CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 1. Debi Sereda 1 In recognition of Ken Ross’ extensive community service, I ask that the City of Ottawa rename South Nepean Park, at 600 Longfields Drive, the “Ken Ross Park”. Ken Ross is an example that we should all strive for in our community and I feel that naming this park after Ken serves as validation of volunteerism and community spirit. 2. Kelly, Charlie and 2 Please include my letter as part of those who would like South Nepean Park in Kennedy Foy Barrhaven renamed as Ken Ross Park... Ken was a great man and a leader in our community and this would be a deserving recognition 3. Dwight Brown 3 Please let it be known that the organizing committee and Board of Directors of Oktoberfest Ottawa (held annually in Barrhaven) gives it full and enthusiastic support to the renaming of South Nepean Park to Ken Ross Park. To that end, please see my attached Letter of Support for this initiative. Ken was instrumental in brining our festival to Barrhaven amongst his many positive community endeavours and it is fitting that Ken be honoured with a permanent tribute in the community he loved so much. 4. Robert Dekker 4 Ken was a fixture in the community always giving and always caring. The naming the park at 600 Longfields would be a suitable honour as it is a park that would be used by the community he served 5. Winston and Louise 5 My wife and I have know Ken and Kelly Ross for some years and totally agree Spratt with this proposal. He was an outstanding citizen with many well deserved awards 6. Kim Krueger 6 Ask that the City approve the proposal 7. Pauline Krueger 7 Ask that the City approve the proposal. Ken was involved in so much in Barrhaven he will be missed forever in the community

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 8. Sara Surjadinata 8 Ask that the City approve the proposal. I have been involved with the Barrhaven Food Cupboard for over ten years and know first hand of Ken’s generosity and support for those in need in our community since establishing his business in Barrhaven. We were most fortunate to have him accept leadership as President when the governance to a non-profit organization with a Board of Directors was made in 2012 9. Brent Hill 9 I think this is a great idea. Ken was a wonderful compassionate human being 10. Richard Stead 10 Ask that the City approve the proposal. Ken was ever present in the community, either working in his store or at a community function. He was a true community builder and gave tirelessly to help others. Ken represented the best of not only Barrhaven but of Ottawa, and of being a great Canadian. He harkened back to how previous generations conducted themselves, placing others before themselves. His passing is a great loss to his family, friends, and everyone who lived in the area 11. Stephen Dean 11 Ask that the City approve the proposal. Ken was very supportive of our football club and donated the services of his bbq trailer and was our ‘go to’ place for food and drinks for our many events. His staff took care of preparing our food orders and in many cases went out of their way to deliver directly to our field. Ken was a friend of the community and we can think of no greater way to support his legacy than to create Ken Ross Park in his honour

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 12. Jason Tilley 12 I have been a member of the Barrhaven community since 1982. I grew up in Barrhaven and watched the community grow. I had the opportunity to meet Ken Ross on many occasions as I became a member of the Barrhaven BIA about 7 years ago. Ken always had the time to say hi, shake your hand and make you feel welcome. As a young person in business I looked up to Ken for his ever present community involvement in anything that had to do with Barrhaven. I had the opportunity and privilege to work with Ken on some key events and initiatives. Ken Ross was the unofficial Mayor of Barrhaven and for that I recommend that the city of Ottawa rename South Nepean Park, at 600 Longfields Drive to the “Ken Ross Park”. This would be a great way to honor and respect a true community legend. 13. Pamela Stewart 13 Ask that the City approve the proposal to rename a park in Barrhaven after a community leader deserving of this honour 14. Julie Clement 14 I think this is a wonderful idea and I am certain the rest of Barrhaven will too. Ken & Kelly Ross have supported our daughter’s LivPolarBear Project a children’s environmental campaign and in doing so helped raise funds in excess of $13,000 donated to the World Wildlife Foundation 15. Gail and Randy 15 Ask that the City approve the proposal. Stewart 16. Dr. Emdad Khan 16 Ask that the City approve the proposal. Ken Ross served the Barrhaven community as a great community worker who worked tireless for the wellbeing of Barrhaven community 17. Darlene Bartraw 17 I agree 100% that the South Nepean Park be renamed a"Ken Ross Park" after a man who did so much in and for the community of Barrhaven 18. Scott McIntosh, Lora 18 We worked with Ken as part of the BBIA and we admired his desire to give back Lee Hardy and Trevor to his community. Graham

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 19. Helen Byers 19 Our food bank was empty and we had set up an event to help and on our committee was Ken Ross. He supplied all the food - we had about 100 or more people - in addition, he had someone from his staff set up food table and help us cook the food. The day of the event he came with his truck and the back of the truck was full of food for the food cupboard. He asked if he could have help bringing it in. When he saw all the people attending the event - we practically filled the food cupboard with donations from event and in addition we had an auction that raised $1,000. for items that had not been covered. I asked Ken what he thought and he said - with a big smile - I am so happy that we can feed people in need.- we would not have had such a success if it wasnt for him. - he was a very humble man!! This is just one memory and I am sure many people have memories like this. THANK YOU KEN! 20. Bruce McMahon 20 My wife and I moved to Barrhaven in 1975 and have lived here ever since. Over the years, we have seen, firsthand, all of Ken’s generosity to the community. I coached Nepean Minor Hockey for approximately 10 years, and I clearly remember seeing opposition teams sponsored by his store over the years I was coaching. My wife, Lisa, and I both heartily endorse the renaming of the park to the Ken Ross Park. So kindly consider this email as two endorsements to change the name 21. Stephanie Cosgrove 21 I am in favour of renaming the Longfields Park to Ken Ross Park. He deserves the recognition for all he did in Barrhaven 22. Chris Koebel 22 I just wanted to say that I think this is a wonderful idea. I fully support it! I am very glad to see this 23. Sheila Castledine 23 I understand the City of Ottawa is considering renaming South Nepean Park in Barrhaven and I highly endorse the idea of naming it the “Ken Ross Park.” In recognition of Ken Ross’ extensive service in our community and the fact that we was an outstanding citizen in our city in so many different capacities; it seems very appropriate to name it after him in his honor

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 24. Amy Sirotek 24 I did not know Ken Ross personally, however, his name is one everyone knows and his reputation is one many strive to equal. I support Ross’s Independent Grocer and have always considered it my first “go-to” grocery store, even though there are many to choose from in the area. I was very sorry to hear of his passing, but believe if we could re-name one of our community parks after him, it would mean a lot to his family, to his memory and to the many, many friends and admirers who did know and love him. He was a man more than worthy for this kind of community recognition and it would be wonderful for future generations to be able to visit the KEN ROSS PARK. Those who are familiar with him will cherish the fact there is park named after him and for those who didn't know him, they could look up his name and find out what an outstanding citizen he was and what he did for the community. It may be too late to thank Ken in person for his years of service to the community, but it is not too late to ensure he receives the recognition he so deserved 25. The Webbers (Bob) 25 We would like to fully endorse the re naming of south Nepean park to Ken Ross park. As Barrhaven residents Ken has affected us in many ways through his business sponsoring local teams, his charitable works & all around community building & giving. We could not think of a better person to dedicate the naming of this park to. So many people that use it every day have benefitted from his hard work & generosity 26. Ken Hopper 26 I wish to register my support of the naming of a park in honour of Ken Ross. I have know Mr. Ross to be a community leader both in business and charity for many years. Ever since he opened the Independent he has filled these roles both energetically and enthusiastically. Naming this park is a most appropriate thing to do 27. Brian Hanington 27 Ken Ross deserves this. 28. Layna Conibear 28 Support the proposal

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 29. Mike Dwyer 29 We have known Ken for a number of years and he was very very humble and incredibly generous. He loves his community and wanted to help those who were less fortunate then him. This community will miss Ken in ways that have yet to be realized. 30. Kathy Blomquist 30 We knew Ken personally and you couldn’t meet a nicer man who focused and gave to our community. The renaming of this park would honour a great community leader 31. Michelle Beard 31 I fully agree with Jan Harder's proposal to rename the park in honour of Ken Ross. A wonderful way to acknowledge the breath and depth of his contribution in the community 32. Darlene McKibbon 32 Support the proposal

33. Raymond Desjardins 33 I too would like to add my support to the renaming of South Nepean Park, 600 Longfields Drive, to the “Ken Ross Park”. This would be a very fitting and well earned tribute to my friend and Comrade Ken Ross. Ken’s example as a community leader and volunteer are impossible to categorize. He was a man driven by a passion to help others whenever he could. If there was a need Ken was the “go to” person in Barrhaven. We in the Legion were especially blessed as he was not only a member, but was constantly contributing to our needs on a personal level and a Branch level. He inspired us with his example and helped us become the community oriented Branch we are today. I worked with Ken on a number of projects, some very public, others absolutely unknown. Ken is deserving of such an honour as the Barrhaven Community was the recipient of his incredible presence and generosity. I am proud to support this initiative. 34. Pam Charron 34 I am a resident of Barrhaven and I think it would be wonderful to name this park after Ken Ross. He is already missed by all who knew him and strangers that didn't, like myself 35. Steve Desroches 35 I support the commemorative naming application for Ken Ross Park

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 36. Tammy and Jim 36 Four years ago when our good friend Ted Hay died, I remember Ken and Kelly Weedmark attending the visitation and sending trays of food. They knew each other from the community and from the hockey community. The outdoor rink at this park was named after our friend Ted Hay a few years ago. It would be wonderful if the park it was in was the Ken Ross Park 37. Steven Lesh 37 In recognition of Ken Ross’ extensive community service, I ask that the City of Ottawa rename South Nepean Park, at 600 Longfields Drive, the “Ken Ross Park” 38. Ted Martyn 38 As a ball player in the Barrhaven Mixed Slo-Pitch League, it is requested that South Nepean Park be renamed to Ken Ross Park in honour of Ken, as he was such a pillar of the community 39. Sue and Peter 39 Support the proposal. Brousseau 40. Andy Freemark 40 Support the proposal. Ken was just a pleasure to know, always smiling, always there to help wit whatever needed doing 41. Margaret Lynch 41 Support the proposal 42. Doug and Marilyn 42 Support the proposal. Ken was important to us because we have volunteered at Allen the Barrhaven Food Cupboard for 10 years and were very impressed with his superb leadership of this very worthwhile organization 43. Sharon and Mike 43 Support the proposal. He was a great hero and believer of our community Farrell 44. Patricia Hazelton 44 I would like to register in support of renaming South Nepean Park to Ken Ross Park 45. Gord McCallum 45 Support the proposal. The naming of the park would be a lasting tribute to Ken and his family, who gave so much to the Barrhaven community

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 46. Dr Nancy Salgueiro & 46 Support the proposal. Dr. Mike knew Ken when he was sitting on the BBIA board Dr. Micael Carreira and felt he was the embodiment of all the positive characteristics one would hope for in a local business leader. We truly believe we should honour him for his hard work and dedication to making Barrhaven a better place to live 47. Lise and Douglas 47 Fully support the recommendation of renaming the Park - Ken Ross. He was a Patton great man and it is such a great suggestion 48. Grant Boccongelle 48 Support the proposal. I had the opportunity of knowing Ken for only about five years prior to his passing. I don’t live in the Ottawa area, but have a large group of friends there, and I visit often. I met Ken through a mutual friend, and feel honored to have shared some time with him and his lovely wife Kelly. I also spent time with Ken on annual ‘guys’ golf weekends during those five years. He made an unforgettable impression on me with his good humour and outgoing personality. I knew very little about his civic activism, and the time and generosity he gave back to his community. It is only due to the recent flood of tributes that I have learned what an outstanding man he was 49. Robert Taylor 49 Support the proposal. Ken was a personal friend, who could always be counted on to support and help out others who may be struggling with a private issue or who may be seeking financial and moral assistance for their own charity of choice. By example, he strongly supported my charity, the Bruce Denniston Bone Marrow Society, during our fundraising initiative on behalf of Canadian Blood Services campaign to establish a National Public Cord Blood Bank 50. Chris Atkinson 50 Support the proposal. 51. Shaen Ferguson 51 Support the proposal. I appreciated that Ken maintained the small community feel in his store while providing service that helped the community to grow and prosper. He provided many local youths with their first job and contributed greatly at many school and community events

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 52. John Baizana 52 Support the proposal. As a resident of Barrhaven, my family and I were able to regularly observe Ken’s contributions to our community. In 2007, I relocated my business to Barrhaven. It was then that I was able to witness firsthand his immense contribution to our community. Ken’s philanthropy to the many community causes was the measuring stick that all other business owners strived to achieve. Ken set the bar so high that it is doubtful we will ever see someone as generous and caring towards our community. Ken has been described many times as a leader in our community. That does not do Ken justice. He was the leader in our community. I am very fortunate to say that I knew Ken and had the pleasure of working alongside him as a business owner in our community of Barrhaven. 53. Stephen Kennedy and 53 Support the proposal. Recall a similar park dedication in Crystal Beach. Bob Marjorie Scott Maki, an Ottawa police officer and great guy, served his community in a different form than Ken. But Maki Park was, and remains, a proper tribute and reminder of the extraordinary difference that special people such as Bob Maki and Ken Ross make in their communities. Let’s ensure Ken’s example of unselfish dedication to others stays with us as an example to this and future generations. “Ken Ross Park”, for all he has done, let’s do this for him, for those he helped and for the many in the community and elsewhere who loved him. 54. Ken Lee 54 Support the proposal. As a person who deals directly with families-in-need in Barrhaven, I’ve called on Ken for help with clients who needed more help than the organizations upon which they had called were able to provide. Invariably, Ken would come through … always with a smile … and appreciation for allowing him the opportunity to help! He personifies “decency” and “caring”. 55. Cindy Bradley 55 Support the proposal. I have lived in Barrhaven since 1996 and never in my time here has there been an individual that has been so generous and dedicated the this community. It’s deserving and almost necessary. Your consideration for this is invaluable

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 56. Trevor MacGillivray 56 I am one of the owners/commissioners of the Barrhaven Mixed Slo-Pitch League ( We have been operating in the Barrhaven area for over 20 years and are fielding over 650 players this season – the majority of whom reside in the Barrhaven area. Among them, Ken Ross was a long time player, and partner of the league. I would like to lend my support to renaming South Nepean Park in his memory 57. Cheryl Brouillard and 57 Support the proposal. Only know him through his work at Ross’ Independent Jean Vézina Grover where he was on-hand on almost a daily basis to serve his clientele in the most friendly manner. Was extremely saddened to hear of his passing, knowing full well of his long-time commitment to the less fortunate in the Barrhaven community. While humbled to receive this honour, I can only believe he would also appreciated it. 58. Debbie Pindur 58 I do not play on a team; however, I feel this is a great proposal and am in full support of renaming South Nepean Park to Ken Ross Park. Ken was very active in the community and it’s a great way to pay tribute

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 59. 59 I want to add my support for the proposed commemoration of Ken Ross, on behalf of myself personally, and on behalf of the residents of College Ward who have benefitted from his community building work. Even though assisting in College Ward could not, in any material way, benefit his business which was far outside our shopping area, Mr. Ross was, in some ways, an unofficial citizen of College Ward. He was often freely donating his time, money and attention to even the smallest of community activities and always with conscious respect for others who wanted to make the community better. A couple of years ago, when we began a campaign to rename a park in my ward after our area's Late MPP Bob Mitchell and needed to host a large demonstration to support our petition to Council, Mr. Ross supplied a vehicle, commercial BBQ along with hundreds of dollars of free food to the hundreds who attended the outdoor show of support. Mr. Ross had witnessed the good work of the Late MPP Mitchell over the years and wanted to help and encourage the community to place proper value on that work and to commemorate a solid lifelong contribution to the community. These efforts were successful and, when the time came for the official commemoration and re-opening of the new Bob Mitchell Park, Mr. Ross arrived again, volunteering a repeat performance. He supplied and cooked the food for the entire community as residents, along with the Mitchell Family, MP John Baird and I, cut the ribbon to re-open the facility. NOBODY ASKED HIM TO DO THIS. He just saw a chance to help and dove right in. Mr. Ross was right to see the value in placing tangible respect on the community building efforts of other people. We need to show that we learned from that by placing the same tangible respect on the good work and memory of Ken Ross by thanking him and his family with this well deserved commemoration. 60. Ken Brousseau 60 Support the proposal. Got to know Ken through friends, playing golf in Gananoque each June. His contributions to his community are not only special but many.

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 61. Betsy Brousseau 61 Support the proposal. Ken’s contributions to the lives of those around him were exemplary and extended tot eh many friendships he shared. I was very fortunate to have the honour of knowing him and am inspired to contribute more to my community. 62. Jenny Arena 62 Support the proposal. As a longtime resident of Barrhaven and customer of Ross’ Independent, I saw time and time again, how devoted Mr. Ross was to the community. I can’t think of a better way to pay tribute to him 63. Nicole Da Costa 63 Support the proposal. 64. Monique and Derek, 64 Support the proposal Little 65. Monique Noel 65 Support the proposal 66. Cindy Forcier 66 Support the proposal. I always liked the fact that Ross’ Independent looked out for kids. They provided the Stay at Home Safely and Babysitters Course and First Aid. My children went to those programs and when I inquire with friends in other communities they don’t have those programs. I am thankful as a mom that I was able to provide my kids with that education thanks to Ken and Kelly Ross 67. Yolanda Arena 67 Support the proposal. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Ross on several occasions, what I remember most about him it’s his friendly smile. He will be forever remember as great person and a leader of this community 68. Jennifer Redden 68 Support the proposal

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 69. Ivo Arena 69 Ken Ross, put simply, was not ``a`` pillar of our community, he was `THE`` pillar of our community. He unselfishly gave his time to countless community events and groups in need; far too many to list here. Suffice it to say, if it was in Barrhaven, and a good cause, Mr. Ross was involved and lending his support in one form or another. In my 40yrs in Barrhaven, I have never encountered any other businessman or community leader giving back to his community to the extent that Mr. Ross did. He continuously went above and beyond; his generosity will continue to have a positive impact in our community for years to come. Renaming a park is the very least we can do to preserve his legacy and hopefully encourage and inspire others to give back as selflessly as he did 70. Keith Taylor 70 Support the proposal 71. Jesse Reid 71 Support the proposal. Ken has touched the lives of the community as a whole, but more importantly, a great percentage of individuals in the Barrhaven community. Ken was always willing and wanting to help others from big ventures to simply bringing refreshments for children and youth in the community. Renaming this park would be a small contribution back to the Ross Family for everything they have done for the community 72. Giuseppe Spinella 72 Support the proposal. Ken had been fairly active in the Barrhaven community and had certainly given back a lot of his time and contributed dollars to help the community that I currently live in, prosper to what it is today. 73. Heather Tessier 73 Support the proposal. Ken was a kind, helpful and generous friend. We miss his warm smile very much. 74. Ernie Hughes 74 Support the proposal. 75. Amanda Yeldon 75 Support the proposal

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 76. Balls Corners BIA 76 Please see the attached letter of support from the Board of Management of the Board Business Improvement Area. Our eight member board of management unanimously agrees with this park renaming proposal. We had the great pleasure of working with Mr. Ross as he was the chairman of the Barrhaven BIA since before our inception. We always knew him to be a hard working and dedicated businessman and community minded individual. We are very pleased to offer this recommendation on behalf of our membership 77. Rick and Donna 77 Support the proposal. We knew Ken to a great roll model for his employees Brunet 78. Glenda Boccongelle 78 Support the proposal 79. Rosy Ireland 79 As a resident of Barrhaven who had the pleasure of knowing and playing baseball with Ken Ross in the BMSPL and also as a community volunteer, please accept this email as my vote to rename South Nepean Park to "Ken Ross Park”. As summarized below by Jan Harder’s proposal, he truly was an amazing man 80. Cindy and Barry Helps 80 As a long time resident of Barrhaven, a regular customer of Ross' Independent whose children have been direct beneficiaries of Ken's generosity, I fully support the renaming of South Nepean Park to Ken Ross Park. This will honour a great man who did great things for our community, always with humility and a smile 81. Deborah Dore 81 Support the proposal. I work as a volunteer at the Barrhaven Food Cupboard and highly respected the work Ken did with the Cupboard 82. Suzanne Bureau 82 Support the proposal. Ken Ross was an extraordinary man, who strived on helping others, he was happiest making others happy 83. Bob Mayer 83 Very much in favour of changing South Nepean Park to Ken Ross Park. What a great tribute 84. Joanne Clarke 84 I fully support the naming of South Nepean Park, at 600 Longfields Drive, the “Ken Ross Park”

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 85. Jordan Chenier 85 Support the proposal. Ken was also a fantastic person to speak to and was always welcoming and courteous to everyone he met. When meeting Ken for the first time, he treated me as if we had been friends for years. He was an amazing person and I believe he deserves recognition for all of his personal and professional achievements 86. Jason Kelly 86 Support the proposal. Having worked with Ken for many years, I feel that he truly exemplified the traits of a good citizen who helped his community in every possible way he could. 87. Nancy Hazen 87 Support the proposal 88. Tom Huppert 88 Support the proposal. Ken gave as much to his friends and those he met, who would inevitably become his friends, as he did to the community. Ken was one of the most genuine, compassionate and sincere individuals it has been my pleasure and honour to know and be associated with. When he asked you how you were doing he truly wanted to know and if he could help he wouldn’t hesitate. Renaming the South Nepean Park the “Ken Ross” park would honour Ken’s commitment to his community and allow him to continue giving back to that community he was so devoted to 89. Louise and Dave 89 Support the proposal. I know that Ken’s legacy will carry on regardless, but Marchant naming a park in his honour would be very fitting for a man who made such a contribution to the community and who was loved by all who knew him 90. Judy Denney and Ray 90 Support the proposal. Let us celebrate our community leaders, like Ken Ross, Burzynski rather than using generic naming, i.e. South Nepean Park 91. Lauralee Comeau 91 Support the proposal. Ken Ross has assisted Longfields-Davidson Heights Secondary School Council on numerous occasions throughout the years during my tenure as Co-Chair. We just needed to call, and he would be there 92. Amy Ryan 92 Support the proposal. Ken was very supportive in helping out the Court at Barrhaven in many ways through donating. We feel that renaming the park is a wonderful idea in keeping Ken Ross’s name in our community

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 93. Paula Desrosiers 93 Support the proposal. We at Good Shepherd Barrhaven Church have been blessed by Ken’s generosity, loving kindness and devotion to helping Churches and Charities in Barrhaven. We thank God that Ken was placed on our path of life here at The Good Shepherd Church 94. Michele Low 94 I think the renaming of South Nepean Park to Ken Ross Park is a wonderful idea and a great tribute to a man who did so much for our community.I vote "yes" to the name change 95. Gordon & Joanne 95 We would like to express our support for the proposal to rename South Nepean Wilson Park, Ken Ross Park. Mr Ross was such an active contributor to life in Barrhaven that it makes sense to honour his memory by renaming this park that is used by so many in the community 96. Maureen Henry 96 Ken’s enthusiasm, hard work, and generosity combined with “well lit” ingenuity made him the exceptional individual that Barrhaven grew to depend on. Ken Ross was such a devastating loss for Kelly and family. My husband is a former employee (the very first actually), and my Son is still currently employed with Ross YIG. Over the years, we have come to know Ken and Kelly, and even enjoyed helping them out, usually on Canada Day in the food truck. I have no doubt that anyone that has ever been a part of this community, or who has met Ken or his lovely wife will give their support to ensure that the name "Ken Ross" becomes a permanent part of Barrhaven 97. Kirsten Henry 97 Support the proposal. Although I didn’t know Ken personally he was an extraordinary man who always had a smile when I saw him. He did so much for the Barrhaven community and deserves this honour. I sincerely hope the city approves this name change

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 98. Jessica Thompson 98 Support the proposal. Ken supported the seniors in our community, by donating gift baskets for draws, supplying cakes and goodies for events and allow us to provide pamphlets about our home in the shopping bags of seniors in the Barrhaven community. He was caring and extremely generous individual who we will not forget. 99. Julia and Luigi Chiarelli 99 Support the proposal. We had the pleasure of meeting Kelly and Ken as our daughters played hockey together and we always chose to shop at Independent to support Ken for all he did for our community. We also told Ken many times that he always had the best float at the Santa Claus Parade. Renaming this park is a wonderful idea and Ken is very deserving of this honor 100. Karin Taylor 100 Just a quick note to let you know that the Stonebridge Community Association is fully supportive of the renaming of the South Nepean Park in Ken Ross’s honour 101. Andrea Steenbakkers 101 Support the proposal. Ken was a very positive and inspiring leader in our association and in the community at large. His passion and enthusiasm for business and for life were unmatched. He was humble and fair, hardworking and generous. He will be sadly missed 102. Pierre Poilievre 102 Support the proposal. Ken was a great community leader and I am proud to support the ideal of honoring him with a park in his name. 103. Dan Couvrette 103 Support the proposal. Am aware of many occasions when Ken went out of his way to help people in the community. That’s just who he was. A giving, caring and loving contributor to his community. 104. Lynn Simon 104 Support the proposal. 105. John Miller 105 Support the proposal. 106. Megan Kumsken 106 Support the proposal. 107. Greg Waite 107 Support the proposal. Truly one of a kind and deeply missed every day. It will take many devoted people to fill Ken’s shoes in terms of his role in the community.

OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 13, JUNE 10, 2015 APPENDIX 1 RELATING TO MOTION NO. 13/5 Summary of Public Comments “Ken Ross Park” Public Consultation period - 24 April to 23 May 2015

# Name Support Oppose Comments 108. Sharlie Lemire-Waite 108 Support the proposal. Ken knew the definition of family because he was more involved in our than almost anyone else. The expression “There’s more than what meets the eye” applied to Ken. Ken valued everything and if he had his way, huger would not exist today. 109. Lisa Freeman 109 Support the proposal. Ken was an honest, decent, charitable man who spent an enormous amount of time supporting, donating, fund-raising, organizing events 110. Mary Delorme 110 Support the proposal. Ken impressed me with his generosity to those less fortunate. A park named in his honour would be a lasting reminder of his contribution to the community. 111. Lynn Tomasich 111 Support the proposal. 112. Jennifer O’Leary- 112 Support the proposal. Ken was a true firend. A humble, loving man who touched Kasouf the lives of many. He made a difference. 113. Robert Kennedy 113 Support the proposal. Ken saw the big picture and, for no other reason, decided to help the people around him. 114. Nicole Lemire 114 Support the proposal. I have never met anyone else as fitting as Ken for such an honour. He was amazing, genuine, full of love, thankful every day for the beauty of what life offered. He gave back everything he possibly could and sometimes even more. 115. Russ Arthurs 115 Support the proposal. Had the privilege of serving on our local BIA board with Ken. I admired his professionalism, passion for his community, and his ability to inspire others to be as generous as he was. 116. Bev Mayhew 116 I am in full agreement to using “Ken Ross” in the new name. Thank you for doing this.

City Clerk’s and Solicitor staff also received a petition containing 1,767 names in support of this proposal.