SOLUTIONS for Sacks, Drums, Cardboards, Buckets


Powder Handling Solutions CONTENT

Means that the equipment is available for testing at PALAMATIC PROCESS

Means that the equipment can be installed in ATEX zone

AVAILABLE Means that design and options can be CUSTOM MADE customised I H68@;>AA>C<HI6I>DC"E6AH68@ 04 E6A6B6I>8EGD8:HHgZhZgkZhi]Zg^\]iidbV`ZX]Vc\Zh ^ci]ZYZh^\cd[i]Z[VX^a^i^Zha^hiZY^ci]^hXdbbZgX^VaYd" Customized sack filling station 08 cumentation Examples of installations &% Complete process lines &' Options &)

I 9GJB6C97J8@:I;>AA>C<HI6I>DC"E6A9GJB 18

I 86G97D6G9;>AA>C<HI6I>DC"E6A7DM   22



I 8DBB:G8>6AL:><=>C<9:    28

01 Filling Station Sacks, Drums, Buckets, Cardboards

E6A6B6I>8EGD8:HHD;;:GHNDJE68@6<>C<HDAJI>DCH Our filling station design and the experience of our engineers ensure the solutions completely adapted to your product constraints and process requirements and which 696EI:9IDNDJG8DCI6>C:GH \d^cgZheZXil^i]ndjgheZX^[^XVi^dch#LZd[[ZgndjXjhidb"bVYZhnhiZbhl^i]bVcn [jcXi^dcVa^i^Zh/Xdc[^cZYeVX`V\^c\!]n\^Zc^XhnhiZb!cZiVcY\gdhhlZ^\]^c\!]^\]"gViZ egdYjXi^dc!bVcjVa!hZb^"bVcjVaVcY[jaanVjidbVi^XhiVi^dch!ZiX###


F E6AH68@"H68@;>AA>C<HI6I>DC

DjghVX`[^aa^c\hiVi^dchVaadl[^aa^c\VcYldg`l^i]Y^[[ZgZcihVX`ineZh"[gdb*id *%`\#I]ZhZhiVi^dchXVcWZjhZY![dgZmVbeaZ![dgndjgegdYjXieVX`V\^c\idW^\ or as a mobile station installed at the end of production line. They offer a large number of functionalities: sewing of the sack top, internal sack ™Semi-manual operation ™Filling with or without ™Packaging flexibility ^ciZ\gVi^dc!XgZeZYeVeZg^ciZ\gVi^dc!]ZgbZi^XhVX`Xadh^c\l^i]i]Z]Zaed[bV" ™Net and gross weight filling internal sack ™Confined filling with internal nual or automatic welding machine etc. Weight and volume dosing Dust fines managing sack layer connection and sack ™ ™ They are usually used for packaging of such products as seeds, pellets or pet food ™Confined sealing ™Adjustable rates sealing products etc.

Page 04 Page 18 Page 22 F E6A9GJB"9GJB6C97J8@:I;>AA>C<HI6I>DC

9gjbVcYWjX`Zi[^aa^c\^hiVaaVi^dchWnE6A6B6I>8EGD8:HHVaadl[^aa^c\i]Zegd" PALAMATIC PROCESS offers machines that ensure your powdery products packaging. Due to its test YjXih d[ Y^[[ZgZci Y^VbZigZh VcY ]Z^\]ih# I]Zn bZZi i]Z Xdc[^cZbZci gZfj^gZ" plant and numerous installations, PALAMATIC PROCESS has acquired solid and recognized experience bZcihYjZidi]ZYjhi"XdaaZXi^dchdaji^dchVYVeiZYidZVX]Veea^XVi^dc/hjXi^dc in the development of powder handling technologies. Wddi]!edjnƒhg^c\!\adkZWdmdgYgjbide"eVgiYjhiXdciV^cbZciYjg^c\i]Z^ciZg" nal sack removal. Djg[^aa^c\hnhiZbhVgZVY_jhiVWaZidVaaineZhd[YgjbhVcYWjX`ZihXdciV^c^c\ idm^XegdYjXih!i]ZnXVcWZjhZY^ccjXaZVg^cYjhignVcY6I:ModcZh# F ADVANTAGES

™=^\]gViZh/i^aa&%%eVX`^c\heZg]djg ™:g\dcdb^Xldg`eaVXZ]Z^\]iVY_jhibZci ™EgZX^hZYdh^c\ F E6A7DM"86G97D6G9;>AA>C<HI6I>DC ™:VhnXaZVc^c\ ™=n\^Zc^X[^aa^c\hiVi^dceaVXZ I]ZXVgYWdVgYeVX`V\^c\^hfj^iZZVhnidhiVcYVgY^oZVcY^i^hhj^iVWaZ[dg[gV\^aZ ™HV[Zind[jhZ egdYjXihidgV\Z#HdbZeVgi^XjaVgdei^dchXVcWZ^ciZ\gViZYiddjgXVgYWdVgY[^a" ™6YVeiVWaZidY^[[ZgZciegdYjXih ling lines, such as: the managing of the top cardboard withdrowal or the program ™8dbbZgX^ValZ^\]^c\ changing. Our cardboard packaging lines offer maximum performance and ensure security and confinement of the process. Our engineering department ensures the integration of the equipment to the production lines or to other equipment. 02 Vidéos & plans téléchargeables en ligne 03 AVAILABLE CUSTOM PalSack Filling Station MADE

Rates: *%"&%%hVX`h$]g# Capacity:[gdb*id+%`\$hVX` I I Objective: packaging of all sack types I:8=C>86AHE:8>;>86I>DCH DE:G6I>C<H:FJ:C8: Rate:[gdb*%id&%%hVX`h$]g# 6K:G6<:I>B:D;68DBEA:I:8N8A:/&B>C# Manufacturing material: b^aYhiZZa!hiV^caZhhhiZZa(%)A! 1. A sack positioning on the filling station hiV^caZhhhiZZa(&+A 2. The sack inlet with the help of inflatable seal Dosing accuracy: $")%\# 3.=^\]"gViZhVX`[^aa^c\ 8DC;>C:B:CI!EG:8>H>DC!8A:6C67>A>IN Dust collecting rate: '%%b$]g# 4. 9dh^c\bVcV\^c\/adl"gViZYdh^c\idZchjgZi]Z Inflatable seal: ;96 accuracy of the process and monitoring of the overrun Sack Filling Station Advantages product quantity . A double flling head and an inflatable seal for a complete containment 5. The end of the filling process, deflation of the seal . A whole structure weighing to avoid any weighing interferences (sack tension) and a sack removal . Dosing system adapted to each issue (precision, cleanability, rate etc.) Advantages

F Minimized product retention F Compact design and cleana- F Rotary valve for product F Clamping ringVaadlhVXXdh" bility of the system dosing ting of all types of sacks

;aZm^WaZXdccZXi^dc Magnetic suction for a final product of sleeve high quality I <:C:G6AEA6C


LZ^\]^c\VcYXdcigda panel

>c[aViVWaZhZVa[dgV complete containment




EZYVaXdcigdaaZgd[V welding system

04 05 Downloadable videos & plans on our website Downloadable plans on AVAILABLE CUSTOM PalSack Filling Station MADE

I INE:HD;=6C9A:9H68@H

Our sack filling systems are suitable for all types of sacks: burlap, , plastic, with open mouth, with liner, single layer, double layer, microperforated sacks etc. Sack Filling Station

5 kg 10 kg 15 kg 20 kg 25 kg 50 kg

E6A6B6I>8EGD8:HHYZh^\chhZb^"VjidbVi^XXdcY^i^dc^c\a^cZh#I]ZhZa^cZhVhhjgZV]^\]aZkZad[VXXjgVXnd[egdYjXiYdh^c\!ldg`" place ergonomics, high rates and total containment. F >ciZ\gViZY bV\cZi^X WVgh [dg [Zggdjh F HVX` lZaYZg [dg V XdbeaZiZ XdciV^c" F HXgZl[ZZYZg[dgV]^\]"VXjgVXnYdh^c\ particles capturing ment According to the options chosen by customers, our engineering office develops solutions with hygienic design: from the disassembly of VaaXdchi^ijZcieVgihidi]Z^ciZ\gVi^dcd[8>EcdooaZ#


F Manual and automatic sampler for a F LZ^\]^c\ iVWaZ l^i] V edhh^W^a^in d[ F BVcjVadgVjidbVi^XXVgYWdVgYXad" product quality control commercial weighing sing by an operator

=n\^Zc^XXdcY^i^dc^\d[b^a`edlYZg EVX`V\^c\d[i]Z[aVkdg^c\V\Zci EVX`V\^c\Vii]Zh^ZkZdjieji Options - Different sack connections

Inflatable seal:>iegdk^YZhVXdbeaZiZanhZVaZYXdccZXi^dc#6YdjWaZZckZadeZXdcXZei^dcVhhjgZhi]ZWVaVcXZWZilZZc pressure and degassing. There is a possibility of pharmeceutical design for an easy disassambly of all parts.

Half-shells : a sack [^mVi^dc^hZchjgZYWnbZVchd[]Va["h]Zaahl^i]VcdkVabdji]YZh^\cZfj^eeZYl^i]ild_VlhVXi^kViZY by pneumatic cylinder. This connection type is recommanded when the sack is suspended while filling. >X^c\hj\Vga^cZVcYYdjWaZeVX`V\^c\ Sack filling for furhter conditioning to cardboards EVX`^c\idXVgYWdVgYhl^i]^ciZgcVahVX` layer

See all our options on pages 14-17 06 Downloadable videos & plans on our website 07 AVAILABLEEXISTE CUSTOMSUR PalSack Filling Station Custom Made MESUREMADE

I EDHH>7A:;JC8I>DC6A>I>:H ™Manual and automatic system ™Bar magnets ™Demountable system Custom-Made I]ZE6A6B6I>8EGD8:HHZc\^cZZg^c\d[[^XZd[[ZghXjhidb" ™Mobile set on wheels made solutions for your sack filling installations based on ™Adjustable height of sack welding and sewing ndjggViZhVcY^beaVciVi^dcXdchigV^cih#LZYZiZgb^cZid\Z" ™Sieving before dosing Sack Filling Station ther an appropriate tailored solution after visiting your site ™Adjustable rates VcYiV`^c\^cidXdch^YZgVi^dcndjggZfj^gZbZcihVcYiZX]c^" ™Several filling heads are available depending on the packaging conditions cal specifications. ™Manufacturing: steel, stainless steel 304 L and stainless steel 316 L ™Motorized or gravity sack conveyor with final weight checking ™Weighing scale at the filling station assures the exact product dosing = dosing control and weight checking ™Legal metrology for traceability and direct sales with embedded printer ™Sampling...


EcZjbVi^XWjiiZg[ankVakZ Rotary valve Screw feeder with multiple blades

Screw conveyor Vibrating )"'%b6kVakZ

7VhZYdcndjgegdYjXih!gZfj^gZYgViZhVcYVXXjgVXnaZkZa!lZiV^adgVYdh^c\bVX]^cZ which will assure optimal solutions. 08 Downloadable videos & plans on our website 09 AVAILABLE CUSTOM PalSack Filling Station MADE Examples of Installations Sack Filling Station


Client: International group specialized in biscuits, chocolate and cocoa Client:;ddYegdXZhh^c\eaVci products Product: ;^h][adjg Product: >X^c\hj\Vg Characteristics: 6[iZgXdb^c\djid[i]ZVjidb^o^c\idlZg!i]Z[^h][adjg^h Characteristics:I]ZdW_ZXi^kZd[i]^h^chiVaaVi^dc^hidigVch[dgb\gVcjaV" Yg^ZYVcYh^ZkZYWZ[dgZWZ^c\eVX`ZYidi]ZhVX`h#BV\cZi^XhZeVgVi^dcZc" ted sugar into icing sugar in order to get a very fine grain and its efficient sures the purity of raw material. and optimal use in chocolate dough. The aim of this installation is to avoid lump forming without adding any PALAMATIC PROCESS equipment: h^ZkZ! K;adlœ ecZjbVi^X XdckZndg! additives conditioning station

PALAMATIC PROCESS equipment: sack emptying station in stainless hiZZal^i]ZbWZYYZY=n\^Zc^XHVX`i^eœh^ZkZ!hXgZlXdckZndg^chiV^caZhh hiZZa[dg\g^cY^c\b^aah[ZZY^c\l^i]gViZh&#*i$]g#!6I:M\g^cY^c\b^aa! agitated storage tank with discharge screw, dust collection filter, rotary valve, screw conveying with double outlets, sack filling opening with weighing table, complete control panel

F BD7>A:7><76<6C9H68@E68@6<>C< F =N<>:C>88DC9>I>DC>C< HI6I>DC

Client: Taste enhancer Client: >cYjhig^VaX]Zb^hign

Product: ;aVkdgiVhiZZc]VcXZg Product: Magnesium citrate

Characteristics: Located directly under the mixer, a mobile sack packing Characteristics:EgdYjXigZXdcY^i^dc^c\[gdbW^\WV\hidhVX`hdgYgjbhl^i] hiVi^dcVaadlhXdcY^i^dc^c\d[hVX`h[gdb'*id*%`\!YZeZcY^c\dci]Z internal sack layer. client's request. The sack conditioning system can be installed within The production line ensures hygienic conditions of the process by means of: aZhhi]Vc*b^cjiZhY^gZXiandcVW^\WV\eVX`V\^c\hiVi^dc# sieve, magnets, sampling. The line is completely sealed.

PALAMATIC PROCESS equipment: Mixing and conditioning line PALAMATIC PROCESS equipement: big emptying station, rotary valves, h^ZkZ!hVX`lZ^\]^c\hiVi^dc!W^\WV\Y^hX]Vg\^c\!gdiVgnkVakZh!h^ZkZ!hVX`[^a" ling weighing station, packed sack conveyor, access platform, control cabinet 10 Downloadable videos & plans on our website 11 AVAILABLE CUSTOM PalSack Filling Station MADE Complete Lines

turn Support Sack Filling Station key "from CONCEPTION to EXPLOITATION" for complete processes F H:B>"6JIDB6I>8H68@8DC9>I>DC>C<A>C:

Company: Food Industry

Final product/;gj^iVcYkZ\ZiVWaZedlYZg

Operating sequence:I]^heVX`V\^c\a^cZ^hhZb^"VjidbVi^XhiVgi^c\[gdb i]ZYZa^kZgnd[i]ZegdYjXiWnbZVchd[ecZjbVi^XhXgZli^aa^ihXdcY^i^d" c^c\idhVX`h#HVX`edh^i^dc^c\!XVgYWdVgYeVX`^c\!eVaaZi^o^c\VcYaVWZa^c\ are carried out by an operator.

Installation details: ;ddYXdbeVcnl^h]ZhideZg[dgbeVX`^c\d[[gj^iVcY kZ\ZiVWaZedlYZg^cidE:hVX`hd[*!&%!'%dg'*`\#I]ZV^bd[i]Z^chiVa" lation is to ergonomically redesign packaging station in order to maximally gZYjXZdeZgVidghX]Vg\^c\edgiVcYZkZcijVaan^cXgZVhZi]Za^cZegdYjXi^" vity. After being packed at the output of the descharging tower into plastic CONCEPTION ACHIEVEMENT IMPLEMENTATION EXPLOITATION hVX`hd['*`\!i]ZegdYjXi^hhidgZYVcYadVYZY^cidVdcZ"idccZXdc^XVa b^mZg#6[iZgi]Z]dbd\Zc^oVi^dc!i]ZedlYZg^hh^ZkZY^cdgYZgidgZbdkZ all foreign bodies and to get a pure final product. The packaging station is composed of the vibrating sieve, the magnetic bar system (to remove all ferrous particles), the weighing scale (to control the dosing accuracy) and of the welder (for a sealed sack closing). F ;DD9EDL9:G8DC9>I>DC>C<IDH68@H The operator puts a sack between the inflatable seal and the clamping ring. Via a pneumatic control, the operator autorises the inflation of the seal Cyclone which blocks the sack against the clamping ring. The dosing device allows balancing the volumes via a double envelope filling tube. Drying room PALAMATIC PROCESS industrial equipment: EcZjbVi^XXdckZndg!Xdc^" cal mixer, transfer screw, vibrating sieve, sack filling station, belt conveyor, dosing table.

Hopper in a drying room

Weighing tray Conveyors 12 Downloadable videos & plans on our website 13 OPTIONS Sack Filling Station

F H6BEA>C< F K>7G6I>C<IG6N;DG6EGD9J8I8DBE68I>DC Volumetric test of the product flow in order to ensure a representative sampling Vibrating motor I]ZhVbeaZg^hedh^i^dcZYVii]ZhVX`eVX`V\^c\hiVi^dc#>iZchjgZhVcVjidbVi^XhVbea^c\Yjg^c\ZVX]eVX" I]Zk^WgVi^dcd[i]ZhVX`Vii]ZZcYd[XdcY^i^dc^c\egdXZhhZchjgZhi]Zdei^b^oVi^dcd[i]ZhVX`kdajbZ# king. Thus the traceability is guaranteed. Another alternative: compression by air or mecanical pression.

F 9DH>C< F 76A6C8>C< Screw feeder, belt or vibrating conveyor Double envelope filling head with filter sleeve or dust collector for the connection EgdYjXilZ^\]ibVcV\^c\^hWVhZYdci]ZegdYjXiineZ!YZh^gZYYdh^c\VXXjgVXnaZkZa^cdgYZgid\Zii]Z to your dust collection network. required quantity of the product. The balancing ensures healthy environment without dust.

F B68H:CHDG F 9JHI8DAA:8I>DCHNHI:B It allows to remove ferrous particles from the product in product freefall applications Dust collection of the filling head The magnetic sensor is a metal detection system adapted to gravity applications. The device can be equipped At the moment of the sack removal, the suction booth installed around the filling head ensures the aspiration of any l^i]VcVjidbVi^XkVakZZ_ZXi^dchnhiZb# edhh^WaZegdYjXiigVXZhcZVgi]ZhVX`deZc^c\#I]ZYjhi"XdaaZXi^dchnhiZb^hXdccZXiZYidi]ZYdjWaZZckZadeZhnhiZb#

F H>:K>C< F L:A9:G To ensure the hygiene and security of the process Sack welder - from 4 to 20 sacks/min. I]Zk^Wg^i^c\h^ZkZZchjgZhi]ZXdcigdaVcYegdiZXi^dcd[ndjgegdYjXi^dca^cZ#>i\jVgVciZZhi]ZVWhZcXZd[ >[i]ZlZaYZg^hbVcjVai]ZgZ^hVedhh^W^a^inid^chiVaaVadVYWVaVcXZg#>i^heVgi^XjaVganhj^iVWaZ[dgeaVhi^XhVX`hl^i]i]Z foreign bodies in the packaged products. lZaYaZc\i]l^Yi]\d^c\[gdb+*%id&%%%bb#I]ZgZ^hVaVg\ZkVg^Zind[edhh^WaZlZaY^c\hYZeZcY^c\dci]ZX]dhZc welding technology: double pulse welding, thermal welding, hot air welding etc.

F 8DC9>I>DC>C<=:69 F H:L:G It consists of a filling tube with double envelope, of an inflatable seal and a Automatic or manual sack sewer. clamping ring. >i^hbV^canjhZY[dgeVeZghVX`Xadh^c\# 9^[[ZgZcih^oZhXVcWZjhZYYZeZcY^c\dci]ZineZd[i]ZXdcY^i^dc^c\#

/ur enGineerinG ofß ce is listeninG to You for anY special options. 14 Downloadable videos & plans on our website 15 OPTIONS Sack Filling Station

F 8A>EE>C<B68=>C: F 8DBB:G8>6AL:><=>C< Internal bag closing Net and gross weighing Manual or automatic clip () closing system. Commercial weighing Compatible with food industry applications. C6L>Cdc"VjidbVi^XlZ^\]^c\^chigjbZcihYZk^XZ^hVlZ^\]^c\hnhiZbgZfj^g^c\deZgVidgh^ciZgkZci^dc during the weighing process.

F 9GJBHIG6EE>C<B68=>C:6C98DK:GEDH>I>DC>C< F:I>FJ:II:EG>CI:G Sealed closing of the manually Eg^ci^c\d[i]ZZi^fjZiiZh!aVWZah!hi^X`Zgh!iV\h!^c`_Zieg^ci^c\Y^gZXiandchVX`!XdciV^c^c\i]Z^c[dgbVi^dc The cover positioning can be performed automatically. regarding product weight, basic data, operator's number etc.

F 8DCK:NDG F HIG:I8==DD9E6AA:ILG6EE>C<B68=>C: Gravity and motorized feed and/or evacuation conveyor Installation of the hood wrapping machine at the end of the production line offers >iXVcWZ^chiVaaZYdcadVYXZaah# an optimal containment of the full (4 or 5 sides) The conveyor can be equipped with a raised frame in order to ensure maintenance of sacks, drums, buckets and cardboards.


F 6JIDB6IDC F E6AA:IHG:I8=LG6EE>C<B68=>C: >iZchjgZhhVX`eVaaZi^o^c\Vii]ZZcYd[i]ZeVX`V\^c\a^cZ#9jg^c\i]ZhiVX`^c\egdXZhh!^i^hedhh^WaZiddkZgaVe Stretch wrapping machine with the film. hVX`h^cdgYZgidhiVW^a^oZi]ZeVaaZi#

/ur enGineerinG ofß ce is listeninG to You for anY special options. 16 Downloadable videos & plans on our website 17 AVAILABLE CUSTOM PalDrum Filling Station 9GJB6C97J8@:I;>AA>C< MADE

Rates: )%%%a#$]g# Capacity: drums up to 300 kg I Objectives: Target weight product conditioning 8=6G68I:G>HI>8H ™ Material in contact with the product: stainless steel 304L/316L ™ Feeding mode: continuous or under a storage hopper ™ Weight or volume dosing 9GJB6C97J8@:IH:6A:9E68@6<>C< ™ Dosing control system for a high level of accuracy ™ Manual or automatic dosing 9gjbVcYWjX`Zi[^aa^c\^hVXdbbdcdeZgVi^dcl]^aZldg`^c\l^i]edlYZgh^ce]VgbVXZj" ™ Dosing methods and tools adapted for a desired accuracy i^XVa!X]Zb^XVaVcY[ddY^cYjhig^Zh#=dlZkZg!YZeZcY^c\dci]Z^gegdYjXihVcYVeea^XVi^dch! companies frequently need completely sealed filling stations, in order whether to protect deZgVidgh!dgidegZhZgkZegdYjXiX]VgVXiZg^hi^Xh#E6A6B6I>8EGD8:HHd[[ZghhiVcYVgYVcY Drum and Bucket Filling and Bucket Drum Xjhidb"bVYZeVX`V\^c\hdaji^dch[dgYgjbhVcYWjX`Zihi]Vi\jVgVciZZ]ZVai]nldg`^c\Zc" k^gdcbZcil^i]cdYjhieVgi^XaZh#LZd[[ZgVjidbVi^XVcYhZb^"VjidbVi^XhiVi^dchi]ViXVcWZ completed by roller conveyor system.



Cyclone filter

F Containment and sealing F Filling rates adapted to F Dosing system/)adVYXZaah! F Accumulation and ejec- Bdidg^oZYgdaaZgXdckZndg of filling process your production requirements installed under the conveyor tion conveyors provide buffer \VakVc^oZYhiZZa aZ\h!VjidbVi^XVaanVY_jhii]Z storage and ensure the drum batcher and ensure autonomous transfer for further and accurate filling process. 7j[[ZghidgV\Z]deeZg

=^\]"gViZWViX]Zg Adl"gViZWViX]Zg I 9>;;:G:CI8DCC:8I>DC=:69H

:aZkVidgiVWaZid[ZZiidi]Z Connection to the bucket height dust collector

LZ^\]^c\XdckZndg Options

Drum manipulator

Pouyès ring ensures the fine Inflatable seal provides a Connection plate Connection l^i]Xdb" particles suctions completely sealed filling pression flange for filling on the pallet

9gjbVcYWjX`Zi[^aa^c\gZfj^gZhVcdei^bVaXdciV^cbZciidegZkZciYjhiZb^hh^dcVcYegdYjXiXdciVb^" Secure enclosure cVi^dcWn[dgZ^\cWdY^Zh#>cdgYZgidbZZii]^hgZfj^gZbZci!E6A6B6I>8EGD8:HHd[[ZghhZkZgVaeVX`V\^c\ versions depending on the height, accuracy and product type constraints. Conveyor

See all our options on pages 18 Downloadable videos & plans on our website 19 14-17 PalDrum Filling Station

I B6CJ6AE6A9GJBHI6I>DC I E6A9GJB6JIDB6I>8HI6I>DC [+] Characteristics [+] Characteristics

™ Standard packaging station ™ Bdidg^oZYXdckZn^c\ ™ BVcjVa Ygjb VcY WjX`Zi ]Vc" ™ 6jidbVi^XYgjb$WjX`Ziedh^i^d" ging and positioning ning at the packaging station ™ Suitable for all container types ™ Automatic hanging and dosing idi]ZeVaaZi^o^c\hiVi^dc

Operating sequence:BVcjVa\gVk^in[^aa^c\hiVi^dc#I]ZYgjbh$WjX`ZihVgZedh^i^dcZYjcYZgi]Z[^aa^c\deZc^c\^ih Operating sequence:EVa9gjb^hXdbeaZiZanVjidbViZYYgjbVcYWjX`ZieVX`V\^c\hiVi^dc!^iVaadlhV]^\]eZg[dgbVcXZ ]Z^\]i^hegZk^djhanXdc[^\jgZYVXXdgY^c\idndjgiZX]c^XVaheZX^[^XVi^dchWnVcdeZgVidg#EgdYjXi[^aa^c\^hXVgg^ZYdjiWn aZkZaVhi]ZgZ^hcdcZZYd[deZgVidgÈh^ciZgkZci^dc#;gdbi]Zedh^i^dc^c\d[i]ZXdciV^cZghdci]ZXdckZndgidi]Z^gZkVXjV" \gVk^in#DcXZi]ZeVX`V\^c\egdXZhh^hdkZg!i]ZdeZgVidgbdkZhYgjbh$WjX`Zihidi]ZhidgV\ZeaVXZ# tion and storage, the process is carried out and controlled by machines.

I]ZbdhiZ[[^X^ZcikZgh^dcd[i]ZEVa9gjbegdYjXigVc\Z!i]^heVX`V\^c\hiVi^dcd[[Zgh]^\][^aa^c\gViZhVcYVb^c^bjb I]ZZXdcdb^XkZgh^dcd[i]ZEVa9gjbegdYjXigVc\Z!i]^heVX`V\^c\hiVi^dcXVcWZXjhidb"bVYZVXXdgY^c\idndjgegdYjXi d[]jbVc^ciZgkZci^dc#I]ZVjidbVi^dcd[i]ZegdXZhhZchjgZhi]ZYgjb$WjX`ZibVc^ejaVi^dcidfj^X`anhZii]Zbdci]Z type, content and desired production rates. roller conveyor.

[+] Characteristics I E6A9GJBH:B>"6JIDB6I>8HI6I>DC

™ HZb^"VjidbVi^X eVX`V\^c\ hiV" tions ™ Storage, evacuation, automatic product dosing ™ BVcjVa Ygjb$WjX`Zi ]Vc\^c\ and positioning

Operating sequence: Downloadable plans on 20 Downloadable videos & plans on our website 21 AVAILABLE CUSTOM PalBox Filling Station MADE

Rates: )%%%a#$]g# Capacity:*%`\ I Objectives: Target weight product conditioning to cardboards DE:G6I>C<H:FJ:C8: &# The cardboard is manually positioned on the roller conveyor 2. The table, where the cardboard is positioned, automatically lifts to the filling sleeve 3. The product is poured to the cardboard in a controlled manner due to the load cell system :CHJG:E68@6<>C<D;I=:;G6<>A:EGD9J8IHID86G9" )# The table descends and the cardboard is moved to the abutment point *# The operator takes the cardboard from the filling station with the help of a suction 7D6G9H cup manipulator

HZb^"VjidbVi^XdgVjidbVi^XlZ^\]iXVgYWdVgY[^aa^c\hiVi^dcZchjgZhXdcY^i^dc^c\d[i]Z[gV\^aZ Cardboard Filling Station egdYjXih#I]Z[^aa^c\]ZVYVY_jhihidi]ZXVgYWdVgY]Z^\]iVcY\jVgVciZZhi]Z]^\]ZhiaZkZad[ performance. I BD9JA:9:I6>AH8DCHI>IJI>C<86G97D6G9E68@6<>C<A>C:H

F B68H:E6G6IDG Storage I]ZYZiZXidgh"Z_ZXidghVgZkZgnZ[[ZXi^kZVcY]ZaeidgZbdkZ ferrous particles from the product flow, even those slightly bV\cZi^oZYVcYd[VkZgnhbVaah^oZ#BZiVaYZiZXidghVgZYZ" signed for extremely accurate metal detection, they remove Vaa i]Z [Zggdjh eVgi^XaZh! bV\cZi^oZY dg cdc"bV\cZi^oZY (iron, steel, stainless steel, aluminum) that can be mixed with powder products in gravity chute. This is the ideal Zfj^ebZcii]Vi\jVgVciZZhWdi]!egdiZXi^dcd[ndjg^chiVa" lation and production; it particularly suitable for chemical Magnetic bars and food industries.

Magnetic separator VcYZ_ZXidg

F A>;I>C<K>7G6I>C<IG6N Dosing module I]Za^[i^c\k^WgVi^c\igVnhVgZYZh^\cZY[dgi]ZegdYjXiXdb" Servo control system paction in such as cardboards, drums, buckets etc., that are moved by means of roller conveyors. This Zfj^ebZci^hjhZY[dgegdYjXiYZch^[^XVi^dc^ci]ZXdciV^" Containment ners in order to increase the apparent product density or only for the slope that is formed after filling process. I]Z]Z^\]id[i]Za^[i^c\igVn^hVY_jhiVWaZWnbZVchd[i]Z proximity sensors. After the table is down, the charge and the roller conveyor Outfeed conveyor are weighed together. This is an ideal solution for the filling installations. Vibrating and lifting weight tray >c[ZZYXdckZndg[dgZbein cardboards

9dh^c\bdYjaZhVgZVY_jhiVWaZYZeZcY^c\dcndjgegdYjXih/hXgZl!WVcY!kVakZ!k^WgVi^c\[ZZYZgZiX# 22 23 PalBox Filling Station


The represents a fixed final mechanical element of the XdckZn^c\a^cZ!i]ZV^bd[l]^X]^hidVaadlhidee^c\dgVXXjbj" lating of the arriving transferred product. This stopper protects the production line.

;dgi]ZegdeZg[jcXi^dc^c\d[i]ZXdckZn^c\a^cZ!gZigVXiVWaZ^c" termediate stoppers (controlled by pneumatic cilinders) can be positioned.

'%@<"86G97D6G9;>AA>C<>CHI6AA6I>DC>C68DC;>C:9 F 8DBB:G8>6AL:><=>C< :CK>GDCB:CI The commercial weighing stands for a final stage of the raw material packaging to cardboards. At the end of the conveying a^cZi]ZXVgYWdVgY^hedh^i^dcZYdci]ZhXVaZ!VahdXVaaZYVcdc" VjidbVi^X lZ^\]^c\ ^chigjbZci C6L># I]Z deZgVidg eZg[dgbh such operations as: the control of the sack weight, withdrawal of the weighed loads.



F Control panel ensures an F Load cells ensure the F Scanning guarantees F Abutement point allows instant production management control of the integrated product the tacking of the packaged hidee^c\d[i]Zbdk^c\XVgY" quantity cardboards boards and their removing by an operator 24 Downloadable videos & plans on our website 25 Automation Test Plant


Our engineering office designs and performs the whole set of control cabinet in order to offer you maximum of functionalities and ergonomics.

Egd\gVbbVWaZAd\^X8dcigdaaZghVgZi]ZgZhjaid[i]ZeVgicZgh]^el^i]i]ZW^\\Zhi bVg`ZieaVnZgh/HX]cZ^YZg:aZXig^X!H^ZbZch!DBGDC!6aaZc7gVYaZn#

Our installation connectivity ensures: . Continuous service and evolution #EZg[ZXi^ciZ\gVi^dcidndjgZm^hi^c\egdXZhh #;aZm^W^a^inVcYXdci^cjdjhdeZgVi^c\YjZiddjggZbdiZbV^ciZcVcXZhZgk^XZ E6A6B6I>8EGD8:HHedlYZgaVWdgVidgnlVhYZh^\cZY[dgi]ZcZZYhd[djg^cYjhig^VaXa^Zcihl^h]^c\idYZiZgb^cZi]ZWZhi suitable machines for their process.

Our test center is made up of the latest machinery of the powder handling sector. Specialist engineers are there to advise you on the industrial processes best suited to your requirements and to guide you at every stage of the decision to design the most efficient installation.


Step 1 - Before Test Step 2 - During Test Step 3 - After Test

™ HZaZXii]Za^`Zandei^bVabVX]^cZXdc[^" ™ EgdXZhhkVa^YVi^dc[dgegdYjXiiZhi^c\ ™ Analysis of machine test data and samples \jgVi^dcWVhZYdcndjgiZX]c^XVagZfj^gZ" ™ EZg[dgbiZhi^c\VcYhVbeaZXdaaZXi^dc ™ Lg^iZVhjbbVgngZedgi ments (powders, flow rate, dosing) ™ Discussion on results after the test with ™ Collaborate on the optimal solution for ™ 9gV[iiZhiegdedhVaWndjghVaZh"Zc\^cZZgh machines (phase diagram, degradation your requirements representatives tests, fines content) ™ Submit a quotation

I I=:7:C:;>IHD;B:8=6C>86AI:HI>C< I Come with your materials I EVgi^X^eViZ^chZaZXi^c\i]ZiZhi F 6c^cY^k^YjVaXdchjaiVi^dcl^i]VcYdc"\d^c\hjeedgiWndjgG9Zc\^cZZgh F Confirmation of the appropriate machines to conduct a test with your product machines

F Tests at various operating conditions to define the most efficient process according I BVm^b^oZndjgegdYjXi^k^in to your industrial requirements F :kVajVi^dcd[i]Zegd[^iVW^a^ind[Zfj^ebZciXdc[^\jgVi^dc F Edhh^W^a^inidiZhiVYY^i^dcVadei^dchjh^c\E6A6B6I>8EGD8:HHÈgVc\Zd[egdYjXih F BVm^b^oZi]ZgZijgcdcndjg^ckZhibZci F BVm^b^oZi]Zdei^bjbhZaZXi^dcd[i]ZegdeZgbVX]^cZ ™ i]Vc300 process configurations F 8Ve^iVa^oZdci]Zl^YZZmeZg^ZcXZd[djgZmeZgih ™2,400 sq. feet of surface dedicated to the test ™35 industrial machines ™35 feet of ceiling ™IZhil^i]all types of products ™2 support engineers ™ATEX configurations

300+ than 300 configurationsfi 26 27 Commercial Weighing Guide



I]ZaZ\VabZigdad\n^hVcVXi^k^inWnbZVchd[l]^X]i]ZHiViZjh^c\gZ\jaVidgnbZVchgZ\jaViZhi]ZbZVhjg^c\^chigj" bZcih#I]ZdW_ZXi^kZd[i]^h^ciZgkZci^dc^hid\jVgVciZZi]ZbZVhjg^c\^chigjbZcihdgdeZgVi^dchV[[ZXi^c\ejWa^X^ciZgZhih/ I 9:;>C>I>DCD;I=:9:;:8I>K: public security, environment and health protection, fair trade loyalty etc. I]ZiVWaZ^hiV`Zc[gdbi]ZVgi^XaZ)d[i]ZYZXgZZ,-"&++0^iY^heaVnhVbVm^bjbeZgb^hh^WaZZggdghÅ:ÆWVhZYdci]Z cdb^cVafjVci^inFC# I Nominal quantity QN in g or Negative error “E” in g or in ml D7A><6I>DCHG:<6G9>C<L:><=>C<6C9B:6HJG>C< in ml The delivered product quantity has to correspond to the declared quantity. The weight has to be announced to customers >cd[CF Constant over the interval in g or in ml if the product is weighed at the moment of purchase (bulk sales); in of prepackaging the weight information has to 5 to 50 9 be indicated on the package. The use of measurement units other than the legal ones (kilogram, litre, centimeter etc.) is prohibited. 50 to 100 )#*\$ba 100 to 200 )#* Weighing tools 200 to 300 9 \$ba L]ZchZaa^c\Wja`egdYjXihWnlZ^\]i!i]ZlZ^\]ZYfjVci^in]VhidXdggZhedcYidi]ZlZ^\]iY^heaVnZYdci]ZlZ^\]^c\ scale. Merchants have to use measuring tools and methods that comply with the required standards intended to protect 300 to 500 ( XjhidbZghVcY[V^gigVYZadnVainaZ\VabZigdad\n#6bZgX]Vci!]Vk^c\Vcdc"VjidbVi^XlZ^\]^c\^chigjbZci!C6L>]Vhid 500 to 1 000 &*\$ba edhhZhhVXZgi^[^ZYhXVaZ#=Z]Vhidbdc^idgi]ZXdc[dgb^inVcYVegdeZgbV^ciZcVcXZd[]^h^chigjbZcih!heZX^VaanWn]da" 1 000 to 10 000 &#* ding a metrological logbook (it has to be obtained not later than one month after the scale installation) and by performing a constant control and service stipulated by the legislation norms, particularly the periodical certification. 10 000 to 15 000 &*%\$ba A periodical certification has to be carried out: More than 15 000 & ™ :kZgn'nZVgh[dgi]Z^chigjbZcihjhZY[dgY^gZXihVaZhVcYi]ZXVeVX^ind[l]^X]^hcdibdgZi]Vc(%`\# ™ Once every year for all the other instruments. >cVWViX]d[egZeVX`V\Zhi]ZVkZgV\ZbZVhjgZYcdb^cVafjVci^in]VhidWZViaZVhiZfjVaidi]Z^cY^XViZYcdb^cVafjVci^in# I]ZeZg^dY^XVa^chigjbZcikZg^[^XVi^dc^hXZgi^[^ZYWnV\gZZck^\cZiiZV[[^mZYdci]ZhXVaZVcYk^h^WaZ[dgXjhidbZghVcdc" confirmation is attested by a red vignette). I G:;:G:C8:I:MIH

I 8dchjbZgXdYZ/Vgi^XaZA'&("& EG:E68@6<:H 9ZXgZZ.&"((%[gdb',BVgX]&..&XdcXZgc^c\i]Zcdc"VjidbVi^XlZ^\]^c\^chigjbZcih 9ZXgZZ[gdb'+BVn'%%)XdcXZgc^c\i]Zcdc"VjidbVi^XlZ^\]^c\^chigjbZcih!^cdeZgVi^dc GZ\VgY^c\egZeVX`V\ZYegdYjXihd[XdchiVcicdb^cVafjVci^in![dgi]ZfjVci^i^ZhZfjVadgVWdkZ*\dg*ba!i]ZVXijVa content has to be measured and controlled by a certified instrument and be to date with its controls. The products have to contain on average the quantity indicated on the package: the package can contain a little bit more dgaZhhi]Vc^cY^XViZY#=dlZkZg!Vb^c^bVafjVci^in]VhidWZ\jVgVciZZY# :OOMON.!7)!7)DEßNITIONS

I]ZVbZcYZYYZXgZZ[gdb(&?VcjVgn&.,-YZhXg^WZhi]ZgZfj^gZYXdcY^i^dchd[i]ZegZeVX`V\Zhl]Zc\Vi]ZgZY^cWViX] l^i]dgl^i]djiÅ:Æ WHAT IS NAWI? EgZeVX`V\ZhVcYWViX]Zh]VkZidXdciV^cdcVkZgV\ZVcdb^cVafjVci^in^cY^XViZYdci]ZZi^fjZiiZ/ 6cdc"VjidbVi^XlZ^\]^c\^chigjbZciC6L>^hVc^chigjbZcil]^X]YZiZgb^cZhi]ZlZ^\]id[VegdYjXijh^c\i]Z\gVk^in ™ 7ViX]Zh]VkZidXdciV^cVhj[[^X^ZcianhbVaaVbdjcid[YZ[ZXi^kZegZeVX`V\Zh^cdgYZgideVhhhiVi^hi^XiZhihd[i]Z effect on this product and that requires the intervention of an operator during the weighing process (e.g. scale, weighing official control. machine, weighing hopper etc.) ™ I]ZXdcY^i^dcZgdg^bedgiZg]VkZidgZheZXii]ZhZildXdcY^i^dchWnVjid"Xdcigda Defective prepackage stands for a prepackage the actual content of which is less than the indicated nominal quantity b^cjhVcZ\Vi^kZZggdgdgVbVm^bjbeZgb^hh^WaZZggdg!bVg`ZY: WHAT IS AWI? Example /[dg&%%%\VcZ\Vi^kZZggdg^h&*\ 6cVjidbVi^XlZ^\]^c\^chigjbZci6L>YZiZgb^cZhi]ZbVhhd[VegdYjXil^i]djii]Z^ciZgkZci^dcd[VcdeZgVidgVcY FC":2&%%%Ã&*2.-*\#:kZgnegZeVX`V\ZXdciV^c^c\aZhhi]Vc.-*\^hYZ[ZXi^kZ# follows a predetermined program of automatic processes characteristic of such an instrument (e.g. weight feeder, circuit scale, wheel loader etc.)

28 29 Our expertise:

FILLING SOLUTIONS FOR BIG BAG AND OCTABIN To fill EMPTYING SOLUTIONS FOR BIG BAG AND OCTABIN To empty, compact and massage SACK, DRUM AND CARDBOARD FILLING SOLUTIONS To fill, package, handle SACK AND DRUM EMTYING SOLUTIONS To empty, compact, handle, discharge SOLUTIONS FOR PNEUMATIC CONVEYING Vacuum, pressure SOLUTIONS FOR MECHANICAL CONVEYING To transfer with screw, belt conveyor, bucket elevator, aeromechanical or vibratory conveyor, truck loading spout CRUMBLING AND GRINDING EQUIPMENT To granulate, crumble, grind, pound, micronise, disagglomerate SIFTING EQUIPMENT To sift, segregate, sieve, protect CONTAINERS AND STORAGE SOLUTIONS To fill, charge, empty, contain DOSING EQUIPMENT To control, regulate, empty, extract MIXING EQUIPMENT To homogenise, incorporate, fluidify, stir, mix FLOW AND CONNECTION To vibrate, fluidise, unclog, drain, facilitate extraction, control the descent, prevent stacks and vaults, connect INDUSTRIAL DUST COLLECTING EQUIPMENT To filter, clean, confine, secure

[email protected] Sales Department: +33 (0)2 22 93 63 08 O6AV8gd^mGdj\Z™(**(%7g‚X‚™;gVcXZ IZa/ ((%'..-+%+''™;Vm/ ((%'..-+%-&% H6HVjXVe^iVaYZ((&-''Zjgdh™G#8#H#GZccZh7(-)-.)%.(™6E:)++.7™C•I#K#6#/;G&)(-)-.)%.(

The know-how of our teams the energy of a group