TANGYE type 'AA', number 33451, 10 h.p. Believed built in 1912. Photograph by courtesy of owner, John Hosking, St. Bury an, Cornwall.





DIARY AND NEWS Issue 38 I would like to make an appeal for literature, either un- e b d coul h whic l usefu g anythin r o s duplicate , items d wante The Stationary Engine put with my own collection for use in the SEA. Anything n eve d coul d an n possessio y m e leav r neve d woul d supplie . can y possibl u yo f i p hel e Pleas . required f i d returne e b Advertiser

. Edgington . W d Davi : Editor Finally Doreen and I would like to thank all of the sub- . Edgington . J . M n Doree : Assistant r you d rea o t e lik o d e W . us o t n writte e hav o wh s scriber Editorial Address: letters and hear your views etc. If we are sometimes slow Lodge Wood Farm, Hawkeridge, Westbury, Wiltshire. with replies please be patient as we do have a lot of mail to o t y repl e w t tha e not e pleas l al u yo d Woul . with l dea Date of publication approximately 1st of each month. SUBSCRIBERS ONLY and when a stamped addressed . word r pe p 2 e rat g Advertisin envelope is enclosed. Advert closin- g pro dat h e 10tbot , h each monthavailable w no . s type o tw — LISTER s Transfer . months) x (si s issue x si r fo 0 £2.5 e rat n Subscriptio duced from Lister patterns. One set covers the A,B,J,L and larger , price 75p post paid. Correspondents: t pos p 60 e pric , type D e th r fo s i t se r othe e Th Charles Hudson (Technical Adviser) paid. Anthony Harcombe (General) AMANCO- 50p per pair, post paid. . Hornsby) & n (Rusto y Hoole y Ra INTERNATIONAL - 45p per pair, post paid. "Sightfeed"( General) . paid t pos , pair r pe p 45 - Y WOLSELE ) Africa h (Sout t Prescot r Arthu PETTER— Available hopefully next month. Dick Hamp (U.S.A.) George Bullen (Australia) Wall charts CROSSLEY— shows working instructions and k cran d enclose 0 105 & 0 104 , 1030 r fo t lis s part Photography: engines. Two charts are required, price 60p per t Knigh k Patric pair, post paid. John Norrington PETTER— engine room instruction chart for Petter Universal M type engines, sizes, 1½, 2, 3, , Trowbridge , Street t Cour , Co. & g Slug . F.A : by d Printe 4, 5, 6, h.p. Deals with starting, timing, fuel Wiltshire. p 30 e Pric . diagrams h wit e complet d an y suppl post paid. EDITORIAL A ARE R YOU N I B CLU A E THER S I I actuall managd di y trie Birminghao pth et m last month b Web y Wolsele s Messr f o s work e th d visite y successfull d an If anyone wishes to join the Kernow Old Vehicle Club (s/e in Witton. I said 'successfully' because I managed to return , Road n Dudma 4 2 , Endean . H . D t contac e pleas , sect.) e literatur g remainin r thei of t mos h wit y onl t no e Wiltshir o t but also with permission to handle the WOLSELEY trans- Truro, Cornwall. (Annual Rally 16th & 17th July). ******************* fers. Incidentally details of the transfers are listed elsewhere l wil n informatio g datin e som s plu e articl n A . issue s thi n i Cotswold Oil Engine Preservation Society. Meet 3rd Thurs- appear as soon as I can find the time to put it together. day of each month at Southrop, Nr. Lechlade. Details, Mrs. n eve d an g evenin of r numbe e th , TIME of g Talkin B. Cross, 1 Upton Downs, Burford, Oxon. Sunday telephone calls we receive has rapidly increased ******************* r anothe t ye e tak o t d ha I t fac n i , weeks w fe t las e th g durin The West Dorset Vintage and Stationary Engine Club. day off from work this month in order to meet the dead- Details: Mr. D. Wareham, Whitfield Farm, Bradford Peverell, line with this issue. Please do not telephone 'just for a chat' Dorchester. Annual Rally April 30th & 1st May. as our time really is fully committed to the SEA. , Details . Society n Preservatio y Machiner e Vintag h Eastleig We have been asked by Messrs. R.A. Lister & Co. Ltd., to D. Bulpitt, 12 Whalesmead Close, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh, take the sole rights for reprinting and distributing their Hants. s thi d accepte e hav e w y Naturall . books n instructio f o e rang e th n withi y read s item e suitabl e hav o t e hop d an r offe Worthing & Southern Counties Historic Vehicle Group. . months o tw t nex , Green n Dunto , Road d Lennar 8 , Bromley . J . Mrs , Details Sevenoaks, Kent. Major events, Ardingly July 2/3rd. Detling It does look as if the name of our magazin. 3/4th r e is due Septembe fo , r a Maidstone r nea change. The majority of you are in favour of dropping the d rea y carefull e hav e W . title e th m fro R ADVERTISE d wor , "N.I.C.E." , Society e Engin n Combustio l Interna k Norfol each comment but as previously stated, the change will be Details, Jim Burrage,94 Fakenham Road, Drayton, Norwich. YOUR decision. A final opinion count will be made during . issue t nex e th n i d publishe t resul e th d an s day w fe t nex e th . Club r Tracto e Vintag l Nationa f o h Branc e Yorkshir t Eas Details, Mrs. Sandra Baldry, Leyllandi, Holme on Spalding ' AREA R YOU N I B CLU A E THER S 'I d entitle n sectio e Th y b d mentione s wa t tha b clu e th s i s (Thi . York , Moore l severa y Apparentl . response d goo a e quit t brough s ha Ed.). . 35 e Issu n i n Morriso d Richar m a I ! club l loca a d ha y the t tha w kno t no d di s reader holding the , section opeChapman . nM . a littlMrs , e longerDetails . , soClub if e your Engin clu y b has Stationar x Wesse y majorit e Th . details e th n i d sen e pleas , mentioned n bee t no - Meet . Bath , Norton r Midsome , Road n Charlto , Greenbank y An . Midlands e th n i e b o t r appea s club ' 'seeking e peopl f o ints at Old Down Inn, Emborough, Nr. Bath. Last Monday offers? every Month. A new Club, formed only during the past few weeks. e th f o h muc t tha e awar l wel e ar u yo of t Mos . APPEAL n ow y m r eithe m fro s come n informatio d an g backin e articl , Phillips n Joh , Details . Society t Equipmen e Vintag y Anglese collection of books and information or from Charles Bali Hai, Bryngwyn Road, Holyhead, Anglesey. Hudson's. I can honestly say that without my 'files', there ******************* t ye t no e hav e engin f o s make n Certai ! SEA o n e b d woul e Vintag d an e Engin y Stationar t Distric d an d Macclesfiel been featured, , simplRoad yd because I 17Chelfor d , o not havGallimore e . anP , y informatioDetails . n Group y Machiner to hand. Macclesfield, Cheshire. S T ABOU E MOR

Can anyone help Mr. B. Bliss of Stoke Golding, identify the manufacturer of his double acting piston pump? He writes, 'On looking through the November issue of the S.E.A. I came across a series of advertisements on Amanco engines and . The second pump down from the top of the page bears more than a passing resemblance t canno I y unfortunatel t bu , possession y m n i p pum e th o t . copy , S.E.A e th m fro l detai h muc o to e se e cam I , S.E.A. f o e issu y Februar e th h throug g lookin n O e th d an ' Two l Universa e th f o s 'Use n o e articl e th s acros photograph showing the pumping set, again this pump also bears resemblance to my pump! s illustration o tw e th g checkin e tim e considerabl a r Afte in detail and a constant reference to the pump, I find I am a e th y identif d coul e anyon f i r wonde d an , confused e littl pump. The details of my pump are. No maker's name, MADE IN ENGLAND cast on both connecting rods, 7861 e bor " 3 . bell r ai e th f o e bas e th t a e plat brass a n o d stampe with 5" stroke, 4 valves-two below barrel and two above. y an , colour , manufacture f o e dat e th w kno e anyon s Doe y b e articl e th d foun I , way e th y B ? information r othe , interesting y ver s pump l Centrifuga n Rusto n o ' Sightfeed ' pumps? n o e mor e hav n ca e w s perhap

. pump s hi f o s side h bot g showin s photograph e thes d supplie s ha s Blis . Mr

Editor's note. Virtually all of the smaller horizontal double- h Josep y b d supplie e wer s Petter y b d use s pump g actin Evans & Sons, Culwell Works, Wolverhampton. Evans could also supplied Associated Manufacturers Co. (London) Ltd. a g supplyin f o t habi a d ha . A.M.Co e becaus s pump h wit t no n tha n ofte e mor D AN t equipmen h Britis f o l dea t grea e th , are s thi f o s example d Goo . name' n ow their g 'addin s Ga d Bradfor y b t buil s wa h whic ' 'Amanco k cran d enclose d carrie h whic e typ ' 'D r Liste a n eve d an , Ltd. . Co e Engin the name Amanco on the inspection door in the crankcase, ! magneto l flywhee a d use d an Let's look at a Lamp Start Engine

by 'Sightfeed' PART 1

This article has been divided into small passages to enable the piston out. g lon o to y probabl s i t i s a , continuous t i e mak o t r Edito e th Obtaining a satisfactory running temperature was a pro- to produce in one issue. blem that dogged the Herbert Akroyd-Stuart engine. It would appear that the first design had suffered from low , comment o t d hear s wa o wh n perso e Th . INTRODUCTION - com e incomplet g causin r vapourise e th n i e temperatur 'Lamp start enginee valv sr jusai e t bafflth e e meHenc . Thefuel ye arth ef o alway n s so comvapourisatio - d an n bustio plicated', on a certain rallyfield last year, first planted the being moved from the vapouriser itself to the cylinder in seed which germinated into this article. Perhaps the majority order to give the vapouriser a 'better chance' of staying hot. of engine enthusiastd s prolonge regar r dafte ' lamp start engine'overheating e b o t s d in the seeme sam n ethe m proble e Th light? k too t Akroyd-Stuar 2 189 n i e becaus , load l ful n o g runnin Complicateda h ' —wit NeverK !NEC Ir n the yearvapourise 190e th 0g a Wokinghafittin r fo 9 m3.90 t paten t ou s hi t abou d sai , Ltd. s Son & y Hornsb . R o t r lette a n i r farme water jacket, however this modification caused extensive 'Hornsby-Akroydr late ' oia l t engineA . , 'I surfaces hav d e entrustecoole d an t d ho i t e toth thren e betwee g crackin different farm labourers all of whom had no knowledge of date banding the full diameter of the vapouriser instead of ANY KIND on f machinery'modificatio .s AnThi d . in 1894problem ae th Worceste e cur o t d r farmeseeme r k nec e th t jus e samwrotth eo t e firm e Hornsby-AkroyTh , s easili d y alone enabled substantial increases in the compression ratio managed, as my lad always drove it for the first four months of the range of engines, ie. from 40lbs per square inch to 65. until he left for school'. And a Devon farmer in 1895 wrote, Although the best running temperature and compression - diffi t withou e engin e th k wor d an t star n ca 4 1 f o n so y M a t tha n know s wa t i e experienc y b d obtaine y generall s wa culty'. And so on ..... chance to Russolene fuel permitted maximum compression Imagine ar farpe m0 2 workeo t 5 1 r f tryino n g gai to r starpowe t (al t a lateoveral n ra date g ) agivin , used e b o t Bentall Pioneer on a cold winter morning, trying. to persuadrunning r e cleane h wit t cen the many oil feed pipes to work continuously even after the engine was started would be a certain point of contention! FUELS. On engines up to 5 h.p. a vapouriser to match a Another exampls ewa cal n fue b ee imaginedth f i o s , , a 4used ½ e h.pb o .t Powel d ha l l ofue n f ao cold d bran r particula and frosty morning.The 'arm breaker' flywheel handle, which changed, so was the vapouriser! when finally turne- d produce'hey r thei g s a dulenjoyin l e andwer s lifelesengine s e 'thumpthes n ' whe e tim e th t A s Pioneer l Bental of s Owner . Webster g slumberin e th m fro h althoug , available s wa s brand l fue f o n selectio e larg a , day' and Powell enginer orde sn I probabl. each yof wile l pric no e t wisth n h tupo o read d anydepende mor n eofte e choic e th of this article, but please remember that the examples men- to accommodate the various fuels, several methods were tioned are nor t restoredlarge e th n , O super . bratio instann t rallycompressio starterse th t , adjus bu to t d introduce filthy, damp, rusty 'farmer's engines', machines which never engines, liners were fitted in the big end and adjusted to suit see a tool kit etc. the fuel used. However, engines in the 5 to 45h.p. range had An apologr y must vapourise b ee madth f o e t atpar thir s rea stage th ef o becaus e sid e th th en i g openin n a e th e b o t s ha e articl s thi n i d describe e b o t t abou e engin d protrude h whic g plu d shape l conica a e tak o t t cas y especiall s thi n i d mentione n bee y alread s ha h whic d Hornsby-Akroy e th g bein plug e th f o h lengt e Th . area n combustio e th o int e engin s thi t tha n reaso e Th . occasions r othe n o e magazin dominant feature and four sizes of plug with different lengths has been chosen, is because the writer is intending to cater of projection were available, so the compression could be for people who are just embarking upon what is bound to adjusted by reducing or enlarging the combustion area. e th o t s newcomer s word r othe n i , hobby g lon e lif a e becom e th h wit g dealin e ar d han o t s illustration y onl e Th . scene GENERAL POINTS CONCERNING THE ENGINE TO BE t tha s diagram e th e ar l usefu o s d an , engine d mentione e abov FEATURED. For reasons stated previously, this article . selected n bee s ha e mak s thi deals with the early large 25 h.p. Mk1 and Mk2 engines, however it should be pointed out at this stage to owners of e 4-strok e th n o s work d Hornsby-Akroy e Th . DESCRIPTION o t y appl s detail l technica s variou t tha , engines r late r smalle d terme s i t wha e us o t s engine t firs e th f o e on s wa d an , cycle 1 Mk m ter e th y firstl , points o Tw . also s engine r smalle e th 'spontaneoun s ignitionno y earl ' y — ver meanin e th s i g1 ignitioMk e th n , without explained th e b usd e shoul 2 Mk d an . tube t ho r o k spar c electri f o water jacketed vapouriser version with the 16 in. bore and It was 1890 when Herbert Akroyd-Stuart conceived the 20 in. stroke, the Mk2 having the water jacketed vapouriser, idea of compressing pure air only, keeping out the oil fuel 14½ in. bore and 19 in. stroke. R.P.M. 190, b.h.p, approx. until it was wanted, so that automatic ignition! could beRussolene n o e mor , 25 controlled under compressio' run n i d n pressureshoul y wa h s by 'whic timin e th go t th r e oil answe n i y Secondl spray injection, (Patent 7146 May 8th 1890). Some months question which recently appeared in this magazine. 'Station- later a furthel r idea waflywhee sof pu p t to int . oie actions , thioutward s n timru eo t th t e se oi l e waar s s engine ' ary injected on th- ein suctio n ru o nt strokt se e e ar int s o the pre-heateengine e dPortabl vapourise . cylinder r m fro Y AWA k nec w narro a y b r cylinde e th m fro d separate s wa h whic wards ie. top of flywheel TOWARDS cylinder. In fact (see illustration)y wa , r the eithe ai rn valvru o t et wase e sb situateo t d d oordere n l the cylindespecia e b d r coul s engine side of the neco t d k so thaadjuste te b pur d e aicoul ry coulthe d— bd e drawfeature n e directlengin ye th n o s a R O g passin T WITHOU e strok n inductio e th n o r cylinde e th o int e loos e ar s cam e th , featured e engin e th n O . way r eithe n ru p u k bac d force n the s i r ai e pur e Th . vapouriser e th h throug a o t m the s clamp h whic t bol a y b n drive d an t shaf e th n o f o k nec e th h throug d an n pisto g movin e th y b r cylinde e th disc placed between them. On each cam is a line marked F the vapouriser, thus mixing with the hot oil vapour and and one marked B, on the central disc is a line marked F.B. making a highlt y explosivmus s cam ee chargeth , . Whe'outwards' n n theru compressioo t d require ns i is e engin e th f I completed, the temperature in the vapouriser is sufficiently be fixed so that the three lines marked F are in line, but if high enough to cause 'spontaneous ignition' — thus driving it is required to run 'inwards', then the lines marked B must be set in line. Let's look at a Lamp Start Engine cont.

The Hornsby-Akroyd Oil Engine. Stationary version. Portable Version- . arrows.) n directio e (Not

h whic ' 'neck w narro g showin n Illustratio separates the vapouriser from the main cylinder.

Hornsby-Akroyd oil engine, number 176, dated 1893, 3½ h.p. Bore 7", stroke 12". This engine is situated in the & e Scienc f o m Museu m Birmingha e Th t a l Hal g Engineerin y rotar d operate d han e Not . Editor y b h Photograp . Industry . lamp g startin g assistin r fo n fa . Engine l Oi d Hornsby-Akroy . h.p 5 2 e th f o w vie e Sid Key 1. Cylinder Casing. 16. Reversing gear. 2. Vapouriser (jacketed). 17. Paraffin Pump. . 18 . part d unjackete r ove d Hoo . 3 Pump suction pipe. 4. Connecting Rod. 19. Pump delivery pipe. 5. Crankshaft. . tank n 20. Paraffi 6. Main Bearings. 21. Vapouriser valve box. 7. Crank pin. & bearingsvalve s . by-pas m fro e pip w 22. Overflo 8. Sideshaft. 23. Return pipe from overflow to tank. 9. Bearings. 24. Governor. 10. Admission valve lever. . catch g securin e Adm/valv . 11 r leve e adm/valv g workin r fo m Ca . 12 13. Exhaust valve leaver. 14. Cam for working exh/val/lever. 15. Auxilliary exhaust cam handle.

Key A. Piston B. Cylinder liner. . jacket r wate r Cylinde . C D. Vapouriser. E. Vapouriser water jacket. F. Admission valve. G. Admission passage. . valve t Exhaus . H . passage t Exhaus . K L. Passage to cylinder from valves. M. Water jacket round exhaust valve. N. Paraffin inlet to vapouriser.

Side view of cylinder and valve gear. (Note fins inside Vapouriser).

Continued next month with, Governing, How the Vapouriser Valve Box works, Starting by hand, The Compressed Air Equipment. a Miscellane s Reader'

. h.p ½ 12 s hi f o s detail t sen s ha , Bromyard f o s Harri n Ke f o e portabl e Blackston a s i t 'I , it t abou s say d an e Blackston l unusua s i t I . engine n paraffi t star d col a s i d an 7 191 l origina s a d fitte o magnet n tensio w lo a s ha t i e becaus - under I . aid g self-startin a s a r compresso a d an t equipmen d an e typ l experimenta n a e wer s engine e thes t tha d stan were largely unsuccessful. They were fitted with a slipper and ran in an anti-clockwise direction. The paraffin o s s doe t i s a d an k bloc y spra a h throug r cylinde e th s enter - sup s i t I t i e atomis o t r ai d compresse f o t sho a s receive t i posed to start from cold on paraffin but I always use a drop of petrol to start it, which saves my energy! Weight 2 tons , B.A.J.K. e Cod . B k mar . h.p ½ 12 s i n Specificatio . cwt 6 1 type SFC'.

Editor's note. Certainly a very rare engine and an attempt A . engines r vapourise e th m fro t depar o t s maker e th y b C SF ! engines injection g sprin e th s toward e stag y halfwa means 'Start From Cold'. Nelson Ewer of Lymington who handled Blackstone engines year o fifts (ano r yso ag d still does!) thinks that this type of SFC engine was produced as a 'searchlight engine' for use in the First World War. The y quickl t star d woul h whic e engin n a d wante e Offic r Wa without the fuss of starting lamps etc. Any further infor- . appreciated e b d woul n matio It would appear from further checking that this type of engine was introduced in early 1915 and was available in sizes of 8 h.p. and 12½ h.p., it was in fact termed Sfc by the makers. The 8 h.p. version was the Mark 'D' and the 12½ h.p. the Mark 'B', the letter 'P' being added to both type if supplied as a portable unit. The smaller size ran at 290 r.p.m, and the larger 260 r.p.m. The makers stated d an e (Blackston n inventio w ne s Thi e engin e th t abou l al r fo s Engine l Oi n i e advanc t grea a s mark ) patents s Carter' purposes. 6 h.p. to 45 h.p. engines are also in progress'. The engine was awarded the highest honour (Silver Medal) by y June/Jul n i m Nottingha t a y Societ l Agricultura l Roya e th 1915. It may be of some interest to see a photograph of a e sam e th t abou t a e availabl s wa h whic n versio ' only l 'petro period. This type was available in 16 sizes starting from 2½ h.p. It can be seen how this engine resembles the earlier range of vapouriser engines, while the one shown in the previous photograph shows a distinct move towards the later 'spring injection' shape.

Blackstone, 6½ h.p. number 78853, dated 1906. Purchased a n i e lif g workin s it t Spen . 1971 d restore , sale farm a t a corn mill one mile from Lands End. Photograph by courtesy . Cornwall , Buryan t S , Hosking n Joh , owner f o . cont a Miscellane s Reader'

- photo a d supplie s ha e Camborn m fro l Mitchel . P . R . Mr y rall e th n o e us r fo l whee r wate e mad e hom a f o h grap field giving his engine some useful work. He writes, "My father has built this water wheel which is worked by a J.A.P. engine. The whole set-up really mystifies the public as the water goes up a pipe and flows over the top and comes down the side making the wheel turn. As you . puzzled' e ar c publi e th , photograph r othe e th m fro e se n ca Mr. Mitchell also wonders if anyone can help by identif- ying his two J.A.P. engines? He thinks they are models d woul t bu d perio 5 194 o t 8 193 e th n i d produce e wer h whic s Hi . information r othe y an d an s model e th w kno o t e lik address is, 9 St. Martin's Terrace, Camborne, Cornwall.

The home-made water wheel The crowd it attracts!

The two J.A.P. engines


- these-photo d supplie s ha y Abergavenn f o s Jone . R . Mr graphs and gives the following details. This is a large Robey which was advertised in a very early issue of o T ! down t burn y recentl d she e th y Unfortunatel . S.E.A e th give an idea of the size of the engine, the flywheel is 10 feet in diameter. NATIONAL ASSISTANCE SECTION n Sectio . N.A e th r fo s engine n Cumbria f o o tri l unusua n A f o n Marsde . B . M . Mr f o s engine e th y Firstl . month s thi Colton. e Th . Derby' f o n 'Maddiso e nam e th r bea s engine e Th solid flywheel version being a petrol engine, the other one e ag d an e siz , dating g regardin s detail y An . engine s ga a s i would be appreciated.

Mr. J. Lamb of Hawkeshead, Ambleside, seeks the age and a s i t I . engine t star p lam l unusua s hi t abou n informatio y an , 5¾" e bor , town) h Scottis e th r afte d (name N ANNA . h.p 6 stroke 12", flywheel diam. 3'. Made by Eric Nicholson Co. e thes , N.B. s letter o tw e ar e plat e th n o e nam e th r Afte . Ltd stand for North Britain. (Or the start of NBG! A good ex- ample of the Akroyd 'neck' can be seen in the side elevation photographs. Ed.).

Details and photographs supplied by owners. RESTORING A WADE DRAG SAW by R. Rive

e Brac f o e Brac e Eddi . Mr o t r fathe y m y b k remar e chanc A The whole thing was stripped and while Charlie rebuilt and Bros. Sawmillse th f , o Higt ou h n Ongarpisto e , th Essex g , gettin le t d to abou hit mse presentinI , frame ge th d painte ' 'His . 1925 e manufactur . approx f o e Wad e th h wit e m . puller e suitabl g makin y b d achieve y eventuall — e bor e th n i t i d use d ha d an e tim t tha t abou t i t bough r fathe Having failed to remove two piston rings without breaking business untie lar 1945s ring , whee Th n . it was dumpereplacements dd outsidfin o t ee the unabl saw s - wa I , them mill. 3¾" x ¼" and I finally settled for early Caterpillar D4 rings When rescued, it had a large elder bush growing up which are 3¾"x 1/8", two rings in one groove and problem through thes frame,bearing and den hag bi d w beene nd frequentlan , ground y s clobberewa t d bycrankshaf ae Th ! solved tractor withr fore-loadeslide e blad r l takinmeta ge fuewhit l tw o ne th eo nearbals , rod y stean co me th o int n ru engine. e wer s crack t fros e Th . firm l loca a y b d fitte e wer s bushe e th f o e on , restoration d beyon d looke t i t sigh t firs n O 'veed' out and welded, fortunately I have an electric welder shafts wase brokenTh . parts , g the watemissin d r an jacke s t badlbracket l yal e frostedmak o t , ale l abl s wa d an s other d an g missin s part , flattened s tank , siezed s part g movin e th o t g owin , restore o t s evening f o k wee a k too o magnet broken. Onlt i y d the facknocke t thad ha t wr e knotracto wd of no mormentione y e than aboupreviousl e t th t tha t fac e Charli e mat y m d compelle s example r othe n doze a f hal s inche 6 e som d foun s wa t I ! ground e th o int t i n drive d an f of e ther t tha t fac e Th . restoration t star o t f mysel d an l Cornwal below the surface! are so few Wadese madriv y bw e ne du a e to o theials , r crudenessfitted e b o t !d ha s bar e guid w ne o Tw o tw d watercoole l horizonta a y b d powere s i e Wad e Th e mad s wa l funne k tan r wate e Th . etc s tank r wate , chain , carburettor l Powel a s ha d an . h.p 4 e b o t d believe , stroke from an old chicken drinker. ignition is by Wico EK magneto. No sooner had we completed the restoration, than we The peculiar r thinwhethe d g an abou m el t n the dow engin n eblow isy no governorsrecentl a o t f of ! t i d dragge Engine speed is controlled by advancing or retarding the it was the size of the tree or our over-confidence we are not ignition. Nor silenceafte , r later is e fittedtim .e som s wa t I ! run o t d refuse t i t bu , sure n spi n the , slightly n ignitio e th t retar , thing e th t star To much head scratching and adjusting, that it decided to burst e imperativ s i t (i s run e engin h whic o t y wa e opposit l flywhee . life o int to watch fingers d becausan 6 e197 o fg it's horribldurin s etime l trick ofsevera noe t knowinWad e th gd rallie e hav e W which way to go till you flip the. ignitioyear s nthi leveu r to Beaulie th o et t adi e - tak o t e hop e th n i d house s plate l stee e fiv s i h clutc e Th . position) e vanc Engine details. Made in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. Model flywheel. UK. Engine number 90100. Sole importers, Christy Penny The restoration covere. W.2 dn a perioLondo , d of nearlBayswater , y twoRoad yearss . Queen' 9 21 , Ltd.

The WADE drag-saw 'as found'.

E WAD e th , restoration b super a g followin , later s year o Tw . rallyfield a n o ' action n 'i n see s i w drag-sa

Photographs by courtesy of Mr. R. Rive Y RALL E ENGIN Y STATIONAR L NATIONA 7 197 s subscriber r fo A SE e th n i d include e b l wil y entr y rall A . 31st y Jul y Sunda use. Other information and sale entry forms may be ob- d Orchar 8 1 , Johnson n Bria , secretary y rall e th m fro d taine n Johnso n Bria y B Gardens, Westergate, Chichester, Sussex. t a d hel e b l wil y Rall e Engin y Stationar l Nationa d Thir e Th t 31s y Jul y Sunda n o u Beaulie , Museum r Moto l Nationa e th Exhibitors last year will recall what a memorable event Overseas News t even 7 197 e th r hea o t d please e b t doub o n l wil d an s wa t i Johannesburg will follow a similar arrangement with the added attraction . area ' sales e 'engin n a of d receive e hav I , 600 t Stuar e th g regardin r lette t las y m e Sinc The programme for the weekend will be: news of several other 'engine sightings'. One was a 29 h.p. Saturday July 30th: Arrivals permitted from lunchtime on- Tangye gas engine complete with producer, but the snag wards. f o m botto e th t a D AN y awa s mile 0 95 s i t i t tha g bein 7.00 p.m. Enginemane th y s gatherinApparentl . g withinaccessible ligh t t refreshmentalmos — e s Gorg an dz Blouknan g stayin e thos r fo t restauran m Museu e th n i w sho m fil a engine was used in the construction of the bridge. overnight. Two other engines on offer are Fairbanks Morse Z types. Sunday July 31st : Setting up commences at 8 a.m. Finally, we have discovered in a power house at a gold mine Judging commences 11 a.m. a 1906 Blackstone of about 16 h.p. but alas the plate is t a u Montag d Lor y b g givin e Priz missing, however the date is cast on the bed. This engine . p.m 0 3.3 was used for various purposes, the last of which was driving e classeTh s have s beenyear onl0 2 t y bu slightl d use y n modifie 197bee e t th r no 7 dfo s ha t I . pump r feedwate r boile a . own r thei f o s classe s engine r large e th e giv o t r orde n i t even h photograp o t t difficul e b l wil t I . easily r ove s turn l stil t bu The speciad l use prize e b so t fos r enginecamera sw showinallo t no g l workinwil y gthe ae machinbecaus e engin s thi are being made far more attractive and all exhibitors are en- in gold mines here without prior permission from the group a n ru y (The ' do o t g 'somethin e engin r thei e giv o t d courage P.R.O. Maybe this is something to do with security because . load) r unde r bette t lo o t r orde n i o t d resorte s way e th f o e som w kne y onl u yo f i A separata e e hav entr y y the for t mtha wile l berealis required woul du foyo r n thethe , enginhere e d gol l stea sales area with the full information on this aspect of the point! event. This will be an unrivalled opportunity to sell or bu. y ansoon s new e Mor engine as the event will be widely advertised and attended Arthur Prescott by a great many enthusiasts. Engines may not however be offered for sale and entered in the Rally as well. Classified Advertisement S PIECE & S BIT Wanted, top price for Blackstone spares as Wanted for 2/2 h.p. R. Hornsby gas engine, , vapouriser , carburettor , pump l fue , follows head and sideshaft, A.P. type might fit, any 1 Wanted, oil feeder glass for Petter 3 h.p. heat shroud, brass oil bearing covers for 6 /z condition could swop Trusty tractor, Handyman, also exhaust for 3 h.p. type PB to 8/2 h.p. . enginesh.p. 5 e , otyp r anyS r otherPette Blackston , ecultivator , plough Hornsby. Also exhaust pipe flange spares, collec. buy t r anywhereo , . Petteunrestored l al r Handyma, A r Liste n , D r Liste for Lister A, pipe size 1½" BSP. Lewis, and Hornsb- y AkroyStow , d engineWyverstone s , wantedView h , boughChurc t0 1 , Miles Fairfax View, Raglan, Gwent. Tel. 029.169. for cash or exchange. Apply, R. Jones, market, Suffolk. 0560. Crossway, Llanvapley, Abergavenny, Gwent. Tel. Llantilo 060.085.309. For sale, 12ft 1% inch shafting, bearings, - Gover e Engin m Stea g Pickerin " % , Wanted . offers y an , belting d an , sizes l al , pulleys nor. Tel.t Newdigatcamshaf o e tw 420 d .an s Camshaft 2 , wanted s Part Also 5 ft overhead 1% shafting, gearing, castings, carburettor or any other parts for pulleys, any offers. Wanted Lister D type Crossley PH106 number 83146. For sale, Magnetos. All makes and types rebuilt. anti-clock magneto, Lucas or ML. Also 1 exchange or part exchange for interesting h.p. water cooled engine, any make but d supplie s make t Mos . years 2 d Guarantee , MOT , 1934 , saloon t Horne y Wolsel , engine , machining o Als . guaranteed) d an t (rebuil e Th , Cottage t Ken , Reynolds . P . working n Charlto , Greenbank , Chapman d Davi . £600 Green, Eltisley, Huntingdon, Cambs. d an s Starter . castings d an g patternmakin . 412129 . Tel . Norton r Midsome , Road similarly rebuilt. Day, 31 Goddard . 812323 n Swindo . Wilts , Swindon , Avenue Wanted urgently to complete restoration 1 T MAR E ENGIN - lub d fee t sigh , h.p. 2 / 1 e Mors s Fairbank f o Wanted, g Rustoplu k n HornsbSpar . y diesepossible f i ls enginglas ea di cyl " 2 - , ricator inder head, horizontal Mk 1HR. Lawson, 75 , Willis . similar r o . h.p 2 2'/ r Liste d Wante (taper thread). Malcolm Pretswell, 44 Craig Gwelenys, Meadway, Looe, Cornwall. Raiselands Croft, Penrith, Cumbria. Park Avenue, Ratho, Mid Lothian.

Wanted, cast iron wheels, over 12" diameter, The following engines wanted for exchange Wanted, Petter Vk h.p. M type carb. Yeo, approx 2'/2/3" wide at least. Ewer, King- or cash, Ruston & Hornsby 2'/2 h.p.,4 h.p., Chyventon, Smitham Hill, East Harptree, 1 1 fishers, Lymington. Tel. 72419. 10V4 h.p. model AP, Also 5 /2 h.p., 7 /2 h.p., Somerset. ** *********** 10 h.p. model O.K., anything paid for with pound notes, distance no object. Tel. Buck- Wanted, cylinder head for 1917 Petters M Industrial Engine Bearings. B.S.A. model D. ingham 2143. type, 8 stud type, 5 h.p., number 44143. .020u/sonly.J.A.P. 2a-SA .010, .020u/size. Price, Mill House, Purton, Berkeley, Glos. Petter. AV1 & AVA1, .010, .020, and Sharpness 250. Exchange only. 3 h.p. Petter Handyman, Mains ,020. Petter A1.W1 series 2, STD size. mounted on oak trolley. 3 h.p. Petter M , Villiers . u/s 0 .06 o t p u D ST . P.A r Pette d Wante . order g workin h bot , top e appl , type Wanted, , piston, con-roapplication n o d s andsize governo , 40 & 20 r weig& 12 h & 10 . MK e Avenu 6 6 . unrestored , engines k cran n ope for 6 h.p. FairbankMk s Villier s , Morse,springs 45e 0 rpValv m . Zlist . Ago t ey man o to y repl r fo . S.A.E . Surrey , Camberley , Sucy - glow , Coventry , Co. g Engineerin a Godiv f o o t D ST 2 LD , Ends g Bi . Diesel r Liste . 20 or call anytime. head, stationarr pe 0 y £1.0 enginey Onl . . Irvine.040 o t ,D LoweST s r Main . .060 Crudie, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. set, post paid. Also to clear, set new tyres, 500/525x 16, £25, collect only. D. Butcher, Lister 3'/2 h.p. 1933 on Lister 4 wheel . Wilts , Melksham , Seend , House m Baldha 7 255 r Fulme . Tel . £35 , runner d goo , trolley t rebuil r ignite y an t Almos . Service r Ignite (Bucks). or re-made from scratch. Contact, Peel 11 Wanted R & H 8 HRE outer pedestal bearing Dale St., Colne, Lanes. Tel. 2374. Wanted Petter surface ignition engine (SEA retaining cap and top half of bearing. Hand- h wit , engine l oi b bul t ho s Petter r fo k boo No. 26), also Petter M type, anything con- brass domes covering 2 inlet valves, 10 b.h.p. sidered, cash. Andrews, Prospect Cottages, R. Deering, 24 Mountstewart Road, New- Wood Dalling, Norwich, Norfolk. . Ireland . N , Down . Co , townards