Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak (JITEK), July 2021 Vol. 16 No. 2 ISSN : 1978 – 0303 DOI : 10.21776/ub.jitek.2021.016.02.2


Fahmi Arifan*1), Abdullah2), Siswo Sumardiono2) 1) Industrial Chemical Engineering of Vocational School, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH., Tembalang, Semarang, 50275, Indonesia 2) Chemical Engineering Department, Dipoengoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH., Tembalang, Semarang, 50275, Indonesia *Corresponding Email: [email protected]

Submitted 17 March 2021; Accepted 2 June 2021


Organic waste has high COD and BOD content, so it is dangerous if disposed of directly into the environment. Organic waste processing, such as waste from manure and liquid tofu waste, requires a process that can reduce COD and BOD levels as well as produce valuable products. Anaerobic digestion method is the proper process to convert complex compounds in waste into simpler compounds with methanogenic bacteria into a renewable energy product, namely biogas. On the other hand, the anaerobic digestion process can reduce COD and BOD levels in the biogas formation process. This study uses raw materials such as cow manure and chicken manure, and liquid tofu waste. The variables that produced the largest biogas were those with a ratio of 70% cow dung, 15% chicken manure, and 15% tofu liquid waste with a total of 3,251.5 mL. Then, the COD and BOD levels decreased significantly with more than 98% COD removal, and more than 95% BOD removal in all variables at the end of the anaerobic digestion process.

Keywords: Anaerobic digestion; biogas; waste

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INTRODUCTION and cow manure are often only used as in limited quantities and do not The energy crisis in this world experience an increase in economic value. requires us to innovate in creating renewable On the other hand, unused chicken manure energy that is effective and environmentally and cow dung will cause air pollution that friendly (Luz et al., 2017). One of the disrupts environmental health. renewable energies being developed is Anaerobic digestion is a natural biogas. Biogas contains methane, carbon biogas formation process that occurs in the dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and water which absence of oxygen levels. It is usually used means it can substitute for kerosene and to process raw materials from industrial LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas). Biogas waste, household waste, vegetable waste, production depends on raw material and the and food waste (Kythreotou et al., 2014). processing method used (Sanjaya, 2015). Anaerobic digestion is a natural biological One type of raw material used for biogas process that can convert organic material production is tofu liquid waste which comes into biogas products consisting of methane from the by-product of the tofu industrial and carbon dioxide. Anaerobic digestion production process. Tofu liquid waste is provides a breakthrough in the processing of hazardous if disposed of directly into the organic material, which is usually processed environment because it contains high COD through the composting process into a and BOD values (Budiyono and process of organic matter Syaichurrozi, 2020). However, tofu liquid without the presence of oxygen. Besides, waste contains high organic and nutritional anaerobic digestion allows the treatment of substances, making it suitable for processing waste containing high organic matter levels into biogas using the anaerobic digestion to reduce the load on its organic content. method. If the tofu liquid waste is Simultaneously, producing biogas can be discharged directly to the water bodies, used to generate heat, electricity, and biofuel some problems will occur. The high organic for vehicles (Awe et al., 2017). compound (high COD and BOD) will Anaerobic digestion processes involve decrease the dissolved oxygen, so it will complex dynamic systems of disturb the aquatic organisms such as . microbiological, biochemical, and The high nitrogen content also results bad physicochemical processes. Among the odor because of ammonia gas. Its murky possible methods for processing biowaste, color will decrease the water quality and anaerobic digestion has been identified as decrease the sunlight penetration to the the most environmentally friendly because it water plants in which it cannot do allows bioenergy and potential by-products photosynthesis process easily. Furthermore, (Monson et al., 2007). when the water is used for human daily Furthermore, from an environmental activity, the human can get skin diseases, point of view, anaerobic processes reduce stomachache, etc. Apart from tofu waste, the content of organic matter present in the another raw material that has been widely waste such as COD and BOD, and reduce studied is waste from livestock manure environmental pollution. Chemical Oxygen (Sanjaya, 2015). In Indonesia, the most Demand (COD) is the quantity of organic common livestock manure is chicken compounds in organic matter, which refers manure and cow manure. Chicken manure to the mass of oxygen depleted per liter. The

*Corresponding author: How to cite: Fahmi Arifan Arifan, F., Abdullah., & Sumardiono, S. (2021). Email: [email protected] Effectiveness Analysis of Anaerobic Digestion Industrial Chemical Engineering of Vocational Method in Making Biogas from Animal Manure School, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, and Tofu Liquid Waste. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi SH., Tembalang, Semarang, 50275, Indonesia Hasil Ternak (JITEK), 16 (2), 84-94

85 Effectiveness Analysis of Anaerobic Digestion greater the quantity of COD the higher digestion treatment is a right way to reduce pollution. Higher COD levels mean a greater BOD and COD value. Regarding the energy amount of oxidizable organic material in the aspect, the anaerobic digestion process sample, which will reduce dissolved oxygen produces high alternative energy when (DO) levels (Kawai et al., 2016). A compared to aerobic processes. The process reduction in DO can lead to anaerobic stages in anaerobic digestion are hydrolytic, conditions, which is deleterious to higher acidogenic, acetogenic, and methanogenic aquatic life forms. While, BOD can be bacteria. Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins defined as the mass of dissolved oxygen are broken down by hydrolytic bacteria into demanded by aerobic biological organisms , long-chain fatty acids, and amino in water body to degrade organic matters. acids, respectively. Then, these molecules The greater the BOD, the more rapidly are converted into volatile fatty acids, oxygen is depleted in the stream. This means alcohol, CO2, and H2 in an acidogenic stage. less oxygen is available to higher forms of These molecules are further converted by aquatic life. The consequences of high BOD acetogenic bacteria mainly into acetic acid, are the same as those for low dissolved H2, and CO2. Finally, all of these products oxygen: aquatic organisms become stressed, are converted into CH2, CO2, and water at suffocate, and die (Adou et al., 2020). The the last stage, where there is methanogenic presence of COD and BOD can damaged the bacterial activity (Kwietniewska and Tys, environment a lot. Therefore, anaerobic 2014).

Figure 1. Anaerobic Digestion Process (Budiyono and Syaichurrozi, 2020)

In previous studies that used the al. (2019) conducted a study using coffee anaerobic digestion method, many used processing liquid waste produced average various kinds of raw materials, such as biogas of 83.57 mL/day. Previous research research conducted by Lestari et al. (2015) results can still be improved by using a using red microalgae raw materials with an mixture of tofu liquid waste and livestock intake of 300 liters produced 2305.5 liters of manure. This research focused on the effect biogas for 72 days of observation. Novita et of the use of anaerobic digestion method on

86 Fahmi Arifan et al, 2021 the optimization of the yield of biogas Central Java, Indonesia. Furthermore, production and the reduction of COD and livestock manure in chicken manure and BOD values as an effort to reduce soil and cow dung is obtained from the Faculty of water environmental pollution, using raw Agriculture and Animal Science, materials in the form of a mixture of tofu Diponegoro University, Semarang, liquid waste and livestock manure derived Indonesia. The tedler was obtained from from cow dung and chicken manure. ShilpEnt Kaipa Enterprises.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Methods Preparation of Raw Materials This experimental research was The raw material used here is tofu conducted in July - October 2020 at the liquid waste, chicken manure, and cow Laboratory of Analysis, dung, got from the Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, and Animal Science, Diponegoro Diponegoro University, Semarang, University. Then it is being added with Indonesia. starter in the form of fermented cow manure (30 days fermentation). The starter prepared Materials as much as 200 mL, then the raw materials The raw material for tofu liquid waste for tofu liquid waste and livestock manure is obtained from the by-product of the tofu are added, and variables are made as shown production process in the Bandungan area, in table 1.

Table 1. Research's Variable Starter Cow’s Manure Chicken’s Manure Liquid Waste of Tofu Run (mL) (%) (%) (%) 1 200 100 0 0 2 200 80 10 10 3 200 70 15 15 4 200 60 20 20

Figure 2. Batch Type Digester Design for Anaerobic Digestion Processes

87 Effectiveness Analysis of Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic Digestion Measurement of Gas The anaerobic digestion method in The anaerobic digester series designed this study uses a batch type digester. The by using batch system inside 350 mL glass starter that has been prepared is included in container and free from O2 component the variable raw material is put in the because it has been filled with N2 gases digester. It is fed with nitrogen gas to before the fermentation day get started. The remove the oxygen content in the digester. digester also connected with tedler bag that Then the digester being isolated from free save the biogas produced from the air the digester being free from oxygen fermentation process. After the preparation content in order to make the archaea bacteria of digester series added with the mixing can doing a methanogenesis proses properly substrat and being fulfilled with N2 gases, to produce methane gas and carbondioxide. the fermentation process gets started. Biogas The digester then being connected with volume measurements are carried out every tedler bag to save the gas produced. The two days using a measuring cup and a water biogas that is being keep inside the tedler pump, where the gas will suppress the bag then being measured in volume every presence of water in the measuring cup until 2 days, with total production of 90 days. The the volume of gas produced is read. batch type digester used can be seen in Measurements were carried out for 90 days Figure 2. in every 2 days without any additional substrate during the anaerobic digestion Pre-and-Final Analysis of Substrate process. The aim is to determine the The substrate that enters the digester is potential yield of biogas that each variable analyzed for pH, COD, and BOD early can produce without adding a substrate in before production and after biogas the middle of the production process. production ends. Analysis of pH using a digital pH meter (model 526) for three RESULTS AND DISCUSSION repetitions until the value is constant. Then, analyze the COD content using the standard Analysis of pH method from SNI 6989.02: 2019 with the Measuring the pH value is carried out closed reflux method. Then to analyze the before and after the anaerobic digestion content of BOD using standards from SNI process takes place. The measurement 6989.72: 2009. results can be seen in Figure 3.




6 pH initial pH 4 Final pH 2

0 1 2 3 4 variable

Figure 3. Initial and Final pH Testing on the Digester Substrate

88 Fahmi Arifan et al, 2021

In the graph, the comparison between oxygen needed to chemically break down all the initial pH and the final pH has increased organic materials contained in the water at the end. In the beginning, before the (Santoso, 2018). At the beginning of the anaerobic digestion process is carried out. experiment, the variable that had the highest According to Ramdiana (2017), in the pH COD content was the B4 variable with range, 6-6.7, methanogenic bacteria can 660,000 mg/L. All variables initially have survive to produce very little gas because the very high COD levels and they are very substrate's acidity can kill bacteria so that dangerous if disposed of directly into the methane gas is still produced even in small environment. Therefore, the biogas amounts (Ramdiana, 2017). formation process can reduce COD levels in Microorganisms that work in the early the mixture of ingredients. From this data, it stages are microorganisms in the hydrolysis- can be said that the COD value in each acidogenesis process, which produce digester has decreased during the volatile acids so that the pH value decreases fermentation process. The value of COD (Ni'mah, 2014). removal in variable B2 shows that the On the next day, the pH value number of organic compounds that can be increased closer to normal conditions. As chemically oxidized in variable B2 is higher long as the pH is still in an acidic state, than the other variables. According to Atima biogas and CH4 production will continue (2015), the decrease in COD value was (Latinwo and Agarry, 2015). After 12 days, caused by the hydrolysis process. At this all samples' pH has reached normal from the stage, the organic material is used by initial pH, where methanogenic bacteria are microorganisms as nutrients and converts gradually more active until the optimal pH into simpler compounds so that the COD is reached for biogas production (Ni’mah, value can decrease significantly. The COD 2014). removal for variable 1-4 calculated as On the 12th day measurement, it was 98,02%; 98.48%; 98,63; and 98.93% indicated that the methanogenesis process respectively. was going well because methanogenic It shows that anaerobic digestion is an bacteria could produce methane at a pH of effective way for COD removal on tofu 6.8-8.5 (Ramdiana, 2017). The results at the liquid waste and the mixing of manure waste final study pH tended to rise for all variables used as the substrat in this experiment. compared to the baseline test. This can occur Based on the research done by (Kawai et al., because methanogenic bacteria cannot work 2016), which is doing COD removal on in acidic conditions to increase the pH. The recalcitrant waste water, the removal optimum conditions for pH to produce efficiencies of COD of the land fill leachate biogas are at pH 6.8-7.2. However, up to a at Phase 5 (80-90 days of production) pH of 8.5, it will still produce biogas even remained relatively high at 26% and 30%, though it decreases. The longer the respectively, and these values were 1.4 times operation time and the higher the pH, the and 3.0 times higher than those of Phase 3 lower the amount of biogas production so (40-50 days of production). It shows that the that the biogas production in this study longer time takes for anaerobic process, the began to stop on the day of 60. COD value will decrease more. This Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) research may not calculate the COD values Analysis in each day to know the graph of COD Determination of COD value before reduction day by day, but, the results already and after the process is intended to appropriate with the references that determine the anaerobic digestion method's anaerobic digester shows an effective results effectiveness. The results of the COD for COD reduction because in the end of the analysis can be seen in Figure 4. COD or process, the COD of the substrate has Chemical Oxygen Demand is the amount of decreased significantly.

89 Effectiveness Analysis of Anaerobic Digestion

700000 600000 500000 400000

300000 Initial COD (mg/L) 200000 Final COD 100000 0 1 2 3 4 Variable

Figure 4. Initial and Final COD Tests on the Digester Substrate

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) especially variable 4, which reached Analysis 184,967 mg/L. It is proven that the BOD test The BOD test value is carried out shows a very significant reduction in before and after the anaerobic digestion variable 4 from the initial 184,967 mg/L to process, which can be seen in Figure 5. 7,633.33 mg/L. In other variables such as Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is variable 1, it decreased from 153,967 mg/L defined as the oxygen requirement for to 6,530 mg/L. Then in variable 2, which microorganisms to oxidize chemical initially had a BOD value of 157,067 mg/L, compounds. The greater the BOD, the more it fell to 6300 mg/L. Variable 3, the BOD rapidly oxygen is depleted in the stream. value decreased from 181867 mg/L to This means less oxygen is available to 7350 mg/L. The BOD removal for variable higher forms of aquatic life. The 1-4 calculated as 95,75%; 95.98%; 95,95; consequences of high BOD are the same as and 95.87% respectively. It shows that those for low dissolved oxygen: aquatic anaerobic digestion is an effective way for organisms become stressed, suffocate, and BOD removal on tofu liquid waste and the die. The BOD value in the substrate at the mixing of manure waste used as the beginning of the process was quite high, substrate in this experiment.

200000 180000 160000 140000 120000 100000 Initial BOD

(mg/L) 80000 60000 Final BOD 40000 20000 0 1 2 3 4 Variabel

Figure 5. Initial and Final BOD Testing on the Digester Substrate

Through the anaerobic digestion simple ones so that the oxygen demand for process, hydrolysis fermentation bacteria oxidizing chemical compounds can decrease convert complex organic compounds into drastically. Generally, organic matter with

90 Effectiveness Analysis of Anaerobic Digestion low level of BOD (less than 300 mg.L−1) can Daily Measurement of Biogas be treated effectively using the aerobic The volume of biogas produced in the system, while wastewater with high level of tedler bag is measured every 2 two days, and BOD (more than 300 mg.L−1) can be treated the data can be seen in Figure 6. In variable well using the anaerobic system (Daud et al., 1, the Lag phase for variable 1 in the graph 2018). Thus, considering the high is on day 2 to 10, followed by an exponential concentration of organic matters in the phase from day 10 to 18. Then it is continued substrate, anaerobic digestion should be with a stationary phase for 4 days until day considered as the main BOD removal 22. On day 24, anaerobic bacteria began to treatment process. For comparison, the experience death, so that biogas production research done by (Adou et al., 2020), the began to decline every day. slight removal efficiency of BOD in the first And on day 68 to day 90, there is no phase of wastewater from the main more gas production. In variable 2, the lag resulted from the phase occurs from day 2-8, while the predominance of hydrolysis. According to exponential phase happens from day 8-20, (Ometto et al., 2019), low hydrolysis rate and the stationary phase occurs from day 20- may be a limiting step of AD when complex 28, and on day 66-90, there is no gas structures remain undigested and are not production. In variable 3, the lag phase available for AD. The improvement of BOD occurs on days 2-8, then the exponential removals during the second phase resulted phase occurs on days 8-20, and the from the ideal conditions of methanogenesis stationary phase occurs on days 20-30. with pH values between 7.54 and 8.01. Biogas production in variable 3 starts to stop Before AD, the BOD value was 6750 ± on day 70. And in the fourth variable, the lag 500 mg.L−1, and after AD, the BOD value phase occurs from days 2-8, the exponential became 1200 ± 500 mg.L−1. phase from days 8-26.



200 1 150 2 100 3

50 4 Biogas volume (mL)volume Biogas 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Days

Figure 6. Daily Measurement of Biogas Production

The stationary phase occurs on days determined from the composition of the 26-30 and has decreased until the 68th day is media, pH, temperature, aeration, number of no longer producing biogas. The biogas cells, and physiological properties. While results contain methane (CH4) as main the logarithmic or exponential phase is product, carbon dioxide (CO2) as main by characterized by a period of fairly rapid products, and other gas in little amount (CO, growth. Each cell in the population divided H2, NH3, and H2S). During lag phase, into two. The degree of bacterial growth in bacteria adapting to their new environment. this phase is strongly influenced by The duration of this phase varies and is hereditary genetic traits. Then for the

91 Effectiveness Analysis of Anaerobic Digestion

exponential phase, the bacteria stop to dung, 15% chicken manure, and 15% tofu growth and the biogas production tend to be liquid waste. Variable 3 produces biogas constant. The stationary phase is then with an amount of 3,251.5 mL. Furthermore, followed by the death phase, which is the next highest biogas production was marked by an increase in the mortality rate variable 4 with 3,046.25 mL with a that exceeds the growth rate (Budiyono and composition of 60% cow dung, 20% chicken Syaichurrozi, 2020). manure, and 20% tofu liquid waste. Furthermore, variable 2 biogas production Cumulative Measurement of Biogas produces 2690 mL of biogas. With a The cumulative biogas measurement composition of 80% cow dung, 10% chicken for variables 1 to 4 is shown in Figure 7. The manure, and 10% tofu liquid waste. For the highest cumulative biogas production is in variable 100% cow dung, it produces variable 3 with a composition of 70% cow 2146.25 mL of biogas.

3500 3000 2500 2000 1

mg/L 1500 2 1000 3 500 4 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Days

Figure 7. Cumulative Measurement of Biogas Production

The biogas production from produce valuable products. Anaerobic metabolism of anaerobic digestion method digestion method is the proper process to divided into 4 phase i.e. hydrolysis, convert complex compounds in waste into acidogenesis, acetogenesis, simpler compounds with methanogenic methanogenesis. In the acidogenesis phase, archaea bacteria's activity into a biogas as a simple organic compounds are degraded renewable energy product. into volatile fatty acids (acetic acid, butyric The biogas production from acid, propionic acid, hydrogen, carbon metabolism of anaerobic digestion method dioxide, methanol, ethanol). In the divided into 4 phase i.e. hydrolysis, acetogenesis phase, propionic acid, butyric acidogenesis, acetogenesis, acid and ethanol are converted to acetic acid. methanogenesis. In the acidogenesis phase, In methanogenesis, methane and carbon simple organic compounds are degraded dioxide are formed (Juanga et al., 2007). into volatile fatty acids (acetic acid, butyric acid, propionic acid, hydrogen, carbon CONCLUSION dioxide, methanol, ethanol). In the acetogenesis phase, propionic acid, butyric Organic waste such as tofu liquid acid and ethanol are converted to acetic acid. waste, has high COD and BOD content, so In methanogenesis, methane and carbon it is dangerous if disposed of directly into the dioxide are formed. This experimental environment. Organic waste processing, research used raw materials such as cow such as waste from livestock manure and dung and chicken manure, and tofu liquid tofu liquid waste, requires a process that can waste as a substrate to produce biogas and at reduce COD and BOD levels as well as the same time reduce the COD and BOD

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