NMI Spends Nearly $1-M for Legal Help
I iJ /1 l ,, i I, arianas %riet~~ I Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ®,Views For one year period: Teno Administration NMI spends nearly to extend PR contract dent Lynn Knight was hired to do promotional work for three months beginning Sept. 24 for · $4,500. $1-M for legal help The contract which expires today, Dec. 24th, has been re By Jojo Dass providing legal services to the citizens. newed for the another three Variety News Staff CNMI Civil Service Commission Wiseman, the same records months, officials said. GOVERNMENThasspentnearly (CSC), pending approval by Bud showed, is also involv~d in about According to the documents, $1 million this year for lawyers' get and Finance Special Assistant six other pending litigation re SAG' s job involves, among oth services in resolving various liti Michael Sablan of a CSC request lated to NMHC and two projects ers, preparing press releases and gation and legal questions, includ for an in-house lawyer. - the Koblerville expansion and related work -- tasks allegedly ing those involving housing for David A. Wiseman ranked the sale of some 52 housing units · Lynn Knight duplicating the governor's pub citizens of Freely Associated third, getting $125,000 or $165 at the Sugar King subdivision in lic information office. States, to submerged ancestral an hour excluding expenses, to Garapan. By Jojo Dass Knight is among a handful of lands and telecommunications. represent the commonwealth in a - U.S.-based lawyer Thomas K. Variety News Staff Tenorio's documented consult Highest paid, according to U .S District Court case involving Crowe got $100,000 in retainer's GOVERNORPedroP.
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