Ref: ES/S5/18/ED/3




1. Introduction

The Education and Skills Committee is seeking to look at the 2017-18 National Qualifications results, together with previous years. They have indicated that this will include discussion around subject choice, qualification uptake, attainment levels, and the numbers of people taking different forms of qualification. SQA will provide evidence to the Committee on the national results data for 2017-18 and previous years. It will be for other national and local bodies to address why there may have been changes to the nature of subject choice, presentation patterns, and uptake volumes.

As ’s national awarding and accreditation body, SQA is proud to be at the heart of the education and skills system in Scotland, and is committed to work with partners to help young people realise their potential and achieve their ambitions.

SQA is the statutory awarding body for qualifications in Scotland. Its duties are to develop, validate, quality assure and award a national framework of qualifications. In this capacity, SQA publishes statistics on the attainment of qualifications in Scotland, including National Qualifications, and a wide range of vocational courses and awards, which are certificated annually in August.

SQA is keenly aware of its responsibility to maintain the credibility, quality and standards of Scottish Qualifications over time. We continue to work closely with all our stakeholders to ensure appropriate support is given and appropriate actions taken to maintain the robust standards of our National Qualifications over time.

2. National Qualifications a. Previous qualifications

Nationals replaced Access, Standard Grade and Intermediate qualifications as part of the evolution of qualifications and represent a natural continuation in the way pupils have learned under Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), as they have moved from their broad general education, in S1 to S3, through to their senior phase, in S4 to S6.

Highers (SCQF level 6) and Advanced Highers (SCQF level 7) were also revised to support Curriculum for Excellence.

Before the introduction of the new Nationals, learners in S4 would typically be entered for and undertake assessments at two levels in Standard Grade qualifications – Credit/General (SCQF levels 4 & 5) or General/Foundation (SCQF levels 3 & 4). Learners were awarded a grade at an SCQF level based on their performance in the assessments. It should be noted that learners could be awarded a Standard Grade at a level for which they were not presented. For example, a learner who performed poorly in both the General and Credit 1

Ref: ES/S5/18/ED/3 assessment could end up with a Foundation level result. This means that it is not possible to provide SCQF level entry versus attainment statistics for Standard Grade qualifications.

While there are no direct comparisons of qualification entries by individual SCQF level between 2013 (which includes Standard Grade) and subsequent years, a comparison can be made of attainment volumes (the numbers of learners attaining qualifications) at SCQF levels 3-5 across the years.

Direct comparison of qualification entries and attainment by individual SCQF level can be made from 2014 onwards. b. New qualifications to support Curriculum for Excellence (CfE)

The introduction of CfE represented the most significant change in Scotland’s education and qualifications systems in a generation. CfE covers a continuum of learning, assessment and qualifications from 3 to18 years. It provides a broad general education (BGE) for learners from the ages of 3 to 15 years, followed by a more subject-specific focus when they enter the senior phase of secondary education, usually 15 to18 years.

Both the curriculum and qualifications aim to ensure that all children and young people in Scotland develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they will need to flourish in life, learning and work, now and in the future.

SQA’s role was to design and develop new National Qualifications and assessments that support the principles and aims of CfE, building on the learning in BGE. These qualifications would be undertaken by learners in the senior phase of their secondary school education (S4-S6). SQA has a remit to set and mark assessments, quality assure that process, and then certificate the qualifications.

The challenges of the world that young people are emerging into and how prepared they are for their next steps in life were very much the focus. While knowledge is still important, there is a greater emphasis on skills development inside breadth, depth and application of skills and knowledge. There was a redressing of the balance between knowledge, understanding and skills, with a greater focus on subject-specific skills and generic skills, like order thinking skills — skills for learning, life and work.

The new qualifications (National 1 – National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher) allow learners to demonstrate attainment against consistent and stringent standards that cover skills, knowledge, problem solving and the application of skills.

In addition to the new National Qualifications, SQA has qualifications to meet a wider range of learners’ needs, including a range of Awards, Skills for Work, National Progression Awards, National Certificates, and Foundation Apprenticeships in areas such as leadership, employability, modern for life and work, childcare, sound production, and personal finance.


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These are part of a broad offering of qualifications available to learners which support the Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) programme. This wide range of qualifications helps young people reach their full potential as they progress from their broad general education through to college, university, apprenticeships, other learning, training and employment. The new qualifications were introduced in phases, with the first National 1 to National 5 qualifications being undertaken in academic session 2013–14. The new Higher was introduced in 2014-15 and the new Advanced Higher in 2015-16. 3. Trends in entries and attainment, 2011-2018

The period 2011-2018 spans the use of Access, Standard Grades, Intermediates and the new qualifications introduced to support CfE.

The data in Table 1 originates from SQA statistical attainment data taken in August each academic year. The shaded area in this and subsequent tables highlight those years where the statistics include Standard Grade presentations. The Scottish Baccalaureate is not included in total figures as it is composed of Highers and Advanced Highers (counted elsewhere), and the Interdisciplinary Project (IP), which is formally a unit. The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) helps people to understand and compare different qualifications in Scotland.


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Table 1: Entries for each National Qualification type, 2011 – 2018, with subtotals

Entries 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 SCQF level 2 Access 2 1,964 1,915 1,586 416 104 20 - - National 2 - - - 1,217 1,865 2,449 1,896 2,077 Skills for Work and - - 174 204 246 117 - - Personal Development Total 2,138 2,119 1,832 1,750 1,969 2,469 1,896 2,077

SCQF level 3 Access 3 32,503 35,350 32,963 10,939 3,340 3 - - National 3 - - - 16,587 17,268 18,475 17,114 17,646 Skills for Work and 323 327 439 467 39 32 15 11 Personal Development Total 32,826 35,677 33,402 27,993 20,647 18,510 17,129 17,657

SCQF level 4 Intermediate 1 65,425 67,721 63,190 18,679 1,553 - - - National 4 - - - 122,716 130,876 122,961 116,032 106,033 Skills for Work and 6,749 6,706 6,428 5,667 5,361 4,218 3,767 3,601 Personal Development Total 72,174 74,427 69,618 147,062 137,790 127,179 119,799 109,634

SCQF level 5 Intermediate 2 132,345 137,158 140,577 97,122 10,678 - - - National 5 - - - 213,595 288,016 295,083 293,220 281,785 Skills for Work and 2,171 2,888 3,791 4,586 5,207 5,372 6,126 6,632 Personal Development Total 134,516 140,046 144,368 315,303 303,901 300,455 299,346 288,417

SCQF level 3-5 Standard Grade 330,671 319,986 308,243 - - - - - Total 330,671 319,986 308,243 - - - - -

SCQF level 6 Previous Higher 178,203 180,912 182,601 191,850 92,555 - - - Higher - - - - 107,295 197,774 194,813 191,951 Skills for Work and 635 656 713 1,228 1,276 386 433 264 Personal Development Total 178,838 181,568 183,314 193,078 201,126 198,160 195,246 192,215

SCQF level 7 Previous Advanced 21,414 21,587 22,120 22,430 23,348 - - - Higher Advanced Higher - - - - - 23,795 24,112 24,331 Total 21,414 21,587 22,120 22,430 23,348 23,795 24,112 24,331

TOTAL 772,577 775,410 762,897 707,616 688,781 670,568 657,528 634,331

Scottish Baccalaureate 174 182 191 176 122 140 161 155 (SCQF level 7)


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Table 2: SCQF levels 3-5 entries, 2011-2018

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

SCQF levels 3-5 entries 570,187 570,136 555,631 490,358 462,338 446,144 436,274 415,708

SCQF levels 3-5 are combined in table 2, as this facilitates comparisons across the period when Standard Grade was available, and all Standard Grade entries were made within these levels.

There has been an overall decrease in the number of learners on the school roll at stages S3 and S4 (the school stages most likely to be completing qualifications at SCQF levels 3-5) across the indicated period, although there was an increase in 2017. Table 3 provides the school roll data published by the Scottish Government in February 2018.

Table 3: School roll figures (Scottish Government, February 2018)

Number of Pupils

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 S1 52,180 51,080 50,030 49,327 50,912 52,206 52,796 S2 54,187 52,254 51,240 50,248 49,612 51,133 52,437 S3 55,512 54,309 52,346 51,361 50,296 49,793 51,284

S4 55,243 54,895 53,895 52,206 51,175 50,244 49,705 S5 47,741 47,625 47,809 47,373 45,911 44,862 43,934 S6 32,246 33,399 33,844 34,247 34,033 32,745 31,837

There may be a number of factors contributing to the decrease in the volume of attainment, which are out with the remit of SQA. These include the extension of the BGE from S1 to S3, the reduction in the school roll in S3 and S4, and variations in the number of subjects offered in individual schools and local authorities.


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4. Attainment by SCQF level, 2011-2018

Tables 4 and 5 show attainment (Table 4, as percentages, Table 5, as volume).

Table 4: Grade A-C attainment rates for each National Qualification type, 2011 - 2018

Grade A-C Attainment Rate 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 SCQF level 2 Access 2 63.8% 63.9% 71.1% 63.0% 46.2% 95.0% - - National 2 - - - 73.6% 79.8% 75.5% 81.6% 79.7% Skills for Work and - - 47.7% 49.5% 69.9% 49.6% - - Personal Development

SCQF level 3 Access 3 92.1% 93.3% 93.8% 95.0% 95.3% 100% - - National 3 - - - 89.8% 91.2% 90.2% 90.8% 91.5% Skills for Work and 79.9% 78.3% 80.0% 96.4% 89.7% 75.0% 100.0% 63.6% Personal Development

SCQF level 4 Intermediate 1 76.9% 76.5% 77.9% 73.2% 75.3% - - - National 4 - - - 93.0% 93.3% 93.2% 92.8% 91.1% Skills for Work and 66.7% 72.7% 76.5% 75.3% 81.6% 83.2% 79.2% 79.3% Personal Development

SCQF level 5 Intermediate 2 80.4% 80.3% 81.8% 77.9% 73.3% - - - National 5 - - - 81.1% 79.8% 79.4% 79.5% 77.4% Skills for Work and 76.0% 75.5% 82.8% 78.6% 84.6% 87.0% 86.7% 86.0% Personal Development

SCQF level 3-5 Standard Grade 98.5% 98.9% 98.9% - - - - -

SCQF level 6 Previous Higher 75.2% 76.9% 77.4% 77.1% 76.7% - - - Higher - - - - 79.2% 77.2% 77.0% 76.8% Skills for Work and 78.4% 87.3% 86.4% 88.6% 91.3% 79.3% 82.4% 81.4% Personal Development

SCQF level 7 Previous Advanced - - - 79.3% 80.1% 82.1% 81.0% 80.9% Higher Advanced Higher - - - - - 81.7% 80.0% 80.5% Scottish Baccalaureate 80.5% 79.1% 85.9% 81.8% 80.3% 73.6% 85.7% 77.4% (SCQF level 7)

Standard Grades were designed to provide ‘achievement for all’, and were awarded across SCQF levels 3, 4 and 5.

In addition to attainment rates, it can be useful to consider simply the attainment numbers at each SCQF level, as this approach allows the final Standard Grade level obtained to be included, as highlighted earlier in section 2a, on page 2.


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Table 5: Grade A-C attainment volumes for each National Qualification type, 2011 – 2018

Attainment 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 SCQF level 2 Access 2 1,253 1,223 1,128 262 48 19 - - National 2 - - - 896 1,488 1,849 1,547 1,655 Skills for Work and 83 101 172 58 - - - - Personal Development Total SCQF level 2 1,336 1,324 1,300 1,216 1,536 1,868 1,547 1,655

SCQF level 3 Access 3 29,923 32,986 30,908 10,391 3,184 3 - - National 3 - - - 14,898 15,756 16,659 15,543 16,138 Skills for Work and 258 256 351 450 35 24 15 7 Personal Development Standard Grade 37,936 34,643 30,550 - - - - - Foundation Total SCQF level 3 68,117 67,885 61,809 25,739 18,975 16,686 15,558 16,145

SCQF level 4 Intermediate 1 50,318 51,784 49,220 13,666 1,170 - - - National 4 - - - 114,173 122,071 114,635 107,631 96,613 Skills for Work and 4,502 4,877 4,920 4,266 4,374 3,510 2,982 2,855 Personal Development Standard Grade General 133,230 127,921 122,085 - - - - - Total SCQF level 4 188,050 184,582 176,225 132,105 127,615 118,145 110,613 99,468

SCQF level 5 Intermediate 2 106,395 110,175 114,934 75,689 7,828 - - - National 5 - - - 173,131 229,870 234,160 233,005 218,201 Skills for Work and 1,649 2,179 3,139 3,603 4,406 4,673 5,311 5,702 Personal Development Standard Grade Credit 154,492 153,768 152,346 - - - - - Total SCQF level 5 262,536 266,122 270,419 252,423 242,104 238,833 238,316 223,903

SCQF level 6 Existing Higher 133,960 139,125 141,257 147,899 70,981 - - - New Higher - - - - 85,019 152,701 150,010 147,419 Skills for Work and 498 573 616 1,088 1,165 306 357 215 Personal Development Total SCQF level 6 134,458 139,698 141,873 148,987 157,165 153,007 150,367 147,634

SCQF level 7 Advanced Higher 16,976 17,299 18,162 18,171 18,899 19,443 19,283 19,585 Total SCQF level 7 16,976 17,299 18,162 18,171 18,899 19,443 19,283 19,585

TOTAL 671,473 676,910 669,788 578,641 566,294 547,982 535,684 508,390

Scottish Baccalaureate 140 144 164 144 98 103 138 120 (SCQF level 7)


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Since 2014, relatively few candidates have been obtaining qualifications at SCQF level 3. Attainment at SCQF level 3 has decreased by 73.9% between 2013 (last year of Standard Grade), and 2018. It is possible that candidates are being entered at a later stage, or at higher SCQF levels than was the case previously, or for other reasons.

5. Attainment in the wider SQA provision of qualifications SQA Awards are designed to develop and provide evidence of specific skills that will help learners in the world of work and everyday life. Awards include Enterprise, Employability, Modern Languages for Work and Life and a Scottish Studies Award. National Progression Awards are designed to assess a defined set of skills and knowledge in specialist vocational areas, such as Construction and Childcare. National Certificates are designed to prepare people for employment, career development or progression to more advanced study in areas such as Sound Production and Technical Theatre. All of these qualifications, being delivered in schools in partnership with colleges and employers, are part of a broadening of the curriculum and also support the implementation of Developing the Young Workforce.

Attainment in this wider provision remains broadly similar, having been steadily increasing and then peaking in 2016 at 43,055. In 2018, the total attainment in such qualifications remained broadly similar to 2017 at 41,526, representing a 0.1% increase compared to 2017. There is a 6.4% decrease in National Certificates, a 12.6% increase in National Progression Awards, and a 3.9% decrease in Awards, so there has been some movement with regards to the qualification types making up this wider attainment.


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Table 6: Attainment of Awards, National Certificates and National Progression Awards, 2011-2018 Attainment 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 SCQF level 1 Awards - - 152 178 207 283 290 386

SCQF level 2 Awards - 22 130 301 493 750 1,167 664 National Progression Awards 67 87 121 101 64 77 88 121

SCQF level 3 Awards 191 563 1,216 2,263 3,205 3,863 4,303 3,937 National Certificates - 4 6 17 7 18 1 0 National Progression Awards 73 141 129 161 119 135 177 142

SCQF level 4 Awards 1,012 2,177 4,542 7,887 9,673 11,391 10,834 9,851 National Certificates 73 167 130 89 273 371 345 213 National Progression Awards 4,010 3,788 4,153 4,111 4,336 4,958 4,803 4,759

SCQF level 5 Awards 119 199 578 1,514 1,952 2,907 3,662 3,755 National Certificates 1,533 2,360 2,454 2,582 3,219 4,103 2,691 2,450 National Progression Awards 2,625 3,448 3,685 4,206 4,120 4,958 4,395 4,604

SCQF level 6 Awards 157 419 588 801 1,305 2,710 3,523 4,258 National Certificates 1,698 3,025 2,664 2,729 3,989 4,920 3,585 3,538 National Progression Awards 378 463 554 701 969 1,611 1,619 2,848

TOTAL 11,936 16,863 21,102 27,641 33,931 43,055 41,483 41,526

6. Trends in Broad Qualification Areas a. SCQF level 5

As we have stated above, it is difficult to evaluate entries by SCQF level across the two systems. SQA data indicates an overall decrease in entries from 2014 to 2018, and that the decrease in entries that took place at SCQF level 5 (and other levels) was not uniform across all subject areas. Some subject areas experienced a larger percentage reduction in uptake than the overall reduction observed. When considering entries since the introduction of the new qualifications in 2014, there has been an overall decrease in entries at SCQF level 5, of 9.3%.

Table 7 shows the entries over time across a number of subject areas, since the introduction of the new qualifications, with Languages and Technological subjects showing the greatest decrease (as a percentage across the period 2014-2018).

Please see Appendix 1 on page 14 for a list of the individual subjects included in each subject group.


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Table 7: SCQF Level 5 entries, 2014-2018

Entries by Year* Change in Entries Group Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total (%) English 48,251 46,536 45,856 46,273 44,477 -3,774 -7.8 41,056 41,513 44,576 44,790 44,072 3,016 7.3 56,890 54,622 53,339 52,271 50,829 -6,061 -10.7 Languages 18,997 17,534 16,371 16,040 15,565 -3,432 -18.1 Social Subjects 40,889 39,722 38,555 38,220 36,135 -4,754 -11.6 Technology Subjects 22,476 21,840 21,166 20,467 18,283 -4,193 -18.7 Social Sciences 1,305 1,184 1,190 1,141 1,251 -54 -4.1 Other 80,853 75,743 74,030 74,018 71,173 -9,680 -12.0 Total 310,717 298,694 295,083 293,220 281,785 -28,932 -9.3 *Note: These figures will differ from the figures in previous tables, as they do not include entries for Skills for Work vocational courses.


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Table 8 shows the changes across 2013-2014 (coinciding with the removal of Standard Grade), and then a decrease across the period 2014-2018, representing the change as the new qualifications were being introduced. The figures indicate the number of candidates obtaining SQA qualifications in , Technology and Social Subjects at SCQF level 5 has decreased over this period, both across the Standard Grade to CfE transition year, and over the period 2014-2018, when the new qualifications were in use.

Table 8: SCQF Level 5 attainment, 2013-2018

Change in Attainment Attainment* by Year Group^ 2013-2014 2014-2018 2013-2018 Total Total Total 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Total Total (%) (%) (%) English 40,127 40,914 40,322 39,813 40,354 37,701 787 2 -3,213 -7.9 -2,426 -6.0 Mathematics 31,077 28,782 24,617 27,412 28,135 28,328 -2,295 -7.4 -454 -1.6 -2,749 -8.8 Sciences 44,081 39,058 39,472 39,623 38,332 37,964 -5,023 -11.4 -1,094 -2.8 -6,117 -13.9 Languages 20,428 16,885 15,699 14,289 14,324 13,727 -3,543 -17.3 -3,158 -18.7 -6,701 -32.8 Social 34,596 32,219 30,832 29,809 28,924 26,516 -2,377 -6.9 -5,703 -17.7 -8,080 -23.4 Subjects Technology 21,444 18,514 18,475 17,036 17,022 12,759 -2,930 -13.7 -5,755 -31.1 -8,685 -40.5 Subjects Other 75,527 72,448 68,281 66,178 65,914 61,206 -3,079 -4.1 -11,242 -15.5 -14,321 -19.0 Total 267,280 248,820 237,698 234,160 233,005 218,201 -18,460 -6.9 -30,619 -12.3 -49,079 -18.4 ^ The social sciences subject group is not listed in this table as the subjects were not available at Standard Grade. From 2014, attainment figures for social subjects have been added to the ‘Other’ group * Learners attaining a grade 1 or 2 at Standard Grade or an A-C grade at Intermediate 2 and National 5

We have detailed SCQF level 5 as it plays a significant role in the route learners most commonly take as they progress to Higher level. b. SCQF levels 6 and 7

Comparisons at SCQF levels 6 and 7 in terms of both entries and awards is relatively straightforward.

Please see Appendix 2 on page 16 for tables on Higher and Advanced Higher qualification attainment, 2013-18. c. SCQF level 4

National 4 entries and awards contain awards made through the Recognising Positive Achievement (RPA) process, where candidates are awarded a National 4 if obtaining a ‘No Award’ result at National 5 but have completed the relevant units at National 4. This arrangement makes evaluation of entries and awards for this qualification difficult, however SQA does annually estimate the use of RPA and this is shown in Table 9.


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Table 9: RPA estimations since 2014

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*

National 4 reported entries 122,716 130,876 122,961 116,032 106,033

National 4 reported awards (Total) 114,173 122,071 114,635 107,631 96,613

Estimate of those awarded through RPA^ 10,705 20,500 23,551 24,211 10,914

Estimated percentage of National 4 recorded entries with an award arising 8.7% 15.7% 19.2% 20.9% 10.3% through RPA

*Note: In 2018, Grade D at National 5 was extended to allow for greater recognition of attainment at this SCQF level. As a result fewer candidates received a ‘No Award’ and were thus not automatically awarded a National 4 if they had completed the relevant units.

^ The figures in this table have all been taken from Results Day, each August. However, the numbers of candidates being awarded a National 4 through RPA have increased when centres submit entries for the relevant units, after the results are published. 7. Summary SQA is confident that the qualifications are appropriate and offer the necessary challenge for the learners undertaking them. The qualifications and associated course assessments are currently functioning well, and the national standard is being maintained over time.

SQA uses a range of mechanisms to ensure that it sets assessments at the correct standard. Grade boundary setting is used to make small adjustments if an assessment was more or less challenging than planned. A number of statistical measures are also used to ensure broad comparability of challenge at each SCQF level. SQA undertakes regular standards monitoring exercises to ensure that standards over time are being maintained, and the findings are published. Each autumn, SQA publishes course reports, which give information on the performance of candidates in that year’s exams and coursework. They also provide advice for teachers and lecturers on preparing candidates for future course assessments. SQA also offers seminars and webinars as part of our Understanding Standards programme, and publishes more detailed materials to help teachers and lecturers understand the standard, for example, by publishing marked examples of candidates’ work. The Curriculum and Assessment Board is currently reviewing the National 4 qualification, at SCQF level 4, and SQA will continue to engage with the education community on all National and other qualifications. SQA welcomes the opportunity to discuss the national statistics further with the Committee. We remain committed to providing qualifications and awards that enable the young people of Scotland to develop the skills that they need to thrive in the future, whichever path they choose to take.


Appendix 1: List of individual subjects in each grouping, SCQF levels 5 to 7

Please note that some qualifications may only be available at specific levels. Levels included in these groupings are: • Standard Grade • Intermediate 2 • National 5 • Previous Higher • Higher • Previous Advanced Higher • Advanced Higher

The ‘Social Sciences’ group is not available in the SCQF level 5 attainment table as the qualifications were not available at Standard Grade. The ‘Social Sciences’ group is also not available in the SCQF level 7 entries and attainment tables, as the qualifications are not available at Advanced Higher.

English: English English - Alternative Communication

Mathematics: Applications of Mathematics (including Gniomhachas Matamataigs) Applied Mathematics: Mechanics Applied Mathematics: Statistics Lifeskills Mathematics (including Matamataig Fad-bheatha) Mathematics (including Matamataig) Mathematics of Mechanics Mathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 (including Matamataig: 1, 2 agus 3) Mathematics: Maths 1, 2 and Applications Statistics

Sciences: Biology Biotechnology Chemistry Environmental Science Human Biology Physics Science

Languages: Cantonese


French Gaelic (Learners) German Italian Mandarin (Simplified) Mandarin (Traditional) Russian Spanish Urdu

Social Subjects: (including Cruinn-eolas) (including Eachdraidh) Modern Studies (including Nuadh-Eolas)

Technology Subjects: Computing Computing Science Computing Studies Craft & Design Design and Manufacture Engineering Science Graphic Communication Information Systems Product Design Technological Studies

Social Sciences: Philosophy Psychology Sociology


Appendix 2: Higher and Advanced Higher attainment, 2013-18 a. SCQF level 6 entries, 2013-18

Change in Entries by Year Entries (2013- Group (SCQF 6) 2018) Total 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total (%) English 30,401 31,582 35,354 36,356 35,716 36,185 5,784 19.0 Mathematics 20,663 21,851 21,074 18,868 18,861 18,753 -1,910 -9.2 Sciences 34,703 36,135 35,401 33,084 33,044 31,935 -2,768 -8.0 Languages 7,499 7,574 8,625 8,707 8,183 7,974 475 6.3 Social Subjects 26,144 28,306 29,009 29,176 28,024 26,959 815 3.1 Technology 12,392 12,818 13,223 13,172 12,974 12,067 -325 -2.6 Subjects Social Sciences 5,087 5,632 5,703 5,553 5,454 5,304 217 4.3 Other 45,712 47,952 51,461 52,858 52,557 52,774 7,062 15.4 Total 182,601 191,850 199,850 197,774 194,813 191,951 9,350 5.1 b. SCQF level 6 attainment, 2013-18

Change in Attainment* by Year Attainment Group (SCQF 6) (2013-2018)

Total 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total (%) English 22,460 23,702 27,902 28,666 27,609 27,482 5,022 22.4 Mathematics 14,979 15,757 15,169 13,863 13,953 13,973 -1,006 -6.7 Sciences 25,737 26,487 25,786 23,945 24,391 23,709 -2,028 -7.9 Languages 6,186 6,441 7,419 7,776 7,217 6,881 695 11.2 Social Subjects 21,411 22,732 22,746 22,884 21,824 20,972 -439 -2.1 Technology 9,201 9,315 9,630 9,055 9,066 8,369 -832 -9.0 Subjects Social Sciences 3,666 3,797 3,829 3,644 3,499 3,122 -544 -14.8 Other 37,617 39,668 43,519 42,868 42,451 42,911 5,294 14.1 Total 141,257 147,899 156,000 152,701 150,010 147,419 6,162 4.4 * Learners attaining an A-C grade at Higher


c. SCQF level 7 entries, 2013-18

Change in Entries by Year Entries (2013- Group (SCQF 7) 2018) Total 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total (%) English 1,743 1,716 1,750 2,303 2,627 2,485 742 42.6 Mathematics 3,675 3,789 4,044 3,760 4,047 4,173 498 13.6 Sciences 7,055 7,152 7,252 6,899 6,636 6,801 -254 -3.6 Languages 1,127 1,080 1,189 1,402 1,447 1,319 192 17.0 Social Subjects 2,848 3,024 3,279 3,329 3,183 3,169 321 11.3 Technology 1,568 1,573 1,578 1,301 1,345 1,313 -255 -16.3 Subjects Other 4,104 4,096 4,256 4,801 4,827 5,071 967 23.6 Total 22,120 22,430 23,348 23,795 24,112 24,331 2,211 10.0

d. SCQF level 7 attainment, 2013-18

Change in Attainment* by Year Attainment Group (SCQF 7) (2013-2018)

Total 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total (%) English 1,420 1,449 1,412 1,863 1,994 2,019 599 42.2 Mathematics 2,569 2,697 2,824 2,781 3,033 3,138 569 22.1 Sciences 5,594 5,454 5,700 5,582 5,219 5,363 -231 -4.1 Languages 966 898 974 1,176 1,141 1,102 136 14.1 Social Subjects 2,586 2,651 2,851 2,870 2,679 2,624 38 1.5 Technology Subjects 1,344 1,363 1,354 894 882 892 -452 -33.6 Other 3,683 3,659 3,784 4,277 4,335 4,447 764 20.7 Total 18,162 18,171 18,899 19,443 19,283 19,585 1,423 7.8 * Learners attaining an A-C grade at Advanced Higher




Introduction The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) is the national accreditation and awarding body in Scotland. It is a Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) and the Education (Scotland) Act 1996 sets out SQA’s functions and the governance arrangements to oversee SQA’s distinct accreditation, regulatory and awarding responsibilities. SQA is sponsored by the Scottish Government’s Learning Directorate. SQA is supported mainly by the entry fees for its qualifications, supplemented by Scottish Government grant funding. SQA is not a commercial enterprise aimed principally at generating profit, though our work plays an important role in many sectors of the Scottish economy, and we are always conscious of our duty to operate efficiently to optimise the use of our resources. We also work on contract and international projects that support the Scottish Government’s international agenda and generates additional income.

SQA plays a crucial role in ensuring that the skills, training, and education systems in Scotland are effective, and we are acutely aware of our responsibility to uphold both the accessibility and the credibility of Scotland’s qualifications system. The school curriculum, presentation patterns and the availability of qualifications in schools are a matter for other national and local organisations.

We are proud to be at the heart of the education and skills system in Scotland, and are committed to work with partners to help people and businesses to realise their potential and achieve their ambitions.

This work underpins key public policy areas, such as widening participation, narrowing the attainment gap, and providing the people and businesses of Scotland with the skills that they need for the future.

SQA Awarding

There are SQA qualifications for everyone: • students in schools and colleges

• trainees and apprentices

• people who already have qualifications, and those who don’t

• people who are in employment, and those who aren’t

• those seeking academic or vocational qualifications


More than ever, qualifications are an essential part of learners’ successful journey from education and training into further study and employment, as well as success in life, benefitting the whole of Scottish society.

SQA also plays an important role in supporting Foundation Apprenticeships and the wider Developing the Young Workforce policy, and our qualifications form part of the majority of Scotland’s Modern Apprenticeships.

A more detailed overview of SQA’s range of qualifications can be found in our Guide to Scottish Qualifications.

SQA very much values its partnerships with a broad spectrum of schools, colleges, training providers, and employers, as well as professional and national bodies.

To maintain the quality, flexibility, and relevance of our qualifications, we are welcoming and responsive to feedback from all these sectors, and we research the impact and effectiveness of our qualifications. We also welcome initiatives from businesses, professional bodies, and economic sectors which wish to establish new qualifications to support their activities; for example, to certificate and extend the existing skills of their workforce and sector.

SQA is committed to ensuring the highest level of customer service as demonstrated by our Customer Charter, and expanding the ways we use digital technologies to engage with people and enhance our products and services.

SQA Accreditation

In its accreditation role, SQA accredits vocational qualifications that are offered across Scotland, including Scottish Vocational Qualifications, and approves awarding bodies that wish to award them. The accreditation function is a discrete and autonomous part of SQA, and is accountable to the Accreditation Committee and then to Scottish Government. The Accreditation Committee is a statutory committee having been established by the Education (Scotland) 1996 Act. SQA Accreditation is funded separately by the Advanced Learning and Science Directorate of the Scottish Government.