Dan gerousAs si gn ments covering the global press freedom struggle Fall | Winter 2006 www.cpj.org Special Anniversary Edition Featuring stories by Victor Navasky • Geraldine Fabrikant Metz • Jane Arraf • Richard Pyle • Jim Muir • Roy Gutman • Joel Campagna • Carlos Lauría • Sauro González Rodríguez • Michael Massing • Josh Friedman • Dave Marash • Ann Cooper • Eight years after Norbert Zongo’s murder, his killers are unpunished. He is among hundreds of journalists slain worldwide, many on the orders of government officials. … Deadly News • A CPJ Investigation From the Executive Director Dangerous Assignments Twenty-five years ago a couple of young journalists in New York had an Bill Sweeney unlikely idea. They would assemble a group of well-known American Editorial Director journalists and write letters on their behalf urging dictators and despots Robert Mahoney to stop persecuting the press. They composed the first letters on a type - Senior Editor writer, stuffed them in envelopes, licked the stamps, and dumped them in a mailbox. Virginia Anstett The dictators didn’t generally send replies, but the letters also went to reporters Designer around the world who wrote stories about the abuses. Some jailed journalists, as it Photo Arts Limited turned out, were released as a result. Printer Today, press freedom is a worldwide movement, and CPJ is a leader among dozens Joe Sullivan of international, regional, and local organizations fighting for the rights of journalists Proofreader in cities and villages across the globe. Local journalists played critical roles in each of Justin Goldberg Graphics the great transformations of the last quarter century—the collapse of the Iron Curtain, the restoration of democracy in Latin America, the economic opening of Asia—and CPJ Published by the Committee to was there to support them.
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