofessor niversit at lantate nnoati olutions in nforation cnoloy niversit of ew or lan to ro Pulic ric anant A Theoretical Perspectives on Information Technology oarati Prscti Innovations to Reduce Administrative Burdens and lrring the ines nternational and oparative Barriers in Performance Management lic dinistration 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Granite B Endorsed By: ection on lic dinistration esearch and ection ico an t nit tats Forin lations on cience and Technolog in overnent an Pulic Ainistration in t ru Ainistration MODERATOR/PRESENTER lrring the ines nternational and oparative Nidhi V. Mali lic dinistration ssistant rofessor niversit of ississippi xford Theoretical Perspectives on Information Technology MODERATOR/PRESENTER Innovations to Reduce Administrative Burdens and Donald Klingner Barriers in Performance Management istingished rofessor niversit of olorado olorado prings olorado prings PRESENTER Mexico and the United States: Bi-National Public Xian Gao Administration and the Trump Administration octoral tdent niversit of erasaaha aha PRESENTERS An Exploratory Study of ICT-Based Innovations in Roberto Moreno Collaboration esearch rofessor niversidad tonoa el stado e exico entro niversitario ecaeca exico PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS it exico Michael Ahn Mexico-United States Migration: Recurrent Problem, ssociate rofessor niversit of assachsettsoston New Analytical Perspectives and Proposals and isiting rofessor eol ational niversit oston Artificial Intelligence and Public Service: An Engagement Approach


Panls (continued) COAUTHORS Bin Chen Claudia Rivera Hernandez ssociate rofessor arch ollege and the radate rofessor and irector eneerita niversidad enter it niversit of ew or ew or tonoa e ela ela exico Network Analysis of the Municipal Bond Underwriting Community Development Between Mexico and the Industry: Evidence from California Primary Municipal United States in the Trump Administration Market 1986-2017

2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Mineral Hall G Brittany Haupt octoral tdent niversit of entral lorida tor ornanc lont an viedo utcos in iffrnt ssu oains Polycentric Governance and Spectrum Sharing: lrring the ines nternational and oparative Decentralized Decisionmaking and Stakeholder lic dinistration Engagement

Endorsed By: Thomas Quint ection on oplexit and etwor tdies ection on rofessor niversit of evadaeno eno thics and ntegrit in overnance and ection on lic Polycentric Governance and Spectrum Sharing: dinistration esearch Decentralized Decisionmaking and Stakeholder Engagement MODERATOR/DISCUSSANT Michael Siciliano Mostafizur Rahman ssistant rofessor niversit of llinoishicago octoral tdent niversit of entral lorida hicago rlando Polycentric Governance and Spectrum Sharing: PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Decentralized Decisionmaking and Stakeholder Kun Huang Engagement ssociate rofessor niversit of ew exico lere Stephanie Smith Boundary Spanning in Public Health Networks: A ssistant rofessor niversit of ew exico Nationwide Study of Asthma Coalitions lere Boundary Spanning in Public Health Networks: A Naim Kapucu Nationwide Study of Asthma Coalitions rofessor and irector niversit of entral lorida rlando Murat Yuksel Polycentric Governance and Spectrum Sharing: ssociate rofessor niversit of entral lorida Decentralized Decisionmaking and Stakeholder rlando Engagement Polycentric Governance and Spectrum Sharing: Decentralized Decisionmaking and Stakeholder Gao Liu Engagement ssistant rofessor lorida tlantic niversit oca aton Network Analysis of the Municipal Bond Underwriting Industry: Evidence from California Primary Municipal Market 1986-2017

Weijie Wang ssistant rofessor niversit of issoriolia olia The Boundary Setting of Collaborative Governance: Why Are Civic Organizations Often Excluded?

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) Fanrong Meng ssociate rofessor ian iaotong niversit ian 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Centennial F hina ollaorati ornanc in ina The Antecedents of Environmental Regulation: A QCA Study of 31 Provincial Divisions in China lrring the ines nternational and oparative lic dinistration Beiyao Wang radate tdent hina niversit of ining and Endorsed By: Technolog ho hina ection on hinese lic dinistration ection The Path of Nonprofit Organizations’ Market on oplexit and etwor tdies and ection on Operation—A Case Study Based on Qualitative ntergovernental dinistration and anageent Comparative Analysis

MODERATOR Long Wu Bin Chen radate tdent ian iaotong niversit ssociate rofessor arch ollege and the radate haanxi hina enter it niversit of ew or ew or Why Do Local Governments Restrict the Online Car- hailing Service? An Exploratory Study from China DISCUSSANT Lin Ye Jiangfeng Zhang rofessor n aten niversit angho hina radate tdent hina niversit of ining and Technolog ho hina PRESENTERS The Path of Nonprofit Organizations’ Market Dongling Han Operation—A Case Study Based on Qualitative radate tdent ian iaotong niversit haanxi Comparative Analysis hina Why Do Local Governments Restrict the Online Car- Ling Zhu Hailing Service? An Exploratory Study From China ssistant rofessor niversit of oston at T Intergovernmental Collaboration, Competition and Jie Tan Performance-Based Budgeting: A Panel Study of Chinese octoral tdent heiang niversit angho hina Local Government Borrowing Managing Conflict in Imbalanced Public-Nonprofit Collaboration: A Case Study from China COAUTHORS Zitao Chen PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS radate tdent ian iaotong niversit ian hina Yongxin Deng The Antecedents of Environmental Regulation: A QCA radate tdent hina niversit of ining and Study of 31 Provincial Divisions in China Technolog ho hina The Path of Nonprofit Organizations’ Market Liang Ma Operation—A Case Study Based on Qualitative ssociate rofessor enin niversit of hina eiing Comparative Analysis hina Intergovernmental Collaboration, Competition and Yue Guo Performance-Based Budgeting: A Panel Study of Chinese ssistant rofessor eiing oral niversit eiing Local Government Borrowing hina Why Do Local Governments Restrict the Online Car- Bo Yan hailing Service? An Exploratory Study from China ssociate rofessor ian iaotong niversit ian hina Lei Liu Why Do Local Governments Restrict the Online Car- ssistant rofessor hina niversit of ining and Hailing Service? An Exploratory Study From China Technolog ho hina The Path of Nonprofit Organizations’ Market Operation—A Case Study Based on Qualitative Comparative Analysis


Panls (continued) Grégory Houillon ssociate rofessor niversit e oitiers 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Mineral Hall D oitiers rance AAP Panlission Focus an nnoation When Europe Forces French Public Administrations to in Pulic Ainistration as of Frnc Innovate in Their Missions: The Case of Public Agencies ain ountris lrring the ines nternational and oparative 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Mineral Hall A lic dinistration Panlallns ssus an ools for Pulic ric cllnc in t st ntury MODERATORS/PRESENTERS Yves Chappoz lrring the ines nternational and oparative rofessor and eneral Treasrer niversit lic dinistration ean olin on rance Innovative Behavior of Public Service Managers and MODERATOR Public Service Values Alikhan Baimenov hairan of teering oittee egional of David Huron ivil ervice in stana stana aahstan ssociate rofessor and ice hair niversit te r ice rance DISCUSSANTS Digitalization in French Local Government Public Demetrios Argyriades Services: Perspectives, Opportunities and Obstacles rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice it niversit of ew or ew or Pierre-Charles Pupion rofessor and hairan niversit e Chester A. (Chet) Newland oitiers oitiers rance ggan istingished rofessor of lic dinistration Innovative Behavior of Public Service Managers and niversit of othern alifornia ol rice chool of Public Service Values lic olic acraento

PRESENTERS PRESENTERS Laurent Bouchard Pedro Conceicao ssociate rofessor niversit e oitiers oitiers irector trategic olic rea of olic and rance rogra pport ew or The Denunciation of Administrative Misoneism During Fear and Loathing of Technological Progress? the Third Republic: The Struggle of Some French Leveraging Science and Innovation for the Liberals Against the Idea of a State Able to Drive Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Innovation (1870-1940) Development

Pierre Marin Max Everest-Phillips ssociate rofessor a niversit a rance irector loal entre for lic ervice xcellence The Influence and Complementary Nature of Subsequent ingapore Managerial Innovations in Public Organizations Public Administration at the Dawn of Civilization: Lessons from Lagash for Sustainable Development in the PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS 21st Century Philippe Dorbaire hairan onfcis nstitte niversit e oitiers Saltanat Janenova oitiers rance ssistant rofessor aaraev niversit stana Innovative Behavior of Public Service Managers and aahstan Public Service Values The Emergence of a New Model? Civil Service Development in Post-Soviet Countries

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Mineral Hall E Christine Leitner urrnt rns in raniational tics enior dvisor entre for conoics and lic iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent dinistration ondon nited ingdo Disruptive Innovation and the Public Sector: The Endorsed By: Dynamics of Governance ection on ersonnel dinistration and aor elations Alik Shpekbayev MODERATOR hairan genc for ivil ervice ffairs and nti Aziza Zemrani orrption stana aahstan ssociate rofessor niversit of Texas at io rande alle dinrg T 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Mineral Hall F PRESENTERS AP Panloran Association for Policy Peter Cruise tuis xective irector lorida tlantic niversit lic lrring the ines nternational and oparative thics cade oca aton lic dinistration Where Aspirational Ethics Begins

MODERATOR: Charles Garofalo Seunghwan Myeong rofessor Texas tate niversit an arcos T resident and rofessor nha niversit ncheon Breathing in Bureaucracy: Culture, Power and Change orea PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS PRESENTER Cynthia Lynch Don S. Lee onoll ectrer niversit of ottingha ondon nited Where Aspirational Ethics Begins ingdo Ministers’ Public Profiles and Agency Performance Thomas Lynch everend r nternational cade of nterfaith PRESENTER/COAUTHOR tdies onoll HyungGun Park Where Aspirational Ethics Begins octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T The 311 System and Direct Democracy: Do Multiple Participatory Institutions Matter? 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Centennial A Altrnati ric liry COAUTHORS n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent Jung Wook Kim ssociate esearch ellow ran anageent ivision Endorsed By: ncheon evelopent nstitte ncheon orea ection on ntergovernental dinistration and The 311 System and Direct Democracy: Do Multiple anageent Participatory Institutions Matter? MODERATOR/PRESENTER Jie Tao Lachezar Anguelov octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T ssistant rofessor The vergreen tate ollege The 311 System and Direct Democracy: Do Multiple lpia Participatory Institutions Matter? Citizens’ Awareness and Expectations of Local Government Service Delivery Modes: The Implications of Privatization and Collaborations for Perceptions of Municipal Performance


Panls (continued) Dean Parker esearcher ace niversit ew or DISCUSSANT/PRESENTER Assessing the Performance of Economic Development Gina Scutelnicu Services in New York State through the Lenses of Local ssistant rofessor ace niversit archont Development Corporations Assessing the Performance of Economic Development Services in New York State through the Lenses of Local Jianjun Wang Development Corporations rofessor alifornia tate niversitaersfield aersfield PRESENTER A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Early Childhood Education Andrew Ewoh Programs through Proposition 10 Funding in California rofessor Texas othern niversit tafford T A Comparative Analysis of Municipal Management Tyler Wolfe Districts: The Case of Energy Corridor and Memorial andidate The vergreen tate ollege Districts in Houston, Texas lpia Citizens’ Awareness and Expectations of Local PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Government Service Delivery Modes: The Implications Kathy Ives of Privatization and Collaborations for Perceptions of hief inance fficer irst ern aersfield Municipal Performance A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Early Childhood Education Programs through Proposition 10 Funding in California Justin Woods dnct rofessor ace niversit and ont Jinping Sun dinistrator aga ont ictor rofessor and hair alifornia tate niversit Assessing the Performance of Economic Development aersfield aersfield Services in New York State through the Lenses of Local A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Early Childhood Education Development Corporations Programs through Proposition 10 Funding in California

Eric Zeemering Prsintial Panl ssociate rofessor orthern llinois niversit eal 2:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Centennial E Examining the Myriad Ways in Which Local Sponsored By: Governments Arrange External Service Delivery Virginia Commonwealth University

COAUTHORS Ally rainin for ocial uity irsity an Junghwa Choi nclusion octoral tdent niversit of lahoa oran Hosted By Examining the Myriad Ways in Which Local Conference of Minority Public Administrators, LGBT Governments Arrange External Service Delivery Advocacy Alliance, Section on Democracy and Social Justice, Students and New Administration Professionals Meeyoung Lamothe Section, Section on Personnel Administration and ssociate rofessor niversit of lahoa Labor Relations and Section for Women in Public oran Administration Examining the Myriad Ways in Which Local Governments Arrange External Service Delivery PRESENTERS Marc Fudge Scott Lamothe ssociate rofessor alifornia tate niversitan ssociate rofessor niversit of lahoa ernardino and resident onference of inorit lic oran dinistrators an ernardino Examining the Myriad Ways in Which Local Governments Arrange External Service Delivery Susan T. Gooden ediate ast resident and rofessor irginia oonwealth niversit ichond

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions SATURDAY SESSIONS MARCH 10

Panls (continued) Dean Parker esearcher ace niversit ew or DISCUSSANT/PRESENTER Assessing the Performance of Economic Development Gina Scutelnicu Services in New York State through the Lenses of Local ssistant rofessor ace niversit archont Development Corporations Assessing the Performance of Economic Development Services in New York State through the Lenses of Local Jianjun Wang Development Corporations rofessor alifornia tate niversitaersfield aersfield PRESENTER A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Early Childhood Education Andrew Ewoh Programs through Proposition 10 Funding in California rofessor Texas othern niversit tafford T A Comparative Analysis of Municipal Management Tyler Wolfe Districts: The Case of Energy Corridor and Memorial andidate The vergreen tate ollege Districts in Houston, Texas lpia Citizens’ Awareness and Expectations of Local PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Government Service Delivery Modes: The Implications Kathy Ives of Privatization and Collaborations for Perceptions of hief inance fficer irst ern aersfield Municipal Performance A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Early Childhood Education Programs through Proposition 10 Funding in California Justin Woods dnct rofessor ace niversit and ont Jinping Sun dinistrator aga ont ictor rofessor and hair alifornia tate niversit Assessing the Performance of Economic Development aersfield aersfield Services in New York State through the Lenses of Local A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Early Childhood Education Development Corporations MARCH 10MARCH 10 Programs through Proposition 10 Funding in California SATURDAYSATURDAYSESSIONSSESSIONS

Eric Zeemering PanlsPrsintial(continued)Panls Panl (continued) orso orso ssociate rofessor orthern llinois niversit eal Mary2:15 p.m. Guy – 5:00Mary p.m. Guy Centennial E 4:00 p.m. – 5:304:00 p.m. p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mineral Hall E Mineral Hall E rofessor niversitrofessor of olorado niversit enver of oloradoenver enver enver Examining the Myriad Ways in Which Local Sponsored By: ntry l anarsntry l s our anars ission s our ission Governments Arrange External Service Delivery Virginia Commonwealth University Richard GreggoryRichard Johnson, Greggory III Johnson, III Focus for uccssFocus for uccss rofessor and rograrofessor irector and rogra niversit irector of an niversit ofiaonds an in the oghiaonds an in the esorce ogh ananageent esorce anageent COAUTHORS Ally rainin for ocial uity irsity an Junghwa Choi rancisconclusion an ranciscorancisco an rancisco octoral tdent niversit of lahoa oran Endorsed By: Endorsed By: JaniceHosted ByLachanceJanice Lachance ection on ersonnelection dinistration on ersonnel and dinistration aor elations and aor elations Examining the Myriad Ways in Which Local Conference of Minority Public Administrators, LGBT Governments Arrange External Service Delivery resident residentand xective ice and resident xective for ice resident for trategicAdvocacy and Alliance, rganiationaltrategic Section and on xcellence Democracyrganiational erican and xcellence Social ericanMODERATOR/PRESENTERMODERATOR/PRESENTER Justice, Students and New Administration Professionals Meeyoung Lamothe eophsical nioneophsical ashington nion ashington L. Frances LiddellL. Frances Liddell Section, Section on Personnel Administration and etired ssociateetired rofessor ssociate acson rofessor tate niversit acson tate niversit ssociate rofessor niversit of lahoa Labor Relations and Section for Women in Public oran Founrs FllosFounrs Fllos acson acson Administration Entry Level Managers:Entry LevelIs Your Managers: “Mission Focused”Is Your “Mission for Focused” for Examining the Myriad Ways in Which Local 4:00 p.m. – 5:304:00 p.m. p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Granite A Granite A Governments Arrange External Service Delivery Success? Success? nantPRESENTERS annant ollaoration an asollaoration a ool for as a ool for Marc Fudge Scott Lamothe Pulic ric Pulicliry ric liry PRESENTERS PRESENTERS ssociate rofessor alifornia tate niversitan David Baker David Baker ssociate rofessor niversit of lahoa MODERATOR/PRESENTERMODERATOR/PRESENTER ernardino and resident onference of inorit lic rofessor aliforniarofessor tate niversitan alifornia tate ernardino niversitan ernardino oran Zehavitdinistrators Levitats anZehavit ernardino Levitats Examining the Myriad Ways in Which Local octoral tdentoctoral niversit tdent of aifa niversit aifa srael of aifa aifa ansrael ernardino an ernardino Governments Arrange External Service Delivery Emotionally EngageEmotionally Civil Servants: Engage Toward Civil Servants: a Multi- TowardReinventing a Multi- UnpaidReinventing Public Service Unpaid Internships: Public Service The Internships: The Susan T. Gooden Slippery Slopes ofSlippery Social Equity Slopes and of Social Legal Equity Limbo and Legal Limbo Levelediate Theory ast and residentLevel Multi-Source Theory and Analysis and Multi-Source rofessor in Public irginia Analysis in Public Administration Administration oonwealth niversit ichond Kristie Roberts-LewisKristie Roberts-Lewis oordinator and rofessoroordinator oint and niversit rofessor oint niversit PRESENTERS PRESENTERS Saud Alotaibi Saud Alotaibi tlanta tlanta APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Entry Level Managers:Entry LevelIs Your Managers: “Mission Focused”Is Your “Mission for Focused” for Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutionsoctoral tdentoctoral niversit tdent of orth niversit Texas enton of orth T Texas enton T The Effect of Person-OrganizationThe Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Public Service Fit on PublicSuccess? Service Success? Motivation to DetermineMotivation Public to DetermineManagers’ Public Outcomes Managers’ Outcomes Randi Kay StephensRandi Kay Stephens Sarah McGuireSarah McGuire ssociate rograssociate anager rogra nstitte anager for ocal nstitte for ocal onit treachonit pecialist treach iedont pecialist thorit iedont for thoritovernent for acraentoovernent acraento egional Transportationegional reensoro Transportation reensoro Governments EngagingGovernments Youth: EngagingPreparing Youth: Our Future Preparing Our Future Building CollaborativeBuilding Relationships: Collaborative Citizen Relationships: CitizenGeneration of CivicGeneration Leaders and of Civic Public Leaders Administrators and Public Administrators Engagement andEngagement Local Government and Local Government

Sasha Zapata Sasha Zapata roect anager roecthode sland anager alit hode nstitte sland alit nstitte rovidence rovidence Challenges We FaceChallenges as Public We Administrators Face as Public Administrators

asantorconfrncasantorconfrnc SATURDAY SESSIONS MARCH 10

Panls 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Centennial C 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mineral Hall C nnoation in t Pulic ctor tors ollaorations an Partnrsis resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent Part Endorsed By: resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships ection on lic dinistration esearch and ection Endorsed By: on cience and Technolog in overnent ection on oplexit and etwor tdies ection on ntergovernental dinistration and anageent MODERATOR/PRESENTER ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships Jessica Sowa and ection on lic dinistration esearch ssociate rofessor niversit of altiore altiore PRESENTERS Reconsidering Public-Nonprofit Relations: Police Kristin Olofsson Foundations and the Role of Organized Philanthropy in nstrctor and octoral tdent niversit of olorado Traditionally Public Services enver enver Policy Advocacy Networks of Public and Nonprofit PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Organizations in High-Conflict Environmental Policy Teng-Wen Chang Debates octoral tdent ational hengchi niversit Taipei Taiwan Razilya Shakirova ICT-Enabled Collaborative Open Government: Citizen octoral tdent tgers niversitewar Participation, Bureaucratic Risk Management and ewar Transparency An Empirical Investigation into the Adoption of Governance Modes in Nonprofit Collaborative Networks Stephanie Dolamore esearch nalst niversit of altiore altiore Nara Yoon Reconsidering Public-Nonprofit Relations: Police octoral tdent racse niversit racse Foundations and the Role of Organized Philanthropy in A Study on the Formation of Nonprofit Board Interlocks Traditionally Public Services

PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Jonathan Foster Stephen Adkins radate ean niversit nion ssistant rofessor and irector rogra incoln Nonprofit Sustainability: Does Innovation Lead to eorial niversit noxville T Organizational Health? Nonprofit Collective Impact Initiatives: A Case Study of the Alliance for Better Nonprofits in East Tennessee Bok Gyo Jeong ssistant rofessor ean niversit nion Mirit Kisner Nonprofit Sustainability: Does Innovation Lead to dnct ectrer niversit of aifa irat a srael Organizational Health? The Proverbs of Coproduction of Health Care Adam Miles Jessica Whitmill enior nalst overnent ccontailit ffice andidate incoln eorial niversit ilver pring noxville T How to Engage Citizens and Achieve More Efficient and Nonprofit Collective Impact Initiatives: A Case Study of Effective Results through Open Innovation the Alliance for Better Nonprofits in East Tennessee John David Selby COAUTHOR octoral tdent riona tate niversit hoenix Trui Steen Citizen Engagement as Protagonist for Local rofessor even lic overnance nstitte Government Innovation even elgi The Proverbs of Coproduction of Health Care

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) Stuart Gilman enior artner loal ntegrit rop anassas COAUTHORS What Do We Really Know about Corruption in Lauren Edwards Countries? A Critique of Corruption and Integrity ssistant rofessor niversit of arlandaltiore Measures ont altiore Reconsidering Public-Nonprofit Relations: Police Leo Huberts Foundations and the Role of Organized Philanthropy in rofessor rie niversiteit sterda etherlands Traditionally Public Services Integrity of Governance: What It Is and What Helps

Benjamin Licht ssistant irector overnent ccontailit 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mineral Hall D ffice heverl aians Pulic ornanc an ts How to Engage Citizens and Achieve More Efficient and lont Effective Results through Open Innovation erfect orld lic dinistration Theor David Swindell ssociate rofessor and irector riona tate Endorsed By: niversit hoenix ection on hinese lic dinistration Citizen Engagement as Protagonist for Local Government Innovation MODERATOR Kuotsai Tom Liou rofessor niversit of entral lorida rlando 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mineral Hall F Past Prsnt an Futur of tics Practic DISCUSSANT Rex Facer, II an sarc ssociate rofessor righa ong niversit iding hilosoph thics and the aw rovo T

Endorsed By: CONVENER ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance and Yan-Yi Chang ection on nternational and oparative dinistration ssociate rofessor hng a niversit sinch it Taiwan MODERATORS/PRESENTERS James Svara PRESENTERS isiting cholar niversit of orth arolinahapel Tzung-Shiun Li ill rha rofessor and hairan ational entral olice Future Research Priorities niversit Taoan sien Taiwan System Resilience and Collaborative Decisionmaking in Jonathan West Disaster Governance: Lessons in Taiwan Experience rofessor and hair niversit of iai oral ales Chunmeng Lu Future Research Priorities ssociate rofessor and epartent hair Tnghai niversit Taichng Taiwan PRESENTERS The Legal Constraints upon Bureaucracy in a James Bowman Constitutional Democracy in an Era of Public rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee Governance Thinking about Thinking: Beyond Philosophical Rationalism and the Rise of Behavioral Ethics Wei-Ning Wu ssistant rofessor ational n aten niversit Scott Fritzen aohsing it Taiwan ssociate rofessor niversit of ashington The Study of Disaster Resistant Community: A Typology eattle and Evaluation of Current Community Practices The Trajectory of Fighting Corruption in the Modern Nation-State


Denise Davison Panls (continued) ssistant rofessor organ tate niversit altiore PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Li-Yi Hsu Results-Based Accountability as a Tool to Advance Social rovost and rofessor ational pen niversit Taipei Equity: Expanding the Bench to Increase the Numbers Taiwan of Under-Represented Professionals in Performance Self-Governance versus Good Governance: The Management Challenges of Indigenous Accountability in Taiwan Radik Sadykov Morgan Chih-Tung Huang esearch ellow and enior ectrer ational esearch irector and ssociate rofessor ational pen niversit igher chool of conoics oscow ssia niversit ew Taipei it Taiwan Professionalization of Female Civil Servants in Modern Self-Governance versus Good Governance: The Russia Challenges of Indigenous Accountability in Taiwan Valeriya Utkina enior ectrer ational esearch niversit igher 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Granite C chool of conoics oscow ssia uality uity an ornt Professionalization of Female Civil Servants in Modern Russia ll re ot al dvancing ocial it Varaidzo Zvobgo Endorsed By: Teaching ssistant niversit of Texas at allas ection for oen in lic dinistration ection on oppell T eocrac and ocial stice and ection on thics and Minorities’ Perception of Inclusion and Fairness and Its ntegrit in overnance Impact on Turnover Intentions in Federal Government Employees MODERATOR Mai Abuali COAUTHOR octoral tdent niversit of altiore altiore Romeo Abraham Teaching ssistant niversit of Texas at allas PRESENTERS ichardson T Dahlia Khaira Minorities’ Perception of Inclusion and Fairness and Its ssistant rofessor halsa ollege of Technolog and Impact on Turnover Intentions in Federal Government siness tdies handigarh ndia Employees Women Empowerment through Employment Generation: A Case Study of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (2005) 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Agate B ustainaility fforts an nnoati ounity Lorinda Riley lont Practics rofessor niversit of awaiiest ah apolei Looking Back to See the Future n e Toward the tre nvironent and Technolog PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Marian Amoa MODERATOR/COAUTHOR enior ssociate erforance easreent The nnie Aziza Zemrani ase ondation altiore ssociate rofessor niversit of Texas at io rande Results-Based Accountability as a Tool to Advance Social alle dinrg T Equity: Expanding the Bench to Increase the Numbers Global Dynamics, National Differences and of Under-Represented Professionals in Performance Environmental Sustainability Frameworks Management PRESENTERS Prentiss Dantzler ssistant rofessor olorado ollege olorado prings American Dream, Democratic Nightmare: Refocusing Governmental Approaches to Housing Policy APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) PRESENTERS Rick Kurtz Rachel Emas resident hawnee tate niversit ortsoth ssistant Teaching rofessor tgers niversit Responding to Disaster: The Fate of the MV New Carissa ewar ewar Mission Sustainable: Concepts and Components in Action Laura Olson ectrer eorgetown niversit ashington Morgann Means The Evolution and Continued Development of Effective octoral tdent olorado tate niversit Models for Organizational Development Suited to Post- ort ollins Disaster Environments Up from the Ashes: The Role of Natural and Industrial Disasters in Shaping Municipal Sustainability Policy Anne Zobell octoral tdent irginia Tech lexandria PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Effective Faith-Based Organizations in Disasters: The George Atisa Case of Mormon Helping Hands ssistant rofessor niversit of Texas at io rande alle dinrg T PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Global Dynamics, National Differences and Peng Li Environmental Sustainability Frameworks ssociate rofessor alian niversit of Technolog alian hina Ashley Nickels How are Risks Amplified in Severe Weather Based on ssistant rofessor ent tate niversit ent Intergovernmental Networks? Calling for Community Control: Local Organizing and Implications for Community Development Policy Wenhui Li tdent alian niversit of Technolog alian hina COAUTHORS How are Risks Amplified in Severe Weather Based on Amanda Clark Intergovernmental Networks? octoral tdent ent tate niversit ent Calling for Community Control: Local Organizing and Yoon Ah Shin Implications for Community Development Policy octoral tdent niversit of ittsrgh ittsrgh Analyzing Resource Management Networks in Humanitarian Relief as a Complex, Evolving System: 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mineral Hall G The 2014 Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in Liberia tor ornanc an isastr anant efore and fter the tor ergenc and COAUTHORS isaster anageent Yi Liu ssociate rofessor alian niversit of Technolog alian hina Endorsed By: How are Risks Amplified in Severe Weather Based on ection on oplexit and etwor tdies ection Intergovernmental Networks? on ergenc and risis anageent ection on ntergovernental dinistration and anageent and Huanming Wang ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships ssistant rofessor alian niversit of Technolog alian hina MODERATOR/COAUTHOR How are Risks Amplified in Severe Weather Based on Louise Comfort Intergovernmental Networks? rofessor niversit of ittsrgh aland Analyzing Resource Management Networks in Humanitarian Relief as a Complex, Evolving System: The 2014 Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in Liberia


Panls (continued) PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Xiao Yu 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mineral Hall A rofessor and ean ilin niversit hangchn hina ornanc fors across t orl China’s Governance Openness and Reforms: A Case of ainin t Past an lorin t Futur Policy Learning lrring the ines nternational and oparative Yanzhe Zhang lic dinistration ssociate rofessor ilin niversit hangchn hina China’s Governance Openness and Reforms: A Case of Endorsed By: Policy Learning ection on nternational and oparative dinistration

MODERATOR/PRESENTER 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Centennial F Ali Farazmand ollaorati ornanc ools an rofessor lorida tlantic niversit oca aton rincs Governance Reforms across the World: Assessing the Past and Exploring the Future of Public Administration lrring the ines nternational and oparative lic dinistration DISCUSSANT Guy Peters Endorsed By: rofessor niversit of ittsrgh ittsrgh ection on oplexit and etwor tdies

PRESENTERS MODERATOR/PRESENTER Mauricio Olavarria Gambi Jack Meek acltad e anidades niversit of antiago rofessor niversit of a erne a erne antiago hile Models of Collaborative Governance: The City of Los Recent Governance Policies of Chile and Those of the Angeles’ Foreclosure Registry Program 1920s: Are They Different or Similar? PRESENTER M. Shamsul Haque Shin Kue Ryu rofessor ational niversit of ingapore ingpore ssistant rofessor daho tate niversit ocatello Reforming Governance in Southeast Asia: Normative Variation in Performances of Indonesia’s Water Utilities: Incongruence Between Bureaucracy and Society The Lasting Imprints of Fiscal and Administrative Decentralization Carole Jurkiewicz herr enne ndowed rofessor of eadership PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS niversit of assachsettsoston oston Sicheng Chen Changing the Face of Leadership, Then and Now ostoctoral esearch ellow Tsingha niversit eiing aidian Akira Nakamura Mapping the Evolution of Central Government Agencies rofessor erits eii niversit Too apan in China Civil Service Reforms and Changes in the Politico- Administrative Interface in Japan Tom Christensen rofessor niversit of slo slo orwa Jos C.N. Raadschelders Mapping the Evolution of Central Government Agencies rofessor and ssociate ean for aclt evelopent in China hio tate niversit ols Globalization and Public Administration Changes: Ying Jiang Assessing the Changes and Considering the Future ssistant rofessor and ostoctoral cholar alian niversit of Technolog and riona tate niversit alian hina The Network Evolution of Policy Agents of Chinese Public-Private Partnerships Mode

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Centennial H Chenwei Lyu ransforin Pulic Ainistration esearcher niversit of a erne a erne Public-Private Partnerships in China: Similarities and lrring the ines nternational and oparative Differences in International Practices lic dinistration and The Uniqueness of China’s Public-Private Partnerships: Endorsed By: The Participation of State Owned Enterprises ection on ffective and ond dinistration in the iddle ast and ection on lic dinistration Liang Ma esearch ssociate rofessor enin niversit of hina eiing hina MODERATOR/PRESENTER Mapping the Evolution of Central Government Agencies Joshua Zaato in China ssistant rofessor aed niversit ai nited ra erites Helen Morales The Nexus Between Ideas, Reality and Administrative enior osing nvestigator and octoral tdent Reforms in Developing Countries: The Challenge of os ngeles osing and onit nvestent Public Agency Reform in Ghana epartent rcadia Models of Collaborative Governance: The City of Los PRESENTERS Angeles’ Foreclosure Registry Program Shlomo Mizrahi rofessor niversit of aifa aifa srael Eun-sil Yoo Performance Management, Managerial Quality and octoral tdent enn tate niversit tate ollege Trust: A Cross-Country Quantitative Analysis The Meta-Analysis of Successful Collaborative Governance: Depending on Network Fields Mao Wang octoral tdent ational Taiwan niversit ew COAUTHORS Taipei it Jack Meek Computational Text Analysis as an Approach to rofessor niversit of a erne a erne Understanding Innovation in the Public-Sector Public-Private Partnerships in China: Similarities and Differences in International Practices Adrian Wolfberg epresentative to the r ar ollege efense Triparna Vasavada ntelligence genc ashington ssociate rofessor enn tate niversit Sustainable Change in the Federal Government: iddletown Competencies for Navigating Organizational Boundaries The Meta-Analysis of Successful Collaborative Governance: Depending on Network Fields PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Adam Butz Qian Wang ssistant rofessor alifornia tate niversitong asters tdent alian niversit of Technolog each ong each alian hina Examining Contracting Oversight Measures in the The Network Evolution of Policy Agents of Chinese United States: Survey Results and Lessons for Reform Public-Private Partnerships Mode Joshua Mitchell ssistant rofessor niversit of ransas aetteville Examining Contracting Oversight Measures in the United States: Survey Results and Lessons for Reform


Panls (continued) PRESENTERS Heidi Jane Smith 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Centennial B rofessor niversidad eroaericana exico it APA Panlttin t on o excio iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent Increasing Decisionmaking Capacities of Local Governments: Mexico’s Quest for Economic Growth MODERATOR Kurt Thurmaier Evelyn Trammell residential ngageent rofessor and hair octoral tdent lorida nternational niversit epartent of lic dinistration orthern llinois eroe ines niversit eal Assessing the Policy Environment in Supplier Diversity Contracting PANELISTS Diane M. Disney PRESENTER/COAUTHOR rofessor erita orer ean and hancellor enn Michael Overton tate niversit est hester niversit est ssistant rofessor niversit of daho ort orth T hester Income Inequality and Shrinking Local Government Revenues Terry Gerton resident and ational cade of lic COAUTHORS dinistration ashington Julius Nukpezah ssistant rofessor ississippi tate niversit Mary Hamilton tarville enior xective in esidence onsltant erasa Income Inequality and Shrinking Local Government ertified lic anager rogra and idlands Revenues perintendents cade chool of lic dinistration niversit of erasaaha Marilyn Rubin aha rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice it niversit of ew or ew or Chester A. (Chet) Newland Gender Budgeting: Implications of a Growing Movement ggan istingished rofessor of lic dinistration niversit of othern alifornia ol rice chool of 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mineral Hall B lic olic acraento Pulic Particiation in utin William P. Shields, Jr. n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent xective irector erican ociet for lic dinistration ashington MODERATOR/PRESENTER Paul Chalekian anager o and niversit of evada 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Agate C eno arson it uity ssus in Financ A Constituent Theory of Budgeting n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent DISCUSSANT/PRESENTER Endorsed By: Marcia Godwin ection for oen in lic dinistration ection rofessor niversit of a erne a erne on thics and ntegrit in overnance and ection on Public Participation in Budget Processes rocreent and ontract anageent PRESENTER Oana Almasan MODERATOR/PRESENTER John Bartle nstrctor riona tate niversit rprise ean and rofessor niversit of erasaaha Participation as an Experiential Factor in Democratic aha Emancipation Gender Budgeting: Implications of a Growing Movement

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 10 SATURDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Theodore Byrne PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS ssociate rofessor alifornia tate niversit Joseph Hafer oinge ills rlington octoral tdent enn tate arrisrg iddletown International Military Education and Training: The Influence of Citizen Characteristics on Willingness to Promoting Democratic and Ethical Values to Militaries Pay for State Forest Lands and Countries Throughout the World

HyungGun Park Daniel Fay octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T ssistant rofessor lorida tate niversit Citizen Participation and Outcomes: The Fiscal Effects of Tallahassee Local Participatory Budgeting Strategically Serving Service Members: How Colleges and Universities Make Strategic Management Policies to COAUTHORS Service Military Service Member Populations Skip Krueger ssociate rofessor niversit of orth Texas Abby Kinch enton T enior esearcher and dnct nstrctor lorida tate Citizen Participation and Outcomes: The Fiscal Effects of niversit Tallahassee Local Participatory Budgeting Strategically Serving Service Members: How Colleges and Universities Make Strategic Management Policies to Bing Ran Service Military Service Member Populations ssociate rofessor enn tate arrisrg iddletown Leonard Lira The Influence of Citizen Characteristics on Willingness to ssistant rofessor an ose tate niversit Pay for State Forest Lands an ose An Engine for Learning in the Army: Army University’s Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Granite B Prarin an uortin Pulic rants COAUTHORS acin rainin an lont in t Hugo Asencio ilitary ssistant rofessor alifornia tate niversit inning the ar The ilitar in lic dinistration oinge ills arson International Military Education and Training: Promoting Democratic and Ethical Values to Militaries Endorsed By: and Countries Throughout the World ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance and tdents and ew dinistration rofessionals ection Frances Berry ein sew inent cholar and ran MODERATOR/PRESENTER herwood rofessor of lic dinistration lorida Edin Mujkic tate niversit Tallahassee ssistant rofessor niversit of olorado olorado Strategically Serving Service Members: How Colleges prings olorado prings and Universities Make Strategic Management Policies to International Military Education and Training: Service Military Service Member Populations Promoting Democratic and Ethical Values to Militaries and Countries Throughout the World Keith Beurskens ivision hief eneral earning tcoes rricl PRESENTER ivision enter for Teaching and earning xcellence Corri Zoli r niversit eavenworth irector esearch and ssistant esearch rofessor An Engine for Learning in the Army: Army University’s racse niversit racse Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Valuing Military Leadership in Public Administration: What Service Members Can Teach Us about Strategic Management

asantorconfrnc Advance your Career and Make a Difference SATURDAY with a degree from UT Dallas

Panls (continued) Daniel Fay ssistant rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee Valuing Military Leadership in Public Administration: What Service Members Can Teach Us about Strategic Management

Rosalinda Maury irector pplied esearch nstitte for eterans and ilitar ailies racse niversit The Program in racse Valuing Military Leadership in Public Administration: Public and Nonprofit What Service Members Can Teach Us about Strategic Management Management at UT Dallas is home to award-winning faculty with diverse areas of expertise that include 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Centennial A human resource management, leadership, PAc PanlPulic Ainistration an fiscal and budgetary policy, city management, ocracy in ntral an astrn uro at os t Futur oo i diversity management, nonprofit and volunteer management, and performance management. MODERATORS/ PANELISTS e program is home to Public Administration Allan Rosenbaum Review and former home to the Review of Public rofessor epartent of lic olic and Personnel Administration. dinistration and irector nstitte for lic anageent and enter for eocrac and ood overnance lorida nternational niversit iai

Juraj Nemec cee resident and rofessor ate el niversit strica lovaia

A Master of Public Affairs (MPA) will prepare you for leadership roles in lco ction local government management, nonprofit governance and policy analysis. A doctoral degree in Public Affairs (PhD) will prepare you for careers 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Downtown Denver Aquarium in academia, research, public and nonprofit organizations. • Two national best dissertation awards and an honorable mention since 2012. • Competitive financial aid packages. • Opportunities for publishing. • Stipends for student travel to national and regional conferences.

For more information, visit or email Doug Goodman, program head, at [email protected].

THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences

SUNDAY SESSIONS #ASPA2018 AApproach: Fresh Engagement Civic and Nonprofits Guiding Philosophy: A the Law Ethics and AWorld: Perfect PublicTheory Administration All Not Equal: Are Advancing Social Equity An Eye the Future: Toward EnvironmentTechnology and (andBefore the Storm: After) Management and Disaster Emergency Blurring the Lines: Public and Comparative International Administration Diamonds in the Rough: Management Human Resource On a Shoestring: and Procurement Finance Budget, WinningWar: the in Public Military The Administration TRACKS L. Douglas Wilder takes his historic oath of of ce as Virginia’s 66th governor on January 13, 1990. Photo credit: RichmondTimes-Dispatch

Congratulations, Governor Wilder!

The VCU Wilder School is proud to be named for L. Douglas Wilder, 66th governor of Virginia, distinguished professor of public policy, and recipient of the 2017 ASPA Gloria Hobson Nordin Social Equity Award.

Governor Wilder’s career in public service exempli es a lifelong commitment to social equity. His numerous legislative accomplishments include expanding health care, affordable housing and public education, and as governor he was commended nationally for his sound scal management.

His many milestones include: • First African-American elected governor in the United States • Virginia’s rst African-American elected lieutenant governor • First African-American to serve in the Virginia Senate since Reconstruction • First popularly elected mayor of the city of Richmond—his hometown—in nearly a half-century.

We salute you, Governor Wilder! MARCH 11 SUNDAY SESSIONS

S eistrtin .. .. entenni er Public Personnel Management Review (PPMR) rn .. .. entenni Eitrs eetin SS eetin .. .. entenni S eetin .. .. Grnite S eetin .. .. entenni S n Review of Public Personnel Administration .. .. Grnite (ROPPA) siness eetin S eetin .. .. Grnite SSG eetin .. .. entenni hter eershi eetin .. .. entenni resienti ne nnte Eete eet .. .. entenni E ners es ne i i henes .. .. Grnite iin etter rn ii Eneent rrs .. .. Grnite est rties fr nitse rnitins e ith rse issinse eershi .. .. iner e itien rtiitin n rtin in the Er f .. .. entenni G e Gernne Gernents n Eneent .. .. entenni e erseties in iin n e .. .. iner E i inistrtin rn Eitrs ne .. .. iner G eniin n nterin res tht Sert .. .. Grnite Eit Gener ifferenes in i neent .. .. entenni ehir n referenes in Ener i .. .. te ttin Ee isster eserh rrines .. .. entenni Erthes n re nitin n rintin in Eeren .. .. te neent etter Gernent Series thrh ie rie erfrne eershi ht n the GG .. .. iner e ntrite rtie i inistrtin inin Etin .. .. entenni r n re tes in ie tins i inistrtin ses Eni n Si .. .. iner t eth re n itis G neSner (noun) he Eneent f i inistrtin in eein n rtin i rreent itertre n eers in .. .. te rtin ith G he nstitte fr i rreent S nesherin in the et rntier f i inistrtin in fri he e f the Setin n .. .. iner frin i inistrtin Ehiit en .. .. entenni er Eit ihrsn etre .. .. entenni Gri sn rin Si Eit nhen .. .. entenni E (ticketed) nterntin ntet n nrfits .. .. entenni i inistrtin in si henes n .. .. entenni G Stins neht s the e f in the .. .. iner nrfit n ntr Setr histein n Er f ee r f t .. .. te

asantorconfrnc SUNDAY SESSIONS MARCH 11

essns fr rin eitin in r .. .. entenni etin eenes n rie Sertin f ers n isretin .. .. iner erseties n Gernne .. .. iner eiin i Se s e rh the s eiin i Serie fr erti Gernne .. .. te n Sstine eeent PARs Eitri isin here ne s Gne .. .. entenni efre netiin Si Eit .. .. iner etenies n it fr EGernent .. .. iner Sess Ener i Stins in the r Er .. .. Grnite ehn eeent n i neent .. .. Grnite he e f Gernent in issters .. .. entenni rtie i inistrtin ntritin t .. .. te nerstnin eershi in the i Setr .. .. entenni ttin Ee erfrne neent .. .. iner E resienti ne nsin in i Ses .. .. entenni nterntin sse .. .. entenni G resienti ne e Ge s S h efetins .. .. entenni E n . sner st resients eetin .. .. entenni G eetin .. .. te Public Integrity Eitri r eetin .. .. iner SS eetin .. .. iner G S eetin .. .. entenni G SE eetin .. .. iner SS eetin .. .. iner S eetin .. .. iner S eetin .. .. te S eetin .. .. entenni S eetin .. .. te S eetin .. .. iner ie eetin nrin es err .. .. entenni er ters niersiter Sh f i ffirs .. .. entenni n inistrtin eetin Setin n hinese i inistrtin eetin .. .. Grnite S S n eetin .. .. Grnite niersit f ittsrh Grte Sh f i .. .. entenni n nterntin ffirs eetin niersit f Sthern ifrni S rie Sh f .. .. entenni i i eetin rs estrnt SE eetin n inner .. .. enine ee resients eetin .. .. es ne

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 11 SUNDAY SESSIONS

Prsintial Panl orso 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Centennial E 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Granite C nnoat lat at uilin ttr ran iic nant PRESENTER Proras st Practics for ounityas Brian Elms raniations nnovation xpert hange and nnovation genc resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent enver PRESENTER Founrs Fllos Michelle Curry hief perating fficer The ongorth rop and 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Granite A octoral tdent apella niversit inden Pulic Policy allns MODERATOR/PRESENTER 8:30 a.m. -10: 00 a.m. Mineral Hall A Cristina Stanica octoral tdent niversit of elaware ewar a it Puros A issionas New Public Governance in Central and Eastern Europe arsi ol iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent PRESENTERS Neomi Frisch Aviram PRESENTER octoral tdent niversit of aifa aifa srael Lauren Miltenberger Policy Entrepreneurship Behavior: A Meta-Review ssistant rofessor and onprofit oordinator illanova niversit rn awr Monica Yamel Naime S. Henkel octoral tdent entro de nvestigacin ocencia conicas exico it exico Panls When Public Administration Causes Wicked Problems: Challenges for Public Policy 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Centennial G itin Particiation an ollaoration in t Shilpa Viswanath ra of ornanc octoral tdent tgers niversitewar ewar resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent Toward a Theory of Local Government Employees: Understanding Municipal Labor through Collective Endorsed By: Bargaining Efforts During State Takeovers ection on hinese lic dinistration ection on oplexit and etwor tdies ection on Nicole Wesley ntergovernental dinistration and anageent radate tdent oisiana tate niversit aton ection on nternational and oparative dinistration oge and ection on lic dinistration esearch Skepticism of Scientific Evidence: The Implications of Human Behavior on Policymaking MODERATOR Elaine Lu ssociate rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice it niversit of ew or ew or

PRESENTERS Chen Fang ssociate rofessor iaen niversit iaen hina Why Citizens Engage in Processes of Co-Production at Local Governance: Evidence from Two Public Service Sectors in Xiamen, China

asantorconfrnc SUNDAY SESSIONS MARCH 11

Panls (continued) Hongmei Song esearch ssistant entral niversit of inance and Yueping Zheng conoics eiing hina ssistant rofessor n aten niversit angho Collaborative Network Among Local Governments in the hina Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Area in the People’s How Citizen Participation Influences Local Republic of China Government’s Performance in Online Response: A Study of the Guangzhou Online Discussion Board Yimei Tu octoral tdent niversit of lectronic cience and PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Technolog of hina hengd ichan hina Jing Cui Cooperative Intention, Risk and Partner Selection in rofessor entral niversit of inance and conoics Interlocal Collaboration: A Study on the Pan-Pearl eiing hina River Delta Collaborative Network Among Local Governments in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Area in the People’s Zhengwei Zhu Republic of China ean ian iaotong niversit haanxi hina A Study on the Effectiveness of Public Participation in Xiangnan Hu Resettlement Community Governance: A Case Study of octoral tdent ian iaotong niversit ian hina Southern Shaanxi, China A Study on the Effectiveness of Public Participation in Resettlement Community Governance: A Case Study of Southern Shaanxi, China 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Centennial A ocal ornnts an nant Liming Suo rofessor niversit of lectronic cience and resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent Technolog of hina hengd hina Cooperative Intention, Risk and Partner Selection in Endorsed By: Interlocal Collaboration: A Study on the Pan-Pearl ection on ntergovernental dinistration and River Delta anageent

COAUTHORS MODERATOR/PRESENTER Bin Chen Ricardo Morse ssociate rofessor arch ollege and the radate ssociate rofessor niversit of orth arolinahapel enter it niversit of ew or ew or ill hapel ill Cooperative Intention, Risk and Partner Selection in Public Engagement by Local Governments: Insights Interlocal Collaboration: A Study on the Pan-Pearl from a 2016 CAO Survey River Delta PRESENTERS Xuesong Guo Michael Bednarczuk ssociate rofessor ian iaotong niversit haanxi ssistant rofessor elhaven niversit acson hina Niskanen and Federalism: Reorienting the Bureau A Study on the Effectiveness of Public Participation in Voting Model Toward Bureaucratic Preferences Resettlement Community Governance: A Case Study of Southern Shaanxi, China Megan McGuffey octoral tdent niversit of erasaaha Jie Ma aha rofessor niversit of lectronic cience and Citizens’ Academies: Motivations and Meaning for Public Technolog of hina hengd hina Administrators Cooperative Intention, Risk and Partner Selection in Interlocal Collaboration: A Study on the Pan-Pearl River Delta

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 11 SUNDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) Edward Dillon ssistant rofessor organ tate niversit PRESENTER/COAUTHOR altiore Dongyoen Kang Bridging the Safety Divide through Technology to octoral tdent tgers niversitewar Improve the Partnership Between Students and Campus ewar Law Enforcement: An “App” Opportunity The Impact of Collaborative Leadership on Encouraging Citizen Engagement: The Case of the Seoul Metro Andrew Grandage Government in South Korea dvisor and octoral tdent niversit of eorgia thens COAUTHOR Leveraging the Intersection of Politics, Problem and Robert Carty Policy in Organizational and Social Change: A Historical irector areer ervices nternational itont Analysis of the Detroit, Los Angeles and Atlanta Police anageent ssociation ashington Departments Public Engagement by Local Governments: Insights from a 2016 CAO Survey Robert Maranto ssistant rofessor niversit of ransas aetteville 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Mineral Hall E What to Do When the Yelling Stops: How Black Lives Prsctis in Policin an ac Matter Can Have Lasting Impact iding hilosoph thics and the aw Brian Williams ssociate rofessor niversit of eorgia thens Endorsed By: Bridging the Safety Divide through Technology to ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance ection on Improve the Partnership Between Students and Campus ealth and an ervices dinistration and tdents Law Enforcement: An “App” Opportunity and ew dinistration rofessionals ection and The Impact of Trauma from Critical Incidents in Police- MODERATOR/DISCUSSANT Community Relations James D. Ward and isiting ssociate rofessor tgers niversitewar Leveraging the Intersection of Politics, Problem and ewar Policy in Organizational and Social Change: A Historical Analysis of the Detroit, Los Angeles and Atlanta Police PRESENTER Departments Samuel Myers rofessor niversit of innesota t al What Have We Learned about Incarceration and Race? COAUTHORS Britt Alperti Lessons from 30 Years of Research taff owernineorg ew rleans Leveraging the Intersection of Politics, Problem and PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Policy in Organizational and Social Change: A Historical Julian Brinkley Analysis of the Detroit, Los Angeles and Atlanta Police octoral tdent niversit of lorida ainesville Departments Bridging the Safety Divide through Technology to Improve the Partnership Between Students and Campus Domonic Bearfield Law Enforcement: An “App” Opportunity ssociate rofessor Texas niversit ollege tation T Lindsay Brown What to Do When the Yelling Stops: How Black Lives octoral tdent niversit of eorgia thens Matter Can Have Lasting Impact The Impact of Trauma from Critical Incidents in Police- Community Relations

Vanessa Cruz Nichols isiting ssistant rofessor and ostoctoral ellow ndiana niversit looington Policy Feedback: Government Skepticism Trickling from Immigration to Matters of Health asantorconfrnc SUNDAY SESSIONS MARCH 11

Panls (continued) 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Granite B Juan Gilbert coniin an ountrin Forcs tat rofessor and hair niversit of lorida ainesville urt uity Bridging the Safety Divide through Technology to ll re ot al dvancing ocial it Improve the Partnership Between Students and Campus Law Enforcement: An “App” Opportunity Endorsed By: ection on eocrac and ocial stice and ection on Seong C. King onprofit olic ractice and artnerships octoral tdent niversit of eorgia thens Bridging the Safety Divide through Technology to Improve the Partnership Between Students and Campus MODERATOR/PRESENTER Elizabeth Overman Law Enforcement: An “App” Opportunity ssociate rofessor niversit of entral lahoa dond Ian Kingsbury The Roots of the Populist Neo-Fascist Surge in Trump’s octoral tdent and radate esearch ssistant America niversit of ransasaetteville aetteville What to Do When the Yelling Stops: How Black Lives Matter Can Have Lasting Impact PRESENTERS RaJade Berry-James ssociate rofessor orth arolina tate niversit Alana Lebron ar ssistant rofessor niversit of aliforniarvine The Promise of Communities of Practice: Innovative rvine Policy Solutions and Sustainable Practices for Policy Feedback: Government Skepticism Trickling from Vulnerable Communities Immigration to Matters of Health Tia Sheree Gaynor Dekita Moon ssistant rofessor arist ollege ogheepsie niversit of lorida radate tdent and esearcher How the Social Construction of Crime, Criminality ainesville and Criminalization of Identities Ignores Ethics While Bridging the Safety Divide through Technology to Sanctioning Oppression and Injustice Improve the Partnership Between Students and Campus Law Enforcement: An “App” Opportunity Ryan Kiggins rofessor niversit of entral lahoa dond Francisco Pedraza A Wicked Problem: The Conscious Cultivation of White ssistant rofessor niversit of aliforniaiverside Supremacy iverside Policy Feedback: Government Skepticism Trickling from Immigration to Matters of Health 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Centennial C nr iffrncs in Pulic anant 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Mineral Hall G ll re ot al dvancing ocial it Pulic Ainistration ournal itors Panl Endorsed By: erfect orld lic dinistration Theor ection for oen in lic dinistration ection on eocrac and ocial stice ection on thics and MODERATOR ntegrit in overnance and ection on nternational and Jane Pisano oparative dinistration rofessor niversit of othern alifornia ol rice chool of lic olic os ngeles MODERATOR/PRESENTER Beth Rauhaus Public Administration Quarterly ssistant rofessor and radate oordinator Public Administration Review Texas niversitorps hristi orps Public Budgeting and Finance hristi T Public Integrity Exploring Gender Differences in City Management

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 11 SUNDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Agate B DISCUSSANT/PRESENTER aior an Prfrncs in nry Policy Zseraldina Ferenczi n e Toward the tre nvironent and radate tdent ar niversit ansas it Technolog Wanted: Women in City Management Endorsed By: PRESENTERS ection on lic dinistration dcation Suparna Dutta octoral tdent irginia oonwealth niversit MODERATOR/COAUTHOR attsville Christopher Weible The Glass Ceiling Effect at the Intersection of Race and rofessor niversit of olorado enver enver Gender: Do Minority Female STEM Instructors in the Diagnosing the Effects of Policy Conflict: A Longitudinal U.S. Education System Face a Double Jeopardy? Study of Policy Actor Perceptions in Debates over Oil and Gas Development in Colorado Nadia Mahallati octoral tdent niversit of tah alt ae it T PRESENTERS Women, Employees and “Milking”: A Content Analysis of Taekyoung Lim Gender Equality Bills Heard by the Utah Legislature ostoctoral esearch ssociate lorida tate niversit Tallahassee PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS The Recovery Act under Networked Governance and Its Robert Eskridge Impact on Job Creation ssistant rofessor ppalachian tate niversit oone Zachary Wurtzebach Exploring Gender Differences in City Management ostoctorate olorado tate niversit enver Multiscale Knowledge Management for Adaptive Colombe Iyeza Planning and Decisionmaking in the U.S. Forest Service dissions onselor ar niversit ansas it Wanted: Women in City Management Suyang Yu octoral tdent niversit of erasaaha Kathryn Webb Farley aha ssistant rofessor ppalachian tate niversit Citizen Participation and Trust in Local Government: An oone Empirical Study of Air Pollution Governance in China Exploring Gender Differences in City Management PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Ronna Weyland Tanya Heikkila radate ssistant and radate tdent ar rofessor and ssociate ean niversit of olorado niversit ansas it enver enver Wanted: Women in City Management Diagnosing the Effects of Policy Conflict: A Longitudinal Study of Policy Actor Perceptions in Debates over Oil and COAUTHORS Gas Development in Colorado Susan Keim ssociate rofessor ar niversit ansas it Wanted: Women in City Management

Elizabeth Pauley ar niversit ansas it Wanted: Women in City Management

James Vanderleeuw rofessor ar niversit ansas it Wanted: Women in City Management

asantorconfrnc SUNDAY SESSIONS MARCH 11

Panls (continued) 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Agate C 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Centennial B ounication an oorination in rncy anant uttin isastr sarc urricans artuas an or efore and fter the tor ergenc and isaster anageent efore and fter the tor ergenc and isaster anageent Endorsed By: ection on ergenc and risis anageent Endorsed By: ection on ergenc and risis anageent and ection on lic dinistration esearch MODERATOR/COAUTHOR Skip Krueger ssociate rofessor niversit of orth Texas MODERATOR/DISCUSSANT enton T Beverly Cigler Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness: Complimentary istingished rofessor erita enn tate arrisrg or Competitive Investments for Local Governments elstown PRESENTERS DISCUSSANT/PRESENTER Brittany Haupt Louise Comfort octoral tdent niversit of entral lorida rofessor niversit of ittsrgh aland viedo Increasing Human and Economic Costs of Caribbean The Use of Crisis Communication Strategies in and Gulf Coast Hurricanes Emergency Management in the United States

PRESENTERS Rui Yang David Dornisch octoral tdent ian iaotong niversit viedo enior ocial cientist overnent ccontailit The Influencing Factors of Multi-Agency Collaboration ffice oc aven Effectiveness in Risk Communication of Large Scale Multiplex Communications in a Large Federal Projects in China Infrastructure Network: Assessing Required and Actual Interoperability Among Emergency Preparedness Agencies PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Yana Lu rofessor aning oral niversit aning hina Frances Edwards Cross-Sector Collaborative Disaster Response in China: rofessor an ose tate niversit pertino A Grounded Analysis Early Warning Systems for Earthquakes in Mexico and Japan Yuan Ting rofessor alifornia tate niversitllerton Alessandra Jerolleman llerton ice resident oisiana ater ors etairie Cross-Sector Collaborative Disaster Response in China: Obstacles Faced by Pracademics in Affecting Local and A Grounded Analysis State Emergency Planning Projects Jesus N. Valero ssistant rofessor niversit of tah idvale T Disaster Preparedness through Communication: How Can Local Governments Increase the Public’s Preparedness Knowledge?

Brian D. Williams ssistant rofessor aar niversit eaont T Disaster Preparedness through Communication: How Can Local Governments Increase the Public’s Preparedness Knowledge?

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 11 SUNDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) DISCUSSANTS Stephen Condrey Julie Winkler resident ondre and ssociates nc ontevallo octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness: Complimentary David Rosenbloom or Competitive Investments for Local Governments istingished rofessor enin niversit and erican niversit ethesda COAUTHORS Wu Chen Kaifeng Yang octoral tdent aning niversit aning hina rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee The Influencing Factors of Multi-Agency Collaboration Effectiveness in Risk Communication of Large Scale Projects in China PRESENTERS Haixu Bao ssistant rofessor anho niversit anho hina Kyujin Jung Environmental Governance Performance Systems in ssistant rofessor orea niversit eol orea China: Critical Analysis Based on the PV-GPG Model Disaster Preparedness through Communication: How Can Local Governments Increase the Public’s Yinan Li Preparedness Knowledge? ssistant rofessor anho niversit anho hina Different Approaches of Local Government Performance Bo Liu Review: Analysis Based on the PV-GPG Model rofessor ian iaotong niversit ian hina The Influencing Factors of Multi-Agency Collaboration Effectiveness in Risk Communication of Large Scale PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Guoxian Bao Projects in China ean and rofessor anho niversit anho hina Public Values Preferences and Perception Differences Ronald Schumann, III of Performance Leadership: Empirical Evidence from ssistant rofessor niversit of orth Texas Police Department Leaders of Lanzhou City, China enton T Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness: Complimentary Irving Yi-Feng Huang or Competitive Investments for Local Governments ssociate rofessor Taang niversit ew Taipei it Taiwan 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Mineral Hall D Performance Evaluation on Collaborative Governance of a Social Service Program in New Taipei City: An ttr ornnt rics trou Pulic Application of the PV-GPG Model aluri Prforanc arsi at an t PP ol ontriut Mei Lang lrring the ines nternational and oparative ssociate rofessor anho niversit anho hina lic dinistration Performance Evaluation on Collaborative Governance of a Social Service Program in New Taipei City: An Endorsed By: Application of the PV-GPG Model ection on hinese lic dinistration ection on lic dinistration esearch and ection on lic Yuanyuan Ren erforance and anageent radate tdent anho niversit anho hina Different Approaches of Local Government Performance MODERATOR Review: Analysis Based on the PV-GPG Model Kuotsai Tom Liou rofessor niversit of entral lorida rlando Xuejun Wang ssociate ean and ssociate rofessor anho niversit anho hina Fiscal Decentralization, Information Disclosure and Environmental Performance: An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Provincial Panel Data

asantorconfrnc SUNDAY SESSIONS MARCH 11

Panls (continued) 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Mineral Hall F Hong Zhang Pulic Ainistration ass conoic an ssistant rofessor anho niversit anho hina ocial act alt ar a an Politics Public Values Preferences and Perception Differences lrring the ines nternational and oparative of Performance Leadership: Empirical Evidence from lic dinistration Police Department Leaders of Lanzhou City, China Endorsed By: 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Centennial H ection on ealth and an ervices dinistration oarati Pulic Ainistration inin MODERATOR/PRESENTER otional aor an orlac utcos in Eric Click Fi ations ssociate rofessor and rogra oordinator lrring the ines nternational and oparative rea oordinator of loal overnance and lic dinistration ecretariat to ar niversit ansas it The Economic and Social Impact of the National Baseball MODERATOR/DISCUSSANT Hall of Fame and Museum on the Village of Mary Guy Cooperstown, NY rofessor niversit of olorado enver enver PRESENTERS PRESENTERS Suzanne Discenza Pallavi Awasthi onsltant ar niversit and niversit of olorado octoral tdent lorida nternational niversit enver arspr iai Medicaid at the Crossroads: Comparing the Financial Emotional Labor Among Public Servants in India: A and Population Health Outcomes of States Adopting Quandary of Culture and Spirituality Medicaid Expansion versus Those that Have Not

Aisha Azhar Melissa Emerson ssistant rofessor niversit of entral na ahore ssistant rofessor niversit of isconsintot aistan enoonie Pakistan: Cultural Context, Management Traditions and Lessons from Wisconsin Judicare: Utilizing Private Findings Attorney Involvement in an Era of Budget Cuts

Hyun Jung Lee Rebekkah Stuteville ssistant rofessor ongi niversit eol orea Teaching ssociate rofessor and ssistant ean How Emotional Labor Relates to Job Satisfaction and cadeic pport ervices ansas tate niversit Burnout: The Case of South Korean Public Service lathe arville Employees Richard Bolling, John Gardner and 1970s Legislative Ethics Reform Xiaojun Lu ssociate rofessor hanghai iao Tong niversit hanghai hina 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Agate A China: Cultural Context, Management Traditions and P Panlynry (noun) nant Findings of Pulic Ainistration in loin an Prootin Pulic Procurnt itratur Pamela Medina an ars in ollaoration it P enior nstrctor niversit of olorado enver nstitut for Pulic Procurnt enver n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent Emotional Labor Among Bolivian Public Servants MODERATOR Rick Grimm xective irector The nstitte for lic rocreent ashington

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions 20 YEARS EDUCATING PUBLIC SERVANTS

DEGREES “In 100 years, I hope the Bush School family and Master of Public Service and Administration historians can look back and say that from our • In-residence and executive online programs School came generations of people who were Master of International A airs committed to public service for the right reasons. CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS Advanced International A airs I hope it will be said that our students believed Homeland Security they could make a di erence, and they did.” Nonprofit Management Public Management PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH SEPTEMBER 1997 RESEARCH INSTITUTES, CENTERS, AND PROGRAMS` Institute for Science, Technology, and Public Policy Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, and Public Policy Scowcroft Institute of International A airs Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy FOR MORE INFORMATION: Women, Peace, and Security Program • 979.862.3469 SUNDAY SESSIONS MARCH 11

Rediate Tekeste Panls (continued) rogra onder thiopian iaspora ellowship os ngeles PANELISTS Mohamad Alkadry rofessor niversit of onnectict artford T iit all n Keith Ashby 9:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Centennial Foyer rchasing anager rapahoe ont

Clifford McCue lliot icarson ctur ssociate rofessor lorida tlantic niversit ort ers 10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Centennial D

Molly McLoughlin LECTURER overning oard and irector of ppl hain P.K. Agarwal anageent older alle chool istrict ean and ortheastern niversitilicon alle air as Alexandru Roman ssociate rofessor and irector alifornia tate MASTER OF CEREMONIES niversitan ernardino an ernardino J. Paul Blake istrict epresentative ational oncil 8:30 a.m. -10:00 a.m. Mineral Hall C eattle APA Panlsrin in t t Frontir of Pulic Ainistration in Africa ol of t loria oson orin ocial uity ction on African Pulic Ainistration uncon

MODERATOR 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial E Gedeon Mudacumura (Ticketed Event) rofessor hene niversit of ennslvania hiladelphia SPEAKER L. Douglas Wilder PRESENTERS istingished rofessor of lic olic irginia Susan T. Gooden oonwealth niversit oglas ilder chool of ediate ast resident and rofessor irginia overnent and lic ffairs ichond oonwealth niversit ichond MASTER OF CEREMONIES Rym Kaki J. Paul Blake ssociate rofessor niversit of othern alifornia istrict epresentative ational oncil os ngeles eattle

Ibrahim Mayaki hief xective fficer ew artnership for fricas evelopent ddis aa thiopia

Adebayo Olukoshi egional irector for frica and iddle ast nstitte for eocrac and lectoral ssistance ddis aa thiopia

Anastase Shyaka rofessor and hief xective fficer wandan overnance oard igali wanda

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 11 SUNDAY SESSIONS

Panls COAUTHORS Zachary Bauer 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial F octoral tdent and harles evine esearch ellow erican niversit ashington ntrnational ontt an onrofits Local Government-NGO Interactions in Developing resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent Countries

Endorsed By: Ann Bowman ection on ffective and ond dinistration in the rofessor Texas niversit ollege tation T iddle ast ection on nternational and oparative Local Government-NGO Interactions in Developing dinistration and ection on onprofit olic ractice Countries and artnerships Don-Yun Chen MODERATOR/PRESENTER rofessor ational hengchi niversit Taipei Taiwan Aleksey Kolpakov What Factors Affect the Collaborative Interaction ssistant rofessor niversit of evadaeno Between Inter-NGOs and Cross-Sectoral Network in eno Post-Disaster Reconstruction? The Case of Morakot Examining Generational Dimensions of Leadership in Typhoon in Taiwan International Nongovernmental Organizations Jocelyn Johnston PRESENTER ssociate rofessor erican niversit Alvaro Salas ashington octoral tdent racse niversit racse Local Government-NGO Interactions in Developing Perceptions of Public-Private Partnerships in Costa Rica Countries

PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Tina Nabatchi Khaldoun AbouAssi ssociate rofessor racse niversit racse ssistant rofessor erican niversit Perceptions of Public-Private Partnerships in Costa Rica ashington Local Government-NGO Interactions in Developing Long Tran Countries octoral tdent erican niversit ashington Local Government-NGO Interactions in Developing Eric Boyer Countries ssistant rofessor niversit of Texas at l aso l aso T Examining Generational Dimensions of Leadership in 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial G International NGOs Pulic Ainistration in Asia allns an olutions Chu Chien Hsieh resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent esearcher ndstrial Technolog esearch nstitte Taipei Taiwan What Factors Affect the Collaborative Interaction MODERATOR Zhao Shurong Between Inter-NGOs and Cross-Sectoral Networks in rofessor niversit of lectronic cience and Post-Disaster Reconstruction? The Case of Morakot Technolog of hina hengd hina Typhoon in Taiwan

Huansheng Lin PRESENTERS Dohyeong Kim octoral tdent ational hengchi niversit Taipei ssociate rofessor niversit of Texas at allas Taiwan ichardson T What Factors Affect the Collaborative Interaction Understanding Needs and Barriers to Using GIS Between Inter-NGOs and Cross-Sectoral Networks in Technology for Public Health Policymaking in Asia Post-Disaster Reconstruction? The Case of Morakot Typhoon in Taiwan

asantorconfrnc SUNDAY SESSIONS MARCH 11

Panls (continued) 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Mineral Hall C Dongming Xie AA Panlat s t ol of Aocacy in octoral tdent anai niversit Tianin hina t onrofit an oluntary ctor Administrative Residents Committee and Autonomous resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent Owners Committee: A Comparative Study of China’s Neighborhood Civic Engagement Modes Endorsed By: ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Byung Min PRESENTERS nstrctor and octoral tdent lorida tate niversit Jennifer Alexander Tallahassee ssociate rofessor niversit of Texas at an ntonio Comparative Cases of Civil Society Corruption: Korean an ntonio T Choi-Gate and the Philippine Pork Barrel Scam Developing the Local Advocacy Perspective: A Study of South Texas Nonprofits Hyung Jun Park rofessor ngnwan niversit eol orea Mary Ann Feldheim Examination of Korean Conflict Management ssociate rofessor niversit of entral lorida Mechanisms and Participatory Administration: Case rlando Studies of Deliberative Polling in Nuclear Power Stop The Third Sector’s Role in Democratic Society: Decision Advancing the Public Good

COAUTHORS Roseanne Mirabella Ralph Brower rofessor eton all niversit oth range rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee Going Forward in a Democratic Society Comparative Cases of Civil Society Corruption: Korean Choi-Gate and the Philippine Pork Barrel Scam COAUTHOR Kandyce Fernandez Rizalino Cruz ssistant rofessor niversit of Texas at an ntonio ssistant rofessor niversit of the hilippines an ntonio T ilian eon it hilippines Developing the Local Advocacy Perspective: A Study of Comparative Cases of Civil Society Corruption: Korean South Texas Nonprofits Choi-Gate and the Philippine Pork Barrel Scam

Jiye Ju 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Agate A octoral tdent ngnwan niversit eol istlloin An ra of or of out orea Examination of Korean Conflict Management iding hilosoph thics and the aw Mechanisms and Participatory Administration: Case Studies of Deliberative Polling in Nuclear Power Stop Endorsed By: Decision ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance and ection on ealth and an ervices dinistration

MODERATOR/PRESENTER So Hee Jeon ssistant rofessor entral ichigan niversit ont leasant Why Not Blow the Whistle? The Role of Individual, Organizational and Societal Values

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 11 SUNDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial H PRESENTER ssons fro ariuana aliation in Patrick Exmeyer olorao ulation nus an ri ssistant rofessor niversit of oisianaonroe erfect orld lic dinistration Theor est onroe System of a Doubt? Examining Employee Perceptions of With Thanks To: Procedural Justice within the Office of Special Counsel University of Colorado Denver, School of Public Affairs Whistleblower Investigations MODERATOR PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Paul Teske Erin L. Borry ean and niversit of olorado istingished rofessor ssistant rofessor niversit of laaairingha chool of lic ffairs niversit of olorado enver iringha enver Paramedic Rule-Bending Tendencies: Examining the Impact of Experience and Ethical Climate PRESENTERS Mary Dodge James Bowman rofessor niversit of olorado enver enver rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee Whistleblowing Provisions in State Ethics Codes: A Ashley Kilroy Nationwide Study irector ffice of ariana olic it and ont of enver Sharon Roth enior esearch nalst erit stes rotection Lewis Koski oard ashington enior irector reedan osi nc and orer Whistleblowing and Non-Disclosure Rules: Employee tate of olorado ariana eglator enver Perceptions in the Federal Government Alice Wheet Jonathan West ssistant irector for dget tate of olorado rofessor and hair niversit of iai oral enver ales Whistleblowing Provisions in State Ethics Codes: A Nationwide Study 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Mineral Hall A aration of Pors an iscrtion COAUTHORS Alexander Henderson erfect orld lic dinistration Theor ssociate rofessor ong sland niversit rooville Endorsed By: Paramedic Rule-Bending Tendencies: Examining the ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance Impact of Experience and Ethical Climate MODERATOR/PRESENTER Myungjung Kwon Stephen Northam ssociate rofessor alifornia tate niversit ectrer niversit of orth eorgia ahlonega llerton llerton A Public Management Dilemma: Accountability, Value Why Not Blow the Whistle? The Role of Individual, Judgement and Pragmatics in a Politically Diverse Organizational and Societal Values Environment

James Tsugawa PRESENTERS ept irector olic and valation erit Ernita Joaquin stes rotection oard ashington ssociate rofessor an rancisco tate niversit an Whistleblowing and Non-Disclosure Rules: Employee rancisco Perceptions in the Federal Government Of New Wines and Old Bottles: Bureaucratic Politics and the Deconstruction of the Administrative State

asantorconfrnc SUNDAY SESSIONS MARCH 11

Panls (continued) 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Mineral Hall D Frank J. Thompson Prsctis on ocal ornanc oard of overnors istingished rofessor tgers erfect orld lic dinistration Theor niversitewar ewar Repealing and Replacing Obamacare: The Role of Endorsed By: Executive Branch Action ection on ntergovernental dinistration and anageent Changgeun Yun ostoctoral esearcher onsei niversit eol orea MODERATOR/PRESENTER Politics of Active Representation: The Trade-Off Between Thomas Skuzinski Organizational Role and Active Representation ssistant rofessor irginia Tech lacsrg “Opting Out”: The Theory and Measurement of Localist Jiasheng Zhang Impulses octoral tdent lorida tate niversit Tallahassee PRESENTERS Dynamics and Evolution of Studies on Discretion 1965- Amani Edwards 2017: A Co-Word Analysis octoral tdent niversit at lan tate niversit of ew or lan PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS 19th Century Exam, 21st Century Policing: An Jin-Mo An Examination of the New York State Civil Service and radate tdent onsei niversit eol orea Police Officer Recruitment Politics of Active Representation: The Trade-Off Between Organizational Role and Active Representation J. Wesley Leckrone ssociate rofessor idener niversit hester GongRok Kim Reviving the Concept of Civil Community: Mapping the ostoctoral esearcher onsei niversit eol Health of Metropolitan Areas in an MPA Class orea Politics of Active Representation: The Trade-Off Between Manoj Shrestha Organizational Role and Active Representation ssociate rofessor niversit of daho oscow Toward a Multi-Relational Network Theory of Interlocal Shugo Shinohara Service Contracting dnct rofessor tgers niversitewar Togane apan PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Repealing and Replacing Obamacare: The Role of Douglas Ihrke Executive Branch Action rofessor niversit of isconsinilwaee ilwaee COAUTHOR Governance in Small Municipalities: Challenges and Michael Gusmano Opportunities ssociate rofessor tgers niversitew rnswic ew rnswic Jung Wook Lee Repealing and Replacing Obamacare: The Role of rofessor onsei niversit eol orea Executive Branch Action Implementing a Large-Scale, Complex Performance Management System: The Case of the Central Government of Korea

COAUTHORS Michael Ford ssistant rofessor niversit of isconsinshosh shosh Governance in Small Municipalities: Challenges and Opportunities

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 11 SUNDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) Jeremy L. Hall rofessor and irector niversit of entral lorida David Weinreich and oditorinhief Public Administration Review ostoctoral esearcher niversit of Texas at rlando lorida rlington rlington T “Opting Out”: The Theory and Measurement of Localist Impulses 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Mineral Hall B onctualiin ocial uity Eun Ji Yoo octoral tdent onsei niversit eol orea ll re ot al dvancing ocial it Implementing a Large-Scale, Complex Performance Management System: The Case of the Central Endorsed By: Government of Korea ection on eocrac and ocial stice and ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance

11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Agate B MODERATOR claiin Pulic ac as Aroac Annie Miller t s uilin Pulic ric for ssistant esearch rofessor niversit of enver ocratic ornanc an ustainal enver lont PRESENTERS erfect orld lic dinistration Theor David Campbell ssociate ean niversit of aliforniaavis MODERATOR avis Chester A. (Chet) Newland Transforming a Culture of Blame Seeking to One of ggan istingished rofessor of lic dinistration Problem Solving: Reflections from a PA Scholar Turned niversit of othern alifornia ol rice chool of Practitioner lic olic acraento Stephanie Hawke PRESENTERS octoral tdent ortland tate niversit ortland Demetrios Argyriades Alternative Methods in Modeling Substantive dnct rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice Representation: Game Theoretic and Agent-Based it niversit of ew or ew or Approaches

Alikhan Baimenov Morgen Johansen teering oittee hairan egional of ssociate rofessor niversit of awaiianoa ivil ervice in stana stana aahstan onoll Developing a Global Conceptualization of Social Equity Jeanne-Marie Col ssociate rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice Nathaniel Wright it niversit of ew or ew or ssistant rofessor Texas Tech niversit oc T Setting the Equity Agenda: The Impact of Social Justice 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial A Initiatives on Perceived Organizational Effectiveness

PARs itorial ision r o n as PRESENTER/COAUTHOR on for Abraham Benavides erfect orld lic dinistration Theor ssociate rofessor and hair niversit of orth Texas enton T MODERATORS The Cordoba Principles: Social Equity and Leadership R. Paul Battaglio Principles in a Multi-Ethnic Society rofessor and irector niversit of Texas at allas and oditorinhief Public Administration Review ichardson T

asantorconfrnc SUNDAY SESSIONS MARCH 11

Panls (continued) Ann Ya Ni ssistant rofessor alifornia tate niversitan COAUTHOR ernardino an ernardino Saud Alotaibi The Effect of ICT Public Service Values on E-Leadership: octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T An Analysis of Leader Adoption of ICT and E-Leadership The Cordoba Principles: Social Equity and Leadership Effectiveness in Public-Sector Organizations Principles in a Multi-Ethnic Society Montgomery Van Wart rofessor alifornia tate niversitan ernardino 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Mineral Hall F an ernardino otncis an aacity for The Effect of ICT Public Service Values on E-Leadership: ornnt uccss An Analysis of Leader Adoption of ICT and E-Leadership n e Toward the tre nvironent and Effectiveness in Public-Sector Organizations Technolog Michael Ward Endorsed By: irector nicipal ervices niversit of ection on cience and Technolog in overnent and assachsettsoston oston tdents and ew dinistration rofessionals ection Municipal IT Staffing and Management in Massachusetts MODERATOR/PRESENTER Aroon Manoharan Hua Xu ssociate rofessor niversit of assachsetts esearch nalst laaa epartent of lic ealth oston oston ontgoer Teaching E-Government and E-Governance Concepts Challenges in IT Management and Competencies: State and Cases through a Global and Comparative and Local Programs Perspectives Perspective COAUTHORS Michael Ahn PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Amy Dain ssociate rofessor niversit of assachsettsoston ssociate overnent naltics rogra niversit of and isiting rofessor eol ational niversit assachsettsoston oston oston Municipal IT Staffing and Management in Municipal IT Staffing and Management in Massachusetts Massachusetts

Marc Holzer Tony Carrizales istingished rofessor ffol niversitoston ssociate rofessor arist ollege ogheepsie aridge Cultural Competence and Digital Government Teaching E-Government and E-Governance Concepts and Cases through a Global and Comparative Yueping Zheng Perspective ssistant rofessor n aten niversit angho hina James Melitski Challenges in IT Management and Competencies: State rofessor arist ollege ogheepsie and Local Programs Perspectives Cultural Competence and Digital Government and Teaching E-Government and E-Governance Concepts and Cases through a Global and Comparative Perspective

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 11 SUNDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) PRESENTERS Qian Hu 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Granite C ssociate rofessor niversit of entral lorida nry Policy olutions in t ru ra viedo n e Toward the tre nvironent and Understanding Public-Sector Information Networks on Technolog Social Media: A Combination of Data Mining and Social Network Analysis MODERATOR/PRESENTER Sarmistha Majumdar Kalu Kalu ssociate rofessor Texas othern niversit issori istingished esearch rofessor rn niversit it T ontgoer ontgoer Fracking and Water Needs: Meeting the Challenges in ICT Diffusion and Government Effectiveness: What is the Supply and Disposal of Water Role for Cultural Practices?

PRESENTERS PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Jonathan Fisk Chul Hyun Park ssistant rofessor rn niversit rn ssistant rofessor niversit of ransas ittle Understanding State-Level Oil and Gas Disclosure oc Policies Determinants and Impacts of Collaboration Between Formal Organizations and Digital Volunteer Networks Adrianne Kroepsch in Response to Disasters and Crises ssistant rofessor olorado chool of ines olden COAUTHORS Well Pad Siting and Procedural Fairness: Opportunities Yu-Che Chen and Challenges for Municipal Planning in an Era of ssociate rofessor niversit of erasaaha Horizontal Drilling aha IT-Enabled Information and Transaction Services: PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Adoption by Small Municipalities AJ Good octoral tdent rn niversit rn Erik Johnston Fracking in My Backyard: Enforcement at Oil and Gas ssociate rofessor and irector enter for olic Sites in Pennsylvania, 2000-2015 nforatics riona tate niversit Tepe Determinants and Impacts of Collaboration Between COAUTHOR Formal Organizations and Digital Volunteer Networks Soren Jordan in Response to Disasters and Crises ssistant rofessor rn niversit rn niversit Yunseung Kim Fracking in My Backyard: Enforcement at Oil and Gas octoral tdent niversit of erasaaha Sites in Pennsylvania, 2000-2015 aha IT-Enabled Information and Transaction Services: Adoption by Small Municipalities 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Granite B cnoloy lont an Pulic anant n e Toward the tre nvironent and Technolog Endorsed By: ection on cience and Technolog in overnent

MODERATOR Kuotsai Tom Liou rofessor niversit of entral lorida rlando

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Panls (continued) 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Agate C 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial B oarati Pulic Ainistration ontriutin to nrstanin ol of ornnt in isastrs lrring the ines nternational and oparative efore and fter the tor ergenc and lic dinistration isaster anageent Endorsed By: Endorsed By: ection on nternational and oparative dinistration ection on ergenc and risis anageent ection on ealth and an ervices dinistration and ection on ntergovernental dinistration and MODERATOR/DISCUSSANT Jos C.N. Raadschelders anageent rofessor and ssociate ean aclt evelopent hio tate niversit ols MODERATOR/PRESENTER Dave Bergner rincipal onte ista ssociates esa PRESENTERS M. Shamsul Haque Resilience, Response and Recovery: The Role of Local rofessor ational niversit of ingapore ingapore Public Works Departments in Emergency Management East-West Dualism in Administrative Ethics in Southeast Asia: Major Patterns and Consequences PRESENTERS Terence Garrett Kimberly Moloney rofessor and hair niversit of Texas at io rande enior ectrer rdoch niversit rdoch stralia alle rownsville T International Organization Accountability, Legitimacy Trump’s Big Beautiful Wall: Utopia, Heterotopia and and Representation: Lessons from Public Administration Dystopia Caspar Van Den Berg Hans Louis-Charles rofessor niversit of roningen roningen ssistant rofessor niversit of erasaaha etherlands aha The Use and Usefulness of the “Traditions Approach” for Tribal Emergency Management and Challenges to the Study of Politicization Liquid Pipeline Risk Assessment

Thomas Manor PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Frits Van Der Meer ergenc anageent oordinator rlington ffice of rofessor niversit of eiden eiden etherlands ergenc anageent rlington T The Decline of Appraisal as a Civil Service Function and Using GIS to Identify Socially Vulnerable Populations for the Rise of the “Can Do” Civil Servant: A Comparative Disaster Preparedness Activities Analysis on Causes and Future Developments Nathan Myers ssociate rofessor ndiana tate niversit Terre COAUTHOR Gerrit Dijkstra ate enior ectrer eiden niversit eiden etherlands Pandemic Budgeting: The Evolution of the U.S. Federal The Decline of Appraisal as a Civil Service Function and Government’s Approach to Guarding against Pandemic the Rise of the “Can Do” Civil Servant: A Comparative Influenza Analysis on Causes and Future Developments Brian D. Williams ssistant rofessor aar niversit eaont T What Strategies Do Emergency Managers in Southeast Texas Employ to Reach and Meet the Needs of Vulnerable Populations before Disaster?

asantorconfrnc SUNDAY SESSIONS MARCH 11

Anne Mette Kjeldsen Panls (continued) ssociate rofessor arhs niversit arhs enar 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial C Structural Constraints? Leadership across Sectors, Hierarchical Positions and Span of Control arsi in t Pulic ctor iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent Rusi Sun ssistant rofessor niversit of ichiganearorn Endorsed By: earorn ection on nternational and oparative dinistration Clarifying the Impact of Council-Manager Relationships and ection on ersonnel dinistration and aor on Municipal Managers’ Intention to Stay elations

MODERATOR/COAUTHOR 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Mineral Hall E Lotte Bøgh Andersen uttin Prforanc anant rofessor arhs niversit arhs enar n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent Structural Constraints? Leadership across Sectors, Hierarchical Positions and Span of Control Endorsed By: ection on lic dinistration esearch ection on PRESENTERS lic erforance and anageent and ection on Thomas Barth cience and Technolog in overnent rofessor and irector niversit of orth arolinaharlotte ilington MODERATOR/PRESENTER Leaders as Bridge Builders: Learning from Exemplars Genie Stowers rofessor an rancisco tate niversit an Matthew Fairholm rancisco rofessor niversit of oth aota erillion Benchmarking Cities’ Service Delivery on 311 Calls Trust Culture Leadership in the Work of Public Administrators PRESENTER Margaret Riccardelli Josh Osowski octoral tdent tgers niversitewar iddle perintendent tate ar ervice tgers illage niversitewar ewton Examining the Performance Impact of New York City’s Skills and Personality Traits of the Collaborator 311 System

PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Caroline Grøn Tamara Dimitrijevska Markoski ssociate rofessor niversit of openhagen ssistant rofessor ississippi tate niversit openar enar ississippi tate Structural Constraints? Leadership across Sectors, Realizing the Promise of Pay-for-Success Projects: Hierarchical Positions and Span of Control Examination of Critical Factors for Effective Management Yuguo Liao ssistant rofessor niversit of issorit ois Jeremy L. Hall t ois rofessor and irector niversit of entral lorida Clarifying the Impact of Council-Manager Relationships and oditorinhief Public Administration Review on Municipal Managers’ Intention to Stay rlando lorida Realizing the Promise of Pay-for-Success Projects: COAUTHORS Examination of Critical Factors for Effective Christian Jacobsen Management ssociate rofessor arhs niversit arhs enar Structural Constraints? Leadership across Sectors, Hierarchical Positions and Span of Control

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 11 SUNDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) ntrnational Assly Benjamin Licht 1:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. Centennial G ssistant irector overnent ccontailit ffice heverl Sponsored By: Practices to Increase the Use of Performance Florida International University, Steven J. Green School Information in Government Decisionmaking and of International and Public Affairs Achieve Better and Greater Results

Brian Wanlass Prsintial Panl nalst overnent ccontailit ffice 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Centennial E ashington Practices to Increase the Use of Performance a s o uc flctions on Paul Information in Government Decisionmaking and Posnr Achieve Better and Greater Results MODERATOR Tonya T. Neaves COAUTHOR irector enters on the lic ervice eorge ason Georgette Dumont niversit char chool of olic and overnent ssociate rofessor niversit of orth lorida rlington acsonville Benchmarking Cities’ Service Delivery On 311 Calls PRESENTERS Erik Bergrud ssociate ice resident xternal elations ar Prsintial Panl niversit arville

1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Centennial D Dan Blair nclusion in Pulic acs enior onsellor and ellow iartisan olic enter ashington Sponsored By: University of Colorado Denver, School of Public Affairs Timothy Conlan Special Remarks: rofessor of overnent eorge ason niversit Lieutenant Governor Donna Lynne char chool of olic and overnent rlington ietenant overnor and hief perating fficer tate of olorado enver Carl Stenberg aes olshoser r istingished rofessor of lic dinistration and overnent The niversit of MODERATOR: Mary Guy orth arolinahapel ill hapel ill rofessor niversit of olorado enver enver

PANELISTS ction onorin as Prry James Grossman 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Centennial Foyer xective irector erican istorical ssociation ashington (Open to all attendees) Sponsored By: Gregg Ivers Wiley rofessor of overnent erican niversit ashington

Carla Kimbrough rogra irectoracial it ational ivic eage enver

asantorconfrnc SUNDAY SESSIONS MARCH 11

torin ctions Prsints ction 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. See Sunday Overview 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Peak’s Lounge for Locations Sponsored By: (Open to all attendees) George Mason University, Schar School of Policy and utrs nirsityar cool of Pulic Government Affairs an Ainistration ction for on in Pulic Ainistration PA on in t Pulic ctor an Acaic on in Pulic Ainistration ction on ins Pulic Ainistration nirsity of Pittsur rauat cool of Pulic an ntrnational Affairs nirsity of outrn alifornia ol Pric cool of Pulic Policy


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Governing in a Global The Politics of Bureaucracy Public Policy Personnel Management in Culturally Mindful Communication World An Introduction to Comparative Preferences and Outcomes Government Agencies and Essential Skills for Public and Women in Public Service Public Administration Christopher A. Simon Nonprofit Organizations Nonpro t Professionals B. Guy Peters 10th Edition Masami Nishishiba Phillip J. Cooper Dennis L. Dresang

Introducing Public Managing the Sustainable Leadership in Public Public Personnel Inside Affirmative Action Administration City Organizations Management The Executive Order That 9th Edition Genie N. L. Stowers An Introduction, 3rd Edition Contexts and Strategies, Transformed America's 7th Edition Workforce Jay M. Shafritz, E.W. Russell, Montgomery Van Wart Karin Williamson Pedrick, Christopher P. Borick, Albert C. Hyde Jared J. Llorens, Donald E. Sandra Scham Klingner, John Nalbandian

Recent titles in the ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy City Planning for the Advances in E-Governance Researcher–Policymaker The Fracking Debate Public Manager Theory and Application of Partnerships Intergovernmental Politics of Edited by David Nicolas A. Valcik, Todd A. Technological Initiatives Strategies for Launching and the Oil and Gas Renaissance, Jordan, Teodoro J. Anthony Trotta Sustaining Successful Collaborations 2nd Edition H. Rosenbloom Benavides, Andrea D. Edited by Jenni W. Owen, Anita M. Jonathan M. Fisk Stigdon Larson Routledge Politics @Rout_PoliticsIR MARCH 12 MONDAY SESSIONS

S eistrtin .. .. entenni er S tin rs refst (ticketed) .. .. entenni E es eetin .. .. iner S reittin Stnrs i .. .. entenni stentr hrets n nterte Eeren .. .. iner G ertins hne r tre hne r ife .. .. entenni ii Eneent n rr tes .. .. entenni Sein estins fr the ie in rr .. .. iner E Srtin nersere Stents t nrese .. .. entenni nsin Si Eit n ei Sess Srt it etin n the tre f i .. .. iner inistrtin erre e nte .. .. entenni Sessin e ren f i i Sties .. .. entenni G heries n rtie Etin r rie sses in n .. .. iner esre neent rss tres ssessin the is eth f Gernents n nrfit sits henes Sstes n n .. .. iner er itins rnitin Etin n neent rtnities n henes t the ntersetins .. .. iner eteen i inistrtin n the iitr Ehiit .. .. entenni er est . Gs etre .. .. entenni resienti ne Srt ities rtie .. .. entenni E Eintin ners es ne eserh n Eeren .. .. entenni neent n i Sfet riin ier f G ntentins iin eserh Eiene n i hi efre rfre .. .. entenni eeent rties n nrfit rnitins .. .. iner he neriit f Gernent enies fr .. .. iner G hrets fr tsie Gernin nterrnitin etrs ntins ntins ntiit er n .. .. iner eisinin riin her n rtie t ress Si Eit .. .. iner E in the re ei n en Enin i rtiitin .. .. entenni retin Sess n er isster eer n .. .. entenni the e f r i n nnin isster Gernne in Est si rer iin .. .. entenni n se nsis Sessin i neent in re .. .. entenni G Eeriene n essns tr eten .. .. iner Strtei rreent iin it t hiee .. .. iner iSetr Stins reer ir .. .. iner er reer ir rsh retin rtnershis n etrs fr reer eeent t i n .. .. iner Effetie etr

asantorconfrnc MONDAY SESSIONS MARCH 12

n . Stne etre .. .. entenni reer ir rsh Sr etitin Sh .. .. iner et resienti ne t the issin n .. .. entenni E Eienese iin ners es ne Sstiniit s .. .. entenni net s fr i inistrtin Enin treh t Effetie rn r .. .. entenni eserh int tin nteeris .. .. iner r rers n rnitin .. .. iner E esnsieness t f the ths f es e Shrs ies n .. .. iner ntin ets in i inistrtin Serte t E nsierin the nfene f iies n Strtres n Sstine tin .. .. iner eth Eneent thrh ehn in the i Setr .. .. entenni he Eeren neent isiine re e .. .. entenni in the eee itien rtiitin rnsren n rst .. .. entenni iSetr efr in Sth re .. .. entenni neGernent Effetieness thrh .. .. iner nstittin efrs in re ets rie nntins in i inistrtin .. .. iner G SESE eetin .. .. entenni PAR Eitrs eetin .. .. entenni rih n niersit e re Si n .. .. iner ners es eetin Setin n Effetie n Sn inistrtin in the ie Est SESE eetin n ie .. .. entenni Sreenin

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 12 MONDAY SESSIONS

PA ational Aars rafast PRESENTERS Curtis Brown 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Centennial E ept ecretar lic afet and oeland ecrit oonwealth of irginia ichond (Ticketed Event) Mark Landahl SPEAKER oeland ecrit oander rederic ont Brenda Allen heriffs ffice ew aret ice hancellor iversit and nclsion niversit of olorado envernscht edical aps Rick Larkin enver irector ergenc anageent it of t al orsos t al 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial B Andrew Williams hief perating fficer The erle rop APAA Accritation tanars ollouiu ridgetwater erfect orld lic dinistration Theor

CONVENERS 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial F Crystal Calarusse an our ultur an our if hief ccreditation fficer ashington iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent Heather Hamilton Endorsed By: ssessent irector and ccreditation anager ection for oen in lic dinistration and ection ashington on ersonnel dinistration and aor elations

8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Mineral Hall G PRESENTERS Maria Blanco stntury rats an ntrat rncy inancial nalst it of ntario anada rations efore and fter the tor ergenc and Amy Chang isaster anageent dinistrative fficer it of ntario anada

Endorsed By: Grant Yee ection on ergenc and risis anageent dinistrative ervices and inance irector it of ntario anada DISCUSSANTS/PRESENTERS Robert Kenter fficer orfol olice epartent orfol Panls

Tonya T. Neaves 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial C irector enters on the lic ervice eorge ason iic nant an Prora utcos niversit char chool of olic and overnent resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent rlington

Jeffrey Stern MODERATOR/PRESENTER Josephine Schafer tate oordinator irginia epartent of ergenc ssistant rofessor ansas tate niversit anageent orth hesterfield anhattan Who Is Engaged and Why? Testing an Instrumental Adam Thiel Perspective on Stakeholder Engagement ire oissioner it of hiladelphia hiladelphia

asantorconfrnc MONDAY SESSIONS MARCH 12

Panls (continued) 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Mineral Hall E PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS inal ustions for t Fil oin Thomas Greitens Forar rofessor entral ichigan niversit ont iding hilosoph thics and the aw leasant Citizen Engagement via Home Visiting: An Emergent Endorsed By: Area of Practice for Public Administrators ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance

Chungpin Lee MODERATORS/DISCUSSANTS ssociate rofessor Taipei niversit ew Taipei it Marc Holzer Taiwan istingished rofessor ffol niversitoston Party Identification, Expectancy Disconfirmation and aridge the Benchmarked Comparison: Testing Competing Advancing Democratic Governance in the 21st Century Factors Behind Acquiring Government Performance through Citizen Satisfaction Survey Stephanie Newbold ssociate rofessor tgers niversitewar Patricia Robertson ewar rofessor othern niversitew rleans ew rleans Effectiveness of Civic Engagement with Nonprofit 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial H Organizations in New Orleans uortin nrsr tunts to ncras nclusion ocial uity an Acaic uccss Sabrina Sylvain irector ort rograing th ircit ort ratiot ll re ot al dvancing ocial it ont ich thaca Citizen Engagement via Home Visiting: An Emergent Endorsed By: Area of Practice for Public Administrators ection for oen in lic dinistration ection on eocrac and ocial stice ection on thics COAUTHORS and ntegrit in overnance and tdents and ew Don-Yun Chen dinistration rofessionals ection rofessor ational hengchi niversit Taipei Taiwan Party Identification, Expectancy Disconfirmation and MODERATOR/PRESENTER the Benchmarked Comparison: Testing Competing Theresa Kaimanu Factors Behind Acquiring Government Performance ssociate rofessor ortland tate niversit through Citizen Satisfaction Survey ortland To Redesign or Not to Redesign: Are Pathways Mei Jen Hung Providing for Inclusion of Differing Student Experiences ssistant rofessor ational Taiwan niversit Taipei and Student Success? Taiwan Party Identification, Expectancy Disconfirmation and DISCUSSANT the Benchmarked Comparison: Testing Competing Richard Greggory Johnson, III Factors Behind Acquiring Government Performance rofessor and chool of anageent rogra irector through Citizen Satisfaction Survey niversit of an rancisco etala

PRESENTERS G.L.A. Harris rofessor ortland tate niversit ortland The Veterans Resource Center: A Policymaking Imperative

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 12 MONDAY SESSIONS

Tong-Yi Huang Panls (continued) rofessor and hair epartent of lic Karina Moreno dinistration ational hengchi niversit Taipei ssistant rofessor ong sland niversitrooln Taiwan rooln Big Data, Public Opinion and Public Policymaking: The Incorporating Social Identity Development in MPA Case of Taiwan’s Nuclear Power Policy Curriculum: Opportunities for Advancing Pedagogy, Despite the Trump Administration Dongwook Kim irector of ntelligent ociet and olic esearch enter Katrina Norvell eol ational niversit eol orea ssistant rofessor oger illias niversit Pushing the Boundaries of Smart Cities: A Case Study of ristol NamYangJu’s Dasan Innovation in South Korea Toward Learning Equity: Creating a Culturally Responsive Learning Environment for Online Students Albert Meijer rofessor trecht niversit trecht etherlands Smart Cities from a Public Management Perspective: 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Mineral Hall D Understanding Governance, Innovation and Public art ity olution an t Futur of Pulic Value in Local Governments Ainistration n e Toward the tre nvironent and COAUTHORS Teng-Wen Chang Technolog octoral tdent ational hengchi niversit Taipei Taiwan Endorsed By: Big Data, Public Opinion and Public Policymaking: The ection on lic dinistration esearch and ection Case of Taiwan’s Nuclear Power Policy on cience and Technolog in overnent J. Ramon Gil-Garcia MODERATOR/COAUTHOR ssociate rofessor niversit at lan tate niversit Michael Ahn of ew or lan ssociate rofessor niversit of assachsettsoston Smart Cities from a Public Management Perspective: and isiting rofessor eol ational niversit Understanding Governance, Innovation and Public oston Value in Local Governments Pushing the Boundaries of Smart Cities: A Case Study of NamYangJu’s Dasan Innovation in South Korea Seok-Woo Lee aor aang it orea PRESENTERS Pushing the Boundaries of Smart Cities: A Case Study of Lora Mae Frecks NamYangJu’s Dasan Innovation in South Korea octoral tdent niversit of erasaaha aha Extreme Coproduction: Community Labor Informally 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial A Connected to Government and the Technologies Making Frrl ay ountal it Possible lrring the ines nternational and oparative Sherri Greenberg lic dinistration linical rofessor niversit of Texas at stin stin T MODERATOR Smart Digital Health Outreach: Digital Clinics Raymond Cox rofessor niversit of ron ron PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Mila Gasco DISCUSSANT esearch ssociate rofessor niversit at lan tate Demetrios Argyriades niversit of ew or lan dnct rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice Smart Cities from a Public Management Perspective: it niversit of ew or ew or Understanding Governance, Innovation and Public Value in Local Governments

asantorconfrnc MONDAY SESSIONS MARCH 12

Hey Sung Kim Panls (continued) rofessor nstitte for elfare tate esearch onsei niversit eol orea PRESENTERS Donald Klingner Insourcing Social Service Delivery: What Makes istingished rofessor niversit of olorado olorado Insourcing Effective in Local Governments? prings olorado prings Perspectives on Comparative Administration Hyung Jun Park rofessor ngnwan niversit eol orea George Vernardakis Exploring Dynamics of Animal Welfare Policy Change rofessor iddle Tennessee tate niversit and Policy Feedback Theory: The Case Study of Korean rfreesoro T Companion Animal Protection Law and Policy Perspectives on Comparative Administration Lanhee Ryu octoral tdent onsei niversit eol orea 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial G Insourcing Social Service Delivery: What Makes APA ssion rn of Pulic Policy Insourcing Effective in Local Governments? tuis oris an Practic Jae-jin Yang lrring the ines nternational and oparative rofessor onsei niversit eol orea lic dinistration Insourcing Social Service Delivery: What Makes Insourcing Effective in Local Governments? MODERATOR Dongwook Kim rofessor eol ational niversit eol orea 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Mineral Hall B otional aor orli ssus in uan PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS sourc anant across ulturs Young Jun Choi rofessor onsei niversit eol orea iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent Insourcing Social Service Delivery: What Makes Insourcing Effective in Local Governments? Endorsed By: ection on ersonnel dinistration and aor elations Jiye Ju octoral tdent ngnwan niversit eol MODERATOR/PRESENTER orea Sharon Mastracci Exploring Dynamics of Animal Welfare Policy Change ssociate rofessor niversit of tah alt ae and Policy Feedback Theory: The Case Study of Korean it T Companion Animal Protection Law and Policy Trending Interconnectedness: The Value of Comparative Analysis Seok-Woo Lee aor aang it orea DISCUSSANT Administration and Welfare Closer to All Citizens! Hyun Jung Lee Namyangju City Hope Care System ssistant rofessor ongi niversit eol orea

COAUTHORS PRESENTERS Seong Eun Choi Mary Guy esearch rofessor nstitte for elfare tate esearch rofessor niversit of olorado enver enver onsei niversit eol orea An Holistic Approach to the Public Service Work Insourcing Social Service Delivery: What Makes Experience Insourcing Effective in Local Governments? Chih-Wei Hsieh Tae Il Kang ssistant rofessor it niversit of ong ong ead ope are Tea orea owloon Tong ong ong Administration and Welfare Closer to All Citizens! Understanding Emotional Labor in Situational Contexts: Namyangju City Hope Care System Mistreatment and Trust

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 12 MONDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) COAUTHORS Andrew Crosby Seung-Bum Yang ssistant rofessor ace niversit ew or rofessor on niversit eol orea Is There a Doctor in the House? Using Fiscal Indicators Emotional Labor, Emotional Intelligence and the Big to Predict Hospital Closures Five Personality Model and The Affordable Care Act, Uncompensated Care and Long Term Liabilities in Nonprofit U.S. Hospitals 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Mineral Hall C Assssin t Fiscal alt of ornnts an Daniel Smith onrofit ositals allns ysts an ssociate rofessor niversit of elaware ewar on r lications What Are Fiscal Monitoring Systems Monitoring? n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Mineral Hall A Endorsed By: ection on ealth and an ervices dinistration raniational ucational an anant ortunitis an allns at t MODERATOR/COAUTHOR ntrsctions tn Pulic Ainistration Helisse Levine an t ilitary ssociate rofessor and irector ong sland inning the ar The ilitar in lic dinistration niversitrooln rooln Is There a Doctor in the House? Using Fiscal Indicators MODERATOR to Predict Hospital Closures Jeryl Mumpower and rofessor Texas niversit ollege tation T The Affordable Care Act, Uncompensated Care and Long Term Liabilities in Nonprofit U.S. Hospitals DISCUSSANT Mark Welsh, III PRESENTERS ean Texas niversit ollege tation T Claude Joseph ssistant rofessor ong sland niversitrooln PRESENTERS rooln Leonard Bright The Impact of Financial Assistance on Development: The ssociate rofessor Texas niversit ollege Case of Haiti tation T Does Military Experience Matter on the Work Attitudes Geoffrey Propheter and Behaviors of Public Employees? Comparing ssistant rofessor niversit of olorado enver Veterans and Non-Veterans enver Assessment and Tax Burden Implications of Eliminating Danny Davis the Property Tax Exemption for Hospitals enior ectrer Texas niversit ollege tation T PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Educating the Public on the Role of Military in Society Marc Fudge ssociate rofessor alifornia tate niversitan David McIntyre ernardino an ernardino enior ectrer Texas niversit ollege The Affordable Care Act, Uncompensated Care and Long tation T Term Liabilities in Nonprofit U.S. Hospitals Imperfect Intersection: National Security, Public Safety and Homeland Security Education Jonathan Justice rofessor niversit of elaware ew astle PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS What Are Fiscal Monitoring Systems Monitoring? Patricia Shields rofessor Texas tate niversit an arcos T Youngjoo Park Organizational Ambidexterity: Tackling Contradictions iscal nalst tate niversit of ew orlan in Military Settings lan Is There a Doctor in the House? Using Fiscal Indicators to Predict Hospital Closures asantorconfrnc MONDAY SESSIONS MARCH 12

Panls (continued) Founrs Fllos Donald Travis 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial A ietenant olonel r t etersrg Organizational Ambidexterity: Tackling Contradictions sarc on rncy anant an in Military Settings Pulic afty MODERATOR/PRESENTER Ian Adams iit all octoral tdent niversit of tah alt ae it T Police Body-Worn Cameras: Transparency and 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Centennial Foyer Exposure

PRESENTERS sta allas ctur Jessica Alcorn ostoctoral ellow niversit of eorgia thens 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Centennial D Keeping the Lights on after a Hurricane: The Economics LECTURER of Grid Resilience Infrastructure in Georgia’s Coastal Walter Shaub, Jr. Communities enior irector thics apaign egal enter ashington Vaiva Kalesnikaite octoral tdent lorida nternational niversit MASTER OF CEREMONIES iai J. Paul Blake Explaining Horizontal Collaborative Activity for Sea istrict epresentative ational oncil Level Rise Preparedness in U.S. Cities eattle Blanca Rand esearch ssistant eorge ason niversit char Prsintial Panl chool of olic and overnent airfax Influential Variables that Impact Emergency 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial E Preparedness in the District: Cyclone Problems and Hurricane Solutions Sponsored By: University of Colorado Denver, School of Public Affairs orso art itis A oarati aination MODERATOR 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial F Paul Teske riin a ir of oo ntntions uilin ean and niversit of olorado istingished rofessor sarc inc on Pulic il lfar chool of lic ffairs niversit of olorado enver orforc lont Practics enver iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent PANELISTS Julia Richman Endorsed By: hief nnovation and naltics fficer and nteri hief ection on ersonnel dinistration and aor elations nforation fficer it of older older PRESENTERS Emily Silverman Ida Drury Technical rogra anager it and ont of enver pleentation and orforce pecialist niversit of enver olorado enver enver

John Tolva Michelle Graef rincipal iti hicago roect irector niversit of erasa incoln enter on hildren ailies and the aw incoln

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 12 MONDAY SESSIONS

Jesus N. Valero orso (continued) ssistant rofessor niversit of tah idvale T Stephanie Weddington How Policy Environments and Network Contexts Shape orforce pecialist niversit of erasa incoln Nonprofits’ Advocacy on Policy Issues enter on hildren ailies and the aw incoln 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Mineral Hall G Panls ulnraility of ornntal Ancis for rats fro utsi 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Mineral Hall A iding hilosoph thics and the aw Aocacy an onrofit raniations resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent Endorsed By: ection on ergenc and risis anageent and Endorsed By: ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships MODERATOR/DISCUSSANT Leo Huberts MODERATOR/PRESENTER Suparna Soni rofessor rie niversiteit sterda etherlands ssistant rofessor tate niversit of ew or ffalo tate ffalo DISCUSSANTS Refugees and Their Perceptions of the Changing Political Terry Cooper Scenario ndowed rofessor niversit of othern alifornia os ngeles PRESENTERS Bharati Garg James Grant ssistant rofessor ana niversit handigarh ndia rie and ntelligence nalst etired os ngeles Promoting Education Among Disadvantaged Children: olice epartent os ngeles A Study of the Role of NGOs in the Union Territory of Chandigarh, India PRESENTERS Emile Kolthoff Jennifer Kagan rofessor pen niversit etherlands idwolde octoral tdent niversit of olorado enver etherlands enver Organized Crime and the Integrity of Law Enforcement The Representational Role of Environmental Advocacy Nonprofit Organizations Diana Marijnissen ectrer vans niversit ertogenosch etherlands Sabithulla Khan The Effect of Threats on Political Decisionmaking ssistant rofessor alifornia theran niversit asadena Adam Masters Birth of the “Guerilla NGO”? The Changing Nature of ectrer stralian ational niversit atson Accountability in the United States stralia Preventing Malfeasance in Low Corruption Environments: Twenty Public Administration Responses PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS David Carter ssistant rofessor niversit of tah alt ae it T How Policy Environments and Network Contexts Shape Nonprofits’ Advocacy on Policy Issues

Jessica DePasquale tdent tate niversit of ew or ollege ffalo ffalo Refugees and Their Perceptions of the Changing Political Scenario

asantorconfrnc MONDAY SESSIONS MARCH 12

Panls (continued) COAUTHORS Patrick Bitterman 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Mineral Hall B ostoctoral ssociate niversit of eront ornin ntrraniational tors rlington T Founations Functions Accountaility Por Overcoming Fragmented Governance in Complex Water an cisionain Systems erfect orld lic dinistration Theor Christopher Koliba rofessor niversit of eront rlington T Endorsed By: Measuring Democratic, Market and Administrative ection on oplexit and etwor tdies and ection Accountability Mechanisms in Complex Watershed on ntergovernental dinistration and anageent Governance Networks

MODERATOR/COAUTHOR Asim Zia Qian Hu ssociate rofessor niversit of eront ssociate rofessor niversit of entral lorida rlington T viedo Measuring Democratic, Market and Administrative Power Distribution and Decisionmaking in Accountability Mechanisms in Complex Watershed Inter-Organizational Networks Governance Networks and PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Overcoming Fragmented Governance in Complex Water Naim Kapucu Systems rofessor and irector niversit of entral lorida rlando Power Distribution and Decisionmaking in Inter- 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Mineral Hall E Organizational Networks riin ory an Practic to Arss ocial uity in t orlac Acaia an yon Christopher Koliba rofessor niversit of eront rlington T ll re ot al dvancing ocial it Overcoming Fragmented Governance in Complex Water Systems Endorsed By: ection for oen in lic dinistration ection on Huiting Qi eocrac and ocial stice ection on nternational octoral tdent enn tate arrisrg iddletown and oparative dinistration ection on lic Theoretical Foundations of Collaborative Governance: A dinistration esearch Reflection on Literature MODERATOR/PRESENTER Bing Ran Maria D’Agostino ssociate rofessor enn tate arrisrg ssociate rofessor and hair epartent of lic iddletown anageent ohn a ollege of riinal stice ew Theoretical Foundations of Collaborative Governance: A or Reflection on Literature Gender Competency for a More Equitable Administrative Practice Steve Scheinert esearch ssistant rofessor niversit of entral DISCUSSANT lorida rlando Simone Martin Measuring Democratic, Market and Administrative ssistant rofessor ong sland niversitrooln Accountability Mechanisms in Complex Watershed ew or Governance Networks DISCUSSANT/COAUTHOR Nicole Elias ssistant rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice it niversit of ew or ew or Gender Competency for a More Equitable Administrative Practice

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 12 MONDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial B PRESENTER nain Pulic Particiation Michelle Evans n e Toward the tre nvironent and ssistant rofessor niversit of Tennessee Technolog hattanooga hattanooga T Gender Diversity Inclusion Model: A New Approach to Endorsed By: Achieving Equity through Pedagogy ection on lic dinistration dcation PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Hillary Knepper MODERATOR/PRESENTER Nancy Lee ssociate rofessor and hair ace niversit resident ocial areting ervices nc and Teaching leasantville ssociate niversit of ashington ercer sland Gender and Perceptions of Opportunity: Examining Citizen Behavior Change: The Social Marketing Option Women’s Success in Public Administration Academe

Helisse Levine PRESENTERS Megan DeMasters ssociate rofessor and irector ong sland esearcher olorado tate niversit ort ollins niversitrooln rooln Citizen Participation and Municipal Stormater Inclusive Work Practices: Turnover Intentions Among LGBT Employees of the U.S. Federal Government M. Jae Moon nderwood istingished rofessor onsei niversit Karina Moreno eol orea ssistant rofessor ong sland niversitrooln Shaping Open Government in the Social Media Age: rooln Transparency or Public Services? Is Privatization Gendered? The Erasure of Gender in the Study of Neoliberalism PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Mary Clare Hano Lauren Mullins ostoctoral esearch cholar nvironental ssistant rofessor ong sland niversit rotection genc rha reenvale Advancing Public Participation in Scientific Research: Is Privatization Gendered? The Erasure of Gender in the A Framework for Leveraging Public Participation Study of Neoliberalism in Environmental Health and Emergency Response Research Tiffany Nguyen tdent niversit of allas allas T Marcus Mauldin Inclusive Work Practices: Turnover Intentions Among ssociate rofessor and ssistant ean niversit of LGBT Employees of the U.S. Federal Government Tennesseehattanooga hattanooga T Understanding the Motivations and Consequences Meghna Sabharwal of Disparaging Private Social Media Use by Public ssociate rofessor niversit of Texas at allas Employees ichardson T Inclusive Work Practices: Turnover Intentions Among LGBT Employees of the U.S. Federal Government COAUTHORS Ana Rappold cientist nvironental rotection genc Gina Scutelnicu rha ssistant rofessor ace niversit archont Advancing Public Participation in Scientific Research: Gender and Perceptions of Opportunity: Examining A Framework for Leveraging Public Participation Women’s Success in Public Administration Academe in Environmental Health and Emergency Response Research Rebecca Tekula xective irector ilson enter for ocial ntreprenership and ssistant rofessor ace niversit ew or Gender and Perceptions of Opportunity: Examining Women’s Success in Public Administration Academe asantorconfrnc MONDAY SESSIONS MARCH 12

Panls (continued) PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Alessandra Jerolleman Rachel Swanger ssistant rofessor acsonville tate niversit ew tdent niversit of Tennesseehattanooga rleans hattanooga T Technical Systems, Social Systems and Policy Changes: Understanding the Motivations and Consequences The Role of the NFIP of Disparaging Private Social Media Use by Public Employees 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial C isastr ornanc in ast Asia Fraor 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial H uilin an as Analysis ratin uccss on r isastr cory efore and fter the tor ergenc and an t ol of aar Policy an Plannin isaster anageent efore and fter the tor ergenc and isaster anageent Endorsed By: ection on oplexit and etwor tdies ection Endorsed By: on ergenc and risis anageent and ection on ection on oplexit and etwor tdies ection on nternational and oparative dinistration ffective and ond dinistration in the iddle ast and ection on ergenc and risis anageent MODERATOR Louise Comfort MODERATOR/PRESENTER rofessor niversit of ittsrgh aland John Kiefer rofessor niversit of ew rleans ovington DISCUSSANT Pre-Disaster Planning for Post-Disaster Re-Housing: Tzung-Shiun Li Lessons from Hurricane Sandy rofessor and hairan ational entral olice niversit Taoan sien Taiwan DISCUSSANT Frances Edwards DISCUSSANT/PRESENTER rofessor an ose tate niversit pertino Ssu-Ming Chang rofessor ational Taipei niversit Taipei Taiwan PRESENTERS Disaster Public Warning Systems in Taiwan: The Nazife Ganapati Development of Cell Broadcast Services ssociate rofessor lorida nternational niversit eroe ines PRESENTER “House Keeping”: Managing Post-Disaster Housing Masao Kikuchi Recovery Long Term ssociate rofessor eii niversit hioda Too apan Christa Remington Toward a More Inclusive Collaborative Disaster esearcher lorida nternational niversit iai Management: The Role of Legislative and Judicial The Cultural Competence of Recovery Workers in Post- Sectors in Crisis Management in the Great East Japan Earthquake Haiti Earthquake

Jason Rivera PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS ssistant rofessor tate niversit of ew or Chao Huang ffalo tate ffalo ssociate rofessor ichan niversit hengd hina Reliance on Government in Times of Disaster: Exploring An Assessment Framework for Community Resilience the Influence of Bonding Social Capital in the United States Kyujin Jung ssistant rofessor orea niversit eol orea Testing Collaborative Leadership Theory in Emergency Management: Do Collaborative Leaders Actually Build More Ties?

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 12 MONDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Centennial G COAUTHORS APA ssion Pulic anant in ora Feng-Chun Fan rinc an ssons rofessor ichan niversit hengd hina lrring the ines nternational and oparative An Assessment Framework for Community Resilience lic dinistration Wu Jing tdent ichan niversit hengd hina MODERATOR Je-Sang Kang An Assessment Framework for Community Resilience resident and rofessor ghee niversit eol orea Ming-feng Kuo ssistant rofessor ational Taiwan niversit Taipei Taiwan PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Jisoo Kim The Paradox of Performance Management in Disaster ssociate esearch ellow orea esearch nstitte for Response in Local Government: An Examination of ocal dinistration onsi angwondo orea Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives A Study on the Deliberative Poll in the Decisionmaking Process of Nuclear Energy Policy Elaine Lu ssociate rofessor ohn a ollege of riinal stice Sung Min Park it niversit of ew or ew or rofessor ngnwan niversit eol orea The Paradox of Performance Management in Disaster Entrepreneurial Leadership and Ethical Values in the Response in Local Government: An Examination of Public Organization: The Mediating Roles of Public Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives Service Motivation and Confucian Values Minsun Song octoral tdent niversit of evadaas egas as COAUTHORS Min Young Kim egas octoral tdent ngnwan niversit eol Testing Collaborative Leadership Theory in Emergency orea Management: Do Collaborative Leaders Actually Build Entrepreneurial Leadership and Ethical Values in the More Ties? Public Organization: The Mediating Roles of Public Service Motivation and Confucian Values Jesus N. Valero ssistant rofessor niversit of tah idvale T Unwoo Lee Testing Collaborative Leadership Theory in Emergency rofessor orea ational pen niversit eol orea Management: Do Collaborative Leaders Actually Build A Study on the Deliberative Poll in the Decisionmaking More Ties? Process of Nuclear Energy Policy Chun-yuan Wang Reginald Ugaddan ssociate rofessor entral olice niversit Taoan octoral tdent ngnwan niversit eol it Taiwan orea The Paradox of Performance Management in Disaster Entrepreneurial Leadership and Ethical Values in the Response in Local Government: An Examination of Public Organization: The Mediating Roles of Public Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives Service Motivation and Confucian Values

asantorconfrnc MONDAY SESSIONS MARCH 12

Panls (continued) 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Mineral Hall C 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Mineral Hall F tratic Procurnt uilin aacity to Aci Pulicctor olutions ultural otncy n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent Endorsed By: Endorsed By: ection on rocreent and ontract anageent ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance and ection on ersonnel dinistration and aor elations MODERATOR Mohamad Alkadry MODERATOR/COAUTHOR rofessor niversit of onnectict artford T Yahong Zhang ssociate rofessor tgers niversitewar PRESENTERS ewar Lawrence Martin The Impact of Organizational Reputation on Minorities’ rofessor niversit of entral lorida rlando Job Choices Public-Private Partnerships: Are State and Local Governments Prepared? PRESENTERS Angelique Goliday Joshua Steinfeld rofessor xcelsior ollege ols ssistant rofessor ld oinion niversit From Compliance to Diversity and Inclusion in Civil orfol Service Settings Analyzing Task Specialization in the Public Administration Profession: A Study of Public Jaehee Jong Procurement Practitioners ssistant rofessor orthern llinois niversit eal PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS The Effect of Stereotypic Perceptions of Men’s and Sawsan Abutabenjeh Women’s Leadership in the Public Sector ssistant rofessor ississippi tate niversit tarville Claire Jung Ah Yun Public Procurement Legitimacy in Academia octoral tdent tgers niversitewar ewar Amy Beck Harris Does Emotional Labor Differ across Sectors? octoral tdent niversit of ashington eattle Reducing Risk or Developing Capacity? An Analysis of PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Federal International Contracting Danbee Lee octoral tdent tgers niversitewar Eric Prier ewar rofessor lorida tlantic niversit avie The Impact of Organizational Reputation on Minorities’ Analyzing Procurement Decision Speeds in the European Job Choices Union

COAUTHORS Ben Brunjes ssistant rofessor niversit of ashington ae orest ar Reducing Risk or Developing Capacity? An Analysis of Federal International Contracting

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 12 MONDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) arr Fair Csaba Csaki 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Mineral Hall C enior ectrer orvins siness chool dapest ngar alary otiation oul Acct Analyzing Procurement Decision Speeds in the European Union Prsintial Panl Ana Maria Dimand octoral tdent lorida nternational niversit 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Centennial E ooper it A oo at t oission on incas Public Procurement Legitimacy in Academia Policyain MODERATOR Clifford McCue Maria P. Aristigueta ssociate rofessor lorida tlantic niversit ort irector and rofessor niversit of elaware ers ewar Analyzing Procurement Decision Speeds in the European How to Make Evidence-Based Policymaking a Reality Union DISCUSSANT Evelyn Trammell John Kamensky octoral tdent lorida nternational niversit enior ellow The enter for the siness of eroe ines overnent ashington Public Procurement Legitimacy in Academia PANELISTS Nick Hart arr Fair irector videnceased olicaing nitiative iartisan olic oission ashington 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mineral Hall Foyer arr Fair n Robert Shea Sponsored By: rincipal rant Thornton ashington University of Colorado Denver Founrs Fllos 1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mineral Hall C ratin Partnrsis an tors for arr 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Centennial A lont o to uil an ffcti ustainaility as a onctual Focus for Pulic tor Ainistration MODERATOR/PRESENTER Hannah Lebovits onal ton ctur octoral tdent leveland tate niversit leveland 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Centennial D The Suburban Struggle: Toward a Theory of Governance Sponsored By: in Suburban Spaces University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs PRESENTERS Yuliya Harris radate tdent ane tate niversit etroit LECTURER Tina Nabatchi Social Sustainability and Public Values in the Context of ssociate rofessor racse niversit racse Urban Public Transit: The Case of QLINE Rail in Detroit

MASTER OF CEREMONIES J. Paul Blake istrict epresentative ational oncil eattle

asantorconfrnc MONDAY SESSIONS MARCH 12

Founrs Fllos (continued) PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Vickie Edwards Nathan Teklemariam ssistant rofessor estern ichigan niversit octoral tdent irginia oonwealth niversit thens ichond (Re)Defining Volunteerism and Civic Engagement for Challenges of Rapid Urbanization and Housing in Sub- the 21st Century Saharan Africa: The Case of the Integrated Housing Development Program in Ethiopia John Gerlach irector and ssociate rofessor estern arolina Chaitanya Yadav niversit rden radate tdent niversit of Texas at allas The Matriarchal Transmission of Environmental allas T Conservation Support: Influence on Charitable Giving, Content Design and Development for Early Education: Bequest Giving and Organizational Importance Implications for Learning Outcomes in Rural India Seunghui Lee octoral tdent racse niversit racse orso Do the Outcomes of Public Participation Last over Time? Examining the Long Term Effects of Participation on 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Centennial H Individuals nain utrac o to ffctily urn our sarc into Action Won No octoral tdent riona tate niversit hoenix resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent The Effects of Changes in Life Circumstances on Dynamic Changes in Volunteerism Decisions PRESENTERS Lyndi Buckingham-Schutt ssociate irector ellness and trition olic COAUTHORS Sarah Harper The arin nstitte for lic olic and itien radate tdent niversit of est lorida ngageent es oines ensacola (Re)Defining Volunteerism and Civic Engagement for Joseph Jones the 21st Century xective irector The arin nstitte for lic olic and itien ngageent es oines Russell James Texas Tech niversit an arcos T The Matriarchal Transmission of Environmental Panls Conservation Support: Influence on Charitable Giving, 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Mineral Hall A Bequest Giving and Organizational Importance oluntris Suyeon Jo resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent octoral tdent racse niversit racse Do the Outcomes of Public Participation Last over Time? Endorsed By: Examining the Long Term Effects of Participation on ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships Individuals

MODERATOR/PRESENTER Tina Nabatchi Samara Scheckler ssociate rofessor racse niversit racse octoral tdent niversit of eorgia thens Do the Outcomes of Public Participation Last over Time? The Road Most Taken: The Role of Recruitment Examining the Long Term Effects of Participation on Pathways in Moderating the Decision to Volunteer Individuals

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 12 MONDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) COAUTHORS Zhixia Chen Rebecca Nesbit rofessor ahong niversit of cience and ssociate rofessor niversit of eorgia thens Technolog han hina The Road Most Taken: The Role of Recruitment The Satisfaction of Public Service and Subjective Well- Pathways in Moderating the Decision to Volunteer Being: The Mediating Effect of Trust

Lindsay Prather Shuo Liu radate ssistant and tdent estern arolina octoral tdent ahong niversit of cience and niversit rden Technolog han hina The Matriarchal Transmission of Environmental The Satisfaction of Public Service and Subjective Well- Conservation Support: Influence on Charitable Giving, Being: The Mediating Effect of Trust Bequest Giving and Organizational Importance Sharon Roth David Swindell enior esearch nalst erit stes rotection ssociate rofessor and irector riona tate oard ashington niversit hoenix Perceptions of Discrimination and Nepotism in the The Effects of Changes in Life Circumstances on Federal Civil Service Dynamic Changes in Volunteerism Decisions

3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Mineral Hall F 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Mineral Hall E ut of t outs of as colars oral Fraors an raniational is on Founational ts in Pulic sonsinss Ainistration iding hilosoph thics and the aw erfect orld lic dinistration Theor

Endorsed By: Endorsed By: ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance and ection on lic dinistration esearch MODERATOR/PRESENTER Bradley Chilton MODERATOR/DISCUSSANT rofessor and irector lic dinistration rogra Sharon Mastracci niversit of Texas at l aso l aso T ssociate rofessor niversit of tah alt ae Plural Ethical Directionality Model: Empirical Analysis it T of Public Administrators’ Moral Frameworks in Leading Supreme Court Cases PRESENTERS Jessica Awtrey PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS octoral tdent niversit of tah alt ae it T Stephen King Beyond Reproach: The Ethical Implications of Technical rofessor egent niversit irginia each Rationality in Public Administration Plural Ethical Directionality Model: Empirical Analysis of Public Administrators’ Moral Frameworks in Leading Nicole Batt Supreme Court Cases irector ffice ngageent niversit of tah alt ae it T James Tsugawa A Buried History: Re-Examining Women’s Contributions ept irector olic and valation erit to the Study of Public Administration stes rotection oard ashington Perceptions of Discrimination and Nepotism in the Brent Taylor Federal Civil Service niversit of tah alt ae it T Toward the Promised Land: The Bright Future of Yanghang Yu Epistemic Heterogeneity in Public Administration octoral tdent ahong niversit of cience and Technolog han hina The Satisfaction of Public Service and Subjective Well- Being: The Mediating Effect of Trust asantorconfrnc MONDAY SESSIONS MARCH 12

Panls (continued) PRESENTER/COAUTHOR Stephanie Pink-Harper Seth Wright ssociate rofessor othern llinois niversit xective irector loal ealth esearch and treach arondale arondale ondation and octoral tdent niversit of tah Examining the Impact of Federal Employee Wellness alt ae it T Programs and Employee Resilience in the Federal How Does Disunity of Method in Social Science Benefit Workplace Social Scientists? COAUTHOR 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Mineral Hall D Beth Rauhaus ssistant rofessor and radate oordinator arat ut ual onsirin t nflunc Texas niversitorps hristi orps of Policis an tructurs on ustainal hristi T Poulation alt Examining the Impact of Federal Employee Wellness ll re ot al dvancing ocial it Programs and Employee Resilience in the Federal Workplace Endorsed By: ection for oen in lic dinistration ection on eocrac and ocial stice and ection on ealth and 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Centennial F an ervices dinistration nant trou cnoloy in t Pulic ctor MODERATOR n e Toward the tre nvironent and Hillary Knepper Technolog ssociate rofessor and hair ace niversit leasantville Endorsed By: ection on ealth and an ervices dinistration DISCUSSANT/PRESENTER ection on lic dinistration esearch and ection Cassandra R. Henson on cience and Technolog in overnent ssistant rofessor Towson niversit Towson Health Care Resource Efficiencies and Cost Reduction: MODERATOR/PRESENTER Offices of Inspectors General Policy Impacts for State- Georgette Dumont Funded Social Programs ssociate rofessor niversit of orth lorida acsonville PRESENTERS Public Works and City Services through 630-CITY Schnequa Diggs ssistant rofessor alifornia tate niversitast a PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS award J. Ramon Gil-Garcia The Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care ssociate rofessor niversit at lan tate niversit Act on Emergency Medicine of ew or lan Citizens’ Empowerment through Digital Governance: Tiffany Henley Empowerment Matrix and Evaluation of Digital ssistant rofessor ace niversit irginia each Innovations in India How Do Governance Structures Affect State Decisions on Medicaid Expansion? A State Comparative Analysis Elyse Yates hief xective fficer nflence pinions stin T T. Aaron Wachhaus Smart Digital Health Outreach: Service Enrollment ssistant rofessor niversit of altiore altiore Haoyu Zhao Partnerships for Healthy Communities: Assessing radate tdent niversit of assachsettsoston Collaboration in Local Health Care Networks inc A Government Call Center as a Platform for Civic Engagement and Performance Indicator: A Case of Boston’s 311 System

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 12 MONDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) David McEntire ean tah alle niversit re T COAUTHORS Michael Ahn PRESENTERS ssociate rofessor niversit of assachsettsoston DeeDee Bennett and isiting rofessor eol ational niversit ssistant rofessor niversit of erasaaha oston aha A Government Call Center as a Platform for Civic Status of the Emergency Management Research Focus Engagement and Performance Indicator: A Case of Group Boston’s 311 System Shirley Feldmann-Jensen Sherri Greenberg rogra oordinator and ectrer alifornia tate linical rofessor niversit of Texas at stin niversitong each ong each stin T Next Generation Core Competencies and Measures in Smart Digital Health Outreach: Service Enrollment Emergency Management Higher Education

Nidhi V. Mali Mark Landahl ssistant rofessor niversit of ississippi xford oeland ecrit oander rederic ont Citizens’ Empowerment through Digital Governance: heriffs ffice ew aret Empowerment Matrix and Evaluation of Digital Defining the Emergency Management Discipline Innovations in India PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Aroon Manoharan Steven Jensen ssociate rofessor niversit of assachsetts ectrer alifornia tate niversitong each ong oston oston each A Government Call Center as a Platform for Civic Next Generation Core Competencies and Measures in Engagement and Performance Indicator: A Case of Emergency Management Higher Education Boston’s 311 System James Ramsay Pedro Muller rofessor and hair epartent of siness olitics ssociate rofessor nstitte of xact ciences and ecrit tdies niversit of ew apshire niversit of asso ndo asso ndo rail anchester Citizens’ Empowerment through Digital Governance: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Emergency Empowerment Matrix and Evaluation of Digital Management Higher Education: Trends and Gaps Innovations in India

3:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Centennial B 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Centennial C itin Particiation ransarncy an rust rncy anant iscilin o lrring the ines nternational and oparative Ar oin t l lic dinistration efore and fter the tor ergenc and isaster anageent PRESENTER Eckhard Schroter Endorsed By: rofessor eppelin niversit erlin eran ection on ergenc and risis anageent and Toward Inclusiveness in the Civil Service? European tdents and ew dinistration rofessionals ection Perspectives on Representative Bureaucracy

DISCUSSANTS PRESENTER/COAUTHORS Gregg Buckingham Kyu-Nahm Jun orer anager and ectrer chool of lic ssociate rofessor ane tate niversit etroit dinistration niversit of entral lorida Exploring the Relationship Between Citizen Trust and rlando Good Governance: A Comparative Analysis of East Asian Countries

asantorconfrnc MONDAY SESSIONS MARCH 12

Panls (continued) PRESENTER M. Jae Moon Jooho Lee nderwood istingished rofessor onsei niversit ssociate rofessor niversit of erasaaha eol orea aha erasa Public-Sector Reform for Better Services: Lessons from A Preliminary Analysis of the Adoption of Participatory Korean Cases Governance Tools: A Case of Participatory Budgeting in South Korea PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Jihoon Jeong Hui Li octoral tdent niversit of orth Texas enton T ssistant rofessor niversit of entral lorida Roles of International Aid in Disaster Risk Reduction rlando under Public-Sector Reform: South Korea Transparency, Legislative Void and Citizens’ Perceptions of Government Responsiveness in China Myungjung Kwon ssociate rofessor alifornia tate niversit Yuan Ting llerton llerton rofessor alifornia tate niversitllerton Determinants of Participation in Flexible Work llerton Arrangements: Exploring “Smartwork” Use in South Determinants of Citizen Participation in Government Korea Performance Evaluation: A Study of Fujian Province, China Eunju Rho ssistant rofessor orthern llinois niversit Feng Wang eal ssociate rofessor and ssociate ean hanghai A Closer Look at What Goes Wrong: Administrative niversit of inance and conoics hanghai hina Reform and Cynicism Exploring the Relationship Between Citizen Trust and Good Governance: A Comparative Analysis of East COAUTHORS Asian Countries Yoon Jik Cho ssociate rofessor onsei niversit eol orea Jiasheng Zhang Determinants of Participation in Flexible Work octoral tdent lorida tate niversit Arrangements: Exploring “Smartwork” Use in South Tallahassee Korea Transparency, Legislative Void and Citizens’ Perception of Government Responsiveness in China Hee Soun Jang ssociate rofessor and ssistant hair niversit of Tingjun Zhang orth Texas enton T ssociate rofessor ian oral niversit ho Roles of International Aid in Disaster Risk Reduction hina under Public-Sector Reform: South Korea Determinants of Citizen Participation in Government Performance Evaluation: A Study of Fujian Province, Juyong Jeong China ssistant rofessor orea ational niversit of Transportation hng orea A Closer Look at What Goes Wrong: Administrative 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Centennial C Reform and Cynicism Pulicctor for in out ora lrring the ines nternational and oparative Taewoo Nam lic dinistration ssociate rofessor ngnwan niversit eol orea A Closer Look at What Goes Wrong: Administrative MODERATOR Keon Hyung Lee Reform and Cynicism rofessor lorida tate niversit Tallahassee

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 12 MONDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) PRESENTERS Amy Brandley Andrew Simon irar onsltant lahoa epartent of iraries ssociate rofessor niversit of orth Texas l eno enton T Addressing Digital Inclusion through the Library Edge Roles of International Aid in Disaster Risk Reduction Initiative in Oklahoma: A Program Evaluation under Public-Sector Reform: South Korea Nagesh Chopra Hyun Jin Song iscal pecialist it of dond dond octoral tdent onsei niversit eol orea Municipal Budget Book: Depiction of Performance or Determinants of Participation in Flexible Work Recurring Array of Numbers? Arrangements: Exploring “Smartwork” Use in South Korea Cody Mosley irector conoic evelopent roen rrow haer of oerce roen rrow 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Mineral Hall B Oklahoma Cities Seek Low-Paying Jobs PA Panlornnt ffctinss trou nstitutional fors in ora PRESENTER/COAUTHOR lrring the ines nternational and oparative Nicole Heddy lic dinistration niversit of entral lahoa dond Askin’ for a Little Respect: Public-Sector Human Resources Fighting for Its Seat at the Budget Table PRESENTERS Sunjoo Park ssociate esearch ellow orea nstitte of lic dinistration eol orea torin ction 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Mineral Hall D Hyunwoo Tak ssociate esearch ellow orea nstitte of lic (Open to all attendees) dinistration eol orea ria oun nirsity c ra ocial

3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Mineral Hall G torin nt uts ri nnoations in Pulic Ainistration 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Centennial B n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent ction on ffcti an oun Ainistration in t il ast A ction an Fil Endorsed By: iin ection on ntergovernental dinistration and anageent

MODERATOR/PRESENTER Brett Sharp rofessor niversit of entral lahoa dond Askin’ for a Little Respect: Public-Sector Human Resources Fighting for Its Seat at the Budget Table

DISCUSSANT Elizabeth Overman ssociate rofessor niversit of entral lahoa dond


• #1 MPA, #3 Public Management and Administration Program, U.S. News & World Report (2017) • #1 MPA, #3 Public Management and Administration Program, U.S. News & World Report (2017) ••#1#1 MPA, MPA, #3 #3 Public Public Management Management and and Administration Administration Program Program, ,U.S.U.S. News News & & World World Report Report (2017) (2017) • #5 Globally for Public Administration Academic Ranking of World Universities (ShanghaiRanking), Center • #5 Globally for Public Administration Academic Ranking of World Universities (ShanghaiRanking), Center • • for#5#5 WorldGlobally Globally University for for Public Public Rankings Administration Administration Academic Academic Ranking Ranking of of World World Universities Universities(ShanghaiRanking),(ShanghaiRanking), Center Center for World University Rankings forfor World World University University Rankings Rankings • New honors for faculty, including: • New honors for faculty, including: • •– New New James honors honors L. Perry, for for faculty, faculty, 2017 Johnincluding: including: Gaus Award (APSA), 2018 Routledge Award (IRSPM) – James L. Perry, 2017 John Gaus Award (APSA), 2018 Routledge Award (IRSPM) –– Sean James James Nicholson-Crotty L. L. Perry, Perry, 2017 2017 John John elected Gaus Gaus fellow Award Award of the(APSA), (APSA), National 2018 2018 Academy Routledge Routledge of Award Public Award (IRSPM) Administration (IRSPM) – Sean Nicholson-Crotty elected fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration –– Sean Sean Nicholson-Crotty Nicholson-Crotty elected elected fellow fellow of of the the National National Academy Academy of of Public Public Administration Administration • Newly opened Paul H. O’Neill Graduate Center • Newly opened Paul H. O’Neill Graduate Center • • Newly Newly opened opened Paul Paul H. H. O’Neill O’Neill Graduate Graduate Center Center • Celebrating 45 years of advancing knowledge and preparing leaders for the greater good • Celebrating 45 years of advancing knowledge and preparing leaders for the greater good • • Celebrating Celebrating 45 45 years years of of advancing advancing knowledge knowledge and and preparing preparing leaders leaders for for the the greater greater good good SPEA’s research and teaching faculty of more than 190 includes these public management and leadership scholars: SPEA’s research and teaching faculty of more than 190 includes these public management and leadership scholars: SPEA’sSPEA’s research research and and teaching teaching faculty faculty of of more more than than 190 190 includes includes these these public public management management and and leadership leadership scholars: scholars:

Lisa Amsler David Audretsch Claudia Avellaneda Sergio Fernandez Beth Gazley Robert Kravchuk Lisa Amsler David Audretsch Claudia Avellaneda Sergio Fernandez Beth Gazley Robert Kravchuk LisaLisa Amsler Amsler David David Audretsch Audretsch ClaudiaClaudia Avellaneda Avellaneda SergioSergio Fernandez Fernandez BethBeth Gazley Gazley RobertRobert Kravchuk Kravchuk

Michael McGuire Jill Nicholson-Crotty Sean Nicholson-Crotty Jim Perry Thomas Rabovsky Amanda Rutherford Michael McGuire Jill Nicholson-Crotty Sean Nicholson-Crotty Jim Perry Thomas Rabovsky Amanda Rutherford MichaelMichael McGuire McGuire JillJill Nicholson-Crotty Nicholson-Crotty SeanSean Nicholson-Crotty Nicholson-Crotty Jim Jim Perry Perry Thomas Thomas Rabovsky RabovskyAmanda Amanda Rutherford Rutherford TUESDAY SESSIONS TRACKS A Fresh Approach: Nonprofits and Civic Engagement A Guiding Philosophy: Ethics and the Law A Perfect World: Public Administration Theory All Are Not Equal: Advancing Social Equity An Eye Toward the Future: Environment and Technology Before (and After) the Storm: Emergency and Disaster Management Blurring the Lines: International and Comparative Public Administration Diamonds in the Rough: Human Resource Management On a Shoestring: Budget, Finance and Procurement Winning the War: The Military in Public Administration

#ASPA2018 The School of Public Policy and Administration welcomes Energy and Environmental Policy into our academic and research programs.

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asantorconfrnc TUESDAY SESSIONS MARCH 13

orsos Daniel Rowland irector lic ffairs it of enver xcise and 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial G icenses enver Ainistrati Partnrsis An nnoati Taxing and Licensing Dispensaries and Growers olution for aclin Pulic alt ssus aiiin Prora ffctinss an or Panls resh pproach onprofits and ivic ngageent 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial F PRESENTERS ain Fairnss a Priority for A ulti Kara Johnson-Hufford ctor aination ranch hief ealth acilities and ergenc edical ervices niversit of olorado enver enver ll re ot al dvancing ocial it

Geoff Rabinowitz Endorsed By: wner onslting and octoral tdent T dvocac lliance ection on eocrac and aldosta tate niversit enver ocial stice ection on thics and ntegrit in overnance ection on onprofit olic ractice and artnerships and tdents and ew dinistration 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial H rofessionals ection Foru on annais ulation in olorao MODERATOR/DISCUSSANT erfect orld lic dinistration Theor Sean McCandless nstrctor niversit of olorado enver rvada Endorsed By: ection on ealth and an ervices dinistration PRESENTERS Jan Bents MODERATOR/PRESENTER tdent niversit of tah alt ae it T Hugh Miller LGBTQ+ Students at Singular Faith-Heavy Institutions: rofessor lorida tlantic niversit oca aton Inclusivity and Intersectionality

PRESENTERS Jennifer Hooker Mark Bolton octoral tdent niversit of olorado enver egal onsel olorado overnors ffice enver enver Colorado’s Experience with Legal Marijuana A Matter of Mission? The Experience of LGBTQ Employees in Federal Agencies Michael Hartman xective irector olorado epartent of evene PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS enver Tane Danger Marijuana Enforcement and Tax Revenue oonder The Theater of lic olic inneapolis Ashley Kilroy Taking Theory into Practice: Using Improvisational xective irector xcise and icense itont of Theater to Spark Activism, Civic Engagement and enver Deliberation on LGBTQ Issues Regulating Cannabis in the City of Denver Phillip Voight Ali Maffey orensics irector stavs dolphs ollege olic and onication nit pervisor revention t eter ervices ivision olorado epartent of lic ealth Taking Theory into Practice: Using Improvisational and nvironent enver Theater to Spark Activism, Civic Engagement and Health and Environmental Implications of Legal Deliberation on LGBTQ Issues Cannabis

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 13 TUESDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) CONVENERS Shin Lee 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial A rofessor and irector asters rogra niversit of rlanos Puls itclu Attac ranin eol eol orea arsi tors an uc Joon Park efore and fter the tor ergenc and rofessor and ept irector eol ase td isaster anageent rogra niversit of eol eol orea

Endorsed By: DISCUSSANT ection on oplexit and etwor tdies and ection Jonathan Justice on ergenc and risis anageent rofessor niversit of elaware ew astle

MODERATOR/PRESENTER PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Thomas Bryer Kristoffer Luiz rofessor niversit of entral lorida rlando radate tdent lorida nternational niversit Preparing for Luck or Lucky to be Prepared: iai Differentiating Between an Effective Response to an The Most Advanced E-Government System Attack at the Right Time, Right Place and Strategic Preparedness for an Attack at Any Time, Any Place Kaitlin Ward radate tdent alifornia tate niversitan DISCUSSANT ernardino an ernardino April Taylor Energy Policy in Seoul ept ergenc anager it of rlando edford T Yeareen Yun radate tdent ornell niversit thaca PRESENTERS Application of ICT in Public Transportation: A Case Safiya Prysmakova Study from Seoul, South Korea esearch ssistant niversit of entral lorida rlando COAUTHORS Networks Between Municipal Government and Nazife Ganapati Multicultural Communities: Toward Emergency ssociate rofessor lorida nternational niversit Preparedness and Resilience in the City of Orlando eroe ines The Most Advanced E-Government System Esteban Santis tdent niversit of entral lorida rlando DongMan Kim Resilient Leadership: Moderated Flexibility and the rofessor alifornia tate niversitan ernardino Pulse Nightclub Shooting an ernardino Energy Policy in Seoul Staci Zavattaro ssociate rofessor niversit of entral lorida Thomas O’Toole rlando rofessor and xective irector ornell niversit Come Together: Disaster Branding after the Pulse thaca Nightclub Shooting Application of ICT in Public Transportation: A Case Study from Seoul, South Korea 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial B ouls Policis for ran anant lrring the ines nternational and oparative lic dinistration

MODERATOR Doug Goodman rofessor and epartent ead niversit of Texas at allas ichardson T asantorconfrnc TUESDAY SESSIONS MARCH 13

Sabina Schnell (continued) Panls ssistant rofessor racse niversit racse 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Centennial C Transparency and Corruption: Revisiting the Evidence rics to ilitary trans an Failis Amporn Tamronglak inning the ar The ilitar in lic dinistration rofessor Thaasat niversit ango Thailand In Search for Public-Sector Transparency Measurement Endorsed By: in Thailand ection on istorical rtistic and eflective xpression and ection on ntergovernental dinistration and PRESENTER/COAUTHOR anageent Brian Collins ssociate rofessor and oordinator niversit of MODERATOR/PRESENTER orth Texas enton T Jake Campbell Institutional Impacts on Information Disclosure dnct rofessor alifornia tate niversitong Among U.S. Local Government: Evidence from Local each owland eights Governments in Arizona and Colorado Conflict at Home: Assessing the Impact of VA Expenditures on Veteran Homelessness in the United States 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Centennial F PRESENTERS ocial uity an ts act on ornanc Nicholas Armstrong ll re ot al dvancing ocial it enior irector esearch and valation nstitte for eterans and ilitar ailies racse niversit racse Endorsed By: In Search of an Enterprise Approach to Federal Policy ection on eocrac and ocial stice Governing U.S. Military Veterans MODERATOR/PRESENTER Zachary Huitink Annie Miller niello ail ostoctoral esearch ellow nstitte ssistant esearch rofessor niversit of enver for eterans and ilitar ailies racse niversit enver racse Guiding Efforts to Achieve Equity in Countering Violent Service Delivery Innovation and Diffusion in U.S. Extremism Programs Military Veteran Policy: Case Studies of Leading Practices in United States PRESENTER Farid Elsahn L. Christopher Plein rofessor and rogra irector oha nstitte for rofessor est irginia niversit organtown radate tdies oha atar Unknown Terrain: Guiding Military Families through Antecedents to the Under-Representation of Women in Civilian Health and Social Services Programs through Leadership Positions in the Public Sector in the State of the Department of Defense’s Exceptional Family Member Qatar Program Samantha Larson ssistant rofessor niversit of isconsinshosh Panls shosh Participatory Photo Mapping to Advance Social Equity 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Centennial C at the Rural-Urban Continuum Pulicctor ransarncy PRESENTERS Fatima Bayma de Oliveira Loan Le rofessor ndacao etlio argas ondation io e resident nstitte for ood overnent and nclsion aneiro rail aland Social Equity in Brazil: The Role of Affirmative Policies An Analysis of Existing Policy and Implementation: at Higher Education Conflicts of Interest Among Medical Professionals and Researchers and Their Impacts on Adherence to Informed Consent

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 13 TUESDAY SESSIONS

Panls (continued) 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Centennial H 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Centennial A ata asurnt an Analysis for ttr cisions in irs Policy Aras aroun t Acclrat irin Policy an orl Ainistration in otous Futurs lrring the ines nternational and oparative n e Toward the tre nvironent and lic dinistration Technolog Endorsed By: MODERATOR/PRESENTER ection on ergenc and risis anageent ection Christopher Jones on lic dinistration esearch ection on lic ore aclt alden niversit ppleton erforance and anageent and ection on cience When Everything Falls Apart and Technolog in overnent DISCUSSANT Joyce Haines MODERATOR/COAUTHOR Jungwon Yeo enior ore aclt eer alden niversit ssistant rofessor niversit of entral lorida awrence rlando Big Data and Decisionmaking in Long Term Disaster PRESENTERS Recovery: The 2016 Southern Louisiana Flood LaMesha Craft and ll orce ntelligence nalst alden niversit Network Data Policymakers on the Refugee Crisis, oodridge Turkey When Agriculture Bites Back

Linda Kiltz PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS Claire Connolly Knox rogra irector alden niversit alispell T ssociate rofessor and rogra irector niversit of When Big Cities Go Bonkers entral lorida rlando Big Data and Decisionmaking in Long Term Disaster Tanya Settles Recovery: The 2016 Southern Louisiana Flood aclt irector alden niversit ittleton When Big Evacuation Becomes a National Pastime Kilkon Ko ssociate rofessor eol ational niversit eol Lynn Wilson orea xective irector and octoral aclt eaTrst Measuring Policy Actors’ Influence on the nstitte and alden niversit ort Townsend Decisionmaking Process in Policy Networks When Good Waters Go Bad Hyun Hee Park ssistant rofessor ooin niversit eol orea Measuring Policy Actors’ Influence on the Decisionmaking Process in Policy Networks

Michael Siciliano ssistant rofessor niversit of llinoishicago hicago Global Policy Change on the Use and Exchange of Genetic Material: Implications for Research Networks and Outcomes

asantorconfrnc TUESDAY SESSIONS MARCH 13

Panls (continued) PRESENTERS Mehmet Akif Demircioglu COAUTHORS ssistant rofessor ational niversit of ingapore Fatih Demiroz ingapore ssistant rofessor a oston tate niversit How Does Social Media Usage Affect Employees’ Job ntsville T Motivation? Evidence from the Public-Sector Network Data Policymakers on the Refugee Crisis, Turkey Taha Hameduddin octoral tdent and ssociate nstrctor ndiana Mary Feeney niversit looington ssociate rofessor riona tate niversit Employee Engagement in the Public-Sector: Examining hoenix Its Link to Performance and Organizational Support Global Policy Change on the Use and Exchange of Genetic Material: Implications for Research Networks PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS and Outcomes Geon Lee rofessor onggi niversit won eonggio Kyujin Jung hina ssistant rofessor orea niversit eol orea Public Service Motivation Matters in Job Satisfaction Big Data and Decisionmaking in Long Term Disaster Between Public and Private Sector in Korea? Using Recovery: The 2016 Southern Louisiana Flood Propensity Score Matching Method

Naim Kapucu Bangcheng Liu rofessor and irector niversit of entral lorida rofessor hanghai iao Tong niversit hanghai rlando hina Network Data Policymakers on the Refugee Crisis, Can Public Service Motivation Activate Public Turkey Employees’ Entrepreneurial Intention? An Investigation in Chinese Context Eric Welch rofessor riona tate niversit hoenix COAUTHORS Global Policy Change on the Use and Exchange of Xinyu Tan Genetic Material: Implications for Research Networks octoral tdent hanghai iao Tong niversit and Outcomes hanghai hina Can Public Service Motivation Activate Public Employees’ Entrepreneurial Intention? An Investigation 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Centennial G in Chinese Context Pulic ric otiation iaonds in the ogh an esorce anageent Zonghe Zhang octoral tdent hanghai iao Tong niversit Endorsed By: hanghai hina ection on ersonnel dinistration and aor elations Can Public Service Motivation Activate Public Employees’ Entrepreneurial Intention? An Investigation in Chinese Context MODERATOR/PRESENTER Hyesong Ha ostoctoral ellow ocial cience orea esearch 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Centennial B Teaonsei niversit eol orea Public Service Motivation Matters in Job Satisfaction Fiscal Plannin an ustainaility Between Public and Private Sector in Korea? Using n a hoestring dget inance and rocreent Propensity Score Matching Method MODERATOR/COAUTHOR Marc Holzer istingished rofessor ffol niversitoston aridge Village Fiscal Sustainability and Dissolution in New York State

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions MARCH 13 TUESDAY SESSIONS

William Roehr Panls (continued) irector rogra evelopent ontgoer ont ew or onda PRESENTERS Chantalle LaFontant Local Government Consolidation for Better Services: octoral tdent ndiana niversit looington Practice and Theory Balancing Capital Budgeting and Debt Management: Building for the Future losin Plnary Wenchi Wei 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Centennial D octoral tdent niversit of entc exington Does Professional Management of Municipalities Impact SPEAKER Government Fiscal Slack? Jane Pisano rofessor niversit of othern alifornia ol rice PRESENTERS/COAUTHORS chool of lic olic os ngeles Minch Lewis dnct rofessor racse niversit racse MASTER OF CEREMONIES Local Government Consolidation for Better Services: J. Paul Blake Practice and Theory istrict epresentative ational oncil eattle Matthew Ossenfort ont xective ontgoer ont ew or onda Local Government Consolidation for Better Services: Practice and Theory

Thomas Sinclair ssociate rofessor inghaton niversit rden Why Do Villages Dissolve? A Local Public Economies Perspective

Pengju Zhang Advance your career ssistant rofessor tgers niversitewar with a Master of ontville Public Administration Village Fiscal Sustainability and Dissolution in New Degree from York State Cal State San Bernardino • Nationally Accredited by COAUTHORS NASPAA Komla Dzigbede • Committed to Ethical Public ssistant rofessor tate niversit of ew or Service inghaton inghaton • Online or On-campus Why Do Villages Dissolve? A Local Public Economies • Optional Concentrations in: Perspective Cyber Security (classes on-campus only) Leadership Yilin Hou Public Financial rofessor racse niversit racse Management Local Government Consolidation for Better Services: Practice and Theory




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APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions

APAAPA Annual Annual onfrnc onfrnc nr nr APA APA MissionMission Focused Focused and and Service Service First: First: Creating Creating Innovative Innovative Solutions Solutions PRESENTER DIRECTORY

uana an or tsa ran sstt Moham Monm aa asth an on oron nr ssa tr Mar oton haoun ouss sha zhar rn orr Romo raham an n a aurnt ouhar a rahams a rt ouart Ma ua han amno nn oman sama uarra on a ams oman asan utanh a ar as oan an ams th ar r or nnr ams anos m ran t ams uoan ao rnah ran thn ns au ao r rsor rann ara orsuntuh athrn arrtt Mssa rs ara homas arth onar rht Mha hn ohn art uan rn zath rht nsa ats m r ssa orn o att an romr nnr anr R au attao Rah ror ars as oormaa attsot urts ron Mohama ar ahar aur nsa ron Mohamm uah hura atma ama ra amu ron aa uah hura nnr at am ron rna n omn arfi n runs ana masan ua tt homas rr au ota Mha narzu r unham rtt rt atr man n unhamhutt uah shammar oo h athrn uh sh tr ssa nthon ur rstnaas s a than utma uah zoma raham nas am ror ur ssu mau ooro nas orah urss a mmons nntt am utz Maran moa an nts hoor rn nMo n a rnr rsta aaruss onho n r rru M oonaaron otth nrsn an rnr Rhar aahan Mn nrsonnott rans rr a am rstr nrsson Raa rrams a am mon nr th ursns Ron ar ahzar nuo arah rton a arna amu nua hrstohr rsa on arrzas mtros rras at shu a artr Mara rstuta Rana ssssar Rort art uha ratt atr ttrman anor aaant hoas rmstron an ar R Mror a uo sno au a tta sa th sh Mara ano au haan


ttam han rr ourn usa azo m han annMar o sa hha han ran ons hnua s suMn han Ror on rrt stra nn han ous omort sa ar an han ro onao ar on s haoz thn onr na Mara man an harsora moth onan amara mtrsa Maros asat hattr ran oo Mnshua n na n hauhar r oo an n n hn rr oor uzann snza an hn s ota an M sn hn hn on ouson atr o hunn hn a ours Manz otur onun hn Ramon o than oamor an hn aMsha rat h orar hanshan hn ntha ra a ornsh hn hn nr ros or ouhrt r n hn sra nrson ro Mhan ouht u hn tr rus a rur n hn Rzano ruz ortt umont uh hn anssa ruz hos uarna utta ha hn saa sa ustn tao hn an uto oma z uoa hn n u Marnn ns haomn hn Mh urr man ars uan hn ouas r rans ars anan hraou Mara ostno aurn ars ra hton m an ars ooho an anr o as oonho orta ans ar mn onhu ho aoo nsm ran ms oon ho rntss antzr ar sahn unn ho Murat aouo o su ho ann as Rah mas unha ho on as r mrson on un ho Mar as Mssa mrson oun unho ns ason sh nsh ash hora atra anr uns Rort sr Rashm hora Maartn on h s namu houhur Man Mastrs ns ans om hrstnsn Mhmt mrou Mh ans omo huna ath mroz Ma rsths r r onn n nr oh mana ar ssa asua atr mr nna ar aron satt R ar o a Mar n Matth arhom r Rn az nhun an

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions PRESENTER DIRECTORY

n an uan rt M hamsu au nu an onn hrstrthur atra arn hn an Ramon ara arah arr aun an tuart man ams arrnton arazman Mara on m arrs a armr nu oa arrs an a Mssa omz rnanz ua arrs tr rman a onzaz aura art Mar n oo art Rhar o usan oon Mha artman Mar nnhm ou ooman tr aruna hr mannnsn u orman rttan aut haoru n Mh ra than a anssa n nr rana hrstohr ans srana rnz ams rant oshua a ntha rntnos hrr rnr u aorth an rnanz Rhar rn ona aash Maro rrra homas rtns n ans onathan s ara ros oshn azton Ron th R rmm u han anan or ro nra a hrn o aron rn ran artsfi on oar ams rossman ur r Mha or amon unn o onathan ostr hao uo ana a ora Ma rs a a uo anr nrson m rman nun uo oron nrson omrsh ram uson uo an n ott rtzn u uo assanra R nson tr rumn Mha usmano na rmansson ous ua Mar u sh rnanza Mar u son a amantha s Mauro aarra am homas aas man a Mohra az anaat an att an ran an ao osh ar Man rsr anau araamor o ans r o harat ar rm a ran oan hars aroao r atr thn ot rn arrtt aha amun Mar ozr mr arthams ous am nnr oor Ma aso thn am athrn oruh a hr anor athr amton arha ossan arah th h Mar amton n ou hon n hrum an Rhar ouh ohn rah onn an am ouhtn rr rton Mar ar ano ror ouon a ham Mha ano rson as o r Rhar hr Russ anson hh sh


hu hn sh uon o ohon m onathan sh rnta oaun onMan m su Morn ohansn onoo m unsan su Rhar ror ohnson onRo m an u ara ohnsonuor un m annan u r ohnston onoo m hao uan on ohnston soo m rn nuan hrstohr ons un oom un uan osh ons Mn ounm Moran hhun uan ah on Mnu m on uan orn oran arm m o urts au osh anmoo m ahar utn u o ounm hao un uahm un oon m M nun un un ah m uno ur rona unan on m unan ur aro urz ounh m oonoun ur onathan ust ounsun m a uron nnr aan ushm m mnah rahm hrsa amanu unsun m ouas hr Rm a ara mrouh nrams o aauhs ohn na o nman aa asnat nh os us rzarr au au Mha n hahrra sam ohn amns on n ath s onon an thn n r rs an an an nsur oom za n an Mrt snr om ason a an nn Mtt sn rshanna ason th am auu thn nshmt hrstan aosn unr atz na n Russ ams usan m ona nnr atanat annoa a sr ar nr oun an Ron m ar onno no on an s R nn on o ran nnr ran nn aash oaash tn nsn rsta nn zath o o on Rort ntr hrstohr oa oo on Mha rn s oao hoon on au um m otho uon on aha hara s os ssanra roman athua han Rah raus aon an ohn r Rosa rson n an Ran ns rann rosh ao Masao uh rur Mun n sh ro Mnoun u Roruan n na tz rr unz u n oun oonm Mnn uo

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions PRESENTER DIRECTORY

R urtz Mnh s rstor uz Munun on u utt or aont nao ntha nh an ahan n homas nh hanta aontant hnu onna nn rstna amrht ann hn u Moun amoth zunhun Ma ott amoth nhu an Ma Mar anah anu uan Ma a ansrn nan Mha Maaua M an n Ma R arn hhao ranso Mano nna arrson uuo ao sa Mahaanusa nta arson namn ht aa Mahaat amantha arson rans armstha Maumar arah arson atanat rt omoo Mano an asstr hansu m h Ma a ahon una m an Manson oan aoun m mnu Mamman orah an uanshn n hrstna Mann annah ots Muhua n onn a Man ana ron u n roon Manoharan sron nns nrs homas Manor a ou nhart Rort Maranto hunn uotsa om ou ana Marnssn an ar rr Marn on ar o arn Martn a onar ra mon Martn on anssa ttton uan Martnz un un anhn u am Mastrs aon o u haron Mastra un ath anu un Matsumoto ooho ao u Marus Maun ut on u u Maurr un oo onhn u Rosana Maur on un a u rahm Maa an u an Manss ooo huo u ohn Mas unhu u ao Monnaa hn nn u ustn Mra un un oran on or Mu unoon Manu ozanz ru Mona noo ans oushars a Mntr hrstn tnr hunmn u Man Mu ar mm an u nn Muan ustn onMorta aoun u arah Mur ss n ana u a Mntr hat tats oanna uo Mo Mouhn


Man Mamara r Mumor Ma rr am MRan mana Murh osh sos Morann Mans ssah ust uruu Musah Matth ssnort ama Mna rann Muthom homas oo a M unhan Mon tn tt rt Mr athan Mrs nzhan uan Manr Mn amu Mrs zath rman ams Mts na aath Mha rton anron Mn Mona am am n aur aarr a Mrr ra aamura na az n Mao oohun am hrstohr a am Ms aoo am thn a nn Mr amsh amuur ran aas ha Mr orna aor hu un ar a Mr ona as un ar uh Mr thn un unar am Mr n s unun ar atrna Mrtns mr son onsoo ar Russ Ms ura m oon ar aurn Mtnrr Ra st un Mn ar un Mn than o unoo ar aon Mn hstr an ounoo ar on Mnotz m man an arr Rosann Mraa amara zhna assana arrs ama Mshn nh un asha oshua Mth an un ooa asan homo Mzrah nn a Rahu atha rt Moan n zath au Rash Mohan sh s ranso raza n Mo zath st h r sa Moaanoa Masam shsha osh nato n Mona on o r a rrnaut ruz nthon Mona ouas oonan u trs m Moon Muhamma shan oor ustn or ta Moon oroth orrsrr Mar ha M aMoon thn ortham hrstohr r n Moras atrna or than narr otu Moro rana o uzann otros arna Morno h uro an sano Rorto Morno uus uzah Mar sano ohn hars Morrs onmn h hrstohr n Raro Mors on oo h at snars amantha Mosr a r mma o o Mos rstn osson nsa rathr on Muaumura aura son r rr n Mu ao uosh or rohtr ro Mur oaro naro afia rsmaoa aurn Muns usan rrhars uon

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions PRESENTER DIRECTORY

anhua hrstn Rush ua hana utn nnr Rutt Mha ano homas unt anh Ru Mona u os Raashrs hn u Ru hrstohr o Ranotz Mhna ahara mnata ah Mostafizur Rahman um a m rman a r Rahman Ra ao athrn mmons ha Rass harmaan aro aas nr mon ams Ramsa a amath homas nar n Ran stan ants homas uzns ana Ran M arast hrstohr mth ama Ransom aura aa an mth na Rao oshn har anmth th Rauhaus usanna har mth ta Ra amara hr than mth on Rams t hnrt nr oant hrsta Rmnton ana hn hansoo on uanuan Rn rr hrr onm on uo Rnros har hrotr un non uanta Rnon sa nn huhs arr Mnsun on Rn Rnon Rona humann uarna on am Rsh athrn ha sma ouaa unu Rho na utnu ssa oa Marart Rar ohn a Mha r ua Rhman Mth rs tarn a Rauh ana tts rstna tana Rs s hahan nthon tar orna R Raza haroa ru tn athr Rms a haro oshua tn rant Rssr rtt har ar tnr ason Rra atrhau r Ran a thns aua Rra rnanz unan ha r trn harn Roah Rort ha mana tart rst Rortss a h nra tart atra Rortson anzhu h than th Rah Ronson u h ama trs anro Roruz Rort h n tors am Rohr nh h Rana toha a Ron atra hs Rah tut anru Roman am hs r sasu u an Rosnaum on hu hm uhon u a Rosnoom oon hhn on uh haron Roth huo hnohara hao ushn an Roan onMn hon nr uan rn Roan ha nn un n Run Mano hrstha Mn un Marn Run hao huron Rus un an Ru nastas haa mn uo


oh uzu r aor n ramm ams ara rnt aor on ran aa an nnr aor ona ras Rah anr Rat st orah rnt am ann athan maram Marn rohmann Rhar az Ra ua uanhu sn a n ssa rman ams suaa arna an au s m u uann a ustn ha rshna ummaa assan aah am h nna r unoo a ra homas rano an morn amrona ran homson Rna aan an ams homson a nrh nu an urt hurmar nna str an an uan an ara tna arrn anman uan n sus aro Mh antarn homas tt asaran n r ao ua r rtsan r Mr ao ohn oa ar anannham

The University of San Francisco congratulates Professor Richard Callahan MASTER OF PUBLIC on his election to the 2017 class of National Academy of Public ADMINISTRATION Administration Fellows. In our program’s 40th year, Professor Extraordinary Students. Callahan offers unparalleled expertise Exceptional Faculty. educating and partnering with public Public Leaders. sector leaders throughout California and beyond, creating impacts that benefit all, especially the most vulnerable among us. Learn more at

Professor Richard Callahan

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions PRESENTER DIRECTORY

Montomr an art ran ams Mnh u ams anru nnth ams uan u rarna asaaa nn amson u ana ash athrn ouh ao u ran M azuz azuz artr son anhan u or rnaras arrn son Murat us ha sanath nn son arho uash h oht u nr hanun un aronahhaus an ohr arunh un ao an ran or arn un hunuan an r o oshua aato n an am on asha aata uanmn an son on an arhta anun an Rort onntt ta aattaro Mao an ustn oos r mrn an an u oor zza mran nan an athan rht nn n an th rht on han aohn an rMuuan u ann han uun an on u ashn han ran anass anahu u han ams ar a u nu han atn ar n u nun han Mha ar ahar urtzah ahon han ra ashnton rstn att anzh han athrn ass onmn onh han athrn ar Mn aou hao a r ua u aozao hao than nton hatana aa hron hao nh Rosu amauh un hn hrstohr o an n hu a nrh an an an hu r h an an hn hu Mar sh Ru an sm a ahn n unum an hoas na an n u hn an nn o hhon n s ats orr o o s n arazo oo onathan st rant Ronna an unon o ras hts an or athrn ht un oo ssa htm uns oo o httnur ara oon o ho usan oun ouas r h u nr ams n u ran ams nha u

asantorconfrnc SCHOOL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Leaders in the Classroom. National Reputation in the Field. e are innovators, thinkers, academics, and social entrepreneurs ho prepare students to take on today’s challenges in the public and nonprofit realm. Our mission is to strengthen public service in a democratic and diverse society. This is backed by diligent students, dynamic faculty, and our national reputation. We are the School of Public Administration. Learn more at ASPA LIFE MEMBERS

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ASPA MEMBERS CELEBRATING 50 YEARS hn rihe rr tr ii h hristie rene eer ii ert rnes Gttfrie nne itri e Sn

ASPA MEMBERS CELEBRATING 25 YEARS En ern en Eern . e n Gi erti Se rn Gt r Geert ert erene Grrett Eieth rris Genn estr Grs n r ihr hristffersn ine rsie hii rer es re nthn stie h i enr en i rer Snr eine ri nn eii eni ii erts es s nthi nh Gin ri e nnin enneth is ii eit r En ihe Gire ine er

APA Annual onfrnc nr APA Mission Focused and Service First: Creating Innovative Solutions