
6 Teves 5780| Friday, January 3, 2020| Shabbos Parshas Vayigash | Candle lighting 5:07pm (20 minutes)

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MARK YOUR Security Update CALENDAR Everyone has a story to tell about their own unique experience with this week’s Hashas. For some, January it’s a story of travel by bus or by plane. For me, my experience with the siyum was humble but 1 No School meaningful; we gathered around our table at home and watched it on an iPad. From our home, we felt 7 Asara B’Teves the energy of a stadium of B’nei Yisrael davening mincha. We watched Shmuel Kamenetsky struggle 12pm dismissal for mightily to maintain his composure as he rode what must have been the intense wave of deep meaning Middle School only as he pronounced the Hadran on behalf of Klal Yisrael. 16 Staff PD no As the afternoon progressed, I couldn’t help but wonder what the headlines were in the general press. school How does the outside world process an event that is presumably the opposite of their daily experience? 16-26 Winter While some headlines offered an adorable perspective (“World’s largest book club: 92,000 who read Break, no school. entire to Celebrate at MetLife Stadium”), most set the Siyum in the context of the unfortunate incidents over the past few weeks. MAZEL TOV “100K Orthodox Jews gathering for celebration at Metlife Stadium under heavy security” To Yosef and Elka “Jews celebrate at MetLife Stadium in NJ after surge in attacks” Kischner on the birth of a boy “90,000 Jews Gather to Pray and Defy a Wave of Hate” In times of trouble, our nature is to pull back, but right in the middle of all of these awful stories was To the Preis family perhaps the largest and most public event in our recent history. The contrast was striking. on the wedding of With that in the background, we would like to address the question:“ What is CHDS doing differently Yeshaya and Devorah Preis about security?” The short answer, in my opinion, is that now is not the time to talk about security. CONDOLENCES Unfortunately, there have been many situations over the years which have brought up the same question. To the Barry family After each incident, we re-evaluate, apply for yet another grant, tighten up yet another area of concern. on the passing of And we write letters to parents. We say that we know that Hashem watches over us, and we proclaim the Mrs. Barry’s father new security changes we have taken on as part of our responsible hishtadlus. Are we doing that now? Of THANK YOU course. Can you trust us? That is a question whose daily affirmative answer we take personal To Mr. Zev Herzog, responsibility for. Raphael Herzog’s But right now, we should reflect on the events of the past week and understand that Hakadosh Boruch Hu abba, for coming to play the violin for is reminding us that we are a part of something that is far greater than all of us. At the siyum, Rav Frand the Nursery cass, spoke of how the Nazis yemach shemam wanted to destroy the because it had the power to who were learning establish in America. “They were right,” Rav Frand proclaimed, looking out on the packed stadium about musical that was clear evidence of this. “And instruments in connection with the you are those Talmudishe Yuden!” Parsha. The energy of that statement and the entire event is still reverberating within us. Security? Yes, we will continue to keep you informed about security, and yes, that is something we approach proactively. But let’s reflect on the significance of this week. Here is our security update for now: To all of the Rebbeim, Moros, Dear Parents, and teachers at This is a reminder that Hakadosh CALL THE CHDS PARSHA HOTLINE! WIN A $10 Kinneret Gift Certificate! CHDS who worked Boruch Hu is the Borei Olam. He is in Congratulations to Shani Brotsky, last week’s winner. Thank you to last week’s 26 callers. Talking on the telephone together to make charge of every last little thing, and He Chanukah at CHDS is the coolest thing ever. so special this year! protects us from all harm. As he has protected us throughout world This week’s question: How old was Yaakov when he came down to Mitzrayim? WELCOME BACK history, may He protect us this week Call 513-202-6172 and leave a message with your answer. Anyone can play. Even staff members and their To Morah Mushka as well. CHDS Masmidei Hasiyum Participants Greenberg and to families. Parents/siblings can help someone find the answer. 1 person per call, drawing Sunday at 1:00. Morah Chani Hatzlacha!! Freedman. We Have a wonderful Shabbos, **SAY YOUR NAME, THEN YOUR ANSWER SO WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE…* missed you! Rabbi Tuvya Peromsik Golf Manor Campus Highlight Amberley Campus News In Early Childhood, the Creative Early Childhood Curriculum encourages flexibility so that the day’s lesson can adapt SPOTLIGHT to the interest of the students. This week was a case in point. ON THE SIYUM Students came in thinking and talking about the Siyum Hashas, Another EC teacher and teachers scrambled on the spot shared the following: to make Siyum Hashas centers for the kids to create, explore, and At center time it was the morah’s express themselves. turn to be blown away at what the children worked together to MSG Silent Chanukah Q&A in the gym From Mrs. Avtzon: A Siyum starts with Haschalas Gemara. create- A very own siyum hashas. Rabbi Scherer and his 5B students with “Had to share..... As I was walking We had kids figuring out which their new ... through the hallways this morning, I blocks to use and where to put them heard some beautiful music coming and how big it should be. Other from one of the classrooms. I children started adding people.There entered the room and saw the most was lots of figuring out which people incredible scene. Children were to use and which part of the stadium standing by a shtender with an open to put them in. Then there were sefer, swaying from side to side. The trains, parachutes,buses that were Siyum Hashas was playing in the set up to bring old zaidies, tatties, background. I walked closer and brothers and uncles and even saw a full center, with a shtender, mommies. Their was even a big PHOTO BOOTH seforim (from Rabbi Peromsik’s discussion if animals were allowed ...which they received for “dessert” at a at the special Mishnayos siyum at Kinneret. Elementary office) and pics of the MetLife to be placed in the statum. Some of Chanukah Fair, stadium as an empty stadium and as our friends didn’t want them but designed, led, it looked yesterday filled with over after negotiation there was special and 90,000 yidden. The children were so spots for them to be like the safety photographed by 5G students involved in the center, it was dogs. When we were challenged to amazing to watch! The discussions talk calmly or not get upset with were so precious to listen to! some decisions morah shared that when we learn Torah we become This was not on the lesson plan for better friends and try our best to today! This was the conversation make shalom. Such a great learning amongst the children this morning experience this was in some many and the morah went running with areas- creative thinking, social it! emotional,literacy,fine motor skills Wow, these children learned a lot and even math! Even at outdoor play today in such a special way! you could hear kids excitingly This is just a small taste of the way running around announcing the CHEVRA Chanukah concert at the Regency your children spend their day in siyum hashas is starting and dancing. school - with teachers focussing on We were all excited to find out that the interest of the children and in 7 years when the next siyum soaring high with it! “ hashas will be we will all be 9 or even ten years old iyhm!

Chanukah Chagiga at the Gabay’s